#ali nonsense
katesharmasheart · 2 years
the coastguard: wtf that ship doing
dracula from the ship: I’M TRYIN MY BEST 
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gendrie · 10 months
"You play at being a servant, but in your heart you are a lord's daughter. You have taken other names, but you wore them as lightly as you might wear a gown. Under them was always Arya." (Arya, AFFC)
"He wants you," said the She-Bear, after his third visit. Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. (Asha, ADWD)
its so crazy that grrm has put aly mormont on track to meet arya.....if alysane sticks by jeyne (and i think she will) then she will likely go to braavos with justin massey’s crew. if arya wants to get close to jeyne (and i think she will) then she will have to get close to aly. inevitably, there would be some sort of interaction. it might only be small, but the fact that grrm is even putting aly in this storyline makes me think theres potential 
The girl wouldn't walk, even when slapped. Arya dragged her with her right hand while she held Needle in the left. Ahead, the night was a sullen red. The barn's on fire, she thought. Flames were licking up its sides from where a torch had fallen on straw, and she could hear the screaming of the animals trapped within. Hot Pie stepped out of the barn. "Arry, come on! Lommy's gone, leave her if she won't come!" Stubbornly, Arya dragged all the harder, pulling the crying girl along. (Arya, ACOK)
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. "We have needed to be. In olden days the ironmen would come raiding in their longboats, or wildlings from the Frozen Shore. The men would be off fishing, like as not. The wives they left behind had to defend themselves and their children, or else be carried off." "There's a carving on our gate," said Dacey. "A woman in a bearskin, with a child in one arm suckling at her breast. In the other hand she holds a battleaxe. She's no proper lady, that one, but I always loved her." (Catelyn, ASOS)
arya has more than a few things in common with the women of bear island. she embodied their carving during the battle she fought in clash; in one hand she had a toddler and in the other a weapon. the mormonts are daughters and mothers who rule their land while also fighting, leading, and (allegedly) skinchanging. aly claims the mormont women are skinchangers just a couple chapters before the one where arya starts to truly understand her own powers. 
"You are wed." "No. My children were fathered by a bear." Alysane smiled. Her teeth were crooked, but there was something ingratiating about that smile. "Mormont women are skinchangers. We turn into bears and find mates in the woods. Everyone knows." (Asha, ADWD) 
She knew the way to the kitchens, but her nose would have led her there even if she hadn't. Hot peppers and fried fish, she decided, sniffing down the hall, and bread fresh from Umma's oven. The smells made her belly rumble. The night wolf had feasted, but that would not fill the blind girl's belly. Dream meat could not nourish her, she had learned that early on. (Arya, ADWD) 
the mormonts are women of the north who comfortably and confidently defy gender roles; in appearance, in temperament, in action. they’re not just warriors either. maege has five daughters and an uncertain marital status. she is still the head of her house. aly is unwed with two children and she’s the heir; poised to rule bear island someday. the mormonts are proof that there is an alternative to being a “proper” lady 
(preemptively im gonna say spare me any bullshit on how the mormont girls/women are not relevant examples to arya bc they live in isolation lol whats important is how arya perceives them. they’ve been consistent players in the northern political scene too - despite their nonconformity. some may mutter about it but that doesnt stop them from participating in both the fighting and the ruling of the north) 
One of his companions was even a woman: Dacey Mormont, Lady Maege's eldest daughter and heir to Bear Island [...] (Catelyn, AGOT)
“Lady Arya should have a female companion as well. Take Alysane Mormont.” (Theon, TWOW)
both houses lost their eldest at the red wedding and the mormonts remain loyal to house stark. 
Fear cuts deeper than swords, she told herself. "Arya." She whispered the word the first time. The second time she threw it at him. "I am Arya, of House Stark." (Arya, AFFC) 
Stannis read from the letter. "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king." (Jon, ADWD) 
i cannot think of a better influence for arya to have as she tries to figure out who she is and who she wants to be then any one of the mormont women. so i think its pretty significant that aly has already been made “lady arya’s” companion and will possibly cross paths with the real arya in twow. 
