#adrino??????? what a fav
kasienda · 5 months
Fanfiction Year in Review 2023
I fill this out every year. It’s become a bit of a tradition for me. Allows me to reflect on everything that I’ve written and kinda think about where I want to go next. And I like it better from the ask games because I don’t have to wait for asks to come in and can compare my answers from one year to the next. ^_^
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
Displaced (Ladrien oneshot)
No Regrets (Ladynoir oneshot - smut)
You Don’t Have To Pretend With Me (Platonic Adrino oneshot)
Representation Reveal (S5 Adrinette oneshot)
Kisses in the Rain (S5 AU Love Square - technically multichapter, but it’s shorter than many of my one-shots)
Would Trust You With Everything (Adrino multichapter)
Just An Ordinary Girl (Marichat oneshot)
Love Remains (Ladynoir multichapter)
Spin the Bottle (OT4 with cour four - technically oneshot, but it’s longer than Kisses and has more kisses in it. Haha!)
2 Number of words written: 
Written: 166,114 words
Published: 151,018 words (more than twice 2022’s number!! Go me!!) 
Those numbers are incredibly close together because I haven’t been redrafting as much. Those numbers include six one shots, three completed multi chapters. And another four multi chapter WIPs saw at least one update.
And in another fun milestone! I broke a million words published on Ao3 just this last week!! (I've been writing fic since 2003 and everything I've ever written is on Ao3!)
3 Your most popular fic:
Not Part of the Plan - I suspect that this is mostly because being a teen pregnancy fic, it’s my most tropiest story this year. Haha! 
4 Your personal fav:
Aftermath - This story has usurped Right Behind You as my favorite. I’ve been able to connect to the raw hurt and grief in this story, and there’s something very raw and human about it that others seem to be able to connect to as well. I think it’s some of my best work, and that is also thanks to an amazing beta in @ladyofthenoodle who has lent her expertise in more than one way in making this one more true to lived experience. 
5 Your fav scene:
It’s so hard to pick a favorite!! I narrowed it down to my three favorites in no particular order. 
The last scene in Ch 5 Love Remains - Chat Noir give amnesiac Ladybug a geography lesson from space. It’s got Whole New World vibes, and I just loved the imagery of it.
Ch 4 of Aftermath - I’m particularly proud of Marinette’s panic attack when Adrien tells her she doesn’t have to keep coming over. Like it feels like it comes out of nowhere, but it just totally makes sense. And how it manifests and how she soothes herself (it’s not healthy, but it’s so GOOD!)
Ch 7 of Would Trust You With Everything - The scene where Chat Noir tries to tell Nino who he is, but inevitably doesn’t. And how Nino reassures him through all that. This scene feels so raw, but so heartwarming in light of Adrien’s fears. And I don’t know - it’s beautiful to me.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
I really struggled with Right Behind You this year, though it wasn’t for lack of trying! I had started out the year hoping to go back to an update a month here and I only updated it three times throughout 2023. 
This was incredibly frustrating because the initial drafts of scenes would come pretty easily, but I couldn’t seem to make them pop the way the earlier chapters did. The good news is I think I figured out what the issue was. Most of my writing this year has been speed writing. And a big part of that is just where I’ve been emotionally. I’m very very out of practice in editing and redrafting, which this story and Aftermath both definitely need. 
I’ve only been able to edit Aftermath because I’ve had a ton of help. (Thanks Noodles!) Sadly, it’s harder to find betas for rarepairs, but I have succeeded! (Thanks@coffeebanana!)
7 A line of writing you’re proud of: 
“She wanted to be there to see it. To see him.”
This line is way better in context, but I’ve made myself cry about three times with it. And I refuse to explain it because that would give its power away. Guess you’ll just have to go read Aftermath. 
8 A comment that touched you: 
I can never answer this question without mentioning several!! 
