#ah the comfy sweater episode
lilxmcrtes · 3 years
●°•☆ Drabble ☆•°●
Sleep Is For The Weaks Weeks
The Beach Episode 2.0
Featuring/For @iamdarcylewis & @fuascailt
“Hey, let’s just take a nap.”
“But sleep is for the weaks.”
He quirked a brow at her. “Getting sleep is what helps keep you strong.”
“Well it’s never helped me. No matter how much sleep I get. Which is pretty rude of sleep if you ask me.”
“Why don’t you just try with me, okay? You can even-” Ah he was gonna regret this wasn’t he? “You can even... borrow one of my sweaters... Just to sleep in. So you’re comfortable.”
Ha. Borrow. That sweater was going to be hers now and Josh wasn’t going to be able to stop her.
Darcy pretended to consider it despite being in total agreement the moment sweaters were mentioned. “... Fiiiine. I can’t promise I’ll sleep though. My last coffee wasn’t too long ago.”
Once she was comfy in his sweater, they climbed into bed, facing away from each other.
It was quiet for a few moments. Josh was doing fairly well with drifting off but the same couldn’t be said for Darcy. Damn coffee. No regrets though really. It got her here right?
She tried not to move around much but Josh turned over anyway. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Maybe not really but he wasn’t mad.
“Come ‘ere.” Josh brought her into his arms and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Just rest at least. Can’t keep running on fumes.” He sure was one to talk but that was beside the point.
His fingers ran through her long hair gently and they were quiet once more. Just the sound of his heartbeat and soft sighs of breathing.
Darcy felt nice like this. Cozy. Safe. His heart beside her ear, she was beginning to drift a little.
Josh could say the same but he’d already gone to where dreams come from, hand resting on her back, no longer conscious to offer more comfort than that.
That was okay though. She wasn’t far behind.
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stokcd-a · 3 years
‘  have  you  anything  else  to  wear  ?  ’
spinning silver | @heyerald​
     Gᴏᴅ, Jᴏɴ really manages to somehow look even more like shit.
     He doesn't want to ask how much of that dripping down on the floor is muddy water and how much is blood (though he'll have to see, carefully, if there's any wounds on the other; he likely wouldn't tell even if he was aware of them himself), time will show when he later gets to get it off before it seeps too far into the already run down wooden floor. No, priorities are to get him out of it, check for damage, get him into a shower and then into something new, warmed up, potentially fed and into bed, preferably tugged to himself so he can make sure he actually rests. Asking, that comes after all of that, he thinks as he sits him down on top of the closed toilet, running the water warm (the heater had been the first thing he turned on, running it on maximum even though it's not all that cold) and producing towels from the cabinet.
     (He could ask you to do just about anything. You'd fight a war single handedly and he wouldn't even have to ask.)
     "We'll find something. I have some leftover clothes from — before, they're a little worn and probably baggy on you, but warm."
     Sweaters, lounge pants and similar that had been slightly too big on himself to hide things, but comfy enough and probably easier to get on his friend, even if not quite his style (there might be some long skirts left, too — not necessarily ideal, but easier to put on in the shaken state of his friend). Maybe there are even some leftover things that survived a manic episode that are even older and more the other's size  and ah — he also, with sudden clarity, remembers the tugged away bag into the deep end of his closet; the spares of his brother the last time he's been here, and those — yeah, maybe those too.
     (Not like he'd need them anymore.)
     "Okay. You okay? Lets get you out of these, then under the shower. I'll keep the door slightly ajar so if you need anything, I'll be right here and find you some clothes that I think might fit, toss them on the bed, you'll get cleaned up and then pick something, and we see from there, alright?" Gently starting to unbutton those stained buttons of his shirt, watching for any sign telling him to stop. "I'm not leaving you. I'll be right next."
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 2 episode 126: maximum tit alley
I have never been so reluctant to close a video game to watch critrole, stardew valley really got to me huh
(technically yes I could keep playing while watching but it makes swapping to liveblog/discord more annoying than it needs to be)
oh it's gone, thank god
also the purple looks nice
oh yeah, I meant to watch/gif that
that shirt looks like an infant's onesie with travis holding it
does liam have a new comfy sweater
congratulations tumblr doomsayers
okay my WHOLE computer decided to have a shitfit for a second
fjord soundin kinda grog
maximum tit alley episode title
travis hiding entirely from this message
me: 'it's all fake money' exandria runs on bitcoin mala: real money is all fake money
I always have ptsd flashbacks to The Mirror Incident when everyone's doing their individual shopping
sam has two speeds, "troll" and "surprisingly sweet" and combines these two with an upsetting amount of skill
excited for vex to show up in this scene whether laura means for her to or not
travis' face
hi vex
"that was very mean" "I know"
hi vex again
well, shit
"the love the three of us shared" torn between my love for bone-deep platonic friendships and desire for a ployam
god he always sounds like such a broken little boy when he drops the accent
is caleb fucking pining for jester while dancing with his ex bc just put me in the fucking ground
veth is that experience talking or
mala: veth your projection
I fucking love artagan
I feel like caring about what caleb does means caring about rexxentrum
fucking blindspot joke
"I'm Xhorassian, I can't smell"
please imagine caleb painstakingly building all of this out bc I am
he loves his friends so fucking much
oh my god
I cannot believe
the one that crit failed fear-pees on itself
ah yes, this is what the Holy Avenger was forged for
(I feel like Kima would approve)
oh cool NOW I'm gonna cry
matt that's not helping this is already a huge death flag. just the whole second half of this episode
("nochi this show isn't scripted" hollywood has me well-trained for fear for the gays)
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ma-lemons · 4 years
home (march 29- modern au)
@itallartandgames had an idea: Oscar being the cook of the two and that he combs his fingers through Ruby’s hair when she falls asleep. This idea was given to me a while ago, but I decided it would be nice for the first day. they also gave me the idea for “Freckles” as a nickname. it’s cute.
“I’m baaaaaaaack!” her voice echoed in the house.
Oscar’s heart raced when he heard the cheery voice of his beloved through the walls. She was finally back.
He slipped his feet into his fuzzy slippers and left the kitchen to see if she needed help with her bags.
Halfway to the living room, Ruby attacked him in a hug.
“Guh,” Oscar sputtered, stumbling a little. His fiancée’s arms were flung around his torso, squeezing him as hard as she could. In the midst of her bear hug, Oscar got a whiff of the maple-scent that was always present at Ruby’s father’s house.
“I missed you,” she murmured, leaning into his hair. Once Oscar recovered from his shock, he hugged her back. “Missed you too, Rubes.”
Oscar’s long-ish locks tickled her chin and she giggled as they seperated. Oscar took note of her luggage.
“You want me to take that for you? I was going to start dinner, but I got so caught up watching something that time slipped past me,” he apologized.
“Don’t worry, Oscar,” Ruby yawned, kicking her boots off. “I can wait. I kinda want to watch that cop show anyway.” She twisted herself back to him and grasped his wrist lightly. “I missed you,” she repeated, brushing a kiss onto his cheek.
“I missed you more,” he murmured back. He missed her soft touch, her warm hands, the warmest part of her. Ruby shooed him away, and he retreated into the kitchen, which left her alone to her luggage.
She had visited her sister and her father. Yang was visiting home with her wife Blake, and their young daughter Ianthe. Ruby’s heart always swelled holding her chubby niece’s hand. Yang and Blake were good moms, as Ruby had predicted they would be.
She pulled her two bags down the hall, to the room she shared with Oscar. Placing them against the wall, she thought of children. Her dad had jokingly asked her when she and Oscar would have kids, and Ruby had laughed it off. They hadn’t talked about it yet, so she would cross that bridge when they got there. For now, she and Oscar were content with just being around Ianthe and Nora and Ren’s kids.
Stretching comfortably before the mirror, she shucked off her sweater, leaving her in a camisole. She tied it around her waist and left the room. As much as she loved her dad’s place, she was beyond relieved to be back home with Oscar. She had missed him and his reassuring words. She faced the beige-ish walls of their room. This was home. The one they had created together.
In the end, she had chosen Oscar. She questioned herself, who she liked, who she didn’t like, whether she liked anyone at all—and eventually decided it was time for her to make up her mind. And even though it took her ages to see it, Oscar had been waiting for her from the very beginning.
Smiling to herself, she left their room and headed to the living room. Flopping on the couch, she flipped through channels until she found the cop show Yang had gotten her hooked on.
As the bright colors flashed across the screen and the funky music played, Ruby began to get whiffs of whatever her fiancé was making her. It was bound to be delicious. He was an amazing cook—the better of the two—and Ruby would eat anything he made anyway.
She nestled herself into the couch and yawned. The trip back was exhausting, but she didn’t want to fall asleep before actually getting to spend time with Oscar.
Spices hit her nose and her mouth practically watered.
“Whatever you’re making smells good, Freckles,” Ruby called over the blaring noises of the television. She had a knowing smile growing on her face.
“Please stop calling me Freckles, love. And thank you,” he replied.
Ruby’s proud expression quickly changed. She blushed, squeezing the pillow in her arms. She’d never admit it, but Oscar calling her love was one of her favorite things in the world. It made her feel so... special. Her heart went pitter-patter but she tried her hardest to focus on the screen, where the cop was making a bad pun.
Oscar sprinkled pepper across the salmon filets. Ruby actually wasn’t a big fan of fish, as she didn’t eat it a lot as a kid, but she liked salmon. Especially with Oscar’s Spanish rice. He decided to keep it simple this time.
He heard his love’s padded footsteps enter the living room and smiled to himself when she turned on the police comedy. Most of the jokes went over his head, but he thought it was a good show overall. Ruby was more of a comedy person, Oscar loved dramas. One genre they could agree on, however, was rom-coms. All they needed was a box of tissues and blankets, and their night would be complete.
“Whatever you’re making smells good, Freckles,” she called to him.
Oscar knew better. There’s no way Ruby wouldn’t recognize the distinct smell of one of her favorite meals. But that nickname. It always got to him. He wasn’t a fan, admittedly, but he grew more tolerant over the years, finally putting up with the goddamn name Ruby had called him, even before they started to date.
