#a win for fujoshi everywhere
suiheisen · 2 months
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liberté, egalité, fraternité et yaoi
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jamesvowles · 1 year
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girl what in the youtube thumbnails
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sorrowandpride · 1 year
Why didn't y'all tell me we got an mpreg emoji 🫃
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tti episode 2
“Last time on Total! Takes! Island! 22 campers participated in their first challenge: a one-thousand foot dive into shark-infested waters. Most campers took the plunge, but a few were feathered and tarred by their teammates- and me! In the end, it was Fren who walked the dock of shame, and Ass who lived to play another day. Who will go home this week? Find out today, on Total! Takes! Island!”
Another beautiful morning in Wawanakwa- that is, unless you’re a camper being woken up bright and early. 
“It’s 6 AM!” Bonnie yells out the window as air horns blare over the intercom. 
“Rise and shine, sleepyheads!” Chris shouts through his megaphone. “It’s challenge time!”
The campers collect outside of their cabins, groggy and tired. Frollo arrives first, carrying his Bible with him, much to Max’s annoyance. “Are you really gonna bring that thing with you everywhere all season?”
Frollo looks thoroughly unamused. “Yes,” 
Julia steps out next, yawning and rubbing her eyes under her glasses. She glares at both Max and Frollo as they stare at her before being ran into by Michael, who wasn’t watching where she was going. 
Mal is, of course, up bright and early, smiling. Ass stares at her with heavy bags under their eyes. “Morning person?”
“Nah, just snuck some coffee from the mess hall before Chris came out here. Want some?” She offers a thermos. Ass smiles and accepts the gift. 
“Morning, campers! Hope you had a good night of sleep, because your next challenge starts in eight minutes!” The crowd responds with a groan, much to Chris’ delight. “Time for your twenty kilometer run around the island!”
“Are you kidding me!?” Caesar shouts. Chris rolls his eyes. “You know I would never joke about torture,”
Chef walks up behind the crowd and blasts an air horn, shocking all of the campers into running (with the exception of Bonnie and Caesar, who sigh and walk instead). 
“Well, this blows. No one’s even had a huge meltdown yet,” Bonnie says, hands in their hoodie pockets as they walk. 
“Oh, they will,” Caesar chuckles. “Trust me on that.”
Bonnie shrugs and keeps walking at a steady pace as the two pass O, who's wheezing on the ground. 
The inside of the mess hall looks like a refugee hospital as the campers who have arrived already lie on the floor, the benches, the tables, panting and coughing. Joner groans for water, weakly holding a hand up, which McLovin (lying beside him) shakily high-fives. 
Peter and Sha-Mod come bounding in, breathing through their mouths. Even the picture of Lightning is red-faced as they complete this leg of the challenge for their team. 
“That’s everyone, McLame,” Patrick snaps. “Where’s our prize?”
“Oh, no,” Chris says. “This is just the beginning!”
Everyone groans. “Don’t worry, dudes, I’m sure you’ll love this part!”
Chris pulls a drawstring by a pair of heavy purple curtains and reveals a glamorous buffet, lined with every fattening, carb-heavy food you could imagine: breadsticks, mac n cheese, potatoes in all forms, a ham and a giant turkey, beans, and with dessert to spare. The whines and groans of the Fujoshis are stifled as they stare in ecstasy, and then dig in.
When they finish up, Chris giggles. “Ready for part two?”
“Part two?” McLovin groans. “Wasn’t this part two?”
“Just the beginning, my friend, just the beginning,” the host chuckles back. “It’s time for the Awake-a-Thon!”
“Don’t worry, dudes, this is an easy one! Your only goal is to stay awake!” Chris chuckles. “Whichever team member survives the twelve-hour marathon wins!”
MAL: “Well, I can’t say I’m proud of myself for not remembering this from the original season, but… something possessed me seeing that food. After a week of inedible garbage, it was like seeing my Twitter account finally being unsuspended after a month on my alt!”
“We are ten hours into the Awake-a-Thon, and miraculously, everyone remains awake,” Chris says softly, gesturing to the contestants behind him. 