Would Trust You With Everything - this story had a ton of enthusiastic followers - way more than rarepair work usually gets, and I wrote this story right after my life fell apart and all the commenters here made throwing this story together just that much more joyful during a time when I REALLY needed it. (I'm looking at you, @bittersweetresilience, @bbutterflies @flightfoot @coffeebanana and so many others that I don't know your tumblr name!!!) Not Part of the Plan Comments - I added sex ed lessons to the end of each chapter here because there’s so much about fertility and pregnancy that people don’t know if typical pregnancy fics are anything to go by, and this seemed to inspire so many people to share their pregnancy stories!!! And these have been so cool because I’ve learned that these stories just don’t often have an opportunity to be shared. And it’s neat that this story with its accompanying lessons could create a space for that!! Aftermath comments - lots of people who have really struggled with moderate to severe depression have apparently felt very seen by this fic. And that a story that is essentially about two characters who feel very alone and like no one can understand can help people feel LESS alone and MORE understood is simply amazing!! I love this story so much!! AHH!! Here's one from @neurovascular-entrapta that meant a lot to me.
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9 Something that inspired your writing:
Grief and the need to feel things in a distant abstract-these-are-story-book-characters kind of way so I don’t have to feel my actual feelings as closely every moment of the day really kept me writing the whole year long.
10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
My writing has been really raw and messy this year, and I can’t keep tenses straight to save my life. But there’s something powerful about the rawness that I really like even as all the grammatical errors and the lack of effort on the technical side of most of my stories has driven me nuts. 
I am proud of myself for being able to get back into the big projects in these last few months after not being able to face them from April to October. And I’ve started participating in a few writing events here and there again in addition to working on my own pet projects. 
11 Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Well, I wanted to finish Not Part of the Plan in 2023, which didn’t happen only barely! So hoping the last chapter and the epilogue make it out within the next month. Once that’s done I think I want to try and make Aftermath and Right Behind You my primary focus projects this year. And of course, I’m sure new plot bunnies and writing events will take over my brain on occasion. Last year, I said I wanted my writing to become a reliable mental health tool for me again, and I’m glad to say that it definitely was that for 2023. I hope I’m able to use my writing this year to continue my healing journey. 
And maybe go and proofread all of the fics I finished in 2023 to fix all the inconsistent tense issues to prepare them for being bound eventually!
12 Anyone you would like to thank?
@jennagrinsoverml for being one of my oldest fandom friends! For becoming a real life friend for all that we haven't actually met in person. For all the times you vented to me and listened and sent me pictures of your family and gushed over pictures of mine. I'm lucky to know you!
@ladyofthenoodle - for showing up in my DMs, For being a most insightful beta, for dragging me into a larger community over and over again, for listening to both my real struggles and my first world problems, for being my friend!!
@thelibraryloser - I don't know how to put this into words. But I very much look up to you. For your resilience through difficult times - you are role-model for how to handle this world with grace and kindness. Thank you for your stories!
@coffeebanana - for being so enthusiastic in the creation process before and after! When I have a story that is getting no attention one comment from you makes it so it doesn't matter. You give me all I need.
@bittersweetresilience and @wackus-bonkus-maximus for just being so kind and enthusiastic and supportive of any idea I happen to be talking about in any given moment. I guess for enabling me. Haha!
@blur0se and @mila-beedoodling for sharing your ideas and inspiring me to create new things!!
@asukiess, @chocoluckchipz, @sariahsue, @miabrown007 for creating so many beautiful things and for being kind and engaging in so many conversations!
And now, I'm really nervous that I'm forgetting someone because this is the first time where I feel like I've had more than three fandom friends. Haha! It's a good problem to have I suppose. In general, thank you to the miraculous community for helping me to survive this year. <3 <3 <3
Happy New Year Everyone!!
I invite anyone who wants to, to fill this out! (Or something similar because I think it can be modified for artwork pretty easily). But if you do, please tag me, so I can be a cheerleader for all you've accomplished this year!
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carpisuns · 3 years
Hi! I'm new here so...you have some fanfic marichat Gen And Teen up for recommend?
i just dropped a bunch of marichat recs here!
and here are my fav gen fics :D
Motherf***ing Superheros by @hamsternamedmarinette (chat fic with all the heroes—SUPER FAV!!!!!)
