#would be a bit ironic considering hes the main one that sings Dream too lol
sneeb-canons · 4 months
Its pretty easy to tell if Heart or Mind are gaving s nightmare.
For Heart, he usually starts mumbling or muttering in his sleep, stratching as his chest or arms. He also looks extremely upset, usually.
For Mind, his breathing gets exponentially faster, and usually he starts shaking. He usually starts to grab at whatever’s closest to him.
Somehow, they both can just… recognize when each other is having a nightmare. They just know, even when the signs aren’t obvious. Especially when the nightmare is more like a flashback than anything else. They usually wake the other up and wait until they’ve both calmed down before going back to sleep.
oh yeah and then soul is just there LMAO- he does have a similar nightmare-radar instinct to heart and mind though.
Headcanon #381
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Playlist Meme - Saarai (of course)
I was tagged by @thehighground​ (thank you! :D) this one was super fun!! I was caught between the twins of who I should do for this one, Saarai won because she is my favourite and her 70-song playlist was basically made for memes like this (yes, you heard me, 70. No it’s not a typo. Yes I have a slight, maybe, problem with her being my favourite LOL) 👍
I’ve shared all their playlists at various points, if you search up the “swtor oc theme songs” and “oc playlist” tag on the blog you should be able to find them! Or if you want links to the full playlists drop me a line and I can link you to them no problem! :D
Just the one this time cause this one’s pretty long, if I get tagged again tho I’ll do Ni’kasi next! :D
I shall tag (if you feel like it, no pressure as always!) @abyssal-space​ @stratosara​ @anchanted-one​ @pauletta-00​ @hypnowinnermugpeach​ and anybody else who wants to have a go, this one’s super fun! Long post so under a cut! <3 gonna pop the content warning up here to: TW for mention of past abuse/manipulation and parental abuse in one of the songs in case ya wanna avoid it. there’s a warning above the specific section as well if you wanna read the rest and just skip that song, up to you!
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♦️  Their intro theme: Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats
“I’m gonna get myself in fighting trim, scope out every angle of unfair advantage. I’m gonna bribe the officials, I’m gonna kill all the judges! It’s gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage!! Our mother has been absent, ever since we founded Rome. But there’s gonna be a party when the wolf comes home.”
♦️  Their own favorite song: DARKSIDE - Shinedown
(She has to set a good example with being one of the leaders of the Alliance (especially because her saying “don’t do that” is the only reason her sister and Aria don’t go for their new Jedi allies - at least to start with, before the Alliance y’know, bonds and becomes a proper coalition!). But learning to trust Jedi was still hard for her after what they did to her people, and I feel like if it existed in the verse she’d find it relatable and listen to it a lot.)
“Can you hear me, am I speaking clearly? Are you star-struck or just made of stone? Block out the actors, and all these bastards. That took all the fun out of rage and revenge.”
♦️  Their boss battle theme: Castle - Halsey
(it was difficult to pick one for this one, she has quite a few in her playlist that I consider her “boss battle” songs for various points in her life/the two different verses. But I think this one is the most universal! :D)
“I’m heading straight for the castle. They wanna make me their Queen. And there’s an old man sitting on the throne there sayin’ that I ‘probably shouldn’t be so mean.’ I’m heading straight for the castle...they got the kingdom locked up. And there’s an old man sitting on the throne there sayin’ ‘I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut!’.”
♦️  Their love song: (one for each of her main ships, but again, they have whole playlists because I use playlists to “set the mood” of the character/ship while I write. Pro writing tip, do it. It helps [nod nod] <3)
For Zephyrverse/Sash: Heaven’s Gate - Fall Out Boy
“And in the end if I don’t make it on the list, would you sneak me a wristband? Or would you give me, give me, give me a boost? Give me a boost over heaven’s gate. I’m gonna need a boost, cause everything else is a subtitute for your love. Give me a boost over heaven’s gate.”
For Subterfugeverse/Lana & Koth: The Last Of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
“I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as I do. As much as I do...Cause you’re the last of a dying breed, write our names on the wet concrete. I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me. I’m here in search of your glory, there’s been a million before me, that ultra-kind of love you never walk away from. ”
♦️  Their sad times song: Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along (tw: mention of abuse/manipulation, parental abuse)
“ ‘Bruno, what happened to your good sense?!’ I broke down ‘That man was good!!’ ‘I bet he works for the government!’ Did you hear about that mother, broke her daughter’s legs in two and said: ‘It’s too dangerous out there to walk so I have to save you!’ ”
♦️  A song that fits their aesthetic: Woman King - Iron & Wine
“Black hoof mare. Broken leg. Eye on the shotgun shell. Age old dog. Hornet’s nest. Built in the big church bell. Hundred years, hundred more. Someday we may see a woman king, sword in hand, swing at some evil and bleed.”
