#alexandra hatun
laleru · 9 months
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❀ Hürrem Hatun (Meryem Üzerli) — Magnificent Century Ep.3
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garnetbutterflysblog · 9 months
Hürrem Sultan's Names + Meanings
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magnificentlyreused · 6 months
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This brown robe with gold trimming was first worn by Alexandra Hatun (later Hürrem Sultan) in the second episode of Magnificent Century. Later during the same episode, it is also worn by Sultan Süleyman I. The robe appears again on Firuze Hatun in the sixth episode of the third season. It is also worn by Rüstem Pasha in the second episode and an older Hürrem Sultan in the twenty-fourth episode of the fourth season.
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nesrinslittleworld · 6 months
The Most Beautiful Thing In The World Is Love.
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Book: Dracula A Love Story
Pairing: Mehmed x Lale / Mehmed x MC
Characters: Şehzade Mehmed, Lale Hatun, Shahi Hatun, Zağanos Paşa, Sultan Murad,..
October 1448.
Lale Hatun remains in Edirne as all her loved ones head for war. But one man occupies her thoughts despite her greatest efforts.
Şehzade Mehmed is preparing for battle when he receives the most striking news..
Chapter 1:
Time seemed to hold still in the inner courtyard of the palace. All the servants had been sent away, and it seemed that even the birds had left some privacy to the two young people.
Lale had come here full of anger at him, but now she was the one clinging onto the Şehzade, their lips sealed in a bloody kiss. But despite his inner desire, the young man suddenly broke the kiss; a form of punishment for Lale’s action.
Do you taste the blood?” Mehmed whispered against her lips, almost out of breath. “Remember this taste. We are of the same kind, the same nature. And no matter how much you deny it, you can’t escape it.” He released Lale’s arm from his grip and took several steps back, eyeing her intensely.
“And now farewell, Lale Hatun. I need to prepare for the campaign.”
The young woman stood still as he departed, her fiery gaze fixed on his back, until he disappeared completely from her sight and that the only thing she could hear was her shallow breath.
In a harsh movement, she whipped the blood from her lips with her sleeve and clenched her fists before leaving the inner court with a decisive step.
The few maids that crossed paths with Lale, as she headed towards her chambers, barely had time to step out of her way, her fury making her oblivious to anything around her.
After closing the door of her bedroom with a little more strength than usual, she rested her back against its wooden surface and closed her eyes. But no matter how hard she tried to regain some composure, the feeling of betrayal still lingered inside her. She had trusted him ; believed him when he said he'd help to keep her friends safe, only to send them away in the middle of the night. And solely out of fear that she would choose them, instead of him.
Lale eventually turned her head towards her bed, where another embroidered shirt remained. The third shirt, the one that kept her awake for the rest of the night after the boys’ departure and Alexandra's return to her own chambers.
“I didn't want to put you in the position of choosing to spend this time with them or me…"
She closed the distance between the door and her bed in a few steps. Then, in a fit of anger, grabbed the shirt and threw it to the other side of the room.
“You selfish, insufferable man!” her voice, neither a whisper, nor a cry, started to shake ; her eyes staring daggers in the shirt as if she could pierce Mehmed's chest through it.
After being deprived of sleep from embroidering the two shirts for her friends, Lale had felt a weight in her heart as she realised another person, dear to her, would be left without any protection. So she had summoned the rest of her strength to sew the remaining flowers into a third one.
Alas, they weren't enough for an extra talismanic shirt, but the young lady had remembered a rumour about Mehmed's birth, one whispered in some hallways of the palace.
It was said that, as Huma Hatun was giving birth to young Mehmed, her uncle had retreated in his chambers in prayers, reading the Holy Quran. And that Mehmed's first cry was heard as the Sultan was reading the Surah of Victory. The Al Fath Surat.
And so, Lale had embroidered the shirt with the same verses, with the firm conviction that these Holy words would indeed offer protection and Victory to the Şehzade. Her needlework ceased only with the last notes of the morning prayer call, and some drops of blood would have mixed here and there with the golden embroidery.
“Lale Hatun!” Her tutoress’ voice brought her to her senses. “What happened here?” The older lady gasped as she looked at her protégée. “Is that blood on your dress?!”
Lale looked from Shahi Hatun to her dress, where indeed, Mehmed's blood had left a stain from their embrace.
Her blood on his talismanic shirt, his on her dress, they were even. For now.