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Ali Krieger getting the retirement sendoff from her club -- and advancing through the playoffs -- that Ash didn't and so desperately wanted is giving me L I F E
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justafriendofxanders · 3 months
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sorry for the meme format that's apparently nearing a DECADE old but i unironically feel a shiver down my spine any time someone mentions buffy being rebooted
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mayasdeluca · 5 months
I think it speaks volumes that after Ashlyn decided to make a statement on insta that only HAO liked it and none of their other mutuals who have been active on SM since it was posts did…
Yeah, there is no way their mutual friends are touching that post besides HAO I guess who probably just feels bad for her but everything about that statement was self serving while also indirectly throwing jabs at Ali and acting like she was completely innocent and didn't have any doing in the reason their marriage failed...that's just an awful look and their friends know better than that. Like at least take some accountability?? Would it kill her to wish Ali well in the future as they go their separate ways as she tries to act like she wanted to be all civil initially?? It's not like Ali has done anything or said anything since. Literally nothing she said was done in good taste and it just shows what kind of mindset she's in and how she only cares about herself and dragging the kids into it was also a new low.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
I will never understand how people think Alys and Aemond's relationship was a love story just because she prevented him from killing a squire, he helped her getting down from Vhagar, kissed her and said to her "My Alys" and "My Lady" (in this case I've even seen some shippers arguing this is further proof they got married because why would he refer to her as "My Lady" unless he made her one by marrying her). The point is abusers often use endearing terms when referring to their victims, pretending they love them when the opposite is true.
We also don't know what Alys' thoughts and feelings about everything were yet they claim she loved him was proud to have his son. Do they really think she could've said NO to him? That he would've let her go if she wanted to? I don't think they even asked themselves this question, probably not.
Also, another crazy thing I've seen some Greens saying is that Alys saw Aemond's death in her visions, told him was going to die in the battle against Daemon and he accepted his fate, deciding to sacrifice himself to take Daemon out in order to save Alys, their son and his family from him.
You make great points, anon, esp the one that relationships with abusive partners don’t show themselves as obviously abusive. What you point out is related to love-bombing. Often people miss or misinterpret love bombing in the beginning of relationships or while dating when love bombing is really just that person trying to present a picture of affection and devotion rather than act those out. As a lure.
I also wrote about how Alys Rivers was a war prize/sex slave, the terms of her vulnerability, and why she wouldn’t be genuinely romantic HERE, HERE & HERE. And I do believe that Alys sent Aemond to his death. But I do not think Aemond just decided to give himself up. Why would Daemon hurt Alys or care about her when Daemon’s the one who actually waited at Harrenhal, cutting the godswoods tree in silent despair, waiting for Aemond to pop up for 14 days, the one who we, the reader, follow the perspective of for the last battle. He waited for Aemond, knowing that he was going to die:
Daemon Targaryen returned to the castle just long enough to break his fast with Lord Mooton. “This is the last that you will see of me,” he told his lordship.
When he had gone, Maester Norren went to his lord to say, “Take the chain from my neck and bind my hands with it. You must needs deliver me to the queen. When I gave warning to a traitor and allowed her to escape, I became a traitor as well.” Lord Mooton refused. “Keep your chain,” his lordship said.  “We are all traitors here.”
When the last of them was gone, Daemon Targaryen walked the cavernous halls of Harren’s seat alone, with no companion but his dragon. Each night at dusk he slashed the heart tree in the godswood to mark the passing of another day. Thirteen marks can be seen upon that weirwood still; old wounds, deep and dark, yet the lords who have ruled Harrenhal since Daemon’s day say they bleed afresh every spring.
We’re not in Aemond’s "perspective" or even just following his actions that are suggestive of a specific emotion; all of that battle followed more of Daemon’s actions down to the chains he doesn’t tie, Daemon’s feelings before and during the confrontation, even how he got there. And I’m speaking from a Doylist perspective here.
...And they’re are literally taking Daemon’s self-sacrifice narrative and making it Aemond’s and for no good reason nor good reading of the text. They literally have no goddamn imagination, just taking the narrative arc from Daemon’s story and making it Aemond’s....because they know Daemon is the star here, the focus, and the one we’re supposed to be feel for.
It’s not even cute how people deny this.
Some other things:
Even with it being suspect that we get all this when Daemon was alone and Aemond wasn't --Alys was with him, but would have interviewed her?--and the cuts in the tree possibly being just Harrenhal residents trying to gain some notoriety from Daemon's stay there, this alone still tells us the Daemon's legacy is more valued in Westeros than Aemond, more seen as heroic. Aemond is positioned as the enemy of Daemon, a threat. Daemon's pain rather than Aemond's pride--whether Daemon actually cut the tree or not--is the thing that's centered in this part of the narrative.
Alys really shines as a character when she is apart from Aemond and more words from her, while Rhaenyra could be argued to suffer apart from Daemon if only for how she herself has severed this connection with her paranoia brought on by blood purity and grief.
