#all part of my agenda to get trent/ted on the board they’re STARTING to write season 3… we can turn this boat around...
remythologise · 3 years
PLEASE share your ted/trent agenda with the world i'm intrigued by how relatively easy that would be to do in canon
Alright well I’ve taken to answering recent asks as top ten lists so here’s another: Top Ten Reasons Why Ted/Trent Should Be Canon:
1. This reddit comment sums it up:
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It’s simply a compelling rom com(munism) plot! What’s more compelling than a journalist falling in love with the person he’s meant to report on! The ethical dilemmas! The slow realisation! Half of this arc was basically already covered in:
2. The episode 1.03 Trent Crimm The Independent. Which is perhaps the best episode of the show and I simply think perhaps we could use more of that energy. Too much Trent on screen never a bad thing unlike Beard sorry to that man and that episode
3. In the episode 2.07 Headspace Trent Crimm exits the bar with what looks to be a male date with a moustache, indicating he is both a) into men and b) moustachesexual. Actually he DOESN’T exit the bar he gets distracted by Ted and tells his date to wait outside while he saunters over to get some goss. But you get the picture.
4. Trent Crimm has a daughter but no wedding ring and APPEARED to be on a date which means it is simply not out of the realms of possibility that he is a divorced dad. Sorry to be wildly ungeneric but I simply think DivorcedDad4DivorcedDad is a great and fresh premise for a tv romance actually.
5. Ted Lasso SHOULD be at least bisexual. - Firstly because nobody on the show is officially LGBT+ and they need a Big Swing to offset how bad their representation is. (no, Disney’s 56th Gay Character adjacent grindr references by Colin isn’t enough for me and also by the way their racial politics are absolutely fucking awful. But this isn’t an ask about that.) Also because the more people get pissed off with bisexual/gay main characters that weren’t marketable or pre-warned the better. Let’s BREAK that pink and satiny ceiling— - Secondly because in the meta plot of Ted Lasso being about Jason Sudeikis recovering from his breakup with Olivia Wilde it would be funny if the answer to his existential crisis was Sucking A Man’s Dick - Thirdly about once an episode he drops some Woke JokeTM thing about another male character being handsome, AND he has a passionate love for musical theatre. Yeah I know he’s just meant to be sooooo perfect positive masculinity etc. but I personally reject Apple TV+’s cookie cutter and did-no-work Manic Pixie Dream Dad and offer this as a fun alternative.
6. My personal opinion on Ted Lasso season 2 is that daddy issues are overdone, and I don’t care about Apple TV+ going over Therapy 101. (Don’t get me wrong, I really love interior character focused therapy stuff if it’s well written! But in S2, it is not.) You know whose panic attacks I DO care about? Eddie Diaz’s comphet panic attacks on 911. Ted Lasso you could learn a thing or two from that! I’m just saying main character gay crises are fun and fresh and sexy!
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7. Every single look Trent Crimm gives Ted Lasso post-1.03 indicates to me he’s DEEPLY smitten despite his smug upper-class self.
8. In the most recent episode 2.11, Trent Crimm sacrifices his journalistic integrity to provide Ted with details. It’s actually embarrassing and all of twitter is on his back over ethical integrity because you NEVER give away a source etc. etc… but HE’S IN LOVE, YOUR HONOUR. In the words of his own (official) twitter:
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9. Ted makes Trent’s daughter cupcakes which implies a quite friendly relationship. Ted’s question in the show of ‘can I be a good father’ and ‘do I have a family I belong to’ can and should be partially answered by taking up parental care duties for his male friend’s child much like Buck 911 and Dean Supernatural—
10. There is no love interest for Ted Lasso that is remotely as compelling. Actually Trent happens to be the least problematic option on the table (other than Sassy, I guess!). (don’t @ me over this yes we KNOW a m/f relationship is going to be the endgame of Apple TV+’s flagship show if you ship ted/sharon or ted/rebecca you’re not under any threat!)
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