♦️  A song that reminds them of a better time: Downhill - Lincoln
(though most of this song has sad undertones to it, this part in particular would remind her of the short time she had with her father when he was alive, when he would take the twins outside and sit them on his lap to look at the stars <3)
“Cause you were the first one to show me the stars. And they don’t mean much to me, but I still wonder where you are. Some nights I still try to find you, relative to constellations. And all your relatives are still on vacation, or so I heard from a friend...”
♦️  A song that calms them down: 10,000 Enemies - Emeli Sandé
(headcanon that this is a song their mother D’leah used to sing to her and her twin, Ni’kasi, when they were children hiding out on Rishi and it stuck with her.)
“I hear the sweetest sound, blowing from the North. It says ‘don’t panic now, what’s mine is yours...’ I hope 10,000 times you tell me the truth. Cause now there’s much to do. I trust in you. I shall be free...I shall be free. We shall be free.”
♦️  A song that gets them hyped up: Young And Menace - Fall Out Boy
“We’ve gone way too fast for way too long. And we were never supposed to make it half this far. And I’ve lived so much life, lived so much life. I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice.”
I’m assuming this section is meant to mean a song the character would associate with each season? So I hope I’ve interpreted that correctly, I wasn’t really sure what else it was referring to. So that’s what I’m doing LOL
♦️  Spring: Thunder - Imagine Dragons
“Just a young gun with a quick fuse. I was uptight, wanna let loose. I was dreaming of bigger things and wanna leave my own life behind. Not a yes sir, not a follower, fit the box, fit the mold, have a seat in the foyer. Take a number, I was lightning, before the thunder.”
♦️  Summer: The Times They Are A’Changin’ - Fort Nowhere
(a.k.a the time of year where everything went to hell for her, though she uses it to remind her of how far she’s come once she’s older and more at peace with everything that happened so it’s positive in the end!)
“Come gather round people, wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around you have grown, and accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, well you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone. For the times, they are a’changin’.”
♦️  Autumn: Dragon - Built By Titan feat. Skyborne
“When I was younger, I had a dragon. We would fly away to places you can’t imagine. And this is a story, of a lonely island. And a boy who found a way to become a lion.”
♦️  Winter: Youth - Glass Animals
(Winter is when Ty was born so it’s a mixed bag of trauma-induced depression (See “sad-times” song above), missing her twin and being sad about what happened but also wanting to make sure Ty never has to experience what she did and just wanting him to have a safe & happy life, so. This song kinda fits that.)
“Boy, when I left you you were young. I was gone but not my love, you were clearly meant for more than a life lost in the war. Oh, I want you to be happy, free to run get dizzy on caffeine, funny friends that make you laugh and maybe you’re just a little bit dappy.”
♦️  The song that plays while they’re lying on the ground bleeding out in a Walmart: Everything You Ever - Neil Patrick Harris (from Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog)
“So your world’s benign. So you think justice has a voice? And we all have a choice? Well now, your world is mine.”
♦️  The song that would play each morning if they’re stuck in a time loop: Ends Of The Earth - Lord Huron
“ Oh, there's an island where all things are silent, I'm gonna whistle a tune. Oh, there's a desert that size can't be measured; I'm gonna count all the dunes.”
♦️  The song they’d listen to while robbing a Wendy’s: Pork Soda - Glass Animals
“Somebody said I’m a fucking slum, don’t know where I belong. Maybe you’re fucking dumb, maybe I’m just a bum. Maybe you’re fucking scum, don’t you go psycho chum.”
♦️  The song they’d accidentally introduce to people in medieval times if they were a time traveller: The Time Warp - Rocky Horror Picture Show.
(Also not accidentally, she has a silly side and she’d probably play this one for the LOL’s to see who got it or who got mad. She’d totally learn the dance moves and do those too XD)
“ The blackness would hit me And the void would be calling Let's do the Time Warp again Let's do the Time Warp again.”
♦️  The song they’d play in the middle of the night when their neighbors are being too loud: Blood // Water - grandson
("Do you think if I play a really loud, aggressively threatening song they’d shut the fuck up? I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna try it.” XD).
“You’ll never get free, lamb to the slaughter, what you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water?!”
♦️  The song that plays at their funeral: Sax Rohmer #1 - The Mountain Goats
“Ships loosed from their moorings capsize and then they're gone. Sailors with no captains watch a while and then move on. And an agent crests the shadows and I head in her direction. All roads lead toward the same blocked intersection. And I am coming home to you. With my own blood in my mouth...yes I am coming home, to you. If it’s the last thing that I do.”
