woolfhaze · 8 months
How your life changed me - Chapter 28
Waking up on a couch, disoriented and slightly groggy wasn’t the way Katya envisioned the moment she would realize she had found the love of their life. But now she understood, it was a scene that unfolded the chaotic beauty of her fate.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Your life is gonna change me (Biadore) Chapter 19 - AbbiNeedless
Hi! I’m not dead! Before y'all read this I wanted to tell you we’re coming to the end of this story, we have like two or three more chapters to go.
Anyways, hope you like this <3
The first days with the babies home had been wild; getting used to barely sleep was, in the words of Adore, donkey shit. Both babies would wake up at least three times every night, Willow would wake up even more times than Ethan, the two of them would take each a baby, they’d feed them, change them and put them back to sleep again, and again, and again.
It was easier for Bianca, when she was living on her own she got used to barely sleep.
Adore in the other hand was having a very bad time, she was used to sleep at least nine hours a day and now she was barely sleeping four hours and that was with Bianca helping her with their kids.
Now Bianca had to go back to work and Adore is going to be by herself.
“You look good on those.” She pointed out as her wife put on a pair of black pumps. “I wonder who got them for you on your birthday.” “Who knows.” Bianca said. “I think I’ll never know.”
Bianca walked to the nursery and peeked through the door with Adore.
“Ok, they’re asleep.” She carefully closed the door and looked at her phone. “You have like two hours to get some sleep before they wake up again.” “I know.” “I recommend you to not breastfeed them this time.” Bianca said as she walked back to their bedroom. “Hmm…” “Your boobs would be sore again.” She put on her glasses. “Give them some formula as well.” “I know, Bea, I know.” “Good.” She put her hair in a ponytail. “Oh shit…” “What?”
Adore rested her head on her wife’s head and contemplated their reflection. Bianca looked so clean, so polished, so professional and there was Adore, she had an oversized Guns&Roses t-shirt covering her body, her hair was in a messy bun and the bags under her eyes for sure had bags of their own.
“Gray hairs.” Bianca said and made Adore look at her hair. “I’m getting so fucking old and ugly.” “Don’t say that.” Adore kissed the gray spot on her wife’s hair. “You make it work, you look pretty hot.” “Gray hair is not hot.” “Come on, don’t you remember Natasha in the last Avengers movie? She looked pretty fucking hot.” “You just went to see that movie because Valentina made us go.” Bianca said and leaned her back on Adore’s body. “Liza Minelli lies.” Adore giggled as she wrapped her hands around Bianca’s body. “I like the Avengers movies, I like all heroes!” “Lies! You just watch them because you wanna fuck Thor and Black Widow.” “I’m not gonna lie, they’re pretty fucking hot.”
Bianca turned to her and started tickling her sides making Adore laugh uncontrollably.
“Stop, stop!” She said and tried to catch her breath. “I’m gonna pee myself, no tickles!” “I didn’t hear the magic word!” “Please stop!”
“Ay, neta?”
The two of them looked at the door and found Valentina staring at them with a hand on her hip and holding her backpack with the other.
“Tia, you promised to give me a ride to the campus, I’ve been waiting for you for like an hour.” “You’re so full of shit, kiddo.” She took her bag from the bed. “It’s been like 10 minutes.” “It felt like an hour to me.” “Stop talking bullshit.” She took off the keys of her car and threw them to her niece. “Turn it on, I’m going.” “Ok.”
Adore got under the covers and turned on the baby monitor that Laida had gotten them and Bianca finished her make-up.
“Dorey?” “Yes?” “Are you sure you are going to be good by yourself with them?” She sat on the edge of the bed next to her, she removed the loosen hairs from her face. “I can stay home if you want.” “You’ve been home more than enough.” Adore took her hand and kissed the ring that rested on Bianca’s finger. “I can manage the beasts.” “Are you sure?” “I am, Bea.” She sat and cupped Bianca’s face on her hands. “Promise you’ll call me if it gets too much?” “Promise.” “See you at lunch?” “You’re bringing something from Latrice’s?” “I am.” “Then yes, I’ll see you at lunch.” Adore said and kissed Bianca one more time. “Now go, I don’t want Val to take the car without our permission.” “See you.” “See you, gorgeous.”
It hasn’t even been an hour when Adore’s is awoken by the cries coming from the baby monitor on her nightstand, she got up and walked as fast as she could to her babies’ nursery.
“I’m here.”
