#and its literally such a big part of me but im just now entering the fandom
ink-for-dinner · 10 months
hey what the fuck is a troll hunter
How do I even answer this💀
So Trollhunters is this fucking amazing piece of art of a show on Netflix that everyone should watch cause it's just so good and THIS my anonymous friend is a the troll hunter ✨
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He's awesome
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ganondoodle · 1 month
sorry i keep coming back to totk rants, but something that utterly baffles me from a game design perspective especially is
who, in their right mind, would think to put similar objectives with the same characters in the EXACT same place as its previous game when already reusing the same exact map (no, single rocks springkled around isnt a meaningful change, fight me)
like from a purely logical point of view its just ... not logical?? and TWICE so when most players will have played the previous game, so now that the exploration, which was the main driving point of it, isnt as satisfying simply bc you know most locations and what is what, the thing you need to do is subvert it as in you go to that location and theres something else now or something that leads to a new reveal, but not NOTHING either, bc you likely cared about what youd find- the satori mountain was such a cool mysterious place, so now you head to it to see what is now and its nothing but maybe an obvious treasure chest? thats both lazy (i realy use that since its way overused by people missusing it) and just ... it might be meant as a lil nod so that there isnt nothing at all but to me it feels even more condescending as if there were literally nothing instead
satori isnt here anymore? thats weird if its always been there, so you go find a cause, maybe theres a fissure somewhere you can enter a large cave system, an hidden entrance to the underground that reveals there is something corrupting the place somwhere nearby but not exactly in the same spot- make it into a bossfight at which end satori gets cleansed- maybe it got captured and taken somewhere else, to a place that was kinda neat but didint serve a big fucntion in botw like maybe it was dragged somwhere into the big tabantha canyon, or to the forgotten temple
you try to visit rito village but the snow and cold there got so bad that you cant even reach it without special gear, and when you do reach it its utterly frozen in thick ice and not a single soul is there, the perch of vah medoh is knocked over building a bridge as a subtle hint as to in what direction perhaps, its intriguing bc clearly they have to be SOMEWHERE, maybe they tried to use vah medoh to evacuate but bc its losing power and doesnt have a skilled pilot they crash land it into the mountains, now trapped there and due to the storm not able to send anyone out to get help, maybe some did but they didnt make it and you can find them on your way and rescue them, and bc of the storm being so bad no one can get out and no one can get in (except for our special boi linky ofc) and even after the storm has weakened they dont immediately go back and act like everythings normal, maybe theres an extra mission afterwards helping them rebuild the village but not exactly the same as it was but fortified, different to account for things like this happening again, establishing the crashsite of vah medoh as a second outpost, or a temple, to thank it for bringing them out of immedaite danger but couldnt go all the way
theres so many places that are so clearly modeled around botw that are entirely unused now bc they had to remove all things shiekah for no reason, the holes they left jsut being holes where somethings clearly missing or some chest with a gem in it while the new shrine thing is within view distance a few meters away, might as well have put them in the exact same place bc it really doesnt make a difference
(like alot of those ideas im using for the rewrite which changes many things but you get the point right??)
and its even worse imo with the building stuff, bc now you dont even have to journey there you can fly glide and literally drive there instantly like a giant skip button so you cant even appreaciate the way to it, you skip to one important part to the next
and then points of interest are REPEATED AGAIN, like with shrines and lightroots and settlements and big mines- that is the opposite of satisfying gameplay, you dont have to explore shit bc its all in the same place which is probably why they only did tiny changes to those few spots and nothing else bc they knew most people would run right to those so it gives the illusion of changes (which are half reversable or barely a change at all) and even those are STILL meaningless
its right up there with having even MORE grind with less substance to it than in botw, the shrines and krogs got a lil old but at least the environment, its subtle storytelling etc were something- and totk just bloated everything with more little meaningless collectables while not changing anything meaningfully (and instead pretends that some things where never there and those new boring things were always there)
more shriens with shorter puzzles or none at all, more krogs with the same reward system, over a hundred tiny caves that all blend together bc they are all so similar and you really only do them for yet another colelctable for old gear and ONE cool new one with a bad effect after which the things collected become uselessreally, souls to collect to buy you a single armor set, rewards being largley reused old stuff from botw (imo you should have a chest in your house, yes YOUR house, that got most of the standard versions of botws armor in it so you dont have to buy it all again??? but you gotta think of going home first and dont have to use it- make new versions of them alternatively so you can choose if you want the old one or new one and also LEAVE ONE AT YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT HAVING TO SELL IT SO YOUT INVENTORY ISNT AS ENDLESSLY SCROLLING AS YOUR STUPID ARROW BAR)
theres new effects from food and armor thats largely useless (like the attack when hot?? why wouldnt you you jsut combine an armor and a potion- put on hot armor and drink an attack potion? its way more efficient no?? idk i found it to be yet another effect thing to bloat my inventory especially when NPCs keep giving you shitty effect food)
the whole sonanium (zonaite?) collecting with multiple ways to convert it into yet another currency??? huh???? AND have it be the thing for you to autobuild with?? when you need it upgrade your battery which takes an insane amount of those stones?? wells, while finally an actual well are NOW ALSO LIKE A COLLECTABLE and im gonna take a wild guess that the reward is utterly disappointing too
the fairies are all blocked by much more annoying means than in botw (like i wouldnt want to carry those NPCs three meters away in their little cart antoehr time please) and the amount of material AND MONEY NOW you need is so much higher for no reason (if its their attempt to make the game harder its the lamest way to do it)-
all while instead of expanding on the foundation of botw they ripped it out to build a new one while pretending they are both there (im so so slaty about this .... a sequel like this should expand upon the stuff of the first game, both in theme, narrative, mechanics and more and not ... replace it with slightly different versions of it while abandoning everything established before and really only using it as a way to skip having to make you care about some characters bc you might still care about them from the other game)
i could go on, as always lol, anyway, i really really dont get why this got into the final game ..
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
hi! Hooe ur having a good day so far ;)
if its not a big thing to ask, could you do the TADC crew with a s/o who has a really big sweet tooth? Like they dont need to eat, but anytime something slightly sweet is presented they always eat it no matter what? Thank you!
TADC cast x a reader w/ a sweet tooth!
yipee third request of the day! just got 13 more then im all caught up!! thinking about it more i might reopen requests day after tomorrow, if i finish all the current requests today!
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congrats! there isnt a better source of sugar in the digital world than from the tooth man himself; bro literally pulled a cake out of thin air youre set for life if you want to eat treats! i like to think he would make a mental note of what sweets are your favorite and for what reason; taste, texture, smell, stuff like that
i personally hc that since caine is an ai he cant really taste, at least not in the same way we can, so bonus idea, imagine describing what things taste like to him, ,i think thats cute
when you told pomni that you had a sweet tooth, she assumed that you had a normal sweet tooth; as in you simply liked having a little treat here and there. imagine her shock when caine promises sweets as a reward for completing an IHA and you end up going full ham trying to secure the reward. maybe its because your sweet tooth is that intense, or maybe you havent had many chances to indulge since entering the digital world... whatever it may be, i think pomni would give you her candies and treats; she seems like a more bitter flavor enjoyer
writing her part first because i just got struck with an idea but imagine the two of you baking something together; bonus you keep trying to eat the stuff before its fully done (ex. you keep eating some of the frosting before it can be put on a cupcake or something). she playfully swats your hand when you try to snag more of whatever you're baking together. gives an apologetic look; would the treat not be better when its complete? come on reader, practice patience!
thats another idea for a real world au thing with ragatha, you two running a little baking business; i think that would be cute
you guys fist fight over a bag of sour patch kids sorry i dont make the rules. i hc that jax has a huge sweet tooth, especially for sour candies. so uh, if you like sour candies youre going to have to make a stash... but considering jax has keys to some peoples rooms, you might wanna be smart about it... will share his candy with you if youre feeling extra bad one day, though
sweets, a loving partner, and a cozy pillow fort. does it get more comforting than that? okay maybe it can, if you pair a cup of hot coco with your cinnamon roll, but hey! side note, we see kinger sitting at the table at the end of the pilot... with food... so like.. how does he eat? does it just clip through his face? did he only get food to be polite? now i have a few questions... i dont think kinger would be a huge sweet fan; not really craving sugar that often... i think he would be a spice lover, though, this man would love himself a spice cake me thinks
also not a particularly huge sweet fan, but i think similar to jax they would love sour candies. unlike jax, though, they wont go snooping around for your stash, though! probably snags stuff from the common areas if caine has like a communal candy store in the circus, or if not... stares at jax. you WILL hear from them if you leave your candy wrappers around though!
speaking of candy wrappers, i think gangle would keep them! gives them a use; depending on what kind of material they are or like... if theyre foldable (think like a gum wrapper) she makes little pieces of origami for you! hearts, frogs, flowers, things like that! sometimes gets you some candy so she can get the wrappers. also likes how the crinkling feels n sounds!
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juyeonszn · 9 months
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES literally just fluff
WARNINGS no 18+ warning this time 🙀, despite it being KIND OF suggestive at one point, it really isn’t anything that constitutes a warning, brother’s best friend trope, (fr)enemies to lovers trope, good ol’ fashioned sneaking around, mild swearing, tbh this is really cute and like i wanna throw up bc when is it my turn </3
SUMMARY despite keeping your relationship restricted to the confines of these four walls, you would always be his.
