profresh16 · 11 days
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bloggerkeke · 1 year
AI's Social Impact: Transforming Industries and Empowering Society
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping our society and impacting various aspects of our lives. Here's an overview of AI's social impact:
1. Accessibility: 
AI technologies are enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Natural language processing enables voice-controlled devices, aiding those with mobility impairments. Computer vision assists visually impaired individuals through object recognition and navigation systems.
2. Education: 
AI is revolutionizing education by providing personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms use AI algorithms to tailor educational content and pacing to individual students' needs, promoting effective and engaging learning.
3. Employment and Workforce: 
AI automation is transforming the job landscape, with both opportunities and challenges. While certain jobs may be automated, new job roles will emerge, requiring individuals to adapt and acquire new skills. AI can also augment human capabilities, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
4. Ethical Considerations: 
AI raises ethical concerns that need to be addressed. These include issues of algorithmic bias, transparency, accountability, and privacy. Ensuring fairness and avoiding discrimination in AI systems is crucial for creating an inclusive and equitable society.
5. Healthcare: 
AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient care. AI-powered systems can assist in early disease detection, personalized treatment recommendations, and remote patient monitoring, leading to better health outcomes.
6. Social Services: 
AI can optimize social services by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify trends and patterns, helping governments and organizations make informed decisions. AI can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public services such as transportation, energy management, and emergency response systems.
7. Environmental Impact: 
AI plays a role in addressing environmental challenges. It helps optimize energy consumption, supports climate modeling and prediction, and aids in the development of sustainable practices across industries.
8. Safety and Security: 
AI contributes to safety and security through advancements in surveillance systems, fraud detection, and cybersecurity. AI algorithms can analyze data in real-time, detect anomalies, and identify potential risks, enhancing overall safety measures.
While AI brings numerous benefits, it also requires responsible and ethical development and deployment. Collaboration among policymakers, industry leaders, and society as a whole is crucial to harness AI's potential for positive social impact while addressing challenges and ensuring the well-being and empowerment of individuals and communities.
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denisemorais · 1 year
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#bolas #bubbles @maison.meta "Bubble Me Up" Editorial concepts visualized with AI - None of the Models or Clothing pieces exist. (yet!) #ai #pufferjacket #aifashiondesign #aiartists #fashionstyle #aifashion #aiartdaily #aiartcommunity #ski #aitrends #aifashiondesigner #digitalfashion #futurefashion #trends2024 #bubblefashion #trend #fashiontrends #midjourney #designmidjourney #skifashion #fashiontrends #bubble #floraljacket #maisonmeta https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPgpyZOpUc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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educationalcourses · 2 days
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likitakans · 5 days
Exploring the Latest Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
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In recent years, the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have witnessed unprecedented growth and innovation. From breakthroughs in natural language processing to advancements in computer vision, the landscape of AI and ML is constantly evolving. In this blog, we'll delve into some of the latest trends shaping these fields and explore their implications for various industries and society at large.
1. Deep Learning and Neural Networks:
Deep learning, a subset of ML, continues to be at the forefront of AI research and development. With the advent of large-scale neural networks and powerful computing infrastructure, deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language understanding. Recent trends in deep learning include the development of more efficient architectures, such as transformers, and the exploration of self-supervised learning techniques, which reduce the reliance on labeled data.
2. Generative Models:
Generative models, which aim to generate new data samples from a given distribution, have gained significant attention in recent years. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are two popular approaches in this domain. Applications of generative models range from creating realistic images and videos to generating synthetic data for training ML models and simulating complex environments for reinforcement learning.
3. Federated Learning:
Privacy concerns and the growing volume of sensitive data have spurred interest in federated learning, a decentralized approach to ML model training. In federated learning, models are trained locally on distributed devices or servers, and only the model updates, rather than raw data, are shared with a central server for aggregation. This enables collaborative learning across multiple parties while preserving data privacy and security, making it particularly relevant in healthcare, finance, and other industries with strict data regulations.
4. Explainable AI (XAI):
As AI systems are increasingly deployed in high-stakes domains such as healthcare and criminal justice, there is a growing demand for transparency and interpretability. Explainable AI (XAI) techniques aim to make AI models more transparent and understandable to humans by providing insights into how they make decisions. This not only enhances trust and accountability but also enables domain experts to identify biases and errors in the model's reasoning.
