#and i rly hope it works out better this time 🥺
adore-gregor · 4 months
#guys i'm dating someone again 🤭#and i rly hope it works out better this time 🥺#i already think i'm starting to fall for him adgjk#we had a 2nd date this week and it was good#i just feel comfortable around this guy honestly more than with the last one#it's also happening slower like no kiss on the first date lol altough it was good then i'm not mad about it#it makes me feel less pressured#the first date we went on a little walk (actually up a pretty steep hill in the city xd but with a lovely view) and then coffee#2nd date we went for breakfast and i'll probably see him again next week 🥰#and yeah this he's just so sweet and genuine i love that 🥺 i don't feel judged by him and it all feels more effortless#(with the other guy honestly i did at times feel intimidated about how he had his life together and that he'd judge me for mine lol)#also he's much more my type looks wise what i typically like he has such a cute smile and warm eyes 🥰 and also he's reaaaally tall haha#he's over 2m tall to be exact 😆 but not in an intimidating way and i'm also quite tall so i like this fact 🙈#but one thing which was so cute is when we met how his face lit up omg 🥺 and like how he looked at me 🥰#(the other guy was mostly hot in the very athletic fit body way with this one i find him attractive overall and also kind of cute)#and yeah i keep thinking about him and if i should text him but i never really know what to text 😂 i'm the worst texter#at times i don't even text my best friend like it's never personal i'm just better to meet in person hahah#and i'm just much happier these days thinking about him dgjkll 🤭🤭
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hibiscus02 · 8 months
I watched npmd live last night on youtube and I'm obsessed with lautski so take some headcanons
Since Max is gone and the school's hierarchy was kinda thrown out, Steph and Pete quickly become sort of a power couple after homecoming.
Of course, if someone were still stupid enough to harass Pete, there would be hell to pay from Steph (we've all seen that collar grab, you cannot tell me this girl isn't up for some ass-kicking)
They're both very affectionate people, though not always in public. Their friends definitely have to submit to the PDA though.
Money is not a problem for Steph, with her dad's inheritance and all, and she likes to spoil her boyfriend a lot. Pete is way too flustered to chastise her about it most of the time.
(Steph also loves to make Pete flustered in general, it's one of her greatest joys)
They decide to avoid "how's this gonna work when you're out of state?" and apply for the same colleges (Steph's grades are much better now with Pete's help). I'm still not sure of what they would study, maybe she'd go for law school and he'd do something like chemistry.
Steph would want to get them a huge apartment or something, but Pete convinces her to downgrade a bit. She ends up letting him handle most of the finances after a while, because she honestly doesn't know what she's doing and they'd both like the money to last.
They bargain with each other to make the other go to therapy, and eventually they both go. I think they'd create very healthy communication habits after a while.
Steph would definitely be the one to propose. Nobody can convince me otherwise. She'd write a speech and fumble the lines and they'd both be in tears by the end of it.
They'd have a long engagement. No reason to rush things, now that they've got their whole lives ahead of them
Ok that's all I got for now but I rly hope for some content of them after the proshot 🥺 my scrimblos
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candiid-caniine · 1 year
come on then mutt. you're proudly advertising you can do tricks, you're so desperately needy for attention, and it's not like there's any other reason for us to pay attention to you. its time for some tricks
5 distinct edges in a 10 second window.
you have 30 minutes from whenever you read this to pull this off. i dont care what you're in the middle of, that timer starts immediately. and if you're not able to perform the only thing that gives you worth in that time, you better BEG for mercy.
ah fuck this was such a challenge anon, i ended up spending most of the thirty minutes working myself up bc i knew I'd havento be rly rly needy n desperate to edge that fast!
i was so squirmy and aching so much by the time I started trying to make it in ten seconds and it was rly rly hard but i did it just barley 😭 i was super super close to a ruin but i know i didn't have permission so i had to be very good n hold it but it was hard 🥺🥺
i hope you liked my trick 💕 and for anyone unsure what i mean by "be mean to me..." this is exactly how I wanna be talked to n treated 🤤💕 just a moment out of puppy mode to commend you for hitting like all of my kinks in one ask, anon. masterful, very disdainful, 10/10 put me in puppy mode instantly 💕
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razsberrie · 10 days
BERRIE! I know we don't interact much but I wanna change it plus, you are on my mind, whenever I write this fic (a lot happened with this fic, I lost its draft so rewrote it, dk when it will be out) and everytime I write it, it reminds me of you. Like, imagine you have the alias "berrie" and beomgyu calls reader Berry like almost in the whole fic. Plus I also noticed how sweetly the word "berrie" rolls of his tongue in that episode where gyu, kai and bin attended to puppies. I just felt so happy watching that, feel happy writing this and also imagining myself as you! 😭❤️ it was also around the the time when we became mutuals🥺. I don't know, this makes me feel like we've interacted a lot? We should actually! And how are you doing these days? I'm sorry, I'm a yapper so expect long asks from me. Hope I didn't scare you off yapping suddenly about a fic that didn't see the sunlight of tumblr.. but just wanted to let you know.🥺
I might change the title, but yeah. It might really undergo some real changes with dividers, headers and title and even the beginning!
