#and I don't mean to be all prissy and stuck up about it
whatsitzface · 2 years
You know what annoys me the most about the GA of Stranger Things? It's that they always (and I mean ALWAYS) make fun of Will's haircut. Now I would be perfectly fine with it if the friendly bullying on Will's hair was balanced by insights into the depth and traumas of his character. Actually aknowledging how good of a character he is.
(Example: Steve Harrington, since whenever he gets mentioned the conversation always leads to his glorious hair. Then the conversation segues to how good of a character he is, and how good his character development is, etc.)
But that never happens when it comes to Will. The GA only ever talk about his bowlcut and make fun of him for it (if they mention Will at all, which, lets be honest, the GA also likes to forget he exits). They make their super original "get Will a new barber" joke and then move on COMPLETELY DISREGARDING WILL'S ENTIRE CHARACTER.
It's like they completely missed the whole point of the fucking show. Stranger Things is about nerds and outcasts finding friends and being heros and kicking the upside downs ass. It's about characters who have cringey hobbies and bad haircuts and questionable fashion choices show that they're so much more then some joke. It's about showing people that were/are bullied stick up to the bullies and winning. ABOUT THE BULLIES BEING THE BADGUYS AND LOOSING.
They need to take a hint and use one percent of their brainpower to look beyond the surface of Will's character.
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ellecdc · 1 month
Mother, serious question mainly for my own self-esteem 😮‍💨😅
How do you think the boys (any of them really) would view a partner with like all sorts of facial piercings and like rat tails in their hair and funky colors(truly best describes as a queer little gremlin lol). Cause I know Marlene and Sirius have an alt rock aesthetic (I don't think I spelled that right) but as much as I love these characters I never feel like I would have fit in with them if I was really there ya know?
Idk it's kinda stupid but just curious on you're thoughts on this. They're just so cool and I would hope they would like me enough to at least be my friend if they were real 😮‍💨😖
okay first of all, love the title queer little gremlin; let's all capitalize those letters and add them to surveys when they ask you how you identify plsss??
Here's my take:
I love (and follow religiously) the headcanon that James is pansexual but I believe that expands beyond just gender identity, if that makes sense?
It doesn't matter if you're male or female or anywhere in between or beyond or both or all
and I feel like it doesn't really matter what you look like to him
I feel like he loves people for their hearts, their minds, their interests, etc
I feel like he'd maybe be worried because....those had to hurt??? you do that on purpose? doesn't it hurt terribly? his poor sweet angel????
I also see him as the type of bf who would be like "oh! are we changing colours? which one's? can I help?" and will dutifully like, adorn gloves and sit in the bathroom breathing in dye fumes and chatting away with you while the two of you talk about everything and nothing - I think he'd love spending that time with you and it would be special bonding time
(also, have you seen the James fan art with him with a nose ring??? fuck me sideways)
you're so right re: alt-rock aesthetic etc
I think he'd find the facial piercings awesome tbh, you might even have inspired him to get one or more of his own
I think he'd make it almost a competition of who can dress the most grunge that day hahaha - but the two of you would make quite the couple
also? you look like the kind of person his posh, prissy, stuck up parents would hate seeing him with - that's totally a bonus
I see this guy as someone who loves hair care and would be horrified at how much/often you change your hair colour and would insist on helping you/buying the more expensive products/ensure you're doing it right to save your hair from too much damage
that's the only 'problem' I see him having
idk, I kind of see him a little bit like James tbh; looks would be a little less important to him? like he doesn't care how you express yourself in terms of style and clothes
what would be important to him is that you're kind and patient, that you're openminded and considerate of others
I mean...he's littered with scars, is he not? He doesn't exactly look "normal" (derogatory) and would probably feel very similar to what you've described; like he doesn't feel he particularly 'fits in' with his friends
I see him having like, not long hair but like a decent head of curls, and he'd totally love if you braided a few little pieces of his hair like your 'rat tails'
I think he'd find the hair fun; you'd show up one day with new colours and I could see his face lighting up like 😃 "that looks great love; so fun"
he's tricky because he's so posh and stuck up lmfao
people also ship bartylus and I see so much Barty fan-art somewhat similar to how you've described yourself and if Reg likes Barty - he'd certainly like you too
as mentioned above, I could totally see him having like a green streak in his hair or something
perhaps some piercings (I think he'd get piercings down below.....), tongue piercing, nose piercing, eyebrow piercing - I feel like he'd be down for it all himself, so he wouldn't mind it on you at all either
and again, as a guy with daddy issues, he'd be a lot like Sirius and think the better chance he has at dating someone who would sooooo piss of his dad - the better!
thanks for your ask babes <3
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
Am I the Asshole for pranking my substitute teacher?
I, 15m, was walking to class one day with my friends, (15 f) (16m) when I noticed that my teacher was not there. It was a Sub and like look I'm not gonna assume but she looked liked those prissy subs you see in cartoons so. Already not off to a good start. So I arrive to class with my friends, and my friend 16 m is just like ‘oh shit’. Turns out the sub is his aunt! Funny how that works. Also his family is. Not good. Like there's three good people in his immediate family and one of them is a seven year old. So anyways I arrive and she gives me a look that is crustier than her. Overused eyeshadow. So anyways I sit down and IMMEDIATELY she calls me bacl up. I am like, okay, what’s the matter do you need smth or and am jsut very confused. She tells me that my arm is "indecent" (I should also add I have a prosthetic). So like. How do I process this. Like I was honestly kinda taken aback bc holy shit she just said that. To a whole--ass 14 year old too. Like cmon you can’t just tell somebody they’re indecent for like literally doing nothing to you and simply not having an arm what the hell. so she tells me to go grab a jacket or smth from my locker. This is where I get the idea. So I have a friend, who looks almost identical to me, and really the only way to tell us apart I the fact that we have different eye colors, and he has both arms. So, rather than listen to her, I decide to have a little fun. I mean if she’s going to make this hour miserable for me the least I can do is try to make it somewhat enjoyable. so I go to my friends classroom (I was his teacher’s favorite last year when I had him :>) and his teacher is cool with him coming and being me for a bit. So we go, switch outfits, he gets my flannel, and then he goes back to class instead of me. This is where the fun begins! So he wrrives, and she doesn’t notice anything for like five minutes. So it gets hot out and he takes off my jacket (seriously did she expect me to wear that the whole time???) and THATS when she notices that he is not, in fact, me. Meanwhile. I am getting FREE Fritos bc I am hungry. So while my friend plays dumb ya boi got his prosthetic stuck in the vending machine (again) (the janitor at my school is thrilled I think that he has to do this at least three times a week (he is not)) So anyways while my friend is being all gaslight gatekeeper girlboss and convincing her that he never had a metal arm I shoot him a text saying that it’s time to switch. Back. Keep in mind I don't even have the prosthetic now. we switch outfits and I go back to my first hour. Sub is now EVEN MORE CONFUSED and I continue my gaslight gatekeep girlbossing. she’s like ‘just a minute ago you had both arms where did that go’ and I’m like ‘wdym I never had that I think you need to get your eyes checked :>’. She is fuming btw :>. So we continue to swap every so often and by the time first period was over this woman was about to blow a gasket. At some point I brought the Fritos to class and was just snackin instead of working. Somehow she noticed the arm but not this (I think she might actually need her eyes checked) like. Not even when I threw one at my 15 f friend. Also, I gave my other friends teacher a play by play and he was amused by my shenanigans :>. Am I the asshole?
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katmaatui · 4 months
"Well look who it is, the greatest Green Lantern of us all. I can't believe you decided to slum it with us peasants." Guy laughed, loud and long. He dropped his bag off on the table with a clang.
"Screw off, Guy," Hal sighs, not ready to deal with this. Not right now.
"Oh princess is prissy, I see. What has you around here anyway? Thought, you were off doing a top secret mission for the old blues."
"I'm on break and I want a drink, so get out of my way."
"Thought you didn't do that anymore."
"Maybe I do now, now go away, please. You can do whatever you want elsewhere. Go visit the JLI, see G'nort, fight with Lobo, whatever."
"Eh, JLI and I aren't really on speaking terms currently. There was an incident with some explosions and burnt pants and some panties. It was hot though." He waggled his eyes. "Though of course Mr. Perfect wouldn't know anything about that sort of thing.
"Not Mr. Perfect, Guy," Hal rolls his eyes, "you know, if I did even a fraction of the things you did....well it'll make the Guardians up to now look reasonable."
"They would never get too mad at their golden boy, besides, they kept me on Maltus for a month after Crisis, that has to count for something."
"Guardians, I can't believe you. Do you hear yourself? I got stuck away from home for a year for delaying to save the Ungaranians, while you get a month away from home for almost destroying the whole universe, and you got to just leave and come home with no contest, and you still think they don't like you?"
"Oh boo hoo you couldn't go home for a while, well at least they actually want something of you, versus just sticking me here to be out of the way. They made G'nort my partner, G'nort."
"Well, maybe if that's what you get for not being wanted, maybe I want to not be wanted."
"Well, if being wanted means getting trusted and getting actual missions and being in the group, maybe I want that. Everyone just wants me to be you."
They both laugh. "I can't believe Guy Gardner is admitting to wanting to be me. I wish I could get it on video for John."
"Oh Hal Jordan wanting to be me? That video would be all over the jl servers in seconds. You're never living it down, Jordo."
"Well, I guess I have to give you some wins. Ugh, I guess I should get back on duty. I'm flying to Xudar next, and I really shouldn't get behind schedule."
Guy doesn't say bye, or anything stupid like that, but he might, just maybe, think it.
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squishysoftmonsters · 3 months
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🌺Let's Get Lunch🌺
Read Last [Only a Dream Class]
The said "after school" activities with your sweet professor Beleth were only a dream as you gasped awake and back to reality with a kick of your desk. Your history professor stared you in the face,while the students laughed at you.
