#York County SC
geezerwench · 2 years
Anyone with information on dogfighting operations in South Carolina is asked to call 800-424-9121
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"The gerrymandering alone undermines Wisconsin’s status as a democracy. If a majority of the people cannot, under any realistic circumstances, elect a legislative majority of their choosing, then it’s hard to say whether they actually govern themselves."
--Jamelle Bouie, Opinion Columnist, The New York Times
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Jamelle Bouie points out the disturbing way that Republicans in Wisconsin have basically destroyed democratic representative government on all levels by:
Creating an unbreakable gerrymander to ensure a Republican legislative majority, even if more people vote for Democrats.
Weakening the power of a Democratic governor,.
Targeting a liberal Wisconsin supreme court justice for removal or suspension so that the state SC won't have the power to rule against gerrymandered districting maps, and won't be able to prevent a 19th century ban on abortion from becoming law.
This is chilling. Below are some excerpts from the column:
For more than a decade, dating back to the Republican triumph in the 2010 midterm elections, Wisconsin Republicans have held their State Legislature in an iron lock, forged by a gerrymander so stark that nothing short of a supermajority of the voting public could break it. [...] In 2018, this gerrymander proved strong enough to allow Wisconsin Republicans to win a supermajority of seats in the Assembly despite losing the vote for every statewide office and the statewide legislative vote by 8 percentage points, 54 to 46. No matter how much Wisconsin voters might want to elect a Democratic Legislature, the Republican gerrymander won’t allow them to. [...] Using their gerrymandered majority, Wisconsin Republicans have done everything in their power to undermine, subvert or even nullify the public’s attempt to chart a course away from the Republican Party. In 2018, for example, Wisconsin voters put Tony Evers, a Democrat, in the governor’s mansion, sweeping the incumbent, Scott Walker, out of office. immediately, Wisconsin Republicans introduced legislation to weaken the state’s executive branch, curbing the authority that Walker had exercised as governor. Earlier this year, Wisconsin voters took another step toward ending a decade of Republican minority rule in the Legislature by electing Janet Protasiewicz, a liberal Milwaukee county judge, to the State Supreme Court, in one of the most high-profile and expensive judicial elections in American history. [...] “Republicans in Wisconsin are coalescing around the prospect of impeaching a newly seated liberal justice on the state’s Supreme Court,” my newsroom colleague Reid J. Epstein reports. “The push, just five weeks after Justice Janet Protasiewicz joined the court and before she has heard a single case, serves as a last-ditch effort to stop the new 4-to-3 liberal majority from throwing out Republican-drawn state legislative maps and legalizing abortion in Wisconsin.” Republicans have more than enough votes in the Wisconsin State Assembly to impeach Justice Protasiewicz and just enough votes in the State Senate — a two-thirds majority — to remove her. But removal would allow Governor Evers to appoint another liberal jurist, which is why Republicans don’t plan to convict and remove Protasiewicz. If, instead, the Republican-led State Senate chooses not to act on impeachment, Justice Protasiewicz is suspended but not removed. The court would then revert to a 3-3 deadlock, very likely preserving the Republican gerrymander and keeping a 19th-century abortion law, which bans the procedure, on the books. If successful, Wisconsin Republicans will have created, in effect, an unbreakable hold on state government. With their gerrymander in place, they have an almost permanent grip on the State Legislature, with supermajorities in both chambers. With these majorities, they can limit the reach and power of any Democrat elected to statewide office and remove — or neutralize — any justice who might rule against the gerrymander. [color/emphasis added[
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"It’s that breathtaking contempt for the people of Wisconsin — who have voted, since 2018, for a more liberal State Legislature and a more liberal State Supreme Court and a more liberal governor, with the full powers of his office available to him — that makes the Wisconsin Republican Party the most openly authoritarian in the country."
--Jamelle Bouie, Opinion Columnist, The New York Times
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offender42085 · 1 month
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Post 1219
David Antonio Kucinski, South Carolina inmate 373636, born 1995, incarceration intake August 2017 at age 22, scheduled for release March 2046
Murder, Robbery, Use of a Firearm in the Commission of an Illegal Act
In August 2017, the ringleader and shooter in a botched drug robbery turned killing was sentenced to 30 years in prison after pleading guilty just minutes before his trial.
David Kucinski, 22, pleaded guilty to murder, armed robbery and possession of a gun during a violent crime in the death of Randy Tran, 20, of Fort Mill, SC. Tran’s body was found outside his car in April 2016, in a wooded part of Lancaster County, near the York County line. Tran had been shot, but a witness saw a man later identified as Kucinski taking Tran’s body from the trunk, then fleeing.
Kucinski and Tran were classmates at Nation Ford High School in Fort Mill as teens. Kucinski shot Tran once in the back of the head, prosecutors said.
Text messages between Kucinski and others, recovered by police, showed the drug robbery plot and that Kucinski believed he would have to kill Tran to cover it up. Kucinski was caught at a motel in Charlotte, NC days later, after a two-state "manhunt" in both Carolinas. He has been jailed without bond since his arrest.
Kucinski pleaded guilty under what is called an "Alford" plea, where a defendant accepts the punishment of a guilty plea while admitting he likely would be convicted, yet does not have to admit guilt.
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intheholler · 11 months
Piedmont SC anon again, I *also* grew up in york (more specifically in a comically tiny town of <100 people in york county, york was "town" for us).
