#and how both of them are behaving the way they do
tea-earl-grey · 1 day
i do think it's really interesting to compare the ways Star Trek and Doctor Who succeed and fail as pieces of progressive media because they almost have the opposite problem.
both of the shows are progressive, let's make that clear. while there are exceptions, both shows and worlds consistently critique capitalism, value compassion, solve problems without violence, and at least try to be diverse. there will always be individual episodes (and even eras/arcs) that contradict those values but in general, they are progressive compared to your average procedural or whatnot. but they, by the very nature of their premise, often fail to live up to fully realizing those progressive values. and yes, individual instances of racism or misogyny or any type of bigotry is a product of the bigotry of the writers/creators, but Star Trek and Doctor Who ultimately fail and will always fail to fully embody progressivism.
Star Trek is trapped in its own system of the Federation & Starfleet. for any of the shows to work, we the audience have to believe that the Federation is almost always a good & benevolent force and while criticisms of it are made, those criticisms are the exception and not the rule. the Federation/Starfleet can be criticized but at the end of the story, we must reaffirm that our characters are still good people and it's individual corruption that's the problem. the system can be portrayed as flawed but it must always be better than the alternative. if there is a Star Trek show that would truly dig far enough into how the Federation is a product of imperialism and how the nature of exploring & going where no one has gone before is inherently rooted in racism & orientalism then the franchise would collapse because nearly everything to this point relies on the belief in that a fundamentally good utopian system is possible.
now there's Doctor Who. Doctor Who has a quite different premise in that it is never rooted to one place or time the way Star Trek is attached to Starfleet/the Federation. (there could be an argument that Doctor Who is ultimately rooted in Britain but despite the 2005 series and the UNIT era in classic who, there are large swathes of classic who and the EU that never visit Britain. it's been made an important part of the show (as the show is an important part of British culture) but it's not inherent to the basic premise.) however, because Doctor Who is focused on traveling and seeing the wonders of the universe, its premise essentially becomes "some people turn up to fix a problem and then disappear". again, there are exceptions to this (especially in early classic who), but the formula of the show is almost trapped in the belief of individual action and power to solve systemic problems which... is not how most problems or solutions behave in reality. and just as Star Trek can criticize the Federation but must ultimately forgive it, Doctor Who can criticize the Doctor and portray them as flawed but must still reaffirm their status as a hero.
so we have Star Trek too caught up in its own systems to be able to critique them and Doctor Who too focused on running to portray how complex, long term solutions are needed to solve deeply entrenched problems.
and honestly... i don't think either of these are bad. they're simply the limitations of the shows as they exist and it would be far more worthwhile to develop new premises & find other media that incorporate those types of leftist political values from the start than to try to graft them onto 60 year old media franchises and pretend like they've always been there.
and they do serve a purpose! Star Trek might not be able to adequately portray the flaws of a system but it does give you hope for a better utopian future where people are taken care of and allowed to live however they choose, where there's infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Doctor Who might not be able to portray the complicated solutions to complicated problems that we face today but it tells you that every life matters, that kindness is the most important quality, and that everyone can make a difference in some way.
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the-muppet-joker · 2 days
could you elaborate on your choices for the 4 horsemen for the ponies? i’m deeply curious about your wisdom and insight
Very well.
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Famine = Luna
Both are black horses
When Nightmare Moon takes over, there is no sun. Crops cannot grow under these conditions. Her reign is a reign of famine and no harvest.
Additionally, in the episode Cutie Re-Mark, it is shown that under Nightmare Moon's domain, Timberwolves roam free. While they are not directly tied to famine, they have symbolism regarding Harvest as they are known to howl at the first zap apple and attack those who try to harvest them if they are nearby, hindering people's ability to gather fruit.
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War = Cadance
Naturally, a pony red with the blood of those slain in war is generally not marketable to little girls, who are unfamiliar with bloodlust and afraid of violence. They settled for a close second: pink.
She is the princess of love. Are you familiar with the phrase "all is fair in love and war?" Wars are acts of passion and bloodshed. Passion? Blood? Both symbolically related to the Heart. And what is her cutie mark as well as the sacred object that gives power to her kingdom? The Crystal Heart.
The Crystal Kingdom, Cadance's kingdom, is frequently under threat of was throughout the series. Queen Crysalis and the Changelings. Sombra. Again, in the episode Cutie Re-Mark, we see a timeline im which Sombra had won. And what is the state of Equestria? A mirror fucking image of how other countries in real life are affected by war. We literally have soldiers Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and we see Apple Jack working tirelessly to ship out apple mush to feed soldiers for the war effort. This parallel is so clear and frankly I could go on.
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Conquest = Celestia
Yes I know the image says strife. I wanted the pictures to be in a consistant style and they used the word strife but it says conquest in the Bible. Anyways, they are both white horses.
I mean. Do I need to spell it out? Celestia is an imperialist. She spreads her and her nation's influence and ideology as far as she is able. Cadance is installed as the leader of the Crystal Empire under her direction. They have conflict with the changelings, so they promote a leader more sympathetic to their nation. The school of friendship? Teaching other species the way to act and behave? Are non-ponies unfamiliar with friendship? Propoganda. And she is the Princess of the Sun. THE SUN. NEVER. SETS. ON. EQUESTRIA'S. EMPIRE. Sound familiar?
Do not make an enemy of Celestia or you will be punished and then brainwashed into submission. Luna? The moon. Discord? Stone. Sombra? Tirek? The list goes on. Again, I feel this is a clear parallel that needs little explanation.
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Death = Twilight Sparkle
Indeed this is the most subtle connection. After all, she is not even close to the right color. She is purple! No relation to death whatsoever........ right? WRONG. In the Catholic faith, the calandar is divided into different seasons with associated colors. Purple is the color of death and mourning; priests will exclusively wear purple robes for mass during Lent to symbolize Christ's suffering and death on the cross.
Twilight has a very important role as she and her friends are the bearers of the elements of harmony, with Twilight in the lead. The power of this clearly escalates throughout the series, as the mane six progress from turning Discord to stone to completely destroying Sombra after he is initially resurrected. We watch them become a force that could take away anyone's life force, Twilight especially. And let's not forget the form the elements later take. The tree of harmony. Reminiscent of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, from which humanity committed its first sin and thus were kicked out of Eden, gaining the ability to die.
Twilight will outlive all of her friends. As an allicorn, she is immortal. We see in the last episode that she is in her prime while all of her friends are elderly. How can one be a Princess of Friendship if she sees all her friends to the ends of their lives like a benevolent Reaper? After so many years of standing at the deathbeds of loved ones, she will feel detatched from others. A Princess of Death.
And yes Flurryheart is the fifth Princess but she is a clear allagory for the Antichrist so I did not include her
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of rage and ruin - chapter four
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of rage and ruin series
chapter four
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
werewolf!alpha!Joel Miller x f!omega!reader
word count: 2.9k
summary: You get a better idea of Joel's life here, and your purpose is made explicitly clear.
chapter warnings: dark, dead dove do not eat, a/b/o, alpha/omega dynamics, omegaverse, captivity, canon-typical violence, genre-typical violence, horror themes, graphic violence, abuse by captors (not by either joel or reader), depiction of injury, body horror, typical raider/hunter behavior, mention of cordyceps, angst, viewer discretion is advised, menstruation and oral, slow burn, whipping, explicit abuse by captors
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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“You, girl,” Jim snaps. “Heel.”
Your head whips to the door, fear forgotten long enough to stare incredulously. But the look falls off your face quickly at the rage on his. Out of the corner of your eye, Joel shakes his head minutely, jerking it just enough toward Jim that you get the picture. 
You’d bristle about it later, but the cold rushes back through your veins as Jim’s ruddy face grows darker. 
“Now, bitch.” 
Despite being fully human, a growl rumbles from your cellmate. The shadows do nothing to soften his sharpness, but Jim just waggles the remote to the shock collar in his hand.
“You got somethin’ to say, boy?” he says. 
Joel’s lip twitches, but he falls silent. 
You get to your feet, making your way to the door on shaky legs with your head down. 
He hates it. Hates how you shrink yourself down, how your smell stings his nostrils. 
But he’ll hate what happens next more.
Jim shuts the bars behind you, but not the door. He pushes you roughly up against them, wasting no time binding your hands. With a hand on the back of your neck, he smiles.
Unlike Cheryl’s preternatural ability to be put together in the post-apocalyptical wasteland, Jim wears the end of the world. His hand is rough and wrinkled against your skin, and the terrible grin he puts on when he leans close to your ear is missing more than a few teeth. 
“I told you,” he says, low and slithering, his hot breath gusting in your ear and making you shudder. “You only get her when you behave.”
Joel tears his gaze away from the place you’d vacated, and his whole body jerks like he's about to get up. Everything goes tense, the muscle in his neck taut and twitchy, and the room darkening with the furrow of his brow. “Don’t.”
“Too late for that,” Jim says, huffing a breathy laugh. “You still haven’t learned. I don’t think you’re going to. But she might.”
“Don’t,” Joel warns again.
But it's empty, and both men know it. 
You aren’t sure what's happening, but the overwhelming dread is seeping through your haze of ignorance. Jim yanks you away from the bars just as Joel jumps to his feet to reach it. You're shoved against the door to your room, just far enough to keep Joel’s less-than-human arm from swiping through, claws popping out as he changes. 
For the first time you've seen, though, he doesn’t go all the way. He's still undeniably human, though pushing into something unsettling. An unspeakable oddity, his face just warped enough to be wrong. 
Jim pushes your head against the door. “Don’t fuckin’ move,” he spits
“Leave her the fuck alone,” Joel says. His voice slurred a little with too-long teeth straining his jaw. 
The first hit shocks your system. It doesn’t register right away. The crack rings in your ear, and your vision goes a little fuzzy for a moment before the pain seeps below your skin. 
By then, he’s hit you again. You jerk away, ducking to avoid the range of the belt, but it doesn’t save you. It just means the leather catches you on the thigh, and you nearly topple over. 
Jim catches you by the ear and yanks you back in place. “I said don’t fucking move.” 
This time, when he strikes you, you cry out. You can’t help it; you try to move away again, and finally, he kicks you to the ground. You turn your face in time to avoid breaking your nose, but it hurts like hell. His boot grinds into your back, and he brings the belt down over and over while you writhe and cry. 
When he lets up, you don’t move. With your hands tied, it’s not like you could have gotten up on your own anyway, but you don’t try to roll over or curl up. You just cower, body shaking, blood dripping from a few of the stripes on your back. 
You don’t need to look to know he’s gone full wolf now; the cacophony of rage tells you everything you need to know. You don’t need to look to know when Jim hits the button on the shock collar and takes him to the floor. 
Jim hefts you up by your bound arms and shoves you into your prison, away from his room.
Away from Joel. 
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One sunny September morning—because, of course, it was September, life always ends in Septembers—Tommy Miller arrived at his brother’s cabin ahead of the full moon. He had a case of shitty beer in dusty bottles and was looking forward to the venison jerky Joel’d been smoking.
He knew something was wrong as soon as he opened the door. The cabin was empty—not in of itself a warning sign—but it was immediately clear that Joel wasn’t just out on a hunt or bathing in the creek.
His boots and coat were gone. So was the shotgun. But the quilt on the sofa was musty and the distinct smell of rotting food permeated the cabin.
Tommy’s stomach plummeted and he broke out in a sweat, not bothering to take his boots off as he crept through the tiny home, praying he didn’t find his brother.
The prayers were answered. 