“Please stop calling me Freckles, love. And thank you,” he sighed, flipping the salmon over.
At least she was home. The place they shared together was quiet without her. He’d have to spend hours staring at peeling wallpaper or their pictures in the hallway.
He sighed dreamily. Plating the salmon, he whispered a thank you to the skies for Ruby, the girl he had liked for so long, being at his side.
Oscar dropped two forks onto the seperate plates and shuffled over to the next room over.
“Dinner’s ready,” he smiled warmly, placing the plates on the coffee table. “You want water? Or iced tea?”
“Water, please. Oscar—this looks so good, thank you,” Ruby murmured, her wide eyes fixed on the plates.
He soon returned with two glasses of ice water and he slumped down into the couch next to her.
“Thank you for the food.”
“Anything for you, love,” he smiled back at her.
Gah! Stop, heart! Control yourself! Ruby willed herself not to blush or say something stupid.
“What episode is this?” he asked, nodding towards the TV.
“The vacation special.”
The two ate their food quietly, save for the moments where Ruby would laugh or they’d idly chatter.
“This was soooo good,” Ruby murmured, scooting closed to him. Oscar grinned, ruffling her hair. Ruby’s skin brushed up against his, sending shivers down his spine.
“I missed your cooking. I love Dad’s, but I think you’re taking his place,” she whispered, looking up to meet his eyes.
“I don’t think Tai would be very happy to hear those words, love,” he rumbled in amusement.
“Nah, he’d get over it,” she smiled back. A sleepy look settled over her face, and a yawn escaped her lips.
“You must be very tired,” he noted.
“No, no... I’m fine. Actually let me take care of these dishes.” Ruby left Oscar’s side and grabbed the plates. He suddenly missed her warmth and wanted it back.
“Rubes, come sit down, I’ll get to them later,” he insisted.
“You cooked, so I’ll clean.” She didn’t hesitate to grab the plates before Oscar could, and hurried into the kitchen.
“Thank you!” he called from the sofa.
“Of course!”
She returned a few moments later, just as Oscar was getting comfy.
“I don’t remember this part,” Oscar notes as she sat down. It was the scene where the workaholic female cop had a hard time relaxing on her vacation.
“Oh, yeah, this is a two-part special. This first part’s tonight and the next one’s tomorrow. We only ever watched the second part together,” Ruby replied, her eyes glued to the TV.
Oscar made a noise in understanding.
His fiancée settled in next to him. She yawned again, little tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
“Come here, you,” Oscar said softly, gently taking her head into his lap. She stretched out the rest of her body, then curled herself up.
“Mhm, thank you,” she whispered to him. She loved when he did this.
The show was almost over, but Oscar wasn’t paying any attention to it. He reached his hand for Ruby’s hair, and ran his hands through it. Tentatively, at first. When she didn’t protest, he took that as permission to keep going. Gently, running through the ends. Black strands with the red highlights at the end. A unique look, but Ruby was all sorts of unique.
“This feels really nice...”
Her voice was getting smaller, and Oscar knew that she’d be asleep any moment from now.
“Go to sleep, love.”
“I’m actually... not as tired as you think. In fact,” she stopped, flipping her body so that she was laying on her back, and her face was parallel to his, “Let me tell you about my day.”
“Alright,” he resigned.
“Well, Ianthe says she misses you. She made me promise to drag you along with me next time I visit,” Ruby laughed. It wasn’t like her usual, overdramatic and hysterical laughter that he had gotten so used to. It was richer, quieter.
Oscar would remember to bring Ianthe something. His niece was fond of plants and always wanted to learn about a new one every time they met.
“I’ll bring her something next time. We’ll go together,” he replied.
“Yeah, she’d like that. Everyone else says hi too. And... Yang dragged me and Blake out to see bridesmaids dresses.” She added the last sentence hurriedly.
Ruby twiddled her fingers, and sucked in a large breath before letting it go.
“Yeah... I told her that even though we’re engaged, we weren’t really looking at anything yet.” Her eyes wandered to meet his, and he blinked twice.
Oscar thought for a moment. “Maybe we should. I mean, we have a date already.”
“Yeah... two years from now,” Ruby snickered. “You proposed to me knowing fully well that we wouldn’t get to have a ceremony for a long time.”
“Well... I couldn’t wait. I wanted to be with you,” he teased.
“Ah, stop!” Ruby cried, slapping her hands onto her face. It was growing hot. She was definitely blushing. Maybe he couldn’t see it in the dark?
“You’re blushing, love.”
“Shut up!”
“Anyway... we can start doing real planning right now. I don’t mind, but I already live with you, it’s like being married,” he shrugged.
Ruby’s heart went from its small, rhythmic beats, to intense pounding.
“Yeah. It is,” she swallowed.
“Well, either way, I’m glad you enjoyed your trip. I’m even happier you’re home, though.”
“I am too.”
Soon after that, they both fell silent. Oscar hadn’t stopped finger-combing her hair, even for a moment. It felt so relaxing and so... nice...
Soon enough, Ruby had fallen asleep, her soft snores like a baby’s. It was weird. She was usually a really loud snorer. Her cop show had ended and now a firefighter drama had started in its place.
Ruby, although she wasn’t heavy, was starting to weigh on him a little. But she was adorable, so he chose to stay quiet and enjoy it. Besides, she must’ve been really exhausted.
A yawn of his own, mellow, left his mouth.
Staring back at Ruby’s face, he could see how her flushed cheeks were fading, and how her mouth was still slightly open. Her head began to tilt to the side.
Oscar leaned down and pressed his lips to her warm forehead. In a bit, he’d probably carry her to bed, if he didn’t fall asleep himself before then.
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morishiges · 4 years
when i learned kimi’s va would be the pink girl from yuru yuri i was like YEAH. YEAH THAT FITS.,
tho knowing the pace i do in the manga compared to the anime’s pace, it’s a little weird to combine these chapters together when they’re so far apart since the other half of the episode shoulda been after the kyouto field trip arc which is coming up
and i wanted to see kakeru in his comfy sweater... ah well
machi i love u ;;
i dont really watch the series dubbed but the dub is still good and i want to hear this episode dubbed since aaron dismuke is such a good kakeru he and his jpn va have very Different Auras when portraying the character and they both work well
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seijuurouxryuu · 4 years
who are we in these unwanted skins
Title: who are we in these unwanted skins Author: Shiro (TeitoxAkashi [AO3]/ seijuurouxryuu [tumblr]) Rating: G Pairing: Sasagawa Kyouko & Sawada Tsunayoshi Event: @khrrarepairweek Prompts: Roleswap AU | Platonic Cuddles Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warning
Day 5: Rain Day
Her skin, doesn’t felt like her skin sometimes. Some days, it felt right as it should be, comfortable and her, but other days, she felt like she was an impostor, wearing someone else’s skin, stomping around in a body not hers.
Some days, she felt like she was alright, but other days, she felt like she should be another. 
Her skin, doesn't felt like her skin sometimes. Some days, it felt right as it should be, comfortable and hers, but other days, she felt like she was an impostor, wearing someone else’s skin, stomping around in a body not hers.
Some days, she felt like she was alright, but other days, she felt like she should be another.
And today was the day she felt weird. She—they—stared into the mirror, seeing themselves yet not, so familiar yet so foreign. They pulled at the dress that she would usually love and felt that it doesn't suit them. It made their skin itch and what they wanted to do was to peel it off their burning skin. It made them so uncomfortable, so aware of themselves. Weird. Out of place. They couldn't stand it.
They were aware that they were running late for their date with the other girls, but they couldn't help but stare longer at the mirror and their wardrobe, scanning again and again to see if there was anything that they can change into and let them feel alright. There was suits and all, of course, but they were all rather skin hugging and.... Girly. They felt that changing into anything else that is in their wardrobe wouldn't make them feel any better. It might make them feel worst.
They bit down on their lips hard.
Suddenly, their phone rang--thank god white and neutral, breaking them from their trance and almost panic episode. They hurriedly picked it up from their dressing table and finally—finally—turned away from the mirror.
"Hey! Sorry I got lost track of time. I'm coming over right now!" They turned off the lights and headed out, a mask of comfort in place.
The incident was soon forgotten as time passed. She soon returned to herself, distracted by her friends and life in general. It was as though a dream, now that she looked back on it. Like it was just her imagination, that it never existed.
At least, until it hit her again, harder.
They looked around their room, far too pastel, and felt uncomfortable all over. If it wasn't their room, they wouldn't feel anything but it was theirs. They are used to the pinkish orange wallpaper, so that was fine, but the dressing table, the wardrobe, the bed sheets—too pastel. It wasn't the furniture's fault as much as it was theirs, but they were out of their norm that they couldn't actually convince themselves that it was alright. Not to mention that they still couldn't find any clothes relatively suitable for them at the moment.
It was difficult.
They closed their eyes and sighed, lips trembling slightly. They would have to buy new clothes. At least, some that can be used when they have moments like this. (Yes, they acknowledged that they felt very weird some days and it just made them annoyed, unworthy and guilty.)
They sat up abruptly.
Picking up their phone and wallet, they checked their money and decided to pull out some more from their drawer that they saved from the previous allowances. Before they went out, they stopped and looked down at their clothes—a knee length shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Pondering for a while longer, they decided to steal Ryohei's hoodie and left.
As it was a weekend and they didn't want anyone who recognise them to know what they were doing in the shopping district, they pulled the hood over their head and scanned through all the boutiques. They avoided the normal boutique they frequent—those sells clothes that they didn't really desire at the moment anyway—and looked for more gender neutral or masculine ones.
They paused right in front of one, pretty small and unpopular one, that was probably going under. Which was understandable because those clothes looked old and ugly—if they were targeting young people anyway. But they found that they have a selection of plain shirts, sweaters and black jeans—long and short—that looked nice and acceptable. Not to mention that it was on sales.
Tugging the hood lower, they headed in and started browsing, picking up a few as they go. They didn't want to try it now so they just picked a size larger than they normally wear. It wasn't until they had more about 8 articles in their arm when the shop owner—or they presumed—appeared.
