#also if you're wondering why the twins suddenly have tails
tblsomedoodles · 18 days
Might I request a seer twins doodle? It's been a long time since we've seen the bois
oh yes! the bois!
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Leo had a bad night so donnie's putting a Jupiter Jim movie on one of his computer screens while he works off a different one. : )
Thank you!
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Retained Memories (READ TO THE END)
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A couple of days following One More Hero's events, Sally came to see Tails up at the balcony of a forest.
Sally: You okay, Tails?
Tails: I am, yeah. I've just been pretty deep in thought since what happened a few weeks ago.
Sally: You sure? You've been awfully silent recently...
Tails: I mean... after all that happened with the Outbreak Malware Threat, I've still been really shook up.
Sally: Yeah... Sure wasn't a pleasant experience.
Tails was doing his best to fight off his exposure to the multiverse's bounds' radiation from the big battle, considering, even after a year, his body was still recovering from how many times he perished at OMT's hands.
Tails: At some point, I'm gonna have to be ready for if something like that happens again. I still want Sonic to be proud of where we've come to, you know?
Sally: Speaking of, I was wondering if you'd like to hang around more often.
Tails: Heh, yeah. I'd really like that.
Sally: Besides... I know when someone isn't okay. You've been very deprived ever since we got back from the whole ordeal.
Whilst OMT's other victims only remembered their most recent demise, Tails was unlucky enough to remember ALL of them. Yes, every. Single. One.
Tails: I've remembered all those times I got killed during OMT's rampage here, and I'm still shook up thinking about it... Even trying to fight back changed nothing...
He was just glad aging was halted in his universe, as he clearly was not ready to go into being a teenager.
Sally: Would you like to talk about it?
Tails: Y-Yeah.
A little later...
Sally: So... you remember every death you've faced?
Tails sadly nodded.
Tails: Every single one...
Sally: W-Why didn't you tell us any of this? T-This is beyond terrible forms of trauma!
It was very clear Tails needed therapy to clear his mind of all the trauma OMT gave him.
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Sally: Tails... What you're doing isn't healthy, and by the looks of it, it's harming you a lot... If you need someone, I'm always all ears. You're my friend, after all.
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Tails: T-Thanks, Sally.
It then started raining, as the radiation's side-effects kicked in, leaving Tails suddenly exhausted.
Sally: Looks like the storm's started. Come on, we need to get back home. Think you can fly us to your workshop?
Tails tried to, but his fatigue made his twin tails feel heavy to move.
Tails: O-Oh...
Sally: Oh, man... That doesn't look good. Come on, hop on my back. I'll walk, and you navigate me to where your house is.
Tails nodded as they headed back.
After this scene, Sally found out Tails had a nasty fever from the radiation and the abundance of Chaos energy he was forced to use to stop Eggman Nega. She also discovered his compartment of plushies he made of his multiversal companions, which she genuinely found sweet.
However, it wasn't all positive. Tails was still horribly haunted by his experiences, to the point that he had to go through nightmares related to OMT and his sickening misdeeds. Thankfully, Sally was there to comfort him, but it would still be some time before Tails was ready to help protect his home again.
Fortunately for him, since Detective Ghost was already an ample crime fighter alongside him, she could handle the main crooks while he recovered. And Tails managed to fully recover his strength and gain an immunity to the radiation. Sally also proved to be a good role model to Tails and made sure he was well cared for in that month, which was very valuable to him.
And after he was feeling all better, he continued his usual crime-fighting acts alongside Detective Ghost, whilst keeping his studies going strong at Bumper High School, maintaining his excellent grades alongside Max Cartwright. After 5 more months, however, we know what happens next, don't we? But that's a tale for another point.
To be continued in More than One Universe...
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"Do you even get it? Do you even realise WHY my little bro had suffered so much in that year?! ...No, of course you wouldn't. Because it's all about your petty idea of entertainment, isn't it?"
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"I've seen so much of the multiverse after my passing, and to be frank, I discovered that there are LOTS of creatures like OMT out there, all targeting the same people who quite frankly don't deserve their fates. And it makes me feel bitter to see that you seem to love seeing Tails suffer; always first, ALWAYS the worst."