History Professor : Did you have a nice nap? I'm sure you did with all the silly faces and noises you made alongside squirming in your seat.
You : [gasps] I fell asleep?I'll stay after class.
History Professor : It'd only be right and fair if you did,missy.
You bit your lip,eyes darting back and forth in disbelief. Trying to shut out the laughter,you buried your face in your arms.
You : [groans]
You did stay after class with your history professor. She wasn't as nice as Beleth,who had pardoned you for not paying attention and taking down notes as one should. According to her students,she was ruthless when it came to paying attention in class.
After doing said time in History class..You clenched your books tightly and shut up all the horrible murmurs and jeers as you passed through the hall.
Random Female Student : [murmurs]She's the one with a crush on Professor Alexandersson...
Random Male Student : [murmurs] He was kinda lovey-dovey with her after class. Teacher's Pet detected [snickers]
Random Female Student 1 : [murmurs] That's not even a girl...What's he on?
Random Male Student : [loudly] Teacher's Pet!
You : [scoffs tearfully] ........
You ignored the jabs and continued on with the day..trying NOT to naughty nod,which you kindly called dirty fantasies with your professor. You passed by his auditorium.and he quickly winked at you,while lecturing.
You sniffled,blushed and cuddled your books tighter.
Friendly Male Student: So you really like the calculus professor..He's a regular guy. I don't think there's anything really special about him..except the fact he looks like a real life anime protagonist..Weebs like that stuff. Think Kirito of Sword Art Online. Generic as hell. Alexandersson is kinda the same.
You : But I can't even be a fan of anime. My parents are always "stick with your studies if you plan to be someone important and get somewhere in life. Sitting in a basement playing video games all day is not what I want for my precious daughter!" In short I don't know what anime protagonists are.
Friendly Male Student: Jeez..that sucks for you..but don't mind those prissy missies over there..they're just jealous that the anime protagonist favors the shy damsel persona instead of the stuck up bossy bitch persona. I knew I could get you to smile. Catch you later!
You giggled at what the student said,heading to your next class before lunch,marine biology.
You had several written pages in your notebook of what you took in during the first quarter of the class before you started nodding off.
You : [to yourself] Why do I keep falling asleep? [focuses] Oh..Hey there.
Marine Biology Professor : Are you alright? Someone looks like they didn't sleep well. However I am impressed on the mass of information you collected..but I'd find it more impressive if you stood awake. I have an idea to keep you alert. Please,inform the class of your gatherings..You are a highly intelligent young lady.
You : [stammers] I don't do well speaking in crowds.I'm not good at it. Please reconsider
A student murmured "Pretend the anime protagonist teacher from normie anime is in one of the seats". The professor caught the young man who coldly jabbed at you and whacked his desk with the ruler,smirking at the student.
Marine Biology Professor : Do you have something important to tell us? You're quite capable,young man. Please share. You my dear are spared. Do sit. And you. [scoffs] may stand.
Mean Male Student : [gulps] Honestly, I did nothing. This is a set up to make me look bad! I just gave her a confidence boost!
Marine Biology Professor : I'm sure your moving lips as this fine young woman came up front would tell you different. Pretend your strict mother is in the room because time is burning,child!
You stifled a chortle on the way back to your seat,and stifled laughter mixed with ooohs built up in the auditorium. The student stood in front of the entire audience with nothing to say and empty-handed. A cackle,then a humph escaped the mouth of the marine biology professor.
Marine Biology Professor : Where are your findings,dear? You had a lot to say before.
The auditorium erupted in hysterical laughter,and you giggled into the notebook.
Marine Biology Professor : Quiet. This isn't a spectacle,but a learning experience! Our oaf here is a prime example of why you should pay attention! [to the mean student] I expect you to stay after class you uncouth primate. Now return to your chair and stay quiet!
The hallway was full of laughter after class. Students ruffled your hair and laughed with you. Your confidence and happiness shot up.
Nice Female Student : Way to sucker punch a loser!
She gave you a five..and a male student put their arm around you.
Nice Male Student : [wheezing] And then the biology professor came all A class anime villain on his ass! But Professor Craven IS like that. [chortles] Nice work kid.
For that moment you felt as if you played a reverse Uno..that your nerdiness countered the negative energy. With a smile,you headed to lunch. Meanwhile at the break room..
Garnet : Well Beleth...looks like you're a fine generic normie anime protagonist among the college..[slurping noodles]
Beleth : That spread around fast. I was only giving her advice. Teachers do that. [bites apple] I mean,if you're new..You're gonna need someone nice in your corner. [bites apple again]
Claus : Apparently she has deep feelings for you..fell asleep entirely in the middle of class,squirming around and faintly groaning your name. As if you and her were..Well you know. It was kind of cute.[soft chuckle]I remember the days when I was young and melted over my favorite teachers..
A slight of red crosses Beleth's cheeks as he swallows the bite of apple.
Beleth : [bites apple again] Well..the "anime protagonist" gets the girl. Goals! Mic Drop. [trashes the finished apple]
The teachers start to laugh.
Claus : The poor child does get picked at regularly..so it was only fair you consoled her. A shame that other students still can't accept transgender students...[sighs]
Sylar : She is quite clever..and handled a smart mouth bully well timed and quite elegantly I must say. But she IS hot for you.. [soft chuckle] Anime Protagonist. [pats Beleth's shoulder]
You sat outside for lunch. The girls from earlier came up to you as you ate.
Mean Female Student : We crushed on the calculus professor first..He wouldn't be caught dead with a nerd,let alone touch you with a pole. I think he was just feeling sorry for you.
You : He's not an object. He's a human being of flesh and blood! And besides,teachers can't date students! [crunching celery]
Mean Female Student : I'm sure you'll try something to get him to like you!
Mean Male Student : [chuckles while popping gum in your face] He has no idea what he's doing toying around with you. Or perhaps..he's curious of what it's like. Good luck with convincing the anime protagonist teacher to tear your guts.
Mean Female Student 1 : Stay away from him..or else there's gonna be trouble!
The lead female student took your philly cheese steak sandwich with a scoff then a laugh..
Mean Female Student 1 : Let's go girls and boys.
Mean Female Student : Later [laughs]
You : .........
From afar,Beleth saw what was going on,while chatting with his wife,a well known and beloved nurse.
Beleth : Sure my love. See you soon.
You sighed hard as the group left,and hung your head low. Beleth slowly walked up to you,and took out his handkerchief when the group was far into the distance.
You : [sniffling] Why?Ugh..[finishes celery sticks] Why? [sobs bitterly] Why me?
Beleth : [softly] Fix that face..
He lifted your chin tenderly and dabbed your eyes gently with his handkerchief. He pocketed it afterwards.
You : [mouthing] Beleth..[sniffles]Professor Alexandersson..What are you doing here?
Beleth : [softly] I can't ask if you're okay..but I'm on break. Wanna get something to eat? Just to kinda..you know,replace your lunch.
You livened up.
You : [sniffling] Sure.
You grabbed up your books and followed him to the parking lot.
Beleth : My chariot!
It was a well tuned Honda Civic Type R. You giggled when the doors opened up.
Beleth : Like a swan. They call them scissor doors. [mouthing] Come on!
You got in with him and pulled your door shut. He did the same. Both belted in.
Beleth : [imitates car noise] Push button start. I wanted to get gull wing doors..but wifey was like noooo..
You giggled some more..and gasped at the glistening sapphire on his wedding ring. He made an unlocked item jingle while wiggling his fingers at you,then started driving.
Beleth : [nods] Mission accomplished..I got you to stop crying. My ring..You likey? Diamonds are forever..and so is intelligence. Sapphire makes sense for a teacher.
[Sapphire represents knowledge, intelligence and making wise decisions!]
You : [to yourself] He IS married. But he's so sweet..goofy and loveable..like a kid-adult. You wouldn't even think he was married.
Beleth : That group of girls have been trying to objectify me from day one when they were in my class. The boy with them is their said bodyguard. Anyway [in kingly voice] What shall I get the queen?
You : [blushes] Anything. It doesn't have to be fancy either.
Beleth : Getting the queen McDonald's is a crime..Off with his head! [imitates cutting sound]Beleth Alexandersson is convicted of treason towards the queen! [imitates head in a basket sound]
You : [laughing and snorting]What?
Beleth : [imitates drive through voice]A go to meal of college and high school students. Second cheapest and filling meal is pizza... [makes the off sound of the intercom]
You : [wheezing] I wasn't going to ask that!
Beleth : I'm sure it doesn't need to be fancy means one of those two picks. I'm not gonna be cheap with you. We are officially away from the college. [imitates Scarface] You can call me Beleth Alexandersson.
You : [laughing] Okay,Beleth.
Beleth : [imitates Macho Man] Lemme tell you summin right now. Once we get back on campus ground yeah..You're gonna have to call me Professor Alexandersson again yeah.
You : [laughing] I will.
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💚Having a professor with a heart of gold like that is one of a kind! He does favor you..and is seemingly getting a soft spot for you! Stay focused...and try not to naughty nod while Beleth drives!💚
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violetstarcatcher · 9 months
Invisible String - Jake Kiszka P5
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Chapter Five - If I Can Learn To Do It
WC: 3,018k
Warnings: Bullying, harassment, slight depression. 18+ MINORS STAY OUT
(Gigi's Pov)
"I can't believe this." I slammed my locker a little too hard, earning a few turned heads and weird looks. Ronnie looked at me with sympathy.
"Don't look at me like that." I told her as I leaned up against the wall and crossed my arms. She threw her hands up and laughed. "Well, how do you want me to look at you?" 
I groaned and put my face in my hands, too frustrated to think straight. "I don't know..." I mumbled through my hands. "I'm just pissed off. I mean, what the hell are we going to do?"
