#Zain Othman
noblogsir · 4 months
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It was supposed to be short.. (dead) Zain has valid points here.. altho OBJECTION YOUR HONOR, we will still bully him sksk
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hopesallwegotleft · 1 month
Imagine Jason, Salim, and Zain in 2024, sitting on a couch, watching a movie on tv or something. Zain looks over and sees Jason doing that "tired dad nap" pose where he's dozing off while sitting upright, with his head resting back against the couch and his arms folded, the whole shebang.
Zain snorts, turning to face Salim and joke about it... only to find Salim doing the exact same thing. Just Zain stuck between two quietly napping dads.
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writtenjewels · 2 months
A piercing wail cut through the night. Oh, no, Salim thought as he stirred from his bed. The cry was nothing new to him; having a fussy baby made him used to such sounds. But it might pose a problem to the marine currently crashing on Salim's couch. Which was why Salim tried getting a babysitter for Zain while Jason was visiting. The babysitter fell through at the last minute, leaving Salim to desperately plea to Allah that his infant son might sleep through the night just this once.
Allah, it seemed, did not listen.
[It's all right, son, Daddy's here,] Salim whispered, reaching to lift his crying son from the crib. He began to gently bounce and sway, rubbing Zain's back, humming softly. Sometimes that was enough to lull his son back to sleep. This time Zain kept crying.
“Salim?” Jason's voice called to him from the living room. A moment later he heard a knock at his door. “You good in there?”
“Zain woke up,” Salim answered apologetically. “I think he's hungry.” Jason didn't respond. Salim opened the door one-handed and found the American waiting.
Jason looked like a completely different person outside of his combat gear. He wore boxer-briefs—Salim had been unconsciously picturing an American flag design and was surprised to see these were fairly plain—and a muscle shirt. His dog-tag were visible, hanging from a silver chain on his neck. Jason's brown hair was messy from his recently disturbed sleep.
Salim didn't realize he'd been staring until another wail from Zain brought him back to reality. Jason's lips moved up into a little smile. “Kid's got a pair of lungs, don't he?” he remarked.
“He's hungry,” Salim repeated. Jason nodded and flicked on a lamp so Salim could find his way to the kitchen. “Thank you,” he said. He started gathering what he needed to feed his son, trying to juggle it one-handed since Zain usually got even fussier if Salim put him down.
“Lemme hold him,” Jason offered.
“Oh, no, that's all right,” Salim assured him hastily. “I've done this a thousand times.”
“I got two empty hands, Salim. Lemme hold the kid.” Salim wanted to argue again, but he wasn't sure why. He was just so used to doing this alone. Salim relented and held out his son.
Jason was very careful in taking Zain into his arms. Salim had to correct the arm positions and how Jason supported the baby's head, and soon Zain was snug in the American's arms. Zain's cries dimmed a little as he was exchanging hands. He and Jason stared at each other, and for a moment Zain was almost calm. But then he started crying again.
“Oops. Better go make that bottle, Salim.” Jason's eyes met his and Salim felt his heart skip, his body warming. He quickly looked away to focus on preparing his son's bottle.
Salim knew all the steps by heart. After his wife left him and Zain, he taught himself very quickly how to prepare baby formula. It was a little strange doing it with both hands or without securing Zain in his baby seat. Zain had settled again and he turned to see Jason had offered his finger for the baby to latch onto. He was singing to Zain and rocking him, making Salim's heart skip again.
“What is that song?” Salim asked him.
“The Pokemon theme song,” Jason explained. “Sorry, I know it's an earworm, but it's the only kid's song I know.”
“The what theme song?”
“It's a kid's show. I used to watch it when I was gettin' high.” Salim shook his head, turning away to hide his amused smile. The bottle was soon ready. He held out his arms to take his son back but Jason asked, “Mind if I do it?”
“You want to feed him?” Salim clarified.
“Sure. Why not?”
“You're my guest. He already woke you, and--”
“Babies cry,” Jason reasoned with a shrug. “I knew what I was gettin' into.” Salim didn't know what to say. “Salim, do you know what the Marine Corps motto is?” Jason didn't wait before answering: “Semper fidelis. It's Latin. Means 'always loyal' or 'always faithful.'” Salim still said nothing, waiting to see where Jason was going with this. “You havin' a baby don't change that for me.”
