#a beautiful giant multi tool
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i need her.
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watagashiiiii · 9 months
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🧠 stardew valley
   mod list ① 🧠
🧠 SF Daphne's buildable ice cream truck
🧠Cozy Hut House
🧠(SF) Shyzie's String Lights
🧠Q's Shipping Bin Overhaul
🧠IdaIda's Seasonal Gothic Buildings (for CP and AT)
🧠Stable and tractor garage
🧠Updated Unofficial CP Seasonal (and Non-Seasonal) Grandfather Clock by Endohare (Nantucket Recolor Only)
🧠Decorative Rarecrow Vendors
🧠Morris Redeemed
🧠The Last Smoluanu - A Dwarf Expansion.
🧠Morris Personality Enhancement
🧠Shane (Normal and Beach) - New Portrait 1.0.4
🧠Move It
🧠Self Serve
🧠CJB Item Spawner
🧠CJB Cheats Menu
🧠Json Assets - Kawaii Hats (Unofficial Conversion)
🧠Kyuya's hats pack
🧠IdaIda's Farmer's Shirts (for CP and FS)
🧠Seasonal Hats (Fashion Sense)
🧠(FS) Missy's Shirts
🧠Hats and Horns
🧠NPC Wearable Hats
🧠NPC Clothing Framework
🧠StarAmy's Wild Fashion
🧠Witchy Rustic Looks for Fashion Sense
🧠Kyuya's accessories pack
🧠FS Kisekaes skirts
🧠(FS) RoseDryad's Fairy Wings And Accessories
🧠FS The Coquette Collection
🧠FS Wabi's Wardrobe
🧠NPC mask front shura
🧠Organic Lamps
🧠Duck Crab Pot
🧠Villager Photos
🧠Ellie's Decorative Fences and Gates
🧠Void's weird Wonders - Craftables (CP and AT)
🧠Hisame's New Craftables
🧠Quaint Living - Flower Garden
🧠Floral Megamix
🧠Lumisteria Flowers and Crops
🧠(AT) Giant Flower Varity
🧠neo's giant flowers
🧠6480's Giant Crops for Better Crops and Foraging
🧠More Giant Crops
🧠Hybrid Flowers
🧠Character planting
🧠Wild Food - A Forage Expansion Mod
🧠Wildflour's Pixie Forage
🧠PPJA - Farmer to Florist
🧠Morris Berry
🧠Event Repeater - A useful tool for Content Patcher Modding
🧠Community Center Reimagined
🧠Quaint Living - Wildflowers
🧠Lunna - Astray in Stardew Valley
🧠East Scarp
🧠Adventurer's Guild Expanded
🧠Forage of Ferngill
🧠Garden Village Shops for CP
🧠Ridgeside Village
🧠Axolotls in Stardew Valley
🧠Unique Fish Additions
🧠Pokemon Fish
🧠Beautiful Blobfish
🧠More New Fish
🧠Decorative Bushes - DGA and AT
🧠(AT) Shyzie's Seasonal Rugs
🧠Boho Rug Collection
🧠(DGA) RoseDryad's Cute Animal Flower Decorations
🧠Townsfolk Posters
🧠(AT) Hat Paintings
🧠AT- Furnicolor (Recolors and reinterpretations of furniture)
🧠Weapons on Display
🧠(AT) Bunny Decoration
🧠(AT) Shyzie's Rugs
🧠Undersea Decorations
🧠AT - Furniture Redone... Redone
🧠(Alternative Textures) Alya's Furniture Recolor Pack
🧠IdaIda's Furniture Recolor (for AT)
🧠Octopus Plushies - AT
🧠AT - More banners - DELETED - DELETED
🧠(AT) More Bearz
🧠Antique Plasma TV (Alternative Textures)
🧠(Alternative Texture) Kirby Plushies
🧠Kirby Plush (AT)
🧠(DGA) Kids Furniture
🧠(DGA) Holiday Event Furniture
🎮Gameplay Mechanics
🧠Custom Cask Mod
🧠Custom Crystalarium Mod
🧠Growable Giant Crops (Shovel)
🧠Better Chests
🧠Help Wanted
🧠Passable Crops
🧠Smart Building
🧠Hybrid Crop Engine
🧠Too Many Animals
🧠Multi Yield Crops
🧠Crops Anytime Anywhere
🧠Train Station
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bitofthisandthat · 1 month
Muse as a Diety ✨
Rules: Think carefully about your character and their development through their journey (canon or OC) within their story. Fill out the chart and tag whoever you want! Multi-muses, feel free to pick any of your characters-just a few, or all of them. Please repost, so the dash isn't clogged with reblogs.
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Goddess of; Industry, Designers/Inventors of Machines, Tools, and Weaponry, Electricity, Metal, "Grace Under Fire", & Generosity.
Associated With; The Industrial Complex, Cogs/Factories, Red Silk, Gold, Success, Beauty and Grace ad juxtaposed the filth of hard work.
Sacred Plants; Giant (red) Chrysanthemums, Ironwood Tree & Pomegranate Tree.
Sacred Stones / Gems; Ruby, Mystic Fire Topaz & Philosopher's Stone.
Sacred Animals; Red Fox, Phoenix, and Builder Insects like Bees/Hornets/Ants.
Colors; Deep Reds, Gunmetal, Gold.
Food; Golden Candied Pears, (true charcoal) Hibachi, "Kaiseki" style meals, Pomegranate (in all prepared forms).
Scents; Diesel, Motor Oil, Opium and Jasmine.
Accepted Offerings / Ways to Honor; Tools of any kind, Pomegranates, Silks & Pretty Fabrics, Fancy Hair Pins, WORK HARD & try your best to push beyond your own expectations. Never Betray/Cheat. "Don't ever mistake my kindness for a weakness," and "Go ahead, underestimate me."
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ghoulsstolemyheart · 1 year
Drowning In You
Swiss/Rain, fluff and smut, pining, masturbation, praise, anal sex
5.4k words
A certain water ghoul has captured poor Swiss’s heart, an experience he is very unfamiliar with.
The multi-ghoul hadn’t paid the little water ghoul much mind before they’d been brought onto the Ghost Project. They crossed paths once in a blue moon as they would go about their separate jobs around the abbey. But now, after months of being stuck in the music room with the band as they prepared for tour, he found himself thinking about his band mate more than he was willing to admit. During practice with lingering stares across the music room that would be met with a smile. The soft sound of his voice echoing in his mind when he was trying to work. In the wee hours of the morning, the other ghoul’s face in his mind with his hand wrapped around himself in a bed that now felt painfully empty. It was becoming a problem.
Then they got their names. The Swiss Army Ghoul and Rain. One evoking images of switchblades, tools, harsh and practical things that had no business interacting with the soft breezy thoughts conjured by the other’s name. He would hear someone say that name and think of the patter of rain on leaves in the early summer. Warm nights spent curled up in his blankets while a storm lashed at his windows, formidable and beautiful all the same. Rain was not supposed to be with Swiss. Rain deserved someone equally soft and gentle, like one of the girls. He would see them hanging around the bus together, usually accompanied by the gentle giant, Mountain. The earth ghoul was so frustratingly perfect for Rain. He wasn’t rough like Swiss, he didn’t pull and grab and say cruel things he didn’t mean. And yet, they didn’t seem to be heading in that direction at all. At least Swiss didn’t think so.
For the time being, Swiss would preoccupy himself with others. Dewdrop was especially willing, often seeking him out himself when they had the privacy of a hotel. They were just as harsh as each other, albeit for different reasons, and it slaked Swiss’s thirst for company to a degree. But when Dew would slink off back to his own room and leave him alone in that big hotel bed, Swiss would feel that emptiness return. Part of him wanted to storm down the hall and rattle Rain’s door until he let him in, claim the water ghoul as his own and get this all over with. But Swiss knew better than to go around forcing his way in where he didn’t belong. Sometimes he would go to Cumulus if he was especially desperate for someone kind and gentle and soft that would lie back and let him ravish them. She was so sweet, another one that definitely shouldn’t be mixing with someone like him, but she said she liked him anyway. Swiss often thought that ghouls like Cumulus and Rain were too good to really be demons. Maybe they were newly fallen, still to become jaded and cynical like him. He couldn’t imagine either of them doing the things he’d done in the pit.
It was Cumulus that pushed him to finally try talking to Rain. She was lying with him in his hotel room, their bodies sticky with sweat and sex and yet so comfortable. The ghoulette fit nicely against his body as he played with her silvery hair, watching it reflect the dim light of his bedside lamp.
“Why don’t you say something, what harm could it do?”
Swiss sighed, his brow furrowing.
“I’m just, I’m not good enough for him, y’know. I’m an asshole, he’s nice and sweet like you.”
Cumulus laughed, a sound like tinkling bells.
“That doesn’t stop you from fucking me though, does it? C’mon, Swiss, why won’t you just talk to him?”
“Because I’m scared.” He admitted for the first time. “I’m scared that if I go up and actually try to talk to him then I’ll just scare him off for good. You don’t scare me cause I know you like me.”
He nuzzled into the crook of Cumulus’s neck, thoroughly embarrassed by his own words. Cumulus had said it herself, told him that she thought he was a big softie underneath all the wild theatrics and that she enjoyed this little arrangement. Swiss liked her too, just not the way he liked Rain and she understood that.
“I can say something if you want, put in a good word for you.” She smiled, trailing her fingers up his arm.
“Oh, Satanus no, please. That would just make me look pathetic.”
“Then talk to him!” She laughed again. “I swear, for all your confidence on stage you sure are a wuss.”
Cumulus giggled when Swiss rolled her onto her back, throwing a leg over her hips to straddle her.
“I’m a wuss, huh?”
“Uh-huh, the biggest.” She knew he couldn’t stand being called names.
“Fine, but I think you’ve got some manners to learn first.” Swiss growled, his lips against her already marked up throat.
Read the full fic here!
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elefanjoyseo · 2 months
Beyond the Stereotype: A Transformative Elephant Experience in Jaipur
Jaipur, India, the vibrant Pink City, beckons travelers from across the globe – the USA, UK, Australia, Europe, and beyond – with its rich history, stunning architecture, and captivating culture. But within this bustling metropolis lies a unique opportunity to create a deeper connection with nature – an unforgettable elephant experience at Elefanjoy. Step away from the traditional elephant rides, often associated with animal discomfort, and embark on a transformative journey focused on respect, understanding, and ethical interaction with these magnificent creatures.
Wildlife experiences, Elephant encounters, Ethical elephant trips, Eco-friendly adventures, Elephant conservation tours, Nature excursions
Elephant sanctuary, Ethical tourism,
Unveiling the Legacy: Elephants in the Tapestry of Rajasthan
Elephants have played a pivotal role in Rajasthan's history, revered for their strength, loyalty, and intelligence. The Rajput Maharajas, the region's rulers, considered them loyal companions, utilizing them in battles and royal processions. Today, Elefanjoy in Jaipur honors this legacy by providing a sanctuary for rescued and retired elephants. Here, their well-being is paramount, while visitors have the chance to learn about their fascinating world and the vital role they play in the ecosystem.
Beyond the Spectacle: A Multi-Sensory Encounter with Elefanjoy
Elefanjoy offers an experience unlike any other. Here's what awaits you:
Meeting the Mahouts: Begin your journey by connecting with the mahouts, the elephant caretakers. Witness the deep bond they share with their elephant companions, nurtured since the elephants were young calves. Learn about the traditional techniques used for elephant care, passed down through generations, and the immense respect these caretakers have for their charges.
Witnessing Gentle Giants Up Close: Observe the elephants in their spacious enclosures, nestled amidst the scenic Aravalli Hills. No longer confined or chained, they roam freely, interacting playfully, bathing in mud pools, and trumpeting greetings to one another. Through this firsthand observation, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for their social structure, intelligence, and gentle demeanor.
Sensory Enrichment Activities: Elephants are highly intelligent creatures who thrive on mental stimulation. Elefanjoy offers enrichment activities designed to mimic their natural behaviors, promoting cognitive well-being. Watch them solve puzzles for treats, use tools to retrieve objects, and explore their enclosures in a stimulating way, keeping their minds active and engaged.