♦️  The song that plays when it’s revealed that they faked their death: Joan of Arc - Arcade Fire
“You’re the one that they used to hate but they like you now. And everything that goes away will return somehow....first they love you, then they kill you, then they love you again...and then they love you, then they kill you, then they love you again.”
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ncterror · 6 years
Pet Store Employee!Jaemin
A/N: Hello! I’m Julia, also known as Jules! My main blog is @ncty0ng , I’m a new writer on this blog and this is my first post here! I know this is a bit long but I hope you guys enjoy! <3
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You’d wanted to own a dog for as long as you could remember, always being happy but lowkey jealous of your friends when they told you about the new pets in their life
Your parents had always said maybe one day you’d get a pet when you were old enough to be responsible and take care of one, and you respected that, pets are a big responsibility
They depend on you for a lot of things, so obviously, you needed to be mature enough to handle the amount of work that goes into caring for an animal
You were more than ready at this point though, after all the research you’d done on different dog breeds, and how to properly care for dogs in general
Every holiday that passed you reminded your parents how much you’d love it if you could get a dog
They always said “maybe one day”
That was until your most recent birthday when they decided to surprise you with the thing you had wanted most
You’d come into the living room in your house after being called down by your mom
As soon as you walked into the room you saw the puppy sitting on the floor with its ears perked up and suddenly it was running over to greet you with sniffs and puppy kisses
You may or may not have cried
A dream come tRUE!!
Okay b u t
You needed so many supplies for your new puppy, who did not yet have a name because you were extremely indecisive
Your parents said they’d watch the puppy while you went out to get whatever stuff you needed since they figured you’d know what to get better than them
They did slide you some money for things though, which was convenient (lol)
After making a list of things you needed, you decided to head out to the new pet store that’d just recently opened up near you
The location was more convenient than the other pet stores you knew of since it was close to your house
You made your way into the store and went towards the collars and leashes section first
And you made your way through the aisles grabbing things, not realizing until it was too late that maybe you needed a shopping cart
You held everything, trying to walk around the corner towards the next aisle, attempting to also cross pet shampoo off your list when you clumsily ran right into someone
Only noticing at the last minute that they’d been there
Some of your things had fallen out of your arms when you heard a quick apology as the person you had run into had gotten down to grab your fallen items
You were in the middle of apologizing when he stood up with your things, a soft smile on his face and all
T a l l
That was a thought going through your brain
Well, taller than you at least
And okay that caught you a bit off guard
You finished your apology when he shook his head saying it was “really no big deal!”
His hair looked really fluffy when he did that,,
You couldn’t help but smile back at him, unsure of what to say,
When he asked if you needed some help with carrying your stuff
Cue you getting a little embarrassed, giving a sheepish smile and a “yes, actually,” in response
He smiled and held his hand up for you to wait there while he went to the front and pulled a cart out placing your things inside it before he made his way back to you
You placed the rest of your stuff in the cart and watched him take a step back, giving him a smile as you were about to thank him for his help when he asked if you needed help finding anything else
You probably didn’t, but the faster you finished here the faster you could go home and play with/take care of your new puppy
So you said yes, showing your list to him, and he nodded, immediately taking you to each item left on your list
He was actually really easy to talk to !!
This surprised you,, because sometimes talking to others isn’t really easy, or it’s awkward, but nope, not with him.
You guys introduced yourselves (although you’d peeped the nametag on his shirt already)
Jaemin was his name, and he seemed to be around your age although you couldn’t be sure
You were almost done with the list when Jaemin cocked his head to the side glancing away and then back to you asking, “What is all this for anyway?”
Honestly, you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the puppy, you were seriously so happy, and seeing you smile he couldn’t help but smile back
Oh man did his smile grow when you explained the situation with your new puppy, you excitedly showed him some pics you’d taken before you left and you guys talked about possible names for her
You told him how you had a couple names in mind but you were having trouble choosing,
Honestly, he’d thought they all sounded cute and assured you that you would find a name that fit her soon
You guys finished your list and made your way to the register while Jaemin talked about how he couldn’t wait for the day he got a puppy
His situation had been similar to yours, but you could tell he was really determined to get a dog one day too
He finished ringing you up while you wished him the best of luck in getting a dog too because you knew how it felt waiting for that sort of thing
As you paid, Jaemin pulled out a ton of coupons from the drawer under the register and shoved them into your bag and you couldn’t help but laugh
“Jaemin, what are you doing?”