Feels like a wild small world moment.
omg. if york was "town," i physically cannot fathom how rural your community was. that's wild
judging by what you said in the first ask, you're like 26ish? which makes me a few years older than you so it was probably long gone after i moved away, buuuut did you ever drive by the house with all the peacocks? i don't even know where it was... near the Big Road that went by york high school, i think? asking because it feels like a fever dream that it could have even existed lmao
anyway, this definitely does feel like a small world moment lol ive never met anyone from that area. seriously cool.
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yourreddancer · 2 years
July 6, 2022 (Wednesday)
Eighteen months ago today, rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to stop Congress from counting the electoral votes that would make Democrat Joe Biden president. Thanks to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, we are learning more about just how deep that plot ran, and more evidence is dropping almost daily.
Yesterday, for example, Politico revealed a two-minute trailer for the documentary about the Trump family by British filmmaker Alex Holder. With extraordinary access to the family, Holder witnessed what the trailer portrays as the attempt of the Trump family to create an American dynasty, and its determination to hold onto power even if it meant the destruction of American democracy.    
Today, Maggie Haberman and Luke Broadwater of the New York Times reported that the committee has secured an agreement with Trump’s White House counsel Pat A. Cipollone to testify in a videotaped, transcribed interview. Last week’s testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson put great pressure on Cipollone to testify. She said that she and Cipollone had had several conversations about the illegality of the things Trump and his chief of staff Mark Meadows were doing. 
She recounted Cipollone’s determination to prevent Trump from going to the Capitol with the rioters he sent there, alleging that if Trump went, Cipollone said, “We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable.” He also insisted that Trump must call off the rioters, even after Meadows said the president didn’t want to. 
He will testify privately the day after the January 6 committee’s next public hearing.
There is movement on other issues surrounding the attempt to overturn the 2020 election, as well. Yesterday, a Fulton County, Georgia, grand jury issued a subpoena for Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), among others, and today Graham’s lawyers said they will challenge the subpoena. They say the investigation is a “fishing expedition” and that any information it turns up would go straight to the January 6th committee. They assert that as then-chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Graham “was well within his rights to discuss with state officials the processes and procedures around administering elections.”
  The subpoena refers not to processes and procedures around administering elections, of course, even if it were in fact appropriate for a senator from South Carolina to ask questions about such procedures in Georgia. It refers to at least two phone calls Graham made to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger or his staff in which Graham apparently asked about “reexamining certain absentee ballots cast in Georgia in order to explore the possibility of a more favorable outcome for former President Donald Trump.” And, in November 2021, Graham admitted he reached out not only to officials in Georgia, but to those in Arizona and Nevada as well.
This outreach had nothing to do with the Senate Judiciary Committee; Graham was plainly working for Trump’s campaign. Further undercutting this argument is that it is not the Senate Judiciary Committee that oversees elections; it is the Senate Rules Committee.
Former federal prosecutor Shanlon Wu tweeted that Graham is challenging the subpoena on the grounds that the grand jury is working for the congressional committee, and thus the subpoena will “erode the constitutional balance of power and the ability of a Member of Congress to do their job.” Wu said the legal course is as follows: Graham’s challenge will lose in state court and then his lawyers will try to get a federal court to stop the enforcement of a state subpoena. Wu said that the Supreme Court is unlikely to agree that the state of Georgia is a branch of the federal government. He called it “an arrogant[,] pompous and legally weak argument from Graham [that] should be slam-dunk rejected by any court that hears it.”
Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) was more succinct. He tweeted: “It’s a subpoena. Not a request to RSVP.”
There are more subpoenas in the news. Today, New York state judge Arthur F. Engoron held Cushman & Wakefield, the real estate firm that valued the Trump properties under investigation by New York attorney general Letitia James, in contempt of court for failing to comply with subpoenas about the valuation of certain Trump properties. A spokesperson for the company says that the company has gone to “extreme lengths” to comply with the subpoena, although it has not managed to produce the documents yet. 
The delay of the documents is crucial because Trump and two of his children are scheduled to testify about the valuations next week under oath. The firm will be fined $10,000 a day until it provides the documents the subpoenas require.What all these demands for information under oath do is establish what really happened, in contrast to the false narratives political operatives have spun in front of television cameras and on the internet, where they are not bound by any requirement to tell the truth.
The slow accumulation of facts over fiction might well become a financial crisis for those who participated in Trump’s narrative. The Fox News Corporation, One America News Network, and Newsmax are currently facing multibillion dollar lawsuits from Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, a voting machine company and an election software company, that those channels claimed had stolen the 2020 election for Biden. 
Smaller companies OAN and Newsmax are financially vulnerable to lawsuits alone, to say nothing of an adverse judgment, but according to an article by Adam Gabbatt in The Guardian, FNC has more to worry about than money. We already know that FNC hosts and White House officials were in contact about the January 6 insurrection, and in the discovery phase of a lawsuit, FNC could have to hand over documents that might tell us more about that connection. 
Angelo Carusone, chief executive officer of Media Matters for America, told Gabbatt: “I think once you start to pull the discovery material, what you’re going to find is there was a lot of communication between the Trump people both internally and externally about pushing very specific lies and narratives.”
The role of fact versus narrative is on display elsewhere in our government as well. Both the Organization of American Historians and the American Historical Association, the flagship organizations of professional historians in the U.S., along with eight other U.S. historical associations (so far), yesterday issued a joint statement expressing dismay that the six Supreme Court justices in the majority in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision that overturned Roe v. Wade ignored the actual history those organizations provided the court and instead “adopted a flawed interpretation of abortion criminalization that has been pressed by anti-abortion advocates for more than thirty years.” 
Although the decision mentioned “history” 67 times, they note, it ignored “the long legal tradition, extending from the common law to the mid-1800s (and far longer in some states, including Mississippi), of tolerating termination of pregnancy before occurrence of ‘quickening,’ the time when a woman first felt fetal movement.”