"W-welcome to the Goldmine. H-how can I help you?" Perhaps they were probably too zoned out mentally calculating their money and the cost, they couldn't recognize the voice and mumbled. "It's okay. I'll look through on my own."
Then silence.
Perhaps finally realizing that something was wrong, they looked up just in time for the worker to stutter incredulously. "K-kyoko-chan?"
They flinched so hard that they almost dropped everything on their hand. Their hands trembled as they tried to smile. "A-ah, Tsuna-kun!"
Tsuna tilted his head, blinking. He wasn't as nervous as he was before, and he was curious. And worried. Kyoko's face was pale and fearful, eyes darting anywhere but him. It wasn't like the Kyoko he knew—something was wrong.
"W-what are you doing here?" Kyoko asked first, a little skittish. Tsuna, bless his soul, decided not to question Kyoko (yet) and started complaining. "Well!" He sighed loudly as his shoulder sagged. "Reborn is the reason. He suddenly asked me to tend this run-down shop and tell me to hit /a week's/ target sale in one day!" He grumbled, ruffling his hair roughly.
"Worst, this isn't even his shop! He just—accidentally injured the owner and decided to leave me to clean up his own mess! It was bad enough that no even a fly would come in, how am I going to hit the target!"
If he could, he would've wailed until the whole world could hear.
Somehow, through his rant, Kyoko finally calmed down and laughed. "Well, that's Reborn alright."
"No shit..." Tsuna grumbled under his breath. Seeing that there weren't any other customers and that Kyoko was probably still slightly uncomfortable, he asked. "Do you want to.... Talk inside? You don't have to say anything you don't want though. I can just wrap things up for you while we have some tea."
Kyoko hesitated. They looked down at the pile in their arm and bit their lips. They were caught, and they didn't want to give up on their finding. Not when they finally managed to muster the courage to choose men's clothing. They knew Tsuna wouldn't tell anyone if they didn't want others to know, and that Tsuna wouldn't judge them, but this was a secret they had held for almost their whole life. It wasn't easy for them to finally talk about it.
They looked up and right into Tsuna's brown eyes again, honest and kind. Accepting. And they finally nodded. "Yeah. Why not."
Tsuna smiled and brought them to the back of the shop. Surprisingly, despite its closing down, small and rather cluttered appearance, the storeroom slash employees rest room was clean and comfy. Probably the only place maintained by the owner. There was a small round table, two chairs and one sofa.
At Tsuna's gesture, Kyoko sat on the sofa and placed the pile of clothes beside them, patting it absently while the other moved around the small room rather clumsily to make tea. Setting it down with the cookies he managed to find, Tsuna sighed and plopped onto one of the plastic chairs.
"Thank you for appearing. With you here, I have an excuse for slacking off."
Kyoko laughed awkwardly. They gingerly reached out to the cup of tea—printed with Kero the frog—and sipped it. Surprisingly, it was calming. "I won't save you from Reborn."
"Welp I guess I'll just die."
"I'll help with the burial though."
Tsuna sobbed. "Harsh!" Kyoko chuckled and munched on some cookies, which weren't as delicious as the ones they made (yes, their bakery is the best shut up).
Seeing Kyoko happy at his demise, however, brought relief to Tsuna. The face Kyoko was sporting was similar to the one in the future-that-never-is, and Tsuna had sworn not to do anything that will brought forth that kind of face to his beloved family anymore, even if it wasn't him who cause it. (A part of him just wanted to X-burner everything that hurt his family down to nothing but ashes, but more of him knew that that wasn't possible.)
Tsuna tilted his head and smiled, eyes warm. It almost made Kyoko flinch again, because they felt like they don't deserve receiving kindness from Tsuna. Not since they became friends, not since they rejected Tsuna—they don't feel anything else other than familial love for the new brother they found—and especially not since they were so ungrateful for what they have. (Their clothes, beautiful and lovely, yet revolting in moments like this. Their body, perfectly flawed yet just a skin they wore uncomfortably in times like this.)
They didn't know what was so amazing about them to be accepted by the kindest and sanest person they knew. It made them happy, yet it made them guilty for something that they can't control.
Kyoko shifted uncomfortably, still eating the pastry while thinking about what they should say. It was times like this that they were bad at small talks. Not that they ever were good at it though. "U-um, Tsuna-kun..." They managed to get out, wincing slightly at how high pitched their voice was. God, they wish that they could just control their voice like a machine. They coughed and continued.
"... Please help me keep today's meeting a secret..." They plead, not ready for even the slightest moment to tell anyone else they knew.
Tsuna nodded immediately. Bless his soul, he didn't even ask about what and just took it as everything. "Sure." He smiled, uncharacteristically calm and understanding. "Until you're ready."
Kyoko suddenly has a hunch that the boy, now eighteen, knew what they were hiding.
Kyoko let out a watery smile and muttered, "Thank you."
It was emotionally wrecking, that day with Tsuna. Of course, Tsuna held onto his promise and did not speak about it even after he was punished by Reborn for slacking of, or so Kyoko had heard. She was very grateful for that, yet she was very guilty of that.
"I'm sorry, Tsuna-kun. For..." She trailed off as they stood on the roof of Namimori High, third year and graduating with the college entrance exams in the horizon. There were only the two of them, with Tsuna sporting a large bump on his forehead for getting hit by Xanxus who came to visit. (It was already a miracle that Xanxus came to visit, let alone not kill him.)
"Oh, it was nothing." He grinned, as though it never bothered him. That only made her even more guilty. She couldn't hold it any longer—especially not when the previous time marked such a huge scar in her heart. (Not the boutique encounter, but the one time she met Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto outside again, except that her hair was tied into a tight bun and her clothes were the opposite of what she would where. Gokudera and Yamamoto had questioned her from heaven to hell since they were both curious and worried, and it was Tsuna who saved her out of it. It earned Tsuna a lot of troubles, trying to find excuse for her.)
Steeling her heart, she decided to talk about it. Tsuna wouldn't judge her. He never had, and he never will. Nodding to herself and taking a deep breath, she called out. "Tsuna-kun!"
Tsuna jolted, but kept quiet as she started rambling. "T-the thing is, there are days that I don't feel like--like me. Those days I hate the girly stuffs I own, and I hate- hate this body. I hate the world in those days and everything just makes me uncomfortable. I know I shouldn't feel that way and it doesn't make sense but I- I just don't feel like myself.
"I hate the fact that I am a girl then, and I just don't feel like anyone normal. I-" She sobbed, unaware that she had started crying during her vent. "I just wanted to be normal... That's why I tried... Wanted to have clothes that don't make me feel like a girl...
"I know this is selfish of me... I should just accept myself as who I am and appreciate everything I have, but I couldn't help it. I—" She choked. All the pain she harbored, all the guilt and sorrow she bottled, all overflowed out of the small cage she locked them in.
"I-I'm sorry..." She didn't dare to look up, not wanting to see Tsuna's face. She was afraid, afraid that she wouldn't be accepted. If she wasn't, she wouldn't blame Tsuna. Not when the boy remained her friend even after rejecting his feelings for her. (She never understood love other than the one she had with her family.)
Her hands trembled, sweating as she clutched them together tightly. She realized that she was afraid of losing this precious friend of hers.
Tsuna was silent for a long time, and just when she started to regret everything, Tsuna asked. "Can I hold you?"
Kyoko was so surprised by the question and looked up. Something, probably relief, swelled in her as she saw the smile, kind and accepting smile, on Tsuna's face. He reached out to her at her tiny nod, and hugged her tightly. He gently tucked her face onto his shoulder, calming her as he rubbed her head. "Sister mine," Her heart beat in delight at that. "First of all, don't apologize for what you feel.
"Don't apologize for who you are. You are you, you are just fine the way you are." He said softly as he cradled her. "Girl, boy, none, all, it doesn't matter. As long as you remain true to yourself, accept yourself, then it is all alright. I don't mind what you define yourself as, as long as it is not self-depreciation. And I'm sure no one else mind. If anyone does, then you are better off without them."
Kyoko sobbed louder, feeling liberated. "Thank you, Kyoko, for telling me. It must have been hard... I'm sorry that you have to suffer."
Kyoko shook her head, only for him to hush her more. “It’s fine if you aren’t ready to tell others—I’ll keep it a secret between the two of us. Only, you don’t have to hide from me anymore, okay?”
“D-don’t you think it’s… Weird?” Kyoko silently asked, a little afraid.
“Not really.” Tsuna said, then paused for a moment with his lips pursed. He was contemplating whether to tell Kyoko of his own secret. He trusts Kyoko, obviously, but he didn’t know whether it was okay to tell her. In the end, he decided that she was okay to know. He would carry the consequences later.
“… Actually—I’m a pan.” Kyoko blinked in surprise.
“You’re a cooking pan?”
“Wha—no! I mean—I’m pansexual.” Kyoko blinked again, flushing when understanding dawned her. “Oh.” She was glad that she currently had her face on his chest that he couldn’t see how red in shame she was.
“Yeah. But that’s mostly because I’m not really sure of my gender sometimes too… I might be a genderfluid, but I still haven’t properly settled on it yet… Which is why I said pan—because I’m more attracted to males.”
Kyoko jolted out of his arms and looked at him in the eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay to tell me all that?”
Tsuna smiled and shrugged. “Yeah, why not? It’s not exactly a secret actually. I just never told you guys.”
Kyoko was a little unhinged by how carefree Tsuna was with that. She had always been tormented by herself that she couldn’t understand how easily he accepted all that. “I…” Kyoko felt a little stupid and weird.
Tsuna reached out and patted her head. “Hey, I’m fine telling you because I know you will accept me regardless of how I am. I know the others will too. I just haven’t said anything because…” He trailed off before changing the subject. “I know it can be scary, to tell your loved ones who you truly are. After all, who knows how they will react. But Kyoko, we’re your friends—family—we will accept you for who you are, just as how you accepted us for who we are.”
Kyoko nodded as he continued. “You can take your time telling others. Do it whenever you are ready—but remember that we will love you still.”
She teared up a little and nodded again, smiling as she rubbed her eyes. “Yeah—thank you.” She sounded a little choked up, but relief was in her voice. “Thank you, Tsuna-kun.”