I put my hands in the front pockets of my black jeans. "It's not like he had an understudy! There's not enough fucking people for that." 
"I'm sure Ms. Mintz will think of something, Gigi. Stop stressing about it." She tried to console me, but inside I was all panic. This was the best role I've ever had, and now there's a pretty good shot the whole show is all jacked up.
"You're probably right..." I lied. I didn't think she was right. Mintz was probably freaking out just as much as I am. I just didn't want to hear Ronnie tell me I was being dramatic again.
Ms. Mintz was the drama teacher, and she was always in charge of the spring theater productions. She was the one that cast Josh and I together, in elementary and middle school. I loved her very dearly, as she always encouraged us in our musical and acting endeavors. She was much like my mother, and I'd always been drawn to her for that reason. 
At the beginning of the school year she had sat me down and told me when Josh and I had reached third and fourth grade, she'd began selecting plays with roles that would suit us well. 
She knew how upset I'd been over our separation, as she'd watched us bawl our eyes out on the stairs after the last show the year before. Apparently she felt so bad, she chose a musical just for me. Hence why I was now playing Anastasia; a role I'd talked about for years.
The bell rang in the hallways and kids began scurrying into varied classrooms. Ronnie leaned forward and pulled me into a hug. "Don't freak." She said over my shoulder before pulling away and holding me by my arms. "She'll figure something out." I nodded.
"I'll see you tonight, okay?" She walked backwards down the hallway. "You should just stay the night." 
"I probably will since Josh is taking me home."
"Okay, I'll wait up for you guys then."
"Sounds good. See ya!" I waved and walked into the classroom nearly across from my locker. 
I looked down at my shoes as I walked down the isle between the tables. My seat was on the isle third table from the back, and I sat with the other three in my group. 
Biology used to be my favorite class because it was the only one Josh and I had together. The teachers used to separate us, thinking it would be more peaceful, only to discover it was the complete opposite when we would yell at each other from across the room.
But now I was stuck with a prissy mean blonde girl, a random kid who was hopelessly in love with her, and my friend James. I used to hate him, mostly because he wasn't Josh, but after I gave him a chance I found he was actually really fun to be around. 
We never talked much outside of biology, but we had hung out at my house a few times for homework which always turned into snacks and a movie. 
He had short brown hair and dark eyes and was quite tall. He was built like an athlete, and was on the soccer team. He'd played with Jake for a few years but I don't think they were ever friends. He wasn't cute at first glance, but he wasn't ugly either. The longer I looked at him the more he grew on me, to the point where I had a teeny tiny crush on him. 
Not so much that I would be completely heartbroken if he got a girlfriend, but I would be rather disappointed.
I wrapped my backpack straps on my chair, and James smiled at me as I sat down. "Hi." I whispered as the teacher began talking to the class. 
He leaned over to my ear. "Hey." He whispered back, his breath tickling my neck. 
"Annie!" The teacher started taking attendance. "Do you have a pencil?" James whispered still looking forward. "You forgot one again?" 
"James!" We heard from the front. "Here!" He shouted back then leaned over to my ear again. "No, I just like asking you for pencils every day." I could hear the smirk in his voice. 
I rolled my eyes and turned around to unzip my bag. After digging around for a few seconds I finally found one. Granted it was pretty dull, but that's what he gets for not bringing his own. 
"Here." I handed him the pencil. "Thanks." He nodded. We both watched the teacher walk back and forth with his clipboard, calling out name after name, either marking them present or absent. 
"I have a question for you, Gigi." He spoke softly. I turned to look at him and was taken aback by his flushed appearance. He twirled the pencil nervously in his fingers, not bothering to look me in the eye. 
"Yeah..?" I asked in return, unsure of why he hadn't asked yet if he actually had a question. 
"You know how the spring formal is coming up soon?" He swallowed harshly, fiddling with the pencil between his fingers.
I only nodded, partially dreading the question that was inevitably going to follow. "Would it be weird if we, ya know, went... together?" He asked softly, meeting my eyes. 
I shouldn't have been surprised at his asking, but I was nonetheless. I had my suspicions about his feelings towards me, but pushed them out of my mind as I didn't want it to get to my head. 
I wasn't keen on the giggly, feet-kicking, face blushing feeling. It made me feel weird and I found it all embarrassing. I've been there before, only to be left nauseated after the feeling left, mortified I'd ever let myself feel that way. 
"Go together as... dates?" I asked slowly. 
"I mean..." He laughed and scratched the back of his head. "We can go as just friends if you'd like that better. But... yeah. As dates."
I looked away from him and sat forward with my hands on the desk, fingers weaved together. James's eyes burned into the side of my face as I made a decision. There were a lot of pros and cons in going with him.
I already knew I wasn't going to enjoy it as much as al the other formals I'd been to because I'd only ever gone with Josh. Mostly because he was too scared to ask the girl he's had a crush on since 6th grade.
I'd never been on a real date before either. Which was fine with me, I wasn't too concerned about it. But I'd be going with James. As his date. And him as mine. We were friends, so it's not like it would be awkward. Right? And worse case it is awkward and he just decides to ditch me, and I can just go hang out with Ronnie and Alyssa. 
"Greta, if you don't say 'here' I will mark you as absent!" I zoned back in, not realizing I had zoned out in the first place, to see my teacher standing over me with his clip board, glaring downward. 
"W- what?" I stuttered. "I called your name four times. I know you heard me." 
"I'm sorry, Mr. Davis." I looked down at my hands nervously. "So what do you say then, Ms. Van Fleet?" 
"Here." I muttered, not bothering to look up at him. I heard him mark next to my name and the rest of the class snicker. "Good." He started to walk towards the from once again. "Just because you're sad your boyfriend isn't in this class with you anymore, doesn't give you an excuse to have an attitude in my class." He remarked causing the whole room to erupt in stifled giggles.
The heat rose to my face and I felt my eyes well with tears. I blinked rapidly to make them go back into my face, refusing to let them fall. Mr. Davis always hated Josh and I for no reason, and it was his personal conviction to remind me on the daily that Josh wasn't with me anymore.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over at James. He studied my eyes knowingly. Breathing in deep, I nodded my head. "I'll go." 
His face lit up. "You'll go with me?" He asked hopefully. "Yeah, I'll go with you." I smiled softly. 
"As friends or..." His tone laced in anticipation. "No." I simply said and he only blinked at me in return. I giggled at his confusion. "Not as friends, James."
"So..." he drew out. "As dates?" 
"Yes, James. As dates." 
He beamed at me and a blush shamelessly rose to his face. "Well, if we're going as dates... maybe I should take you on a date before the dance." 
I nodded and grinned at him. "I'd like that actually." 
"How about tomorrow then?" He said and turned his body to face me more. I could tell he was excited and I thought it was adorable. "Yeah, tomorrow would work just fine." 
"Where do you wanna go?" His smile never once dropping.
"We could get lunch at Martha's?" I asked knowing it was within bearable walking distance from my house. 
"Perfect!" He laughed quietly. "I'm excited..." He confessed. "Me too." I whispered back, smiling widely. I realized I was giving into the 'giddy lovey' crush feeling and bit my lip to suppress it from showing. 
"Alex!" Mr. Davis called. "Alex!" He looked around at the students, who looked around at each other.
"Alex is still in the hospital, Mr. Davis." One of the students spoke up. "He broke both his legs." A collective whisper made it's way around the room. "Oh, what a shame." Mr. Davis muttered. If we're being honest, Mr. Davis hates everyone. He probably hates life, and if he doesn't, he sure acts like it. 
"Wasn't he a lead in the musical too?" He asked looking up from his clipboard. "Yeah, he was the male lead." Another student commented. "But I heard he can't do it anymore, and they might even have to cancel the whole play." 
Mr. David nodded his head and looked in my direction. "My my, Gigi, it must be nice having life going exactly the way you want it to, huh?" His voice oozing sarcasm, and my mouth opened slightly. "First your boyfriend, now this? That's quite the bummer."
All at once, rage filled my body. I stood up, knocking my chair backwards. After I yanked my backpack from underneath it, I threw it over my shoulder. Making a b-line for the door, Mr. Davis yelled at me. "You aren't allowed to leave without permission, Greta!"
"My name is Gigi!" I shouted over my shoulder, to see him running towards me. Throwing open the door, I sprinted as fast as I could down the hallway, leaving a frustrated Mr. Davis looking after me. 
I glanced at the clock on the wall as I ran around the corner. 2:48. There was only 45 minutes of school left, which wasn't too long to sit in the bathroom for. 
I reached the door and yanked it open, then pulled it closed quietly to make sure no one in the other rooms heard me. 
I glanced down at the little watch on my wrist. 8:24. Josh still wasn't here yet. I bounced my leg as I sat criss cross in the red velvet auditorium seat. Ms. Mintz was up on the stage with 15 or so other kids, running through a dance number. 
I knew I was zoned out staring the the big curtain that hung off to the side of the stage. I might have even been a little cross eyed, who knows? I began to run through the boys who could replace Alex, naming them one by one. But every time I thought about them playing Dimitri, I dismissed them in my mind. 
A hand on my shoulder knocked me out of zoned-out state. "Hey." Josh whispered as he sat in the chair next to me. "Hi." I whispered back, and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Did you get out of dinner okay?"
"Kinda." He said softly. "Mom gave me a hard time but Dad said it was fine." I nodded and closed my eyes but opened them as I heard Ms. Mintz dismiss all of the non-lead students.
"Okayyy!" She yelled from the stage into the auditorium as the extras cleared out. "I need my Anya and Vlad up here!" 
I stood up and Josh gently held onto my wrist. I turned to look at him, and he merely winked at me and let me go. Giggling to myself, I made my way up the stairs on the side of the stage to meet Ms. Mintz and Jackson, the kid who played Vlad. It was his first year doing theatre and he actually wasn't half bad. 
