#a whole lot of mini theories honestly
the-au-collector · 1 month
Scalan Names
So something I've noticed about Missing Link is the names. It's very interesting that they're Roman myth names when the rest of the times we've seen Scala, we've only seen Scalans having Norse names. Especially since we have characters like Freya, whose name does come from Norse Myth, walking around with characters like Remus (and Neptune). I doubt Nomura did this on accident, so I'm curious about the implications of the Norse vs Roman names in Missing Link.
So I went back through Dark Road and Union X and gathered up all the characters with mythological names (yes this includes Missing Link beta content and theorizing). It's a long post, but stay tuned for the end where I've thrown all my Remus thoughts:
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So in Norse Myth, Skuld is a Norn. Specifically, the Norn of the future. The Norns also closely resemble the Fates from Greek myth, which is interesting. I find it really interesting that Skuld is named specifically after the Norn of the future when her game takes place in the distant past. Obviously all the Union Leaders travel to the future--so why is Skuld the only one named after a myth figure that specifically has to do with that? I can't wait to see how this all lines up later, since so far we've only had one game with her in it.
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He's the important guy, both in Myth and in Dark Road. In myth, he's the son of Odin that's deceived and killed by Loki, however it is Hod who deals the fatal blow. I feel like his name lines up with his myth inspiration very nicely--he's tricked by darkness, which ultimately leads to his death. However, one really interesting thing is that Baldr is said to survive Ragnarok, so does that mean we'll be seeing Baldr again someday?
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So Bragi is interesting. In myth, he's actually a poet who was diefied as the god of poetry. He's also known for his wisdom. The really interesting thing though is that myth Bragi's wife, Idunn, had a tree with the apples of youth, which keep the gods from aging. Really interesting that Dark Road's Bragi is actually Luxu, a guy who does not die... Clues lying in plain sight, really.
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There really isn't much to find about Norse Myth's Vor, other than Vor was a minor goddess of wisdom. I just think it's cool that Vor's name is based off of a goddess of wisdom, since Vor's whole arc in Dark Road is figuring out who's right and what she wants to do.
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So in Norse myth, Hermod is the messenger god and a son of Odin. He also uses magic. In one particular myth, Hermod tried to rescue Baldr from the underworld, but ultimately failed. He has other myths where he acts like a messenger too. I don't really have much to say about Hermod's name inspiration and how it ties to Dark Road, but it is interesting how Hermod dies immediately after visiting the Underworld trying to find Baldr.
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I... I have the least to say about her (at least about the main DR cast). In myth, Urd is a fate like Skuld, but she's the fate of the past. It's just weird she's named after the fate of the past and not the present. Or maybe not since this game is technically Xehanort's past...
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Can you tell he was based off of Odin? He has the long beard, he's old, he's got a long coat, and a wide-brimmed hat (those are how Odin is usually represented). In myth, Odin is the god of war and also poets. He's got a horse named Sleipnir and was a magician. I know there are also theories floating around about Yen Sid potentially being Master Odin and honestly? Yen Sid fits the description.
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In myth, Heimdall is the protector of the rainbow bridge and the entrance to Asgard. He also had heightened senses and didn't need to sleep. He and Loki actually ended up killing each other in myth as well. I have even less to say about the upperclassmen, honestly, especially ones like Heimdall who are only in a few scenes anyways. It is ironic that Heimdall was killed by darkness, though (and darkness, in my eyes, takes up a very Loki-like roll).
Helgi and Sigrun
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I'm merging these two since their myths are very connected. So basically, Helgi was a Norse hero figure that is the son of Sigmund. He fell in love with a woman named Sigrun and ends up getting killed by her brother, Dragr. Sigrun eventually dies of sadness, but both she and Helgi are reborn. Sigrun is reborn into a Valkyrie named Kara whereas Helgi gets to keep his name. It's very interesting that their myths have aspects of reincarnation tied to them, which isn't true for any of the other DR characters. It's also very curious that Sigrun got a new name... and DR Sigrun looks like Strelitzia...
But that's just a theory a--
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So Vala isn't an actual mythological figure, though they do show up in myths a lot. Basically, a vala is a priestess/shaman. In myth, they could use magic, see the future, and influence battles. I don't have much to say about Vala despite her being one of the more interacted with members of the upperclassmen, but she does appear to be the most wise/level-headed of the group.
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I could have sworn Vali was a girl but Vali is, indeed, a guy in Dark Road. Anyways, in myth Vali is the son of Odin who was born to avenge Baldr and killed Hod. Vali does survive Ragnarok as well. It's just interesting how he has a reverse to his myth inspiration, considering be dies to Baldr and Darkness, though he does try to avenge Hod's death.
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The blind god of the night in Norse myth and son of Odin. Hod was actually tricked into killing Baldr and so was told by the other gods to avenge Baldr's death by fighting Vali. Vali won, Hod died, but when Ragnarok happened, both Hod and Baldr returned and survived Ragnarok. Very interesting implications when it comes to Kingdom Hearts...
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In myth, he's the son of Odin and was also fated to survive Ragnarok. He killed the wolf Fenrir, who's Loki's son who ate Odin. That's about all that's known about Vidar from myth. I do think it's very ironic that DR Vidar died to a Heartless when his myth inspiration killed Fenrir. Also interesting that his is the name of someone fated to survive Ragnarok despite him dying in DR...
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I nearly forgot him but here he is! His name in myth is Siegfried. He's a hero figure who fought a dragon and awakened a valkyrie from sleep. In some stories, he's of noble blood but was an orphan. He's also associated with the ancient Germanic princess, Brunhild, who had Old Norse origins. Basically the story of Brunhild is that she vowed to marry the man who could beat her in strength, and Siegfried was able too, but he won her for another person. Brunhild got vengeful, and Siegfried died. Not every story of Brunhild leads to his death though.
He's a lot more interesting than I thought, especially for a character who shows up for like 2 lines in Union X's secret ending lol. Likelihood is, he's from another Society or the people in charge, and he welcomed Brain in Scala ad Caelum (this we know). Judging from his myth and what we already know about him, he's likely of noble or blue blood and is probably a Keyblade wielder. I wonder if we'll see any grand feats like fighting a dragon or if he'll die in Missing Link, though?
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I can't really say much for Freya either since she's so new and her game isn't even out yet. She is the sister of Freyr in Norse Myth and is the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. So just keep in mind that she's an option for the tragic siblings trope.
Now for the really interesting guys!
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I've decided to start with Neptune since Remus is a whole can of worms. So Neptune is the Roman god of the sea, and used to be just the god of freshwater until the Romans identified him with Poseidon. His myths are the same as Poseidon's: get eaten by his dad, get vomited out, draw sticks to see which realm he gets, yada, yada, yada. He was loyal to the Roman Zeus, Jupiter, and married Salacia, though he had many affairs. He also created horses and bulls!
We really don't know much about Nept since he only has a few released scenes so far, but the fact that he's probably named after the Roman god of water is interesting (i've said it before but Aqua's ancestor??? Perhaps???). I'm a little worried about the loyalty aspect though...
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This. This fucking can of worms. Remus do you even know the implications of your own name?
So the myth of Remus and Romulus! Their mother, Rhea Silvia, was the daughter of the king of Alba Longa, Numitor. Numitor got removed from the throne by his brother, Amulius, who forced Rhea to take a vow of chastity by becoming a Vestal Virgin. Well she ended up having the god of war's, Mars', twin children: Remus and Romulus. They were cared for by Mars' sacred animals (she-wolf and woodpecker) and taken in by farmers, Faustulus and Acca Larentia. When the twins grew up, they killed Amulius and restored their grandfather to the throne. The twins then went on to found a city, and after Romulus built some walls around it, he killed Remus, and the city was named Rome after Romulus.
So this myth is interesting for a number of reasons. First and foremost: the siblings thing. Tragic siblings being a staple of the KH mobile games and all leaves Remus and Romulus perfect candidates for being the tragic siblings. This is also why I'm so worried about Remus being late to showing Player the Astral Realm because--is he already dead? His mythological self dies! It's practically written in the Book of Prophecies at this point!
However the second most important thing about the Remus and Romulus myth is how Remus and Romulus are the grandsons of a king who got overthrown. What if, somehow, the Baroque Society is the very last remnant of Ephemer's line/society? Somehow, what if Ephemer's line gets usurped and its last remains of his society dwindles down to at least 4 people (the question is if there's 5 members considering Freya's "another one" line)? After all, the scientists do say the founders' societies. Who are these other founders? Are they even real? What is going on with Scala ad Caelum's governing situation? We already know that it can't be good, but we don't know how bad it is.
Another really interesting thing is that Player specifically, very weirdly, reaches out to Remus when they're by Ephemer's statue. That scene was all shades of odd. Which begs the question--is Remus somehow connected to Ephemer? Is Remus is the descendant of Ephemer, and all these silver-haired characters are just there to throw us off? Did Ephemer's bloodline somehow get usurped? Is Missing Link going to be about reinstating his family line, or watching it all fall to ruin? Is Remus going to get killed by his own brother?
It's just. It's all shades of interesting and worrying at the same time. And I'm not even mentioning Remus' similarities to Lea!
Remus nearly made me forget this post had a point: the differences between Roman and Norse names. I thought maybe there was a connection between the "sons of Odin" thing going on, but no. Baldr and Hermod both are sons of Odin, but Baldr has a gold Master's symbol and Hermod doesn't. Even for the non-sons, Heimdall has a gold Master's symbol but Bragi doesn't.
It's also too early to really tell anything distinct about the new Missing Link characters, since a) we don't see much of them and b) the naming doesn't differentiate them either. Freya is a member of the Baroque Society alongside Remus and Nept. There's no distinction there either. There is no visual disctinction between Freya, Nept, and Remus except for their underclothes, and I'd say those design choices are more geared toward their personalities than anything else. They also don't have Master's symbols (which is another interesting thing. Sigurd doesn't have one either. Do they not exist yet? Are they the symbol of another society?). Even if they did, we still don't really know the difference between silver and gold ones, though one theory is gold = blue blood, silver = non-blue blood.
