#and a lot of angry ladies
faejilly · 11 months
Male is such a Hozier couple
Preaching to the choir nonny 🤣
(I have four different Hozier songs on four different Malec/Shadowhunters playlists tbqh, I have a problem. I will continue to have a problem and be glad of it.)
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Ignoring for a moment that this is complete fanfiction, can we talk about how incredibly disgusting it is to frame the Hound murdering Mycah as some flaw of Arya's just to make another character look better?
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movielosophy · 5 months
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Derailment | Holding back is okay for me.
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Man thinking about Peppino going to some fancy art event as Pepperman's +1 is such a fun concept. Like there's some snooty art critics there (not necessarily mean just a lil annoying), so Peppino starts drinking a bit so he can tolerate the more pretentious ones and enjoy himself. So now he's comfortably buzzed and following Pepperman around (since he doesn't know anyone else there), probably leaning on him occasionally to keep his balance and Pepper has to keep being like "He's not a consort! he is drunk i swear!!"
The visual of Peppino following Pepperman like a little duckling is going to make me cry 😭 He even has the little raptor hands when hes not holding a glass of wine. Everything is so loud and bright and its making his heart rate go up but Pepperman is taking everything in stride, and HIM being calm and composed helps Peppino stay more or less composed. He still cannot help the ilu’s; its literally reflexive at this point 😭
Also Pepperman LOUDLY proclaiming hes not a consort is so funny hes like so incredibly full of himself that hes like LADIES…AND GENTLEMEN…I KNOW HOW THIS LOOKS…..DO NOT BE ALARMED, HE IS SIMPLY MY MUSE… NO YOU CANT HAVE HIM. I PAID FOR HIM ALREADY. And someone in the back of the hall is like what the fuck did he say? Pay for him???????
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
I made this blog mainly as a place to store art + memes for my fandoms and doodles of my original stories. I’ve posted a lot of the former, but none of the latter, so… Here you go? Have some goofy “incorrect quotes” inspired jokes of a project of mine called The Name-Oath.
Context is indented and italicized, but you can probably read through the doodles below without getting too confused if you skip it:
The first half of the actual plot is your standard fae romance starring a human woman who doesn’t realize the male lead is a supernatural creature, and just thinks he’s really into cosplaying alone in a mansion in some freaky forest. The second half is rom-com shenanigans between the divorced human woman and male lead after the world's ugliest breakup. He desperately tries to get back together at every waking moment and she just wants to hang out with her bestie Summer and raise her half-fae daughter in peace. The human woman is named Eglantine, but goes by Egg. She got stuck with the nickname during high school and decided to start going by it in an effort to have a more "average" sounding name. This did not work as intended, but it certainly helped her avoid getting her name stolen when she first met the male lead. She's something called a skipwitch. This is a whole worldbuilding thing I'm not going to get into here. The male lead is named Kieran. He is a drama king. He spent several centuries under magical house arrest. He can talk to rats. He has pretty hair. This is all you need to know about him, except maybe the fact that he's royalty. Summer is Egg's best friend, and she is the resident fae expert in her and Egg's coven. Competitive and protective of Egg. She hates Kieran's guts, and the feeling is mutual. Egg and Kieran's daughter is named Violet, but she goes by Froggy. She is a terrifying force of nature by virtue of being the offspring of a skipwitch and Unseelie prince. Enjoys microwave pizzas, her pet beta fish, video games, and getting her way. Alois is Kieran's invisible butler. He's a surprisingly talented singer.
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meatsound · 2 days
just remembered my last night in ny old apartment complex when my neighbor started slamming on my door at 1030 pm going "theres a stranger in my house." and there was. and this lady was so out of her mind she didnt realize she was in a strangers house and she thought this is where she belonged. and it turned out keys from the other buildings on the complex grounds could be used to get into the other buildings and same numbered apartments. awesome
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dandyshucks · 1 month
i know my avoidance for leaving the house is getting bad when not even the siren song of a free meal and pretending my blorbo is going along with me can get me to go out
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cryptid-on-a-string · 6 months
just went to my first ever real protest today, a walk out in honor of Palestine. it was really fun and a good first protest experience so if any of yall see an opportunity to do something like this in your town, i highly recommend it!! :)
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causalitylinked · 1 year
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open the floodgates.
your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
TAGGED BY: @ofliminalities​ ( thank you for the mention! <3333 perhaps one day, i’ll try to be more active. )
TAGGING: @heraid / @hembralfa / @spiritpyro ( hayate and rokuro! ) / @lastgenesis​ / @fractalle / @aaternum / @crimsontroupe ( equinox ) and whoever else would like to do this!
