#also my mom told me some time ago that i'm really brave & i shouldn't give up
felizusnavidad · 2 months
i'm going home tomorrow & i'm so excited to see my family, i really missed them
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jackson--t · 3 years
The last one turns off the light
Summary: On the day of Ragnar's funeral, the family reunites - but even before that, chaos begins. When the Lothbroks brothers get together, the world turns upside down - and not only funny things will come out.
Words: ~ 3.7 k.
Pairings/tags: please look up at AO3, too much for here. We have one crossover pairing, which will be Ubbe x Eggsy (Kingsman). And obviously, Heahmund x Ivar. 🤣
This story is a comforter for me and hopefully entertaining for you. 🖤 Other updates follow this week, since I had a light down. xD
If you want to be tagged in this one, tell me please. 🥰 I always feel so uncormfortable tagging people and thinking they don't like all of my weird stuff, lovely @youbloodymadgenius 🤣❤.
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Chapter 1: Of canapès and barking dogs.
Bjorn, Torvi & Sigurd
 It was not a nice day, Bjorn had known that from the beginning. Going to funerals was never easy - but holding his father's at his mother-in-law's house was. He had always believed that Ragnar would grow much older - and that the day he died would be peaceful.
But the house of Aslaug had been strangely restless for days. Sigurd had already arrived and had taken possession of the guest room next to Torvi and Bjorn's - his other brothers would soon follow. Bjorn folded the note in his hand lightly and sighed softly. He had read through the words a thousand times, and yet he kept getting stuck.
"I don't know why Aslaug wants me to give the speech," he said softly to Torvi, and she smiled slightly. Her hands softly stroked Bjorn's back, and her voice was like velvet against his ear.
"Because you're the oldest, that's why."
"Everyone will think that Ivar will hold it. After all, he's the famous author."
"Don't worry about that, you know people love you."
Bjorn creased the notes in his hand a little and turned his gaze again to the scrawled words. "My father was a great man. He was born in Kattegat in 1968. Kattegat is known for fishing and... God Torvi, it sounds like a school lecture. Ivar should do it."
"Be brave, Bjorn.", Torvi muttered to him, when suddenly the door opened.
"Are there, the guys with the coffin. With Dad." Sigurd said, who was still talking through the door before he could even open it with a rumble. Bjorn clicked his tongue.
"Still haven't learned to knock, huh?" he hissed, and Sigurd rolled his eyes.
"I don't care, now get down here. Mom's going to freak out - you know how sensitive she is."
"Then she shouldn't have done the funeral here in her house."
"I'll say three words to that: lazy old woman."
Sigurd laughed lightly, and nodded to Bjorn, who slowly rose from the bed and placed his notes on the nightstand. "Come, Torvi."
It was not an easy step that Bjorn took down the stairs, together with Sigurd and Torvi. The last time he had seen his father alive, everything had been fine: he had sat in front of the TV in the evening and watched a game with Bjorn. It had been quiet hours, and the last touch Bjorn actively remembered was the light feeling of Ragnar's fingers on his forearm when he had told him a good joke. Ragnar had laughed so loudly that there had been tears in his eyes - it had been a lovely evening.
Bjorn had long wondered if those last moments were enough, enough to be last words. He should perhaps have said an "I love you," something that expressed his deep admiration for this man. But one never knew when those were the last words - and when Bjorn saw the heavy oak coffin standing in the living room, along with the funeral home staff, his heart felt heavy. It was like lead, as if all the weights were pulling down the otherwise strong and heavy body. But he remained strong, even when he saw how Sigurd became slightly pale around the nose.
Nevertheless, with a quiet clearing of his throat and a respectful nod to the staff, he stood in front of the coffin and opened it with a slight, barely audible movement.
An iron silence spread, and one could almost feel the oppressive heaviness as Björn stared into the coffin. The funeral home staff lowered their heads in reverence as Bjorn suddenly said dryly, "That's not my father."
The silence around the room changed as the employees looked first at each other, and then at Bjorn, who still kept his gaze fixed on the coffin.
One of the staff came around and looked at the dead man, then opened his mouth.
"Oh God, that's really the wrong one. Guys, we put the wrong one in the coffin. We're terribly sorry, Mister Lothbrok - we'll be right back."
Torvi and Bjorn watched the men as they took the coffin back outside; then Bjorn exhaled deeply.
Sigurd in the corner behind them let out a soft chuckle.
"Well, if this is how the funeral is going to start, it's going to be cheerful. A bad omen."
"Don't say that!" Bjorn hissed, and Sigurd just snarled.
"It already started when Ivar said he was bringing his weird drug friend."
"He's a pharmacist, you monkey."
"Same thing, he sells drugs to old people. Maybe he can mix some in the punch."
"A little more respect." Torvi said annoyed, while Bjorn exhaled deeply.
"My respect just sailed out with the wrong daddy."
"Oh man. Please let this day go by quickly and without a hitch," Bjorn muttered, trying not to think about the mess that had ensued last Christmas when Ivar and Sigurd had fought over dessert and had destroyed one window.