She noticed that Willow was the one crying while Ethan was still sleeping.
“Gosh, I wish I could be the one sleeping.”
Adore took the little girl and carried her out of the room with her, she went back to her room and took the monitor with her to the living room.
“Shh, shh, are you hungry? I think you are.” She lift her blouse and guided her little girl to her breast but it seemed like she was disgusted by the idea of breast milk. Adore took her back on her arms and patted her back. “Maybe you have to burp…Nothing.”
She checked on her diaper but it was clean.
Nothing she tried gave a result, Willow was still crying and soon after Adore heard Ethan’s whines coming from the monitor.
“This is going to be a hell of a morning…”
“Bitch, hi!”
Raja rushed to Bianca and wrapped her slim arms around Bianca.
“I’m good, how are you?” Both women entered Raja’s office, Bianca was surprised to find a curvy girl sitting on one of the chairs with her legs in Raja’s desk. “Phoenix, I told to not put your feet up in my desk!”
The teen looked at her confused and took off her earphones.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you, what did you say?”
Raja just sighed and pulled her chair away from the desk, almost making Phoenix fall.
“Mom, what the heck!?” “Go out and do teen things, Bea and I have adult things to talk about.” “Adult things, sure, always adult things.” She took her backpack from the ground and walked out of her office. “Remember to say hi to Tempest, please!”
She slammed the door.
“Wow, someone got up from the wrong side of her bed.” Bianca said and took out her laptop. “It’s her first period, let the girl be angry.” Raja smiled. “Is not gonna be the end of the world.” “Speak for yourself.” Bianca put on her glasses and looked back at her friend. “So? What did they tell you?” “I have two things to tell you about that.” “What’s the first one?” “We lost Vi and Val’s contract, they said it took them too long to give them an answer.” “… That’s fucking ridiculous, they answered with three days of anticipation!” “I know but it seems they found some other new talents.” “You know who those are?” “Nope, sisma, they didn’t tell me.” “Fucking stupid.” “Hey, I have another thing to tell you.” Raja rested her head on her hands and looked at her. “And this one is better.” “What?”
Raja turned her laptop to Bianca, it had an e-mail for both of them that she hasn’t read.
“I’m sure you haven’t read this one yet.”
First of all I’d like to congratulate you on that amazing collection you presented in last New York’s Fashion Week, it made my eyes tear and I’m not lying.
Second, I fell in love with two of your models during the last of the week; Miss Violet Chachki and Miss Valentina del Rio, they can walk the runway with an amazing confidence and posture, every time they were on a stage they stole all the looks and dominated it like no one else, it was really beautiful.
I want to offer them a spot in my Winter Collection, I’m sure they could teach one or a million things to my models.
If you’re interested, please let me know.
Christian Siriano
Bianca’s mouth was agape, she looked back at Raja who was only smiling at her.
“I knew you haven’t read it yet.” Raja said with a fun look on her face. “Raja, this…” She read the mail again. “This is incredible, Christian Siriano wants our girls to be their models!” “Do you want them to take this new contract?” Raja asked her. “Of course I do but that’s not our decision to make, it’s theirs.” “Well, we’ll go to pick them up when their classes are done and we’ll talk about this, what about it?” “Sure, but I have to go first to Latrice’s-“ “Oh, sure.” Both women looked at the door where Phoenix was now standing. “We’ll go pick Violet and Valentina now, but when I ask you to pick me up you always say no.” She said and crossed her arms in front of her chest, Raja was looking at her confused. “Kid, I just picked you up from school because you had cramps!” “For one time you did it, if it wasn’t because of my period you wouldn’t have gone!” She rushed outside of the office wiping her tears. “No, Phoenix, come back!” Raja sighed. “You better enjoy your kids before they turn into angry teenagers.” “I will.” “Phoenix!” Raja followed her daughter. “Come, let’s talk and eat ice cream!”
Bianca took her laptop and went to her own office, Courtney was nowhere to be seen, she sat on her chair and took her cellphone out, she wrote Adore a text.
Wifey: I know lately we say this a lot but you won’t believe this Wifey: Christian Siriano (the guy who designed the dress for the actress of Ghostbusters) wants our big girl to be his model and part of his winter collection!! Wifey: I’m so happy for her, even though I think I’ll have to find another model for the rest of the year, do you think one of your students would be down for the work? Maybe… Maybe one of the two girls who are always together, the dancer not the one who always cries Wifey: what do you think?