Ms. Mintz took a deep breath and placed both her hands on her hips while looking between us both. "Here's the deal guys." She began. My mouth went dry and my hands clammed up. She hadn't said anything to the other students about Alex or the fate of the play that day. "I- am not sure how all of this is going to pan out."
"Nobody knows Alex's part and the musical is set two weeks from tomorrow. If we haven't found a good replacement in the next five days... the shows over."
I let out a big breath that came out as half a sob and placed my face in my hands. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, one that I knew had to be Ms. Mintz. "But we still have five days Gigi. It's not over until it's over." Dropping my hands I looked up at her. She used her other hand to wipe the two stray tears that I hadn't realized had fallen.
"That being said, we're still going to act as though the show will go on. You both are going to run through 'If I Can Learn To Do It' without Alex until you have it perfect. It seems to be the only one you're having trouble with Gigi, so we'll run through it until you have it down, sound good?" She smiled sympathetically down at me. 
I nodded as she released her grip on my shoulders. "Good." She whispered to me. I could feel Josh's eyes on my face from the seats. I wouldn't dare look up at him as I knew I could break down at any moment. There was just a lot bouncing around in my head and pent up frustration bound to come out at some point.
Watching my feet carry me to stage left I heard Ms. Mintz count us in. "1, 2, 3..." The music began to play and I did my absolute best to go through the motions. Over and over again. For an hour. 
I had to dance with the air instead of a partner and count numbers in my head to keep timing right instead of hearing Alex sing his lines. I was bad enough at dancing already and somehow I still managed to trip and stumble on nothing. No one would say anything to me, I knew that. They all felt like they were walking on eggshells. Even Ms. Mintz was cautious in her correction of my performance.
Halfway through what felt like the 700th run of the same song, I felt something in me snap. Whatever it was made me stop dancing and singing and crouch to the ground. Deep breaths felt like a vain effort to keep my composure. It was late, I was sleepy, I was angry, I was... every negative thing you could conjure up all at once. 
The music stopped and I looked up at the people in the room with me. None of them wanted to look at me in the awkwardness of the moment. As if they knew if they looked at me the wrong way it would cause an eruption. 
I stood and squinted down at Ms. Mintz through the stage lights, tears pricking the edges of my eyes. "I can't do-" I paused to take a deep breathe. "I can't do this without someone, Ms. Mintz. I can't. This is horrible."
She looked at me for a moment before slowly nodding her head. "Perhaps we've done enough for today." I barely heard her. I met Josh's eyes, filled with sympathy and sadness. 
Suddenly he stood from his seat and walked over to Ms. Mintz. He grabbed her arm gently and began speaking at a rapid pace waving his arms from himself to the stage and to me, all in a hushed voice. Ms. Mintz shook her head and gave Josh a concerned look. She ran her hands through her hair and looked back at me over Josh's head. She put her hand on his shoulder which prompted him to stop talking. She let out a sigh and nodded. Josh spun around, his face beaming, before he ran around to the stairs and onto the stage.
I squinted my eyebrows at him in confusion. His eyes danced over my face while he breathed deeply. "What?" He laughed out at me, as if my confusion was irrational. "What do you mean 'what'?" I asked un-entertained. "I'm gonna help out and play Dimitri until you find someone else." He told me, acting as though I should obviously know that. He didn't say anything else, he only held my arms and looked at me.
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indecisive-dizzy · 5 months
Ramble about Eddie to your heart’s content, bestie :D
I’m honestly very interested in your ideas :3
Again, don’t be scared to just ramble in my ask box, I love hearing peoples ideas
I'm wailing rn /pos
My AU! Disabled Eddie!! Ok so he wasn't born with his disability, it came about later.
My Current story is that he had stroke in late middle/early high school! I have done research and Yes it is possible for teens and younger to have strokes. From what I recall it can be significantly worse for them compared to adult strokes
Eddie was left with permanent complications and is disabled bc of it. He has coordination, balance, and general mobility complications among a list of other post stroke effects. I just found the word I was looking for a few days ago to describe his mobility issues, it's Ataxia!
Eddie has to deal with bouts of muscle weakness on his right side which can effect his vision. He also gets vertigo a Lot and at this point dizziness is expected every time he stands.
He uses forearm crutches when he needs extra help walking bc he does have good days where he may not need them! But for longer distances he brings them bc he's better safe than sorry. He also has cane but he doesn't use it As much.
He also has a wheelchair that he Hates. He hates having to use it. But his Really horrible days leave him unable to stand, much less walk. He wishes he could just hide it somewhere and never think about it but alas. it's important.
He dislikes the wheelchair so much bc it makes him feel useless. He is Not! I want to clarify that wheelchair users are perfectly Capable and Independent! Eddie just has an issue with overachieving and working himself too hard. He wants to be helpful and do So Much but there are some things he can't do while in his wheelchair. He was stuck in a chair for months after his stroke and it was devastating back then. He has No good memories with a wheelchair so he continues to dislike using it.
Ok putting a read more bc I am not shutting up for a While
Relationships with the neighbors! Generally the same. Barnaby doesn't chase him bc that would be mean (? I can't think of a better way to describe it)
Sally is still Sally but she's specific on her mailman hate (lmao) to make sure Eddie and everyone else knows she's not faulting him for his disability.
Hmm yeah everything else is pretty much the same. I guess everyone is also more open about offering Eddie help from time to time if he looks like he needs an extra hand. They're not persistent or anything, but if they see him struggling to carry a package or two they're more inclined to help.
I still don't know how Howdy gets his shit. Honestly If Eddie is having a crutch or chair day,, Howdy just won't get his stock unless he gets it himself. I can't think of a way for Eddie to deliver all those heavy ass boxes.
He does ask people to pick up their packages occasionally too. He tries to deliver them all himself but it's not always possible. He offers a trolley they can use.
I want to talk about angst. So this is very specific, I'll try to keep it short. growing up, Eddie lived in a four bedroom house. two downstairs master bedrooms and two upstairs normal bedrooms. Before his stroke he was upstairs, his older brother in the other room, and his older sister in the bedroom downstairs.
Afterwards he had to move downstairs. His sister Hated this. She loved her room and her private bathroom and she was very prissy about it.
This snowballed into her just,, taking all her frustrations out on Eddie. He took Her Bedroom. He's getting all the attention. Her little brother was ruining everything.
Eddie was devastated by this. He went as far as to attempt to convince his parents to let them switch rooms again. He couldn't physically walk up the stairs most days but he just wanted his big sister to not hate him anymore.
Their relationship never fully recovered. As an adult Eddie will still find ways to blame himself and feel guilty. But he just can't bring himself to talk to her.
They used to be so close. She let Eddie experiment with her makeup, they talked about fashion and boys and she helped him so so much when he was questioning his sexuality.
and then it just, fell apart. But not quietly like a loose thread but rather a house that wasn't built quite right and the screws came loose one by one.
Eddie's memory gets really fuzzy when thinking that far back. but some of those memories are burned into his mind and he wishes he could forget them like he does everything else.
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mothers-of-yn · 1 year
You Flood My Mind, My Body and My Heart
eventual smut, longing, mutual pining, heartache, unrequited love, jealousy, a dash of justifiable murder, Y/N, angst, Y/N tries to help arthur get over his ex, eventual fluff, soft fluff, pining, i really don't like her, arthur deserves better, Y/N is AFAB and goes by she/her in this
~900 words
Y/N  L/N wistfully gazed at Arthur, as he swung the axe back over his head and easily split the log. She couldn't help but notice the sweat gathering on his arms and neck. Her steely blue eyes followed his every movement as he struck it into the stump. He wiped himself down and picked his jacket up. 
He was a work of art to her, in every possible way.
Arthur moved to his tent and noticed something peculiar on his table, a letter. He picked it up carefully and slowly read through it. You saw excitement and fear rush through his face, as his perfect blue eyes trailed over the writing. He set it down and brushed his hand over a photograph. He brushed the sweat off his left and hopped onto his horse's saddle.  
Y/N pushed her hair back and perked up. Curiosity was her weakness; she knew the framed photographs were of two women. She feared the worst. 
She stood up and walked over to his cot. She plopped down on the familiarly hard bed and picked up the letter, noting the fine cardstock and the pencil scrawl. As she read through it, she felt anger. This, this was the infamous Mary Linton, the heart crushing, dreadful bitch that held Arthur Morgan's tender heart in her clawed hands, picking away at it like a raven on a carcass. Her eyes darted to the photograph, the one of the woman in white, with dark hair, the Mary Linton. Y/N may only have been 19, but she could tell a manipulator on sight. 
The other women chittered about her every now and then, and she couldn’t help but listen in. Arthur rarely bothered to even look at her, despite her tries. He was stuck on her, the unobtainable gal, the one who liked to toy with people, Mary. Just reading her writings, seeing her, she couldn’t help but wonder why a wonderful man like Arthur would ever fall in love with a woman like that. He never seemed like the type to fall for a prissy little princess. She had a prettyish face, but Y/N couldn’t think of why in Christ's name that would be enough. 
“Y/N! What do you think you’re doing?” Dutch’s voice came from behind her. She should have noticed him, but she was far too wrapped up in her thoughts. Y/N dropped the photograph in surprise and stammered out a response. 
"N-nothing, Mr. Van der Linde, just wanted to see who the famed Mary Linton was,” the explanation was laced with subtle venom. The man hummed out a response, understanding the matter. 
“I see you’ve heard of her. What’s on your mind, miss?” he asked. His tone was understanding, she felt safer telling him just what she thought of her. 
“I don’t understand how she could string him along like this!” she sputtered out in anger. “Was she always like this?” 
“I’m afraid so, miss L/N. Always.” 