The statement focuses less on politics than on the perversion of history, noting that “[t]hese misrepresentations are now enshrined in a text that becomes authoritative for legal reference and citation in the future,” an undermining of the “imperative that historical evidence and argument be presented according to high standards of historical scholarship. The Court’s majority opinion…does not meet those standards.”
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The people at the center of a multi-state killing spree and manhunt last year pleaded guilty to several charges in York and Chester counties on Wednesday.
Tyler Terry and Adrienne Simpson are accused of killing five people between South Carolina, Tennessee and Missouri. They’re also accused of shooting at officers who chased them in Chester County.
PREVIOUS: ‘He had nowhere to go’: Accused killer captured in SC after weeklong manhunt
Simpson was arrested following the chase in May 2021, but Terry ran into the woods, triggering a weeklong manhunt.
On Wednesday, Terry and Simpson entered guilty pleas for multiple charges, including several counts of murder and attempted murder. The judge accepted the pleas from both of the defendants and the two agreed to life in prison with no parole on all charges.
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Here’s a timeline of the crimes the two are connected to and their arrests:
May 2, 2021: Terry allegedly kills 35-year-old Thomas Hardin on Lowry Row in York County. He is also a suspect in two other shootings that also occurred at Erlich Street in Chester and at Taco Bell on JA Cochran Bypass on the same day. Police say Simpson drove the vehicle during the crimes.
May 15, 2021, between 8-9 p.m.: The pair allegedly drives to St. Louis. Once there, they steal a license plate from a truck parked in the driveway of a St. Louis County home and put it on their car.
May 15, 2021 10:50 p.m.: Terry and Simpson allegedly shoot Stanley and Barbara Goodkin in a St. Louis suburb. Barbara was fatally shot in the head, Stanley was shot in the chest, but his cell phone stopped the bullet.
May 15, 2021 shortly before midnight: Terry and Simpson reportedly shoot and kill Dr. Sergei Zacharev outside a Drury Inn while he is waiting for an Uber.
May 16, 2021: Terry and Simpson allegedly travel to north St. Louis to purchase drugs before returning to South Carolina.
May 17, 2021 2 a.m.: Memphis police officers found a man between 35-45 years old lying unresponsive in the road, near a car that had its emergency flashers on. Police said he has been shot during what looked to be a robbery. Investigators planned to take out warrants against Terry and Simpson for the homicide.
May 17, 2021 11 p.m.: Chester County deputies say they try to stop Terry and Simpson’s vehicle -- the same one connected to the St. Louis murders. The suspects reportedly lead them on a high-speed chase while firing shots at deputies. The chase ends in a crash and Simpson is arrested, but Terry ran into nearby woods.
May 19, 2021: The body of Simpson’s husband -- Eugene -- is found in Great Falls, South Carolina. He had been missing since May 2.
May 21, 2021: Investigators charge Terry and Simpson for Eugene’s murder.
May 24, 2021: Tyler Terry is found in Chester County and taken into custody.
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The Leading Independent living placement York County
Our passion for helping people maintain a safe, independent and dignified lifestyle represents the strong foundation of Always Best Care
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wutbju · 1 year
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When the +++Positives+++ released this letter in January 2023, they blacked out all of the signatories but one:
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The full signature line was:
Sincerely, The Executive Board of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship International Approved unanimously with one abstention by the FBFI Board at the 2022 Winter Board Meeting
So yes, Bob Jones III was writing to his own legacy institution to “being to make corrections.”
WutBJU doesn’t know who was present at this Winter Board Meeting of the FBFI outside of Bob Jones III.
But here’s the current slate of officers of the FBFI:
Dr. Kevin Schaal President/CEO Northwest Valley Baptist Church 4030 W Yorkshire Drive Glendale, AZ 85308 Phone: 864.268.0777
Dr. Gordon Dickson Chairman Calvary Baptist Church 2000 Broad Ave Findlay, OH 45840 Phone: 419.422.6842
Pastor Taigen Joos Vice Chairman Heritage Baptist Church 8186 Dover Point Road Dover, NH 03820 Phone: 603.749.0762
Dr. Bud Steadman Secretary Baptist World Mission PO Box 2149 Decatur, AL 35602-2149 Phone: 256.353.2221
Pastor Michael Privett Treasurer Summit View Baptist Church 31 N Highway 25 Bypass Travelers Rest, SC 29617 Phone:  757.206.9544
And the Executive Board:
Dr. Ron Allen Bible Baptist Church 2724 Margaret Wallace Road Matthews, NC 28105 704.535.1692
Rev. Mike Ascher Good News Baptist Church 3252 Taylor Road Chesapeake, VA 23321 757.488.3241
Dr. James Baker Tabernacle Baptist Church 717 N. Whitehurst Landing Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757.424.4673
Rev. Earl Barnett King Cove Bible Chapel PO Box 45 King Cove, AK 99612 (907) 497-2076 (907) 414-1402 Cell
Dr. David Byford Faith Baptist Church 7023 Deer Trail Road Manhattan KS 66503 785.539.3363
Dr. Robert Condict Upper Cross Roads Baptist Church 2717 Greene Road Baldwin MD 21013 410.557.7427