5. Edge AI:
Edge AI refers to the deployment of AI algorithms and models directly on edge devices, such as smartphones, IoT devices, and autonomous vehicles, rather than relying on cloud-based servers. This allows for real-time inference and decision-making without requiring constant internet connectivity, making it ideal for applications where low latency and privacy are critical, such as autonomous driving, industrial automation, and remote healthcare monitoring.
The field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is characterized by rapid innovation and constant evolution. The trends discussed in this blog represent just a snapshot of the current landscape, and we can expect further breakthroughs and developments in the years to come. As AI and ML continue to permeate various aspects of our lives, it's essential to stay informed about the latest trends and their implications for society, ethics, and policy. By harnessing the power of AI and ML responsibly, we can unlock new opportunities and address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.
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leadpac · 11 days
📊🌐 Discover How AI is Transforming Political Analysis in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh! 🌐📊
The rise of Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing political landscapes across the globe. In Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, AI is playing a pivotal role in understanding political dynamics, predicting election outcomes, and enhancing voter engagement.
🔍 Learn how AI is:
Enhancing data collection and processing
Providing accurate election forecasts
Enabling real-time political monitoring
Boosting voter participation and engagement
While there are challenges and ethical considerations, the benefits of AI in political analysis are profound. Explore how AI is shaping the future of politics in these vibrant states.
Read the full blog to dive deeper into the fascinating intersection of AI and politics:
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oasisekhuda · 18 days
AI 10K Commission Bots Review 2024 !
Introduction of AI 10K Commission Bots :
AI 10K Commission Bots aims to streamline this process by leveraging artificial intelligence to automate various aspects of affiliate marketing. Developed as a software solution, it offers users a suite of tools and features designed to simplify the affiliate marketing journey and enhance the chances of earning substantial commissions.
Core Features and Functionality
AI 10K Commission Bots typically includes a range of features and functionalities tailored to meet the needs of affiliate marketers. Some of the core aspects may include:
Automated Campaign Management:
The platform automates the process of creating, managing, and optimizing marketing campaigns across multiple channels. This automation can save users significant time and effort while ensuring consistency and efficiency in their marketing efforts.
AI-Powered Insights:
By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, the platform analyzes data from various sources to provide users with actionable insights and recommendations. These insights can help marketers identify trends, optimize their strategies, and maximize their earning potential.
Advanced Targeting Capabilities:
AI algorithms enable precise targeting of potential customers based on factors such as demographics, interests, and behavior. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of converting leads into sales, thereby boosting commissions.
Dynamic Content Optimization:
The platform may offer tools for dynamically optimizing content based on user behavior and preferences. This personalized approach enhances the user experience and improves engagement, leading to higher conversion rates.
Performance Tracking and Reporting:
Comprehensive analytics and reporting functionalities allow users to track the performance of their marketing campaigns in real-time. This data-driven approach enables marketers to identify what’s working well and what needs improvement, empowering them to make informed decisions.
Integration with Affiliate Networks:
AI 10K Commission Bots may integrate with popular affiliate networks, enabling seamless management of affiliate accounts, tracking of commissions, and access to a wide range of products or services to promote.
Read More : https://oasisereview.com/ai-10k-commission-bots/
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trandingpost1 · 22 days
GPT-4o Arrives! How to Unlock OpenAI's Latest Language Model
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OpenAI GPT-4o is Now Rolling Out — Here's How to Get Access
OpenAI has announced the rollout of GPT-4o, the latest iteration of its groundbreaking language model. Designed to enhance both performance and accessibility, GPT-4o brings a host of new features and improvements over its predecessors. Here's everything you need to know about GPT-4o and how to gain access to this cutting-edge technology.
What is GPT-4o?
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GPT-4o (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 optimized) is the newest version of OpenAI's language model, building on the foundation of GPT-4. This version focuses on optimization for a wider range of applications, including more efficient processing, improved accuracy, and better handling of complex queries. GPT-4o aims to provide users with a more robust and versatile tool for various tasks, from generating creative content to assisting with technical problem-solving. Also Read:How To Redirect Old Domain To New Domain
Key Features and Improvements
- Enhanced Performance: GPT-4o has been fine-tuned to deliver faster response times and more accurate outputs. This is achieved through advancements in both the model architecture and the underlying algorithms. - Improved Accuracy: With a larger dataset and more sophisticated training techniques, GPT-4o offers higher accuracy in understanding and generating human-like text. This means fewer errors and more relevant responses. - Broader Applications: GPT-4o is designed to be more versatile, making it suitable for a wider array of tasks. Whether you need help with writing, coding, research, or customer service, GPT-4o can handle it. - User-Friendly Interface: OpenAI has worked on improving the user interface, making it easier for users to interact with GPT-4o. The interface is more intuitive, allowing for smoother and more efficient use.