"The day is guaranteed to be a disaster. Just think who's all coming together here today. They don't say the Lothbroks are all crazy for nothing. And if Ivar says a stupid thing about Martha, I'll punch him in the face!" Sigurd snarled; he took one of the canapés, but got lightly smacked on the fingers by Aslaug, who had joined in quietly and silently.
"I'm hungry, though."
"You wait until everyone gets here!" Aslaug hissed; one could tell she wasn't feeling well. Torvi silently accompanied her to the kitchen again, while Bjorn sat down next to Sigurd's armchair with a snort.
"I'm so going to fail. Why isn't Ivar giving the speech?" he muttered; he also took a canapé, as did Sigurd, who by now had rested his legs on the little table next to him.
"It doesn't matter, no one will listen anyway. Everyone will blubber. Besides, he's bringing his friend, that fucking Brit. He won't talk in front of him, I bet you."
"All right, let him. They've been together for a long time."
"Yeah, while Ubbe will end up an old maid."
"You too."
The brothers looked at each other, then they both laughed. And although it was not a fitting day for laughter, they both couldn't help it. They were only interrupted when Aslaug came storming out of the kitchen and slapped them both on the knuckles for eating too many of the canapés.
Ubbe, Hvitserk, Ivar, Heahmund & Eggsy
 "Which house was it again?" Ubbe asked, drawing his eyebrows together; Ivar yawned slightly as he looked out the window at the passing houses. He already knew the area by heart, had already spent so many hours driving to and from Heahmund's house - and not just because of Heahmund. Heahmund's little brother Eggsy was Ivar's age, and the two had been best friends for a long time. It had been rather inappropriate when Ivar had confessed to him one day that he fancied his older brother - but after Eggsy had punched him in the face for it during a visit to a club, to be fair, they had been best friends again.
"That one up front. You know that house, you drove me here so many times!" Ivar snarled; Ubbe just snorted softly.
"Yeah, it was dark back then, and you were drunk."
"Alcohol is my muse. And a naked Heahmund."
"No, Ivar. Please don't. At least today. He's a pharmacist, isn't he?"
Ivar rolled his eyes slightly and exhaled in annoyance, then nodded slightly. He ran a hand through his hair while his gaze was fixed on his older brother.
"Yeah, you know that too," he grumbled, and Ubbe shrugged.
"Do you think he can take a look at my wrist? There's all this discoloration on it."
"Ubbe, please. He's a pharmacist, not a doctor," Hvitserk interjected, who was sitting in the back seat.
Ivar knew that his older brother was very upset inside. Ivar felt it the same way - when he had learned of Ragnar's death, a part of his world had collapsed. It had taken him a long time to come to terms - a long time, and a handful of Heahmund's best pills. That had helped. When Ivar saw the slightly clouded look on Hvitserk's face in the rearview mirror, he bit his lower lip lightly.
"But he deals with pills, he knows what I can take!" Ubbe replied irritably.
"Eggsy deals, Heahmund thinks it sucks," Ivar said, amused, turning his gaze back outside.
"Why can they even do that? Eggsy looks like the last spade."
"Ain't that the truth."
"Maybe Heahmund will have some pills for you in a minute, Hvitty. You look really pale," Ivar said quietly; his bright eyes found Hvitserk's, and he clearly saw his brother forcing a smile.
"I just have a stomachache, after all, and a little dizziness. I'll be fine."
"Here we are," Ubbe said, and the three brothers got out of the car.
The house was in a somewhat quieter corner of the town and was a veritable palace; it had been expensive, for Heahmund and Eggsy's parents were both doctors. Heahmund had confessed to Ivar once long ago that he knew he was a disappointment to them as an apothecary - but Ivar had always encouraged him. Heahmund loved working with chemicals, and the fact that he had fallen in love with him, well - Ivar clearly owed a bit of that to his love of Eggsy's forbidden tablets. Ivar remembered it clearly - an Iggy Pop concert, drunk to the point of no return, and he had dared to kiss Heahmund for the first time.
He remembered hot fingers on his body, wet and sweaty bodies pressing against each other, loud and booming music in his ears, vibrating on his skin.
But that quickly disappeared as Ubbe pressed the button on the bell and waited with his two brothers. It took a moment, but then a grinning Eggsy opened the door.
"Holla, we don't actually buy anything at the door," he said, and Ivar laughed. He chimed in with Eggsy and went into the house, with Ubbe and Hvitserk following. For a moment Eggsy and Ubbe looked at each other, then Ubbe said, "Do you have anything for Hvitty's stomachache?"
"Hmm. I don't know... I'll go see. Hold on. Oh, Ivar - Heahmund's in the shower, he'll be right there in a minute," Eggsy replied, winking at Ivar, who again bit his lip lightly before catching Ubbe's shocked look.
"Ivar, I dare you. You're wearing your fancy suit, Dad gave you that one at the time for your first book launch. If it gets wet-" Ubbe muttered, and Ivar snorted.
"What, it's just water!"
"I think Ubbe once again couldn't get it into his mouth that he means the cum stains that are on your suit afterwards when Heahmund has... wiped himself on your lips," Hvitserk threw into the round and was rewarded by a punch in the neck from Ubbe and a hearty laugh from Ivar.
