#aleah don't look
noxaurumque · 10 months
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there's room for god inside the tiniest fragment...
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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And then, as Alice amused herself giving the living room bonsai bush a trim and Smiler, having finished editing and uploading their video, gave Snappy a quick spraying for bugs (which -- you wouldn’t think would be much of an issue for a Sixam Mosquito Trap), the guests began arriving for the weenie roast! Said guests being Heath, Grace, Cecilia, Nalani, and Aleah (random townie, one of the Realm of Magic premades, one of the Cottage Living premades, one of the Sulani mermaids, and the Granite Falls hermit). I quickly started adding them to Smiler’s group and directing them to the back yard so they didn’t just wander around and get into trouble, as uncontrollable Sims tend to do. :p Smiler came out and got the fire going for everyone to enjoy -- Alice, having finished up her bonsai trimming, went out to join the others, while Victor, done with Moory, took a moment to Repairio another busted water collector and catch a few locusts flying about on the lot --
Before heading to the grill to become unofficial grillmaster and make food for everyone, as per the goals! I ended up having him make choripán, a sandwich made with chorizo beef or pork sausage and crusty bread. It looked quite tasty when he finished it up, I have to say! Victor set that out for everyone to enjoy while Smiler tried to get a group story going -- the ACTION never completed, but the GOAL did, so, uh, win? O.o I then had them chill out by the fire and start throwing rocks into it and poking it with a stick (aka “play” with it as the game defines it) while the guests started wandering off to look for food and such. . .
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daphnefisherofficial · 8 months
bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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Marc Spector watched with a mixture of amusement and concern, his bemused grin in place as the two of you stumbled out of the cozy pub, the warm embrace of alcohol having worked its magic on you both. You swayed slightly, your gait unsteady, but your spirits were high. The hour had crept past midnight, and the streets of London were bathed in the soft glow of streetlamps and the distant hum of city life. He, along with Steven Grant inside their shared consciousness, walked a few steps behind you, ensuring you didn't take a spill or tumble headfirst on the cobblestone streets.
You decided to walk backwards, your gaze locked on Marc, who followed your every movement with an indulgent smile. The alcohol had loosened your tongue, and with a lopsided grin painting your lips, you rambled on about anything and everything, your words a merry jumble of observations about the city and its people.
"Marc," you slurred, pointing at a passing black cab, "did you know these taxis look like big, shiny beetles? I swear, it's like we're in a giant insect parade!"
“Yeah, baby”, Marc chuckled softly, his Chicago accent tinged with affection as the inhibitions of calling you by his preferred term of endearment finally passed his lips with ease. "They do look a bit like that, don't they?"
“They do”, you continued your tipsy commentary as you continued strolling backwards, your laughter ringing out in the night air. “And you, my beautiful Marc, are like a shadowy guardian angel. Always a step behind, making sure I don't fall into the abyss of drunkenness."
“How poetic of you, sweet Mira”, Marc chuckled softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling in mirth as he mirrored your steps with ease. He grinned at your compliment, though it was clear you were beyond rational thought at this point. He'd learned a lot about you during your late-night conversations, but this was the first time he'd seen you in such a state.
As you approached a slightly secluded alleyway on your way to the bus station, you noticed a solitary lamp post still lit and a few meters away. A mischievous thought crossed your mind, memories of a pole dancing lesson you were forcibly enrolled in by your good friend Aleah, flashing before you. With a playful grin, you decided to give Marc a show.
"Watch this, Marc!" you exclaimed, twirling around the lamppost and gripping it with surprising grace. You swayed and spun, mimicking the simple moves you'd learned, your laughter mixing with the night breeze.
“Looking good, Mira!” Marc watched in utter amusement, his hazel brown eyes fixed on you as he exclaimed tipsily how much he liked your performance. "I’m so proud of you, darling"
You ended your impromptu pole dance with a cute, theatrical pose, earning a hearty round of applause from Marc. He shook his head, utterly entertained by your antics as he burst into a hearty, boisterous laughter for probably the first time ever in his turbulent life. It was a rare, carefree moment that he wished to imprint in his memory forever.