Yet, how was she to explain this to her tutoress? How could she tell her that she went to see the Şehzade, unchaperoned, and that the blood was Mehmed's, from a stab wound that she inflicted upon him as revenge for sending her friends away. And that he, in return, claimed her lips in a passionate and bloody embrace?
Luckily for the young woman, a knock on the door saved her from the elder woman's inquisitive gaze. One of the ağa entered, and after bowing respectfully to the Sultan's niece, informed Shahi Hatun that Daye called upon her urgently.
“Change yourself, before anyone else witnesses you in such a state.” she cried as she turned toward the door, before gazing at her sternly, with her index raised toward her. “But you will tell me what happened as soon as I return.”
Lale only replied with a smile and waited for her to leave the room.
“Idris Ağa?” she called the eunuch as he was taking his leave. “Has the rest of the army left the palace?” She asked innocently, while fidgeting with her sleeve.
“The Sultan and the Şehzade are about to depart with some of the pashas. They will be escorted by the Janissaries.” The eunuch bowed to Lale once more, then took a few steps back before leaving the room.
The young woman eyed the shirt still laying on the floor next to the mirror, then the window from where some agitation could be heard. With a sigh, she hurried to change into some more appropriate clothes, and quickly packed up the shirt before rushing out of her room.
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The rest of Ali Bey's squad were already leaving the first courtyard as Lale made her way out of the Harem and Privy Quarters. Still hidden by the colonnades bordering the yard, she deftly walked around the inner corridor decorated with iznik tiles, readjusting the beige veil covering her from head to shoulders. She did not want to attract attention, especially not from the Bostanji that were guarding the palace. As a woman, even from the Sultan's entourage, her trips out of the palace had to be approved of by the Sultan or by the Grand Vizir, in the Sultan's absence.
She noticed her Uncle, saddled on the white mare that had been given to him by Mehmed. He was the only one allowed to ride within the palace walls, and as such, the rest of the troops were to march until they reached the Meriç bridge to cross the river with the same name and reach the mainland.
The Şehzade was nowhere to be seen. He probably wished to oversee the preparations of the remaining troops; another opportunity to prove his value to his father, most probably.
The other option was that his wound needed to be patched up before leaving and that he was still at Shervani’s, but that seemed unlikely to Lale. Mehmed was too proud to be late at such a gathering, especially for an injury as such.
However, she couldn't help but hope that his wound wouldn't prevent him from riding such a long distance. But this hope was toned down by the knowledge that, should such a discomfort happen, it would at least remind him of his fierce Cousin left in Edirne.
Lale smiled quietly at the thought, and her grip on the package grew firmer.
Eventually, she spotted one of Mehmed's trusted advisors, who was serving her uncle as a great military commander, walking toward the gate with the rest of the squad.
“Zağanos Pasha!” She spoke softly as he walked past her, which caused him to stop in his tracks, and to step to the side of the courtyard in order to hear her better, but without ever looking at her, as it was forbidden.
“Lale Hatun.” his gaze remained fixed on the marble floor as he respectfully addressed the Sultan's niece. “You should not be here, my Lady, especially unchaperoned.” He spoke in a low voice, without trying to chastise her, but with a certain amount of concern in his voice.
If the Sultan, or the Şehzade were to notice him interacting with the young Lady, they would probably not be happy about it. Especially Mehmed.
“I lacked time to greet my family before their departure, ” Lale whispered quickly as she surveyed their surroundings. “which is why I have a request for you. Please make sure to leave this in the Şehzade's tent, once you have settled.” She cautiously handed a silk package to him, then added in a firm tone “You may, of course, verify that nothing dangerous will come out of it. I would not expect anything less from my Cousin's trusted advisor. But there is no need for Mehmed to know about it now. Let him discover it on his own.” She eyed the pasha as he secured her gift in his hands, then bowed his head to her, without ever looking up.
“It will be done according to your wishes, Lale Hatun. Please be safe here. I'm sure your prayers for our Sultan and our Prince will bring us Victory. With your permission…” He kept his head bowed as he regained his previous position, then made haste to join the rest of the army, securing the package with his own belongings.
Still hidden in the shadows, Lale remained in the inner courtyard until the last soldier walked through the gate, Ottoman flags flapping through the wind as the army marched toward the enemies. The view was interrupted as the Bostanji finally closed the massive gates, locking them from inside.
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shivrcys · 10 months
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magnificent-sultana · 4 years
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Alexandra’s (later Hurrem Sultan) dream of her family- Muhtesem Yuzyil (episode 1)
I always find this scene so sad. It shows how much pain she was in after her capture and being sent to the harem. I think many Hurrem haters forget how traumatized she was when she first entered the harem and how traumatic later events in her life like the death of Leo, having her faced burned, being imprisoned for a minor offense, several murder attempts, etc. were for her. 