There is definitely a naming convention going on here, though. It's no coincidence that all of Dark Road's characters have Norse-inspired names, but not all of Dark Road's do. I just really want to crack why there's this distinction. I'm betting it has something to do with these noble houses/blue blood families, though (I'm willing to overlook Xehanort and Eraqus as they existed long before these concepts were even thought up.). For now I'll leave it at that and post this so that we have a bit of a collection of all the name inspirations for our myth-inspired Kingdom Hearts characters in one place.
Also, if anyone knows more about ancient myth than what Google could tell me, please let me know! I absolutely could have missed something!
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painting-warhammer · 2 months
Solitaire in the style of Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
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Just in time for 4/13! Commentary under cut.
The Lessons Learned
#1: Learn As Much As You Can Before Letting Your Mini Anywhere Near A Brush
As first figures go, this was honestly not as bad as it could have been, but I am an outlier. (and the second figure would be much worse.) Since the proverbial canvas was so expensive, it was a lot of "measure twice, cut once."
This was the main thing I used, and save for the face looking like chewed-up bubblegum, it came out relatively okay for a first try. Overall, this guy's a legend and this would be far from the only video of his I would reference.
#2: It's Okay To Be Inspired
What really hooked me on Warhammer in general is that you can paint things in your style. This is appealing at first, but if you're not an artist, you're going to be exposed quickly in the worst way possible, and that's by the color wheel theory. If you don't understand contrast and coomplements, all the technique in the world won't save your figure from looking like an eyesore.
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This is where "established" characters that you are mimicking end up being your saving grace. If canon material is your bag, that works: You certainly won't lack as far as exact guides then! But in my opinion, you learn a bit more by improvising and trying to make something similar to an established character. Chances are they're popular because they have an appealing color scheme. As it happens, Vriska's various blue motifs really complement her orange, which is something I never realized way back when.
Also, reinterpretation was inevitable. I had initially considered freehanding the sun symbol on her lapel, but when everything was smaller than my pinkie, I just settled for making her jewels yellow. The real masterstroke was taking the Harlequin's Kiss weapon and recoloring it as the Warhammer (oh hey) of Vrillyhoo.
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I just took the general colors and used Spiritstone Red on the rounded bits, and made something analogous to it. It's still the neatest part, imo.
#3: The Best Way To Start
For every color, I had a swatch. I had one base color, which I then doused in a shade, and then added one layer paint as the main color and one shade lighter for highlights.
#4: How To Make A Shiny Figure
There's a special paint called Ardcoat that puts a glossy texture on, but something that's a little more muted that gives a shine is... shade paint! I didn't shake the paint pot enough and created a fun glossy texture that you can see on her knee. (I learned how I accidentally did this by asking at my local Warhammer shop, lol)
#5: Don't Be Afraid To Make Mistakes
I'm sure there's more than just this wrong with this figure, but the Solitaire is supposed to be leaping off that little rock there. There were glyphs where I was able to put in a glowing line of Baharroth Blue that was watery enough that it filled in the little gaps on its own. It looked fantastic once...
Unfortunately, I overfilled my brush and it sloughed over into the other creases and ruined the whole effect. I also slopped Mordant Earth onto the stones and made it too ugly.
But that's just it. As much prep work as I was going in with, there was always going to be a mistake, and on a personal psychic level it feels bad when you make it. It ruins a whole day of painting lol. And you can't really stop those emotions, but you should at least try.
#6: You're Not Married To Your Army
It's inevitable that getting your first figure leads you to think about a whole army of them, but I had this distaste in my mouth when I thought about making more than one Vriska. For one, I didn't like any of the other Harlequins or Aeldari, or more importantly, I couldn't think of fun color schemes for them. The thought came to mind to make the ships similar to the Batterwitch/Condesce, but they were too similar color-wise (and even in the symbology!) where it just felt redundant. I get a special kick out of making something different from the boxart, because that's the point in my opinion.
I coped for a while: Green stuff or 3D print horns for the other figures to make them trolls? Suck it up and just use Vriska's color scheme for the others? In the end, I just gave up and called this a practice run. This is still my favorite figure. I'm just happy the first one turned out so nicely, relatively speaking, so I don't really have a lump of paint surrounding what was once a figure like a lot of first-time painters.
But no worries. Because I'd definitely fuck up the next one. 😅 That's for a new post.
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noyasaur · 5 months
hii!! i have a few shifting questions im a bit new lol
can you prove shifting is real? im trying to shift but i cant get over the fact that it might not be real and that im wasting my life yk?
do i have to script personalities or appearances to existing characters or will they jut be like they are in the show/game?
how can i be more motivated to shift?
sorry if this doesnt make sense! im a bit bad at english even though its my first language lol
anyways have a great day!!
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hihi anon ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i hope you're doing well and welcome! i hope your journey is going well so far! and don't worry, your questions made perfect sense! and i also apologise for taking so long to answer your questions, i spent a lot of time trying to formulate the right answers for your questions so i hope i'm able to help 😭 and sorry for the super long answer!
anyway, let's answer your questions~
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honestly, this is a tricky one. i want to be very honest with you and i, in no way want to demotivate you at all! right now, the only way of 'proving' shifting (at least, to my knowledge) is through experiencing shifting ourselves, or trusting other shifter's word as proof of reality shifting. regarding scientific research and proof behind reality shifting, to my knowledge, there are no studies that directly investigate reality shifting. i also feel like reality shifting would already be incredibly difficult to prove already on top of the existence of infinite realities/potentials, thus leading to an extension of an infinite amount of different variables.
reality shifting is a very personal experience and one's journey and experience will differ from person to person. unfortunately, in the current state of our reality, reality shifting has not been scientifically proven.. yet.
reality shifting is on of those experiences where you just have to form your own beliefs on it, and trust yourself and others. i like to think of it this way. take our own consciousness for example- we are all conscious right now, correct? we all know we have consciousness. it's a known fact. however, very little is known about our own consciousness, it's origins and it's power. but we all know that we have a consciousness, and we can't prove it to anyone yet but ourselves.
people thought lucid dreaming wasn't real many years ago and now people recognise it as a legitimate practice. same with astral projection, and out of body experiences.
and i know shifting is real because i have experienced parallel reality shifts (some intentional and some unintentional) and mini-shifts myself.
however, not all hope is lost! are there studies and theories on infinite universes, parallel realities and the multiverse? yep! are there studies on consciousness, quantum mechanics and biophotons? yes! there are plenty of studies, theories, and concepts that can be linked together and used to scientifically determine how reality shifting is even possible in the first place. yes, it's one of those things that isn't believed or accepted by the general public, but it exists. we may not know exactly how and we can only theorise, but there are connections that can be made.
now, i completely understand your worries on how reality shifting might not be real. that's totally valid! especially speaking since we've been conditioned out whole lives to think otherwise. that we only have one shot at life and we have to work hard to get our desires, but know we now that's the opposite? we can live an infinite amount of lives and have an infinite amount of parallel realities? we are the creators of our own reality and we have the power to shape what we experience?
however, this is where you come in. i highly recommend that to reassure your worries, find these answers out for yourself. determine what exactly reality shifting is for you and find how it is possible, instead of worrying about what if it's not possible. i'm not a fan of overconsumption of shifting information, however i think it's good to do a deep dive on shifting every now and then to help you open your mind to question what reality shifting is and how it's possible. then, when you've formed your own beliefs on shifting, it's easier to validate your belief and trust in shifting since you've discovered yourself how it's possible and what it is to you! that way, you won't need to worry about any external shaking your beliefs or making you worry about whether shifting is real or not because YOU have personally worked out how it's possible for you.
explore and read about other people's experiences, beliefs and theories on shifting. read scientific papers on concepts relating to shifting such as The Many Worlds Theory, multiverses, and parallel realities. read about the Law of Assumption and consciousness. read shifting success stories! just anything that relates to shifting. and don't worry, at the end of this post, i'll link some helpful resources at the end that have helped me explore deeper into how reality shifting is possible!
and if you're worried about wasting your life away on reality shifting, something that could help is to normalise reality shifting. what i mean by that is see reality shifting as something that is an everyday casual thing (which it is). think of it as a hobby, and not something you don't need to be heavily obsessed over. become content with the fact that, "oh, there's this super cool thing i can do! i can shift realities, i'll try it. oh, i didn't shift, that's okay i'll try again next time. oh, i shifted? cool!"
remember that reality shifting and your desired realities all exist in the now regardless, and they aren't going anywhere. reality shifting is not something super unattainable. i understand where you're worries are coming from and they are 100% valid.
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now, you don't have to script character's entire personalities and appearances (if you don't want to!). you can, but it's also not necessary. it's entirely up to you :)
with scripting, you don't have to script everything down to the tee. you aren't specifically creating any reality out of thin air, more like visually and physically specifying your intentions of what reality you want to shift to/experience. in fact, some people don't even have scripts!
scripting essentially has no power. scripting is just a physical, visual outline of the desired reality where you intend to shift to. to sort out your thoughts and intentions. your subconscious mind already holds everything in that script and whatever else you intend to experience. your subconscious knows what you want and it'll fill in all the gaps for you, so don't stress!
there is no requirement or criteria for how much, or how little you need to script. you can script as little as you like, or as much as you like! thus, if you don't script anything about a character's personality or appearance, but you intend for them to act like how they would in their respective game/show, then they will act how you expect them to. you can even add that in your script if you want as well: "this character will have the same personality/appearance as they do in ___." it's all up to your assumptions and intentions.
however, if you feel like you want to script their appearance or personality, then go for it! do whatever makes you feel best and most comfortable.
