#also very on theme w the orange since its the year of the tiger!!!
sunkiisu · 2 years
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KAN KAN MIKAN!!! >:D another yearly redraw of Chika DONE!!! 
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kihaku-gato · 3 years
Random Webcomic Reccomendations
This post is dedicated to bringing to the spotlight several webcomics
(some would be considered webmanga but I’m counting them too since they are primarily presented on webcomic websites) which I’ve been enjoying that I hope can get more traction/fandom with this post. Due to my personal tastes I can say many/most have a sci fi or fantasy theming as well as some (definitely not all) have wlw as well.
Since this post will be quite extensive, I’ll first start with a “table of contents” for those who don’t want synopsises or ramblings, but instead just want titles and want to just check them out themselves.
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My Dragon Girlfriend
Straylight Tiger
Amongst Us
Kiss It Goodbye
Seven Miles Down
Hosted on its own website under hiveworkscomics
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This is a historical semi-fantasy set during the infamous Tulip Mania period of Dutch/European history when people would pay an arm and a leg for even a single potentially valuable tulip bulb.
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In this setting we follow two devils Basil and Ludwig and their avian familiars strut into the action, pretending to be foreign investors getting in on the tulip hype, probably to ensnare some desperate souls, all the while keeping man and beast alike from catching sus that they are not as human as they claim to be.
As of writing this the story is just starting up but is already making quite the unique statement. The distinct black and white artstyle is clearly holding homage to the historical “Woodcut” printmaking style in how it’s drawn, lined, and textured, which is a refreshing way to artistically state that the comic is “set in the past” w/o doing just grayscale or sepia tone that one is used to seeing for media set in historical times.
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The interactions between the devils as well as the animals they can communicate with so far have been quite amusing.
If you don’t directly use hiveworkscomics for your usual webcomic browsing (so don’t get notified by it) they do have both a tumblr and twitter which frequently announce/link its updates. Bonus following their twitter/tumblr being you get to see occasionally “sketches” (I say that term very loosely) of the characters outside of the webcomic series if you’re into that.
 My Dragon Girlfriend
Available on Webtoons and Twitter
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Fantasy alongside modern era setting. It is primarily a wlw webcomic series about a human girl named Christy who is swept off her feet by a dragon girl named Dani, semi-magical/mythical wlw hijinks ensue. It’s hard for me to pin its identity entirely, cause while I wanna say it’s a “Slice of Life” the webcomic is at the point where Dani is fighting a werewolf tooth and nail so it’s hard to pin. It’s clearly romance genre, as even if Dani and Chirsty end up together lickity split (a blink of the eye compared to the slow-burn of most romance stories) there are other wlw subplots going on with secondary primary characters which you’ll be routing for.
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It has its steamy moments and implies sex but not so far as to show full-on nudity of the main characters characters. Though there is some nudity of some of the monstergirls such as the fawn girls on the other hand it does not beat around the bush with, but luckily takes the nudity in a natural non-sexual way Correction as of writing this; only the Twitter version shows nudity, they had to censor with bras on Webtoons cause it got flagged.
If you want it hotter/steamier, sign up to the artist’s patreon. It’s definitely a nice softish wlw webomic if you’re craving a lil monstergirl flavour.
Available on Tapas and Webtoons
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Full-on adventure fantasy setting set in a world where magic and mages have been persecuted to the point of going into secrecy.
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It stars a cute red-riding-hood-like implied secret-royal (that was too much a mouthful) lady named Red, and a tall gorgeous beefy secretly mage lady named Morgan which Red has dragged into her shenanigans with.
It’s early to call this a wlw gem as of the current updates, but it is tagged as lgbt+ so take that with potential further wisdom.
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This webcomic uses colour a fair bit to set its tone/mood, but otherwise has a very comfy/warm feeling about it somehow, like some of those old comics/webcomics/novels you would welcome to read while snuggled under blankets. Also the outfits are REALLY nicely designed, and I could definitely see some peeps having fun cosplaying many of these characters.
As the story slowly progresses I am holding with baited breath to how Red and Morgan’s interactions/relationship may or may not evolve, as I am totally an absolute sucker for “friendly/bubbly naïveish character dragging along the cool/grumpy don’t-get-involved character that has a hidden soft heart” trope.
  Straylight Tiger
Available on Webtoons and Tapas
WARNING- while infrequent this one has some blood/gore that will shake you up, though it puts it where it would be most sensible to. Lucky for you most blood in this series is not the usual human-red blood which tones the edge down.
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It may have lots of fantasy elements but this one definitely holds its identity as Sci Fi. Set in a futuristic cyberesque city full of both good and bad superhumans (one group being animal shapeshifters and the other being elemental casters), there is an extremist cult out to wreck havoc in the city, so a company responds by recruiting a handful of individuals from all 3 races to make a secret task force to eliminate the threat.
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The main character in this story is a secretly-a-tiger shapeshifter named Angeline.
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This is probably the most visually colourful of the webcomics in my list and is really using it to charge up its stylistic sci fi setting. Best way I could compare it to; you know those glow-in-the-dark cyber avatars you occasionally see in VRchat? Straylight Tiger matches that visual energy. Of listed so far this is also the most action-packed webcomic on the list. I could almost call it a Trigger-like comic but luckily unlike Studio Trigger it’s not into going nuts on fanservice.
If you’re craving your superhuman sci fi action, this one should at least be checked out. I want to say there’ll be wlw at some point, but it’s too early to call, and if it does I would not expect it to be a major arc when it has larger fish for plot points to deal with.
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If you’re craving wlw of at least mc and her weapons-savvy human friend, I highly recommend you checking out the artist Flying Frappe’s twitter to get some sating for you wlw cravings for the two.
Available on webtoons as well as its own webcomic site
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Tragic fantasy setting starring a supermagical woman named Veloice as she is hunted by an Assassin. I tag it as there is an undertone of death in some of the arcs, which give this colourfully magical world a more sombre tone. Among the webcomics on the list this one may be steepest when it comes to catching to speed of the world’s setting/rules/hierarchies but once you do you’ll hunger for this more.