He nervously looked around before facing you again with a finger to his lips
“Shh, don’t mention it. They will come in handy later, okay? Don’t tell my boss.” He told you, cracking a smile at you
You nodded and pretended to zip your mouth shut but you were smiling back
Honestly, you didn’t want to leave Jaemin now, you’d kinda become friends and he was so sweet
He didn’t even tease you for running into him, he just thought it was funny
BUT you really needed to get home because your puppy was waiting so,,
You smiled and he helped you grab your bags, and you waved a goodbye to Jaemin as he watched you leave the store
He was a bit sad to see you go but he hoped he’d see you again soon
I mean, considering all the coupons he’d given you, you had to come back sometime to cash in on those at least, right?
Ironically, you end up coming back the next day
Because your new puppy decided that the bed you’d gotten her would be a great thing to chew and rip up
Along with some shoes and most things within her reach,,
But that’s a different story,
You get a little nervous going into the store with the thought that you might see Jaemin there again
Tbh though,,, you’re hoping you do see him
He sees you first though
He catches you on his way back up to the registers, looking at the dog beds, and he approaches you with another 1000 watt smile
“Back so soon?”
You literally jump out of your skin, clutching your chest in temporary terror, until you realize it’s just Jaemin
Jaemin manages to let out a few apologies for scaring you through his laughter, and you’re laughing in relief,, still a little shaken up
He tries asking again what brought you back so soon, now that you’re both a bit calmer,
And you explain the dilemma, laughing a bit when you point out that maybe you should’ve realized this would happen after you’d come home to see the pup had eaten a pair of sandals she found on the floor
Jaemin chuckles at that, suggesting maybe to get her a chew toy and play with her before bed so she’s too tired to tear up the bed
“Wow, an intellectual,” You joke and successfully earn a laugh
“Actually, it’s just my job. I’m trying my best here.” He smiles
He helps you pick a new bed and has you follow him over to the chew toys and you guys chat some more
And you keep stealing glances at him, because you want to ask for his number,, but you’re scared
What if he’s just a really friendly person/employee and doesn’t really care to know you outside your visits to the store?
So you hold off,, letting him help you and ring you up again,
And yeah, he is a really friendly person/employee
He wants to get to know you too
So while you fish out your coupons, he gathers some confidence, asking if maybe sometime you’d like to meet up,, outside the store,
Not that he didn’t like seeing you there,, but he’d like to see you more,
And you swear your heart sTOPS
Right before it flies away out of your chest!! Goodbye to your heart!
You can’t help but smile as you notice the little bit of worry on Jaemin’s features,, but then he’s smiling too and you say yes,,
And you notice the way the corners of his eyes are crinkling up and,, he just looks so cute,
You’re both a pair of smiley bby’s tbh
While you exchange phones to put in your numbers, you suggest, maybe,, sometime he could come over and meet your puppy, if he wanted to,,
And he just looks up at you, smiling for the hundredth time, saying how much he’d love that
After saying your goodbyes, you look at your phone to see his contact name,,
You notice he’d put the puppy emoji next to his name,
Which makes you smile the whole way home
He texts you when he gets off of work and you both talk about when you wanna see each other
Deciding that the next weekend is good for the both of you, you invite him to come over and hang out (and also meet your pup)
And while on the topic,,
You send him some pictures of your puppy, currently tired from playing, sleeping in her new comfy bed
He responds immediately saying something along the lines of “Can’t wait to see you both this weekend :)”
Lowkey though, he’s freaking out, trying not to scare you off by using excessive emojis or anything,, because his heart is w e a k from all the cuteness
Cue Jaemin singing songs all the way home, and all night long,, because he’s so excited for this weekend to come.
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vio1315 · 7 years
1-13 and 17-20 for your oc bbies
Omg, thank you
1. Which OC is the most likely to break the 4th wall?
Cusick, because his story is the most comedy oriented out of them all. And he’s a rebel unlike Romana (also from that story)
2. One OC will protect you, and the others will try to kill you. Which OC would you pick to be your defender?
HEIWA! I’ve confirmed that she’s my most powerful OC in IRP, but she’s also a pacifist. So she could protect me the best, but not hurt my other children. Also who would want to fight her? Not half of my OCs -and if any of them did try to hurt her, you’d get the most OCs turning over to protect /her/ even if they still wanted to kill me-
3. Would you rather live in your OCs’ universe or this one?
I have a computer in this one so…
-having magic would be rad, but alas, like I have time to study it enough to be good-
4. Your OC finds out that you are their creator. How do they react?
Depends which one. Lucky me, most of my OCs are pretty calm about the whole ‘why did you do this to me’ topic, but they’d be less calm about the whole ‘I am fictitious’ thing. Oh dude, James would actually be really mad at me though…
Like he wouldn’t kill me, but he would yell a lot, and I’d probably cry, and then we’d have a very awkward time for a bit there.
Ariella would not believe it no matter the evidence
Marth would be lowkey angry, and I think he’d just kind of ignore me and pretend not to care. 
