cno-inbminor · 4 years
a/n: for some reason, i got the idea of prince!akaashi stuck in my head. mildly inspired by the swan princess. 
wc: ~2.1k 
genre: arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, emerging feelings. fluff mainly? idek, it’s word vomit
royalty!au: adsentio (pt. 1) | bonus letters (pt. 1.5) | the masque (pt. 2)
Prince Akaashi likes to believe he’s a smart cookie, even if he’s only seven. Then again, his parents aren’t exactly the most subtle people on the planet, and he believes it’s quite obvious as to what they’re planning. In fact, not only is he aware, but the whole castle is as well. Hell, even 90% of the citizens in the kingdom are fully aware of what’s to be expected. He strongly dislikes it, and he wishes it didn’t loom over him every summer.
Ever since the summer of the year he turned five, Princess (y/n) of the West Kingdom would show up for two months to make his life miserable. To be fair, it wasn’t exactly your fault, as you were very much forced into this arrangement as he was, but it was easier to blame you. He’d rather just play fight with Bokuto all summer rather than try to include a girl. It’s not because you’re capable of kicking his butt.
That is absolutely not the case here.
His mother, the queen, is scrambling to get all the preparations done in time for (y/n)’s arrival. Akaashi almost rolls his eyes when he spots her rearranging a bouquet of roses in the dining hall. Unfortunately, she spots him from the corner of her eye and beckons him over with a frantic hand. Never one to deny a parent, he quickly jogs over to her.
“Oh darling, would you be a doll and check in on your father? He needs to be dressed properly for the West Kingdom’s arrival. Tell him to wear that cyan blue shirt of his, it’s much more flattering.”
“Do we need to be so overboard like this again? They’ve already been here twice, it’s not like they don’t know us.”
“For reasons you don’t know, they’re extra special to us. Aren’t you excited to see (y/n) again? You two got along so well last summer!”
Akaashi wrinkles his nose in distaste. “It feels like I just saw her yesterday. Bokuto and I just wanna play by ourselves.”
“Nonsense, dear. Now go check on your father, please,” His mother implores before scurrying off to another bouquet of flowers.
It’s so obvious, he thinks to himself as he jogs towards his parents’ chambers. Did they really need this alliance with the West Kingdom? Would they be that much more powerful together? “In due time, you’ll understand,” his parents always said. Akaashi was starting to become tired of hearing those words.
Why is it so hard to just tell him now as to why they want him to marry Princess (y/n)?
“You know why I’m here, right?” (Y/n) asks him one evening. They’re sixteen now – Akaashi counts that this is your twelfth time at the castle. You call the castle your second home, as he once heard you tell your assigned handmaiden, the same lady who attends to you every summer. Somehow, the statement strikes a chord within him – his initial childish annoyance at your presence had long disappeared and been replaced with something akin to defeat. There was very little chance that they could run from this, but in the late nights, Akaashi found himself believing that if there were someone to be betrothed to, (y/n) wasn’t so bad.
“What do you mean?” He replies, slowly turning a page in his book. You both found that one way to quickly pass the time was to raid the royal library. At first, it was custom to read your respective books at opposite ends of the castle. Yet as time passed, you found yourselves meeting closer and closer towards the middle. If desired, the servants could find you two either together in the library, in an empty ballroom by the massive windows, or on the balcony in the summer sun. Most times, Bokuto, Akaashi’s most loyal friend, was with you as well. Reading wasn’t necessarily one of his top hobbies, but he’d rather be with friends than alone wondering around the castle.
This time, the two of you have taken refuge by a fireplace, a terrible thunderstorm casting a chill over the building. Bokuto is conveniently off doing his own thing.
“The reason why I’m here every summer.”
Akaashi casts his best exasperated look towards you, but it goes unnoticed as you refuse to look away from your book. “I’ve known since I was six.”
You sigh and gently shut your novel closed, one finger stuck between the pages to keep your place. With the grace of an angel (Akaashi thinks), you pick yourself up from the lounge chair and drift over to the couch he’s sitting on. Because he’s sitting upright towards the end closest to the fire, there’s more than enough space for you to sit and stretch your legs across the cushions. In fact, you do just that, settling for leaning your back against Akaashi’s strong side profile, his arm supporting most of your weight. Without meaning to, Akaashi finds himself adjusting his sitting position for your comfort. He feels your body tremble slightly and a small wave of concern washes over him.
“Should I ask one of the servants to bring a blanket for you?”
“That won’t be necessary. But thank you for your concern, your highness.”
“You don’t have to address me as so.”
“My apologies, it’s a force of habit.”
Akaashi has long given up on reading the words before him. Your question repeats in his head like a broken record.
“Doesn’t it frustrate you?” You whisper, interrupting his thoughts. “Doesn’t it anger you that since my birth, you’ve been forced into a game that you have no choice but to play?”
Akaashi hesitates. This topic has never been broached before, and he’s not sure how to address it.
“I’ll admit it was more frustrating in the beginning. Nobody enjoys being told what to do, especially when you’re little. But I learned to just accept it. In fact, to call it a game would assume that there is a losing side. From what I’ve studied, both of our kingdoms would benefit from this merger. What’s the loss?”
“Our freedom and choice,” you bite out, yet refusing to look at him. You’ve also given up on reading, yet you don’t want to arouse suspicion that this conversation is happening. If a servant were to hear, rumors would fly around the castle like a plague. “I think it’s only human that I want to experience love the way ordinary people do. We don’t even get a say.”
“What about both of our parents? They were arranged yet they love each other.”
“Simple, they got lucky.”
“Then would you rather run away and find another man to fall in love with?”
“More than that, I just want to experience life beyond the castle walls. My position is different from yours.”
“How so?”
You purse your lips, pausing. “Your Highness, what do you think would happen to you if I were to disappear, or god forbid, die?”
Akaashi’s eyes widen in bewilderment. “Why would you ask that?”
“You just need to answer my question.”
“Well,” he ponders. “I…believe I’d be somewhat sad. We would mourn the loss, surely.”
For the first time this summer, he hears a genuine chuckle from you. “I’m honored by your sentiment, your highness. I’m asking more of what you think would politically happen to you.”
Akaashi’s cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I guess…politically I’d be okay. Mother would be devastated, but I guess they’d find me another match. The merger with your kingdom would’ve been our strongest move, but it could still happen since we’re already on such good speaking terms. Supposedly there are other princesses waiting for a chance, and a merger could result from that as well.”
“What a humble braggart you are, your highness,” you tease.
“That’s not what I meant—”
“I know. But in all seriousness,” you switch to a more solemn tone. “The point is, you’d be okay. As you so nicely put it, you have women lining up to be with you.”
“Aren’t men lining up to be with you as well?”
“It’s not the same, Your Highness. As a princess, I’m brought up to constantly prove my worth to others. More importantly, I’m raised to prove my worth as a wife and a queen. We’re left to care for the children we must bear, we must keep our noses a reasonable distance away from kingdom business. If this engagement were to break, many outsiders would automatically assume that I was deemed unworthy of you, that I must’ve wrapped myself in some horrible scandal.”
Akaashi hums and stares into the fire. “I suppose that it’s rather unfortunate. I wish I had realized that sooner.”
“Your self-awareness speaks volumes. I usually wouldn’t admit this to you, but I know you’ll be a great king when it’s your time. Your people already love you, and they will only continue to love you more.”
“That’s very kind of you, Princess.”
“I only speak honestly. There’s no need to sugarcoat my words around you.”
Somehow, Akaashi finds that very comforting. Perhaps as someone in his position, he would consider honesty and wisdom to be valuable. Just because he’s destined to be king someday, doesn’t mean he would always make the right decisions. He would appreciate having you by his side in his decision-making.
“If this happens,” Akaashi finds himself speaking, also not one for beating around the bush. “I can promise now that I’ll try to change that. Even if we end up never loving each other, I’ll do my best to ensure that you never feel confined to such a role. As my w-wife,” he stumbles over the word. “I would want your input. You have a good head on you, and I’m sure you have valuable wisdom that I will need in due time.”
“Somehow, that’s the most romantic thing a man has ever said to me,” you say. He can hear the smile in your voice, his own small one forming on his face. When you move off the couch, his body immediately misses the warmth of your body pressed against his. After you’re done dusting yourself off, you begin to curtsy. He knows that this means you’re retiring for the night, but he’d rather you not leave right now.
“Wait,” he calls out, reaching for the hand not holding your book. You stay silent as Akaashi delicately holds your hand, then breaking out into a slight blush when he lays a soft kiss on the back of your hand, eyes never breaking contact with yours. He’s never been more princely to you than this moment – though his mother had made him do this on every first day you arrive at the castle, it never held so much meaning. This was of his own doing, his own volition, and that spoke volumes to you. He was trying to make this work in his own special way.
You don’t miss the way his thumb ghosts over your knuckles before releasing your hand, although the movement seems hesitant and troubled. “Good night, Princess,” he bids quietly, eyes looking back at the ignored book in his lap. Your heart beats with adrenaline, the chemical fueling you to step closer to him and bend down to place a kiss on his cheek. Akaashi does his best to not look surprised, but he knows that he has failed when he hears the sound of your gentle laugh.
“Good night, Keiji.”
The prince concludes right then and there that he has never heard anything more beautiful.
When you return to your chambers the next night, it’s hard to miss the most beautiful glass vase you’ve seen that’s sitting on your dresser. Inside stands a half-bloomed peony, a flower you recognize from the castle gardens. The petals have a tender shade of a light blush pink – if the flower-arranging lessons taught you anything, they stood for romance, compassion, and bashfulness. A neatly folded cardstock with your name stands demurely by the vase. The handwriting is strikingly familiar, and you can’t help but smile at the words neatly written inside.
To my future queen.
As you bring the flower to your nose and inhale the sweet scent, you begin to think that perhaps, you and Akaashi might just be lucky enough for love.
feel free to send requests for this au! 