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"Yeah, that's right. I can see you watching behind that screen of yours! That monster isn't the only one who can see past your fourth wall. And to be quite frank, you have SERIOUSLY pissed me off, ESPECIALLY whoever let this freak into my world! My best friend has suffered the worst from it, all because of your "Tails demos" and alternating paths! One death would've been merciful enough for them, but NO! You just want to satisfy your curiosity and desire for "entertainment" just to watch those I love suffer!"
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"Consider yourself lucky I'm not real OR alive at this point. Nobody deserves to go through that level of suffering in ANY dimension, ESPECIALLY not Tails. I don't care how "quality" or "appealing" your little .exe games might be; every time you make those, you're forcing another version of Tails to suffer, AND Knuckles, AND Robotnik, and potentially even the girls! All because you want to gain recognition from giving a monster fuel to cause terror!"
"I'm gonna cut off this post here and hope that you actually bother listening. If even one more version of my companions is forced to suffer at the hands of an EXE as of the day this post was made... you'd seriously better hope you can run WAY faster than I can."
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lifetimeshipper · 1 year
New Life, New Obstacles
Chapter 21
The guys came running into the room, "We heard you shouting. What's wrong?" Steeljaw and Wheeljack asked with concern, each running over to their mate.
Arcee and Strongarm looked at each other, "We need to go for a drive." Arcee bent over to Fixit, "Don't tell them yet." Then the two ran out, transformed, and drove off before the mechs could say anything.
"What's going on?" Wheeljack asked Fixit and Metalsound as the Mini-Con turned off the monitors.
"Uh, I have something to do," Metalsound said before running out.
"Um... I got to do something as well, they'll explain when they get back. I promised Denny I would help him with something," Fixit says before rolling out.
"That was odd," Thunderhoof said as he watched the two leave. Steeljaw and Wheeljack look at each other with confused expressions, they can tell that their mates are hiding something from them.
Strongarm sighed once she and Arcee had gotten far enough away from the scrapyard. They both transform and sit under a tree, "I can't believe we're sparked," Arcee states as she sits down.
"How are we gonna tell our mates?" Strongarm asked.
"I don't know," Arcee replied as Metalsound finally caught up to them.
"Why did you two run off?"
"We're not sure how to tell them. Steeljaw's not even sure if he wants to be a sire yet and Dad still thinks I'm too young to have a mate let alone have a sparkling."
Arcee pulled Strongarm into a hug, "I know this is scary, I'm scared out of my mind right now. But I'm also happy. I mean we're going to bring life into this world."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just a little scared because I'm new to all this."
Metalsound joins in on the hug, "I believe you both can do it. I can't wait until Thunderhoof and I have a sparkling."
The other two femmes just smiled. They don't know that they're being watched.
Night has fallen and the femmes haven't returned yet and the guys were starting to get worried. "Where are they?" Steeljaw wondered out loud as he kept his optics on the gate.
"Not sure. I'm starting to get worried," Wheeljack replies also watching the gate.
"Then why don't you go look for them instead of waiting here?" Drift asked as he, Thunderhoof, and Ultra Magnus walked over to them. With a growl, Steeljaw ran off and transformed driving out as fast as he could go. Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, Drift, and Thunderhoof quickly followed after him.
They reached the area where the femmes were and found evidence of a scuffle. Drift quickly deployed his Mini-Cons, "Carefully search the area," he told them. The twins both bowed in response before taking off into the forest. "Something happened here, for the three of them to get caught off guard like this..." he trailed off as he tried to think.
Steeljaw sniffed around, "I smell another presence with our mates," he growls out.
Ultra Magnus looked around looking for some kind of a sign. His optics scanned the forest as well as the ground, there had to be something he was missing. They suddenly heard a scream coming from the forest and saw the twins running away from something. 
A silver-white dog-like creature was hot on their tails. Its white eyes locked onto the twins as it lunged at them. With a snarl, it bared its fangs, ready to tear out their sparks, when it was suddenly attacked by Steeljaw and taken down. The creature snarled as it tried to escape from the Wolf-Con.
"What is that thing?" Jetstorm asked as he peeked out from behind his master's leg.