Skye and Gill would have lots of questions, and be a little hurt
Kydin would be very hurt but also pretty understanding 
Heiwa would be entirely understanding and ask lots of questions
5. What is your noncanon nickname for your OC?
Elizabeth is trash mom, Marth is king dad. Kiba is the garbage man. I think those are all the nicknames I use~
6. What is/would be the fandom nickname for your story?
I don’t know exactly what this means. I’ve never encountered this for any of my fandoms, so I don’t know…
I guess for IRP it might be like ‘And then we walked 500 miles, and then we walked 500 more’ and naturally that’d be ‘we walked’ for short.
7. What is/would be the nickname for a fan of your OC?
Oh gosh, that’s hard. 
I guess anyone who liked Elizabeth or Kiba would have to be Oscar (after the grouch of course) Just a bunch of Oscars. You terrible people. 
Anyone who liked Marth would probably just be called ‘adopted’ lol
8. Which OC is most likely to be called “son”/ “daughter” / “child” by fans?
By fans…? Hn, hard to say, my mind is not so on par with fandom in these things. Because they are all children. All of them. But my guess would be Skye and Gill because they’re the earliest MCs, and probably James because heck, have you seen him? Precious child. 
9. Which OC is most likely to be called “husband” / “wife” / “spouse” by fans?
Hm. James is also a contender here, lol. And Marth for any of the people who are into adultier characters. 
And honestly Ariella should not be a contender for this because she is Angry™ but I know for a fact that there would be a dedicated fanbase for her like this
/Maybe/ Skye when it’s later in the story and she’s really chill, but I feel it’d be much more rare because people tend not to like the really maternal, chill types that much. Her being a dork-nerd might give her a niche following though
10. If you could tell your OC one thing, what would it be?
Something like “You are going to make such a difference. You might not see it now, but you’ll find happiness that you can’t even imagine now, and you’ll accomplish things you never thought possible” Because most my OCs this applies to. However to my trash bag OCs it’d be more like “You don’t deserve any of the joys you experience, and you’re lucky I haven’t decided to give anyone a revenge arc because it goes against some of the theming. So you better feel real lucky” and then I’d make squinty eyes at them
11. What kind of advice would your OC give you?
Oh heck. I can’t paint with a broad brush with this one. James and Kydin’s advice would boil down to ‘Honey, get some friends’ but they’d both say it nicer than that, lol. Gill would tell me to plan for the future. Skye would tell me to spend more time with friends/family, as would Marth. Though I think Marth would have a 2 hour sit down with me about the varying things I could work on if I didn’t seem to grow tired from it. He’d be like ‘focus on your goals a bit more, stop hiding away from people’ and stuff. 
Cusick would give a long winded speech that’d basically be ‘git gud, like me’ 
Ariella would be content with my approach to life actually, which is not a good sign lol. We both be obsessive 
12. Which OC is/would be “woobified” by the fandom?
Gill, probably. Which is very sad considering his arc. And then, absolutely James, and possibly Ariella. I’m actually kind of afraid of what their woobified versions would look like. Because while angst is A+, I would not enjoy seeing them portrayed as entirely helpless. Even when it’s limited, they have enough agency you know
And that is usually used with villains, I know, but… do you get what I mean? For villains I think it would be….. a very spoiler ridden character. Crap. 
13. What song would you sing to audition for the role of your OC?
You think I listen to music??? I don’t know songs, particularly not ironic ones. 
Though ‘I’ll be auditioning for the role of Skye, and I’ll be singing SHOTS’ strikes me as funny. 
For Ariella it’d be ‘I’ll make a man out of you’ for the humor, but also because that’s more accurate than I want to admit. Though I like Guren no Yumiya for her haaa
Marth’s dad would have ‘Heirloom’ by sleeping at last in all honesty. And I say that because it still gives me feelings.
Elizabeth would get Delusion Tax because she’s terrible and deserves it
The Nights by Avicii is for James, absolutely
It’s Time (Imagine Dragons) for Kydin
Little Talks for Skye and Gill. I’m not sure if my interpretation of that song is right, but it makes me sad heh 
Those are too accurate and not funny, I know, whoops
If you know any cute songs about parenthood, tell me, and I might attribute them to Marth.
Oh also, I usually think of Kiba whenever I hear ‘you are a useless child’
17. If you could choose to meet one of your OCs in person, who would you pick?
Agh, heck. While I love them a lot, I must admit that most combos wouldn’t work because I am not their type of friend. No matter how polite they are. I might actually pick Skye, because I think of them all, she would like me the most aha. Kydin would also be a good pick because he’s slightly the sort who latches onto people and then just doesn’t leave no matter what. So he’d make the effort to be cool friends.