Mal sits on a patch of dead grass, using the uncomfortable surface to keep her awake. She turns to Peter, who’s looking like a zombie. 
“Hey, are you-”
And with that, Peter falls backwards and is out cold. Mal sighs. 
“One down,” McLovin mutters, mildly annoyed. 
Courtney shrugs. “Could be worse, right? I should’ve known this was coming, I've seen the original a thousand times.”
“I don’t blame you, that stupid run put my brain on the backburner. And those beans were really good,”
“Agreed,” they smile. 
The Anons are faring much better without having had the feast, though they look more “sickly and fatigued” tired than “warm and comfy” tired. 
Austin turns to Kelly, eyes tired. “How’re you holding up, baby?”
She yawns. “Well. You?”
“A little bummed we missed out on that groovy meal, but glad I have you to keep me company, eh?” he winks, earning a little blush from Kelly in return. 
O raises an eyebrow at the two from a few feet away.
O: “Listen, I try not to watch Total Drama too much, but I know an alliance is forming when I see one. If I’m gonna make this, I’m gonna need friends.”
O turns to Joner and tries to smile. “Hey man, how’re you holding up?”
He smiles back. “Tired, but good! How’re you?”
“Could be better. Hey, listen…” O points to Kelly and Austin, and then looks back at Joner. “You seem like a friendly guy, right?”
“I try!”
“Well, from one friend to another, I’d watch out for Kelly and Austin,” he mutters. “There’s an alliance brewing there.”
Joner’s eyes widen. “An alliance?!”
“You bet. And now both of us are at risk cause Kelly and Austin are the nicest players on the team. There’s no way anyone would vote them out,”
“Well… I don’t know, I’m not the biggest Austin fan,” Joner yawns. “He didn’t treat my buddy Michael very kindly yesterday.”
“Well, we’re in the minority on that. Look at them!”
O points. Kelly finishes a flower crown of daisies and dandelions and places it on Austin’s head. A butterfly lands on his shoulder and a beam of sunlight pierces the clouds and washes over them. 
“I see what you mean, man,” Joner says. “Who else can we get in on this?”
“Well, who else do you think would hate to see nice people having fun?”
Both turn to Max. 
Courtney’s head droops, and they’re only awoken when McLovin shakes them violently. 
“Jeez,” they mutter. “I almost lost myself there. Thanks, MC.”
“No problem. Just gotta… stay on top of the game…”
Courtney and McLovin are out seconds after. 
Michael’s eyes close for a moment too long and Max immediately splashes her face with cold water. “God! What the hell!”
“Don’t you dare fall asleep,” Max hisses. 
“You have a lot of energy in you for someone of your size,” Scary comments. 
Austin nods. “Like a baby chihuahua, baby,”
“My great-great-great grandfather on my mom’s side was the best chihuahua breeder to ever live,” Staci yawns. “True story.”
“Yeah, that’s fascinating,” Max says, taking a seat far away from everyone else. 
O and Joner make eye contact and take the opportunity to sit beside him. “You’re not that short,” O says. “My uncle is 4’9 and he’s a heavy weight lifting champion.”
“It’s just that Austin, huh?” Joner says. “Always making trouble.”
“Not making enough trouble, if you ask me,” 
“Yeah, that too!”
Across the way, Patrick slumps over, dead asleep. His headphones slip off and reveal he’s been listening to Madonna. 
Joner coughs, redirecting the attention back to him. “Say, if you wanted to, perhaps, join an alliance with the two of us.. Keep us safe… we wouldn’t mind,”
Max yawns. “Yeah. Whatever,”
O silently pumps his fist and nods, then sneaks off with Joner to fist bump. 
Michael and Staci are out cold on the ground. Kelly and Austin lean on each other, and O and Scruffy keep kicking each other in their sleep. 
Scary’s eyes are open, but they’re not moving. 
“Can someone check if… if she’s dead?” Max mutters. Joner steps up and stumbles over, poking his shoulder. Scary coughs.
“Not dead. Asleep,”
“Damnit,” Max groans, before promptly slumping forwards and tumbling to the ground, fast asleep. Joner winces. 
