#adrian burrows
reasonsforhope · 6 months
Ancient redwoods recover from fire by sprouting 1000-year-old buds
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When lightning ignited fires around California’s Big Basin Redwoods State Park north of Santa Cruz in August 2020, the blaze spread quickly. Redwoods naturally resist burning, but this time flames shot through the canopies of 100-meter-tall trees, incinerating the needles. “It was shocking,” says Drew Peltier, a tree ecophysiologist at Northern Arizona University. “It really seemed like most of the trees were going to die.”
Yet many of them lived. In a paper published yesterday in Nature Plants, Peltier and his colleagues help explain why: The charred survivors, despite being defoliated [aka losing all their needles], mobilized long-held energy reserves—sugars that had been made from sunlight decades earlier—and poured them into buds that had been lying dormant under the bark for centuries.
“This is one of those papers that challenges our previous knowledge on tree growth,” says Adrian Rocha, an ecosystem ecologist at the University of Notre Dame. “It is amazing to learn that carbon taken up decades ago can be used to sustain its growth into the future.” The findings suggest redwoods have the tools to cope with catastrophic fires driven by climate change, Rocha says. Still, it’s unclear whether the trees could withstand the regular infernos that might occur under a warmer climate regime.
Mild fires strike coastal redwood forests about every decade. The giant trees resist burning thanks to the bark, up to about 30 centimeters thick at the base, which contains tannic acids that retard flames. Their branches and needles are normally beyond the reach of flames that consume vegetation on the ground. But the fire in 2020 was so intense that even the uppermost branches of many trees burned and their ability to photosynthesize went up in smoke along with their pine needles.
Trees photosynthesize to create sugars and other carbohydrates, which provide the energy they need to grow and repair tissue. Trees do store some of this energy, which they can call on during a drought or after a fire. Still, scientists weren’t sure these reserves would prove enough for the burned trees of Big Basin.
Visiting the forest a few months after the fire, Peltier and his colleagues found fresh growth emerging from blackened trunks. They knew that shorter lived trees can store sugars for several years. Because redwoods can live for more than 2000 years, the researchers wondered whether the trees were drawing on much older energy reserves to grow the sprouts.
Average age is only part of the story. The mix of carbohydrates also contained some carbon that was much older. The way trees store their sugar is like refueling a car, Peltier says. Most of the gasoline was added recently, but the tank never runs completely dry and so a few molecules from the very first fill-up remain. Based on the age and mass of the trees and their normal rate of photosynthesis, Peltier calculated that the redwoods were calling on carbohydrates photosynthesized nearly 6 decades ago—several hundred kilograms’ worth—to help the sprouts grow. “They allow these trees to be really fire-resilient because they have this big pool of old reserves to draw on,” Peltier says.
It's not just the energy reserves that are old. The sprouts were emerging from buds that began forming centuries ago. Redwoods and other tree species create budlike tissue that remains under the bark. Scientists can trace the paths of these buds, like a worm burrowing outward. In samples taken from a large redwood that had fallen after the fire, Peltier and colleagues found that many of the buds, some of which had sprouted, extended back as much as 1000 years. “That was really surprising for me,” Peltier says. “As far as I know, these are the oldest ones that have been documented.”
... “The fact that the reserves used are so old indicates that they took a long time to build up,” says Susan Trumbore, a radiocarbon expert at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. “Redwoods are majestic organisms. One cannot help rooting for those resprouts to keep them alive in decades to come.”
-via Science, December 1, 2023
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jeysbvck · 5 months
seven (not really) sentence sunday!
tagged by @sznofthesticks thank u bff 🧡
from an adrian chase wip ive had in my docs for years (okay so it was for a different fandom & i changed it to adrian)
“Oh yeah, she's definitely not fine.” Adrian commented. “When were you gonna mention you'd been stabbed?”
"When was the right time? When we were fighting off those men, or maybe when I was hanging off the edge?!" You fired back. Your breathing was jagged now, the deep, searing pain was taking over, like a parasite burrowing inside you.
"Maybe instead of arguing with Adrian, you could have mentioned it." Leota piped up through the earpiece. You opened your mouth to respond, but instead, you let out a piercing scream, doubling over in agony, clutching at your stomach.
"Fuck, okay guys, you gotta come get us right now. I swear if she dies on me, she always said she'd make it look like I did it and -"
Adrians voice was distorted. It sounded like an old vinyl being played in slow motion. You had absolutely no idea how you were still on your feet, truthfully. You took deep breaths and looked up at Adrian, but you couldn't make out his features. He was just one large blur.
"Adrian, I'm fine." You repeated. You blinked a couple of times, an attempt to restore your vision.
"You don't look fine." Adrian said. "Actually, you look like you're about to faint."
"Mhmm, I think you're gonna want to catch me."
no pressure tags; @afterdarkprincess @harmshake @maplefire18 @crxssjae 💙
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bippot · 9 months
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Summary: How many times does Vigilante need to get injured before Harcourt finally gives in and hires a medic to help out with the squad's injuries? Far too many times, that's how many.
When it's uncovered that a fancy hotel is linked to, not only what's left of the legion of butterflies, but also a string of weird deaths and missing persons reports, the only two for the job are lovesick Adrian and the newbie.
Will they both make it out of paradise alive?
Tags: Canon-Typical ViolenceGun Violence, Blood and Injury, Undercover as a Couple, Fluff, Idiots in Love. Fake/Pretend Relationship, Summer Vacation, Butterflies, Alien Invasion, Stitches
Music recommendation: Learn To Fly by Surfaces and Elton John
Peacemaker, Adrian Chase Masterlist - here
Previous Chapter: BG3
If the universe was kind, they would've had more time to prepare. In the ideal scenario, the pair would have woken up, had some breakfast then had a very open and casual talk about possibly acting upon the feelings they both were obviously going through.
But that didn't happen.
No, Y/N woke up to the obnoxious wailing of her phone with a crick in her neck since she'd fallen asleep positioned at an awkward angle. She blinked blearily and yawned as she checked the caller ID. "Little early, Meeley," Y/N whined at her sister, rubbing sleep from her eyes with her free hand.
Judging by how paranoid he could be, Y/N would've expected Adrian to be a light sleeper. That was not the case. Maybe because he'd been severely lacking sleep for so long, the moment his body is presented with the opportunity to shut off for four or so hours, it won't let anything disturb it and risk losing the precious sleep it was hanging on for dear life for.
He didn't wake - not even through all of Y/N's movement - but he did turn onto his side and wrap both of his arms around her thigh, hugging the limb like it was a Teddy bear, and ensured that she'd have to stay put for now.
"We've got a problem, squish," Emilia began with a huff of breath over the phone. "John and I have been trying to contact Vigilante, too." A bright square lit up the fabric of the outermost pocket on his tactical belt on the floor. "And - I can't believe I'm saying this - can you drive to his house and bring him to HQ? Your mission has been pushed forward."
"Pushed how far forward?"
"Your flight departs at eight this evening."
Their departure time had decreased by weeks. Weeks which could've easily given them more time to do their planning, let Economos put together new and fancy equipment, and ensure that Adrian was as believable as possible by teaching him how to lie effectively, but alas, they were required to leave by the end of the day.
Something must've seriously fucked up for that kind of acceleration.
"Jesus," Y/N breathed as she ran a hand down her face. "Yeah, I'll get him."
With one last huffed sigh from Emilia over the phone, Y/N hung up. She looked at Adrian, still clinging to her leg, and sighed again before looking at her alarm clock. 04:07. It was going to be a long day, she was sure of it. A really long one. And just because she had a rude awakening, didn't mean that Adrian had to have one. Her palm brushed across his arm as she cooed with a voice that was soft and soothing as honey, "Hey champ, time to get up, sleepyhead."
Adrian gave an adorable little whimper of protest before burrowing himself deeper into Y/N's thighs, which he fully believed was a pillow because what else would he be sleeping on? A person? That was unlikely. Honestly, it was rare that he felt this level of comfort so it was going to be a task to pry him away from this warm bubble, that safe warmth that surrounded him. She couldn't just keep letting him cuddle into her forever despite how much she wanted to.
"Ade, come on, bud, you gotta get up," Y/N urged as she shook his shoulders lightly, but it still didn't work.
The only way she managed to start to wake him was when she announced, albeit she did it playfully, "Vigilante, someone's breaking the law as we speak. There are villains out there that you need to kill," and he opened one eye, looking dazed and confused before blinking and looking around the room.
His gaze then fell on Y/N and the corner of his lips twitched into a smile. "Hi," he yawned while pushing himself into an upright position.
"Sorry for waking you, handsome, but we've got a job to do."
As soon as the complimentary nickname passed her lips, he lit up. He was dopey and tired and moved so slowly to rub the sleep from his eyes with a heavy handed fist, yet he did jump out of bed and immediately began pulling on his suit.
"How's the shoulder holding up?" Y/N asked while she pulled her shirt off and over her head.
He'd had his back to her and turned at the sound of her voice. "Boobs," he blurted out far too loudly, unable to keep his mouth from saying what was on the forefront of his brain - he was just happy he had the chance to see her boobs - then he quickly turned around and diverted his eyes. He wanted to stare. But that's not the gentlemanly thing to do. Yet, Y/N didn't take offence. She laughed as she pulled her shirt on and walked over to where her jeans were.
"My, uh, my shoulder...yeah, it's better," he muttered, his cheeks pink due to what he'd seen and his gaze flicking back and forth between each corner of the ceiling.
Before he'd secured his chestplate on, she tugged at the collar of his undershirt to see how his wound was progressing, and like usual, she was pleasantly surprised by how fast he was healing. The gash hadn't completely disappeared, but it was better than it should've been. Vigilante wasn't normal in that regard, or in any regard really.
"When we're done with the mission, would it be okay if we did some tests on you? I've got a hunch -"
"If you think I've got autism, those tests are a big, fat check in every box. My parents told me not to say anything about it, but I trust you, so... yeah." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, although there was a hint of uncertainty in his tone. His parents, his father in particular, had been very tight lipped about his condition ever since they became aware of what it was. "I'm not one of those savant types, you know. I'm the type to really like Transformers or, I don't know, hate the feel of velvet."
"I'll make a mental note to refrain from wearing velvet."
Huh? He'd expected a dismissal of his disability and, instead, she'd offered to help him, to make one aspect of his life a little easier. She noticed the puzzled expression on his face, smiled, and said, "Champ, I kind of assumed that. Anyway, the tests would be to see if you had any healing powers because this -" She gestured to the stab wound that had happened last night but looked as if it had been properly taken care of for around a week. "Is so impressive and, with the right research, could do wonders for the medical field."
There was a pause. One that was filled with the sounds of Adrian's deep, flustered breaths.
Then he nodded and smiled, a small, shy smile that was far too vulnerable to ever appear on his face. "Okay," he whispered before clearing his throat. "Should we, uh, should w-we go?" The words were spoken softly, but the tension that emanated from his body was tangible and evident in the way his entire demeanour had changed, even the way he'd stood up straighter when he spoke, as if he was suddenly determined to act 'normally'.
The pair arrived at HQ to find Economos sniffling at his desk as Adebayo and Harcourt were having a screaming match in the centre of the room. The two were yelling profanities at each other in the quiet of the early morning air. Peacemaker couldn't be seen - maybe he hadn't woken up yet - but they knew if Chris was there, he'd only escalate the situation more so his absence was most likely a good thing at the moment.
Y/N strolled in with the masked Vigilante behind her, and stood to the right of John's desk. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, mumbling, "You okay?" loud enough for the men surrounding her to hear.