He spent two nights there, knowing it was fruitless, but combing the perimeter for signs anyway. On the third day, he found one.
Maybe it was someone else’s tan cotton duck Carhartt. Someone who happened to be Joel’s size and smelled like the hand-rolled cigarettes and bootleg whiskey Tommy brought from the QZ. 
But he wasn’t a fool, and no matter how many maybes he tried on, they never fit. Neither did the jacket, not really, but that didn’t stop him from pulling it on.
The coat, now a deeper, splotchy brown with tattered gashes, had belonged to his brother.
He took the jacket back to the cabin and took himself back home to Tess for the last time.
They stayed in touch—him delivering to her outside the zone and her traipsing out to the woods—but Tommy Miller would never step a foot back in Boston.
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The days after you took Joel’s punishment were hell. There was no way around it. In addition to the whipping, you went without food or fresh water for another day. With no deliveries, you were left in total isolation.
Your only company was the plaintive whining of your neighbor. Anything louder was immediately silenced by the unmistakable buzz of the shock collar and his sharp yelps. 
On the second day, Cheryl pays you a visit. Her arrival is heralded by nasty growling, and she’s scolding him like a naughty puppy when she opens your door.
“Now aren’t you pathetic?” she coos at your limp body before closing herself in amidst a renewed cacophony. 
You don’t answer. You’ve sprawled yourself out down the length of a bench, uneven boards digging into your stomach just to keep the pressure and dirt away from the welts. 
“Up,” she snaps her fingers. “Wash day. Can’t let you get an infection and die after all we’ve invested in you.”
The steel door to Joel’s cell is closed when she drags you out, but he can clearly smell the fresh blood from jostling your wounds because he starts growling again.
“Stop,” you whisper, barely audible, and he falls silent.
“What was that?” Cheryl asks, but you don’t acknowledge her and let out a slow breath when she brushes it off.
Wash day is always terrible, save one part: the sun. It’s the only time you get to be outdoors, the only chance you have to feel sunlight on your skin. Today is particularly nice, the warmth immediately embracing you.
Cheryl doesn’t usually do the honors herself, but the others seem to be absent. At least, that’s what you think.
She clips your cuffs to the hook dangling from an old, rusted basketball hoop and grabs the hose, unleashing the frigid spray on you without warning.
It always hurts, but your sore and wounded body suffers more today. Blood drips down the back of your thighs, and you bite your tongue against the wretched sting. She doesn’t scrub you which is a blessing and a curse. No rough sponge on your wounds, but no soap, either.
She leaves you there for a minute, nozzle still dripping lazily as it dangles from her hand.
“Why hasn’t he claimed you yet?” She asks after you’ve begun to shiver despite the weather.
“He didn’t fuck you. He shouldn’t have been able to help himself. What’s wrong with you?”
You’re baffled, but overcome by the sudden sense of fear. She thinks he’s rejecting you, and it’s clear now that by not raping you, he’s endangered you still. 
You can feel your life expectancy dwindling under her scrutiny.
“I-I don’t know,” you say uselessly.
“Hmm,” is all she says, drumming her nails against her folded arms. 
“Um. You keep taking me away,” you try quickly. “He probably just thinks you’ll do it again.”
She scoffs. “Sweetie, his last omega didn’t make it ten minutes before he lost control.”
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When she brings you back in, there’s not a peep from the wolf. She shuts you back in your shitty locker room, water still dripping from your hair. Your bra and panties are drenched.
But you’re used to it. 
It’s not long after she leaves that he whines again.
“Shut up,” you hiss. “Just shut up. ” The anger blindsides you both. You want to be mad. You want to reach down somewhere deep in your chest and unearth the bloody lump of indignant rage.
“I know you can hear me, so just listen. I’m stuck here because of you. I’m injured because of you. And now she’s threatening to let me die because of you. So just fucking be quiet and leave me alone for once.”
It’s like a slap in the face. No, it’s worse. It’s true, and he knows it. Your words, your undeniable words, tear into him and hurt the wolf so badly that he turns back into the man.
That’s a first.
Now he knows the line. Being rejected so thoroughly by his mate is more than the beast can bear.
“I’m sorry,” he croaks, and it’s the last you hear from him for two weeks.
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By the time you’re back in his room, you’ve come to regret your cold words. You know he didn’t ask for any of this; didn’t ask to be held captive; didn’t ask for them to take you.
But you can’t unsay it, and you can’t bring yourself to admit it out loud.
You’re loose again, the cage seemingly a thing of the past, when he returns. The Wolf stalks in and almost ignores you. Almost.
But he can’t, not when you smell like blood. 
You look rough. He doesn’t like it. It stands his fur on edge, bristling at the way you wince when the cramps roll through, how you can’t settle in a way that soothes your aching hip. The way you can’t eat your stew when they bring it alongside his heaping tray of meat, wrinkling your nose at the smell. 
It takes him mere minutes to gobble it up, but the hunger lingers. Tomorrow’s the full moon, and he’ll be released to feast, but the insatiability gnaws at him until then. And it’s so hard to resist you.
Your musk may be undercut with battery acid but the coppery tang on the air has him salivating. Literally slobbering.
And that primal burning inside him knows just how to sate his hunger and the frankly distressing need to soothe his omega. 
His. The thought sends him rumbling, startling you with the deep, entrancing sound. You meet his eyes, and when he sees them shine with unshed tears, all resolve dies.
Omega, hurt. 
He stalks over, lumbering on all fours, warped spine arched as he gives into the slinking, slow approach of the predator he truly is.
You still flinch back when he nears, and he has had enough. Don’t you realize? If he wanted to hurt you, if he was capable of it, he could have. Would have.
His hot breath floods across your knees, the only warning before he nestles his snout between them and shoves.
You recoil against the wall. 
He whines, nudging you again, urging you to open up for him, to expose the sweet flow that is so uniquely you and just for him. All for him. His.
“Stop,” you whisper.
He nudges you again.
“Knock it off. I told you, it’s just my cycle.”
He makes sure you’re looking before he rolls his eyes. 
Your jaw drops. “Seriously?”
He huffs. Why won’t you just cooperate? Why do you always have to be so goddamn stubborn?
He nudges your hand and waits until you look at it. He licks your wrist with a long, wet stripe of saliva left behind and then looks down at where your thighs are resolutely closed.
“Ew,” you say instead of obeying.
He tries again and watches it click as you cringe back.
“I don’t care if it’ll take away the pain,” you scold. “Absolutely not. You cannot be serious.”
He growls at your protests, bumping you again.
“That’s gross. Seriously, Joel.” But your resolve is not strong. You acutely remember how nice it felt when he healed your rope burn and how gently his tongue had lapped at the raw flesh. And you’re on your second day, the migraine fading but the sore ache making itself known as you hold your body tense through the pain. 
He nudges you again.
“It’s… wrong,” you try weakly. And you think you should feel that way, but deep down, you just don’t. There was a reason you read Twilight when you were too old for that kind of horny pre-teen nonsense. There was a reason your bookshelves had been full of Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris. 
There was a reason you watched The Creature From the Black Lagoon and American Werewolf in London and all those classic monster movies over and over and over.
The tension in your thighs eases, and when his cold nose shoves between them again, your knees part easily.
He rumbles his approval, knocking your legs apart as he lowers his great, hulking self to the ground, where your blood is slowly pooling.
Two enormous, furry hands grip your legs, careful not to prick you with the long claws. The muscles of his arms ripple, and you feel your breath hitch, growing shallow.
You jolt at the first brush of his long, rough tongue. You had expected him to start slow, tentative. To see if he could tolerate it.
But he has you spread firmly, all but forcing his tongue into your aching cunt and lapping greedily at his spoils.
The flow is quickly becoming diluted by your arousal, which only serves to spur him on.
You make the mistake of looking, stomach swooping as you take in the nightmarish beast, whose eyes are flooded with ichor as he slurps greedily from you.
It wasn’t even necessarily erotic. He wasn’t attempting to coax an orgasm from you, not enticing you with soft flicks to your clit or any real stimulation. He was simply feasting . 
That doesn’t stop you, though. It’s an electric feeling, his wide tongue filling you, emptying you, purging you of your pain with each swipe against your walls, and it brings you abruptly over the edge of your pleasure.
You come back to your senses gasping, a hand fisted in his fur. You loosen your grip but don’t let go as you come down from the feeling.
The noise doesn’t register at first, but it’s not long before the echo of the slick slapping where he’s fisting his cock surrounds you. He’s still between your legs, his snout pushed up against your cunt with fervor as he tugs roughly at the thick, uncut length.
It’s a beast all on its own, and you shiver at the thought of him splitting you open with it, of watching the angry red tip emerge and disappear inside you.
You think he’s going to be embarrassed, but he can’t find the feeling within him. His hot cum splatters on the ground, splashing against your toes, and instead of slinking over to his waiting bed, he curls his entire body around you like a can cozy.
You can’t complain. His tongue had eased your aches, leaving you drowsy and tingling, almost drugged. His fur is rough and yet somehow silky, and he’s broad enough to envelop you entirely in warmth. 
The Wolf may have no qualms, but the Man, as you come to find out, is another story.
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jacaerysgf · 19 hours
chapter two Stuck in the middle
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c.s: today is the day of the tourney and you are more than hopeful everyone will be better behaved today. But what happens when you are the one who does not behave. oh no, do you hold affections for both princes!?!?
w.c: 3.1k
a.n: a shorter one i know but i promise its all set up for the individual endings :33 love you guys i hope enjoy <3
fic masterlist
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“Well someone looks grumpy this morning.” You grumble as you stab your fork into the array of fruits resting in your plate. “I am not grumpy.”
You are. You did not sleep well last night. Thoughts clouded your mind so heavily you are glad you even managed to fall asleep before sunrise.
You eat breakfast in silence while jeyne and jessamyn chat about the upcoming tourney.
“I think aemond will win” at the mention of his name your head shoots up and you narrow your eyes when you see they are already looking at you with a humorous look. “What?”
“Oh nothing. I simply wish to know your thoughts on the prince.” “He is fine.”
“oh maybe prince jacaerys is more to her taste.” “no it is certainly prince aemond you saw the way he looked at her and she spoke to him!” “are you blind? she was clearly fawning over prince jacaerys and he her!”
“will you both please stop talking about this?” You put your head in your hands as you feel a headache begin to grow. You are not ready to see both of them today you feel like you might die. Atleast they will not be together today for jacaerys will not be participating in the tourney but that also means you will be spending your time with him.
It is not that you do not like him. If anything you adore him you were so close as children but you cannot stand this strange stand off he’s been having with aemond and you pray it doesn’t spill over into today.
He has not come out by the time you arrive to the stands and sit down next to what you believe to be his chair with lucerys seated at your other side. You can see people from the stands below eyeing you and whispering to each other but you try to ignore it. Who cares about what they have to say? You do. You are squinting your eyes to try and see if you can read their lips.
You feel a hand touch your arm and you turn to lucerys who smiles at you. “Are you well dear sister?” “I am not your sister my prince.” A mischievous smile graces his face and you give him a confused look, “Not yet my lady.”
Before you can even ask him what he’s talking about jacaerys sits down beside you and you smile at him. You are always astounded by how gorgeous he truly is, grateful he has fully embraced the curls of his hair and has truly embraced his Targaryen ancestors, rarely being found without the sigil stitched onto his clothes. “Y/n Good day.” “Good day jace.”
He smiles warmly and readjusts himself in his chair. “I’d like to apologize to you. I had lost myself last night and acted inappropriately, acted before i had thought of how you would feel. I offer you my deepest and most sincere apologies.” You shake your head, How could you ever be upset at him? “I accept your apologies and i am glad you did apologize. Most men wouldn’t.”