Tsuna hugged her again. “Anytime, sister. Anytime.”
If Gokudera and Yamamoto noticed how crumpled Tsuna’s shirt and how puffy Kyoko’s eyes were, they said nothing.
“Say, is the person who sexually awakened you Xanxus?”
Tsuna choked on his chips and coughed so hard that he almost dislodged Kyoko, who was lying on top of him reading his manga. They smirked as Tsuna turned red from the sentence (and the chips).
“I knew it.”
I've nothing to say :3c Happy reading.
Also yes, I did not edit it so I died like Byakuran COUGH
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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Chapter Twenty One: House of the Devil
My computer deleted everything I had written for this episode, so this is take two. Hopefully it’s as good as my original.
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We start with the sex montage. First up this cute black sweater/burgundy skirt. While very similar to the burgundy skater skirt Ronnie wore in the last episode, this is in fact a different skirt. It’s TV land, and in TV land people own almost carbon copies of the same item. I wish I lived in TV land. Other significant piece in this item in the navy velvet coat we haven’t see since the start of this season. I miss this coat. I LOVE this coat.
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More sex montage. Cute throw back to Ronnie and Archie’s first night together with her wearing what I’m 99% certain is the same shirt Archie wore to the Jubilee/Ronnie wore very shortly after that.
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Can we take about her underwear for a minute? I’m so used to seeing women on TV walking around wearing their skimpiest underwear as if women do that on a daily basis. While I’m sure that may be the go to for some, I feel like, for the majority, the idea of comfy high waisted undies and a bra that actually covers our breasts is what were more inclined to wear on a  day to day. I’m actually really impressed with the Riverdale costume department for showing that comfy can 100% still be sexy.
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Can we count a fur rug in an outfit analysis? How about the new pearl necklace? Not quite a pearl strand, not exactly a major statement piece either. It’s just different enough to be different, yet the same.
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Ah ha! Clothes! Actual real clothes! This dress will come back multiple times over the series, so get used to seeing it. I love the brocade floral pattern, paired with the slight scalloped collar and dramatic bow. It’s such an interesting piece that, paired with the go to tear drop pearl, constitutes a perfect Ronnie outfit in my view.
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The scalloped coat makes a return. There’s a lot of scalloping going on here.
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Offft. I say that because I love plaid and that is the sound I made when I first saw this shirt on screen. The purple/pink colours work really well here and it’s definitely one of the brighter shirt we’ve seen our girl wearing. Paired with a simple black skirt, possibly the one she wore in 203 but don’t hold me to that, it’s an iconic Lodge investigative statement.
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IT’S ANOTHER CAPE! It’s BURGUNDY! This is everything to me. Ronnie’s investigating cape has had an upgrade and it is glorious. I like the idea that, since Ronnie is taking over from Betty in investigating this case, her usual investigation cape wouldn’t work. It’s almost too iconic Veronica Lodge for her to wear in an episode where she’s supposed to be playing the role of Betty. I literally only say this because we only ever see this cape one more time over the rest of the series so far and that feel like a crime against nature if it’s not for a story telling purpose. I need to move on from this.
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This ones interesting, because while it looks like it’s a shirt and a pinafore, it’s actually one whole dress which is very on brand for our girl. I think the professional nature of this outfit fits the scene, while I feel like you wouldn’t see very many high schoolers running around the halls in a crisp white shirt with a bow neck and matching bow pumps, this is very much the look for a Junior Detective which we know is the role that Veronica is trying to fulfil.
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WE SEXY AND WE KNOW IT! Ronnie is bringing the sexy out tonight and I am here for it. While not very easy to see this VERY low cut crop and plaid zip front skirt is a very different look for our girl. Have we EVER seen her in a zip front skirt? That comment aside, I’m OBSESSED with this whole look. The not pearl pearls, the heeled sandals, did I mention the leather trim? It’s edgy. It’s Biker Bar chic and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.
Total: 10, including one rug, one underwear appearance and two counts of sex montage wear.
Ted Baker Count: Thirteen. I’m considering changing this to a Kate Spade tracker.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Oh yes, she back and looking as good as ever.
Favourite Outfit: Biker Bar chic. I would wear that whole outfit in a heartbeat.
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
If it hasn’t already been requested, 66 would be fab! I’m a greedy goblin for fluffy Newmann sickfics. ❤️
ME TOO!! luckily a lot of these prompts arent specifically christmas-based lol. this ficlet brought to you by how i spent the last week of my life
66: you’re sick and I feel bad because I’m pretty sure i gave it to you, so I bring you some of my great grandmother’s soup and watch movies with you
from winter prompts here
There’s a nasty bug going around the Shatterdome--flu strain, in Newt’s expert biologist opinion. For all Newt’s general lack of hygiene, he is very conscientious about germs (he fucking hates being sick, hates how gross it makes him feel, no thank you), and he usually manages to survive these kinds of things unscathed. Just stocks up with an arsenal of hand sanitizer and the Lysol that, usually, resides in Hermann’s bottom desk drawer for easy access in threatening Newt when he gets a little too loose with where he puts his specimens, and ignores everyone who’s got even a runny nose.
And then Hermann got sick.
Probably a calculated move on his part, the bastard--getting sick just to spite Newt. He spent two days wheezing and coughing and sneezing around the lab and shouting in a hoarse, nasally voice before Newt finally snapped, threw his protective gloves to the ground, and steered Hermann out and to his bunk by the shoulders. (“Get some fucking sleep,” he begged, tucking him into bed aggressively as Hermann coughed out protests. “What do you need? Tissues? You want tissues?”)
If Newt is overly concerned about illnesses, Hermann is overly blasé. Newt’s sure he would’ve wasted away at his chalkboard if he hadn’t intervened. And he needs Hermann, for strictly world-saving reasons, obviously, just can’t do it alone, which is why he dipped into his own sick days to take care of the guy. (There’s medical, obviously, but if you want something done right, do it yourself and all.) It was all basic stuff--bringing Hermann food, keeping him warm and comfy, forcing him to take ibuprofen and cough drops (fluffing up his pillows, reading aloud old research to him, tenderly stroking back his hair and humming as he’d fall into uneasy sleep...). Standard, normal behavior between lab partners. 
So of fucking course Newt gets sick barely a week afterwards. That’s what he gets for being a decent human being.
He lies alone in agony in bed for the first day, eating shitty packaged junk food, downing more cold medicine than strictly healthy, and cursing Hermann’s name and entire existence; the second day, there’s a careful knock at his door, and Newt blows his nose and wheezes out “It’s unlocked.”
Hermann edges in awkwardly.
“Hello, Newton,” he says. He’s twisting his free hand in the hem of his sweater. “Can I...?”
He’s looking at the small empty bit of space on the edge of Newt’s bed, currently covered with used tissues and cough drop wrappers. Newt pushes everything into the trash can on the floor and nods. “Come on in,” he says. Hermann shuts the door carefully behind him and, to Newt’s surprise, eases himself down on the newly free spot. He’s holding a small tote bag that he sets at his feet along with his cane.
“Hello,” he says again.
“Already said that, bud,” Newt says, and sneezes into the crook of his elbow. Hermann winces.
“How are you feeling?” he says.
Newt stares at him.
“Right,” Hermann says.
“You need something?” Newt says, digging another cough drop out of the bag. It’s almost empty. Maybe he can guilt Hermann into getting him some more. “Come to yell at me for leaving samples out? Can you hear me sneezing down the hallway? My sincerest apologies, Dr. Gottlieb.”
“I’ve brought soup,” Hermann blurts out.
Newt fumbles the cough drop bag in surprise. “...Soup?”
Hermann pulls a small Tupperware container out of his tote bag and sets it down on Newt’s lap. It’s warm. “Soup,” he repeats, lamely. “And--” He sets a stack of DVDs (not even Blu-Ray, Hermann really is a vintage guy) down next to it. “Er. Some television shows. And movies.” 
Newt’s still not really sure why Hermann’s here, but he starts poking through the stack anyway. “You have a lot of documentaries about NASA,” he says. “And Alan Turing. And--” He pulls out no less than three BBC miniseries of Jane Austen novels; the box for Pride and Prejudice (1995) looks particularly well-worn.
Hermann snatches the stack back. “Do I?” he says, pink spreading across his cheeks, and Newt is struck--out of nowhere--with the thought that Hermann is kinda cute.
Newt averts his eyes quickly. “Tragically,” he says, “my laptop doesn’t have a CD-ROM, so...”
“Ah,” Hermann says. He tips the DVDs back into the tote bag, and then clears his throat and taps at the lid of the Tupperware. “I made this,” he says. “Er. It’s an old recipe. My grandmother’s, I believe. I thought--” He colors more deeply. “My mother would make it for me when I was sick, as a child. I thought you might like it.”
“Holy shit,” Newt says, because Hermann made him soup, and top secret Gottlieb family recipe soup at that. Where did he get the ingredients? How badly did he have to harass the mess hall employees before they let him use the kitchen? (To say nothing of the mental image of Hermann Gottlieb as a child. Newt always just pictured him springing forth, fully-formed, with a bad haircut and poor-fitting slacks like some sort of unfashionable Athena, and he’s having a hard time picturing anything else. Hermann, but slightly shrunk down, maybe. Rolling his r’s as a toddler.) “Thanks, dude.”
Hermann nods stiffly. “It’s the least I can do for you,” he says. “Considering.”
Hermann shifts, clearly uncomfortable. “It is my fault you’re ill, after all. Since you--well.” 
Newt laughs, but it turns into a hacking cough that Hermann winces all the way through. “Ah, it’s cool, I’m not pissed or anything,” he says, voice hoarser than before. Yesterday, yes, Newt was pissed. Five minutes ago, Newt was pissed. Now, with a shy Hermann on his bed (his bed, wooee, under any other circumstances Newt would be making so many moves on him right now) offering up homemade soup and dorky documentaries, Newt can’t even muster up mild annoyance. “This is--really nice of you, Hermann. I mean it. Thank you.” He smiles. Hermann looks away quickly this time, down at where he’s folded his hands in his lap.