Unbeknownst to both of you, masked assailants had been silently tailing from behind, their intentions far from benign as they were concealed in the shadows of the alley. Armed with malevolent intent and their hands gripping wolfsbane guns, weapons specifically designed to kill those they were aimed at. They had been sent on a mission to eliminate you - a sinister plan that has already been decades in the making.
Two gunshots pierced the quiet London night, shattering the peaceful ambiance. Marc's eyes widened in sheer surprise and horror, time seemingly coming to a stop as he saw your top slowly staining with the gushing flow of your own crimson blood. Panic gripped him as he watched you crumple to the cement floor, a small crescent moon tattoo on his body beginning to glow with an eerie intensity.
The pain in his shoulder and lower back was searing, nearly unbearable, but he couldn't focus on that. He sprinted toward you, his heart pounding in his chest, as his mind raced to comprehend the unfolding nightmare. The world around him blurred, the relentless agony threatening to engulf him as his face contorted with both fear and anger.
Meanwhile, chaos reigned inside their shared headspace. Steven Grant, who was usually calm and composed, was now screaming bloody murder, his voice echoing through the confines of their mind. He was helplessly trapped, unable to do anything but watch in terror as events spiraled out of control before him.
Then, as if the universe itself was conspiring against Marc Spector, a sudden darkness overcame his vision. It was as if an unseen force was forcibly pushing him out of his own consciousness. Before he succumbed to the overwhelming pressure, his blurring vision caught a glimpse of a familiar crescent moon tattoo identical to the one on his own body, glowing brilliantly white on your jugular, the very spot where his most recent, mysterious tattoo had manifested.
Jake Lockley was only supposed to merely watch from the shadows of Marc Spector's fractured mind that Friday night. He silently observed you, the object of his secret fascination, from the dimly lit recesses of their shared consciousness. A small, crooked smile played on his lips as he watched you with a mix of amusement and adoration, seeing you twirling near a lamppost in a slightly secluded alleyway. Your laughter rang out, infectious and sweet, as you executed a mini pole dancing routine. Your movements were fluid and mesmerizing, and he couldn't help but be captivated by your beauty and your quirky charm. There was something about the way you carried yourself, especially when you were a little tipsy, that made him smile despite himself.
With a final flourish, you ended your short performance with a cute pose, leaving Jake grinning from the shadows of Marc's mind.
But that fleeting moment of contentment shattered when two gunshots pierced the silence. Panic immediately seized Jake's heart in an invisible tight grip, his world seemed to stop as he watched you slowly succumb to your knees to the cold cement floor of the London streets. The wolfsbane poison carried by the bullets took effect immediately, as the new moon further inhibited your innate avatar ability to heal and be impervious to harm.
Your limp form was a stark contrast to the vibrant, spirited woman he had known just moments ago as Marc instinctively caught you in his arms, his eyes now wide with shock and panic. Steven, trapped in the forefront of Marc's mind, was screaming helplessly to no end as he pleaded Marc to take you to the hospital.
Jake, however, was done lurking in the shadows and playing the silent observer. Fear and fury coursed through him, consumed by the guilt and the urgency of the situation.
And at that moment, he decided that he couldn't stand idly by any longer. With a surge of willpower, Jake forcibly pushed his consciousness to the forefront, relegating Marc to the backseat of their fractured mind. It was time for him to act - consequences be damned.
Jake’s senses sharpened as he finally took the reins. He could feel the cold London air against his skin, taste the metallic tang of fear and danger in the air. The masked assailants who had attacked you were still at large, and they had marked him, your companion, as their next target.
With a guttural growl of anger, Jake summoned his ceremonial armor that was once Marc’s with a swift and deliberate motion. The former white Egyptian old threads were now ebony black as it enveloped his arms and torso, the design intricate and etched with symbols of the moon god Khonshu. His dark cape billowed around him, forming a protective shield around you as the assailants continued their relentless gunfire assault. 