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I can’t entirely make a perfect comparison for it (Full Metal Alchemist is as close as I could compare and they are still as different to each other as apples and oranges) but it really has that rich nostalgic old manga style/world/tone to it, and its most welcome to as well.
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The world building is rich, and Veloice is a mental/magical powerhouse even if at times she has a fragility about her. The fact she’s a Caricophona; magical beings which tend to either get persecuted or expire early at age from their own condition, definitely helps with giving her a almost “glass canon” energy about her.
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While those points have definitely helped hook me in, the thing that tends to excite me the most in this webcomic is Veloice’s interactions with the assassin who’s been send to kill her, named Blackbird. The tension between them, the fact Blackbird both wants to toy with her, Blackbird’s somewhat flirtatious nature towards Veloice OMFG I EAT IT UP!!!! They have such a enemies to lovers feeling to them (though no, they are not lovers- we can dream though) which just gets you so excited.
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I should also mention there are two other “primary characters” in the group. Two rich naïve kids ready to help Veloice however they can. You grow to like them (even if they hit tropes that may strike a nerve if you’re tired to their character type), but the mvp of this webcomic for character and interaction has to be Veloice and Blackbird.
 Amongst Us
Available on webtoons and its own website
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Say you like Veloice and Blackbird from the previous webcomic, but find the hefty fantasy setting a bit too much, and you’re more for the romance? What if I told you the artist was galaxy brained enough to make a chiller AU? That is what Amongst Us is; a music college-set slice of life with a slow burn romance between Veloice and Blackbird. They’re dorky, their cute, and seeing some of the characters you’re familiar with in Caricophona in a different setting is nice to see.
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In some ways Veloice is less proactive in Amongst Us but still feels very in-character of her. The webcomic would end pretty quick if Veloice were to get-to-the-point with Blackbird after all (granted with how we see them in the future together at the start of the webcomic it’s not like they have to be in a hurry anyways).
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Seeing a wlw / slice of life set in a college setting rather than a high school setting is extremely welcome. Please, more of this.
 Kiss it Goodbye
Available on Webtoons
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Slice of Life high-school beginnings of wlw romance. The artstyle is good, the characters are lovely. We know canonically that they end up together (as the webcomic starts with them in the future where they are a couple, as they begin to weave the story to their curious friends wanting to know how their romance came to be).
It’s not an unwelcome Slice of Life.
Available on h0lyhandgrenade’s website
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I have honestly not read this one in a while and dropped it like, several years ago, but it was interesting and is still ongoing, so I had to mention it. Set in the Pokemon universe, it stars the main character who has been thrown into the pokemon trainer career while absolutely wanting nothing to do with it. Ends up becoming a rocket grunt which is an interesting change of perspective from many pokemon fancomics. It has old-nuzelocke energy though it is not a Nuzelocke. Be prepared for the brutality as you cry for the pokemon (especially his pikachu). The undying loyalty of his Charmander as he himself struggles with his position as a trainer/grunt is interesting. He is definitely not the usual pokemon trainer protag you’re used to.
 Seven Miles Down
Available on Webtoons
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A completed oneshot psychological horror where a girl takes her submarine to the deepest unventured oceanic trench in the world. Tragic end, but horrors can be like that. The psychological nature of the horror is an interesting angle. The rounded cute style may throw you off but it works.
Availabe on its own website via hiveworkscomics
This comic has since been cancelled from continuation, but is the webcomic to set me off in making this list, so it will still be mentioned in memory/tribute, and is the grand example of why you should interact with the webcomics you read as well as share them; there is a good chance they will not hold on their own without fan interaction and traction. Excuse me as I just use two full-on pages cause I’m wearing out on this list and browsing through tons and tons of pages for highlights wears a peep out.
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Modern-set religious fantasy on an island where local their religion may be more than it seems. Stars a boy named Daniel, and Esther the Demon girl. From what can be gleaned the Demongirl knew the “god” of the island’s religion and was double crossed, so has a bone to pick with them and their “angelic” entourage now that she’s free when she got accidentally summoned by Daniel.
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This webcomic loves its use of blood, but your grow used to it after a point. The setting is interesting, and its also cool to see how the “angels” are far from the usual “pretty human-like” in their true form and are instead more monstrous than you could say even the Demon Esther is.
A lot of what makes this comic interesting, outside of the “revenge against a god” main plot going on, is how messy the characters can be.
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Daniel, Esther, and the one angel named Manual are all pretty interesting in how they interact with their roles that they’ve been put in and how they react to others, and are all very morally grey complex characters.
Daniel is an angst machine who tends to really wear himself out (though how he’s positioned/pressured by the world doesn’t help) and shoot himself in the foot a lot, and that’s even before Esther “turns” him into her lil monstrous pawn, not something you commonly see in main characters from the get-go.
Esther (the tall blondie) while being a Demon ready to get her vengeance on is in many ways naïve/childlike despite her powerful nature, and despite using Daniel as her pawn is shown to grow to have feelings/care for Daniel which is very interesting for “The Contracted Devil” position.
Manual…. We haven’t gotten to see a lot but it’s clear he’s meant to be the angelic hero position but its clear he does not like the position, and he also has a thing for a human woman named Rosamaria but we have not gotten to see why that’s the case.
This webcomic didn’t get the traction it needed to keep going, so was recently cancelled by the artist.
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scifigeneration · 5 years
The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival, the annual festival that honors legendary novelist Philip K. Dick through the dynamic power of science fiction film, is returning for its seventh outing with a full schedule of events. For the first time since its inception, the festival will hold a bi-coastal gathering presenting a lineup of films, premieres and panels for audiences in New York City, Los Angeles and Santa Ana, CA. The ambitious endeavor will provide a platform for independent filmmakers who tackle a variety of themes that empower the narratives of Philip K. Dick, whose work continues to serve as a profound mark on the literary and entertainment worlds.
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The festival will open in New York City on Thursday, March 7th and Saturday, March 9th. Following its long history in New York, the festival regards the city as an exemplary location to utilize science fiction as a means of connecting with audiences. "We have developed a strong following here," said Daniel Abella, the founder and director of the festival. "Our fans have become loyal supporters of our films and platform so we acknowledge their support by bringing back great sci-fi year after year." Features include Saku Sakamoto's ARAGNE: Sign of Vermillion about a young woman's discovery of a mysterious class of insects and the U.S. premiere of Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited, the remastered version of Kent Smith and Tom Huckabee's post-apocalyptic 1983 film starring Bill Paxton. Then, a lone survivor searches for answers after the human race vanishes in the World Premiere of John Norby's Assimilation.