Engaging in Ethical Interaction:
Elefanjoy prioritizes the well-being of the elephants and avoids practices that may compromise their health or happiness. Here are some ways you can connect with these amazing creatures in an ethical manner:
Elephant Feeding: Prepare a special vegetarian meal for your elephant companions under the guidance of the mahouts. Learn about their dietary needs and witness their joy as they savor the treats you offer. This heartwarming experience allows you to form a genuine connection with these magnificent creatures.
Elephant Bathing Ritual: Witness the refreshing and playful ritual of bathing the elephants. See them frolic in the water, spraying themselves and their mahouts with playful abandon. This experience not only provides the elephants with much-needed relief from the heat but also offers a glimpse into their playful nature.
Nature Walks with Elephants: Elefanjoy offers a unique opportunity to embark on a nature walk alongside these gentle giants. Traverse through the serene Aravalli Hills, experiencing the natural beauty of the region from a whole new perspective, with the majestic elephants as your companions. This unique experience allows you to witness their grace and power as they navigate their natural habitat.
More Than Just a Visit: Supporting Elephant Conservation
Elefanjoy at the Elephant Village is more than just a tourist attraction. It's a dedicated sanctuary that prioritizes the well-being of its resident elephants. A portion of your ticket proceeds goes towards ensuring the elephants receive nutritious food, proper veterinary care, and a comfortable environment. By choosing Elefanjoy, you contribute to the conservation efforts for these magnificent creatures and support initiatives aimed at protecting endangered Asian elephants.
Planning Your Transformative Elephant Experience:
The Elefanjoy sanctuary is conveniently located near Jaipur city center, making it a perfect addition to your Jaipur day tours. Here's what you need to know for your visit:
The sanctuary is open from 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
Booking your Elefanjoy experience in advance is recommended, especially during peak tourist season.
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking outdoors.
Respect the elephants' space and avoid making loud noises or sudden movements.
Memories that Last a Lifetime:
Your Elefanjoy experience will be an unforgettable memory that you'll cherish for years to come. You'll leave with a newfound appreciation for the intelligence, social complexity, and gentle nature of elephants. More importantly, you'll contribute to their well-being and conservation efforts. Elefanjoy isn't just about entertainment; it'
See more
Elephant Safari
Wildlife Photos
Elephant Tours
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futureailist · 9 months
The Future of Art: Exploring AI Art Generators In a world driven by technology, the boundaries of creativity continue to expand, offering innovative solutions and possibilities that were once unimaginable. One such innovation that has taken the art world by storm is the AI Art Generator, an extraordinary tool that has revolutionized the way we create and appreciate art. In this article, we will delve into the exciting realm of AI-generated art and explore the limitless potential it holds. Photosonic: The AI Art Generator Imagine having a paintbrush that is not limited by the confines of human creativity but instead fueled by the vast capabilities of artificial intelligence. Welcome to Photosonic, the AI art generator that empowers artists and creators to bring their wildest imaginations to life in just seconds. Say goodbye to the days of scouring stock image libraries or waiting weeks for creative inspiration. Photosonic is here to unleash your creative potential. The Power of AI Art Photosonic is more than just a tool; it's a gateway to a world of creative freedom. With this AI drawing generator, you can craft any form of art your heart desires. Whether you're in the mood for a trippy painting, a minimalist illustration, whimsical robot clipart, captivating cartoon canvas paintings, or abstract art that challenges conventional notions, AI can bring your vision to life. When Photosonic generates art, it delivers truly original pieces and photo-realistic images that will leave you in awe. Saving Time and Money Are you tired of shelling out hefty sums for stock photos on platforms like Shutterstock? It's time to discover a more cost-effective alternative. Photosonic allows you to create AI-generated art that is not only budget-friendly but also tailored to your specific requirements. You can obtain a royalty-free stock image for less than a cent using this remarkable AI art maker. Say goodbye to the days of overspending on stock photos. Multi-Platform Compatibility The beauty of Photosonic lies in its versatility. You can create art pieces suitable for various online platforms, including social media giants like TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. Beyond that, you can even conjure up a lifelike persona that exists solely in the digital realm using the AI portrait generator, a feature available on Writesonic's premier AI art generator app. The possibilities are truly boundless. No Artistic Expertise Required Perhaps you're not a professional artist, and your artistic abilities are yet to be discovered. Fear not, for Photosonic's artificial intelligence painting generator is designed with you in mind. With just a few clicks and a well-crafted text prompt, anyone can produce stunning art using our AI image generator. For the art community, AI image generation serves as a wellspring of inspiration, allowing artists to explore new ideas in seconds without the mental gymnastics. Embark on a creative journey and start painting with AI. How to Harness Writesonic's AI Art Generator Unlocking the potential of Writesonic's AI art generator is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Access the Writesonic App Begin your creative journey by visiting the Writesonic app. If you're a first-time user, create an account. Upon landing on the homepage, sign up and claim your free trial. For existing Writesonic users with zero word balance left, click on the "upgrade" option and select a plan that aligns with your requirements from our range of affordable plans. Step 2: Navigate to Photosonic Once you've signed up or logged in, head over to Photosonic. You'll find it on the left-hand side of the screen in the menu bar. Writesonic's AI art generator goes by the name Photosonic, and you can either use it within the app for a seamless text and art generation experience or explore Photosonic's online platform. Step 3: Input Your Prompt After clicking on Photosonic, you'll be directed to the platform. Here, all you need to do is provide instructions to the AI regarding what you want to create.
Whether it's a face, a photograph, object paintings, fantasy art, or any other artistic vision, you can specify it to our AI image generator. Additionally, you can check out recent creations for a dose of inspiration. Step 4: Generate Your Art With your prompt in place, simply hit the "generate" button, and the AI drawing generator will work its magic, creating two images for you in mere seconds. You can further enhance the quality of these images by clicking on the "enhance" option. Once satisfied, download the images, and you're all set to showcase your artistic creations to the world. Exploring the Possibilities The beauty of an AI art generator lies in its boundless potential. Here are some of the types of art you can create with this remarkable tool: 1. Photorealistic Images These are images that bear an uncanny resemblance to photographs. Photorealistic AI art is typically the result of training a neural network on a dataset of real-world images. The level of detail and realism achieved is nothing short of astonishing. 2. Abstract Art Abstract AI-generated pictures are characterized by their emphasis on form and composition rather than depicting specific subjects. This art form often employs geometric shapes and bold color palettes to create visually striking effects, challenging traditional notions of reality. 3. Portraiture Portraits, whether paintings or photographs, capture the essence and likeness of individuals. Our AI painting generator employs special lighting and composition techniques to ensure the subject is portrayed in the best possible light. 4. Still Life Still life paintings or photographs feature inanimate objects, such as flowers, fruit, or everyday items. AI-generated still life art excels in realism, utilizing light and shadow to convey depth and texture. 5. Landscape Landscape art showcases the beauty of outdoor scenes, be it majestic mountains, serene forests, expansive fields, or picturesque coastlines. Light and color are skillfully used to evoke specific moods and emotions. 6. Cityscape Cityscape art captures the vibrancy and energy of urban environments, portraying bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and lively public squares. Light and shadow play vital roles in conveying movement and vitality. 7. Animal Portrait Animal portraits celebrate the unique characteristics and personality of various creatures. Whether realistic or whimsical, AI-generated animal portraits are a testament to the versatility of this technology. 8. Stylistic Images AI painters can generate images in specific artistic styles, from impressionism to cubism and beyond. The possibilities for experimentation are endless. 9. 3D Images With AI art generators, you can effortlessly create stunning 3D images that boast unparalleled realism, all without the complexities of traditional 3D design. 10. Vectors and Graphics Surprisingly, AI can also craft icons, objects, people, and more in various styles. The AI Art Generator translates text into images, allowing for endless possibilities when designing products or visuals. The Best AI Art Generator from Text Curious about what users have been creating with our Photosonic art creator? The results are nothing short of impressive: A cinematic shot of Scooby-Doo, illuminated by dramatic lighting and vibrant colors, exuding a cinematic, bokeh-rich style. A product image featuring a pair of sports shoes, with soft, vibrant colors against a blue backdrop, boasting physically based rendering and centered composition. An oil painting capturing the essence of Albert Einstein, earning recognition as a contest winner. A charming depiction of a tiny mouse, complete with endearing big eyes, holding a paintbrush. This standing character radiates with soft, smooth lighting, pastel colors, and the whimsy reminiscent of Skottie Young's style. Empowering Creativity Across Professions Writesonic's AI Art Generator isn't limited to professional artists. It caters to a wide range of individuals and professionals:
Copywriters: If you're a digital marketer with minimal design skills, Writesonic's AI Art Generator can expedite your creative process. Say goodbye to waiting for graphic designers, and start creating stunning visuals with just a few instructions. User Testimonials Let's hear from some of our satisfied users: Rafi Uddin, Founder & CEO: "Best Alternative for Jasper. I really like the new AI Article Writer 3.0, Instant Article Writer. It produces awesome content each time. I have tried many other AI writing tools. But this one is the best." Daniel Bryan, Copywriter: "Writesonic is the best AI tool a beginner or professional copywriter could ever wish for. This tool has made me one of the best online sellers, and I can't wait to try out its new features." Janisse L., Writing and Editing Professional: "Easy and value for money and 5 choices to choose from with some pictures, images, emojis, etc. Content examples can be downloaded in text format very fast and easily! Images also can be downloaded too!" Temitayo G., Marketing & Advertising Professional: "Generating content in an organized manner, not content alone but images too which is hard to believe by anybody has also been integrated for users to make their contents look attractive." Kiara Hardmon, Health Services Coordinator: "I like that Writesonic breaks up all the steps of the writing process to ensure a great article is written. I was apprehensive about using AI and a little intimidated by some of the prices. Writesonic is very user-friendly and has very affordable price ranges and options." The Future of Art In the ever-evolving landscape of art, AI art generators are carving a unique path. AI art is the creation of art using artificial intelligence with human inputs. It's a field that's still in its infancy, offering multiple avenues of exploration. One approach involves using artificial intelligence as a painting generator, creating patterns and images that challenge traditional aesthetics. Another avenue is the interpretation and processing of existing images in novel ways. The beauty of AI art lies in its experimental nature, often pushing the boundaries of conventional artistry. It serves as a testament to what AI picture generators are capable of, offering new perspectives and endless creative possibilities. What is AI Art? The debate over whether AI-generated art qualifies as "real" art has sparked discussions within the artistic community. Some argue that AI art lacks the authenticity and emotional depth of human-created art, claiming it is not "real" art. Others contend that AI art is indeed a form of art, as it is produced by machines programmed by humans, reflecting the essence of our creativity. AI art is known for its abstract and surreal qualities, often creating pieces that challenge conventional artistic norms. It's a realm where the unexpected is embraced and explored, where algorithms breathe life into novel creations. How Does an AI Image Generator Work? At the forefront of AI art generation is Writesonic's AI art generator, Photosonic. This AI model has been trained on a vast dataset, featuring billions of stunning artworks from around the world. When you generate art using Photosonic, you tap into this wealth of artistic inspiration, ensuring that your creations are nothing short of exceptional. While Photosonic leads the way, several other AI art generators are available, including Midjourney AI art generator, Wombo art, Artbreeder, Starry AI, Nightcafe, Jasper art, deep dream generator, and Hotpot AI. However, if you seek an enriching experience, a hassle-free process, free trials, and affordable premium offerings, Photosonic by Writesonic is the ultimate choice. The Best AI Art Generator The question of which AI art generator reigns supreme is a common one. While there are several options available, the answer is clear: Writesonic's AI art generator, Photosonic, stands out as the pinnacle of AI-powered art generation. With its vast training
dataset and user-friendly interface, Photosonic delivers unmatched quality and convenience. Frequently Asked Questions What Is an AI Art Generator? An AI art generator is a computer program that creates artwork based on user-defined parameters. It employs artificial intelligence to generate art that can range from paintings and illustrations to abstract compositions, all guided by user instructions. How to Use an AI Art Generator? Using an AI art generator is a simple process. Users provide prompts or instructions to the AI, specifying the type of art they want to create. The AI then uses algorithms and neural networks to generate the desired artwork. How Do I Create AI-Generated Art? Creating AI-generated art involves four key steps: accessing the AI art generator platform, navigating to the art generation tool, inputting your prompt or instructions, and hitting the generate button to create your artwork. Do I Own the AI-Generated Artwork I Create? Yes, you typically own the rights to the AI-generated artwork you create using an AI art generator. However, it's essential to review the terms and conditions of the specific AI art generator platform you use to understand the ownership and usage rights fully. Are There Free AI Art Generators? Some AI art generators offer free trials or limited free versions of their services. However, premium features and access to a more extensive art generation library may require a paid subscription or purchase. How to Generate a Better-Quality Image? To generate a better-quality image using an AI art generator, provide clear and detailed prompts or instructions. Additionally, explore any image enhancement or customization options offered by the AI art generator platform to fine-tune your results. Can I Create Multiple Images at Once? Many AI art generators allow users to create multiple images simultaneously, streamlining the art generation process and increasing efficiency. Is Photosonic Better Than Midjourney or DALL-E? While different AI art generators have their unique strengths, Photosonic by Writesonic offers a compelling combination of features, usability, and affordability. Users seeking a comprehensive and accessible AI art generation experience often find Photosonic to be an exceptional choice. Does DeepDream Cost More Than Photosonic? Pricing for AI art generators can vary depending on the platform and the features offered. It's advisable to explore the pricing details of each AI art generator to determine which one aligns with your budget and requirements. Excited to Create Stunning Images with AI? If you're eager to embark on a creative journey with AI art generation, look no further. Writesonic's AI Image Generator, Photosonic, awaits your artistic inspiration. Explore the world of limitless creativity and start crafting remarkable art in seconds. Get Started Now Unlock the potential of AI art generation. Dive into the realm of creativity with Writesonic's AI Image Generator today. Your artistic adventure awaits.