How to Get Access to GPT-4o
Getting access to GPT-4o is straightforward, but it depends on your current relationship with OpenAI and how you intend to use the model. Here are the steps to follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUnEfiIqP4 A demo For Chatgpt 4o - OpenAI API Access: If you already have an OpenAI API key, you might be eligible for an upgrade to GPT-4o. Check your OpenAI dashboard or contact support to see if you qualify for the new model. - Sign Up for OpenAI Services: For new users, signing up for OpenAI's API services is the first step. Visit the OpenAI website and follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have an account, you can request access to GPT-4o. - Subscription Plans: OpenAI offers various subscription plans that provide different levels of access to their models. Review the available plans and select one that suits your needs. Some plans might offer immediate access to GPT-4o, while others could have a waiting period. - Enterprise Solutions: For businesses and organizations, OpenAI provides tailored solutions. Contact OpenAI’s sales team to discuss enterprise access and custom integrations of GPT-4o into your workflows. - Educational and Research Access: OpenAI often collaborates with educational institutions and researchers. If you are part of such an institution, you might be able to get access to GPT-4o through academic partnerships.
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GPT-4o represents a significant step forward in AI-driven language models, offering enhanced performance, improved accuracy, and broader applicability. Whether you're a developer, researcher, business professional, or just an enthusiast, accessing GPT-4o can open up new possibilities for your projects. Follow the steps outlined above to start using this powerful tool today. Stay tuned for more updates from OpenAI as they continue to innovate and expand the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Frequently Asked QuestionAnswer1. What is GPT-4o and how does it differ from previous versions?GPT-4o, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 optimized, is the latest version of OpenAI's language model. It builds on the foundation of GPT-4 with enhanced performance, improved accuracy, and better handling of complex queries.2. What are the key features and improvements of GPT-4o?GPT-4o features faster response times, more accurate outputs, broader application versatility, and a more user-friendly interface. These improvements are due to advancements in model architecture, larger datasets, and sophisticated training techniques.3. How can GPT-4o enhance performance in various applications?GPT-4o can enhance performance by providing faster and more accurate responses, which is beneficial for applications such as creative content generation, technical problem-solving, coding, research, and customer service.4. What steps do I need to take to get access to GPT-4o?To access GPT-4o, you need to either have an OpenAI API key, sign up for OpenAI services on their website, choose a suitable subscription plan, or contact OpenAI’s sales team for enterprise solutions. Educational and research institutions may also have specific access options.5. Are there any specific subscription plans for accessing GPT-4o?Yes, OpenAI offers various subscription plans that provide different levels of access to their models. These plans can be reviewed on OpenAI's website to select one that best fits your needs, with some offering immediate access to GPT-4o and others having a waiting period.6. How can businesses integrate GPT-4o into their workflows?Businesses can integrate GPT-4o into their workflows by contacting OpenAI’s sales team to discuss tailored solutions and custom integrations. This allows businesses to leverage GPT-4o’s capabilities for specific applications and improve their processes.7. Is there a user-friendly interface for interacting with GPT-4o?Yes, OpenAI has improved the user interface for GPT-4o, making it more intuitive and easier to use. This helps users interact with the model more efficiently and effectively.8. Can educational institutions and researchers get access to GPT-4o?Yes, OpenAI often collaborates with educational institutions and researchers. These institutions can get access to GPT-4o through academic partnerships and specific programs designed to support research and educational use.9. What types of tasks is GPT-4o particularly suited for?GPT-4o is particularly suited for a wide range of tasks, including writing and content generation, coding assistance, research, customer service, and technical problem-solving. Its versatility makes it applicable across various fields and industries.10. How can I check if I am eligible for an upgrade to GPT-4o?If you already have an OpenAI API key, you can check your OpenAI dashboard or contact support to see if you qualify for an upgrade to GPT-4o. OpenAI may provide information on eligibility and the upgrade process directly on their platform. Read the full article
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mybighost · 24 days
GPT-4o Arrives! How to Unlock OpenAI's Latest Language Model
OpenAI GPT-4o is Now Rolling Out — Here’s How to Get Access OpenAI has announced the rollout of GPT-4o, the latest iteration of its groundbreaking language model. Designed to enhance both performance and accessibility, GPT-4o brings a host of new features and improvements over its predecessors. Here’s everything you need to know about GPT-4o and how to gain access to this cutting-edge…