"I'll wash your filthy mouth out in a minute... Ah, look. Here's some paracetamol, you can take it, can't you?" Ubbe said, holding up a brown little box with the words written all over it in a very slightly scuffed way. Ivar raised his eyebrows as Ubbe tossed the little tin to Hvitserk.
"Hmm, okay... I'll take these without water, not that my suit will get "wet" yet," Hvitserk muttered, and Ivar nudged him lightly.
"Stop it now, I'm shitting myself laughing. But I'm really going to see where Heahmund is," he said, and went up the stairs to the upper floors. Hvitserk swallowed his pills while Ubbe wandered lightly up and down the hallway, looking at the photos on the wall.
It had taken Ubbe a long time to accept Heahmund and Ivar's relationship. Heahmund was an educated and kind man, but Ubbe thought him far too old for Ivar. He knew his little brother and his moods, and also his volatility. It was a real miracle that the relationship had lasted two years by now - which was surely due to Ubbe always keeping an eye on Ivar. Even Ragnar had taken a while to get along with Heahmund. Not as a mate, not as a man - but as the boyfriend at Ivar's side. He had always seen his son in the arms of pretty women, but never in the arms of another man who could almost be his father himself.
Ubbe's eyes wandered over the many photos on the wall and lingered on a family photo. It was visible that they were a well-heeled, wealthy family - only Eggsy stood out, as always. The boy was just like them with Ivar, the nestling, the baby - and the spawn of hell. Even though Ubbe really liked Eggsy's grin, and his blunt, British humor.
"What do you think it's going to be like today? Wow, are the walls yellow here.", Hvitserk said quietly; Ubbe directed his gaze to the beige wall, but only raised his eyebrows. It was nothing new that Hvitserk had lousy taste when it came to color naming.
"Well... it's dad. I'm sure it won't be pretty. I can't wait to see how Bjorn's speech turns out."
"Why isn't Ivar holding it?" Hvitserk said; as the two looked at each other, Hvitserk lightly stroked the wall with his fingers. Ubbe smiled briefly; he put a hand on Hvitserk's shoulder and sighed.
"I don't know. It doesn't matter either, he's the oldest, and he'll do fine. It was mother's wish. And Dad would have loved it. We'll all be together again," he said quietly, and Hvitserk nodded silently.
He was about to say something when Eggsy came down the stairs. He tossed a small can to Ubbe and winked. "Here, paracetamol."
"It's all good Eggs, we've already had some. It was okay, right? There were some lying here, we really only took two."
Eggsy's grin disappeared from his face; he was about to say something when Ivar and Heahmund came down the stairs.
"Hello, you two!" Heahmund said; he was smiling, but he placed his hand lightly comfortingly on Ubbe's shoulder, who smiled only slightly. "I'm really very sorry."
"It's okay. It's part of life, isn't it?" Ubbe replied; he waited until Heahmund removed his hand, and then cleared his throat, not without another quick glance at the slightly distraught Eggsy.
"I'll go start the car. Eggsy, are you going to ride with us?"
"Who... me? Nah, I'll... um... drive myself later, I've got stuff to do," he said, forcing a soft smile.
When Ubbe was out the door and the others were about to follow, Eggsy stood in front of the door. He pushed it shut lightly and looked at the three, who eyed him in slight confusion.
"Eggs, what are you doing? Make room.", Ivar snarled and grabbed Eggsy by the shoulder, but the latter just pushed him away slightly.
"Honestly - Hvit - how many of those pills did you take?" he said harshly, and Hvitserk snorted.
"Two, why? And you guys should repaint your house, that yellow paint really stings in the eyes."
"FUCK." Eggsy said, and Heahmund grabbed him by the shoulder.
"What do you mean with fuck, Eggsy? Do you have like... no. Don't tell me you..."
"Yeah… I did."
"What's wrong?" Ivar interjected, whose gaze had so far only wandered back and forth between the two.
"The pills.” Eggsy murmured, holding up the brown tin.
"Paracetamol, it says. Are you stupid?" Hvitserk said, and Eggsy opened his mouth.
"That's really a bit inappropriate now, huh... These aren't paras."
A rough hand reached into Eggsy's shirt, and Heahmund pushed his younger brother hard back against the door. "What do you mean Eggsy?!"
"I was... experimenting, it was supposed to be for tonight, I... I named it xylitol x10."
"Is that why the walls are so fucking yellow?!" Hvitserk shouted, trying to jump towards Eggsy, but Ivar held him back.
"I'm sorry, but you don't just eat any fucking pills lying around somewhere either -"
"It had paracetamol on it, you asshole!!!"
"Yeah, you think I'd write party drug on it?"
"STOP!" Heahmund yelled between them, holding the boys apart; he could feel exactly how tense Hvitserk and Ivar were breathing.
"What's in it, Eggsy?" Heahmund asked, and all eyes turned to the young Englishman. Eggsy fussed, running a hand down the back of his neck, then muttering lightly.