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chubby-bun-bun · 4 years
Page 1: Favorite HQ Writer Blogs
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
📑 oneshots, drabbles, headcannons
📔 romance
📖 time stamp moments, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 [8:09 pm]: In which Sakusa asks you to stay the night with him
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 romance, comedy, incorporated smut
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "enough for two” - tendou
💕 “one for the rules” - kita (ao3)
💕 “shoot the ball” - ushijima (ao3)
💕 “all things come in threes” - atsumu & osamu (ao3)
💕 “birds of prey” - bokuto (ao3)
📑 oneshots
📔 romance
📖 comfort & feel-good effects
💕 "you're the ace?!" - akaashi
📑 oneshots
📔 romance
📖 smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "seeing the thread" - kuroo
💕 “regret” - bokuto
💕 (n/a) “forgotten sandcastles” - oikawa
📑 oneshots
📔 smut, romance
📖 tw: dark sexual content, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 “yoga instructor” - atsumu (nsfw)
📑 imagines, drabbles, headcanons
📔 romance, smut
📖 captures ushijima well, diverse & indulgent imagine concepts
💕 "soulmate au: tattoo of your first words to each other" - ushijima
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics
📔 romance, smut
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "thinkin’ ‘bout you” - sakusa
💕 “with time” - ushijima
💕 “number one” - atsumu
💕 “don’t forget” - tsukishima  
📑 headcanons, imagines
📔 romance, smut
📖 diverse imagine concepts
💕 “ménage” - iwaizumi
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics
📔 romance
📖 diverse angst concepts
💕 "with lie” - suna
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics, drabbles
📔 romance
📖 unique plots, smooth writing style
💕 “kitsune no yomeiri” - atsumu
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics
📔 romance, smut
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style
💕 "in which the nation’s most desired bachelor falls for the nation’s best wedding planner” - atsumu 
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics
📔 romance, incorporated smut
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style
💕 “domus” - akaashi
💕 “adsentio” - akaashi  
💕 “immergo” - oikawa  
💕 “inpetus” - kuroo  
💕 “concerto” - iwaizumi
📑 imagines
📔 romance
📖 diverse & indulgent imagine concepts, on-point characterization, smooth writing style
💕 “tattoo soulmate!au” - bokuto
💕 “going to abandoned building with s/o on halloween” - bokuto
💕 “sharing pain soulmate!au” - tsukishima”
📑 headcanons, imagines
📔 romance
📖 diverse & indulgent imagine concepts, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "protecting their fem!manager from a harasser" - seijoh, nekoma, karasuno
💕 "you hug someone else by mistake" - akaashi, kuroo
💕 “fem!s/o pestering him because she likes him” - akaashi
💕 “his daughter mistakes osamu for him” - atsumu
haiikyuuns (ao3)
📑 oneshots, imagines
📔 romance
📖 soulmate au, diverse & indulgent imagine concepts
💕 “coming home (right into your arms)” - kuroo
💕 “neon lights (in a world gray)” -  atsumu
📑 imagines, headcanons
📔 romance, smut, comedy
📖 diverse, cute, & funny imagine concepts
💕 "maid café" - oikawa
💕 "soulmates" - bokuto, kuroo
📑 oneshots, drabbles, headcanons
📔 romance, smut
📖 indulgent fic concepts, smooth writing style
💕 “clean” - sakusa
💕 “still” - osamu 
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 romance
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects  
💕 "phases of the moon” - tsukishima
📑 headcanons, imagines
📔 romance, smut
📖 diverse imagine concepts
💕 "piano-playing classmate" - bokuto, nishinoya, tendou, terushima
💕 “just like your father” - bokuto
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 smut
📖 smooth writing style, on-point characterization
💕 “clean” - sakusa
💕 “cuffing season” - ushijima  
💕 “s/o with nipple piercings” - tsukishima, kageyama, kuroo
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 smut, romance
📖 diverse & indulgent smut concepts
💕 “just us two” - kuroo
kamoniwa (other account: satendou)
📑 oneshots, headlines
📔 smut
📖 tw: dark content, smooth writing style, on-point characterization, unique & indulgent smut concepts
💕 "a little madness” - kuroo, akaashi, semi
📑 oneshots
📔 romance
📖 smooth writing style
💕 “bound to you” - iwaizumi
📑 oneshots, drabbles, multi-chapter fics
📔 romance
📖 smooth writing style
💕 “a history of ‘i love you’” - tsukishima
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics
📔 romance
📖 unique plots, smooth writing style
💕 “twenty-five” - iwaizumi
💕 “growing pains” - iwaizumi
💕 “in sickness and health” - semi
💕 “breathe” - akaashi
kuroopaisen (prev. occasional-haikyuu)
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics, headcanons
📔 romance, incorporated smut
📖 unique plots, smooth writing style, on-point characterization, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "the in-between" - kuroo
💕 "like breathing" - bokuto
💕 "heartworm" - akaashi
💕 "little changes" - atsumu
💕 “happy accident” - iwaizumi
📑 oneshots, drabbles
📔 smut, romance
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style
💕 “riverbank” - kuroo (nsfw)
💕 “for the camera” - akaashi (nsfw)
💕 “tension” - matsukawa (nsfw)
💕 “needy” - ushijima (ao3) (nsfw)
luvyoomi (prev. omigogames)
📑 oneshots, drabbles
📔 romance
📖 smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 “handsome!” - sakusa
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics, smau fics, imagines
📔 romance
📖 tsukiyachi works, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "it's blue" - kuroo
💕 "azaleas and periwinkles" - bokuto
📑 oneshots
📔 romance
📖 indulgent fic concepts, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 "this time, love is for us” - sakusa
📑 oneshots, drabbles
📔 romance
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 “moving in” - oikawa, iwaizumi, hanamaki, matsukawa
💕 “on a scale of one to ten“ - akaashi
💕 “check you out“ - kuroo, akaashi, tsukishima
💕 “5:37 PM — telling kuroo about the boy who asked you out” - kuroo
💕 “does our height difference ever bother you?” - kuroo
📑 headcanons, multi-chapter fics, oneshots
📔 romance
📖 amazing imagery, smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects, on-point characterization
💕 "in orbit” - atsumu
💕 “sunshower” - bokuto  
💕 “headline” - bokuto
💕 “痛恨“ - oikawa
💕 “fabric softener” - suna
💕 “give & take” - kageyama
📑 imagines
📔 romance
📖 diverse & indulgent imagine concepts, smooth writing style
💕 “3-on-3 match with their fem! manager” - nekoma
📑 oneshots
📔 smut
📖 diverse & indulgent smut concepts, smooth writing style
💕 "somnophilia” - tsukishima (nsfw)
📑 oneshots
📔 romance
📖 smooth writing style, comforting & feel-good effects
💕 “friends with (economic) benefits” - iwaizumi
📑 oneshots
📔 smut, romance
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style
💕 “stress relief” - tsukishima (nsfw)
💕 “1k event drabble: i really want to kiss you right now” - bokuto (nsfw)
💕 “you’re overworking” - osamu (nsfw)
sanso (prev. inarizakikoukou)
📑 oneshots
📔 romance
📖 science galore, unique plots, smooth writing style, on-point characterization
💕 "little things” - ushijima
💕 “disrupted meetings” - kuroo
💕 “butter cookies” - kuroo
💕 “departure hall” - kageyama
💕 “for what it’s worth” - atsumu
satendou (other account: kamoniwa)
📑 oneshots, headlines
📔 smut
📖 smooth writing style, on-point characterization, unique & indulgent smut concepts
💕 “dreamscapes” - kuroo (nsfw)
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 romance, smut
📖 tw: dark sexual content, diverse & indulgent smut concepts
💕 "you stream together” - kenma
💕 “chemistry” - kuroo  
💕 “miscommunication” - matsukawa (nsfw)
scrappydaisies (prev. scrappyhaikyuu)
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 romance, smut
📖 diverse & indulgent smut concepts
💕 "god in a dive bar” - bokuto
💕 “nothing good happens after 2 a.m.” - ushijima
💕 “improbability of chance” - kuroo
📑 oneshots, headcanons
📔 smut
📖 tw: dark sexual content, diverse & indulgent smut concepts
💕 “endearing” - tendo (nsfw)
stallionissei (prev. karasunosimp)
📑 oneshots
📔 smut
📖 diverse & indulgent smut concepts, smooth writing style
💕 "brute force" - ushijima (nsfw)
💕 “one track focus” - tsukishima (nsfw)
📑 oneshots, drabbles, series
📔 smut, romance
📖 on-point characterization, smooth writing style, extremely indulgent smut concepts
💕 “sweet crazy love” - oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki (nsfw)
💕 “automatic” - iwaizumi (nsfw)
💕 “across the universe” - matsukawa
💕 “some” - sakusa
💕 “i wanna be yours” - kuroo
💕 “shine” - bokuto
📑 oneshots, headcanons, imagines
📔 smut, romance
📖 diverse imagine & smut concepts, on-point characterization, smooth writing style
💕 "it was an accident!" - kageyama, sakusa
💕 “aesthetic” - suna
💕 “inexperienced best friend” - kuroo, oikawa, akaashi
💕 “inexperienced best friend” - atsumu, osamu
📑 oneshots
📔 romance, smut
📖 comforting & feel-good effects, smooth writing style
💕 "train rides and confessions" - akaashi
💕 "tease" - kuroo
💕 "bad days and meat buns" - bokuto
💕 "sunscreen and books" - iwaizumi
📑 drabbles, headcanons
📔 romance, comfort
📖 diverse & indulgent drabble concepts, smooth writing style
💕 "scenario: little sister" - kenma, atsumu, osamu
💕 “the neighbor guy is my dad” - bokuto
📑 imagines, oneshots, headcanons
📔 romance, smut
📖 diverse & indulgent imagine concepts
💕 "intimidate" - kuroo
💕 “falling for s/o who’s extroverted and bubbly” - kuroo, akaashi, iwaizumi
💕 “you, my oblivious dunce” - akaashi
📑 oneshots, drabbles
📔 romance
📖 diverse & indulgent fic concepts
💕 “chase” - kageyama
💕 “flight hq 0819: fukurodani edition”
📑 oneshots, drabbles
📔 romance, incorporated smut
📖 amazing futakuchi works, smooth writing style
💕 "death to kenji" - futakuchi
💕 “diner dynamics” - futakuchi
💕 “homesick” - oikawa
📑 multi-chapter fics, oneshots
📔 romance, incorporated smut, comedy
📖 unique plots, on-point characterization, smooth writing style, naturally incorporated humor
💕 "into the new world" - kita, "into the new world" - atsumu, “into the new world” - ushijima
💕 “underwater” - ushijima (ao3)
💕 “somewhere only we know” - kuroo
📑 oneshots, multi-chapter fics, headcanons
📔 smut, romance
📖 smooth writing style, on-point characterization, indulgent fic concepts
💕 "lines” - kuroo
💕 “start of summer” - kuroo & nishinoya
💕 “딸기 pop” - bokuto
💕 “modern times” - kenma
Haikyuubu (English Translations)
4 notes · View notes
cno-inbminor · 4 years
adsentio - bonus letters
Tumblr media
a/n: written in the royalty!au. i would recommend reading adsentio for context, but it’s not absolutely necessary. as suggested, this is just a little add-on/bonus snippet that popped into my head. 
summary: prince akaashi suddenly begins writing letters to you on the months you’re not there. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t beginning to look forward to them.
royalty!au: adsentio (pt. 1) | bonus letters (pt 1.5) | the masque (pt. 2)
Dear Princess (Y/n),
My mother plans to arrange a ball in your honor when you turn 18 next summer. It appears that she and your mother already started making arrangements a few months ago while you were still here. They plan on inviting other nearby kingdoms – I believe many other dukes and princes will plan to attend. Your coming-of-age is worthy of celebration, but I thought I could help relieve some of the pressure by periodically filling you in on the plans. In fact, I believe they’d like to make it a masquerade ball. Is that something you would enjoy?