18. Which OC would you absolutely NOT want to be a real person?
All the main villains of course, but also Elizabeth, Kiba, Kreig, and probably Ariella -sorry my wonderful daughter, but we have enough people asking for the supervisors in this world already-
19. What is your dream medium for your story (book series, video game, comic, movie, cartoon/anime, etc)?
Comic for IRP, Kingdoms, and HS Project. For TCotLM it’s a book. -I didn’t even mention any characters from that, lol-
20. Which OC is the most likely to become a “mascot” for your story?
Skye, because she’s the first MC and has strong presence for all of that story. It’d be Ariella for kingdoms because her design is pretty unique, honestly. Or rather, I draw her in a very unique way. James could easily be the mascot, but he has a weaker presence in that story. Though his emotional range is very wide too…
Likely “Rookie” -need to give him a name- for HS Project because…. energetic and kind of annoying? Sounds like a mascot to me
TCotLM can only ever be Geno
Many thanks for these questions! It was fun!~
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sanguisfulgur · 7 years
✩ - jerkshipping
The Ultimate Relationship Tag, Send ‘✩’ for the following:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Neither really, but prob. Shar. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither.Who actually keeps their word and leaves? WELL SHAR HAS TWICE. Who trashes the house? Neither. Do either of them get physical? Absolutely not.How often do they argue/disagree? Not often really anymore. Who is the first to apologise? Three Eye
Who is on top? Well they’re both very dominant so they switch it up, usually decided through ‘play fighting’.Who is on the bottom? See above.Who has the strangest desires? I’m going to see Three Eye purely because of how damn old he is. Any kinks? OOH BOY. Too many to list but bondage is the main one. Who’s dominant in bed? BOTH.Is head ever in the equation? YupIf so, who is better at performing it? Well I’d say Three Eye but Shar is reluctant to be on the receiving end of oral for some reason so she is be default. Ever had sex in public? Well not PUBLIC public, but definitely someone someone could’ve come along *cough* the woods Who moans the most? SharnaWho leaves the most marks? Let’s call this a tie.Who screams the loudest? SharnaWho is the more experienced of the two? Three EyeDo they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love, but you’d be forgiven for thinking it was just fucking. Rough or soft? Both, but more often than not it’s rough. How long do they usually last? Depends on the night, also depends on if one o their kids wakes up pff. Is protection used? No but they should consider it since they’re like rabbits. Does it ever get boring? Definitely not. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Does on the damn forest floor count? 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? They already have babies. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Three Eye has Julius and Selena from Ruth. Then together they have Jasmine and Matthew with Isabelle on the way and Emily and Jacob planned. THAT’S FOR THE FIRST CENTURY. Who is the favorite parent? Jasmine and Emily love them both equally. Matthew is a mommy’s boy, Isabelle is a daddy’s irl and Jacob is… He’s Jacob. Who is the authoritative parent? Three EyeWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? SharnaWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? SHARNAWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? BOTHWho goes to parent teacher interviews? BothWho changes the diapers? Both, though Shar does so very cautiously b/c vampire senseof smell.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? They take turns,except in the case of Matthew and Isabelle where it’s usually Sharna or Three Eye respectively. Who spends the most time with the children? They both spend a lot of time with them, but probably Sharna slightly more so just because of how much work Three Eye has to do. Who packs their lunch boxes? Three EyeWho gives their children ‘the talk’? Three Eye tackles the boys, Sharna the girls. Who cleans up after the kids? BothWho worries the most? BOTH Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? UNCLE CAVAN
Who likes to cuddle? Both of them.Who is the little spoon? SharnaWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? SharnaWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?  BOTHHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? All night unless it’s red hot then Sharna nopes out. Who gives the most kisses? I don’t know they’re both pretty liberal with the kisses. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Going for walks :3Where is their favourite place to cuddle? BeeedWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? SHARNAHow often do they get time to themselves? Pretty frequently after the talks they’ve had to make times for one another. 