"Well, this and that...I didn't...quite calculate that."
"Hallucinogens?" Heahmund grumbled; he still had his brother in stitches, and Eggsy nodded slightly.
"Everything. Stimulants, sleeping pills, painkillers. It's supposed to get you high on a new level."
It took a moment before Hvitserk let out a slight cry of panic and went for Eggsy's throat; Ivar interposed himself but gave Eggsy a deadly look.
"How long does it last?" he asked frantically, and Eggsy opened his lips slightly. It took him a moment before he quietly replied, "Twelve hours?"
Hvitserk was about to go after Eggsy again, but this time Heahmund joined in.
"THAT MEANS I'M GOING COMPLETELY HIGH AND FUCKED UP ON MY FATHER'S FUNERAL?" Hvitserk shouted, and Eggsy shrugged slightly.
"That... yeah, something like that. But it won't be so bad, because… you just won't notice anything."
"Eggsy, this is going to be trouble. Shit, what do we do now? Ubbe doesn't have a clue, does he?"
Ivar bit his lower lip lightly, still looking at his best friend. He knew that Eggsy had never done this on purpose, guaranteed, and that he had simply wanted to resell the pills. They had done it so many times, together, to really kick ass at festivals - if Ragnar or Ubbe had ever known that, and Heahmund - oh, Ivar was sure he would end up in hell. But he stuck by Eggsy, who by now was really pale around the nose.
"We'll work it out. We can say he's allergic to the pills because they were... expired."
"Ivar, that's... Ubbe will never believe that. He himself is so..."
"We have no choice."
Hvitserk pressed his head against Ivar's shoulder and let out a low snort; his hands clawed tightly into the suit of Ivar's shoulder, and Ivar patted his head lightly.
"Well, at least... the funeral won't be so bad for you then." he said, catching an indignant look from Heahmund, which he only returned with a shrug.
"We have no choice, like I said."
A honk sounded outside, and all four flinched violently; Hvitserk raised his eyes, already looking slightly dreamy.
"Fuck... Eggsy, get changed and join us as soon as you can. It's best if Hvitserk drinks a lot of water to get that stuff out. God, Eggsy...you must be from the mailman.", Heahmund said with a slight frown.
"Shut up, it wasn't like I wanted this!"
"It's okay now." Ivar said, taking Hvitserk's forearm in his hand; he guided his brother easily while Eggsy opened the front door.
"You just have to pretend everything's okay long enough. So Ubbe won't notice anything, because he'll kill Eggsy, me and Heahmund then. And with his kind, himself, too," Ivar added; he held Hvitserk tightly as he pulled slightly towards the flowerbed.
"The flowers smell like butter."
"Sure, everybody knows that," Ivar said, turning in a panic to Eggsy, who stood like a little pale something in the front doorway, watching the three of them get into Ubbe's car.
He raised his arm ever so slightly and with compressed lips nodded to Ubbe, who waved at him. Only when the car turned the corner slightly did he flee back into the house in a panic.
The first few miles through the city in the car were silent; until Ubbe cleared his throat and looked at the slightly cramped Heahmund and Ivar in the back seat through the mirror.
"Everything’s good? What else did you do inside?" he asked, and Ivar and Heahmund looked at each other slightly. Then Ivar put on a warm smile.
"I was arguing with Eggs about what he should wear. He refuses to wear a suit."
"Haha yeah, that’s my little... cutie... brother.", Heahmund laughed, and got a firm jab from Ivar in the ribcage for it - which Ubbe luckily didn't see because he had to brake hard. An elderly couple walked across the intersection, and Hvitserk suddenly looked around in confusion.
"Wasn't there a dog in here just now?" Hvitserk said, mouth agape; Ubbe at the steering wheel drew his eyebrows together, while Ivar and Heahmund exchanged brief glances in the back seat.
"What?" Ubbe asked, snorting in amusement, while Ivar lightly bit his lower lip. Hvitserk's gaze turned towards Ubbe in confusion, and he stared at his older brother slightly absently.
"There was a dog barking in here just now, wasn't there?"
"Hvitty what the... did you take dr...?" Ubbe began, but Ivar interrupted him frantically, putting his hand on Ubbe's shoulder from behind.
"Aren't we almost there?" he said with pointed curiosity, and Ubbe turned his gaze skeptically to the road. "Yes, in a minute," he said, giving Ivar a puzzled look through the rearview mirror. But his youngest brother only smiled an exaggeratedly broad and hearty smile, while Hvitserk pressed his head against the window, smiling slightly.
"You guys are acting weird. But today it’s okay. After all, today is an important day, and it's finally another day when the whole family gets to be together loving each other. If only Dad could see us like this," Ubbe said quietly, albeit with a soft, crooked smile at the corner of his mouth.
If only dad could see us.
Ivar's hands clenched slightly, and he exhaled softly. His brother was doped up on whatever drugs Eggsy had made up makeshift from his pharmacy studies. Bjorn would make a beastly speech, Ivar knew, even though it hurt his heart to think of his oldest brother that way. Sigurd and he would quarrel, and even that day hold grudges against each other. Ivar would show up at his father's funeral with his boyfriend, whom not many knew yet. Aunt Helga would have a heart attack. Ubbe would have a crisis as soon as he realized that Hvitserk hadn't just taken paracetamol. Oh yes, if only dad could see us.