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scopethings-blog · 26 days
Scope Computers
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profresh16 · 2 days
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denisemorais · 1 year
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O mundo incrível de @yayoikusama_ @ #arquitetura #ai #inteligenciaartificial maison.meta Experimenting with Yayoi Kusama Architectural concepts visualized with AI - None of these building exist (yet!). #ai #yayoikusama #aiarchitects #aiartists #aiarchitecture #ia #aiartdaily #aiartcommunity #aiartwork #aitrends #interiordesign #digitalarchitecture #futurefashion #japanesearchitecture #yayoi #curvybuilding #architecture #midjourney #designmidjourney #generativeart #digitalart #3drender #architecturalproject #yayoikusamaexhibition #maisonmeta https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPEoRHOZaE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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digital-bud · 2 months
Poll | Emerging AI Trends
In the present days, with the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI)🤖, the landscape of technology is continuously evolving. Let’s gauge the pulse of our community’s opinions✨ on the latest AI trends! #AITrends #FutureTech #AIInnovation #TechPoll #ArtificialIntelligence #TechTrends2024 #AICommunity #PollingAI #TechDiscussion #AIInsights Join my Mailchimp audience By clicking…
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educationalcourses · 2 days
Master ChatGPT Essential Courses for Business Applications in 2024
How to Master ChatGPT for Business in 2024 Top Strategies and Courses
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As we advance into 2024, the utilization of and how to use ChatGPT for business applications has become exceedingly prolific and dependable. Capitalizing on this sophisticated language model for enterprise purposes necessitates a methodical approach that transcends traditional uses.
In this exposition, we shall elucidate pragmatic insights on the efficacious employment of ChatGPT for business, examining its functionalities, potential applications, and the steps to master this transformative tool.
Embracing the Future of ChatGPT
To harness the prowess of Master ChatGPT for business in 2024, it is imperative to first comprehend the trajectory of this technology. The future portends even more refined and contextually aware responses, revolutionizing the manner in which enterprises interact with their clientele and streamline internal procedures.
Applications of ChatGPT in Business
1. Augmenting Customer Interactions
A salient application of ChatGPT within enterprises lies in the enhancement of customer interactions. Deploying ChatGPT-empowered chatbots in customer support can proffer instantaneous responses to inquiries, fostering a seamless and efficient customer experience.
2. Streamlining Internal Communication
Internally, ChatGPT can play an instrumental role in optimizing communication workflows. Whether generating internal documentation or facilitating team collaboration, leveraging ChatGPT as a virtual assistant can engender more efficient and cohesive workflows.
Mastering ChatGPT for Business Success
1. Employee Training and Onboarding
A strategic deployment of ChatGPT in business pertains to employee training. Utilizing chat-based learning powered by ChatGPT enables interactive training modules, rendering onboarding processes more engaging and promoting continuous skill development. Through real-time guidance and information, ChatGPT accelerates onboarding, establishing itself as a versatile tool for ongoing employee education.
2. Simplifying Data Analysis
Businesses can leverage ChatGPT to demystify data analysis. Engaging in dialogues with ChatGPT allows users to extract valuable insights from complex datasets. This intuitive approach democratizes data access, enabling team members to derive meaningful conclusions without requiring specialized technical acumen.
Empowering Yourself: Mastering ChatGPT
To unlock ChatGPT’s full potential for enterprises, it is crucial to equip your team with the requisite knowledge. Investing in ChatGPT courses or certification programs ensures your staff can adeptly navigate and utilize this powerful tool.
1. ChatGPT Certifications
Explore certification programs focusing on ChatGPT applications in business. These certifications endow your team with the expertise to seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into various facets of your business operations. Online courses provide the most valuable ChatGPT certifications for professionals.
2. UniAthena’s Master ChatGPT
UniAthena’s Master ChatGPT course offers insights into harnessing ChatGPT’s full potential. In merely one week of online learning, participants acquire proficiency in using chat prompts to maximize ChatGPT’s utility for business endeavors.
3. Real-world Use Cases for Businesses
Understanding practical ChatGPT use cases is paramount. A comprehensive ChatGPT course should elucidate how other enterprises have successfully implemented this technology. Real-world examples impart valuable lessons and inspire innovative applications tailored to your specific industry.