Salim was still speechless. He handed over the bottle and Jason encouraged Zain to take it. Salim watched, feeling almost numb with shock. He had seen the extent of Jason's loyalty to him before, down in the catacombs. It somehow felt different here. There were no alien forces to battle, no life-or-death threats. This was ordinary, mundane, normal. This was a baby who disturbed their sleep.
“Hey, what's wrong?” Jason asked worriedly. “You okay?” Salim wiped the tears off his cheeks.
“I'm just tired,” he lied.
“Take a nap,” Jason advised. “I got this.”
“I want to stay up with you,” Salim insisted. He darted a glance at Jason, feeling suddenly shy. Seeing this man hold Zain so carefully, so gently, without a single complaint had Salim's pulse going faster.
Tonight showed him a possibility he hadn't considered. He was secretly grateful to Zain for being so fussy.
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pinkgelatin · 9 months
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You all know that I'm in love with the idea of Zain being a baby, instead of a teen, during the time HoA happens. And so I made him a baby, about 6-7 months old. The happiest gurgly, pudgy baby with two best dads in the world. Tiny Baby Bear. The apple of Baba Bear's eye. Bringing out the best in the sad, broken man Jason is.
Also let's not talk about how that would make Salim's "single parent gig" that much more difficult and painful. How fresh the wound of his wife leaving could still be, even if things weren't that great between them for a long time. How bitter and angry Salim must be at her for abandoning their baby boy when he was like 1 month old. And how all the more sweet Jason's love and commitment must feel to him.
Because Jason, while he might have his insecurities and doubts about his new situation, isn't ever leaving. He's in it deep, and he's not gonna try to dig himself out.
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pidgeydraws · 1 year
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new stage of life
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scho17 · 1 month
thinking about Zain giving Jason (a whole marine) the shovel talk.
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ultrabananapudding · 4 months
HoA gang | "What's your type ?"
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Bonus greetings:
Happy New Year 🎊 新年快乐 🎊 Gott Nytt År
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yoshidatommy · 9 months
Zain mid-dialogue: Okay, drill sergeant
Jason: Actually, first lieutenant 🙃
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shaaaaaly · 1 year
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I'm very late 😭
Happy birthday Salim!
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pinguplanet · 11 months
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Messed up Salim’s size oops
I think the age gap between Salim and the others is crazy
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noblogsir · 3 days
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who's gonna tell him?
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buoryok · 1 year
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Have a ton of headcanons about Jason’s childhood and parents, but a big post won’t get a lot of attention, so here’s a little bit
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writtenjewels · 1 month
Zain Interferes
Baba was being really weird lately. He was generally in a good mood anyway, but it seemed like he was smiling all the time and getting these far-off looks in his eyes. It seemed to happen more often on certain days of the week. Zain could not figure it out. Finally, he decided to follow his father. To his disappointment, Baba led him to a regular coffee shop. Baba drank tea and chatted with one of the servers. The server was a man, though Zain couldn't tell much else about him.
Zain figured there must be something else going on. He observed a bit more. Baba went to the same coffee shop, sat in the same spot, and talked to the same server every visit. Zain noticed that Baba's moods were always better after visiting the coffee shop. Was the tea there really good or something?
Zain went in to see for himself. It wasn't bad, but not that much better than what they made at home. He hid in a corner booth to watch Baba's actions in the coffee shop. That was when he saw Baba really start acting weird. The almost awkward way he was with that server he always talked to didn't seem like Baba at all. He stumbled over words, and kept ordering refills that he didn't even drink. It wasn't until the server came by for the fourth time and Baba blurted out a dumb joke that Zain finally realized what was going on.
[Hey, Baba, why don't we go out into town together?] Zain suggested.
[All right,] Baba agreed. [What would you like to do?]
[Well, there's this coffee shop that I heard is pretty good...] Zain tried to make the words sound as casual as possible. He named the shop Baba kept visiting, and added, [Have you heard of it?]
[Oh.] Baba's face went red. [Yes, I think so. Are you sure that's what you want to do today?]
[Yeah, it might be fun!]
So they went to the coffee shop. Baba tried steering them away from the seat he usually took, but Zain pointed them back to it. It didn't take long for the server to come their way. The guy flashed a smile and touched his fingers to the brim of his cap.
“Looks like you got some company today, Salim,” he remarked in an American accent. Zain read the name-tag: Jason.