A look of pride graces his face as he grins, “Thankfully i am not most men.” You find your fingers aimlessly playing with the cuff of his sleeve as you turn to face out at the crowd again, suddenly not caring about what those around you had been saying. “You certainly are not.” He looks down at your hand before he leans back in his chair, turning his wrist around and lacing your fingers with his. You can’t help but flush as his boldness but when you turn towards him and see he is not looking at you but a large grin can’t help but stay on his face.
Suddenly rhaenyra is giving a small speech before the events begin. You are much more invested than you thought you would be, leaning forwards out of your chair whenever the men would come riding out and find yourself gasping at the brutality. “Enjoying yourself?” You turn to jace and nod, “Of course! things like this never happen in the vale, it is rather boring but this is much fun.” You laugh and allow yourself to take a drink from you cup.
“You know we hold tourneys rather often in kings landing, ive grown to find them rather stale.” You tilt your head at him, “truly so often you could grow to find this boring?” “Everytime there is a nameday a tourney tends be thrown in their honor. It grows quite boring once it is your third one this year alone.” You chuckle, “I imagine you are quite miserable right now.” He shakes his head and looks at you with a glint in his eye, “Not quite. I am rather content now with my company i can find anything enjoyable.” You smack him on the shoulder and roll your eyes jokingly, “Shut up.” “Telling your prince to shut up? Do you have no regard for yourself? I am the heir!” “and you shall be buried if you continue with your nonsense.” “it is not nonsense if it is true. You truly are the loveliest company of them all.”
You hum and turn away as you try to calm your racing heart. Yet you find yourself imagining spending you life here. Getting to see these tourneys all the time, getting to feel this thrill, getting to be with jace. You turn to look at him and he is staring out into the crowd with a blank look, he must truly find these events boring. Yet when he turns to look at you you see his face light up and the sun catches his perfectly making him look like an angel. He tilts his head at you, “Is something wrong?” You turn and shakes your head, clutching the favor in your hand tightly.
The mood suddenly darkens as you see aemond finally ride up and you see him tense and you lean forward in your seat. He is dawned in armor that has dragon imagery all over it and graces with a helm which had dragon wings sticking out of the top of it. His face is covered but you’re sure he looks as glorious as ever. You watch as he stops his horse to face the royal box and you swear you can see him pointed in your direction.
You feel a tap on your shoulder, “were going to stand to greet the men this time, you wish to join us?” You look at jace who looks annoyed but does nothing to stop you as you stand and lace your arm with baela’s and walk towards the rail. You lean over and see a rather handsome man standing at the stands. “Is he dornish?” “oh god’s he’s dornish.”
“wyl sand, pleased to meet you.” He suddenly stands in front of you and looks up at you with a grin, “The beauty of the eyrie, you are truly beautiful my lady, if i could have your favor i am sure to bring you glory.”
You stare at him alarmed before your eyes look to aemond who sits frozen on his horse almost as if he is a statue. You turn your head back to jace and you swear you see his eye twitch as he looks at you blanky. you find yourself lost. What happens if you give it to him? will jacaerys and aemond be furious? You do realize you owe them no loyalty you are a free women to do as you please. You grip the favor tightly in your hands as you think to yourself, maybe this will settle the peace a little, if you gave your favor to aemond, who is sure to ask for it as he had asked yesterday, jace would surely be angry but if you gave it to a third party what is the worst to happen?
You hope nothing truly horrible as you toss down the favor and watch him catch it with a small smile. “I wish you well today, ser.” “I am sure to do well with your blesses and favor my lady.” You can’t help but glance at aemond quickly rides away into his starting position not even asking for a single favor. A pit forms in your stomach as you begin to get a bad feeling. “Something bad is going to happen.” You cannot agree more. You watch with weary eyes as the two men ready themselves and you can’t help but grip the rail tightly.
It happens in a flash the two ride past each other and you let out a breath of relief seeing as they both stayed on their horses. You lean forward as the words are called again and the two begin to ride towards each other once more your heart pounding. You barely believe your eyes as aemond falls of his horse and you gasp, covering your mouth with your hands. “Unbelievable!”
You begin to feel bad as if this had been your fault. You clutch over your heart as you watch him struggle to stand, a sickness takes over you as you watch wyl walk over to him and he seems to be saying something to him. “This cannot end well.”
It happens to quick you believe you had imagined it. Suddenly aemond is tackling wyl and punching him over and over beating him into the ground. The crowd errupts into a fever as you stumble back like you can’t believe what you’re watching. He suddenly stands after a couple long moments before reaching down and ripping something off of him.
Your favor.
You watch in horror as he ties it around his wrist as he walks over and poor wyl gets dragged off, you can barely even see his face beyond the blood that has laced it. You can’t breathe. Theres no way he did that because he was mad over the favor no? certainly not. There was no way, right? You turn around and see everyone look at you concerned or alarmed. No.
“I,,, need some air.” You quickly hurry out of the booth and away from the events. Jace stands up and goes to follow after you but rhaenyra places a hand on his shoulder and shakes her head at him. He sits back down but stares at the direction you had run off with a worried gaze.
You walk far enough away you can no longer hear the crowd, it is some walkway you believe, there is some benches and a small pond placed in the center. You find yourself sitting in one of the benches as you try and catch your breath. You place your hands on your knees as you try your best to clear your mind.
“It is not your fault” you remind yourself in a hushed whisper.
“It is certainly not.” You jump at his voice and look up at him alarmed.
Still dawned in his armor which you can now see has speckles of blood covering the torso and the shoulders up to his neck, you see he’s also taken off his gloves you do however notice he’s clutching your favor in his right hand. When you finally look at his face you notice he had some blood speckled all over his face but he had a particular large mark near his lips.
“My prince-” “aemond i beg of you call me aemond.” You freeze at his sudden interruption and notice he looks rather distraught. “Are you alright,, aemond?” you struggle with his name on your tongue before it actually comes out, not used to referring to him so casually. “You should not feel like it is your fault i assure you it is not. I acted with my anger not my head and i will punish myself for it. though i offer you my apologizes for everything.”
“why did you do it?” You look at his eye and he gazes into yours like you are the only women on earth. He pauses for a long long moment, allowing himself to savor the moment. “He had something i wanted.” “My favor? I’m sorry i knew you had asked for it-” “Your attention. The strength and the courage to go ask you for it.” You find yourself staring at the blood on his lips too often and bring your thumb to brush it off his lips and he lets out a couple shaky breaths. “Why did you not ask me for it?”
“I am ashamed to admit i was nervous. I am disfigured, i would not want you associated with me should you not wish it.” You shake your head as you feel your heart break at his words and expression. “I would have given it to you.” You do not mean for your words to crack but you can’t help it. You like aemond you do, though you don’t know him as well as you would wish too, your heart cant help but hurt for him as you think about the cruelty he must have faced through his life.
He says nothing but continues to stare at you. His hands come lightly to grip onto your cheeks the exchange between you is wordless. he places the lightest kiss against your lips before he pulls away, the two of you completely overwhelm with emotions, the two of your sharing battered breaths as he pulls you into kiss him again. This time it is full of fever, its sloppy due to inexperience yet it makes up in eagerness.
The two of you pull apart and attempt to catch your breaths, You find yourself letting a laugh and he smiles a light laugh escaping him as well. “What was that?” “I have no idea.”
“Aemond!” You two pull apart quickly and aemond turns around to see criston sprinting towards him, “The queen has asked for you.” Criston looks between you and aemond bewildered but a pleased look graces his face as you turn away from him, “Let us go.”
Aemond turns to you and smiles, “I shall see you, my lady.” “I shall see you, aemond.” He walks off with criston the smile staying on his face, You see the two enter a heated, well it is only really heated from criston while aemond seems to be remaining as calm as ever, discussion about something, criston turning back a couple times to look at you. You’re sure everyone will be talking about the fact that you were alone with aemond by nightfall. If you were not lucky criston could have caught on to what you were just doing and would tell everyone.
You decide you should head back, not knowing how long you had been out here. You attempt to calm yourself as you walk back to the tourney, the voices of the crowd growing louder and louder the closer and closer you get. yet they are not louder than the voices in your head
Did this mean you were courting? did you want to court him? what would happen to jacaerys? why were you thinking about jacaerys? why couldnt things just be easier?
You walk back up to your seat and smile as everyone welcomes you back, and thank everyone as you move to sit down next to jacaerys again.
“Are you alright y/n?” Your heart aches at the concern obvious on his face and you can’t help but feel you had betrayed him slight. “I am thank you.”
You turn away from him and try not to give into his burning gaze into the side of your face. You cannot get into the rest of the tourney and barely even clap your hands as some random knight wins.
When you stand to leave jacaerys stops you by grabbing your wrist and you turn to look at him, “May i walk you back to your room?” You nod your head unable to refuse him and he gives you a light smile as he offers you his arm as he lets go of your wrist. You grab it and say goodbye to the others as you walk off, not noticing the way alicent glares at the two of you while rhaenyra holds a pleased look.
He breaks the silence once the two of you were alone, walking through the empty keep halls “you are free to tell me if you are upset but i do not wish to push you-“ “he kissed me”
The two of you freeze. You realize that was not the best way to go about it but you had to tell him. It felt wrong not to. Thought you are not officially courting you knew it was inevitable. You look at him as he keeps his gaze forward unblinking as his jaw clenches.
suddenly he begins to walk again and you are shocked but attempt to keep up with his long strides. You feel awful as he continues to not gaze at you.
“I know we are nothing official nor are me and him anything official but i felt like i had to tell you, you are important to me-“
He suddenly pushes you against the wall and you gasp, staring at him with wide eyes. “jace-“
“do you wish for me to kiss you?”
you should be furious. you should slap him across the face and tell him no. tell him to release you and walk away. his first thought when you tell him you kissed another man is to ask you to kiss him? Is he crazy?
but you do want him to kiss you. So maybe that makes you crazier than him.
The first thing you notice is his lips are softer than aemonds. The kiss is also a lot softer. Like he is in no rush, he has all the time in the world to worship you and press his lips against yours. He hums lightly as yours hands come up to his neck and play with the hairs on the back of his head. You slowly pull apart and he leaves a couple more pecks on your lips as you two smile.
“You are a wonder.” you laugh lightly at his praise. and shake your head. “You do not need to flatter me.” “It is not flattery it is simply the truth.”
you push against his chest and he stumbles back with laugh. he opens his mouth as if he is about to speak but a maid suddenly rounds the corner. “my prince. You are needed for a meeting with the council.” you watch as his face falls and he sighs, giving you a sad look. “I shall see you?” “i shall see you.” he grins at you before he walks off with the maid, not before glancing at you once more before rounding a corner.
you let out a long breath and lean your whole body weight on the wall until you slide down the wall onto the floor.
You were certainly in a lot of trouble.
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hedgee777 · 2 days
Cw: yandere themes, murderer, kidnapping, ooc, gaslighting, jealousy, forced relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness manipulation/gaslighting, mentions of stockhlom syndrome.
Okay, but imagine yandere villain serial killer Robin, but she's still an idol.  Basically, she lives a double life. During the day she's a famous celebrity, and during the night she's the reason why paparazzi go missing. Robin got so sick of them that she begin getting rid of them. Of course, no one suspect that a sweet and kind singer could do something terrible.
