#anakin would spend upwards of a year just scheduling when to bring who to meet his mother
starkcontrasts · 2 years
hear me out fuck the jedi code, if anakin skywalker had just been allowed to manwhore and malewife his way through the galaxy then palpatine's entire plot would've imploded like give anakin a bajillion attachments and he would've been too busy getting railed and pampered to resort to manslaughter not to mention at least one of his fifty lovers would've legally/illegally freed shmi so the whole tusken massacre could've been avoided
sheev would be like oh anakin dear boy i wanted to talk to you- oh i'm sorry chancellor i'm taking tea with the organas today (sheev under his breath: i thought he was with amidala?) well we can always reschedule to next week- actually i'm doing something with the clones (what? which clones? which clones) what about- really chancellor my deepest apologies but i think i'm simply unavailable for the foreseeble future. like palpatine can't even kill them all bc it'd get too suspicious too fast
the funny thing is that while sheev's too busy figuring out which of anakin's paramours he's with that week, they're all distracting dearest ani and comparing notes out of earshot about the creepy fucking chancellor and what do you mean he's been allowed unsupervised time with anakin since he was nine obi-wan wtf
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