0 notes
hakesbros · 1 year
Michael Subd Homes For Sale & Real Estate Albuquerque, Nm
New construction homes for sale in Albuquerque are designed to fulfill at present"s modern homebuyers" unique wants. New construction in Albuquerque options basic cottage-style and Pueblo Revival structure blended with modern design parts. Inside, look for beautiful interiors that boast high ceilings, giant windows new homes for sale albuquerque, hardwood floors, and more. Some of one of the best new construction homes can be found in the new subdivisions in Albuquerque . Our affiliated brokers are impressed to uphold the trusted reputation of the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate brand through their native information, dedication to service and responsiveness.
The 311 service is a single telephone quantity for all non-emergency City of Albuquerque inquiries and providers. The virtual meet-and-greets are designed to introduce potential adopters to a pet at present in AWD’s foster care. Those interested in adopting a pet can choose a pet in foster and arrange a digital meet-and-greet appointment with them and an AWD adoption counselor.
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Toll Brothers builds homes in nice areas throughout the country. For those within the $450,000 to $700,000 vary, it’s a buyer’s market, but depending on location, sellers may need the higher hand, Maez adds. The technical storage or entry is required to create person profiles to ship promoting, or to trace the consumer on a website or throughout a number of websites for comparable advertising purposes. Hearst Television participates in vanew home builders in albuquerqueus affiliate marketing applications, which suggests we may receives a commission commissions on editorially chosen merchandise purchased through our hyperlinks to retailer sites. Relators consider the value of homes will not budge anytime quickly. An Albuquerque worker would need to earn slightly above six-figures to afford a 5% down fee.
Other economic drivers embrace authorities, agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and analysis & improvement. "Priority Holds" can be placed on animals which are nonetheless in our facility being held as "strays" for a charge of $20.00. If the animal's owner doesn't reclaim the animal, you should adopt the animal on its evaluate date for the precedence maintain payment to use toward your adoption charge. In this event, your "Priority Hold" charge can be utilized towards the adoption of one other animal in our shelter inside the following 30 days.
Cost of residing in Albuquerque is 4% below the national common, based on Forbes. Median sale value of a single-family home in Albuquerque is $340,500 based on the latest report from the Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors as of May 2022. Albuquerque is the most important city in New Mexico with a inhabitants of over 564,000 in the metropolis and over 916,000 people in the metropolitan space. Here is the Albuquerque actual estate price appreciation graph by Zillow for the past decade. Bernalillo County is situated in central New Mexico and is home to Albuquerque, a major financial and cultural crossroads in the American Southwest. The average sale value per sq. foot in Albuquerque is $190, up 20.3% since final year.
When you make the choice to stay in a RayLee home, not solely are you making a fantastic alternative for your beloved ones, however you may be additionally making an enduring funding. RayLee-built homes are recognized state-wide for his or her quality and livability, and the RayLee name is very respected. A excessive quantity of care is put into the construction of each home, making them a few of homes for sale in albuquerque new mexico the finest in New Mexico. Our communities have received many awards to back this claim. From Best Kitchen to Best Bathroom, our homes not solely make snug residing areas, however their high quality is assured to surpass time. When you build with RayLee, you presumably can ensure that you will be working with the finest home building team in Albuquerque.
"They come here, they usually're all money patrons, which type of pushes out the average New Mexican within the decrease end of the price ranges for positive," Posen mentioned. Relators imagine the value of homes won't budge anytime quickly."I think it is going to be fairly a while before we see home prices begin to dip down, at least here in New Mexico," Posen mentioned new homes albuquerque. Posen expects home costs to rise another 3% to 5% in 2023.Looking additional out, White said we might see prices drop in a couple of years. This significant enhance in pricing dates back to the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Another scorching market to spend money on real estate is Fort Collins, CO. The Fort Collins area is growing both as an outer suburb of Denver and for its reasons, making it the fourth-largest city within the state.
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wabashmfginc · 2 years
Sinotruk Mobile Workshop Truck All Wheel Drive 4x4 For Sale Purchase Mobile Workshop Truck,howo Mobile Workshop Truck,sinotruk Mobile Workshop Truck Product On Alibaba Com
An Ifor Williams Retail Unit Trailer could be extremely versatile, from varying product strains to meeting your customer head to head. Operating a business from a trailer offers you the liberty to continually arrange shop in new lucrative places. Multi function trailer/ meals trailer/ mobile workshopmulti purpose trailer, is already roadworthy.
Another factor to assume about for batteries is the voltage. This relates extra to cabling as as a end result of as your voltage goes down your amperage goes as much as get the same energy. However its not that simple as higher voltages can bring larger prices and extra difficulty in sourcing components. For instance an inverter which runs off 12V is massively frequent as 12V is the traditional voltage for automobiles and motorhomes. Jump as much as 24V and it's mostly vehicles so there is fewer inverters. Jump up again to 48v and you might be into specialist inverters for offgrid energy supplies.
Those seem to be rotting everywhere simply outdoors my city. Milk/Bread truck with a fold up bunk and 19″ rack bolted to the top and bottom. I didn’t see a source of heat, maybe a woodstove should be added?
Instead we'll take different combos of vans and trailers on totally different journeys. For example, after we're touring with pals and internet hosting parties we'll bring our motorhomes and kitchen/dining trailers, showers, bunks, and so forth. Really all is dependent upon the place we're going, what we're doing, and who's coming with us.
Even when you don’t presently have area in your house or storage, it would be way cheaper to build a shed. I did something like this, although it was extra of a giant Chemistry set, and it was far more profitable. I suppose the mountain climber’s utility van featured a pair weeks ago must be linked to this article. Hehehe, ‘quite actually packed to the gills’… fairly literally, trailers don't have gills.
The Manufacturing numbers seem on this table, the place out there. Two two-axle tractors was offered, the Long Haul and, from 1981, a Leyland. Long Haul was most regularly seen, showing in no less than two colours, green and pink. The articulated trailer functioned as a flatbed trailer, able to hauling two first-generation transport containers. Different designs featured the articulated trailer fitted with a plastic field as a field trailer, or with plastic stakes for carrying pipes or timber.
We sell customized, bulk order & in-stock trailers; rent semi-trailers; present service on all forms of trailers; and supply trailer components. Many retailers will counsel you've your trucks and trailers towed to the workshop. Workshops are normally better tooled and prepared to deal with every mobile workshop trailers kind of repairs and diagnostics. At ARS Fleet Service, we've the most functionality out of a truck in the industry. As a commercial fleet proprietor, you have no time for downtime. So having a mobile fleet service partner who can convey their shop to you is sensible.
Please submit hyperlinks to how-to pages and movies, footage of beautiful and superb items you made for us to admire, or assist you to end. This entry was posted in Blog, Trailer Spotlight and tagged blog, Trailer Spotlight. It was a completely functional machine shop towed behind a 5 ton Deuce. Our trailers are all in pretty mobile workshop trailers good shape, but it was plenty of work simply to wash them out. In the V-nose of the trailer, they have a small workbench. This is a good place for small jobs or organizing job parts.
I designed it so the instruments would undergo the front instead of the highest, as a end result of these tools are lighter. I installed small hook and eyes to maintain them in place, FYI after you put in them if you bend within the hook slightly with a pair of pliers it's going to make the hook fit snugger. The complete level of this project was to optimize house so the trailer can mobile workshop trailers be multi-functional. By constructing your individual shelving you do that and make the way you need. If you have any questions about the project do not hesitate to ask. I modified this Catering trailer to use as a mobile workshop for the solar energy trade but can be used for any industrial application.
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haomains · 2 years
Survival multi tool
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#Survival multi tool upgrade
Beautiful, simple, tough.įor preppers who are looking to stay within the SAK family, the $30 Victorinox Classic Alox is one of the most well-loved products in the EDC scene. You can trade away durability, versatility, and ease of use for more compact options - even so far as to carry one on a keyring, in a watch pocket, or as a belt buckle.Įlegant design and outsized functionality have made this tiny tool a giant of the EDC world. It’s compact enough to slip in a pocket, durable enough to withstand years of abuse, and capable enough to get you out of a jam. The Evolution 18 has many of the core tools preppers look for, without any of the goofy stuff like corkscrews or hooks. The best EDC Swiss Army Knife is the $43 Victorinox Evolution 18, a modernized version of the classic SAK that features a locking knife blade for added safety. Before the Leatherman took over this space in the 90’s, the SAK faithfully served generations of campers, soldiers, scouts, and outdoors people, and it’s still an amazing option for those who don’t need a large set of pliers or wire cutters on their multitool. The other way to EDC a multitool is to select a Swiss Army Knife (SAK), preferably a legit, Swiss-made one from Victorinox. The extra $15 over the standard Leatherman Skeletool gets you a 154CM steel knife blade that’s a wonder of ergonomics and durability, making the seven-tool CX less of a multitool and more of a “high-end pocket knife that happens to have pliers, a bit driver, and some other tools.” We’re recommending a premium version of the standard Skeletool because of its superior materials. The EDC king of the hill.įor preppers who want something more compact and discrete, we like the 4-inch, 5-ounce $90 Leatherman Skeletool CX. The knife on this multitool is so great, it's essentially a high-end pocket knife with 6 more tools rolled into it. But a saw blade and other less frequently used tools can add a meaningful amount of bulk, which causes some people to prefer slimmer, sawless multitools for EDC as a compliment to the full-sized tool kept in their emergency kits. Some people do EDC a full-sized product like the Wave+ or Charge+ TTi. One of the main attractions of a mulitool is that you get compact versions of two of our four core edged tools - a saw and a knife - in the same package. The 19-tool Charge+ adds a sharp hook for cutting straps to the back of the 420HC serrated saw blade, but otherwise the tool mix is the same as the Wave+. We like the titanium handle slabs for their combination of comfort, durability, and low weight (a little under half an ounce lighter than the Wave+). The 19-tool Charge+ TTi’s knife blade is made of a super steel, S30V, that you find on high-end custom folding knives.