JONER: “I was sitting there, like, if we lose, it’s gonna be on me,” he yells at the confessional camera, eye bags still heavy. “And then Max will drop the alliance and throw me and O to the wolves! I can’t let us down like that! and I especially can't leave Michael and McLovin alone. It's really hard to notice, but... they're not too close.”
“Gotta stay up… gotta stay up…” Joner murmurs, slapping himself every other sentence. 
“Congratulations, campers!” Chris says merrily. “You’ve made it to the 24 hour mark! Let’s kick things up a notch with some good old fashioned... fairy tales!”
“God, no…” Julia groans. 
“Once upon a time, there was… a quiet, sleepy village,” Chris says in a soft, soothing voice. Chef plays the harp nearby, adding a melodic tune to the dreary reading. “And in this quiet, sleepy village… nothing happened… ever”
Sha-Mod and Kitty collapse into each other, bonking their heads and getting knocked out instantly. 
“And then they totally left their underwear in the guy’s car,” Ass chuckles. “And that’s why I’m not allowed at IHop anymore.”
Mal laughs. “You’re funny. These things really happen to you?”
They shrug. “I guess so. I think there's just something about me that attracts crazy people. What, you have a normal life?”
“Not quite, but not as exciting as yours,” she says. “I run a TD blog. A really popular blog. It’s nothing exciting, but crazy shit happens,”
“Crazy? Like what?”
Mal's eyes narrow at Courtney, who's fast asleep across the way. “Well…”
But when she turns back to Ass, their eyes are closed and their body is limp. Mal doesn't hold up for much longer after.
Frollo reads from his Bible, looking tired but not uttering a peep. 
“Ugh, how are you doing that?” Julia asks. 
“Doing what?”
“Not falling asleep reading that thing,”
Frollo looks up at her. “This “thing” is the greatest work of non-fiction ever made. It’s riveting. I'm in Leviticus right now,”
Julia yawns. “Don’t you dare,”
“Leviticus 18:22 says-”
Julia collapses. 
“Listen, I really didn’t want for it to come to this, but you all give me no choice, really,” Chris sighs, pulling a book up. “I’m sure you’re all familiar with A History of Canada: The Pop-Up Book?”
Caesar groans. “God, no, please,”
“I wasn’t finished yet, compadre. This is the revised edition, with an additional thirteen chapters!”
The remaining players groan. Bonnie gives in immediately, slowly dropping. Caesar gasps. “Bonnie, no!” But it’s too late. 
That leaves only three- Frollo- still reading his Bible- Joner- fighting for his life- and Caesar- already worried about looking like a zombie tomorrow. 
“Chapter one-”
Joner lets out an earth-shattering groan, catching everyone's attention. He then sighs in defeat, curls up into a ball on the grass, and falls asleep, all his remaining effort gone. Frollo blinks, unamused, and Caesar swallows a lump in his throat. 
“Oh, come on!” Chris shouts. “This is taking forever!”
Caesar sighs loudly and stands, pacing around in circles to keep awake. A few of the fallen soldiers begin to wake up and watch in dead silence as time ticks down. Chris continues reading. Chef comes out with glasses of warm milk and cookies, which are refused. The sun sets again and the sky turns a deep shade of blue. Caesar’s steps are much slower now, but Frollo’s eyes keep drooping- it’s only a matter of time before one of them collapses. 
“This is terrible. Honestly,” Chris says, crossing his arms. He turns to Chef. “Should we make them fight each other?”
“At this point, I don’t think they’d stand a chance,” Chef shakes his head. “Something’s gotta happen eventually, right?”
Caesar’s eyes (now barely open, even as he paces) flit over towards Frollo, who’s been on the same page of his Bible for hours now. 
“You done with that yet?” he asks, barely able to speak. Frollo ignores him. “Come on, it’s not like we have anything better to do.”
Frollo looks up from his page and glares. “I don’t fraternize with the homosexual,” 
“Woah, buddy,” Caesar holds up his hands defensively. “This is a kid’s show.”