One night an angel got saved by one of her fans. The fan distracted the paparazzi and hid Robin from them. As gratitude, Robin offered you to spend time with her and how could you refuse her? Even after the first hang out day, Robin continued to spend time with you. For the first time in her life, the idol felt genuinely accepted. Not as some beautiful celebrity but who she is. That's when her obsession begins over you. 
Due to her gentle nature, you don't realize that she is the reason why your enemies have vanished. When an angel is with you, she's pure, but when a mysterious serial killer commits a crime, she's cold that hides her anger. Robin is also a good actress. You might not notice it, but when someone flirts with you she gives them deadly glare as a warning. After all, she doesn't want others to take what belongs to HER.
If you find out the truth, then Robin kidnaps you. She can't let you go,especially how much you matter to her. As you wake up, your wrists are tight in the bed. Robin  smiles gently as she sees her adorable darling panicking. No matter how much you beg her to let you go, she'll refuse. And trust me, you're unable to escape, especially since Sunday always helps her.
In this situation, Robin won't let you out. There are already tons of the missing posters of you and not only is it risky for her career influence, but most importantly of losing you. However, if she or Sunday are able to find a way to send you both to another planet, Robin will think about letting you go outside. One two conditions, first you have to behave. Only good darlings earn their reward. And second, you'll always have to be close to her. Even if she trust you, Robin still wants to keep an eye on her precious spouse.
Like a good older brother Sunday is, he will definitely take a visit for a few days. Just for his sister, he'll try to find someone to replace him for a while. After all, he can't miss his sister's arranged wedding, can he? He's so happy that his sister found someone special. Sunday even threatens her lover, if they ever hurt her then they'll face consequences. Of course, he won't kill you, that would break Robin's heart. Instead he'll get rid off your loved ones. But that's alright, sooner or later Stockholm Syndrome will come to you. 
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This is the one! This is the last of all the Cove posts digging into what you can change either through your own choices or the Cove Creator!
We're talking about what changes Cove's future and how Studious/Sporty he is!
Here's a rough recap of everything from the last two posts:
What Cove favors in terms of academic/indoorsy or athletic/outdoorsy activities is a spectrum where he can be either Studious, Mixed, or Sporty. Step 1 Cove begins as Mixed, not favoring either, then can either lean one way or stay where he is in following steps depending on the player's choices.
A player who encourages Cove to do more athletic things rather than bookish things will lead to their Cove being Sporty, and vice versa with encouraging him to do more bookish things to get a Studious one. A Mixed Cove is more likely to happen if the MC doesn't lean Cove either way (not just balancing but actively not encouraging either types of activities).
Cove may also lean in the opposite direction of the MC if the MC's choices indicate/imply that they are better at something bookish/athletic than Cove. The MC and Cove can both still be studious at the same time or sporty at the same time, but the MC just has to be careful not to exclude Cove from the studious/sporty things they participate in.
How this factors in at the end of a step is a point system, which is also how the warm-moderate-cold spectrum works. Depending on how the MC interacts with Cove when certain options are presented to them, he'll gain either studious points, sporty points, or none at all. Whichever Cove has more points of in at the end will be used to calculate if he's Studious/Sporty or not (if there aren't enough points to make him Studious or Sporty, he'll be Mixed), and the other points are "thrown away."
The way Cove ends up looking is unrelated to whether he's Studious/Mixed/Sporty, except in cases where such choices may overlap, which is exceedingly rare.
Despite the Cove Creator having options between Studious and Mixed as well as Mixed and Sporty, these options do nothing and will simply behave as if you chose a Studious/Sporty or Mixed Cove, depending on the Step you're in.
Following that last bullet point, the Cove Creator continues to work as it does in Step 3: the button for Studious, Mixed, and Sporty work as you'd expect, whereas the button for Studious-Mixed and Mixed-Sporty will lead to a Mixed Cove. There's no need to worry about potentially missing anything though, as there's nothing that would've been exclusive to a hypothetically Studious-Mixed or Mixed-Sporty Cove anyway (which has been the case for the whole game anyway; the game only checks to see if your Cove is Studious, Mixed, or Sporty).
How Cove's future is affected by whether he's Studious/Mixed/Sporty goes like so:
If Cove is Studious, he will go to college to study marine biology. His goal is set on becoming a natural resource technician (or finding environmental consultation jobs on the side if he shares a business with the MC) and he volunteers at ORCA when his workload allows it.
If Cove is Mixed, he will get a two-year degree and begin working full-time at ORCA (or part-time if he shares a business with the MC), helping educate the public on ocean conservation efforts and participating in shore restoration efforts.
If Cove is Sporty, he will decide against pursuing a degree and focus fully on his career. He will get a small business teaching surf lessons (or only do it on the side if he shares a business with the MC) and volunteer at ORCA when his workload allows it.
Though, beyond Cove's actual future, you won't actually get any extra narration/dialog if your Cove is Studious. Mixed and Sporty Cove get a bit, but share the same ones. If you only care about getting the most dialog/narration possible, don't have a Studious Cove.
There is at least one fun difference in how this works compared to the other steps though, which you'll also find all the way at the bottom of this post. In all other steps, whether your Cove was already Studious/Mixed/Sporty had no impact on what he could become next, so a Sporty Cove staying the way he is from one step to another was just as easy as a Studious Cove becoming Sporty.
Here, however, the game will add a single point towards sportiness if your Step 3 Cove is Sporty, and it's the same with a Studious Step 3 Cove towards studiousness.
See for yourself! Here's the final list on Cove's modifiers!
Step 3 Intro
Hang (Cove's Version)
When Cove asks the MC what they'd like to do on the beach:
"The water sounds good." (if the MC is wearing a swimsuit) [sporty +1]
"Taking a stroll would be fun. I don't mind my feet being in the water." [studious +1]
You planned to just get some sun. [studious +1]
"Either way is fine. What would you wanna do?" [sporty +1]
(following above choice) When Cove talks about letting the mermaid dream go:
You burst into laughter. [no change]
"That's hardly proof. It's not like this is the only beach in the world." [studious +1]
You pretended to be shocked and disappointed. [no change]
You shook your head. [no change]
"Wow, good for you with that revelation." [studious +1]
While the MC and the others wait for Cove:
You wrote 'wash me' in the dirt on his car. [sporty +1]
You waited for Cove. [no change]
As Cove talks about how Sunset Bird felt bigger growing up:
"It definitely felt bigger then." [sporty +1]
"It's always seemed like there wasn't much here." [studious +1]
"There are tinier places out there." [sporty +1]
"You guys are lucky to live in decent sized cities." [studious +1]
You quietly nodded along. [no change]
You shrugged. [no change]
When the offer is given to return to the neighborhood or go to the park:
You decided to go back to the neighborhood with Cove. [studious +1]
You wanted to continue the hang out session at the park. [sporty +1]
If the MC chose to wander the market with Cove and is in a good mood/feeling better during their break (non-Indifferent only):
"Can you give me a piggyback ride?" [sporty +1]
"Could you carry my things?" (if the MC has any bags) [studious +1]
"Want me to carry your bags?" [studious +1]
"Want a piggyback ride?" [sporty +1]
You quietly enjoyed the break from walking. [no change]
(note: I swear I didn't swap any of these, Cove gets a studious point for carrying your things and a sporty point if you offer a piggyback ride; I don't know why)
If the MC is an ORCA member:
[studious +1]
After it's time to wrap up at the beach (if the MC is an ORCA member):
You raised your hand for a high-five. [no change]
You nudged your shoulder against Cove's. [no change]
You started pushing Cove on the back to move forward. [studious +1]
You ran off. [sporty +1]
You started to walk. [no change]
If the MC is not an ORCA member:
[sporty +1]
If the MC joins Cove for fireflies and suggests the door, leading Cove to ask if he should follow behind (non-Indifferent only):
"No. Just don't make any noise." [sporty +1]
"Yeah. Follow me." [studious +1]
You outlined the optimal route to keep your path the farthest from your parents' room. [studious +1]
You shrugged. [sporty +1]
If the MC joins Cove for fireflies and suggests the window, leading Cove to ask if they want help (non-Indifferent only):
You nodded yes. [sporty +1]
You shook your head no. [no change]
While the MC is relaxing on poppy hill with Cove:
You continued watching fireflies. {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You wanted to catch some fireflies. {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You asked Cove if he wanted to catch fireflies. {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
You challenged him to a rolling race down the hill. {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
↳ "I made it down first." [studious +1]
↳ "You won." [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
↳ "Looks like we tied." [sporty +1]
↳ "Did you see who won? I didn't..." [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
↳ You stayed silent. [no change]
You asked Cove to dance with you. (if non-Indifferent) [no change]
↳ "I'd just like to." (if Soiree didn't happen) [no change]
↳ "I think I want to dance with you again, before it's over." (if the MC danced with Cove in Soiree and had the conversation with him) [no change]
↳ "It makes sense, look at how you're dressed." [no change]
After Cove and the MC take a break to eat and refuel (if the MC has a driver's license):
You took shifts driving throughout the trip. [no change]
You helped Cove stay alert while he drove. [studious +1]
After Cove talks about he and MC being responsible adults (non-Indifferent only):
"Yes, very responsible." [studious +1]
"No, we're not." [sporty +1]
"Well, I am. Cove, though..." [sporty +1]
"Cove is, though I can't say the same for myself." [studious +1]
You simply smiled at him. [no change]
"Uh, maybe you should sleep in the living room after all." [no change]
After Cove admits to wanting to try jet skiing again (Indifferent only):
"That seems like a bad idea." [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"Good luck." [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"That sounds fun!" [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"Can't wait to see your new scar." [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
"Are you sure?" {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You stayed quiet. {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
When Cove talks about the legal age of jet skiing in California being eighteen (non-Indifferent only):
"Yes!" [sporty +1]
"No!" [studious +1]
"Let's use our adult powers for a jet skiing adventure!" [sporty +1]
"You want to break another bone?" [studious +1]
"There are more exciting things adults can do," you joked. (if Crush/Love and not dating Baxter) [no change]
You were silently shocked. [no change]
When Cove looks nervous from jet skiing (if the MC went with him to talk to Mr. Holden a second time):
"Go Cove! You can do it!" [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"Come on, are you really gonna chicken out now?" [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"It'll be alright, Cove. Trust yourself!" [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You let him have a moment. [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
Late Shift
all studious/sporty points are exclusive to non-Indifferent interests
After Cove wonders what to do since the moms didn't specify what color peppers they wanted the MC to get:
"No, it doesn't matter." [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
"We'll have to get one of every color." [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"I'll text mom real quick to ask." {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"She left it out, that means I get to make the call." [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
"I don't know... What do you think?" [studious +1]
When Cove realizes that he needs to get fruit for his breakfast:
"Whatever it is, you better hurry 'cause I'm getting in line." [sporty +1]
"Cove, you had plenty of time for that before we were leaving." [no change]
"I can go back to look with you." [studious +1]
If the MC saves their and Cove's spot at the table in the fast food place, letting him get the food himself:
[sporty +1]
If the MC goes with Cove to get the food trays at the fast food place instead of saving their spot at the table:
[studious +1]
When Lee wonders who should go first in the party game:
"Me!" [no change]
"How about rock, paper, scissors to decide?" [studious +1]
"We could have an arm-wrestling contest to choose." [sporty +1]
"I don't care." [no change]
You waited for someone to speak. [no change]
If the MC helps Cove during the party game by hinting at french fries or their moms' liking of potatoes:
[studious +1]
If the MC fails to help Cove during the party game:
[sporty +1]
If the MC is seasick/scared and is sent below deck, but refuses when Cove offers to fetch them a drink (non-Indifferent only):
[studious +1]
If the MC is seasick/scared and is sent below deck, then allows it when Cove offers to fetch them a drink (non-Indifferent only):
[sporty +1]
When Cove admits that he's a little slow with things (if Mall happened and if the MC either didn't feel seasick/scared or did and felt better soon after):
"That's an understatement." [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"You're sharp when you want to be." [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"It's okay Cove, you're good exactly the way you are." {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You didn't comment. {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
all studious/sporty points require the MC's interest level to not be Indifferent
When Cove asks the MC which of the three "unexpected outings" they'd like best:
Seeing a play. [studious +1]
The aquarium. [no change]
Ice skating. [sporty +1]
if going ice skating
When Cove admits to not having taken a jacket:
You were right there with him. (if the MC chose to dress normally) [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
"Yeah, your parents can't tell you what to do. You're a big boy." [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
You scolded him for not preparing for what you were doing. [studious +1]
"You're probably gonna regret that once we get there." [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
"I like that you don't wear a lot of layers too." (if Crush/Love and not dating Baxter) {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You simply shook your head. [no change]
if going to the theater
When Cove asks what kind of show the MC wants to see:
"I wanna see the comedy." [sporty +1]
"I wanna see the romance." [studious +1]
"You pick." [no change]
"Let's have chance decide." [no change]
after the second outing with Cove
When the MC debates on surprising Cove back or not:
You were determined to fully appreciate his effort. [sporty +1]
You wanted to prepare a gift to surprise him with, too. [sporty +1]
You resolved enough was enough. You were going to change the plans and make him surprised. [studious +1]
You resolved enough was enough. You were gonna thank him with a gift and surprise him with a change of plans. [studious +1]
if the MC chose to surprise Cove with a trip to a poppy field
When Cove asks what he should do now when he and the MC arrive near the field:
"Cover your eyes. I'll lead you in the right direction." [sporty +1]
"I'm gonna cover your eyes. You need to let me lead the way." [studious +1]
Step 3 Ending
If the MC was upset at the restaurant and left, did not message their family in the car, and approves of Cove's joke about selling pretzels with them (non-Indifferent only):
"What kind of pretzels will we sell?" [no change]
"We will have pretzels for our meals too." [no change]
"We better research the apartment we get well." [studious +1]
"I'd also like to perform on the shopping street." [sporty +1]
the following are rolled when meeting Cove on poppy hill
If Cove was Sporty in Step 3:
[sporty +1]
If Cove was Studious in Step 3:
[studious +1]
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ezvlli · 3 days
I was kinda thinking about the future of Tommy. We can be sure that the character will come back for S8. Tommy was supposed to be there for only 4 episodes and that he already has been there for more.