“God, what was she like? I don’t understand how he could even stand a woman like that!” she hissed, dropping the frame onto the table.  
“Oh, I don’t know a polite word for her.” Dutch absentmindedly mused, his sharp eyes lingering on her, as she leaned against the wagon. “Left him for a richer man one day, couldn’t wait for a day longer for him to leave all of us for her, messed the poor boy up terribly. You wouldn’t know what I'd give for him to be happy again with someone nothin’ like her.” 
“I know. I've been meaning to tell him about all this, but I just... can’t.” 
“He’s a smart man, my Arthur, if a bit thick. You might have to hint at him, don’t be scared of being overt. He can’t resist you for long, y’know. You're a beautiful, intelligent young woman, Y/N, any man would be lucky to have you. I’d love a daughter in law just like you.” Dutch turned and walked off. She felt like throwing out the photograph and the letter right then and there. 
A rather crestfallen Arthur returned that night, though with a lovesick twinkle in his eye. Y/N swept her hair behind her ears and sat next to him gingerly. Dutch’s words rested on her heart and she knew she could help him.
“Hey, Arthur.” she softly said. He shifted aways so shyly, but she understood. “I heard you were out with, uhh... what’s her name?” 
“Mary, yeah. She just needed some help with something, not a big deal.” he wistfully uttered. 
“She doesn’t deserve you, Arthur.” 
“Y/N, it wasn’t like that. Besides, it was just nice seeing her again, despite the situation.”  
“You’ve ought to move on, for your own sake.” Y/N innocently looked up into his eyes and placed her hand on his. He stood and moved away.  
“I’ll catch ya later then, Y/N.” he coldly stated. Tears started rolling down her fine cheeks and she pressed her head into her palms.
How could he be so unaware as to not see her right there? How could he not see her pine for these months?  
Y/N could see the pain in his eyes as he rejected her for the night. Mary. She figured it must be Mary, Mary not letting him loose even after all these years, not letting him live his own life. Y/N knew just how happy she could make him, if he just let her try. Y/N wouldn’t ever hurt him like that.  
Y/N wasn't her and would never be her or like her.
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Screaming again don't mind me, just I usually realise the tags are going to be trashfires but I went to bed before the inciting incident last night and oh boy are my blocked tags insufficient huh.
This should be taken in the context of I've had a long week, I'm literally ill, and I just want thoughts out my head so I can enjoy the streams tonight please thank you love you all <3
I'm sat here like on the one hand Sunny being upset about last night is COMPLETELY legit. Like I think I know where Philza was coming from - Tubbo and Slime both respawn when killed, which 'real' eggs don't - but many of the words he said while his usual teasing were out of line, especially when Tubbo wasn't there to defend himself. And like a kid isn't going to see that so fine its cool if I thought it was ever going to get resolved yeah no perfect sense here. And even with that logic in mind it's a fucking dick thing to say. There were only bad answers. It was a question designed to have only bad answers. The least bad answer was probably honestly Trump as not only is he dead all his parents are too, but that suuuucks.
On the other hand, I know where this started and what it started with is with ccPhilza's tone of voice and phrasing (because those are the same as qPhilza's in many of the instances), and I do not think it was ever appropriate to have this come up as a thing in the first place. I don't care about the IC-ness or whatever right now, I mean pure simple if this should ever have been a plot point in the first place. And the longer it goes on without anyone fucking telling Phil so he can fix it the more certain I am it was a fucking awful move that never should have started - and if Sunny didn't already think Phil hated her, maybe this would be more interesting! The whole thing with the Tubbo and Gegg.
Anyway point. QSMP is supposed to be about cultural exchange and communication over differences and language and stuff, but what's being done here is reinforcing genuinely harmful with real life consequences stereotypes about English Northerners - the sorts of which have things like people being put on blacklists by their own home insurance providers due to being 'difficult customers', and having the cops called on them for 'being aggressive' when they said fuck a bit and laughed too loud, and being failed in class for talking wrong, and I just... The one thing from last night is completely legit. That's entirely and perfectly legit and all that, but the fact is it's not in isolation and whether intentionally or not every time Sunny and Philza are in a room together no matter what I blacklist if I look in the tags for my primary PoV it becomes a fucktonne of classist microagressions.
And like ccPhilza may well be fine with it! And that's cool and all! (Though I'm honestly not convinced he's entirely aware ooc Sunny's afraid of him) But much like any of these things, it's not /only/ the cc who stands to be hurt by it.
Which is to say I think Sunny's admin is a good roleplayer but not so good at being an NPC and is - probably accidentally, and only in a minor way god knows the rest of the media joins in - contributing to genuine and actual harm with their choices here. Calling Philza aggressive or scary based on his accent, phrasing, and tone of voice (and like this is outside of last night - this is how it /started/ not where it is now) is in a similar if smaller vein to saying the French players are stuck up, entitled, prissy, flirtatious, etc for having French accents. Or the Mexicans are stupid for their accents. And when he's the only northerner and he genuinely isn't being aggressive when he's being accused of it it's... uncomfy. ESPECIALLY as it's not from another player, it's from a fucking admin('s character) who should be being held to a higher standard on shit like this as the admin's are part of the organisation team.
It'd be less bad if there were more regularly playing northerners, or if tubbo wasn't a southerner, or if she was afraid and people were yelling about her being afraid of other characters too, but it's /so/ noticably Philza.
And it's not intentional, there's very little chance it's intentional, but it's still why I have to put on a fake accent to call the DWP else I get blacklisted and treated significantly worse. One time I rang up, usual accent, after 40 minutes of being bounced around was told no. Rang back, spoke to someone else, put on my other accent, was treated significantly nicer and got told yes. And this shit happens regularly in my life. Northern is more natural to me but I can also do southern. And my sort of northern is considered more acceptable than ccPhil's!
I don't really want to talk about it, I just want to scream.
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setagaya-division · 1 year
Yorii's Thoughts on Saitama Division
Tumblr media
Sayaka Miyuki
"Ah, Sayaka-san! The woman behind the formation of TDD, herself! I have to say, there is quite possibly no one better to lead a division team than this woman, I'll tell you that. I mean, if she was able to get four of the greatest rappers together to form a powerful supergroup, then heading up her own team should be a piece of cake! I can't wait to see what rap skills she shows off for her my siblings and I when we meet!"
Lola Takahashi
Yorii looks at the photo of the model and a frown sets on his face as he looks at it.
"Ya' know, I truly don't mind Takahashi-san. Really and truly, I don't. When my producer told me that I was going to have the chance to meet her, I was excited. Ecstatic even! And when I finally met her, I can say the rumors about her beauty were not at all exaggerated! Truthfully, I don't know which side of her I prefer, the front or the back."
"But... during our introduction, she said something that really... set me off, so to speak. She said that, besides my hair, I resembled someone she was acquainted with. When I asked who, she said ██████, which I really didn't like. After that, I excused myself and went to the nearby restroom."
Yorii starts to become agitated as his hair gradually begins turning from blonde to pink.
"I-I tried to calm myself down, but... her words... they just stuck to me! And... I can't help but despise her for it."
Yorii looks up as his appearance has changed: his hair is now completely pink, and his eyes are red. He speaks, and his voice is deeper with an edge in it.
"Know this, you prissy hag! I am nothing like him! Do you hear me? Nothing! I am my own person with my own destiny! I am not him, I do not want to be him, and I will never be him! Do not ever compare me to him! Do you hear me?! Never in your life compare me to him!!"
Yorii breathes heavily as he finishes his tirade. He looks down as his appearance slowly goes back to normal. He looks up, a smile on his face.
"So yeah, because of that incident, it's safe to say we're not exactly on a good relationship with each other. ...Oh well!"
Kureha Koizumi
"Ohhh, is this the girl that Elliot's been gushing over?! I have to admit, she is kinda cute. But sadly, I'm not really into Goths. Besides, I promised myself and Kanra-chan I'd be faithful to her, so... yeah. But as for Elliot, I'm really happy for the guy! I heard he started talking art classes cause he wanted to talk to her more. Good on ya, El! Keep at it, bro! I'm rooting for you!"
Femme Fatale
"Like I said earlier, Sayaka-san's got a good handle on this team thing. I mean, I haven't seen her or her team really compete against anyone, except that no-name team in the qualifying round. But I'm really looking forward to seeing who their first opponents will be! It'll be fun to see!"
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ask-the-fred-boy · 11 months
Am I the asshole for pranking my substitute teacher?
I, 15m, was walking to class one day with my friends, (15 f) (16m) when I noticed that my teacher was not there. It was a Sub and like look I'm not gonna assume but she looked liked those prissy subs you see in cartoons so. Already not off to a good start. So I arrive to class with my friends, and my friend 16 m is just like ‘oh shit’. Turns out the sub is his aunt! Funny how that works. Also his family is. Not good. Like there's three good people in his immediate family and one of them is a seven year old. So anyways I arrive and she gives me a look that is crustier than her. Overused eyeshadow. So anyways I sit down and IMMEDIATELY she calls me bacl up. I am like, okay, what’s the matter do you need smth or and am jsut very confused. She tells me that my arm is "indecent" (I should also add I have a prosthetic). So like. How do I process this. Like I was honestly kinda taken aback bc holy shit she just said that. To a whole--ass 14 year old too. Like cmon you can’t just tell somebody they’re indecent for like literally doing nothing to you and simply not having an arm what the hell. so she tells me to go grab a jacket or smth from my locker. This is where I get the idea. So I have a friend, who looks almost identical to me, and really the only way to tell us apart I the fact that we have different eye colors, and he has both arms. So, rather than listen to her, I decide to have a little fun. I mean if she’s going to make this hour miserable for me the least I can do is try to make it somewhat enjoyable. so I go to my friends classroom (I was his teacher’s favorite last year when I had him :>) and his teacher is cool with him coming and being me for a bit. So we go, switch outfits, he gets my flannel, and then he goes back to class instead of me. This is where the fun begins! So he wrrives, and she doesn’t notice anything for like five minutes. So it gets hot out and he takes off my jacket (seriously did she expect me to wear that the whole time???) and THATS when she notices that he is not, in fact, me. Meanwhile. I am getting FREE Fritos bc I am hungry. So while my friend plays dumb ya boi got his prosthetic stuck in the vending machine (again) (the janitor at my school is thrilled I think that he has to do this at least three times a week (he is not)) So anyways while my friend is being all gaslight gatekeeper girlboss and convincing her that he never had a metal arm I shoot him a text saying that it’s time to switch. Back. Keep in mind I don't even have the prosthetic now. we switch outfits and I go back to my first hour. Sub is now EVEN MORE CONFUSED and I continue my gaslight gatekeep girlbossing. she’s like ‘just a minute ago you had both arms where did that go’ and I’m like ‘wdym I never had that I think you need to get your eyes checked :>’. She is fuming btw :>. So we continue to swap every so often and by the time first period was over this woman was about to blow a gasket. At some point I brought the Fritos to class and was just snackin instead of working. Somehow she noticed the arm but not this (I think she might actually need her eyes checked) like. Not even when I threw one at my 15 f friend. Also, I gave my other friends teacher a play by play and he was amused by my shenanigans :>. Am I the asshole?
