#and the only way to get those answers is to break in gortash’s place which betrays his trust … so it’s like a fun whodunit for her..!!
swordmaid · 2 months
tav shri’iia is THE canon for me obvi but I also really like the idea of tav wren with yves still being part of the dead three as bhaal’s chosen. the thing with wren is that he was yves’ childhood friend who was pursuing his bard career and severely flopping. one night when he was supposed to escort yves home from the graveyard he chose to perform in some tavern instead, and that night is when the bhaalists came and killed her. for him, one of his closest friends just went missing the night he was supposed to look after her, and when she returns 2 weeks later all beaten up and bloody with no memory of herself ofc he felt guilty….! and he couldn’t even bear to look at her because it’s all his fault u know … if only he didn’t ditched her maybe this wouldn’t have happened so one night he just decides to leave bc he couldn’t take it anymore. it’s always been his dream to be a travelling bard anyway and maybe his career will pick up in some other city than baldur’s gate, so he leaves her and his home and sets out to salvage what he can of his career. and in the most part he was mildly successful. he also ends up making a pact with some fae and they help with his bard career too lol but the guilt of yves is still in his mind- he just got better at ignoring it.
SO. imagine his surprise when he gets tadpoled and goes to moonrise to find a cure and he sees his friend - the girl that’s been haunting his dreams and the source of his guilt and shame - a part of the evil cult that’s been enslaving people with parasites. and now he’s meant to kill her? but how could he when he’s the one who left her behind and maybe it’s his fault that she turned out like this … but anyway I love the idea of wren being like noooo that’s NOT yves she would never do that!! and they’re just like girl ur delusional ur friend is literally chopping people up forcing us to find the parts like some treasure hunt
#but durge era yves is so similar to glados to me where she is so mild about everything and instead of forcing you to test#she forces you to figure out the murder mysteries around the lower city and present ur case in the murder tribunal#like as she says. the only thing better than murder is getting away with it and what’s more fun than to watch someone figure out the puzzle#you set for them u kno 🤭🤭#and her proposition to ally w her is that she wants u to figure out the whole absolute ploy and how it started and what role she plays#and the only way to get those answers is to break in gortash’s place which betrays his trust … so it’s like a fun whodunit for her..!!#also i think wren finds out what actually happens to her that night .. learning that his real friend died and got replaced with this other o#other one who’s essentially just wearing her skin … reconciling with the truth that if he was with her she would’ve lived … killing this#yves for his friend so she can have some peace finally .. etc etc. it’s really about ween#wren*s survivor’s guilt bc I like to imagine they had another friend who he left with to look after yves#and when he finally returned after how many years he learns that friend has been dead (bc yves killed him) and allegedly yves’ mental#health went downhill when their friend died so she had to be sent away#which in truth she just left for the bhaal temple lol#anyway just thinking abt this three.. def wanna do a wren playthrough one day ..!!#also their other friend’s name is pan (full name xaphan) and they’re a tiefling but idk abt their appearance yet#making them a tiefling so yves’ first kill post lobotomy links back to her og friends where - if#it’s alfira she’s a bard like wren and tiefling like pan … but honestly pan could be Dragonborn too if she ends up killing quill lol#shut up about bg3.#bg3
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(Not a confession.) I've been working out submissions for the trans day, and there was also an interesting discussion on the topic on r/okbuddybaldur, and I've been wondering - where do you think the line is drawn between 'naughty confessions' and 'fetishization'? I'm trans (transmasc-leaning NB), I have trans hcs, many of them are smutty, I find them hot, trans people ARE hot! We are! But is there a point where it just becomes fetishistic?
Related, what about stereotyping? Tall, buff transfem Karlach, or slender, pretty transmasc Astarion, for instance (which I genuinely do love, especially together). Questionable if you're ONLY going with the more stereotypical view (ie. 'Shadowheart is small and fem and definitely cis, Karlach is tall and butch and definitely trans'), or questionable at any time?
(Relatedly, this comes up in the discussion on Reddit - someone shared their frustration with always seeing Aylin as trans and Isobel as cis, and shared their frankly incredible trans Isobel headcanon.)
Not at all trying to start Disk Horse or anything, just a trans fan writing up submissions and overthinking things. Have an excellent day!
Well let me start by saying that I'm cis, and not exactly an authority on this subject. I have no magical way of knowing where all our confessions are coming from, but I do have some safeguards in place to reduce harm.
First of all, confessions that fetishize real life groups of people are strictly not allowed in our rules. It's up to my own discernment (and that of our followers) what constitutes that, but generally any use of slurs or reinforcing negative stereotypes is a clear tip off. If someone is making trans folk out to be freaks or fetishizing things about them that belittle their gender identity, that's obviously a no go. But so far, no one has said that. There was one confession sexualizing dysphoria that towed the line for me, but my gut told me the submitter was trans themselves and simply had a humiliation kink. Which they later confirmed!