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SHDJSKA omg hiiii you’re so cute!! i know i really need to be better at hopping on here and chatting but i’m so lazy with tumblr atm, but i rly want to be better and getting on and talking to everyone (incl you!!) 🤍 i’m doing v we’ll just enjoying my summer and travelling and working a lot! i hope you’re doing well too!
i love the idea of bearberry and actually hold on that reminds me of smt
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i found this jellycat in a shop recently and i kept saying that it was me and beomgyus child hahaha
but yes the episode with the dogs was so sweet and i freaked out when beomgyu was saying berrie hahahaha
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ahundredtimesover · 2 months
boom boom pow 💥🤯😏 anon here again!! thanks for your thoughtful response to my ask 🥺🫶🏼 honestly, i could do a whole analysis on your characters bc they’re so complex and real. and speaking of your characters … I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY HATE ON OUR OC!!!😡 maybe it’s an elder sister thing but i feel for her bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders and trying to do right. at the end of the day, she doesn’t owe anyone anything but i completely understand why she’d feel indebted to the jeons. how do you pay back someone who essentially altered your path in life and continued to support you? she sacrificed so much of her time and health at the company … she deserves to finally pursue other things outside of the internal guilt/debt she has tied to the jeons.
try putting yourself in her shoes … she initially had no experience in the corporate world, got the internship, got mistreated by her first manager, then switched over as hoseok’s assistant. do you know how stressful it is to jump into your role let alone multiple new roles at your job (possibly with little training or mentors)? then jk comes into the picture and he was an awful boss to her initially and she experienced so much imposter syndrome despite being with the company for over 8 years! yet every time there was a change or hurdle, oc persevered and adapted. she is always in survival mode — being in that constant state is exhausting and demoralizing. she did what she had to in order to make it through the next day. so no, she is not weak or stupid. 😡
i can see how some people are frustrated at the current state of chap 11, but that’s the beauty of drama in writing. characters aren’t going to be perfect. it gives us readers the opportunity to marinate on the intricacies of fictional characters going through life similar or completely different to ours. thanks for creating that world and these special characters, mimi 💕
There you are! Hehe thank you for your lovely ask and response! And for defending our girl. Hope u were there during the ASDOAH OC hate train too huhu 🥺🥺 but anyway, it's so true! It's reasonable for IWYTS OC to be feeling that way, even if there was rly no debt to be paid. I mean, I feel indebted to someone who just recommended me for a job like... HAHA but yeah, the side of the Jeons is also important to take note here. We'll hear a bit more of that later on.
And her being on survival mode is true!! This is a woman who's trying to better her life and give back to her mother. She put her all in a job that she doesn't rly know much of who she is and what she likes outside of it. This is a constant thought she has, which contributes to her doubting JK bc even she doesn't know what she's like outside of a role she's had for years. Work is such a big part of our identity and she's just experiencing that even more strongly, especially since she also doesn't have any passions outside of it.
Also, when I write my characters, I make sure they're flawed. Not toxic, but flawed. They're not out here intentionally hurting people they care about or self-sabotaging for the sake of it. There's always something underneath, and they don't change in an instant.