People to Kill by @hamsternamedmarinette (hero squad hangout)
Home Base by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights (hero squad secret base)
Never Gonna Give You Up by @botherkupo (platonic kagami + kim shenanigans)
you have my bow (bro) by @botherkupo (platonic adrino)
Case Closed by @janaikam (silly detective mystery with marichat + the classmates)
Flutters in the Attic by @deinde-prandium (max and kim get trapped in hawkmoth's lair and don't know what it is asklfjdjf)
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emsylcatac · 4 years
·-· Sweet-ember: one ML positivity post a day || Day 9 ·-
After my top 5 Alya & Marinette moments, here are the top 5 Adrien & Nino ♥
Again, no particular order here!
1. The way they met is so precious
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Adrien doing sad kitty face and Nino right away being “dude shit ok you’re my best friend now ok come here let me help you”. I love how Nino immediately saw Adrien for who he was, just like in Félix he could tell it wasn’t his best friend sending them the video!
2. These hugs though
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Can I just stan 2 bois who just hug each other in public fully and just. Don’t care? Because it’s pretty rare to see and I love these two so much and how they’re so happy to see each other again!
3. Adrien coming to support Nino on TV
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Yes, Adrien who can’t go out too much somehow manage to come and cheer for his best friend and I love that!
4. Nino organising that what-the-phoque party
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That episode was sooo much fun. But I loved to see Nino’s dedication to hang out with Adrien and make him have a good time, and Party Crasher just. Fed us so much!! He might not have been able to throw him a birthday party but he managed to do this instead haha so take that, Gabe.
I’ve also noticed that when Adrien cannot come to whatever hang out was planned, Nino is the one who is really feeling sorry for Adrien; and it’s really precious of him!
5. Adrien hyping up Nino to go on a date with Marinette
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Animan really fed us with Adrien & Nino moments. I could name all the Adrino scenes from the episode here but I’ll go with that casual hangout next to the Seine because I think it really tells us a lot about Adrien & Nino’s relationship and how Adrien is super comfortable with Nino. In the same kind of vibes, there’s this scene in “Miraculer” where Adrien throws his arm around Nino’s neck and tells him he’s gonna help him with the homework.
They really have this easygoing relationship and they never really judge each other, they’re just amazing and I hope we’ll see more of these two next seasons ♥
If you want to add some of your fav Nino & Adrien moments too, feel free to do so 😄
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thelastpilot · 6 years
23, 28, 37 for the ask meme? :>
23) If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why
My knee-jerk reaction is to say Rainy Days, 1) because it was my first ML fic and 2) because it suffers the most from age. I feel like Won’t Tell a Soul was the most unique tone to write in, so it aged better even as I got better as time went on. Secret Santa was always meant to be just happy and good and pleasant feeling so i don’t expect it to be certain things. Like, i know what that one is. With Rainy Days I just wanted it to be a good story, it could be easy or uncomplicated I just wanted it to be good, and it suffers from just straight up inexperience. I feel like if Rainy Days was my third story it would be twice as good, but then again it couldnt be anything but the first story I wrote or I wouldnt have gotten any readers and thus, no feedback. It was my version of the love story as I wanted it to be, and to be honest it hasnt changed much. It’s still my wants for that relationship. So i wouldnt edit the plot probably? just the style and the pacing
27) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
I love @seasonofthegeek, @insanitysscribblings and @miraculousturtle. 
Season is a hero for all my favorite pairs, but more than that there writing is not the sort of thing you can tab out of. You know some stories where you can start it, be rambling through a thought and then click away and come back later, like its not like that. You get involved in the scene and carry it all the way through. They often have short stuff that i’ve read but you can always tell its them just by glancing. Reynas the same way. Their style sticks out to me, and again they are my rare pair hero. Seriously no one entertains my favs guys you are literally the reason for my life thank you. Also Reyna is just straight up cool, and their work is all great! And lastly Anastasia my doll, sweet turt turt. I love reading everything by her because of her active experimentation with styles. Out of every writer I follow she is the most conscious about every line, especially with her shorter works though its true for them all. She has a descriptive emotionally compelling style that is always getting better. 
37)  Talk about your current wips.
Right now i’ve got Knighted, The Monster in the Room, The Fox’s Mask, and Unwritten Lyrics as all active wips. 