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Bu kişi haseki hürrem sultan diye bilinir malesef ki o kadar çok resim gösterildi ki kim olduğu belli olmuyor. Çoğu kişi mahidevranci tamam çocuğu için acı çekti ama hürrem? (dizi adına konuşuyorum) Düşünsenize ülkemizden kopariliyoruz sevdigim çocuğu göremiyoruz ailemiz kat ediliyor ve bir kole gibi baska yerde buluyoruz kendimizi hürrem de bunu hissetti tanrısına dua etti yalvardı tanrı ona sans verdi alexandra havlete gitti kanuni Sultan Süleyman meftun oldu ilk sevgide hürrem dedi...hürrem isminin anlamı :sevinçli, neşeli ve şen şakrak kimse demektir. Hürremim dedi... Kanuni Sultan Süleyman en uygun ismi bulmuştu ama hürrem olmak zor çok kez gebe kalıp sehzadeler dogrudu ve bir tane kız çocuk mihrima valide hafsa hatun onu gördüğünde ayın ve güneşin birleşmiş halini gördü mihrima isminin anlamı :Güneş ile Ay hürrem çocuklarını korudu kardeş katliamını istemedi ama yinede çocuklarını kaybetti kanuni sultan süleyman ise o sirada 2 3 tane hatun ile birlikteydi hurrem çocukları için savaştı tabi o zamanlar çocukları dogdu ama tahta gececek yaşta değillerdi hürrem Süleymana o kadar meftundu ki gözleri aşk tan başka birsey görmüyordu aynısı o gozlerle çocuklarını görebiliyordu hürrem ailesini kaybetmişti şimdi ise Süleymani, çocuklarını kaybetmek istemiyordu 4.aciyi çekemezdi ailesi sevdiği çocuk yakın arkadaşı... Ama malesef herseyin sonu vardır nurbanu sultan geldi o sıralar kardeş katliami başlattılar hurrem engel olmaya çalıştı busuru çocuğunu toprağa verdi hürrem... Amansızın hastalığa yakalandı ve rahmetine kavuştu orda Süleymani bekledi, bekledi ve bekledi... Ve geldi..... 🥺
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 years
June 24, 2017: a new episode of The Anatomy Lesson at 11pm EST on CFRC 101.9fm. Music by Soft Cops, imyaws, Alexandra Atnif, GREBENSTEIN, Nene Hatun, The Third Eye Foundation, Scorpion Violente, a new Lucrecia Dalt piece from the Monika Werkstatt compilation + more. Check out the whole setlist below, tune in at 101.9 on your FM dial, stream at http://audio.cfrc.ca:8000/listen.pls or download the finished show at cfrc.ca or on mixcloud here: https://www.mixcloud.com/cameronwillis1232/the-anatomy-lesson-june-24-2017/. Lucrecia Dalt - "Blindholes" Monika Werkstatt compilation (2017) Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - "Black Magic Originated In Nature" Water Witches (2017) Yaws - "Impure" DOUBT (2016) Vargdöd - "Bitten" Brutal Disciplin (2017) Grebenstein - "o.T.06" i was in a marching band: demos 1999 – 2014 (2016) Scorpion Violente - "The Knife" The Stalker (2017) The Third Eye Foundation - "Sleep" Semtex (1996) Hanchi - "Christian Kaboom" The Fabulous Pain (2016) Nene Hatun - "Asceticism" Metacommunication (2017) Alexandra Atnif - "Undeciphered Distress Signal" Supersymmetry (2016) Soft Cops - "Before Morning" Long Lost (2017)
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sosyalmedyablog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Gardiropp
New Post has been published on http://gardiropp.com/choker-modasi-geri-dondu-90larda-firtinalar-estiren-chokerlar-yine-her-yerde/
Choker Modası Geri Döndü: 90'larda Fırtınalar Estiren Chokerlar Yine Her Yerde!
90’larda moda olan choker (tasma) kolye modası yeniden hortladı. Her türlü giyim, aksesuar, bijuteri mağazasında bulabildiğiniz gibi seyyar satıcılarda ve mahalle pazarlarında da bulabilirsiniz. 
Modada bu geçmişe dönüş furyası daha çok devam edecek çünkü dünya tarihinde daha kaç ayrı moda oluşabilir ki? Muhakkak ısıtıp ısıtıp önümüze sürecekler bunları. Choker de o hesap hortladı. Seveni çok yalan değil. Gelin chokerların modadaki tarihine ve çeşitlerine bakalım.