Rev. Jeff Davis EMU International 325 Regency Circle Anderson, SC 29625 864.617.7156
Mr. Roger Duvall 22 Elmwood Drive Taylors, SC 29687 864.420.0892
Dr. Ken Endean Tri-City Baptist Church 2211 W Germann Road Chandler, AZ 85286 480.245.7969
Pastor Tony Facenda Stillwaters Baptist Church Milepost 4 1/2 US 158 Nags Head, NC 27959 (252) 255-1835
CH (COL) Gary Fisher 2634 Wisser Street​ Honolulu, HI 98619 785.492.7667
Pastor Terry Hamilton Friendship Baptist Church 700 Boyson Rd NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319.393.6990
Dr. Mike Harding First Baptist Church of Troy 2601 John R Troy MI 48084 810.689.4555
Dr. Craig Hartman Shalom Ministries Inc 2152 Ralph Avenue #601 Brooklyn NY 11234 718.232.8233
Dr. Dale Heffernan Midland Baptist Church 1860 North Tyler Road Wichita, KS 67212 316.721.1860
Rev. Arin Hess 7210 Orchard Street Lincoln, NE 68505 402.750.0555
Dr. David Innes Hamilton Square Baptist Church 1212 Geary St. San Francisco CA 94109 415.673.8586
Rev. Don Johnson Grace Baptist Church 2731 Matson Road Victoria, BC CANADA V9B 4M5
Dr. Stephen Jones Bob Jones University 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd Greenville, SC 29614
Dr. Larry Karsies Harvest Hills Baptist Church 9713 North County Line Road Yukon, OK 73099 405.721.1920
Dr. Mark Minnick Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 115 Cedar Lane Road Greenville SC 29601 864.233.1684
Rev. Jeff Musgrave The Exchange 10100 Glenayre Court Parker, CO 80134 303.798.1204
Dr. Larry Oats Maranatha Baptist University 745 West Main Street Watertown WI 53094 920.206.2324
Dr. David Pennington Penn Coaching & Consulting 2018 Freeport Drive Indian Trail, NC 28079 317.507.6001
Dr. Chuck Phelps Colonial Hills Baptist Church 8140 Union Chapel Road Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.253.5597
Dr. Kent Ramler People’s Baptist Church 6648 Carpenter Road Frederick, MD 21703 301.473.5635
Dr. C. Matthew Recker Heritage Baptist Church PO Box 7925 New York NY 10016 212.947-5316
Rev. Stephen Russell Central Baptist Church 1812 Honeysuckle Road Dothan AL 36305-4224 334.794.9214
Dr. Dale Seaman Calvary Baptist Church 1768 N Newcomb Street Porterville, CA 93257 559.783.0857
Dr. Will Senn Tri-City Baptist Church 6953 W 92nd Lane Westminster, CO 80021-4074 303.424.2287
Rev. Ron Smith Jr Victory Baptist Church/AFBM PO Box 2462 California City CA 93504 760.373.7314
Rev. Jeremy Sweatt Farmington Avenue Baptist Church 149 Mountain Rd West Hartford CT 06107 860.521.8380
Rev. Dan Unruh Westside Baptist Church 6260 West 4th Street Greeley CO 80634 970.346.8610
Dr. John C. Vaughn 109 Saffron Way Taylors SC 29687 864.325.2531
CH (COL) Joe Willis USAR RET 2021 Bradbury Rd Adams TN 37010 813.767.2734
Pastor Doug Wright Keystone Baptist Church 15 Keystone Lane Berryville, VA 22611 540.955.3410
Dr. Mike Yarborough Faith Baptist Church 1445 Fertilizer Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 919.622.5309
Dr. Wayne Van Gelderen Jr. Falls Baptist Church N69 W12703 Appleton Avenue Menomonee Falls WI 53051 414.251.7051
And then the board members they keep around on an “Advisory Board”:
Rev. Mark Brock Crossway Baptist Church 4600 Ashe Rd. #318 Bakersfield, CA 93313 661.900.2578
Dr. Ron Ehmann Northwest Baptist Missions PO Box 548 Toole, UT 84074
Mr. Mark Herbster Maranatha Baptist University 745 West Main Street Watertown, WI 53094
Dr. Marty Herron Harvest Baptist Church PO Box 23189 Barrigada, GU 96921
Dr. Jeff Kahl W10085 Pike Plains Road Dunbar, WI 54119 704.989.8517
Dr. Greg Kaminski Westside Baptist Church 1375 Irving Road Eugene, OR 07404
CDR Tavis Long, CHC, USN 1820 Sunsprite Loop Chesapeake, VA 23323 662.812.5288
Ch. Maj. Nathan Mestler International Baptist College 2211 W Germann Rd Chandler, Arizona 85286
Rev. Dan Pelletier Hamilton Square Baptist Church 1212 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94109
CH (COL) Michael Shellman 206 South Courthouse Road Arlington, VA 22204 910.309.6776 Board Emeritus
Dr. Rick Arrowood 104 Rambling Creek Cv Byron, GA 31008-9584 317.217.1600
Dr. Charles Britt Sr. 3979 Kristen Street Spring Hill TN 37174 931.489.9248
Dr. Gerald Carlson 53 Gideon Road Sebring, FL 33870 252.452.1112
Dr. Edward Caughill 206 Cooleys Crest Lane Inman SC 29349 757.479.1195
Dr. Walter Coles Good News Baptist Church 3252 Taylor Road Chesapeake VA 23321 757.488.3241
Dr. Johnny Daniels Calvary Baptist Tabernacle PO Box 3390 Carolina, PR 00984 787.750.2227
Dr. Bill Hall 75 Wintergreen Ave Greeneville TN 37745 423.638.8087
Dr. Bruce Hamilton Hamilton Acres Baptist Church 138 Farewell Avenue Fairbanks AK 99701 907.456.5995
Dr. Bob Jones III Bob Jones University 419 Library Drive Greenville SC 29609 864.242.5100
Dr. Peter Maruyama Narashino Baptist Church 4-17-10, Moto-Ohkubo Narashino, Chiba 275-0012 JAPAN 011.047.477.8910
Mr. Mike Moreau Harvest Media, Inc 22 Briarwood Court Schaumburg IL 60193 847.352.4345
Dr. Fred Moritz 149 Marsh Creek Drive Garner, NC 27529 (256) 318-0897
Dr. Les Ollila PO Box 40 Pembine, WI 54156 715.324.6900
Rev. Wilbur W. Schoneweis Emmanuel Independent Baptist Church 411 Blunt Street Clay Center KS 67432 785.632.5939
Dr. Robert Taylor Colonial Hills Baptist Church 8140 Union Chapel Road Indianapolis IN 46240 317.253.5597
Dr. George Youstra 1984 Georgia Circle Clearwater FL 33760 727.538.1920
I’ve bolded those names who are either current or former members of the BJU Board of Trustees. UPDATE: I eliminated this indication after receiving all the names who signed.
