#and their endless love for eachother
tutuandscoot · 1 year
The gift from “Carmen” took my breath away for a moment 🥹 When Tessa couldn't continue due to pain in her legs and Scott was trying to reassure her that everything was ok 🥹 I found it extremely sweet and compassionate that he cared so much for her and to reassure her that they might as well stop and abandon the competition. ❤️
At the same time it breaks my heart to see how she, having arrived at the boards with the coaches, is so broken and afraid of disappointing everyone… I really don't know where she recovered the strength to continue despite the pains 😭😭😭 the fact that she had to resume immediately so close to a very difficult lift was once again proof of how much total trust she places in Scott, in the fact that he will always be there for her, that he will not let her fall, that he will never blame her and that in a moment so hard he could sustain her, in any way ❤️
The essence of their partnership is care and compassion and they would never do anything to hurt each other. He only ever wants what is best for her.. the amount of instances of teams getting mad at each other for what ever reason.. No. NEVER TS.. she said in their book that to this day she feels regret over it and that she really felt she shouldn’t have stopped in the first place. The pain she was in for so long, probably skated so many competitions in some sort of pain, never wavering, never showing weakness, it MUST have been so bad this time for that pain to override her formidable mind.
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And yes. HIM. You can see as they round the back of the rink she’s saying (implying) ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please let me keep going’. That immediate panic ensues and she wishes she could take that moment back, she’s so mad at herself for stopping and there’s nothing she can do, the (so called) “damage” has been done. But Scott. He just talks her down off the ledge so beautifully. He knows exactly what to say, exactly what to do to calm her- not coddle her, not blame or get mad at her, just get her back to the state of mind she needs to be in to make the right decision for her. It’s pretty clear to make out he’s saying: “you can’t, don’t Tess. Ok, ok. Stop”. And at one point it looks as though she’s saying: “I can” right before he just says Stop.
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The moment she kind pushes him away ruins me.. she’s so devastated, so not in the right frame of mind to think clearly, probably every possible and fanatical consequence is running through her mind- this competition, home worlds, the Olympics.. what has she done and she’s just wishing she could take it back, she can’t think clearly and he has to think for her. She’s trained her mind for so long to mask her pain and when it can’t she doesn’t know what to do.. this I think is the closest I’ve ever seen her to broken. It’s beautiful how he almost has to get slightly rough with her to just stop her from spiralling. So he grabs her head, then her hand to get her to stop- for so long that has held so much value to them, they love to hold hands and she’s knows when he squeezes her hand that everything will be ok.
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It’s also so lovely the way he takes charge of dealing the the officials (insert this into my Things I Love series). It’s obvious he would do that but I still love it, and he just tells them she’s hurt.. I may be reading into it but even the way he says that, you know he’s so worried about her and they’d dealt with that so many times, so many times she was ‘hurt’ and CHRist he was so patient with her.. he stuck by her all those years through it all and I don’t think this was so much a matter of ‘shit it’s happening again’.. her legs were still something there and he always would’ve been worried about it- not competitively but just for her wanting her to be ok. I don’t know how to say it definitively enough but.. Tessa is his ONLY partner. She stops, he stops. She may not ever skate again, he may never skate again. I need everyone in the world to understand that without each other, there is none of this. This is only them, their entire lives up until like 2019- 22 years (more or less) was VirtueMoir, and a huge part of them will remain VIRTUEMOIR. I can only imaging the obscenities Scott would of hurled at anyone who told him he should get a new partner coz Tessa (‘s legs) ain’t it.
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There’s no way he was at the boards convincing her to keep going against her own will, I think he was leaving that decision completely in her hands, only supporting her in her decision to start again if she was certain- and he knows her so well he can tell when she’s certain- she’s so strong willed, he knew she could do it but was also only going to do what was best for her- determined by her because she is the best ice dancer ever and you don’t get there by not being an incredible athlete. The way he shoos the camera man away, then getting mike to actually move him. This without a doubt is the moment I fell in love with SM. He’s seemingly saying ‘she shouldn’t keep going..if she’s in pain’. I really have no idea what was exactly said… but you know the gist of just being concerned for her safety above all else.
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Then once they do decide to continue, as they wait for the music to restart and he’s just talking to her. The way he makes it so everything else in the world disappears and it is only him she sees and hears. He’s going to be her voice in her head telling her she can do it because she probably isn’t in a place where she can fully do that herself.
When he switches their handhold, they were doing that proper handhold back then but not as often as the comeback. I imaging he’s telling her “you’re incredible T, you’re the best in the world, no one can do what you do. Just focus on your breathing, breathe with me. I’m here for you, we’re in this together, right till the end I’ll always be here with you”. They take their time getting into the lift and he’s really careful with her- kinda leaves his left arm up, even though she can’t see it, but feels that protection there. He stays in her ear the whole rest of the program, getting in her face, you can even see in their close holds he is giving her more support than he usually would need to- she had never been one to clutch onto him in hold or be wobbly on her skates (apart from the 2009 season coming back from first surgery she was obviously weaker), he’s just giving her whatever she needs to keep going- it was her decision to keep going so he will be there for her no matter what.
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I love on the ending, how he hangs there.. there’s something very emotional about that too. Like I felt that was hard for him as well- to finish. The extra emotional exhaustion that took to get to the end, not to mention restarting- yes they got a pause to catch their breath but they would be trained to the rhythm of the program and stopping unexpectedly.. it can mess with how they regulate their stamina.
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Then the sheer disappointment on her face.. again I just want to hug her- I image he did once they were out of the k+c.
What a burden it must’ve been on her mind to be one half of the best ice dance team in the world, soon to be of all time, and to have this chronic problem that at any moment almost could just shut her legs off.. training full time, competing 7 times a year, improving, getting stronger and remaining innovative, the worlds bench mark.. no wonder she felt like a fraud. God I just want to give her the biggest hug in the world because no way she could’ve realised back then how incredible she really was. When she talks about blocking so much out because it’s too painful to think about and reliving all the guilt she felt for Scott. This is the part of their partnership that is just so special because they protected each other even from themselves, the very person she felt enormous guilt for, was the person protecting her from feeling that about him. The freaking psychology of their partnership jeez I want to study it.
Again like with the video camera man, seemingly a photographer wanting a pic of them in the k+c and he just gives that subtle shake if the head that means everything. Keeping everything she doesn’t need in her world right now out of it. No doubt he would be disappointed, frustrated, maybe even angry, but (like I’ve said before in an unrelated post) none of that is directed at her, just the situation. He is disappointed for the team- not himself and not in her. Everything she’s been through and has hardly ever shown weakness- only one other time they stopped mid-program. He knows how strong she is so for it to have happened he knows it was bad.
They just took such good care of each other. They were so kind and wonderful to each other. With using that wording there’s a sense of softness and delicacy.. the connotation of weakness. And I don’t associate them with ‘weakness’ at all, but I love how there’s this delicacy to them- to me it encapsulates how they allowed their emotions to live freely with each other. They never had to put up a front or brave face- the other could always see behind that. Here T puts up a brave face for everyone else but he can see the pain and trepidation in her eyes, and he knows he has the responsibility to get her through it, and he’s the only one she trusts to get her through it. He can see her at her lowest and doesn’t need to tell her to toughen up, because she’s the strongest person he knows. She is always strong but he allows her to feel anything and everything she wants because he is her safe space. They do that for each other- they never have to be anything but themselves for each other. It’s not in any way a weakness or makes you weak to be told and showed everyday.. every moment that you are cared about that person is so grateful for you.. it adds softness and an air of magic and I would actually say only makes them stronger because they know that person beside them is never not gonna have their back.
Just when I think I couldn’t be more inspired by them I rewatch this moment I’ve seen a thousand times and… the enormity of the example they are of what trusting and caring about someone truly looks like. And not just looks like but feels like. They feel so freaking much for each other. They just care to the ends of the universe about each other. To be so seen and so understood.. yes this is an unorthodox relationship and they are in an extremely unique/high pressure environment, they need that trust to do what they do, but watching them and feeling the compassion, concern, unwavering belief that the person they live everyday of their life with is the the best, and they need each other. No matter what else that ever meant, that is more special then anything I could imagine.. and this is just one example of that.. every moment of them exudes the same trust and loyalty.
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zeb-z · 6 months
demon girl tina who shaves her horns down, who tries to be everything a demon isn’t. never angry, never pressed, sweet and easygoing. perfect in every sense of the term. who’s traumatized from purgatory, who’s afraid of losing what she loves as much as she’s afraid of being shunned by who she loves for what she is. for all the imperfections that fracture her perfect image. who craves trust, a place to belong, the secret of who she is just bubbling under the surface, shaved down and hidden just underneath the cat ears she wears.
human girl bagi who embraces imperfection, who loves with loyalty and longevity. who would go to the ends of the earth for her loved ones, knowing their worst sins, their terrible crimes, and going I will love you anyway. I will be there for you anyway. who’s best friend is a demon, who she knows is a demon, who she met at his worst, and wouldn’t let him go through it alone. who understands the importance of secrets, which means she knows the value of honesty, and is ready to lay out all her truths once she cares about someone enough, trusts them enough.
tina getting flighty and nervous when she’s told that it’s love what bagi feels - not because she doesn’t feel the same, but because she does, and it’s all she’s ever wanted, and isn’t that just terrifying? because she doesn’t think she fully deserves it. not yet at least! and she doesn’t want to lose it. imperfect, clumsy, secretly a demon tina, still processing purgatory and everything that came before, so afraid because she believes she can’t measure up. once she’s worked on herself, once she’s perfect, she says. once she stops panicking at purgatory flashbacks, once she stops losing her temper, once she can provide stability, once she’s shaved her horns and they stop growing back - then she’ll be ready. as soon as she’s made herself into something easily lovable.
bagi listens to tina as she spills some of this to her, under the moonlight along the beach. not quite all her worries, but some, just like she had given not quite her whole heart, but a part of it, in that room that represents bagi’s mind. and bagi doesn’t press for more than what she’ll give, because she cherishes what has been given already, because she’s in no rush and has no where else to go, because above all else, she’s in love and willing to wait. and in the meantime, she’ll reassure tina that she doesn’t want perfection - she just wants tina the way she is.
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Ok so lets talk about that one scene in The Sound of Her wings, when Hob and Dream meetup in 1789. Specifically, when Johanna Constantine orders her men to slit the throats of Hob and Dream. I was inspired directly after seeing @avelera​ ‘s post (here) and watching the scene again to fact check myself as i screamed in the tags. (Before i even get to the fight, can we take a moment to appreciate when Hob looks at the drawing done of them in 1689 and goes “Is that meant to be me?...Oh i look terrible...” and then tips his head to Dream and says “You look worse :)”. I loved that he joked with him, that he fully went “i look horrible- ur worse tho hehe” and you KNOW he’s saying it in jest. Wonderful.) Its the way Hob attacked the man going after Dream first. He threw his tea at the man in front of his friend, first and foremost stalling His Stranger’s attacker, and then smashed the teacup over the guy in front of him and smacked him in to the table. Dream doesn’t even move- not that i imagine one such as he would need to fear any mortal wound from a human, but Hob doesn’t know this. Hob doesn’t know who or what Dream is, he doesn’t even know his name, so Hob defends- he attacks first, attacks for him. The fight literally goes: Hob throws tea at Dream’s attacker >> Hob smashes teacup on his own attacker and knocks him out against the table >> Hob smacks Dream’s attacker upside the head when the man tries to stab his friend. Morpheus doesn’t move at all, and he doesn’t need to. Not until Johanna has a knife pointed at Hob’s face. And as you can see here:
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Hob is 100% ready to get stabbed in the face. He’s immortal, it’ll heal. It won’t be fun, but it won’t stop him from eliminating the threat. Its only then that Dream intervenes, says “Wait,” and stands up to incapacitate Johanna with his sand. Dream would know as well as Hob that no mortal wound could kill him, yet the idea of Hob being injured is unpleasant nonetheless. This idea is later reinforced when Dream says that Hob might not be able to die, but he can be captured and hurt- foreshadowing, for sure, but it also tells us a bit about what Dream thinks of. Before he says that to Hob, however, there is the Scene of the Hour; the ear pull. After Dream so tenderly says “You need not have come to my defence...”, Hob responds with a delighted “Clearly...Still, i didn’t want to be drinking alone here in 100 years time.” (this line also supports the fact that Hob has no idea who Dream is or what he’s capable of, thus defending him seems the obvious choice) And what does Hob do as he says this?