Bianca stared at her phone for a while but Adore was not online since last night.
“Maybe she’s busy with the kids…”
Bianca left her phone on the desk and started working on the dresses she had left undone the week she took off.
Being back at her little studio was good, she missed the feeling of her sewing machine and the textures of the fabric under her fingers.
She cut a pattern of white silk, she ran it on her machine and held it on her mannequin.
“Put some gold details, those will look good with that fabric.”
Bianca almost tripped on her mannequin when she heard the voice, she turned around and saw a tall woman with short and black hair looking at her.
“Raven.” “Hi, bitch.” She walked to her and kissed her cheek. “Did I scare you?” “No! You think?” Bianca asked her with a high pitched voice while she focused her attention back on the dress. “What brings you here?” “I was going to see my wife and daughter but they’re nowhere to be seen.” “Phoenix got mad at Raja because we’re picking Vi and Val later from College.” “Ah?” “She said that Raja never picks her up, she ran away and Raja followed her.” “That girl… She needs to take it easy.” “Let her be, she is on her period, you are just like this when you are in yours.” “Shut up, I’m not that dramatic.” “Sure thing, queen.”
Raven took one of Bianca’s chair and sat next to her.
“How have y’all been?” “We’re good.” “Are you already accustomed to have little babies at home?” “I actually am.” Bianca said and pinned the sleeve of the dress on the mannequin. “I had three younger siblings so I kind of knew what I was going to go through.” “And Adore? Was the electric pump of help?” “For her is different, she was the youngest so she didn’t have to deal with little babies when she was younger and the pump has been a life saver.” “You can thank me later.” Raven said. “But doesn’t she have like eight nephews and nieces?” “They were ten but now twelve and that’s different.” She took the pins that Raven handed her. “When they’re just –thanks- when they’re just the kids of your siblings you can get rid of them very easy.” “That does not apply to you and Valentina.” “That’s not the point, bitch.” “Ok, ok, continue.” “It’s just that she was not really used to a newborn baby and all the cares that they need.” “And now?” “Well, she mostly knows.” She took her sketchbook and compared how the dress was going next to her drawing. “Do you think she’ll be good by herself?” “I think she will do good, mostly good.” She left her sketchbook on her desk and continued working on the dress. “She is a first time mom, I don’t expect her to be perfect.” “Wow, Bianca del Rio is not asking for perfection.” Raven said and shook her head. “I cannot believe it, a few years ago I would not even imagine you being satisfied with something that wasn’t at least perfect.” “We’ve been living together for more than six years, Raven. I’ve learned to love her in just the way she is, even with that imperfection that makes her just… Perfect.” “Wow, that was fucking cheesy.” “You started!” “I didn’t start a shit!”
The door of her studio opened and she saw Phoenix enter with Raja by her side.
“Hi, mom.” Phoenix sat on her lap on wrapped her arms around her mom’s neck. “Wow, that’s such a change in your mood since last time I saw you, kid.” Bianca said. “I have blood coming out of my-“ “Phoenix.” Raja warned her. “I’m on my period, I can be bitchy if I want.” “That should be the title of your book.”
All of them laughed, Bianca’s cellphone got a notification, it was a text.
Baby Jesus eyes: we’re good Baby Jesus eyes sent a picture
It was a selfie of Adore with a baby eating on each boob, Adore was sending her a kiss on it.
“Aww, look at that!” The three of them were peeking from her back. “I told you she was going to be fine.” Bianca said and typed a response for her wife.
Wifey: Can’t wait to be there with you three again, I’ll go to pick up Val and go to Latrice’s for a good old pizza, like the idea? Baby Jesus eyes: party
“Adore looks cute as a mom though.” Phoenix said. “Now you can be one as well and give me a grandbaby.” Raven said poking her daughter’s ribs. “Hahaha! Not gonna happen.”
She typed another text.
Bianca: Hi Latrice, can I order a pepperoni pizza and go pick it up in like 30 minutes? Latrice: You know the answer to that is always yes, I’ll give you a free cheese cake from Dida’s part as well Latrice: she says is her gift for you and the babies Bianca: tell her I said thanks
“See you in my house at four?” Bianca asked Raja. “Yeah, see you!” “See you, grandma!”
Adore put her cellphone aside and placed a hand on her babies’ backs as they finished eating. Ethan was the first one, she turned him on the pillow and carefully patted his back.