The Monster in the Room i’m proudest of, but has my smallest following. I work on it for myself, but I think every writer can identify with the fact that comments can be encouraging lol. To be fair the updates on EVERYTHING i do are wildly infrequent. I want to progress Knighted because its a guilty pleasure fic as much as Where Miracles Happens was (my Animal Crossing AU that was straight up just for me, theres rain in the first chapter and everything). The Fox’s Mask has never had a chapter update I don’t think, cause it was intended to make Won’t Tell a Soul and The Weight of Jade into a trilogy to round it out, but I didn’t want to start posting if I didn’t think I was ever gonna finish it (also by the time I was thinking about it Rena Rouge came out so like, you know). Unwritten Lyrics is also a ‘just for me’ fic lol, because i wanted a long form slow burn Adrino fic, where Nino was the object of affection instead of Adrien. It was fueled by rarepair spite, and I havent update because i didnt want to bullshit what it was like to actually be a teacher lol, so i lost track of it. 
I think right now my main thing I want to work on is Knighted, cause I think people will really like it if I can just get it going!! ((she says as its on Chapter 7)) (((#oops)))
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agrestenoir · 7 years
2017 ML fandom aesthetic:
The Great Writer Debacle: Realism, Research, and Resources
How To Talk to Writers Appropriately: A Lesson on Manners and Being a Decent Person
There’s More Ships Than Just the Love Square?!: The Day Tumblr Hated the Love Square and Other Shapes, a memoir by lovesquarestans
Salt and Vinegar Chips: Who Has Taste and Who Doesn’t
Pineapple on Pizza: The Heathens and the Saints
Homophobia? Not In My Fandom!, a study of homophobia in fandom
The Great Comic Conundrum: Reading Between the Lines of Racism and Stereotypes 
Art Theft and How to Stop, a biography ignored by reposters because whatever
ML Blackout (We Wear Black on Wednesdays Everyday Until Someone Fucking GETS IT)
Lila Rossi Is a Liar: how to hate a little girl because she’s a liar
You Get a Spoiler, You Get a Spoiler, EVERYONE GETS A SPOILER!: the time Oprah Winfrey Took Over Zag
The Day Miraculousdaily Took Over the World (and the People Who Took It Back)
Why Ladybug Is Better and Marinette Is a Dick: because they could never be the same person
Chloe Bourgeois Doesn’t Deserve A Miraculous: a study of how a fandom can never forgive a 14-year-old girl
How to Excuse Abuse and Misogyny Because Your Fav Would Never! 
Call-Out Culture and How to Do It Correctly
Too Many Zines, Too Little Time
Death Threats and Other Shit I Shouldn’t Have to Deal With Over a Children’s TV Show
The Great Gabstie: What Is Breeeliss’s Real Name?
Queer Ships: We Aren’t Complaining About Attention, We Just Want Respect
Hi, My Name Is Adrien Agreste, and I’m Not Perfect
Why No One Likes Miraculous Confessions
Your Fic Is Problematic and Here’s Why
Gabrinette and How to Avoid It Without Really Trying
We Get Four Seasons of Voltron Before Season 2 of Miraculous
Adrienette or Adrinette: What’s Your OTP’s Name?
Adrino or Adrinino, the sequel
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squirrellygirlart · 7 years
Story Recs!
Hey everyone! As you know,
​ is getting a Kindness Campaign today, so I’m here to rec some of my favorite fics they have written!!
a truth so loud
Ladybug Nino and the Adrino we all needed...
goodbyes & hellos
Alya and a Wrong Number that goes very right...
falling sun
The friendship between a Cat and a Bee...
six impossible things
...she never made it to lunch. ((note, this is one of my fav crack fics, so have a since of humor X’D)
wanna chat?
I am behind on this one, but omg I crack up on every read X’D I call it, what if these kids had no chill?