Ilk chokerı Anne Boleyn’in 16. yüzyılda taktığı söyleniyor.
Ancak resimlere baktığımızda görülen bu kolyenin bir choker olduğunu bildirmek biraz zorlama, kişisel olarak bana kadar düz kolye bu.
Choker her dönemde belirtilen sınıftan kadınları simgeleştirmek için kullanılmış.
1900’lerde Danimarka kraliçesi Alexandra boynundaki bir yarayı sır olarak saklamak için bu tasma kolyelerden taktığında halkta da moda olmaya başlamış.
Manet’nin Olympia adlı tablosunda da choker görebilirsiniz.
19. yüzyıl başlarında düz, ince, kırmızı ya da siyah choker takan kadınların seks işçiliği yaptığı konusunda söylentiler mevcut. Hatta Bunalım döneminde de dar lezbiyenliğin simgesi olarak da kullanıldığı söyleniyor.
1940’larda moda yayıncılığı anlayışı ile birlikte tekrar gündemde.
Hatta o dönemde bir zaman moda dergilerini süsleyen chokerların kadınlar arasında tartışma yarattığı (daha önce söylediğimiz seks işçiliğini gösteren bir simge olarak kullanılması) söylentisi var. Bu yüzden o dönem çok da moda olamamış.
Vakit ilerledikçe 60’lar sonlarında da moda oluyor.
Audrey Hepburn bile choker takmış. Ast Audrey’nin taktığı sahiden Viktoryen dönemdeki chokerlar gibi haysiyet simgesi izlenimi veriyor.
İşte chokerların altın dönemi: 90’lar…
Sizi bilmem fakat benim aklıma choker deyince ilk olarak Leon’daki Matilda gelir. Ne de hoş yakışıyordu çılgın kızımıza.
Pulp Fiction’dan Mia…
40’larda tutmayan choker modası 90’larda öyle pik yapar ki eğer 90’larda bir Amerikan filminde oynuyorsanız ve zinde, başat, kavgadan kaçmayan kadını canlandırıyorsanız choker takmak zorunda oluyorsunuz.
Sinemanın asi güzeli Drew Barrymore da şüphesiz bu modaya uydu.
Zaten choker azıcık fiilen rocker hatun imajı veren bir şey o yüzden Drew’den başkasının takması beklenemezdi.
90’larda kız çocuğu olanların zahmetsizce hatırlayabileceği dantel choker.
Emrindeki dantel dediğime bakmayın bildiğimiz plastikti lakin o dönemde herkes taktı.
Günümüzde choker modasını hortlatan başlıca ad Kendall Jenner.
Zamane kızlarının bu modaya deliler gibi kendini kaptırmasının, tüm zincir giyim markalarının her mağazasında choker standı bulunmasının sebebi Kendall hanımefendi.
Hatta böylece moda oldu ancak choker takmayan meşhur kalmadı.
Ödül törenlerinde o abartılı abiyelerin üstüne taktıkları siyah düz kadife chokerlar ile kendilerine ayrı bir hava ve stil yaratıyorlar.
Yan chokerı sadece moda olarak etnik kimliğiyle de birleştiren Beyonce var.
Beyonce’un taktığına choker demeyebilirsiniz ama sahiden Afrika’da o bildiğimiz bütün boynu saran tasmaların modern tarzdaki hali.
Bu moda daha uzun sürecek gibi görünüyor.
Artık mağazaları geçtim, köşe başında, seyyar satıcılarda hatta mahalle pazarlarında bile chokerlar var. Hala almadıysanız siz de alın…
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garnetbutterflysblog · 9 months
Is it just me or does the characters have a very symbolic color palette (in particular Mahi and Hürrem)?
Mahi wears a mix of colors that symbolize calmness, stability, approachability and comfort. Even though a few of her gowns so far have not been salmon, beige or brown- the kaftans she wears with them are.
The colors of Hürrem's clothing tend to symbolize youth, passion, desire, confidence, renewal/restoration, and healing.
As for Hafsa, it appears to me that all of her dresses are somewhat symbolic but usually only of her royal status. There are a few worth looking at more in-depth.
The color palettes for Mahi and Hürrem fit their characters, or what I know of them so far. I am really thinking about doing a costume symbolism post per episode, but I'd have to go back and watch the episodes 1 & 3. Maybe in the (hopefully near) future when I have more time on my hands.