MORE LOLLL IM INSANE I KNOW U CAN ALL THROW TOMATOES AT ME 😍😍🙏i literally wrote this in 2 hours call me william shakespeare :P um anyway here u go anon! here’s your request from my 100 followers event <3 prompts used are: 1, 15 🙌
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs
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“What’s the purpose of that top if it barely covers anything?”
You glance over at Hyunjae with a scowl, crossing your arms over your chest. “First of all, who the hell are you to judge what I’m wearing? Second of all, why are you looking?”
“Okay, gross, I would never look at you like that. You’re a child.” He gags, his lips curling downward into a grimace. You roll your eyes.
“And you’re old. Find a new comeback, Jaehyun.”
“Here they go again. And with the government name, too, that’s crazy.” Juyeon snorts from his spot on the floor. Eric bursts into an unnecessary amount of laughter, slapping his shoulder aggressively. The older male winces, muttering a small ‘Ow’.
Sangyeon sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and pausing the movie that you were currently watching. He deadpans at the two of you. “Do I really have to play referee right now? In the middle of movie night?”
You both send puppy dog eyes and big smiles his way, because no matter how fun it was going at each other’s throats, it was never worth the scolding from your older brother. Sometimes you feared his wrath more than your own parents, and that’s considering the fact that you were a grown adult. He gives you a warning look before resuming the film.
The funny thing about being four years younger than your brother was the way you shared a friend group. Upon entering university, you befriended two rambunctious boys who happened to be on the baseball team with Sangyeon. Thankfully, you’d been close your whole life, so it wasn’t too big a deal when you all started hanging out. It was kind of convenient since you lived in the same house.
As the movie continues, you glance over at Hyunjae, whose chin is resting on his palm. God, his stupid face pissed you off so easily. Just looking at it riled you up unprovoked. He was lucky he was best friends with your brother (and also all of your friends), or else you might’ve killed him at this point. To be completely honest, there were a couple times you almost did.
Towards the end of the night, everyone started settling down and getting ready to go to bed. A couple of the guys usually slept in the living room, there were a couple in the guest room, and then whoever else was left crashed in your brother’s room with a futon or air mattress. Being the only girl had its special perks— i.e., you got to have your bedroom all to yourself.
It’s about an hour and a half after you’ve parted ways with the boys that you hear the familiar creak of your door opening. A warm body sneaks under the covers behind you, wrapping their arms around your torso and pressing their lips to the shell of your ear.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“Took you long enough, Lee Jaehyun,” you murmur, side eyeing him while you shut your phone off and place it on your nightstand. “I almost fell asleep.”
“Stop calling me that,” he pouts, groaning into the crook of your neck when you giggle at his childish behavior. “You sound like my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid.”
Okay; silly story time. Hyunjae and yourself truly started off hating each other. He was a pretentious know-it-all and he despised being wrong. He always had to get the last word and he argued with you like his life depended on it. To you, he was your older brother’s insufferable best friend and you wanted nothing more than to strangle the living daylights out of him.
His first impression of you wasn’t that much different. He thought you were an over-confident spoiled brat who had zero filter. You enjoyed picking fights with him just because you knew it irritated him like nothing else. To him, you were his best friend’s annoying younger sister and he wanted to put a muzzle on you so he could shut you up for once.
The pair of you were like fire and gasoline, a deadly combination that the universe made a mistake putting together. Your friends were amused by your constant bickering, but it drove your brother insane.
One day, in an attempt to get you to bond, Sangyeon had sent Hyunjae to pick you up from a friend’s apartment after working on a project. The entire car ride was filled with insults left and right, neither of you paying attention to the angry grey cloud in the sky above you. Before you knew it, it was pouring down so hard that Hyunjae could hardly see through the windshield.
He pulled over into an empty lot to wait it out, but even that storm wasn’t enough to quell the rage warring in both of you. Your fight started back up, this time more heated than the previous.
You liked to think you weren’t a woman of many flaws. However, you proved yourself incorrect this go around. Your single flaw was your inability to bite your tongue and keep your thoughts to yourself. So, when Hyunjae told you to ‘Shut the Fuck Up’, your response wasn’t what it should’ve been.
Instead you said; “Make me.”
And well, make you he did.
He kissed you with such force, the back of your head almost collided with the car window. You pulled away from each other to process exactly what had just transpired, realizing that all this detestation, all this animosity and rival shit had just been poorly disguised lust. All that tension was because you loathed the other and wanted them to die a slow painful death, it was because you wanted to go at it like jackrabbits.
After another few minutes of making out and waiting for the rain to subside, you both noticed that it wasn’t stopping anytime soon. Hyunjae licked his lips and traced your own with the tip of his finger, grinning. “We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
In your head, that was a completely logical conclusion that you quickly agreed with. And so, that was the beginning of your secret relationship with Lee Hyunjae, your brother’s best friend and your supposed enemy.
“You and your bed are so much more comfy than the pull out in your living room. I kinda feel bad for Juyeon and Changmin.” He rubs circles into your waist with his thumb, wrapping his arms tighter around your middle.
“Hey, I’m not opposed to kicking you out and making you sleep in a sleeping bag like Sunwoo and Eric.” You tsk, turning in his embrace to face him.
He gasps in feign offense. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you shrug, sighing dramatically. “Apparently, I’m a child and you would never look at me a certain way.”
“I was just joking, baby,” he laughs and good God, you’re down bad if just the sound of his laugh has butterflies erupting in your stomach. “I gotta make sure everyone thinks I still find you aggravating. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, you know.”
You bat your eyelashes at him exaggeratedly. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Hyunjae smiles at you, differently than all the others he’s shown you before. It’s tender, gentler than what you’re used to from the brunette. His eyes are a softer shade of brown, mocha colored irises that stare at you with so much admiration that even the darkness of your room couldn’t overshadow. The moonlight peeking in from your curtains illuminates his features perfectly.
“I know I don’t tell you that often, but you mean a lot to me, Y/N,” he suddenly confesses. “Sneaking around and not being able to show the world that you’re mine is so fucking difficult, but if you’re not ready, then I’m okay with it. I want you to be happy when you’re with me, all the time. You make it all worth it.”
“Hyunjae…” Your bottom lip juts out, your heart swelling with so many emotions. His eyes flicker down to your mouth and he closes the gap between you, leaving a sweet kiss that manages to knock out all the air from your lungs.
He peppers kisses to your cheeks, nose, and the crown of your head until your breathing has evened and you’ve fallen asleep. His favorite part of sleeping over was getting to see this, you laying in his arms peacefully. It served as a reminder for him that despite keeping your relationship restricted to the confines of these four walls, you would always be his. He whispers one last thing to you before calling it a night himself, though he’s sure your sleep is too deep to register it.
“I love you.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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junhannies · 8 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ dont let me lose you | choi taeyang
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pairing: choi taeyang × reader
genre: kinda friends to lovers w no obvious confessions, hurt/ comfort, fluff
warning: grammer
wc: 0,8k
summary: you and taeyang had a big fight, maybe the biggest one you two ever had. and now you are on your way to see him even though the horrible weather.
a/n: heyy!! so this is actually a part of a long fic i have been writing for a while. but i looove this episode so i thought to myself why not publish it here as well, enjoyy!!
⟡ fic starts under the cut!
it was raining like hell outside . and you were trying to get to theo’s house as soon as you could. you were already nearly completely wet and freezing.
you had problems with taeyang before. but they were all about meaningless little things. this one was actually different. you had both said stuff you knew you were gonna regret. and you wanted to talk it out with him. you knew you werent gonna stop overthinking this whole thing if you didnt handled it immediately. so here you were standing in front of theo and jiung’s house. you knocked the door and it was immediately opened by jiung who was shocked to see you standing there, completely drenched because of the weather.
“y/n are you crazy? what are you doing here? you are going to be sick” he yelled while he was literally dragging you inside.
“i had to see him jiung” you said.
“i know i know. lets get you changed up so you wont catch a cold” he said with a comforting smile.
“do you have spare clothes? or do you want me to give you-“
“oh i already have some, dont worry” you said while walking through the bathroom. you knew it was gonna rain like hell. but you came anyways.
“just let me change real quick then i will be talking to him”
he nodded while showing the bathroom with one hand. you quickly changed up. you were nervous as hell and even shocked that you werent shaking like crazy right now. you showed all your wet clothes in the bag then left the bathroom.
jiung was already waiting for you in the hallway. “are you feeling nervous?” he asked cutely.
“yeah. i dont even know what im gonna say. i just felt so bad that i took the first train here. i dont know what was i thinking to be honest.”
“you were scared of losing him y/n. thats okay. you need to calm down first. he’s very upset as well. he hasnt left his room since you two had a fight.”
you shook my head in response.
“his room is upstairs” he said. then showed you the way.
“good luck” he whispered. then went back downstairs.
you were so nervous that you were about to faint. you mumbled some shit to give you confidence. then you slowly opened the door and entered the room.
“go away jiung” theo said but it was more like a mumble. he was lying on the bed. you slowly walked over to him and sat on the bed. he probably though you were jiung since he even turned his head to look at you. so you laid down next to him.
“hey taeyang” you said softly. he was shocked to see it was not jiung but you.
“y/n what the hell are you doing here? its raining like crazy out there” he said worriedly while sitting up.
“i had to see you. so i took the first train here” you said. you could already feel your eyes tearing up. but since you didnt want him to see that, you turned your head.
“y/b please dont cry” he said while cupping your cheeks.
“im so sorry, i was acting like a total jerk” he said pullint you close to his chest.