As for now, Tommy has been seen in 7x03, 7x04, 7x05, 7x6 and 7x9 and he also was in the Finale.
For one, Lou and Oliver did an interview together and we can assume it's not the only one. You don't ask your actor to do a 5 minute interview in which they barely talk about the show (also I think that the host made the interview awkward and both Lou and Oliver were picking a bad vibe.) Also, this interview was done late this season. Tommy came back in 7x03 and kissed Buck in 7x04. Yes, both Lou and Oliver did interviews but none of them were together and it wasn't on set. As for now, the Access Hollywood interview was the second interview that Oliver did on set, the first one being the Zach show. The rest were by zoom or other facecams ways. As for Lou, it's the only interview that was recorded. Everytime he did an interview, it was for an article and we never had the audio.
Also, Lou does cameo, and if you have a problem with the price I don't think it's his fault I think he put them at the lowest he can but the site up the prices because of the demands. Simple economy lesson, the more there will be demands the less the offer will meet the demands and so in order to change that the price changes. More on the cameo part, Lou has changed the way he does cameo. When he used to talk about Tommy, he would talk freely about him, his cameo would be pretty straightforward and he even made a backstory for Tommy, which I love because as someone who likes to do some deep dives on a character's psyche, the backstory explains a ton. But recently, his demeanor changed. He did a cameo in which he was more vague and kept looking to the sides as if there was something or someone reminding him to "behave".
Another thing, Lou was added in a video the cast did for Instagram. A video that had everyone, minus Peter and Angela, might be exempt from social media because Angela is less active than the rest and Peter is non-existent (Thank you Kenny for giving us proof that Peter is still alive with your Tiktok or Instagram posts). Also, Tim had posted a BTS that was just a frame of Tommy and that could mean something.
But I also want to talk about something, the contract. When Tommy came back, Lou said that he was only there for 4 episodes. And that might be right, at the time. Upon seeing the reaction about Tommy and maybe seeing how well the producers seem to like Lou, his contract for S7 has been extended for two more episodes, including the finale. It doesn't make sense for someone like Lou who keeps talking about how good he feels on the 9-1-1 set to not ask to extend his contract.
But then what would happen in S8? I don't think Lou would or should get promoted to the main cast, regular at least. It doesn't come from some kind of hate for Tommy or Lou, I really like them both, but more in a storytelling point.
The show is a workplace drama meaning that the job is not only important but also kind of its own character. 9-1-1 also focuses on three jobs instead of one as other shows, like The Rookie, Station 19, Grey's Anatomy for instance, tend to do. On 9-1-1 we mostly focus on the 118, LAFD but also on the 911 operator and the LAPD. The show is mostly focused on the 118. Having Tommy as main would shake things up, it would add another station to focus on or have drastically more calls that will need air support but we would also need to introduce other characters from Harbor and I think the show would be too stacked. The only way to properly focus on Harbor would be to maybe have a spin-off focus on them with either Tommy as main character or as regular. Having Tommy a main on his show would cut down on his timescreen on 9-1-1 and thus impact the Buck/Tommy relationship; we saw that happen with Carina/Maya on Station 19/Grey's for instance.
Also if you're one of these people that think that the cast hates Lou. Oliver has only said nice things about him in interviews, Tracie has told that Lou was lovely when she went on live on the 9-1-1 Instagram page and Kenneth has been good friends with Lou since he was in S2. And if you think that Oliver hates Lou because he doesn't follow him on Instagram that would mean that Oliver also hates Tracie and Anirudh because he doesn't follow either of them. On Instagram, Oliver follows only the main cast of 9-1-1 and he seems to use his Instagram as more of a professional account. His posts are mostly show related, contrary to his stories in which he shares mostly his dogs.
Now as the main cast the easier way for them to add a character in the main cast would have them to either work at the 118, the LAPD, or the Dispatch center. It would be less likely to have someone work for the LAPD, the focus is more on Athena and she said multiple times that she hates working with someone. The Dispatch center could work better and we could up certain characters, like Linda or Josh, as main. That would work better. They are already existing characters that the public loves. We need more of them. The last case would have someone from the 118. They could either introduce someone new or push Ravi to main. Which would seem less likely. Anirudh seems to be the busiest actor in the show. I think he also got cast in another show and is also doing other shows outside of 9-1-1. He also seems to keep time to travel outside of work. You go King. Ravi as main would be possible, but it would also shake a lot from Anirudh's busy schedule.
Now, another character that fans have been begging for as main character is Karen. That would be trickier. If we follow my logic, you are free to disagree but be nice! Karen is neither from LAPD, Dispatch or the 118. She's Hen's wife and a rocket scientist. But that doesn't mean we wouldn't see more of her. 9-1-1 always showed us the characters' life outside of work. But since Hen is the only one from the main cast who has no one from her family as main, we saw less from her which is criminal. Maddie is with Chimney and both are main. Same for Bobby and Athena. Eddie and Chris are also part of the main cast, and Gavin seemed to have been pushed a little bit more upfront since he was part of the group promo for the season. As for Buck, for a while he had Taylor who had kinda her own thing and Tommy who also has his own thing.
Buck and Hen are in the same case, they both have their love interests that are not part of the main cast. Buck only Abby back in S1 but it mostly feels like Buck was the love interest since he was nowhere as important as he is now, same for Chimney.
But one thing that we saw in S7 is that Karen can be more important. She was there for when Hen came home after being demoted. Also the Mara storyline felt like it was more of a Karen and Hen than a Hen and Karen storyline and I would love to see more of Karen in S8. Honestly, I feel like she was in more episodes this season than she was in any others.
So now that I shared my thoughts you can share yours. Be nice or you will be blocked. There is too much unnecessary hate in the fandom for any characters and actors. I'm not going to tolerate people's shits.
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shatcey · 14 hours
I've become an animal (Ellis)
Ellis Elbert
I'm not a native speaker of either English or Japanese. So there may most likely be errors in my translations. I use autotranslation and rewrite the text to a readable state. Some phrases are not clear to begin with, and I use my gut feeling and some experience of reading such poorly translated texts that have taught me to see meaning in them. My summaries are always full of my comments and jokes. If you prefer a clean translation, then you definitely won't like it.
Hmmm… Not bad. I have to put that on my main page.
Where were many onomatopoeic sounds that varied greatly in shape and duration depending on what Kate was "saying", I will stick to the original as much as possible. I haven't used it here often, but I'm warning you just in case.
Kate woke up and realized that something was wrong. She looked in the mirror, slowly processing what she saw.
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She remembered how the day before they went on a date with Ellis and she saw a black cat.
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Ellis immediately asked if she interested, and she replied that she wanted to pet her and was worried if she was hungry.
Don't worry, girl, Alfons feeds them… She's fine.
So… back to the present.
She finally accepts the fact that she is a kitten and runs to Ellis. But she stopped worriedly in front of his door not knowing what to do.
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Suddenly the door opens and Ellis kicks the poor kid. Ouch! He immediately apologizes and notices that she seems to be in pain.
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I do not think so… But I have no choice but to agree when you smile like that…
Roger examined her and found only a bruise, but put a bandage on just in case… And recommended complete rest. As Ellis likes, she is completely under his care. But suddenly Roger heard something...
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NO! Don't leave me with him...
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Thank you, thank you, thank you... I'll kiss you later.
Jude is clearly not happy with this addition to their team.
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Initially, it was an even more colorful description, but I didn't figure out how to make it sound normal. So I shortened it to this.
I can almost hear him saying: "What is… THAT?" pointing an accusing finger at the cat. Hah…
Jude listens to Ellis's explanation and gives them time to eat. So Ellis feeds the cat milk, puts it in his pocket, and they all go to work. I wonder which pocket? I only see them on his pants… no… I don't wanna think about it… Damn it! I cannot stop thinking about it!
This was another person who decided that he might NOT return the money to Jude in time. Why are they so stupid? They know about his reputation, but they keep doing it…
As usual, Ellis and Jude are playing good and bad cops. But… suddenly, the nobleman noticed the kitten and was very scared. He's allergic. So in order to save his life (or pride), he immediately returns the money.
Outside, Jude is thinking out loud, looking at the cat.
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I'm sure he figured out… He's too smart not to notice…
And after that, he gives Ellis the day off, and they return to the castle. Ellis went all over the rooms and couldn't find Kate anywhere. He became restless, so Kate, in the form of a cat, tried to calm him down by asking him to pet her. Ellis remarks that she behaves exactly like Kate.
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Premium ending
Somewhere on the way home, Ellis bought everything he needed to take care of the cat. And decided to comb her fur, of course, for Kate's sake.
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They're both having a great time. But Kate suddenly thinks about what would happen to Ellis if "she" continued to be missing, and somehow… she kisses him…
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Ellis is in complete shock
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He recovered from the shock and gave her his jacket. He remembered all the awkward details of what she had been doing all day… And suddenly Roger knocked on the door, saving her.