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oh gosh, there are so many different ways to help keep you motivated to shift! i'll try not to ramble :)
honestly, just thinking about the concept of reality shifting and the possibilities can be motivating enough. like how there are infinite realities and infinite possibilities? you can literally experience anything and be anyone you want to be.
you can consume any kind of content relating to your desired reality, watch videos, create pinterest boards (e.g. your outfits in your dr, dr locations, etc.), write letters to people in your desired reality, or think/make a list of things you're excited to experience in your desired reality.
or even just think about your desired reality and get yourself excited! what are you excited to experience? who are you excited to meet? what are you scared about? where do you want to visit? things like that.
however, while i am a big advocate for being able to seek motivation from yourself, it's also good to watch videos and read about other people's shifting experiences to motivate yourself! find other people who have the same/similar desired realities as you, or read shifting stories.
however, it's good to learn how to motivate yourself and not rely on other's so much for validation on shifting, it's existence and motivation. however, it doesn't hurt to consume shifting stories and tips from shifters too, just don't rely too much on it as your main source of validation/motivation.
additionally, it's completely okay to feel demotivated with shifting. it's okay to be drained. and it's also okay to take breaks when you need it. stay at your own pace and don't rush yourself into anything. you don't need to be trying to shift every single day of the year if you don't feel like it. reality shifting isn't going anywhere and your desired realities are always going to exist. so please don't stress and don't feel like you need to rush! you can always shift to your desired reality whenever you want, and however you want!
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alright, i hope i answered your questions well and i hope this helped! and i apologise if i rambled a little bit, i just had so much to say (especially for the first question dhjkds).
have an amazing day and good luck on your shifting journey! you got this! ʚɞ ⁺˖
- saturn ♡
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🪐 HELPFUL RESOURCES! (these are just some that have helped me!)
REALITYSHIFTING101 - i found this user through amino and their posts have been so, so informative in the in-depth science behind reality shifting and how it's possible. honestly one of the only shifters i've seen who's done such an in-depth analysis on reality shifting and the objective science behind it.
blog: https://realityshifting.medium.com/ amino: https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/user/realityshifting101/5w64_MWUYf81pj0qoYwJY00P5JdG5ZxmQHY ULTIMATE RESOURCE: Total Shifting Science (amino): https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/blog/ultimate-resource-total-shifting-science/xLkq_62t2u6DWEXn3x55w5rgL5z5vZkKmm
LOVE - an amino user who's been shifting for quite some time and visited many different realities. provided some very interesting information and perspectives on the reality shifting, the multiverse, other realities, and some interesting terminology and concepts.
amino profile: https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/user/nill-l/vPMG_2qu2f6eoEGbvBBwwP7kK2Y1qepw32sX
OTHER RESOURCES - here is are some other uncategorised links of good shifting resources!
reddit post (shifting + other shifting related resources): https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/ow7n7y/recommended_reliable_resources/ yennieshifts shifting carrd: https://yennieshifts.carrd.co/https://yennieshifts.carrd.co/
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titanrpg · 10 months
NO GOOD DEED: Bleed 10,000 Hit Points devlog v0.1
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since a lot of people were excited about the intro snippet i posted for NGD, i thought maybe i'd record some game design thoughts as i continue working on it
going gmless
as i play and design more ttrpgs over the years, i've become less interested in games that require a lot of prep for the gm. or a gm at all. when i design a ttrpg, my default is gmless unless the game requires a gm to function properly.
going diceless
i'm also going diceless because the main mechanic is everyone's shared pool of 10,000 hp that takes 1 damage every second of real play time. i want that to shine, so i've made a ton of choices toward that goal. the mechanics heavily revolve around using and replenishing hit points. dice would just distract from that. plus, every game i've ever written is influenced by wanderhome so honestly it's been a long time coming, my writing a diceless, gmless ttrpg hah.
central gameplay mechanic (lack thereof)
NGD was born out of my own values and growth and discovery of Black anarchist theory. writing this game is a way for ME to see how these ideas play out in a 'micro-community' (shout out to jay dragon for the term) of a few friends at a table. obviously, a gm is thematically irrelevant to this idea. and as i explored a central game mechanic, i realized there couldn't be one. not for this idea.
instead, each playbook contains its own "mini game." (shout out to SLAYERS by gila rpgs for its cool asymmetric class system where i saw this first.) the setting itself will have mechanics to interact with, but each playbook has its own resolution mechanics and toys (one uses a rubik's cube to predict the future, another uses a toy top to pause the timer from ticking down, another uses a deck of playing cards, you get the idea). will this work? i'll find out in playtests haha.
an emerging theory of written narrative art forms
i'm finding that writing a ttrpg can be similar to writing a novel if you have an argument you're trying to make. mechanics communicate values and philosophy, and you can explore so many variations on a theme.
the big difference between a ttrpg and a novel (in my view, in this context) is that when you write a ttrpg, you're outsourcing the character creation/development process to the readers. it's unsurprising to me that i enjoy this, since my main "Thing" in ttrpgs is SRDs (systems that help people make their own games). caltrop core, emerge8, etc. i find the architecture/value exchange that underlies games really fulfilling to work with.
based on my experience with ttrpgs lately and novels in my undergrad degree, here is a theoretical relationship between them all, where reader involvement starts high and declines from left to right and author involvement starts low and increases from left to right:
srds -> ttrpgs -> novels
which is all just to say, writing NGD has felt like all the good parts of writing a novel and none of the parts that take me forever
final thoughts
hey, if you're still reading this, thank you. i'm enjoying this project more than p much any other ttrpg proj this whole year. i've also been in varying intensities of depressive episodes all year. it's more like i have episodes of good mental health sprinkled in with a depressive baseline. i recently increased my meds dosage so hopefully that helps.
i'll be back with another update soon. playbooks are up next.
follow me to stay updated!
Titanomachy RPG
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asherisgone · 10 months
I've had major whiplash from the last 15 minutes of episode 6, so I'm here to analyse because it's eating me alive.
So I know a lot of people have theories that Aziraphale's been manipulated or miracled or the coffee is suspicious: whatever. I'm not here to fully push any theories, I'm just here to provide evidence and things for people to make their own conclusions.
First part of this is analysing Aziraphale himself:
Before we can even begin to dissect his statements, let's talk about who he is.
This angel hasn't changed his outfit in a century, forget the damn hair that has been the same since the universe even began.
He loves humanity and being humans because he is, even if he can't accept that, never has. All the way back in the aftermath of Jobe's story, their conversation, aziraphale doesn't find his peace during it, he desperately holds onto 'heaven = good' even though we've proven that isn't true. Even in Edinburgh, he's adament what they're doing is wrong (heaven's ideals) until Crowley shows him the truth of humanity; EVEN THEN he still can't accept the grey area of it all ("the side of truth... of good"), where Crowley is comfortable with his humanity, aziraphale clutches onto the "light grey" because he still craves heaven's approval.
*quick aside, I am aware Crowley does say "dark grey" but I read his tone as mocking and playful, plus he says it himself in the argument that he doesn't need hell or heaven.
But to sum that part up, that explains why Aziraphale takes the job, why he wants Crowley to be an angel again: he never got the closure he needed from heaven, he can't accept that it's just as corrupt as hell (if not more so since at least hell are doing it on purpose). He is sick of being worried and scared for Crowley, he wants to change everything so they can be together safely...
So onto the argument then..
Aziraphale says he may have misjudged the Metatron, why? because the Metatron praises him deeply to gain his trust "you're a leader, you're honest, you don't just tell people what they want to hear."
and honestly it's mostly exaggeration.
He's a lousy leader, Crowley walked all over him during the battle of the bookshop, he even says himself that they just have to do whatever Crowley says; he steps up to his potential at the last minute with the halo. He's not only a people pleaser (cause he thinks that's what angels are), but he also knows how to say things people want to hear to get his way, especially Crowley.
So we cannot trust the Metatron - he just needs someone who he can influence and control to rule heaven, that's why Gabriel was thrown out the minute he began to make his own decisions. It's why he uses Crowley as a bargaining tool to get Azi on his side after he says "I don't want to go back to heaven"
This entices Aziraphale because as someone who doesn't like change, he'd be able to be with Crowley "like the old times" without disrupting their dynamic of unspoken partnership.
Crowley immediately feels something is off "You're better than that", after all, what happened to "we're on our side" or "we carved it out for ourselves". Crowley is entirely comfortable in being human or on his own side... until aziraphale comes along to show him he doesn't need to be alone
Crowley repeats "tell me you said no": at first in disbelief, thinking he knows aziraphale wouldn't be that rash, his face immediately falls, in complete and utter disbelief at the possibility he's losing his angel.
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So he repeats the question, this time it's a plea, he's practically begging for Aziraphale to correct him even though he knows it's not possible. His eyes widen, his fear is true and he's panicking as he knows what Aziraphale just signed up for. He shows so much betrayal in this one look too it's insane how well-done this scene is...
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His last minute declaration of love is wholly an attempt to convince Azi to stay, the panic in his voice is unmistakeable "I think I'd better say it now." he's rushed, he's desperate.
*another aside, Michaels delivery of "come with me" in the softest voice and puppy eyes known to man is the absolute death of me. But it speaks to his innocence and sheer ignorance of what's going on.
Crowley knows his angel, "you can't leave the bookshop" which, as far as I'm concerned, is a euphemism for himself and their relationship. (of course literally as well, I mean aziraphale would die with their shop) and with the response being "nothing lasts forever. That's an insane line, ineffable husbands? nah sorry. But it's simply untrue, he doesn't like change, he hasn't ever sold a book, he doesn't change his hair and his style simply doesn't waver. This isn't something Aziraphale would say and mean. (which is also something people are using as evidence of Azi not being himself). Although, it also shows that he's willing to give up the bookshop and earth and everything he worked for if it means he and Crowley may have a safe future in heaven.