Jake's eyes burned with a dangerous intensity, his look crazed and borderline dangerous as he tried to shake you awake, calling your name in his heavy Spanish accent. 
"¡Despierta, Mira!" he growled, his gloved hand gently tapping your cheek repeatedly. "Wake up, cariño, please!"
The world around him seemed to slow down as Jake quickly assessed the situation. The assailants, their faces concealed by masks, were firing volley after volley of wolfsbane bullets in their direction. But he was not about to be a helpless victim. With a flick of his wrist, he wielded his cape with precision, deflecting the bullets back in the assailants' direction with deadly accuracy. The shock on their faces was palpable as they scrambled for cover. 
"Finish the job, Jake”, Khonshu's voice echoed in his mind, a dark and commanding presence. “I will make sure to protect Mira. Show them our wrath for daring to threaten her life."
Jake felt an unsettling mix of exhilaration and dread as he obeyed Khonshu's command. With swift, brutal efficiency, he closed the distance between himself and the assailants. His gloved fists were like sledgehammers as they started to strike with unrelenting force. The fight was brutal, a chaotic dance of fists, kicks, and the gleaming edges of his crescent darts. He moved like a shadow, striking with precision and power. 
Bones snapped, and bodies crumpled under his onslaught. The moonlight glinted off his ceremonial armor, giving him an otherworldly aura of power as blood stained the cobblestones beneath his boots with the assailants falling one by one.
But he wasn't satisfied with mere vengeance. He wanted answers. And he was about to get them when one of the assailants, bloodied and broken, managed to wheeze out a few vital information as he gasped for breath. 
"Die soon... Set... will be pleased."
"Who sent you?" he growled in his thick Spanish accent, his grip tightening around the assailant’s throat as he pinned him to the ground, a savage glint in his eyes. "Who wants her dead?"
“You’re too late, Moon Knight”, the assailant's lips curled into a wicked smile, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. "Mayari's avatar will die soon. At his hands, victory will soon be ours.”
His words sent a shiver down Jake's spine, but he refused to let fear take hold. 
"Who is behind this?" he pressed further, his voice laced with menace. “Who is Set’s avatar?!”
The assailant laughed softly, his breaths growing shallower as life seeped away from him. "You'll find out soon enough," he wheezed, his eyes glazing over. With one final shuddering breath, he fell silent, taking his secrets to the grave.
Jake released the lifeless body before him, his mind racing with thoughts and questions. But one thing was clear—your life hangs in the balance, and he would stop at nothing to make sure you will not lose your life on his watch.
Despite his hardened exterior, Jake Lockley was trembling with panic as he immediately went by your side, watching your olive-brown complexion slowly pale due to the toxic effects of wolfsbane now slowly coursing through your veins. Blood continued to flow from your wounds, staining the cold ground beneath you. His fury was barely concealed as hot tears cascaded down Jake's face, his facade of stoicism cracking under the weight of despair.
He couldn't afford to lose you. He simply can’t.
"What can I do to save her?” Jake shouted at Khonshu, his voice filled with desperation. “Tell me what I should do!"
“Take her to Marc Spector’s flat”, Khonshu's voice was calm and composed, offering a lifeline amidst the chaos. "There's a way to counter the poison. But you must hurry."
Jake nodded resolutely, his alters still simmering beneath the surface of his mind as he cradled your limp form protectively into his arms. With a surge of power, he prepared to take flight and carry you to safety back to their London flat.
But before he could ascend, a powerful spell stopped him in his tracks. He turned to see a shimmering, ethereal presence materialize before him, divine and radiant. It was your patron moon goddess, Mayari, the fury unmistakable in both her luminous and blind eyes.
"You will go no further," she declared, her voice echoing with the authority of a divine being. “Let go of my fallen avatar, Jake Lockley”
“Goddess Mayari, please”, Jake’s voice trembled despite his rage and fear, unable to directly defy your patron goddess’s command. “We need your help, she’s dying”
“This is all your fault, Khonshu!” Mayari’s voice shook with fury as she faced Khonshu directly, who merely watched the ongoing exchange with barely concealed guilt in his facade. 