"It's a Spark Eater, it works with the D.J.D. They're here," Magnus replied with a scowl. The Spark Eater continued its struggle clawing at Steeljaw. 
"You don't think..." Thunderhoof trailed off not wanting to think that the D.J.D had their mates.
"That's what it looks like I'm afraid."
Steeljaw's grip tightened around the creature causing it to whimper, "How can we find them?" He asked with a growl.
Magnus looks at the creature, "Where are your masters!?"
"We're right here, Ultra Magnus."
Five mechs came out from the shadows, two of the larger ones were holding Metalsound and Arcee while the purple one was keeping a tight grip on Strongarm. "We've been waiting for you," he purred as he rubbed his cheek against Strongarm's.
Steeljaw growled putting his ears back and Magnus glared at the mech, "What are you doing here!?"
"Why do you think? We heard that there were some traitors on this planet and so were you," he growled as his servo slowly trailed down Strongarm's body.
Feeling this mech's touch sent unpleasant shivers throughout her body, "Let me go!"
Metalsound struggled to get away from the one that was holding her, the heat from his smelting pool was starting to make her really nervous.
"Stop touching my mate!!" Steeljaw growls.
"Your mate? Now this will really be fun," he chuckled, "Want to know what makes this better?" He asked Ultra Magnus, "You'll get to see what happened to your mate. Vos, why don't you have some fun," he suggested to the smaller mech as he backed away. The mechs all look at them.
"I won't let you take my daughter from me!" Magnus shouts as he runs after the mech getting away with Strongarm.
Kaon charged at the Autobots, the towers on his shoulders surging with electricity. The Autobots all tried to dodge him, but he managed to get Drift pinned to a tree. "It's been a long time, Deadlock," he growled as he punched Drift in the stomach.
"Oh... Not long enough!" Drift countered.
"You have no idea how long we've looked for you," Kaon growled as he felt something hit his foot. Looking down he saw the twins trying to inflict some damage on him, "That tickles," he kicked the twins away, sending them flying into a rock.
"Jetstorm, Slipstream," Drift called to his students.
"Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, we're in the same situation, but this time it's your daughter. But not only your daughter but your grandchild as well," the purple mech tells him.
"What?" Magnus stared at Tarn unsure if he was telling the truth or not.
Metalsound snarled as she tried to get away from Helex who had been staring at her for a while. After a moment, he threw her to the ground. With a cry she transformed, growling at the large mech she lunged at him.
Tesarus was the only one not fighting, he just watched as Vos easily dodged Thunderhoof's head charges. Helex threw Metalsound causing her to collide with Steeljaw. In a blind rage, she snapped her jaws at him. Steeljaw grabs her and slams her down onto the ground, "Metalsound, snap out of it! I'm trying to get to my mate so stop!"
Metalsound calms down and starts whimpering, "Sorry, Steeljaw," she says as Steeljaw backs off. She quickly got up off the ground and ran over to help her mate. Steeljaw went to help Strongarm.
Arcee heard her captor let out a small scream as he started saying something rapidly in Spanish. She took that to her advantage and elbowed him in the stomach and got away from him. Holding his stomach he continued praying, his whole body shook like something had hit him with all of the strength it had.
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xadianjay · 4 years
TDP Secret Santa Exchange
From: @tdphttydatlatlok
This is my gift for you!
You said you loved both canon and headcanon, so I decided to write something about the time after the battle. And with Janaya. It also contains some stuff about what happened in Lux Aurea during the time skip.
But enough about that, just enjoy:
Sunfire and Night Rain
The battle was over, Rayla and Callum were talking, Ezran was playing hide and seek with Soren, Bait and Zym and Amaya talked to that other human with the red hair. Janai wondered if they were a thing? But then again, why did she want to hold her hand when the Dragon Queen woke up? Kazi came up from behind. 
"You seem to really like the human general!", they said mockingly, knowing Janai would get furious. She immediately blushed and denied: "She was my prisoner! Now that we don't have to fight the humans anymore, we don't have to talk anymore!" 
"But you will!", Kazi responded with a knowing look on their face.Then they walked away to talk to some of the other warriors. And left Janai confused and worried.