I hope this letter has been safely given to you. There is no rush for a response, but if I must be honest, I look forward to receiving your letter soon. Again, there is no rush. I hope you are in good health.
Prince Akaashi
Your Highness,
It is very kind of you to go through the trouble of sending correspondence of your mother’s plans. However, wouldn’t you think that I would know of these arrangements? After all, it is held in my honor. Forgive my forwardness, but were you looking for an excuse to write me a letter? Do you enjoy my presence at the castle more than I’m led to believe?
While I do believe the ball is too much for something as simple as turning 18, I appreciate the sentiment. I actually brought up the idea of a masquerade to your mother when I was there – it’s nice to hear that it’s still in consideration. Wouldn’t you agree that the air of mystery would be much more enjoyable?
Many princesses and ladies will be there as well. Why only mention the other dukes and princes? I have a possible idea, but perhaps I’ll keep it to myself. It seems more enjoyable that way. As of now, I am in good health. We are beginning to prepare for the frost, as well as ensuring that our citizens have the food and shelter to overcome it. The harvest was good to us this fall, and I only hope that spring comes quickly. I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to receive a letter from you, and I was quite eager to write back.
I look forward to hearing back from you as well.
Princess (Y/n)
Dear Princess (Y/n),
If I may be bold, wouldn’t you believe it appropriate to address me by my given name? Even in written correspondence, you find the need to be formal. As I recall, you’ve addressed me by my name in person, so why not in letters? But should you find that uncomfortable, I will understand. There is no pressure.
I’m genuinely happy to hear that you’re still well. We are preparing for the frost as well. Should your kingdom ever need aid, do not hesitate to send for us. I will see to it that I personally help deliver any resources that you may need. Merger or not, our kingdoms are good allies, and should do as good allies do.
I suppose a masquerade would be more entertaining. It’d be interesting to see what everyone’s masks will look like, though I’d be less likely to speak to anyone. It wouldn’t be hard to find Bokuto in the crowd with that hair of his, but I suppose it’d be a little more tricky to find you. Not that my purpose of the ball would be to find you, but I’d at least want to bid you a happy birthday. That’s all.
As you know, I find no need to beat around the bush. I did, somehow, desire to write to you. You stayed a month longer than you usually do this past summer – I suppose I had grown accustomed to your presence, though I wonder why I never wrote you before. I hope you can forgive my forwardness as well.
I didn’t forget of the other possible attendees of the ball. As you had said before, there are some men in line for your hand. I assume that they would take this chance to impress you and your parents. After all, your kingdom is powerful and strong – most would benefit from a merger with you. Politically, our forces combined would be best. However, if I may be selfish, I believe you would make a good companion. If I see the other men making advances, perhaps I should prepare to win you over. But the choice would ultimately be in your hands, and I don’t intend to take that away in any sense.
I am eager to receive your response.
Prince Akaashi,
Old habits are so hard to change. I will do my best to correct myself and address you less formally. Many would frown upon this, however. We are not officially engaged yet – I believe some of the more traditional, older handmaidens would find this to be scandalous. They would assume we were off doing something sacrilegious in the hidden corridors, or something that would warrant me addressing you by your given name. I must say I am moved by your want for me to address you as you desire, even flustered. I imagine there are many other ladies who long for this same chance – perhaps I am special to you?
Along those lines, I do not think you give yourself enough credit where credit is due. I have no doubt that you will be able to find me the night of the masquerade – in fact, I believe you will have very little difficulty in doing so. However, perhaps to make this more fun for us, I might make it harder on you. Let us see if you are able to find me before the clock strikes midnight. You are incapable of fooling me – you know as well as I do that you have more than enough time to bid me a happy birthday before the ball.
I admit that I miss being on your castle grounds. It is a place that I have called a second home for many years now, and staying the extra month only made my leave harder. I am happy that you desired to write me. I now look forward to your letters more than others’ correspondences. One trait that I have always admired about you is your honesty – you don’t care to mince your words (unless it would be more appropriate to do so). I must say that I’m quite tired of polite, bureaucratic talk, especially at it should hold no place in a friendship like ours.
I hadn’t thought to give much time to any suitors who would try to sway me in their favor, but I am curious to hear of your argument now. You should be prepared to make a good stance, though I must say that you have earned yourself some extra credit from me – you haven’t failed to forget how important the value of choice is to me. Many other men will fail to remember or even acknowledge this.
If I may be selfish, I hope that the summer months arrive quickly. I look forward to my annual trip to your kingdom.
Princess (Y/n)
Dear (y/n),
The answer is simple. Yes, you are special to me. You are one of my oldest friends, and there are very few people that hold the same honor. Though I’d like to be bold, a bravery that I can only display through paper and ink, and say that you are more special than just an old friend. We have known each other for many years, and I am very sure that you know the meaning in my words. Should you not, I would be willing to explain it in person.
Must you make it more difficult for me to find you? If so, for your entertainment, I will indulge you. However, I am not one to back down from challenges. This will only fuel me in my search, and I will spend the remaining time until then to recall on everything that defines you. Even in sleep, I will study, as you do appear in my dreams from time to time. I do believe it would only be fair to receive a reward if I find you by midnight.
I, too, also anxiously await your letters. Though I know the delivery man is doing his best, I can’t help but wish for a way for letters to travel faster. The days spent waiting for your responses seem longer and less bearable. It’s akin to the feeling when you visit the gardens every day and feel that the flowers are delayed in their bloom. On days when your letters arrive, they seem to have opened substantially. They seem fuller, brighter, and stronger, and I often have to restrain myself from retrieving one for you (since you are no longer here).
You are free to be selfish with me. I, too, wish for the summer months. In return, I hope you accept this bracelet as a Christmas gift. I found it from a jewelry stand when I was strolling through the city and thought it would fit you. You are not one to care for the number of jewels or the material it is made of – I only pray that you will accept it, and I fully intend to compensate for all the previous Christmas holidays where I did not gift you something. It is regrettable, and I can only hope that you accept my apologies now.
Sincerely yours,
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
adsentio - stagnation
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a/n: we’re back with prince!akaashi, royalty!au, extra part. i promise i was writing the wedding scene, but then it started storming pretty heavily...and my brain said, “no, Kay. it’s rainy hours. write angst. you know you want to.” and...this happened.
NOTE: for this specific scenario, it’s not 100% necessary to read ‘adsentio’, the main story. however, there are details that reference it and subsequent parts. the basic idea is: you and prince akaashi had been set up to marry since you were children, and while the both of you were against it for a while, feelings changed for the better.
summary: after a few years of being married, you find yourself firmly concluding that indeed, akaashi no longer loves you.  
genre: angst!! with happy ending though. wc: ~2.9k
main story: adsentio (pt. 1) | bonus letters (pt. 1.5) | the masque (pt. 2)
Whenever torrents of rain cascade over the kingdom, down the vine-ridden castle walls and pattering upon the lake, many will pause in their tasks and gaze out the nearest windowpane. Thunder may rumble and lightning may strike, yet everyone registers the same twist in their stomachs. An unease lies beneath their skin; a chill that wickedly summons horripilation. In an effort to battle the shadows, fires begin to roar, one by one through the castle. Aches and pains arise in bodies as the masses wait with bated breath for the rainbow to appear as it always does.
Smoke floats through the chimneys and taints the air, evident by the wisps of gray and onyx. Yet they are unnoticed and in stealth on this dreary night where everyone must succumb to the understanding that there will be no rainbow. The controller of the tides will peak above the midnight clouds and attempt to shine, but never strong enough to guide the nightly travelers.
Even with the tamed inferno in the chambers, a puff of visible air leaves your lips. Your hands clasp tightly together, your fingers intertwining with each other in your lap as you sit in front of your vanity. Raindrops beat against the glass of the balcony doors, glistening in their trail towards the ground. Yet as soon as they fall onto stone, the drop shatters and colors the surface. It paints and paints until the blemishes appear and the imperfections glare towards the skies.
Jewels sit heavy on your figure, your crown resting on a cushion atop your vanity. But in this moment, nothing weighs more than the wedding ring on your left hand. It’s crushing, suffocating; it burns a print and imprisons your appendage, reminding you of unspoken promises ghosted against your ear. The gems hold decades of memories, being passed down from queen to future queen, and you wonder if any of them proceeded with what you plan on doing.
Akaashi had entered the room as smooth as a serpent, silent like a zephyr. Your only warning of his presence is the raised hairs on the back of your neck, your body tensing just as his hands placed themselves on your shoulders from behind. Another breath is drawn from your lungs as he peers into the mirror at you, the faintest expression of happiness drawn from his lips. But it’s lifeless. It’s the one he reserves for meetings and pleasantries, for when he disagrees with his father but has no choice to comply. His eyes are darkened with death and dissatisfaction, and has been for almost two weeks now.
His brows only marginally furrow with concern at your lack of reaction, how you seem to be looking past him. Your own expression comes off as solemn yet nervous, as if you’ve committed a grave sin.
“Is anything wrong, my dear?” He asks gently, watching carefully.
Your lips purse as you turn your head towards the hand on your right shoulder. They no longer provide the warmth and comfort that they did so many years ago, but only serve to freeze your soul and weave together the insecurities that you had painstakingly unraveled. Akaashi continues to gaze at you in silence as you stand from your seat, wordlessly beckoning for him to take your place. With guarded hesitation, he does as you say. Instead of standing behind him as he did you, you instead take the space on his right, facing his side profile. Feeling unnerved, he turns to face you rather than his own reflection.