“Stop talking to me, filthy wretch,”
Caesar looks over his shoulder to Chris, who shrugs. Then, he gets an idea. He takes a seat on one of the logs around the campfire across from where Frollo is standing and forces a smile. “You know it isn’t real, right?”
Frollo shakes his head. 
“It’s just a bunch of stories loosely based on events that might have happened,” Caesar grins. “It’s less concrete than, um, RuPaul.”
“Silence, you infernal-”
“Watch it, we’re on TV,” he chuckles. “Me, personally, I was never a “God” guy. I spell it with a lowercase G and everything.”
“Enough!” Frollo stands, seething. “You will not take the Lord’s name in vain!”
“Oh, but I just did. Not that he’s going to do anything about-”
Before Caesar can finish his sentence, Frollo spins and launches the heavy book directly at his head. It hits his hair, bounces back, and smacks Frollo straight in the temple. Frollo blinks and then falls backwards. Chris stands in bewilderment, a huge, shocked grin on his face. “Is he out?”
Chef approaches and looks him over. “He’s out,”
“He’s out. He’s out! Finally!” Chris laughs. “Thank God for pompadours! Caesar wins! The Flying Fujoshis win!”
The Flying Fujoshis swarm Caesar, cheering (the ones who are awake, anyway) and the challenge officially ends as Caesar falls asleep and slumps over on Bonnie. 
“Anons, you put up a good fight today. Unfortunately, your remaining player was a homophobe. Sucks to suck,” Chris smiles. “You all know the drill- no marshmallow, and you’re out. Forever! Haha. Okay:”
“Staci, Scary, O, and Michael, you’re all safe. 
Next up is Kelly,
And Scruffy.”
Joner looks at Frollo nervously. Frollo blinks slowly, holding an ice pack to his head.
“Joner, you’re up for elimination for willingly giving up and possibly costing your team the win against Caesar. Frollo, you lost, big-time! But only one of you will be boarding the boat of losers tonight, and the other one is safe. And that person is….”
“Frollo. Joner, time to pack your bags,”
Joner sighs and looks to the team. “It’s been a blast, everyone,”
Michael frowns and stands, running over to Joner and giving him one last goodbye fist bump. “You’ll be missed,”
Joner smiles. “I’ll see you, man. You and McLovin better win that million for us!”
She frowns deeper. “Right. Me and McLovin,”
MICHAEL: "That was… rough. Even rougher considering that leaves me completely alone. And considering that Joner has been my best friend since elementary school… This has not been a good day for me,"
Chris watches curiously, and then waves Joner goodbye as he walks down the docks. “That was tough! Who’s gonna be hitting the road next week? And who will suffer blunt-force trauma? Find out on Total! Takes! Island!”
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khunvegas · 3 years
no because listen, i said it before and i'll say it again. nitiman is not the best out there but somehow, with every episode, it gets better in terms of actually everything which i wasn't prepared to. i came here with lower than low expectations and it really surprised me. like, 6 episodes and two kisses already? not even sotus did that much.
now, i won't compare it with other bls because there's no room for comparison- if you tell me that this one is better than atots or itsay, i would side-eye you, full shade- but with another regular bl, this one is actually good? idk if it's because my standards are so low and i'm seeing this as quality but i'll take it anyways.
they still managed to break the stereotypes within the cliche tropes they still have. jin not being a sweet boy but actually foul mouthed, a playboy that play sports and is kind of famous within his faculty. bbomb, while he's kind of intense, he's not the pushy type and he knows that jin is a playboy and might not reciprocate but still gives him time to figure things out; also popular and play sports. also, very important, they don't bend over backwards for the other to do things they don't want.
i do have to admit that i like that they don't revolve around each other, that they have their own group of friends, their own things and the series actually show those two sides. it's good that they're not dependent of the other.
hell, even the fujoshis are respectful, like you don't see that everywhere. i hate that there are fujoshis in the first place but well, you take your wins.
idk man, maybe nitiman deserves rights and more people should watch it so we can talk about it. let's talk about it.