And I also do hope that despite this being fanction, somehow you guys get to relate to them somehow in thought or feeling or approach. Some have shared that it's allowed them to reflect on themselves and that's amazing! Pls know that I see you! 🥹🥹
Thank you for this again. You're such a sweetheart and I look forward to hearing what you think about the next chapters! 💕💕
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threevracha · 10 months
My jaw dropped and I forgot how to breathe when I saw ur post abt you maybe starting to write again and I just wanted to let you know I am obsessed w ur writing and I'll be ur #1 supporter if that's what you choose to do BUT ALSO if you decide to keep things the way they are and not post any writing I completely understand bc of all the hate and craziness from before and I rly hope that scenario doesn't play out again bc yikes. You've remained one of my favorite writers even after you stopped because I just love your style and perspective on things and I actually started posting my writing on here bc you and ur blog helped me step out of my comfort zone (my main/sfw writing blog is @seungminnie-case148 ) in case u get curious
ANYWAY I just wanted to let you know I never forgot about you when you stopped writing and I love love love your stuff(also Ive changed my blog and pfp & user since the last time i sent you an ask lol)
WAIT OMG REALLY???????????? OH SKSOSISJS it's been soooooooo long since i posted something and the fact that i'm still one of your fav writer makes me feel dieoeosiskkdoziene 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE WRITING TOO I'M GOING TO READ ALL OF YOUR WORKS OMG THANK YOUR FOR THIS IT'S SO SWEET 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i'm really touched to read all of this like really thank you so much you just made my day (night actually lol) 1000000000% better 🥰🥺
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orbees · 2 years
Life update stuff weeeee
Sorry for continued slowness in getting back to ppl. I know its always something but that's the Caretaking while Disabled life for u 😔😔😔 but! Some good news :3 dad got approved for disability and I was able to get a new bed ^_^ (I got another one a while back but it... did not last) it feels rly comfortable so far so rly excited to get that moved in :3
Also just trying to trip proof the house which... takes forever especially with limited energy 😔😔😔 but got a lot done on it tonight and I'm hoping to actually get my bed put together later... provided I have the spoons for it lol
Oh right wanted to mention how cymbalta was working too... I think a lot of my Emotional Weirdness initially was 1. Getting adjusted to the medication but 2. Just my Life circumstances at that time cause a lot of shit about my internship was in the air then... but now that I got that ironed out I'm feeling much better, and my moods have been a lot more stable... especially around my period which was the thing big. PMDD =_= but cymbaltas been helping a lot with it which. I still can't believe honestly. Not going absolutely apeshit half the month is nice :)
But yeah I'm hanging in there!! Internship starts in about a month which I'm rly nervous about but also my supervisor + site seems so much nicer this time around 🥺
Anyways that's all for now orbee out
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mercurygguk · 1 year
not sure if you’ll see this but i just wanna say, i came across risqué during a pretty shitty time. i’m not one to sit a read something because i usually just skim through it.
but you made me feel so much better. i’m not sure how or why but your writing just made me sob. it seemed like i rly needed to vent out whatever i was feeling. im the type of person that needs to watch a really sad movie to feel my emotions and communicate my feelings. i’ve never cried over someone’s writing before because i don’t read. i’ve reread the whole thing 3 times in the last two days to the point where i know scene to scene.
you are so talented and i’ve fallen in love with your writing. i hope you know that you are very much appreciated on this platform. your writing makes me wanna get into reading as a hobby. im definitely gonna be one of you’re biggest supporters from here on.
this ask >>>> holy shit you’re so sweet :(( thank you so much for telling me your experience with my writing! I’m sorry you went through a shitty time but hopefully better days will come <3 im proud to hear that my works helped you unleash everything you’ve been holding inside and thank you sm for reading my story several times! means the world to me thank you 🥺🥺
hope you’re well bby, have a good day/night!
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mossible · 1 year
Hellooo I have come from AO3 to say Many Things!!! About Cracked Snowglobes!!
But now i'm unsure where to even begin with the gushing because chapter 4 has left me CLIMBING the walls, hanging upside down from my ceiling, HOWLING because good cod !!!!! Intense argument after intense emotional moment after brief humorous, hopeful breath of air, thEN MORE INTENSE CONFLICT--
I was positively SHAKING in bed when i read it last night, it left me IN SHAMBLES (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
I've been meaning to comment in more detail on every chapter, and just list up everything little detail and exchange i love, but after the current chapter i had TO COME HERE FIRST to send an Ask!!