Everyone's noticed that Crowley shows his eyes more in season 2, but only when he and aziraphale are alone, he has them off the entire conversation until after aziraphale says that nothing lasts. He puts them back on. His facial expressions and body language are all so insecure all of a sudden; they can't even look at the angel they've been pining for since the beginning of time.
Aziraphale is unwavering, which is so confusing, he has smile still plastered on his face - an incredibly forced and frankly naive smile, but he absolutely cannot grasp the concept that crowley likes and actively accepts being human, but Azi is desperate to be an angel, once thinking he lost his way and now clawing back because otherwise he isn't good. "We could be together... Angels! doing good...".
I'm entirely convinced that considering only Crowley knows about Gabriel being thrown out for thwarting heaven's plans, he knows that aziraphale and him couldn't make a difference if they tried, the reason the Metatron even suggests the two of them can work together is to control them: afterall they're the ones who prevented armaggadont the first time, and also almost declared a war between heaven and hell. If you were the Metatron you'd seek to stop them too.
This seems to be why Crowley immediately fucks off the minute he senses Aziraphale can't understand what's going on "I think I understand a whole lot better than you do". Crowley laid his heart out to the one person he thought understood him, but Aziraphale gets ahead of himself and insisting Crowley joins him in heaven signifies something utterly world shattering as they were grey together, and he thought aziraphale understood that (again I call you back to the story of Jobe). "I could always rely on you"
Aziraphale stops him for obvious reasons, but that's why when Crowley says "no nightingales" it's more than just a metaphor. Obviously they reach an impasse in the conversation, it's Crowley's way of saying they're done, but what it signifies a new shift: this isn't his angel anymore. especially when you follow this with "you idiot-" because all I can think of is "how can someone as clever as you be so stupid" back from season 1. Crowley at this point has given up. he's done.
(*aside, this is an observation if you take it as a way to say that Azi is under a miracle or manipulated that's for you to decide.)
Aziraphale tries desperately to hide his emotions, the fake smiles and the depth of regret and sadness in his eyes, he looks at Crowley like he doesn't recognise him anymore even though it's not him who's changed.
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and then...
EVERY - their kiss for those who did not have the misfortune of it being spoiled for them.
Is it only me who feels physically nauseous watching this? And I don't mean because I didn't want this to happen, of course not, but it's the amount of emotion charged behind it that makes it so devastating. The anger, pure desperation and DAMN IT IM SO SORRY I CAN'T BE CALM BUT AZIRAPHALE'S FACE AND REACTION GENUINELY MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLY SAD.
two sides of this I'll analyse now.
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Crowley - this is his absolute last chance and card he can play, he's done with words, "Well then... there's nothing else to say". He is heartbroken at this point, filled with desperation and pure longing for the one thing he's always been certain of: he needs this to work out. He literally runs to save their relationship, and fucking yanks aziraphale (love the parallel to season 1) but look at his determination in the furrowed brows... This isn't a loving and sentimental kiss, this is life or death as far as he's concerned.
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Aziraphale - dear lord, where do I begin... He's caught off guard but something looks so wrong, it's not the look of a welcome surprise, it almost angry. He's upset that it's happening now, not that it's happening at all. He wants Crowley from 5 minutes ago, before their world crumbled in on them, but now he's hurt and he won't let himself have this Crowley that won't be with him as an angel, supporting him as supreme archangel... My only evidence for Aziraphale wanting to kiss Crowley just not in that moment is purely his hands. Granted, Crowley was holding that fucker tight, like goddamn- but he didn't stop it by any means, not for a whole 12 seconds. He wavers, holding him gently for only a moment with the most amount of trepidation, before reeling back as if he'd be burnt if he lingered, holding his hands away.
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that's the most betrayed look I've seen in my life... It's a "what the hell did you just do, you've only made this harder for me and yourself" Aziraphale has made his mind up and knows exactly what his plan is, he wants to make peace with leaving crowley, giving up on taking him with him, but this has proven how dedicated Crowley is to this, only making separating that much more painful.
That's why he doesn't say anything. Settling for "I forgive you." The very same words he echoed in season 1. A demon, the unforgivable fallen angels. Aziraphale is giving him another chance almost, saying "you were never fallen in my eyes" but also allowing him to leave, forgiving him for throwing away the opportunity Aziraphale is giving to him (I'm not saying that as in I think that's a good option I mean it from Aziraphale's perspective.)
Crowley immediately picks up on that, his voice defeated upon realising that aziraphale wasn't receptive to his efforts "don't bother". His lasts words to the angel that he no longer recognises and who doesn't recognise him. His angel basically admitted that he doesn't love him as a demon, only as an angel...
And that's the most poignant part I think. Nina is right, they don't communicate, and although a lot was said, it wasn't enough...
Aziraphale's touch of the lips shows so much. It's almost as though he feels violated or robbed of what was meant to be pure and special, but soured by their own inability to talk. Not only that, it's clearly a lingering feeling, he doesn't fully understand what just happened, still trying to catch up with his own feelings, it's the last thing from Crowley that he's got now, their relationship in total tatters.
right if you made it this far, I'm sorry for rambling on but I do sincerely hope you all found this interesting and can add to my observations!! I love this fandom and don't forget to keep watching, we need that season 3.
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yonpote · 2 months
Dan and Phil Appreciation Week Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
aka i forgot to participate in DNPAW again but also now my arm is fucked up so im just gonna type my responses instead of drawing them YAYYY shout out as always to @dpgdaily for creating this lil week event :3
Day 1: Favourite baking video
honestly probably slime and sadness cinnamon rolls, but monster pops has such a special place in my heart for being the sorta the tipping point of dnp's descent into truly unfiltered horniness, conjoined baking and pumpkin carving if that counts are also great (i just like halloween lmao)
Day 2: Favourite DanAndPhilCRAFTS video
EASILY slime. like cmon it blew every other dapc out of the water, while at the same time fully connecting them all so it's like you HAVE to watch them all together to grasp at the final picture presented. god im obsessed with it come join the crafts theory server
Day 3: Favourite What Dan and Phil Text Each Other
wdapteo 2 forever, but 4 is super super close. yon? pote. sent at 4:32 am! WHAT IS WRONG WITH US??
Day 4: Favourite Day in the Life
oof probably ditl manchester... the vibes are so so special... australia is really good too very comfy!!! (im actually a tiny bit of a ditl hater lmao mainly just the parts that are strong on the weeb / weird about asian stuff energy but like the vibes are still nice fhdhdh)
Day 5: favourite Phil is not on fire
pinof 9!!!! its special to me as the first one i watched while being like. In The Phandom, at least somewhat. and also it being dnp's fav really made me realize why i liked it so much like i KNEW it wasnt just cuz it was my first as a Full On Phannie, it had an energy to it that was so authentically chaotic and fun and just goofing off with each other and giggling like moreso than the previous like 5 pinofs, it had pinof 1 energy but with 8 more years worth of love in it
Day 6: Favourite Dan vs Phil
prob the first golf with friends LOL i love the shitty grass turf hats, i love the stupid golf bants and the creepy golf ball print they used for the board, dan's curls were in peak form, phil's bluey green shirt made his eyes even bluer, phil squishy dan's face >w<~~~~~
Day 7: Your overall favourite Dan and Phil Series
HMMMM. undertale is my go-to when im particularly sad, the sims s1 is always good to put on in the background, but i think dapwepinof... the pinof reaction mini-series they did in gamingmas is prob my top fav right now. it's everything i love, it's nostalgic, it has some behind the scenes reveals, openly gay dan and phil reacting to closet dan and phil being extremely gay, and REFLECTION!!!! and like, the fact that in the silliest lil annual video series in the world there ended up being a lot of thought and care put into it in wanting to keep it as a sacred tradition for ten whole years, it went from whimsical by nature to whimsical with Purpose and finally whimsical with Love and that means so much to me, as a proponent of queer joy above all else.
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stubblesandwich · 8 months
MORE of your house of colour ted talk please, that was really interesting to read!!
Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you enjoyed my mini TED Talk/crazy person rant in your tags. 
For those who don't know what the HECK I'm talking about, I reblogged this fantastic little gif set and went off in the tags about how lucky we all are that Colin O'Donoghue happens to be a winter. 
So for those unfamiliar, everyone fits into a color palette or season, according to House of Color, which came about in the eighties and is based on color theory. The idea is that based on your skin's undertone, hair color, and eye color, you fit into a "season" of color. You're a spring, autumn, summer, or winter. Spring and autumn are on the warm end of the color palettes, and summer and winter are the cooler seasons. Think warm oranges in fall and bright, sunny greens in spring. Bright blues and berry pinks for summer, harsher whites, blacks, blues for winter. Makes sense, doesn't it? (Honestly, it took me a long time to understand it all, but once I did, it kind of broke my brain and I can't unsee these things. 🙃)
Well, I make the case that sir Colin O'Donoghue, our dear Captain, is a winter. And we are so damn lucky that he is. Do you know why? Because winters are the only season who can truly pull off black. 😎 And true red, actually! Because of the high contrast between their features and their cool undertones, winters look amazing in high contrast, vibrant cool colors. Those colors don't wash them out like they would other seasons.
Let's get down to the photo evidence, shall we?
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Here we see Colin in all his smirky glory.
Now, we all know what this man looks like, but let me point out the obvious. Dark hair, light eyes. The contrast between the two is high, allowing him to pull off a more high contrast color, such as black, white, and that vibrant blue at his collar. His skin has a cool undertone (which is a whole other thing but just trust me there for now). You can see a more pink look to his skin, instead of a warmer yellow undertone. It's easier to see on people with lighter skin, but you can also determine undertone on folks with darker skin. So, there you have all the makings of a true winter.
What does that mean, in terms of clothing and picking out colors that will complement your features? Let's look at some pictures of Colin NOT wearing colors in his winter palette and maybe you'll see what I'm talking about.