But it was Heahmund's warm hands that closed around his and held him tightly; very tightly, so that Ivar immediately felt safe and comfortable. He glanced at his partner, and Heahmund smiled encouragingly at him. At least he was there - because with him, Ivar felt complete.
Even if his brother in the passenger seat wore a slight thread of drool in the corner of his mouth and was guaranteed to be fantasizing about yellow walls and butter-smelling flowers, and imaginary dogs barking in the car.
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little-lizziej · 3 years
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Chapter 5
His lips felt warm against hers, they unraveled a sense of longing within Marinette. Unlike Adrien, Marinette's senses were high and alert. She could feel the way his lips moved against hers, the way her lips involuntarily moved on their own. She felt the way his hands gripped her waist as he pulled her closer and tilted his head to the side.
She heard Lilas gasp and her footsteps as she left. She felt the breeze hit their faces and her clothes hit her skin. She could feel everything. She knew Lila had left, yet she kept on kissing him. If anything, she pulled him closer.
Meanwhile, Adrien felt nothing but her lips. All he could focus on was the way her lips fit his perfectly, the way their bodies fit. It was like they were made for each other. Adrien had never felt so good with just a kiss. He felt like he was on cloud nine.
And just like Marinette, he didn't want it to end.
However, their moment was cut short when Marinette suddenly pulled away. Adrien opened his eyes only to find the bluenette with her eyes closed. She rested her head on his chest as it rose with each breath. "We...we can't" she whispered, "I shouldn't have" she shook her head against his chest and felt as Adrien wrapped his arms around her waist trying to bring comfort.
"I'm sorry Marinette" Adrien apologized and looked down when he felt her abruptly look at him.
"No I'm sorry" the aspiring designer whispered as the first set of tears rolled down her cheeks. "I heard Lila walk away and...and I kept on kissing you." She looked away, down at the river as she released a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry Adrien" she whispered.
"I wanted to kiss you Marinette" Adrien breathlessly said, he lifted his hand and placed in on her cheek before softly stroking it. "I didn't want to stop, and for that I'm sorry."
Marinette took in a sharp breath before turning her head towards him, she tilted her head to the side, resting it fully on the models hand. "I wanted to keep kissing you" she muttered. That sentence was enough to make his knees go weak, and her heart stop.
Neither of them could believe it. Adrien couldn't believe Marinette could possibly return his feelings again, and Marinette couldn't believe she had let herself feel again.
The whole situation was far easier for Adrien, this kiss had just confirmed what he already knew. He wanted her. For Marinette, it was far more complicated. She had spent months trying to shove her feelings down, to make them disappear. And just like that, with a kiss. She knew they were far from gone.
"I don't know what to do Luka!" Marinette cried as she kept walking around her room. "What am I supposed to do now? I want him! But it's not supposed to be this easy...is it?"
"Marinette..." Luka chuckled as he sat on her chaise. "Of course it's supposed to be this easy. You've made it complicated for years. I think it's time things become simple again."
"But this is Adrien we're talking about! Adrien Agreste, Luka, Adrien Agreste!"
"So what if it's Adrien Agreste Marinette?" Luka asked before covering his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter.
"I've been in love with him for years" She let out a sigh and approached him. "What if I'm not enough? What if he realizes he can do better?"
"He can't" Luka says and shrugs his shoulders. "Marinette you could've been with him a long time ago if you had just told him. You've been holding yourself back for years, your fear has kept you from moving on. Are you really going to let it win again?"
Marinette's face softened as she lent her back against the wall. She knew her friend was right. She knew that perhaps they could've been together long before if she had just been brave, if she had been like ladybug. She knew this was her time, and she wasn't going to let it go to waste.
"You're right, Luka" Marinette grinned, "as usual" she added with a wink. Luka let out a laugh before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Anyways..." Marinette said, dragging the word. "Enough about me, how did it go with Chloe?"
Marinette's face lit up at the sight of the musician as he blushed. Her eyebrows shot up as her smile turned into a grin. "It was good" Luka muttered with a smile.
"I knew it!" Marinette yelled jumping from her chair. "I'm the best Cupid out there" she laughed before dancing around her room, happy her friend had gotten along with the blonde. "You guys are perfect for each other" Marinette grinned and smirked before adding, "just remember to invite me for the wedding."
"Shut up!" Luka yelled, his face turned red at the thought and he threw a pillow at Marinette hitting her in the face. The room went silent before he released a loud laugh. The aspiring designer scowled before muttering how it wasn't that funny.
"Bye Luka, say hi to Juleka and your mom for me please!" Marinette yelled as she waved goodbye to her friend. After their conversation, Marinette felt a sense of comfort.
At first she was certain her feelings had to be pushed down, but now? Now she knew she had to let them out. Luka made her understand that even if her feelings weren't returned, they were still worth talking about.