“Ah, yes, I do.” Zain tried not to gawk as Baba started fumbling with words. “He's my son. We're just out, um... spending the day together.”
“And you thought to treat him to our great tea selection, huh?” Jason's lip quirked up in a smile. “Then I better get the kettle on. Be back in a bit.” Baba nodded; Zain just stared.
[Baba!] he burst out the moment Jason was out of sight. [Are you kidding me?!]
[What's wrong?] Baba frowned, a little taken aback by Zain's outburst.
[Tell me you don't always do that when you talk to him!]
[Do what?] Zain sighed in exasperation. He was spared any words when Jason returned with two seaming cups of tea. Baba took his with a stammered thanks, his eyes darting briefly to Jason's face before dropping. Zain was about ready to scream.
“You'll have to tell me what you think of the tea,” Jason said to Zain. “Your dad loves it; he asks for at least four refills every time.”
“You don't say.” Zain shot a look at his father, who was busying himself with the tea. “Weird to come into a coffee shop to drink tea.”
“That's what I said!” Jason agreed, laughing. “Weird ain't a bad thing, though. 'Least, I don't think so.” His eyes darted briefly to Salim. “Anyhow, I'll leave y'all to it. Salim, you know how to signal when you want a refill.”
[Oh, my god, Baba,] Zain groaned once they were alone again.
[It was like watching a car crash. So horrible, but I couldn't look away.] Baba stared at him in confusion. [Dont make me say it,] Zain sighed, [it's too embarrassing.]
[I really don't know what's gotten into you, Zain,] Baba said with a baffled shake of the head.
[The feeling is mutual, Baba. Or are you this flustered around all Americans?] Baba's eyes went wide. [I'm going to get him back over here,] Zain decided. [Please don't be weird.] Baba opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Jason was back. “Hi,” Zain greeted. “Baba and I were talking, and I wanted to know about your accent.”
“It's Southern,” Jason told him. “I think the phrase your dad used was 'cowboy accent.'” Jason glanced over to Salim. “You're kinda quiet today,” he observed. “Am I interrupting time with your boy?”
“No, no, it's not, um...”
“I don't mind,” Zain butted in. [Should I pretend I need to use the bathroom so you can talk to him alone?] he asked his father. Baba choked on his tea.
“Shit!” Jason was by Baba's side at once, gently patting his back. “You okay?”
“Y-yes, I... it just went down the wrong pipe.”
“You sure you're good?” Jason's hand was still there, now rubbing in gentle circles. Baba looked up and caught his eye. Zain hoped neither of them realized too soon just how close they were to each other.
“I'm good, Jason,” Baba answered softly. Jason's pale face went pink and he drew away from Baba.
“I'm gonna get you a fresh cup of tea.”
[Baba,] Zain spoke up, [please do us both a favor and give that guy your number when he comes back. I don't think I can handle this much longer.]
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maybe-i-need-a-hug · 11 months
I started to write this post almost a month ago, but some bad stuff happened and I was… really not okay. But I'm getting better, kind of, so here are some (a bit angsty) night thoughts for you.
I share the fandom headcanon that Jason's father was not, you know, exactly the "father of the year" type. So, when Jason and Salim start to live together (because, as we all know, that's how the game ended, that's canon, right?), Jason sometimes becomes… overprotective of Zain.
He doesn't even realize that. It's just small things. Taking the blame for the glass that Zain accidentally broke. Trying to convince Salim that in Zain's age it's totally normal to come home late and a bit drunk, even if Salim is understanding and not actually angry. Stressing out when Salim and Zain argue, even if they both mean it as a joke. Stuff like that.
Jason doesn't realize that's the thing. Salim and Zain do.
"You know I love my son, right?" Salim asks one night.
"Yeah, I noticed,” Jason chuckles. “You've said that, like, a million times in the first hour after I met you."
"And you know I will never hurt him."
"Yeah, you'll probably hurt yourself first. Why?"
“You seem to… protect him from me.”
Salim can see that Jason genuinely doesn't understand what it's all about. Salim tells him about all those small moments, about his obvious nervousness — and Jason is visibly embarrassed.
"Do you want to… talk about it?" Salim says.
"I'd rather not."
"Okay. And it is fine, you know. It is kind of cute."