I am SO HAPPY to see Off the Hook and the Squid sister and Splatoon hanging out, and knowing that sweet, brave Eight is in good, caring hands now 🥺 they deserve the world, and their genuine admiration and trust in Octavio had me 🥹 it was so cathartic to see Marina have the heart to heart she needed with her former leader as well, even if they don't agree with everything, Octavio's growth already showed a teeeny tiny bit in him, reluctantly, agonizingly, agreeing with Marina and making that promise to her (and by extension, to Eight and all of his people)
I don't know what you have planned for the next chapter, i know this one's gonna be tricky since it has to essentially fill in the void between game 2 and 3, but man!!! I really really really hope that, despite all of the baggage and anger and yelling, Octavio can find some solace, something to hold onto, in the genuine hope and trust that Eight, Callie, and Marina put in him, in spite (or because?) of everything 🙏 he's gonna have another tough road ahead of him, but i believe in this stubborn, clever, spiteful old man 🐙 he has fucked up many times before, but i believe he will try his best to keep his word, if only to not let the people down that put their trust in him (maybe that's hust me being delulu and naive tho agsjshdjfhgfd)
My god that ENDING tho!!! The leaky roof has CRASHED DOWN metaphorically, and it's really lucky that Octavio jumped the heck outta there because i would NOT want to be at the camp after all that!
There's poor Callie, probably having a small breakdown rn, and Cuttlefish, who let some /real nasty/ things slip out there (granted, that was mostly the result of being spurred on and goaded by Octavio to be his worst self, i think) that i can't rly see Marina and Eight just... overlook, tbh (especially after he also pulled that whole past identify reveal on Marina in the Metro, which could have potentially ended very, very poorly)... The mood there is probably. 😬😬😬 Rip to the planned party 🎉
There's soooo much more i would like to say, but yeah that's gonna be probably better said in individual chapter comments, but i just HAD to get this all out!
Thank you so much for your incredible work!! The long chapters are a delight to read personally, even if they seem a bit daunting at first; since the writing and pacing is so good, it's very easy to breeze through them :D
I wish you a belated Happy New Year and lots of inspiration, motivation, and free writing time for the chapter 5, I'm super looking forward to whatever you've planned next! 🙌🐙✨
WAUUAUGHH TYSM OMGGG!! i absolutely relate on the commenting thing LOL sometimes ill spend months keeping up with a fic, only to realize later on that oh. oops i havent commented at all. i really shouldve done that! very much a regular ao3 reader thing to overlook it, so i absolutely dont blame u at all LMAO (i do look forward to the comments though, ive said this like hundreds of times it feels like already but feedback rlly is such a strong motivator when it comes to writing! very funny how reading words makes you want to make more words)
but. again. WAHHH thank you !! im glad youve been enjoying so far, and ur kind words mean so so sososo much ;_; omg
i'm very excited to get chapter 5 out to yall, but im also super excited to just like. write it in general LOL it has a LOTTTTT of stuff that i cant exactly talk about just yet, considering that it would all be spoilers for what exactly goes down, but im super hyped for it. and im the one writing it!
the only thing i can say is that, yeah youre spot on about it being tricky and having to bridge that gap! i don't have any plans to change the actual plot points that happen in the games themselves, excluding whatevers gonna happen for the s3 dlc which we essentially know uh. nothing about! we're currently still on track to be following the story modes' outlines. (but as soon as we get off of that track? hooh boy ive got some silly ideas >:))
again tho, thank you so much ik i keep saying it but. it means so much to hear how yall are liking the fic !! <3
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justalildumpling · 2 years
6 hours?!!! I woukd have passed out despite majoring law /jk
Jokes aside that is tiring, take resand t a bit if you want to (?) Idk hefyhjj
And I know but it is so hard to do so bc she is literally in the same friend groups as me, i would have let go her already if i could :/ speaking of her i had another friend who is like her and i let her go and this popular friend im talking abt became friends w her to get me down but it didnt work bc two narcissists could never be friends atp so the popular friend started ranting abt ger to me, more like shit talking her and i was done, i was like sorry but can we talk about something else? I don't want to hear about her and she was like oh yeah sure and then we didn't speak, thank the heavens and i didn't go to law school today bc i was so tired lolol, definitely gonna go actually confront her tomorrow bc i was thinking abt it, i could just leave that friend group, i have other friends so it is ok and im so sorry to hear that rly, i know how it feels to deal w those friends and i hope they arent in contact w you/cut their ties w you!! And im definitely gonna take your advice and cut my friendship, ilysm j
Ty ty, im so greatful
i need more edits of haechan w that audio fr hshaha
she and i were/are in the same friend group but i've basically stopped talking to her and we still share the same friends which kinda suck ig cause it can be awkward at times but our friend group is pretty big so it's easier to avoid her but yeah trust me once you cut a toxic person out of your life you'll realise how much of an negative impact they've been on you and you'll feel so much better trust me🫶
i hope everything works out for you🥺🥺
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
Splinter and little brother headcannons!!!