“We do not have time for this, Mayari”, Khonshu retorted as his own frustration grew. Despite your displeasure at him, the Egyptian moon god has treated you all your long life as if you were his own offspring. “Mira and my avatars share life forces, if you remember. He can save her, goddess”
“Yes, please”, Jake agrees, willing to try just about anything at this point. “I’ll do anything to keep her alive. Anything”
“Very well”, Mayari’s eyes bore into Jake's, her anger momentarily subsiding as she considered his plea. "I will come with you both, so do what you must. But you will answer to me for what has transpired tonight, Jake Lockley"
Relief washed over Jake as Mayari's acceptance of their plea offered a glimmer of hope. "Thank you, Mayari," he said sincerely.
As the London night continued to bear witness to Jake Lockley’s chaotic, stormy thoughts, he readjusted his hold on you as he pulled you even close and protectively in his arms. Mayari’s spell finally lifted, allowing him to finally take flight and bring you back to their London flat. In that moment, Jake's world shifted once more as your fate hung in the balance once again - the woman he had secretly admired and sworn to protect. 
And with the moon goddess watching closely as your intertwined bugna (true destinies) were being woven right before her ever-watchful eyes, Mayari realized then that she could no longer keep your looming tagna (prophecy) at bay.
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lumalilies · 3 months
eulogy for a lost home
our landlord gave us 30 days notice today. it could be far, far, worse and we're privileged that right now, it's not a danger scenario. we have what we need to make it and more, and i am very grateful for that. (fuck landlords, though)
but losing a home is hard. our mind dips into derealization and depersonalization a lot. the sights and sounds that stay constant around us help us ground ourselves. our nest is important to us, we like to keep the twigs we know nearby. they help us make a home out of the world we live in now.
i have to say goodbye to this place. and it's public cause that's just kinda how we are.
to the very first home we had away from the shadow we had for so long to live beneath: it was on this couch that we first learned to comfort each other when we woke up from nightmares. we learned to say "i'm right here. you're safe now. don't you worry babydoll i got you. it's gonna be okay." we learned to clutch our stuffies and put up them to our face to feel something softer than our memories had left us with. it was in this place that so many artists of ours came out to sing. we read our first stories out loud to each other at that coffee table. so many beautiful pieces that we hang from the walls. we decorated the light fixtures above us so our babes could have something colorful and calming to look at in scary times. so much creativity and color and beauty resting in their precious hearts and minds. a safe room for us to dance around in.
it was in this place we transitioned. something so many of us wanted to try. we called it "going the way of the flowers" - for those of us who imagined us differently to try on new clothes, makeup, glances in the mirror. it was always a comprise that we had a hard time navigating, it's still something we're figuring out, but it changed our life forever. in this place, for the first time, we were free to try.
it was in that room that we were there for each other in the hardest times when it was all unfamiliar and new. acting out funerals and scenes of grief for the time and love we had lost. when we lit our candle every night and held each others' hands in quiet darkness. when we punched our pillows and billowed out our anger. crawling around on the carpet like tigers and kitties and wolf monsters snarling our fury and howling our sorrows and cozying up against the bed to rest their weary bones. when our rabbit hopped around and giggled with glee. our dwellers and deepest friends and family bringing their lifetimes and memories and the beautiful, unique way they saw the world to our eyes and our muscles and our heart for the very, very first time. it was here we learned to say "i love you" to each other. to hold each others' hands. to sit side by side. to kiss each others' paws and foreheads. to let our hearts out to each other (in a gay way) < thank you
it was in this place that we first saw each other. that we chose our name lumalilies, to commemorate the community of hearts and lights that had kept us safe and cared for for so so long out of sight. trivia bonus - it used to be "stardrops" (which was pretty damn rad if I do say so myself)
spoilers for i'm in love with the villainess (book 3). when may and aleah have to leave their home, they cry and cry into the comfort of their mommas' arms (much as we have been today). rae and claire let them act out a promise to help them process the grief of losing everything familiar. as they leave the house, they all turn back and wave together, shouting "be back soon!" as their home left on its own journey into the horizon.
i can't do that with my babes. we won't be back here soon. that really tears me up to be honest. these kind of changes are very very hard on us. i haven't found what i'd like to say yet. we need some time to think about it. maybe just. "to the home we'll find again." "to the past we left behind, that it will always stay in the past." "to where we go next."