In times of vulnerability, you have always struggled to find your footing, to feel that you are powerful. You believe there is a strength in possessing self-awareness and having the ability to convey those thoughts to someone who cares and knows. Just because you feel small in the moment does not mean you must be small. You can tower over the other person as you do now, forcing your prince to lift his chin to speak to you.
“You are unhappy,” you whisper ruefully.
“I don’t…I don’t understand,” he fibs, his eyes wavering as he directs his gaze away from yours. In that brief moment of eye contact, you had seen the show end, but the curtains lifted, the gears turning and unveiling his chaotic despair.
“You cannot lie to me, milord. And only you are incapable of doing so with me.”
He lets out an arduous sigh and slouches his back, a pose of defeat and exhaustion. A dagger twists his heart at the title, but his reticence allows you to continue.
“I can only imagine that there have been many women in my position before, where they must continue to rule with locked lips and the key thrown. There must have been many who were as hopeful as me, and yet as time aged us, we had to turn the other way and simply learn to accustom ourselves to the new surroundings. With how long we have known each other, I know almost everything about you. To most, you may only have a few sitting postures. But to me, you have tens. Each little movement indicates something different, something you happen to be thinking or feeling at that moment. It’s ingrained into my brain by sheer force and repetition, and I’m beginning to wish I was more oblivious. Perhaps, then, I would at least have been a happy fool, content with my misguided beliefs.”
“What are you trying to say?” He enquires as he dares to face you again. With regret, loss, and grief, he watches as your eyes begin to shine with tears and the most bittersweet smile on your face begin to form.
“You no longer love me.
“And I have no objection to that,” you continue, raising a hand to stop any of his interjections. “I should have known that you would eventually tire and wish for what I had voiced all those years ago: some freedom, some choice. As much as you had convinced yourself that marrying me was unequivocally your free will, you no longer believe it. All of your interactions with me scream so, and I have no intentions to attempt to convince you otherwise. Doing so would be hypocritical of me. So for now,” you pause, looking down at your hands while catching your breath.
Akaashi can hear the tremble of your lungs over the crack of thunder and the beating of the heavens. But everything deafens when your right hand hovers over your left ring finger. They hesitate and shake, reaching then reclining, before grasping the ornate band and slowly, lamentably removing it. You then extend a hand to gently grasp one of his, placing the piece of jewelry in his open palm, then curling his fingers closed around it.
“For now, I shall return this to you. You may do as you wish, as I will not stop you. Perhaps…we were not lucky enough for love.”
You sleep with your back to him that night, unwilling to face him when only mere inches exist between you two. You miss how Akaashi turns to face your back, how his arm tentatively reaches to wrap around your waist before pulling back, and can only slip into his dreams when counting the strands of your hair.
“The Prince urgently requests that you meet him in the library, Your Highness.”
“Preferably, yes.”
“Very well, I shall be there shortly,” you sigh, your turning away signaling the messenger’s dismissal. Your head bends down to take one last look at the embroidery in your lap, your fingers finishing some last few stitches for an appropriate stopping point. Fingers cautiously smooth the wrinkles of your day dress, and you take one last deep breath.
The journey to the library is painstakingly laborious, as though each step you made had been done with shackles around your ankles. There is a weight to the sound of your heels clicking against the ground. Maids and butlers shuffle past you with heads bowed, though you seem to deep in a trance to observe.
Much of the energy and power that you felt you had exuded those nights ago had soon dissipated from your body. Your body resembles an empty shell, devoid of a plan to stand on your feet and continue with your normal activities. Your left ring finger screams into the numbing void, the missing weight almost bearing its own scarlet letter. You stayed in your room as much as possible, requesting meals to be delivered to the chambers. Akaashi nearly always needed to be away, taking care of kingdom affairs in preparation for his inevitable ascension to the throne. The only times you were ever near him were in the mornings and nights. You understood he was allowing some space for you, yet to request your presence…
Soon, you stand in the doorway of the royal library, the wooden entrance left ajar. The space acts as a safe haven for anyone in the castle; you gently press it open with the pad of your fingers. Hundreds of books on shelves line the walls with a few tables and lounging couches, yet it is eerily empty. Typically, there would be another person climbing one of the ladders to reach a high book, but even those are gathering dust for now.
Akaashi is in the farthest corner by the window, small stacks of bound journals and novels on almost every available space of the surface. He stands tall by the glass, looking out towards the gardens with his hands clasped behind his back. You take this moment of his oblivion to appreciate the back of the man before you, choking back and battling the agonizing twist of your heart. It is a moment you feel that you no longer deserve, but whatever it may be, the matter seems far less urgent than what the butler had told you.
You near him and clear your throat, the noise causing him to spin on his heels. He looks somewhat taken aback, but quickly composes himself as you curtsy. “I am here, Your Highness. I was told you had urgent matters to discuss.”
Akaashi sighs somewhat before sitting in the chair, beckoning you to come closer to the desk. His complexion seems pale and almost gaunt, and in turn, you frown. Was he not sleeping? Or eating? Has his father been putting too much pressure on his shoulders?
“I must confess,” he begins softly and refuses to meet your eyes. “The matter isn’t as urgent as I made it out to be. But I wanted to see you as soon as possible as it is still important and does concern you.”
“Did I��do something wrong?”
“Of course not,” he immediately denies, taking a hasty glance towards you before turning back to the books on the desk. “If anything…I am the one who has wronged you, and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me,” he continues, his voice trailing towards the end of his confession. The desperation for forgiveness and repentance drown his words until they are all you can feel, yet you were so unsure of why he was seeking those. Did he pity you? Your emotions?
“I believe there is no reason to forgive you, as there is nothing you should feel sorry for,” you say stiffly, hands subtly wringing together.
“I must concur,” he kindly retorts. “Here, please have a look at this.”
He hands you a journal from the top of a stack, encouraging for you to take it. The leather feels aged and worn, but it is one you recognize from many, many years ago.
‘You could consider it a memoir.’
“Open it, please. And read what’s inside it.”
With a curious look, you unwind the ties and peel back the cover. The first page holds nothing, but when you turn the yellowing parchment, familiar handwriting greets you. A date sits in the top right corner, marking it a little less than a year before your eighteenth birthday.
‘I must say, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a letter from the princess. In my mind, she would have better things to attend to than to reply to me. After all, we both have our own duties, and in addition to hers, she must be attending some of her father’s meetings. I cannot deny the fact that my heart began to race swiftly when I saw her signature at the bottom of the letter. Even in her writing, I could hear her voice in my head, reading it the same way as if she were speaking to me. How I long for the summer months to quickly come.’
The beginning entry ends there, but as you thumb through the other pages rapidly, they are filled with his writing in neat, onyx ink. You begin to recall the days when you both were here in this very room, him scribbling away as you read your subject of interest. Your eye the other similar-looking journals and he confirms your unspoken questions.
“They’re all about you,” he smiles, though it seems sad and apologetic. “As you can see, I filled quite a few journals over the many years, but…unfortunately, as I grew busier, I was unable to write as much. When you said those words to me that night,” – a grimace on his complexion – “I couldn’t believe myself. Did I truly not love you anymore? At first, I struggled to find an answer…until a few days ago. I have spent much of my time reading through these pages, seeing what I have written.”
“You read…all of these? There must be almost twenty journals here,” you say in a mixture of disbelief and awe.
“I couldn’t quite put them down, I must admit. Some of my best work, perhaps.”
He stands from his seat and walks around the desk until he’s in front of you. Those pools of cobalt blue still find it difficult to meet your own eyes – they swim with contemplation and hesitation, but a sheet of determination soon clouds them. After you recognize that, he grasps your left hand with both of his and kneels on one knee, his forehead bowed down onto your knuckles either out of embarrassment or absolute respect.
“Keiji, what are you—”
“I was wrong. I had been so wrapped up in my own affairs that I failed to look after you as I had promised at the altar. I neglected you and unwittingly led you to believe that I no longer loved you. You do not deserve such a foolish man, so ignorant to forget how good you are to me, how there can be no other woman because you are my perfect match. I have been reminded of all the reasons of why I love you, and I swear on my existence that I love you more than I ever have.
Yet the truth is, I shouldn’t need to be reminded. You should never need to question my loyalty to you, and for that…I can only give my deepest apologies,” his voice trails to a volume so soft, yet so shaky with remorse. “The regret that I feel can’t even begin to hold a light to the pain that you must have kept bottled inside you, where you kept the cork in for as long as possible as to not burden me. I have failed you, and I will spend the rest of our days correcting my wrongs. In this very moment,” he pauses, inhaling a deep but quivering breath.
“I desperately and humbly request of you to give me this one last chance, to prove that I can be the man you deserve. I am begging you, my future queen, to forgive me.”
Your breath hitches with the last statement.
A prince never begs.
Yet he was here to lay it all out for you, imploring that you stand by his side, again, in more ways than one.  
“Please rise, Your Highness,” you call out softly, your hand reaching out to try lifting his chin and meet his gaze.
He stubbornly shakes his head. “Not unless you give me your answer.”
“Keiji, you don’t need—”
“Your answer. Please,” he beseeches with the last word, breath held. You know that when Akaashi becomes insistent, he never backs down yet somehow still allowing the other person to have a choice in the say. No thinking needed to be done, as your answer should be quite obvious.
“How could I ever refuse you, Keiji?” You tease softly with a smile.
Since the first moment he had kneeled before you, he looks up to see your face. Unshed tears glisten from the sun’s rays streaming through the glass. Your words are more than enough for him to stand on both feet again, soon wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head into your shoulder. These acts of affection are only a small portion of what you had sorely missed, and you were counting on Akaashi to fulfill his vow.
“You are everything to me,” he breathes unsteadily into your neck. “And I will make certain that you never forget this, even after we pass.”
“I can trust you?”
“Yes. I promise.”
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
hi! i just wanted to say that i read your royalty!au and immergo and both were INCREDIBLE. no words can truly express how i love these stories. everything about your writing is amazing, you’re really talented. thank you for writing these stories 🥺🥺💛
LORDY I’m gonna need to stock up on tissues at this rate. You all are so sweet! Thank you so much!! I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but I’m just really happy you guys liked it. This is so nice, my heart can’t handle it!! Thank you for reading them!!