The west coast edition of the festival will run in partnership with Media Arts Santa Ana (MASA), a non-profit organization that supports its community's cultural empowerment through special resources and initiatives. "We are excited to bring the festival to Santa Ana and allow fans to see some great films," said Victor Payan, the director of MASA who worked with the festival to organize a divine salute to its namesake, a resident of the city in his final years where he wrote several of his last major works. "This will help create discussion about how Santa Ana and Orange County influenced Philip K. Dick's vision and celebrate one of Santa Ana's most treasured and influential artists."
Festivities begin on Thursday, March 14th in Los Angeles with the city serving as a prime destination to bring the festival. "Blade Runner is set in L.A. in 2019," said Abella when referring to the 1982 adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? "There is no better honor than by holding the festival in the very city and year depicted in one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time." Screening titles include Matthew Evan Balz's Corvus, which follows a woman's perilous efforts to build a machine capable of hypnosis and the depiction of extant technology in Emily Dean's Andromeda about an android's awakening of human emotions. Closing the night is Josh Gibson's atmospheric Pig Film about a woman's work on a hog farm during the impending end of the world.
The festival then opens in Santa Ana, CA from Friday, March 15th through Sunday, March 17th. Essential films include Unzipping, the cinematic directorial debut of actress and writer Lisa Edelstein about the poignant unfastening of a marriage and Star Trek veteran Walter Koenig's confrontation with fate in Michael Baker's Who is Martin Danzig? Holding its World Premiere is Tony Dean Smith's mind-bending thriller Volition about a clairvoyant man's quest to avoid his own murder and the U.S. and L.A. Premiere of Sarah K. Reimers' Bitten about a dog's rabid night of risk and adventure. Dive Odyssey kicks off a lineup of feverish documentaries as Janne Kasperi Suhonen takes viewers on an absorbing aquatic journey and Colin Ramsay and James Uren decipher what makes "good" artificial intelligence in the dawn of ethics and technology in Good in the Machine. Observing the 90th anniversary of Philip K. Dick's birth and the 50th anniversary of Blade Runner's origin novel, the two organizations joined forces for the Philip K. Dick Multicultural Dystopian/Sci Fi Short Film Challenge, a short film competition that invited participants to develop projects that analyze contemporary life in view of themes associated with Philip K. Dick. The challenge also evaluated Philip K. Dick's cultural influence on the Santa Ana community and to encourage the representation of multicultural stories by traditionally underrepresented sci-fi filmmakers. "Anyone who has ever felt alienated should look up to PKD," said Abella. "Because the heroes in his stories were everyday people attempting to retain their dignity in a progressively dehumanized world." The festival's expansion has also furthered its commitment to feature a more inclusive brand of filmmaking with 31 percent of the official selections directed or co-directed by women and minority filmmakers. Many films are seen from the perspectives of racially and gender diverse characters. "There is a new freshness entering the genre," said Abella, who curated an equality-driven showcase of films from the emerging talent strengthening the industry. "Science fiction is based on exploring the 'other' and no one is more qualified than those groups who have been marginalized to tell their story using the tools of sci-fi." THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019: Museum of the Moving Image (36-01 35th Ave, Astoria, NY 11106) Block 1: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Glitch Noir 2 - The Rise of el Pelon (2018) Director: Cody Healey-Conelly Run Time/Country: 1 min, USA Synopsis: A trailer to the sequel of Glitch Noir tells the story of a futuristic private eye who with the help of an A.I. that processes big data, tracks and unhinged killer through the murky neon streets of the Sprawl. The Last Office (2018) Director: Trevor Hoover Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In an alternate 1940s, a switchboard operator must endlessly serve as the link between two worlds, connecting calls across the barrier line of life and death. One day, he fields a call from someone he knew in a past life. Harsh Reality (2018) Director: Iain Marcks Run Time/Country: 18 min, USA Synopsis: A cynical professional gamer's life is turned upside-down when he's forced to see the world in a different way. Some of Her Parts (2018) Director: Abie Sidell Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: When future medicine allows people to live past the human body's shelf life, a young woman visits her grandmother in the hospital and is forced to question the value of immortality when you still end up in a box. How I Got to the Moon by Subway (2018) Director: Tyler Rabinowitz Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: After being diagnosed with ALS, a curmudgeonly older man goes to the hospital with his partner to record his voice bank before he loses the ability to speak. Regulation (2018) Director: Ryan Patch Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: In the near future, a young social worker named travels to a small community to administer behavior-modifying 'patches' that guarantee happiness for the wearers. She then must decide what to do when a precocious 10-year-old girl refuses to accept the patch. To Be Forgotten (2018) Director: Masa Gibson Run Time/Country: 25 min, USA Synopsis: A recovering addict trying to erase the online records of his past transgressions gets a call from a mysterious company that claims it can help him be forgotten - not only by the Internet, but by all the people that ever knew him and by the natural world itself. The Desert (2018) Director: Ben Bigelow Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: In a suburban mansion, a woman sneaks into her son's virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha's trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events. The virtual reality, it seems, has begun to leak into their home. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm The Ticket (2018) Director: James Villeneuve Run Time/Country: 11 min, Canada Synopsis: A man's life takes a dark turn when he accepts a ticket to board a giant space craft. Synthia (2018) Director: Maria Hinterkoerner, Bernhard Weber Run Time/Country: 12 min, Austria Synopsis: In the near future of Vienna, every household is supported by a personal assistant robot called Synthia, built by tech giant ENYO. The robot is equipped with a neuronal network and has access to all electronic devices. Synthia listens, and she learns. N (2018) Director: Iacopo Di Girolamo Run Time/Country: 14 min, Italy Synopsis: An expressionist nightmare in which an inventor and his colleague test the 'Automaton,' a machine able to create things from nothing. The machine works perfectly as long as the items it is asked to create start with the letter "N" in German. The results of the test will be predictably catastrophic. I Want To Kill (2017) Director: Dan Yadin Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: An unhinged, psychedelic romp through the bleak depths of space. Into the Dark (2018) Director: Benjamin Berger Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In the wake of a widespread viral epidemic, two U.S. soldiers stranded during their mission must fight to survive while an old man and his ailing daughter, running low on food, wait to be rescued. Destroyer of Worlds (2018) Director: Samual Dawes Run Time/Country: 44 min, UK Synopsis: A precocious teenager must reluctantly leave his life in 1954 behind when his father makes the most devastating discovery to date: Leap Theory. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2019: Producers Club (358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036) Block 1: Japanese Anime Feature Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm ARAGNE: Sign of Vermillion (2018) Director: Saku Sakamoto Run Time/Country: 76 min, Japan Synopsis: Directed by the digital effects producer of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, a college girl moves into a building on the outskirts of town and sees an insect coming out of the arm of a woman. She learns that they are called "Spirit Bugs," and have existed since ancient times. Unravelling the mystery, she discovers this is only the prelude to a new form of terror. Block 2: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 12:30pm - 3:00pm The Vault (2018) Director: Sara Martins Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi web series, a ragtag group of survivors live in an underground military bunker known as Vault 175. Seedling (2017) Director: Stevie Russell Run Time/Country: 13 min, Ireland Synopsis: A young couple have an encounter with a strange, unknown life form. Graffiti (2017) Director: Barcsai Bálint Run Time/Country: 19 min, Hungary Synopsis: A delinquent sees graffiti of his future self and tries to understand what is happening. Compatible (2018) Director: Pau Bacardit Run Time/Country: 15 min, Spain Synopsis: In this web series, a man has an opportunity to upgrade himself for greater electronic compatibility. Colony (2018) Director: Catherine Bonny Run Time/Country: 15 min, Australia Synopsis: Indentured servants try to establish a new planet but something is alive in the ocean. Eva (2018) Director: Xheni Alushi Run Time/Country: 15 min, Switzerland Synopsis: An introverted young girl discovers a gateway to a parallel world, in which she finds comfort and ease for her guilt. Birth (2018) Director: Andrea Cecconati Run Time/Country: 16 min, Italy Synopsis: Inside a waiting room where people choose to be born or be deleted forever, a little girl tries to drive people who have chosen not to exist into the row of birth. Space Between Stars (2018) Director: Samuel W. Bradley Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: A group of ethereal creatures exploring a derelict space station are drawn out into the vast, unsettling environment. As their fate begins to crystallize, questions are raised about the nature and ambiguity of conflict. Space Flower (2018) Director: Pam Covington Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: A young woman longs for a forbidden love. From Life (2018) Director: Uli Meyer Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: An amateur artist sketching in a churchyard has a series of encounters with a young woman believed to be a ghost. In fact, the truth is stranger than that. La Supercafetera (2018) Director: Vektorjack, HD Carlos Run Time/Country: 10 min, Spain Synopsis: Three friends share a very special coffee maker but instead of coffee it produces pin badges which give superpowers to those who wear them. By using these superpowers, the three geeks get involved in a quest that will eventually take them to a post-apocalyptic future. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 3: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm The Last (2018) Director: Samuel Turner and Andrew Dobson Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Struggling to survive in isolation, a scientist carries out vital work. The Last Dance (2018) Director: Chris Keller Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: In the not-too-distant future, an old man works alone in his garage, click-click-clicking the hours away on an old desktop computer. He is making something great and the not-too-distant future will become the not-too-distant past. The Jump (2017) Director: Andy Sowerby Run Time/Country: 10 min, UK Synopsis: An astronaut braves a pioneering solo mission into deep space, leaving behind her loving husband. Through disjointed communications, she discovers her life on Earth has changed forever. Baby I'm Yours (2017) Director: Hadley Hillel Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In the future as it was imagined in the 1950s, a boy notices his mother acting strange and begins to question whether or not she is a robot. Uncle Griot (2018) Director: Paul Charisse Run Time/Country: 6 min, UK Synopsis: A young girl takes her uncle for a walk. The Drone (2018) Director: Wojciech Lorenc Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: DJ, a small quadcopter is simply trying to fit in. Zoe (2018) Director: Leif Brönnle Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: A young woman without identity or memory. Two scientists with great ambition. A sequence of tests that will bring them all to their psychological frontiers. The Photographer (2018) Director: Mazhar Kamran Run Time/Country: 18 min, India Synopsis: A woman appears to a photographer but sometimes not in his photos. Faulty Father (2018) Director: Benjamin Welmond Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In the near future, a young father's morning routine is put on the fritz when he uncovers his wife's bizarre secret, one that forces him to question his sense of self and his role in the family. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 4: Horror and Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Headcleaner (2018) Director: Nick Scott Run Time/Country: 29 min, UK Synopsis: A documentary filmmaker follows a working class recluse from Scotland who can control his environment through the power of sound. Over a fractured timeline, viewers witness the struggle to reconcile the recluse, his mastery of sound and a found footage tape of a sonic weapon called The Drone Tape, tested on humans in the seventies that will ultimately lead to horrific consequences for the filmmaker's family and the world at large. Post Mortem Mary (2017) Director: Joshua Long Run Time/Country: 10 min, Australia Synopsis: A girl and her mother run a post mortem photography business in 1840's Australia. Whistler's Mother (2018) Director: Robbie Robertson Run Time/Country: 18 min, USA Synopsis: The artist James McNeill Whistler spent years trying to capture the essence of his mother for his most famous work of art—not to create a masterpiece but to save his mother from possession by the Baba Yaga, an evil Russian witch. The Observer Effect (2017) Director: Garret Walsh Run Time/Country: 19 min, Ireland Synopsis: A woman is haunted by a dark watcher, a man obsessed with thoughts of her vicious murder but as the fateful hour draws near bizarre events unfold to reveal truths they could never imagine and a secret that will change their lives forever. The Cold Dark (2018) Director: Mikko Löppönen Run Time/Country: 19 min, Finland Synopsis: A woman wonders off into the dark to search for medicine for her wounded father. As she rummages a cabin, she stumbles upon two men who grant her cover for the night. But something outside is listening. Thursday Night Basic (2018) Director: Mike Hay Run Time/Country: 5 min, UK Synopsis: The story of a man who is changed and ultimately transported to another place, maybe even another dimension, due to watching some strange 8mm footage and drinking something even stranger. Beyond the Wall of Sleep (2017) Director: Peter Miller Run Time/Country: 10 min, Australia Synopsis: An exploration of sleep, sanity and space via H. P. Lovecraft and The Rules and Regulations of the Insane Asylum of California. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 5: Feature Presentation Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited (2018) — U.S. Premiere Director: Kent Smith, Tom Huckabee Run Time/Country: 77 min, USA/UK Synopsis: In this remastered version of the 1983 film, an American draft dodger in a dystopian future is brainwashed and programmed by militant feminists to assassinate the Welsh minister of prostitution. Lurching unwittingly toward his goal, he makes a series of furtive connections with societal outliers like himself, including a feral child, a gentle prostitute, a sadomasochistic delinquent, a lovelorn androgyne, a hippie dope dealer, and a mute nymphomaniac while fending off predators who would sell him into sex slavery. Eventually, he is forced to focus on his mission and face the dreadful dilemma tormenting his psyche: to kill or not to kill. Starring Bill Paxton (Aliens). Written and directed by Tom Huckabee and Kent Smith. Co-written by William S. Burroughs, whose source material Blade Runner (a movie) provided a basis for the film. Block 6: Experimental Sci-Fi Feature Presentation Time: 8:30pm - 10:00pm Assimilation (2018) — World Premiere Director: John Norby Run Time/Country: 79 min, Ireland Synopsis: In the near future, exponential growth in technology triggers an event that wipes humankind off the face of the Earth. But from where did the grand plan for this event come and who or what is behind it? A lone survivor searches for answers in her quest to reconnect with life. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2019: Echo Park Film Center (1200 N Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90026) Block 1: Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Corvus (2018) Director: Matthew Evan Balz Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: A woman builds a machine with hypnotic capabilities. No Country for Old Lizards (2018) Director: Emiliano Rago Run Time/Country: 4 min, USA Synopsis: A conspiracy theory fanatic finds out an unpleasant truth. A Psalm of Sight - Verse 1: Zerfall (2018) Director: Julian Curi Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: Gifted with eternal life after drinking from the Holy Grail, a medieval knight spawns an alternate history where technology is God, and man is machine. Dace Road (2018) Director: Silk Run Time/Country: 9 min, France/UK Synopsis: On a night ride, a female cab driver tries to convince her client he is in a coma and that a collision is the only way for him to wake up. The Golden Record (2018) Director: Rachel Goldfinger Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: An alien crosses her barren planet and stumbles upon a record from Earth. While she is mesmerized by the record's bold, beautiful images, she undergoes a harsh awakening that only her own reality can truly comfort her. The Well (2018) Director: Adam Wheeler Run Time/Country: 19 min, USA Synopsis: When Ted, a withdrawn bachelor discovers a mysterious book while searching for his recently disappeared mother, he enlists the help of an old high school science wiz to piece together a confounding puzzle that seems to center around his family home. The Great 60 Days (2018) Director: Tae-Woo Kim Run Time/Country: 9 min, South Korea Synopsis: A doctor experimenting on fruit flies develops a substance that can dramatically increase activity in brain cells. After a series of failures, one fruit fly finally has a huge reaction when its intellect becomes mutated. Andromeda (2018) Director: Emily Dean Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA/Australia Synopsis: An android who, through her friendship with a little girl, becomes alive. Void Vision (2018) Director: Alexander Stewart Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: An abstract short in which real and the simulated are equally constructions; a space where doubles, twins, duplicates, re-creations, and copies blend into one another. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm Pig Film (2018) Director: Josh Gibson Run Time/Country: 60 min, USA Synopsis: In an empty world, a solitary female mechanically follows the protocols of a factory hog farm. Her labors are sporadically punctuated by musical rhapsodies as she moves toward the impending end. Is it the end of the world, a program malfunction, or the beginning of a film? FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019: Ebell Club (625 French St, Santa Ana, CA 92701) Block 1: Philip K. Dick Multicultural Dystopian/Sci Fi Short Film Challenge Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Winning films to be announced at the screening. Filmmakers will be present for a post-film Q&A. Block 2: "When Worlds Collide" Short Films Time: 8:00pm - 9:00pm Deep Dive (2018) Director: Mohammad Soleimanifeijani Run Time/Country: 6 min, USA Synopsis: A young Persian refugee arrives at the border of Los Angeles and is given a mandatory set of government-issued immigrant transition AR lenses. Shut out of other people's reality she slowly descends into a new form of digital alienation. Who is Martin Danzig? (2018) Director: Michael Baker Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious old man sits in the park feeding pigeons, ruing the refuse of humanity encroaching on his sanctuary. He then meets his much younger replacement and learns to accept his future - with the fate of all humanity in the balance. Starring Walter Koenig (Star Trek) and Kevin Page (RoboCop). Precipice (2018) Director: Sean Young Run Time/Country: 4 min, Canada Synopsis: The planet's organics-engineer must decide if we are a species worth salvaging or if eradicating all life on Earth is the answer. Unzipping (2018) Director: Lisa Edelstein Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: A woman feeling unfulfilled discovers a zipper tab under her husband's tongue. Unable to resist, she pulls it and her entire life changes. But when newness turns into the new normal, she is once again unfulfilled and realizes her mistake: the problem has always been her. Starring Lisa Edelstein (House, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce) in her cinematic directorial debut. Tomorrow, Shall We All Be Transhumans? (2019) Director: Benoît Schmid Run Time/Country: 9 min, Switzerland/France Synopsis: Jump into a mesmerizing journey into the spirit of the first man who succeeded to digitize his own brain, algorithm his soul, and who injects himself some Holy Transgenic Fluids in order to transcend his flawed flesh. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 3: Special Guests Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm A panel of special guests to attend the festival with an announcement made at a later date. SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2019: Orange County Museum of Art: OCMA (1661 W Sunflower Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92704) Block 1: New Frontiers: Documentaries From The Edge Time: 11:00am - 12:45am Dive Odyssey (2018) Director: Janne Kasperi Suhonen Run Time/Country: 9 min, Finland/Norway Synopsis: A meditative journey into the depths of water and mind, viewers enter on a journey into crystal clear darkness where the only light ever is man-made. Weather and Chaos: The Work of Edward N. Lorenz (2018) Director: Josh Kastorf Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: The first film about Edward N. Lorenz and his role in Chaos Theory produced with the participation and of scientists who worked alongside him. With their help a closer look is taken at what the "butterfly effect" actually meant in the context of Lorenz's work and why it should make all rethink the understanding of the universe. Nobody Dies in Longyearbyen (2017) Director: David Freid Run Time/Country: 9 min, Norway Synopsis: Permafrost in a northern island of Norway is affecting Global Seed Vault, infectious diseases like anthrax, influenza and global warming. Good in the Machine (2018) Director: Colin Ramsay, James Uren Run Time/Country: 15 min, UK Synopsis: The question of how to make "good" AI, what it means for a machine to be ethical, and who or what is the agent of the machine. Every Ghost Has An Orchestra (2017) Director: Shayna Connelly Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: What happens after we die is a universal question explored by paranormal researcher and experimental composer Michael Esposito. He straddles the line between spiritual and material and asks the audience to reflect on our purpose, legacy and what our actions say about who we are. UnderSee (2018) Director: Margie Kelk, Lynne Slater Run Time/Country: 6 min, Canada Synopsis: Sea creatures with large eyeballs are curious about invasive gray sludge. Beth's Three O'Clock with Dr. Harlow (2018) Director: Emma Penaz Eisner Run Time/Country: 3 min, USA Synopsis: A woman discloses a recent dream to her analyst. A vivid study of casual brutality and failed empathy, this surrealistic film intermixes stop motion animation with live action sequences. Musa Malvada (2018) Director: Liz Tabish Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: In London 1929, a fortune teller with dark secrets of her own visits various clientele throughout the city. As she navigates the tempestuous personalities and shocking visions, she must choose between telling the truth and her own survival. Extent (2017) Director: Paul Michael Draper Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: Time stands still as two old friends attempt to grapple with a question that defines their very existence. If you could live forever, would you? Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Mechanical Telepathy (2018) Director: Akiko Igarashi Run Time/Country: 76 min, Japan Synopsis: The depiction of love and skepticism through the relationships between researchers who visualize human hearts. Block 3: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 4:00pm - 5:45pm I Don't Want To Be Alone (2019) Director: Sergio Rozas Run Time/Country: 19 min, Spain/Japan Synopsis: A lonely girl walks around a future Tokyo chased by weird huge monsters. Even though she fights them, the monsters just keep growing in size and number so the girl has to make a decision. Blink (2018) Director: Atmaja Bopardikar Run Time/Country: 15 min, India Synopsis: A man is unable to understand what is happening to him and as his wife slowly loses her patience, he tries in vain to regain control of his perfect life, until one day he finds out it is not him but his shifting realities. Zilly's War (2018) Director: John Broadhead Run Time/Country: 25 min, USA Synopsis: A brilliant young woman on a four year mission to an alien planet finds herself remembering her childhood and facing her inner demons. The Nine Billion Names of God (2018) Director: Dominique Filhol Run Time/Country: 15 min, France/Switzerland Synopsis: In New York 1957, a Tibetan monk rents an automatic sequence computer. The monks seek to list all of the names of God. They hire two Westerners to install and program the machine in Tibet. A short film is based on the book by Arthur C. Clarke. Tatu (2018) Director: Garcerón Alejo Run Time/Country: 2 min, Argentina Synopsis: In this trailer, monster robots in a car junkyard battle it out. The Picture of Dorian Gray (2018) Director: Michal Janicki Run Time/Country: 9 min, USA Synopsis: A stop-motion animated journey through Oscar Wilde's iconic story about a man who sells his soul for eternal youth. The Desert (2018) Director: Ben Bigelow Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: In a suburban mansion, a woman sneaks into her son's virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha's trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events. The virtual reality, it seems, has begun to leak into their home. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2019: Ebell Club (625 French St, Santa Ana, CA 92701) Block 1: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm Subverse (2018) Director: Joseph White Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In this web series, in an alternate reality where everyone spends all their time indoors staring at computer screens, a man agrees to go on a date in the 'outside' world but it doesn't go well. Filled with self-loathing, he returns home and plunges headfirst into a drunken, hallucinogenic trip through the dark net. Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space (2018) Director: Tristan C. Pina Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: An unfulfilled high school senior becomes obsessed with an ominous radio broadcast containing steps to a cryptic puzzle. Thinking he is being pursued by a sinister organization, his search for clues takes over his life. Ultimately putting the pieces together, it becomes unclear whether or not it was all real. Beyond the Door (2018) Director: Em Johnson Run Time/Country: 20 min, USA Synopsis: One day Hedy brings home a cuckoo clock to decorate the baby's room, unbeknownst that the cuckoo clock has the ability to love and hate just like humans. The cuckoo clock tests the couple's love by mimicking the presence of their deceased son. Based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. Enthusiasm Abounds (2018) Director: Mark Ross Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: In a world where social justice is automatic and absolute, enthusiasm abounds. Flies (2018) Director: Baobab Run Time/Country: 14 min, UK Synopsis: In the faded beauty of the house of his ancestors, a man waits for the return of the love of his life. Dark fantasies and crushing reality weave a dangerous journey as a struggle unfolds for his mind and ultimately his life. Avicenna (2018) Director: Daniel Stanush, Diego Chavez Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: In a remote location, a solitary researcher scours the landscape for a rare mineral. The Hereafter (2018) Director: Paul-Anthony Navarro Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: When a woman awakes into an afterlife of her own design, she discovers that her paradise might just be purgatory. Mise En Abyme (2018) Director: Edoardo Smerilli Run Time/Country: 11 min, Italy Synopsis: An eccentric and aristocratic gentleman devotes most of his time to a bizarre activity. Obsessed by beauty, he wanders everyday in the wood nearby the city, hunting the most rare butterflies. Once captured, he frames them and put in a massive and disturbing collection. He will soon realize to be himself part of a bigger collection. Axium Effect (2018) Director: Ari Dassa Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A woman drifts through her traumatic memories after overdosing on a drug pilfered from android processors. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Volition (2018) — World Premiere Director: Tony Dean Smith Run Time/Country: 101 min, Canada Synopsis: Blending genres, this mind-bending sci-fi thriller about a man afflicted with clairvoyance who tries to change his fate when a series of events leads to a vision of his own imminent murder. But as he sets out to avoid his certain death, he comes to see that his pre-sentient condition is not quite what it seems. Starring Adrian Glynn McMorran (Arrow), Magda Apanowicz(The Green Inferno) and Aleks Paunovic (Van Helsing). Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. Block 3: Horror and Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm I Am the Doorway (2018) Director: Simon Pearce Run Time/Country: 20 min, UK Synopsis: After a journey to investigate desolate Pluto, an astronaut returns home a shattered man. He sees eyes forcing their way through the skin of his hands, eyes that distort his friends and the landscape itself into monstrous visions. Believing himself the doorway to alien invasion and gruesome murder, he must take desperate action. Based on the short story by Stephen King. Grey Canyon (2018) Director: Zeshaan Younus Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: A couple encounters a presence in the wilderness that they cannot comprehend. Ulysses (2018) Director: Jorge Malpica Run Time/Country: 8 min, Mexico Synopsis: Warned by the goddess Circe, Ulysses ordered his men to tie him up to his ship's mast, thus preventing him from surrendering to the enchanting mermaid's call, which devoured the unwary men seduced by it. Based on the The Odyssey. Sereget (2018) Director: Dempsey Tillman Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: An emotionally detached husband (with a child on the way) gets a rude awakening when aliens invade his home and target his family. They Wait For Us (2018) Director: Lukas Schrank, George Run Time/Country: 20 min, UK Synopsis: In a near future end-of-life care facility, a reclusive hospital worker starts to believe a coma patient is attempting to communicate with him. Megan (2018) Director: Greg Strasz Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: The story of a woman, who along with the elite Delta Force team, investigates a mysterious attack by in present day Downtown Los Angeles. Bitten (2018) — U.S. and L.A. Premiere Director: Sarah K. Reimers Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious and violent encounter sends a dog on a night of adventure and possibility. Spectres (2017) Director: Nick Phillips Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: After losing his family in a car accident, an introverted man interacts with the spirits of the dead who have yet to pass on. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. Block 4: Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm A Timely Reminder for Time Parter Partners (2019) Director: Jamie Gower Run Time/Country: 1 min, USA Synopsis: Time travel is a tough job and filling out your timecard is the toughest part. Especially if you're a part-time Time Parter at Time Parter Partners. The Watchers (2018) Director: Andrew McGee Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Impact in T-minus 97 minutes. 220 miles above our doomed planet, four astronauts on board the International Space Station are forced to confront their fate as the last members of the human race. Consciousness: Awakening (2018) Director: Rafhet Guerola Run Time/Country: 15 min, Mexico Synopsis: At the Universe's final moments, two men take separate paths due to ideology differences. When their environment and their lives are in danger, one of them attempts to retake their relationship. Together, they must to overcome their differences in order to survive at the imminent end of everything they know. Midnight Delivery (2018) Director: Nathan Crooker Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious gift is delivered to an unsuspecting woman's door at the stroke of midnight. Her morbid fascination entices her to examine the gift, unleashing a sinister evil from within. Zoe (2018) Director: Leif Brönnle Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: A young woman without identity or memory. Two scientists with great ambition. A sequence of tests that will bring them all to their psychological frontiers. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Awards Ceremony Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm Guests and filmmakers will be in attendance when awards are presented to the category winners as The 2019 Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival concludes.
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mreugenehalsey · 5 years
A Specialty Coffee Shop Tour of Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles is the second-largest city in America, and it’s never lacked coffee shops. Whether they’re located on the idyllic stretch of beaches or in the streets of downtown, there has long been a plethora of cafés to choose from.
But what has changed in recent years is the shift towards a focus on quality. Similar to the city’s culinary renaissance, LA has slowly evolved into one of the best cities in the world for specialty coffee. Take a look at the pick of LA’s specialty coffee shops.
The retail selection at Dayglow. Credit: Dayglow
Why These Eight?
Los Angeles County is massive. The most populated county in the United States, it has 88 incorporated cities with more than 10 million inhabitants. So there are more than a few great coffee options.
You can probably find a good café in most parts of LA. But these eight shops are, in my opinion, the stars among stars that it’s worth making a trip to (and trust me, the traffic is as bad as they tell you).
These are the coffee shops that are leading the pack by serving coffee at the highest level. Each of these cafés has a unique voice and something special to offer.
Cold coffee at Dayglow. Credit: Dayglow
1. Dayglow
Voted Best New Cafe 2018 by Sprudge, Dayglow is more than your average coffee shop. Known for its selection of beans from the best international and domestic roasters, it is a destination for coffee geeks from around the world.
The inviting space has accordion doors that let you spill onto the street and the minimal decor is accented with neon signs. But what steals the show is the themed signature drinks that are made using innovative techniques. As the founder, I’m obviously biased, but I genuinely believe Dayglow is one of the best coffee shops in LA.
Looking into Dayglow from the street. Credit: David Palazuelos
Where 3206 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Atmosphere Hip Espresso Machine La Marzocco Linea PB Grinder Mahlkonig EK43, Mahlkonig K30 Air Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks, filter coffee, signature drinks Must-Try Drink Hotel Chevalier (a custom coffee drink featuring fresh lime, coconut cream, and grated nutmeg) Retail Offerings Roasted coffees from La Cabra, Coffee Collective, Little Wolf, King State, Color, Drop, Sey, Madcap, Five Elephant, Luna, and more Food & Other Drinks Vegan donuts, matcha, teas, kombucha, and shrubs Nearby Sights Sunset Junction, Echo Park Lake
  Dayglow’s Hotel Chevalier. Credit: David Palazuelos
2. Endorffeine
This minimalist space almost looks like an art gallery. Located in the Far East Plaza food mall in Chinatown, Endorffeine’s focused menu highlights delicate coffees and features a light-bodied espresso that is remarkably balanced. Founder Jack Benchakul’s methodical approach sets a standard that is unparalleled in Los Angeles.