"Harcourt is a bitch."
"Yeah, she is," Y/N chuckled, giving John a comforting squeeze before sauntering towards the fight. It took no time to close the distance, and even less to diffuse the situation.
Emilia was a tough person, through and through. She was a fighter, she was stubborn and strong, she was a survivor who took everything thrown at her and fought against everything that would try and tear her apart. And sometimes, that made her a little bit scary, yes. Y/N was used to dealing with her attitude, however, as it wasn't unusual for Emilia to lash out at her whenever she got a bit too stressed.
Without announcing her presence to the other women, Y/N ignored the incredibly rude and vitriolic words coming from her older sister's mouth and engulfed her into a hug. In an instant, the squabbling stopped. Emilia froze for a moment before returning the hug with a surprising amount of force, almost knocking the breath out of Y/N, and muttered, "Thank you," in a low tone that only Y/N could catch.
Even though it was hardly audible, the gratitude was there nonetheless. Y/N squeezed the woman in return before whispering into her ear, "Be nice to our friends." A slight nod was given in return. Emilia stepped away from the hug and turned back around as if nothing had ever happened.
"Let's get to work. We have a lot of fucking shit to do."
When Economos calmed down enough that he could work, he was throwing the 'newlyweds' black lycra suits that had ping pong balls all over it and, as soon as they had changed into these new outfits, instructed them to complete seemingly innocent tasks in front of a green screen. It seemed ridiculous at first glance, but when they saw the motion captured footage that had been created of their 'wedding' and other significant parts of their 'relationship', it made perfect sense.
And it looked real. In some instances, John had even de-aged the pair to make it look as if they were college sweethearts. Neither of them had been to college, but these artificial photos begged to differ.
"You look weirdly good in a suit," Adebayo complimented Adrian as they all crowded around John's laptop to observe each image displayed on the screen.
"Oh, stop it," he laughed a bit too quickly. He'd intended it to be a fun little quip, but there was no denying that a smidge more insecurity crept into his tone.
"I'd marry that face in a heartbeat," Y/N complimented with a playful chuck in an effort to take the heat off Adrian and onto her. Adrian's eyes darted down to his shoes and he blocked out all the groaning everyone else was making except the couple.
Chris arrived around 8 in the morning. He staggered through the door, looking as if he had managed to get a nap in and carrying a duffle bag filled with goodies. Not so gracefully, he threw the bag down onto the floor right by Emilia's feet and flopped down on top of the nearest desk, letting out a massive yawn. Emilia rolled her eyes, scoffed, and started rifling through the contents inside the bag, trying to determine exactly what the hell he brought to help them.
While the White Dragon was a racist piece of shit, if there was one thing he was good at, it was making useful tech that was specifically designed to go under the radar. During his time, Auggie had come up with a bunch of gadgets that set out to make the lives of those he found lesser - from gay people to anyone with a shred of melatonin to cops who took the time to try and lock him up - he just wanted to make their experiences a little harder every day.
He'd invented a hand held radio device that emits sound waves that are just high enough to not be able to be heard by humans, but powerful enough to make the affected feel nauseous and disoriented.
There was a smartphone looking thing that scanned for any recording devices in a 20ft radius and communicates the IP address and user information to a central home base (which would be Economos in this case) who could hack in and mess with the feed. Apparently, Peacemaker's dad used to go to pro choice rallies that were being livestreamed and rerouted anyone who watched to a very graphic porno that included genuine incest and gross ageplay, which was shocking to most of the protesters, it's safe to say.
And after sifting through gimmicky bomb after bomb, Emilia found something she would have never expected. In a box labelled 'too gay', she found a bee. At first glance, it looked as if Auggie had killed a bee then placed that dead bee in a box with and written a homophobic statement on the top, but no. It wasn't a real bee. It was fully mechanical, complete with wings and antennae and an infrared camera and radar sensing and facial recognition software that had all been compacted into a teeny tiny realistic looking bee.
Economos didn't think it was appropriate to whine that he was being a little overshadowed by a racist, and a dead racist at that, but he still did grumble and groan. Every now and then he'd be caught mumbling, "I could do better if I had the time," under his breath while tapping away at the keyboard.
Adebayo had been sent to buy the pair's entire summer wardrobe because she had the best idea of what two preppy straight people would look like on their honeymoon - just based on the fact she'd seen the White Lotus while everybody else had it on their watchlist. She soon arrived back at HQ with so many paper bags that they looked like they were filled to bursting.
Harcourt was busy with booking the flights, all the paperwork and the general chaos involved in getting everything organised before the departure. Peacemaker was supposed to be helping her, but she yelled him to "Fuck off and go put a bullet up your ass!" within the first ten minutes.
Instead, he was aiding Y/N. With more time, she'd be able to fully teach Adrian how to seem like he was used to affection. Obviously, he was better at it than when they met, but he still managed to look like an awestruck virgin whenever she was kind to him. Hopefully, they could pass it off as the honeymoon phase - which wouldn't be so hard as they'd technically be on their 'honeymoon'.
It turned out that Chris' help was, once again, more of a hindrance than a help, so Y/N - in a manner that was far more polite than Emilia - asked, "I'm getting a little hungry and I don't know if my 'husband' and I will be able to get a meal in before we fly out, mind getting the squad some lunch, Peace? You'd be my hero."
"Yeah, but I'm going to that burger place opposite the olive garden." Adrian went to say something but was cut off before a single sound passed his lips. "I'm not going to fuckin' Fennel Fields, dude. It tastes like ass there."
At the mention of his workplace, Adrian suddenly remembered, "Oh shit, I forgot to book time off. I can't just go MIA like last time cuz Julian will definitely fire me and that would suck."
"Ade, we'll be gone for, at most, two months - I think you might have to quit anyway," Y/N commented matter of factually.
"What?" An unreadable look flashed across Adrian's face. "Two months without a wage? I don't know - "
His chest was rising and falling at an abnormal speed. His hands, which had previously been fiddling with the hem of his shirt, had stopped, his fingers tightening and relaxing rhythmically, as if they weren't quite sure what to do with themselves. He opened his mouth to speak again, but no words came out.
"Oh champ," Y/N cooed, somehow managing to sound less patronising and more understanding than anyone who'd ever witnessed one of his meltdowns before. "Can I hold your hand to guide you to the file room?"
When he nodded, he was tugged into the privacy of the back room, where nobody could see him crumble to pieces. The room was quiet enough that it seemed to amplify his breathing. Y/N let go of his hand and crouched down before him, taking both of his trembling ones into hers gently.
"You'll be fine," she said reassuringly, giving his knuckles a light squeeze with reassurance. "Just breathe and everything will be alright. Just breathe. You're going to be perfectly okay."
He tried to listen to her encouraging words and follow her orders for what felt like hours until they finally reached a point when his heart rate slowed down and he managed to stop hyperventilating. Once she realised that Adrian's eyes had started to regain focus, she slid his glasses off his nose and gave them a wipe with her sleeve, removing all signs of sweat from the lenses before slipping them back onto his face.
"Are you not getting paid for being on this strike team?" she whispered, concerned that he was stretching himself mentally thin because her sister was too cheap to put him on the books.
"Uh..." Adrian stammered awkwardly before sighing, "No... but... um... Heroes don't need to get paid for what they do, they just do it!"
"Peacemaker gets paid."
That stopped another argument from slipping past his lips. "He does?" he said with disbelief.
Y/N smiled sympathetically, rubbing circles on his palms with her thumbs as she waited for him to put the pieces together. He stared at her for about five seconds before a small smile crossed his lips before he began talking again, his words coming out as a happy chirp.
"Let's go quit my fucking job!"
Now it was settled, Y/N stood and held her hands out to pull him up, which he accepted immediately and then, before he knew it, they were on their way out of HQ, but not before he turned towards Harcourt and announced. "I think I should be paid," to the entire room, mostly Harcourt, though. John and Leota stayed dead quiet, both sparing each other a glance, then waiting for whatever insult Emilia was going to throw his way.
There was silence that dragged on for a beat too long.
"Please? Pretty please?"
Emilia sighed, a deep guttural one, and shrugged. "Sure, whatever you want."
Adrian pumped a fist victoriously above his head and ran off towards Y/N's car. He had to wait for Y/N to unlock it, so he stood there, smiling to himself until she joined him. He was giggly the entire drive to Fennel Fields; he couldn't remember the last time he had felt so carefree about anything, especially anything surrounding money. And even if he felt like crying or something equally stupid and irrational, he could do that in front of Y/N and not be ridiculed for it. That alone was a relief.
Fennel Fields had very few customers other than a couple of regulars, including a gaggle of old ladies that waved at Adrian as he entered. One of the kinder ones, Dolores, gestured for him to come talk to her, and Adrian obliged. He walked over to where she sat with her knitting and greeted by getting his cheeks pinched between her wrinkled fingers.
"You get more handsome every time I see you! But you're too skinny! You've got to eat more, young man." The words were accompanied by the gentle patting on his cheek. "Have you been eating properly lately?"
"Trying to, ma'am," he replied sheepishly and chuckled when her expression changed from maternal concern to exasperation.
Dolores huffed, yet someone entirely different infused her being as soon as she noticed Y/N standing next to Adrian. "Well, well," she exclaimed in shock and delight. She grabbed Y/N by the wrist and pulled her closer so she had a better view of the young girl's features. "Your girlfriend is pretty, Adrian. You've got to force him to eat more often and take better care of himself."
"I will, ma'am," Y/N answered, chuckling at Dolores' dramatic antics.
The old lady asked question and after question about the couple's relationship status, which was, honestly, good prep for their mission. The first few startled Adrian a little, and it was only with Y/N's reassuring squeeze of his hand that he decided to go along with the fabrication Y/N was spinning. He remembered an offhanded thing Adebayo said back when she was caught planting that diary on Peacemaker. When Vigilante heard of that, he was quick to ask, "How do you even do something like that? Lie? Lie to your friends?" but unlike his angry peers, he sounded more on the curious side of things.
And she had said, "I bent the truth a little, but I mostly omitted facts about what I did, that's not as ba-" She stopped. "Yeah, it was bad of me, sorry guys."
So whenever Dolores interrogated him about where they met, when they got together, yadaa yadaa yadaa, Adrian told her as many truths as he could and when the truth conflicted with the lie, he looked across at Y/N to take the lead and she did, an it was obvious she was a lot better at the whole ordeal.
"Hey champ, why don't you go talk to your boss while I gossip with Dolores here?" Y/N suggested to Adrian, nodding towards his manager who was looking at him from the kitchens curiously. Adrian agreed happily and practically skipped off in the direction of Julian's office, humming a song to himself.
"Julian, hello. I don't want to work here anymore," Adrian blurted out once he had waved through the doorframe. "I quit."
For a second, Julian froze in surprise at Adrian's sudden outburst. Then he laughed and proceeded to walk straight up to Adrian. "Okay, that's great," he said whilst clapping Adrian on the shoulder. "It's about time!"
"Huh?" Adrian blinked.
"Come on, kid, you've been here for too long. Don't tell me you actually like it here?"
"I mean, I guess not, but-"
Julian nudged Adrian out of his office with a cheery, "Exactly!" and that was it. Quitting a job had never been so easy nor fast. Adrian had expected some sort of resistance from Julian to get him to stay, but apparently not. He was surprised, yes, and maybe disappointed a little - not that he would ever admit to that- but definitely relieved that he wouldn't have to work for a second longer in Fennel Fields.
