#agrument is a strong word but whatever
cuz-reasons · 4 months
I got work tmr I should be in bed but I ended up in an argument about tagging things like major character death on fics
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your-denki-kun · 3 years
Our Baby Boy
Katsuki Bakugou x Female!Reader
A/N: I got this idea after listen to an ASMR video, so here you go. This is also one of my short one-shots. Requests are welcome, just no smut. I do both headcanons or fanfics. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, Englisch is not my mother language and I have dyslexia.
What: Fluff, Angst, Fighting (?), Agrument
Word count: 1672
~3rd person pov.~
You were over the moon when you found out you were pregnant and so was Katsuki. He took great care of you while you were pregnant and it all went smoothly. As soon as he was born and out of the hospital you got very protective over your son.
When you were young you lost your little brother in a car accident and it left it's scars, causing you to be protective over your son because you want him to live as long as he can. Katsuki understands where your overprotective behavior comes from and just lets you. He likes pushing boundaries sometimes however.
Like right now. You're sitting on the porch swing with some tea and look at Katsuki as he plays with your one and a half year old son in the bright sun that's already starting to creep closer to the horizon. It brings a smile to your face and causes a warm feeling to blossom in your stomach as you hear your sons giggles as Katsuki chuckles and smiles brightly.
Your eyes widen however when Katsuki picks up your son and starts throwing him up in the air a bit before catching him again. It only pulls more giggles from Katsuro however and your husband is chuckling fondly. The only thing you feel is pure fear however and it causes you to get up, put down your tea and walk over to them.
''Suki, please don't do that.'' You whisper softly as you reach them.
''It's fine. I ain't gonna let him fall.'' Katsuki sighs before throwing up Katsuro again. ''Right little guy?''
''Suki please. I don't like this.''
''He does, so just let it be.''
''But I don't.''
''He does, just sit back down on the porch swing and enjoy your tea.'' He mumbles as he glances at you for a split second before catching your son again.
''I will when you stop.''
''I won't. My dad this all the time when I was younger. Didn't fucking hurt me. I'm a hero for god sake, I got this.''
''Language Katsuki and that may be true, but it doesn't feel right for me.''
''Jezus woman. Take a chill pill and drop it.'' He sighs as he stops throwing Katsuro and holds him as he turns to you. ''He's perfectly fucking fine, all giggles and smiles. You really wanna take that from him?''
''No, but I don't like it. It makes me worry and giddy in a not good way. Please just don't do it anymore.''
''Whatever.'' He mumbles as he turns away from you and walks away a few steps.
A sigh of relief escapes as you walk away and back towards the porch. As you're about to take the steps of the porch however you hear giggles once again and glance behind you to see Katsuki is doing it again.
''Katsuki!'' You exclaim in fear, but betrayal is also clear in your tone.
''Fuck off! You're too protective of him! He ain't gonna have a childhood like this!'' Katsuki barks to you without actually looking at you.
''Wha.......'' The words get stuck in your throat as you look towards them.
Slowly your eyes go back to normal as you watch Katsuki playing with the little blond boy. You turn away from them again and walk into the house, tea left outside on the table. You walk towards the bedroom you and Katsuki share and sit on the king sized bed, looking out the window that gives you a view of the road in front of the house.
It's a two story house. The bottom has an open floorplan with a porch at the back and a front yard that is never used, but beautifully decorated. Upstairs are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The room you and katsuki share is at the front together with the ensuite bathroom and walk in closet.
Katsuro's room is at the other side of the house, the other bathroom beside his room and between that bathroom and your room is another bedroom for guests. The interieur is open and light while the outside has wooden planks on it that go horizontal and are painted a light grey. The roof is black and the window frames are white together with the doors.
All with all it's a beautiful, modern house in a nice neighborhood that's close to the city seeing Katsuki works there. A sigh escapes as you watch people walking down the sidewalk. 'Am I really robbing him of a childhood? Am I too overprotective? Should I tone down? Is it annoying Katsuki? Is he gonna leave me if I continue doing this?'