Overprotective father tm. It's mildly worse than Raph but still pretty bad. Like when the turtles turned 16 he wouldn't let Lil bro go with them. Just because he's like 1 year younger than the rest doesn't mean he can't handle himself!
In the meantime he was training with master splinter to better his skills. He would be rewarded a head pat if he did well and it made him go all "...woah.." so he would try even harder. All just for head pats.
When he was younger little guy had a fascination with Splinters fur like, he was always petting it bc he liked how it felt. It was nice and soft he would just nuzzle into it bc it's so warm.
Little brother would watch his brothers sparring matches because splinter says he's not yet ready (poo) so he would study their moves and would be strategizing how to take them down. It's like he's watching a show or a movie and he's like "STUPID WHY DIDNT YOU USE A LEG SWIPE. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS MAN COME ONNNN" but he won't say it out loud though.
Actually when splinter was making the boys train non stop Lil brother was like "alright guys peace out. Hope you have fun" and splinter was like "Now wait just a second." And little brother finally got to spar up against his brothers and sensei for once. At first he was like "aw heck yeah. All those years of academy training are ready! >:D" he was exited the first few times until splinter made them train non-stop.
While the boys were away on the surface splinter would also take some time out of his day just to go show Lil guy some embroidery techniques because he saw him struggling trying to copy this one patern he saw on the web. He decided to teach himself embroidery and helps little brother out when hes having some difficulty. Since then it's become routine for him to ask the Lil dude what he's working on. Idk I just feel like splinter would be supportive of his sons hobbies like that 🥺
All of them taking it easy on him, a little nervous to hurt him, but then he takes them down the first time as easy as can be because he's been studying their weak spots for years- FUCKIN GET IT... I LOVE HIM...
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inkykeiji · 1 month
Hi clari! ⚡anon here after a long while! Hehehe how are you doing! Sorry that I disappeared for 2 years, shit went down but all good now
Have alot of catching upto do with the content >.< ( What a meal 🥰) Thank you so much <3
Oh I wanted to ask...there was another very popular blog ( they had dark content too) that I used to love but I can't seem to find them... Their username at that time was smth izuku based...their whole tumblr aesthetic feed was also based on izuku at that time ( I forgot all the terms omg)
I think I remember you following them too..not really sure. Any idea what happened to them or could you maybe help me find them 🥺
Apart from that! I hope you're taking care of yourself, eating well and are always hyrated well
I DEFINITELY MISSED YOU ALOT ( I used to think what would they be doing out of nowhere during my 2 year depression shit show)
Hope you take care! 💖💖💖💖💖
hi sweetpea!!! <3 oh it’s so lovely to hear from you again!! you don’t have to apologize for anything bb it is totally and completely fine (i am literally always just happy to hear from you guys, no matter how long it’s been since you last stopped by!). i am sorry to hear that you’ve had such a rough few years, though :( i truly do hope things are going better now <33
HEHEHE ur so cute oh my gosh (*ノωノ) i have definitely written a lot in the last two years so hopefully you can find some pieces that tickle your fancy (ahahaha what a funny saying) <3
HMMMM the only person who comes to mind is annie, whose url used to be rat-zuki. very very very unfortunately, annie deleted her blog a while ago :((((( RIP rat-zuki you will forever be missed </3 my heart mourns the loss of annie’s blog and annie’s writing every day ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ annie does still have a tumblr blog, which is @/ratsqueaks, but she hasn’t been active for a lil! she currently doesn’t write, but that’s where you can find her if you’re interested <3 i miss annie and her marvellous writing so much
thank you lil lightning bolt!!! i am trying my best!!! i hope you’re taking good care of yourself as well! <33
I MISSED YOU TOO, like genuinely i miss all of you so so so much, i’ve been working rly hard not just to be more active on my blog but to be more active in our beautiful little writing community as well because i just miss it like crazy. i’m so flattered that i crossed your mind every once in a while, wow!!!!! i think about anons that i haven’t heard from in a while, too. something will happen and one of you will pop into my head and i’ll just think gosh, i hope they’re doing well <3
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leetaehwan · 6 months
Hi, thanks for answering my ask! It's your Stayblr Secret Santa again, this time asking what your favourite things are about Minho and what made him stand out to you. I was talking to someone today and lamenting how I noticed that Lino got the only beige item in an otherwise all-white wardrobe for the Perfect Day with SKZ Photoshoot. Who decided HE had to be the one dressed in beige cardigan and shorts, aka dad uniform? Hope you're having a good day and weekend.