It had been his job ever since he left school, and as nice as it was to not have to worry about climbing the job ladder, he couldn't help but feel a slight pang inside of him whenever he realised he'd probably never come back here. The food sucked so he'd never willingly get a meal there unless there was some kind of natural disaster and Fennel Fields was literally the only place open.
Other than Julian, who had tried to insert himself into an unwanted cool uncle type of role in Adrian's life, the rest of the staff weren't all that nice to him. They mostly ignored him, except for the times when the coffee machine broke and needed fixing because Adrian was the only one who knew how to deal with it.
Frankly, he should've quit years ago.
Returning to Y/N's side, he found that she was sitting in the booth opposite Dolores and the old woman was teaching her how to knit. By the look of it, Y/N wasn't doing a good job and had jumbled up the wool into a big mess. She glanced up at Adrian, grinned when she saw him watching her and made an exaggerated grimace to emphasise her frustration, earning herself a chuckle from Adrian.
"You're awful," he said playfully, hip bumping her so she'd move over enough to give him space to sit beside her, which Y/N gladly obliged. As soon as he sat down, he untangled some of the yarn and took the needles from her hands. "I'm assuming the casting on was your handiwork, Dolores?"
The old woman nodded.
Then the man who spent most of his nights killing bad guys and shooting people in the dick for fun began knitting with such practised ease that Y/N nearly fell out of her chair in astonishment. After the first row was completed in record time, Adrian placed the needles back into Y/N's hands and guided her into how to continue the process, his eyes following her movements and his mouth curving upwards with pride every time she managed a decent stitch.
"There you go, that's great! You did so good," he cheered when she finished her row, making Y/N flush red with 'something' as she tucked some hair behind her ear. Adrian couldn't help the pleased smile that came over his face, and his attention wandered to her lips for only a moment before he averted his gaze and focused on the knitting again.
Y/N felt her being rise in temperature at the praise coming from Adrian, and she wondered briefly if that blush was obvious on her cheeks, but quickly discarded that thought when she glanced down at her watch. Their quick detour had taken an hour of their precious time and there were still so many things that needed to be done.
Even better, she finally noticed the influx of text messages from Harcourt she'd gotten. The language used in each one had increased in vulgarity as time ticked on.
Human Chihuahua: Where are you?
Human Chihuahua: Seriously?
Human Chihuahua: I will hunt you down and drag you back here
Human Chihuahua: Bring limp dick four eyes with you
Human Chihuahua: Your mother should've aborted you
Human Chihuahua: Dad is proud of only one of his daughters
Human Chihuahua: You wear a neon sign that says ‘raw dog me, I’m a bottom’
Human Chihuahua: You look like you cut your hair with a knife and fork
Human Chihuahua: If you're buying coffee, can you get me one?
Human Chihuahua: Please?
Human Chihuahua: Bribe me and I won't be mad at you
Human Chihuahua: I'll tell Peacemaker that you want to watch Hentai with him before you get on the plane cause it calms you down
Human Chihuahua: I envy the people who haven't met you yet
Human Chihuahua: Remember that one time you peed yourself in the middle of Walmart?
Bootleg Miss Honey: I was five years old.
Human Chihuahua: Get your fucking ass here.
Human Chihuahua: Now!
Obviously, that was their cue to leave. With a quick pat to Adrian's hand, Y/N declared, "I think we should get going, don't you think, champ? We've got some packing to do." He nodded and started to shuffle out of the booth. "It was lovely to meet you, Dolores. I hope your grandson likes his jumper."
Just before the pair were about to step away, Dolores waved Y/N to lean closer to her and whispered, "He's a good boy and he's been through a lot, don't go breaking his heart now. I'm 83 and I'll still kick your ass if I hear such a thing, okay?"
"Wouldn't dream of it, ma'am."
"Good," Dolores smiled. "Now run along, young lady."
Y/N saluted her and left the cafe before Adrian even had a chance to inquire what the little whispering session had been about. He hurried after her and grabbed her by the arm before she could make it to the car, whining, "Can you not tell Peacemaker that I can knit? That's, like, not cool of me to know or whatever."
"I think it's cute."
"It's embarrassing."
"It's sweet. Now get in the car. We've got to stop off at Starbucks so Emilia doesn't kill us."
Adrian rolled his eyes but didn't complain anymore, instead deciding to let himself relax as the car ride went on. They chatted aimlessly until they got back to HQ where everyone seemed so grateful for their coffees that they didn't ask where the pair had disappeared to.
Time ticked and ticked far too fast, and before they knew it, it was time to board. The team had done what they possibly could to plan in such a short time and now it was up to the 'newlyweds' to get the ball rolling.
They had their suitcases filled with the essentials and their phones replaced with dummy ones with their fake lives already downloaded.
For who knows how long, Adrian Chase and Y/N L/N didn't exist. They'd be going under the monikers of Marty and Sidney Bardot, two young socialites that had recently popped onto the scene with their charitable donations and lavish fundraisers. The young couple decided that The Monarch Hotel would be the perfect place for their honeymoon, and who was going to refuse a standout couple such as them? It was perfect.
Next Chapter: Posh Person Place
Taglist: @sarahskywalker-amadala
(Wanna be added to the taglist? Just message me or leave a comment :p)
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thefayecoven · 9 months
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Adrian Graye was a St. Epiderm kid, I smell it on him💀
He was def that popular boy that all of the teachers loved, had his own posse of yes-men, dunked freshmen into trash cans, and had a fuck ass side part.
I just KNOW for fact that Adrian was an absolute ass in high school, but not in the ways that people think.
My personal head-canons for his story incoming so take what you will, but my version? Lack of attention at home. His mother began being around less and less due to some romantic fling of hers at the time, which led to Adrian being increasingly more and more alone as the years of high school bled into one another.
As he burrowed himself into his interests such as theatre, musicals, anything and everything artsy, he also began to focus on crafting and perfecting his image in high school so he wouldn’t face the same lonely and bullied fate he had in previous grades.
Adrian quickly became well liked , with his skill in illusion magic capturing some attention. Illusions were largely regarded as high-def party tricks, even in the early 2000’s, so seeing someone with such skill and talent as well as being able to see the real world application? People were stunned.
His involvement in Epiderm’s theatre troupe also gained him some popularity and favor. Even to a degree where roles were simply guaranteed for him. To a degree where he didn’t need to do much himself, where others would do it for him. While he had his own group that typically understood his mannerisms quite well, other students didn’t question him too often when he spoke of something they didn’t understand. After all he’s the cool kid right- “better just figure it out myself so he thinks I’m chill like that”
This tendency to let others carry him on and attempt to put their entire being into understanding him and his every whim crept its way into adulthood and would take a long time to unlearn.
But either way the popularity didn’t come with grace. Adrian was MEAN. Like downright brutal very often. Keeping people twirled around his finger to get them to do things for him , could range from “oh carry this for me” to “get the answer key for the final”. He was (and still is) a very judge-y individual , and while being a person who came from poverty, still didn’t hesitate to bring down others for the same, forgetting and tossing away his roots almost instantly if it meant maintaining his image. He was quick to target new students with insults, playful bullying, etc., with it even becoming a running inside joke in the school (the whole “freshmen = fresh meat” joke).
So yeah not a good dude at all, not even a dork. Just awful. In his search for attention he became quite bitter, paving the way to the Adrian we know in canon.
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alucarddear · 2 years
Headcanon for s/o helping a drunk, depressed (S4E1) Alucard?
He may have nursed her back to full health, but it was she who saved him.
Note: It’s a cute request so I turned it into a drabble of sorts, hope you don’t mind. Let me know what you think! [She/her]
This is also dedicated to the anon who requested Alucard asking s/o to call him Adrian.
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It was she who arrived at Alucard’s doorstep. Half-on and half-off her equally weary horse. Eyes half-closed, mouth half-open (in protest? to plead? he couldn’t tell). She was, much like everything around his castle, half-dead.
She came with no letters, no explanations. Only words that barely formed and sounds that didn’t quite resonate.
Alucard had been out simply to take a piss on the pikes outside his home—on the very bones that had reduced him to the pathetic, drunken state he usually was lately. But it seemed fate brought to him yet another human in need of his perilous mercy.
Not my problem, he thought.
He meant to walk away entirely, but the dying woman’s horse wouldn’t stop whining and the gurgly rasp of her desperate “Please,” stopped him dead in his tracks.
He groaned in consternation. And again—for the last time, this time, he thought—he found himself breaking through his self-imposed prison of loneliness. He helped yet another human and let her in.
He hasn’t been the same since.
She, it turns out, is the missing piece.
He may have nursed her back to full health and saved her life, but it was she who brought colours back into his dreary life. She who resurrected him, breathed life into him. She who brought him back from hell.
His was a life half-lived until her.
Since her, the grounds of his castle have brightened up significantly.
Rather than the lying echoes of the two long-gone, long-dead pairs of footsteps along his halls, there’s her. Her skipping, her merry laughter, her singing and humming.
Rather than the ghost of his past, he dreams of her smiles. Her, sitting in her corner, knitting. He wouldn’t mind the image for the rest of his life. It’s not long before he’s falling head over heels for her and asking her to stay.
“With me,” he slurs.
She raises her brow at him, silently willing him to continue his proposition.
“For eternity, my dear,” he adds, his explanation without humour despite his hiccuping, inebriated presentation.
He’s drunk again.
“Alucard,” she sighs, gently prying the goblet from his cold hands. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Call me Adrian.”
“Bed,” she cuts him off, sternly this time, and he frowns (pouts) at her and makes no move.
He smiles.
He tuts in protest, despite the soft smile on his face. But he lets her sling his arm around her anyway, lets her guide him back into his room, lets her burrow her way further into his heart.
“My dear—” he starts, as she tucks him into his bed.
But she reminds him softly, quietly into the night, “I am not your anything, Adrian.”
“You could be,” he says lightheartedly, the smartass. “Easy enough.”
“It’s the wine talking,” she says with a frown, and he sees in her eyes an alarming disbelief, begging him to rescind his teasing. This silly woman is not taking him seriously.
He sighs. He pulls her by her wrist, miscalculating his freakish strength, sending her tumbling on top of him with a yelp.
“A-Adrian,” she squirms in his arms, blushing heavily.
“Listen,” he says with all the seriousness he can muster. He brushes his hand through her hair, tenderly, softly. “I mean it.”
Her breath catches in her throat. The heavy silence hangs in the quiet night, making him nervous, making him nearly lose his confidence, until she responds with a hushed “Okay.”
He releases the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.
“Okay? Okay… you’ll stay? With me?” he asks, hopeful, peering into her eyes, imploring her, adoring her into agreement.
She nods, cupping his cheek, caressing it. “But we’ll discuss it come morning. When you’re sober.”
“I will be,” he interjects quickly, sitting up. She plops in his lap and he wraps his arms around her waist to steady her.
“I will be,” he repeats his promise.
No, that’s not enough for his dearest sunshine. Better yet—“I’ll stop drinking entirely.”
For you.
If it’ll have you stay.
I’ll empty cartfuls of wine, all the wine in the world, down the drain if it’ll make you mine.
“Tomorrow, Adrian,” she says, smiling. Tears well up in her eyes despite herself, but he worries not for he knows they are borne out of joy. His heart swells at the thought of miserable him bringing sweet, happy tears to her eyes.
He wipes her tears away with a kiss to each of her lids, shushing her softly, and holds her in his arms.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” he whispers.
He captures her lips in a searing kiss.