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye (Snippet #1)
I have no idea what possessed me to finally decide to post a little bit of Nite & Daye but here we are! I want to make a note that other than some very basic editing, the snippets shared are going to be relatively untouched.
Snippet description: Daye decides to go to a local convenience store where things do not according to plan.
Snippet word count: 607
Total word count: 2,344
cw: some adult language but besides that, nada
Please enjoy!
"Wonderful weather we're having today, yeah?" When Daye looked over at the cashier, he noticed them quickly look away from him. "Yeah," was all he said in response. He picked up a basket and began making his way through the aisles. There wasn't anything in particular he wanted, maybe something warm for the cooler weather. Or just something to put a little energy into his body. "I'm gonna go stock things in the back, just yell for me when you're ready to check out, okay?" "Sure," Daye called out just loud enough for him to be heard. He continued looking at the items, examining the fronts and backs of anything of interest. Daye was almost at the end of one of the aisles, putting something back when the TV in the corner caught his attention. Of course it would catch his attention. How could it not with who he now watched wave to the cameras and fans alike? He watched the screen as she made her way to a podium, smiling at the crowd before her. He honestly might be sick from her smile alone, as fake as her love for her adoring citizens. "Thank you all for coming here. As you all may know, the anniversary of the founding of the City of the End is approaching and with it, I want to announce my plans for coming the years," She spoke into the mic as soon as the crowd quieted down. Daye watched for only a moment longer, rolling his eyes as she began her annual speech, promising things that would most likely never come. It was in turning around that Daye realized that the cashier had left the back and was now standing in the aisle with him. He opened his mouth to make a comment about how he was probably going to grab one more thing and check out when the cashier spoke before him. "I thought you had looked familiar when you walked in!" Daye knew exactly what was going to come next and went to rush past them. "No," was all he could get out when he moved past, throwing the few items he had in his hands at some random shelf, not bothering to look if they made it. "Yeah, I knew it! You're Aleah Nouvel's son, aren't you?" Daye felt the cold dread spread throughout his body. This was exactly why he hated leaving the house but for once, he just wanted to enjoy the damn weather. But of course, he wouldn't be able to. After the initial dread left his body, anger began to rise and before he left the store he turned back towards the cashier. "Listen here. There's a reason Aleah disowned me. So why don't you leave me the fuck alone and we can pretend like you never saw me, hm?" Not expecting such a reaction, the cashier immediately shut up and nodded their head. "Cool," Daye said as he walked out of the store, irritated that he dumped all those snacks and left empty-handed. He walked a few steps, a few raindrops catching on his dark hair when he realized something that made his irritation grow. He left his fucking umbrella in that store and now due to his outburst and the fact that the cashier recognized him, he couldn't just walk back in and grab it. Ah, fuck it, he thought, pulling the hood up on his jacket to cover his head. He'd just rush home and come back later for it. Hopefully, it would still be there, and considering how old and beat up it looked, he doubted anyone would take it.
taglist: @midnights-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactus-motif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you'd like to be added or removed, don't hesitate to let me know!)
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NCAA notes from this weekend (mostly LSU Arkansas, and Bart/Kathy commentary):
-Haleigh and Aleah > everything and everybody everywhere
-Arkansas really stepped it up from last year... here's hoping they upgraded their consistency as well
-Georgia doesn't deserve Lily Smith or Ady Wahl
-KJ Johnson keep the new hair/makeup/look challenge
-Annie Beard 💔
-"Kathy, tell me what a beamer is."