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The ear pull. My man fully played with his ear with THAT expression. If his hair was untied, i bet you $100 he would have been twirling it around his damn finger. And what was this met with?
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Dream looking at him like this. This about concludes my ramble but by god was there so much to unpack here. I urge you to go back and re-watch this ep (as if anyone needs any convincing to re-watch this show) and just really drink in the details.
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risingsunresistance · 2 months
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text version under the cut
comment: So the glacite tunnels have something to do with the rift??... Well the living cave was a foreshadowing i guess? Probably its going to have more lore about this.
reply 1: Now that you mention it… it would be pretty interesting if they are connected. I remember it says on some item’s lore that “those few unlucky enough to find the source of Glacite have not lived to tell of it”. Perhaps both the cave in the Rift and the Glacite Tunnels have the same source of their permafrost state?
reply 2: I thought that the reason why the bottom of the living cave is so cold is because of a lack of movement (y'know, cuz heat is the kinetic energy of particles?) I mean, it's even called the "living stillness" But it would be cool if the living cave was a rift breach of the glacite tunnels' permafrost!
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perplexities · 2 months
the way the taurus man came to party w me and my friends yesterday and it was actually so fuckin fun. but we could not beat the couple/dating allegations like everyone kept being like aw omg y’all are the cutestttt couple and i had to fight the urge to be like no sorry this is actually my most toxic situationship whom im in love with and know i have to let go of but truly can’t haha
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myfictionaldreams · 10 months
So I saw that you said you can take specific marauder requests. How about reader is insecure but the guys don't know it and she goes out to buy clothes and new lingerie that she thinks they might like because in her head she thinks if she doesn't look like the girls she researched they will leave her for either just eachother or all the other girls in the school. So when they are getting into it sirius realizes that she has a new bra (you can make up the rest of the scenario but preferably after he finds out she has a new bra angst happens and then fluffy smut and then the very end in fluff please)
What are you wearing? // Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader
Summary: The latest lingerie trend did not look comfortable in any way but you still fell for the marketing and purchased your own, assuming that the boys would want you to dress like everyone else. However, when you decided to show off your outfit to Sirius, his reaction is anything but positive as he sees how uncomfortable you are.
Requested by: Thank you for answering my beck and call for a specific Marauders idea, I hope you enjoy your request!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst, fluff (lots), foursome, self-doubt/low self-esteem, anxiety, crying/breakdown, pet names, making out, Remus has words of wisdom, discussing emotions, romantic gestures (a little cheesy), nipple play, body worship, dirty talk, teasing, begging, oral sex, fingering, possessive behaviour, restraints, praise kink, daddy kink, size kink (!), creampie, rough sex
Words: 8k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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It was the latest fashion, created by muggles to wear luxurious, expensive lingerie bodysuits that uncomfortably hugged curves and pushed your breasts into busty mounds that they unnaturally did not sit at. However from the whispers from other students as they secretly hide in corners, sharing magazines and boasting about which woman looked best in the underwear, it was what was the latest fashion and everyone seemed to be loving it. So despite the discomfort, despite the desire to itch your skin against the lace around your hips, you kept the lingerie under your uniform, hoping to surprise one of the boys throughout the day.
It wasn’t that you never wore nice underwear, usually, it was a simple lace bra that softly cupped your breasts, the material transparent enough that your areolas were visible and had your boyfriends dropping to their knees to beg at touching and worshipping your body.
But like previously mentioned, this new style of lingerie was apparently very in right now and you wanted to keep up with the latest trends, even more so to please Remus, James and Sirius. It was hard enough pleasing one boyfriend but three? It felt like endless pressure to keep up, even though you knew that feeling was only from the little devil on your shoulder, the one that spouted negative thoughts that you were never enough.
It was nothing on behalf of your boyfriend’s to make you feel this way. In fact, they always went above and beyond to show you how much you were truly loved. But then that voice in the back of your mind would come back, reminding you that they were the most popular men in school, had endless other students lusting over them and it felt like you were competing, even though you already had the prize.
So this was why you had decided to splash the cash on the expensive muggle lingerie and hide it beneath your uniform, hoping to keep the relationship exciting and alive with the hopes that one of your boyfriends would pull you into a spare cupboard and find the present beneath your button up shirt.
This came in the shape of Sirius Black who promptly entwined your fingers together after class, carrying both your bag and his on his shoulder and tugging you down a deserted corridor and into a dusty, dimly light classroom. Sirius may have come across to others as coming from a pure-blooded family and always pristinely dressed, but beneath all of that was his rebellious side. The part of him that wanted it dirty and rough and everything that didn’t match his exterior.
He dropped the bags onto the floor, causing a cloud of dust to waft into the air but that didn’t stop his movements as he pulled you further into the room, not even bothering to lock the door, another one of his little ‘Sirius’ things, loving the thought of being caught. As usual, your adrenaline was pumping through your veins, feeling giddy and ready to do whatever Sirius wanted, just needing to be close to him, to feel his hands on your body, his lips against your skin.
“Come here Darling, up on top”, Sirius patted the sizeable oak desk that was in the centre of the room, even bothering to wipe his hand across to create an area that was without dust, the perfect area for you to come and sit on.
Jumping up with the help of Sirius’ big hands on your waist, you sat on the edge of the desk, your skirt hiking up slightly so that the brisk wood nipped against the backs of your thighs. This didn’t stop you from spreading them, making room for your boyfriend as he slide his hands to cup your cheek.
Sirius’ citrus scent from his hair caressed your cheeks as he leaned down to capture your lips, urgent and devouring, leaving you breathless and grasping to hold onto his shirt. He had full control with his grip on your face, tilting your head so that he could deepen the kiss, tongue slipping into your open mouth, dancing to taste your spit.
A moan bubbled in the back of your throat as he moved his body closer, his crotch pushing against yours as your legs hooked around the back of his knees. You were thoroughly and utterly consumed by him, breathing in the air from his mouth, the taste and smell of him, his warmth seeping into your skin. There was one thing you would never deny and that was how consumed you were by him, by each of your boyfriends, you had been since day one.
Sirius released his hold on your face with one hand but only because he needed to touch your skin, squeezing the soft area of your thigh and stroking up, further pushing your skirt to reveal the entire length of your leg. He didn’t stop though, exploring with a firm touch over your skirt and beneath the hem of your shirt, with the intent to pull your hips closer to rub his tented crotch harder against yours.
But then he suddenly froze, lips unmoving and a confused frown evidently etched into his handsome features as he pulled away to look down at where his fingers were feeling a strange material under your clothes.
You’d forgotten about your plan, through the lust-filled kisses and touches, it had slipped your mind what you were wearing.
Before Sirius could verbally ask what it was that he was feeling, you quickly beat him to it by breathlessly explaining, “I had a surprise”. With the adrenaline still pumping through your body, your fingers were shaking delicately as you removed your tie and unbuttoned your shirt, pushing the white material off of your shoulders, revealing the majority of the lingerie bodysuit.
Looking up at him through your eyelashes, attempting to look seductive whilst further pushing your elbows underneath your already pushed-up breasts.
You weren’t sure exactly what reaction you were expecting, maybe a horny curse or a hunger search of your body with his eyes, but you certainly weren’t expecting him to ask in a disdained tone, “What are you wearing?”
Sirius lifted the hand that had been resting on your hip, up to the tight material on your chest, trying to slip his finger between your breast and the lingerie but unable to do so with how tight and uncomfortable the bodysuit was.
“I thought you’d like it”, you say earnestly, trying to keep the simmering panic at bay that was beginning to pound into your heart. Sirius’ confusion only increased as the line between his furrowed brows deepened, a single step back to put some distance between the two of you, your legs dropping to dangle over the edge of the desk again as he looked over what you were wearing.
“Why would you wear something like that? Are you even comfortable in it?” he asks with a hint of distaste, something you hadn’t anticipated for him to sound like at all. 
You begin to stutter over your words, losing the confident seduction you’d been attempting to play off. “It’s…it’s not supposed rt to be comfortable, I wanted to look nice for you”.
This response only seemed to further upset Sirius as his eyes refused to meet yours, remaining only on the extravagant lingerie. “But you always look nice, you didn’t have to do this!” The rise of his voice startled you enough to quickly shrug the shirt back up your arms, crossing the material across your chest so that you were covered once more. Sirius finally snapped out of his upset to look into your eyes, the frown relaxing a touch so that he could slowly explain, “Sweetheart, you know you don’t have to dress a certain way to impress me, you know that”.
Embarrassment pooled in your stomach causing you to feel burning hot and slightly nauseous. Of all the reactions you expected, it wasn’t this. Yes, you may be dressing completely out of your comfort zone and only doing it to make the boys happy but you had to make an effort and this was the only way you thought how.
You tried to keep your voice from wavering as you explained, “Yes, but I just wanted to make a little bit of an effort. Anyway, everyone else has been wearing this sort of thing or enjoying the look of it. And I just thought you wouldn’t-”, your mouth slammed shut with an audible snap as you tried to keep the truth spilling from your lips.
Tears were beginning to line the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over as you hastily began to fasten the buttons on your shirt, eyes on your fingers and not daring to look up at your boyfriend.
You’d hoped that Sirius would let it go, the words and the bodysuit, maybe you could jump off the desk, find somewhere to remove the lingerie and it never be spoken about again. However, this of course was wishful thinking on your part as Sirius’ voice had dropped an octave as he asked, “I wouldn’t…what? Finish what you were about to say.”
Blatantly ignoring his questioning, you had finished buttoning your top, turning to look for the tie that you’d haphazardly discarded behind you on the desk but in the low lighting, it was hard to see, especially as the tears began to slip down your cheeks.
Sirius closed the gap between your bodies again, his hand gently cupping your jaw to tilt it in his direction, his eyes glazed in worry as he noticed your tears, quickly swiping them away with his thumb. “Tell me”, he encouraged but you could still hear the strain at the back of his throat.
It was like a dam opened within you, that small hope on the restraint that you had snapped. “That you wouldn’t be interested in me anymore if I didn’t try and keep up with the trends of what's hot. Or that if I didn’t try, you’d all think you’re missing out on something so yes, this bodysuit is a little uncomfortable but I just wanted to impress you all so you didn’t think I wasn’t attractive or that you’d fall out of love with me because someone else looked more sexy or was willing to dress in all of these stupid outfits! I just wanted to make you all happy ”.
There it was, the devil on your shoulder, speaking your inner-most demons, laid completely bare in front of you. Fear after fear spilt from your lips, once you’d started you couldn’t stop, even though you were becoming hysteric, the escalation of the situation was just making you freak out more. You were full-on sobbing by this point, tears dampening the collar of your shirt and shoulders hunched as you sucked in deep shattering breaths.
The walls felt too close, the air too thick. You needed to get out, need to get away from Sirius, not wanting to even look at him to see the disappointment you were sure covered his face. Using your body for momentum, you pushed him back as you jumped off of the desk and stepped towards the door.
However a gentle but firm hand wrapped around your shoulder, halting your movements as Sirius’s concerned voice begged, “Please don’t go, we need to talk about this Darling”.
This wasn’t what you wanted right now, you didn’t want to talk, scared that your spiralling thoughts might be a reality, your consciousness being your worst enemy at that moment as you shrugged out of his grasp. “I just need a minute”. You sounded broken and another sob shook your shoulders as you didn’t look back. Not bothering to pick up your bag or find your lost tie you rushed out of the door, and the sick feeling in your stomach only increased when you heard Sirius yell and kick his frustrations out against a table as he let you walk away.
You weren’t entirely sure where you were going, keeping your head low so as to not have questioning looks as to why you were crying and scared you’d run into one of your friends or worse Remus or James. There were so many students in the corridors and you desperately needed an escape and ran in the direction of where there were only a limited amount of people as fresh air crisped against your wet cheeks as you rushed outside.
For a moment you contemplated sneaking to the shrieking shack, knowing that you could curl into a ball underneath the sheets of the master bed there but that would also be the first place that the boys checked other than the Gryffindor common room. Furthermore, you needed somewhere outside, need to feel the sun on your face and a sense of calm so you half jogged to one of your favourite spots in Hogwarts.