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Now, you'll never see me on this website saying this man looks bad in these photos. Obviously you'd be hard pressed to make Colin look unhandsome in anything you put him in. But just take a look at him wearing this muted wine colored shirt. His features don't pop at all, like they normally do. It's doing nothing for him. He'd actually be better off just wearing that white undershirt, in terms of making his features pop. And then the photo with the beige on the right is just... I mean, we can all see that's not good, right? We can all see those colors are doing nothing for him? Winters and beige don't mix. Beige is on a winter's no-no list.
It was actually difficult to find photos of Colin not wearing colors in his season. He actually does pretty well for himself, in that regard. He generally wears cooler colors and a lot of black. Here's another photo example though of him in a warm, olive green. Does he look ugly? Absolutely not. Would this sweater look better on him in black, or almost any shade of cool blue? Absolutely.
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The olive color washes him out, actually. Let's compare this to Colin in a bright white and dark blue, below.
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See how his eyes pop, and his skin doesn't look so washed out? The olive green sweater seen above is a warm green, which would look fantastic on someone in the autumn season. On a winter, though, it just doesn't work as well. And because I love Colin in blue, here are some more examples of him wearing his colors well.
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Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Tori, you silly goose. You're forgetting about the magic of lighting benefits, and also the magic of facial hair, which is basically makeup for men." Sure, I'll give you that. Most men look better with stubble or a light beard, and lighting helps. I take you now to my next example of Colin not in his best colors.
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The white undershirt and the blue tie are great for Colin! The rust brown suit, however, makes me feel yucky inside. I keep using this phrase, but you can see how this color is just not doing the man any favors. It doesn't help bring any vibrancy to his features in any way. Let's compare these now to (the moment we've all been waiting for) Colin wearing black and see if we can tell a difference.
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Do you see how his eyes look brighter, and his skin tone doesn't look so muted and washed out? The skin beneath his eyes isn't as shadowed, either. People generally look healthier when wearing the colors that suit them best. Now, add in Hook's eyeliner to make those blue eyes pop, and you've got some real magic.
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Winters also look great in red. (Think of Monica Gellar, also a winter, in her signature red from Friends.) Let us not forget Killian's fan favorite "red vest of sex", as seen below. Someone in the costume department really knew what they were doing with Colin, it must be said.
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It's also important that they had him wear silver jewelry, instead of gold, as silver goes better with cool undertones. And how fortunate are we that they cast a man who naturally looks so good in black? The whole "little black dress" as a closet staple for women simply doesn't work for so many of us who just don't look good in black. The only season that truly shines in black is the true winter. ✊🏻 More power to them.
TL;DR Colin looks fantastic in black, and there's a scientific reason for it. Emma didn't stand a chance against not falling for Killian Jones, and neither did we.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
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fyodior · 1 year
Ok, children time! What if BSD men got their dearest pregnant, BUT she got not one, but twins or EVEN triplets. I have headcannon that some wants one child (maybe Fyodor/Gogol/Sigma), other wants more than one, but later (maybe Dazai/Mori/Kunikida) and some wants big family (maybe Odasaku/Chuuya/Fukuzawa). Still, all of them will be like: 🤯😲😳
oooooooh i love this hefjehehe here are my thoughts under the cut just bc it got long lolz
fyodor: just 1 or 2, i have always hced him to have a breeding kink but i personally don't really see him wanting a ton of kids. but he def wants at least one as an "heir" of sorts, to know that his ideals won't die with him alone. he'd def be shocked by the news of twins at first but just sweetly kisses you on the forehead and reassures you you'll get through it together <3
nikolai: im sorry i can't really see him wanting kids at all sdfkljsdlfjk
sigma: he'd def want 2 or 3, he wants a family that's all his and wants to be surrounded by a bunch of mini you's ehehehe though i think it would take a long time for him to feel ready and safe enough to have and raise kids. sigma would fucking pass out if he found out you were having multiples just because he doesn't feel like he's even less ready for that but ends up being very very excited :")
dazai: it would be pretty late into your relationship before dazai felt comfortable having kids, he'd have to be pretty settled down. i can see him not really ever having them, just in some traumatic fear of them having to go through what he did, even if its not a logical fear. i think he would find a lot of joy in being a dad, and finally actually feel like he has a purpose in life and a reason to keep living (besides u obvi). i don't think he really has a specific number in mind, just kind of whatever happens, happens. he'd be such a good dad :( and he would think its funny as hell if you found out you were pregnant with multiples like tears in his eyes laughing as yall watch the ultrasound💀
mori: he has a breeding kink but he also has his hands full with elise and the pm. but if he ever hands off the leader title to someone else i can see him very happily settling down with his lover and a few kids in a pretty house out in the countryside <3 very very gleeful to have multiples i think he'd fucking love if you somehow miraculously had triplets dlkslkdfj
odasaku: wants a HUGE fucking family. so many kids. he loves kids clearly as we've already seen. it would make him so so happy to raise a family with you and to be a dad, he would feel so fulfilled sdkljfdsk GOD he'd actually smile <3 such a beautiful perfect man so dad shaped im so in love with him. oda would be a fucking amazing partner to have while pregnant he'd wait on you hand and foot and just kiss all over and love all over you im crying real tears rn
chuuya: honestly i think chuuya could take or leave kids, he's not super set on either. he'd be very happy to have a family with you but he's not necessarily going to go super out of his way to make it happen. just, if you have a kid then you have a kid, and he'll love them with his whole heart <3 i can see chuuya being somewhat similar to dazai in that he'd be a bit hesitant to bring a child into the world that treated him so badly, but in the end would be so happy to be a dad. also probably passes out if he finds out ur having twins/triplets
fukuzawa: just because fukuzawa is already older and has his hands full with the ada, he probably would only want 1 or 2, though i think in theory he'd be really happy to have a big family. he wants to be able to keep up with his kids while he still can, and not be too old to really enjoy their childhood. and he already raised ranpo so 💀 DEF shocked and a little dizzy by the news of multiples but i think he'd eventually come around to it and carry around pictures of the ultrasound to anyone who would listen, and show off his pregnant partner to everybody :")
kunikida: whereas the other guys here don't have too strict of a plan and kind of just, whatever happens happens, kunikida is the fucking polar opposite. he knows exactly how many kids he wants to have, how old he is going to be when he has them, what schools they're going to attend, what the nursery is going to look like, and exactly how he's going to take care of his pregnant lover. i'd guess maybe 2-3? and he'd also have it planned out exactly how many years apart they'd be fsdlkjkldsfj and you having multiples would either result in a meltdown bc he wasn't prepared for 2 or 3 babies at once, or he was super ready and already has a plan for that ldkfjlksjfd im leaning towards the first just bc he's not really a man of compromise
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kyutepups · 7 months
Someone recently asked me why I enjoyed Final Destination 3 so much, and I accidentally wrote a mini-analysis so here you guys go. (I didn’t proofread it so I hope it makes sense)
Well, where do I even start. First off, the characters are extremely well written and easy to connect with, unlike any of the other movies (besides the first one).
The acting is absolutely phenomenal and the pure fear Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Wendy) managed to portray is actually mind boggling. I will admit Lewis (Texas Battle) was poorly written, being a stereotypical black jock never really plays well. But the other characters have their own uniqueness to them that we didn’t really see in some of the other movies. Ashlyn (Crystal Lowe) and Ashley (Chelan Simmons) were stereotypical “mean” girls but they were actually extremely nice and sweet in the movies, just girls who were kinda airheaded. Frankie (Sam Easton) was a weird ass pervert, but you have to admit his character was extremely (and sadly) realistic. Ian (Kris Lemche) and Erin (Alexz Johnson) were teenage dirtbag assholes which really balances out the ditzyness and almost airy feel of the other characters. Ian being super smart was honestly a refresher in the series, because not many people did try and apply other “laws” and “theories” to the equation. Julie (Amanda Crew) was that asshole teen little sister who acts like a brat but truly isn’t, which (if you’re a sibling) is so easy to relate and connect to. Kevin (Ryan Merriman) was a jerk in the beginning, but as the story went on you could kind of see him change and feel for him and his situation (at least I did. I know not many people can, but that’s cause of trauma for me…) And the little screen time we had for Jason (Jesse Moss) and Carrie (Gina Holden) made viewers feel torn about their death. With the 10 minutes they had, they were SUCH sweethearts and it breaks your heart to see them die like that especially knowing Wendy tried to get them off.
The plot itself is amazing, a control freak who now has the knowledge she isn’t even in control of her own life and death, as well as trying to stop everyone around hers demise. It adds a more realistic level to this that wasn’t portrayed in the others. She wants to be in control, but she can’t because that’s not the way death works. The clues being in the photos rather than in visions is genuinely so cool, although it was a bit of a reach at times. I found that it being a group of people who already know each other rather than strangers really drives the message further and makes the audience have a deeper reaction to the movie. The deaths itself were the best in any movie by far, and there’s no arguing on that. The tanning beds, the weights, the nail gun, the flag pole impalement, even the premonition Wendy had at the end that maybe (probably definitely) did happen with the train. Each death in this movie was beautiful, and the editing and everything about this movie is just gorgeous.