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crossover-enthusiast · 11 months
Am I the asshole for pranking my substitute teacher? I, 15m, was walking to class one day with my friends, (15 f) (16m) when I noticed that my teacher was not there. It was a Sub and like look I'm not gonna assume but she looked liked those prissy subs you see in cartoons so. Already not off to a good start. So I arrive to class with my friends, and my friend 16 m is just like ‘oh shit’. Turns out the sub is his aunt! Funny how that works. Also his family is. Not good. Like there's three good people in his immediate family and one of them is a seven year old. So anyways I arrive and she gives me a look that is crustier than her. Overused eyeshadow. So anyways I sit down and IMMEDIATELY she calls me bacl up. I am like, okay, what’s the matter do you need smth or and am jsut very confused. She tells me that my arm is "indecent" (I should also add I have a prosthetic). So like. How do I process this. Like I was honestly kinda taken aback bc holy shit she just said that. To a whole--ass 14 year old too. Like cmon you can’t just tell somebody they’re indecent for like literally doing nothing to you and simply not having an arm what the hell. so she tells me to go grab a jacket or smth from my locker. This is where I get the idea. So I have a friend, who looks almost identical to me, and really the only way to tell us apart I the fact that we have different eye colors, and he has both arms. So, rather than listen to her, I decide to have a little fun. I mean if she’s going to make this hour miserable for me the least I can do is try to make it somewhat enjoyable. so I go to my friends classroom (I was his teacher’s favorite last year when I had him :>) and his teacher is cool with him coming and being me for a bit. So we go, switch outfits, he gets my flannel, and then he goes back to class instead of me. This is where the fun begins! So he wrrives, and she doesn’t notice anything for like five minutes. So it gets hot out and he takes off my jacket (seriously did she expect me to wear that the whole time???) and THATS when she notices that he is not, in fact, me. Meanwhile. I am getting FREE Fritos bc I am hungry. So while my friend plays dumb ya boi got his prosthetic stuck in the vending machine (again) (the janitor at my school is thrilled I think that he has to do this at least three times a week (he is not)) So anyways while my friend is being all gaslight gatekeeper girlboss and convincing her that he never had a metal arm I shoot him a text saying that it’s time to switch. Back. Keep in mind I don't even have the prosthetic now. we switch outfits and I go back to my first hour. Sub is now EVEN MORE CONFUSED and I continue my gaslight gatekeep girlbossing. she’s like ‘just a minute ago you had both arms where did that go’ and I’m like ‘wdym I never had that I think you need to get your eyes checked :>’. She is fuming btw :>. So we continue to swap every so often and by the time first period was over this woman was about to blow a gasket. At some point I brought the Fritos to class and was just snackin instead of working. Somehow she noticed the arm but not this (I think she might actually need her eyes checked) like. Not even when I threw one at my 15 f friend. Also, I gave my other friends teacher a play by play and he was amused by my shenanigans :>. Am I the asshole?
I love when we're let out of our enclosures
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scraps-pile · 2 years
A Slightly Pessimistic Look at Stranger Things: This Could be Gayer
okay, I have a big chunk of analytical crap to say about Stranger Things, and specifically why the romances aren't going to work across the board. buckle your seatbelts, cuz it's my post, I'm driving, and we're about to hit all the plot holes.
(or like... that but with narrative themes instead.)
okay, so. I'm gonna say something that sounds obvious, and then I'm gonna talk about it for a very long time. Stranger Things, in general, is a show about the things normal culture fails to acknowledge. and that extends to both the supernatural elements of the show, and true information about the lives and identities of a lot of its characters.
I want to kind of make a case study of the series' main love triangle, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, and in particular, I want to talk about why they don't work romantically. starting from baseline season one, I would say all of them are people who suffer under normal culture.
Steve is a popular jock, and to an outside observer, he's got it made. but his friends kind of suck, and they don't seem that close to him. to me, he acts like someone who mostly just wants attention, and he performs behaviors like bullying or bigotry to keep his foothold in the social hierarchy. most prominently, he sets himself up as the kind of jock loverboy archetype... every girl's high school sweetheart. which only further emphasizes that he's mostly doing this for his own gratification, and romance is where he most distinctly finds that. in some way or another, he's searching for companionship. he's just got shitty social skills with which to do that.
meanwhile, Nancy is pigeonholed into this kind of studious prissy perfect good girl role... but at the root of that, she's an achiever. certainly there is a part of her that thinks Steve is cute and wants to date him for that reason, but there's also a part of her that wants to gain a foothold in the same social hierarchy that Steve has already situated himself in. Steve is someone people generally approve of, and gaining him is an achievement of sorts. and she feels like she has to attach herself to him in order to move on up the social ladder. she'll grin and bear the presence of Steve's other shitty friends if it means success in this area... and she's very conscious of her image.
Jonathan is a loner, in part because he genuinely seems to be stand offish and shy, but that could be a byproduct of the fact that he's genuinely not living the same life as most other kids his age. he seems the least concerned with fitting into normal culture, but the way that culture inflicts itself on him anyway is financially. a lack of financial security both pushes him outside the norm, and punishes him for being there. his dad isn't around, his mom doesn't make much money, and he works, and helps look after Will, even though he's still a school-aged kid. he seems torn between not caring about high school social politics, and feeling really bitter towards high schoolers who get to be normal. especially when they judge him with their own heads stuck in the sand.
and the thing about encountering the upside down is, you have to get weirder in response to it, if you're going to confront it effectively. normal culture won't acknowledge this. normal culture doesn't interact with this. you have to step outside of that bubble and put your ability to be perceived as normal on the line... you have to really commit. Joyce paints the alphabet on her walls, and hangs christmas lights, and sits by the phone because she swears she heard her son breathing the last time she picked it up. she looks crazy, and that's distressing to the people who care about her, but she can't care about what people with normal expectations will think. because normal culture will keep ignoring the monster until it's eating them alive, just because it's not supposed to be there. its existence doesn't fit their narrative, and if you opt to fight it in a way that works, you won't fit their narrative either.
so that's when we see who these three teenagers really are. when the bubble breaks, and they feel more at liberty to surpass their scripted societal narratives, and they grow. Steve reveals that his instincts are truly to stick around and help people. Nancy reveals that her instincts are to fight her demons head on. and Jonathan reveals that when he's in over his head, he does want help. and season one goes off without a hitch. but what state does this leave the characters in going forward?
the end of the first season was the beginning of a journey for these three. for Steve's part, he's been developing into someone who slowly starts to subvert masculine conventions. he finds true friendship based on the positive qualities he actually possesses when he gets close to the kids, particularly Dustin, and allows himself to slot really naturally into a nurturing mentorship role. he admits that he likes looking nice, and taking pride in his appearance. he admits that romantic companionship is a real emotional goal of his, independent of popularity or status. he discards the bigotry he used to express, and gains Robin as his best friend. he allows himself to become a force of sensible practicality among people who care for him. and this doesn't mean he won't toss himself into harm's way, trying to be the protector... but he's not afraid to look stupid while doing it (hence the "Steve will grab anything to use as a weapon" gag).
Nancy has quite a lot going on actually. from the very beginning, I think Nancy has wanted, in a broad sense, power. and not in any sort of sinister way... it makes sense for her. whether it means getting good grades and being undeniably smart at the top of her class, or aligning herself with the popular crowd and dating the hottest boy in their school, Nancy seems to be seeking some form of prestige... but back then, it seemed like she just wanted to distinguish herself in a way that validated her worth in the eyes of others. with the death of Barb, I think we see a shift in Nancy, from wanting power for her own sense of self identification and satisfaction, to wanting power sufficient to protect herself and her people from calamity. Nancy starts to subvert feminine expectations, like the notion that she should be sweet, demure, accommodating, vulnerable, and domestic... but the problem with subverting those particular expectations is that, in a healthy relationship, those aren't necessarily negative qualities. it's just that any role can feel like a prison if it's forced. for a her to subvert the notion of being sweet and agreeable, she may also cause herself to become alienated from those who don't understand her vision for herself. and that could mean everyone, if she gives up on making herself accessible or easily understood.