If she held on to them and never let them out, she'd never get closure, and would never be able to actually move on. Although she denied it, a part of her hoped that the kiss they had shared that early morning would be the start of their relationship.
She wanted to believe that maybe they kiss could've sparked some sort of feelings towards Adrien, and that maybe she'd finally stop being "just a friend."
"Marinette, Adrien's here!" Sabine yelled startling Marinette, who immediately started going crazy.
"Hey Mari" Adrien smiled as he poke his head through her trap door. "Can I come in?" He asked.
"Of course!" She said with a side smile. Her hands shakes as she watched him approach her. "We actually need to talk" she muttered and swallowed as nerves came over her. She looked up through her long eye lashes and saw her crush frown.
He walked closer to her and lifted his hand before placing it on her waist. "Is everything alright, Marinette?" He asked with worry. The bluenette nodded her head and gave him a small smile.
"It's nothing bad" she shrugged her shoulders before pressing her hand against his cheek. "I promise" she smiled before rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
"Okay" Adrien sighed before leaning against her hand. He closed his eyes for a second, enjoying the comfort Marinette brought to him. "Lets sit down...I also have something to tell you"
Marinette smiled before taking his hand and leading him to her chaise where they both sat. Their bodies were turned towards each other, their eyes locked and legs touching. Anyone could tell they were in love.
"I'll start" Marinette nervously spoke up and nodded her head. "I...I like you" she quickly said. "Like really, really, really, like you" she added and shut her eyes as she waited for the rejection.
"I like you too" Adrien grinned and grabbed her hand. He lightly squeezed it after linking their fingers and brought their joined hands up, he pressed a kiss on Marinette's hand and laughed. "I really, really, really, like you"
"You do?" Marinette opened her eyes wide and looked at the model next to her. His shoulders shook as he laughed full of glee and nodded his head.
"I really do" he smiled and placed his hand on the back of her neck. "Marinette?" He asked as he moved closer to her, his eyes looking solely at her lips.
"Yes Adrien?" Marinette whispered as she watched him bite his lower lip.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and looked at her straight in the eyes, surprising her.
Marinette's eyes widened as tears made its way to her eyes. She watched as Adrien pulled back, thinking this was her way of saying no. Her bottom lip trembled as she quickly nodded her head and threw herself into his embrace, locking lips with her boyfriend.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Yandere BTS! An Accidental One Night Stand
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@floatingpandamonster hello there! I really like this request for some reason and I hope you like it. I know I answered this months later so apologies! You'll find the request below 😊
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Kim Seokjin:
You woke up, feeling the light from the morning sun on your face. You rubbed your eyes and sat up, feeling a slight ache all over your body. Frowning, you looked around the room which certainly wasn't yours. Oh right! It was your best friend's, you were hanging out with him the night before. Suddenly, the realisation dawned on you and you gasped. Checking under the covers, your eyes widened when you saw yourself naked. Your head felt like it was gonna explode with the number of thoughts running in your mind. This was so wrong. You covered your face with your hands and shook your head. The sound of the door opening caught your attention. Jin walked in with a smile on his face as you stared at him, not knowing what to do. "Good morning, princess!" He chirped, walking towards where you were. Getting your muscles to move, you scanned around for your clothes and exhaled in relief before quickly grabbing them and putting them on. Jin already saw you naked, right? Besides, all you really wanted was to leave before he got the wrong hint. "What are you doing?" He asked, frowning on seeing you in a hurry. After buttoning up your shirt, you turned to him. "I'm sorry for what happened last night, Jin. You're my best friend and I don't see you in any other way. I hope we can forget about it and move ahead with our lives. I don't wanna lose what we have. I hope you understand." You said, giving him a small smile. You were impressed by your own speech, surely he would understand, right? Without waiting for his reply, you moved past him to leave only to be stopped by his hand on your wrist. Suddenly, his laughter filled the room, making you uncomfortable. You turned around to see why he was acting like this. "Jin!" You called out to him, making him stop abruptly. He clenched his jaw and pulled you towards him, his grip on your hand tightening with every second. Your breath hitched as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "I've held back for too long.....not anymore." He whispered in your ear before turning you around so that your back was against his chest. You whimpered when his hand wrapped around your throat lightly.
"Dedicate yourself to me, darling. I don't want to hurt you."
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Kim Namjoon:
Tears fell down your cheeks as you stood in your living room, wearing the black dress from when you had gone clubbing. You had lost your virginity to a stranger whose name was Namjoon and that was a mistake. You had been saving yourself for someone special. How could you have been so careless? Maybe if you had been cautious enough, you wouldn't have been in the situation you were currently in. Namjoon circled you as you froze in your place, a knife in his hand. You had sneaked out at 4 AM from his house and made it back to yours only to find him sitting on the couch, patiently waiting for you to turn up. "You shouldn't have run away, Y/N. I was really looking forward to waking up next to you." He stated, shaking his head. What was he talking about? "Look, Namjoon, last night was a mistake and I greatly regret it. Also, I don't even know you so-" you tried explaining but he cut you off with a chuckle. "You don't know me, baby, but I know you. And I carefully planned everything for tonight. You wanna know why? Because I didn't want you to have your first time with any of the men out there. They don't deserve you. Only I do! No one can love you as much as I do!" He yelled, pulling you closer to him by gripping your hair. You whimpered as you tried to get out of his hold, crying uncontrollably. Seeing how hurt you were, he loosened his grip and hugged you. "I would never hurt you unless you hurt me, Y/N. So please, make this easy for yourself and come with me, okay?" He smiled, caressing your cheeks. You bravely shook your head, making Namjoon place his knife on your throat. "Let's try again, shall we?" He asked, trying to contain his anger. Taking the knife away from your throat, he cupped your cheeks. "I-I'll go with you." You mumbled, shaking in fear. He smirked and kissed your forehead.