I think what worked for it was the fact it’s. Stand-alone, and not a continuation of the first two movies. Also, they had a lot more cool features than the other movies, like that whole “choose their fate” thing in the DVDs (I think). This movie is straight up just fun and a refresher from the others. The only movie I would consider being better than it is the 5th one, but that’s simply cause of the plot twist at the end and the cool thing they added with the “take a life, earn a life”
Anyways I hope this makes sense please tell me it does 😭
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penguicorns-are-cool · 6 months
Wish reaction (yes spoilers)
So first of all, it's really not bad like idk what y'all were talking about. Like compared to all the good Disney movies, it's pretty mid, but it's still a good movie. They fumbled the story structure a bit, the message is about as strong and clear cut as you'd expect from a children's movie, the songs are kind of mid and while they're very good they just miss the mark, and the comedic timing is kind of shit honestly, but it's still a good movie that's enjoyable to watch and will be fan-theory fuel for a very long time
it's still really good, very anti-authoritarian too, like so very anti-authoritarian
now for the spoilers stuff
It starts with the storybook opening which I don't think fits super well and is starting to get a bit overused in my opinion but it fit well enough and was fun so whatever. It was a good way to establish the level of suspension of disbelief we should have for this film and it does its job so whatever
That exposition song though was amazing and I love it so much omg
also how Asha starts the tour with "Hola, Shalom, and Salaam" like yes 1300s kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula would have Hebrew Arabic and Spanish speakers. And how Asha refers to her Grandpa as Saba. Honestly tho I'm not sure if that's just his name or what cause literally everyone calls him that. Points if that's not his actual name tho. Also just a moment to appreciate the diversity of the main band of characters. Those characters are from all over Afroeurasia. And if anyone tries to argue that it's unrealistic you can just point to the silk road. And also the main supporting character is disabled and uses a crutch.
Then we go on to the interview and some appreciation for this song please
And also how when they're singing it Magnifico is controlling the wishes and moving them around while Asha is looking at her Saba's wish and it really shows the difference in the two of them. Magnifico wants to protect his power at all costs while Asha wants to protect her Saba. and omg what a way to subtly show Magnifico's corruption and greed for power. Then when Magnifico has his first mini tantrum about Asha asking him to grant Saba's wish and if he won't grant it will he at least give it back. I think that Asha should've sat with this new information for a bit longer before realizing how bad this was but then we wouldn't have seen Magnifico being a manipulative child about it and it was completely in character for Magnifico to do that which would also make Asha realize how bad it was faster. So like, it messed up the pacing a bit I think but whatever.
that dinner with Saba and Mom was amazing. the denial from Saba and the uncomfortableness of the whole scene and Asha's pain at the whole thing. great scene and it's followed by this song that's just amazing. only critique about it is that at the end when she's singing "to have something more for us than this" for some reason the "this" is like spoken and I think that was a weird choice (derogatory)
And the wish scene was great with the tree that she and her father would sit on, next part though I'm not such a huge fan of. There's the whole thing with her Dad was a philosopher who talked about the stars and later there's like a throwaway line that he believed everyone was made of stars. And I love that actually that whole idea and it has such huge implications for how magic works in every single Disney movie that I will talk about later. but it was so poorly included in this movie. Like all we get are a few throwaway lines about it and the "I'm a Star" song which is honestly kind of mid and is super forced in. As much as I love the idea, I think the movie would've been better if they didn't explain the magic as everyone is a star and instead just didn't explain it and leave it up to suspension of disbelief. It seems like there used to be a lot more scenes that talked about it but they got cut at some point and replaced with "I'm a Star"
Anyway though moving on, I don't like Valentino's voice. yes it's funny to see such a deep voice come from him but it just doesn't fit.
Also star is so funny and cute but omg they don't have to have a new joke in every scene. very few of those jokes had good comedic timing and quite a few of them ruined emotional moments and killed all the tension. Like Star is hilarious don't get me wrong, but we shouldn't be laughing at Star's antics when big dramatic evil is going on it takes away from the drama.
Moving on to Magnifico tho. He's an amazing villain for what he is. He's a pure evil villain, he's an authoritarian monarch whose motivation is power and the thing that pushes him to absolute corruption is his entitlement. He's literally like, stop questioning me I'm a good leader so shut up, and he's using real life authoritarian rhetoric about how now he needs to use desperate measures even if it means using the forbidden magic that'll like eat his soul and goodness or whatever. He's pure evil, he represents a real life evil of authoritarianism, he acts like all the people in real life who have temper tantrums because they feel entitled to more power and don't like it when people point out their flaws or have questions they can't answer. and "This is the Thanks I Get" is the perfect song for that
and some people are doing this song dirty by sharing that one clip that's supposed to be funny and show how much of a man-child he is but only works at all in context. People should be sharing the ending of this song which is so much better in the movie and has amazing animation and is so dramatic and evil. Like throughout this entire song he's just singing about how he's such a good leader and everyone should thank him and never question him while he's also kicking and smashing and killing mini versions of the kingdom's citizens.
Then Asha brings her Saba's wish back and I wish he had a statement or something before about how horrible this was so we could've seen his perspective change right then and there but even so it was such a beautiful scene. And when Magnifico found them and crushed Asha's Mom's wish so much drama so much heartbreak. and Asha's realization of just how bad this situation of Magnifico "protecting" all the wishes was.
Also, we later learn it was Simon who turned her in and I think the movie did him dirty because it didn't show or tell us why he did that until the end. I wish there was sometime when he at least had a line about how worried he was at some point and how desperate he was to believe in Magnifico, just to give us a better idea of his mindset and why he gave Asha up. There could've been a point made here about how the people who buy into the dictator's propoganda do so because they're desperate and how those people are often the easiest to hurt even if they don't realize it.
Also that little reference to Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, and Magnifico crushing true love. I was almost laughing out loud in the theater I swear
Also quick appreciation for Dahlia. She listens to Asha and is like, idk exactly what's happening but I trust you that this is important. Like she's trusting her gut and her gut is right and she gets the whole friend group together and ready to help Asha. I wish the friends got more time though and a bigger role cause honestly I think one of the biggest shortcomings of this movie is the lack of subplots. Asha and Magnifico are the only characters who have actual arcs and backstories and I think that's a crime actually cause that was a great friend group that should've gotten a chance to be at least a little more known.
then that final scene with the opening of the roof and then the plot twist with Magnifico and Simon. Like I actually thought that was Magnifico that plot twist was well done. I do think there were a few too many jokes in that scene that ended up taking away from the tension but overall great scene. and when Magnifico came in and trapped Star while we were under the impression that they were safe for at least a little bit longer.
Then Magnifico takes star, makes the sky cloudy so no one can wish on stars, takes away all the wishes, and traps every person in the kingdom and starts holding them down and draining them or whatever. like look at that the monarch has turned authoritarian and is now holding everyone down so they can't resist so easily and can't even hope cause they can't see the stars to make a wish. And then they make a wish anyway cause they're all together and can make new combined wishes. I love how the revolution happens here cause it's not pretending to portray an actual revolution or anything it's very metaphorical and is just trying to say that we're stronger together than alone and if we all stand together we can rise against authoritarianism and corruption.
Only thing is that afterwards Amaya becomes the queen and while I love Amaya I don't like that. the entire movie is showing how monarchy lends itself to authoritarianism and this monarch got corrupted so easily look at that then at the end there's just a new monarch. I saw something about how there was an earlier concept where Amaya was evil too and I would've honestly preferred that. Like they didn't have to show the new government or leaders and I think it should've been left open-ended especially if the other option is gonna be just a new monarch.
I also didn't like how they went out of their way to say Magnifico was completely irredeemable. Like I get that he was never gonna have a redemption arc and this is a childrens movie with a pure evil villain so it's not gonna have nuance, but I think the idea that someone can be pure evil is kind of dangerous and they could've said he no longer has the capability to be a good leader or something.
Now into the implications about magic in Disney. I'm pretty sure that canonically all magic in all of Disney comes from Rosas. Because in every Disney movie with magic there's always a connection to stars. Cinderella says a dream is a wish your heart makes then there's the big Disney song, "when you wish upon a star." In tangled the sundrop flower is a drop from the sun so it comes from a star. Peter Pan is in Neverland and to get there you fly towards the second star to the right and there's pixie dust which based on Wish I'm pretty sure is just stardust. So now with Wish it's telling us that yes, all magic comes from stars and also all living beings are stars. And it also told us that Rosas at this point is the only place you can go to get your wishes granted magically and I don't think that's a coincidence. I think that based on this we can just say that if there's a magic thing in Disney and it's not explained why it exists or where it came from, we can assume it came from Rosas and the stars.
Also I've seen people talking about the original concept ideas about evil couple Amaya and Magnifico and shape-shifting star-boy love interest. I love the idea of evil villain couple and it would've helped with the authoritarian message for Amaya to also be evil and it would've just been so cool to see. And as for shape-shifting star-boy love interest. I think it would've been cool to see shape-shifting star-boy but I love that Asha doesn't have a love interest and this is in no way a romance. I wish that the friends got more attention and I think star-boy would've taken away from that. Can't wait to see y'alls fanart with star boy and Asha tho
Anyway though the movie was pretty good and I expect to see some fucking fan theories. I think that this is gonna be like Encanto in the sense that in theaters people are shitting on it and saying it's bad but once the movie hits Disney+ it's gonna blow up. I've been wanting to see a Disney movie take place in the Mediteranean for a while and this did not disappoint. Like don't expect a Disney masterpiece Disney is still neglecting their animation quite a bit and it's showing, but don't expect trash either like you will enjoy watching this.
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moonshinemagpie · 2 months
Movies I Watched in March
Once upon a time I only watched 3 movies a year and all of them were bad. Then I made a New Year's resolution to start watching respectable world cinema, and now my life is much better.
January's movie reviews
February's movie reviews
March's haul:
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mini reviews
Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009): Hugh Grant romcom. One of those movies that's so bad you realize you've already seen it only once you've rewatched about 80% of it. Grade: F (Oops, I watched a stupid movie! All the movies I used to watch were like this one. This is why I thought movies were bad!)
Spaceman (2024): My first non-comedy Adam Sandler film. It manages to be both depressing and not take itself very seriously. Grade: A
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The Graduate (1967): Sooo saucy, awkward, and well-shot. The colors will stay in my brain forever. I love mixing neurodivergence with messy 60s US sexual politics. Grade: A
An Affair to Remember (1957): My mom's suggestion after I told her I wanted something as swoony as The Bodyguard. Having the main couple spend all their time apart in the last third of the movie is a terrible way to tell a romance.