#Survival multi tool upgrade
It won’t freak out your office mates if you pull out a multitool blade to open a package or use the screw bit to disassemble the crappy copy machine.Įverything that's awesome about the category-defining Wave+, but with a super steel knife blade and comfortable, lightweight Titanium handle scales.Ī worthy upgrade is the $195 Leatherman Charge+ TTi, Leatherman’s premium multitool offering that’s basically an upgraded version of the Wave+. Multitools are also great in urban or more sensitive settings because they’re a non-threatening way to carry a pocket knife. You’ll want to keep your multitool on your body as much as possible during an emergency - typically in a pocket or on a belt - because if you lose your bags, the multitool is one of the things you’ll miss the most. The best multitools are so handy that many people carry one every day (“EDC” for everyday carry) as their primary “I always have it no matter what” tool.Įven if you don’t EDC a multitool, you should have at least one in your home supplies and ideally another one in your emergency bags. Most of the best multitools in our review hold between 10 and 18 common tools, helping you with a wide range of survival and daily tasks such as: cutting boxes, fixing an engine, building a shelter, creating a trap, sharpening a knife, sparking a fire from a ferro rod, or removing a hot pot from a campfire. It’s hard to think of another prep that fits as much critical functionality into as small of a package as a great multitool, which is why it’s one of the four edged tools everyone should have.
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mainsmiracle · 2 years
Bubble wand
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Bubble wand how to#
Bubble wand free#
Press the blinking white button on your Glowforge when you're ready to start your print.Ĭongrats, you've made a beautiful, one-of-a-kind bubble wand! Use this technique to create dozens of unique bubble wands for summer fun.If everything looks good, it's time to print! Click the PRINT button in the upper right.Make sure the stars and outline are set to Cut.Place a piece of Proofgrade material in your print bed or click the material menu in the upper left and select your material.We recommend somewhere between 1/8th to 1/4 inch (3-6mm).įinally, we'll make sure your Glowforge knows what to do with each of the shapes in your design. To adjust the distance of your outline from the objects, drag the Adjust Outline slider. Big bubbles, no troubles Wave this giant wand around and watch the giant bubbles fly Length 37cm.Built in bubble wand Available 4 different. On the toolbar that appears, click the Outline tool, and then click Create New Outline. In a colourful design, this bubble bottle has a built-in wand to blow the bubbles through.Click and drag a selection box around your artwork and shapes.For big bubbles, go huge and pour your bubble solution into a dish!įor the last step in your bubble wand design, you'll create an outline. The wand contains a 266ml bubble solution in four different colours, prefect to create hundreds of bubbles in a few minutes. Tip: If you want to fit your wand into a small bottle of bubbles, make your largest star shape about 0.75 inch (20mm). Product Details Chip-shaped bubble wand Automated blower Lights up when in use Includes bulb of bubble fluid Three switch modes: lights and bubbles /. Click and drag your star shapes to size and arrange them above the Tuba artwork.Click and drag your Tuba to place it where you want on your material. A wand (stick) with a loop at one end for dipping into soap solution so bubbles may be formed by subsequently passing air through the.Copy and paste as many of these as you'd like to add to your design.Change the number of points to 50, and adjust the sharpness to 10. When the star appears on your workspace, you’ll also see the Star settings window. Help Stitch blast off on a space adventure by flipping the switch on this bubble wand to light-up his rocket and send a stream of bubbles out the back.On the upper toolbar, click Insert Shape, and then click Insert star. Spend hours making (and popping) really giant bubbles with this wands-and-rope from the amazing Dr Zigs The wands are 40cm long, suitable for everyone.Next, we’ll add a star from the Insert shape toolbar to your workspace. After a tiny bit of processing, the artwork will appear in your workspace. On the upper toolbar, click Import artwork.Ensure the piping is inside the bottle.4. Jump into summer with these personalized fun makers. Attach spherical shaped bottle by screwing the bottle opening into bottom of the bubble wand.
Bubble wand how to#
Award wining bubbles that are officially AMAZING - super strong and long lasting, multi coloured and enormous, they will bring joy and magic whenever and wherever they are used.In this tutorial, we'll show you how to make fun, custom bubble wands in just minutes using Premium Creative Tools.
Instruction sheet with tips and tricks of Dr Zigs Giant Bubbles included with kitsĭr Zigs Giant bubble mix is produced in Snowdonia to a top secret recipe formulated by a marine biologist, that has taken 8 years to perfect.
Bubble wand free#
Giant bubble mix is guaranteed phosphate and palm oil free.
Bubble wands are made from sustainably sourced wood, with 100% natural untreated cotton ropes.
electrical inspection services, japanese handkerchief, luggage cases for sale. If you are looking for the most impressive, biggest and longest-lasting bubbles, then Dr Zigs award winning Giant bubble mix will not disappoint! Produced in Snowdonia to a secret recipe, and with top environmental and social ethics, Dr Zigs giant bubbles are sure to bring a smile to the faces of anyone using them! Shop the cheapest selection of bubble wand machine, 60 Discount Last 3 Days.
For children and adults 3 years of age and over.
Bubble ropes made from 100% natural untreated cotton.
Wands made from sustainbly sourced wood.
Each wand is 40cm long and includes the giant bubble rope.
It has shorter handles for ideal for younger children from 3 years upwards, and a single loop rope between them which will produce giant bubbles! You will love making giant bubbles with this Dr Zigs Kiddie Giant bubble wand - perfect for parties, fun at the park or at the beach. The giant bubble wand will make the biggest giant bubbles. Make enormous bubbles for everyone with the Dr Zigs Kiddie Giant Bubble Wand! Contains one bubble wand for younger children and adults alike to enjoy the magic of long-lasting giant bubbles.
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bodymmorg · 2 years
Boot camp mac download
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#Boot camp mac download mac os#
#Boot camp mac download install#
#Boot camp mac download install#
By following the tutorial, you can also install older versions of Windows OS. In this tutorial, we will see how we can install Windows 11 on Mac without Boot Camp. you can download the Windows support software and copy a Windows 7 ISO. However, Boot Camp doesn’t support the latest Windows 11 OS and hence you need another way to install Windows 11 without Boot Camp. Boot Camp lets you install Windows on a Mac computer in its own partition, so you. It helps you download drivers and create partitions to install Windows on Mac. If you’re a Mac user and want to install Windows OS, you have to use Boot Camp, a utility that comes with Mac to let you switch between macOS and Windows OS. I bought a MacBook 13 Pro M1 maxed out, I went out and bought a new Windows 10 the most expensive one and as I attempt to install it on the Book 13 Pro M1 and click on the Icon that is already installed that says Boot Camp Assistance thinking I'm good to go because.
#Boot camp mac download mac os#
There are performance-enhancing features, support for Android apps, window layout options, and multi-monitor functionality on the latest Windows operating system. If you are unable to download Boot Camp drivers on your Mac computer for some reason or want to download Boot Camp on a Windows PC. Chavez0321 wrote: One of the main reason buy Mac's is Boot Camp Assistance were it allows me to switch from Mac OS to Windows OS. It is not available as a stand-alone download. The beautiful and more consistent design has been optimized for screen space to allow more focus and attention. It will be added to the USB drive you create with Boot Camp Assistant. Windows 11 makes it easier for users to maximize their productivity and improve the experience with many tools and features. It has been over six years since a major OS release and the Redmond-based software giant brought something new for its users with the latest release. Microsoft released Windows 11, its newest operating system on October 5, 2021.
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the-dragongirl · 3 years
Hello tumblr. I have returned from a long period of inactivity, because I must bring the good word to the corner of the Star Wars fandom that used to be my main fannish home: there is a new era of Star Wars canon that was made just for our taste. It is called the High Republic.
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The High Republic is an giant multi-media project being carried out by the Lucasfilm story group to create a brand new era of Star Wars canon. It is set a few hundred years before the prequel era (so, a long time after the Old Republic era), in a period of peace and stability within the Republic. It currently includes several English language adult novels, a YA novel, two serialized comics, a manga, some short stories, and some short video blurbs published on facebook and youtube. A TV show for Disney+ has also been announced, but is a few years off. This project is unique in Star Wars, in that all of the different parts are being written together by one writing team, and are coordinated to tell a cohesive story. Also, what has been announced is just the beginning – they have stated that there will be three different sections of the High Republic, and everything we have had announced so far is just part one. As a note: this is an era for which there was NO pre-existing canon in Legends, so it is totally new territory.
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There are SO many reasons why the High Republic is worth your time to explore. I will try to outline some of them here below the cut (without any significant spoilers).
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This is the era for everyone who loves the Jedi and wants to understand how they got to the point they did in the prequel era. It shows Jedi at their best: saving people, working together, being completely in tune with the Force (in so many beautiful and original ways), demonstrating creativity and flexibility and being rewarded for it, actually thinking through the ethics of things like the mind trick, and DEALING with their emotions rather than repressing them. It shows us how the rigid Jedi culture was saw in the prequels was a corruption of something that was originally healthy and uplifting. Jedi in this era are allowed to be flawed, and to grow, and have a community that supports them in doing so. This is the Jedi culture so many of us created as fix it fic for the prequel era, but made canon.
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There are some serious problems in the High Republic Era. Without spoilers, the era opens with a terrible humanitarian crisis, laid over the Republic equivalent of the New Deal from US history.  We see a lot of examples of people doing their best to be good to each other, and working for a more just and kind galaxy. They acknowledge that things are not perfect, but people from many different backgrounds (Jedi, politicians, farmers, pilots, business people) work together to try and make things better. I don’t know about you all, but with the darkness we see in the world today, I NEED some of that optimism in my escapist media. The High Republic provides that.
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The existing material so far is structured to really let you emotionally invest in the characters and their struggles. Unlike with many eras of Star Wars canon, characterization is not sacrificed for the sake of plot (though never fear, there is PLENTY of plot). That means there is huge scope for empathy. I’m not going to lie; I cried within the first three chapters of Light of the Jedi, as did several other people I know. It is POIGNANT in a way that feels truly genuine.
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The writing team understands that, in the end, Star Wars is space fantasy. If your space fantasy is nothing but serious, gritty grimdark, it becomes pretentious and unbearable. So, for all that there is some heavy content in the High Republic (VERY heavy content – the Nihil should really have their own content warning), it has many moments of levity that keep it from taking itself too seriously. For example, the High Republic made Jedi bodice rippers canon. Also, characters like Geode exist (yes, that rock there is a CHARACTER). The result is something which honors the spirit of Star Wars, and keeps you engaged without being tedious or ridiculously depressing.
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The main writing team consists of five people: Justina Ireland, Claudia Gray, Charles Soule, Daniel José Older, and Cavan Scott. You will note that includes two people of color, two women, and one out Queer person (in fact, one of the writers is all three of those things). This is a far cry from the white-cis-straight-man-dominated writing teams we have seen in the past. And when they bring in other people to the project, they make a point of looking for perspectives that aren’t represented on their team – for example, the manga is being co-written between Justina Ireland and Japanese writer Shima Shinya, and Ireland has stated in interviews that Shinya is taking the lead on the writing.
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That diverse writing team means a cast that looks WAY more like the real world than any other era of Star Wars we’ve seen, in terms of representation. There are multiple characters of color, who are both heroes and central to the story. There are at least five canonical queer characters to date (a MLM couple, an Ace character, and two NB character).  [EDIT: Thank you @legok9​ for letting me know about the NB characters]. Among binary gendered characters, there is a very even balance of men and women. The writing team has also stated that they will be incorporating more representation of disability in the works to come. And the story is so much better for it – representation is included here BECAUSE it makes for more creative, believable, and original storytelling.
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Because of the multiple formats, and the fact that it doesn’t rely on you knowing any prior lore, the High Republic offers many avenues to engage for people with all kinds of needs. Know nothing about Star Wars canon and feel intimidated about catching up? The canon is all new in this era anyway, so you’re fine. Can’t handle flashing lights? No problem – the little bit of video content that exists is totally free from the strobing effects that caused seizure and sensory issues. Need purely audio content? You can still have a full experience of the High Republic with the gorgeously sound-scaped audiobooks. Don’t have the attention span for books or long movies? Then the comics are your friend.
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Between the books aimed towards adults and teens (and their respective audiobooks), the kids books, the comics, the manga, the short stories, AND the eventual TV show on Disney+, there is going to be content in the High Republic that suits most audiences. And that is just what has been announced so far – there is still more to come for phases II and III. This isn’t Star Wars written towards one group or demographic – it is Star Wars for everyone.