It was the one place you truly felt at peace and somewhere you’d stumbled upon once when exploring the Hogwarts grounds in your first year. A luscious green cliff edge that overlooked the lake and Scottish mountains and, what made it so special was that when the sun began to set, it was the perfect spot for the golden hour of beautiful sunshine. The very last piece of land that the sun-kissed before it disappeared over the mountains.
This was where you crumpled onto the grass, tucking your knees in close, hiding your face within them and wrapping your arms around tightly so you were now in a little ball. There you sat and you cried. For the embarrassment, anxiety-ridden and uncertainty as to what happened now. You didn’t want to go back to Hogwarts, maybe it was better if you just stayed in that little spot forever you contemplated dramatically.
You were unsure how much time had passed but the air was beginning to chill as the sun dropped further in the sky. There were no more tears, but your breaths were still ragged, your eyes sore as you looked across the lake, and your body trembling through exhaustion and still, above all of that, you couldn’t stop thinking about how uncomfortable the stupid bodysuit was under your uniform.
Footsteps suddenly crunched against the crisp grass and you tried not to stiffen at the unknown arrival. But with each step, you knew from the slight limp who exactly it was as Remus sat beside you, his legs crossed underneath him as you automatically moved your face to look away from him, not wanting him to see the mess you’d become.
“Don’t”, he insisted. “Don’t do that, don’t hide away from me, my love. Come here”, he encouraged, his heavy hand resting against your shoulder and tugging your body towards his. You succumb easily, releasing the grip around your knees so that you could lie your head against his lap, his hand remaining on your shoulder giving you warmth and comfort as his other hand stroked through your hair and he simply lets you cry.
Remus began to talk, lowly and calmly into your ear as he helped you through your overwhelming emotions. “It’s more than just the fancy underwear, isn’t it? Listen to me Love, we all have our insecurities that bubble away underneath our skin but we can’t let those negative thoughts win. We deserve happiness. YOU deserve happiness.”
Your sobs calmed down enough that you were just lightly hiccuping, not even bothering to wipe away your tears as his trousers absorbed the wetness. Remus lowered his head, to gently kiss the side of yours before he continued. “I know sometimes our minds are louder than our hearts so even if I tell you, how much I truly adore you, that sometimes you won’t comprehend how much it is true. But please, Sweetheart, understand that… you’re my family. You, Sirius and James. Without you three, I have no one and I don’t want you to think you’re anything else but my entire world. You could dress in the old linen from a house elf and I would still love everything about you. I don’t need you to be dressed in the latest fashion or clothes that are evidently uncomfortable. I want you to be happy, we ALL want you to be happy”.
Your heart was pounding for another reason now as you couldn’t bare to not be touching Remus, needing more than anything to show him how much you appreciated him, loved him with just as much passion as the words that he spoke. So without another word, you rushed to sit up and climb into his lap, straddling your thighs over his, shaking fingers cupping his scarred face to hold him still as you kissed him deeply.
It wasn’t like the same sort of passionate, devouring kiss with Sirius earlier in the day in that forgotten classroom. This was passionate in a way that the world began and ended with each other, that you need to show your love and appreciation with your lips where words would surely fail you. Remus was always the one to have the best advice, to be able to talk the others around when in a low mood, he just always seemed to know the exact right thing to say.
As both of your lungs burned for air, you pull from the kiss but only to lean your forehead against his, warm breath fanning across his face as he wiped away the stains of the tears, “I love you, Remus Lupin”.
“I love you too”.
The sun had now cascaded behind the mountains, leaving an orange hue in the sky as everywhere else began to fall into shadow. The air instantly cooled but you didn’t care, especially not with Remus who ran at a fevered temperature due to his lycanthropy. The two of you stayed like that until you felt comfortable enough to risk glancing over his shoulder, towards the lining of trees from the forbidden forest.
“They aren’t here”, Remus informed you, kissing your cheek gently and wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you closer.
You weren’t sure if you should be relieved or not at hearing that Sirius and James didn’t accompany Remus. “Where are they?”, you asked quietly, leaning your head against his shoulder, suddenly feeling exhausted after your breakdown.
Remus took more than a moment to answer like he was trying to decide how much he should tell you before finally deciding. “They’re both back in the dormitory, sorting out a little surprise for you”.
Your heart seemed to skip a beat, that they were doing something nice even after the way you’d spoken and reacted to Sirius. “I feel bad I stormed away from Sirius”, you admitted to Remus, pulling away from his shoulder to play with the end of his tie.
Remus offered you a shrug, “He’ll get over it. I think he was more upset that he didn’t know how to process that you weren’t comfortable and doing all of this for his benefit. And that he struggled to find the right words to say without sounding pissed off and couldn’t fix the situation before you left”.
You nod, risking a glance up towards Remus’ face and relieved to find him looking at you still in a relaxed way and you knew he really wasn’t annoyed like you thought he would be. “And James, is he ok?”
Remus nods, kissing the tip of your nose and pulling a smile from your lips, “He’s hurt like Sirius and I, that you’d been feeling this way without speaking to us, he wanted to fly down here as soon as Sirius found us but I knew you needed some time to yourself”.
“Thank you”. You hoped that he understood that you were saying that for more than one reason, for everything and by the twinkle returning to his eyes, the life that was sparking once more as he pecked your lips gently, you knew he understood.
“Come on, let’s not leave them any longer”.
Remus helped you to stand and the two of you took a leisurely stroll, hand in hand, back up to the castle, you’d missed dinner but Remus insisted that he’d go and get you something to eat after your surprise.
The surprise was entirely romantic and your chest warmed with love as you looked at the dormitory that you shared with the boys. There were different-shaped candles floating around the room, Remus’ record player in the corner at a low volume with the latest Bowie track that the boys loved and rose petals were scattered across the floor and freshly made bed but the petals had been enchanted to change colour and shimmer in the candlelight.
A sweet, thankful gasp was just about to spill from your lips but it was quickly replaced with a shocked laugh, your hand covering your mouth to hide your grin as Sirius and James stepped out of the bathroom. They were completely nude, except for the black lacy tight underwear that hardly covered their genitals, and nicely tied off with a pretty pink bow over where their cocks were.
The two of them stood proudly, abs tense to show off and flex as much as possible, a wide stance and arms behind their backs as they both grinned cheekily at you. “What…? What are you both wearing?!” you couldn’t help but giggle as you stepped closer and out of Remus’ reach, only for him to start taking off his clothes too.
You turned to watch, eyes wide as he too was wearing the skimpy underwear that seemed to hardly be covering him at all with his cock at half-mast. “Wait, have you had them on this entire time?” you asked dumbfoundedly, trying not to stare at the ridiculousness of the tiny little outfits.
“Oh I have indeed, can’t tell you how far they’ve been wedged up my arse but beauty is pain right?” he joked, subtly trying to pull the material from between his cheeks to relieve the tightness there.
You watched as Remus brushed past to stand next to Sirius who now stood in the middle of him and James, his grin softening to a knowing smile as you also moved closer to them. Once you were close enough did he tip your chin back, “Do you only love us more because of these outfits? Or would you say you loved us regardless of what we are wearing”.
The penny dropped as you now realised why they were wearing the uncomfortable-looking, ridiculously scandalous underwear. Your shoulders dropped in defeat, giving him a knowing look as you shook your head no. “Exactly. This is how we feel for you, I don’t want you to shut us out again or doubt our feelings for you. If you ever have a thought like this again, I need you to come to us, and talk because that's healthy and normal in relationships. Don’t bottle it up and don’t shut us out and please, don’t walk away from me again, I couldn’t bare it”.
You reached up to take his hand, moving it from your chin to nuzzle your cheek into it, kissing his palm as you promised, “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry I did all of those things and made you all worry. I love you, everything about you, without the outfits”, you emphasise with a smile. “They don’t look comfortable at all”, you say with a giggle, noticing James trying to give his cock more room in the confinement of the lingerie.
“Think I’ve got as much room as your tits which reminds me, we need to release them from their prison!”, Sirius joked, his fingers reaching to begin unbuttoning your shirt and then pushing it over your shoulders.
Remus stepped up behind you, his naked back flush against yours, “oh Pup, this doesn’t look comfortable at all”, he chastised in a low voice, beginning to unzip you from behind. The relief was immediate as Sirius helped him by pushing the loosened straps from your shoulders and you audibly sighed as the warm air kissed your now exposed breasts.
“There are my girls”, Sirius mumbled, his thumb brushing against the nipple of your right breast causing it to pebble before his mouth dropped to lick and suck on the sensitive bud. Before you could properly lean into the touch, James’ tuft of hair was soon at the same level as Sirius's as he did the same to your left nipple, suckling it into his mouth before flattening his tongue against it. Your back arched, hands delving into both men’s soft hair, gripping and holding them close as arousal struck through your core.
The remainder of your clothes soon pooled around your feet on the floor, Remus even helping to unbuckle your shoes until you were left in nothing but your white frilly socks as Remus had effortlessly removed the rest of the lingerie and skirt.
The moments like this, when they were so doting and loving that you almost felt overwhelmed because you wanted to return that love and affection to all of them at the same time but with only two hands, it was challenging to do. So you decided to concentrate on the two boys attached to your front, who were nipping and teasing your tender nipples, sucking them into peaks before laying them flat with the push of their tongues.
The grip you held on their hair reluctantly relaxed and tried to do a different exploration, over their shoulders, feeling this leanness of James and the muscles of Sirius from where he trained as Beater for the quidditch team. Lower still your nimble fingers travelled to their chests, feeling the sprinkling of hair that curled over their pecks and then still further down with the goal to reach the hem of their underwear. However, in the position, you could only react to James who seemed to realise your goal and pushed his body more towards yours.
Your fingertips ran along the hem of the tight underwear and then halted as James shuddered under the touch as you stroked over his tip that had bulged out as he became increasingly harder with nowhere else to go. As you teased his tip, James began to kiss up your body, particularly over the indents over your chest from where the bodysuit had pushed your breasts up, and he didn’t stop until he was next to your ear, still needing to bend down because of the height difference.
James did not move with urgency, even though his hips were bucking under the tease of your fingers. With one cupping your jaw, tilting your face away and the other hand gripping onto your waist, James began to kiss along the column of your neck, over the sensitive little spots that had your knees weak and more heat pooling in between your legs.
Remus on the other hand now stood next to you, his fingers stroking down your jaw to grasp your attention which you gave him, looking up at him with wide eyes and bottom lip stuck between your teeth. “I want you to listen to me carefully ok? There will be no rushing tonight, our goal is to please YOU, and only you. I want to hear every little moan and cry that you have so there’s no need to bite your lip, my love. I want this pretty mouth open and begging for more, do you understand?”
You couldn’t think of words that made any sense like a thick warm blanket of fuzzy arousal clouded your thoughts so all you could respond to Remus was a desperate nod of the head and a throaty moan.
“Good. Now tell me, just before we start.  Who do you belong to?”
James and Sirius stopped the teasing with their mouths so that they could hear you answer, needing to hear it, for their own sanity and possessive natures.
“You, I belong to all of you”, you breathlessly answered, still looking up into Remus’ green eyes that always reminded you of spring, hypnotised completely by him.
“That’s right”, he praised delicately still stroking down the side of your face. “And, who do we  belong to?”
“Me”, your answer was quieter, heart pounding at having to say it out loud as you knew that he was only getting you to say it to remind you that your freakout today was unwarranted and you should always know that they’re yours.
Remus tilted an eyebrow up, his hair falling slightly over his eyes as he didn’t seem satisfied with the answer. “Excuse me,  I didn’t quite hear that”.
You refrained from huffing in embarrassment as you repeated yourself at a louder volume, “You all belong to me, to each other”.
This was the answer he was looking for as his lips curled into a gentle smile and then opened as he was going to continue talking but James seemed to snap hearing those words as the hand on your jaw pushed your body backwards, the other on your waist supporting your body so that you didn’t trip over. The back of your knees met that bed and the two of you toppled onto the soft, rose-petaled surface.
“I couldn’t wait anymore, need to feel you, taste you, want to make you mine”, James groaned against the shell of your ear as he finally turned your face enough that his lips found yours in a hungry, lust-filled kiss.
Behind the two of you, you were able to hear Sirius and Remus chuckling deeply at James’ frantic motions and then they were moving closer and sitting on either side of the bed, taking a hand of yours each into theirs. A way to stay close to you but also restrain you in a way so that James was fully in control and the pleasure was solely on you.