"I love you, baby. I swear you were made only for me."
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Min Yoongi:
Bad decisions have bad consequences. You always knew that but never really experienced it. But then again, there's always a first time. You cried silently, your hands on your forehead and your elbows resting on the kitchen counter. You had lost your virginity to your boyfriend, who sometimes drove you crazy with his possessiveness. But the past few days, he had been extra nice and caring. You being naïve, believed that he was probably the only man you'd ever love and decided that it was okay for you to do 'it' with him. You cried harder when you thought about how you broke your promise to your parents. You needed time away from Yoongi to think this through. There was no way you could look at him without thinking about what had happened. So you wiped your tears and grabbed your phone along with your wallet. Quietly walking to the door, you turned the knob to open it only to find out it was locked. You shook the knob and frowned until your eyes fell on the newly installed locks further up on the door. "You really thought you could just leave? My love, you keep forgetting that I know you better than you know yourself." Your head turned to see Yoongi standing in the hallway with his arms crossed. "Y-yoongi, what is all th-this?" You stuttered, trying to keep your calm. Yoongi walked towards where you stood and held your hands in his. "You were gonna leave me, Y/N. I know that. And I know about the promise you made to certain people but, baby, you don't have to worry. There will never be any other man in your life. It's only me. It'll always be me." He said, his blank expression creeping you out. You shook your head and tried to move away from him but he twisted your fingers making you scream in pain. You wildly thrashed, finally getting out of his hold and falling to the ground. You held your hands close to your chest and cried. You didn't think your boyfriend was a monster. Yoongi sighed before kneeling down in front of you and placing his fingers beneath your chin. He slowly pecked your lips and gave you a smile.
"You only belong to me, love. I'll make sure you never forget that."
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Jung Hoseok:
You snuggled closer to the person whose arms were wrapped around you, smiling in content at how warm it felt. But something wasn't right. You ignored the uncomfortableness and tried to go back to sleep until you remembered. His lips on yours. His body against yours. Your eyes shot open and your heart started pounding. Did you really do it? You looked up to see Hoseok sleeping soundly with a smile on his face. He wasn't your boyfriend, you had barely been on 3 dates and last night was no different. You had no idea how you ended up in this position but clearly, things went down between you two. Guilt started eating you up inside, you had decided that this was gonna be your last date with Hoseok. You just didn't see him as your potential boyfriend. You pried his hands away only for him to tighten his hold. Your breath hitched when he nuzzled his face in your neck. Once again you tried to do the same, receiving a groan from him. "What do you think you are doing, angel?" He asked, voice raspy from sleep. You mentally sighed in relief, at least you didn't have to escape like a thief. Getting out of his arms, you sat up in his bed and turned to his confused form. "Hoseok, I'm just going to say it. This shouldn't have happened and I'm sorry if I got your hopes up. I just don't think there can be anything between us." You said, fiddling with your fingers. You slowly looked at him to find him sad and upset. You were horrible for doing this. Suddenly, he smiled widely. "You think I don't know that, Y/N? Why do you think this happened, angel? It's because I wanted it to. And now I own you, so no one else can dare look at you. You're only for my eyes." He said, making shivers run down your spine. You were beyond scared and disgusted. "I don't belong to anyone so you can go to hell with your stupid fantasies!" You bellowed, preparing to leave. You gasped when Hoseok grabbed your hand and pulled you to lay on the bed, straddling you. You struggled as he pinned your hands above your head, burying his face in the crook of your neck and taking in your scent.
"Just let me have you, angel. Because you drive me absolutely insane."