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
me reading Stagnation “after a few years of being married”: 😌😌 “...akaashi no longer loves you”: 😳👁👄👁
ahAHAHAHA i’m so sorry, but i did make a happy ending!!!! i’m telling you, storms = my angst brain activated; i don’t make the rules 😬😰
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
omg yes PLEASE DO ADD WEDDING SCENE TO YOUR LIST can you imagine?? prince akaashi?? getting married???
will do!! bruh, prince akaashi on his wedding day -- he’d be softer than a cup of pudding and would just dote on the bride all day 
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
bro. royalty au is amazing hfjdkska are you gna write a wedding scene??
AHH thank you!!! and I've thought about it! I can add it to my list of you'd like 😊
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
once again, absolutely loved the Prince! Akaashi au; 10/10 please take my heart. akaashi was so bOLD??? like wow I just m e l t e d he makes me ٩(๑`^´๑)۶ (that crossed out 'yours' hhhHhH don't think I didn't see that keiji) anygays, just wanted to thank you for the content and let u know I enjoyed it severely ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
i’m just glad you liked it!! i have a theory that akaashi can be very open and bold once he’s comfortable with someone, but it’ll also have been something that’s easier said than done (at least in the beginning). YES you spotted the strikethrough!! thank you for reading and sending such nice comments and messages :’) 
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
adsentio was! so! beautifully! written! hhhggG I loved it so much!!! you, my friend, are super talented >:00 gosH I'm blushing it was so floofY 🥺 thank you for being amazing wjdjsdj
honey I'M BLUSHING thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you liked it!! my heart is a puddle now I'm :')
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
Hey hello! I just want u to know that i've read ur akaashi royal!au and IT WAS A GREAT STORY 💖 can i request for part 2? I hope u not feel bothered with my request hehe. Tysm for making a good story! i hope u have a great day ♡
thank you so much!!! i have some ideas already, but it wouldn’t necessarily be a direct continuation of adsentio, if that’s okay. i’m not bothered by your request at all! thank you for being so considerate though :’) i hope you have a great day as well! stay safe and healthy out there!! 
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
Was stagnation the final final part of the royal!au, or will there be another part? Not a request, just a curious question!
there will be other parts!! so far, ppl have requested a wedding scene and a part where ppl are assuming that reader and akaashi are trying for a baby (but they’re actually not) so I have at least one other part planned c: 
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
I can't tell if this was part of the previous ask but just in case, I left it separate!!! I apologize for being shit at crossposting between here (main platform) and AO3 (the levels of my laziness are astronomical sometimes) but yes welcome to my tumblr!!! I hope you enjoy the other works available :)
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
adsentio - the masque
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a/n: it’s royalty!au once again! i would recommend reading adsentio AND bonus letters for the full context. thank you to those who were waiting patiently! did i rewatch ‘ever after: a cinderella story’ for inspiration? of course. 
genre: royalty!au ft. fem!reader, angst, fluff; warnings: terribly written sword fight, somewhat unedited.
summary: You’re starting to wonder if an impostor wrote those letters instead of Prince Akaashi, but the show must go on. 
wc: ~7.4k
royalty!au: adsentio (pt. 1) | bonus letters (pt 1.5) | the masque (pt. 2)
“Are you sure everything is packed?”
“Yes, mother,” you reply, voice laced with exasperation.
“Is your dress for the ceremony there as well? We absolutely cannot leave without that gown!”
“Yes, mother, it’s in there,” you reassure, pointing to a trunk that’s already in the carriage. An audible sigh of relief leaves your mother’s lips. Even though your mother’s fretting was starting to grate at your last nerves, you still felt the excitement of going back to the Fukurodani Kingdom.
After all, Prince Akaashi is waiting for you.
Akaashi’s Christmas gift had come a month and a half before the holiday it was intended for. Soon after, the two of you agreed to refrain from sending any letters during the months of frost, wanting to lessen the burden on the delivery man. He needed to be home with his family when possible, and the journey could be treacherous during those times. As warmer weather rolled around in mid-March, his familiar face had arrived at your castle steps with a small bundle of letters tied with parcel string. They were all addressed to you in a handwriting that you had grown extremely fond of.
If it were up to you, you would be adorned in your most comfortable riding attire and charge full speed ahead. You would probably be able to cut the journey time by about a third, and though it wasn’t much, it would still mean that you would see Akaashi sooner. With how forward he was in his letters, you could only bubble with enthusiasm at how different this summer could be.
Nevertheless, time passes as it does, and you’re once again at the entrance of Fukurodani’s castle. As always, the king and queen stand side by side at the bottom of the steps, the prince standing politely by them. It seems that Prince Akaashi has only grown more handsome since last summer. If you had to guess, he would be more than a full head taller than you. Besides height, Akaashi’s face seems to have lost any remaining baby fat, leaving nothing but a pointed chin and a sharp jawline. Whether or not it be a result of your newfound attraction towards him, there’s no room to deny just how handsome he truly is, bordering on ethereal beauty.
His piercing blue orbs seem to sparkle in delight when you step out of the carriage. In fact, he’s quick to take place of their usual footman and hold out a hand for you to grasp, securely ensuring that you don’t lose your step. Your grip is tight, and you can only hope that he sees the joy reflected in your own eyes. With intention and purpose, he presses his lips to the back of your hand, needing no reminder from his mother this time, and never removes his gaze from yours. Your breath seems to have escaped your lungs, even more so when he straightens and takes one daring step closer to you. Both of your parents must be brimming with satisfaction at this interaction, but all of it is ignored and disregarded. Akaashi still keeps your hand in his as he slightly leans down to whisper in your ear.
“You look beautiful as always, Princess (y/n).”
Your title had always moderately annoyed you over the last 18 years, but you decide then and there that there would be no complaint if he addressed you as so for the rest of eternity. Furthermore, if it weren’t for your dignity and pride, you would kiss him right now in front of everyone. As he pulls away, you do your best to compose yourself. After all, two can play this game.
“Thank you, Your Highness. You’ve grown more handsome since I last saw you.”
“Have we returned to formalities again?”
“Please forgive my old habits, Prince Akaashi.”
“(Y/n),” he murmurs darkly, metallic blue eyes full of warning and mischief. “Need I remind you of my given name?”
You register the tightening of his grip. Don’t even dare, his eyes seem to caution, not when so much progress was made through paper and ink. But you know he will rise to a challenge for his desires when he sees one – it’s only in his nature.
“Perhaps I need a reason to address you as such,” you quip, watching his eyes flash with an emotion you are unable to pinpoint. Nevertheless, you remove your hand from his, ignoring the yearning for the warmth that he had provided. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must greet the king and queen or they’ll have my head.”
Akaashi only watches with longing as you trek away to curtsy before his parents. Could your birthday celebration come any sooner?
You’re beginning to think that someone other than Prince Akaashi wrote those letters to you, that someone else had just forged his handwriting to a tee and perfectly replicated his writing style. Since the little interaction between you two on the day of your arrival, Akaashi was acting as if this were any other summer. Very little was said to or done with you – even last summer, the two of you had often strolled through the gardens while discussing various topics. Yet now, it was five summers ago all over again: the two of you at opposite ends of the castle reading your desired books.
You only ever saw him during mealtimes or in passing – even then, he would simply nod in your direction or only speak to you when he had to. Your efforts to narrow the gap diminished significantly by the third day, and by the end of the first week, you decided to completely give up. The prince has constructed a wall between you two and you possessed no ability to strike it down.
On days you weren’t reading, out of boredom and the need to fill your mind with thoughts of anything other than Akaashi, you would help prepare for the ball and your coming-of-age celebration. A private, proper ceremony would be done in your own kingdom once you returned, but it had long been determined that the festivities would be held here. Invitations and RSVP’s had steadily increased over the months, indicating that this would be a grand occasion. All the lessons on design and party-arrangement were finally paying off in its fullest, but your mother could not ignore the lack of life in your eyes.
It’s two weeks before the ball – you’re currently sitting in your chambers, lounging in a chair on your balcony with a book in your lap. You’ve recently taken an interest in philosophy, first starting with the works of Aristotle and Plato. A faint rap of knuckles on your door breaks your focus. “Come in,” you call out loud enough for your visitor to hear. The door clicks open and shut, and you’re mildly surprised to see your mother turning the corner to search for you.
“Mother, what a surprise,” you express while standing. She pulls you in for a hug without a word, only confusing you in the process as you return the embrace. After removing herself, she guides you back inside until the two of you are sitting on the edge of your bed, still holding your hands.
“Something has been bothering you, my child. Is there something you wish to tell me?” Your mother doesn’t want to push – she knows of the letters, your developed affection for Akaashi, and the lack of interaction between the two of you this summer. It’s hard to miss the lack of your figure by his side when he’s wondering around the castle, the ever pensive, calculating look on his face never fading. It’s hard to miss the way you often pick at your food, even going as far to request smaller portions for all your meals.
But it’s even harder to ignore the worried look in the prince’s eyes that’s cast your way when you excuse yourself after every meal, leaving earlier than everyone else.
You can only sigh before your teeth begin to gently gnaw on your bottom lip. “Mother, how angry would you be if this engagement doesn’t proceed as you’ve planned?”
“To be quite honest,” she begins as a small smile forms on her face. “I wouldn’t be angry at all. Not if the cost of it was your happiness.”
“But what about the merger?”
“With all these years between our kingdoms, engagement or not, a merger of sorts would only be inevitable. We only hoped that naturally, you and the prince would be drawn towards each other. But to force the two of you together would be unfair – your father and mine, as well as his parents, main concern is the happiness of our children.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Of course,” your mother emphasizes, a hand reaching up to cradle your cheek. “In fact, if you would like…
“We don’t have to come here next summer.”
Your eyes widen. Your mother was giving you a choice in this?
“Are you...sure?”
“I’m absolutely positive, (y/n). I will not force you and neither will your father, especially if forcing you would only make your pain greater.”
“Very well then, mother. We shall see.”
“Keep your chin up, my dear. We must keep you in your best shape for the ball, and…” she pauses, her smile turning somewhat mischievous. “Perhaps remind the prince that he should be properly courting you by now.”
“Is it proper for a princess to be sparring?”
“Bokuto, you’ve known me for so many years, yet you still ask me this question every time. Do you really think my father would allow me to marry without knowing how to defend myself?”  
“I can’t really say, Princess. At least, not without possibly offending the king.”