The Gryffindor’s seeker’s tongue brushed against yours, tasting and dominating the dance happening in your mouth, his body sliding between your thighs so that you could feel the scratch of the uncomfortable underwear that he was still forcing himself to wear against the sensitive skin of your thighs. His hand's hand began to lower, the wide expanse of his hands meaning that he was able to feel a vast area of your body at once, over your collarbones, your breasts, squeezing softly, a contrasting touch from his commanding mouth.
Over your hips, your thighs, tucking them in closer around his waist. Finally, he pulled away from your mouth, his glasses slipping down his nose as hot breaths being shared as you both desperately tried to breathe but it was mostly so he could tell you his contemplative thoughts. “I don’t know whether to let you ride my fingers or taste you”.
Your pussy clenched around nothing at his words, not being able to decide an answer for him but thankfully Sirius pipped up and offered the idea, “Why not both?”
James grinned, pecking your lips before glancing towards Sirius, “Good idea, Padfoot”.
Then his warmth crowding around your chest was gone as he quickly backed away and lay on his stomach at the bottom of the bed, his face now between his legs and hands pushing back your thighs until once again, Sirius and Remus took one each so that you were fully restrained.
“Such a pretty pussy, MY pretty pussy”, James admired as he began to spread your juices that were seeping through your folds, over the rest of your cunt. With one hand, he spread back your labia so that you were bare before him, he could see the subtle throb of your clit and the clench of your pussy, gleaming in the low candlelight from your wetness.
James licked a long strip from your perineum, over your hole and up to your clit, audibly swallowing your juices and moaning, and then there was no holding him back. If he wasn’t sucking your clit then he was pushing his thick tongue into your hole, exploring the tensing area. And then he was adding two of his fingers, rocking in and out in time with the circling of his tongue around your clit.
You were very quickly descending into the pleasure and gave up on watching him as all you could do was lie back and moan, hands desperate to reach for him but still being held back by your two other boyfriends. So you lay there, mouth wide open and mewled and quivered, especially as he began to curl his fingers, teeth scraping over the bundle of nerves before carefully easing the touch with a warm lick of his tongue.
“Is Prongs making you feel good, Darling?” Sirius cooed down to you, squeezing your thigh to try and grasp your attention.
“Yes! So-...so good, please don’t stop”, you begged, eyes clothes and a withering mess as James increased his pace. That’s when you felt it, the tightening in your core that sent tingles over your pussy and thighs, that feeling that you craved every day to feel and one that the boys were always so good and making you experience. “I’m gonna cum, don’t stop, James please don’t stop”.
James didn’t plan on stopping as he watched your reactions from between your legs, expertly fingering and licking you, feeling your pussy clenching and tightening around his digits before you gasped, arched your back and fluttered and pulsed with your orgasm. You felt both heavy and light simultaneously as he didn’t slow down his motions until you collapsed back fully into the sheets again.
“You’re so beautiful like this, laid out beneath me. But, I think it’s time one of the other two has a go, what do you say Honey?” James asked still between your legs. Opening your glazed-over eyes, you looked down at him and nodded in response, but you were also sure that what he had to offer now you would have said yes too. 
Remus leaned down so that his lips danced along your cheek as he whispered against your skin, “Think it’s my time to have a taste of your sweet pussy?”
This time, the aroused fog in your brain cleared slightly as you shook your head no which in turn earnt a confused expression to Remus’ face. “Want you to fuck me”, you stated with conviction, needing to be full and stretched.
Remus chuckled as he squeezed your thigh and wrist that he still held, “Already? But we’ve only just started Sweetheart”.
You whine pathetically, trying to reach for him and momentarily forgetting that you were still very much restrained. “Please! Want to feel your cock inside of me, don’t want to wait”.
“Ok Love, can’t be having my girl going without what she wants now, can I? You haven’t been stretched much though so do you want to ride me so you have control for a second?” He didn’t sound boastful when he talked and you knew it was necessary for him to ask this, Remus had one of the biggest cock’s you’d ever seen. In fact, when you first saw it, you were sure it wouldn’t fit inside of you. However now after fucking constantly, it was a little easier but still not something to be rushed so you nodded your head in agreement with his idea.
Remus moved to lay against the pillows, easing the lingerie at long last down his legs and onto the floor and then his hands were out and supporting your weight as you were released from Sirius’ grip and able to crawl over to the other Marauder. Once more, his body was a lot warmer than the other two but that only aided in moments like this, the heat helping your pussy to stretch.  Straddling his hips, you could help but grind your bare pussy against his thick cock that was hard and lay heavy against his abdomen.
The two of you moaned deeply, his cock throbbing just as harshly as your clit as it brushed against his shaft. Remus rested his hands against your waist, but only to support you, he let you be in control for the moment as your hands rested against his chest, pushing off of it with your movements.
Leaning down quickly, you pecked his lips, sighing into the touch before leaning back up and gripping the base of his dick, standing it up and then rising onto your knees. Even just feeling his tip brushing your hole had enough stimulation that you were moaning. This only increased as you began to lower yourself, slowly and with Remus’ support by guiding your hips down tentatively, making sure that your gasps were done in pleasure and not discomfort.
It burned but in a way that had you begging for more, stretching to your very limit as inch after inch pushed into your cunt until you were about ¾ of the way down before his tip stroked your cervix. Leaning forward so you could take the weight off of your knees, you both just stayed in that position as your body adjusted to being sheathed.
Only as you began to slowly rock your hips did Remus dare to move his hands but only to cup your arse cheeks, massaging the areas and helping you a little to ride back and forth on his cock. “Feel so big Daddy”, you quietly moaned into his chest, not meaning to use the nickname so early into the night but sometimes a different side of you took over.
“Yeah? You’re taking Daddy’s cock so well my love, you’re so tight and pretty above me”, Remus praised and his hips began to buck up to meet yours, increasing the pace and roughness slightly and from the earth-shattering moan you released, there was no chance he was going to stop doing that again if it made you sound that good.
As you began to roll your hips in time with Remus, you had a thought as to where the other two were. Looking over your shoulder and see James and Sirius sat together, their hands clenched and resting on their thighs as they tried not to touch themselves and a pang of guilt settled in your stomach as they really were just trying to think about your pleasure. “Please! Please touch yourselves, take off those stupid underwear and touch yourself. No wait, come here, let me touch you.”
“This is supposed to be about you”, Sirius reminded you in a low gruff tone, like he was trying to restrain himself from snapping but was clearly struggling.
“Yes, and I want to touch you. If you won’t fuck my mouth then you’ll have to come over here so I can wank you off”.
Remus chuckled beneath you, “So demanding all of a sudden, is someone desperate for cock?”
You mewl, eyes closing and head tipping back as his cock fucked you with a hard slam of his hips, “Mmmm, yes! Always desperate for your cocks, because they’re mine aren’t they?” Your words were teasing and you made sure to timidly smile down at Remus as he grinned up at you.
“Yes, they are, all yours Sweetheart”. He fucked into you hard again, your body jolting from the momentum of the movement.
However his thrusts up slowed as Sirius and James stood on either side of the bed, the lacy underwear now discarded and cocks leaking and standing proud, bobbing in the air. Your mouth watered and you were half tempted to beg to taste them but decided to save your energy as you wrapped a hand around each of their cocks, squeezing and pumping slowly, in time with your rolling hips.
The two of them grunted, drips of precum building at the tip, leaking down and wetting the sensitive area. As you figured out a pattern with how fast to stroke them, squeezing in certain areas of their shafts and making sure to brush your thumb over the tip, Remus watched happily, his cock throbbing harder inside of you as you touched the other two. In each of the Marauder's minds, they were once again appreciating just how beautiful you were, taking Remus’ cock so well and pleasuring Sirius and James with your skilled hands, it was a sight to behold.
Sirius couldn’t hold back anymore as he roughly grabbed your jaw, tilting your face back and feverishly kissing you, tongue instantly swiping to gain entrance to your mouth, much like he had earlier in the day when you were sitting on the edge of the dusting desk.
The four of you moaned for different reasons, at the pleasure that was being shared and the love that was underlying in all the touches.
Remus began to fuck up into your body harder but still at a slower pace, his hand stroking over your abdomen, stroking the soft skin before his thumb dipped lower and stroked over your clit in demanding swipes.
Your thighs instantly clenched as well as your palms around the men's cocks. Sirius pulled back, needing to hear and see your pleasure as he stroked a couple of strands of hair out of your eyes, “You like the way Moony is fucking you? I want you to cum for him because, by the look on his handsome face, I don’t think he’s going to last much longer”.
Remus grunted, having been trying to hold back his own orgasm until you had found yours. It just felt so good when you fucked him first, pussy so tight, warm and all his that he didn’t care if he came quicker than other times the two of you fucked, he just wanted to fill you up, needing to see you dripping with his seed.
You were shaking above him at the sight of Remus trying not to unravel and the stroke of his thumb and cock were driving you ever closer to your own peak, thighs shaking with each grind of your hips.
Then you felt it, that tightening and blissful euphoria building in strength, like you were going to explode into a sea of stars as Remus’ name sang from your lips in pleading praise. “That’s it Love, cum for me, fuck you feel so good”, Remus shouted, his cheeks flushed pink and hair sticking to his forehead with the restraint of holding back his own orgasm.
Thankfully for him, after a particularly hard thrust and press of his thumb on your bundle of nerves, you were clenching your eyes closed, mouth gaping open and body locking up as you came around his cock. Only a couple of seconds later, Remus was arching his back slightly, hands squeezing the flesh around your hips tightly as he came, cock buried as deeply as it could go into your cunt as he needed you to have every single drop of his cum.
Your eyes momentarily opened to enjoy the sight but then a hand on the back of your head distracted you as your hair was harshly tugged back, causing your back to arch up, tits pushed out as Jjames batted away your hand from his cock. But, it was only so he could quickly toss his cock off, desperately whimpering as he knelt on the edge of the bed to get closer to you as he too came, all over your tits and down your sternum.
You watched with a satisfied grin at seeing James frantically finding his own orgasm and how flushed he now looked as the last drip of cum gathered at the tip of his cock. The grip in your hair loosened enough that you were able to lean forward and lick a single strip on his dick, capturing that last drip and swallowing it down with a genuine smile.
James looked like he was going to combust at the sight as he sucked in heavy breaths and looked like he was going to pounce on you to show you just how much he loved you but then the one man who hadn’t found his on orgasm quickly disrupted these thoughts. A strong arm wrapped around your waist and hiked you off of Remus's cock which pulled out of you, his cum dripping down as the tallest marauder slide off of the bed.
Sirius returned you to your knees and pushed your shoulders down so your cum covered chest was flat against the sheets and petals and your arse perked up into the air. “Need you so bad Darling, are you going to let me play with you?” Sirius asked, stroking a strong, wide hand down your spine.
“Please fuck me”, you begged, looking over your shoulder towards him. Sirius gave him a handsome grin, his eyes never leaving yours as he reached around you to grasp both of your arms and hold them behind your back.
“It would be my pleasure”, the long-haired man muttered, shifting his hips until his cock brushed against your cum covered hole and began to push in. You were so sensitive after taking Remus that you pulsed around Sirius, his cock stretching and filling you completely, he may not have been as big as Remus but he was still thick and hard. “Merlin! I love feeling Moony or Prong’s cum inside of you, feel it coating my cock and lubing your pretty pussy”.
You gasped at his words as he bottomed out, hips flush against yours, hands tightly holding onto yours so that your weight rested awkwardly on your neck but you didn’t care, needing and wanting everything he was willing to give you.
Unlike Remus, Sirius didn’t hold back with his thrusts, moving with speed and intensity that had you almost seeing stars with how deep he was fucking you in this angle. Your hands desperately clung to his, feeling the coolness of his rings and using that to ground you to the moment as you were beginning to feel a little fuzzy and floaty from the day's events.
“Taking me so well, you’ve done so well for all of us”, Sirius praised, followed by a deep throaty moan as you squeezed his cock tighter at his words. This only encouraged him to fuck you faster until it was a blur as to where your bodies met.
Your toes were curled as the constant smack of his cock against all of your blissful nerves had you wanting to melt right into the bed. It wasn’t long before you were feeling that relief on the horizon and from the way your pussy was clenching, Sirius could feel it too.