Thoughts flood your mind as you're left clueless on what to do. All you've been trying to do is keep him safe and ease your worries. 'I probably am overreacting. My son was just in the air without support over 1,70 meter above the floor. God who am I fooling?! What was Katsuki thinking?!'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
''Come on buddy, lets get you tugged into bed.'' Katsuki says as he takes his son out of the high chair and walks upstairs.
He hasn't seen you since he told you Katsuro isn't going to have a childhood. When he looked back to see if you really sat down you were nowhere to be seen. At first he figured you'd come back out whenever, but he still hasn't seen you and it has been over two hours. You didn't even come down for dinner.
Katsuki walks into Katsuro's room and places him on his bed, tugging him in gently. His son is already practically asleep as he kisses his forehead, wishes him goodnight and walks out of the room. He walks over to your shared room and hesitantly opens the door, only to see you sitting on the edge of the bed as you stare outside mindlessly.
''(y/n), baby?'' He whispers as he closes the door and walks over to you, room dark seeing the sun already set. ''Please say something.''
''Am I really robbing him of a childhood?'' You whisper so softly he barely hears, even when the room is completely silent.
''No, Princess. I didn't mean that.'' He whisper as he sits down beside you and places his hand on your thigh.
''Are you getting sick of me?'' Your eyes glaze over with tears as you look him in the eyes.
''No Baby. I could never grow tired of my Princess.'' He says with a gentle smile as he cups your cheeks.
''But I'm so annoying. I won't let you do anything with our son and I’m so controlling.'' You sniffle as tears start falling from your eyes.
''Hey, shh. That's not true. I don't hold any of it against you. Your brother died when you were six and he was four. It was hard on you and you want our baby boy to grow old and handsome. You could tone it down a notch, sure, but I understand why you are like this.'' He shushes as he wipes away your tears and looks you in the eyes.
''He will be handsome.'' You sniffle as you remove your head from his hands and wipe at your eyes with the back of your hand.
''How come?''
''You're his dad.'' You giggle softly as you glance up at him, cheeks dusted with pink.
''Hmm. Well, you're his mom so he'll be drop dead gorgeous for sure.'' Katsuki practically purrs as he leans closer.
''I'm sorry for this afternoon.'' You whisper as you wrap your arms around him.
''It's fine. I pushed it and didn't consider your feelings when you asked me to stop. I also played dirty by waiting until you were away. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm sorry, Teddy Bear.''
''It's fine. I can be too overprotective from time to time. Next time just please consider my feelings more.''
''I will baby, I will.''
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. A smile forms on your face as you cuddle up to him and bury your face in his warm, muscular chest. Katsuki's soft chuckles make his chest rumble and vibrate making it slightly uncomfortable, but his chuckles soon subsides and he lays down on his back with you on his chest.
''Let me see your face.'' He whispers to which you comply. ''I love you.''
He kisses you before you can say a word and holds you close as your mouths move in sync. A soft moan leaves you as he gently nibbles on your bottom lip causing him to grin against your lips. The two of you kiss for a bit longer before pulling apart for air. You look at him with half lidded eyes as a dorky smile is plastered onto your face.
''I love you too Suki.''
''How about I bring Katsuro here so you can hold him and make sure he's fine?''
''Could you?''
''Of course, Teddy Bear.'' Katsuki smiles as he gently rolls you off him.
You lay on your back as you watch him get up and walk out of the room. You listen to every little sound you can hear, straining your ears. It doesn't take long before Katsuki walks back into the room with the little blond haired boy in his arms fast asleep. He carefully gets onto the bed and places Katsuro on your chest and stomach, letting the head rest on your chest and body on your abdomen.
''He's growing so fast.'' You whisper as you place a hand on the sleeping boys back.
''He is. He's growing tall and strong. So you can ease down a bit, okay?''
''Okay, but.... It'll take me a bit.'' You admit as you look at Katsuki.
''That's fine, Baby. You don't have to push yourself, I know you'll try your best.'' He whispers as he kisses your forehead and cuddles up to your side, mindful of the sleeping toddler on top of you.
''Thank you.''
''Always, Teddy Bear.''
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