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panlyv · 4 years
ok so… i wanna talk about the “sarawatine didn’t kiss and that’s bullshit” discourse that has been going around in light of the finale.
first, people who say they wished they had kissed are only valid if they aren’t disgusting fujoshis who want a kiss just for the sake of wanting it, without understanding the context and motivations behind such action. so if you are a fujoshi, get tf out of this post.
i think the major reason why so many people are upset we didn’t get a kiss is because of cultural differences. and i speak about this matter from my own point of view, since im literally from the other side of the globe.
as a south american, more specifically as a brazilian who was born and raised here, i can say that our way of showing affection is drastically different from how ive seen most asian couples show affection to each other. (disclaimer to say im in no way an expert on this matter and what i say is based on hearing about asian friends’ experiences and documentaries lmao so don’t come for my head and if i say something wrong please point it out!)
here in brazil, you will see people kissing, hugging, holding hands, and whatever other form of physical affection there is everywhere you go, whether it be a straight or queer couple. it’s just natural for us. we greet each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, it doesn’t matter if you know the person you just greeted or not. we even have a whole holiday that’s basically for partying, dancing and kissing (carnaval!). brazilians already flood each other with physical affection without being in a romantic relationship, so of course for me it’s weird when i watch a couple just establishing their relationship and a kiss doesn’t follow their confessions.
a standard brazilian love confession would consist of two people declaring their love for each other, happily smiling, and then they would kiss because they love each other and they are happy to be together, and a kiss is how we were taught to express such feelings. but that doesn’t apply only for brazil, or for south america, it’s a reality in a lot of cultures in many countries around the world. but i also know that’s not universal and it doesn’t apply to everyone.
i get it, that’s not how asians were raised and perhaps for them my culture can be an absurd, but i won’t lie and say a part of me doesn’t expect a kiss every now and then in asian shows, especially after asking each other to be boyfriends or laying down in the grass under a starry night, because that would be extremely realistic and natural in the cultural context im in.
i know it’s not fair to expect elements from my own culture to feature in shows and series from a country so far away from mine, but i do get where some people might be coming from when they demand a kiss like in sarawatine’s case. because for them that would be the utmost romantic gesture, that would show us, the audience, the characters really do love and care for each other.
sarawat and tine have other ways of showing their love for each other, and they are all just as beautiful and valid as a kiss, but i feel like, after everything they went through, especially in episode 12, after solving their problems and agreeing to go back to dating, the fact that they just high fived each other was so… out of place? you would high five your friend after winning a match, or high five a kid after they finished playing around, but would you simply high five your “ex” boyfriend who just wrote a whole song for and about you when you realised everything that happened was a misunderstanding and you are willing to give it another go????? im not saying they should’ve kissed right there in front of the crowd (because that would be out of character for them, esp tine) but… they should’ve at least kissed at some point (and i would die and kill for tine to initiate a kiss tbh), once they didn’t kiss ever since they started dating and moved in together. for me, it would have made sense and would fit the story and the characters, and also make it feel even more realistic. but it didn’t happen, and that’s ok.
people have the right to be frustrated about the lack of kisses in 2gether, but those same people (including myself) have to understand they are choosing to consume a piece of midia that depicts a culture that diverges so much from their own, and that culture has its own social behaviors, manners and values. if you are bothered with the lack of good kisses in bls in general, then i guess thai bl is just not the right genre for you, especially gmm shows (we all know gmm’s poor history of kissing, both straight and queer). and this isn’t much about the thai industry, but we can’t forget how queer affection on television can be censored over the tiniest of things on asian midia which ://
so please don’t go around spreading hate to the crew and director or even to the actors themselves because you feel robbed of a kiss (esp because you can tell it was a scene from the very beginning of the filmings when bright and win were still building the beautiful friendship they have today so perhaps that’s why it felt so awkward dbhdjsj). let’s not forget that 2gether is a show way beyond a simple kiss. it’s a show about love in its purest form, and all the hardships that come with it. it’s a show about self discovery and finding your own worth. it’s a show about growth in so so so many ways. do not let a tiny thing cloud your judgment to the amazing show 2gether was and to the incredible work everybody involved did, and the efforts bright and win did to portray such beautiful and raw characters to the best of their abilities.