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But Ellis wouldn't let him. When Kate asked him why. He said he didn't want Roger examined her entire body… So the fact that she turns into a cat and back should remain a secret between them.
And after that, Ellis starts checking if Kate is human by kissing her…
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I didn't buy the epilogue. I'm already a little burned out of Ellis (I'm so fickle). I'll probably buy Elbert's epilogue though. His event made a greater impression on me. NOT because of Alfons! Okay, partly because of Alfons. But the event is really interesting for a completely different reason.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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skypoff · 3 days
Pomni: An Intro to Coping
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Pomni is the first character out of the TADC cast I am doing a deep dive on; for two main reasons. The first, being that she is the main lead character we as viewers vicariously live through in the show. And second, because her character is - as I see it - a lead-in to how the other characters behave. (Added note: I won't be touching on everything regarding the character. Only the details I feel are coherent for the rant I want to write.)
I would like to put emphasis on the note that all of this is drawn together from my own interpretations and speculations. At the end of the day, if you disagree with any of my thoughts, that is perfectly fine. This post is written out of sole enjoyment and passion for the character, with a twinge (read; a lot) of spite.
With that being said, here is a multi-faceted rant focusing on Pomni.
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➣ Pomni is the newest human who has transmigrated into the digital circus world. As such, her first-hand experience in the cartoonish, limitless, yet restrictive space is also the viewers' vicarious shared experience through her eyes.
➣ Obviously, being dragged to the VR space and told there's no escape isn't great to hear. As such, Pomni's first reaction is denial. {"Ohhh, okay, now I get it! This, is a dream! And I should just play along until I wake up! Right??"} It's a standard reaction most people will default to in order to soothe themselves. A way to say "I can exit this situation, I am still in control" while providing a safety-net explanation for any illogical events.
➣ So, why is this important? The 5 stages of grief aren't a new concept nor is it a hard one to grasp, so how does it connect to Pomni? It's important because Pomni's character as a whole is a set-up template for how an individual can cope with unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or traumatizing events.
➣ I don't mean this to flatten Pomni's character down to a base statement of "she's a caricature". Quite the opposite actually; approaching Pomni's behaviors and her motivations with the perspective of "how a person will cope" gives a more layered view of her as a character.
➣ Being trapped in a new space with seemingly no escape can only lead to two outcomes in human behavior. Adaptation, or deterioration.
➣ Almost like how a child navigates their new life, Pomni is experimenting with how to adapt to the circumstances, whether she is consciously aware of that or not.
➣ In the pilot episode, Pomni protects herself under the fragile lie of denial (as previously mentioned) up to the point when Ragatha breaks down a bit in the dorm hallway after Pomni asks why they don't try to leave. Hearing the process of going insane in the digital circus makes the whole situation much more real.
➣ When facing the abstracted Kaufmo, Pomni displays guilt in initially abandoning Ragatha to fend for herself, then promises Ragatha that she'll go find Caine to fix both of them up.
➣ I find it noteworthy to touch on this interaction. As Pomni goes to leave, Ragatha comments "I'm sorry your first day here had to be so... terrible?" to which Pomni awkwardly replies with "Uh... yeah, well don't- worry about it. I'm just gonna go find Caine now". It's meant to be a comforting statement of compensation from Ragatha, but it doesn't land that way for Pomni because- although friendly and empathetic, highlighting that it is her "first day" of who knows how many only cements her fate more.
➣ Despite promising to help Ragatha, Pomni almost immediately goes through the elusive exit door once it appears before her, only sparing a couple glances back at the circus before going inside. This action is inherently selfish, but also accurately aligns with the drive for escape. If there is any hope to leave an unpleasant situation, people will generally take it, especially if they don't have any personal attachments to their surroundings.
➣ In regards to the 5 stages of grief, the whole sequence of Pomni running through the labyrinth office space undoubtedly represents bargaining. The mounting desperation of "Just one more door. This door will be the one. I'm sure the next one will let me leave." keeps piling onto the jester, until she mentally snaps and eventually ends up in the digital void.
➣ For the rest of the pilot after that, Pomni is left to finally come to terms with the fact that there really is no real exit. The others around her act nonchalant and unbothered by everything, leaving her feeling isolated and lost. Despite other trapped humans sitting beside her at a dining table, none of them seem to share her drive to leave.
➣ As far as she knows, she is completely alone, and she must fend for herself to either adapt, or abstract in this bizarre world.
➣ In episode 2 of TADC, these anxieties of losing her own mind and being completely alone are pushed to the forefront. Alongside those concerns, Pomni goes through the remaining 3 of the 5 stages of grief.
➣ She shows clear anger towards Jax and his recklessness when he puts her safety at risk without any visible remorse (subconsciously solidifying Pomni's then assumption that she is not valued or considered as a part of the group, would not be missed, etc.). She also has a bout of mild frustration towards Ragatha in the beginning of the adventure {"I'm not a child. You don't have to hype me up."}.
➣ This morphs into a state of apathy/depression, as she questions the structure of the adventures {"So... our entire existence here is just... LARPing?"}{"What time period is this supposed to be again?"}. During the drive up to the chase scene with the gummy gator bandits, she can also be seen looking mildly upset in the back of the truck, eyeing the others with subtle discomfort or blankly staring off ahead.
➣ Finally, this all comes to a head with acceptance (albeit a tentative one) after Pomni befriends Gummigoo, one of the AI gummy gator bandits. She finally finds someone she can connect to, someone who has had their reality shattered and is forced to come to terms with it all. So, while she does her best to provide some comfort and reassurance for the gator, she also extends a metaphorical hand out to invite Gummigoo back to the circus, in the hopes that she won't have to continue alone.
➣ Although Caine deleting Gummigoo moments after his arrival nearly brings Pomni into a spiral then and there, Ragatha and Kinger step in to explain to Pomni about Kaufmo's funeral. A service they hold to honor the abstracted people for their shared time in the circus. That catches Pomni's attention. (I have a strong belief that if Pomni was left alone after Caine deleted Gummigoo, she would have completely broken down/abstracted shortly after. Not immediately, but she would inevitably.)
➣ Listening to the others (minus Jax) tell their stories of who Kaufmo was as a person and the good memories they had with him, the acceptance settles back in Pomni. Only, more assured now. She now has proof that they are all in this situation together, one way or another. She knows at the very least that she isn't considered as nothing by the others (minus Jax, we'll get there).
➣ Pomni is an anxious, introverted, 25-year-old. Judging by her age (as provided by Gooseworx), Pomni very much fits with the idea of a young adult office worker. She's logical in her thinking, yet also unsure and wary of those around her.
➣ Gooseworx has also mentioned that Pomni is "good at accounting" (in a tumblr post on December 18th, 2023), which makes me think Pomni either was an accounting major or was an accountant in the real world.
➣ As of this post, there are only 2 of the 9 planned episodes that have been uploaded. In the episodes to come, I feel like we'll probably see Pomni grow more sure of herself in the circus. She'll still be wary about whatever new adventures Caine has planned, but from what has already been hinted at, I think Pomni may grow to be more bold and much more confident in testing the limits of the digital world. (Staging a coup against Caine sounds wild but would be hilarious)
➣ Overall, Pomni is a character who demonstrates the process of how someone tends to react to unpredictable circumstances. She is someone who people can generally empathize with and say "yeah, I can understand why she would react like that". A base foundation of human behavior who demonstrates how a person can either settle or crumble under stress.
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TLDR; What a well-written isekai protagonist.
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iloveboysinred · 1 day
Worldly things [Choso Kamo]
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pg.13 fluff | Choso Kamo x fem reader (can be read as gender neutral but written with a fem reader in mind, minimal pronouns use)
synopsis; Choso was still adjusting to living life in the open with his brother. He struggles to grasp human concepts, growing even more confused when Yuji brings up the topic of attraction.
cw; shy Choso, speed dating, Yuji and Choso call each other brother all day long, Shibuya never happened idc everyone is still alive and living normally because we deserve peace, soft Choso, awkwardness, fluff, youre yuta’s sister, cursing, not entirely proofread
3046k words
“Dude, Jennifer Lawrence over Takada any day.” “How can you even say that, as my brother!?” Choso sat between Yuji and Todo, trying to understand what the discussion was about. He kept looking between the two arguing men, wanting to be included but not at all knowing what to say. 
There were a lot of things Choso didn’t understand about his new life. He was still confused on how humans behaved; and he didn’t even bother attempting to decipher the technology all around him and how it conveniently solved the simplest problems in seconds. None of it had ever mattered before. His one and only drive was to live for his brothers, to protect them. 
However, Choso realized that assimilating to humans would make him closer to Yuji, he would be more easily accepted around his brother’s colleagues and friends if he behaved more like a typical human. So he tried extra hard to indulge in Yuji’s hobbies; sometimes following him around, observing him and his behavior around others. It was starting to become a little unsettling, and he later solemnly accepted Yuji’s advice on finding interests of his own.   
But today was a slow day. Only a few sourcers mill around before having to return to their rooms, quiet chatter dying down as the last of the school’s faculty disperses. The school is enveloped in peaceful quiet. The sun had begun to set, darkening the sky into soft hues of orange, scarlet and purple. Humidity from the afternoon’s rain had settled in the air, fat dew drops rolling off tree leaves, dripping onto the ground below and soaking the soil, making the  unpleasant stench of wet earth waft into the air. Wildlife sang from their hiding places, the prominent sounds of crickets chirping from the grass overtaking the peaceful silence, Inharmonious with the accompanying high notes of birdsong. It was miserable out to say the least. 
 Choso had decided to spend his downtime with Yuji as always, finding comfort in his brother’s familiarity. It was difficult to connect with anybody else, their cold glances and blatant disregard of him perfectly sending the message they wanted him to receive; 
He was an outcast. 
It had only been Todo who welcomed him, both as a brother and as a friend. Although they had initially bonded over their mutual care for Yuji, there was nothing else Choso could really relate to. Todo just kept going on and on about brotherhood and other things he was too uninterested in to catch. He never complained though, happy with the companionship they had forged. 
“What do you think, big bro?” Yuji turned towards Choso, shoving the screen a little too close to his face, Todo coming up with his own phone, expectantly staring Choso down. The sudden confrontational attention made him a little anxious. What were they asking him about? Who were these two women? 
“I don’t understand. What are you asking me, little brother?” Choso warily ducked away from the phones, way too close to even really know what he’s looking at. “Which one do you think is hotter?!” Choso responded with a blank look, still not understanding. “ Hotter?” “yeah– like which one do you like more?” Choso backed up to get a proper look, eyeing both screens carefully, attempting to see what the boys were seeing. “Well, I don’t know them, so I can’t say-”Oh for fucks sake. Which one do you find more attractive?!” Todo snapped, and Choso couldn’t help the irritation that flit through him for a second at his outburst. “Well, if i’m being honest. I don’t think I like either of them.” “HUH?!” the boys shouted in unison, gaping at him as though he’d grown another head. Choso shrugged, happily easing back on the comfortable bean bag Yuji had in his room.
 “Do you even have a type, big bro?” Yuji inquired, hanging over the bed to peek down at him. “Yeah, do you even like human women?” Todo added, his huge build almost toppling over the edge of the bed. Choso sighed, stretching his arms out across the bean bag. This was just going to be another quirk added to his list of social behaviors he’d have to learn. “I’m not sure I know what it feels to ‘like’ somebody. Sorry.” Yuji flopped down on the bean bag next to him, leaning over on his shoulder. “Okay so think about it like this, when you like somebody, you feel your heart get really fast, and you think about kissing them and holding their hand. Has anybody ever made you feel that way, big brother?” 
