#agartha fgo
nero-draco · 9 months
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 1 year
I can’t believe we could have had THIS for Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in the history of China
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And instead we got THAT
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Round 1, Match 7: Agartha vs Tunguska
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dopplerdora · 11 months
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Is THAT why holy grail wars exist? The magic generated by their fighting and containing their souls generates more magic energy than summoning and sustaining them?
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reignsan · 2 years
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Achilles and Penthesilea during the Trojan War, from the Agartha manga
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randomlywanderingmoth · 9 months
Prior to a certain kusochapter in FGO, I actually had a fanservant of Scheherazade, the storyteller of the Thousand and One Nights.
The basic conceit of the servant was her duty and sacrifice. She'd spent 1001 nights, telling a king stories every night to set a stay of execution for herself. She spent almost three years, every night, telling the end of one cliffhanger, and the start of another, to intrigue him into listening to her stories, to hopefully help him forget his pain.
My statement on the character boiled down to why. Why do that? FGO very stupidly implied she did it out of a fear of dying but I disagree. She wasn't afraid of dying. She wasn't afraid of letting other women die after her.
She wasn't afraid of the king. She was afraid for the king. She was afraid for King Shahryar, who'd killed numerous women after being bitten by infidelity. She was afraid for his soul- at the end of the thousand and one nights her only hope was that she'd saved his soul.
Here lies a king far beyond the reach of redemption, and here sits a woman, who is determined to save him, who would risk her life and sanity to save him, because if she doesn't save him nobody will, and she could not allow it- she could not sit idly by while someone went unsaved. Whether or not he deserved to be saved is besides the point- everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Everyone deserves a chance to be saved.
What makes it fun is that there are a lot of characters that this conceit could play off of. In the Nasuverse, there are a lot of downright horrible people, people who some might claim shouldn't be saved, some who might not want to be saved. Scheherazade would be a remarkable foil as an individual who would want to do everything in her power to help them in spite of this- and due to her legend, perhaps even could save them.
And, on the other hand, there are a lot of Servants whose conceit lay in the power of Stories. Scheherazade, when depicted this way, would be a perfect ideal for these characters- a proof that the power of Telling Stories can accomplish things that even the most powerful magic and holy swords cannot, saving someone who by rights could not be saved.
Then there's the parallel to a few characters that seem determined to save everyone they can. "Here are people that cannot be saved. I would not be who I am if that stopped me from trying."
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socoolinmypajamas · 2 years
This is something I have to take out of my system: Christopher Columbus is a VERY well made character in Fate/Grand Order.
His design is unique, his seiyuu is amazing, his performance gameplay-wise is quite good, and he manages to shine no matter the quality of the story. Every human trait he could be the embodiment of, he does it almost flawlessy.
Now, this doesn't mean he's someone we should love, like nor even feel something for that isn't disgust. And if we do, that's just us falling for his facade which, again, shows how well written this absolute bastard is.
In Agartha, a horrible story overall, he becomes our ray of sunshine during the first 3/4 of the story. He's the old rebel captain telling us to never give up and push through all the hardships, making the reveal that he's the worst of them, ready to kill and steal everything in sight, a fitting thing for his record as a "hero" despite being a genocider.
In Oniland, he got trick and ended up lost in a house of MIRRORS, which is hilarious when you think of all the stories in which he and other conquistadores scamed natives by trading GLASS beads with them. It was also a situation where his "never give up" trait shone, and we are again wondering if we should trust him or not. (Maybe I'm reading too far into this one but meh, worth poiting it out).
In Summer 3, he was scamming artists under the pretention of doing a fair trade, so we had to beat his ass. Again, good use of him.
In Fate/Grand Carnival and Summer 5, we see how his most positive trait mix with his hideous greed: In the first one, he's playing slots just to hit the jackpot, even if it lefts him bankrupt because he set his dream on hitting it, and will not stop no matter what until he does it. And in Summer 5, when we se a version of himself that couldn't reach his dream, he's... The same. Just because he couldn't archive his dream doesn't mean he gave up trying. It was just another example of how feral and determinated (obsessive) he could get to reach his dreams, the further away from them he is pushed.
And finally, his interlude. Probably one of the better written ones in the entire game. I'm not going to spoil this one because it really is THAT good and worth reading, but I do gonna say that every good and bad aspect of his character is explored, well used and detailed stablished without making him likeable.
Columbus' writting is consistent (hopefully it will in Summer 6) and does a great job portraying an irl villain that lots of people keeps thinking was a hero, even up to this day. He's a servant that only shows up in the Grand Order because it would be bad for bussiness if the Earth was destroyed, and while is ok (and encouraged) to hate him (because that's like, the whole point), I think is important to consider where does the strong feelings for a character come from.
Tl;dr: Columbus suck and I hate him but his FGO version is a fantastic fictional portrait of a historical figure.
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mako-neexu · 5 months
can fgo stop with the main story😂 i want to move on from the characters and go back to a normal life where i dont spend hundreds of dollars on voiced jpegs😂 nasu im begging you to not include romani or oberon anymore so i can be free istg
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folansstuff · 8 months
I'm putting this as a separate thought just so I don't make my last post long as hell and ruin people's notifications, but FoX is one of the reasons I think it's somewhat of a good idea to engage with extremely unwieldy and long-running media (especially stuff like comics) with a liberal attention to canon.
Characters should be in character, and you should consider the plot implications of stuff that's currently happening, but so much stuff is already memory-holed by the actual writers, so if you want the new X-Men from this years Gala to be alive and ignore the current arc? Sure!
It isn't me advocating for actively hating it, or for harassing the people that do like it (or god forbid make it) and trying to impose your version of events on people. But it can keep you from being particularly annoyed or irritated by certain writing choices and estranging you from a thing you enjoy.
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300iqprower · 7 months
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I really want to say that the point where I decided Heian Kyo was the worst chapter was when it made Ibuki such a Mary Sue that they went "you didn't ACTUALLY win tho lol"
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cynthiaandsamus · 2 years
Scherezade [Anti-Hero]: No King can harm me!
Mordred [Rider]: I'm no King
Scherezade: ehehe... hang on a second there...
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joanplou · 8 months
Hol’ up, let Sherherazade cook.
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nobuverse · 9 months
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"T-there's a lily version of Columbus too now? Just great..."
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mihari · 1 year
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It's ten free saint quartz and then some, plus I can't keep putting it off. But even my son is sitting there like "mom...do we...have to...?"
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randomstranger27 · 2 years
I love this game’s writing so much.
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keykidpilipili · 2 years
Looking at the Summer 7 banners i am glad i can reest easy knowing i won’t spend any SQ during August 2024... -w-
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