Who snores? Neither?If both do, who snores the loudest? N/ADo they share a bed or sleep separately? Same bed.If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Snuggled up, again unless it’s really hot. Who talks in their sleep? SharnaWhat do they wear to bed? Post-babies they usually remember to cover up after se so, at least underwear. Shar usually throws on an over-sized t-shirt too. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Not really but they’re both light sleepers. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Nope.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Tangled babies.Who wakes up with bed hair? Both but Shar’s is worse. Who wakes up first? Three EyeWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Three Eye because unless Shar’s grabbing breakfast from a bakery, she is not making any food for anyone. What is their favourite sleeping position? Sharna likes to nuzzle into the crook of Three Eye’s neck so whatever position allows her to do that is good, Who hogs the sheets? SharnaDo they set an alarm each night? You don’t need alarms when you have a pack of children. Can a television be found in their bedroom? Nope.Who has nightmares? Both though Three Eye rarely dreams in general. Who has ridiculous dreams? SharnaWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Neither but Shar has damn long legs that are all over the place unintentionally. Who makes the bed? Three EyeWhat time is bed time? Whenever, though Shar probably goes a little later than Three Eye some nights. Any routines/rituals before bed? Aside from checking on their babies just the usual stuff: bathroom, maybe reading… sex pff.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? SHARNA
Who is the busiest? Three Eye Who rakes in the highest income? Three EyeAre any of your muses unemployed? Well I mean Sharna isn’t technically employed SOWho takes the most sick days? Three Eye is his own boss and so is Sharna and neither gets sick generally. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Neither.Who sucks up to their boss? N/AWhat are their jobs? Three Eye moonlights as a lawyer but he has his fingers in so many damn pies. Sharna works with him and as a hunter. Who stresses the most? Three EyeDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Well never really likes the toll Shar’s hunting takes on her. Are your muses financially stable? Yes. Though if they weren’t together Sharna wouldn’t be. 
Who does the washing? SharnaWho takes out the trash? Honestly I imagine a reation usually does.Who does the ironing? Shar tries but she usually burns herself and Three Eye takes over. Who does the cooking? Three Eye for just them but Megan cooks the most in the Manor.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? SHARNAWho is messier? They’re both very neat, so. Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Neither unless they’re in the middle o se omg.Who forgets to flush the toilet? NeitherWho is the prankster around the house? SHARNAWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Neither but I can imagine someone taking them to dick with them omg. Who mows the lawn? No one is going to try tackling the Manor’s overgrown grass.Who answers the telephone? Three EyeWho does the vacuuming? Shar, with headphones in. Who does the groceries? BothWho takes the longest to shower? SharnaWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Shar
Is money a problem? NopeHow many cars do they own? Three Eye has a car annnd Shar has a motorcycle. Do they own their home or do they rent? Well I don’t think you could say anyone ‘owns’ the Manor but it’s obviously not rented either. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? WHO THE HELL KNOWS WHERE THE MANOR REALLY IS. Do they live in the city or in the country? SAME AS ABOVE.Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yes.What’s their song? They have a whole playlist but one is The Devil’s Backbone by The Civil WarsWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? I never get this question because like??? They do what most people do, couples exist without the other around lol. So they work, play with their kids, read, shop, play video games (Shar’s case), just do whatever they gotta. Where did they first meet? Street at night. How did they first meet? Sharna was inured, Three Eye tried to help and she wasn’t having any o it, so he BIT HIS OWN ARM to force her into feeding to heal.  Was not a pleasant meeting. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Three EyeWho’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither. PLEASE SHOW OFF YOUR LEGS, SHAR. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Sharna because she’s a child.Any mental issues? So damn many. Shar specifically has Paranoid Personality Disorder. Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither just in general, but Sharna has a severe phobia of cockroaches. Who kills the spiders around the house? Neither, the spiders are left to go about their business and are only moved i they’re in the sink/bath, bed or generally in the way. Their favourite place? The woooods.Who pays the bills? I’m going to say neither because honestly I do not think Three Eye has bills. Do they have any fears for their future? Other than losing each other or their children? Not really.Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Three Eye. Who uses up all of the hot water? SharnaWho’s the tallest? Three Eye BY AN INCH. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Honestly either of them is equally likely. Who wanders around in their underwear? Neither outside their room. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Sharna.What do they tease each other about? EVERYTHING. Though Sharna usually teases Three Eye about his age pff.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither really. Although they both wish the other would dress down/dress up more. Do they have mutual friends? Well the Creations are more like family so *shrug* Who crushed first? WELL THREE EYE MADE THE FIRST MOVE BECAUSE SHARNA IS STUBBORN. But she prob. did first. Any alcohol or substance related problems? NopeWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Sharna though it’s not something that happens often.Who swears the most? Sharna, but never in front of her kids. 
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d00dt00nz · 4 years
Obligatory promo stuff at the top because it sucks and I hate it and let’s get it out of the way! follow me on twitter where I’m active, check me out on spotify for music, or like my facebook for sparse updates on music stuff. Thank you. The Cover art is by Ellie Tison
I'd say this was the first track I wrote for this album, but that's technically not true. This was maybe the second or third track that I wrote for another album that died on the vine. For that one I got weirdly fascinated with the overly polished sound of late 90s alternative rock music. I got into some weird obsessed mindset about how a recording isn't a real sound, and when you record something you're making conscious decisions on how to manipulate the sound. Basically my mindset was that everything on a recording is chosen, therefore a “raw” sound is just as manufactured as a “polished” sound. To bring that even further, there's no meaningful difference between synth drums and real drums. With this in mind I set out to make an album that was plastic as all get-out and the only real thing I cared about was how clear it sounded, how crisp it sounded, and how big it sounded. I'd become... adult contemporary. It was like that part in the 90s that nobody talks about where a bunch of middle aged white people started putting bongos and bird sounds in their music. As the symbols that built it up collapsed, music had been reduced to sounds. Sounds were reduced to vibration. Everything was aesthetic. Nothing was real. Dogs and cats weren't only living together, they had literally melded together like some horrible freak of nature. Its name was Catdog; its name was chaos.