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Park Jimin:
You stared at the mirror in the bathroom. The marks on your neck were fading but they were a reminder of what had happened 4 days ago. You had told your mother about what you had done, only to have her yell at you and tell you that you were tainted now. Your head hurt from all the stress. And the fact that Jimin was so happy about it was bothering you. You let out a heavy sigh and sat down on the bathroom floor, leaning against the door. Tears rolled down your cheeks while you closed your eyes and told yourself that it was okay. You loved Jimin, even though sometimes you felt like you didn't. A knock on the bathroom door made you flinch. "Baby, are you okay? You've been in there for too long." You could hear the concern in Jimin's voice. Wiping away your tears, you unlocked the door and stepped outside. "I'm fine." You gave him a small smile. He cupped your cheeks and looked into your eyes. "No, you aren't. In fact, you have been crying. What happened, Y/N? Who hurt you? Just tell me." He frowned and rubbed your cheek with his thumb. You sighed and held his hand, bringing it away from your cheeks. "I shouldn't have let that night happen, Jimin. Now everything's ruined. My mom hates me and she will probably never want to see me again!" You stated, walking away from him and into the living room. You heard his footsteps following you. "Are you telling me that you regret it?" His voice was small, you could tell he was hurt. You turned to face him, wanting to scold yourself for hurting him. "No, Jimin. I love you, I really do. I just think we should have waited. We don't even know how long we'll-" you tried holding his hand but he pulled away. "I dare you to finish that sentence." He said, expression turning from sad to angry. You shivered, his dark eyes making you scared. He had never been this angry before. Slowly, he took steps closer to you while you moved backwards, your back hitting the wall. He placed his hands on the wall behind you, trapping you. Your breathing was heavy and you felt small under his gaze. "Jimin, that's not what I meant." You mumbled, looking down at your feet. He held your jaw with his fingers, giving it a tight squeeze and making you whimper.
"I own you mind, body and soul. You'll be mine even in death."
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Kim Taehyung:
Clutching your purse in your hand, you walked the endless corridors of the huge house. You were searching for Kim Taehyung, your boss who you had slept with. It was a party thrown by him for highlighting the achievements of the company. You didn't know how, but one thing led to another and here you were, with an aching body, looking for your boss, in order to know if you were going to get fired. You heard his voice when you passed the door to his study, halting immediately. Taking in a deep breath, you knocked and heard a small "come in". You entered the room and closed the door behind you, facing him only to find him looking at you intently from his seat. "Did you sleep well, Y/N?" He asked, breaking the silence. You nodded and bit your lip, moving to stand in front of his table. "Actually, I wanted to apologize for last night, Mr Kim-" you started, only to be interrupted by him. "Taehyung. I prefer Taehyung from your pretty little mouth." He said before standing up from the leather seat and walking towards you. Your throat ran dry and your hands became clammy. Pretty little mouth? "And there's no need to apologize, baby. Because this is going to happen again and again and again." He said, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you closer to him. You frowned, heart hammering inside your chest. "What is th-that supposed t-to mean?" You asked, your voice coming out as a whisper. Taehyung smiled and leaned his forehead on your shoulder. "You've had all my attention since the day you stepped in my office, Y/N. And now look what you've done. I'm in love with you. No matter how many times I touch you, it will never be enough." He confessed, making your eyes widen. You felt uncomfortable being there. You had always maintained your distance from him, meeting him only when he called, talking only about work. You held his hands and pushed them away from you, making his smile disappear. "Mr Kim, nothing can happen between us. You're my boss and I would appreciate it if you kept it that way." You said and turned around to leave. A squeal escaped your mouth when he grabbed you from behind and lay you down on his table before standing between your legs. You struggled and screamed, only for him to laugh at you. He gripped your wrists harshly and held them above your head. Leaning down, he kissed your neck before placing his lips next to your ears.
"Someday you'll know that we're meant to be. Until then, I'll just have to keep reminding you."
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Jeon Jungkook:
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving marks that would be hard to cover up. You moaned as you ran your fingers through his hair, your body shivering under his touch.
You woke up with sweat beading on your forehead. It was only a dream, but a wet dream. And that too about Jungkook, your ex-boyfriend. You placed your hand on your chest and felt your heartbeat go back to normal. Why the hell were you dreaming of Jungkook? You frowned, feeling the strap of your bra beneath your fingers. You looked down at your body, gasping on seeing yourself in only your undergarments. To add to your surprise, you saw dark marks on your thighs. Love bites. You removed the blanket from your knees to reveal a metal cuff around your ankle which was connected to a chain. "Pretty, aren't they?" You flinched on hearing his voice. You looked up to find him leaning on the wall in front of the bed, shirtless and smirking. Your heart shattered when you remembered what happened last night. It had been so difficult to break up with Jungkook. He was too controlling and manipulative. Even after the breakup, he kept following you and tried to convince you to go back to him. A single tear fell down your cheek as you reached out to pull at the metal chain, only to find it cemented into the wall. "Don't bother, my love. They are strong enough to stop you from leaving me again." Jungkook said, moving to sit on the bed, close to you. You immediately moved back and pulled your knees to yourself. "Please let me go, Jungkook. I don't want to be with you! Don't you get it?!" You yelled, your lips quivering. His eyes turned dark and he clenched his jaw. "Who said you had a choice anymore? Don't YOU get it?! We are inseparable, Y/N!" He bellowed, emphasizing on the 'you'. You shook your head as you broke down into sobs and hid your face in your hands. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, feeling you stiffen in his hold. You started struggling and pushing him away which only made him hold you tighter. Eventually, you stopped and cried against his chest while he caressed your hair, smiling at how you gave up so easily.
"I'm the only one who can make you happy, Y/N. I promise to love you for eternity."
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Tbh, I don't think I did my best with this reaction. But it's not that bad, I guess. I also don't know if this was what you wanted, I hope I got it right though!
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