Not speaking for the fandom at large, but on this blog at least it seems like all the characters are "transed" pretty much equally, from Shadowheart to Halsin. With the exception of Gortash, who seems to get the lion's share of those confessions, but that doesn't ring any alarm bells to me.
I certainly wouldn't want to disallow trans hcs for any particular character. After all, it is a fact of life that some cis women are big and tall, and so are some trans women. Should they be excluded from being found attractive just because of a few bad eggs? But I'm always happy to see more variety, thought, and creativity put into confessions overall. Y'all are certainly encouraged to break the mold around here.
I do my best to use my best judgement in moderating confessions so that everyone feels safe and welcome here. But I'm not perfect, so if anything ever slips through the cracks I won't hesitate to listen to our trans followers, remove the confession and learn from the experience. Should that ever happen, I may ask the anon to clarify their intentions as well, as sometimes people just phrase things unintentionally poorly (Hanlon's razor and all that).
Anyways, I hope that answer was satisfactory, it's an interesting and nuanced topic to be sure. And I bid thee an excellent day as well!
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banes-favourite · 4 months
What do you think Enver's life was like in the house of hope after his first day there? How long did it take for him to fall into a routine or at least get more used to life there? How long before his personality became more like it was as we see it in game instead of still being more like he was before being sold?
What do you think he thought of the others in the house of hope(like Hope, Haarlep, Raphael, etc) if he ever really saw them?
I think his personality before he got taken away had the same basis as it did after he escaped. He was ambitious, always wanted to do and be more and he felt some sort of nihilism towards everything around him. The last part only grew the more time he spent in HoH, of course.
I don't think it took him too long to settle into a routine, actually. I like to believe he strives for routines and thrives in them. After the first few nights where he couldn't help but cry, he picked up what his tasks and rules were pretty quickly just from being observant. They didn't like it when he looked anyone in the eyes, so he focused his gaze on his step. They didn't like it when he meddled with affairs that had nothing to do with him, so he learned to spot and run away from them (perhaps even hide to listen in). He saw in which rooms he was welcome in and which he'd get slapped for sneaking into. They gave him cleaning supplies and instructed him to clean the whole House, as many times as necessary. That was a front ofc, his real job was to be used as a sack of meat for those looking to release their urges.
But of course, he's a kid. Naturally his curiosity got the better of him and he wandered the halls, hiding in plain sight as he mapped the place out.
I think one day he snuck into Raphael's chambers and shat his pants thinking Haarlep was the big D himself. I don't think Haarlep would harm the little critter (or god forbid, do other things), at least not yet. He was too young. He'd just talk with him and laugh at his innocence, warn him not to come in here unless he had a reason to.
(cw: child abuse/rαpe)
Of course I still think Haarlep groomed him and later on at 16 or 17, he took his form the sexual way. Gortash probably believed it was a choice of his but come on, he had absolutely no choice in the matter. That doesn't mean he agreed to it with no plan in mind though; he probably managed to get Haarlep to answer a few questions that would aid in his later escape. It was the first and not final time he'd use his body for something.
Anyway, I think him and Hope would vibe hard. He'd never really see her for too long or too often and the one time he tried sneaking into her cell, he was beat to unconsciousness. But I like to think they were good for each other. After years of torture and mind breaking, Gortash would have lost all hope, only for Hope herself to remind him that this was only temporary and his story was not over. He'd persevere. And he believed her.
I don't think he saw Raphael himself all too often, both by choice and not. He was often away, but the times he wasn't, everyone in the House was on edge, little Gortash included. The first time he was called to the main room, Raphael probably told him to indulge in the food with a smile. Being a scrawny 9 y/o, Enver of course did, he'd never seen a feast like this in his whole life.
"Tsk. Too trusting." Raphael commented with some lace of disappointment.
".. Only of my new master." The little boy replied, testing the waters. Raphael's pleased smile was all he needed to know he'd struck gold.
"Very good. Care to prove how smart you really are?" And that was the first time he was invited to a game of lanceboard with the devil.
They played once a week, whenever it struck the devil's fancy, and it was a sort of downtime for Enver too. Each game, he gleaned more, as the devil not once explained the rules to him. At every loss, he got struck across the face by his giant claw, forcing him to become better and adding to his collection of scars. Each game, the little boy became quieter, more observant and nervous, striving to be two steps ahead, three, five, seven. Until his first win.
He'd pushed the winning move before he realised what exactly it'd entail. Raphael should be impressed, right? Reward him somehow? Maybe, if the big bitch wasn't such a sore loser. He used it as an excuse to explain that even if they played together, they'd never be equals, not in mind or strength or ability. It was foolish of Enver to believe it so. He threw the boy to Nubaldin and told him to not stop for 3 days and 3 nights. Gortash couldn't breathe or walk or move afterwards, but he did know one thing -
Raphael could be beat.
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