“Mm,” Hermann says, and picks at a hole in his slacks. Newt pokes his hip to get his attention, and scoots over a little. Hermann blinks at him. “Yes?”
“Get in here,” Newt says. “Get comfy, come on.”
“But you’re--”
“Yeah, I had exactly what you’ve already had,” Newt says. “You can’t get it again. I think. Don’t look at me like that, I’m not that kind of doctor.” Hermann quickly wipes the skeptical look off his face, and Newt--after shoving the Tupperware of soup temporarily back at Hermann--starts digging around in his blankets for his laptop. It’s in here somewhere. When Hermann doesn’t immediately cuddle up with him, Newt pokes his hip again. “Get comfy, Hermann. We can stream whatever you want. Or play cards.” And then, a little desperately, “Please. I’m bored as fuck here.”
Hermann casts a long look at the door before sighing in defeat, toeing off his Oxfords, pulling his legs up onto the mattress, and easing in next to Newt. Not quite entirely under the bedspread, but it’ll do. “Only for a short while,” he tells Newt, handing him the Tupperware once more. “I really must catch up on the work I missed.”
“Uh-huh,” Newt says, grinning. “Get the light, will you?”
Hermann’s not particularly warm, nor is he particularly soft (Newt’s taken one of Hermann’s elbow to the gut before, and he’s a sharp bastard), but Newt--somehow--feels twice as comfortable already. If Newt lets their sides press together, rests his hand on Hermann’s forearm, subtly hooks his ankle over Hermann’s, then he thinks he’s allowed. He’s sick. He’s in agony. (And Hermann doesn’t seem to mind; he way-less-subtly sneaks his arm around Newt and settles his head on his shoulder in retaliation, and Newt’s heart skips a pathetic little beat.)
He doesn’t bother waking Hermann when Hermann falls asleep twenty minutes into a Doctor Who episode, just shuts his laptop and joins him.
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rqnvindr · 3 years
pairing: mal x gn!reader
genre: fluff, humor
word count: 
warnings: food consumption, suggestive jokes, not proofread
synopsis: mal invites you over to her house to study. little did you know that she had other plans in mind as well....
a/n: this is....really boring so i apologize in advance i tried so hard to make this funny but idek what this is tbh it’s just less than brain dump LOLOL in all seriousness tho, i’m happy to spend my 19th with all of you and i hope you manage to get something out of the piece i promised <333
you rang the doorbell with your free hand, the other having been occupied with the treats you had stopped to get. 
the person who had been expecting you answered the door promptly. you didn’t have to spend much time standing outside in the breezy winter air when mal appeared, the absence of her glasses initially taking you back. she had dressed in her typical cold weather outfit consisting of leggings and a comfy sweater, a pair of fuzzy socks to complete the cozy look. 
“hey! so nice to see you again!” mal wraps her arms around you in a tight hug. 
“nice to see you too!” you return the hug, before pulling away to hand her the drink and small bag you had been holding. she examined the contents, eyes lighting up when she realized what they were.
“iced coffee, just how i like it! i’m glad they also had croissants today. thank you so much!” 
“no problem! hopefully this helps prevent us from lazing around on the couch like how we did back at my place.” mal laughs, recalling the memory from exactly a month ago. you were determined to not let that happen again, no matter how fun it had been, considering that this upcoming exam was said to be a big one, even though it wasn’t a midterm or final. 
mal moves out of the doorway, allowing you to come into the comfort of her home. you take off your shoes, placing them on a nearby rack. 
you expected your hostess to already be heading to the dining table, but noticed that she had stayed behind you. you turn to see her shifting her shoes over next to yours, raising an eyebrow at her actions. 
“what if....we put our shoes next to each other....haha jk....unless..?” mal studied your expression for a few seconds, then burst out laughing at your lack of reaction. 
you simply responded with a chuckle, shaking your head. she had always had an interesting sense of humor, as most said. it wasn’t uncommon for her to make the weirdest flirty jokes randomly out of the blue, conjuring them from any situation. 
after laughing along with you, mal joins you at you guys’ workspace, arranging her stuff into her own area while you take out your supplies. 
the two of you take out your math books and some scratch paper to do the practice problems assigned as the study guide. mal had an iffy relationship with math, and you were prepared for her to ask for help at some point or another.
you scratch your head, having reached the middle of the study guide and stumbling across a rather mind breaking world problem. you look up to mal, who was currently doing a weird spinning motion with her pencil that didn’t seem to be going anywhere. 
suddenly, her pencil flies out of her hand, thankfully not hitting you in the face and landing on your paper. mal gasps, reaching over to grab it.
“sorry! i got a bit distracted trying to do that cool trick we saw on tik tok!” she exclaims. her short arms can’t seem to retrieve her writing utensil from across the table, so you hand it to her, fingers slightly brushing against each others. 
“woah, your fingers are really warm” you say in astonishment. 
“really? people always tell me my hands are cold.” mal laughs while rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. 
silence befalls once more. that is until mal speaks up again.
“do you wanna take a break? we’ve been focused for an hour at least.” 
“um, sure.” you close your laptop and textbooks almost immediately in response, as if you had been secretly waiting for her to initiate a study break. 
mal gets up and stretches, then heads to the couch to put on netflix. you already know where this is going the moment she picks up the remote.
“you wanna watch avatar again don’t you?” you shake your head, with a knowing chuckle. mal follows up on your speculation when she selects the boiling rock episode from book 3. 
“hey, can you blame me for wanting to forget about math and just fangirl over zuko?” she pouts, turning on the episode. 
not even five minutes have passed and mal is already squealing over the fire nation prince. it was quite endearing however, the way she was head over heels for a brave, handsome royal like she was a schoolgirl all over again. you admired her for being able to unleash her playful side despite being relatively serious. 
“see look at them go!” she pointed to zuko and sokka on the screen, who were currently riding in the former’s hot air balloon. “they OWN this episode, along with suki of course.”
she didn’t talk much while watching stuff but took every zuko scene as her cue to react with comments about either his hair, his jawline, his character development, anything. 
when you finished the episode, she had to lie down and look up at the ceiling, sucking in a breath. 
“avatar is so much better than most american tv shows. it’s just, wow.” you nod in agreement. 
mal scoots closer to you leaning on your shoulder and sighing. “i’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, but i didn’t call you over just to study.” you raise an eyebrow.
“ah you mean you also just wanted to scream about zuko to someone in person?” you smirk. 
“well yes, but no.” mal shifts her body and leans in closer to the side of your face. 
her hot breath fans your ear, making you shiver. brushing your cheek she closes more and more distance between the two of you. “it’s because...”
“yes?” you ask, your voice shaky.
“i wanted to spend time with you. us, together, we make a pretty good pair....of friends.”
you blink, trying to process what just happened, while mal just laughs in your face. “you thought, huh?” 
“this is why you’re still single.”
0 notes
royaltyjunk · 7 years
Brighter - Ch. 1 [T, Perceval/Cecilia]
[Mod!AU] It's not the way he laughs, or the way she smiles, but it's the way they enjoy each other's company that makes the world seem a whole lot brighter.
Jokes aside this has been sitting in my WIPs since like… March? To be fair, there's another WIP that's been there since June last year, but we're going to ignore that ha ha ha ha ha
*hint hint that might be my next one-shot hint hint*
Also, I tried out a new style of writing with this chapter, and I like it a lot. It's a little more casual and a lot more playful, but since all my fics are so somber [as y'all know], I'll hardly get to use it. Ah well :p
As always, readable on FanFiction and AO3.
Disclaimer: What's owning Fire Emblem? Obviously something I'm not a part of.
I: Sunrise
She shoots up like a sprout over the fifth Christmas break of work, and Perceval's genuinely shocked that she can't serve as his armrest anymore (yes, she used to be that short, and yes, she is a really late bloomer).
He didn't know what to say when she appeared on that first day back at work and marched over to him, her nose touching his cheek as she grinned up at him, standing tall on her flat feet.
Cecilia changes in more ways than her height, though.
Perceval always knew her as Miss Alessandra's daughter, who was his father's friend. She was the girl who worked hard for everything she got, and loved nature more than anything. She was the girl who helped him on his literature homework when he'd almost flunked the class on accident, the girl who sat under or, Miss Alessandra forbid, in the tree, flipping the pages of books containing medieval stories. She was the girl who had that sort of natural hand in economics and business, she was the girl who had always had her sights set on the Elibean Leagues. Yet, when did she start to grow into a woman?
Her voice gets deeper. What used to be a high and soft pitch turns into a sweet, slightly deeper tone. Her eyes grow wiser, more attentive. The curves in her body grow more obvious, and she looks much more feminine, like a real woman, and not like a short girl who tries her best to look like one.
She can do makeup like a pro now, and often does it in his car on the way to work, although she's always done that. What's changed is how well she wears that coral-colored lipstick, how nice her eyes look under that thin eyeliner and mascara she's known for. Her taste in fashion doesn't change, but she wears her clothes more naturally.
It takes more than a while for Perceval to register it: she's a woman.
There's still downsides to her growing up, though. There always are. First and foremost, he doesn't get to tease her anymore. He used to grin and muss her hair, laugh whenever they went shopping together and she had to get the smallest things in the petite section, or buy larger clothes hopefully. He doesn't get to do that anymore, and scrunches up his face whenever she stands on the tips of her toes and ruffles his hair, or how comfy she looks in his sweaters whenever she comes over, instead of looking like a mess of cloth and limbs.
Everyone takes her so seriously now. They look nervous when they approach her, and they stammer when they talk to her. She's expected to act mature, she's expected to present herself appropriately when Perceval knows that she's the same as before.
He becomes worried for her, though. When they walk down the sidewalk, he can see men, staring at her ravenously from the corner of his eye. Their hands twitch, and he doesn't want to think about what would happen if he wasn't there.
"It's ridiculous," Pent interrupts Perceval's aggressive train, or multiple trains, of thoughts.
He nudges Cecilia, who's sitting beside him. "What were we talking about?" he whispers.
"Promotions and business trips," she answers, glancing at him beneath long lashes lined with thin mascara. "Were you not paying attention?"