 Kazi'd been right, she wanted to spend more time with the deaf general. Even though she hadn't admitted it yet, she secretly really liked her! Of course, being able to talk to her without having to learn a new language first would be easier, but even if she wasn't deaf, Janai would still have to overcome her boundaries, admit her feelings to Amaya. She'd never been that good at the whole feelings stuff, but then again, she'd never really needed it. As a warrior, you fight with honor and strength, but you don't show feelings to your enemy. 
Confused and trying to overshadow her feelings,she went outside, hoping the fresh air could clear her mind. She found herself again at the place where they landed with her trusted twin-tailed inferno-tooth tiger. Amaya had gotten off the mount and welcomed her nephews back. Janai hadn't thought about her having a family a lot, but the sight of her hugging her nephews warmed her heart. The older one started to talk to her, but also to everyone else, speaking both normal and sign language, which made it more comfortable for Janai to listen. At least until they started talking about her. Amaya'd signed something to him after she'd told him that she thought of Amaya as her prisoner, not her friend. 
And Janai had tried to understand.
 They'd been in Lux Aurea for a few days to recover and then they went to the Storm Spire. And in this time, Janai had asked Kazi if she could teach her sign language, just the basics, so it would be easier for her to understand Amaya. They'd been surprised about her sudden interest on the topic, especially because Janai had never been the type to learn about language or really anything that wasn't fighting. That was probably the time when Kazi first picked up the vibe that Janai might care more about what would happen to Amaya that she admitted. But they didn't try to talk her out of it, Kazi loved teaching and was really good at it too. And they had no problem with love, however unusual and strange it might've seemed. And later, Janai'd even tried to talk to Amaya a little bit – partly without Kazi, Janai wouldn't want anyone to know what she said to Amaya. She hadn't talked to anyone about it, but she had the feeling Amaya would understand. It was about her sister. When she'd died, Amaya probably saved Janai's life by holding her back from going up the tower to...to what? Revenge her sister? Try to find out what happened? Attack for Lux Aurea? Or simply save her sister, even though she knew it was impossible? Back when it happened, that was more or less Janai's drive for going, the anger, the pain… Janai had always looked up to her sister, and even though they had different points of view on a lot of topics and took a different way in life, Janai had never felt closer or more understood by anyone else. And now she was gone. For the second time since she died, Janai started to cry. 
She wrapped her arms around her legs and burrowed her face in her arms. She felt so alone, so weak… Her thoughts paused for a moment, a moment of silence, one of peace in her mind, then they drifted back to this place. Where she'd landed with Amaya. Where Amaya had signed to her nephew. It wasn't surprising that Janai had caught some of the words Amaya used during the quick exchange. She'd understood parts of what Amaya was saying too in Lux Aurea. And if she wasn't mistaken, she'd said something like – no! It wasn't possible! Janai's mind started to race as she thought about what else she could've said. There were so many possibilities! She tried to get her head on some other topic, for example how she'd rule over Lux Aurea now that her sister was gone. Or what the sunstone would be like, how to repair it if that was even possible and if it was not, what to do? All of these were rather important matters, but Janai couldn't focus on either of them. Her mind always slipped back to the thing Amaya'd signed… And the harder she tried to avoid thinking about it, the more she got stuck on it. She needed to know for sure! Janai went back inside, the air outside had done nothing but bring more confusion to her brain after all. Amaya was still leaning against the wall, talking, or better signing to the man. He signed back, there was nothing to hear except a laughter from the man every now and then. Callum was sitting on the other side of the room, alone this time. He was the only one who could tell her for sure except Amaya and he was the only one who was available at the moment. "Ahem, excuse me? Can I ask you something?", Janai asked him. He looked up to her.
"Of course!"
'What did Amaya say to you back then? You know, when we landed and I said she was my prisoner, not friend?"
"Oh...uhh, this is...kinda awkward, but..", Callum stuttered in response.
'Yeah, tell me about it!', Janai thought. She felt her body heating up.
'Please don't blush, please don't blush!', she begged herself. 
"She kinda said..uh, that you...thought she was cute? But...haven't admitted it...yet?", he finally said, awkwardly rubbing his neck with one hand.