"Where somebody's just a natural on this event and embra- *Ragan falls* oh!"
-Sierra Ballard's floor went from my least fav last season to top two in the lineup
-still can't stand UCLA 
-"Unfortunately a very real fall from Maile O'Keefe"... as opposed to a fake fall?? 
(with all due respect to KJC)
-I actually enjoyed most of the commentary actually from the Ark/Georgia meet save the recurring "I don't know what the judges took"
-Jordyn Weiber has always struck me as mature and professional in interviews, but she seemed to have a new joy/charisma almost in this one
-first year doing a fantasy league Anna I kinda love it? So unlike me to commit thought and energy to something completely based on and limited to the internet with no real life community or connection whatsoever but I'm not mad
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milagrosen · 2 years
Idk if you're familiar with Sirens Lament, but I think that Aleah in her mermaid/siren form would look amazing in your art style
You mean the Webtoon comic?? I've never read it myself but i have gotten a YT ad of it! and i've seen it on the app ofc Idk is it ok for me to draw a character that i don't really know, i could draw sure but would that be acceptable
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spiritsonic · 5 years
Yo, I have some questions about the IDW Sonic comic character design if you don't mind! When you're designing characters like, say, Dr. Starline or Tangle, how much creative freedom do you have? Are characters' abilities determined before or while you're creating design concepts? If their powers are determined beforehand, do you get to pick the species or do others get a say? Lastly, roughly how many versions do you go through before the final design is picked?
Hello! Sure, I can take a stab at it.
First off, I should clarify that so far I have designed Starline and Whisper for IDW but I didn’t design Tangle-- that was Tyson Hesse. 
In my experience with Sonic books, I’ve always been working with one or two editors, and Ian Flynn as the writer (or me as the writer, but checking my creative decisions with Ian to make sure I wasn’t contradicting his future plans for the world). The material I’m given to work with can range from a short bio blurb to a rough design and reference sheet (drawn by either Ian, the editor, or Aleah Baker, Ian’s wife and collaborator). They almost always contain a few key points:
-Character’s name, approx. age, and their species
-Their immediate role in the story (usually not backstory)
-A rough description of their personality
-Their abilities, and any special requirements in the design (such as Starline’s glove with the Warp Topaz on it, or Whisper’s Variable Wispon)
Other than that, I’m left to my own devices to gather inspirational material and start roughing things out. I’ll draw not just from pre-existing Sonic media, but from any outside source that feels interesting to me. 
I’ll usually to one initial pass to send in, then everybody involved gets to throw in their two cents and I’ll split the design off into a few variants, combining and including as many ideas as possible. Then we reconvene and pick the one or ones we all like, and I’ll mush those together. A round or two of that usually gets us something good, then we send that off to Sega/Sonic Team to see what they think! They’ll give us some notes on changes to make sure it fits in with the world and doesn’t break any of their design preferences. Once their notes are applied, I’ll make a detailed reference sheet and we’re good to go!
Here’s how it went with Starline:
STEP 0: Collect reference! Starline's original style inspiration board. I also looked at real-life platypuses, and references from other Sonic media.
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STEP 1: The first pass! I was angling for a mad scientist thing, I didn’t know he was more of a psychologist type of doctor. I’m throwing all the spaghetti at the wall at this stage.
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STEP 2-3: Diversify! After checking with the crew, I reeled it way back towards normal Sonic-y proportions and made variants emphasizing different elements of his personality. There are pages and pages of ideation sketches that lead to these. Note that I label everything clearly, so we can call them out easily in email conversations. 
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(Version 3 consisted of different combos and color palettes, and testing them alongside Eggman. 1C down there is my favorite from this pass, but it doesn’t really fit Starline as we know him in the books)
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STEP 4: Refocus! After batting around the design above and nobody really feeling it, I took a couple steps back and pulled some of the energy from the original into the later designs. I also knew his character better at this point, and I knew how I liked to draw it. As you can see, this is really close!