Every summer, you make it tradition to leave time for sparring. When you turned fourteen, many of the younger guards in training had been terrified of practicing with you, fearing that they’d be punished for engaging in behavior that could possibly harm the princess. But after much coaxing and convincing (as well as written promise from King Akaashi), they finally felt comfortable in sparring with you. Back at home, you had a few designated training partners from the royal guard, but it would do no good if you didn’t keep up with your skills.
You’ve won your fair share, as well as lost a few handfuls. But you were never a sore loser and only thanked your partner for their time, even asking for pointers. On a few occasions, you would duel with Akaashi, though for times when you were at an advantage, you would purposely lose. The prince needed faith and trust from his men, and many would be dimwitted enough to let a few losses to a woman diminish their view of him. Akaashi was very well aware of your generosity, as well as Bokuto, which only caused him to tease the prince relentlessly in private.
For the sixth time this summer, just one week before the masque, you had pleaded with Bokuto for his time. At this point, you prefer to not ask for anything from Akaashi, especially when you’re so obviously kept at arm’s length. Bokuto is much more agreeable and doesn’t treat you like a glass figurine, thanks to the many years of roughhousing during your childhoods. He isn’t afraid to use his full force behind the strikes of his sword and you could always guarantee a few good rounds from him. Additionally, he always offers a lot of good advice after each duel. When you incorporate his teachings into your skill set, he recognizes it immediately and howls with pride, praising himself for being such a wonderful instructor.
“Why haven’t you asked Akaashi to spar with you yet?” Bokuto asks while tightening his gloves. The training grounds are empty at this time, though to be fair, it’s still quite early in the morning. You wanted to spar comfortably without the overbearing heat of the summer afternoon sun. A sigh leaves your lips – it’s not as if he doesn’t know already.
“I believe you’re well aware of why I haven’t, Bokuto. He’s barely spoken to me in these weeks. In fact, I’m sure he has better things to do than to indulge me.”
“He still cares for you.”
“Well, he has a funny way of showing it,” you reply bitterly and draw out your sword. “Come on, no time to dawdle.”
Disobeying your words, Bokuto bides his time with some extra stretching. “I’m his closest friend, I would know.”
“Then he can tell me himself. Can we please start?”
“Very well then.”
His words have riled you up significantly, Bokuto notices. Your attacks are relentless and your senses seem sharper than ever, easily dodging and parrying with the footwork of an experienced soldier. In fact, your movement is breathtakingly graceful, almost as if you were dancing. The duel goes on for minutes until Bokuto accidentally hesitates and can only surrender when the tip of your sword is millimeters from his neck. He drops his sword and a big grin forms on his face.
You lower your weapon and step back as the both of you catch your breath. Behind you, Bokuto spots a familiar figure leaning over the edge of their balcony. They’re too far away to hear what you’re saying or what expressions you’re wearing, but that doesn’t stop Bokuto from coming up with a devious plan.
“(Y/n), don’t look behind you, but he’s watching.”
You freeze – you completely forgot that Akaashi’s room faces the direction of the training grounds. Naturally, he has his own balcony, but you didn’t think he’d be watching. Had he been observing all your other sparring rounds? And how was he awake now? He’s usually never up this early.
“I have an idea,” Bokuto continues. “But you have to play along, all right?”
“I’m not liking the sound of this…”
“You just need to follow my lead. Now, pretend you’re about to start another duel.”
With all the confusion displayed on your face, you warily adjust yourself into your preparatory stance. Bokuto steps closer to you while sheathing his sword, eyeing your position with his hands behind his back. He quickly checks to see if Akaashi is still paying attention, and after confirming so, he enters your bubble of personal space.
“If you begin to feel uncomfortable, tell me. If I’m right, it’ll only take a few minutes before he’s down here.”
“But I don’t want—”
“Shh,” Bokuto interrupts with a gloved finger on your lips. He smirks when he spots Akaashi suddenly straightening himself, his posture turning stiff and guarded. You watch as he reaches for the hand holding your sword, wrapping his own around your grip.
“What are you doing?” You hiss at him.
“Wait a few seconds…okay,” Bokuto removes himself from your personal space. You relax and put down your guard, resisting the urge to punch him in the arm.
“What ever was all that for?!”
“Look,” he replies, pointing in the direction of Akaashi’s balcony. “He’s gone. I guarantee he’ll be here in the next five minutes.”
“Now, now, let’s have another round to pass the time.”
You’re interrupted when Bokuto swings his sword towards you, your own blocking his instinctively. You could try to protest all you want, but he wasn’t going to let you have it. You would make sure that he regrets it. Much like the first round, you put your all into the sparring session, fury growing as Bokuto’s grin widens over time. He’s taunting you over and over, leaving you so focused that you’re completely oblivious to the third figure currently making their way towards the two of you. Once within earshot, Akaashi clears his throat and you whip towards him with horror in your eyes.
“Ah, Akaashi, excellent! So glad you could join us!” Bokuto yells, walking away from you to clap him on the shoulder. “In fact, would you mind taking over from here? I just remembered I needed to attend to something back inside the castle. Thank you, Akaashi!” And then Bokuto just…leaves.
A shroud of silence covers the two of you – your attention is directed at anything but the object of your affections, choosing to focus on the dew of the grass, the glint of the light on your sword, the light morning breeze blowing past your stray hairs, the loose threads at the waist of your pants—
“Shall we begin?” He asks, breaking the tranquility.
Akaashi is infuriating; infuriatingly handsome, infuriatingly good at stripping down your defenses, infuriatingly adept at raising your heartbeat to an alarming rate. It’s simply unfair, and it angers you.
You say nothing while taking a few steps backward, your feet adjusting yourself in the same position that Bokuto had you stand in just mere minutes ago. Akaashi observes and also readies himself, his stance very similar to yours. Only seconds pass before he’s charging towards you, and the fight begins.
The first round falls in his favor, his face showing little reaction throughout the whole clash. You demand another round, barely giving time for a break because you’re brimming with the need to have some semblance of a victory. Weeks of pent up furious confusion make themselves known in the way you fight – you no longer move with the grace seen earlier with Bokuto. Instead, traces of sloppiness are there in your footwork and Akaashi takes advantage of this, though he begins to worry. If this were a real duel, you would’ve long fallen victim to his sword.
The second round lasts much longer than the first due to your obstinate refusal to back down and give up. Your braid had long come undone and Akaashi can’t help but think about how beautiful you look, even with your hair seemingly flying wildly every time you spin to try to catch him off guard. His split focus costs him when your weapons meet in the middle, allowing you to push and twist his hand around to force him to lose his grip. The metal is flung towards the side and he’s met with the shimmer of your sword that’s dangerously close to his jugular vein. He slowly brings his hands up in surrender and you falter.
Both of your chests rapidly rise and fall, lungs desperate for oxygen. Akaashi struggles to remember the last time you had put so much effort into a duel, your desperation to win screaming itself into the air. He notices how much thinner your face has gotten, how your arm slightly trembles with exhaustion. You need to rest and eat more, Akaashi concludes with furrowed eyebrows. Your well-being is of utmost importance to him.
You feel yourself begin to quiver under Akaashi’s stare, yet long to know what could be going through his mind. Even though you’ve won this round, Akaashi still has your heart and the thought somewhat embarrasses you. You’ve always prided yourself in being level-headed, yet you just spent the last thirty to forty-five minutes taking out all your frustrations on him.
“Have you been getting enough sleep, (y/n)?”
Don’t say my name like that.
“I don’t see why it matters,” you sigh, moving away to pick up his fallen sword.
“You need to look after yourself,” Akaashi replies, following after her with a slight sense of urgency. You whip around too fast for him to react, only groaning from the impact when you practically shove his weapon to his chest. Nothing prepared you for this conversation – you aren’t ready to have it, and you’d rather not have it with swords nearby.
“I am looking after myself, your highness,” you bite through gritted teeth. Your feet carry you as fast as possible towards the entrance back into the castle, but a hand latches onto your wrist and demands your attention. You have no choice but to turn your body towards him, denying that his eyes are flashing nothing but concern and frustration.
“You’re eating less. You’re always awake at odd hours. Your corsets are too tight – they look as if they’ll squeeze the life out of you. You keep pushing yourself too hard during sparring sessions. It takes you longer than usual to finish books. You’re under the sun too much—”
“You have no right!” you accuse, attempting to wriggle your wrist from his grip. Why does he speak as if he’s been keeping a watchful eye on you when he can barely meet your own over the dinner table?
Akaashi refuses to relent, even pulling you closer to him under the shadows of the doorway. “Please (y/n), you must know how much I worry—”
“Then pray tell, why have you ignored me since I stepped foot into your castle?!” You cry out, tears of vexation beginning to form. “Why have you ignored my very existence, as if we are twelve again and trying to escape something seemingly inevitable?! How could—how could you build me up for months and months, only to tear me down without a second thought?”
Akaashi knows his reasoning is botched and full of fallacies – he’s beginning to understand the extent of how much his actions have affected you, but he can’t help but try to save some face. His cool, collected façade and wisdom had long taken a backseat towards matters concerning you, and he feels like a fool. A big, bumbling, inexplicably irrational fool in love.  
“I would have no qualms if you had just outright told me that you didn’t care for me,” you interrupt once more, though in a calmer tone. Your body is still shaking from the emotional downpour, tears streaking down your cheeks unattractively. You wish you could just take a horse from the stables and ride home, away from all this nonsense. “But you can’t write me those letters, the very ones that I’ve so deeply cherished this passing year, and treat me as if it were all some dream that my brain so desperately sprung together.”
“I have my deepest regrets – I’m so sorry, it’s just…with the way we greeted each other on the first day, I somehow convinced myself that you didn’t mean what you wrote—”
“Keiji,” you interrupt softly. How he wishes you were saying his name in a different context, in a tone that was full of love than disappointment. How he wishes there were no salty tears tracking down your cheeks. “You have known me for almost thirteen years. Thirteen long, playful, revealing years. Nothing ever escapes you, and you said so yourself; we are old friends. Therefore,” you pause, gulping.
“Shouldn’t you know that I would never pen those words to just anyone?”
And you disappear into the castle.
Akaashi feels that there’s nothing more appropriate than beating his head into the wall, cursing himself for being so stupid.
What have I done?
“I must say, in the most appropriate sense, you are truly, royally fucked.”
“I know, Bokuto. I know.”      
Akaashi tries to make up for his mistakes in his classic fashion: silently, with small thoughtful gifts.