Releasing his hold on your wrists, he quickly pulled your upper body up, until your back was flush against his chest, his arms wrapping around your front to support your weight from toppling forward.
“Say it again, say you’re ours, I need to hear you say it”, Sirius asked, his sharp teeth teasing the shell of your ear, even in the new position it didn’t stop his deep, fast thrusts.
You were sure you were screaming your answer as your orgasm throbbed through your entire body as you did as requested, “I’m yours, I’m all of yours, Sirius- ah! Fuck please-”, you were rambling now, saying any words that you could think of as you were overcome with pleasure.
The sensation was so intense that you hadn’t noticed that Sirius had also cum with you until you were able to catch your breath and realise you were both collapsed face first onto the bed. Sirius’ cock was still inside of you, slowly softening and allowing his and Remus’ cum to continue seeping out and onto the sheets.
His lips ghosted over your shoulder as he moved your hair away from your ear, “And what did we learn today?”, he asked still sounding breathless but also teasing.
“Clothes don’t define love”, you mumble, feeling exhausted and hungry, looking forward to the feast that Remus was bound to bring you all after the cleanup and aftercare.
“Exactly. And what else?”
“That I belong to you all, just as you all belong to me”.
“That’s right Darling, and please, never forget it”.
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86espresso · 23 days
can I get the "too much communication" with jack?
I think that's what your last post was for 😭
shut up (with affection!) | jh86
sum: in which jack likes to hear himself talk
prompt: too much communication (💀)
warnings: smut, angst, fluff ☺️ use of y/n :/ ,use of she/her pronouns for reader, short
a/n: help yes, im sorry i wasn’t clear with what i wanted but if you haven’t noticed im pretty small on hockeyblr 😔 so i didn’t think anyone would actually ask but omg so happy you did ❤️ also not sure why im seeing this decades later.
LIGHT shone through the curtains in Y/N’s bedroom, though that wasn’t what woke her up.
An arm was slung across her waist, legs were tangled with hers, a face was buried in the crevice of her neck, and soft lips were moving up and down her shoulder. She felt something go off in her stomach. She could get used to this.
“Awake, angel?” Jack’s rough morning voice reached Y/N’s ears and could’ve just melted right then. He had been with her for close to ten months now; meaning they had practically moved in with eachother, she was at every home game, he was at every soccer match, she had a drawer at his, he had a toothbrush at hers. They were slowly intertwining in each other’s lives and neither of them wanted to stop anytime soon.
And then he started.
The endless rambling that half annoyed, half endeared Y/N.
“Wait no- I mean that I should use a different word instead of pretty because you’re so many things and you like when i use long words, don’t you ? I should-”
“Jack, my love, slow down,” Y/N says, facing him and cupping his cheek. His hair is tousled, eyes droopy, bottom lip jutted out, and brows furrowed. He’s shirtless and the sunlight bathes him in a soft golden light. Her heart skips a beat as she assures him that complimenting her in any way would melt her even if it was the same thing, every day, for the rest of their lives.
The room was dark and hot and the bed rocked with Jack’s movements. He had one hand loose around Y/N’s throat and the other supporting her leg that was thrown over his shoulder.
It was all going fine until
“Y’know what Trev told me the other day.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open. What the fuck???
His hair was falling in his eyes and a thin sheet of sweat covered his body. He looked so good and was doing so well.
“Jack? What-” she stopped short when he thrusted particularly roughly making her jaw drop and her eyes roll to the back of her head. Jack wasn’t phased though.
“He- told me how-oh fuck I’m so close, baby-” Y/N quickly shut him up by yanking his mouth down to hers. She really didn’t want to hear how fucking Zegras did whatever in her current position.
Y/N stood off to the side as Jack abruptly wraps up the post game interview after giving curt responses. She raised her eyebrows; normally it could get hard to not make him overshare.
Jack had already showered and changed into a delicious suit that was for sure coming off as soon as they got home.
“Hi, angel.” Y/N got on her tip toes to press a soft kiss against Jack’s lips. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. “Hey.”
It was short and quiet and so unlike Jack (even after a loss) and she hated it.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Y/N reached forward to cup his cheek and lightly caresses it with her thumb. He leans against her hand and his eyes droop.
“Nothin’, sweets. Just tired.” Y/N knew there had to be more, she could tell by the way his fingers were fiddling with eachother and the almost unnoticeable clinch of his eyebrows.
“C’mon, baby, talk to me,” Y/N softly murmurs, Jack’s new behavior doesn’t feel natural at all. He was so full of energy all the time (definitely because of the three hour naps) that she didn’t even have to match it if she was tired; he had enough for both of them.
“D’you-,” he pauses and steps back, removing his arms from her and running a quick hand through his hair. “Do you think I talk too much? Or I over share? Does it bother you?” His brows furrow deeper and Y/N’s heart stutters. She understood why he got so closed off all of a sudden. Her tough, strong boyfriend had such a sweet heart she could cry.
“Oh hon, well yes you do but it’s never bothered me. I actually really love it. You’re able to talk so much all the time and there’s nothing I love more than the sound of your voice.” Y/N watches as Jack’s expression softens. She steps closer and weaves her arms around him from the inside of his suit jacket.
“I love that you’re so expressive. I love how you just say anything no matter, I love how-” Y/N pauses. The three words dancing on the tip of her tongue, waiting and anticipating. She takes a deep breath and sneaks a glance at Jack, who had the hint of a smile that reached his eyes.
“I love you.”
He goes limp in her arms.
“Y/N I-”
“One second. Let me finish.” Y/N steps back and fully looks into his eyes. “And I know you love me too. You know why, angel? Because you tell me every single day. Every sweet nothing, all the random babbling about how I’m so sweet to you at any given time, gave me enough courage to say it right now.”
Jack looked like he could cry; Y/N didn’t get the chance to see it though, because of the soul crushing hug he just pulled her into.
“I love you so much more.”
“I might get dry as fuck during sex though.”
“Yeah? Wanna take me up on that?”
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leoascendente · 1 year
PAC / Details about the love of your life 💕
I'm back my lovesss! 💖 I'm late with this pac as always but I have to be a responsible adult too. As always with love spreads I try to write with no gender, I always talk about dominant energy of your FS. Take a cup of tea cause this is a long spread
Decks I used: Enchanted love tarot, dark wood tarot, astrodices, romance angels oracle, love oracle cards, goddess guidance oracle and the hidden truth oracle.
Take a deep breath and choose the pile you feel more drawn to, you can choose more than 1 if you feel it, maybe you have more messages in more piles. Take always what resonates and leave the rest
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I love you 🥰
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Pile 1:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: Express your love, true love/ honeymoon)
Omg pile 1 your fs is going to love you so so much you will never doubt their feelings! They will want to make sure you know how important you are for them in every moment, your FS is very loving and caring. The whole spread repeats travel and movement, so you may live in very distanced places from the other or you may travel to new places together to spend quality time by eachother's side, in another sense it could mean that your fs will make you feel like you live in an endless honeymoon. Their love language is majorly about quality time together and words of affirmation, they might have a talent with words and they write letters to you very often, their voice has something special too. I see an specific situation of someone leaving post it everywhere with cute quotes on them telling you how much they love you and things like that. From the very first moment you meet both of you will feel something special like you are the kind of person they've been yearning for and viceversa, if you are an intuitive person somehow you'll know it's them, the feeling when you meet and spend time with them won't be a spark shining within, it's a thunder like no other. They'll probably show their love and interest in you pretty fast, they will be straight forward with you letting you know they want to make you part of their life and include you in their plans. I see clearly that good humor and laugh will be present in all your meetings, your fs loves your smiles and hear you laugh so surely they will be joking all around just to rip an smile of your face.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: 10 of roses; princess of shells; 6 of gems; king of roses // Astrodices: Sagittarius; north node; 2nd house)
Mmmmmm this person is really sexy, they are very physically attractive and has nice facial features, probably the kind that catches everybody's eye when they walk in a room, they also has a confident body language. I feel they are very sexually active people or has a high libido but prefers to be generous with their partner in bed over focusing on their own pleasure, so they will make sure you are having a good time with them everytime you have intimacy, there will be a lot of sexual chemistry and tension between you two, you FS will like to tease you because they will feel so so attracted to you like you had a magnet just for them, they will make you touch the stars, babe! (my scorpio lilith feels very happy for you right now 😏 ). I see your person has a generous and humble nature, they laugh a lot and loves to cuddle, they are very hardworking so they can provide their beloved ones and live a comfortable life, they really enjoy giving to others because generosity is always repeating in my head while I channel for you. Very masculine energy but a little imbalanced because they like to over work, they love their work and that's why they dedicate so much attention to it, it's probably because they are following their true passion or their job is a dream come true, their job might also involve traveling. They are very successful at their job or studies as well even though they want more, not just gor ambition but for the chamce to learn more and improve their skills because they know their true potential. They are well respected and looks like someone nice and kind with everybody, they have a very warm energy even though they can look intimidating (this might be because of their physical appearance because I keep hearing about the "big boy" tiktok trend), do you know this astrology pictures that says looks like they could kill you on the outside, is a cinnamon roll on the inside, well, this is probably the best way to describe your fs. They like to make a safe space for you to feel comfortable, your person enjoys so much more to give than to receive in every aspect of their life, they will value a lot the time you spend with them and will see you as their equal, someone they can open up and show their vulnerable side so they will expect the same trust from you. They are passionate and follow their heart in everything they do, even if that means making mistakes they are willing to learn and grow, they are also very wise like the counselor of their family or group of friends, they surely gives great advices.
You two were meant to find eachother and create a life together, this is a major connection, the love of a lifetime for sure! For some, there might be an age gap between you two but you will fit at emotional level, you probably will share the same view of the future and both perspectives fit perfectly, you two will be best friends, partners in crime and the love of eachother's life, very supportive of eachother. Your FS is really funny and have a very chill energy, the kind that ends up being the center of attention without trying, they will make you laugh until your tummy hurts, if you go out with more people your person will keep always close to you making everybody knows that you are with them, a little possesive but it's because they want to protect what they love and they will love you so much, their body language is very protective over you. I see the sun and the moon in my head so I feel that you two will be opposite but at the same time very similar, your person feels like the sun with their warm energy but from your side I feel the moon with the calmer and peaceful energy, you might also be in tune with your intuition or your psychic gifts, this will be a very balanced relationship.
Conflictive traits:
(Cards: 4 of swords; king of pentacles; wheel of fortune rev / queen of cups)
Well, your person might give too much importance to money and resources and that keeps them always wanting to earn more and never rest, they might value themselves because of the money they gain or their productivity at work, for some I see that your person is struggling with a goal they really desire but never come true and that keeps them in a state of self judgement. They are aware of their negative traits and knows that some things needs to chage to feel better within themselves but this takes a lot of effort to them and might avoid it by overworking, work might be also a way of escapism because this insatisfaction is about themselves not their work development, maybe it's something about feeling respected by the rest of the world. They realize that money isn't everything in life but this trait may come from their childhood and they are just trying to cope and deal with it the best they can, at least they are conscious about it and want to solve it even if they don't have the tools right now to do it. Looks like they are in a conflictive cycle where they have seen a repetitive pattern, something like a bad habit in their life that they want to chage somehow, but change seems difficult for them. I see your person is trying to get answers of some kind to their inner conflicts, I see them asking why some things had to happen to them and maybe realizing they created some of the storms they had to face in life. In my opinion, this is very healthy for them, I mean, taking responsabilities for our actions is pretty mature, they want to become a better person for when they know you and for their wellbeing, for some I see even some kind of spiritual awakening or them trying any kind of therapy.
How they will view you in the relationship:
(Cards: paradise; passion/ kisses)
Their other half they didn't know was missing
Ahem... Just read the cards and let your imagination fly a little. For your FS, you are going to be the one and only they've been looking for their whole life, they are going to see you as the answer to their prayers and loneliness, their perfect match, that'swhy they are not going to hesitate when they know you. You are going to help them somehow to deal with things that are hard for them and viceversa, there will be a lot of trust to open up but just with eachother (I heard something about internal jokes between both too). You two are a power couple, always lifting eachother and helping to become the better version of yourselves, cheering eachother's victories and giving comfort on the defeats. You will want to build a life together as partners respecting the other's free will, there's a lot of understanding, partnership and respect from this pile. Congrats pile 1, this is a very healthy love story and I feel you needed this kind of relationship to gain back the hope in love. Also, expect a lot of passion and intimacy.