Oh, Sega gave some suggestions on version 2-3 that led to this one. You can actually see their suggestions listed by me on the sketch: pallid complexion, thin/tall build, intellectual-shorthand props, and a sleeker glove. I realized that these notes were leading back to the first pass, so I went with my gut and leaned into that!
(This is when he got his signature Benjamin Franklin/Jareth the Goblin King energy. Very important.)
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STEP 5: Cleanup! Sega gave some more minor notes on do’s and don’ts to tidy up the design, and I did a few final fixes of my own. He was gonna have the zigzag-cut boots but they were HELL to draw so I made new ones at the last second. Also, fixed some color stuff and put the hair stripe back in.
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This whole process can take a while, with stuff getting bounced around so much. It’ll often take several weeks to wrap it all up. My last few designs have gone through around 4-5 iterations, though certain elements may get more attention than others; I like to pick a few features that won’t get changed with every go-round, so the design stays focused. 
Sometimes I get to have some input into the character’s backstory or personality, depending on how I design them-- this happens organically as we’re brainstorming design options. Whisper is a great example of this; in the design prompt, she didn’t have a mask at all. That was something I added as a costume option, and Ian, and I came up with the idea that it’s a tool that she uses alongside her Variable Wispon. It’s also become a huge part of how she expresses herself, and emblematic of the character in general!
I hope that helps!
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ironwoman359 · 6 years
"I feel like I should be offended right now," they replied, sitting up and grabbing a cold mug of tea from a nearby table, "but I've heard much worse, even from you, Jim." They took a sip and pointed at the reclined mass of smoke. "Especially from you, Aleah. Is this Earl Grey? I can't tell; lost half of my taste buds trying to breathe fire. Don't ask. Anyway, you guys aren't even trying. Not even a friendly battle to the death to greet me this time -- I should be insulted."
“Oh, come now, Viz. Look around, you’re at Home.” Jim darts forward suddenly, her eyes flashing. She reaches out, her hands aglow with a bright orange light, but instead of grabbing Viz, she pulls the mug from their hands. She holds it between her palms, and a moment later the contents are steaming hot. “And at Home, we greet our guests with hospitality, not hostility.” She hands the mug back to Viz with a sweet smile. “And yes, it is Earl Grey. Best served hot.”
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ofdamnation · 7 years
TEXT ➜ Client (?)
ALEAH: look, when are you free?
ALEAH: I don't do house calls so telling me to text you better not be asking me to personally go to your house
ALEAH: I'm not a fuckin' prostitute
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Character Introduction
Daye Nouvel
Role: Main Character
Pronouns: He/Him
Supernatural Type: White-Eyed Vampire
General Information
Physical Description
Daye is often told he looks a lot like his mother, Aleah. With sleek black hair and matching white eyes, it's easy to see why they'd be compared. Although a big difference between the two is height with him standing at 5'6, something he believes he gets from his suspected mother. He's also fairly skinny, something he often hides with clothes a size or two too big for him.
Despite wearing more brightly colored clothes, his personality is anything but "bright". He's not mean or a bad person by any means but he can tend to come off as abrasive at times. He seems to have little apathy towards the people and environment around him, more focused on living his day-to-day life. Daye also often spends his time alone, opting to stay inside and in his bed all day rather than being out and about on the streets of the City. He also tends to have a petty side and will do everything he can to spite those he dislikes.
Unaware of how he was born or who he was born from, Daye spent most of his childhood living in Aleah's home, taken care of by a demon who has sworn her allegiance to Aleah. He never knew of his other parent and rarely saw the one he did know of. He spent the first several years of this life alone. One day when he was about to reach his tweens when his mother decided she had enough of him and tossed him out of her home to fend for himself. He doesn't recollect much from this moment in his life nor does he speak about it if he really does. All he does mention is getting older, finding Aleah, and demanding every penny out of her he could. This would lead to him getting the apartment he currently resides in and how he sometimes spends his nights in the various clubs across the city burning through the money Aleah gives him so he can slowly drain her of all he can.
taglist - @midnights-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you'd like to be added or removed, don't hesitate to ask/DM!)