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blood-and-pizza · 11 months
Thoughts on Tales from The Pizzaplex #5:
So... Gregory really is Patient 46. And he's even killed people while under Glitchtrap's influence. Not even his own friends were safe. God, FNAF is really dark, huh!? Kinda makes me wanna put an arc in Fazbear Estate where Gregory hacks the Glamrocks, gets caught, and gets in huge trouble for it... plus Glamrock Freddy loses trust in him for a while. OUCH OUCH OUCH. Moving on...
The Storyteller:
Mr. Burrows is a dickhead and a murderer. I'm glad he died in the end, what an asshole! Would really have loved to know what his actual given name is. Also, I was super-intrigued by Edwin Murray... poor dude. Even in this story he has strong Henry vibes. Also, now we know what those weird notes in Security Breach are... I think?
Also, lemme talk about how the Storyteller affected the Glamrocks...
Roxanne has always been kind of an insecure bitch, but after the Storyteller shows up, she became an outright bully who verbally attacks everyone around her out of "pathological cruelty".
Glamrock Chica had a loving, pizza-obsessed personality that turned snarky and attention-seeking. Even her cupcake (I'm surprised she has one!) "developed the personality of a vicious terrier".
Monty has always been dramatic, since he's a rockstar, but after the Storyteller shows up, he becomes more sulky and violent, going into "depressive" silences in-between tantrums in his green room.
Freddy... we all know Glamrock Freddy is a total sweetheart normally. But the Storyteller turned him into a brat who tries taking toys from children, and cries like a baby when he doesn't get his way.
Bobbiedots, Part 2
Yeah, I kinda had this one spoiled for me, so I wasn't surprised when it turned out the gen2 Bobbiedots were evil. I'm pretty happy the gen1 Bobbiedots, and Abe and Sasha, got a happy ending! I really liked this one! I just wish someone would draw better official designs for the gen2 Bobbiedots... ugh... I also kinda wanna draw the gen1 girls fully repaired.
Rest in peace, Adrian. Your death, however undeserved, was a valiant one.
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Celebrate World Folktales and Fables Week with 10 of Our Favorite Folktale Collections
This week, March 19th to 25th, is World Folktales and Fables Week! Duck Prints Press is celebrating with two blog posts: today’s, which focuses on the folktales, fables, and myths that influenced us as creators, and tomorrow’s, about our favorite folktale-inspired fiction (queer and otherwise).
Love folktales and fables? Join us now and learn about the ones we love – some you may know, some you may not!
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D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths by Ingri d’Aulaire & Edgar Parin d’Aulaire (an inspiration for Shadaras)
The first book that comes to mind is D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths (I had to look up the title, but the cover is burned into my memory). While there may be other collections of fairytales and folklore that struck me, this is one of the first ones I read, and it set the stage for my love of mythology in general.
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The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! by Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith (an inspiration for Veronica Sanders)
I remember being really inspired by the genre of “a well-known story told from a different perspective” after reading the Jon Scieszka/Lane Smith books in 2nd grade, like The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. I always really liked thinking about folktales and fables from the POV of the “villain.”
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Folktale-Inspired Disney Films (an inspiration for Adrian Harley)
I was a Disney-loving child of the 90s, so I am still unpacking the ways that shaped my view of folk stories, stories as a whole, and the world—and reconciling the positive ways these stories shaped me vs. the harms of the Disney corporation.
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The Onion Girl (and other stories) by Charles de Lint (an inspiration for Anonymous)
He did an amazing job of blending American and European folklore with ordinary life in all its highs and lows. I don’t know if I could point to a specific story that’s retelling any one folktale, but I can absolutely point to the author as a whole for his folkloric style and tender exploration of magic, queerness, and being outcast. He helped invent the Mythic Fiction subgenre. The Onion Girl lives in my head rent-free.
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Folktales of the Amur: Stories from the Russian Far East by Dmitri Nagishkin (an inspiration for Nina Waters)
A collection of eastern Russian folktales that really had a huge impact on me. 30+ years on from when I read them, I honestly couldn’t relate a single one of the stories, but they burrowed so deep into my psyche that when I imagine “folktales that really mattered to me” the first image that comes to mind is the cover. The art throughout the book is just absolutely gorgeous.
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The Rose-Beauty – a Turkish Fairy Tale (an inspiration for Alessa Riel)
This is a Turkish fairytale that impressed me because it was cruel even for a fairytale. It‘s about a young woman who is blessed from birth to grow roses in her hair, cry pearls and grow grass wherever she walks and the cruel fate she is dealt because people are jealous of her gifts. It has a happy ending but only just.
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A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz (an inspiration for Sebastian Marie)
It had a HUGE influence on me as a kid, for two main reasons. One, the events of a lot of European fairytales are told as happening to the same two kids and their parents, which creates a really interesting story structure. Two, it’s unabashedly mean and gory and cruel and well, dark and grim. It says that sometimes people are terrible and sometimes bad things happen to decent people. It’s one of the things that made me want to write fairy tales, or at least stories that are a bit gruesome and meant to be told to children.
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The Swan-Maiden – a fairy tale (an inspiration for Alessa Riel)
This is a variant of the selkie tale as far as I can tell, only that the women don‘t turn into seals but beautiful swans. It was the version of the lore I first encountered and the unfairness of the women being forced to marry their captor and abuser and then also being cursed for abandoning the children these men forced onto them always resonated deeply with me.
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The Blue Light by The Brothers Grimm (an inspiration for Alessa Riel)
In this fairytale a veteran soldier is unjustly treated by the king and then a witch sets him three challenges. The third one is getting her a blue light from a deep well. He refuses to give her the light and she drops him into the well along with the light. It turns out the light can fulfill wishes. Up to this part the veteran looks like a sympathetic person, but he uses those wishes to have the princess dragged to his room three nights in a row to do his bidding against her will. He is finally found out and sentenced to death for this transgression but manages to escape that fate by using the blue light and he gets the kingdom and the princess to boot. I always found this supremely unfair.
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Egyptian Mythology (an inspiration for Dei Walker)
I think one of the first books of folktales, legends, or fairy tales I can remember reading repeatedly is a copy of Egyptian myths and legends I used to get out of my local public library when I was young. It was already an old edition in the 1980s and its pages were yellowed, but I would borrow it regularly and lose myself in the stories of life and (un)death along the Nile.
What are some folktales and fables that have inspired YOU? We’d love to hear about them, and maybe find some classical stories to add to our To Be Read piles!
Who we are: Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. Our founding vision is to help fanfiction authors navigate the complex process of bringing their original works from first draft to print, culminating in publishing their work under our imprint. We are particularly dedicated to working with queer authors and publishing stories featuring characters from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Love what we do? Want to make sure you don’t miss the announcement for future giveaways? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get previews, behind-the-scenes information, coupons, and more!
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mydarllinglover · 10 months
SafeHouse || Nine
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I had spent the Summer holidays going back and forth between Draco and Blaises house's, I rarely spent time at my own.
Only when I had missed my family I stayed at home, but that was for a weekend, then I was out again.
Mum and Dad didn't mind that much, they were glad I had friends to spend time with, although they were a bit sceptical because of all three of said friends parents, but Mums heart was too big to hold that against them.
Ron was the one who had a problem, he thought it wasn't right for me to be spending all my time with them, but I think most of it was up to Harry not being at the burrow yet, jealous that he couldn't see his friend but Dad had plans to pick him up on the twenty-forth of August, which would be very soon.
Adrian and I spoke a lot during the holidays, and we had met a couple of times in Diagon Alley, Draco, Theo and Blaise all made up excuses on why they had reason to be in Diagon Alley coincidentally at the same time.
He was really sweet, and I was beginning to like him a lot. I was developing feelings, like more than silly crushes like Wood and Diggory.
I Had met both of Draco and Blaise's parents whilst I was at their houses, Meeting Blaise's Mum was just, awkward, She kept asking me questions about myself, my family's wealth and If I had any interest in the boys and which one I would end up with, She didn't like me that much when I said neither and that they were all just friends. But she was really pretty.
Lucius was just uncomfortable, it clicked instantly for him that I was A Weasley, and he didn't look to thrilled for me to be hanging around his son, thinking I would have some influence on him, He had also told Draco about not inviting such people into his house, many times, in front of me.
Narcissa was the best, For a Malfoy, she was so kind and warm, and we would have tea quite commonly when the boys played quidditch and I didn't want to go outside.
We would just have random conversations, although she did try teaching me how to act like a lady and gave me tips on how to be a good wife, I just bit my tongue and went with it.
"Wake up, pspspsp, wakeup sunshine" A voice was whispering in my ear
"Theo! Leave her alone, she's quiet for once" Another voice said,
I flipped over on the bed, trying to ignore The person bothering me, Theo, and tried slipping back into my dream.
But that didn't stop him, as he started poking me in the ribs. Causing me to whine and slapping the air trying to make him stop.
"Careful before she cries again" Blaise sighed
"seriously, out of all the girls we could of befriended, It had to be the one who cries for every emotion"
"she can hear you, pricks!" I barked at them. "Its too early, why are any of you awake"
"I- Weasley, Its the bloody afternoon" Draco stared at me
"Doesn't matter" I brushed him off. Sitting up and stretching my arms up over my head "Where are we?"
"Draco's" Blaise said
"Ah, right" I pulled off the duvet and walked up to the window to check for post, Draco had a large enough room for the four of us to have a bed each for when we stayed, Theo had demanded him and Blaise had a bunk bed to share.
I took the letters from the owl, giving him some treats from the dish I made Draco put out.
There was no post for them, must of took theirs when I was asleep.
I had a Letter from Mum and Adrian.
Opening Mum's first It read:
Your Father is picking Harry up tomorrow with the twins and Ron, then they are going to the Quidditch World cup the next day with the Diggorys and Hermione, do you know what you are doing yet? Will you be joining them?
Lots of love, Mum
"Oh! They're going with the Diggorys, that means with Cedric" I grinned
"Okay and?" Draco asked, emotionless.
"Which means, If I ditch you lot, Then I can go to the World Cup with Cedric" I wiggled my eyebrows
"No! Then what the hell am I supposed to do? Your not ditching me with these righteous gits!" Theo protested
"Oi! Who are you calling Righteous gits!" Draco said, before throwing a pillow at him
I switched Mums letter for Adrian's and dived on to my bed, Chewing my lip as I read:
I am going to the Quidditch World Cup, It would be amazing if you were there, Let me know if you will be as I would love to join you, there's something I want to ask you as well.
I am excited to see you
Love, Adrian x
"Oh Merlin!" I squealed, and hopping up to stand
"What now?" Blaise asked me suspiciously
"He's going to the World Cup, and he wants to ask me something! What if he asks me out?! Oh no, what if he asks me out?! What do I say, what if he actually wants to tell me that he doesn't like me and wants to stop talking, what do I do oh Merlin, Hes going to tell me he likes someone else and that I am annoying, I just know it!"
"Weasley, chill out, Its probably nothing, but maybe you should write back and tell him you're going" Blaise told me
"Brilliant" I snapped my fingers and rushed to reply to him. "Dear, Adrian. Good News, I just so Happen to be attending the Quidditch World Cup as well. It would be oh so delightful to see you there, I am excited to hear what you have to tell me. Can't wait to see you. Love Keira xx" I read out loud whilst I scribbled with my quill that was given to me by Blaise last Christmas.
"Oh, so delightful" Draco mocked me, putting on a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like me.
"Wow, two kisses huh? How scandalous" Theo said
"Shut it, Nott and Malfoy!"