At the same time, I wish we still wrote scripts as subtle and layered as this. The conversation in the last scene was chef's kiss.
Also, came out exactly 10 years before The Graduate, and the cultural differences are fascinating. Grade: B
Pan's Labyrinth (2006): I have a lot of unpopular del Toro opinions. His movies are overhyped and he seems better in theory (monster fuckers! nonconformity! anti-fascist!) than in practice (rigid adherence to standard storytelling arcs; extended Hollywood chase scenes; an unending obsession with the hypermasculine). Grade: D
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A la mala (2015): A fun romantic comedy about a beautiful woman who's paid by other women to flirt with their boyfriends and expose them as cheaters. Had more heart than it needed to. Grade: B
Uncut Gems (2019): More serious Adam Sandler. This movie feels like every New Yorker's absolute worst day. Grade: A+
All of Us Strangers (2023): Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal in a queer, dreamy film that keeps you guessing. I absolutely loved this and it needs to be rewatched. Grade: A+
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The Chess Players (1977): Historical drama about how the king of the last self-ruling province of India gives his country over to the British because he can't stop playing chess. Grade: A+
Carol (2015): Another film Tumblr overhyped. Not one thing happens in it that you wouldn't have guessed from the summary. Achingly slow. Grade: C
Tar (2022): I saw this in January and rewatched it, this time with a friend who, as the end credits were rolling, blurted out, "I didn't like that." Yet we stayed up talking about it, talked about it over breakfast the following day, and both kept bringing it up the whole week, until finally she said she was glad to have watched it just for the hours of discussion it inspired. Grade: A++, this is one of my favorite movies of all time
Roman Holiday (1953): Honestly, another movie that was better in my head than in reality. Grade: C
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Los pequeños amores (2024): About an adult daughter who moves in with her mom for a few weeks after her mother injures herself. Spanish cinema is willing to casually show a woman cleaning out her moon cup and it should be rewarded for that. Grade: A
Going forward:
I loved my introduction to Indian cinema and want to watch some Bollywood favorites. Also have an exciting list of queer movies to look forward to, and I'm still in search of another movie that makes me swoon as much as The Bodyguard did.
Really enjoying this journey!
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kmze · 3 months
Stefan and Elena would have been endgame if Nina had not quit
Stefan and Caroline would have been endgame if Kevin had not killed Stefan
Stefan and Lexi would have been endgame if Damon had not killed Lexi
It's getting crazier with each passing day/year.What is the truth?
(I guess you know what I'm talking about)
Good to have you back,Kris.Miss your metas and smuts!
Oh Anon I know exactly what you are talking about, although I hadn't heard the Lexi/Stefan one until now that just seems like she's talking just to talk. Thank you for the welcome back! I missed this site and now that it's usable again (it was awful for a few years) I came back since it's the only site not taken over by ad-based algorithms and influencers. Plus now that I'm doing a TVD rewatch maybe I'll try to write some mini-metas if I feel inspired (the smut I can't promise as much I have complete writers block sadly.)
My thoughts under the cut because this got long oops!
Lets get to that tweet that started this discourse again, which I'm sure that was her intention, and honestly, I think she believes that on some level but it's simply not true. And I don't mean not true in the sense that the Stefan and Elena couldn't have been endgame because of how the story evolved after Nina left (or even before) but because they absolutely could have been! In fact it would have been rather simple to give Stefan and Elena an implied endgame with only having Nina for the finale. I remember a few weeks before the finale there was a pretty easy to believe "spoiler" of how they could pull it off. Basically Damon dies instead of Stefan, Elena wakes up and Caroline compels them both to forget about vampires, witches all of Mystic Falls etc. to protect them. Then there's a time jump where they run into each other again as strangers and do the whole "I'm Stefan" "I'm Elena" meet-cute from the Pilot and 5x18 visions. All that full circle jazz and now they get to be together without all the baggage so viewers can theorize how that unfolds. I can't even emphasize enough how EASY they made this a possibility when Stefan turned human (probably why I felt so much dread when I knew they were going to do that). This was also around the time the SE King Kevin Williamson (who also likes to blame Nina for not getting his endgame) and I cannot believe he wouldn't have been all for this. Hell lets even go back further because Nina told them at the beginning of S6 she was leaving so they had all of S6 to redirect the story back to Stefan and Elena, which again would have been easy with the mind-erase storyline and Damon being dead, but they didn't! They made them super platonic and after years of hints made Stefan and Caroline a main love story.
So yeah sorry Jules that is not the reason Stefan and Elena weren't endgame, they had tons of time to redirect the storyline. Even if she was determined to have Stefan and Caroline get together she could have done that, had them break up for good during the 54678 obstacles she put them through and then had Caroline date Enzo (kill me) before sending her off to Klaus (because apparently that was also a possibility until Caroline married Stefan if you're keeping track).
So what's the real reason Stefan and Elena weren't endgame? I'm not going to pretend like I know for certain but I do have a working theory, I don't think they could have made Stefan and Elena endgame without hurting Caroline's ending and that was more important to Julie by the end. I know lots of people will probably think I'm crazy for saying that but it is truly what I believe. Especially after seeing where Caroline started (like it was painful watching how prop-y she was treated in S1 during my rewatch) and where she ended up (last vampire standing running a magic school in the Salvatore house one of the biggest landmarks in the verse). I don't see how Caroline's ending wouldn't have taken a hit if Stefan reunited with Elena, even if she was the one who compelled him to forget about her. Instead the show used Stefan and Elena to prop Stefan and Caroline in the finale! They made it so Stefan couldn't find peace until he was sure Caroline knew he got her message and he'd love her forever too (the teaser cut away shot and "there's something I have to say" sells this IMO). That's what Julie used to set-up Legacies as the foundation of the school, it was Caroline's love for Stefan and how he helped her become the best vampire ever and now she's doing the same for supernatural kids. Candice King confirmed this in an article when Legacies ended, it's also implied via song in the Salvatore musical episode of Legacies about the founding of the school. That might be why Julie said it would "dishonor Stefan" to make Klaus and Caroline get together because she still needed Caroline's love for Stefan to be strong even in death, that's why this parallel lives in my head rent-free.
I'm sure some people will say it was because of Damon and Elena and their powerful chemistry and love story but that's for people who give a damn about that relationship (not I) who genuinely believe the writers HAD to deliver the chin kiss endgame.
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coolcattime · 11 months
ooo I’m curious on your yttd theory! and you can spoil the side story if you need to to explain, I don’t mind. It won’t ruin my enjoyment when I play it myself eventually!
So this isn't really gonna have spoilers for Sara's side story, Precious Best Friend, as it's only one line that's important but will have spoilers for the whole game as it focuses mostly on information given in Chapter Three Part One (which I know you’ve play, but I guess just as a warning for if other people who haven’t are reading ^-^ ).
It's kinda a two fold theory in that Keiji killed Joe's dad and that Keiji is then the reason that's Joe's in the death game.
Spoilers under the cut.
So in this theory "Mr Policeman" aka Keiji's idol that he shot and killed is Joe's dad. Now there's a lot of evidence for this part of the theory both in game and meta wise.
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In game, they look alike enough. Like when we were playing and the moment he came on the screen my friend asked why he looked like Joe, which led to our nickname for the man being "Mr Tazuna".
He refers to having a son, which given Keiji's age in the scene looking pretty young I'd put him at 13 at the very oldest (I've been roughly assuming 10-13). Keiji, as with all the characters that can drink [except Mishima who is confirmed to be 30], doesn't have an exact confirmed age but the art book says he's in his Late 20's, which would put Mr Policeman's soon to be born child in his teens. The only two teen boys we've met are Joe Tazuna and Ranmaru Kageyama. As Ranmaru was in the scene where Keiji saw the doll of the dead Mr Policeman and didn't say "Hey! That's my dead dad!" I'm going to guess it isn't his dad.
And for the in-game evidence from Sara's mini-episode, Joe confirms that his Dad is dead. Which definitely isn't confirmation, but it certainly adds to the theory in my mind.
Meta wise, I'm just gonna post the trivia section from the YTTD wiki since it's got a better explanation than I do.
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Now for the second half of the theory, leading on from Keiji's idol being Joe's dad, I believe Keiji, like many of the characters, wished to see someone with his ASU-NARO vow. Obviously, Keiji is the only living character whose vow we haven't seen, which likely means it's important.
Ranmaru suggests that Keiji brought Sara in, which I don't think is true (honestly I think if any of the characters brought Sara in directly, my odds are on Ranmaru). My theory is that Keiji's wish is something along the lines of "I wish I could meet my idol's son and make it up to him."
I believe this wish is why Joe was chosen to join Sara as a non-participant instead of Ryoko.
I guess in a way this could've also been why Sara was brought into the game (though I have no idea why she would then be the participant rather than Joe).
But this is my theory! I think the first half is very likely to be true, the second half I'm less sure but I think it's my best guess for Keiji's ASU-NARO vow.
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draiad · 2 months
FFVII Rebirth Spoilers Ahead
NGL This is going to be a big ramble but BUT I finished this game a bit ago now and I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. For anyone who is curious I ADORED it. There were a few moments I had frustrations with (Looking at you box throwing mini game) but that aside this game is still a solid 10/10 for me.
Be prepared for a lot of this to not make sense because I am typing as the thoughts come, there is no organization to them. for the TL:DR I liked the game and I am super excited for the answers we're going to get in part 3.
I cannot get over how well they handled the characters in this game. I should have expected it with how good of a job they did in Remake but they managed to absolutely blow my mind this game AGAIN.
That aside the thing I want to really focus on right now is the timeline stuff. I don't really have any solid theories as to how things are going to resolve nor do I have any set in stone mindset for Aerith's current situation but I have thoughts and ideas of how I would LIKE them to go.