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This blue and orange dress was first worn by Alexandra Hatun (later Hürrem Sultan) in the first episode of Magnificent Century. The dress continued to be worn by various unnamed harem members, as seen in the eighth, ninth, thirteenth, seventeenth and nineteenth episode of the first season as well as the ninth episode of the second season.The third season saw the kaftan on Nurbahar Hatun.
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nesrinslittleworld · 4 months
The Most Beautiful Thing In The World Is Love - Chapter 3.
Book: Dracula A Love Story
Pairing: Mehmed x MC
Characters: Şehzade Mehmed, Lale Hatun, Ambassador.
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More than a week had passed since the departure of the imperial army from Edirne, and Alexandra,escorted by two sipahis, had soon followed after them, leaving Lale alone.
The young lady was now restless. Not only had the war taken all of her loved ones away from her, but it also left the palace under the supervision of her Uncle’s grand vizier, Candarli Halil Pasha, to whom the mysterious ambassador seemed to whisper his every wish.
While pondering upon all this, Lale shivered. Her grip on her silken emerald green shawl tightened as she walked down one of the many paths of the gardens, while her mind went back to the fateful letter that Nuray never got to send her.
Despite all logic, she had the intuition that all these unfortunate events and the arrival of the Ambassador were not a coincidence. And everything she had learned from her Uncle’s physician corroborated her theory; after all, even in the past many dreadful events unfolded upon his arrival: Mehmed’s fall, Şehzade Ahmed’s death, Hüma’s condition, the death of her second cousin, then Hüma’s; and lastly, her own mother.
According to Shirvani, demons were dancing and screaming in Hüma’s house on the night Mehmed was cured, and coincidentally, the Ambassador excused himself and did not attend any meeting with the Sultan.
If one thing was certain for Lale, it was that he was the one who summoned those dark forces. And he was the same man that had stalked Mehmed and herself while at the caravanserail, and the words he had spoken back then still echoed in Lale’s mind. He had threatened Mehmed’s position as future ruler by mentioning a potential brother.
Now he was taking advantage of the Sultan’s absence to pressure the inhabitants of the palace, and imposing his vision on the Grand Vizier. Alexandra had been discovered and threatened because of him; what would be next?
Dread filled her stomach as she stopped next to the wooden bench facing the small pound. The young lady had planned to work on the zaviye, but her gloomy thoughts had disheartened her.
She sat down silently and contemplated the gardens for a while, unable to shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen. These gardens had become her safe place, where she could hide away from the world and meditate on the serious topics that had been burdening her mind lately. But also, they reminded her of their own designer, of him.
The sound of hurried footsteps made Lale turn around, only to see the breathless messenger stopping a few steps away from the kiosk, and bowing deeply.
“Lale Hatun” he started as he tried to catch his breath. While he was doing so, the young woman noticed the golden tube he was holding firmly; it only meant one thing: this came from the battlefield, and it was sent by someone powerful, urgently.
Her blood ran cold.
“What is it?” she asked while trying to maintain some countenance. “What news of the battlefield?”
“The battle started during the night, my Lady” the man replied while keeping his gaze to the ground. “This letter was sent urgently to you as the first wave was ending.” He extended the golden tube to her, and bowed respectfully once she took it.
Lale could hear her heart pumping in her ears as she looked at the letter and barely heard herself thank the man, before focusing on the letter.
With trembling hands, she opened the tube and examined the seal on the letter before hastily breaking it as she recognised its sender.
There was no introduction, nor salutations, only fourteen lines were elegantly written.
Lale’s eyes widened as she recognised the style of Mehmed’s writing; similar to another one that she received not so long ago.
“O my love! Only if my heart’s pain made my tears spill over for you, would the secrets hidden in me be disclosed to you?
You are seated on the Throne of Beauty ;I am trampled on this road of Earth. O my Solomon! How can a mere ant explain its state to you?
O light of my dark room! Look at this candle weep, at your gathering, see how it goes mad to burn so fine for you.
O my love with the face of the bright moon! It is plain as day that in the anguish of love I am as true as the light of morning to you.
O my love! Somehow, yesterday you stayed the torments my rivals wreaked on me. Did my cries and wails, then, move you?
O dear friend! I cannot explain the wound of separation. So let my torn collar and wounded breast show you how my heart has been torn to pieces for you.
O my love! Don’t bring Avni’s heart and eyes to ruin with your torments. For the great sea of my eyes presents pearls to you, and from the blood-filled mine of my heart are drawn out ruby garnets for you.”