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kasienda · 1 year
Fanfiction Year in Review 2022
I fill this out every year. It’s become a bit of a tradition for me. Allows me to reflect on everything that I’ve written and kinda think about where I want to go next. And I like it better from the ask games because I don’t have to wait for asks to come in. ^_^
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
Don’t You Know People Care? (Adrino oneshot)
When You Love Someone (Love Square oneshot Reveal)
Rite of Passage (Love Square multichapter)
Meddlesome Friends (Love Square + Meddling Nino oneshot)
I Needed You and You Weren’t There (Love Square onshot)
Restorative Justice (Core Five - Chloé POV - multichapter -features love square and friendship fairly prominently)
2 Number of words written: 
Written: 99,297
Published: 64,582
This number irritates me. It’s SO CLOSE to 100k and I just didn’t have time in the last few days to throw myself over the edge. And there’s a one shot that I think only needs about an hour of focused work. But I guess that’ll have to be a 2023 fic! Haha! BUT it’s also way higher than I thought it would be even if it’s less than half I what I wrote last year (and I published about a third of what I what I published last year). And that comparison is probably why it felt like I wasn’t writing much this year. But my 2019 numbers were almost exactly the same and I was SO EXCITED about how much I wrote that year. Which just goes to show comparison is bad! And when it comes to comparing myself to others I think I’ve internalized that years ago, but apparently I shouldn’t compare myself to myself either. Because I KNOW why I wasn’t able to write as much this year, and yet, I still wrote! And that’s amazing!! 
Those published numbers include four one shots, two multi chapters. And four multi chapter WIPs saw at least one update.
3 Your most popular fic:
Restorative Justice, which is bizarre. I started writing this one closer to the fandom peak three years ago. And at the time, this fic was my LEAST popular. Chapter 4 took me almost a year to get out. And then Chapter 5 did take more than a year, but when I posted chapter five I got a lot more attention here than on anything else I’ve written this year. It wasn’t a whole lot more than Ch 3 got when it was posted though.
4 Your personal fav:
It’s Still Right Behind You and I imagine it will keep being this one until I finish it. My goal was to finish it this year, but that didn’t even come close to happening. Last year, I managed to update this one pretty consistently each month. If I had maintained that pace THIS year, it would have been almost complete I think, but I don’t think I would have made it. It has about 14-16 updates left. So another year and some change? *crossing my fingers* But Restorative Justice is a close second because it is also deeply personal - just from a different aspect of my life, and I do have a few unpublished WIPs that I’m also super in love with that I hope I will get to share before too much time has passed. 
5 Your fav scene:
It’s so hard to pick a favorite!!
Okay, I loved the way Chapter four of Yin and Yang extended the same scene at the end of chapter three. The way Marinette’s and Adrien’s individual revelations dovetailed together at that moment was just so neat!
I’m also really really really proud of the When You Love Someone reveal oneshot (which wasn’t ACTUALLY a oneshot - this scene is from Right Behind You chapters 6 and 9). This oneshot was essentially a love square break up chapter, but what I love about it is how much love there is in it from beginning to end. How much they care for each other shines through every part of it. I made myself cry multiple times writing this scene, and I can sometimes still cry when I reread it.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
It’s all challenging right now, but let’s go with Restorative Justice. As mentioned already, it took me more than a year to update chapter five of this fic, but we did it 50 words at a time! 
7 A line of writing you’re proud of: 
“I’m right here” - from chapter 3 of Rite of Passage. Here it is with a tiny bit of context: 
“But that’s not the hard part.” 
“What’s the hard part?”
“He was my best friend, and I miss him so much.” Her voice broke on the last word and her face crumpled into wracking sobs. 
Adrien or not, he instantly pulled her into his shoulder, and held her while she cried herself out. He didn’t say anything. He knew that if he said anything at all, he’d tell her everything.
And he wasn’t sure how bad that would be. He couldn’t talk to Fu or even to Plagg for all that the kwami was six inches away as evidenced by the fact that the wedge of cheese had disappeared even though he had never laid eyes on the black kwami. 
“I just wish I knew what happened to him,” she said, her voice cracking.
The pain in her voice broke him.
“I’m right here,” he said softly, placing a kiss on the side of her head.
This scene also has fanart! - by @botherkupo (I’ve been reading that as brother kupo forever... oops!)
8 A comment that touched you: 
Look, I can never answer this question. There are too many. There are my regulars who have literally taken care of me this year as I struggled with moderate depression and then repeated illness (myself and my children). And there are the comments that let me know that something I wrote has an impact on them and that’s really neat.
An example from Rosalind2013 this past week on Restorative Justice:
This is one of my favorite stories now! Thank you so much for sharing!