"No," he mutters back, and she gives him a playful punch on his leg under the table.
"Well, pay attention."
"Actually…" his mother's voice interrupts their banter, and Perceval looks up. "There is one more thing I would like to bring up in the Security Department."
"Go on," Douglas nods from his seat beside her. Amber Eques stands, a determined look in her eyes.
"At the urging of my husband," she lifts her head courageously, "I wish to step down from my position as the Head of Security-"
Perceval is on his feet at once, slamming his hands on the table in front of him. "Mother-"
"-And pass my post on to Perceval." Amber interrupts him.
He shakes his head as everyone's eyes swivel to him, pursing his lips together.
"Amber is right in appointing Perceval." Cecilia speaks up then. "He's experienced in the field, and will serve well."
Perceval looks at the green-haired woman, who stares at Douglas. Pent nods from his place next to the brunette.
"I trust Perceval. I've known him long enough to know he'll do better than any other candidate."
Louise smiles. "Pent is right, Perceval. I'm sure you're reluctant, but we all believe in you."
Cecilia places a hand on his then, ignoring the blatant stares. He stares down at her pale hand, and glances over at her. Her face is glistening with a smile, and he bites his lip before nodding hesitantly.
"Very well. If my mother believes me to be the one most capable for the job, I will accept it."
He gets a round of standing ovation, and Perceval shoots Cecilia his best "please help me what have I gotten myself into" look.
Amber Eques is waiting for her son outside of the meeting room, and she grins, snagging Perceval's elbow and reaching up, ruffling her son's hair.
"Don't let me down, kiddo."
"Thanks, Mom," Perceval rolls his eyes. "Way to put on the pressure."
Cecilia jabs her elbow into his bicep, and he glares at her playfully, a smirk on his lips. Amber lets out a boisterous laugh, rubbing her son's back.
"You can do it, Perceval. Your dad and I believe in you."
Perceval groans. "Right. Dad persuaded you to do this."
Cecilia grins. "Just shut up and be happy."
He doesn't see her for the rest of the weekend, too busy to meet up with her because of his new responsibilities that warrant attention from the public media. She sends him paragraphs and broken messages between interviews, wishing him luck and reassuring him it'll be okay.
The first day in Elibean Leagues on Monday is a circus. The minute Perceval pulls up in the parking lot, he's showered with "congratulations" and presents. He's pulled into a party, then piled up with work, and all this time, he's never seen Cecilia, only catching a glimpse of green behind Douglas's grinning face.. Eventually, he shows up in her office through the connecting door of their offices, and the reaction he gets from her is interesting, to say the least.
"Cecilia? Douglas said something about needing documents in a red folder, I think. I'm here to get them."
"Hold on, let me…" she spins around in her chair, then trails off. "...get through these…" She looks him over once, a grin on her face before turning her back to him, sorting through her cabinet of files and folders.
"I didn't know the first day of being Head of Security required cufflinks and a suit," Cecilia teases. Perceval rolls his eyes.
"I didn't either, so you're two for two for not knowing about how formal we have to be on the first day of work."
"Hey, my first day was your fault and you know it."
Perceval gives her a doubtful look that she knows he's giving her, and she sprays her bottle of perfume in his general direction.
"Cecilia!" he scolds, scowling. She turns to look at him, a red folder in her grasp.
"Great! Now I get to tell everyone how I made the Head of Security smell like peaches on his first day!" Cecilia beams, then pushes the spinning chair in front of Perceval, dropping the folder into his hands. "Now go on! You have work to do now, don't you?"
"Shut it," Perceval brushes off his suit, but grins. She smiles back and stands, giving him a tight hug.
"Congratulations," she murmurs. He rests his cheek on the top of her head and pulls her closer.
When he goes to Douglas's office, the older man takes the folder from him and asks him, in an insinuating tone of voice, why he smells like the peach perfume that Cecilia uses so often. His only response is to flush as red as a ripe strawberry and swear incoherently under his breath. Douglas snorts and tells Perceval to scram and pick up the pieces of his scattered love life. Perceval glares at the older man before exiting his office, leaving Douglas hollering over how "young'uns these days don't seem to know what love is" and how "Perceval is the most oblivious bloke I've ever met".
That little episode elicits a response in Pent and Louise, who pull the new Head of Security out of a meeting one day to give him The Talk. Cecilia's mother, Miss Alessandra, takes an hour off of work just to join them, and by the time the trio are finished with Perceval, he is an unimaginable shade of crimson, from his face to his neck, even to his hands and feet, and there's a mental image in his mind that doesn't go away for the rest of the two hour meeting he clambers back into clumsily, muttering "I'm fine" to anyone who asks questions as to why the Head of the Financial Resources department, his wife, and Miss Cecilia's mother were lecturing him in said Head of Financial Resources's office.
"What were they talking to you about?" Cecilia raises an eyebrow over her lunch, and Perceval coughs, swallowing.
"I'd rather not think about it right now."
"What did they do now?" Cecilia rolls her eyes, standing. "I should go talk to them…"
"No, wait, Cecilia, you don't have to-"
She ignores his half-protests and stalks over to her boss, a fiery look in her eyes.
There's a collective moment of silence, then Pent bursts into laughter.
"Perceval, I thought you were tough!" he yells, and the Head of Security rolls his eyes, adjusting his tie.
"Technically, this is all your fault!" Perceval calls back, cupping a hand around his mouth. Pent waves him off, covering his mouth with his hand.
"Shut up and come get your girl!"
That hits both of them, and Cecilia kicks Pent in the shin, making a face while Perceval covers his face with his hands. Louise laughs.
The whole time, they're being recorded by Mildain, who's working the register at the Western Isles Café.
The next day, when everyone gets the video in a company inclusive e-mail, Perceval feels like curling up under his desk and never coming back out. He knows he's never going to hear the end of it, but his co-workers drop the subject as soon as the Elibean Leagues announce their next project at the annual company wide meeting.
"We're going to be starting a branch of Elibean Leagues in Lycia. They've agreed to send in candidates for employees and leadership positions, but for now, we're going to need some people to go over there and make sure the company can run itself while some people need to teach them," Pent clarifies.
"Which brings us to our current situation," Mordred rasps. "I have a list of people who will be going to the new branch in Ostia. They have already been informed of their qualification, and have agreed to go along. They will be leaving one week from today, on May 4th."
Some intern sitting behind him shouts out, "May the fourth be with you!"
Perceval pins him with his best glare, and he quickly shuts up. Perceval sighs, turning around, and Cecilia stifles a giggle beside him.
"Eliwood Pherae, Hector Ostia, Lyn Sacae. You have served us well, and I'm pleased to tell everyone that you three will be heading the development of the new branch of Elibean Leagues, and are thusly allowed to move from Etruria."
There's a large round of applause for the three veterans of the company, who scuffle on stage looking a little more than intimidated by the task laid out in front of them.
"At least you get to yell at your kids again," Pent murmurs offhandedly into the microphone, and everyone laughs.
"You will not be alone in your efforts, I promise," Mordred chuckles reassuringly. "Guinivere Desmond, Melady Sarkan, Zealot Sniegs, and Cecilia Icae."
Perceval's head shoots up at the mention of Cecilia's name, and he stares at her.
"You're going?" he whispers. She nods, standing to take to the stage.
The rest of the meeting is a blur for him. There's something pounding in his heart, growling at him whenever he sees Cecilia up on that stage.
Pent and Louise jump at the chance of sending their pretty much second daughter off to a new branch of Elibean Leagues, and the last time Perceval sees her is when they're at her house, head-deep in her closet and her wardrobe.
Cecilia disappears from his life for an hour, and then a day, and then a week, and that's exactly when Perceval realizes he has no clue how long she'll be gone.
It's also while she's gone in Ostia that he realizes how boring his life is without her, and he tells Douglas, who just pats him on the back and says, "Congratulations, Perceval, my boy, you've discovered love."
His workspace seems so lonely. The wooden door inside Perceval's office that connects to her office in Financial Resources gets rusty, and he can't help but want to clean away all the dust that's settling on her shelves, chairs, and books whenever he looks inside. He takes home the bomber jacket that she'd accidentally left on the coat hanger, and isn't surprised to discover that it smells like lavender and peach with a dash of vanilla, her favorite smells.
His weekends are suddenly free. Every Saturday afternoon, he usually goes up into the mountains for a hike with her, they go out to dinner afterwards, and then head to the Reglay house for Movie Night. Instead, his mornings (which were already dull because he spends them in the café at the office) become even duller when he realizes that he has nothing to do during the afternoon. He finds himself staying at the Western Isles Café longer than he usually does, and Mildain grins at him.
"You've been here for a while. Don't you usually do something with Cecilia in the afternoon?"
"She's in Ostia. Business trip. She's teaching a class or something," he shrugs angrily. "I couldn't be bothered to listen in on what she was doing. Something about Roy and Lilina was all I caught."
"Oh? Is Perceval being a lovesick boy?" Mildain asks, and Perceval reaches over the counter to swat him with his folder of paperwork.
"Just get me my damn coffee," he grumbles, scrunching his face up as he looks down at the paper in front of him.
"Echidna!" Mildain calls, and a few seconds later, a tall aqua-haired woman pokes her head out the backroom. "Get the grumpy Head of Security his coffee, please."
"Aren't you nice?"
"When did you rediscover your sassiness?" Echidna asks as she reaches for his mug.
"I don't think it's him rediscovering his sass, but it's more so the fact that Cecilia isn't here to tell him to be nicer and not sass everyone."
Perceval just sighs, and everyone's laughing when Geese walks in and promptly asks, "Did I miss something?"
Cecilia stays in Ostia for three months, and Perceval thinks the three months she's gone are the worst thing he's ever been through, and it's like his cat Calico agrees because every morning when Perceval wakes up, Calico's always in the guest room because Cecilia always stays over during her late-night business trips to Chanchester even though her house is only an hour away in Valkin.