“You need to burp, kid.” Adore said. “Burp like me when I drink coke.”
Adore continued to pat his back until the little boy gave a deep and long burp.
“That’s my boy.”
Willow stopped eating after Ethan burped, she took a baby on each arm and placed Ethan on his bouncer and repeated the same process with Willow, after the little girl burped she placed her on her bouncer next to her brother and Adore could finally sit again and have a rest.
When she was about closing her eyes her cellphone started ringing next to her.
“Jesus… Hello?” “Adore, hi!” “Michelle.” Adore was very suprised to hear from Michelle, she knew Michelle really looked over all of them since she was motherly but she also knew that she never called, she just sent texts unless it was really important and it couldn’t wait. “How are you? How are the babies? You sound exhausted.” “I am exhausted.” Adore looked at her babies who were sleeping again. “But I don’t think you called me to ask how these two were or myself.” “I wanted to know how all of you were, don’t take me for a cold hearted woman.” She heard her co-worker say. “I’m also a mom, I know what you’re going through.” “Thanks.” “But I also wanted to ask you something.” “Go ahead.” “Ru wanted to know if you’re coming back next semester or are you going to take that one off as well.” “I…”
If she was honest, she hadn’t thought about that yet, they were doing well with Bianca’s job and the sales of Adore’s music but it wasn’t as good as some months ago when the two of them were working.
“Sweetie?” “I’ve been busy with the kids, I hadn’t thought about it.” “Oh… Well, you have to make up your mind, baby. Ru needs your answer.” “I’ll send her a mail when I have my answer, like the idea?” “Just make it soon, ok?” “I will, see you.”
She hung up and rested her head on the sofa’s arm.
“I need a fucking rest.”
“Look at my adoptive child!” “Hi, Latrice.” Bianca was received by a tight hug of Latrice and a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “How’s mama been?” “Adore is good.” “She is used to the maternity by now?” “Mostly.” “Perfect.” She entered the kitchen and gestured Bianca to follow her. “Hi, girls.” Bianca greet Latrice’s staff as she followed her through the kitchen. “We have your food here.” Latrice said and passed her some boxes. “A pepperoni pizza for your wife, a mushroom and olives pizza for you and your niece, a cheese cake from Dida and a few crepes.” “I just asked for a pizza!” “No, Bea, you know that this is because I love you as my kid and I want you to eat. You’re very thin, girl.” “Thank you, Latrice.” “You’re welcome, Bea.”
Bianca walked out of the kitchen to her car where the girls were waiting for her, each took two boxes and got in the backseats while Bianca drove them home.
“This is why I love her.” Valentina said. “She always gives us food for free, even when you don’t want to.” “She just wants us to eat, I’m not complaining though.” Bianca turned right and kept driving. “So? Wanna take the Siriano offer or not?” “Are you kidding? Of course we want!” “The two of you?” Bianca asked them. “Yes!” Both girls said. “You know that working with Christian is going to be very different from working with us, right?” “We know.” Valentina said. “I’m sure we can make the cut, once I worked with Dita Von Teese and I nailed it!” Violet told them. “If I could handle Dita, I’m sure I can with Christian.” “That’s good to hear.” She turned on their street and drove to their house. “We’ll just have to talk with Raja and then make an appointment with Christian to discuss all the details about your contracts.”
The three of them got out of the car and walked to the house, when they entered they found Adore sleeping in the sofa with Ethan and Willow by her side, all of them were heavily sleeping.
“Take your pizza with you, just let me two slices of mushrooms and take two of the pepperoni one.” Bianca whispered to them, she carefully took Ethan from his bouncer and took him to his crib. When she took Willow she noticed that her daughter was uncomfortable. “Oh, baby.”
She heard her belly make some noises.
“I know what you need.”
With her baby on her arms she went to her kitchen and prepared her a bottle of chamomile tea. She sat next to Adore on the sofa and gave Willow the tea.
“There you go, feeling better?”
She could only hear her baby swallowing the tea from her bottle.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” “Bea?”
Bianca looked at her wife who had a sleepy voice and was yawning.
“Hi, ketchup.”
Adore slapped her arm.
“Hi.” She looked at Willow. “What is she drinking?” “Chamomile tea, I think she had colic and I didn’t want to risk it, last time someone had colic we ended up giving birth to these two.” “Shut up, cunt.” “I brought you pizza, by the way.” “You’re not a cunt anymore, I love you.”
