#aaliyah swoh
reconstructionlegacy · 10 months
Canvas, formal and road bonus points for multiple ocs
(From this ask meme; thank you so much for asking, Ren!)
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Brider has many traditional tattoos, but is modest about displaying them - often only those on her face and hands are visible. She is, I think, the least scarred of my cast (certainly of my main cast), with only a faint white scar on her stomach after the campaign on Corellia.
Jenûwtsâkyat has quite a few golden, delicately detailed piercings, fashioned with sharp angles, geometric designs, and claw-like curves. He shows many of them off (his facial piercings, in particular), but not all. He has some scarring that he covers with clothing, jewelry and, often, makeup.
Irati did have tattoos, but she has them removed as her confidence increases, instead wearing the same patterns with waterproof makeup when she is in public. She has a generous assortment of scars across her body, thanks to her minimal armor and ferocious, attention-drawing combat.
Aaliyah has traditional Mirialan tattoos on her face and hands, and no visible scars.
Hlengiwe has a burn scar on the side of his cheek, a cut through his forehead, and burn scars on the sides and palms of his hands - and, on the back of his hands, matching tattoos with Aaliyah, a sign of their marriage.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Brider loves dressing up - in fact, she is usually not caught dead not in formalwear! This typically means many layers of flowing, traditional Jedi robes in pale creams and silvers, often with some jewellery around her horns and hair, often her trademark Ashla pendant suspended between two of her horns.
Jenûwtsâkyat also loves dressing up. He has many different "looks" for different occasions, including "dour" robes for Dark Council meetings (they are dour only in comparison to his other clothing, having his trademark golden jewelry and bolts of scarlet-purple shimmersilk), ceremonial armor for appearing militaristic, and old-fashioned Kissai robes for directing closed cultural ceremonies.
Gerhild wears a suit or a dress uniform when she needs to. She's not overly keen on it.
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
Irati wears her typical light armor when traveling, if any armor at all; her gear starts out as high-quality, but is often old, worn-out, and many times repaired by herself, Vette, and Quinn. She prefers it that way.
Gerhild has good, sturdy gear, nothing fancy. It's in plain, neutral colours, or sometimes splashed with Republic blue or Havoc blood orange. She's packing rations, weaponry, a medkit, comms, and more, all efficiently stored in the smallest amount of space possible.
Johqai has battered, scrounged gear, often Imperial military "surplus" or "requisition" from defeated foes.
Hlengiwe more or less just has the clothes on his back and what he can store in his pockets. They're made with love.
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hermitmoss · 1 year
Mandated SWTOR Character Masterpost
Brider Surriss, Barsen’thor
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Zabrak sage.  Exemplifies the concept of a beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.  We’re talking about a “possible Ashla incarncation” level of goodness.  One year younger than her own Padawan.  Absolutely adores Syo Bakarn; they have a very solid father-daughter dynamic.  Completely defensive combat style consisting of shielding herself and allies from harm.
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Sanewso, a House Miurani merit adoptive, raised largely by the old Keeper after his father’s execution.  The last portion of his name is pronounced “senth-isk-senth,” not “sis,” because it’s theoretically “S.I.S.”  He does desk work for the SIS on Coruscant after an emergency extraction from his posting as “Legate” in the Empire on medical grounds.  Married to Vector Hyllus. 
Irati (Wrath)
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Nonverbal Human.  Two hands, one for Vette and one for Malavai.
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Big butch Zabrak sorcerer.  Ran away from Zash to live in the Unfinished Colossus with other self-freed slaves.  Eventually talked and fought her way into a place in the Sphere of Production and Logistics, where she works on abolition and audits other Sith, very violently, in the meantime. Rivalry with Qet.
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Tsis (”Sith Pureblood“) born without the Force, Johqai left behind his family name and became a bounty hunter.  Initially intent on serving the Empire in one of the few ways he could, his conscience soon gets the better of his loyalty, and he’s walking a dangerous line. Protective and supportive big brother to Mako.
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Mirialan smuggler, incurable do-gooder, and tired middle-aged mom friend.  Loves to hang out with Bowdaar.
Tsisajakqo Jenûwtsâkyat
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At this point he counts as an OC.  It’s Darth Vowrawn.  He’s horrible, particularly in the all the ways he insists on being good.  Traditionalist Kissai Tsis (“Sith Pureblood”) and a guardian of Tsis cultural heritage.  Definitely not at all treasonous.  Ignore the giant Ozymandias reference in the Dromund Kaas jungles, and definitely all of its implications (thank you, Qet).
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Aaliyah Swoh
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Smuggler. Primarily runs supplies for the Republic and aligned groups. Occasionally works pro bono, and often takes payment in kind. Married to Hlengiwe Sandile. Voidhound.
Age at 10ATC: 40s.
Species: Mirialian
Skin colour: green (with black tattoos)
Hair colour: greying black (covered in public)
Eye colour: dark olive
Alignment: Light
Aaliyah does not drink alcohol or gamble; this grants her a competitive edge in the galaxy's underworld, where most smugglers, even those clean of other substances, are prone to indulge in one or both and let their guards down.
Aaliyah is compassionate, but also ruthlessly efficient - and woe betide you if you hurt somebody she cares about.
She is a hobbyist musician, and has a wonderful singing voice.
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is: kind • adaptive • proud • assertive • clever • hard-working
likes (hobbies): embroidery • dancing • singing • playing music
likes (sensory): umami • salty • sweet • soft textures • green • black • sunsets
when fighting: tries to read her opponent before battle • elegant fighter • moves efficiently • has killed • strikes when opponent isn't ready
she has: tried to kill (and succeeded) • kissed a man • broken the law • bled severely • been shot • had surgery • been stabbed • faked a smile • prayed • gotten away with crime • laughed when she felt like crying • used a fake ID
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hermitmoss · 2 years
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hunter & smuggler.
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Hlengiwe Sandile
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Smuggler. Runs small-time jobs, often to help people get by (Robin Hood-style). Never asks for more payment than somebody can afford - sometimes it's a meal and a safe place to spend a night. Dad Material. Excellent cook.
Married to Aaliyah Swoh.
Age at 10ATC: 40s.
Species: Zabrak
Hair colour: grey
Skin colour: cool brown
Eye colour: very dark brown
Horn colour: tawny brown
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Hlengiwe describes his religious views as "a bit of this, a bit of that". He has Iridonian tattoos on his face and skull, and Mirialan tattoos on his hands that denote his marriage.
Left unable by circumstances to finish his schooling, Hlengiwe is functionally illiterate, and picks up on information verbally and through context clues.
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What is and isn't Reconstruction?
Can come under the purview of Reconstruction (my combined legacy/AU): tagged 'r'.
Cannot (eg other people's amazing characters and posts about gameplay): tagged 'nr'.
Brider Surriss (Consular) | Irati (Warrior) | Atthilike (rogue Inquisitor) | Sanewso'sis (rogue Agent) | Olwena Puir (Inquisitor) | Johqai (Bounty Hunter) | Aaliyah Swoh (Smuggler) | Gerhild Weilt (Trooper) | | Tsisajakqo Jenûwtsâkyat (Darth Vowrawn) | Hlengiwe Sandile (non-class-story Smuggler) | Leida Ohnle (non-class-story Consular) | Hyal Nyâshnuyakari (non-class-story Warrior)
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