Janai's eyes widened. She'd been right. Her body ignored her wish, she felt her cheeks get red, praying that her golden markings and dark skin could somehow cover it up.
"Thank you", she muttered, turning around and walking, almost running outside again.
She sat down on the edge of the….. . Someone approached her from behind. It was Amaya.
She sat down next to her and looked into Janai's face, obviously worried about her.
'What's wrong?', she signed slowly, making sure Janai would be able to understand her.
"I think you were right. I do like you", Janai said quietly, turning towards Amaya so she'd be able to read from her lips. That also meant she had to directly look at her face. Her beautiful face, only harmed by that scar, going from just beneath the right eye over her right cheek. Somehow, the scar only made her even more beautiful. And showed how much fight she had in her. Amaya started smiling. It was only a thin smile, but it made Janai's heart race even faster than before. 
'I like you too. You're a noble warrior. And a beautiful woman', Amaya signed, at least if Janai had interpreted the few words she didn't understand correctly. She blushed again. Amaya liked her! 
Back in Lux Aurea, Kazi'd talked to her a lot. They'd been sitting in the ring of fire and talked for a long time and afterwards Kazi, who was very easy to talk to, knew a lot about Amaya's past. And they'd told Janai everything. That Amaya's older sister had also died. To save her husband and sister. To save ten thousand starving humans. Amaya'd been trying to comfort Janai after what happened to her sister Khessa, and even during it. That had been the reason for her to want to talk to Amaya in the first place. This act of selflessness, this look she gave Janai and told her to let go with, it spoke of understanding. Janai had assumed that Amaya was trying to help her because she knew what pain she was going through, but not more. She'd never thought Amaya might care about her. But then these other thoughts came to Janai's mind about Amaya… thoughts she hadn't even fully admitted to herself yet. But the truth was… she thought Amaya was beautiful. Yes, she was a human, but a good one! She had feelings, the same feelings Janai had. Khessa and her parents were the only people who taught Janai about humans. And everything they ever told her was that all humans were monsters. Dark mages. Heartless creatures who didn't bother to rip the life out of a helpless animal. But even the first time Janaid fought Amaya, she'd known that Amaya wasn't like that. She would never rip the life out of something. She was noble! And now she'd said she thought Janai was noble! And beautiful!
"Yeah, you too! And … I ...uh, you were right. I do think you're cute", Janai muttered, this time looking at the ground as if there was something very interesting down there to see. But she felt that Amaya had understood. She wanted to get up and walk away, she wasn't able to sit there anymore, she thought she was going to explode because of how awkward this situation was.
But Amaya grabbed her by the arm as she tried to walk away. Turned her around. Suddenly her face was so close at Janai's! Too close! Amaya looked at her with her soft eyes, again a smile emerged on her lips. 
'I think that of you too. That's why I signed it to my nephew, because I hoped you would feel the same way about me', Amaya signed, looking into Janai's  eyes the whole time, waiting for some reaction. Janai felt herself loosening up and started smiling too. 
"Well, I do. Feel the same way about you."
The sun was about to set, it hung up in the sky, just barely divorcing their faces from each other. Until they got closer together.
Janai's brain stopped working as her lips touched Amaya's. It was a short, but deep kiss and it had a great meaning for both of them.
A few hours later Amaya told her nephew that Janai had to get back to Lux Aurea to rebuild the armee and help the fortress to recover.
And that Amaya would go with her.
In addition to that, have some bad fanart bc I can't work with colours:
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hi hun~ hope you're doing wonderful! So, I always wanted to know why Amy boom doesn't show her feelings to sonic, so I have this little head canon that there was a moment when she decided to stop following Sonic around and start acting more grown up, but, Sonic not necessarily likes the change. I would like to see you write something with that. sorry if is not clear enough :P but you can do whatever you want with it, I just want to read some Sonamy boom. You are an incredible writer
I have my own theories on that, where Amy figures Sonic’s ‘cool-guy attitude’ means he’s not interested, when he may actually just be doing his version of ‘flirting’.
