#and cornelia gets to play a wider role which would be fun cause shes actually kinda fun
archer3-13 · 2 years
on a roll i guess, in relation to the 'GW rewrite' ideas post, heres some stuff for AG which is less overall cause i feel AG would need less tuning so to speak
1.Rufus instead of the potrayal we got, is more clearly defined as a philanderer and partier thats being strung along by cornelia and her booba cause hes a dope. still, id also add the complication on him that hes clearly haunted by something and parties harder to hide the pain, which would be the pain of already having been roped into being a coconspirator in the tragedy.
2. chapter reorganization! ch4 and 5 remain where they are, but ch8 is now ch6 and ch6 is now ch7 [cornelia retreating in this versions ch6] and ch7 now being ch8. this gives a bit of a better flow to things i feel so that we arent sporadically jumping from one point to another. cornelia again retreats in ch8 and ch9 is the arianrhod fight as usual. instead of edelgard being a dope and getting thalesed so to speak cause she wasnt paying attention however, thales makes her an offer of renewing their alliance and she actively agrees out of frustration her wars going terribly and fear that she'll lose. then she hegelgards all over arianrhod and you fight her and thales killing thales in the process but losing track of edelgard who explodes all over arianrhod before disappearing.
3. ch 10, claude and dimitri form a fomal alliance to take out the empire and put a stop to this war, claude revealing that he was able to deal with an 'unspecified crisis at fodlans throat' thanks to dimitri putting so much pressure on the northern front of the empires war. now he wants to return the favor, and a plans formulated to take garreg mach and use its position to cut the empire in half. the kingdoms controlled aliell since safely escorting the arcbishop, and the only ones at garreg mach are allegedly a token force headed by the 'southern church'. ch10 sees the kingdom and alliance cut through the ohgma mountains from alliel and ch11 is the assault on garreg mach to recover it from the southern church. both of which go off with little problems.
4. ch12 we learn as to why that is, the empire is practically in shambles divided into countless smaller states all vying for dominance with each other now that the emperor is indisposed. the largest faction at the moment would be the 'aegir' faction which is headed by duke aegir whos claiming to be the regent for edelgard well she deals with an unspecified illness, all the while his troops employ weird technology and the help of mysterious black robed mages. changing plans the kindom alliance church alliance now aim directly for enbarr itself where aegirs faction is stationed. the goal being to take out aegir and capture edelgard if shes in aegirs hands. once ya get to the capital you also get some insight into whats happening there, after thales died and edelgard went plooie and disappeared at arianrhod, cornelia decided to take advantage of the situation taking control of the agarthans herself and picking up a nearly dead edelgard to use in a scheme. now cornelia basically has aegirs faction wrapped around her finger, aegir being nothing more then a patsy to take the heat well cornelia controls him through controlling an amnesiac edelgard who remembers nothing past the experiments. ch12 ends with enbarr being captured but aegir fleeing the capital with edelgard in tow on cornelias orders.
5. ch13 would deal with the kingdom heading off to pursue the fleeing aegir faction well claude stays behind to secure their back, dimitri putting his trust in claude to get things done. ch13 thus sees the kingdom army chasing after the aegir faction through imperial territory catching and killing aegir who stalls for time and delivers edelgard to duke gerth for safety. ch14 then would be the battle for gerth with cornelia taking to the field personally and finally being brought to justice, in part thanks to a timely intervention by claude with edelgard being captured and her current amnesiac mental state being brought to light. nobodies quite sure what to make or do about this, when news reaches dimitri about the most bizzare and suprising thing; nemesis the king of liberation is attacking fhirdiad
6. cornelia had one last trick up her sleeve facilitated by the remains of agartha following their defeat in gerth, and that was to sick zombie nemesis on faerghus territory to deal as much collateral as possible. dimitri and the kingdom army thus return to the kingdom capital for ch15 and the final battle, that being a confrontation on the taitellan plains against zombie nemesis and his elites, rhea and claude providing backup where they can. the ending like my ideas for GW would change depending on byleths recruitment; if not recruited then the kingdom and alliance have to spend time bringing peace back to the splintered empire territories, if byleth is recruited then like my GW rewrite ideas the continent is split between leicester and the kingdom, though on a much more friendly basis despite ongoing tension in former imperial territories.
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