I then wrote out a reply to Mum about my plans to go with the boys and to tell Harry and Hermione I said Hi when they arrived and sent them off with the Owl.
There was a pop and suddenly one of Malfoy Manors house elf's were stood in the middle of Draco's room.
"Master is wanted in the Masters office" and with that they popped out of the room
"Whats that all about?" I asked Draco
"Nothing" Then he Left to go to his Fathers office
I looked towards the other two and they just shrugged
"Its Malfoy, so who know's" Theo said before throwing himself at me, causing us to both fall on my bed laughing.
"Get off me you troll" I giggled.
"Wanna repeat what happened last year in my dorm, Weasley?" he smirked
"Piss off, Nott" I laughed before shoving him off the bed.
"Merlin! There He is, I'll see you guys later" I waved to the three guys after spotting Adrian.
"Weasley, wait" Draco caught my arm
"Hurry up, I gotta go meet him"
"Just, Just be careful yeah, and hurry back, don't stay away for too long, there's a lot of people here" There was something in his tone that sent a shiver down my back, Like he knew that something is going to happen, which put me on edge, what if it had something to do with what his father wanted to discuss with him in his office? When Draco got back he looked scared and grey but shook it off as soon as we saw him.
"I can handle myself, Malfoy, I am quite capable" I said, craning my neck to look up at him, before disappearing into the crowd of cheering and booing people, it depended on what team they were after the Match that the Irish had won. Even though it was Krum of Bulgaria who had managed to catch the snitch.
I could already take a guess in what kind of mood Ron was in right about now.
"Hey, Adrian!" I called to him.
"Hi, Keira, Its so great to see you" He said, Hugging me "Listen, do you wanna go somewhere quieter? I wanna talk to you about something"
"Yeah sure, come on" I took his hand in mine and lead him to an empty spot in the field where no one was "So that thing you wanted to ask me?"
"Oh right, yeah, well Keira, I really like you...and I think your great, do you like me?" There it was, Oh Merlin's beard, my heart was pounding and my hands were growing sweaty.
Shit can he feel that?!
"Y-yeah, I like you too" I tried to say as coolly as possible
"Really? well do you wanna be my girlfriend perhaps?" He asked me and it felt as if fireworks had gone off
"Yes! I would Happily be your girlfriend" I grinned
"Great, because theres something I've been wanting to do for a while" He then bent his head down, His lips landing on mine, Like a proper kiss, not the one I gave Theo last year...my first kiss... this was a real kiss.
Bloody hell was he a good kisser. "Was that Okay?" He asked me as he created some space between us
"That was more than Okay!" I said.
We had kissed a few more times after before deciding to go back to our own tents, kissing one last time before promising to see each other on the Hogwarts express.
I felt giddy, I kept blushing like mad.
I had a boyfriend. I had an older boyfriend. I had an older boyfriend who was a chaser on Slytherin's Quidditch team.
I giggled all the way to the tent I was Sharing with the three boys as I thought about him.
"What in Salazar's name is wrong with you?" Blaise asked me as I waltzed in the tent
"What's wrong with your face?" Draco asked "you know, more than normal"
"Nothing" I attempted to say but I kept giggling, giddily.
"Don't tell me you've just been snogging the bloke" Theo said.
"Merlin's beard, Weasley are you serious?!" Draco demanded
"Well, he is my boyfriend, why wouldn't I" I quirked an eyebrow
"Wait, He made it official?" Blaise asked "Wow, Weasley can pull someone, I'm not the only one shocked, am I?" he teased.
"Oh shut it Blaise, at least I have someone, what about you lot?" I said, crossing my arms
"She's got a boyfriend" I heard Theo murmur to himself, I furrowed my eyebrows but decided to ignore it.
"can't believe the Irish are still at it, I'm knackered" I laughed, stretching my hands over my head. Listening to the Bangs, and noises from outside
"Guys, I dont think thats the Irish" Theo said, poking his head outside of the tent, then looking at us. Panic clear in his eyes
"We need to go, now" Draco said urgently
"What the bloody hell's going on Draco?" I asked him but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the tent, the other two following.
There were adults and children running around everywhere, mostly into the woods. screaming and crying could be heard. The Place was chaotic.
There was a group of wizards marching, laughing and had their wands pointing upwards, green lights shooting all over the place.
There were four bodies floating in the air in horrible shapes, I couldn't help but stare, I could feel tears burning in my eyes just at the sight, But Draco pulled me away and towards the wood where he was dragging me until I ran like them.
"What the hell is going on?!" I shouted over all the noise
"Be quiet, keep your head down!" Draco told me.
Draco lead us into the woods, we had stopped running as soon as we were out of sight.
Thats when my siblings, Harry and Hermione came hurdling in, They hadn't seen us yet and Ron had tripped over something
"Tripped over a tree-root" He spat and stood up quickly
"Well, with feet that size, hard not to" Draco said from beside me.
"Draco! Stop it" I told him
"Keira?" Hermione had shone her wand at us, so they could see the four of us leaned against the tree's
"Whats going on? Where's Dad?" I ran towards Ron to give him a hug
"Him, Bill, Charlie and Percy are helping out the Ministry" Fred said, he was holding Ginnys hand.
"Wait Bill and Charlie are here?"
"Hadn't you better be hurrying along, now?" Draco said, directing our attention back on him, but he was looking towards Hermione "You wouldn't want her spotted, would you?" A blast sounded and another green light was shot near the trees, making me jump a foot in the air
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked, I could tell she wasn't impressed or even intimidated by his statement
"Granger, they're after muggles" he said "D'you want to be showing off your knickers in mid-air? Because if you do, hang around ... they're moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh."
"Draco, stop!" I repeated, what the hells wrong with him, seriously?!
"Hermione's a witch" Harry snarled
"Have it your own way, Potter" he grinned, I could punch him "If you think they can't spot a mu-" He glanced at me before finishing his sentence "Muggle-born, stay where you are."
There was another bang, I let out a yelp
"I think its a good idea if we go, don't you think?" Theo said, his eyes kept flicking to me and Draco
"Scare easily, don't they? I suppose your Daddy told you all to hide? What's he up to- trying to rescue the Muggles?" Draco chuckled.
"Where're your parents?"Harry snapped "Out there wearing masks, are they?" I looked towards Blaise and Theo, but they just shrugged.
"Well... if they were, I wouldn't be likely to tell you, would I potter?"
"I really think we should go, now!" I could tell everyone heard the panic in my voice which was okay, making the situation seem more urgent, which it was.
"Lets go find the others" Hermione said
"Keep that big bushy head down, Granger" Draco sneered "Keira, you coming?" His mean tone dropped when he talked to me, all eyes were on me, I could feel Ron's arm tighten around my shoulders
"No! I'm going to go with my family, talk to me when you decide to stop being a prat, Theo, Blaise, be safe, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" I told them, they nodded in return.
"Whatever, Weasley, keep an eye out for your boyfriend" Draco laughed before walking off, Theo and Blaise waving bye before following him.
I could feel the trio's eyes on me.
"Boyfriend?" Ron repeated
"Shut up Ron, lets go look for the others" I walked away from him and down the path.
"I'll bet you anything his Dad is one of that masked lot!" Ron said after we walked down the path for a bit
"Well with any luck, the Ministry will catch him!" Hermione said "Oh, I can't believe this, where have the others got to?"
Fred, George and Ginny had left us whilst they were all arguing.
The Path was crowded with teenagers in pyjamas
I Recognised one of the girls "'Ou est Madame Maxime? Nous L'avons perdue-"
"Er-what, Keira, you know french, what's she- Keira? where'd she go?" I hid behind a group of other kids, desperately trying to hide from any students from Beauxbatons before they could notice me, it didn't help Ron was saying my name, loudly.
I reached over to yank Ron's arm over to where I was
"Don't worry about it, lets just stay focused, yeah?"
"Fred and George can't have gone that far" Ron said, him and I both taking out our wands to copy Hermione and casting Lumo's
"Ah, no, I don't believe it ... I've lost my wand!" Harry gasped
"You're kidding?" Ron said
The three of us who did have wands raised them high enough so that we could see more ground and Harry could look for his wand.
But we couldn't see it anywhere.
"Maybe it's back in the tent" Ron suggested.
"Did you have it when you left the match?" I asked
"Maybe it fell out of your pocket when we were running?"
There was a rustling noise behind us, making the four of us jump, a house elf was struggling to get herself out of the bushes.
"There is bad wizards about!" she squeaked "People high- high in the air! Winky is getting out of the way!" then she had disappeared into the tree's
"Whats up with her?" Ron asked, looking after her curiously "Why can't she run properly"
"It's like she was trying to stop being controlled by some invisible force
"Bet she didn't ask permission to hide" Harry said.
"You know, house elf's get a very raw deal!" Hermione said "It's slavery, that's what it is! That Mr Crouch made her go up to the top of the stadium, and she was terrified, and he's got her bewitched so she can't even run when they start trampling tents! Why doesn't anyone do something about it?"
My heart bled for poor Winky, I knew how horrible I felt up in the stadiums, I had to constantly cling to one of the boys arm, scared I would go falling at any moment. A majority of the time was spent with my eyes closed.
"Well, the elves are happy, aren't they?" Ron shrugged "you heard old Winky back at the match ... "House-elves is not supposed to have fun" ... that's what she likes, being bossed around ..."
"It's people like you, Ron" Hermione said, hotly "who prop up rotten and unjust systems, just because they're too lazy to-" Another bang had gone off yet again.
"Lets just keep moving, shall we? Ron said, Harry and I both caught the glances he kept giving Hermione.
Draco was most likely right, it was more safer for her if we carried on.
"you know, 'Mione, I agree with you, There has to be something we can do! Maybe start an organisation" I told her
"Really? you think so" she asked me
"Yeah, you're brilliant, Hermione I feel like you could really do something to change things"
"Hm, I'll think about it" She rubbed her chin in thought.
"I pull down about a hundred sacks of Galleons a year" I looked up to see a group of young Wizards surrounding three tall Veela "I'm a dragon killer for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures."
"No, you're not" Yelled another "You're a dish-washer at the Leaky Cauldron ... but i'm a Vampire Hunter, I've killed about ninety so far-"
"I'm about to become the youngest ever Minister for Magic, I am" a pimple faced wizard cut in
I heard Harry snort.
"Did I tell you I've invented a broomstick that'll reach Jupiter?" My twin shouted
"Ron! Stop it" I shouted at him, the three of us each grabbed Ron firmly and marched him away "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
Ron shrugged, like I was the one with a problem
"I reckon we can just wait here, you know, we'll hear anyone coming a mile off" Harry said.
At that precise moment, Ludo Bagman emerged from behind a tree right ahead of us.
"Who's that?" he blinked down at the four of us "What are you doing here, all alone?"
The four of us exchanged looks of confusion.
"Well- theres a riot going on" Ron said flatly.
"What?" The old man stared at my brother.
"On the campsite- some people have got hold of a family of muggles ..."
"Damn them!" he cursed loudly before disapparating with a pop.
"I'm sorry- is he okay?" I asked aloud.
"Not exactly on top of things, Mr Bagman" Hermione frowned
"He was a great Beater, though" Ron said, Leading the way off the path and sitting down in a clearing "The Wimbourne Wasps won the league three times in a row while he was with them."
I watched Ron's stupid Krum doll walk around the ground. Listening to them talk.
"I hope The others are okay" Hermione broke the silence
"I'm sure they will be" I said, leaning my head on her shoulder
"I'm more interested in hearing about this supposed Boyfriend, Malfoy mentioned" Ron glared at me.