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Character Introduction
Eero Black
aka the Personne Informée
(pronounced like arrow)
Role: Major Character
Pronouns: He/Him
Supernatural Type: White-Eyed Vampire
General Information
Physical Appearance
Despite not many knowing what the Personne Informée looks like, those who do will remark about the strikingly similar appearance to Aleah Nouvel. Maybe it has to do with dark hair and white eyes. Maybe it has to do with their same piercing eyes. It could also do with the expensive clothes both of them opt to wear. The only main difference is Eero's small frame and short height at 5'5.
Eero can be described as stoic and distant, although only by those who haven't had the opportunity to get close to him. Those who do have the pleasure would equate him more to a "grumpy old man", despite his young age. He often acts annoyed but is fiercely protective of the ones he cares about, especially his brothers. He's also extremely intelligent and uses his talent for gathering information to his advantage, hence why he is the City's Personne Informée.
As far as anyone's concerned, Eero's past consists of living in a now nonexistent neighborhood where he spent his time learning the gossip and news of the neighborhood and selling it to the residents to earn a few pennies. He did this up into an incident that caused the destruction of said neighborhood. From there, using the skills he had picked up, he began to aim for the big leagues. He eventually became one of the most influential people in the shadows, his information invaluable to many citizens of the City of the End.
taglist - @midnights-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you'd like to be added or removed, please don't hesitate to ask/DM me!)
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Character Introduction
Vasin Wood
(pronounced like vah-sin)
Role: Major Character
Pronouns: He/Him
Supernatural Type: White-Eyed Vampire
General Information
Physical Appearance
Quite honestly, he looks a lot like his older brother Eero. He does look a bit gruffer and instead of expensive suits and button-ups, he opts for cozy flannels and ripped jeans. He's also much taller than his other brothers standing at 6'2.
Vasin is very much has a golden retriever type personality. Where his older brother is the brains, he is the brawn. A himbo, if you will. Although he's not entirely dumb, just when compared to some of the geniuses running around the City, it's not hard to see why people wouldn't exactly praise his intelligence. He's a very kind soul and does his best to take care of his loved ones.
Vasin's backstory starts off not as terrible as his brother's. In fact, he's the only one of the Nouvel children to have known and actually have somewhat of a childhood with their other parent. From the moment he came into the world and was introduced to his father, Vasin's dad (Mordecai "Mort" Wood), took him into his custody and raised the boy. While Aleah was still in his life, Vasin spent all his time with Mort and loved him like no other person. Even if Aleah offered for him to stay with her, he'd always decline. He wanted to always stay with his father. However, Mort has some type of illness, despite being a vampire himself. When Vasin was about 13, his father was nearing the end of his life, something very much unlike The Happening. Confused, Vasin went to seek Aleah's help but even she was unable to do anything but help with the preparations of the inevitable. When the time came and Mort did pass on, all Vasin asked of Aleah was for her to allow him to be with his father and to bury him alongside him. Aleah at first refused but eventually gave in, seemingly ending the young Vasin's life. However, Vasin would later realize the truth when he's dug up several years later by some boys who claim to be his brothers.
taglist - @midnights-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you'd like to be add or removed, don't hesitate to ask/DM me!)
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ofdamnation · 3 years
“  yes. i killed them— but i did it for you.  ” // from gunwoo to aleah
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            eyes stare blankly at the ground where her previous owners lay dead , blood flooding the floor but she can't bring herself to be too upset about it . it's such a bitter sweet feeling , she's finally free . what does that mean for her now ? did she belong to gunwoo now instead ? is that how someone wins custody ? aleah is in too much shock now to think , arms loosely wrapping around the male's torso in a tight hug . ' you did this for me ? ' the blonde gasps , squeezing him tightly before she pulls back enough to look up at him . ' but why ? i don't understand . ' eyes well with tears , she's not sure how to feel . these people were like her family , toxic yes but a family nonetheless . ' what do i do now ? '
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