“im sorry too theo. i was being a bitch anyways”
“no, please dont say that” he whined
“ i dont even know why i said that. i got so angry with myself afterwards. and now you are here. you came to see me in this shitty weather and i didnt even text you.”
you sobbed quietly while he was caressing your hair.
“please dont cry y/n. its okay. we are okay, right?”
you shook my head. and he pulled you closer to his chest. you stayed like that for a while.
“can we cuddle and sleep please” you asked.
“of course” he said. then fixed the pillows.
“i care about you too much to lose you in a stupid argument like this. im so sorry for upsetting you”
he then quickly hid his head in the stack of pillows and you laughed at the way he got shy.
“no need to get embarrassed theo” you said ruffling his hair.
“come here” he said pulling you into a tight hug. and you felt the safest you have felt in a while. he was soft and warm. and his arms wrapping you tightly made you believe he wasnt gonna leave you ever.
he hummed as a response.
“dont let me lose you, okay?”
“you dont have to worry about such thing” he kissed the top of your head.
“now lets sleep. shall we?”
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twinkletfout · 1 month
Rude boy — part.4
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
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You saw his eyes swell, the red tint came into view as tears started pooling in his eyes. He looked away for a moment to play it off. You wanted to calm him, cheer him up. Be there for him. But you knew it was not your place. But before you could say anything he stood up and made himself out of the bar.
You guessed that the girl didn't see him, too busy with having so much fun with her new man. Despite the pain that slightly eased, you got up and went outside. It looked like he was calming himself down, you were glad that he was actually keeping his cool. Just like the way you are, you really can't hold back your tongue.
“Calm down, big guy. Not a big of a deal, hm? Lets go—”
You should really think before you talk, only if you thought about this before you said it anyway.
“What if it is?” it was a whisper, a mumble before his voice raised, he shouted.
“What if it is!?—” his voice cracked, holding back the tears for a minute before he continued
“She can do whatever the hell she wants? Fuck around with random guys, like its nothing?— I didn't date her for her to do that, and I, I just wanted to win her back I.. I loved her.”
you stood your ground as his voice slightly lowered, if he finally came to realise the fact that she doesn't want him anymore by taking out his anger on you. You didn't mind actually, just the way your heart aches for him right now, something also healed at the same time. And you felt guilty for feeling like this.
He was so wasted, too drunk to speak or talk that now he is spewing some random things as he kept on drinking. You told the bartender to not give him anymore, but when he realised. He gave you one pouty face like he was a goddamn toddler. And oh my god was that cute. You never saw this side of him before, it's like you unlocked something new about him and you loved this side a lot more than his usual self. You smiled to yourself before you said that it was enough and helped him stand up. Putting his hand over your shoulders as you supported his weight so he could walk easier.
Getting in the taxi was such a pain in the ass, as you finally entered the hotel and booked a room for one, the prince was literally dozing off and you had to carry him to his room. Because of this one guy, you lost your entire freaking day. You dropped him on the couch as soon as you entered the room. “God you are too heavy” you mumbled to yourself, but you knew he wasn't listening, it was like he was waiting to lay somewhere to finally sleep. But at least a good night's sleep will get everything off of his mind.
“You better call me the next morning, im leavin’ “ you said as you opened the door. You weren't expecting him to get on his feet or for his hand to wrap around your waist as he closed the door with his other with a sound. “Don't leave” his breath graced your ear as it sent a shiver down your spine. “Stay the night” he said as you turned around to face him. His whiskey eyes are getting you the one drunk now and you couldn't deny it as you looked up at him. “With me”
He leaned in, his lips almost touching yours as he waited for your consent. “We shouldn't—” you whispered. “One kiss won't hurt, hm?” His lips grew into a smirk as he said. “you are drunk, you nee—” you protested trying to push him back. “Please” he practically pleaded with those cerulean eyes, that was too hard for you to resist. And the hand that you used to push him back slightly lost strength and that was the sign he was looking for his lips to meet yours. Pulling your body towards him as your back hits the door that's now closed. One of his hands undid the few buttons of his own shirt before pushing your skirt upwards. He gave random kisses down your neck, your collarbone, your cheek before he started to grow more and more impatient.
“Luna…” he mumbled against your neck, that's what it all took for you to react.
Luna? Who is that?
You brought your hand to push him away as you put your skirt down.”Luna?..” you questioned, more likely to yourself. It didn't take you much time for the picture of his blondie lover to pop in your mind. You felt a strong pang in your chest as you figured things out. “Get some rest rude boy, i should get going now” you opened the door as he suprisingly retrieved you. “Dont call me that” he said before you leave. “Its Gojo.” he told you before turning his back as he flopped onto the couch.
Everything else was a blur, you got on a taxi and went to your own appartment. Maybe it was because your were holding yourself back from overflowing with tears.
A day passed with no contact of Gojo, but he did send the money more than that you said you wanted, you spent most of your time drawing and designing your new dress, it was your dream to make a dress of your own that will satisfy your thoughts about how good it needs to turn out. Even though you never spent much time with him or new him for a long time. Gojo always had to occupy in your mind and you hated him for that.
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kindkingsarchieve · 7 months
photography era
inhaler x reader (platonic)
potential elijah hewson x reader (romantic) ??
reader is childhood bestfriends/ who doubles up as their occasional photographer, who the lads are trying convince to go on tour with them!
authors note: heyyyy so this is my first time every writing/posting something on tumblr so please be kind 🥹 social media aus are my guilty pleasure so i thought id try my had at one ! let me know what you think <33
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername graduated college baby, celebratory drinks, idiots returned to the homeland, re entering my photographer era, (rare) pretty bus seens, my girls <3
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bobbyskeetz at least this idiot doesn’t still get the bus at the ripe of 24…
yourusername WHO HURT YOU ROBERT ?!??
collegefriend no cause im gonna miss seeing your cute face every day
yourusername no cause I cant think about it or ill get all sad !!
yourusername collegefriend we’ll do coffee loads
inhalerfan1 wait who’s this girl?? How does she know the boys?
inhalerfan2 they’re all mutual friends! they all grew up together, think they met during school :)
inhalerfan3 she’s really into photography, she took alot of the bands earlier pics!!
elijahhewson great no excuse now come on tour with us
ryanmcmahon_15 yeah or youll be a big fat liar
joshjenkinson_ yeah time to join your idiots on tour!
yourusername …. dont tempt me
inhalerfan2 omg to be her
(liked by 50 users)
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liked by yourusername and others
inhalerdublin dont mind us, just dreaming of festival season. not long now 📸 @lewevans
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joshjenkinson_ 🤘🏼🤘🏼
bobbyskeetz oh baby take me backkk
ryanmcmahon_15 who are those good lookin fellas?
inhalerfan1 me 🤝 ryan
thinking bobby and eli are goodlookin
yourusername @lewevans the man that you are, these a sick photos 🔥
lewevans cheers mate! hopefully see you in action this time around ?
(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
yourusername oh ffs not you too 🫠
yourusername hahah U2 @elijahhewson
elijahhewson ….right prepared to be blocked
yourusername wait no no no come back! I dont even know who bono is !!
elijahhewson removed you as a follower !
yourusername added to their story
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- bobbyskeetz hahahahhaha what an idiot
- joshjenkinson_ oh the receipts are coming out
- ryanmcmahon_15 well you know this is never gonna work to get back in the good books right?
- keep going tho
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername so ill watch you life in pictures like a used watch you sleep 😭
Its now been a million days since my “best friend” cut all contact with me, come back guggi be here 💔
view all 1,000 comments
inhaler1 holy shit these photos are something else
inhaler2 was just thinking this! Ive never seen them before
yourusername heyyy they were acc taken by me! my camera roll is plagued with these boys at this stage lol xx
inhalerfan4 wow i didnt know eli could smile..
bobbyskeetz its yn’s superpower
inhalerfan4 fwfagshsjue wtf hi bobby
joshjenkinson_ and by a million you mean 1 day right?
ryanmcmahon_15 and we were literally all together last night
yourusername god forbid a girl exaggerates every now and again 😀
inhalerfan3 wait omg are they dating?? he looks so boyfriend in these
inhalerfan5 omg they have to be you are so right
inhalerfan2 jesus they’ve said so many times she their bestFRIEND dont be weird
elijahhewson accepted your follow request!
part 2
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
I didnt watch rc9gn (sorry), but that question anon asked got me thinking:dont we already have amnesiac boy? *points at rex*?
Anon dont ever apologize for not having watched something, we all consume media/content at our own preference and pace!!! (I speak as a person who as of yet have not watched at least 5 major cartoons/shows of last decades lol) So its totally cool, always!
But YES you are totally right, Rex is another resident amnesiac in accordance to his canon show. It's actually one of the big bonding moments for him and Randy in HoM AU! ;D
However, the major difference between them is that Rex - started his 'hero' career after he lost his memory (the second time) and Randy - will canonically loose his memory at the end of his 'hero' career (or more like it ends his hero career). So you see their similar problems are also wildly different lol.
(um i went on a bit of a random rant about mostly Rex below, so you can read it of u want because im too lazy to delete it, but like, the point of the answer is above, so ye)
Technically Rex's amnesia is supposed to be a sort of 'chronic' debilitation that happens when he 'overloads'/ enters Titan mechabot state lol. But the show itself kind fibbled greatly with it (which annoys me to no end), because it seems that after the Nanite Event he periodically lost his memories so often, he kept a journal (when he was in the 'gang' with his friends) to keep track and later on Holiday and Five kept a close eye on him (i think it was implied he lost his memories at least once more at the care of Providence but i might be remembering wrong) in case his amnesia happened again. So, it seemed that his amnesia incidents got better with time, since we don't touch on the subject of him having another amnesiac episode almost throughout the whole show (and he even recovers several small memories!), until that damn finale.