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Because cosplayers and fanartists? This is the era for you. We are getting Jedi in silks with elaborate gold embroidery. Jedi with jewelry other decorative elements. Even the practical field uniforms have tooled and embossed leather. If you want to draw or make Jedi that have some of that that sweet LoTR-esque high fantasy aesthetic, the High Republic has your back. (Not going to lie – I am ALREADY imagining the time travel AUs. Put Obi-Wan in fancy clothes!)
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I strongly recommend everyone looking to get into the High Republic (who is old enough to be on Tumblr) start with Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule. I alternated between the physical book and the audio book, and found it delightful in both formats. After that, you have a lot of options. You can read or listen to the audio book of the YA novel A Test of Courage by Justina Ireland. You can check out the currently running Star Wars: The High Republic comic from Marvel, or the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic from IDW. Or you can skip straight to Into the Dark by Claudia Gray. Honestly, there is no wrong order to try out most of the High Republic.
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The High Republic is Star Wars written for people who DON’T want Star Wars to be a good ‘ol boys club for salty white dudes who don’t want to see anything but more of Luke Skywalker. It offers broad representation, and optimistic narrative, and whole bunch of awesome Jedi content. If you are someone who fell in love with Jedi in the prequel era, the High Republic will give you more of what you loved. And if you are totally new to Star Wars? The High Republic is here for you too.
So, go check it. And then go write fic for it (please, there are only, like, 14 fics on AO3, I am dying).
143 notes · View notes
Lindholm Family Headcanon Dump!
I know Michael Chu retracted the statement that Torbjorn has a bunch of kids, but Chu just quit so I make the rules now. It’s a LONG post under the cut because I got carried away. Mostly starring Torbjorn, but featuring Ingrid, Reinhardt, and Brigitte (plus a bunch of other kiddos that exist but I don’t have headcanon names for yet oops.) There won’t be any Bastion in this one because that’s an entire other post’s worth of content.
- Torb has a big family. He and Ingrid had a couple children of their own while he had a stable position in Overwatch, but they found out that they loved having little children around the house, so after all of their biological children moved out, they chose to volunteer in the foster system! This lead to them adopting at least four more kids. - Which means they drive a huge van everywhere.  - Both Ingrid and Torbjorn are masters at driving as a result. - They’re exactly equivalent in skill with one exception: Ingrid can parallel park the van, a skill he has yet to figure.
- Their house is pretty big (the Overwatch paycheck paid well, that, along with Ingrid’s income,) so there’s plenty of room for all of them. - There’s three levels: upstairs (for the bedrooms and playrooms,) downstairs (for entertaining spaces/the kitchen and stuff,) and finally, the basement, which is Torbjorn’s personal workshop. - Most third world countries would kill to have a workshop as good as his. - It’s all because Ingrid spoils him so much. He gets just as excited for Christmas as his kiddos do. - “The latest arc welder? Aww, honey, you shouldn’t have!” - Ingrid doesn’t work in his field, but she listens to his special interests dumps, and puts in enough research of her own, that she knows just what to get him every year. - Ingrid doesn’t like getting gifts as much as he does, so for Christmas, he always makes sure to spend quality time with her. He jokes that he ‘sucks at planning dates’ but he really doesn’t! For her, it’s nothing but the top restaurants and most exciting experiences. She loves going ice skating in particular, something that he hates but will always do with her. - Torbjorn and Ingrid split the cooking equally. They’re a bit traditionally gendered with what they like to cook, with Torb leaning more towards grilling and Ingrid preferring baking, but it suits them just fine. - Their grill, along with every other cooking contraption in the house, has been upgraded in some way. In fact, Torb’s the one who grills only because Ingrid still can’t figure out how to use the damn thing since he upgraded it. - Their house is covered in contraptions of all sorts. Other than the grill, Ingrid utilizes every single one of them. Meals get served and sent around via chutes. The floors sweep and mop themselves automatically when they’re dirty. The dishwasher loads, washes, and unloads itself in record time. - You know the zany contraptions in the Addam’s family house? Think that, but more brightly colored. - However, Ingrid’s taste in interior decorating is the opposite of gothic or minimalist- she loves quirky, unique features and bright colors. - She loves thrifting.  - The huge chair they got for Reinhardt in the living room was a thrift store find that she’s still very proud of. - She also has an old-fashioned “live laugh love” wall with all of the family portraits. She knows it’s cheesy, but it’s nostalgic for her.  - She doesn’t just bring furniture home. She also brings home cats. - That’s right. Brigitte got her cat love from Ingrid. - It’s a long-standing tradition, with the first cat she brought home was over thirty years ago when they were a new couple. - Torbjorn swore that it would be her cat and that he wouldn’t take care of it. - He was wrong. - Very wrong. - He now loves his cats and calls them cutesy nicknames in whatever language he feels like in the moment. - He built them automated feeders, automated litter boxes, and even some automated toys. He spoils them rotten. - Every time Ingrid brings home a new cat it’s the same routine. He swears that this will be the last one and that he’s not taking care of this one! But that’s wrong and he knows it. - But, because Ingrid’s always bringing things home, she’s a little more tolerant when Torbjorn brings. . . a specific Omnic. . . home.
- But that’s a whole other fanfic that I would need to write, so instead, back to the parenting! - Ingrid is 100% a feral soccer mom. Torbjorn is just as bad. - They’re the ones screaming their lungs out at sports games.  - They have a house rule where their kids have to participate in one extracurricular sport. It can be school teams, club teams, or even just working out on their own, but fitness is something that both Ingrid and Torb consider important. - Torbjorn, of course, built his own gym in the basement. He trained with Brigitte, and now he trains with another one of his daughters who’s taken an interest in weight-lifting. - But this all doesn’t mean that the Lindholms discourage more creative talents! - Torbjorn crafted a giant steel board where any arts and crafts get hung with magnets. One of his little boys is an artist and he couldn’t be more proud.  - Brigitte experimented with metal art when she was a teenager, and many of her pieces are now permanent fixtures in the Lindholm home. - She crafted a particularly beautiful string of lights that hangs above the dining room table.
- Now it’s time for Uncle Reinhardt!!! - Okay, so maybe he’s called just ‘Reinhardt’ by the older kiddos, but everyone knows he’s essentially an uncle in all but blood. - He’s been invited to every holiday celebration for about. . . actually, he’s just always been there.  - He’s a true multi-generational staple. Brigitte can’t remember a holiday without him, and now the younger kiddos are getting doted on by him every Christmas.  - Rein loves telling stories for the children. He spends the entire car ride there planning his multi-hour epics. - Now that she’s older, Brigitte sometimes helps with the storytelling, contributing sound effects and such. - Something which just causes Torbjorn to laugh and shake his head. - Reinhardt also loves nothing more than being a walking jungle gym. As soon as he walks in the door, he’ll grab the nearest kiddo and put them on his shoulders. He’s often seen walking around with a kid in each arm and usually an extra hanging off his back. - Sometimes he gives Ingrid a heart attack when he starts throwing kids around, but hey, she’s known him long enough at this point that she (mostly) trusts him. - Everyone gets sad when Reinhardt has to leave, but he insists that there is justice that needs to be done. He soothes the kiddos by promising an even better story when he gets back.
- Now it’s time to get sad. . . here’s my Brigitte headcanons. . . - Brigitte was REALLY close with her father growing up. She spent so much of her time in his workshop learning from him, as one of the only Lindholm children to take a liking to machinery and engineering. - However, when she moved out. . . she found it difficult to escape his legacy. Everyone, many of the older industry professionals and the like, expected her to be just like her father. They tried to cajole her into finishing old weapons designs that Torbjorn had abandoned. - It was then that she learned the full extent of Torbjorn’s involvement in the Omnic Crisis. - She had a lot of trouble reconciling this news with her love for him. It’s still something she had great difficulty with.  - This shock played a big part in her decision to give up on finding a job in the industry and instead accompany Reinhardt on his travels. - It wasn’t a decision that Torbjorn endorsed, which hurt their relationship even further. - But it’s not like he doesn’t try to keep in touch. They call every other weekend or so to catch up, but there’s always a tension between them that neither one is ready to address.  - They will talk about it someday. They’ll figure things out. They care about each other too much for either one to give up.  - In the meantime, though, Brigitte has gotten a lot closer with her mother. She calls her much more often.  - They talk about all of the things that Brigitte wasn’t all that interested in when she was younger. Stuff like fashion, makeup, and more traditional advice, such as how to get a date or what it feels like to fall in love.  - Ingrid also makes sure to show her how the cats are doing over the online call.
