#also depending on the nightmare he either wakes up very groggily or quickley shooting up
sneeb-canons · 4 months
Its pretty easy to tell if Heart or Mind are gaving s nightmare.
For Heart, he usually starts mumbling or muttering in his sleep, stratching as his chest or arms. He also looks extremely upset, usually.
For Mind, his breathing gets exponentially faster, and usually he starts shaking. He usually starts to grab at whatever’s closest to him.
Somehow, they both can just… recognize when each other is having a nightmare. They just know, even when the signs aren’t obvious. Especially when the nightmare is more like a flashback than anything else. They usually wake the other up and wait until they’ve both calmed down before going back to sleep.
oh yeah and then soul is just there LMAO- he does have a similar nightmare-radar instinct to heart and mind though.
Headcanon #381
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