I think Jonathan is mostly struggling to extract himself from the looming shadow of other people's expectations. in the early seasons, this seems all but impossible... his progression is a lot more subtle because the things he does on behalf of his family are generally noble, and that's a genuine impulse of his. he needs to help his mom and brother. and honestly, I think Jonathan feels more like himself from the beginning, because he has at least one parent that he actually wants to emulate. Joyce is a really good mom, and she will sacrifice anything and everything for the sake of her kids. compare that to Steve's largely unmentioned parents... one can assume Steve's persona from the first season is the kind of normal kid they would want, but that's about all the information we get. or compare that to Nancy's parents, who are the prototypical normal culture family that Nancy herself says she doesn't want to be like when she grows up, because she knows they're willingly giving their lives over to mundane façades that make them unhappy. Joyce is frequently broke, overworked, overwhelmed, and struggling... but she's genuine, and committed to her kids at any bizarre new level of difficulty that arises. this is who Jonathan learns from, who he worries for, and who he wants to protect and help. but it's a lot to put on a kid, so once Will is older and more capable of taking care of himself, and once Joyce has a better job and more money coming in, it's no wonder he lets all the plates drop. he's been walking a razor's edge for too long, of course he's letting go when he finally feels like he can.
and finally, getting to the subject of the shipping... I don't think any of the pairs out of these three would be good together. or at least, none of the ones that the show's canonical love triangle has put any effort into developing. Nancy and Steve don't go together at all, and I could just say that what they represent to each other is the exact normative expectations that they're trying to develop out of. a snake would not try to put it's shed skin back on, and these two should not get back together again, simple as that. but also, both of them have changed... character development means they deserve each other now, right? but they've both developed by going down a path of subversion in relation to their initial roles. they're opposites from other sides of the fence now. Steve is very invested in the idea of a future full of cozy domesticity, love, and care... it suits him really well, and he should be able to have that. Nancy seems like she's looking towards a more active and independent future that resists the concept of settling down... if she goes into journalism, she's going to have a lot of work to do. Steve needs someone who can settle in with him. Nancy needs someone who can keep up with her.
and Jonathan needs a break. he and Nancy don't work either because he had to basically be in the mentality of a barely-scraping-by working adult throughout his formative years. I imagine his biggest ambition was putting food on the table at dinner every night, same as Joyce, and even that was probably a lot to handle. at this point, I'd say he's basically relapsing into a second teenager era... one where he actually gets to be immature, and irresponsible, and make dumb decisions, and not worry about heavy obligations all the time. he's not keeping pace with Nancy, or anyone else at this point. and honestly, he's earned it. but I think their relationship was doomed before he even hit this point. he and Nancy seemed like they bonded over both Will and Barb disappearing, but looking at their motives... Nancy was inspired by a guilt-driven need to go above and beyond, addressing something that she identifies as being her mistake. Jonathan is simply continuing a long standing pattern of wearily stepping up to the plate whenever it is required. unfortunately, Nancy sees acquiescing to others as the flaw that led to her mistake with Barb. she was complacent about how others were influencing her when she could've put her foot down. she could've said no to external pressures, and asserted herself. Jonathan is the type of person who would give up everything for the sake of others, but Nancy is done diminishing herself. he is passive, she is active, and that was bound to be a problem at some point.
so what then? all the romance in Stranger Things is rotten to the core, and nothing good will come of it? I mean, realistically, probably... based on what they seem willing to write into canon at this point. but the really funny thing about Stranger Things is that it could solve every bit of this by choosing the gay option for every single one of these characters.
I mean, getting this observation out of the way now: these kids come into their own by way of embracing "strangeness" and rejecting the vague notion of being normal, and then they end up bonding most closely with others who can know and relate to their abnormal experiences... like, idk, the gay thematic symbolism writes itself in that respect. it almost feels like cheating to mention it. basic shit. what's more interesting is looking at the gay ships that the fans typically land on for these three, and seeing how they solve problems that the straight ships leave on the table.
in particular, I think Eddie is the solution to what Steve is missing from Nancy, Argyle is the solution to what Jonathan is missing from Nancy, and Robin is the solution to what Nancy lacks from her relationships with Steve and Jonathan.
to reiterate, Steve's main struggle has been with the expectations of toxic jock masculinity. and while Steve made a name for himself as a popular kid by embodying a normative stereotype, Eddie made a name for himself as a freak and a weirdo by embodying a counterculture persona. they've both given off the essence of someone unapproachable in order to keep up a certain reputation in the past, but neither is as intimidating as they appear. and in reality, if Steve's biggest aspiration is to be someone protective, caring, and stable, nobody could need that more than the town pariah. the relationship would pivot Steve so far away from the "normal" status quo, continuing the trend of Steve finding himself more at peace the farther away from those standards he is, while at the same time letting him fill a niche that suits him in someone else's life. and it's almost cliché to point out by now, but if Steve wants to co-parent a gaggle of kids with someone... Eddie's been collecting them like easter eggs for the express purpose of validating everything that's weird and unique about them, and telling them to keep being exactly who they are, like, since before Steve even knew his name. both of them are committed to providing safety and security to the people they care about, and those who really need it. and they both need someone to return that kindness to them too.
Robin provides a similar social order shakeup to Nancy, being the nerdy marching band kid to her initial preppy popular girl appearance. Robin, however, has a fully fledged backstory about watching someone who fit the typical narrative getting everything that Robin herself wished she could've had. in a way, she parallels Barb... Barb, who was only invited to be anywhere near the popular kids because she knew Nancy. Barb, who was never really brought into the fold because they didn't value her intrinsic qualities or worth. Barb, who was snubbed. in a way, this is like having another chance. but Robin is also a 100% different personality type. she's energetic, and weird, and sometimes leaves Nancy running to catch up, which is exactly the sort of thing Nancy needs, because that means she's definitely not being underestimated. Nancy can fully believe that Robin thinks she's strong, and capable, and brilliant... and because Nancy doesn't have to worry about trying really hard to look strong because Robin already believes it... that also means that Nancy doesn't have to be afraid of looking weak either. a moment of weakness, faltering, or insecurity isn't going to discredit her. Robin will gladly list off her own weaknesses all day long, but it doesn't keep her from going forth and doing amazing things. it takes all of the pressure off, immediately. and this opens Nancy up to her full range of emotions again. she might even be able to have fun again, like she did back before any of this ever happened.
Argyle probably comes off as the most solidly platonic of these pairs, but I think that's because Jonathan doesn't really need a love interest in order to address his issues. that said, if Jonathan having a love interest was like, required? Argyle would be my first pick out of the existing cast. you can see that Argyle genuinely cares about Jonathan, in whatever way you choose to take that, because he genuinely helps Jonathan strategize with his real goals in mind. if Jonathan's real goal is to come away with as few obligations as possible, that's fine. but it still makes sense for him not to lie to Nancy, because that'll only result in worse stress later on. it's all in an effort to get Jonathan to the place he wants to be, mentally, emotionally, or situationally. and even if Argyle thinks Jonathan is making a bad choice, he can voice that without sounding like he's trying to pressure him. nothing about their friendship is ever at stake because of Jonathan's inaction, Argyle is fine with him staying the way he is, even if he's going through a really stagnant phase.
so like... Eddie has all this energy to put specifically towards all the things Steve says he wants, and he has needs that are compatible with what Steve naturally has to give. Robin echoes what Nancy lost without treading on sacred ground, and Nancy doesn't have to feel the need to over perform her competence in order to prove herself to Robin. Argyle is wise and has good advice, but he's also the exact right kind of chill that lets Jonathan believe he isn't failing him, or failing to meet an expectation, or failing to be enough.
and for all three, this would be a firm step away from normal culture. they've all been struggling to find a safe avenue to reject normal culture all this time, and they've finally found a way forward with someone who can help them in the ways they need most. the real problem is that all of this is happening too late in the game. Stranger Things already has this issue of only showing the canon couples interacting on screen during crisis times, and then skipping all that happens in between. we'll watch them go through like, one really traumatizing week, and then we won't see them again for months. and because all the big dramatic switch-ups (making up, breaking up, etc) have to happen while the audience is watching, it starts looking like these relationships either only thrive when a crisis is happening, or fall apart the moment a crisis occurs.
the problem with Stranger Things is that it feels like any relationship that they've set up on purpose, and would be willing to pull the trigger on canonizing, carries this problem. this is why platonic relationships like Steve and Robin feel hugely more solid and dedicated... there's no dramatic incentive to keep us guessing about how they feel for each other. the biggest irony about Steve and Eddie, Nancy and Robin, or Jonathan and Argyle, is that they have potential because the show hasn't tried to do what it typically does to romances with these pairs. the show isn't yanking them around, they're in its blind spot... and that actually gives the characters a chance to seem like they have genuine chemistry, and actually like each other. they get to be uncomplicated.
but all the existing relationship stuff is already crammed into the gaps between the plot all the time because of how the show is fundamentally structured, and the show didn't/doesn't know or want to be building a romance with these pieces anyway, so to leap into any of it in the last season would feel rushed and premature, and would give us no time for an emotional payoff. Nancy and Robin probably have the best shot out of any of them, but they already gave Robin a girl to crush on and be with, and I'm sure they have intentions with Nancy and Steve. my cynical brain says they're planning on finally suggesting that Steve and Nancy have reached a point where they're perfect for each other, only to kill off one of them (most likely Steve) for the drama. which would absolutely suck, not just because he's a fan favorite, but because it feels like the biggest complete butchering of his character's themes.
in general, I think it's a mistake to feel like killing characters is a necessity in order to legitimize a story's weight... when you do that, you get egregious shit like the death of Eddie, which functions horribly within the context of the story being told. I mean, he's the kids' counterculture mentor. he's the school freak who loudly puts that identity out there on purpose, just so he can gather in kids like Mike and Dustin, and give them a place to belong. he's someone for freaks and weirdos to turn to when they feel like nobody else could accept them. and Eddie died because there was just never gonna be a safe place in all the world for him. the narrative gave up on him, in a way that none of the characters were willing to. and if they found him relatable, looked up to him, or want to embody any part of him in his memory, then a target will end up on them too. maybe they'll survive because they started out living in a house instead of a trailer, or because they got better grades, or because they were... more normal. more palatable to normal culture. better suited to blending in. less trouble to the community that killed Eddie, because honestly, it really was Hawkins that did him in.
