#a dnd character sheet sounds mega cool btw!
Do you remember that Pirate AU you made a while ago? I think about it all the time, I'm even considering making the boys a dnd character sheet. I'm thinking of adding Haizaki too, do you have any headcanons for him as a pirate?
the referenced pirate au scenario
Pirate!Haizaki Shougo:
like seto, haizaki used to be in the navy, partially to run away from home but mostly because his brother was on his path to becoming an admiral like their father and he didn’t want to fall behind him
however, the combination of a) hating the discipline and uniform of the navy, b) drinking way too much rum as a result, c) killing a few of his shipmates when drunk - all that meant he had no choice but to desert or get hanged
hanamiya’s ship was the first that didn’t ask any questions about why he was signing up to join
(the fact that hara saw the wanted poster with haizaki's face, and said nothing, helped)
doesn’t have a particular role on the ship, but he pretty much just does whatever’s too dangerous for anyone else to do
(aka he’s very easily manipulated - the “oh are you too scared to do ____?” line works a treat)
he's also just downright talented at staying balanced on a ship, after having spent so many years on them, so survives these dangerous tasks pretty easily
spends all his time on land either drinking of looking for a lady to chat up (or a brothel if the later’s not an option); so hanamiya and furu make sure he’s never got too much of the group’s money at any one time
really likes storms, will stay out all night soaked with rain and waves laughing, to the point you’d think he’s egging mother nature on to kill him
(he is. blame the unhappy childhood and growing up on ships instead of knowing a parent's love.)
honestly the only reason he’s still on the Spider is because he gets the chance to beat people up which very conveniently pays for the rest of his lifestyle
plus he can’t imagine leaving the sea
because he’s been from ship to ship since he was just a brat, around 8 years old, he gets serious land sickness if he’s away from the sea too long
so as much as he dreams about becoming a highway robber (terrifying rich people and not having to listen to hanamiya nag at him), he knows all to well that he can’t leave the ship
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