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Sekhmet, be strong/ Green Tara, start delegating)
I feel you've been waiting and longing your person a really long time, you've also commited to work on yourself meanwhile but there's a little feeling of exasperation because you have done all that's needed to attract them without forcing any situation, but I know... patience also has its limit and you might be feeling like they are going to take too much time to come into your life. Sekhmet reminds you to not loose hope, divine things come in divine timing and the kind of love you crave for is very lighthearted and pure one so it's normal it's taking the a little more time. Green Tara tells you to be more in touch with your spirituality, your guides want you to speak to them so they can know how you want them to help you, don't feel bad about asking for your FS because your guides want you to reach all your goals, if a romantic relationship is one of your goals don't be scared to ask for it too.
Extra messages:
Twin flames journey; soul mission; earth rising; beach or places with water bodies; success; gold jewelry; white butterflies and dragonflies; someone famous or fame in general, fire signs; until I found you-stephen sanchez; begin again- taylor swift
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Pile 2:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: worth waiting for; you deserve love; wedding)
Your FS is a very straight forward but methodical person, when they want something they do everything at their hand to get it, calculating every step of the road to their goals. Despite of your FS personality, I see that you will make them work hard to prove they are worthy of your time and energy, and babe, they are going to be above your expectations. Your person will be very patient in the process of reaching your heart, they know you are worthy of the effort and the wait so they don't mind because for them it's only you and nobody else. Your person is super polite and have very good manners, if it's a male they are truly a gentleman. They might have a more traditional perspective of life but this will make them want to commit with you sooner and don't waste any moment, probably they will be ready for a formal relationship before you are. But anyway, this person will respect your times until you are ready for moving forward but for them, they will want everything with you after knowing you, not just by the physical but also your personality. This relationship will end up in marriage if you are up to it but if not this will be a very commited relationship, you will only have eyes for eachother, they have a vibe like worshipping you tbh.
For some there's the message that your FS might take a little time to arrive in your life, it might be a proof of patience for you but it will be worthy. You fs will enter in your life after a time of healing yourself, I hear that the most important lesson for you is to put yourself first and love you deeply because the love you give to yourself is the love you are going to attract, make sure it's quality love because that's the kind of love you deserve. Treat yourself like the god/goddess you are because that'sthe way your fs will treat you. Idk why but for some I feel that you already know who your person is, you are just focusing on what you have to do for yourself meanwhile.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: High priestess; the lovers; the devil; queen of roses; the chariot/ Astrodices: Capricorn; mercury; 5th house)
OMGGGG I wish this pile was for me!😂 This energy feels masculine (but you know it's neutral gender) but darnnnnn this person is a gentleman in every sense of the word, so respectful and so polite, they will treat you like their muse and the source of their inspiration. When this person falls in love they do it hard and forever, they might be a little possesive or obsessive about you but it's because somehow you know how to lift them up in a way nobody else can and they have never experienced what they feel for you. There's a lot of attraction between you two but your person will be amazed by you, I see you a little more cold and your person trying to get closer to you everytime they can, maybe at first you reject them even though you'll feel very attracted to them but this might have to be with you because you prefer to take your time to really know them instead of jumping blindly into the unknown. They will love you deeply because that's their way of loving but they will also love to (i'm having a really hard time to avoid this been sexual but... your person is ahem... very horny for you) you have something that drives your person crazy for you, they might tell you that you have a spell on them very often. They are someone really mature even though they can be a young person, they like to take responsability of their life, I feel a traditional vibe from them so they might like to take the provider role in the relationship, they are very into creating a family with their dream partner and this is you. Their love language is mostly material and physical touch, after you let them get close they will never get tired of touching and hugging you, everything you ask for they will put it in your hands, they want to fulfill all your desires but also make your life so much easier and confortable, they also have a foresight eye to the things you might need and they'll put it in your hands even before you tell them. They are wealthy people and probably it shows easily by the way they dress, they might like brand clothes or wears any kind of expensive jewelry, I hear something about perfume so they surely will smell like heaven, they have an intimidating cold look on the outside wkth the rest of the world but they will be such a teddy bear with you showing you a part of themselves they keep hidden because they feel safe with you, they will want to cuddle and hug you always, very into pda too.
Conflictive traits:
(Cards: king of wands; 7of pentacles rev / 8 of cups)
They are not the sentimental type of person, they are more into the logic of things and processing situations through the lens of intellect. They are very intelligent but can also seem cold and dittached at first, but let me tell you, althought their coldness they are easily hurt and they've been very damaged in their past, they just deal with their pain in silence so they might demand some alone time to clear their mind when they have an stressful situation. Even if they don't show their emotions openly, they will tell you about what's going on in their mind for you to understand them better, they will feel comfortable enough with you to open up and tell you about what's going on their mind, they do this with you because they will really appreciate and value your opinion and advice, so they will want to know you point of view about things. They might deal with loneliness and feeling misunderstood by people, they don't seem the extrovert kind even though they have good social skills but mainly when it comes to their work not so much in social situations, or it could mean as well that their job position is something that makes them feel more confident to deal with other people, power and authority is something important for your person to feel safe. They are a little hopeless about their current life and they are just going with the flow waiting for things to get better, this is mostly with their personal life and close relationships. They are not violent at all but they have an strong temper, that's why they need space when angry to avoid saying things they regret later. For some, your fs might have some kind of neurodivergency.
How they will view you:
(Cards: talking; lightning / wedding rings)
Their hope back in life
They'll see you as their divine counterpart, like heaven has put you in their way for some reason, they will want to talk with you for days if they could, your mind and intellect is something that will have them in awe. If you are into spirituality they will also fall in love with you for this, like you give the hope in life they could be missing because of their terrenal and logical mind. You will shake their heart and mind and open to them a whole new world of opportunities. You give them the safe place they were needing and maybe that's the reason why they will have that possesive attitude (I wrote about possesiveness here instead on their difficult traits because I don't feel it as negative but more like a child scared of loosing something they really appreciate, probably has abandonment issues or as I said, some kind of neurodivergency). They will make you know clearly that you are the love of their life and wants to spend all their days with you, they will talk about commitment soon and for some they will tell you they want to marry you soon too.
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Oonahg, easy does it / Sehkmet, be strong)
You might be going through a rough time in your life, this may be a turbulent period but you know that's making you develop new skills and polish the ones you already have. Growth and evolution is important for you now, attending yourself and your deepest needs to build the life you want to live. Focus on creating the life you want besides romance, analyze the future you want for yourself exclusively and the goals you want to achieve, I feel this mostly related to your career so try to connect with your ambitions in this aspect and start building that dream life you deserve. Your person will come in the perfect moment, meanwhile make sure you release anything no longer serving your purpose.
Extra messages:
Unchained melody- elvis presley; rule the wold- take that; 1331; 333; something great will happen in May; repeated numbers are major signs so look for their meaning; moths or bats, nocturnal creatures; purple and crimson.
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Pile 3:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: getting to know eachother; religious factors / Calling in your soulmate)
If you are working with visualization, manifesting or attraction law be very specific with your desires about love because you definetely manifested your fs. This relationship will be progressively growing at the time you know better eachother, through that time you'll realize that they are your person but at first, I see that you'll start up as friends and then everything will flow and you'll se how this person has everything you've been asking for in a partner and has all the traits you wanted to attract. You two will fit like puzzle pieces, balance is the word that repeats in my mind when I channel, if you resonate with twin flame journey this person for sure will be your twin flame. They are just made for you and you for them, the connection you two will share will feel magical for both and anyone who knows you, like the heaven has just opened up for you two when you spend time together and everybody can see how you were meant for eachother. Your fs would do anything for you and your happiness and you would do it for them too, you are eachothers' best friend, there's complicity and trust above all in your relationship. For some you might already know your person but right now is not an interest of yours, maybe you have seen eachother but haven't talked yet, is someone that if you see them you know about their existence but is not someone close to you, maybe a friend of a friend or an school classmate you forgot a long time ago.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: the star rev, the empress, the magician, princess of roses, 2 of wings / astrodices: libra, saturn, 10th house)
You FS has big boss vibes, they surely are very successful in their career or comes from a wealthy enviroment, it probably shows because they have a sofisticated and elegant look, they are very nice and well liked by the people who knows them. I hear something about family bussiness so they might work with their family or has a high position in their family circle, their job might be related to laws or arts, they could be interested in these themes too. They are very charming and seductive, their appearence is also very attractive and likes to take care of themselves and their looks, they probably have many admirers but your FS seems to reject every option by the fear of being used for what they have, your fs is looking for deep conections but is a little scared about not being reciprocated in their feelings or face dishonest people. They are very focused on their work and succeding on their field, they want to be valued and recognized because of their good skills, they are so goal oriented that they might spend a lot of time alone, for some is self imposed isolation. If this drive is not related to their career can mean that your fs is currently working on themselves, their growth and evolution in a more psychological way. They probably had a heavy dissapointment in their life that made them focus on what they could do for themselves, they have been improving themselves and evolving to become their best version, they are healing their inner self and solving emotional issues. They are very independent people, they prefer to invest their energies into something useful, I don't see they are too social people they look like they love their own company and doing things for themselves, they surely have more fun watching a sunset on the beach than going to parties.
You FS will have very romantic gestures when they know you, they like to do things in the big way for you, they want to leave a good impression on you from the first moment, they will want you to like them and they cam seem a little clumsy because they are nervous. For some, the first stages of your relationship there could be some distance, maybe your person lives far from you or they have to travel often, maybe their job requires big amounts of time. Anyway, everytime you spend time together it will feel so intimate and unique, it will be only you two like the world around you has just turned off. Theres a lot of romance but in a peaceful energy, like you could read eachother's mind so you could stay in silence for hours staring and would feel great because you are together and you understand eachother. Communication is the major love language of your person, for them is important to share an intellectual connection and feel safe enough to express their opinions.
In some cases I see that there will be some oppositors to your relationship, so be careful of the people you ask for advice because there's one that doesn't enjoy your happiness.
Difficult traits:
(Cards: queen of wands rev, the sun, 3 of swords rev/ the temperance)
Don't expect them to be a super spontaneous person, if you are into adventures and going out of the routine you might be the one in charge of those kind of plans because they are more into more relaxed plans. Your person seem to reject their oportunities of having fun, it feels like they don't think they are ready to deal with other humans or social interactions, they prefer their solitude for the peace and balance it gives them, but that can turn into hermit mode too. They deal with self steem issues and weak boundaries, that made them had heavy heart breaks in their past so they can be suspicious of other people's intentions, they have a hard time trusting. They jump from sorrow and despair to hope and tears of joy, probably has a hard time making important decitions for their personal life. Anyway your person is working on inner personal issues that were holding them back, mostly related to their indecisiveness or constant doubts. I saw the image of someone praying with tattoos on their back, it's a familiar image but I have no idea where I've seen it, so that's a confirmation that you have already met your fs in the 3d but don't know who they are right now. Also the thing about praying combined with temperance is interesting, they are surely working on theirselves and healing inner wounds, they are very close to spirituality somehow, this also could mean that they have a close connection with their guides or their guides are very protective of them. They avoid conflict and arguments to avoid hurting others but forget about the things that hurt them, in general they are very reliable people but they tend to daydream a lot and get lost in their delusions sometimes.
How they'll view you:
(Cards: separation, the dragonfly, healing heart)
Their peace of soul
The time you spend apart will be very heavy to deal with for your FS, they will miss you a lot and will have to deal with some emotional issues they didn't know they had related to romantic relationships and the way they face it. Distance will also make them realize that you are trustworthy and they can just relax and stop worrying, they'll see their own wounds instead of projecting them into you, and honestly, that's such a healthy behavior from them, I see they are very emotinally intelligent and mature. I feel you are a very honest and straight forward person when it comes to your opinions, you are open about your thoughts and feelings and even more when it comes to your fs and your relationship, this trait about you will make them feel a lot more comfortable because they see you don't wear any mask and they are used to people that wears them all the time, they will see they can trust you and that's very important for them. Distance will also be very healing for you, giving you the time and space needed to fully trust and know how your person is too, you two will be devoted to eachother so there won't be place for doubts or worries. This relationship might be a little slow to formalize but it feels so so healthy and emotionally mature from both of you .