i guess i just used this as an excuse to vent and try to deal with the fact that, sadly, 2gether has come to an end. i’ll miss this show so so much because i hold it very close to my heart and it has a really special place in my life rn. but yeah, it did end, liking it or not, and im just so thankful for bright, win and the crew of 2gether for these fantastic 13 weeks we had together and for all they’d done for us. but hopefully season two, or an ourskyy ep, or a special ep for the new book volumes await us………….. who knows
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teababe27 · 4 years
Notes From the 2019 Myanimelist.net Challenges - Part 2: Manga
This post will be talking about the Manga Reading Challenge. As with Part 1, this post will be talking about some of my favorite manga I read for this challenge, as well as some others I had thoughts about.
Let’s do this.
Honorable Mentions/Other Notables:
My Girlfriend’s a Geek - completed for the task “Read a comedy or Slice of Life manga”
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College student Taiga mainly wants two things: money and a hot older girlfriend. When Taiga applies for a part-time job, he falls right away for his senpai, Yuiko. They eventually get to know each other. When Taiga asks Yuiko to be his girlfriend, she has a confession: she’s a fujoshi. Not knowing what that means, Taiga says he doesn’t care what she is and they get into a relationship.
I thought this was heartwarming and funny at times (reminded me of when I had to tell my mom what yaoi meant - don’t ask), but I feel like the premise kinda wore thin after a while and some of the jokes fell flat near the end.
If I had to pick, this would be the Worst of the Challenge this year.
Arisa - completed for the task “Read a manga with less than 10,000 completed members”
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Tsubasa and Arisa are twin sisters who haven’t seen each other in a while. Tsubasa has a reputation of being a fighter and has mainly guy friends. Arisa is more of a girly girl and is the popular girl in her class. Tsubasa just wants to be more like Arisa. When they reconnect one day, Arisa suggests, for fun, that Tsubasa take her place at school for one day. Tsubasa later learns some dark serets about Arisa’s school life and plans to get to the bottom of things.
This may look shoujo-y, but is more of a psychological mystery/thriller, which I like. Generic at times, but fun. I feel like the ending had some problems, though.
Othello - completed for the task “Read a manga ranked below #1000 in the database”
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Yaya is shy, naive, trusting, and afraid to speak up for herself, which makes her an easy target. Her “friends” are huge dicks, call her names like “Yaya the cry-ya”, and take advantage of her and play pranks on her. She has a crush on a classmate, she dreams of being a singer, she cosplays occasionally; pretty average things.
Little does anyone - including Yaya herself - know, she has a split personality who is Yaya’s opposite in every way. Nana is loud, bold, brash, fashionable, and not afraid to speak up and dispense justice against Yaya’s “friends.”
This manga was actually pretty fun. I was worried it would be kinda repetitive from the first volume or two (Yaya gets tricked --> Nana comes out and dispenses justice --> Yaya’s crush is curious, etc.), but it got a little deeper into some of Yaya’s psyche. Seeing Nana dispense justice was also pretty fun, even though it could be a little unrealistic at times.
Hana and Hina After School - completed for the task “Read a manga with a cast consisting of mostly one gender”
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Hana and Hina are two girls working a part-time job at a toy store. Hana is small and shy. Hina is tall, fashionable, and secretly a model on the side. They get off on the wrong foot at first, but they eventually become friends. Since their school doesn’t allow part-time jobs, they help each other keep their secret and their feelings eventually grow past friendship.
This manga was ADORABLE!!!
I find it good to read yuri/shoujo ai written by a woman rather than a man. The progression of their relationship, while seeming a little fast, was so nice to see. So pure, cinnamon rolls too good for this world. Especially when the manga shows each girl laying in bed thinking about how cute the other one is. A heartwarming ending as well.
Beach Stars - completed for the task “Read a Sports or Games manga”
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Nanase Iruka is a short tomboy who loves volleyball. When her school’s volleyball club is shut down, Iruka is pretty upset. When her club-mates try to cheer her up, Iruka discovers beach volleyball. She forms a beach volleyball club at her school with a goal of winning against the local volleyball champion.
