#Yukari Takeba x Male!Reader
narrators-journal · 1 year
At first she’s sour, then she’s sweet
This is another Ao3 ask! They wanted Yukari Takeba with a male reader, so I did my best to deliver!
CW: Friends with benefits, thigh jobs, Yukari’s a soft femdom, I hope, they fuck in a classroom, so there’s a bit of semi-public and exhibition energy, but Yukari is the reader’s classmate, so no weirdness.
Everyone seemed to think of you as some mindless simp. The gekkoukan high school's male hyena because of your friendship with Yukari Takeba. Which, you could see why, Yukari was a bit mean, and had a nasty habit of pushing others away with harsh words and a hostile mask, so it was easy to assume that you were into that. Into degradation and a pretty girl using you as a punching bag day in and day out. Yet, none of your classmates knew the real reason you put up with the insulting nicknames and bossiness of your friend. A lack of knowledge that you found yourself wallowing in and taking joy from. Because it meant that you were one of very few who got to see Yukari's softer side. Even if you weren't more than a boytoy for her.         "Hurry up, I don't wanna get caught." The girl breathed. Her cheeks were as pink as her sweater while you held her hips and thrust against her. biting back your own moans and nodding before picking up the pace. All while keeping your erection from slipping out from between Yukari's pillow-soft thighs. Which, was another sort of softness few other classmates got to partake in with your friend. likely out of fear of her cold attitude extending to these intimate moments. But, the way her hand held yours while you kept her as still as you could, begged to differ. On the contrary, Yukari made for a very sweet sight for you. With her ankles crossed to keep her legs together, suffocating your throbbing member in a vice of warmth, her upper body bent over a desk, and her soft, restrained moans. She may as well have been a completely different person. Hell, even when she did take control, it lacked the bite that she was well known to have.            "A-ah! Do that again!" She ordered, almost pleading. Choking a wanton moan into a squeak so that no one passing the unused classroom heard her. You, though, swallowed back your own noises and gave a silent nod. Doing your best to move in a way that still provided you the warm friction you craved, while also brushing Yukari's soaked womanhood as she'd wanted. And while it did send bolts of fire through you to hear her pant a few praises, it also became a lot harder to keep yourself from moaning each time she'd tense up. Squeezing your twitching member between her soft thighs and pushing you closer to the end. Though, you fought back the heat in your stomach and did your best to focus on keeping your pace and angle. Not wanting to disappoint Yukari or embarrass yourself by cumming too fast. But, that strategy only lasted a little longer before the bubble of pleasure in your gut burst and washed your senses away in a tidal wave of euphoria. Not that Yukari seemed to mind, only squeezing your hand and keeping her legs shut until she felt your dick soften. Unhooking her ankles and patting your hand until you let her hips go. Then, she found some wet wipes to clean up the mess you'd made while you stashed your dick back into your pants and caught your breath. Yet, Yukari didn't leave when your cum had been cleaned up from the floor. Instead, she pulled herself onto the desk and sat on the edge, giving you a sweet smile before she opened her legs,            "Be a good boy now, and get me off. I don't want to be sticky and slimy for the rest of the day." She ordered, and you were happy to drop to your knees in front of her and comply.
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sea-of-dust · 1 month
Can you please do the sees girls being on their period and their male s/o trying to help them and comfort them but he has barely any clue what do do?
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S.E.E.S girls x M! Reader
Imagine being on your period and your boyfriends in shambles
N: what if I looked you right in the eyes and told u I've been listening to tricot so much it's beaten Raise A Sulien on my spotify board. LISTEN TO TOKYO VAMPIRE HOTEL RAAAAA
Warnings: Mentions of blood/bleeding,
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Nothing can go wrong! One cramp it's over. Totally wiped, Terror shock, smackdown, crit hit she's down. She's gonna turn into Minato real quick
"Urrgghhhhhhh" "you alright" "Nooooo" she whines arching her back "can you try sitting down somewhere" "there's no seats" "you can lean on me then" solver of all problems despite being the most confused man on earth y/n!! The one person from keeping her from stealing Minatos eyebags and overall tiredness
You'd try to take her to the mail to cheer her up, mention karaoke opening up and she's able to run over in milisecounds. "I heard your call" "did you here this a discount because of the anniversary" she'd get so excited she ran to the wrong direction
You'd also buy her gifts during this time, specially the jack bro claw machine gifts and new music that comes out
You pamper her so much she'd tease you on it. "My humble servent!" "Yes?" "Bring me thy homework! Filled with thy answers" "we can do it together" "what a great suggestion" there would be times she'd ask for piggy back rides in public aswell and people would catch you zomming around with her on your back shounting like she were on a roller coaster
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She'd get a bit bratty, apologizing for it later. "It's so embrassing I'm sorry you put up with it" "it's fine don't worry about it" she growns knowing she's probably going to act similarly next time.