But I like this idea and I’ll go with it ;) I think Modern Sonic would get a bit suspicious if Amy stopped being so ‘doting’ on him and wonder if he upset her. So this kind of ‘worry/concern’ or ‘did I do something wrong?’ (supposing he noticed, lol!) could transfer over in hilarious ways to Boom!Sonic. Since… he’s technically a ‘chibi’ version of Sonic, as in he emotes WAY MORE than Modern Sonic usually allows for his emotions to be expressed.
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(x) this is so cute xD
Sonic was snoozing off in his hammock, not really stressing as it was a warm day and some light was hitting his body just right while the rest of his face was laid in shadow.
Jumping into his dreams, we find him having more of a ‘replayed memory’ type of dream, where Amy, looking very nerdy with glasses, was doting on Sonic as he posed and seemed to arrogantly be looking over his bandages.
“There gonna be the new sensation.” he turned his hand back and forth, admiring his fashion sense, before frowning to her as she fawned.
“You’re so cool, Mr. Sonic~” she lifted a leg up, blinking her big eyes as he looked away, looking less than interested.
“Right, well. Of course, I’m Sonic The Hedgehog!”
“Right! And I’m-”
He put a finger to her mouth.
“Not important. Look, you gotta go… what? Study something, right?”
“U-uh,… archaeology, Mr. Sonic.” She pushed her dorky glasses up.
“Heh, sounds neat. PFft. Anyway, catch ya later!”
She frowned as he raced off, before looking angry and taking her glasses off.
“I’ll show him! Hah!” she threw her glasses down and smashed them, storming off as Sonic passed Tails, also having braces and looking very dorkish.
“Wow! It’s Sonic!”
“Ugh, I’d rather be caught dead than have nerds as friends!” He rolled his eyes.
Sonic woke up, in a bit of a shock, before rubbing his eyes and looking down.
“Wow, I really was a jerk back then!” he moved his feet off the hammock, and let his hands and head hang down a moment. “…I really shot her down… didn’t I?” He scratched the back of his head.
Then an idea popped back into his head. “Hang on…” he tilted his head up, perking his ears slightly. “If she doted on me once…” he looked to the window, before darting over to a scrapbook and opening it up, “Good thing Amy randomly makes these things for us.” He looked at a page she organized and saw a picture of them younger, her having drooped eyes up at him while he made an epic pose and tried to be the center of the picture.
He tightened his mouth’s line, and then smirked, closing the book.
“You can never get over your first love…~” he turned to bounce his eyelids and then took off.
Sprucing himself up, he thought he looked pretty good, but Amy would just walk passed him, under the impression he was just being a little weirder today, and continued her chores and other such things.
He tried to first help her fetch water from a well, but while trying to impress her, fell in and had to have Sticks bark to Amy that he was stuck.
The next time he tried helping with groceries, but he had carried too many and the bags all broke, causing Knuckles to follow the trail of food and eat all that she had bought.
The last straw was when Amy was trying to sunbathe, and he was so bored just laying down that he tried to entertain her, but ended up kicking sand all over her. To make matters worst, he brought out a boombox and started dancing, trying to show off that way and get Amy to fawn on him again. But according to Sticks, Sonic’s ‘ancient rain dance’ had sparked the storm of a century, and the gang all huddled in Amy’s home, as Tails freaked out with thunder and would crawl deeper into the huddled bunch, shivering.
“This is all my fault.” Sonic looked away, admitting it for once.
“Sonic? Are you okay? For one, you don’t admit you’re mistakes THAT easily, and two, you’ve been trying to do nice things for me, which is CLEARLY against the natural order unless you’re naturally in trouble. So what gives? Why have you been tormenting me all day?!” Amy was on the other side of him, across from Knuckles, Tails’s twin tails since his head was pushed further into the couch, and Sticks.
“I.. I just missed the old days, alright?!”  he looked away, not wanting to have this conversation.
“Old days? What are you talking about?” Amy blinked in confusion, as Knuckles laughed.
“Old days? Haven’t we always been this age?”
One of Tails’s tails whacked him on the side of his face.
“Ouch! Hey..”
“I don’t understand.” Amy looked more concerned now.
Sonic sighed, growing frustrated under the blanket that they were all using to dry off and keep warm.