At the end after the big fight, there was this sort of 'scare' of "Oh no! Rex saved the world but he forgot his family and friends!' but SYKE NO HE DIDN'T! And like... it wasn't completely explained, but i think it was implied that in that brief moment Rex was the Nanite Jesus Deity he somehow cured himself of amnesia i guess?? I was literally so mad about it, we were kind of building up to Rex making an ultimate sacrifice of his 'self' and it would have been such a great idea if he did loose his memory and have been allowed to (at least temporary) retire to his family home (of ex-werewolves) where he wouldn't be viewed as a weapon anymore, but... we get an ambigous 'some major villains escaped and are now at large' and thus Rex is still needed on the job and since he isn't amnesiac we dont even need to coerce him to fight! yay!
(can you tell im a little bit bitter about the end lol)
I mean I know the show was left in this sort of 'nothing changed' ambiguity for (im guessing) future possible continuation and/or for the GenRex brand, but its like my biggest annoyance from this show, which otherwise had such great storytelling! (in comparison to Ben10 AF&UA run lol)
That aside, what's up with Randy is different in a manner that his amnesia is something canonically inevitable and really scary if one thinks about it. 4 years of very life-changing experiences, of being a hero, just taken away would certainly reflect somewhat on him afterwards? I mean Im not sure how exactly mind-wipe work, (i dont remember all the details rn) but assuming it literally leaves you with gaps in your memories, without replacing them or something similar. So one of possible outcomes would be of post- mind wipe Randy feeling that he misses something from his life so keenly that it hurts him. Or perhaps human mind would work wonders of sort of 'filling' the gaps with vague false memories to not go insane, and after Randy would be constantly questioning that part of his life?
Many possiblities, but man I dunno, like, since rc9gn didnt have much in form of continuation so there is no extra info to explore.
But it does give me so much freedom to go completely bonkers in hom au (which i did man i went a really weird route ngl), because who's gonna stop me?? canon?????
...sorry this came out of nowhere, apparently i had a lot of feelings about Rex and his amnesia.
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junhui-png · 3 months
puppy love ⌦ .。.:*♡
mingyu x reader x scoups? (Still figuring it out LOL) pt. 3
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summary: first year of college, you literally knew no one and you planned for it to stay that way but damn were you wrong
notes: hey guys, part 3 is finally out. Just wanna apologize for not uploading in so long, I've been going through a lot of family stuff and school has become a big stress for me but I've started to get my life back together again. i'll be uploading ever Wednesdays from now on unless I make a post stating otherwise! Anyways hope you enjoy part 3.
genre: seventeen college au, love triangle between scoups and Mingyu, Mingyu being on a football team, financial major scoups, angst??, fluff, cute friend ships, Hoshi, Joshua, Seungkwan, Minghao, and Wonwoo r your besties, Also besties with Yunjin (Le Sserafim) and Minnie (G-IDLE), other seventeen members are mentioned?? Childhood friends, cursing, drinking
Your Birthday was in just a few weeks, you didn't really plan on doing anything to celebrate, maybe invite Mingyu and all your other friends over but that was it. "OK! I'm thinking the Maldives!" Seungkwan perks, across the table from you "You must've lost your mind Boo Seungkwan" Minghao scoffs, taking a bite of his food. You, Hoshi, Seungkwan, Minghao, Joshua, Wonwoo, And Mingyu were all sitting done at one of the campus's diners, eating your lunches, When Seungkwan started pitching birthday party ideas which you declined, as all of them were either out of your comfort zone or just borderline impossible "Seungkwanie. Let's be reasonable" You chuckle a bit "Besides I dont wanna do anything crazy" Though you tried to get Seungkwan to shut up, his mouth just kept on going, coming up with the wildest plans. "You know, I have a beach house over near Daegu if you guys want to stay there for a few days" Mingyu suddenly speaks up from across the table "YES! OMG YES" Seungkwan basically jumps up from his seat, causing everyone to break into sudden laughter "Are you sure we can use it?" You ask once the laughter had died down "Yeah of course! We dont use it that much anyways" He shrugs and you end up agreeing. You hurry up and finish you lunch before hurrying back to your class with Joshua. On your way back to your class, your phone is blowing up in your back pocket, which you pull out to see a bunch of text from, once again, Jaemin. You don't even bother to look through the thousands of text messages he sent you, you just let out a shaky sigh before pushing your phone back into the pocket of your sweatpants "The dick still bothering you?" Joshua asks "Yeah, he's back at it again for some reason" You shrug walking into your class. "If he keeps bothering you, you can tell us, you know?" Joshua tries to reassure you "Don't worry, he'll stop in a bit. He was like this when we first broke up anyways" You say, taking a sit at you desk, and Joshua doing the same.
You had finally finished all of your classes for the day and was walking home when you spotted a familiar figure in the distance "NINI!" Seungcheol's warm voices calls out and you pick up your pace just the slightest to catch up to Seungcheol "What are you doing here?" You say with a grin once you finally reached him "I dont know, thought I'd stop by" He shrugs and the two of you begin to walk "How are you?" He asks "Good, and you" "Same thing here" He smiles back. The two of you walk until you come across a convenience store "Want anything?" Seungcheol asks, entering the store with you following "Nah, im ok" You reply, taking a seat on one of the plastic green chairs. After a minute or two, Seungcheol comes back with 2 cups of shin ramyeon, water, and chocolate flavored nini's. "Cheol you didnt have to.." Your heart melts as you see all the things the man had brought for you "Its nothing please, You always used to get hungry after studying, so I assumed you would be hungry after all your classes" The man sets all the food on the table and takes a seat across from you before the two of you dig in. "I was wondering, I'm having a birthday party this following week over at Yeongildae beach, and I want you to come" you ask "Yeah, of course, I've been wanting to go the beach anyways". A little bit of excitment tingles through your body, and you can't help but smile a little knowing that you'll be able to hang out the Seungcheol once again. Seungcheol leans back in his chair and you begin to open the box of nini's "Remeber when we went to the beach together?" Seungcheol speaks up. You feel a small sense of nostalgia as you think of the past memories Seungcheol was referencing "How could I forgot, I had so much fun that day" A warm smiles covers your face, as your mind relives the moment "I think I still have the polaroid's we took of our sandcastle" You giggle at the memory of you and Seungcheol struggling to figure out how to work the new polaroid camera you were gifted. Chuckling, Seungcheol nods "And when we got Ice cream but you kept dropping them, we bought like 3 ice cream cones" "I dropped it once" You roll your eyes at Seungcheol's sarcasim and he laughs "God your mom was pissed off though, we got sand all over her car" He shakes his head in amusment remebering how your mother had scolded the two of you "I dont even wanna remember it" you chuckle. "Thanks for inviting me by the way, I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun!"
-------- one week later ---------
After the night, you and Seungcheol stay in touch through text and you continued you life as you would had usually. You were out for lunch with your friends at another restaurant on campus, when you phone went off again. You had a bad feeling about the notification that you had just gotten because, surprise! It was Jaemin. Your expression changed immedatly after reading the text Jaemin had sent you " Y/N I'm outside come out." you immediately whipped your head around and there he was, just standing there with his arms crossed, staring right at you "That son of a bitch." Yunjin mumbled, also noticing him. Your entire friend group turned to look at Jaemin but he didnt seemed bothered "You got to be fucking with me right now.." You let out a sigh "I'll be back" You get up from your seat, feeling the eye's of your friends still on you as you walk out. "Jaemin what the hell are you doing here" You confront him "Why won't you respond, I’ve been texting you all week” Jaemin says, hint of annoyance in his voice “Because I told you I don’t want to see or talk to you ever again, so leave me alone” You roll your eyes and turn around to go back inside but he grabs your wrist “LET GO OF MY, WHAT THE FUCK!” You shriek, immediately pulling your hand away from him. Your friends had rushed out of the restaurant at this point and were all behind you “baby..please just listen to me” he whines “get lost.” Mingyu says in a stern voice “you don’t wanna be with a girl like her! She a fucking whore! I saw her with another guy last week” Jaemin yells at Mingyu, his ears turning red from anger. “ Were you fucking stalking me?” You scoff in disbelief, realizing he was talking about you and Seungcheol at the convenience store. He was about to say something but was cut off by Wonwoo “You fuckin creep, just leave man.”
Jaemin let’s out a rough sigh before storming off, finally leaving you and your friends alone. "Sorry yall, That ruined the mood" You say, breaking the short moment of silence after Jaemin had left "You dont need to apologize, Jaemin's literally crazy" Hoshi reassures "Are you ok?" Mingyu puts his hand on the small of your back, as some sort of comfort you assumed "Yea, im good. That kinda freaked me out though" You let out a shaky chuckle "He's fucking stalking you Y/N, you need to report him to the police" Yunjin speaks up, the others agreeing with her "He'll stop, there's no point. If it does get bad, then i'll report to the police." You say "I'll be fine" Your friends exchange some sort of look before changing the topic to lighten the mood.