A bit fanservice-y at times, but I had fun with this one. It was fun to see Iruka and her friends compete and succeed. I also liked the growing friendship of a couple freshmen who come into the story several chapters in.
Favorites from the Challenge:
Koi Dano Ai Dano - completed for the task “Read a prequel/sequel to a manga that you’ve already read”
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The cast from The Secret Notes of Lady Kanoko is back, and now they’re in high school!
Kanoko and Tsubaki are now attending the same high school. They end up getting recruited into their school’s newspaper club by one of their senpais. Kanoko becomes the Chief Strategist and helps the club out in their rivalry against other clubs, including the Broadcasting Club. Also, Kanoko is oblivious to Tsubaki’s growing crush on her.
Pretty much everything I liked about Lady Kanoko makes an appearance here. I still love Kanoko. She has a good head on her shoulders. These characters are not typical shoujo characters. I also love Tsubaki and Kanoko’s chemistry together. Comedy, romance, and a little suspense. Good mix.
The Embalmer - completed for the task “Read a manga serialized in a josei magazine”
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Mamiya is an embalmer, a profession treated with disdain in Japan. He seems okay with being an outcast, though. Throughout the manga, we learn why he chose his career, what goes through his mind, and stories from his job.
This manga really made me think. I did not know until now that embalming wasn’t really appreciated everywhere as it is in the US. I honestly did not expect this (pretty sad at times) meditation on love, loss, and grief, but I appreciate it all the same.
Annarasumanara - completed for the task “Read a manhua or manhwa”
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There are rumors in town of a magician at a tent in the abandoned theme park. He always starts his show by asking “Do you believe in magic?”
Yoon Ah-ee, a student who is living in poverty, has a chance encounter with this magician that changes her life forever.
The art in this one is pretty unique and cool. The plot was very interesting and the characters had some depth. This is another manga from the challenge that made me think. Thumbs up.
Alice 19th - completed for the task “Read a manga by a female author/artist”
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Alice has always been jealous of her older sister, Mayura. Mayura is good at everything she does and is popular at school. Alice is bullied at school and is afraid to stand up for herself. She also has a crush on Kyo, who starts dating Mayura.
One day, Alice encounters a bunny, who turns out to be a magical girl named Nyozeka. Nyozeka tells Alice that she is destined to learn the Lotis Words and become a Lotis Master. When Mayura disappears during an argument with Alice, Alice becomes determined to learn the Lotis Words and get her sister back.
This manga was great. I feel like this should get an anime adaptation. The art is great. The story is pretty cool, with magic focusing on words being something I hadn’t read before, or at least in a while. It’s pretty shoujo-y, but not too cliche.
Kasane - completed for the task “Read a manga that started serialization before 2015″
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Kasane Fuchi has inherited her actress mother’s talent, but not her good looks. No one will give her a chance because she is so ugly. Fortunately for her, she has something her mother left her: a lipstick that allows her to swap faces with whoever she kisses for 12 hours.
One day, a talent agent who knew her mother ropes her into being the body double for Nina Tanazawa, a struggling actress. Things go downhill from there.
This wins Best of the Challenge this year on the manga side for me. This manga blew my mind a few times while I was reading it. The story is interesting and unpredictable with plenty of twists and turns. Everyone basically crosses the Moral Event Horizon at some point. An interesting psychological manga. Highly recommended.
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huntypastellance · 6 years
I'm sorry I'm trying to figure out what the frick "Shaladins" are? I tried scrolling through the tag and I'm still really confused and you are one fo the main people I see posting in the tag? Can you please explain to me what exactly is going down rn and what exactly a Shaladin is?
I gotta set up a glossary page for the vld fandom too at this point. Half my inbox is literally “what does X mean?”.
Too many terms being slung around……
Shaladin: any shipper who ships Shiro with one of the other paladins* (Keith, Lance, Hunk or Pidge). 