You'd hear her express more often than she usually does, which is terrifying, she groan alot, huff, squint more, yea just don't get her frustrated or catch her after the average conversation with jinpei. "HES JUST SO UGGHHH" "I'm sure he didn't mean it" "he won't shut up he's so lucky you're here" you already imagine her arguing with him and him responding with "holy yapington!"
The type to hide under the blanket and poke out if you bring snacks. "I brought you snacks yukari" you place them on the mattress and watch them being taken in secounds "...oh that was...somethin" don't let your intrusive thoughts win though, once you put your hand there you're being dragged under with her near instantly.
She'd trip a bit more often. Would lean on you alot if she's fallen alot that day. "Sorry just a bit dizzy" "don't worry about it, not like the floor isn't used to it by now" her face changes to a disapointed frown, you apologize near instantly
She'd hit you with the classic. "Hey, would you give me the whole world if you could?" You pause knowing the trick question. You try to withhold your sweat as you hold her hand. "Not just this world but the whole universe." "y/n..." she smiles, embracing you. "You're so sweet" now just avoiding every question like this or answer with the most crazy thing and she won't hit you with a "so other planets belong to other women?" These are mostly jokes tho but she'll act like she holds a grudge
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Won't let it show until it has a kick to it (enough to have someone start leaning on stuff) she believes she can handle it as usual but this one...eh not so much, of course you wouldn't know much either until she straight up told you she felt weak
So when you convince her to take the day off you get everything for her from class. "Even though she was on her period she mustn't slack" was probably what she would say, she'd try to attend school but if she couldnt you'd be the first person she told
She gets you to do her daily activities for her and honestly props to you. You'd attended student council in her place, ask her classmates for notes, stop by a market or two if she asked. "I'm sorry if I'm bombarding you with these tasks" "it's fine.." you'd probably wonder why you got so used to writing in two notebooks a little too quickly
She would go to tartarus in this and just be like "I got it" she indeed did not have it. She'd come back to the dorm totally wiped but she'd try to keep the "I'm fine" act going and then as soon as she gets in bed she's knocked out. She doesn't even tie up her hair which is where you come in, the routine saver!! "I can't thank you enough" "don't worry at all about it"
She'd also get pretty clingy on her period, you're casually seeing her vulnerable you're not going to leave just yet. "Don't go" "?" She looks blankly at the foot of her bed, you sit down with her "how long would you like me to stay" "...." her cheeks turn a bit pink "until I feel better" getting to see her flustered gets your mouth to tease into a smile. "I can do that" she'd definitely think about it when her periods over and just regret every action, yet wouldn't mind asking you every once in a while
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You gotta have that dawg in you to date fuuka/ref and a bit of inferrance skill
She would try to not let it show as it would drag others down but she can't really hide it well around you. "Here" you hand her a pad "I thought it hid it well this time" she pounts a bit disapointed "you can't really hide how you get a bit paler when this happens, do you want me to make something" "you don't have to..." "I'll make you that thing youve been wanting me to try" she narrows her eyes "tough offer"
If she did go to school with you, Yukari would comment on how low on energy Fuuka seemed to be. "She looks kinda down" "yea I've been trying to cheer her up a bit but nothings really working" Yukari narrows her eyes at you "you didn't happen to upset her did you" you scratch your head "no she's just on her period maybe sweets or something" She'd be so embrassed if you brought up the time she thought you upset Fuuka, and then see you come in with those Japanese gummy foods to make with her.