#monark spoilers#█ ▓『 ✦ ⸂ •• QUEUED — ⧼ because livi is a busy adult irl. ⧽ 』#█ ▓『 ✦ ⸂ •• DASH GAMES — ⧼ feel free to steal from me. ⧽ 』#┕━ ❛ ⚕. muse »» 𝐊𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐖𝐀〡i take my problems one step at a time. if i do something i’m gonna do it right.#┕━ ❛ ⚕. headcanons »» 𝐊𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐔〡change your mind about me? i’m the kinda guy who knows how to pick a time and place.#┕━ ❛ ⚕. about »» 𝐊𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐔〡i’m a doctor with rugged good looks. what more could a lady ask for?#[ hm... i feel like this is the most accurate result out of all the rest ]#[ but at the same time I PERSONALLY DON'T SEE KAKERU AS A CRIER ]#[ in fact he's canonically more of an aggressive yeller when he's angry ]#[ to the point where he might violently shove you aside than shed tears ]#[ THEN AGAIN it's also very rare for kakeru to get mad ]#[ meaning if he does snap at you people tend to go 👁👄👁 ]#[ cause he's often just very goofy and chill ]#[ honestly he doesn't even get pissed when hayate is mean to him so that should tell you a lot about his personality ]#[ it is however true that people tend to underestimate him and consider him weak despite the fact he's a pact bearer ]#[ STILL that doesn't change the fact he has a powerful demon at his disposal ]#[ AND has time travel abilities to boot so he's not... easy to really beat in a boss fight ESPECIALLY if he dares to get serious for once ]#[ like yes he's a doctor BUT AT THE SAME TIME he can potentially hurt you should you lower your guard down around him ]#[ when i consider how yoru treated him in-game and look at this result though... i sweat ]#[ BECAUSE SHE PRETTY MUCH HAD NO REMORSE FOR SEVERELY INJURING HIM ]#[ AND WAS ALL SMILE-Y ABOUT IT /despite the fact she was responsible for making him inevitably bleed out and die/ ]#[ so the 'whoever pissed you off think it's funny' part honestly hurts ]
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battle-of-alberta · 1 year
me: yeah so the election is going to suck the life out of me and subsequently this blog so don’t expect anything anytime soon
also me: uh oh sisters my epl hold on cowboys came in never mind
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
don't worry guys if you're ever in a bad place emotionally and seeking guidance some woman with an entirely different outlook on life than you will thrust shitty advice upon you whether you like it or not and then make you feel completely fucking awful about her wealth of wisdom that she is so genuinely convinced she has despite not having any idea . this will make the bad place so much more bad also
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only quality content on stained brutal crackpot dot tumblr dot com
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simplyghosting · 2 years
Not sure how you’re supposed to respond when someone at a funeral says you look like the relative that just passed
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holyhappyhour · 1 year
idk how many people actually remember Hawthorne but I've realized the biggest difference between her and Le is that Hawthorne is a literal super genius and Le
has one braincell
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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It’s Fall Thursday in the Chill Save in this update, and that means Harvestfest! And this one is DEFINITELY a long one, folks -- SIXTY PICTURES worth. So yeah, prepare to see a LOT of the Valicer crew today as the queue fires out six posts’ full of content! Because I have a problem with brevity! XD However, before we can get to Harvestfest, we have to deal with what the trio was getting up to in the wee hours of the morning, before the holiday actually started:
-->In stark contrast to what happened in our last update -- namely, her Fury getting the better of her and sending her home early, denying her a promotion -- Alice had been doing so much painting lately and building up the emotional mindfulness that she’d gotten into that state where she could surge any emotion she wanted! I had her surge “Inspired” and sent her to do, what else, more painting. Because she had a masterpiece to make, damn it.
-->Smiler, for their part, went to talk to Guidry about their Fear of Death, because one of the benefits of a haunted house is always having a ghost around who can tell you about the afterlife. XD One conversation later, and the last of their fears were cleared, yay. :)
-->And then, of course, Temperance showed up, because of course she has to ruin a nice moment. >( She didn’t get to stay for long, though, because that bizarre idol happens to be live-draggable, so all I had to do was pop upstairs briefly and yank it off its shelf and into the study. Temperance got in one evil laugh before the idol lit up, then she stormed off in a huff, allowing Alice to get back to her painting of her own Simmie in his little house shelf. XD Yeah, you get gone, you evil ghostie!
-->While all this was going on, I noticed a growing laundry problem around the house -- seems the hamper had filled up without me noticing. Victor -- actually refreshed by a sleep in his and Alice’s upgraded bed -- went around searching all the pockets, then bringing all the various clothing piles over to the washing machine to get that sorted. Usually it’s easy to stay on top of laundry for these guys, but apparently not today!
-->Victor also found a specter in the kitchen and offered it his first painting on the sketchpad as a gift -- it cheerfully accepted and gave him an little ectocake in return! I had Victor put it in his inventory for later. :)
-->And he also got his magic on by Scruberooing the slightly-stinky Smiler when they came in after their chat with Guidry to groove to the phonograph. XD Always gotta get that magic practice in! Though now I’m wondering if it should be possible to Scruberoo laundry piles. . .probably not in base game, but perhaps in a mod? Hmmm. . .
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
That woman is project so hard it's lowkey pathetic
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