Lale’s fingers trembled as she held the thin paper, and a tear silently rolled down her cheek while she read the last line of the poem. She suddenly felt out of breath, and realised that she had forgotten to breathe altogether. Without taking her eyes off the paper, she sat down on the bench and tried to regain control over her racing heart. Luckily for her, the messenger never raised his eyes to her, and kept staring at the ground; unaware of her torment.
In his poem, he was speaking of her staying the torments his rivals wreaked on him; what rivals could he be talking about? Lale couldn’t recall when she displayed her attention to anyone else than him; or had her Uncle matured his own thoughts about her wedding?
Was this Mehmed’s answer for the talismanic shirt she secretly gave him? And if so, was he wearing it during the battle?
She couldn’t help but feel all of his anxiety, and then joy through his lines and now she could only pray to the Almighty that they would return soon to Edirne safe and sound. That he would come back to her unharmed. She cleared her throat and stood up before addressing herself to the messenger, still bowing behind her.
“What about my family? Are they safe?” The man could feel her piercing gaze on him as she spoke and tried to weigh his words carefully.
“Our Sultan led the battle wisely and remained out of harm; Şehzade Mehmed…” he paused, unsure of what to say. But that short pause filled Lale with dread and she urged him to speak, immediately.
“Our Şehzade fell into an ambush; luckily he wasn’t alone and fought alongside Aslan and the Prince Vlad to find his way back to the camp. Our Sultan was grateful for them keeping the Şehzade safe. And then his Highness went back to his tent, only to return with this very letter and commanded me to ride immediately to Edirne.”
The young lady nodded, thoughtful.
“You shall rest here for a bit and depart in a few hours. I will entrust you with a reply before your departure. You may take your leave now.” She returned her attention to the letter as the man retreated, and sat back on the bench, deep in thoughts.
She only returned to her room at sunset and crossed paths with Shahi Hatun who, filled with exhaustion, had come back from Mehmed’s wetnurse’s chambers. Not wishing to leave the sickened woman alone, and to relieve her own wetnurse, Lale offered to visit her for a moment.
But as she reached Daye Hatun’s chamber, she overheard a muffled conversation that sent shivers down her spine.
“Why am I here? I have business with your ward. It’s unfortunate that he left before my arrival… But I'll definitely wait for him.”
“No…”Lale whispered with dread without realising it, then stepped away from the door, but a moment too late, revealing the ominous form of the Ambassador.
“Lale Hatun… Good evening.”
Poem from Fatih Sultan Mehmed, under the pen name of Avnî.
Here's an audio of said poem in Ottoman Turkish -> poem
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shivrcys · 4 years
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I hope this one is OK.
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garnetbutterflysblog · 9 months
I am now an official Nigar Stan.
My girl is out there, telling Hürrem about the importance of Thursday night with those lips tilted up, fully knowing what she’s actually advising.
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garnetbutterflysblog · 9 months
Despite looking gorgeous, I don't feel plain white suits Alexandra/Hurrem's personality very well. I mean it's the first episode and we know she's a firecracker- bold and feisty. That pearl necklace is to die for, though. Gimme.
As an interesting aside, they chose to put Mahidevran in beige. A color symbolizing comfort (the comfort of tradition, perhaps?), simplicity, constancy and is generally thought of as conservative. Perhaps they're already signaling that Mahidevran is accepted by the dynasty for being the traditional concubine, the obedient one whereas Hurrem is and will continue to rock the boat.
Interesting to think that the costuming choices for Mahidevran might already be reflecting something that hasn't yet come. Don't get me wrong, the seeds are being sown but we haven't yet gotten to the point where Hurrem is unavoidable for the dynasty.
I might post more on costume analysis for the next episode.
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garnetbutterflysblog · 9 months
A Petty Nitpick
It bothers me that they refer to Hurrem as 'Alexandra'. Not because they aren't calling her 'Hurrem' but because names have regional variants.
For example, Catherine of Aragon was born Catalina- the Spanish form of her name. Caterina, as in the badass Caterina Sforza, is the Italian form of the same name.
Being from Ruthenia (modern-day Ukraine but at the time, in the Kingdom of Poland), Hurrem's birth name is Aleksandra, the Ukranian and Polish variant of Alexandra. And if Maria is from the same region, she should be called 'Mariya'.
And why on Earth do they keep mixing up Ruthenia and Russia? Despite the fact they keep saying she's from Ruthenia, Nigar scolds Maria and Hurrem for speaking "Russian". They should be speaking Ukranian.
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