Aemond is boastful and fully expected to win/survive, Daemon fully expected to die but is determined anyway to kill Aemond without actually caring about his taunts. He persists in making things short so they can get on with the battle while Aemond wishes to intimidate and demean, flaunt. Aemond appears to be like Daemon's younger self before he went to the Stepstones and married (2nd time) and became a father specifically in his eagerness to prove himself a consummate warrior/fighter. (In the edits, below I note they are still different in what motivates them to be this way)
We remember how he expresses defeat with Mysaria turning Rhaenyra against him & Nettles.
Combining all these things, it is more than likely to me that Daemon dies for rhaenyra, and their kids' safety, while also trying to prove to her defiantly that he always worked towards her interests. Was never unfaithful or disloyal.
Also how Daemon is the one emotionally devoted to his family, yet we hear of Aemond being the protector of his family based on his love for them, some Green fans state.
(this link) It is possible that kinda similar to Dany and Khal Drogo, Alys grew some sort of affection for Aemond, but I'm loathed to see it as true love for him. He, however, might have "loved" her in his Aemond, nonhealthy way less because she wanted to hurt him and more because he wanted a sense of power that she made him feel through her attention and her maybe visions. they would have emotionally used each other, him emotionally using her more and her materially using him more. and frankly, that's deliciously ironic to me.
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dcviltriggcr · 2 months
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OUT. I am thinking about his FFVII verses and I find it funny that Nero is two very specific personalities between his Mercenary and SOLDIER variants. SOLDIER Nero is just a bit more serious then Mercenary Nero, but both of them are sarcastic, shameless flirts and chaos gremlins.
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iggysmice · 2 months
I have the annoyingly verbose form of autism, evidenced by the fact I use words like "verbose."
My partner has ADHD and struggles with blocks of text, whether it be processing the words, parsing the text, or even just having the attention span to finish reading the block. Apparently reading is notoriously hard for people with ADHD for a variety of reasons. I'm a hyperlexic autistic who loves reading scientific journals for fun so I don't know what thats like and it sounds unfortunate.
To combat this for my poor Aly, I leave TLDRs at the end of my text blocks in our discord DM, so that if her brain isn't cooperating with my excessive use of the English language she can read a couple sentences that sum up what I said instead!
I think it probably also helps me learn how to be brief when summarizing events to someone.
Either way, making things accessible doesn't have to be a huge grand project. You can just start using TLDRs when you write a big paragraph.
TLDR adhd makes reading hard so to help your adhd having homies you can put a little summary at the bottom of your paragraphs so they can get the idea of the conversation even with a bad attention span!
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londonspirit · 1 year
"I like my own burps!" Pedro Pascal on playing The Mandalorian
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icehcart · 8 months
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OUT. my dash is so ded. I need to find me more people to follow and interact with. I've been binging Bleach lately and I miss Toshiro.
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fairfallcn · 1 month
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OUT. so... while Zack is going on about cats having telepathic powers, I'm low key thinking about possibly reviving Tifa? I mean... I made a blog for her a while ago and barely got to use her. but also... my blog consistency is not the greatest XD but also, also... I love Tifa so much.
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katesharmasheart · 3 months
From all the remakes I think skam italia was the only one that was able to keep one of the main things that made skam skam overall. I do believe that they can improve in some things but it'll always have a special place bc it was the first one I watched
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Fun fact, the warden can get out of Fort Drakon all by themselves by disguising themselves (and eventually Alistair) as guards and everyone think they're new recruits. I was in stitches the whole quest because nobody, and I do mean NOBODY, found any resemblance between the new recruits and the prisoners. So imagine Anora and Eamon and the crew plotting and the warden just pops up like "hey, how you're doing?"
i do mean to try that sometime bc its so funny conceptually. i’m unfortunately too much of an absolute sucker for ‘romance option to the rescue’ to ever let it be canon but i will go back into a save and see what happens sometime
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Fact: Ali is a damn catch and Ash fumbled the hell outta that, and Ali deserves so much better
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aangopologist · 1 year
"the greens die and Rhaenyra's line ends up on the Throne 🥰" ok...but have you consired I like doomed characters?
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darkchemy · 5 months
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OUT. instead of doing anything really properly productive last night, I ended up spending time in Paint and made some fanart of my boi. yes, I use bases, but it's still fun to make pictures of him and try to imagine outfit ideas. v if anyone is curious, I'll put them below. v
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