You had arrived home and you were backing your bag with Minnie, who was also going to the beach house with you. The plan was to go today, and stay at the beach house and saturday and sunday. You were helping Minnie pick the clothes she wanted to pack when the front door bell rang. "Ill get it" You get Minnie as you rush off to the door "Seungcheol? You're early? You opened the door to see Seungcheol in front of you. He was wearing a white shirt topped with a beige varsity jacket and a pair of light blue jeans "You look nice" He says, ignoring the questioned you had just asked. You were wearing a jean skirt with a navy blue halter tank top with your hair in a claw clip "Thank you, but what are you doing so early" You ask again, moving out of the way so he could enter. "I finished packing early so I thought you wouldnt mind me stopping by early" He shrugs, taking a seat on your couch "Thats fine right?" Seungcheol asks and you nod "Yeah I dont mind, I'm almost done packing, hold on" You rush back to your room to finish packing when the door bell rings again "you gotta be kidding me.." You sigh "I'll get it" Seungcheol calls out from the living room. You hear the door open and hear Seungkwan and Hoshi's excited giggles. "MINNIE, Y/N! LETS GOO EVERYONE"S OUTSIDE" Hoshi's voice booms through your small apartment "ok, you dont have to shout, this is a small ass apartment" You sigh, entering the living room with your bags "I'm so exciteddd!" Minnie chirps, as I shut and lock our apartment door. "I have so much planned" Seungkwan giggles, running over to the van that was parked infront of your apartment complex. "Hi." Mingyu waves to you, a dumb smile playing on his lips "Hi Mingyu" You wave back, Placing your bag in the back of the van. You enter the the van and sit in the middle of the third row, both Seungcheol and Mingyu besides you. Joshua's driving with Seungkwan in the passenger seat and Hoshi, Yunjin, and Minnie in the second row. Minghao and Wonwoo chose to be isolated in the back, probably so they could sleep the entire ride to daegu. "Everybody ready?" Joshua asks and everybody shouts yes before Joshua begin to drive. Seungkwan immediately connects his phone to the aux before blasting music, beginning a karaoke session. You, Minnie, and Yunjin sing Nonsense, Yes, and?, Kill Bill, what makes you beautiful, and so many songs before letting Seungkwan and Hoshi the chance to sing the songs of there choice. You lean back in your seat, sweating just a bit because of how much energy you were putting into your singing "Do you want some water" Seungcheol asks you, noticing your panting state "Omg, yes please" You watch as Seungcheol pulls out a smaller black bag from under his seat and unzips. As your watching him search his bag for a water bottle, something catches you eye "You still have that" You point to the side pocket of the bag which had a slightly beat up cherry keychain hanging from the zipper of the pocket. Seungcheol chuckles once he realizes what you were referring too "You thought I would just throw it out?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow "I dont know, thought you would have lost it by now" You shrug "Here" He hands you a water bottle and you give him a small smile as a thank you before chugging down your water. "Did you get him that?" Mingyu suddenly asks, a werid sound in his voice "Uh yeah, when we were kids I got him that for his birthday" You smile softly, thinking about how happy 7 year old Seungcheol was too get some crappy keychain from you. Mingyu lets out a salty "hm" before looking back to this phone. You go back to singing a bit later and play some Valorant with Wonwoo for a little before you got tired and decided to take a quick nap. "WE'RE HEREE!!”
previous / next
Pt 4 out next Wednesday ( 2/28/24
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ball0fhoney · 1 year
𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐲𝐥𝐞
𓆝 𓆜 –––––––––––———–––––––––———–┊⁀➷
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: was writing this late at night so sorry for typos here and there, I tried to fix all of them. I recommend reading it late at night so you can comfort yourself and have sweet dreams. It's purely fluff oneshot, so nothing sexual.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: cuddling with Lyle, fluff, comfort fanfic, joking around and deep late night topics
It's dark in your room and rain is falling onto your bedroom windows. You're all tucked in and ready to fall asleep while listening to soothing sounds of rain. It felt so good to lay in your warm bed while it's cold and rainy outside.
You heard someone open the door. It was Lyle and he just arrived home. He happened to be your roommate and you two go along pretty well, maybe even too well.
"Its me." He yelled from the kitchen as he made enterace and you recognised his voice. You heard him take off his jacket and hang it in the hall. Hel took off his boots too and left them laying on the floor. Then he turned off all the lights and quietly entered your room.
"Hey" Lyle greeted you taking off his cargo pants and shirt, putting on something light instead. Then he snuck in a bed with you and you felt his cold body against your warm skin.
"Agh you're cold!" You grunted and he chuckled.
"Shut up" He wrapped one of his arms around you while covering you both with a blanket.
Thunder roared outside so you pressed your head into his big chest.
"A bit yea"
He positioned himself to the side and hugged you with his other hand, gently brushing your hair with his palm.
"You are a scared little baby." He teased purposely.
"No im not!" You pulled your head away from his chest faking anger.
"Yes you are."
You rolled your eyes jokingly. "Well, I got scared once as a kid, its cut into my brain to fear it."
"Fite me thunder, I'll kick your ass!" He spoke in a funny voice which made you laugh.
"Yea yea, thank god you're here, my brave soldier whos afraid of a grasshopper." You teased him back, unable to hold your laugh at the last part.
"Hey! That was one time only. It literally jumped into my eye and I did not expect it."
"Pffft, yea it could've bit off your head right?" You glanced up at him and he stared down at you seriously for a few seconds blinking. Then you both started laughing because his face looked funny from that angle in the dark.
"How about you stop poking me and go to sleep instead huh?" He rested the side of his head on his hand while looking at you.
"Well now I'm not sleepy." You crossed your arms playfully.
"Sleep." He stared into your soul.
"Okay" Your head fell down and you pretended to sleep and snore.
He chuckled. "Amazing" Then you stopped pretending and softly slapped him on his big head and his ears went back instinctively.
"You're a genius Lyle."
"I know" He shoved his other hand under the blanket to pinch your sides which made you tickle. You started laughing manically as you were extremely ticklish, kicking your legs and shoving his big hand away.
"Holy-! You're going to kill me!" He exclaimed laughing, resting his hand on your side.
"Don't. you. dare. Because maybe I will." You pointed a finger towards him as a warning sign.
"You? With your baby teeth? And baby hands?" He teased sliding his hand gently up your ribcage. You grunted pretending to be annoyed. "You'd be surprised."
It was quiet for a few minutes and you watched the drops of rain slide down the window next to you.
"Do you ever miss being a human?" You asked turning your head back to him.
He took a second to think about what to say.
"Well, I'm not sure. I'm taller, stronger, faster in this body. I can hear better, smell better. My sense of orientation has definitely changed too. From what I remember as being a human, I lived in some kind of fog everyday. I'm not sure how to explain it. Must be from that same old routine that we are all accostumed to live in, that... you forget you're alive. It's like, I got a second chance. A reset. I do miss my human body a bit. Partially because it was the start of my existence, it was the one who brought me here so I definitely have some sort of attachment to it."
He spoke in a low tone, looking up in the ceiling and remembering memories from the past life. You could see in his eye movements that he's remembering his human self. You saw pity in his eyes, like he's feeling sorry for that person, almost angry with it too. Then he snapped out of it and turned his head to look at you and smiled.
You didn't know what to say except smile back and place your hand on his cheek, caressing it gently. Lyle was changing and you were so happy for him. He purred and his pupils dilated, absorbed in your love.
"I'm so glad I have met you, Lyle." You whispered and he placed his hand over yours that was resting on his cheek.
"I love you." He whispered back to you and went in to give you a kiss goodnight.
"Now sleep, because not even Eywa herself will be able to wake you up tomorrow." You chuckled and pressed yourself closer to him, snuggling and closing your eyes.
"I love you too Lyle."
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pasharuu · 1 year
idk why but i wanna show tumblr my aranara quests themed custom tarot deck lmao. i finished it in february but since i created this acc just recently, i gotta put it here now. im just really proud of this project and the fact that i actually finished it.
unfortunately tumblr will only allow me to add 10 pics per post, while there are 23 cards, so that kinda sucks. will have to separate em it seems. i'll also explain a little about my choices on these. so here we go, first ten.
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0 the fool - "where the journey begins". i think its already a tradition to put some main figure on the fool card and so did i. glad i used his correct design for the card-
basically theres nothing to explain except for the monarch butterfly symbolism, which usually is a sign of a chosen. not like Arama is any "chosen" in a common sense, but i felt like adding this anyway. 6/10 nice Arama card.
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I the magican - creation and manipulation. Aranimba got here for his exclusive sense of beauty and the will to create the beauty. he is an artist after all.
the story of the bg is kinda wonky. it was at release of 3.4 and due to my disappointment i made a pic where Aranimba points at that shiny cave northwest the mt. damavand with excitement. well, now its a boss enterance, but back then i had no clue, i made it literally at the release day lol. but it worked well on the bg of this card. i think you wouldnt guess it was that cave if i didnt tell, and that was done on purpose as well. 8/10 for backstory, and im proud of this card overall.
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II the high priestess - waiting for the impulse from outside, confidence. first of all, the high priestess to me was always associated with some whimsy loud woman, and if you ask me, this is where Arapacati fits. however here she is depressively hugging a viparyas cuz she kicked her brothers a decade ago and now shes sad. what did i tell u about whimsy woman? 6/10, solid.
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III the empress - the mother, fertility, the birth of a new. THIS IS WHERE WE STARTED, THE MAMA. no need to explain why i put Rukkhadevata here? 6/10, i struggled with this card cuz i hate drawing people, but it came out solid imo.