Thankfully, she's called back to Aquelia before he loses his sanity, and he tells her over the phone that she's going to be taking Pent's place as the Head of the Financial Resources Department and that "Narcian looked like he had swallowed a live fish" when Galle was also to be promoted alongside her as the Vice Head of the Department. She tries not to laugh because she's stepped out of class to take his call, but he keeps jabbing at it and she ends up having to hang up on him mid-description because she can't teach class with the image of "just swallowed a live fish Narcian" in her head.
He's assigned to go pick her up from the airport when she arrives, and for the rest of the day, every time he walks by his subordinates, they all whoop and cheer like he's trying out for the god damn Olympics, when all he's really going to do is pick up the girl he's loved for twenty two years from the airport. Sain tries to get him to write some fancy poem, and he vehemently denies it in favor of his wife's advice, who just looks at him and says, "Tell her, you prick."
Turns out her advice was actually a message from Mildain.
Douglas sees him off like he's going to college or something, and even insists that he come along (to which Perceval denies). Perceval honestly doesn't know how to feel about it the entire ride towards the airport until he pulls up and sees her, waiting under the shade of the airport, and then he's suddenly grateful that Douglas didn't come with him.
She's beautiful, he thinks, and it's the only thought buzzing through his mind aside from the whole "I love you" thing.
She's wearing the white trench coat they bought in Europe together, and underneath is the open-sleeved, shoulder-cut black silk shirt that he gave her for her birthday. She has on the white jeans they found while cleaning out her wardrobe, and the slip-on black heels he bought for her while they were finding outfits for the class reunion just months ago. Her green hair still looks the same, but it's grown longer, frames her face perfectly, and he loves it.
She spots him and smiles, and he's suddenly seeing stars. She makes her way through the mass of cars towards his and slips her suitcase into the trunk of his car before getting into the car. He has to chide himself mentally that "you're not a kid, goddamnit, just tell her".
He blurts out "I love you" when she shuts the passenger door, and she stops and looks at him, and he's so scared that he can't breathe until he sees that familiar look in her eyes, that look of "I know, damn it, why didn't you tell me earlier", and then she smiles and whispers "I love you too", so he kisses her and kisses her until the cars behind them honk, and he never lets go of her hand during the drive back to Valkin.
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disheveledcurls · 7 years
some thoughts on new russian holmes, ep. 3 [mild spoilers if you haven’t seen it]
1.       lolololol @ mrs. hudson telling holmes and watson their horoscopes. not only was it delightful, but as i always say i totally hc sherlock as a capricorn so her thoughts were spot on.
2.    boy, does this adaptation love making fun of the “canon” and also the mainstream understanding of the title character. ah, yes, sherlock holmes, the cold, rational, emotionless thinking-machine, who literally yells “LEAVE ME ALONE” and goes to his room to hide under a blanket when he gets upset, also literally slaps watson for calling irene a whore and suggesting maaaaaybe he’s not seeing the big picture, also literally is so nervous seeing irene off* he can’t even light a cigarette. very intellect, much brains, no feelings whatsoever. delightful!!
3.       (i’m going to have to rewatch elementary keeping in mind that everything that joan and jlm!sherlock are supposed to be is based on watson’s misrepresentation of reality for the purposes of embellishing his detective stories, aren’t i. i’m gonna have to rethink all of my elementary headcanons, goddamn it.)
4.       lololol @ sherlock asking the poor pregnant bride to describe the suspect like a fish! that was such a deeply sherlockian thing to do and I found it delightful. petrenko continues to rock.**
5.       lestrade taking holmes aside and holmes being like “lol i’mma tell watson everything anyway, jsyk.” BFFs.
6.       holmeses always opening the door for their watsons.  :) :) :)
7.       sherlock lowkey thinks watson is a huge f*cking baddass so every time watson is reluctant to do sth sherlock is so offended like ???? You fought a war, john watson. i love it so much.  
8.       has anyone ever compared the use of names and surnames as pet names for this duo in different adaptations? i feel like i should do that with elementary and this show once i’m done watching bc i find it very interesting but i’m not really sure what my thoughts are yet.
9.       i know watson is supposed to be the fashionista in this duo but i cannot get over a beautiful grandpa sweater sherlock wears in this episode. it looks so comfy and cozy and lazy-chic omg!! #JoanWatsonSealofApproval
10.   watson taking off sherlock’s glasses when they think they’re about to get into a fight lmao how endearing!
11.   on the same note as #2: this sherlock has absolutely no chill about anything. that prison scene! the irene and moriarty scenes! damn!
12.   the more i watch and think about it, the more convinced i am that panin and petrenko --and boyarskiy as lestrade—are perfectly cast, face-wise, in addition to being amazing performers.
13.   these two have such great scenes on/in taxicabs/carriage cabs (whatever you call ‘em.) there’s one in this ep that’s super tense and really wowed me, with sherlock being super curt and mean –i.e. feeling frustrated, confused and guilty as hell-- bc they killed the soldier right in front of them and snapping at watson for being upset.  when sherlock says, “I just don’t understand [referring to what’s going on]” and watson, looking horribly somber, replies sth like, “You really don’t [referring to what he, watson, is going through]” i was like !!! they did that!!  they’re really having fun –by which I mean making me suffer—with the military subtext, this idea that on some level, watson and sherlock are fundamentally different (or, at least, represent fundamentally different kinds of victorian masculinity) bc watson was a soldier and sherlock’s a civilian, watson went to war and was part of a brotherhood and sherlock’s a lone wolf, watson believes in observing certain duties and/or boundaries and sherlock –mostly—does whatever he wants, and so on. makes me think they could’ve done sth really similar with joan’s strong allegiance to her former medical career in elementary, if they still gave a shit about joan, of course.
14.   love that 90% of the time, sherlock can’t be fucking bothered to wear a tie and/or clothes that don’t look dirty and rumpled and/or let go of that ugly little grey cap (i guess it’s period-appropriate but watson’s hat is much nicer) and/or shave properly and run a comb through his hair, the exception being when they go to that fancy dinner party with the french ambassador (which, i was legit expecting him to show up just like that anyway.) what a delightful weirdo.  
15. i don’t know how i feel abt irene adler yet. maybe it’s elementary’s fault bc [SPOILER ALERT] irene doesn’t really exist there as such, as an actual person, and my recollection of ACD canon is fuzzy on this topic. i’ll have to keep watching. 
*there’s a strange trend in tv and films of randomly sending people off to argentina when they’re looking to hide (especially if they’re nazis.) as an argentinian, i won’t deny the nazi thing but i also think in other parts of the world they picture us as this  ~exotic hideaway spot~ and like lol we’re so... not that. we’re a Certified Mess™. i’ve never run into any irene adlers round these parts so i guess she they hid her pretty well -- though we do have a famous cheese spread brand called adler, so maybe she went into business (?)
**am i falling in love with petrenko!holmes a little bit?? maybe!! sorry jlm i still love you i just miss when your show used to be awesome. (i also miss your hair but that’s beside the point & mean on my part.)
(cc @sanguinarysanguinity as per usual)
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crystalcell · 4 years
Old Ch1 wip
This is an older version of my first chapter that I plan on revamping in the future.
The world was a dark and empty place. It was because only so much could be filled at a time, and that made the world both serene and lonesome. Sometimes I dreamt about simply floating through the void like I was just some asteroid myself. 
But the nothingness around me would probably be soul-crushingly lonely, so the dream almost always implodes on itself as my mind begins to think about all the things that could happen in empty space.
My day begins with the tune of flutes coming from my alarm clock speakers, the gentle sounds both sudden enough to wake me and soothing enough to, ironically, not be too alarming.
I reflexively hit the 'snooze' button as I finally begin to process my surroundings. When my brain catches up with my body, I turn my alarm off properly, but the bed's too comfy to leave. I don't really attempt to break free from the soft embrace of my bed covers, sinking further into the synthetic fabric. It's only when I hear the louder sound of a bell that I begin to actually wake up.
"Rise and shine, Aóde!" The cheery synthesized voice almost seems to vibrate through the walls of my room. "Don't want you to be late for school!"
Ah yes. School.
It is indeed a school, but at the same time, it really isn't.
It was originally my idea to attend an actual learning facility, but it's recently become more of a hassle than it's worth. My parents aren't too keen on me abandoning my only real chance to interact with the world outside our house and the doctor that easily, but I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready to experience the world outside like others do.
I found myself finally out of bed, stumbling towards my bathroom as I prepared to look alive. When I make it to the bathroom, I take a good look at myself in the mirror, to see if I looked like a disaster or not. My membrane is a bit foggy, making it a grayer shade of blue than it should be, and my cilia are all out of place. But with the help of a brush, I  can get most of it under control.
I start to run the water to the shower, washing away grime and flakes with liquid soap and a brush. The water dribbles out from the showerhead, running over my head and off my body. I intently watch it go down the drain as I'm lost in thought, and yet my mind is empty. When the time finally comes back to me and realize I need to actually leave, I dry off and get dressed, and prepare to eat breakfast.
Sitting at the table was my meal for the day, as my parents had already left for work sometime before. Today, breakfast is a sweet fiber bake and carbohydrate spread with eggs and a glass of dihydrogen monoxide, or water, for those not in the mood to be facetious. I eat it up like I hadn't had anything in cycles, down my immuno-suppression pills with a heavy swig and prepare my supplies for school. I wave goodbye to my parent, but I know it'll only be a few hours 'till we see each other again.
I turn on my comm, and class begins.
"Hello, class! And welcome to today's lesson: Anatomy!" Prof. Derad's cheery voice bursts from the speakers, dripping with enthusiasm. The screen itself displays the colorful caricatures of a homon person and various recognizable organelles like the nucleus and mitochondria, all dancing to the upbeat tune that plays in the background.
[yay] one of my classmates, named Erec apparently, comments with more dubious amounts of enthusiasm. Perhaps the jaunty music already got to that one.
"Yes, it's very exciting, isn't it?" Prof. Derad says with a laugh before continuing with the lesson.
"Now we all know that every living is made up of cells, just how you and I are cells ourselves. But what's inside all of us? Well..."
It goes on to talk about the various organelles and parts within a given homon body, though leaves out a bit to still have material for the week. We're treated to class activity similar to jeopardy that isn't super hard but still pretty fun. My team gets pretty far, but our competition wins by a landslide near the end. It was all in good fun, though I'm sure others are at least a little salty about it.