omg true i mean the dad uniform is kinda cute but they definitely could have done better for him 🫢
my weekend was good i went to my work holiday party and got to put up more christmas decorations around my house! i don’t have my tree yet but i’m def feeling a bit more festive ✨✨
gonna put the rest under a cut bc i def rambled a bit oops 😁
my favorite things about minho hmm where to begin sjsjdhshs i think at first it was his visuals that stood out to me (ofc i mean look at him 😵‍💫🤧) but also his dancing is incredible (danceracha captain title well deserved!) u can tell how passionate he is when u watch the dance practices like he’s in this shit for life! and the way he helps everyone when they learn new choreos, like obviously that’s part of his job but it seems like he’s rly looking out for the other members and he wants them to do well. i always think about when felix said something about how he feels safe and comfortable when he’s dancing next to lino or when lino is helping him practice new choreos and like 🥺🥺🫶🏼
also i love that he is the designated Weirdo™️ of the group. i mean . lbr they’re all weirdos but he is king and i can’t help but stan <3 one of my mutuals has a series called “shit lino says” and it’s just gif sets of some insane thing he once said off-hand in a skz-talker ep or something and it brings me endless joy 🥰 the chaotic scorpio energy is off the charts and i love him for it. i watched the 2 kids show with him and chan the other day and that ep is literally pure chaos it was just the two of them clowning mc changbin for 30 minutes and maybe like 2 minutes of them actually being sincere ALDNDKDB he may never admit it but he loves those idiots with his whole chest i just know it
some favorite physical attributes include his giant sparkly eyes (literally the embodiment of 🥺), HIS NOSE, the lil freckle on the side of his nose, the marms (minho arms), that one time during maniac tour last year when his hair was really long.. 🫠 i could literally go on it’s so embarrassing how much i love him </3
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sehunniepotwrites · 8 months
HAAAAAAAI i'm so glad i could bring a smile to your face in your day through my messages heheheheh ☺️ how was your day today!!!
omg is this telepathy or what! i was just considering and thinking of whether i wanted to pursue a masters after finishing up my undergrad degree studies!! hehe what's your masters in if it's not too private to ask 🫢 i was just thinking of doing masters because of my current timeline!! it's rly rly tuff to find a job here after graduating because the mkt is currently just kinda meh :/ so i was just wondering if perhaps going for masters would put me in a better spot!! but then again masters is something i can decide at a later time so rn im just gathering opinions from ppl who have taken it! wbu!! do u have any thoughts or opinions? :")
OMGGGGGG have i mentioned im a SUCKER for childhood besties concepts cuz that's just so so so cute 🥹🥹 I LOVE IT I CANT WAIT!!!! 😍 and my goodness how r u alw so creative w your ideas??? iM so unimaginative that like stories alw amaze me 🫢 hehehehe and HELLO wdym u have a life like a fic odnfoenfoke THATS SO COOL AND SWEET N LOVELY gosh i'd WISH i had like one thing from a fic ever happen to me 🥰🥰🥰🥰
AHHHH im so glad u could meet your friends and hang out together!! wish u had as much fun as u possibly could!! hehehehe how nice would it be if we could always be hanging out w our besties and just spending time together 🥺 hope you guys r meeting again soon!!! sounds rly rly fun to karaoke together it's been so so long for me to both karaoke and meet my friends cuz literally everyone im close to or care about is on exchange this semester :/
which brings me to my never ending rant of how despresso espresso i am this semester >< it's a rly tuff time in my life rn cuz im trying to navigate and find an internship that matches both my interest and my degree cuz it is a graduation requirement for me 🤡 i guess im at least getting somewhere w the search cuz i did have a pretti good offer lately! and im currently just pending the outcome of another role i interviewed for under the same company before making a decision (if i do get offered by the other role too heh) 😊 but then im just rly rly LONELY this semester and im just sad cuz im attending classes and doing everything by myself :/ and i dont have friends arnd locally rn that i could meet and just unwind after a period of stress so its rly draining me a lot on top of my never ending assignments projects and exams 🥲🥲 and yea ldr is so so tough and its so hard to keep my emotions in check because of how big of an overthinker i am so im always just having sleepless nights, constant nightmares and sometimes even sleep paralysis 🥲 i guess im becoming more independent from this whole experience though! forces me to become a whole even without everyone by my side and to continue living and functioning, doing what i should be doing!