- To be truthful, Ingrid isn’t too worried about Brigitte’s decision to live the rough-and-tumble lifestyle. It reminds her a lot of her own young adulthood, where she decided to pick up everything and move to the big city to get away from her parents. - She’s quick to remind Torbjorn that her own little rebellion is how they came to meet whenever he gets worried about Brigitte’s decision. - (They met at Ironclad. The only job Ingrid could find after her big move was working secretary. She fell head-over-heels for him immediately, while it took him a while to warm up.) - (Their first date was just walking around the city, with Torbjorn talking almost the entire time about random things he saw. He’d see the newest cars on the street and dive into what he knew about that industry. They’d pass by a construction sight and he’d point out what tool designs were similar to the ones he was working on.) - (When he realized that she was actually listening to him and taking him seriously, he agreed to a second date and never looked back.) - They aren’t a perfect couple- they’ve had their fair share of arguments, especially because they’re both deeply stubborn, but they’re always able to work it out in a way that makes them both happy. That skill is why they’ve lasted so long. - One thing they’ve never argued about, though, is Torbjorn’s commitment to duty. When they started dating he made it clear that his work was very important to him. Ingrid made it clear that she was willing to be patient. - It got hard when he was away for months at a time with Overwatch during the Crisis and its aftermath, but through constant online calls they managed. - The biggest surprise of Ingrid’s life was when he told her he wanted to have kids when the Crisis ended. - Turns out, having a major life crisis about how your career impacted the world makes someone want to find another purpose in life besides their career. - And thus, they dove into parenthood together. - Now they both couldn’t be happier :)
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congacoal61 · 3 years
Central Asia Encompassed
The least explored of Central Asia’s 5 Stans, Turkmenistan stays a land of thriller. Visit the Russian Bazaar, the Parthian Fortresses of Nisa and see the country’s magnificent Akhal-Teke horses. Reinstate the wow issue with a circuit of Ashgabat’s new city that includes rows and rows of marble buildings and gold monuments. Explore the centre of the nation with its unique “Gates of Hell” – the Darvaza Gas Crater. And step again into layers of history on the sprawling silk street settlement of Merv. Join our small group excursions to Turkmenistan and go where few travellers have gone before. As local tour firm, we offer finest price with rich experiences. We shall be glad to create the best vacationer program to Turkmenistan for you! Just fill within the form so we may know all of your preferences and necessities for the trip. Our travel specialist will contact you as quickly as possible and will offer you one of the best choices. We have just put together a listing of unimaginable travel locations and distinctive places of the world that might be incredibly fascinating for many individuals. All the destinations are briefly reviewed in a type of an interactive video presentation. But the tourism is a multi-dollar industry these days, so many companies and private guides try to current new, fresh and unconventional places to have a vacation or an lively trip. Meet-and-greet at Ashgabat International Airport and transfer to our lodge of choice . I even have led tours in over a hundred nations over the last 14 years of working for Adventures Abroad on all the continents except for Antarctica. Commissioned by first Turkmen president, Saparmurat Niyazov, the most important mosque in Central Asia is a feat of spectacular engineering. Some of our tour leaders who've led these excursions. Get extra value with all-inclusive trips that includes top-rated eating places and resorts. Then we'll proceed to Bukhara where we we keep for the night time. Rise and shine for a visit to the only World Heritage Site in Kyrgystan – Sulaiman-Too Sacred Mountain, also referred to as Solomon's Throne. For centuries Silk Road travellers have sought out the mountain's caves and their petroglyphs in the perception that they would be blessed with longevity. Visit the National Historical & Archaeological Museum Complex. Turkmenistan, The Land Of Weird I’ll admit that before we started to plan this journey, I would have failed all of the above. Turkmenistan is unlikely to feature on many travelers’ bucket lists. It has no world-famous sights and its visa regime makes journey bureaucratic and expensive. While this amazing 12th-century sight is one of the high sightseeing attractions in Turkmenistan, it isn't totally known what it truly is. Many people consider this is a mausoleum, but others suppose it may be a throne room. The Forbes ranking and the capital of cultureSibiu was located on the eighth place in rating of one of the best cities to stay in Europe made by Forbes journal. Citizens of Suceava are wanting to spend time outdoors – sitting on squares or in parks. Maybe you possibly can attempt your luck at taking half in chess or backgammon at certainly one of them with locals. Located on the river bank the Throne Tower was built on the end of the 14th century. The fort partially burned two centuries later after which was rebuilt. After other damages, it went into ruin and then lastly it was reconstructed in some components in the 20th century. A white line on the walls separate the unique fragments from the 20th-century ones. This is as a end result of Ashgabat, a metropolis of perhaps 600,000 folks, is the capital of Turkmenistan, one of many final holdouts of totalitarianism in the world. Turkmenistan Airlines presents home flights to Dashogus - 6 flights per day, Mary - 3 flights per day, Turkmenabat - 5 flights per day and Turkmenbashi - three flights per day, Balkanabat. Location is correct next to the Presidential Palace, so close to everything. Continental restaurant on the top flooring has nice views, it is attainable to snap photographs of many buildings not allowed on the ground, whereas the Turkish restaurant has high quality food at cheap costs. The membership and dance floor gets packed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night time after around 11 pm. "It is beautiful," mentioned the person, Kaka, and then kissed the fingertips of his proper hand with a smack. ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan — On summer time afternoons, as temperatures turn out to be stifling within the Kara Kum desert, the capital of Turkmenistan typically falls quiet. The resort is an attraction in its personal right- the experience right here is analogous to any luxurious lodge in Asia. Expect to return across lots of international workers, and girls of doubtful persuasion at the lodge bar. Tours » Central Karakum Desert & Merv In 2003 the widely respected former mufti of the country, Nasrullah Ibn Ibadullah, was changed, secretly tried, and sentenced in 2004 to 22 years in jail. While the 1995 census indicated that ethnic Russians comprised virtually 7 p.c of the population, subsequent emigration to Russia and elsewhere has reduced considerably this proportion. The latter is positioned at the foothills of the Eastern Kopetdag mountain range and is loaded with historical monuments. En route we will relaxation at the ruins of Abiverd medieval fortress in Kaahka and 15c mosque in Annau. We attain Ashgabat within the late afternoon with the the rest of the day left to relaxation, sit by the pool or discover the city by yourself. A journey exterior of city takes you to the ruins of the traditional metropolis of Nisa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was once the center of the Parthian Kingdom. In April, authorities summoned a Jehovah's Witness to a gathering with the Chairman of the Council on Religious Affairs, who accused her of hosting a prayer assembly at her family home. She was launched in change for signing an announcement that the cost was incorrect and that she wouldn't host such meetings in the future. The Government additionally controls and restricts access to Islamic schooling. The President specified that future annual classes of spiritual college students would be limited to between 15 to twenty students a year. Myoko Lodging To re-create the soft water widespread in Japan, the Changchun tub has Japanese-made tools to take away the minerals. "Shampoo does not lather properly" in China's exhausting water, mentioned Masamori Suzuki, a director at Gokurakuyu. "Getting a massage from a whirlpool bath feels good," said one satisfied customer in a web-based publish. Guest House Bunk is a bright and clean pension style guesthouse located close to the Akakan Resort ski lifts. Run by the friendly Sasahana-san, it is an ideal alternative for households with a snow play area right alongside that is simply supervised. Enjoy the ambience of the lounge/dining area in entrance of a log fireplace with picture home windows over forest and snowy fields. Red Warehouse in Akakura Onsen, Myoko is a family ski lodge with communal self contained amenities right in the heart of the ski village. The lodge is friendly Australian ski club style but with a Japanese twist. Red Warehouse household ski lodge enjoys a suberb ski in, location in Akakura Onsen, Myoko Kogen, just off the main street. It’s a very short walk to eating places, shuttle buses and ski schools/rentals yet solely less than 3 minutes walk/ski to the ski lifts. Staff lodging in Yuzawa consists of self-contained four or six individual apartments ten minutes' walk from Gala. Each house has it's own bathroom and kitchen, though most employees reap the advantages of a meal plan which is out there via Gala. A grocery store and ironmongery store are a brief walk from the accommodation, and the city has a chemist and a convenience store amongst other issues. After the coaching interval, as soon as you have transferred to your house for the remainder of the season, you'll stay in workers accommodation. Australian Museums And Galleries Affiliation Amaga National Convention They're the single most important group of cuneiform textual content ever found, and have formed the foundations of contemporary study of Assyria. This scholar-king's library contained an unparalleled quantity and vary of data. The Ashurbanipal Library Project is making the Library freely obtainable, and researching what this assortment is, and the way and why it was assembled. The collection grew following excavations on the Assyrian sites of Nimrud and Nineveh, which produced giant numbers of stone bas-reliefs together with the well-known Lion Hunt scenes. This battle emphasizes the divide between the Sunni and Shiʿa branches of Islam; Husayn led a resistance in opposition to what the Shiʿa Muslims believed was the Umayyads’ illegitimate rule. The focus of this painting is Husayn’s half brother, ʿAbbas, mounted on a white horse as he stabs a member of Yazid’s military. Individual episodes related to the agonies suffered by Husayn and his companions main as much as and through the battle are illustrated in smaller-scale vignettes on the left. The hereafter is shown on the proper, with Husayn and his companions in heaven above and their opponents in hell under. As collaborative artists, the Lubbesmeyers discover the essential parts of their environment, as translated from literal photographs that live in their minds. Through their inventive process, the twins distill these literal photographs into color and texture. If you have any questions about our identification service, please e mail the department advance of your visit so a member of workers can advise. The Department of the Middle East provides an object identification service. TheHigh Desert Museumis positioned simply 5 minutes south of Bend, Oregon on Hwy 97 and includes a Museum store and café. Open every single day besides the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Get a close-up of native wildlife, corresponding to an otter, burrowing owl, porcupine and badger. Turkmenistan The data doesn't often determine you instantly, but it can provide you a more personalised net experience. Click on the different class headings to search out out more and alter our default settings. However, you want to know that blocking some kinds of cookies might impression your expertise on the location and the companies we're in a place to supply. Russian is given the standing of "the language of interethnical communication." In 1990 nearly half the inhabitants earned wages under the official poverty line, which was 100 rubles per thirty days at that time. Only 3.four percent of the inhabitants obtained more than 300 rubles a month in 1990. In the three years after the onset of inflation in 1991, real wages dropped by forty seven.6 %, which caused a decline in the usual of residing for most residents. In 1990 Turkmen was declared the official language of the nation, and the transition from Russian to Turkmen was to be accomplished by January 1, 1996. However, given the ethnic diversity of the nation and the lack of up to date technical vocabulary in the Turkmen language, Russian continues to be generally used by many people, including Turkmen, in urban areas. In May 1992, it was introduced that Turkmenistan would change to a Latin based mostly, Turkish modified script. Geologists set it on hearth in 1971 to try to cease the spread of methane, and it has been on hearth ever since. It is an attractive sight that ought to positively be in your bucket list of places to go. However as it's in Turkmenistan, it is quite hard to entry as it is quite difficult to obtain a visa.The Turkmen authorities does hope it's going to turn into a preferred tourist attraction and it has the potential. It is strongly really helpful that you apply for a Turkmenistan visa earlier than travelling to Turkmenistan. Festivals & Holidays In Turkmeistan Some public holidays mirror Turkmenistan’s cultural milieu, while others centre on national occasions. Like many international locations within the region, Turkmenistan celebrates the spring festival of Nōrūz. The Islamic holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are likewise observed as public holidays. A day of remembrance is held on October 6 to pay respects to the victims of the devastating 1948 earthquake in Ashgabat. Each spring, greater than 200 cherry trees on the Brooklyn Botanic Garden are in full bloom. To have fun, the backyard hosts the weekend-long Cherry Blossom Festival, known by its Japanese name Sakura Matsuri. During the pageant, visitors enjoy scores of events celebrating Japanese tradition including J-pop live shows, traditional Japanese music and dance, taiko drumming, martial arts, bonsai-pruning workshops, tea ceremonies and manga artwork. National Museum of History, which contains a sizeable number of reveals representing 50,000 years of Turkmenistan’s historical past. Another museum, housed within the gold-domed Palace of Knowledge, celebrates and glorifies Niyazov. The city is full of marble edifices and golden statues, most of which had been erected throughout Niyazov’s presidency. Crazy for kites, Bali paints the sky in the course of the month of July with the annual three-day Kite Festival. Biggest is best when it comes to the kite flying competitions in Indonesia. Inquire essential information on occasions in Turkmenistan, such as finding the best occasion and pageant deals previous to leaving Indonesia. It wouldn’t be New Year’s Eve without the crystal ball drop in Times Square. In typical years, throngs collect in the surrounding streets to watch the performances and countdown to midnight, however the NYC event that ushered in 2021 was mostly a digital one. There is even one that has the former president, Saparmurat Niyazov using a horse, looking nearly heroic. Presently, the nation is pretty isolated from different nations and, tourism activities were minimal even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike much of the rest of the world, Bali rings within the new yr in silence. Nyepi begins three days earlier than the New Year with a cleansing ritual, adopted by a fascinating exorcism ceremony. Travelogues from Remote Lands is an online journey magazine that includes news, views, and critiques on the world of journey in Asia. Now more than ever discerning travelers need a sense of area and a feeling that where they're is really unique. In this Distance by Design issue, we look to the future of travel in the coming year, focusing on wellbeing, open areas, islands, wildlife, and private jet travel. The Means To Open A Present Shop In Your Lodge If you need a peek at Uzbek luxurious, look no further than the Tosh-Hovli Palace, which was built in the first half of the 19th century. Wander via elaborately adorned courtyards linked by labyrinthian corridors. You could spend about half a day shopping in Hanoi for silk objects like scarves, silk clothes, wall hangings, luggage and so on. If you have publish trip lodging booked with us, additionally, you will need to arrange excursions to further discover Ashgabat. You may seek the guidance of your Turkmen leader on what to book and what to do for your post tour days at an extra expense. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to depart your resort and not using a information in Ashgabat. Take a 40-minute drive to Merv, also called Margiana or Margush, and enjoy some time to explore Turkmenistan's most recognised web site. This is a giant, uncharasmatic lodge with rooms that are a bit shabby, but a good price range choice all the same. Located subsequent to the American embassy and might be your best mixture of price and quality. Yildiz lodge has a wonderful bar and restaurant on the top ground. In the primary ground, the Museum houses displays of silver jewellery for ladies and horses, and replicas of the golden bull- and wolf-head sculptures from Altyn Depe. Cable car, opened in 2006, climbing as much as 1290 meters, offering spectacular views over town with the desert in the background. Eating Places & Cafes Dining options include streetside stalls and cafes, non-public eating places, chaikhanas and, best of all, personal properties. You'll discover a variety of Russian and European beer . From a fresh pot, the primary cup of tea is usually poured away after which a piala of tea is poured out and returned twice into the pot to brew the tea. Kaimak Pure sweet cream, skimmed from fresh milk that has sat in a single day. A wickedly tasty breakfast item, that's wonderful with honey. Central Asians are keen on dried fruits and nuts, notably apricots and apricot stones, which when cracked open have a pith that tastes like pistachios. At any time of year you may discover delicious walnuts, peanuts, raisins and almonds, plus great jams (sea-buckthorn jam is an actual treat) and wonderful mountain honey . Wilbur and Salvador were our butlers who had been amazing. Additionally, we had a great time with the Recreation team. In Turkmenistan, Backed Meals Comes With Strings Hooked Up This research report has been ready utilizing the confirmed WMStrategy's methodology, including a blend of qualitative and quantitative data. The info comes from official sources and insights from market specialists , gathered by semi-structured interviews. For this explicit report, more than 10 market expert interviews have been carried out with consultants from the main market companies (producers, distributors, retailers, suppliers, and so on.). The full listing of interviewed experts and an in depth methodology can be found upon request. Turkmenistan’s economic system stays one of the most repressed in the Index. In some circumstances, if residents do not handle to buy their monthly allotment earlier than the tip of the month, they had been no longer eligible for that month’s allotment. In Ashgabat, observers have lately reported shoppers being pressured to buy undesirable goods that they may not be ready to afford, corresponding to costly rice or bottled water, at elevated prices to be allowed buy staples similar to cooking oil on the subsidized value. Browse 273 turkmenistan market inventory photos and images obtainable, or seek for kyrgyzstan to find extra great inventory photos and photos. Republic of Turkmenistan is situated in Central Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea, between Iran and Kazakhstan. The country's natural assets are petroleum, natural fuel, coal, sulfur, and salt. These financial complexity rankings use 6 digit exports categorized based on the HS96 classification. We think about solely international locations with inhabitants of at least 1 million and exports of at least $1 billion, and products with world commerce over $500 million. To discover completely different rankings and vary these parameters visit the customized rankings part. The high export alternatives for Turkmenistan according to the relatedness index, are Crude Petroleum (0.067), Gold (0.054), Insect Resins (0.052), Other Oily Seeds (0.05), and Other Nuts (0.05). Turkmenistan Adventure Tours, Journeys & Journey Carry the name and handle of your hotel in Turkmen to indicate to drivers to return back. In addition you need to pay an additional tax for the government sponsored fuel costs, relying on the distance of your travel in Turkmenistan. Khoja Alem Baba is located near the city of Kaka, about a hundred thirty km south east of Ashgabat. Travelers ought to be prepared for journey restrictions to be enforce with little or no advance notice. Embassy Ashgabat for added data on these new measures. The constructing reminds me of Dubai’s Burj al-Arab; not only is it the fanciest resort on the town, it’s additionally one of Ashgabat’s iconic, futuristic buildings. This UFO-like construction from Soviet instances looks like it just landed throughout from Ak-Altyn resort once I look via the window the primary morning in Ashgabat. As we’re not keen on performing animals, we’re satisfied with seeing this cool construction from the surface. This isn't just any guide, you see, but the Book of the Soul, aka Turkmenbashi’s autobiography and ponderings. Every evening at 20.00 hrs, the quilt opens and a recording from the book is performed. My first thought on seeing Ashgabat was how much it reminded me of Astana . 搬家 , futuristic structure, lit up in each colour of the rainbow at night. If you're male, try to not walk with a female companion - police might think of this of walking with a prostitute and might simply arrest you. A "tourism tax" of US$ 2 per day was introduced in August 2017 and count on it to be added to your lodge bill. Not many Turkmens could have a primary understanding of English, even in the capital metropolis. Turkmenistan has no much less than one every day prepare between main cities within the country. Tickets cannot be purchased online and trains fill up fast so make sure to get one prematurely. Train classes are typical for the ex-Soviet Union however most of soviet trains have been changed with modern Chinese air-conditioned cars. Flights are subsidised, and due to gas costs, extraordinarily cheap. Central Asia It is the one former Soviet republic to have a constantly constructive trade steadiness because the collapse of the Soviet Union. Turkmenistan has a crucial shortage of industrial capacity to process its agricultural merchandise and natural assets, a state of affairs that has deteriorated considerably since 1991. Turkmenistan's 2006 oil production dropped by 0.5 million tons in 2005 to 9 million tons. With the 2006 harvest of 850,000 tons, Turkmenistan is the second largest cotton producer within the former Soviet Union after Uzbekistan. Turkmenistan was largely made up of nomadic tribes when it received its independence, and the nation continues to revere horses. It has a nationwide vacation in honor of them and horses and riders carry out daring tricks in year-round reveals across the country, as under. And the capital city, Ashgabat, was noted by the Guinness Book of World Records as the house of the most white marble-clad buildings in the world. A picture taken on May 3, 2014, reveals individuals visiting "The Gateway to Hell," an enormous burning gas crater within the coronary heart of Turkmenistan's Karakum desert. He follows within the footsteps of the country's first president, Saparmurat Niyazov, who named the month of January after himself, constructed a $50 million theme park and told people to look after their teeth by chewing on bones. A 69-foot gold leaf statue of Berdymukhamedov riding a horse was unveiled in the capital metropolis of Ashgabat in 2016 — called "The Protector." The country doesn't allow many individuals in, and its president is a fan of exhibiting off by way of picture ops and gold statues. I Stayed In Turkmenistan In A Hotel Run By Secret Police It is very straightforward to search out suitable accommodation in Ashgabat at an inexpensive price. You can get pleasure from a cushty keep for as cheap as $10. If you may be fortunate, then you may get lodging at a less expensive fee. You can get a transit visa — however that’ll solely provide you with three to five days within the nation . Travelling from Iran and must guide a resort room in Ashgabat or different cities Turkmenistan? Open supply journey information to Turkmenistan, that includes up-to-date info on sights, resorts, eating places, nightlife, journey suggestions and more. It being unclear if our room was bugged, as many hotels, cafés and public places in Ashgabat are, I determined to maintain my counsel as to my first impressions. Eating out is likely one of the many pleasures of visiting Turkmenistan. After a protracted day on the seashore, you'll be absolutely rested and may enjoy a enjoyable evening out in Aruba. Dance the night time away at certainly one of our electrifying nightclubs. When the good and cozy Aruban solar sets, the cool evening breezes carry the sounds of laughter, dance, and Caribbean rhythms. No longer a Sofitel however still one of the best hotels in Ashgabat. Location is right subsequent to the Presidential Palace, so near all of the city’s primary sights.
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mi6021huwfenny · 4 years
Inspirations and Influences
I really enjoyed the conceptual integrity of Boom is Life. It was transcendent, the sheer workmanship and the execution of the production. The combination of both stop motion and 2D elements was a great influence for the concept of my own work. The poetic monologue over the unique visual stimuli, the neon yellows and greens mixed with the contrasting darkness, made the film feel like it had heightened production quality and impeccable idea development on the creators part. It was very idiosyncratic and I was passionate about replicating this into my own work. I am really just curious about multi-media expressionism. placing a 2D character into a home-made 3D environment was an incredibly inspired choice by all accounts and I would like to do something similar by using both 2D and stop motion together in unison for my final project.
Hanging by a Thread was also a strong influence on my work. I liked the incorporation of mental health and the manic state of mind within the short video. I found the inclusion of self exploration and mental health stigma really enriched the concept and I found in most of my work I like to explore mental health and using animation, and other forms of art, as a way to explore self expression and visually show ones struggles and mental health. It uses less complex story telling and narrative, focusing on primarily visual stimuli. And the fact that the film was made by hand using stop motion really interests me.  
I found this film a few years ago, because as a child I was always interested in Peter and the Wolf - especially the Disney version which I had on video cassette. I think it was a Merrie Melodies episode, in the same vein as Silly Symphonies but I cannot be sure. From what I can remember, the wolf in the animation was lumbering but lithe, a being of power and as a child, very traumatic. This may have influenced my dreams and influenced me to find fear and horror interesting as a concept. 
This version of the classic story was recreated in 2006, by a team of animators from Poland, the UK, Norway, Mexico and Switzerland. It is a 30 minutes short film set in Russia and was created using stop motion animation. There is an uncanny realism to it that is reminiscent of Laika productions and films, it is also similar to Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr Fox with the use of real fur. The environments are so rich with atmosphere and add so much to the film. 
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Above, Disney’s Peter and the Wolf (1946)
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Above, “Piotruś i wilk” [Peter and the Wolf], (2006)
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Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Fantastic Mr Fox, directed by Wes Anderson, is a poignant influence for my work. The wolf has only a few seconds of screen time but it is powerful and commands a powerful screen presence. It is used as a metaphor for the wild side of Mr Fox, as is shown visually by having the animals all anthropomorphic and bipedal, except the character of the wolf. It has no lines of dialogue and simply stares at the characters curiously. 
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“Chirin’s Bell” or “Ringing Bell” (1978)
To a lesser extent, the underrated 1978 anime Chirin’s Bell influenced the idea development of my work. Following a lamb who’s family is slaughtered by a wolf, travels to the wolfs lair to become the wolfs apprentice so he would never feel as powerless as he did when he was unable to protect his family. As the lamb grows he becomes a formidable creature and joins the wolf on his hunts. They attack the farm where Chirin lived as a lamb. Chirin suffers PTSD and attacks the wolf before he can murder innocent sheep. Chirin kills the wolf and goes back to his flock, they reject him. He has become stronger but he is, much like the wolf, feared. He has become the thing he hated the most as a child and now the only person he had by his side, the wolf, was dead by Chirin’s own hand (hoof?). Chirin travels back to the cave alone, presumably to die. 
I found the wolf both as a teacher and as an animal with urges and faults was an interesting narrative device. As if, although guided through life by a teacher, the outcome and flaws of such a thing can have dire consequences.
My Depression Is Like Having A Bad Dog https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kayeblegvad/dog-years
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I read this article a few years ago and it always stuck with me. This is a major influence on my idea and work. I found it incredibly relatable at the time, and now, as I have grown and developed as an artist and a person, it still gets me in my soul. It was reflective of my mind state and allowed me to visualise my issues such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thought into more real, malleable things. The metaphorical extension of using an animal as a way to express your depressions behaviour really inspired me to create this project.
Mood boards
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As a pseudo-cinephile, I wanted to encapsulate the mood and feeling into my work that resonates with myself and can properly convey a feeling towards an audience that can help them understand. 
I love A Clockwork Orange and Trainspotting, and I find opening scene of A Clockwork Orange (referenced in Trainspotting) interesting as an image. I wanted to pay homage to it, as an outsider - not self proclaimed but scathingly honest - it shows the characters as both young and misguided, as well as something unsettling, something not quite right. As they are holding milk in the scene, this shows innocence and naivety. I wanted to have something similar in my own film. 
8 Mile, Quadraphenia and Donnie Darko also focus on the outsider. People that are rejected from their societal groups and are neglected for being different. The use of white space, in Coroline (and to a lesser extent Mac Miller’s music video for Self Care) is something I am eager to experiment with. Its a beautiful way of exploring loneliness and separation of reality, akin to the dissociative effects of depression. This also allowed me to explore the use of black and white in film as an artistic tool. Sometimes it is uses as a flashback (American History X), and others it is used to create tone within a film (Raging Bull).
I was interested in stop motion since I started the course. And I find the works of Laika Studios. Will Vinton, the late founder of Laika Studios created fascinating character models
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I thought the imagery of the berserker was an interesting motif to add to my work as I liked the notion of it. I was a man who wore an animal pelt to empower himself, however I wanted the juxtaposition of the narrator wearing a wolf pelt and being weak and vulnerable - the polar opposite of the berserker’s purpose. 
With the addition of Peter and the Wolf for inspiration, I also referred to Grimm's Fairy Tales for inspiration. The image of the wolf has been moulded, in my opinion, through folklore and fairy tales for millennia. I thought that having the start of the animation as a quasi-Charlie and Lola-esuqe style would appeal to the thought of children's books and would give the beginning a strange, unnerving quality. The wolf from the Never Ending Story was also an influence, as it shares the overall appearance with my own designs as a black wolf with haunting yellow eyes and giant teeth. 
Milt Kahl’s use of animation in old Disney films such as The Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood was interesting, the constant line movement and the inconsistencies in appearance of certain characters appealed to me greatly. Especially the different designs of wolves through out Disney’s 2D animated era.
Isle of Dogs and Fantastic Mr. Fox, both directed by Wes Anderson, were heavy influences on how I wanted the wolf to appear and move. Using real fur because I liked how it would move about when they were animated.  
Hemlock Grove also deals with wolves, however they are more of the lycanthrope kind. I liked how in one scene the wolf appears from the jaws of one of the characters during a transformation and I wanted to pay homage to that in my animation.