I'm very curious about the timeline stuff. The characters who seem to have knowledge of other timelines vs those who don't. Its clear Zack, Biggs and Marlene are aware that there's something going on, not necessarily what but the fact that Marlene and Biggs knew of Cloud while in Zack's timeline makes me wonder what that means for Marlene in Cloud's timeline. I figure the hug from remake imparted all Marlene's with a bit of knowledge? I don't even know and I cannot wait to find out.
I also found the whispers a lot easier to deal with mentally this time around when thinking of them as extensions of Sephiroth and either Aerith or the life stream.
I may be wrong but I also feel like the weapons we saw in this game were the unwoken/larval stages of Ruby and Sapphire. I absolutely adored that sequence with Tifa and it makes me HELLA excited to see her help Cloud piece himself back together.
And then AND THEN we have that whole mess (still loved it all) with how they handled Aerith's death. I'm of two mindsets right now with what happened there. The one that I think is most likely true is Aerith is dead dead and Cloud is seeing her as some coping mechanism. I'm not 100% sold on the idea of it being Jenova manipulating him (though that would be hella dark and I would LOVE it). The other thing that I feel like may be the case is Aerith is dead but in the lifestream and is actively communicating with Cloud. Again not fully sold on it but I suppose we're just gonna have to wait and see. I think next game when we revisit things we're going to get that iconic scene of him lowering her into the water as he finally accepts the truth. Maybe after he recovers himself. All I know is its going to be so heartbreaking and good to watch as the team start doubting him while he spirals.
I think the black materia is going to be a fun game-play element to his skills in the next game too and I am super excited for some sort of Dark Knight Cloud. I feel like we're going to lose him pretty early on in part 3, I fully expect within the first couple of hours of the game the northern crater shit is going to go down and we'll have Party Leader Tifa for a while.
I can honestly say I don't know what kind of ending I want for this trilogy. Part of me wants it to be a reset, for the timeline to return to what it should. Another part of me wants it to be the happy ending for all. Either way I'll probably be happy. I think the only ending that would piss me off is someone wakes up and it was all a dream.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Could I request Mukuro for prompt 1? All or as many as you like of the 20 items ! Thank you!
Of course you can, my lovely anon! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy!
What’s their go-to fifteen minute meal?
I do see Mukuro as someone who eats out a lot. If he’s not up to going out, I think he survives on junk food – chips and instant ramen are a lot of what he eats. He likes spicier chips and his go-to instant ramen is Ippudo Tonkotsu Ramen.
How would they describe their perfect vacation?
Eventful. Mukuro does have his moments where he wants a little breathing room but mostly, he’s not one to sit around and do nothing. He wouldn’t take true vacations often, since even when travelling, he has plans and things in the works that he’s keeping himself occupied with.
What’s the most read book on their bookshelf?
It’s a tie between Machiavelli’s The Prince and Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality.
If they had to describe themselves as a type of shoe, which type would they choose? Why?
I think I would compare Mukuro to a worn-in pair of good leather boots. Strong enough to take a beating, practical and long-lasting, but changeable enough to go with a lot of different things.
What song would they choose as their theme song?
I’m going to cheat here but Mukuro has a leitmotif in the anime that I think really fits him perfectly and at least the first five or six seconds play in my head every time he showed up in the manga.
What’s the oldest item in their refrigerator?
Honestly, nobody cleans out the mini fridge in Kokuyo Land enough…there’s a little piece off a block of cheese that is old enough to have filled the entire Ziploc baggie it’s in with mold.
Do they have an emergency treat (ice cream, cookies, candy, etc.) hidden somewhere in their kitchen for bad days? What is it?
It’s ice cream. Mukuro changes his favourite flavour of ice cream up a lot, but he normally does have a tub hidden in the back of the little freezer. Doesn’t really matter though, because no matter how much stuff he piles in front of it, Ken or Fran ends up eating it on him before Mukuro actually wants it…maybe Chikusa once or twice, though Ken still ends up getting blamed.
What’s their weirdest bedtime ritual?
Mukuro has to brush his teeth. Pretty normal, yeah…except he brushes them one by one, first along the bottom and then along the top, going tooth by individual tooth. He always ‘forgets’ to floss though; the feeling of the waxy string kind of drives him insane, especially since he has sensitive gums.
Who/what is the one thing that can make them smile no matter how terrible their day has been?
Honestly, not to get too sappy but it is Ken and Chikusa, and then eventually Chrome and Fran too. As someone who never really had the luxury of a family or of people he could rely on, those four, while they drive him insane and while he isn’t above using them (though they willing consent to it), are really his own version of a safe, happy, warm place.
Where do they go when they need some time alone?
Mukuro is lucky enough in that, when he needs to retreat, he doesn’t need to go far. If it’s safe for him to do so, he simply retreats into his mind. Given the powers he has, his mind is more of a retreat than most other people’s, obviously.
What’s one conspiracy theory that they secretly agree with?
Mukuro has very little faith in the world, honestly, and he could easily be convinced of most conspiracy theories, with the only one he strongly disbelieves in being the whole flat earth theory.
Who’s the person they most want to tell when they hear a funny joke?
Honestly, it’s usually Chikusa or Chrome. Ken is too easy to make laugh so there’s no satisfaction there. Fran will just insult any joke. Both Chikusa and Chrome, while near impossible to make laugh, do both have senses of humour, and there’s a sense of accomplishment Mukuro feels in making either of them laugh.
What’s the first section of the newspaper (or online news source) that they check each day?
Mukuro subscribes to a lot of different news sites and does check them, keeping an eye on both major world news, on smaller news stories in places where the Mafia has strongholds, and in the tabloids, which tell the truth far more than people would think.
Who would they call to bail them out of jail? Bonus points if you describe why they were arrested!
This one is kind of obvious, as it’s shown in canon that he calls the rest of the Kokuyo Gang, including M.M. when he needs to be broken out of jail. He’s likely arrested on one of the many, many crimes he’s wanted for, let’s be honest. Mukuro isn’t exactly the picture of the ideal, law-abiding citizen.
What’s the one scent that most reminds them of home?
Blood. With the human experimentation being such a big part of his youth, and then the infiltration and slaughter of Lanchia’s family being another big part of his childhood, the smell of blood almost permeates all his memories of ‘home’ for him, though he’s learning to replace that smell with the smell of the damp earth, wet dog, apples, and that fancy smelling body soap that Chikusa likes so much.
What do they consider their greatest achievement?
Though he doesn’t consider his greatest achievement accomplished yet, as I do believe that, even at the end of the story, Mukuro does still have an intent to wipe out the rotted, evil parts of the Mafia world, I do think the fact that he has escaped Vindice prison, TWICE, which is supposed to be inescapable, is something he’s definitely a little proud of.
How much time do they spend on the internet each day?
I do think that, while the internet is a source of information for Mukuro, it’s not his main or only source, and that he really does keep his internet time relatively short, no more than a couple hours a day.
What’s their go-to procrastination activity?
Mukuro doesn’t really procrastinate all that often, actually. He’s pretty motivated and ambitious as a person but when he is putting something off, he normally spends a lot of time with the others, letting them drag him into stuff or deliberately provoking odd situations just to have the excuse to put off whatever it is that he genuinely doesn’t want to do.
If someone were to make a movie of their life, who would they want to play them?
Nobody. Absolutely nobody. Mukuro’s story would never get told because it’s not really one he wants publicly told and he would honestly stop it from getting out or ever even being thought of as a movie.
Is there a number in their phone that they should definitely delete but just can’t seem to erase?
He still has Lanchia’s cell phone number and he updates it every time that the man changes it. He really doesn’t need it…it’s just a ‘to be safe’ feeling that having it gives Mukuro.
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formulatrash · 1 year
Hi Hazel!
with everyone just waiting for first non-redbull win of the season, i’m so surprised that this stat hasn’t been brought up this year with aston jumping up and the possibility of fernando winning a race.
no driver has won a race after they’ve reached their 300th start. i feel like it would be a cool thing to follow considering that while yes, the aston martin is faster than the mercedes (without the upgrades at least so we’ll see in spain), anything could happen in a crazy enough race.
it was brought up a bunch last year when lewis had his 300th start but honestly, every race weekend i go in thinking if something crazy happens, i wonder who’s going to be the first one to win out of the two of them. especially with the history between those two.
might be a nerdy thing to be looking out for but i like to find joy in the little things in f1 so idk was kind of waiting for crofty or alex jacques to pull that stat out at some point because i think it’s cool.
i do want it to be lewis first though, now that i’ve created this mini competition in my head.
this definitely came up the other week, when Lewis hit 300, although I can’t remember where. it’s one of those that’s definitely floating around journalist discussions for like, topics that will come up. 
I sincerely believe Lewis will win again, I don’t know about Alonso. it’s been a very, very long time and a lot of rule changes since Fernando won a race which isn’t to say it’s impossible but it is relatively unlikely; Aston binned the chance pretty much as badly as McL did in Sochi yesterday and it’s only the Red Bull’s dominance that’s letting them off for it. 
so: he’ll probably win Spain just to annoy me. oh god, I’ve just had a vision of F1 twitter if that happens and I think I’ll just turn the internet off. not my internet, I mean the whole thing. 
only six drivers ever (Schumacher, Button, Hamilton, Barrichello, Raikkonen, Alonso) have gone over 300 starts. so statistically it’s not all that surprising that none of them have won again after that; Alonso is the most outlier in the ranks because he’s done 61 races since since his 300th (Lewis has done 16) so in theory has had the most chances but also, we all know F1 is a numbers game in terms of chances but not a cumulative one. 
so, yeah. it will be interesting which of them (maybe both) does it this year. or next year. or in 2028 when inexplicably this is all still going on, etc.
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