i love coming to talk to u and reading all your responses too!! 🩵 m alw looking forward to your replies and your kind words to me hehehehe keeps me going!!!
love, 🍑
i've spent the weekend in bed becuase i'm sick again! i binged s2 of the summer i turned pretty and i cried a whole bunch. i love how they really took the angsty route this season--really showed how diff people deal with grief! probs gonna call out tomorrow because i've been sneezing like crazy and my voice is lowkey gone ;; i think i'm gonna try to get some writing done and post a teaser for a story that may never be completed but it's too good to just stay in my drafts!!
oh sure, i have my masters in education. i went thru a one year ma program with a teacher's cred tied into it too. my program was unique in that they condensed a two year prog into one accelerated and it was the toughest year of my life tbh. working full time as a teacher and going to school full time for basically two degrees was tough.
i love all my ideas but i haven't been able to finish them!!! i really want to get them out to the world bc theyre too good to sit in my drafts but it's so incomplete!! the one i am thinking about posting can be a standalone because its such an open-ended ending but there's still WAY more planned for it.
if you have time, playing games together online is a good way to keep in contact. we played pictionary on a website and it was super fun during the pandemic a lot!
it looks like youre slowly getting your ducks in a row for the internship despite the stress! but i see how missing your so and friends can affect your mood. feeling alone is never the best feeling and i totally see where you are coming from. but look at you, you're already looking at the positives out of your stressful situation! that's so great! you can only go up from here, you know? and listen, this is something i always tell my students, each person has their own timeline--their own time to make mistakes, to figure out what they want or need, etc. you may take longer than others but you don't need to worry about others. worry about you and focus on the things you can do for yourself to make you better. and if you make a mistake, that's just a lesson you can take. it's all about your growth mindset!
love u lots!!!
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xiaojuun · 1 year
Hii it's teubunn here, how you've been? I've been busy with uni and I will be for a while but! I wanted to ask. Since I'm still not that good at remembering the members and also so I could get to know them better- maybe u can tell me some things to know abt each member (or some of them if u want). Like one of those unhelpful guide to videos lol. maybe ur fave physical features and fave personality trait of theirs🥺 idk I think it'll be cute and also like it's so hard to get into a group that's not active so I'm hoping they cb soon. ur mv gif series is so cute btw!!! 🐇🐇💌
hiii bestie 💖 i hope that you're not working yourself too hard at uni ! this is so cute i'd love to give it a go hehe, i'll put in gifs i've made with them all too ... i ended up writing idek what for all of them LOL so i hope it helps 🥹 i also recommend this old but good 'who's who' video it's from ILY era so they look like babies but i think a lot of it is still true and funny; if you have more time and want something more recent this video is amazing for getting to put names to faces! anyways ... the eri version of unhelpful guide below the cut LOL
choi hyunsuk: 1/2 leaders and the oldest. his representative animal is hedgehog (after his jikjin era hedgehog haircut lol) and one thing about choi is he WILL cry. he's a super softie and is totally the group's mom lol my fave Choi Crying moment was when they surprised him for his birthday while filming tmap ! he's a short king and has the cutest nose
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park jihoon: 2/2 leaders and my best friend (real). his representative animal is puppy (formerly panda but he rly wanted to be a puppy lol) and he's super playful and affectionate with the members, def the dad of mom and dad, and a total power extrovert. killer smile and super cute beauty mark under his eye on his cheek !