I feel like I learned a lot. And I really enjoyed Chloe’s characterization here!
Really and truly, I think it’s often hard for us (or at least me) to think of “mean” people as being victims too. The things I learned are things that are going to alter how I interact with people going forward, and I really appreciate you taking the time to explain everything in your notes!
Like woah!! I’m floored and squealing!
9 Something that inspired your writing:
Honestly? Spite. Haha! I keep encountering takes or reading things that irritate me and that often inspires me to write a fic that does it the way I would want it to be in the world to counter that perspective. But most of the spite writing I’ve done this year has yet to come out. So hopefully, ya’ll get to benefit from that in 2023! :)
10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Honestly, the fact that I wrote anything is kinda amazing. 2020 and 2021 were really good writing years for me (like insanely good), and it’s been frustrating to not be able to maintain that flow. I spent the first half of 2022 in a barely functional level of depression and the second half taking care of sick children. People keep telling me that I don’t have to feel pressured to write - that we all need to take breaks, and I don’t disagree. But writing for me has always been one of my biggest coping tools, and this year, it felt like I couldn’t rely on it and it always seemed like a bad sign to me when I wanted to write and had time, but couldn’t do it mentally or emotionally. Every time I think I’m back in my writing groove, my life explodes again. So here’s me wishing and hoping that things actually stay calm for like the whole next 12 months! (It’s likely a pipe dream, but one can hope).
11 Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I want to start making progress on Right Behind You again. I had a setback where I wrote a chapter and found it narratively redundant and scrapped the whole thing which was discouraging and made it hard to start again. And I really want to update each of my current unfinished WIPs at least once (hopefully more than once!), and get out some of these unpublished love square WIPs that I’ve been sitting on. (And maybe an Adrino one as well!!) Basically, I want to do all the writing! Haha!
But my main goal is really just to find my writing groove again to be able to use writing as a more reliable mental health support and creative outlet. Wish me luck!!
Happy New Year Everyone!! 
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kasienda · 3 years
Fanfiction Year In Review - 2020
The rest of 2020 was rough, but I sure wrote A LOT! And that feels good. 
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
Confessions to a Statue (Ladybug) - I’m lowkey shocked that this was finished in 2020. I feel like I wrote this one an eternity ago! It’s honestly not my favorite story, but I’m grateful to it for getting me writing in this fandom! 
Stutters (Ladybug Reveal - Marichat)
An Open Secret (Ladybug for Gift Exchange)
Instagram (Ladybug Reveal - Ladrien)
Anything to Protect You (Sailor Moon for Gift Exchange)
Locked in a Closet (Ladybug Reveal - Sequel to MissNoodle’s wonderful work.)
New York (Ladybug Reveal - Ladynoir)
A Craving For Chocolate Milkshakes (Sailor Moon)
Eight fics in total! Four of them multi-chapters! Crazy!
2 Number of words written: 
Written: 139k (as tracked by 750words.com)
Published: 105k (according to ff.net).
This is amazing! This is the first year (that I know of anyway - I’ve only been tracking for three years) that I broke 100k in one year!! I wrote every month, and I published at least one thing every month except August (I was moving in August).
I’m thrilled to see the written to published ratio as high as it is! It’s not something I’ve tracked before, but I always feel like I’m writing a ton and publishing very little, but it looks like that impression is fairly inaccurate. I’m publishing a lot more than I realized relative to how much I’m writing.
3 Your most popular fic:
My Miraculous Reveal Series has also gotten the most recognition of all my works this year, but it’s difficult to splice out which short is the most popular because I publish it as one series. Keeps my dashboard neater and gives the old ones a bit of attention whenever I post a new one. 
4 Your personal fav:
I think I’m insanely proud of both An Open Secret and Anything to Protect You. As I published each chapter, I often had the thought “This is the best thing I’ve written!” And that feels good. 