*Allura’s in a weird grey area because she was considered to be Space Mom & an adult up until her VA confirmed that she was a teenager. The Shiro/Allura shippers are heavily split between Shallurantis (antis who make excuses to ship it despite Allura being an “underaged teenager”), Shitllurans (a subset of shallurantis who are the worst of the worst & turned on any shaladins who tried to help them after Allura’s “age reveal” happened & Shallura became a “problematic ship”) & the actual Shallura shippers.
Anti: self-proclaimed name for fans who use social justice terms & a facade of fighting against online abuse/predators all so their favorite ship can win a ship war. Often harasses the staff of the canon or encourages harassment of the staff. Never calls out the abusive maniacs in their own community even if they commit actual crimes. Favors an overly fluffy sparkly pastel aesthetic for their blogs, trashy memes & sucking up to minor celebrities completely unrelated to the canon’s production in order to boost their own ship. Basically a fujoshi stereotype who accuses other shippers of being fujoshi stereotypes & refuses to acknowledge that they themselves are fujoshi stereotypes. Accuses other people of sexualizing minors while they themselves consume/create porn of their own ship (even if the characters are minors).
Klantis: antis who specifically ship Keith/Lance, aka Klance. They manage to keep their ship at its #1 spot on Fandometrics by spamming Klance & crosstagging it everywhere. Every time a rival ship creeps up the rankings, they double down on the spam & start a new wave of anti-ship harassment to discourage those shippers.
Leakira: AU made by klantis after s7 dropped & they realized that Klance would not be canon. It’s a “re-write” of Voltron where the supporters for Leakira actually believe that they can buy all the rights to Voltron in just 10 years. There is no plot or story, just an “lgbtq+ poc” version of the Voltron characters where they are “extra” POC & have “extra” POC names (Leandro for Lance & Akira for Keith). Broganes & Shiro/Adam are also things that feature in this AU & Pidge is “re-imagined” to be Jewish so she’s “more ethnic”, despite the fans accusing her Jewish voice actress to be a “white d*ke”. Shiro is re-named to be Hachiko & is now Keith/Akira’s adopted father & the only “straight” characters are the villains & the parents (because this is literally a strawman caricature of how life works). Akira & Leandro have nothing in common with Keith & Lance other than color themes & similar jokes. Their polar opposite personalities & relationship to their canon counterparts is another sign that klantis never truly cared about the characters or Voltron’s story in the first place.
Broganes: An AU where Shiro is Keith’s adoptive brother/father/uncle despite them having 2 entirely different families in canon. Named because of early fanon where Keith is Japanese & has the surname “Kogane” like in previous iterations of Voltron. Often buys into racist stereotypes regarding Asians & generic sitcom tropes regarding sibling relationships. Most often used to get Shiro away from Keith as a romantic interest so Keith can be shipped with Lance. Allura was paired with Shiro as “space mom”, but was later replaced with Adam. Keith is often characterized as a whiny emo younger brother who is bratty towards exasperated big brother Shiro & they pull pranks on each other (usually taken from lame Vines). They are also shown to be relatively uncaring of each other & distant, so that Lance can easily worm his way into Keith’s life as a boyfriend. AU first created by a 14 year old girl who’s obsessed with her sister, based the AU off of her idealized romanticized relationship with her sister & used to draw fanart for a R-18 Nitro+Chiral BL game (a company famous for games with gore, rape, bestialiaity, mechaphilia & general mindfuckery).
Dirty Laundry: the most popular & overrated Klance fic on ao3, often lauded to be the peak of Klance fics by klance shippers. Its popularity stemmed from popular klantis boosting it on their blogs only to shred it apart when DL’s Lance’s autistic brother appeared in it. The klantis ripped it apart for being racist, ableist, sexist, etc. & the author orphaned the fic after completing it due to the harassment she was getting from both sides (as shippers hated it too because of how hard the klance shippers were pushing it). Most infamous for a scene at the end where Keith & Lance danced to the song Gasolina, literally the least romantic song you could ever dance to. Popularized many of the tropes commonly seen in Klance fics. Was written before Lance was revealed to be Cuban, so DL has Mexican Lance instead.
There are more terms to be added, but I’ll make a proper page for it & add them later.
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