I could feel my cheeks blushing as I tried to concentrate on anything else.
"I- uh, I sure hope everyone's okay, maybe we should go look for them" I said
"Is it true?" He asked me I hesitated already giving him the answer "Who is he?!"
"shradiangusey" I mumbled
"What?" Hermione asked me
"Fine! Adrian Pucey, on the Slytherin Quidditch team" I sighed
"Hm, He's a pretty good chaser, probably the only one on the team who doesn't cheat" Harry said
"Him?! but Isn't he the year above us?" Ron said
"Yes, and? Merlin, you sound like the guys" I rolled my eyes
"Don't you dare compare me to them, Honestly, I have no idea how you can stand them"
"I have more self control than you, I guess-" I paused.
We all turned to hear someone staggering towards us
"Hello?" Harry called out.
But he was met with Silence, I could feel the goosebumps forming on my arm at the eeriness.
"Who's there" Harry called once again, standing up to go investigate.
Better him than me.
"MORSMORDRE!" A voice shouted out. A green light was shot from the darkness and a Colossal skull with emerald stars and a serpent acting as a tongue was hanging over us in the sky.
"What the-" Ron gasped
"Bloody hell" I finished. it was like it was rising just like gas.
The screams coming from the Forrest were deafening.
I looked over to the others in panic, Harry was looking around in confusion, like he was trying to figure out what was going on, did he not know what the Dark Mark was?
"Who's there?" He repeated, Hermione was desperately trying to pull him back
"Harry, come on, Move" She pleaded, I looked over to Ron, and his face was mirroring my feelings, Panic and worry.
"Whats the matter?" He asked.
Is this kid serious?
"Harry, Thats the bloody Dark Mark, we need to get out of here!" I told him
"It's you-know-who's sign" Hermione said
"Harry, Now!" I urged
Ron had scooped up his Krum figurine and we had started across the clearing, getting no further than maybe a hundred steps, a series of poping sounds announced the arrival of twenty wizards apparating to the area, shit. every wand was pointing towards the four of us.
"DUCK!" I heard Harry yell, before I was pulled to the ground
"STUPEFY!" Yelled the wizards, all I could do was keep my head down and pray nothing bad would happen.
"STOP!" a voice yelled, Dad? "STOP! Thats my kids" I raised my head to see Dad marching towards us "Ron- Keira, Hermione, Harry, Are you all right?"
"Out of the way, Arthur" Mr Crouch told Him.
The four of us rose to our feet quickly to face the Wizards, I was terrified.
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (22-28 Oct 2023)
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🙂 The Golden Spoon (Jessa Maxwell, author; full voice cast narration) - a perfectly cromulent book: totally predictable to anyone who's read more than 1 mystery but still entertaining in both characters and plot. Gerald, my autistic king, you were definitely my fave. [I did like the idea of having a different voice narrator for each character, since the chapter POVs switch, but the narrator for Stella sounded like the Tiktok automated voice about 90% of the time. I could tell I was going to get annoyed with that & with the way audio draws things out when I can read text so much faster and it became clear the plot was going to be so predictable, so I switched over to reading text ~35%.]
🙂 The Sleeping Beauty Curse (who_la_hoop) - 152K, drarry, accidental soulbond
😍 i come back to the place you are (pizzabones) - 211K, steddie canon-divergent post s4, extremely satisfying slow burn, loved the dual POV structure with eddie in a coma for the first 10 months the fic covers
💖💖 +79K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
soldier keep on marching on (waiting on that morning sun) (songofswiftsunrise) - LOTR: gen, 4k - lovely 'Boromir Lives' AU, inspired by emily martin's incredible art
Pursued by Bear (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 19K - reread, forever fave, inspired by that tweet about the UFC & Shakespeare conventions occurring in the same hotel
A Tricky Bit of Spellwork (AidaRonan) - OFMD: gen, 1K - legit the only way I'll accept Izzy not being dead is this
Ready for Love (idiopathicsmile) - Singin' in the Rain: Cosmo/Don/Kathy, 13K - the Singin' in the Rain OT3 fic I didn't know I needed
Mock The Week - s21, e2
The Graham Norton Show - s31, e3 (Laura Linney, Dawn French, London Hughes and Adrian Edmondson)
Taskmaster - s16, e5
QI - series J, ep 12; series T, ep 1-2, 4
Shakespeare & Hathaway - s1, e1
Murdoch Mysteries - s15, e18-24; s16, e1-5
Dirty Laundry - s3, e4
D20: Burrow's End - "Last Bast" (s20, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Bast of Us" (s15, e4)
Our Flag Means Death - s2, e8
⭐ Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Oil and Blood: The Osage Murders
Shedunnit - Spooky Sleuthing
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 11: Shirley Jackson
⭐ Decoder Ring - The Fast Decline of the Slow Dance
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Auto-Tone
⭐ Song Exploder - Kesha "Eat The Acid"
⭐ Hit Parade - This Ain’t No Party?! Edition
Re: Dracula - October 24: Not Yet Reported
Into It - Britney Was Always Trying to Tell Us Who She Was
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Venturing Into the Twilight Zone with Susan Casey
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Frasier
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 12: Bram Stoker
Ed Zitron's 15 Minutes In Hell - Episode 12 - Kari Byron
Simply Reflecting - Are We Back?
Re: Dracula - October 25: To His Doom
Vibe Check - I Put A Spell On You
Shedunnit - Bonus: A Haunting in Venice Review
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Great Plains Dinosaur Museum
⭐ Decoder Ring - When Art Pranksters Invaded Melrose Place
Switched on Pop - Chartbreakers: Mitski tops the TikTok chart
⭐ Today, Explained - Why does the US always side with Israel?
Ologies with Alie Ward - Teratology (MONSTERS) with W. Scott Poole
Re: Dracula - October 26: Continue Our Watching
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Art of the Heist with Noah Charney
99% Invisible #557 - Model Village
Off Menu - Ep 211: Steve Coogan
Into It - We Will Never Recover From What Justin Did to Britney or: the End of 'Into It'
Dear Prudence - I’m Making Bitchy Comments to A Dog! Help!
What Next: TBD - Self-Driving Cars Crash Into Reality
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Naked Attraction And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Endless Dread: Campfire Chills
Re: Dracula - October 28: Awful Straits
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Killers of the Flower Moon: Osage Chief Jim Gray In Conversation
Overinvested - Ep. 287: The Exorcist
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Bernie Taupin
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Down at the Rock n’ Roll Club
Land (1975-2002) [Patti Smith] {2002}
Presenting Talking Heads
Presenting Blondie
Mania [Ramones] {1988}
Nightmare City Punk
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bakuliwrites · 11 months
Silver Scars, Chapter 3- Recovery
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Rating: 18+ (for future chapters), Minors DNI!!!!!
Previous Chapter
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix)
Relationships: Alucard/Narrator, Alucard/OC
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, End of Season 3 Spoilers, POV First Person, Eventual Spice, Eventual Romance, Friends to Lovers, Trust Issues, Blood, Sumi and Taka, Adrian Tepes, Narrator OC, Depression, Grief
Chapter Summary: The road to recovery is never easy, but Adrian is slowly beginning to heal. Read here or on my AO3
Months pass and Adrian is healing. Long gone are the corpses that once were a warning to outsiders. Wine bottles no longer litter the floor of Adrian’s bedroom and the castle feels overall brighter. His smile has returned, though sorrow still lingers in his eyes, burrowed in its facets. I’m not sure that will ever go away. Some wounds don’t heal. They simply become easier to cope with over the years. 
We hunt night creatures together. Go foraging together. Dinner is spent in one another’s company and wine is shared in moderation in front of the fire in the library. Adrian and I leaf through our own novels and enjoy each other’s quiet presences. Laughter fills the kitchen when we cook and floats into the night air on our return journeys together. Adrian’s smile fills my heart with peace and joy. Pieces of him, one by one, are slowly returning home.
Over the next several weeks, Adrian’s mood grows gradually brighter. I see him more often in the mornings, helping me cook breakfast, joining me at the table for a little while before he flits off to do his daily chores. There are fewer wine bottles missing from the cellar and any that he does pilfer are often shared with me at dinner. Adrian’s laughter graces the halls once again and, in these moments, Dracula’s dark castle fills with a light it hasn’t seen in a long, long time. When we forage or fish together there are long stretches of silence, but this quiet is comfortable. Not strained or pregnant with unspoken sorrows and tangible grief. We picnic by a little stream, listening to the burble of the water as we lounge the afternoon away. 
Not every day is a full success. There are days when Adrian falls back into a depression, not leaving his room and taking to long bouts of silence. 
“It’s all part of your healing process,” I reassure him after he expresses frustration one day. He hasn’t gotten out of bed, but permits me entrance into his room. He seems disappointed in my answer, but gives a wan, “Perhaps you’re right.”
Adrian has since moved rooms, selecting an abandoned one too far from my own. It's sparse at first, but together, we work on sprucing it up a bit. There are no ghosts in here, no lingering reminders of horror and betrayal. Instead, we fill this room with soft affection and the gentle brilliance of the Wallachian sun. Today, it is no different. The mid-afternoon light streams delicately through the cracks in the curtains, warming the room to a comfortable temperature. Adrian's linens are freshly washed and smell like morning dew and his teakwood soaps. I smell spiced, like cinnamon and clove, after a morning of baking. I spend the remainder of the afternoon reading quietly in bed beside Adrian, leaning against some of his downy pillows. He slumbers quietly for a couple of hours, before peeking curiously up at me. 
“What are you reading?” he questions, propping himself up on one elbow. I turn the book cover towards him so he can read it. 
“Nothing particularly exciting,” I return, “Just a guidebook on flora and fauna of the region.” 
“Hmm,” he hums, scooting closer and resting his head on the pillow beside me, “Learn anything interesting?”
“Did you know that bearded vultures can digest bones?” I contribute, with perhaps a bit too much glee in my voice. Adrian’s eyebrows shoot up, a look of surprise glimmering in his gold irises. His shock quickly gives way to amusement.
“You sound entirely too happy about that,” he teases. 
“Well, it’s fascinating! Don’t you think?” I laugh.
“Quite,” he chuckles, settling in beside me, his look softening, “Tell me more.”
And so I do. The rest of the evening is spent scouring for interesting facts in my book of plants and animals. Eventually, we start to play a game to see who can find the most ridiculous or most bizarre tidbit of information. We settle on a tie. Even on the days where Adrian is feeling low, he manages to find something to smile about, a fact that brings me relief and joy.
Adrian is standing in the threshold to my bedroom, leaning casually against the door frame. In these last few days, he’s migrated from his room to mine when he wants company, claiming to be fed up with how stuffy it is in his bedroom. 
“We can air it out, if you’d like,” I offer, not realizing yet that Adrian is simply looking for an excuse to not be alone anymore. He thanks me, but politely declines. Instead, he opts to trail me around the palace while I tend to various personal errands of mine. I haven’t done my laundry in goodness knows how long and it’s starting to pile up. Adrian offers to help me haul all of my clean and dried linens up to my room. He offers to help me fold, but I have a particular way of doing it, so I tell him there’s no need. Hence, he takes up his spot guarding my doorway.
Our conversation is light, but I can tell something is weighing on Adrian’s mind. There’s something unspoken hovering weighty between us, filling the empty space with a gummy tension. We cycle between awkward small talk and lapses of silence, Adrian staring intently at the carpet when no one has anything to say. I continue my folding duties, moving on now to the pile of clean clothes that has been sitting untouched on a chair for days now.