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IV the emperor - the father, discipline, responsibility. to remind you, Araja is basically the one who runs the Vanarana dream realm, the tree of dreams. he is also here for a very simple reason because of being a big boss here, and looking like one as well. 7/10, nice mustache.
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V the hierophant - attention to visible and invisible, search of the essence. if you ask me why i put Arapandu here, theres my answer - because he was the only major character who didnt have a card in the process of planning. i have some really vague explaination why exactly on hierophant, its mostly because of Varunastra actually, not Arapandu. i honestly dont have any emotional connection to Arapandu, he's kinda boring. 4/10.
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VI the lovers - chosen by heart, determination and aspiration. ONLY BECAUSE OF SUCH INTERPRETATION. im against shipping aranara x anyone.
i think i wouldnt even make any better choice for this card whatsoever. they are here because they share dreams and aspirations and i really love their duet. 9/10 i teared.
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VII the chariot - knowledge of the world, searching for the new. these goofy guys are here mostly because of "searching for the new", even though their methods were unsafe and archon knows what would happen to these dummies without any sense of self-preservation if we werent around. fact: they've been wondering for at least 4 years, but i love to say a decade. nay, theyre just very lucky. 5/10.
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VIII justice - "play nice, and others will play nice with you". this is a card for Nara Varuna specifically and i decided to make both Lumine and Aether so that everyone will be satisfied. since Nara Varuna did nice in the past, all the aranara praise their name in the present.
the bg is again kinda symbolic. these are runes on Varuna contraption: "the water", when the rain pours, for Lumine, and "the sky", when its sunny, for Aether. i only hate how i made them so vague that theyre barely recognizable eh. but overall good cards, 6/10.
for now. i bumped into images limit. gotta complete it in the next two posts!!!
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crulixto · 1 year
note: im allergic to cats too (and dogs aswell, a luci chapt on this w dog shall be awaited) and im a big satan(and lucifer) stan sooo i thought it’d be fun to write this :•
edit: this was kinda lame ngl HAHHAHA hope u enjoy
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this man, at first he’d be so shocked offended when he found out (before u guys were dating)
he would have probably tried to avoid you at some point
But when during his character arc (lesson 10-11 ish?) he started to empathize with your situation and that it isn’t your fault
Hanging out could get difficult
“i see… then we’ll have to change plans..”
“W-wait no it’s fine really!”
“ I insist”
you’re sneezing all over the place. Every goddamn time he came from a cat cafe.
Walking home from RAD together, he comes across a BOX OF KITTENS.
“Are those kittens? In a box? Who’d leave such precious creatures behind? And in such a small and worn out box too.”
He goes up to the box and literally scoops them all up to carry them all
While he was playing with all those kitties u were just standing there like ‘bitch i cant play with the cats with you are fkin fr rn’
Satan notices this and apologizes then tries to come close to hug you
The key word was tried, your eyes started watering and you started to sneeze and try to sneeze (that struggle to sneeze but you cant do it last minute, ugh my eyes start to bring out a pool worth of tears
He always. ALWAYS. Bring tissues and some medicine with him at all times.
There was one time too Satan made his trained cats scratch Lucifer and his study, you were surprised when you enter Lucifer’s study to pass your tasks to be welcomed by that fuzzy, itchy feeling in your nose and your eyes felt like swelling
Lucifer was deep cleaning his study because he knew you had tasks due that day😭
“My apologies MC, it seems that Satan had brought cats in here earlier today to scratch me. Just leave the papers there.”
Poor guy and you
one of the hardest parts of dating him, he’d come home after playing or tending cats in the streets. And you? Pass the tissues you dont even feel safe from sneezing in his room.
He genuinely tries to hold back from even coming close to a cat now, since he would be probably taking u out on a date, want to cuddle, or anything when it came to bonding with you really. But cats. Cats!
Its the only thing keeping you both apartt~
Honestly at some point he’d get upset and conflicted then just gets a book and tries to find a spell for u allergies to go bye bye
Wrong move, it got kinda worse
So now you’re both sad and miserable
Once your allergies got so bad ur face swelled after he came from a animal shelter
You guys stayed in your rooms but texted/called
“Satan, what are you doing right now?”
“Im reading a book of spells about allergies, dont worry MC once i can put out your allergy we wont have this problem anymore—“
“Hey! Remember the last time you did that?!”
In weekdays, you guys hang out as muuuuch as possible and you secretly hope from within that you both dont pass by a cat so he does not get you sneezin all over the place again
He once passed u a sticky note in class, you opened it and saw cute doodles of cats, just to play with him you draw yourself in a chibi version, sneezing and suffering from allergies
Once you gave the sticky note back to him, he smiled abit at your drawing and realized what it meant
He glares at you, and pulls you by your chair and side hugs you
“Would you look at that MC, no sneezing or such?”
He is smug and proud
“Haha then after recess you go tend to that box of kittens you found at the west tower of the office”
“…” “…okay..” “wait mc—“
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fairybloodsucker · 7 months
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So i was just talking to myself about how much i love Elvis, and it became .. you know, juicy ..
enjoy heh
My words, and my story.
I swear, i have the most unsafe love to Elvis. Literally. I love him so damn much. I dont really want to have sex but with Elvis i’d be a freak. I want to see his hard cock, and sensitive cock head. I want to jerk him off, while he is whimpering, moaning and moving/ thrusting his hips, but until he cums, i will stop jerking him off, you know. To tease him. I want to be over him, kissing him, making out with him.
Then i take my hand on his chest, SLOWLY down his chest hair, down his stomach, and take a grab around his hard, sensitive cock og his, NOT hard that it hurts him, but that he gets excited and turned on, moving my wrist in small circles up his cock till his cock head, moving a little faster now on his sensitive part, while making out with him with his and my spit, making it wet and sticky. You can hear his small moans slightly. Its turning me on even more. Now moving my hand down his length. Stop making out, and starts to kiss his neck. Elvis is such a submissive slut for me. I jerk him off even faster, you can hear Elvis stuttering when trying to speak out his words
You can just tell Elvis is close to his orgasm by his body and by his cute submissive moans. I want his fat cock in my pussy that is dripping wet for only him, and him only. I dont want Elvis to cum yet, i want his seeds inside of me, i want his DNA inside of me. I then stop jerking him off. Elvis is sweating a little. HOT! I adjust myself over his lap, feeling his cock head on my clit, almost. I take my hand around his cock once more, sitting down a little, adjusting (inserting) his cock inside. His cock head is inside of me now. I place my hand, both of ‘em on Elvis’ shoulders, looking into his beautiful eyes with pupiles as big as his cock right now.
I start to slowly sit down, feeling his length coming more and more inside of my tight hole. Fuck .. im about to cum, hearing his soft grounts while making him slowly entering me. Elvis is just so big, his entire cock cant fully get inside of me. Come thrusts might perhaps get him deeper. I can feel Elvis moving slowly while his hands are deep in my hips. F-Fuck ..~!
I can feel his cock twitching inside of me.
My good boy.
Elvis starts to kiss me and i ofcourse kiss his soft marshmellow lips back. He starts to thrust faster, making me switch from breathing heavily to moaning, almost even whimpering too, because i can feel my tight hole getting more of Elvis’ cock in me. I help Elvis with his thrust by simply leaning closer to him, making my hard nipples touch his hairy chest, now making out with him and moving my hips faster up and down, also adding a circle motion, i can tell that Elvis loved that idea because he is whimpering even stronger. His entire length is inside of me for a split second, and then out, only his cock head and 3-5 cm of his cock inside of me. Wet sounds and clapping sounds fills the room, along with our hot breathy moans.
Me and Elvis can feel the orgasm entering our bodys. Slowly «walking» down to our genetalia. By this feeling, Elvis moves a little, helping the feeling from «walking» to «running» down. I can feel it down to my lower stomach. Elvis is about to cum until i say i am about to orgasm so we both get the feeling at the same time. I have the orgasm, so do Elvis. My legs and hips are moving more aggressive now by the pleasure. My eyes are at the back of my head. Hearing Elvis moan more deeply and more sensitive makes the orgasm last for 4 more seconds. I can feel his warm cum squirt inside of me. Painting my pink, now white, pussy. My vagina getting multiple heartbeats.
A-Ahh .. ~
I open my eyes to see this beautiful human being. ( by the way, when we orgasmed, he slowed down his thrusts, and i slowed down when my orgasm slowly faded away.)