The men present who voted unanimously were either all of those or some of those. We don’t know. We can presume that the Officers were all likely present: Kevin Schaal, Gordan Dickson, Taigen Joos, Bud Steadman, and Michael Privett.
Who abstained? Bob III didn’t. Mike Harding as a present BJU Board member? Stephen Jones as a very absent member of the Royal family? Mark Minnick as a current employee?
The only name on there that I can guarantee did not abstain was Don Johnson, but he’s an old friend of mine. ;)
What do you think?
UPDATE, May 15, 2023: The Positives have added an unredacted signatory list. WutBJU will mark all those signatories on the above list in bold italics.
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mediamonarchy · 1 month
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240507_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Radio responders, Skynet infrastructures and 2030 data centers + this day in history w/Disaster Girl’s NFT and our song of the day by Samson on your #MorningMonarchy for May 7, 2024. Notes/Links: Now in Effect: Utah Law Authorizes State Gold and Silver Reserves https://archive.ph/uD6Lh Report: Chapter 11 bankruptcy looms for 3 popular retailers; Three big-name brands are fighting for survival and may not make it much longer while two even bigger names are in a rough spot as well. https://www.thestreet.com/retail/3-popular-retail-brands-face-huge-chapter-11-bankruptcy-risk Homeowners score legal victory over squatters in New York after ‘optics’ of landlord handcuffed in $1M home heist pushed lawmakers ‘over the finish line’ https://nypost.com/2024/04/24/us-news/homeowners-score-legal-victory-in-new-york-after-landlord-handcuffed-in-1m-home-heist/ ‘I run out of money each month’: the Americans borrowing to cover daily expenses https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/09/us-credit-card-debt N.M. county seeks $8.1M upgrade to emergency radio system; First responders in Santa Fe County are currently using an unsecure, aging system with many dead spots https://www.ems1.com/technology/n-m-county-seeks-8-1m-upgrade-to-emergency-radio-system Image: @Hybrid’s Cover Art – Bad Actors’ ‘The Dead Zone’ https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240507_MorningMonarchy.jpg Video: Communications upgrades underway for Anderson Co., SC first responders (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gImyYavXa4 Video: Upgrades underway for first responder radio systems in Pickens County (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2FoNoU2rBE FATAL CONFUSION: A Troubled Emergency Response; 9/11 Exposed Deadly Flaws In Rescue Plan (Jul. 7, 2002) https://web.archive.org/web/20100409004318/https://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/07/nyregion/fatal-confusion-troubled-emergency-response-9-11-exposed-deadly-flaws-rescue.html OpenAI CEO’s Eyeball-Scanning Digital ID Project, Worldcoin, Hopes To Partner With OpenAI and Has Had Conversations With PayPal https://reclaimthenet.org/worldcoin-hopes-to-partner-with-openai-and-has-had-conversations-with-pp TSA Visited Apple and Google To Discuss Collaboration for Digital ID https://reclaimthenet.org/tsa-visited-apple-and-google-to-discuss-collaboration-for-digital-id War Zone Surveillance Technology Is Hitting American Streets https://www.notus.org/technology/war-zone-surveillance-border-us Senators: Car Companies Are Giving Location Data to Police Without a Warrant https://archive.ph/2ISOg Paris Olympics 2024: A New Era of AI and Biometric Surveillance https://reclaimthenet.org/paris-olympics-2024-a-new-era-of-ai-and-biometric-surveillance Video: Skynet 2024: The Infrastructure is Complete! (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xPjIfJI5Jk Experts Discuss The Dark Likelihood of ‘Abandoned’ Brain Implant https://archive.is/OCjmW Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported; Second Sight left users of its retinal implants in the dark (Feb. 15, 2022) https://spectrum.ieee.org/bionic-eye-obsolete Kaiser Data Breach Exposes 13.4 Million Users’ Info to Google, Microsoft, and Others https://reclaimthenet.org/kaiser-data-breach-exposes-13-4-million-users-info-to-google-microsoft-and-others Power demands of AI present ‘huge’ investment opportunity, BlackRock’s Fink says; AI is ‘capital intensive, compute intensive and energy intensive,’ General Atlantic chief says at WEF meeting in Saudi Arabia https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/energy/2024/04/29/power-demands-of-ai-present-huge-investment-opportunity-blackrocks-fink-says/ Video: At the WEF, (BlackRock’s) Larry Fink ironically destroys net-zero when it comes to the power needed for AI: “By 2030 [data centers] need 30 gigawatts.. Where’s that power gonna come from? To power these data companies you can’t have intermittent power like wind & solar” https://t.co/Cy4dU1Av9a (Audio) https:...