Anyway that album wasn't very interesting or good, and it turns out that I was just doing what every 14 year old with a pirated copy of ableton has been doing this whole time – only it was even worse because I was doing it intentionally. The project was already mutating when I wrote this song.
This song was written as yet another attempt to capture that Pavement faux-alt-country sound. Sort of. It's a little ironic because Stephen Malkmus (of Pavement) has said he wrote those country-inspired songs because he was trying to get something positive out of evil music he hated. It makes sense. Malkmus grew up in the 70s and 80s when country rock was big and mainstream and top 40. The excess, smugness, and obnoxious hypocrisy of it was in his face all while he was growing up. For me all that is done before I was born and only the music remains, and as it turns out I kinda like it. I guess the closest analogue would be something like Guns N Roses or Pearl Jam. The sound of a bunch of douchebags writing songs about how great they are, trying desperately to impress other douchebags. Or maybe I just think it's annoying. Maybe I'm trying to retroactively attach some moral imperative to music that I don't like. Or maybe I don't even truly dislike the music. Maybe I'm just jealous because I showed up 35 years too late to the douchebag party where I could freely act like a douchebag and be welcomed with open arms by other douchebags.
I wanted to make a song that fused actual 70s country rock with the kind of 70s inspired 90s country rock that hated 70s country rock. Realistically I'm over complicating things. On a scale of 70s to 90s, and there's a needle right in the middle, I'm moving that needle to the left. I wanted the clean sound and the harmonies of the 70s combined with the energy, size, and fullness, and fidelity of the 90s. It was kind of fun. I rarely try to produce anything in such a lifeless robotic way, so it's fun to turn the compressor up to 11 and put digital echo on drums. I used techniques that would make blush the 34 year olds who produce hardcore albums written by 14 year old suburban kids. Limiters on everything, compression up the wazoo. The kind of Equalization that the soviets dreamed of. I was the overproducer and it became the overproduced. Had I a steel guitar, I'd have used it. Had I a 12 string guitar (and I actually really wish I had one for this album lol) I'd have used it. As current Brian Wilson collaborator Joe Thomas has famously said: “let's see how we can really make this song sound like shit”
I am reasonably proud of the harmonies in the chorus of this song. I actually figured those out on piano and wrote them out on sheet music. It worked really well. I'd like to do that again. The backing vocals on the chorus was one of the first times I tried a trick that shows up a few more times on this album. I added an amount of reverb to the vocals, combined it with the vocals, and then compressed it. It made for a sound like I was recording in a big hall. It was nice, the reverb was audible, but the sound wasn't all aimless and echoy, and the reverb tail wasn't very audible.  It's probably obvious to more seasoned producers, but I'm still learning.
The song structure of this song is something that I usually try to go for, which is a verse that meanders and has a bunch of chord changes that tell a story followed by a dumb chorus where the chords are very simple, as is the melody. I can't really imagine a proper melody for the verses, which I'm a little annoyed about. It's just me wailing in my singsongy “country voice”. That's the main thing that changed from my first album attempt to this one – I decided to actually sing on this one. I considered going back and adding some strings to it. At some point I played trumpet on this track, but I cut it because I didn't think I did a good enough job at playing the trumpet. I learned a tiny bit of trumpet in highschool, so I think it's safe to say I probably didn't do a good enough job at playing trumpet.
The lyrics are another thing that's indicative of the earlier project. They're maybe a bit introspective, but in a really roundabout flowery way. I'm not super jazzed on them, but I don't hate them either. They're not very direct and maybe a smarter man could convince you it's poetry, but some of these lines are real stinkers.
I know I've been pretty down on this song, but I really don't want to give the impression that I hate it or even dislike it. It's a song I wrote almost three years ago and it's hard to get excited about something that you did three years ago while presenting it as new to people. I thought it rocked when I finished it. For a long time it was one of my favourite tracks on this album. I  like the groove on the chorus a lot. It should be telling that I've kept it in the tracklist all this time while cutting a bunch of others. I actually did wonder if it should have been cut, but in the end I decided it's probably fine. Tiff liked the song when I showed it to her and she's not a freak about these things like I am, so it's probably safe to say it's okay.
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