He has resumed leaving flowers from the garden in your chambers again: some days, you return to a peony. Other days, you return to the addition a single rose in the ardent shade of passionate love. They accumulate on your dresser, your room becoming filled with the floral scents. The lingering fragrance haunts your dreams, filled with flashes of childhood memories and anticipated encounters at the masque. You often wake up feeling as if there’s a lead weight on your chest, and even though you physically slept for eight hours, the fatigue in your eyes vehemently argue otherwise.
Akaashi becomes insistent on escorting you everywhere, always offering his arm for you to take. At first, you’re hesitant, but just a day later, it becomes second nature. Akaashi joins you again when reading – if he can, he’ll take a seat next to you. If not, he’ll be sure to be across from you, though he’s not reading most of these times. He often carries a journal with him, assistants always prepared to provide him with a writing utensil and ink, and scribbles away. Akaashi has never held back his admiration for the world’s literature, and four days before your birthday, you pause in your reading to feed the curiosity.
“What are you scribbling in there, if I may ask?”
“A…personal work of sorts.”
“Your Highness, an author? I must say, it suits you. Is it a work of fiction?”
“Not this time,” he says with the ghost of a demure, secretive smile on his face. “You could consider it a memoir.”  
“If you say so.”
It had been decided some time ago that the ball would be held the night before your birthday, rather than the day of. These events were known to last well into the night, so at midnight, they would make an announcement in your honor and present you before everyone invited. With these change in plans, your original deadline for Akaashi to find you had to be moved ahead, and he was less than pleased to hear this the day before the ball, even though it was anticipated.
“Fifteen minutes is precious time, Princess,” Akaashi expresses with displeasure. “Could you permit me at least five ‘til midnight?”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, milord. I must have enough time to prepare myself.”
“Have I only been upgraded to being called ‘milord’?”
“How is it that your title irks you so?”
“Only when it’s coming from you, Princess. And I must say, you’re one to speak – don’t think I’m unaware of how much you greatly dislike it when you’re addressed as such. You’ve never bothered to correct me though. Why is that?”
“Perhaps…” you say, giving him a side glance full of mirth. “Perhaps you’re just an exception.”
Akaashi’s eyes widen a bit before crinkling with delight. You never cease to amaze him, reminding him at the most unexpected times that you are also invested in this growing relationship with him. He quickly looks around him before gently dragging you to the nearest empty bedroom, hoping that even though the walls have ears, they don’t have the eyes to witness this. Once the door is quietly shut behind him, Akaashi begins to take slow steps in your direction, towering over you and crowding you until your heels hit the wall. You struggle to maintain eye contact as well as keeping your breathing under control. Akaashi continues to pin you down with his piercing gaze, gradually bending down until he’s at eye level with you. Thoughts run amok in your brain as his face nears yours. Is he going to—
Your internal process ceases when he tenderly places a kiss at the corner of your lips, then moving until his breath is right by your ear. The sensation triggers a shiver down your spine, causing him to chuckle.
“To give you an idea of what I’d like my reward to be when I catch you tomorrow night, Princess,” he murmurs before moving away.
You’re blushing furiously no matter how much you fight it, barely registering when he lifts both of your hands to place a similarly gentle kiss on your touching knuckles. Part of you wants to protest when he steps towards the door and cracks it open, peeking out to see if anyone is lingering in the corridors. Akaashi keeps a hold on one of your hands, quickly leading you out and folding it into the crook of his other elbow. He fixes his gaze in front of him to bring on an air of normalcy, as if he didn’t just sneak you into a spare bedroom to do something that many would somewhat frown upon. Akaashi had yet to ask to formally court you, but he has full intentions to change that tomorrow night.
“Perhaps you’ll give me an insight on what you’ll be wearing tomorrow night?” He inquires cheekily and you send him your dirtiest glare.
“Only in your dreams, milord. Did you not read the part about making this harder on you so I could have some fun?”
“Wouldn’t it be better to have fun with each other?”
“Do you mean to tempt me?” You tease, chuckling into the back of your free hand.
“There was no guarantee that you’d refuse – am I not allowed to grasp onto any remaining hope?”
“Whatever satisfies you, milord.”
“Then let me find you tomorrow night. I don’t believe I’ll stand for any of the other suitors attempting to whisk you away with baseless words and ill intentions.”
“What would you know of their intentions?” You ask curiously, looking up towards him. His eyes darken and harden with an emotion you’re not familiar with. It’s one that is never directed towards you, almost dangerous in a way.
“More than you should know, Princess,” he replies gravely.
Before you realize it, you’re sitting in front of your vanity, sitting as prettily and patiently as you can while your handmaiden, Yachi, does her best work on your hair. You observe your current features – a faint blush had been dusted on your cheeks and a deep rouge painted on your lips. Your mask would be similar to many those of the other attendees, one more thing to pull in your favor in this game of cat and mouse.
Your heart begins to beat faster as the seconds tick by – there’s no doubt that Akaashi is already by his parents’ side, carrying a princely aura and politely greeting all the guests. The ball began at 9PM and it was already thirty minutes after. You can hear the faint sounds of the musicians playing up a lively theme, imagining that the festivities will be in full swing soon. Soon, your handmaiden is patting you on the shoulder, notifying you that she was done. In the mirror, you turn your head left and right and nod appreciatively, thanking her for her hard work. Your fingers shakily pick up your mask and Yachi ties it securely behind your head and underneath your hair.
“Do you think he’ll recognize me?” You ask nervously, fiddling your fingers in your lap. Yachi knew almost everything about the ordeal and had even come up with some good ideas to make things harder on the prince.
“If he keeps in mind that you’ll be the most beautiful maiden at the ball, then I’m sure he will,” Yachi giggles, tucking in some stray hairs.
“You’re not here to lie to me,” you whine, pouting slightly. “In all seriousness…”
“I have no doubt, milady,” Yachi says, her eyes and tone softening. “If His Highness likes you as much as he says he does, then he will certainly find you.”
You let out a deep breath before standing from your chair, the nerves beginning to course through your system. In the reflection, you gaze upon the line of flower-filled vases on your dresser, their presence somehow bringing you some serenity. Yachi is right -- with how much he boasted in letters about studying every memory he has of you, there should be a reasonable level of certainty that he would catch you by your deadline.
But now was the time to be festive. After all, the guests were here in your honor (and to have a joyous time) and you’d be rude to not partake in the activities. Some of the maids are bustling around, ensuring that drinks and food are readily available, never running low. The sound of your heels clicking along the granite echoes against the walls, yet your heartbeat seems louder and louder as you near the ballroom. The castle beholds two specific large ballrooms with double doors towards the courtyard, allowing the cool summer air in. You take a quick detour and choose to enter the ballroom from the outside, much less likely to arouse suspicion.
At least everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, you think to yourself with a smile. It’s easy to spot Bokuto in the crowd with that hair of his, just as you predicted. The band just finishes a song when you sneak in, yet starts up a familiar tune not long after. The piece calls for a large group to dance together, and wanting to join in, you make your way to the center. Luckily, one more female was needed and you are welcomed, as well as gently shoved to a tall man who seemed to be lacking a partner. It’s not hard to guess who it is, however. Even with a mask, you could recognize that crooked grin from anywhere.
As per tradition, he bows to you and you curtsy, then routinely placing your hand in his. He draws you close to him by the waist, but his grip is light and barely holds any weight on your back. Taking a quick once-over at the group, he addresses you.
“Should I be counting my lucky stars to be dancing with the princess in honor?” He teases just loud enough for you to hear. 
“I would advise against it, Prince Kuroo.”
A quiet laugh leaves his chest as he gives you a spin, flawlessly bring you back to him. “You can trust me, Princess. Bokuto has already informed me of the game in place, though I suppose it was more of a warning more than anything.”
“Oh, how so?”
“If I didn’t want to face the wrath of your dear prince, I should refrain from attempting to convince you that a merger between our kingdoms would be more ideal.”
“I must say, I’m a little surprised that Bokuto isn’t trying to stir up trouble.”
“I would advise against speaking too soon – he’s already on his third glass of mead.”
“Good gods,” you mutter in disbelief. Kuroo shakes with laughter.
“For my amusement, I’d like to see Akaashi be a clumsy fool in love. You have my word that I’ll keep this interaction secret for now,” he promises, rushing his words a little bit. Soon, the two of you will need to break apart and switch partners.
“But don’t forget to have a little fun. Happy birthday, Princess,” Kuroo says sincerely in your ear, sneaking in a quick kiss to the back of your hand before letting you go. You fall into the hands of another male, one you don’t recognize, and fall into silent routine until the dance is over. When the band comes to a stop, everybody bows to each other with a wide smile on their faces and cheeks tinted red from happiness. Momentarily, you had forgotten about your nerves and Akaashi, but now that there was nothing else to focus on, the shivers of being chased creep along your body.
In one sense, it’s almost thrilling. The thought has you questioning your own sanity, but perhaps it’s only because Akaashi is the one searching for you, finding the right time to pounce. As a result, you never stay in one place for too long, mingling into other crowds and making small talk. Very few have noticed who you were, and even Bokuto replaces his antics for a wink when he passes by you, knowing his usual behavior would give it all away.
The clock strikes eleven, each toll causing your heart to skip a beat. You grant yourself one more glance towards Akaashi.
Earlier during the dance, you had spotted him in the far corner of the ballroom staring in another direction. Now when you have the time to watch and appreciate, you can’t help but marvel at how beautiful this man is. Time boded well on him, his features and height resembling a strong, trustworthy young prince. He had the intellect and perceptive level worthy of being king, and even the atmosphere around him agreed. His head was fit to hold a crown, and any woman would fall at his feet in seconds. Tonight, he is donned in the kingdom’s colors, his own attire a regal show of ivory, ebony, and gold. The design is not overly ornate or flamboyant, yet regal enough to instantaneously remind others exactly who he is. Each hue makes him shine like a beacon of light in darkness.
Needing some fresh air, you slip out towards the courtyard and quietly make your way to the garden entrance. A couple of guards are standing watch but let you in once you untie the mask from your face. Your feet pad down a familiar path towards the rows of peonies and you’re thankful for the uninhibited rays of the full moon tonight. They’re cast in a soft glow of white and blue – you can’t help but tenderly touch petals of one half-open.
“I had an inkling that you would come here.”
The familiar tenor startles you out of your wits, your hand flying back up to your chest as you turn towards the perpetrator for your premature heart attack. None other than Prince Akaashi stands before you with his hands behind his back and a twinkle in his eyes. Then, the weight is lifted off your chest.
He had found you.