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culdesacbot1 · 2 months
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York County, SC, USA 35.0499, -80.9807
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yourreddancer · 2 years
July 5, 2022 (Tuesday)
Traditionally, Americans have celebrated the Fourth of July with barbecues, picnics, celebrations, and parades as people come together to celebrate our democracy without regard to political party. In Highland Park, Illinois, yesterday morning, a gunman opened fire on a Fourth of July parade with a high-powered rifle, killing 7, physically wounding at least 47 others, and traumatizing countless more. There were more than a dozen other mass shootings over the holiday weekend, as well. All told, mass shootings this weekend caused at least 15 deaths and injured at least 91. Police arrested the alleged Highland Park shooter, a white 21-year-old, without incident, inspiring comparisons to the police shooting of 25-year-old Jayland Walker of Akron, Ohio, last week after a stop for a minor traffic violation.
Walker fled from the scene in his car and then fled from the car. Officers shot him, saying now they believed he was reaching for a gun. A medical examiner found 60 bullet wounds (not a typo) in Walker’s body, which a medical examiner said was handcuffed when it arrived at the coroner’s office. Walker was unarmed. He was Black.Today, prosecutors charged the suspect in the Highland Park shooting with 7 counts of murder and said more charges will be forthcoming.
Last month, in the wake of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that killed 19 children and 2 teachers, Congress passed the first gun safety law in almost 30 years. The law provides incentives to encourage states to expand background checks before people aged 18 to 21 can buy a gun. It prohibits those who have been convicted of domestic violence from owning a gun, although it clears their record after 5 years without incident. It sets aside money for mental health resources and incentivizes states to create red flag laws. It also clarifies who requires a federal license to sell firearms.
Republicans rejected the reinstatement of an assault weapon ban such as we had between 1994 and 2004, federal background checks, and the law shielding gun manufacturers from being sued when their guns cause deaths. But enough Republicans joined the Democrats to break a filibuster, and the bill passed, 65 to 33, with all Republicans in the minority. President Biden signed the law on June 25, saying, "While this bill doesn't do everything I want, it does include actions I've long called for that are going to save lives.”
Meanwhile, New York legislators responded to the Supreme Court’s recent decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., v. Bruen, which struck down the state’s 100-year-old law for concealed-carry permits and newly asserted that individuals have a constitutional right to carry a gun in public, by tightening gun safety laws. A new New York law prohibits concealed carry on private property unless property owners explicitly say it’s okay. It also makes it a crime to carry a concealed weapon in “sensitive locations,” which include schools, hospitals, demonstrations, bars, and Times Square, among other places. It requires background checks, training, and good moral character, and it provides an appeals process for applicants whose requests for a concealed carry license are denied.
The Supreme Court said the old New York law was not sufficiently uniform; the new one is designed to work within the court’s parameters. New York governor Kathy Hochul signed the law on Friday. It will go into effect on September 1, 2022. 
Today, a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, issued a stack of subpoenas as part of the investigation into whether Trump and his allies illegally tried to influence the 2020 election in that state. Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis opened the investigation after a recording of Trump pressing Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger came to light in early 2021.
The grand jury subpoenaed Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Chesebro, Jacki Pick Deason, and Jenna Ellis, who is now working for Trump-endorsed Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano. In 2021, Ellis declared she was leaving the Republican Party because it was no longer “conservative” enough for her. 
The grand jury is looking at the creation of the fake electors from Georgia and at the various fake claims Trump allies put forward about the election being “stolen.” Eastman’s subpoena refers to his December 3, 2020, appearance before the Georgia State Senate, where he told lawmakers “that they had both the lawful authority and a ‘duty’ to replace the Democratic Party’s slate of presidential electors, who had been certified as the duly appointed electors for the States of Georgia after the November 2020 election, due to unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud within the state. There is evidence that the Witness’s appearance and testimony at the hearing was part of a multi-state, coordinated plan by the Trump Campaign to influence the results of the November 2020 election in Georgia and elsewhere.”  
At least two phone calls Graham made to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger or his staff in which Graham apparently asked about “reexamining certain absentee ballots cast in Georgia in order to explore the possibility of a more favorable outcome for former President Donald Trump,” are at the heart of the subpoena to Graham. 
 Representatives Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Liz Cheney (R-WY) of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol said this weekend that more witnesses have come forward since Cassidy Hutchinson testified last week. The aide to Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows offered explosive testimony directly tying Trump and Meadows to planned violence on January 6.
Sarah Matthews, deputy press secretary in the Trump administration, will testify at a future hearing. Matthews jumped to Hutchinson’s defense after her testimony last week, tweeting, "Anyone downplaying Cassidy Hutchinson's role or her access in the West Wing either doesn't understand how the Trump (White House) worked or is attempting to discredit her because they're scared of how damning this testimony is." Matthews resigned on January 6, saying in a statement, “I was honored to serve in the Trump administration and proud of the policies we enacted. As someone who worked in the halls of Congress I was deeply disturbed by what I saw today. I’ll be stepping down from my role, effective immediately. Our nation needs a peaceful transfer of power.” 
 After Hutchinson’s testimony, we learned that the Trump organization and his allies have been paying for lawyers to represent those called by the January 6 committee as witnesses. Hutchinson offered much more information to the committee when she got rid of the lawyer Trump’s team provided and engaged her own lawyer. Immediately, Trump complained that “[h]er story totally changed!” suggesting that the Trump team might be pressuring witnesses not to cooperate with the committee.“
What they said to me is as long as I continue to be a team player, they know that I’m on the team, I’m doing the right thing, I’m protecting who I need to protect, you know, I’ll continue to stay in the good graces in Trump world,” one witness told the committee. “And they have reminded me a couple of times that Trump does read transcripts and just keep that in mind as I proceed through my depositions and interviews with the committee.”