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Sige, quiet time; Sedna, infinite supply)
Take more time to rest, my love, you have been dealing with a lot of draining situations and your mind, soul and body are needing a little break from responsabilities. Take also a few minutes to meditate and tune with your inner voice, slow down the rythm for a while because you will thank it later. If money has been an issue for you lately, you can stop worrying, you will have the enough resources, maybe not for all that you want but your needs will be all fullfilled. Thank also the little basic needs you have supplied like a roof over your head, warm blankets to keep away the cold, food to nurture your body... you'll start realizing how abundant and blessed you are, gratitude is the best key to feeling satisfied with our lives meanwhile what we want arrives.
Extra messages:
Here with me- d4vid; red roses; wear warm colors more often; solar plexus chakra; working out routine, 1221; 777; 444; healing limitating beliefs; when we were young- adele
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Pile 4:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: free yourself; attraction/ children)
Your fs will fall in love with your true self, you can be fully yourself with them without feeling judged or misunderstood, they will accept and honor even the things you don't like about you, they want to see you shine and they will be willing to ignite the spark within you. Your person is really nice and funny, they will always try to lift you up and your mood, they'll make you believe that no matter what happens they will always be by your side, somehow they make you feel like the world is a beautiful place and you came here to have fun and not fear. They'll take out your inner child to play with theirs and do together all the things you wanted to do as kids and never did, you'll heal eachother without even knowing. Your fs will make you feel like you are home and you'll make them feel the same way, they want to charm you and make you know they are into you above the physical, they want you to trust them and they will work to show you they are trustworthy. I see they see you as a mystery, they'll feel so attracted to you that they will want to dig more and know you better, they will always want to know more about you and never get tired of it, for them there's always something new and amazing about you they want to discover. Children is something important, maybe because any of you already have kids or maybe you know eachother since childhood.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: 7 of shells rev; the magician; ace of wings; ace of roses; the world/ Astrodices: aquarius; the sun; 2nd house)
There are so many number 1 in your spread and I'm writing this at 11:01. Your fs has leader personality but they have their own way of doing things, they might look a little outcast when you look from the outside but they have all their pieces together and knows exactly what they want and what they are doing, even if it's not what people expect from them. They could be a public figure or being in the public eye often, they are also very creative so their job might involve some fame, idk what it is but they can have an artistic career like music or photography, it will be different for all of you. They look like they get along well with everybody and people like them at the moment they know your fs, maybe that's why they'll be chasing you so much, because you don't get easilly impressed by their charms but they seem focused into conquering you (with good intentions, ovbiously) . Your fs is very nice and has an amazing sense of humor, I see people tend to follow them easily because of their confident attitude but they look very individualistic and independent, anyway, they know their charms and how to make use of them. They are very charismatic people but a free spirit, they won't settle for less they know they deserve when it comes to other people's demands, they will respect an opinion but at the end they will do what the heart tells them in the moment.
They have very good social skills and are also very intelligent people, they have an smart and witty sense of humor, they are surely sharp with words and will try to rip a smile of your face everytime they can. Probably they are very physically attractive too, to be specific there's something special about their smile, so they are used to get always what they want, I feel your fs have been a player in their past or they have a flirty way to talk. They have a rebel and confident personality but they are also sttuborn as hell when it comes to what they want, they are also very optimistic about life even if their hopes seems delusional, they have very big goals for their life and are completely focused into achieving it. They want to have an epic life, to live plenty without regreting about what they didn't do, they prefer to aks for forgiveness than for permission even if sounds risky, life is their canvas and their are willing to make a work of art. They want to do something great and be remembered for that, they want to leave a nice print of their existence in the world, if they are going to dream they make sure it's a big dream. They really don't care about what people say or think about them, they are good with themselves and that's enough.
Difficult traits:
(Cards: strength, ace of wands, 8 of pentacles/ queen of swords)
They are the kind of people that wants to win at all cost, competitive and a little cold hearted when it comes to win the prize, they want what they want and hardly accept a no as answer, they are also sttuborn and maybe a little childish when things don't go their way. Maybe it's for some kind of compelx within them but they are really prideful in the good and the bad way, pride for sure is something your person should work on because it might lead them to take some bad decitions. They seem like the kind of actions first and thinking later, they tend to overthink their mistakes and use their work as a way of escape from their problems. They are ambitious to extremes, mostly when it comes with their career and future and not for money, it's for the power it gives them and maybe a little to slap people who understimate them, again related to pride. Honestly, they look like the villain everybody likes, a rebel with a cause.
How they'll view you:
(Cards: the phoenix, I like you, girl talk/ the sword and the rose)
Their reason to believe in magic
You know this meme of homer simpson slowly hiding into a bush?? Well, I had that image in my mind all time while I was writting this. I feel at first you won't be into your fs at all and that rejection is what's going to make your fs chase after you, they might not be used to being rejected, but for you they probably look a little cringy on your first interactions, or at least, you are going to percieve them this way. This is very like enemies to lovers energy tbh, I feel that you both will realize how much you care about eachother after a while, friends will have a lot to do with this realization. Your fs wil be very protective and defensive with you, also you with them, people better treat you respectfully or your fs will jump over them to protect your honor and wellbeing. Your group of friends will be important, for many of you I see you share the same group and they will realize before you two that maybe that rejection you were feeling is turning into attraction, even if you don't want to admit this connection you two will develop you know denial is a river in Egypt and at the end you will stop pushing them away and accepting your feelings because there's an indeniable, true and strong connection between both
Your fs will be the one to make the first step into something more, making you know they are really interested into create a formal relationship with you. They like you and will show it purposely by teasing you and create a more intimate bond outside your group of friends, to make you see they have deep and true feelings for you. I see you have really good friends that love you deeply and wants to see you happy, don't hesitate to ask them their opinion about the situation because they will give you a great guidance through the process.
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Guinevere, true love/ Abundantia, prosperity)
Oooh this message is so lovely 🤭. Your fs is the one you will build an empire of success with, I see two people putting bricks together to build a castle where they'll live happily. How can I turn into words what cards say so clearly? Don't worry about nothing, just enjoy your life because you are destined to have the greatest love story of all times, you are going to be very happy but also very wealthy, money won't be a problem anymore. Your fs and you could build up a bussiness together that will bring you both a lot of success and wealth in the future, so be thankful for what you have now because it will only become more and better.
Extra messages:
Chocolate or candy; 1010; 111; carry an amethyst with you; upcoming blessings; angelic guidance; wings tattoo?; lavender scent; 3rd eye chakra; lucky girl syndrome; I love you- billie eilish; life of the party- shawn mendes.
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 © Leo ascendente
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Hard to please
Neteyam x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: Cursing, fingering, p in v, bratty reader, brat-tamer Neteyam, dom-Neteyam, multiple orgasms, squirting, choking, oral (for like 2 seconds, nothing crazy), bondage.
Synopsis: it’s finally your 21st birthday, and every warrior has pitched in to make sure that their favorite girl gets whatever she wants. They all have eyes for you, but you have eyes for one, and one only…
Outfit/Hair inspo:
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You were the most spoiled girl in the clan. Your father, being jakes right hand man and your mother being one of the greatest hunters. You were automatically among the elite kids in the clan. You were very prissy, not one to get your hands dirty. Your father got you everything you wanted, and he spoiled the hell out of you. Every girl wanted to be you, and every male wanted to be WITH you. You were one of, if not THE most popular girl in the clan.
So, when your 21st birthday rolled around, you better believe it was the most talked about event all year. It was so big that your father and Jake sat down with many of the warriors to plan this out. It was endless nights of building and preparation, and every warrior in the clan was hands on. It didn’t take much for the young warriors to agree to such a task, considering it was all for you.
To say that you had every male warrior around your age wrapped around your finger was an understatement. They all wanted you, and would do anything to get you. Even if that meant signing up to help with a stupid girly birthday bash.
“Shit, this turned out kinda nice.” Lo’ak smiled, hands on his hips as he looked around the forest, admiring all of the work he and the other warriors put in for your party. There was no theme in particular, your only rule was the main color being PINK. And so, what y/n wants, y/n gets.
Pink lights hung from the tall trees, illuminating the forest just right. Pink balloons, streamers, and glitter imported from earth. This idea had been in your head ever since you were 16 years old, and your father did everything in his power to make sure everything was the way you wanted it. Beautifully decorated desserts sat on a long pink table. Along with all of the alcohol possible. It was truly a fairytale.
“Well, anything y/n wants, y/n gets. I hope she likes it with her ungrateful ass.” Neteyam spoke with a drink in hand, watching the forest fill up with members of the clan.
“She better like it. I’ve got glitter in places glitter shouldn’t fucking be.” Lo’ak scoffed, rolling his eyes. Neteyam followed with a snicker.
“Tell me about it. I’ve been washing pink paint and glitter off of my body for the past couple of weeks.” Neteyam sighed, taking another swig of his drink. The brothers slowly looked at eachother, silence falling between them before the famous line left their lips in unison.
“aNytHinG fOr y/N!” They mocked, bursting out into roaring laughter. It was sad but true. You had every warrior right where you wanted them, and that included Neteyam and Lo’ak. They’d do anything to see your spoiled ass happy. Not to mention you were hard to please.
Suddenly, the lights went low. Literally turning the entire forest a deep pink shade. The music cut, as your father took the main stage that the warriors hand built and painted pink for you.
“I just have a few words before we reveal my beautiful baby girl.” Your father started, immediately quieting the clan. He sighed with admiration before speaking again.
“Y/n, my daughter, my princess. We have been planning this party ever since you were 16 years old, and now…Tis finally time. Tonight is all about you, and I hope you have the best time. I love you so much baby girl.” He finished. The crowd immediately clapping for him.
“Now, I would like to turn the mic over to Jake. I believe he has a few words.” Your father spoke before handing the mic off to Jake.
“Yes, thank you. Firstly, I want to start off by wishing y/n a very happy birthday. I’ve known her all of her life. And she has grown to be a beautiful, lovely young lady.” Jake started with a lighthearted smile.
“Yeah, she’s grown alright. Have you seen that ass? Eywa took her precious fucking ti-“ lo’ak whispered before Neteyam covered his mouth. “HUSH!” Neteyam strained, trying to hold in his laugh.
“I want to thank my warriors for setting this entire party up. I’ve never seen them volunteer for something so goddamn fast.” Jake joked, eyeing all of his warriors all knowingly causing them to erupt into laughter.
“Anyway, I hope you have a great time baby girl. We all love you. Tonight’s all about you.” Jake ended, causing the crowd to hoot and hollar. Suddenly, The brightest pink light flashed on you and your friends in your own private section. Gasps from the girls and whistles from the men filled the forest.
Your hair was twisted in the front, as loose curls hung down your back. Decorated with gorgeous pink accessories. Your body was covered in loose glitter, glowing under the bright lights. Your outfit was revealing, diamond embroidered nonetheless. Diamond chains hanging down your waist. Diamond chains laid perfecting along your round ass. Your thigh-band matched your diamond outfit perfectly as well as your other accessories. You smiled, blowing kisses into the crowd as you waved at everyone.
“Oh my…” lo’ak spoke in a trance like state, watching as you stood up to spin around, showing off your little outfit. “Mmm that girl is practically fucking naked. Who ever made that outfit needs a raise or something.” Lo’ak continued, eyeing you up and down before licking his lips.
“Mhm.” Neteyam hummed, watching you through his predatory gaze. Muscles flexed as he clenched and unclenched his jaw. You and Neteyam were kind of close, considering both of your fathers brotherhood. He really couldn’t stand your attitude. You were rude, cocky, and prissy. Your relationship was mostly him giving and you taking, without as much as a simple thank you. If it wasn’t for his father, he would’ve been taken care of that bratty attitude of yours. There was no denying that he was sexually attracted to you. Hell, every warrior was. And tonight just amplified it.
The music turned back on, and the party resumed. You spent your time mingling with everyone there. Singing and dancing with your friends, and drinking/smoking the entire time. Until it was gift time. This was always your favorite part of any celebration. Even though the only person who was good at giving you gifts was your father, he knew you so well.
The warriors fell in line, right in-front of you. Most of them bowing at your feet before handing you their gifts. They all ranged from handmade jewelry, cloths, and accessories. Nothing that really peeked your interest.
“Lo’ak, what the hell is this?” You smiled sarcastically, holding a very short pink loincloth with “lo’aks property” written across it in black glitter.