"Fuck off," Jason grumbles, rolling his eyes.
Salim just smiles and changes the subject.
It's Jason who brings it up again in a couple of days.
"About… me being overprotective."
"I wanted to make it clear… it's not about you being a bad dad or anything. It's just…"
There's a long pause as he is trying to find the words. Salim is waiting patiently.
"I had a fucked-up childhood, alright?" Jason says finally. "And my father… I mean, he meant well, I guess, but I do still have a couple of scars. And… well," it gets really hard for him to say that, "I guess, l myself wanted to be… protected. And, I guess, it'll stick with me for the rest of my fucking life."
He stares at his hands as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Salim doesn't interrupt.
"And about Zain, it's… what's the clever word, projecting or something? I'm projecting this stuff on him, probably. I mean, I don't know shit about psychology, but that's the thing, right? It's just… not easy to stay chill when you two start arguing. Even if I know that it's really alright."
He sighs as if it was physically hard for him to say. He seems relieved that it is finally put into words.
"So, yeah. You're a great dad, and Zain is far better than I was at his age. And I'll try not to do that shit you told me about. Sorry."
It's Salim now who is trying to find the words. Jason never really mentioned his childhood; Salim did not expect this.
Salim could never understand how it is possible for a father not to love his own kid. Salim is not an ideal dad, of course; but it feels impossible for him to hurt Zain. Even to think about hurting him.
"I did not know about your father," he says as calmly as he can, even if something inside him is furious. "I will try not to raise my voice when you are around."
"No, that's… fine." Jason shrugs. "You don't have to. I mean, it's your family, your rules, you are both fine with that, and I'm just intruding."
"You are a part of the family too. Have you not noticed?"
Jason mumbles something unintelligible and moves closer on the couch. Salim puts his hand around Jason's shoulders.
"I love you," he says. "And Zain thinks of you as the cool dad. Or, at least, the cool big brother."
"Yeah, that's all I lived for," Jason grumbles sarcastically.
He is smiling — he just can't help it.
It's all going to be okay.
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Zain Othman House of Ashes AU
I got inspired to write this short drabble by @ywix and their Zain AU.
The five were running from a hoard of vampires that were screeching and screaming as they closed in.
Zain was panting heavily as he dashed close behind, but a vampire cut him off.
"[Nononono!]" Zain yells in his native tongue as he dashes the other way, trying to avoid the alien creatures.
The other four finally make it to safety, but Jason scans for the young boy. His heart drops as he relizes that Zain is gone.
"Where the fuck is Zain?" Jason whispers to himself, looking out to the rubble and caves for any sign of the young soldier.
"Zain! Come in, buddy. Can you hear me?" Jason asks into his mic.
"Jason... they're everywhere... I can't get out..." Zain whispers, looking around from his cover. Zain can feel his blood pumping and sweat dripping from his entire body.
Silence falls over the mic, causing Zain to tear up. "Jason... fuck, I'm scared... I don't want to die..." he says quietly, his voice wavering as tears fall onto the ground he's laying on.
"And you won't. You're one of us now, and marines don't leave their own behind."
"Jason... if I don't make it out... tell my dad, I'm so sorry..." Zain says with a broken voice. "I'm sorry for fighting with him. For not getting into university. I'm sorry for stealing... I'm sorry for being such an awful son!" Zain sobs, his face now soaked in tears.
"Zain. Listen to me. You are not dying here, you hear me?" Jason says sternly. "When we get outta here, we'll buy you a big ass birthday cake, okay?"
Zain nods and sniffles. "Yeah... yeah, okay."
"I'm coming, kid. We're getting you home."
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scho17 · 1 month
Jalim DBH AU
Jason, a battle bot who's become just a little too conscious about what he's been told do - the woman with the groceries - he doesn't shoot - they flag him down as possibly faulty and then after that they're just looking for any reason to shoot Jason down into a junkyard. Maybe they send him on an op, practically a suicide run for anyone else and damnit its suicide for him too even if he don't completely realize it.
He gets damaged. Not no easy fix, not no little scratch he's - well fuck, he's busted. Some part of him in a near constant short circuit. Fried. It makes him forgetful of what he's done and why he's done it. They don't attenpt to fix him or his memory problem, they dont even wipe it out, they ain't got to. He won't be their problem much longer. They pop his back plate open and slip out his power core. They didn't even have the decency to tell him.