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nautiscarader · 4 years
Wendip Week day 5 - Time Travel
Also this was supposed to be short and yet it is 2.5k and still has no plot
- I'm really glad you agreed to help us. - Wendy gave her best friend a kiss to the cheek and waved her children goodbye - We're gonna be by ten. Tyrone, Emma, be good to auntie Tambry. - We'll be back before you know it. - Dipper said, as much to his children, as to the babysitter.
The door to their cozy, two-storey wooden house closed, and the sound of engine soon reached them from the outside, as Dipper and Wendy left for a well-deserved evening alone to celebrate their anniversary. Tambry grabbed a can of Pitt Cola from the kitchen and jumped onto the sofa.
- So, what do you guys want to do? Play some board games, or do you want me to tell you stories? Heh, I have some pretty embarrassing stories about your folks and-
It took Tambry a paralysingly long moment to notice that she has been talking to no one the whole time. She jumped to her feet and frantically looked around, trying to spot all the possible places for a seven- and ten-years old, quickly coming to realisation that there were way too many of them.
But there was only one where a noise was coming from.
The basement.
At once, Tambry dropped her can and rushed downstairs. Other parents might have worried that their children would accidentally break bottles of wine, or cut themselves on some of daddy's tools, but in Dipper and Wendy's case, the consequences of wandering into their basement unprotected were far, far more severe. Apart from the sharp tools and bottles of intoxicants, their basement was a home to their treasure vault.
In the past twenty or so years, the couple (with occasional help from Tambry and others) have travelled around States and the world, to all the places Ford has marked as "of interest". And over the two decades, they have collected many treasures, as well as many objects of interest they kept in their ultra-secure vault, locked not only with technology, but also spells and enchantments.
And when Tambry saw it it wide open, it did not surprise her in the slightest. After all, those were Wendy and Dipper's kids. Tambry's mind went berserk, trying to imagine what the kids could have touched, and as she got into the vault, she saw the Time Tape, a relict from Wendy and Dipper's short-lived part-time job as time agents.
The kids turned their heads around, and just as they began disappearing, Tambry launched herself forward, and as her finger brushed the wobbly, ephemeral surface of time rift, she was pulled forward, but instead of slamming her head against the opposite wall, she began falling, deeper than she ever had, flying though time vortex itself, filled with clocks and occasional telephone boxes, some of which contained two stoned guitarists.
Just as she thought she would feel sick, she felt pain in her arm when she collided with ground.
Tambry turned around, her mind still on Wendy and Dipper's kids. She recognised the place already: she was on the same hill where Woodstick concert was taking place, evidently still with the crowd of attendees. The whole place was filled with people, but as she looked around, Tambry immediately saw two familiar figures: one red-haired boy and one brown-haired girl, just on the verge of the forest, and she leapt towards them, shouting with her last breath.
- Tyrone! Emma! - she grabbed their shoulders Why did you-
But as she looked at the two children, her heart sank as she began noticing subtle differences. Emma didn't have green eyes. Tyrone's hair wasn't as long. And he wasn't as tall as he used to be a moment ago. Emma didn't have a beauty mark on her cheek.
The strange kids stared at her in confusion, but as she was about to ask what happened, she heard a murmur from the crowd behind her. And when she turned around, she nearly fainted. She suddenly realised that the crowd she passed by weren't random people.
As the dozens, if not hundreds of children turned their heads at the same time, in a near-synchronised motion, Tambry began noticing the same features over and over again: red hair, freckles, chestnut hair, birthmarks, brown and green eyes...
- Hi, Aunt Tambry! - spoke the children in blood-freezing, eerie, collective cheer. - What the fu-
And then, she was falling again, through the asphalt, the ground, and the vortex again, but this time, with all the red- and chestnut-haired children. She was still frantically looking for Tyrone and Emma, but she quickly realised it was a futile attempt, and by the time she thought that, she felt pain in her back again, as she landed, this time, in a spacious, gold-and-marble hall.
She expected she would hear hundreds of cries of the children, as they would landed and sprain her ankles or broke their arms, but so far, she was the only one who mis-landed, while every sing;e child or teenager around got onto their feet as if they just exited a school bus.
- Emma? Tyrone?
Tambry asked, being helped by two children, and to her relief, she finally found them, rushing towards her with tears in their eyes.
- Auntie Tambry, we-we are sorry... - Emma cried, closing her arms around her waist. - Yeah, we messed up... - the older boy spoke, without meeting her eyes and joined his sister. - That's... that's okay, kids, everything is fine...
Tambry knelt and brought them into a tight, warm hug, glad things finally started making sense.
And as she opened her eyes, she saw a giant, floating head.
The Time Baby boomed, filling the air in the courtroom with its mighty voice.
For the next five minutes, the giant, floating baby continued listing - from the sound of it - names of every single son and daughter of Wendy and Dipper present in the hall. And then it spoke Tambry's name as well, as if she was a punchline to a very long joke.
- DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? - Uh, yeah, about that, I don't. - Tambry spoke, crossing her arms. - Who-who are you guys? I know Wendy and Dipper have been busy once they retired from adventuring, but not THAT much...
Immature snickering erupted around her.
- Auntie Tambry, it's real simple. - Emma tugged her shirt to bring her attention. - All of us here are kids of our parents from alternate universes. Our time-siblings if you will. - Yeah! - another girl, around age of fifteen agreed - Like, in our timeline, our mom and dad are bad-ass freedom fighters... - ...our parents were the same age when they met! - ...my dad moved to Oregon permanently! - ...my mom moved to California! - ...our parents first broke up but then got together again! - ...our parents attended the same sports school! - ...our parents run a coffee-shop!
Everyone in the hall, including the primordial, pan-dimensional Time Baby, collectively groaned.
- Okay, is there *someone*, who can explain to me how to untangle this mess? - Tambry cried in anger - Because I didn't sign up for this... - "Untangle" is, in fact, the correct word.
The crowd of one purple- and many chestnut- and red-heads turned towards the new voice, and just when Tambry thought that something would start making sense, she hiccuped when she understood who just greeted her.
- Waddles! - the crowd of Wendy and Dipper's offspring cheered in unison, and ran towards the chubby pink pig that flew into the courtroom in his leaving chair, Tambry more perplexed than a moment ago. - Indeed, I am Waddles, though not the one you know. I am a distant descendant of the one, brave pig you call Waddles, and who is known in our civilisation as the "Oink-Father". - I need a drink... - Tambry hid her face in hands. - But Tambry here is right - Waddles continued, as he circled the room, until he flew towards the screen - It would seem that one set of children travelled back in time, modified the past, altering their future. Then, another set of kids travelled from the now-changed future, their present, to the same past, hoping to fix it, but modifying it again. Repeat that around, er, seventy-two times, and you get the results!
Waddles spread his stubby trotters, pointing to the crowd of time-travelling children, and continued.
- Your many time travels have twisted the time continuum into a knot-like structure. What's worse, the many parallel universes you've created have ended some of them, and began new ones.
As he spoke, the singular line on the enormous screen began twisting and turning, until it resembled a ball of yarn that has been a target of a whole litter of hyperactive kittens.
- However, hope is not lost. You will find that in order to solve this multi-dimensional conundrum, we must simply use a trivially easy algebraic property of inverting the product.
At least a dozen of children around Tambry let out a collective gasp of understanding and began nodding.
- Er, come again? - Tambry spoke to the talking pig, feeling somewhat overwhelmed. - Simply speaking, you first put on your underwear, and then your pants. But if you want reverse the process, you must first take off your pants, and then the underwear.
The future Waddles looked down at his body.
- I assure you, this analogy is true, even though I have very little experience in that matter. - So... you mean that we need to find which groups of kids brought which one with them, put them in order, and then, like, escort them back, one by one, from the end? - Precisely!
Tambry cursed her best friend under her breath.
- I will never babysit any of you. - she grumbled - I might even never speak to Wendy again either. - she threw a paralysing glare at the crowd of children around her. - Heh, funny story - one of the teenage boys spoke - In our universe, you and our parents... er, kinda-sorta... Ah, never mind, you'll find out. Maybe. - Okay, someone give me some ultra-strong coffee from the future, or something, and let's do this.
And so, it began. Tambry lined up each group of kids together, and after much reorganising they began jumping through time. From universes that looked completely similar to hers, through those still aflame in Weirdmageddon, to those that were literally the mirror ones of hers, complete with traffic signs flipped horizontally, Tambry began the longest school trip of her life, escorting the cavalcade of children, trying her might to keep them holding their hands in line, which was much easier said than done when you are attacked by pterodactyls, or have to swim through the river of chocolate.
After hours, maybe days - she couldn't tell, and she was afraid to ask the children, who she suspected had an answer - she was left with just two kids. The ones she swore to protect, and whom she has failed miserably.
- Okay, guys. Can you tell me WHY IN HECK did you decide to do this?!
Emma and Tyrone looked at each other with shame, and showed her a photo on Tyrone's smarter-phone. A photo only they could have taken. Wendy Corduroy, age 15, kneeling in front of 13-year-old Dipper Pines, as she was telling him goodbye after their first summer spent together. Their future father was still perplexed by Wendy's act of taking his hat and swapping it for hers. She was saying something, but only they knew what they talked about, though Dipper's reddened cheeks gave Tambry a good indication what was Wendy's farewell message.
- We... we wanted to give our parents something for their anniversary. - And we thought we could go back to when they first met, you know, and take a picture. - Emma looked at her younger parents - Look how cute they are! Especially dad! - Yeah, he was heads over heels about your mom. - Tambry smiled. - Except we messed up... Turns out it really matters if you spook that goat and she runs left instead of right! - Hey, it's okay. - Tambry ruffled the boy's hair. - You put all the things back in place?
The two nodded eagerly.
- Okay, we can go back.
Tambry took the time tape, and was about to pull it one last time, but she decided to give it to the children.
- You do it. You know better than me how to use it.
For the last time Tambry felt the now-familiar feeling of her insides somersaulting, and, for the first time, she has managed to land on her feet. Seventy time travels taught her when to flip instead of flopping, something the children seemed to have grasped instantly.  
She opened eyes. They were back in the vault, in one piece, and just as she was about to say something, she heard the familiar sound of engine.
- Quick! get into positions!
She prompted the kids to run upstairs, while she closed the vault's door and followed them soon. By the time Wendy and Dipper opened the door, Emma and Tyrone have managed to bring the plates of snacks, open, empty, and scatter a dozen of cans of soda, and set up entire board and pieces of "Crippling Economy" on the table, to make sure their parents wouldn't suspect anything.  
- Hey, kids! - Wendy spoke, knowing she shouldn't worry too much as their house was still standing. - Did you miss us?
The two adults couldn't even take off their coats, before their children jumped to greet them with the most affectionate of hugs.
- Alright, alright! - Dipper smiled - We got you presents, don't worry... - No, mom, dad, we got you one!
The two nodded and presented to them the freshly printed photo, and watched as their parents' faces brightens in awe.
- Dipper... - Look, we were so young... - You were so small! - But you were as beautiful as today.
The kids let out a simultaneous "yuck" as their parents kissed, knowing to prolong the moment for maximum embarrassment.
- Wow, kids, thank you. - Dipper hugged them again - But where did you get it? - Auntie Tambry was going trough her phone and she found it. - So... we decided to frame it! - That's very thoughtful, you guys. And, hey, where's Tambry?
Just as Wendy asked, a loud snore reached their ears, and the four fund Tambry sleeping on the couch in the living room, the same one she expected to slack off on the entire night.
- You must have seriously tires her out. - Dipper spoke with hushed voice. - Eh, you know how it is - Emma shrugged.  
The Pines family tip-toed from the living room in order not to wake Tambry up. Just as Wendy was about to hang the new picture on the wall, she started thinking "Was Tambry even with us when Dipper left..?". But she was too tired to remember this, and she let out a prolonged yawn, ready to tuck their kids in their beds and join her husband in their bedroom soon.  
Also, this fic contains names that coincide, completely coincidentally, with Wendip kid OCs by @fereality-indy, @nina-a-pines, and Supergroveraway.  
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