You try to tuck her in and make sure she has as much rest as possible, she might resist because of s.e.e.s but you being blissfully unaware just say "im sure they'll understand you can't go today, they're just a club" she would toss and turn thinking of shadows ending up with asking you to stay with her because she couldn't sleep
Unrested Fuuka and she's on her period? You don't need just the dawg you need god. "I feel like I'm letting everyone down.." "they know you need to rest Fuuka it's alright" she grips at your shoulders. "Yea but I still feel horrible for it" "Fuuka how about this I'll bring you notes and your homework and we can do it together" she sighs "then I'll drag you down!" She tears up, noticing this you hug her. "Fuuka, we're in the same class if anything I'm just being a mail man, you won't drag anyone down if you're willing enough to keep up so you don't have to ask many questions when you get back" she lossens her grip on you looking up to see your face "really?" "Really"
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Im...you think her blood streams oil? She'd probably compare a period to a malfunction or just feeling aggressively glum for a week
"Y/n I don't know why but I feel so fatigued" "did anything happen?" "No, not that I'm aware of" "must be your version of a period" you shrug your shoulders not even sure if that's even right. "I'll see what I can do" you had no dang clue so you just decided to tuck her in bringing a stuffed animal just incase
She'd law down super awkwardly just full on still. "Do you think my limbs will get caught in this blanket?" "Should I replace it?" "No it's quite comfortable"
She'd also get a bit clumsy, which is horrible when tests come along. "I seem to have put the wrong choice despite knowing the correct answer" "that happens to all of us" you sigh reminding yourself of all the times you put the wrong answer to find out later the correct one. So asking to study is critical even if she still dosent know the material she has spirit!
She would come to school, this doesn't stop her from staring down at you as soon as class was over, just scarier. "You gotta stop doing that" you shiver after the 9th jumpsca re this year alone. "I'd like to take you to your next class" "thank you Aigis please don't do this to wake me up" "I think it would be effective" "effective in giving me nightmares" thank god those jumpscares only happen for a few days
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akirchi · 2 years
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— characters: akihiko sanada
— pairs: akihiko sanada x sees!male!reader
— requested by the lovely @slowkib / @lufenianwol
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you must be lucky to have caught his eye. akihiko doesn’t usually date people as if he has a lot of things that keep him busy, keeping him away from dating.
he probably saw the potential in you as soon as you came up to him with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
he brushes off when people try to flirt with him or ask him on a date but for some reason, being around the school trickster, he finds it oddly calm to be around you as you tell small pick up lines that makes akihiko smile at you.
he doesn’t know why being around specifically YOU makes him fluster up as, again, he has no time for relationships but for you he can make time.
once akihiko is hooked, good luck 🥰 ‘cause boy, he’s quite a flirt around you even though he always says he has no interest in dating (probably not into dating women)
he isn’t leaving your side btw. he’s always assuring you’re safe or not overworking yourself since you do have a tendency to overwork yourself.
netflix and chill 💆
y’all are so easily hooked with eachother the others are so annoyed and wished you could take it somewhere else.
regardless of him being busy, akihiko ALWAYS have has time for you for if he doesn’t, he feels guilty and looks like a sad dog when their owner leaves the house to like throw trash.
he makes it up to you don’t worry 🤭
he loves loves loves doing things together and i will fight you if you disagree, rather it’s jogging together early in the morning or going to the gym with him, what’s worse is that you two one up eachother without knowing so 💀
please, give him attention, dude will give you hints on giving him his daily pecks all around his face.
you guys are so cute it makes yukari physically cringe.
“minato! can you help me farm some money in tartarus, please!” you popped out from your sees leader’s door frame causing him to fling his head to the side.
“why?” he asked with raised eyebrows, “akihiko’s busy and he’s mad at me for being stupid and i don’t admit that he’s right.” you explained with a nervous smile on your face.
minato sighed before nodding, “your the best! anyways goodbye!” you disappeared as minato deadpanned before looking at the clock on his drawer, ‘it’s still 5 am???’
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writers-reach · 5 months
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(p) - platonic
(x!r) - where x is the specified gender of the reader (i.e. m for male, f for female, nb for non-binary) note: for transgender requests (i.e. ftm, mtf, ftnb, etc), the prefix will change to fit the specification. gender-neutral readers are not labelled, as they are the default.