“For a while, I wasn’t sure if I could trust you,” Adrian admits rather suddenly, “I felt like I couldn’t even trust myself.” 
Oh , I realize, feeling rather stupid and maybe even full of myself, That’s why he was avoiding me for all that time. 
Embarrassment creeps onto my cheeks. Before I can say anything, Adrian goes on.
“But I quickly realized I didn’t have any reason to not trust you. All you’ve ever done is stay by my side. Give me my space when you thought I needed it, or when I said I did. If you’d wanted to kill me, you would’ve done it long ago. There’s certainly been plenty of opportunities for you recently. I’ve not exactly been in my right mind.”
He chuckles sardonically to himself, letting his hair fall in front of his eyes to hide his obvious mortification. He doesn’t have any reason to feel embarrassed, I think to myself. I set down the clothes I’ve been folding and stride towards him, sweeping back his hair. His face is set in a humiliated frown, brows crinkled and eyes filled with worry. He glances sheepishly at me before taking my hand in his and holding it against his cheek.
“Thank you. For staying,” he almost whispers, letting his eyes fall shut.
“There’s no need to thank me,” I return, beaming softly. A comfortable silence fills the room, until I feel tears trickle onto my hand, pooling in the canyons between my fingers. 
“What’s wrong?” I venture quietly, cupping Adrian’s face in both my hands now. He grabs my wrists gently but doesn’t pull them away. 
“I’ve felt so alone, but I’m not,” he whimpers, “I’ve been trying to cope on my own, but I can’t.”
“And you shouldn’t have to,” I return, drawing him to the ottoman and sitting us both down, “You have me. And, even though they’re not here right now, you have Trevor and Sypha. Maybe once we’ve figured out what we’re doing here, we can go meet up with them. Leave all of- all of these last few months behind and go on some adventures together.”
Adrian gives a wan smile, cheeks damp and rosy. 
“It’s not just Sumi and Taka,” he goes on, resting his elbow on his knee and leaning his head in his hand. He tilts his face to look at me, soft hair draping like a flaxen curtain around him, “So many years, I’ve had to be strong because my father wasn’t. Because he couldn’t do what was right. So much of my life has been spent learning to do things on my own. And then I met you and Sypha and- that damn Belmont,” he chuckles a bit at this.
“I suppose I felt abandoned when they left. And I felt like you and I hardly saw one another. It was easy for me to get attached to Sumi and to Taka. I cling to any bit of sunlight that pierces through the vast darkness my father’s shadow casts.”
He stares at me for a moment, eyes searching, before he laughs, shaking his head, “I suppose it’s ridiculous when I say it out loud. I know I haven’t been abandoned. That’s not why Trevor and Sypha left. That’s not why you left. And, like I said. I appreciate you giving me the space I’ve needed to come to terms with things.” 
“Of course,” I return quietly, not sure what else to say, though I have a number of thoughts floating around in my head. I hesitate, fidgeting with the sleeve of my shirt. 
“I’m- I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you,” I venture nervously, looking down at my feet, “When it happened, I mean.”
Adrian seems taken aback, eyes bright with surprise and lips parted ever so slightly. His elegant fingers slip underneath my hand and he gives it a light squeeze.
“I know that Sumi and Taka would have come for you next,” he almost whispers, as if the very act of putting that thought into words would somehow change the past, “I wasn’t about to let you suffer for my mistake. For my displaced trust.” 
I have nothing to say to this, knowing full well that there’s nothing really to say. We’ve been over it a thousand times by now. The two of us just keep repeating the same thing over and over. Adrian wishes he’d never put his trust in Sumi and Taka in the first place. I wish I had been there to do more. It’s a cycle of self-flagellation from the both of us that must end. 
“I think that we should put our apologies to rest,” Adrian quietly suggests, “Saying them over and over doesn’t change the past. We’re both still here. In the present. Alive.”
I give Adrian a probing glance, somewhat startled that he has voiced what I have been thinking. I know he can’t read minds, but sometimes, our closeness makes me wonder if he can at least read mine.
I finally give him a small nod in agreement, feeling the pressures of the past alleviate ever so slightly. I know that it won’t change the fact that I’m sorry, that he’s sorry, but perhaps it will put our minds at ease just enough. 
With this, Adrian leans in, pressing a firm, tender kiss to my forehead and lingering for a while. I let my eyelids dip, squeezing Adrian’s hand tight before he presses his forehead against mine. 
“I love you,” he softly whispers to me. 
“I love you, too, Adrian,” I manage through my constricted airways, biting my cheek so I don’t cry.
Months have passed without incident, and Adrian and I are starting to feel lulled into a false sense of security. We comment on this to one another, somewhat jokingly, but there’s always a hint of worry in our voices. Any battles we’ve had have been with night creatures that we, ourselves, have sought out. So when a horde of monstrous beings descends upon the castle entrance one night, Adrian and I are less prepared than we’d like to be. 
It starts with a loud thud at the front entrance, interrupting a laughter-filled conversation Adrian and I are having in the library. His concerned gaze darts to meet mine and, wordlessly, we shoot up from our seats and bolt towards the entryway. On the way, I grab my bow and arrows from where I stash them in the kitchen, always at the ready and usually near enough to me where I can retrieve them if need be. When we enter the main hall, we discover, much to our relief, that nothing has breached the heavy doors. However, I can hear the metal straining against multiple creatures slamming their weight against them. Or, a frightening thought occurs to me, one gigantic creature throwing its full weight against the doors. I'm not sure which is worse.
These night creatures need to be dealt with, but neither Adrian nor I want to open the doors and risk letting them in. If things get out of hand, if something were to happen- we would risk Dracula’s castle and its wealth of knowledge falling into the wrong hands. However, while we are pondering what to do next, the doors burst open and in comes a swarm of monsters. Though they’re relatively run of the mill, there’s more than either of us had predicted. 
My arrows are able to fell one or two upon entry, while Adrian’s sword downs another three. But we are swiftly overwhelmed as they flood into the entryway. We don’t have enough time to let worry overpower us. Adrian is swift on his feet as he flits through our battlefield, his thin blade piercing through flesh with a savage precision. I hop from each available platform to another, firing a barrage of sharp-tipped arrows into the throng of chittering monsters. We work in tandem, Adrian and I. 
“Watch to your left!” Adrian calls, helping me narrowly avoid having my head cleaved from my shoulders by a set of wicked looking talons. 
“Behind you!” I shout, firing straight at a beast about ready to rip Adrian in two. 
The numbers of the night creatures start to dwindle, blood and viscera slick on the floor beneath us. I nearly slip in it, but Adrian manages to catch me before I fall. He helps right me and we find ourselves standing back to back, each ready to take on the final two beasts heading straight towards us. 
“Fake out?” I ask, knowing he’ll understand what I’m referring to. 
“Fake out,” he confirms, and I can almost hear the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I ready myself as the creature aiming for me creeps nearer. It reaches out a clawed hand, but before it can get close enough, Adrian’s sword slashes its throat while I whip around to fire an arrow at the beast heading straight for Adrian. Both creatures flop lifelessly to the ground in sync.
The main hall is silent once again, save our heavy breathing and sighs of relief. 
“That was- concerning,” Adrian slowly starts, sheathing his sword at his side. I nod, still catching my breath, at the understatement of the year. 
“I suppose we ought to work on reinforcing those doors,” I venture, straightening up and frowning at the gaping entryway, hanging open like the broken maw of one of the slain creatures before me, “I guess they were more damaged in the battle against your father than we thought.”
I turn to face Adrian just as he’s about to make some dry comment about our recent lapse into false comfort when I see a creature, forgotten or unseen in the rush of adrenaline, rearing up behind him. 
“Look out!” I shout and, before I know it, my dagger is in hand and I’m rushing towards a bewildered Adrian. I throw myself in front of him, shielding razor-sharp talons from embedding themselves in Adrian’s torso. I feel them bury themselves in mine, pain and warmth radiating out from my abdomen. But my dagger connects with the creature's head before it can go any deeper, the blade making an awful squelch as it pierces the soft hollow of its temple. The beast lets out a guttural screech before it falls limp to the ground before me, my knife buried in its skull. 
I follow not far behind, collapsing onto my knees, vision swimming before my eyes as I press my hand to my stomach. When I lift it away, my palm is stained crimson and I feel suddenly icy cold. Distantly, I hear my name being called in Adrian’s frantic voice. He’s by my side, lifting me into his warm embrace, and carrying me off before I can protest. My mouth tries to form words, but my tongue feels swollen in my head. All I can do is lie limp in Adrian’s arms and wish I didn’t feel so terribly hollow. 
A/N: I am so very sorry this has taken me over a year to update! I feel so bad! I kept getting side tracked by school and other projects. But it felt really wonderful to work on the third chapter of this fic and I'm really hoping I can get the next chapter out much sooner than I got this one out! I've missed Adrian so much and it felt really nice to write for him. I hope that you have all been doing well over this last year! Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading! One more chapter left in this fic and I promise I'll have it out much sooner than I this one. Lots of love <3
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Fnaf system reboot au
Important characters from the tales from the pizzaplex books. (Also I’ll be giving them names if they don’t have any and last names if their not shown)
1. Lucia Emerson: main protagonist of the epilogues. Occupation: high school senior. Age: 18. Status alive.
2. Adrian Rodgers: character from the epilogues. Occupation: high school senior. Age: 18. Status: alive.
3. Tony Becker: main protagonist of ggy. Occupation: middle school student. Age: 12. Status: alive.
4. Ellis hunter: character from ggy. Occupation: middle school student. Age: 13. Status: alive.
5. Crystal Glenn: character from ggy. Occupation: high school student. Age: 15. Status: alive.
6. Kenzie Loy character from ggy. Occupation: high school student. Age: 15. Status: alive.
7. Finbar Cormac: character from ggy. Occupation: pizzaplex fazcade attendant. Age: 27. Status: alive.
8. Amelia Whitlock: character from ggy. Occupation: middle school student. Age: 12. Status: alive.
9. Dana cooper: character from ggy. Occupation: middle school student. Age: 13. Status: alive
10. Wes cooper: character from ggy. Occupation: middle school student. Age: 11. Status: alive.
11. Pdb/percy Dylan burrows: character in ggy. Occupation: middle school student/hacker/spy-informant. Age: 12. Status: unknown.
12. Abe Thayer: main protagonist of the bobbiedots/bobbiedots conclusion. Occupation: pizzaplex security guard. Age: 25. Status: alive.
13. Sasha brooks: 2nd main protagonist of the bobbiedots conclusion. Age: 24. Status: alive.
14. Bobbiedot pink/victoria/three: character from the bobbiedots/bobbiedots conclusion. Occupation: animatronic housekeeper/caretaker. Status: active.
15. Bobbiedot green/isabella/two: character from the bobbiedots/bobbiedots conclusion. Occupation: animatronic housekeeper/caretaker. Status: active.
16. Bobbiedot blue/elizsbeth/one: character from the bobbiedots/bobbiedots conclusion. Occupation: animatronic housekeeper/caretaker. Status: active.
17. H•A•P•P•S: character from happs. Occupation: pizzaplex fortress attendant. Status: active.
18. Liam manor: character from frailty. Occupation: police officer/chief of police. Age: 38. Status: alive.
19. Edwin Murray: main protagonist of the storyteller/the mimic. Occupation: engineer. Age: 64. Status: undead (ghost)
20. David Murray: 2nd main protagonist of the mimic. Occupation: ghost possessing tiger rock. Age: 4. Status: undead.
21. Patrick burrows: main deuteragonist of the story teller. Occupation: fazbear entertainment llc board chairman. Age: 35. Status: undead.