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kanemoto yoshinori (yoshi): he is a human marshmallow ... very distinct rap voice (all the rappers have unique tones and voices imo) and he's got a recognizable birthmark on his chin ! looks like an anime protagonist come to life honestly. his animal is a tiger. he's soft spoken but when he warms up he's also rly playful especially with hyunsuk hehe
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kim junkyu: MEME BOY literally so introverted that it's not even funny lol he hates leaving his room and he will wear the same hoodie and sweatpants every day of his life. his animal is a koala but he's strong on his catboy agenda like he is meowing left and right these days idk also for a while he was known as being the most like 'yg type' of the group whatever that means ! known for his broad shoulders and generally 'good' proportions, again whatever that means . also never dyes his hair
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yoon jaehyuk: my angel on earth never not making a kissy face. his animal is a lion and you will pretty much always find him with asahi and/or jeongwoo. apparently he was street cast by like 7 different companies bc he's so handsome, so he chose yg and just like . learned to dance and sing a few months before they put him through ygtb hell ... genuinely just so sweet and soft he always has his arm around whoever is next to him i cry
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hamada asahi: looks like a cat but his 'animal' is a robot haha. he's trsr's resident quirky guy and will just do the most random funny things, but he's also a soft spoken sweetheart who is mega talented as a musician/producer and also visual artist. he's come out of his shell a ton over the years we're so proud ... his best look imo is his platinum blonde hair during ILY era. he's got the smudged lipstick in the mv SO iconic
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kim doyoung: little prince .. he rly looks like a little cherub to me. his animal is a rabbit (like you!). dobby is a little corny imo like he will just say the cheesiest pick up lines and wink at u but he's being so serious 😭 it's really cute haha. he's also just super sweet and attentive. some ppl say he and junkyu really look like twins but i've never seen it
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watanabe haruto: the tallest member! and also the deepest voice lol. he was formerly an alpaca but he changed to a butterfly (nabi is butterfly in korean so i believe it's a play on his last name). tutu seems really cool but he's actually really soft and thoughtful.
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park jeongwoo: my annoying little brother (real). also MAIN VOCAL ! his animal is a wolf. the other members hype him up for being handsome hehe bc i think for a while he was really insecure 🥲 he's got so much energy and is often seen messing around w his favorite hyungs, esp jaehyuk and asahi.
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so junghwan: our super king cow baby <3 his animal is of course a cow (so means cow). he's also one of the tallest members haha and i don't think he really acts like a maknae, jeongwoo is much more like 'typical' maknae behavior, junghwan is a bit more reserved and pretty responsible imo so he doesn't really take advantage of being the baby. but it comes out and is really cute haha (he's been known to fall asleep while studying on camera 😭)
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takata mashiho (former): pocket size main dancer beloved i miss u ... he was also the only one who could really cook so i hope everyone is eating okay now lol. very CUTE but also like one of the absolute most responsible members
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bang yedam (former): pd bang u will always be famous ... just absolute main slayer vocalist and songwriter, cute curly hair and super handsome. one of the more down to earth energies of the group too
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marshmallowleos · 2 years
Yeah I’ve been better at not over thinking or stressing about it as much. as long as he’s healthy and feeling happy it’s good! ^^ I hope he just slows down a little and takes time to eat and relax more.
I love he’s like yes the nips are now out and on his terms. I think frankenstein helped him with that too.
Bloody hands version is good but I don’t think it’s a surprise I love the reaper sexy dead man look the most I love how the veil covers him and the hat and how it makes him look so mythical and extra alluring I dunno how else to word lol
and please he is soooo hot 😫 I’m mostly just the sits quietly and admire type (tho yeah I went a little insane loud about reaper sexy like wow 🪦) I think I’m desensitised to his nips now it’s just oh look taeks nips are out hi 👋 lmaooo but he’s most definitely hot no matter his size and I agree he doesn’t need to try so hard or feel he must be that small. kr society pressure doesnt help. Like during fantasy he was broader and softer and he was beautiful then too.. I still think about how he said he ate all he wanted during his enlistment and he got to 70kg tho (I’d love to see pictures of him 😭) until a colleague mentioned he eats a lot like mind your business 😤
But yes taek hot song very good very much love 🥺🤧🖤
if hes happy then im happy but i do think he works too hard and puts too much pressure on himself which i think is probably a part of why he started dieting so much when he made his solo debut....think hes still self-conscious it just manifests differently now
he rly said you Will look at my tiddies for this comeback tits out on national tv breaking all the broadcast guidelines and revealing the scandalous and illegal second nipple
the bloody photos were my fave bc if you know anything abt me obviously they would be but honestly all the photos from this era were SO good i rly liked the ones with the veil too!! it was a rly interesting concept?? although i was reminded just a little of the babadook when he had the hat on. sexy babadook
WHERE are the pics of 70kg taekwoon i would commit crimes to see them im going to fight whoever made that comment abt his eating habits but yeah i think the hyper focus on looks and weight thats so prevalent in korea especially among idols rly doesnt help him at all theres an old old video of a “fan” asking taekwoon if he could lose weight like who the FUCK did they think were (thank god hakyeon is an angel and was immediately like “absolutely not hes already pretty next question” hakyeon is a verified members of the soft taekwoon fanclub)
last part is so true tho taekwoon is hot and the song slaps and piano man is a masterpiece this comeback is so good i love him thank u
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