Adore left and immediately came back with a pizza slice.
“Want some?” “Give me a bite.” “Here you have.” Bianca took a bite of her pizza and mumbled a ‘thank you.’ “How was your day?” Bianca asked her. “Good, good, it was good.” Adore answered immediately. “You sure?” “It was hard but I could handle it.” “That’s good to hear.” Bianca held Willow’s bottle with her chin and squeezed Adore’s arm. “I’m proud of you.” “Actually-“
Adore looked like she was about to say something else when someone started knocking on the door.
“Open up, you old bitch!” “That’s Raja.” Bianca placed Willow on Adore’s hands and opened the door. “Mrs. Bitch.” “Mrs. Cunt.” Raja greet her, she entered and kissed Adore’s cheek. “Hi, Adore and… Oh my God they’re so chubby!” Raja kneeled next to Ethan’s bouncer. “Can I hold him?” “Serve yourself.”
She undid his belt and took him on her arms.
“Hi, Ethan! Oh God you are heavy.” Raja said pressing her finger on his cheeks. “I love him! He’s just so huggable and adorable it makes me want to eat him!” “If I didn’t eat Phoenix when she was little you won’t eat my child.” “Killjoy.” Raja said. “I can take them to their cribs for you and then we’ll talk about the contracts.” “Oh… Sure.”
Raja took Willow on her free arm and walked to the nursery, Bianca took her purse and looked at her wife. “What were you going to tell me before Raja arrived?” “Don’t worry, nothing important.” “Are you sure?” “I am, I just want to sleep.” “Ok, baby.” Bianca took the blanket from their sofa and covered her with it. “Have nice dreams, my love.”
Bianca kissed her lips and brushed their noses together.
“Gosh, I love you so much.”
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shigaraki-s · 6 years
top 5 fics on aq
Oh, fuck, this is a hard one... There are just so many good fics on there! (I can spend hours upon hours reading. In fact, I have before.) Anyways, here's the answer:5. Wanna Dance With the Devil (Biadore) by Eligh4. Daddy's Boy (Biadore) by imafuckinglibra3. You Will Never Feel Like You’re Alone (i’ll make this feel like home) (Farraja) by Vladonna2. The Best Bets Are the Ones No One Loses (Witney)1. Your Life is Gonna Change Me (Biadore) by AbbiNeedless -Thanks for the ask! Feel free to ask me about more of my top 5 ___!
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woolfhaze · 10 months
How your life changed me - Chapter 27
We have amazing news on our favorite 2000s’ idol!
It looks like there’s an exciting turn of events for America’s favorite idol Adore Delano! After taking a break from the spotlight to focus on her college studies, Adore Delano found an opportunity to return to the fashion world through the iconic fashion designer Bianca del Rio, who alongside Raja Gemini owns a third fashion studio in Los Angeles. Bianca has found her new muse in Adore and gave her the chance to model for her fashion studio and this caught the attention of none other than Donatella Versace herself! It seems like we are finally getting the comeback we all have longed for!
Hello there! I know, I know I was away for over two years, I had a really horrible time back at home with realizing I was in a toxic relationship and with breaking up a toxic relationship you end up suffering some effects from the break up, it was really bad but I've been getting better with the help of my therapist and my students, and yes! I graduated college and became an English teacher for fifth and sixth graders! But that's enough about me and my erratic two years absence, I'll make sure to update more often and finally ending this story that I love to pieces, this chapter is like a bridge between the last time I wrote these two hopeless lesbians and what is coming for them. Tell me what you think and I hope to ready you soon <3
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woolfhaze · 6 months
How your life changed me - Chapter 29
"We're in this together, Kay," Trixie affirmed, offering a small smile. "And I promise you, we're not just going to meet them; we're going to take the first step towards a better life."
They walked out of the room and into the living room, Trixie grabbed the keys to their grandpa's old blue truck, its paint worn but its engine sturdy as it roared to life as Trixie turned the key, the familiar hum resonating through the truck, Karen sat on the passenger seat, her gaze fixed on the road ahead as Trixie drove the quiet hum of the truck was punctuated by the occasional conversation between the sisters. Trixie reassured Karen that they were a team.
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Hi, dolls! Sorry for disappearing our of nowhere, I swear I'm not dead 😅😅
I haven't been online for a while now and I'm sorry for that, there's a reason tho.