Looking through the entrance at Endorffeine. Credit: James Mann
Where 727 N Broadway #127, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Atmosphere Calm Espresso Machine Modbar Grinder Mazzer, Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks, pour over Must-Try Drink Espresso Retail Offerings Roasted beans including ones from Drop Coffee and Heart Coffee Roasters Food & Other Drinks Bottled signature drinks Nearby Sights Chinatown
  Jack Benchakul at work at Endorffeine. Credit: James Mann
3. Go Get Em Tiger
Anyone who has been paying attention to the specialty coffee scene in LA will know about notable roasters Charles Babinski and Kyle Granville. The owners of Go Get Em Tiger and G&B Coffee, they have been very busy opening new locations seemingly every other month. The Los Feliz café is my personal favorite. The staff here is simply wonderful and they make a mean almond macadamia cappuccino.
The patio at Go Get Em Tiger, Los Feliz. Credit: Tatiana Ernst
Where 4630 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Atmosphere Friendly, with a cozy patio Espresso Machine La Marzocco Linea PB Grinder Mazzer Kold, Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks, batch brew Must-Try Drink Tiger Freeze (espresso soft serve) Retail Offerings House-roasted coffee, merchandise Food & Other Drinks Breakfast menu, pastries, turmeric lattes, Fizzy Hoppy Tea Nearby Sights Griffith Park Observatory
  4. Paramount Coffee Project
Over the past few years, a number of Australian cafés have opened in LA. My personal favorite is this gorgeous open space in the Art District’s Row DTLA development. Paramount Coffee Project has seasonal offerings and some of the best coffees in the city. The menu changes monthly but always features impressive choices from guest roasters selected by the baristas. And the team does a remarkable job preparing them.
The bar at Paramount Coffee Project. Credit: Paramount Coffee Project
Where 1320 E 7th St #100, Los Angeles, CA 90021 Atmosphere Inviting, open Espresso Machine La Marzocco Linea PB Grinder Mazzer, Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Offerings Espresso based-drinks, batch brew Must-Try Drink Iced filter coffee Retail Offerings House-roasted beans, as well as ones from Parlor, Hidden House, and Slate Food & Other Drinks Breakfast and lunch menus, baked goods, beer and wine Nearby Sights The Arts District including design and food destination Row DTLA and Smorgasburg weekly market
  5. Maru
One of the most refreshing cafés in LA, Maru focuses on refinement. Owners Jacob Park and Joonmo Kim have filled a warehouse space in an unassuming part of the Arts District with a vision of tranquility. Natural light and soft tones create a pleasant spot to enjoy a thoughtfully presented coffee.
The warm interior of Maru. Credit: Andy Heart
Where 1019 S Santa Fe Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90021 Atmosphere Tranquil Espresso Machine Slayer Steam Grinder Mythos, Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks, pour over, signature drinks Must-Try Drink Cream Top signature drink Retail Offerings Roasted beans from Sweet Bloom, Camber Coffee, Oddly Correct Food & Other Drinks Pastries, teas, matcha Nearby Sights Arts District
  6. Hopper & Burr
This café is not technically in LA. Instead, it’s located in Santa Ana. But it’s one of the most compelling cafés in southern California, so it’s worth the trip. Owner Truman Severson is an industry leader in beverage development. He innovates fun ways to adapt café classics into something remarkable. And then he serves them in this clean, minimalist space. It’s definitely a gem that’s worth making an effort to drive out to.
The Frozen Sweet Latte at Hopper & Burr. Credit: Foodbeast
Where 202 W 4th St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Atmosphere Minimalist Espresso Machine La Marzocco Linea Classic Grinder Mahlkonig K30 Air, Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks, batch brew, signature drinks Must-Try Drink Frozen Sweet Latte (only available in summer) Retail Offerings Roasted beans from Madcap, Case, Color, Saint Frank Food & Other Drinks Toasts, seasonal signature drinks Nearby Sights Convenient to the SCA headquarters and Disneyland
  Owner Truman Severson behind the bar at Hopper & Burr. Credit: Tim Wright
7. Menotti’s Coffee Stop
Tourists visiting the Venice Beach boardwalk are treated with the best café on the west side. Run by famed barista Christopher ‘Nicely’ Alameda, Menotti’s has been setting a high standard for coffee since 2013. What sets this place apart is a dedicated staff of talented baristas who know how to make perfectly balanced espresso-based drinks.
There’s a chalkboard menu for all to choose from, but there’s also a secret menu of specialty drinks for those who can find it.
Inside Menotti’s Coffee Stop. Credit: Lavender Lines
Where 56 Windward Ave, Venice, CA 90291 Atmosphere Laidback and old-school Espresso Machine La Marzocco Linea PB Grinder Mazzer Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks Must-Try Drink Cafe Rico (a signature drink based around a double shot of single-origin espresso, orange zest, and vanilla syrup) Retail Offerings Roasted beans from Cat & Cloud Food & Other Drinks Pastries Nearby Sights Venice Beach and its boardwalk
  8. Giorgiporgi
This mysterious cave of a café in an undeveloped block in downtown LA is my biggest design crush. Owners Giorgia Cirillo and Christopher Grotjahn have almost created an art piece in this fascinating space. Beautiful modern ceramics are paired with an Italian-inspired coffee program. It’s a great place to meet new people, unplug, and enjoy the strange and compelling surroundings.
The interior of Giorgiporgi. Credit: Tatiana Ernst
Where 137 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 Atmosphere Modern and loud Espresso Machine La Marzocco FB70 Grinder Mazzer Coffee Offerings Espresso-based drinks, pour over Must-Try Drink Custom drinks made to order Food & Other Drinks Matcha, teas Nearby Sights Downtown LA
  Bar seating at Giorgiporgi. Credit: Tatiana Ernst
Wherever your visit takes you in sunny Los Angeles, great coffee should be a part of your itinerary. Use this list as a starting point to the fast-growing coffee scene here. You won’t be disappointed with a drink from any one of these options.
Enjoyed this? Check out A Specialty Coffee Shop Tour of San Diego, CA
Article written by Tohm Ifergan of Dayglow. Feature photo:  The Life Aquatic at Dayglow. Feature photo credit: Dayglow
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