I slowly sat up, feeling Elvis’ cock exiting my drippy, slutty hole. My pussy is dripping cum, and down to his cock head. I kiss my beautiful husband once again.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 2 years
canon aaitl - zhongli
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summary; actual canon to "another adeptus in the line" series
genre; bullet fic??? not really though, literally just me rambling about my aaitl series while i write the next part, child! reader, father! zhongli
[platonic] [gender neutral]
a/n; im finally opening a taglist for my aaitl readers! you will be able to access it through my bio or the end of this post. when the taglist form says it is no longer accepting requests or responses, i will not be taking reponses during that time. but there will be more chances to join whenever i feel opening it up again.
anyways with that aside, please enjoy some crumbs of content
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okay proper canon things about aaitl!!!
zhongli lives in his teapot that madame ping gave him
i thought abt this bc of a tip thing i saw on the genshin loading 
bc like hey if “Adepti use Serenitea Pots as media through which they can channel their adeptal power and create realms and abodes.” then that means zhongli probably has one right????? RIGHT???????
anyone can visit it really he doesn’t care and loves having people over
he’s lowkey a hoarder tho but he really likes presents that he’s given :((
probably has a nice bouquet of qingxin, glaze lilies, and silk flowers
either that or he’s got a nice garden for all of the flowers and herbs or veggies :))) 
its so lovely and sweet and so homey for him and you
you like to chew on the sweet flowers when he lets you roam the garden
he doesn't stop you
back to the hoarding, bc he’s a dragon in his heart yk???
he like to grab and keep :] he has a lot of nice gifts from the past and from the present 
all organized nicely in his office that’s sort of merged with your room so he can watch over you at night :’)
the office/your room is pretty big in size, it’s like one big open room but it is split with like a half wall sort of? there’s like a curtain you can use when you need privacy but you’re still a baby
he does have a room plan for when you’re older 
even if you don’t like childe, he does not give a damn and will smother you in his love and affection 
but also he is jealous everytime you take zhongli’s attention which is all the time really-
frienemies the both of you are
you hate him so much- KDHJSHSJDJS
when will the ginger abuse end 😔😔
you only know madame ping, traveler, hutao, and childe
but for now you only know stories abt them
you think they're really cool mostly ganyu bc of the horns zhongli told u about !!
you haven't gone through growing your horns quite yet, they exist as sort of small pointy guys on your head but they havent grown in yet
dont ask me how your tail developed before your horns, it makes sense to me 
your scales are orange amber colored at the ends and skin color closer to your skin ofc
hutao gave you some old baby clothes she had lying around from her childhood
if you ever babble or speak gibberish, you fucking BET that zhongli is the parent that listens and responds naturally, he’s just so sweet :(
you're a slow learner only bc you literally got reborn as a baby and not only that, you just have no prior experience to anything despite watching over the village you once protected and seeing all the families love and learn from each other
zhongli has yet to find the right person to tutor you since it's more of a high class thing in liyue to even hire a tutor
childe is probably gonna pay the funds for said tutor
zhongli is the kind of father to be like, "for you the entire world" and it would happen <333
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taglist; empty :(
[taglist open until it's too much for me to handle/hj]
[click me to join the taglist!]
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winterrhayle · 2 months
this album is literally . everything omg like i've literally been going crazy over this album and it's not even been a week yet and i apologise for the babbling but i need to get some things off my chest or i will actually lose it so !!!! gonna yap about every single track now !!!!!! (some coherent thoughts, and some not so coherent thoughts) : 
AMERIICAN REQUIREM - (im obsessed with all of the stylisation ii in the album titles bc its act ii) this song is basically a thesis statement for the whooooole album the main lyrical part is : 'used to say i spoke "too country" / and the rejection came, said / "i wasn't country enough" / said i wouldn't saddle up, but / if that ain't country, tell me what is? ' and obviously it goes without saying that the vocals on this track are PERFECT and angelic because, this is beyoncé she could never underdeliver. ive heard so many people say that the layering reminds them of bohemian rhapsody and I AGREEEE
after ameriican requirem, this section of the next fourish tracks reminded me of self titled (2014) in the sense that it explores the different aspects of beyoncé as a person (being a black woman, career, motherhood, self love etc) LOOKA DER LOOKA DER LALALALALALALALALALALAAAAAAAAA. THIS INTRO IS EVERYTHING TO ME ITS SO CINEMATIC AND BIG AND ★BEYONCÉ★
BLACKBIIRD - second song on here is a cover of blackbird by the beatles, featuring tanner adell, brittney spencer, tiera kennedy, and reyna roberts (all up and coming black country artists!!!!). i didn't know this until like, the day the album dropped and i was looking into it but blackbird was written by paul mccartney about black women in the 60s experiencing struggles with the american civil rights movement. and in england 'bird' is kinda slang for girl, so 'black bird' = 'black girl'. and that song was intended to bring hope, such a perfect track for this album , specially with the features beyoncé included 🤞🏽
16 CARRIAGES - my favourite out of the 2 pre release singles. its about her entering the music industry at 15 and the struggles due to that and growing up so fast, whenever this comes on i will NEVER EVER SKIP ITS TOOOOO GOOOD
PROTECTOR  - i love how this is featuring rumi🥹 whenever beyonce talks about motherhood, or writes a song for her kids (like here, blue, bigger, brown skin girl etc) it always gets me tearing up on first listen. first of all i LOVEEEE a voice memo intro, and this whole lullaby is just <333333
MY ROSE - ive seen a lot of people saying that they dont like how this album is so long, but me personally, i love that there are so many tracks, even short ones like this that add depth or a vibe. also i love any song that says lalalalalalalalaaaa so that got me
SMOKE HOUR ★ WILLIE NELSON - IM OBSESSED W THIS INTERLUUUDEEEEEE the feel of changing the channel on a radio is so cool and adds a really fun atmosphere and really works well for themes here
TEXAS HOLD ‘EM - everyone hates this song BUT I DONTTTTT its a real life boogie and a real life hoe down frfr
BODYGUARD - this ones so fun and lighthearted, aside from the parts where shes like ‘i dont like the way shes looking at you 😒😒😒 someone better hold me back’ and that line leads so well into the next tracks:
DOLLY P / JOLENE - HAAHAHAHAHAHA THE DOLLY P INTERLUDE TOOK ME OUTTT WITH THE BECKY WITH THE GOOD HAIR REFERENCE😭 and the lyric changes on jolene with her warning becky instead of begging,, iktr !!!!!!! and ‘you a bird go on and sing your song jolene’ 😩 i really like that beyonce brought in dolly because shes like. THE country star. and its kinda wild that people are still dissing beyoncé for releasing country music and saying she doesn’t belong when the literal dolly parton is advocating for her
DAUGHTER - one of my faves on here, it feels so cinematic and i will always appreciate an i killed my husband country song. the whole vibe of this song is really sinister im obsessed and the visuals are already there in my mind like,, ‘your body laid out on these filthy floors / your bloodstains on my custom coutures’, ‘so let's travel to white chapels and sing hymns /
hold rosaries, and sing in stained glass symphonies’ , ‘i sashayed my dress / did my best impression of a damsel in distress’ , etc etc etc. i would literally quote this entire song if i could i think its lyrically the best one. my favourite part is the refrain about her father and choir boys and the titanic its so real. AND VOCALLLSSS HELLOOOO????? SHE JUST . CASUALLY SINGS CARO MIO BEN??????? oh beyoncé the woman you are whoooo is doing it like you
SPAGHETTI - as soon as i saw this title i knew this song was gonna be fun like first of all, the intro talking about genres being restricting, and then the song going straight into that instrumental???????? AND SHES RAPPING ?????????????? THANOS ????????? CUNTY COUNTRY PETTY !!!!!!!!!! YALL BEEN PLAYED BY THE PLAGARISTIC WHEWWWW NO SAUCE NO SAUCE
ALLIGATOR TEARS - the jump from spaghetti to this was so violent 😩 i had to calm myself down so fast on first listen LMAOOOO. ok so from what i can tell i think this song is saying that she’ll do anything for x (idk who this is to, maybe jay z?) and x doesn’t need any fake tears to get her to do things for them bc she’ll do anything for them regardless. ‘you say change religion 🕺🏽
now i spend sundays with you’
SMOKE HOUR II / JUST FOR FUN- oh my god i so badly want KNTRY radio to be real😭 just for fun feels so nostalgic to me for some reason, and so does ii most wanted tbh but i’ll get to that. i think that willie jones’ voice works SO well with beyoncés, they both sing so softly on here and its like the type of ballad you’d sing around a campfire all happy and sleepy
II MOST WANTED - as someone who never watched hannah montana as a kid, i still really appreciate this song, i know a few songs from that song even though i never watched it so miley’s voice reminds me of my childhood soo much and this song omg🥹🥹🥹🥹 the harmonies and the lyrics and the friendship <333333 the electric guitar specifically stands out to me it reminds me of something but i can’t quite put my finger on it?
LEVII’S JEANS - I DIDNT KNOW THAT POST MALONE COULD SING LIKE THAT ?????? WHAT ? i literally live in england but whenever this song comes on suddenly im line dancing and i am wearing my metaphorical cowboy hat ,,.,,, denim 🕺🏽on 💃🏽denim🕺🏽on denim🕺🏽on 💃🏽denim  AND HE SAID YOURE MY RENESSAINCE !!!!!!!! RENEIGH IS BACK IN EMPLOYMENT
FLAMENCO - i NEED a longer version of this song desperately 😭 right about NOW😔 its another nostalgic sounding one
OH LOUSIANA - perfect sample!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO MY ‼️ DADDY ALABAMA ‼️ MOMMA !!!!!!!! LOUISIANA !!!!!!!!!!