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myristicisms · 8 months
@knightfeared | Trevor Belmont sent;;
Graceless as always, but just quick enough, Trevor flops on the Dhampir, arms draped with his capes edges as he bundles them both with a snort.
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Nose violently twitching was always the first sign that he'd caught a familiar enough scent, though the usual irritation that once lingered within catching the smell of a Belmont had long since faded many moons ago; Not to say that he wasn't annoyed with Trevor interrupting his brooding time though, especially not since he didn't even get the chance to dodge the sudden entanglement he'd found himself in, Alucard wasn't particularly keen on feeling trapped, not since the last time resulted in severe scarring that he still dreamt of with terror and wrath. Instinct overtook the blonde's logic and were it not for Trevor's larger frame wrapped tightly around his own, Adrian isn't sure where his fangs would have burrowed themselves into.
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Although he's irate, his brain manages to buffer back into himself, who he is rather than what he was and the angry, threatened hissing slowly silences into a low growl before falling completely silent, instead finding himself pressing further into the familiar warmth much the same as a cat carving its place within its owner's side. Warm, soothing, comfortable and pleasant even if the Belmont stinks of something only vampire hunters were capable of. Such a whirlwind of emotions surely wasn't healthy for anyone, dhampir or not, to experience and yet Alucard found himself not minding one bit. “ Next time give me a warning, I almost ripped you to shreds. ”
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Just for fun, imagine this as the cast/contestants of an American adaptation of “Physical 100”:
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, actor/former pro wrestler
Martin Sensmeier, actor/model
Jason Momoa, actor
Adam Driver, actor/former U.S. Marine
Brie Larson, actress
Brandon Curry, bodybuilder
Christian Guzman, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Bradley Martin, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Kali Muscle, bodybuilder/actor/YouTuber
Nonito Donaire, boxer
Deontay Wilder, boxer
Mary McGee, boxer
Andre Ward, boxer (retired)
Lauren Taylor, CrossFit
Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL
Cydney Gillon, IFBB professional figure and fitness competitor
Renee Enos, influencer/bodybuilder
Massy Arias, influencer/health and fitness coach
Jen Selter, influencer/fitness model
Lauren Drain, influencer/fitness model
Logan Paul, influencer/WWE wrestler
Jake Paul, influencer/boxer
Mike Trout, MLB
Bryce Harper, MLB
Mark Kolozsvary, MLB
Jesus Ferreira, MLS
Zach LaVine, NBA
Steph Curry, NBA
Seth Curry, NBA
Jimmy Butler, NBA
Jordan Clarkson, NBA
Jeremy Lin, NBA/PLG
Shaquille O’Neal, NBA (retired)
Brock Purdy, NFL
Patrick Mahomes, NFL
Jimmy Garoppolo (“Jimmy G”), NFL
Jalen Hurts, NFL
Joe Burrow, NFL
Josh Allen, NFL
Tyreek Hill, NFL
Phil Kessel, NHL
Becky Sauerbrunn, NWSL
Ariel Torres, Olympic bronze medalist in karate
Nevin Harrison, Olympic gold medalist in canoeing
Jennifer Valente, Olympic gold medalist in cycling
Andrew Capobianco, Olympic gold medalist in diving
Nathan Chen, Olympic gold medalist in figure skating
Alex Hall, Olympic gold medalist in freestyle skiing
Simone Biles, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Aly Raisman, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Gabby Douglas, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Sunisa “Suni” Lee, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Lindsey Vonn, Olympic gold medalist in skiing
Chloe Kim, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Nick Baumgartner, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Katie Ledecky, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Nathan Adrian, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Michael Cherry, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Rai Benjamin, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Athing Mu, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Katie Moon, Olympic gold medalist in track and field (pole vault)
David Taylor, Olympic gold medalist in wrestling
Nyjah Huston, professional skateboarder
Matt Ladley, professional snowboarder
Mia Fishel, professional soccer player (Tigres UANL Femenil)
Brian Shaw, professional strongman
Jerry Pritchett, professional strongman
Dom Gabriel (“Dom Cruise”), reality TV star (The Mole/Perfect Match)
Joey Sasso, reality TV star (The Circle/Perfect Match)
Kolohe Andino, surfer
Gemma Nguyen, stunt performer/martial artist (see: Gamology)
Noah Fleder, stunt performer (see: Gamology)
Vincent Bouillon, stunt performer (see: John Wick Chapter 4)
Chris Brewster, stunt performer (see: Daredevil)
Lateef Crowder dos Santos, stunt performer (see: The Mandalorian)
Danica Goodheart, U.S. Army veterinarian and NPC Figure competitor
Colby Covington, UFC
Julianna Peña, UFC
Stipe Miocic, UFC
Dustin Jacoby, UFC
Kelvin Gastelum, UFC
Beneil Dariush, UFC
Max Holloway, UFC
Cub Swanson, UFC
Matt Schnell, UFC
Tatiana Suarez, UFC
Rose Namajunas, UFC
Holly Holm, UFC
Breanna Stewart, WNBA
Candace Parker, WNBA
Roman Reigns, WWE
Dolph Ziggler, WWE
Alexa Bliss, WWE
Cody Rhodes, WWE
Ronda Rousey, WWE/former MMA fighter
Brock Lesnar, WWE/former MMA fighter
Mikhail Varshavski (“Dr. Mike”), YouTuber and amateur boxer
Cassey Ho (“Blogilates”), YouTuber
Adrienne Mishler (“Yoga with Adrienne”), YouTuber
Jeff Cavaliere (“ATHLEAN-X”), YouTuber/bodybuilder
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bravenew-what · 2 years
Storm Warning: Part II
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Rating: T
Warnings: implied nudity, implied sexual activity
Author’s note: just a little something that came to my head last night, because screw these scary summer thunderstorms 🥲
As always, a special thanks to @anotherhitandrun for always being my rock, my calm, and my safe place. And always giving me a swift verbal kick in the ass when I deserve it. I love you so 🥰
Tagging: (there is no pressure at all to read, as always!) @syn-back-in-black @paulalovesmetal @celestial-dragoness
(If you would like to be tagged in future fics please message me privately and I will be happy to do so!)
Waking up to nothing but white light filling the bedroom and the windows shaking from the sound of thunder would have had you out of bed and standing up in an instant, but instead you attempted to burrow your head further into Adrian’s neck once more, as it was the only warm and safe place you could  find that second, squeezing his torso tightly as you rode out the continuously loud noise. Surely that clap of thunder woke him up this time, right? 
Craning your head up, you used the faint light coming from the hallway outside your bedroom to see his face. And there he lay, head to the side, bangs askew, eyes closed lightly and snoring quietly. He was deep in sleep. You furrowed your eyebrows. His ability to sleep undisturbed like this was unbelievable. 
You rubbed your cheek against his chest in attempt to situate yourself once more. Adrian remained incredibly warm, which would have been fine any other night, but you needed to cool down your body and nerves. 
And he considered himself married to a space heater. 
Gingerly, you snuck your head and shoulders our from under his grasp, chest sliding easily from the sweat. Rolling over carefully, you squinted your eyes at the clock
You huffed at the time. It was going to be a wet and rainy start to work. Sitting up slowly, you forced your eyes closed at the flash of lightning that filled the room, and tensed at the following clap of thunder. When you opened them again, you decided to focus your attention on the largest window in your bedroom. 
Sure, the storm was wildly frightening to look at, but something was so fascinating about it. You were safe inside and didn’t have the threat of a weather event. The harsh winds blowing rain sideways, leaves and twigs being tossed around, and the weather warm enough to warrant quick bursts of thunder and lightning. Just a stupid summer storm that would be over in an hour. You were out of harms way. 
You could hear Adrian roll over and rustle the covers, smiling as you heard his unmistakable groan. He shifted up and scooted forward, and you shook your head as he rested his on your shoulder. “You wake up to me waking up, but not to thunder shaking the windows?”
“You all right?” He whispered, pecking your cheek sweetly. 
You nodded, reaching behind to run your fingers over his check and jawline. You kept your focus on the window even as Adrian stayed close, warming by the second at his touch once again. 
“You say you’re so afraid of storms. Why keep watching them?”
You sighed as his hand ran up and down your arm and his lips traced over your shoulder. “I don’t know. I can’t look away sometimes.”
“I keep telling myself that I’m safe from them when I’m inside, more so when you’re with me.” 
“You’re doing the right thing.” He mumbled into your neck. 
“You learn to anticipate things before they happen. So if I focus on the storm-“
Adrian’s tongue flicked over your ear and you gasped. 
“You’ll become better at anticipating the lightning and thunder?”
You clicked your tongue. “Brilliant, Watson.”
Adrian chuckled and pulled you back into his chest, arms settling comfortably around your waist. 
“Now you’re just insatiable.” Your head fell back heavily on his shoulder and you closed your eyes, tensing slightly at another crack of thunder. 
“Facing your fear of these storms is quite brilliant.”
“I still have a long way to go, though.” 
Adrian guided you to turn around so you were facing him. “You’re doing wonderful.”
He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead, your nose scrunching at the sensation. “I’m proud of you for it.”
You felt yourself flush instantly, and you buried your head in the crook of his neck. Adrian ran his hands up and down your back, the callouses on his fingers rubbing your bare skin. Just the sensation alone could have made you fall right back asleep. 
“The migraines are another story. I’m still afraid of getting them when it does storm.”
“Well, you are taking your medicine on time, correct?”
You nodded. 
“Good girl.” 
A shudder wracked your body and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes as Adrian snickered, but also at how the pet name made you really feel. 
“Screw you.”
“Already have, love.”
You shot back up to look him in the eye with a pout, and all Adrian could do was smirk back down at you. In a flash, he had you by the waist and laid you back onto your spot on the bed, pinning your wrists above your head lightly. 
Eyes wide, you grinned smugly to stifle a laugh as Adrian hovered above you, chewing on his bottom lip. 
“We could pass the time, though.”
His eyes bore into yours with intention, eyes sparkling as lightning lit up the room once more. You fought the urge to squirm at the feeling of his hips between your legs again. 
But to break the tension, you whispered, “I’ll go easy on you this round.”
He dropped his head to your chest as his shoulders shook with laughter. “Now how’s that gonna work when I have you in this position?”
You kissed his temple quickly. “I was hoping you’d show me.”
“Insatiable, Sherlock?”
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universomovie · 3 months
Kara Killmer, estrela de 'Chicago Fire', sobre ser descartada com o final 'perfeito' após quase 200 episódios: 'É agridoce'
Por Emily Longeretta Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC Brettsey deixou oficialmente Chicago. Kara Killmer , que interpretou Sylvie Brett em 199 episódios de “ Chicago Fire ” (e dezenas de episódios de “Chicago Med” e “Chicago PD”), faz sua última aparição no dia 2 de fevereiro. Episódio 28, casando-se com Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) e mudando-se para Portland com ele. “É agridoce, mas é definitivamente…
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webseriesviral · 4 months
Vivienne Marie honored by Chicago Fire with episode tribute Eamonn Walker as Wallace Boden on Chi... #movie quote #movies #movie line #movie line #movie scenes #cinema #movie stills #film quotes #film edit #vintage #movie scenes #love quotes #life quotes #positive quotes #vintage #retro #quote #quotes #sayings #cinematography
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