First I wanted to tell you that a few days ago FB showed me the memory of the time I posted my first Biadore fanfic was four years ago, I was so excited and I've kept that feeling every time I post something for y'all, you are incredible and I love giving you content for you to read, I love writing about those two ❤️ I want to thank you all for these incredible years ❤️❤️
Oh, I also wanted to tell you that I got a tattoo from our beautiful angel Adore!! I chose my favorite picture of hers and told my tattoo artist "let's get this done" and this was the result ✨
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Having said that, don't get scared, I'm not quiting my stories but I will have to pause them for a while.
My first three years of university, even when they were hard and made me cry many times, allowed me to continue writing but now entering my last year of studies I don't think it will be the same, I've been very busy and with tons, and tons of homework, I also have to work on my thesis or my professor will hang me from the dean's office 😅😅 with a heavy heart I've decided to pause them until I get a grip of my university life.
This doesn't mean that I'm not going to finish them, I will but it will take longer than I expected.
I love y'all and we'll read each other soon!
With tons of love.
-AbbiNeedless xoxo
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Be mine - Chapter four
"Roy, can you let go of me, please?”
“/No./ Don’t ask me that when I haven’t seen you in so long.” Roy said against his neck. “I thought you were gone for good, don’t ask me to let you go now… Stupid Omega making me worried for so many years.”
“... Roy, you smell horrible.”
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Be mine - Chapter five
“What? No! I mean, yes! Fuck… I do want it.” He looked closer at the collar and noticed the strong chocolate and black tea scent coming from it, Roy had scented it and that made his Omega very happy, he felt not only wanted but cared for. “Can you put it on me?”
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woolfhaze · 3 years
How your life changed me - Chapter 25
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ for this chapter!! Smut or NSFW content in this chapter so be aware of that 😬
“Sometimes I think you don’t see how incredible you are, how hard you work and how hard your life has been, sometimes I feel like you don’t see what I see but I see you as a big strong Willow and I just want you to see you as I see you, my strong and incredible Willow.”
“You hate it, right?”
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Your life is gonna change me - Abbineedless on AO3 ✨
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"I think you would be a great mother.” Sali said.
“Really?” Adore asked surprised.
“Of course.” She heard her sister in law say. “You left all of your work to come and take care of Jesse and Ray when I was in the hospital and today you’ve been taking care of Aria amazingly.”
“Thanks…” Adore whispered.
“You haven’t thought about it before?”
“I have actually.”
“And what does Bianca think about it?”
“I haven’t talk about it with her, actually.”
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Do you gals remember when I said that I was ready to start exploring some new places within Biadore fanfiction?
One is an Omegaverse story and the other one is a Little Mermaid AU ✨
Soon I'll be bringing you these two, one of these will be posted before April ends so... 😬
Just you waaaait 🎶
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Hello, my darlings! AbbiNeedless here 😬
This small post is for me to tell you we will have a small pause for "How your life changed me" and "Be mine", the final weeks of the semester have arrived and they are kicking my ass so I'll need some time to work on my final projects and exams 👉👈 I promise once these horrible weeks have passed I'll be back with some long ass chapters for y'all 💕
See ya in a few weeks!! ❤️❤️
-Abbi ✨
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woolfhaze · 3 years
How your life changed me - Chapter 26
Adore opened her eyes slowly, she yawned and looked down to her stomach, Bianca laid on her skin deeply asleep and drooling as she hugged her. Adore smiled and ruffled her hair, she checked her phone and noticed it was already morning, they had slept all day long, she was grateful she didn't have to got to school today.
Little preview of what is coming soon c:
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Be mine - Chapter two
Roy was about to tell David to fuck off when he felt his phone vibrate on his backpocket, he immediately sat down and took the phone out, both David and Sutan stood up looking at him.
“Is it Danny?” Sutan asked, Roy hadn’t unlocked his phone yet and felt nervousness creep on him. “I don’t know.” “Come on, man,” David said pointing at his phone. “We want to know.”
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woolfhaze · 3 years
I'm going to make you feel so much feelings with "Be Mine" and "How you're life changed me" you're going to want to kick me in the mouth
Also, there will be a surprise for those who read "Your life is gonna change me" 🔥
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woolfhaze · 3 years
Be mine - Chapter three
Danny walked towards his room and grabbed one of Roy’s old hoodies, he hid his face on the fabric and then pressed the small piece of paper against his nose.
//Your Alpha is here! Go look for him!//
“God, you’re annoying.”
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