Conclusion: The Path Forward
In an era where technology intertwines intricately with our daily undertakings, ChatGPT stands as a formidable ally in augmenting human ingenuity. As we venture into 2024, harnessing ChatGPT’s prowess in the business realm demands a meticulously crafted approach.
Vigilantly monitor the progressive enhancements of ChatGPT, delve into its multifaceted roles in augmenting customer support and optimizing internal discourse, and fortify your team’s capabilities through extensive and thorough training.
Armed with astute knowledge and a well-devised strategy, ChatGPT has the potential to be a catalyst for transformative change, significantly boosting operational efficiency, streamlining communication, and fostering a culture of innovation within your organization. Mastery of ChatGPT will unlock a plethora of advantages, yielding substantial dividends for both your professional trajectory and the broader organizational landscape.
Additional Considerations
1. Fine-Tuning for Customization
Businesses can fine-tune ChatGPT to align with their specific requirements. Training the model on domain-specific data can enhance its performance in areas such as customer support, legal documentation, or technical writing.
2. Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations are paramount with any AI system. ChatGPT can inadvertently generate biased or harmful content. Businesses must vigilantly monitor and address any unintended biases or inappropriate responses.
3. Human-AI Collaboration
ChatGPT operates most effectively when used in tandem with human experts. It can assist employees, but human oversight ensures quality control and prevents misinformation.
4. Resource Requirements
Deploying ChatGPT at scale necessitates significant computational resources. Businesses should assess infrastructure needs, including GPU availability and associated costs.
Benefits for Ugandan Businesses
1. Enhanced Customer Service
Ugandan enterprises can leverage ChatGPT to improve customer service, providing swift and efficient responses to queries, thereby augmenting customer satisfaction.
2. Cost-Efficiency
Implementing ChatGPT can reduce operational costs for Ugandan businesses by automating routine tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on more strategic activities.
3. Skill Development
The UniAthena Master ChatGPT course can aid Ugandan professionals in developing valuable AI skills, enhancing their competitiveness in the job market and fostering a tech-savvy workforce.
4. Data-Driven Decisions
ChatGPT simplifies data analysis, enabling Ugandan businesses to make informed decisions based on insights derived from complex datasets.
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Personalize Your Healthcare Approach with Next-Generation AI Solutions
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Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey in healthcare innovation? Calpion brings you cutting-edge AI solutions that redefine patient-centric care, setting new standards in healthcare satisfaction. At Calpion, we believe in delivering value-based care through personalized healthcare AI-powered solutions. Our expertise in machine learning is reshaping the healthcare landscape, bringing about the following:
80% Reduction in Time - AI/ML technologies for swift and efficient healthcare processes.
70% Reduction in Manual Efforts - Elevate your operations with enhanced AI, freeing up valuable time for your team.
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Transform Your Healthcare Business with Calpion's AI-powered Benefits.
Embark on a healthcare revolution with Calpion's AI-driven solutions that redefine patient engagement, streamline processes, and elevate overall healthcare outcomes.
Our custom applications allow providers to build lasting connections through custom-built portals, facilitating seamless patient communication. Transform your approach with data-driven processes, turning documentation into cloud-based insights for optimized decision-making. Foster strong patient relationships through personalized treatment plans, accurate diagnoses, and automated reminders, ensuring improved patient outcomes.
Calpion's key solutions make providers experience operational efficiency by:
-Automating tasks with Robotic Process Automation, allowing your staff to concentrate on high-value responsibilities.
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Calpion leads the way in AI-driven healthcare, offering personalized medicine, predictive analytics, streamlined operations in Healthcare RCM, remote patient monitoring, medical image analysis, and workflow automation.
Join us in shaping the future of patient-centric care – Read more- Next-Generation AI Solutions for Healthcare
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learnandgrowcommunity · 5 months
Session 6 : Why AI and ML Are Trending | What's Driving the Hype? | AI/ML Today.
🚀 In Session 6, we delve into the dynamic world of AI and ML, exploring the latest trends shaping the tech landscape in 2024. Uncovering the driving forces behind their unprecedented hype.
Subscribe to "Learn And Grow Community" YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@LearnAndGrowCommunity LinkedIn Group : https://linkedin.com/company/LearnAndGrowCommunity Follow #LearnAndGrowCommunity
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