The committee has planned the next public hearing for July 12 at 10:00 am.
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lcasandiego · 3 months
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theartnewspapers · 12 years
Kenneth Travis Ball - 16-3-655(B)(1) - CRIM SEX CONDUCT W/ MINOR(11-14YRS)-2ND DEG - South Carolina
Who is Kenneth Travis Ball? Was Kenneth Travis Ball arrested? When was Kenneth Travis Ball arrested? What was Kenneth Travis Ball arrested for? Is this a mugshot of Kenneth Travis Ball? Are there more Mugshots of Kenneth Travis Ball? Is this the Kenneth Travis Ball you know? Who decides what public records the American public sees?
Kenneth Travis Ball was booked in York County, SC for 16-3-655(B)(1) - CRIM SEX CONDUCT W/ MINOR(11-14YRS)-2ND DEG
Name : KENNETH TRAVIS BALL DOB : N/A Age : 32 Height : 6′ 1″ (1.85 m) Sex : M Weight : 155 lb (70 kg) Race : White Hair Color : Brown Registration # : 0000013160 Level : Adult Tier III Offender Status : Active Last Verification Date : 10/20/2006 at 13:00 Comments : " Probation Conditions Address : 325 Anvil Draw Place Rock Hill, SC 29730 York County, Scars / Marks / Tattoos: Scar on Chest () Aliases: KENNETH BALL KENNETH T BALL 2005 KENNETH TRAVIS BALL TRAVIS BALL
Description 16-3-655(B)(1) - CRIM SEX CONDUCT W/ MINOR(11-14YRS)-2ND DEG Date Convicted 09/01/2004 Conviction State South Carolina Date Released Details Probation Information : N/A
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htubmanrenrappingblog · 7 months
DEMS*CONTINUE*VOTING& STAY*IN*LINE*IF*THERE*BEFORE... THE*POLLS*CLOSE*EVEN IF*IT'S*1MIN VOTE*VOTEVOTE:ALLDEMS SAVE*OUR*DEMOCRACY:TODAY: NOVEMBER.07.2023:NC/SC/MN VA/MS/MI/OH/KY/NJ/ME/NH/RI/KS/ TX/MA/CA/NY/NM/&MORE*STATES: WHY*VOTE*ALLDEMS??? The-republicans-ARE------ FULL-OF-BULL-CRAPS! BLACK*DEMS/WOMEN*DEMS/ ALL*COLLEGE*STUDENTS/ INDEPENDENT*DEMS*VOTE*TODAY!!! 2023 Elections: Full List of State Votes Taking Place Across the Country On November 7, 2023, people across the U.S. will go to the polls to vote in a number of elections. From gubernatorial to mayoral and state legislative ballots, voters will have the chance to have their say across numerous states in the country. ***ALSO:Louisiana[NOV.14*RUNOFFS] MAYORAL ELECTIONS!!!: Akron, Ohio
Aurora, Colorado
Boise, Idaho
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Carmel, Indiana
Charleston, South Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Columbus, Ohio
Des Moines, Iowa
Durham, North Carolina
Evansville, Indiana
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Gary, Indiana
Hartford, Connecticut
Houston, Texas
Indianapolis, Indiana
Knoxville, Tennessee
Manchester, New Hampshire
Orlando, Florida
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Portland, Maine
Pueblo, Colorado
Salt Lake City, Utah
Savannah, Georgia
South Bend, Indiana
Spokane, Washington
Springfield, Massachusetts
Tucson, Arizona
Wichita, Kansas
City General Elections
Arizona, Flagstaff
Arizona, Phoenix
Arizona, Glendale
Arizona, Tucson city
California, Orange Cove
California, Riverside County special ballot measure election
California, Mount Shasta
California, Shasta County
California, Fort Bragg
California, Plumas County
California, Marin County
Connecticut, Hartford
Florida, Miami
Florida, Hialeah
Florida, Orlando
Georgia, Atlanta
Georgia, DeKalb County
Iowa, Marion County
Iowa, Des Moines City Council Ward 1
Iowa, Polk County
Iowa, Pella
Iowa, Des Moines
Idaho, Ada County
Idaho, Boise city council
Indiana, Indianapolis
Indiana, Fort Wayne
Kansas, Topeka
Kansas, Wichita
Michigan, Eagle Township
Michigan, Kalamazoo County
Michigan, Oakland County
Michigan, Ingham County
Michigan, Lansing
Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, Minnetonka
Minnesota, St. Paul
Minnesota, St. Louis
Missouri, Jackson County
Missouri, Kansas City
Missouri, Clay County
North Carolina, Durham
North Carolina, Guildford County
North Carolina, Charlotte
New Hampshire, Concord
New Mexico, Santa Fe
New Mexico, Bernalillo County
New Mexico, Albuquerque,
New York, New York City
New York, Erie County
New York, Richmond County
New York, Buffalo
New York, Bronx County
New York, New York County
New York, Queens County
New York, Kings County
Oregon, Lane County
Oregon, Marion County
Oregon, Multnomah County
South Carolina, Columbia
Laramie County, Wyoming
Other Special Elections
California, San Diego County Board of Supervisors District 4
California, Chula Vista City Attorney
California, Fallbrook Public Utility District and Rainbow Municipal Water District
Colorado, Broomfield recall
Kentucky, Jefferson County Family Court
Michigan, Fremont Township recall
Michigan, Green Charter Township recall
Michigan, Big Rapids Township recall
Michigan, Pere Marquette Township recall
Michigan, Webber Township recall
Michigan, White River Township recall
Michigan, Parma Township recall
Michigan, Speaker Township recall
Michigan, Redding Township recall
Ohio, Toledo city council
Oregon, Brookings recall
Texas, La Marque, recall election for city councilman