Once you catch your breath, you can only let out a suppressed laugh. There was nowhere to hide, not when your mask is grasped between the fingers of your other hand. He hadn’t even bothered to wear one, though you’ll scold him later for not participating in the festivities.
“I suppose you followed me here?”
“You could say that,” Akaashi replies with a smile, moving closer to stand right in front of you.
“It did take you over an hour and a half though.”
“…yes, milord?”
“I noticed you the second you stepped into the ballroom.”
The statement baffles you and freezes you to the core. You find yourself unable to do anything when Akaashi grasps both of your hands in his, bringing them to his lips much like he did yesterday.
“Then why did you not come to me then?” You question after finding your voice again. Akaashi says nothing at first, only rearranging your limbs to a familiar posture for a waltz. He begins to step and lead, your own feet naturally following him as if you’ve been practicing this for a long time together. His silence makes you grow more unsure of all this.
“I wanted to observe, reconfirm my suspicions that I was already fully convinced on. In addition, I wanted you to enjoy yourself. You and our mothers have spent so many months preparing this – it’s only right that you enjoy the fruits of your labor.”
“Then you saw me dance?”
“Yes, and you were the best of them all,” he instantly compliments, always honest and straightforward to the point, sending blood to your cheeks.
“Thank you, milord,” you reply sheepishly.
“You’re welcome, Princess. Though I must say,” Akaashi’s tone turns dangerous, leaning over to whisper in your ear. He notices how your hands tighten their grips on his, perhaps trying to ground yourself. “Why did Prince Kuroo of Nekoma speak to you like this, so intimately? I thought, perhaps, this would also be left as a privilege solely for me?”
“He was doing just as you had warned before,” you chuckle, silently apologizing for pulling the wool over Kuroo’s eyes. Judging by the sharp inhale, Akaashi was less than pleased at what you were insinuating. “He may or may not have been attempting to persuade me into forming a more personal alliance with his kingdom.”
“Was he now…” Akaashi murmurs. In an effort to contain the green jealousy rising within him (and gain a little leverage), his hands slowly release yours to gently grasp your waist. For a moment, he wishes they were holding you this way in a different situation, but that doesn’t stop him from daringly ghosting his lips over the column of your neck, his breath sending goosebumps along your skin. You keep as still as possible, completely unsure of what to do. But if there’s one thing that is certain, it’s that no man could ever have an effect on you like Akaashi does.
“I have known you since you were young,” he proceeds. “And though we didn’t want anything to do with each other, we eventually grew accustomed to each other. Before I even realized it, I was watching your every move, listening to every word you said. Even when we were twelve, I found myself wanting to be near you. I wanted you to take notice of me just as I did you. When we were fifteen and you sat against me by the fireplace…there was the most wonderful sense of belonging, as if you were supposed to be right there by my side.”
Your heart might fail you at this point, aching for the man who was now lifting his head away to face you. The back of one hand lifts to caress your cheek, and your eyes catch the ardent passion in his, even in the moonlight.
“I penned those words to you with every intention of properly courting you. I wished for you to understand the lengths I would go to ensure your happiness. It was never about this merger between our kingdoms and hasn’t been for a long time. I only want you to know that should you allow me to, it would be my honor to court you and perhaps…be your husband.”
Unshed tears of joy are brimming in your eyes. Akaashi has suffered enough, you believe. A tear must have escaped because he catches it with his thumb, softly wiping it away. You can’t help but let out a breathless laugh, and Akaashi knows it’s a good sign. The smile on his face grows wider as you collect yourself to give your response.
“You do, after all, deserve a reward for finding me.”
Akaashi smirks and tilts his head forward, his lips millimeters away from yours.
“And what would that be, Princess?” He purrs.
Your heart takes a leap and you press your lips to his. Instantly, Akaashi cradles your face, refusing to separate from you. The first kiss is innocent and unmoving, allowing the both of you to revel in the sensation. A thrilling streak of adrenaline courses through your veins and sets your soul on fire as he puts more force, conveying to you his neediness and years of pent-up desire. You return it ounce for ounce until you can’t breathe anymore, pulling back to breathe in some much-needed oxygen. Akaashi doesn’t stop, sensuously kissing every available surface of your cheeks until he’s tired of waiting to kiss your lips once more. You give in and let yourself fall until the point of no return – even if Akaashi was the devil incarnate, you would gladly hand over your soul for an eternity of his love.
“As much as I want to continue this,” he states over bated breath. “We have a ball to return to.”
You sigh and nod, brushing your nose against his before allowing some distance between the two of you. Akaashi offers to tie the mask before taking hold of your hand, folding it into the crook of his elbow as he has done many times before. The two of you bide your time as much as possible, giving each other knowing glances when the courtyard is within your view again. Some of the ladies (and men) throw you nasty looks for having had private time with the prince, but none of it matters as Akaashi asks for a dance, spending the rest of the minutes until midnight with you in his arms.
After midnight strikes and being presented to the crowd, Akaashi keeps a hold on you again, ignoring the jeering and teasing gestures from Bokuto and Prince Kuroo. Kuroo, the ever honest yet playful man he is, sends you a wink behind Akaashi’s back and you bury your face into his chest. Whatever the cause may be, Akaashi continues to envelop you in his arms with a light and comfortable conversation taking place. As a natural silence passes over, he whispers into your ear, “Happy birthday, Princess.”
“Thank you, Keiji.”
Ecstasy fills his soul -- there hasn’t been anything more gratifying or more satisfying than hearing his name from your lips again. Finally, from now until death...he feels absolutely complete.
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cno-inbminor · 3 years
thank you for the tag dear <3 @xakusa
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
i think the writers i would tag have already been tagged, but pls feel free to do this and tag me!!
i had to sit and remember if i’ve even written 8 works this year LMAO -- in no particular order: 
Immergo  - My first ever HQ fic. I binged the 3 seasons in April and lurked around in the tags for a while before I felt like I could write something. It’d been so long since I last wrote and published anything so I was really nervous! I certainly don’t regret it -- not my best work, but it was fun to write so much again. And the fact that it’s a comfort fic for some and SOMEONE PRINTED IT OUT is just...wow. What a way to get into the HQ writer sphere. 
Untitled 2 - Iwa - I’m not sure why I would consider this a favorite. It’s not as popular, but I just love the idea of Iwaizumi being soft and very passionate about his love for someone? Throw in soulmates!au, reincarnation, and vampire -- very self-indulgent on my part, really.
Adsentio - You put Keiji and Royalty!AU together and I will froth at the mouth. I just rewatched The Swan Princess and felt mildly inspired to write something of my own. The first part and the bonus letters might’ve been my favorite to write. Again, very self-indulgent. 
Untitled 1 - Keiji - I just rewatched Little Women (2019) and this was born from it. Soft, thoughtful Keiji is one of my favorite Keiji’s. 
Inpetus - You’re starting to see a theme here -- I watched Burlesque and wanted to try something a little bit on the slightly risque side, although nothing happens in it. I think this was before we knew what Kuroo was doing post!time skip so it was fun imagining that. Looking back, I’d fix the dream sequence but writing it at the time was a slight whirlwind. 
Domus - I have an odd relationship with this fic -- it’s my most popular one thus far, but it was the one I least expected to gain any traction. My brain was...melting at the time of writing it? And I had some stuff bottled up inside so I was really just trying to find an outlet. But I’ve grown to like it more as time has gone on, and it’s really because of everyone who ever reblogged or liked it or commented or sent me asks about it -- the fact that multiple people have come and told me that this was a comfort fic for them and how much they loved Keiji in this? It’s left me floored and just feeling really honored. I don’t think I deserve it but I’m so thankful for it. 
Untitled 1 - Kuroo - You can also see that I’m shit at coming up with titles. But this was really fun to write for me -- my guilty pleasure is like...where the character chases the reader in some form or fashion? I’m a romantic idealist and I’m hooked on the idea of someone just fighting for you, in the most general sense. Dash in good/best friends relationship...I’m a sucker for reading those and writing them. I’m not a very eclectic writer LMAO 
Ipsum Exitio - And last but certainly not least, this fic. I’m still working on Pt. 2 -- Raenah, if you ever see this, I can’t thank you enough for being my beta. You put up with all my rambling and chaotic thought processes to put this together and gave it so much care, I don’t deserve you. (Side note: I hope you’re doing well and had a good holiday season!)  This fic is personal, to a certain degree. And there’s so much exposition and character building, which I think is something that might bore people but it’s a manifestation of how I’ve thought about others for a while: What drives people to do the things they do? This is something that’s extremely pertinent in my field, but also how I try to get to know people and look at them as holistically as possible. Self-destruction is the theme of this fic, and honestly, it stems from my own self-destructive tendencies. There’s not a whole ton of dialogue, and my writing isn’t the most interesting of styles either, so I would say this is one of my least popular fics. I spent a lot of my time just hoping that it all makes sense as to how the characters, including the reader/YN navigates through her life. 
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
hello!!! i'm the anon who sent the kita ask and when i tell you i'm literally crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i'm going through some rough times plus univ finals week raising my anxiety through the roof so i just mindlessly went here to reread domus and adsentio AND I DIDN'T EXPECT FOR KITA TO WELCOME ME 😭😭😭 Thank you so so much for being kind enough to entertain my thoughs and for sharing your incredible talent with all of us. It was absolutely splendid and I love how you wrote him so much 😭😭😭
i hope this doesn't pressure you but i consider this blog Akaashi Keiji's Home™, and now perhaps Kita's, too. 😭❤ anyway, i hope you get to power through the remaining days/weeks (if you have more) of your grad school struggles and i hope you've been taking care of yourself well despite these demanding times!!! hang in there and please take your time resting and treating yourself kindly when it's over. i hope your days are lovely and beautiful and amazing like you, kay! 
FS:ELICMES:FLS the blush on my face is unreal at the moment -- i’m just glad you thought i did it justice!! i’ve still got a couple of things to do despite finals being over, but it’s grad school, what do you expect LOLL // i think my body went through something similar to vasovagal syncope today (though i didn’t fully pass out), so i’ve honestly just been bedridden today. but i think i’ll recuperate soon! it usually takes a couple of days for normalcy to return. 
i’m so happy that you consider this blog to be something as nice as akaashi keiji’s home!! i have no prompt ideas for kita atm but feel free to drop by and tell me your own thoughts! i hope you take care of yourself as well and stay hydrated/fed <3 you’re also a lovely person! hang in there dear  ❤
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