But right now, I am going to have to say an unfinished fic that I started this year - Restorative Justice - is my favorite. This is a fic that has pulled me out of my usual genre and gotten me closer to my life as a teacher. And it’s powerful and cathartic to turn these experiences into a story. I also really enjoyed exploring Chloé’s headspace. She’s just so angry, and like, this year that has been really easy to channel for some reason, and it all transferred to paper rather well. I’m kinda stuck in this fic at the moment though… 
5 Your fav scene:
I literally cannot decide. I could maybe pick a favorite scene in each fic I finished, but just one?! Nope! I can’t do it. So here’s my favorite scene in the three works I’ve spent the most time on this year: 
An Open Secret - the scene where Ladybug confesses to Chat Noir in the rain. The moment it all comes together for Adrien. I made myself cry. 
Anything to Protect You - Honestly, this one is HARD to pick. I really like the UsaMamo kiss in the first chapter, but I also love the dates. Especially the moment where she tells him she’s Sailor Moon and he thinks she’s joking. And the cattery date.
Restorative Justice - Chapter 3 - Where Chloe and Marinette are screaming at each other. I found it so satisfying. 
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
Writing the festival scene in Anything to Protect you was an absolute slog! I was struggling so hard with trying to somewhat accurately capture a cultural event that I myself have never directly experienced (I did so much research - I read a lot, I listened to music, I watched videos), and at the same time not stall the pacing of the story or emotional anchor of the piece. It was so hard, but I was really happy with how it came out. 
7 A line of writing you’re proud of: 
From the most recent update of a Craving for Chocolate Milkshakes: 
So she dove back into old habits and started drawing chibi-tuxedo masks all over her worksheet.
Go ahead. Do your worst. 
He always had some playful or snide critique of her scribbles.
She waited a whole ten seconds before she realized the mental silence would not be filled. Because he wasn’t there. He couldn’t see her doodles.
She burst into tears.
8 A comment that touched you: 
Honestly, this year it wasn’t so much what was in a comment, so much as it was when a comment arrived. Like when I was ready to tear my hair out arguing with the bank or insurance company, and then a review would pop up out of nowhere! Or when I was sitting next to my son at the hospital. Sadly, I don’t remember which comments were the ones that did this. But I think LitaKino had especially good timing more than once this year. And jennagrins as well! But there were so many others! I’m tell you all - comments are love!!
9 Something that inspired your writing:
There’s lots of the usual suspects - life, husband, children, students, etc.
But a lot of it this year has actually been reading other people’s stories and wanting them to keep going, or wanting them to have taken a different turn in the story arc. And then I have to open a doc a start a whole new fic! It’s kinda a problem honestly. I have thirteen active stories and another ten that I’m like - I would like to work on that, but it’s not happening at the moment. 
10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
That I finished four multi-chapter fics! (Though two of them it was just the last chapter). I think I’m proving to myself that I can be somewhat disciplined about what I’m working on, so that the projects I want to finish, get finished! 
And I’m also learning that you can write a lot with just chewing away at it bit by bit. It’s not about the 3k word days. It’s about it being a habit. If you can write 100 words every day that’s 36k words in a year! I wrote an average of 378 words per day! My goal is only ever 200 words, but I try to have an unbroken chain. I did not succeed this year in that due to weekly work deadlines, but I came a lot closer than I ever have before.
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I read my goals from last year and laughed. (Apparently, I wanted to finish Chocolate Milkshakes by the end of January. Bwahahaha!) But that’s okay. I wrote a ton this year!! It just wasn’t where I expected it to be. So that’s what I want this year to be about. I want to focus on my own personal projects by not making commitments for exchanges or events.
I have three WIPs right now that are just far more personal than anything else I’m working on. And these three stories are the ones I want to focus on this year. 
Invisible Wounds - (Ami/Zoi - Sailor Moon)
Restorative Justice - (Chloé POV - Ladybug) 
Right Behind You (Unpublished Adrino story - Ladybug) 
I imagine though that there will be one-shots that demand to be written in between, or one shots that will work me out of ruts, too. Or one shots that will explode into seven chapter outlines like jerks! Haha! 
But overall, my main goal is to just try to write every day!
I tag the following people to tell us about your fic writing accomplishments this year because you’re amazing!! @tinacentury @floraone @starlingsinclair@mikauzoran @chronicallylatetotheparty @ladyofthenoodle @alexseanchai @galahadwilder And anyone else that wants to! And of course, if I tagged you and you don’t want to, there is NO pressure. I’ve just enjoyed doing this over the years, and wanted to share the joy! 
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