Eddie's death leaves me bitter because it feels like the show just executed the character that spoke to its thematic core the very most. and so unceremoniously too... it's such an obvious contrivance to back Eddie into the corner he died in, like, from a script writing perspective, this is pathetic. but he was just introduced that season, and based on the Stranger Things formula, we couldn't have expected better anyway. this is what happens when an obligation to fulfill certain arbitrary writing benchmarks supersedes telling a story with real thematic cohesion. you end up with a show that points to all the kids that don't fit in... Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, and even Will and El with their respective troubles fitting in... and it says "there is no safe place for you to exist" before slamming the door and locking it. and sure, maybe they'll rise up against that message, but it's all going to ring pretty hollow now. season four's biggest addition to the character of the world building, is that it makes Hawkins into a community that might not even really deserve saving. it's a community of Angelas, and I'd rather see El go after every single one of them with a roller skate. this is going to make season five feel like an awful chore.
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imaginarymen · 11 months
(This is about Freddie btw) (me and Cross wrote this at like two in the morning)
Am I The Asshole for Pranking my substitute Teacher?
I, 15m, was walking to class one day with my friends, (15 f) (16m) when I noticed that my teacher was not there. It was a Sub and like look I'm not gonna assume but she looked liked those prissy subs you see in cartoons so. Already not off to a good start. So I arrive to class with my friends, and my friend 16 m is just like ‘oh shit’. Turns out the sub is his aunt! Funny how that works. Also his family is. Not good. Like there's three good people in his immediate family and one of them is a seven year old. So anyways I arrive and she gives me a look that is crustier than her. Overused eyeshadow. So anyways I sit down and IMMEDIATELY she calls me bacl up. I am like, okay, what’s the matter do you need smth or and am jsut very confused. She tells me that my arm is "indecent" (I should also add I have a prosthetic). So like. How do I process this. Like I was honestly kinda taken aback bc holy shit she just said that. To a whole--ass 14 year old too. Like cmon you can’t just tell somebody they’re indecent for like literally doing nothing to you and simply not having an arm what the hell. so she tells me to go grab a jacket or smth from my locker. This is where I get the idea. So I have a friend, who looks almost identical to me, and really the only way to tell us apart I the fact that we have different eye colors, and he has both arms. So, rather than listen to her, I decide to have a little fun. I mean if she’s going to make this hour miserable for me the least I can do is try to make it somewhat enjoyable. so I go to my friends classroom (I was his teacher’s favorite last year when I had him :>) and his teacher is cool with him coming and being me for a bit. So we go, switch outfits, he gets my flannel, and then he goes back to class instead of me. This is where the fun begins! So he wrrives, and she doesn’t notice anything for like five minutes. So it gets hot out and he takes off my jacket (seriously did she expect me to wear that the whole time???) and THATS when she notices that he is not, in fact, me. Meanwhile. I am getting FREE Fritos bc I am hungry. So while my friend plays dumb ya boi got his prosthetic stuck in the vending machine (again) (the janitor at my school is thrilled I think that he has to do this at least three times a week (he is not)) So anyways while my friend is being all gaslight gatekeeper girlboss and convincing her that he never had a metal arm I shoot him a text saying that it’s time to switch. Back. Keep in mind I don't even have the prosthetic now. we switch outfits and I go back to my first hour. Sub is now EVEN MORE CONFUSED and I continue my gaslight gatekeep girlbossing. she’s like ‘just a minute ago you had both arms where did that go’ and I’m like ‘wdym I never had that I think you need to get your eyes checked :>’. She is fuming btw :>. So we continue to swap every so often and by the time first period was over this woman was about to blow a gasket. At some point I brought the Fritos to class and was just snackin instead of working. Somehow she noticed the arm but not this (I think she might actually need her eyes checked) like. Not even when I threw one at my 15 f friend. Also, I gave my other friends teacher a play by play and he was amused by my shenanigans :>. Am I the asshole?
LMAOOOOOOO she had it coming
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chmerical · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
❝i'm sorry people are so jealous of me, but i can't help it that i'm popular.❞
ɴᴀᴍᴇ: gretchen carmelita wieners ꜰᴀᴄᴇᴄʟᴀɪᴍ: christina nadin ᴀɢᴇ: 21 ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ: she/her ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴏɴ: personal assistant to madison montgomery ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: dark brown ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: green ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 5'7 ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ: bisexual ( closeted ) ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴜꜱ: single ꜰᴇᴀʀꜱ: becoming irrelevant, losing her connections & lifestyle ʙʀɪᴇꜰ ʙɪᴏ:  glitz, glamour, the limelight.. gretchen wieners loved and thrived in it all. her childhood was a happy one, she'd gone to more places than the average person would go in a lifetime by the time she was 8 years old and had all the best her parents could offer. this lead to her becoming quite the spoiled girl, but that didn't mean she lacked in friends-- she didn't care most people were friends with her for popularity's sake, the more well known she was the better after all. high school was a breeze, she and her two best friends, regina and karen, remained at the top of the food chain. she may not have been the leader, but she was often pulling the strings behind the scenes, making sure things always worked out in regina's favor; if there was something that needed to be done, gretchen would make sure it was, whether or not it was her doing the work ( which most of the time, she wasn't.. she'd often rope others into the grunt work ) but high school didn't last forever and she was forced to go out into the real world. college wasn't in the cards for her, that much she knew, she wanted to go straight into working in the industry and that's exactly what she got. it was no surprise to anyone that the job her dad got her was that of being a personal assistant to one of her favorite actresses. news of how good she was spread and before she knew it, she was booked and busy, although a little stressed, which comes with the nature of the business. when she was approached by madison montgomery's management team, she couldn't help but say yes, everyone knew how infamous the former teen star was, but if there was one thing gretchen loved, it was a big comeback. ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ: gretchen wieners knows what she wants and she's not afraid to do what it takes to get it. stuck up and more than a bit prissy, she fits perfectly into the stereotypical southern california mold, but don't let her valley girl persona fool you, she's not a total airhead-- at least not so much as an adult. when it comes to her work, she does her damn best, but outside of that, she loves to cut loose, and especially gossip. she knows everything about everyone, the proud keeper of secrets. don't worry, she'll keep her mouth shut..maybe.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
There are a few more things about today that we're kind of hurtful these people are expressing themselves about our son in the wrong way and they keep saying that their empire they're running around him saying and our son says you're not even empire you're not suitable empire you're being executed right out there like 20 miles away in the furnace I don't want to hear all this s*** from every single one of you and it doesn't view any good cuz the empire wants you to shut your pie hole and doesn't want to associate with you and they start going to work what the hell you doing I'm being mean can finally comes around at some point in Stan and then become massive rebels because they see that these guys are just feeding the empire and part of the problem is the guy in the frontal lobe of Matt's place in the cause he's a child and he's riding on Mac his rapping on back I mean there's some stupid stuff going on that you should stop I look at it this way they're both rebels and the guy should shut up cuz he's stuck in there so they said you have to respect someone who can figure that out they went out to him and said just what the f*** are you doing and if he's going your way it's going your way they said I can't help it I have to tell them you're telling them they're having you guys fight and you're getting rid of you because that's what they do every time you really you're not really that bright when you're stuck together and they're using that fact that you're really kind of a mess and that you think you can change their minds by saying some dumb stuff as motivation and they move real fast and he said boy this is dumb and it's new to these people but I said a little and I started thinking about it thank you Mac said thank you and our son has said this before now these masks are not real happy with him but they're doing nothing except making people angry they're aware that making our son angry and they keep trying to dig him it doesn't really do anything valuable and they're getting hit and again taking apart but that's their problem and you know why it's very simple you can't stand hearing there's we cannot stand hearing their prissy little mouth it comes out and starts saying s*** they can't back up and they're going to get there now we are going to war with you people you Max and you better learn how to shut your face where you going to go real quick
Thor Freya
I have to tell you what we're doing is messing up some stuff. And it's disgusting here and we're not doing anything to help and we're running our plan and we can't see anything wrong with it and he says you are at the Giants and can't get to them and you know where some of them are and you're spoiled brats and you see the face and you know that they escaped you don't know what to wear I don't know what they have on Saturn if anything I'm sure they didn't sit around although they didn't have too much time and you don't know what's on Mars questions a lot of questions and you can't deep scan we hear all that and say it's true I'm trying to slow down and we can't oh well it's like arguing over nothing we're sitting there piss him off and he's doing stuff and we don't know what it is and it's probably getting worse and worse and nobody can see our point of view and they're not nothing but they don't do things right and yeah I guess we're encouraging it and he doesn't fall for their redhead Cockney stuff cock need it really is cock need it's a real low level thug stuff and believe me cuz I'm telling you that events are matching up with what we want it's like mob stuff it's not a military technique it's low level psychology and you guys are going to be doomed if this is what you got. And his contrary to what we want to do and he says it and we noticed that it is we're having a lot of problems he says how can I help you and we're sort of getting something we're sitting here talking and they're angry about it but sure they want to know how they can help and yeah so since desert after us the Zerg after us and we don't know what superbikes can do now that's supposed to be probably right we probably don't know no we know and don't need it she says what the f*** are you doing asking for it all day long for years and they're saying we made a monster to fight me so it's okay he says then get off the line girlfriend
That was our son and that's how he talks to them because they're very evil condescending losers who insist on winning just like they're retarded kids and they didn't learn it from them their kids learned it from them and the kids don't have it and the empire doesn't have it yet but it's saying they do we know the status and people are going to get the status and and they're mad because you told them to seek the status and they're screaming about him and they don't know now we're going to publish
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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