#and so does erik
sincerelywhistler · 3 months
“who do you belong to?”
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If I told you that Regulus’s design was inspired by shaggy old English sheepdogs would you believe me—
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exhausted-undead · 10 months
normalise drawing art for fics that are Brain Exclusive (I can't be bothered to write it)
basically for context erik has a literal pocket dimension that you can access through the opera house mirrors/paintings and he hides bodies in there
oh and he gardens sometimes
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cocosnowlo-drawings · 4 months
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Smol and grown up Erik 🙌🏻 Loveable at every age
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barely-coherent · 7 months
"I'll let you hit if you win me _____ from a crane game."
"Don't phrase it like that but I can try."
Buddy swipes the card like 5 times
You don't know why he's so determined to get that figure for you
Until he finally gets it and you smile really wide
You see him just smile softly while you hold it but there's this look in his eyes
"I expect you to keep your promise."
"You'll let me regardless but it seems fun."
You ignore the first part and just watch as he gets it in like 3 or 4 tries
It drops into the bin and he just watches as you grab it, laughing at your excited face
You probably don't let him put it in a bag, you carry it around the whole time
He does remind you every now and then "Remember what you promised me?"
Fucking pain in the ass (literally, if you're into that)
But y'know what, fuck it, we ball
That's king shit
You don't say that in the first place
You ask him to try
When he actually succeeds though
"Y'know what, just for that, I'm letting you hit."
He immediately turns bright red and covers your mouth
He's like sputtering and just "DONT SAY THAT OUTLOUD!"
Probably blushes for a while after that
But he holds you to that
He blushes and just looks at you for a little
"I- uh. Sure, I'm great at crane games!"
Ignores you while he's blushing but gets it in like 1 or 2 tries
It falls and he cheers for you
Literally "Woohoo! Alright!"
And then as you grab it, just "I wasn't lying, that was an incentive"
And he just blushes harder
Just thinks about it occasionally as you guys spend all day at the arcade
Everytime he looks at what he won fir you, he blushes
It's pretty cute
First of all
Tumblr please I just want a funky black text option that isn't boring
Does not know what to say
It takes him a second before he's like "You can't say that in public!"
But you read him the controls and he just nods
It takes him a couple tries but he got it
You kiss his cheek and assure him that even if he didn't get it you'd let him hit
He's a blushing mess though like "We're in public!"
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― At Dawn, Czeslaw Milosz
Hockey Poetry Post 49/?
(Photo credit: Michael Martin, Michael Martin, Abbie Parr, Michael Martin, Dave Sandford, link, Amber Bracken, link, Bruce Bennett, Michael Martin, Christopher Mast, AAron Ontiveroz, Bruce Bennett)
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birdstooth · 1 year
Part 2 of Carlotta, Piangi & the cake
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😭😭😭 Piangi is gonna get diabetes
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🎶 Notes 🎶
- once again, I forgot to wait for the poll to end lmao
- Christine is truly naive and trusting? Or purposely not asking the important questions so she doesn’t have to get out the spray bottle with lemon water for naughty Erik which makes him cry and hiss 😖😾😾
- Erik sets new record for going from “oh no she hates me” to “wow yes I am a Good Person” in 0.5 sec
- I’m remembering now that the new “electric light” is mentioned at the during the auction that takes place years after the events of poto so I guess Erik invents the lightbulb in panel #5 sorry Thomas Edison and/or Nikola Tesla 😣
EDIT: @night-unfurls-its-splendour in anticipation of u researching the actual dates I went back and looked it up…so apparently the lightbulb was invented in 1879 (according to Edison’s camp). If poto takes place in 1881 then my use of the lightbulb in panel 5 is not an anachronism haha
- pls pray for Piangi’s blood sugar level 🙏🙏
- this was Carlotta’s cake btw if u didn’t read the previous part
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eggsolotl · 18 days
My hyperfixation these past few weeks.
I love the idea of putting Raoul (Philippe?) from 1990 Movie with Erik from 1991 Musical with David Staller ahahahsjsksk
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scorpionstar2021 · 2 months
Episode 5’s opening sequence had Kurt bamfing in behind Gambit to foreshadow Kurt taking Gambit’s place in the opening sequence of Episode 6.
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(Charles probably takes Erik’s place in Episode 7)
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ashadeintheshade · 8 days
City of Angels, Chapter 27
Happy hours for Christine and Erik. No angst, only sunshine and picnics with stuffed deer.
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Read now for fluff and rainbows. It'll all go great.
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bubblergoespop · 5 months
i miss the imperium
don’t get me wrong a full month of it is WORKK and i’m glad erik didn’t do that last year but i do miss the darker concepts. just a lil visit would satiate me.
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stabbystiletto · 11 months
It's a pretty small part, but I dunno I always liked it lol 😅
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A strange woman has been seen eyeing the Vicomtesse's car, but it's probably fine 🙂
(wait is that a crowbar)
It's fiiiiiiine 🙃
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irritableizzy · 2 months
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good evening Robbie Mercer nation.
(I turn and look around and it’s just a few tumble weeds and like three other people)
With and without his gay little headset
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achildsfirstsorrow · 1 month
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Thinking about Shrike from the Mortal Engines film.. he reminds me of Erik. A bit.
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slaygentford · 1 year
armand is like raoul if raoul was worse than erik. so nothing like raoul at all actually
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adamfanti11i · 8 months
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the psychic damage of co-star notifications x the psychic damage of watching the 2022-23 columbus blue jackets
(i blame this post from graves-makar)
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simmyfrobby · 4 months
What are your top 3 nhl teams with the best vibes?
ooh ok. yea. fun. love this. im going to declare all my biases upfront: im a pens, bruins & wild fan so obviously my nr 1 is:
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they have flower. they have kaprizov. they go on homoerotic little holidays together. they have two deweys and one foligno. their captain is pretty and everyone is short. every game is somehow embarrassing. even if they win. especially if they win. 11/10 cant lose.
nr 2: philly
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i dont follow them or root for them but i will have nightmares about the dog mask every day for the rest of my life. also they made drysdale come hang out w them during the all star break and that was cute. also the conga line. hardass coach but we stay silly. 9/10 solid vibes.
nr 3: yotes
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jason zucker lives there.
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