Choso scratched his scalp, thinking over his answer. Out of all the people he’s met so far he can’t say he felt anything but aloof towards them, certainly not feeling deeply enough to think about intimacy. There were plenty of pretty women around, of course. However, physical appearance was simply not enough to invoke such sentiments in Choso’s mind. He shook his head, muttering a quiet “no.” He was starting to feel insecure again. They made it sound as if he’d committed an absurdity. Did his lack of feelings alienate him from his own brother this time? His reaction had made it feel that way, the look of shocked disbelief on Yuji’s face suddenly starting to make him feel queasy. 
“You know what that means, big brother?” Yuji’s voice had taken a serious note, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, tight grip making Choso’s anxiety worsen. “What? what does it mean, little brother?” Yuji dramatically closed his eyes, clenching his fist close to his chest “It means… we have to find out what you like and then land you a girlfriend!” The silent pause that followed was awkward, Todo not even acknowledging the conversation anymore, just laying on the bed staring at something on his phone. “..What?” Yuji responded with a look of newfound determination, sitting up and gripping his shoulders with both hands. “Leave it to me, big bro!”  
Choso could only stare at him, slightly relieved of his worries, but at the same time anxious to see what Itadori had planned. 
The following day was beautiful. The outside was still a bit humid from the previous night, but the beaming sun made it less noticeable. The dry breeze provided little relief against the scorching heat of the day, instead swirling around dry soil and leaf litter. The uncomfortable aridity had prompted everyone to be indoors or exclusively under shade, keeping themselves cool in the air conditioned classrooms and dorms. 
Choso decided to exchange his Sōhei for more weather tolerant clothes, opting to instead wear a simple black mid-sleeve shirt and a pair of dock pants he had borrowed from Yuji. He kept his hair in it’s usual up-do, not bothering to do much but thumb down a few unruly fly aways and re-tighten his hair ties. 
He eyed himself in the mirror, dusting himself off in ponderance. Yuji had told him to dress nicely, inviting him as a chaperone to a shopping trip with the other first years. He had happily agreed, questioning why his brother hadn’t invited him out more often, assuring the boy that he would love to tag along and even help Yuji pick out some new shoes, still feeling guilty about the wounds he’d inflicted so long ago. But now he wasn’t sure he liked the idea anymore. He thought back to Yuji’s barely concealed enthusiasm at the prospect of landing him in a relationship and internally cringed. “Shopping trip..yeah, right.” but he had already agreed, and the thought of letting his little brother down hurt enough to convince him to show up anyway. 
The trip to the mall had been a lot more ignominious than Choso had expected. He seated himself next to his brother, miserably waiting in a booth for the “speed dating” event to begin. It was being hosted in the middle of the mall, a large crowd of people surrounding the participants. Choso had never felt so trapped, protectively holding onto Yuji’s sleeve under the table. He was tense, eyes flitting through the crowd often. “It’s okay big bro, just relax.” Yuji whispered, reassuring him with a gentle pat on his shoulder, then sitting up straight when the first round of contestants walked up to the table. He pursed his lips and sat up from the lazy forward slouch he’d always sit in, reluctantly letting go of Yuji’s sleeve and turning to face the woman sitting down in front of him. 
He had to admit she was pretty- but he just couldn’t find something to converse about at all. He glanced at the reject button for a second, bright red and blinking up at him. He contemplated the emotions he would invoke from her if he pressed it, would she be relieved from this misery the same way he would be right now? Or would she be disappointed? The minimal conversation had been fine, exchanging basic courtesies at first and asking questions here and there. But as the minutes passed it felt as if he was grasping at straws. His voice getting drier, his focus wavering elsewhere.
 Choso was bored. Worse than that, he didn’t even want to be there. 
He pressed the button, and she paused her chatter, startled by the muted “bzzz!” the button hummed. He apologized and she politely said her goodbyes, getting up and walking on to the next row. 
Pretty soon Choso was overwhelmed and tired. Every contestant had either completely uninterested him, or asked too many questions he didn’t feel the need to answer. Yuji, on the other hand, acquired a mountain of phone numbers. His pockets stuffed to the brim with little paper slips. He tried to be comforting, encouraging Choso to try again another time. But by now he just wanted nothing more but to go home and hide away in his room. Going back to the dining hall where Megumi and Nobara waited for them, Choso hovered around them as they shopped, holding Nobara’s bags out of courtesy and making sure to keep the three students within his sights. 
Much later than Choso would have liked, they finally decided to go back to the school. He less than carefully shoved Nobora’s bags off onto Megumi and headed back to his room, eager to just sit by himself for a while, away from the frustrating heat and maybe even find himself something to eat. He had already gotten accustomed to these halls, walking in what seemed to be an endless straight line, turning  two corners on the way to his room, walking down until he reached his door. 
The room door across from him opened just as he fished his keys out of his pocket and his eyes veered over, slightly startled. Nobody had ever been inside that room before. As long as he’d been there it’s always been deafeningly quiet, uninhabited and empty. The shuffling almost made him want to be apprehensive. Was it an intruder? Could somebody have gotten past so easily? 
He drew in a quiet breath when you emerged from inside, idly standing in front of his door. You turned around, startling when you noticed him.  “Oh, hi! You must be Choso. Sorry we didn’t get to meet before, I’ve been overseas with my little brother. I’m Y/n Okkotsu, it's really nice to meet you. I hope we can be….” Choso patiently waited until you were done rambling, studying your face in wonder. You were so pretty, beautiful, even.  The resemblance to Yuta was definitely there; but your lips, smile, and eye color were uniquely yours. 
“Uh..Choso?” He blinked, realizing it was quiet. You were waiting for him to respond. “Oh- sorry, I'm Choso Kamo. I hope we can be good neighbors.” He offered you a crooked smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He felt his heart squeeze when you smiled back at him, wondering how you had so much warmth for a stranger you’d just met. “Yeah I know! My brother told me about all the newbies lurking around, I'm glad we got the chance to meet face to face.” He nodded, awkwardly shuffling in place. He had no idea what to say to you, embarrassment at his painful silence warming his stomach. “….well okay, well if you ever want to hang out you know where to find me. See you around, Cho!” you nodded at him, padding off with a large suitcase hanging on your back. After a few beats he finally managed to unlock his door, rushing in, hastily shutting it behind him. “Cho?” he had to admit he didn’t mind the nickname, for some reason it sounded so sweet coming from you. 
The next few days Choso only caught a few glances of you here and there. From what he heard around the dorms, you were a special grade sorcerer right along with your brother. It was only to be expected that shortly after your return you’d both been bombarded with missions. Regardless, he found himself always seeking you out. Every day he would stare at your door for a little too long, silently hoping you would pop out and greet him with your dazzling smile, calling him by that sweet little nickname you’d entitled him with.
He was undeniably curious about you. Which is why he’s knocking on your door now, smiling to himself at your muffled “Coming!” from behind the door. He shifted anxiously from one foot to the other, trying to keep his face blank. You swung open the door, politely smiling at him. “Oh hi Cho! What can I do for you?” the edges of his lips curled, suddenly feeling a bit bashful. “ I was wondering if you wanted to ‘hang out’? Only you’re not busy, of course.” you blinked at him, in aghast. He cringed, almost wanting to retract his offer, suddenly nervous. “If it’s a bad time, that’s okay- “ “no! no! Choso, come in!” you gleefully stood to the side, giving him space to walk inside your room.
He was impressed by the personality you had given your dorm. Beautifully decorated with personal items you had collected on your journeys, framed pictures of you and your little brother sitting neatly on your desk. The warm, incandescent lighting from your lamps bathed the room in a cozy atmosphere, making him feel relaxed. He breathed in the calming scents of the candles you had on the counter of your kitchenette, scents of cinnamon spice filling his nose and warming his spice circulating in the air from the air conditioner blasting cool air into the space. He found that he liked your room, taking off his shoes at the door and leaving them on the side, stepping on your fluffy carpet with his socks, his feet relaxing pleasurably into the soft material. “You can sit anywhere you like, get comfortable.” you gestured to the love seat a few feet away from your bed. He sunk into the chair, his fingers interlaced on his bouncing leg as he watched you prepare him a glass of cold iced tea.
“You sit there while I get ready, okay? Then we can head out somewhere.” He nodded, taking the glass so he could lean back and get comfortable. After a few minutes you came out from the bathroom, clad in a gray tank top and jean shorts. He noticed you pulled your hair up into a bun, making him reach up to feel his own hair, noticing that you were matching. He smiled to himself in delight. “Alright Cho, ready to go?” He nodded at you, placing the glass on the nightstand before he got to his feet and followed you out the door, silently walking behind you.
You had ultimately decided on heading to a nearby ice cream parlor, setting down on the stools and ordering a large sundae to share. He found that conversation came easy with you, your bubbly personality was refreshing. You always had something to talk about. He felt lightweight, his heart skipping a beat everytime you smiled at him. The chatter in the parlor was a dull noise. The only thing Choso could hear was your voice, calling his name so prettily, looking at him with your beautiful eyes. He thought that he wanted to be like this forever, he wanted you to always look at him that way, to always smile at him. 
All too quickly, the day had come to an end. Choso had slowed down his pace to match yours, trying to savor the walk back to the dorms for as long as he could. You continued on your chatter, exchanging funny stories and sentiments for your brothers. The warmth in his chest had only grown when you stopped right in front of your door. You graced him with one of your smiles, bringing him into a hug. He shyly wrapped his arms around you, laying his forehead on your shoulder.  
After a while you pulled away, smiling “I had fun, Cho” you whispered,  holding his shoulders. “Why do you call me that?” he couldn’t help but ask, his heart feeling fuzzy every time you called him by that name. “Well..” his lips pursed to hide his smile when he noticed your warming cheeks. “Because it’s cute… and I think you’re cute.” You averted your eyes from his, regretfully pulling away to fumble with your keys. “Sorry if that was too forward–” Choso waved his hand, cutting you off. “No-no, it’s alright. I-I think you’re cute, too..” he could feel the blush on his cheeks, his heart squeezing. 
You giggled at him, your blush matching his own, opening your door and half stepping inside. “Let’s do this again, yeah?” he nodded, “yeah– how about tomorrow? If you’re not busy?” “You know where to find me, goodnight Cho.” this time he smiled at you, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Goodnight, Y/n.”  When you shut the door Choso took off to Yuji’s room, rapidly knocking on the door in urgency. He didn’t even greet his brother, barging into the room as soon as the door opened. “Big bro, what–” Choso turned around, looking at him with a mix of panic and glee.
“I think.. I like somebody, little brother.” 
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l4long-winded · 2 days
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o.s. lunchtime
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His stomach’s been doing flips all day, catastrophic somersaults as he tries to focus on anything else other than the way that it bubbles and dilutes the overall pigmentation of his skin. He doesn’t need to stare at his reflection in the mirror to know he’s appearing phantom-like, doesn’t need a sphygmomanometer to monitor his blood pressure and know his breathing is even fucked at this point, shallow exhales he attempts to quiet down while he tugs the socket wrench back and forth on the bike he’s working diligently on. Lip’s dealt with this all before, the betrayal his body subjects him to because his cravings are screaming at him for attention, and his normal functioning doesn’t behave like anyone else’s. This would be a lot easier on him if he didn’t come from Frank, if he didn’t grow up where he did, if people weren’t asking stupid question after stupid question when he’s trying to do his job and not give in despite how badly he wants to.