DESERT EAGLE - when the eagle sound came on i was so happy i was waiting for that sound this whole album😩 RAAAHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 
II HANDS II HEAVEN  - icl when this is playing i still have riiverdance lyrics repeating in my head because the transition is so smooth and the tempo stays the same i LOVEEEEE IT. dont juddgeeee me baby you would never juuudege me baby !!!!!! stallion running no candle in the wind !!!!!!!!!!!!!! this whole post is gonna be so incoherent and im not rereading this sorry to anyone still reading 😭 im just listening and vibing tbh i’m on day 6 of looping this album and im losing my mind, also this song is so sleepy in a really good way and then im woken up byyyyyy TYRANT
TYRANT - I LOVE DOLLYS VOICE IN THE INTRO !!!! AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THE COUNTRY TRAP !!!!!!! THANK YOU COWBOY CARTER FOR GIVING ME THIS !!!!!!!!! and i always appreciate a becky with the good hair mention !!! TOP 5 ON THIS ALBUM FOR SUREEEE also is ‘on the run run’ a part ii on the run reference??? bc that’s so perfect considering theres so many ‘ii’ references on here ALSO i love the higher singing on the outro and on the one by one you hang them high line
SWEET ★ HONEY ★ BUCKIIN’ - ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ MY FAVOURITE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ON THIS ALBUM !!!!!!!! DARE I SAY… I LIKE THIS MORE THAN PURE / HONEY !!!!!!!! I LOVE A MULTIPLE PART SONG !!!!!!! THE SWEET SECTION IS SO FUN TO DANCE TO AND THE HONEY PART IS MY FAVOTUITE PART OF THIS ALBUM AND THE BUCKIIN PART IS 10000/10 BUCKIIN BUCKIIN BUCKIIIN WOAHHHHHHH also also doesn’t ‘pretty as hell, au naturel , dinin' on farce’ melodically remind you of ‘all my pretty girls to the floor’ from pure/ honey????
AMEN - feelin like im at church again, and it repeats parts of american requirem 😩 i love a tie in omg this album is already such a classic AOTY PLEASE
overall, i think that this is simply the greatest thing to ever grace my ears. i dont think ive ever seen an album with so much thought, care and research put into it, and beyoncé is truly an albums artist and i really really really admire the work she puts into this. since i was really young i really loved her and watching her music videos (watching the self titled music videos at 8 years old is such a core memory for me LOLLL) so every album release is so special to me, and i feel so well fed w this album and i am so intrigued about what’s coming for act iii!!!!!! sorry again for all this talking, this was the cut down version of my thoughts ☠️
overall faves as of right now : sweet honey buckiin, daughter, ya ya, tyrant
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yuniverqqq · 1 year
★ .. move your body .. ✧ # yuniverqqq
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★ .. move your body ( to the beat ) .. ✧
# jongsan ; the two boys were bestfriends since they could remember. They loved to dance , hence why they were part of a dance group. They were used to learning something knew everyday but, the day they learned a new choreo is the day they learned something interesting about each other. (Don't ask.. ik it sounds weird..)
# warnings ; smut .. uhh hot men? Cute lil sannie and jongho 😞, mentions of alcohol.
# other ; i made jongho a year older than san :>
This is not proof read , the end may be rushed depending on how tired i am (its 1am..).
a little boy zoomed down the rocky (yes im rocky feel like im rocky , dance on the floor , dance?)street on his cycle , his legs going as fast as they could ,"mama ! Wookie!! wookie sannies going so fwast!" the boy exclaimed.
his mother smiled, clapping her hands,"good job sannie , sannie- watch out!" his mother yelled , spotting another boy who looked a year older than san crossing the street.
"huh?" the small boys head snapped to the view in front of him, not being able to slow down his cycle he crashed into the older boy.
a small cry was ripped from the boys throat as his body was thrown off his cycle and onto the ground,"m..mama!" he cried out, tears streaming down his face.
two small arms were wrapped around the boy,"hey itz okie bwuddy" the older boys words were soft and comforting, almost like a lullaby.
the younger boy cuddled up to the other, still crying as his mother ran up to the two,"oh my god-- are you okay?" she said softly, looking at the boys.
the older nodded and looked down at the boy,"bwuddy is you okie?"
the younger boy looked up at him and nodded softly,"yeh, sannie is okie.."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ★ two years later ✧ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
San sighed and swung his backpack over his shoulder. He was grabbing his things from his locker, his dance schools locker. His backpack contained a pack of water , a cloth and extra clothing for if it was too sweaty ( it usually was ).
San shut his locker and put the lock on it , snapping it shut and then headed on his way to the dance practice room for 'kq fellaz'.
Now you might be wondering.. who is kq fellaz? Kq fellaz is a group which the school put together which has 8 members, their names being; hongjoong , seonghwa, yunho , yeosang, san , mingi , wooyoung and jongho.
Jongho had been the kid who san bumped into when he was younger- san was glad that he had ran into him, not that he wanted to hurt him but that they had became the best of friends.
San entered the room, the sound of talking, laughing and much more filling his ears,"San! I thought you had called in sick or something" jongho jogged over to san,"just so you know, hongjoong is having us learn some new choreography today."
San groaned,"are you kidding me..? We literally learned the choreo for fireworks yesterday.. can't we have some time to practice it?"
"mmh, well, your going to have to talk to yunho about that" jongho paused,"yesterday he had told hongjoong that we had already had the dance down and that we were ready to learn something new today."
San sighed , he was annoyed but of course he didn't want to go whine about it to yunho knowing that it would probably make the other feel bad.
San went to open his mouth to speak but he was cut of by hongjoong who clear his throat to grab the attention of the other 7 members,"everyone, the school finally sent me the video so I'd pay attention because I'm only going to play it once." His voice was stern , demanding almost.
San walked over so he could get a closer look at the video which was on the big screen , watching the guy that was labeled ' choi san '.
"I will make sure to send you all the video that way you can practice while at home, for now you guys can just hangout or leave if you want." He paused,"tomorrow we will practice the song as a group."
After awhile the clip ended and san sighed, the dance seemed harder than usual. Jongho could tell there was a change in sans behavior, usually the boy was happy to learn something new, yeah the dance did seem hard but, san would master it pretty quickly but, right now it seemed as if san was.. giving up.
"Sannie , if you want after practice today you could come over to my dorm and we could try and learn it together?" Jongho offered, smiling softly at the boy.
Jongho swiftly grabbed sans bag, throwing it over his shoulder,"lets get going, shall we?" he smiled, grabbing the others hand and leading him out of the room and to the dorms the school had given them.
Once the two reached jonghos dorm he let go of sans hand so he could unlocked the door. He moved to the side so san could enter which he quickly followed after.
San sat down on the bed as jongho put some things away and set up the phone,"before we start, do you want anything?"he asked the boy.
"Alcohol, please, it will make me more confident" san sighed looking up at his friend whose face showed disappointment knowing how san acted once the alcohol kicked in.
"Fine." Jongho sighed , going out into the kitchen. Soon he came back with a half filled bottle of alcohol which he handed to san.
San quickly opened the bottle , swiftly drinking it all in one gulp.
On the other hand, jongho was laying stomach down while watching the video hongjoong had sent out. Jongho soon felt san shift on the bed and then he felt san laying on top of him. He giggled thinking san was being his normal cuddly self but, no, he was wrong.
San softly pressed his lips to jonghos neck, making the older gasp," san-.." jongho didn't finish his sentence, it was just now that he realized san was drunk, I mean, he was kinda glad he was, now jongho had caught feelings for san but kept denying it as san was straight, or so he thought.
Jongho put his phone off to the side and he rolled over now facing san. He smiled up at the boy before pressing his lips agains sans soft ones, bringing his hands up into his hair, tugging it softly.
San pulled away and glanced down at jonghos button up shirt,"go ahead sa-"
"call me baby boy, please" sans face flushed red from embarrassment and the alcohol.
"Alright, go ahead baby boy" jongho smiled as sans hands found their way to the buttons on his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it.
Once san unbuttoned his shirt he took it off, putting it on the floor. Jongho grabbed the bottom of sans shirt and lifted it above his head, throwing it to who knows where.
San attacked jonghos chest, leaving hickeys on his collarbone, his abs , anywhere he could leave them. Jongho groaned his hand still in sans hair,"mmh, san, your mouth feels so g..good mm.." he whined slightly as san pulled away, a smirk plastered on his face.
San pulled on the hem of jonghos pants,"go ahead, p..please" jongho whined as san unbuttoned his and jonghos pants.
"awhh look whos all hard, just for me~"san giggled, softly placing his hand on jonghos crotch causing the other to buck his hips up.
San held down jonghos hips,"ah, ah , ah, you gotta be patient baby" he said in a demanding tone which made jongho shiver slightly.
San slowly pulled down jonghos boxers, his eyes widening slightly at the sight in front of him,"god you're so fucking beautiful jongho."
Jongho smiled sheepishly before san put his fingers near his mouth, "suck" he commanded, and of course, jongho did as he was told, taking sans fingers into his mouth, sucking softly on them as his tongue ran over and in between sans fingers. Then san took them out and put them in jongho's hole, scissoring him. Jongho moaned softly, "san- oh my g- fuck"
San eventually took them out and looked at jongho,"you ready?" Jongho nodded and san swiftly took off his boxers, setting them somewhere before getting on top of jongho, the tip of his dick pressing against his hole.
Jongho whimpered as san slowly pushed himself inside him, the stretch hurt like hell but sooner or later it would turn into pleasure.
Once san was given the que to move he did, slowly at first not wanting to hurt jongho at all. A string of swear words and moans left jonghos mouth, his head thrown back and his lips parted.
San picked up his pace, thrusting into jongho, trying to find his g-spot, which didn't take him long to find as a wave of pleasure went through jongho causing him to moan loudly and arch his back.
After awhile jongho felt his lower stomach tighten,"san m' gonna c..cum!" He moaned out while san brought on hand from jonghos hip to his dick, jerking him off.
That had been enough to set jongho off , he came in sans hand and a bit dribbled onto his stomach. San thrusted into him a few more times before coming with a groan.
San pulled out and plopped besides jongho, cuddling up to him,"hey, since we fucked, does that mean we are dating?"
"I dont know sannie but, i know i love you"
"I love you too, baby"
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