#alexa play this is home by cavetown
littlespookybear · 2 years
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Alexa play home by cavetown
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ars0nism · 3 years
man you ever just see a funky gay friendgroup doing funky gay friendgroup things and wish you were part of that group but youre the annoying awkward kinda neurodivergent who doesnt understand social cues for shit so nearly everyone hates hanging out with you
#the yearning for friends dude......#yeah i have online friends but its just not the same#im sad lol#im always like 'i dont need friends' but then its been 3 weeks of literally no contact with anyone but my family & online ppl bc i blocked#my shitty transphobe friend and hes the only one i always texted#its not like i can just go watch or play something to distract myself because theres friendgroups evetywhere!! fuck!!#'oh ill play some danganronpa' buncha highschoolers making friends despite the odds.#'how about i continue watching hxh???' you want what the main 4 have. even illumi has hisoka. you have nothing#the worst part is that i was friends with one of the people in that friendgroup & friendly with another one. i fucked it up. its my fault#i had so many options for friends once upon a time but ive ghosted half and my neurodivergency fucked over the other half#to the point where im now stuck with those who are willing to put up with me#the outcast who is literally a shitty cishet man who deserves to be cast out#the asshole nerd who complains about my videogames#the one that im not sure whether he even likes me or if he just thinks im like. occasionally funny#and the literal angel who i do not deserve but also i cant talk to her about shit#all my friends from childhood are gay too but im not friends with them anymore either#you ever just cry over how lonely you are#alexa play this is home by cavetown#why are humans social creatures but also hate anything out of the norm this is a fucking defect where can i get the receipt#is it too late to be aborted#today on is it because im ugly or because im neurodivergent and socially stupid#GODS i need a fucking therapist#i wish i could just like.. .shift to a world where i have friends. but even if shifting is real i havent been able to do it so ig its time#to yeet myself off a bridge ahahahah#yearningly listens to ricky montgomery & hozier but like. platonic
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disasteroulik · 6 years
Me- meme
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @captainspiggbo
Age: ((0w0))
Birthplace: Yee haw
Current Time: 12:31
Drink you last had: Water.
Easiest person to talk to: my irl friends
Favorite song: Uhh, I can’t choose one sooo,
O: This Is Home by Cavetown   O:Panic Room by Au/Ra
O: Happy Pills by Weathers  
Grossest memory: My cat threw up on my bed once, I got sick cleaning it.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, fam
In love: I honestly don’t know. I’m dating someone, but I honestly don’t feel them anymore. They don’t realize I have a life too.
Jealous of people: A bit, but I mostly just look up and admire them. But I can’t show my appreciation without thinking of myself as annoying.
Killed someone: *Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing starts playing* ;) nah.
Love at first sight or walk by again: Walk by again! I want to know them-
Middle name: Alexa
Number of siblings: Zero~~ 
One wish: To be able to talk to more people without messing up.
Person you called last: Aunty!
Question you are asked most: “Why do you have that ugly face on?”
I wish I was kidding.
Song you last heard: Best Friend by Cavetown
Time you woke up: 7:00 am. Mexico here I goooo-
Underwear color: Purple stripes for all your kinks
Vacation destination: Japan and/or Canada. I want to go to Kyoto and Niagara Falls.
Worst habit: Procrastination.
I have to finish my sketches and fanfics, but i’ll do it later.
X-Rays: Teeth!
Favorite food: Ramen.
Zodiac sign: Cancer. 
Eh, I don't know who to tag-
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sakorispolyglot · 4 years
Quarantine Questions from Tumblr
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Yes, I am. I was an RA at my university (resident assistant) and I had to leave because of the pandemic.
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
I’m living at home with my parents and older brother.
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
Yes, we have a 10-year-old miniature schnauzer and I love her.
4. Who do you miss the most?
My friends from the Theatre Society on campus.
5. When was the last time you left your home?
Geez, I don’t know actually.
6. What was the last thing you bought?
So this is a bit of a toss-up. Technically, I donated money to a Twitch streamer last night to make their Alexa say pi to the 100th digit (they were asking for people to annoy them so I thought why not). But the actual last product that I bought was a capture card for my Nintendo Switch.
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
Somewhere in between the two.
8. Are you a homebody?
9. What movies have you watched recently?
10. An event you were looking forward to that got canceled?
I don’t know if there was anything specific I was looking forward to.
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel?
Our Murder Mystery improv dinner for the Theatre Society at my uni. We were all excited to be able to do it.
12. What’s the best thing you had to cancel?
Our production of A Very Potter Musical and I only say that because it was a large dumpster fire as we kept losing and gaining cast members.
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
14. What are you out of?
I don’t think I’m out of anything. I’m living with my parents so I let them take care of that mostly.
15. What music are you listening to?
Ooh, a lot of things. Firewoodisland, The Oh Hellos, The Lumineers, Judah & the Lion, Cavetown, Of Monsters and Men, and dodie to name a couple artists.
16. What are you reading?
Well now that you’re putting me on the spot, I haven’t read a lot of books recently. It’s something that I want to get back into eventually.
17. What are you doing for self-care?
Playing Animal Crossing and my guitar.
18. Are you exercising?
If playing Beat Saber counts, then yes.
19. How’s your toilet paper supply?
I think I’m good?
20. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
No, but for a long time (since before the pandemic) I’ve thought about bleaching my hair a little.
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