When its time for the first break of the day, I get up to make myself a sandwich, cutting several slices of protein filament and a few bits of lactose while I watch an episode of something I've been hooked on for the past week.
The classes are, as usual, somewhat dull lectures bolstered by much more engaging labs about what we're currently learning about in biology, such as how much cytoplasm a given homon has, a more complex lesson on the function of various important organelles, and we even watch a little video on the complexities of Homo ambiguus biology.
When the day is over, we're given homework to label and name the organelles in the homon body and state their purpose. It's not particularly difficult, but I check my books just to make sure I didn't mix the vesticles with standard vacuoles and get it done within an hour. Most of the work was done by a computer, but it's not like they could tell. Hopefully.
When I'm finished, I go downstairs to clean up the 'debris' left from me snacking all day. It's as soon as I've put away dishes that the home phone begins to ring.
"Hello!" I say as I answer the call
"Hey, Aode!
M. Sahline: "Hey, Aode! How's your day been?"
Aode: "Yeah, it's been good."
Aode: "So, how soon 'till you're here?"
M. Sahline: "Probably in twenty minutes."
Aode: "I'll be ready by then. See you then!"
M. Sahline: "See you then. Goodbye."
"Doctor's visit?"
"Doctor's visit."
With a sigh, I begin to put on my personal shell, it's uncomfortable tightness and chill hugging at my membrane as stick on each plate. I put on my favorite white sweater and blue shorts over my protective black gloves and tights. As someone who could kill with a single drop of cytoplasm, I and my parents aren't willing to take any risks.
I wait in my room for the time being, staring out at the blue sky watching the tails of ships coming into orbit and far away satellites dance around the planet. The window is just slightly open, letting in some fresh air I was long overdue for.
Their car comes along just a bit later than usual, but the weather is perfectly fine—a gentle breeze lets the long sleeves of my sweater sway in the wind, and rays from the sun warm the cilia strands on my head.
As we drive, I absent-mindedly watch the people that drive by us and that traverse the walkways. I even see somebody who looked like the most conspicuous person I've seen outside of movies. Maybe they're filming something nearby.
The clinic isn't a particularly large building but is extremely well-staffed. But even though I've been going here for years, I was never that close to any of them. I think I was back when I was younger, but they kept talking down to me like I was five even when I was fourteen and the closeness just faded from age eleven onward.
"Now I'm taking a cytoplasm-sample."
I barely even cringe as the needle penetrates my membrane. I watch the blue fluid enter the syringe as I have countless times before with a detached interest. But underneath that boredom is a primal fear that I can never truly escape from. All it would take is enough of my bodily fluids to come in contact with another person's surface, and death would surely follow.
Though as I watch Dr. Kana work, I can't help but notice something is off.
"Are you alright?" I ask tentatively, trying to overcome my desire to at least give the doctor a gentle pat on the shoulder.
"No, everything's fine," Kana says quickly, "It's just been a long day's all it is."
The injection by the doctor is rougher than the one from before, stinging slightly.
I hold my arm tightly, though I let go after a few moments to let the doctor bandage it.
But the moment never comes.
I begin to feel tired, and the last thing I see is the face of Dr. Kana tearing up before everything goes black.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay. so today was pretty cool. I think I woke up around 11 again, my mom once again asking if I wanted an egg sandwich, and saying they were going to go to Marshalls and possibly Belk and asking if I wanted to go. So I said sure, got up and started getting dressed. egg sandwich was ready by the time I got to the kitchen, I don’t really ever eat eggs that have just been like fried so this is a bit of a change for me but as long as there’s toast I’m good lol I just won’t cook them on my own like that (I never did scrambled when I was younger, but if I want eggs now I’ll generally either do scrambled or pull out my trustworthy egg cooker and do them hardboiled). But it was good, so I ate it and then people kinda did whatever for a while before I got into the car with my parents and my aunt and went to Marshalls. I looked at the shoes with them for a bit before wandering over to the juniors section. It occurs to me that at some point I should probably stop relying on juniors and wear like, actual women’s clothes being that I am like, an adult woman at this point, and like I do use the women’s section for things like business clothes because there are obviously aren’t many options for that in juniors, but for casual clothing for the most part I’m gonna be in juniors. so I went through the clearance section for a while and picked up a few things, like 3 pairs of casual pants (including these cute lavender ones with elephants on them that I was like okay I need this and then a romper and what I guess was considered a dress, though it kinda looked like a romper without the shorts part but with the tie around the waist that rompers sometimes have. but I knew I needed to try them on, so I did so and ended up with just the first two pairs of casual pants that I liked. It’s just nice to have comfy shit I can change into at the end of the day when I want to get out of my business or whatever clothes. I then went back through the front section with the shirts and stuff because I generally don’t need to try those on to tell if they fit, and I picked up a sweater that was super soft and on sale for cheap and a pink shirt that I liked the color of and some of the detailing. I went to check out with my stuff because it would just be easier than waiting for the rest of everybody to get their stuff together, and in their little queue section where they have a bunch of products they had like, three different types of wonder woman mugs and I was like okay I need one of these because I don’t really own very many mugs anyway, so I grabbed one and went to check out. my aunt came up a minute later and was like “do you want one of these wonder woman mugs?” holding up the two other ones and I was just like 😂 I got one but I appreciate it! lol. everything came to like $49 which is the nice part about shopping at Marshalls because just about everything is cheap. So I waited for a few more minutes for everyone else to check out then headed back to the car. we were in the same general shopping area as the grocery store where my girl cousin was currently on her shift working at, apparently she’s a “personal shopper” which isn’t quite as cool as it sounds lol but basically people put in to go orders online or something and she goes around the store getting all the stuff and then brings it to them when they come to pick it up. The adults decided they wanted Starbucks which there is one of them in that grocery store so we decided to go in there and bug my cousin and get coffee lol, my aunt is a bit coffee-obsessed, but I mean it usually works out to my advantage as far as getting stuff so it doesn’t bother me lol. So we went to the Starbucks and also tracked down my cousin, my dad got a straight up “coffee” because he’s boring, I got a pink drink because I’m super basic, my aunt got some sort of iced coffee drink, and my mom got an iced green tea latte made with coconut milk since she doesn’t do dairy. I gave her some of my pink drink too since it’s made with coconut milk as well, so I was explaining to her what it was exactly and how it came to be lol, and it’s a good option because it has a solid amount less calories than most of the other non-coffee options like their steamers (which is basically just steamed milk and syrup of choice) or fraps which of course have a ton of calories lol. My dad then of course struck up a conversation with the one barista that was working because he’s convinced he has knowledge to impart on every college student lol but she actually engaged with him pretty well and they had a nice conversation while my aunt ran around grabbing a few things, most seltzer and a watermelon, which we then went to check out and told my cousin we’d see her at home in a bit. We went home from there (or to my aunt’s home I should say) and just kinda chilled for a bit, the plan was to go out for like an early dinner because my uncle and boy cousin play on the same hockey team (which is adorable, I know) and they had a game tonight. So we waited for everyone to arrive at the house then headed out. There was 8 of us (my parents, my sister and me, and then my aunt, uncle, and two cousins) so we took two cars, split into “adults” and “kids” (me being considered a kid even though I’m objectively an adult because I’m still obviously someone’s kid here) and drove to the little downtown area they have to this restaurant that we had eaten at last time we were here. It was a little brewery/pub style place with pretty good food. We had to break up again into two tables but we were pretty close to each other anyway. We ordered a few appetizers which I probably ate too much of because I could only finish like half of my sandwich (I got a reuben, which I haven’t had since like, college, except I don’t really like rye bread so I just got it on a roll instead) so I ended up taking that home with me. Afterwards we walked around a bit, the area is right on the bank of the river that the town is next to, so we walked and checked out a few shops, including one I got a sticker and a few magnets from last year that has some fun stuff in it. Then we walked down by the river for a bit before heading back to the house. We basically settled in for the night from there, my uncle and boy cousin left for their game and we tried to find something to agree on to watch lol, we ended up watching a few episodes of parks and rec which is always a good choice, before deciding on a netflix movie called “Like Father” that had Kristen Bell in it and was basically about this woman who gets left at the altar on her wedding day and then sees her dad there after not seeing him for like 20 years or something, and they end up getting drunk and then ending up on the cruise that was planned for their honeymoon together, and adventure ensues from there. It was actually a pretty solid movie, good humor and general heartwarming story, so that’s nice. We had a lot of good movie choices on this trip, lol. We leave Tuesday so tomorrow is our last full day here. After the movie finished we went back to Parks and Rec for a few episodes before people generally started heading off to bed and eventually I did too, showered and now I’m here writing this. Not sure what the plans are for tomorrow, someone brought up the beach again but they didn’t want to get stuck like they did yesterday with only being able to go to the beach for a short period of time before it rains and they had to leave, because apparently it’s supposed to rain in the afternoon tomorrow (it’s legit been raining every day in some form or another, according to the local newspaper it’s been every day for like 16 days now or something crazy like that). So we’ll see what happens. It’s been a pretty fun trip, probably more enjoyable because it’s just my parents and my sister, my brothers staying home. We took a picture down at the river with the four of us and I was like “ah yes, my four person family” which is just kinda nice sometimes. Apparently it was National Sisters Day, so I took a cute picture with my sister tonight and posted it on various social media outlets (I’ll post it on here when I’m done with this post). I just love her so much, even if she’s kind of a brat sometimes, she’s 16, being a teenager isn’t easy, I know she’s just figuring a lot of stuff out and dealing with a lot, so I can’t really blame her for acting like a teenager. Plus she’s my baby girl and I love her more than anything, so you know. but yeah that’s about it, it’s only like 12:30 am now so that’s better than I’ve been doing the last few nights, we may end up getting up somewhat earlier tomorrow if we’re gonna go to the beach because the rain is apparently happening in the afternoon (I know I said that already but felt like it was important to mention again for context) and we’d want to get some more time at the beach before it rains, so we’ll see how that plays out. Signing off until then. Goodnight loves. Have a good one.
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