Virginia, Chesapeake treasurer https://www.newsweek.com/2023-elections-america-usa-governor-congress-attorney-general-1841112 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| VOTEALLDEMS/KICK-OUT-THE------ The-republicans-ARE------ FULL-OF-BULL-CRAPS! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0OnoYJ7VX8U CONTROLLING-CREEPY-republicans https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BB9RZ0mzAn8 ------ONE-OF-THE-RUDEST-republicans: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/l40myC_vkiI THE-republican-DISSING*MILITARY*SERVICE: republican-"tommy-tuberville gets INSANT KARMA after Mocking Biden as Video Resurfaces of Humiliating Fall": https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QkErZomQUSE ------VOTING-for-a-gop-IS-TAKING-A-CHANCE: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TYtkSh7cVzY ***"Game-Changer? Democrat's BOLD NEW Plan To Win Mississippi's Governor's Mansion! | Roland Martin" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTUiChd65xc ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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wutbju · 5 months
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John Quentin Wesley, age 93 of Morganfield, KY went home peacefully on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Quentin believed the promise of eternal life and that Jesus has prepared a home for him in heaven (John 14:2-4). He was born on October 29, 1929 at the very start of the Great Depression. Times were hard. He did not have an official birth certificate until 1964. With God’s grace, he and his 5 siblings endured a rural life in Sturgis, KY.
After graduating from Sturgis High School in 1948, Quentin attended Bob Jones University 1948-1949 in Greenville, SC. After one year, he transferred to Western Kentucky University where he was on the track team. He went on to law school at UK. While in Lexington, he met the love of his life, Hildegarde Taylor from Hardinsburg, KY. They married in 1955 and had 4 children. He served in the United States Air Force from 1954 until his honorable discharge in 1965 as Captain. While based at Wright Patterson, he worked on contracts for the B52 bomber.
Quentin practiced law for 50 years in a bustling office on Court St. across from the courthouse. Mr. Wesley represented the people of his community with honor and compassion. He was dedicated to his beloved community and answered the call to serve. Quentin utilized his popularity and his integrity to serve in many positions. Early in his professional years, he presided as Sturgis Kiwanis club president and served on the Henderson Community advisory board. He served as Morganfield City Attorney for 25 years and Union County Attorney. He represented the U.C. Board of Education for 50 years and the U.C. Water District. Quentin was selected Union County Judge Pro-Tem. In 1968 he was elected to the Kentucky House of Representatives and represented his constituents of the 7th district at the State Capital in Frankfort and served on the Executive Branch Ethics Committee. He was a Commonwealth Attorney. Quentin served on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway for 8 years. Mr. Wesley was a Charter Life Fellow of the Kentucky Bar Association.
Through his education, military service, community service, and career, he traveled and collected many friends along the way. He and Hildegarde loved to travel. Their destinations included China and Russia. He and Hildegarde enjoyed driving across the country to see the wonders of this country he so loved; always returning to realize his blessings in Union County. On many occasions he proudly drove around “to look at crops”. Quentin was devoted to his faith. He was an active member of the First Baptist Church in Morganfield, where he led an adult men’s Bible study class for 50 years. In recent years, he helped with children’s vacation Bible school and facilitated the construction of the steeple on the existing sanctuary in Morganfield.
Quentin enjoyed the game of golf and cherished his regular golfing buddies. He planted many of the trees, bushes, and flowers by hand at the Breckinridge Golf Club. He wanted to preserve the course’s beauty for future generations of golfers. Quentin was a fan of all sports. He followed the Union County Braves, UK Wildcats, Oakland Raiders, and the Cincinnati Reds. Uncle Quentin adored all of his nieces and nephews. He kept up with their lives and supported their interests. He was always proud of their many accomplishments. He appreciated that his family frequently came to visit to just catch up on current events and news of family members.
Quentin is preceded in death by his parents, Charles Ray Wesley and Roberta Wynn Wesley; 2 brothers, Bob Wesley and wife Ida and Bo Wesley and wife Lillian; 3 sisters, Mary Cowan and husband Fred, Kas Sprague and husband A.D., and Susie Davis and husband Bob.
Survivors include:
Wife of 68 years: Hildegarde Wesley of Morganfield, KY
2 Sons: Jeffrey Taylor Wesley of Morganfield, KY
John Quentin Wesley and wife Karen of St. Petersburg, FL
2 Daughters: Katherine Virginia “Kassie” DePaiva and husband James of New York, NY
Sara Lincoln Mills and husband Brad of Louisville, KY
5 Grandchildren: Lindsay Woomer and husband Keith
Rachel Mills
Kallie Lobel and husband Jordan
J.Q. DePaiva
Dreams DePaiva
3 Great Grandchildren: Ollie Lobel, Wes Lobel, and John Quentin Woomer
The service will be 2PM Sunday, May 28, 2023 at Whitsell Funeral Home in Morganfield. The burial will be in Pythian Ridge Cemetery in Sturgis. The visitation will be 12 Noon until service time on Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions can be made to the Gideons International, c/o Bob White, 1839 SR 270 East, Sturgis, KY 42459.
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denizens-of-zophos · 7 months
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