(au) - alternate universe scenario
(ha) - heavy angst, reader beware! content warnings will be in the notes section and the request will be under a break
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persona 3
minato arisato
general dating headcanons you're so tired... s/o who's one of the boys first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons hiding your relationship on the kyoto trip
minako arisato
it'll be alright (m!r) general dating headcanons s/o who allies with shadows
yukari takeba
shopping date headcanons
junpei iori (p)
s/o who's one of the boys
akihiko sanada
general fluff headcanons wedding headcanons
mitsuru kirijo
calling her 'mom' saying 'i love you' for the first time lover who plays with her hair
fuuka yamagishi
fluffy relationship headcanons defending your relationship from bullies
adopting cats
shinjiro aragaki
fluffy date headcanons w/ an upbeat male /so (m!r) fluff headcanons with a fem s/o (f!r)
(elizabeth) - fluff headcanons (ryoji mochizuki) - s/o who's one of the boys (ryoji mochizuki) - fluff headcanons (jin shirato) - cuddly male s/o (jin shirato) - painting his nails (nb!r) (p4au!ken) friends since before sees (f!r)
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persona 4
yu narukami
general date headcanons s/o who allies with shadows first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons
yosuke hanamura
general date headcanons having a shy s/o (f!r) having a sleepy s/o (m!r)
chie satonaka
sparring gone wrong!
yukiko amagi
lover who plays with her hair
kanji tatsumi
general date headcanons
rise kujikawa
s/o who is an idol dancing under the stars and among the fireflies shopping date headcanons trying out lip balm flavours
teddie (p)
none yet...
naoto shirogane
snowstorm snuggles! fluffy headcanons
(marie, margaret) - fluff headcanons
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persona 5
ren amamiya/akira kurusu
playing with his hair (f!r) first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons
ryuji sakamoto
none yet...
ann takamaki
shopping date headcanons
yusuke kitagawa
none yet...
makoto niijima
calling her 'mom'
haru okumura
none yet...
futaba sakura (p)
none yet...
none yet...
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denjis-chainsaws · 2 years
Sources & Characters
Long list, so it's going under the readmore!! If a source or character is not listed on here, I will NOT write for them! Only because I live under a rock and take forever to get into new stuff and get comfortable with a character enough to write them.
I'm not limited to solely character x reader! I do character headcanons, too!! As long as it's not just canon x canon, I'll try writing any SFW topic. I will NEVER write NSFW, regardless of if the character is an adult or minor. And characters 14 or younger and pet / animal characters will only be written in platonic or familial scenarios.
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Special Notes:
- Personal character headcanons are allowed to be included in requests. Eg. trans-masc. Yu Narukami from Persona 4, agender + ADHD Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear, autistic Denji from Chainsaw Man, etc.
- For characters with questionable gender representation and/or fanon interpretations, they will be written as gender neutral or genderfluid characters unless requested otherwise. Eg. Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 will be written as genderfluid with any pronouns.
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Bold = Lots of writing experience / favorite to write
Italics = Little writing experience / not very familiar with
Normal = Decent writing experience / good enough feel to write
Small Text = Platonic / Familial ONLY
- Chainsaw Man
Denji, Power, Aki Hayakawa
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Guilty Gear
Happy Chaos, Bridget, Sol Badguy/Frederick Bulsara, Jack-O, I-No, Baiken, May, Asuka R. Kreutz/That Man, Nagoriyuki, Giovanna, Goldlewis Dickinson
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 3
Male Protagonist (any name, defaults to Minato Arisato), Female Protagonist (any name, defaults to Hamuko Arisato), Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Fuuka Yamagishi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Ken Amada, Koromaru, Shinjiro Aragaki
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 4
Yu Narukami (or Souji Seta), Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Teddie, Tohru Adachi, Ryotaro Dojima
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 5
Joker (any name, defaults to Ren Amamiya), Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sojiro Sakura, Tae Takemi, Sae Nijima, Yuuki Mishima
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Dragon Ball
Son Goku, Son Gohan, Chi-Chi, Vegeta, Bulma, Piccolo, Freiza, Perfect Cell, Raditz, Krillin, Yamcha, the Ginyu Force (all of them), Broly (Super + Original)
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Shotaro Kaneda, Tetsuo Shima, Kai, Yamagata, Kei, Kaori
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- TMNT (2012)
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Bandori / BanG Dream
Kokoro Tsurumaki, Nanami Hiromachi, Chiyu Tamade (Chu²)
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
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