“You… you thought I was so cool back then! Everything I did had no flaw, no blemish… all of a sudden, all you ever do is point out my flaws, where I trip up at, where I don’t measure up to your ‘perfect’ image or whatever.” he looked away, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, before looking…. kinda hurt.
“I just wanted to be liked again.”
Everyone but Tails looked over at him, but Tails’s tails did turn as if heads, as all eyes looked perplexed by his confession.
“Oh, Sonic.” Amy smiled, bending her own eyelids back to show more fondness in them, a tender look of love. “We barely knew each other back then. There are way more things I like about you now!”
“There are?” he turned back, before getting freaked out by everyone staring at him.
“Oi! Get your own conversation!”
Everyone immediately turned to one tail of Tails’s, and started conversing and talking about odd and in things to them, as they also pretended to move around and speak as well.
Then thunder hit and Knuckles, Tails’s tails, and Sticks all ducked under the blanket, leaving Amy and Sonic having some privacy.
“Well, now that we’re alone.” Amy sarcastically stated, making a funny face. She giggled, “I don’t quite get what you’re saying, Sonic. I usually don’t. But You’re much more caring about your friends then you were before. You accept us the way we are, and you always do your best to keep us safe and happy.” she beamed, and Sonic felt pretty good about himself for a second, even closing his eyes to motion his head up, taking in the praise.
But then his eyes blinked and he looked away, “But you… um…” he shifted his eyes to her, and then back away.
Eyes peeked up from the blanket.
They ducked under.
“Sheesh.” Sonic shook his head, looking upset by their ‘rudeness’ before clearing his throat and gesturing to her, still being a bit shy.
“You don’t act like you used too… still.” he looked away, folding his arms and ducking his head, a bit insecure on asking why that was.
“…Oh, um.” Amy turned nervous, giggling slightly and twiddling her fingers. “W-well, I’ve grown up, Sonic… I… I may not always show it as much as I ‘regrettably’ used too but I… I still… well,-”
The team all peeked up again.
The gang ducked their heads as Knuckles’s fists came up and bonked Tails on the head from underneath the blanket.
“I told you that was less than 5!”
“Sticks bumped it and it was reset! I had to start it up again from my best estimate!”
The thunder strikes again.
Tails dug up cushions and hid under them as the two sighed beside him.
“Go on.” Sticks stated from under the blanket. “Our apologies.”
Amy and Sonic looked back up to each other, and then away as Sonic folded his arms, looking nervous as Amy played with one of her quills, stroking it down and sucking her lips in.
“…Alright, I kinda… I feel bad about how I treated you back then.”
“How you treated us all..” Tails muttered, as Sonic glared.
“Thank you.” he looked back to Amy, “But I honestly don’t want you acting any way, shape, or form out of who you naturally are! I’m sorry for making you feel you had to ‘grow up’ but I just want you to know that-”
Amy suddenly placed a hand on his mouth, smiling, “…Not important.” she winked, “Thank you, Sonic. But it wasn’t completely you that made me want to change. I grew up without you influencing it. Haha!” she laughed and then lowered her finger, pushing against his chest playfully.
“I wanted to change. And I’m glad I did.”
“..But..” Sonic pouted, looking away. “You don’t … react the same way around me as you used too.”
“Hehe, why? Want me to start cuddling up to you again?” Amy teased, moving closer and blinking her eyes a lot.
He scooted back, “N-not a chance!”
She laughed, leaning back. “Then I think I’ll stay just the way I am!”
He sighed, before giving in and nodding, scratching the back of his head. “But I think… I may want to change now… just a bit. You know,… for even more untapped levels of awesomeness to be expressed.” he chilled back, going back to his usual self as Amy wondered what that could mean.
Was he going to change for her?
The three all threw the blanket off, gasping for air.
“Oh boy.” Tails tapped out, leaning back with his stopwatch. “I didn’t know how long I could take the heat anymore.”
“Your tails are too hot!” Sticks kicked them away, growing as they flopped around before Tails withdrew them back around him.
“Eh-heh. Sorry.” he looked apologetic before the rain dissipated.
“Hey! It’s sunny again!”
The gang turned around, but as everyone looked outside, Sonic looked to Amy, who felt eyes on her and turned to look at him.
The two smiled.
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