His hands are strained when he looks over his handiwork. He glances at the clock, finally due for a break, relief somewhat crossing his features. Lip throws his dirty rag to the floor, speeding off without saying a word to Brad or Eddie on his way out. He clutches his keys, uncaring how some of them bite into his skin on the way to your car he borrowed for the day. He’s preoccupied sliding into his seat, slamming the door shut, and speeding off with screeching tires, birds flipped his way he gladly returns with two hands off the wheel, trusting the alignment he administered to you for free as he carts down the road.
You’re spreading jelly over toasted bread when he opens your front door, banging it up against the wall from how brutally he pushes it open. You jump ever so slightly at the noise, the sight of his clammy skin and festered stomps coming in your direction causing you to pause for a moment with worry. You set the butter knife and toast onto the plate, brushing crumbs off your palms along your sleep shorts.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” You’re staring at him questionably as he comes closer to you. At this rate, you surmise he might run right into you with how each stride of his legs doesn’t slow down his momentum.
“It’s lunchtime,” he explains in a rushed breath.
You don’t have much time to think about why he’s acting so intensely or ask how his day is going so far because Lip’s hands drop down to the back of your thighs once he reaches you, his hot breath ghosting your collarbone the moment he lifts you off the kitchen floor and deposits you onto the counter. Your hands use his shoulders to steady yourself in the process, blood instantly heating the second he touches you.
“I need you. Just please, please, please shut the fuck up for a second and let me curbstomp these fucking cravings,” he grinds out in the middle of digging his fingers underneath the waistbands of both your sleep shorts and panties simultaneously. He tugs them down your legs, dropping onto one knee as he does. The grime off his hands leaves behind opaque fingerprints over your thighs as he spreads them open for him, his face occupying the space they create before your legs are even properly in position for him.
Usually, you wouldn’t take kindly to Lip telling you to shut the fuck up. It’s fire you meet with your own every time, an argument predictably the next consequence for his sullied nature and crap attitude, but you don’t peep a word of venom back at him. Not when you know what he’s currently going through, your previous agreement ringing in your ears, letting him trade one addiction for another, this one being your body that ultimately soothes his frenzy. All you can do is slide your digits into his short curls, breathe out blissed sighs as Lip’s tongue rolls over you, as he swallows and sinks his face in further.
This isn’t for you. You moan like it is, pull his hair like it is, whimper out his name like it is, but you both know who this is really for. It’s so Lip doesn’t retreat down that dark path he’s done well in avoiding. It’s so alcohol doesn’t touch his lips. It’s the twisted truth that is his need for something he can’t have, replacing it with something he can, and that’s the overall possession he takes pride in of your pussy he’s currently trying to paradoxically lick dry. No matter how many times he laps at you, sucks on your clit, circles your slit, and smacks his lips, he never achieves that. You’re drooling arousal, arousal he tongues at, and finally, finally his stomach starts to ease up on the tremors. Finally, his shot nerves stop making his skin bounce like he’s on something. Finally, his blush returns to his cheeks, rosier the more and more he groans into you, lewdly slurps like you’re the elixir of life and youth and energy and the cure.
“Don’t be greedy, flood my tongue already,” he says, and he works an orgasm out of you with expert strokes. Your clit is pulsing after the fact, panting heavily as your shoulders slump into the cabinet behind.
“Give me it, give me it, I fucking need it,” he grunts against you, blunt nails creating crescents in the fleshy parts of your outer thighs. He feels you’re close. You don’t have to say it.
Spots dance on your vision. Lip ignores your protesting whines of sensitivity, lifting your thigh and tugging it over his right shoulder so he can continue. He’s got four more hours of his shift left and so he’s going to take as much as he can if he’s going to get through this godforsaken day without beating someone with a car jack. You should count yourself lucky. You’ve saved multiple lives today.
And you taste so, so good. Can he get himself a doctor’s note or something so he can bring you to work with him? Brad would understand.
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commanderfreddy · 1 month
people are discoursing about the laios and shiro fight bc that was always going to happen but i do hope that wave crests quickly and we can all come to see it as what it is: literally one of the best written fights between two people who are both entirely justified in their actions and acting without any malice or cruelty of all time
#theres a tendency - especially in action and faction based media (which a lot of fantasy is or is in dialogue with) - to depict fights only#as happening between someone who Is Right and someone who Is Wrong#and getting to see a full on beatdown between two dudes who are both acting in an entirely understandible way and who both dont actually#want to hurt the other at all - to the extent where their desire to maintain a positive relationship with each other is the SOURCE of their#conflict in the first place - is just so cathartic to see#like unpopular opinion but sometimes you do just need to Fight someone to work through issues youre having#like irl i would not recommend that extent of Force obviously#but if you're two people in a situation where neither has active power over the other sometimes the healthiest option involves expressing#and receiving genuine anger that is not filtered through a social buffer#like sometimes you just need to yell that someone is pissing you off by how much they invade ur time and space and sometimes you need to#yell that someone is sabotaging your ability to interact with them by not expressing any discomfort with your behaviour ever#AND MOST IMPORTANTLY SOMETIMES YOU NEED TO BE YELLED AT#BECAUSE it sucks. it sucks to experience and until you can both share that space of feeling awful with each other youre not gonna get past#it and you're not gonna understand each other's pain#i think they're both wonderfully well written characters and its a testament to their depth as people that i can so easily understand why#and how both of them are behaving the way they do#im still only like halfway through the manga but it is like my favourite character interaction scene so far#fred says a thing#dunmeshi
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uter-us · 2 months
radfem help !!
2 of my little cousins (14yrs and 15yrs) are both girls dating boys right now, and together we are coming up with a "dealbreaker list" of things they will never put up with from their bfs! and also we are including positives, like so they aren't just looking for the absence of bad things, but actual positive things
what do yall think are the most important things to add? (i put extra info in tags)
Thank you so much!!!
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dnangelic · 2 months
sometimes i think abt towa and argentine in the very last manga chapter n cry
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#waaaa waaaa my lucifer my boy-king and the respect and power he doesn't even want but deserves sm#dark wouldnt want towa n argentine's help if he could go without it!! all his theft has been bc he cared#n its the fact he n dai care tht they genuinely deserve the sort of trust respect n acknowledgement from the niwa fam#that the rest of the world who doesnt properly or intimately know the likes of dark n dai doesnt afford them#i justttt wooooughhhh towa argentine gratefully graciously bowing themselves with fealty#to dark who's always been bearing all this insane burden and self-expectation alone#all by himself#afraid even of that solitude but nevertheless doing everything he could for the sake of#what he felt was right saving the artworks saving precious things even if he had to steal them away and disparage himself#more and more (the more he succeeds the more he disgraces himself as a villain and a criminal)#aaaa waaaa INNER NIWA FAM CHARAS r just so special.... THEY GET TO SEE IT ALL...#how heavy the pressure is on dark n dai both actually despite the superficial layers like elmroot says#the 'outer self' that enjoys being a phantom thief and then the inner that 'hunts his own kind'#how tired dark is sometimes...#well. w/e. point is niwa fam chara writers who ever take this into account ill kiss u forever#dark can be annoying or behave in spoiled/lazy/belligerent ways sometimes but it rlly makes him and dai more like the#rebel angel leader / boy king example i try to write them as. they still care ofc they doooo#it's just they're the equivalent of the highest seat holding together their little country#their miniature empire that dark n the niwa have built up over yrs n yrs n yrs!!#dark never claims himself a king or a prince he doesn't throw his weight or titles around like that#but between paradise lost and POTO's occasional angel of darkness/PRINCE of darkness#the vibes are there in between the lines. they r right there. this dude has so much hes taking responsibility for#even though he doesn't even Have To. but in doing so- he is. and SHOULD rightly be supported#in the manner of someone in service demonstrating loyalty to him#ok. ramble over
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unloneliest · 7 months
the problem of the matter is i did internalize so much of what ex friend believed about me. even though i knew he was wrong and knew what was happening and tried to stop it and if i took more action to stop it would have been abusing power i held in a way i couldn't live with myself for.
#A BAD PERSON TRYING TO RUIN YOUR LIFE WOULD'VE GOTTEN YOU FIRED AND EVICTED IN WINTER IN ALASKA YOU MOTHERFUCKER. WHICH I DID NOT DO#he was renting a room from my dad. for cheaper than he wouldve been able to find anywhere else. his brother was too#his brother didn't pay rent for over 6 months and my dad just forgave him the debt because my dad knew how much of a difference it wouldve#made when he was that age. and i had told him ex friend was family to me & my dad applied that to the brother too. bc he is a good person.#and one of the strongest parts of my support system. and i didn't say a word to him about what was happening until i knew he already had a#plan for when he would be ending ex friend's lease. so there would be no subconscious impact on ex friend's housing either#mgmt at work straight up asked me if i thought ex friend should be fired immediately multiple times and i'm in retrospect livid they put me#in that position but told them to go by the strike system in the employee handbook and to follow policy that ex friend knew perfectly. that#it couldn't be on me as acting assistant manager to choose#and after 10 months of workplace harassment i got a different job to save my life. ex friend didn't get fired.#he did saw trap shit to my brain!!!!!! jesus christ#he moved cross country to live with his long time gf he called his wife despite never having met irl. to a way more conservative state.#despite being gay. and she left him this summer lol#hadn't checked his twitter in over a year when it got pulled up frm an old link and i saw that. and when he was already at a low point too#me voice. oh no who could've seen this coming. from how you behave in every relationship in your life#may delete this in the morning. but i have to talk about it sometimes#i'm never reaching out for closure both bc he wouldn't give me any and because i know it would trigger him and i don't intentionally trigge#people. unlike him :)#vampire pit#like. i have to talk about it sometimes. i have to talk about it.#jam posts
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add1ctedt0you · 6 months
I am craving for a zcx' modern au, where, after years apart, jc, wwx and lwj encounter again. lwj and wwx are married and after some time, jc starts to hang out with lwj, but only with him (they are kind of exs... Or at least so lwj thinks!)
#Like the point of this au is that shit slowly becomes harder#In every universe wwx has to watch as a kid jc losing his dogs because of him. So that wwx internalizes that he brings nothing but trouble#and pain to jc. So yeah. He's married to lwj but jc wants lwj right? He's taking another thing from jc. And wwx doesn't want to hurt jc.#But he needs lwj too. And he doesn't know how to have both things.#And in every universe jc has to be told by wwx that everything that wwx did was out of duty! So that jc internalizes the concept that wwx#never truly loved him! Because jc is unlovable just like his mom! And his bad temper will force people to act out of duty rather than#genuine affection! and that wwx will lose things for him. out of duty obv#And in the middle we have lwj. Who is pampered in different ways by two men he loves! And then he can only watch as both slowly drift apart#from him. Their worst behaviors shining.#Look. lwj knows jc and wwx worst traits. And he can manage them!#But he has never handled jc and wwx together. While they are together. Because - and lwj never understood this before - jc and wwx bring#out of each other their best and worst qualities. In particular their worst self-destructive qualities#And lwj who isn't good with words and he doesn't know why they are behaving like that - and they don't share with him their problems -#doesn't know what to do#It's a mess. A beautiful fic in my head#Like. Both jc and wwx are carrying yzu and jfm' guilt on their shoulders#jc hates how his mother treated wwx (and it was because of him! Because she was scared for jc's future! And he knows it! )#While wwx hates how jfm ignored jc (and it was because of him! Because jfm found wwx more likeable! And wwx knows it!)#zhanchengxian
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