Jason gets discharged. Retired. However they wanna spin it but all the same they boot him to the curb.
They sell him as is. Auctioning him off and if Jason could understand what the hell he was feeling maybe he'd call it relief. Or maybe its betrayal. He doesn't really know yet.
Anyhow, he ends up on Salim's slab. Salim is a tinkerer of sorts, does repairs for a living and Jason seems intriguing. Military models are never really available for the public market and most are just destroyed or are too damaged to take on. Some wealthy folk like to keep fixed up ones as body guards and with any luck the model Salim's just bought will be a bang for his buck.
yada yada yada, that doesnt really happen. The second Jason comes online again with the help of a new power core its like waking from a nightmare and if he were anything alive his hackles would raise, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead and his breath would leave his chest heaving. But he isn't. All the same fight or flight gets activated. He's practically snarling like a wild dog, he's in a unfamiliar layout in a new place with what ought to be a graveyard of android parts.
and Salim really does his best to help - to explain. Which maybe this is weirder on his end cause 'good god this android is actually reacting and oh god am I going to die here? stupid auction'. it's kinda funny from an outside view and also kinda not.
Jason calms down enough and then boom 'nother short circuit. It makes him draw a blank. Forgets what happened in the past 5 to 15 minutes. Salim really didn't anticipate this. How could he? They go through the motions again, introductions, some part of Jason has realized that Salim isn't a threat, so at least this time they're meetings not as hostile.
Salim wants to understand Jason - he's some type of conscious and he's got his issues. they end up as some sorta flatmates. idk maybe we get a whole domestic Jason w memory issues arc. its kinda cute, really sad sometimes because he doesnt understand whats happening to him or why. Just that the very reason for his lifes purpose ain't in his grasp no more. He feels kind of pathetic somedays, becomes more of a homemaker than a soldier. Salim says it isn't bad. it's- it's not.
Maybe he picks up hobbies, starts reading, learning of the world he's missed out on. How the moral ideals of the masses clash with the values that were instilled in him. fucking cable TV. its kinda funny, kinda not.
Salim fixes him up. The memories come back in nightmares while he's booted down. Memory files drawn to the front of his mind all corrupted. It takes a long while for Jason to be alright. Salim worrys, notices him - of all things - stress baking. Jason talks about Nana Kolchek and her recipies and they both know she don't really exist. That it's part of the program they built into Jason to help him seem more human, more relatable to other soldiers. They don't talk about that aspect of it.
At some point Jason realizes Salim is going to sell him. Or at least intended to when he was bought at the auction. It hits him like a humvee going 80. Has a whole "was any of it ever real?" moment.
Jason has a little crisis and still somehow can't really unconvince himself that it won't happen. So he rips the bandaid off and flat out asks. Salim looks at him with that kind of expression people save for kicked puppies and the like. Some type of emotion in his eyes that Jason just doesn't know how to understand. It's too much. Jason looks away with a frown.
Salim pulls his hand into Jason's and squeezes once, cold metal against warm skin. Salim isn't selling Jason.
Heart to Heart.
Eventually Jason meets Zain. Zain looks at him quizzically, like he's just tryna wrap his head around something and he just dont quite get it. Zain says that his dad talks about him a lot, that he seems happier, less lonely, gives Jason the shovel talk. The works. Which Jason thinks is bizzare because he isn't even romantically involved with Salim.
and then he thinks,
thinks on it real hard and
He might be.
Right then and there, it dawns on Jason that, yes, they've been practically dating for a long while now. He cooks, cleans, asks Salim about his day, nags when he leaves his shoes crowded and piled in the door way, notes his likes and dislikes, holds him when he needs it, takes care of him and vice versa, they hook their legs together underneath the dinner table, they even do that looking into eachothers eyes lovingly thing and he just didn't realize thats what it was.
Zain is delighted with Jason's new found revelation. He helps Jason get flowers and chocolates, even gets a little card, it's real cute.
And Jason for as much as you'd think him as level headed really isn't too good at keeping a cool on it. He's flustered. Hands over the sweets, flowers and card like a kid with his first crush and shit, yeah, in a way yes, thats exactly what this is. a little bit. its kinda funny. kinda. There's even music on in the background because Jason just doesn't know how to miss.
They kiss. Salim tastes like chocolate.
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