“Oh, come on mama! you know we would be good together. Just thought everyone else should know that ass belongs to me.” He shot you a cheesy smile, rubbing his hands together as if he just gave you a block of gold. You couldn’t hold your laugh in as much as you tried.
“Tempting. It’s too small.” You giggled, holding it up with your finger. He smirked, eyeing you up and down. “Exactly.” He whispered, biting his lip with a stupid smile on his face.
“Yeah Yeah, where’s your brother?” You rolled your eyes before blushing slightly at just the mere thought of Neteyam.
“Bro, I don’t know. I don’t care either. Kiss me already!” He spoke in an irritated tone, puckering his lips as he closed his eyes. You threw the loincloth at him, landing perfectly on his head.
“Kiss that.” You laughed, your friends right behind you. And the gifts just kept coming. Warrior after warrior. Same old same old. Until one of your favorite ones stepped up, stealing your undivided attention.
“Y/n, you look beautiful as always.” Said Nazu before signing a greeting. He was one of the most promising warriors in the clan around your age. He was strong, confident, sexy and you couldn’t deny that.
“I know I’m pretty. Give me the gift now.” You spoke sensually, bringing him closer by his war belt. He smiled, eyeing you up and down before following your orders. He handed you the box, both of you locking eyes as you took it out of his hand. Your gaze met the box as you untied it. The most beautiful headpiece you’d ever seen shimmered under the pink lights. Encrusted with rare pink diamonds, only the most skilled hunter would be able to find. You and your friends audibly gasped. Your mouth hung opened in shock. Nazu was visibly proud. Proud that he impressed you, and that was very hard to do.
“A headpiece I made myself. Your favorite colored diamonds are woven together, see? Only fit for a queen, such as yourself.” He explained, his voice low, as he admired his handy work in your hand.
“Oh my eywa, Nazu….” You spoke in a surprised tone. Admiring the headpiece before meeting his gaze. “You’re always the best gift giver.” You smiled, immediately placing the headpiece on. And ofcourse it went with your outfit so well. Everything on your body was dripping with diamonds, so expensive as it all danced under the low lights. He was utterly speechless as he admired everything about you, eyeing you up and down with a slight smirk.
“Y/n, if you’d do me the honor, I want to court you. I’d take such good care of you, better than any of these other warriors and you know that. I’d give you the life you deserve, and you wouldn’t have to lift a finger. I’d shower you with gifts like this everyday.” He confessed, bringing your dainty hands to his lips, leaving a small kiss as he stared into your soul. You couldn’t help but smile, listening to the same old song you heard from the warriors before him. His hands shifted to your back, scooting you closer to the edge of your throne with aggression. He leaned down to your ear, placing a soft kiss.
“I’d fuck you right. However you want it, whenever you want it. It’s all yours, my love.” He spoke sensually in your ear, sliding his hands down your back to grip your ass. He was making you hot. He knew what he wanted and he went for it, there’s nothing more attractive than that. But you couldn’t help but turn your attention to the warrior behind him. The last warrior of the night. Neteyam stood tall, gift in hand as he glared at the scene unfolding in-front of him. He huffed with every breath, face screwed in anger.
“As tempting as that sounds. I would be a liar if I said I didn’t have eyes for another.” You hummed, staring directly at Neteyam, making sure he heard every word. He smirked, shaking his head all knowingly. Nazu let you go, backing up to look at you. He scoffed, placing his hands on his hips as he looked around.
“Ha! Who? Who could you possibly want more than me?!!” He shouted, eyebrow cocked as he waited for an answer. You looked back at Neteyam briefly, as he seemed to be in defense mode, just in case he need to kick Nazu’s ass for the way he was shouting at you.
“I want you! Can’t you see?!” Nazu growled lowly, gripping your dainty arm tightly. Shaking you out of your trance.
“Move.” Neteyam said firmly, standing directly behind Nazu. His lip twitching with anger as his tail swayed high in defense. Your eyes went from the grip on your arm to Neteyam within an instant. Nazu huffed, letting you go harshly before throwing his hands up in surrender. He turned around, meeting Neteyams hard gaze.
“She’s all yours.” Nazu smiled sarcastically, backing down immediately. He turned his head to you eyeing you up and down before walking away. Bumping neteyam’s shoulder in the process. Right as Neteyam went to snatch Nazu by his queue, he felt 2 dainty hands grab his wrist, turning him around.
“Hey Hey! Don’t worry about him. Fuck him.” You reassured Neteyam, bringing him dangerously close.
“Did he hurt you? Huh? I’ll fucking kill him.” He growled, examining your arm for any marks. Jaw clenching and unclenching in anger. You grabbed his chin, titling it up to meet your gaze.
“I know you would. But it’s no need for that. I’m fine.” You smiled, glancing at his lips, before bringing your eye contact back to his eyes. He sighed in relief, finally calming down in your embrace.
“What’s in the box?” You asked with a smirk, letting his chin go before pointing at the small box in his hand.
“Why’s it so small? You of all people know I like big presents.” You snarled, sitting back in your throne, crossing your legs slowly. Thighband flashing with every sudden move. He chuckled, glancing down at it before handing you the box.
“Such a fucking brat. Just open the box!” He laughed, placing it in your lap when you wouldn’t take it from him. You rolled your eyes, lifting the lid to be met with the most beautiful thigh band you’d ever seen. It was pink ofcourse, covered in bioluminescent flora and huge diamonds so bright that they reflected on your face. Bigger and shinier than the ones Nazu gifted you. You were speechless, jaw dropped to the ground as you watched it dance under the lights.
“N-Neteyam I- Thank you.” You stuttered, in complete awe as you stared at the beautiful craftsmanship on your new favorite present.
His eyes widened, ears perked up from your words. Out of everything he’s ever done for you, he’d never gotten a thank you until now.
“I-umm.” He threw his head down, chuckling at himself for getting choked up. “I know how much you like those things. You always look so good with them on, so I thought I’d make you a personal one. Your favorite color, and the biggest diamonds I could find.” He finished, hand on the back of his neck as he glanced at the thigh band you had on, trying his best to keep his composure.
“I love it. I love it so much! Put it on me, please!” You screeched in excitement, handing him the thigh band. He shook his head with a light smile before bending down in-front of you. He ran his strong, calloused hands up your leg slowly. You uncrossed your legs immediately, letting his tender touch consume you. He grabbed the piece of fabric that was already on your thigh, pulling it down slowly as he watched you Intently.
Once he got it off of you, he tried to hand it back to you. You shook your head, pushing his hand away. “You keep that one.” You spoke, eyeing him sensually. He smirked before placing it between his teeth, grabbing the one he made for you. He slipped it on you slowly, making sure it was in place before sliding his hand all the way down your leg softly.
“Perfect fit. You know me so well.” You giggled, admiring the band dancing in the lights. He admired too as he took the old band out of his mouth, placing it on his wrist just for it to scrunch to his size perfectly.
“Finally got your ungrateful ass to say thank you. I think my job here is done.” He joked, standing to his full height. You placed your foot on his chest, and he quickly grabbed your ankle, massaging your lower leg with a slight smirk.
“What are you doing? Hmm?” He asked, tilting his head with a confused look on his face.
“I wanna show you how grateful I am. Let’s go somewhere more private.” You smirked.
“And miss the rest of your party? I don’t think so.” He said sarcastically, shaking his head in disagreement.
“Let’s take the party elsewhere.” You demanded, eye fucking him as you looked at his loincloth. Bulge growing by the second.
“Now you know your father would kill me for fucking his precious little princess.” He spat, letting out a chuckle before placing your foot back on the ground.
“Oh come on, Tey! He won’t find out. I know you want me.” You giggled, leaning back in the chair before shifting your hips up sensually. He clenched his jaw in restraint, watching your body move, and the diamonds glisten around it.
“Mmm what gave it away?” He hummed. You bring him closer by his wrist, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Oh, I dont know. Maybe the growing bulge in your loincloth babe.” You whispered in his ear before backing away to look into his eyes. He raised a brow, a slight smirk forming across his lips. “We can’t, y/n.”
“Give me what I want, Neteyam. It’s my birthday!” You whined, bottom lip poked out as you pleaded with him. He sighed before he let a smile creep across his face.
“You sure know how to get what the fuck you want, don’t you?” He asked with a slight smirk, picking you up out of your chair. Your legs immediately wrapped around his waist as you kissed his neck shamelessly, not caring if anyone saw you. He glanced back at your friends, shooting them a fake smile.
“Uhh, if you ladies would excuse us. I’ll bring her back in a few.” He chuckled nervously, bowing his head slightly at the girls before walking away with you in his arms.
- -
He walked you to a secluded place in the forest behind the party. Music from the party could still be heard from where you two were. Your lips were still attached to his neck, purple hickeys forming all around his neck. He laid you down on the moss before hovering over you, indulging in a passionate kiss.
“Fuck, lay back!” You commanded, flipping him to the ground before straddling his lap.
“Goddamn, woman. You want me that bad, huh?” He chuckled watching you take the headpiece that Nazu gifted you, throwing it to the ground beside you.
“Oh shut up!” You rolled your eyes, bending down to kiss him again. He obliged, humming in your mouth as he slid his hands down your back to your round ass, gripping it tightly. He smacked it a few times, causing you to moan in his mouth.
“Take it off of me.” You moaned breathily in between kisses. He obliged, untying your diamond skirt from around your hips, throwing it to the side. He moved on to your diamond thong, untying it from around your hips. He pulled it from under you, throwing it to the side as well. You sat up on him, grabbing his hand to run it down your entire body. He bit his lip, watching the diamonds on your outfit dance under the night sky.
“You look so good, I-I don’t even wanna take this off of you.” He spoke in his melodic tone, running his hands across your diamond top.
“So don’t.” You smirked, yanking his loincloth down just enough to expose his throbbing cock. The veins pulsated as his swollen tip leaked precum. Your eye’s widened, licking your lips as you stared at his huge cock in awe.
“I want it. Right now.” You spoke in a trance like state, completely hypnotized by his gorgeous shaft.
“It’s all yours, Princess. Now let me give it to you, ok?” He spoke calmly, nodding his head as he tried to sit up, but you just pushed him back down. Immediately lifting up to attempt sliding down onto him.
“I I-wanna ride it!” You moaned, trying to push him into you, to no avail. You really didn’t know what you were doing, but you knew that you wanted him, right now.
Come on, y/n. g-get up, it’s not working this way.” He sighed, tapping your thigh.
“Nooo teyam, I wanna ride it. Just a f-few more seconds! I-ngh! It’s almost in!” You whined, gripping his shoulders tightly as you tried to shimmy your way down his shaft.
He growled, rubbing his hands down his face in frustration. “It’s n-nowhere near in you. J-Just let me change positions. I can help you out, ok?” He explained, voice calm as he maintained his patience with you.
“No! Just put it in me already!” You huffed, still trying to use him as your own personal fuck toy, but failing miserably in the process.
“Shit! You’re going to hurt yourself!” He shouted in frustration, stopping your hips with his large hands.
“STOP IT TEY!” You shouted back, sending him over the edge. He growled loudly flipping you both over, him now hovering over your half naked frame. You tried to lift your head up to speak before he grabbed your neck, pushing you back to the ground. You immediately backed down to him, the only man that could put you in your place.
“I know you’re not used to being told no. But that shit ends today. If we do this, we do it MY way. You’re not the fucking boss, I AM. Got it?” He spoke lowly, shaking your neck with every word. You held onto his wrist to ensure that he wouldn’t squeeze your neck any tighter. You nodded your head frantically with wide eyes.
He bent down, crashing his lips into yours. Your tongues fought for dominance, but his won. He began to slide his hand down your body slowly, until he reached your bare cunt, rubbing firm circles into your clit.The surge of electricity made your body jolt under his touch. You tried to evert eyes from Neteyam by turning your head side to side frequently, but all he did was follow you with his eyes.
“No, look at me y/n.” He said breathily with a dark tone before tilting your chin to meet his gaze. He deemed this the perfect time to slide 2 fingers into you nice and slow. Your back bowed to the mossy ground, breasts just barely touching his chest as you let out a series of whimpers. He curled his two fingers into you at a steady pace while he used his thumb to massage your clit harshly.
“FUCK I- I…” you moaned, squirming around underneath him. He grabbed your neck, holding you in place before he drilled you with his fingers, working loud squelching noises out of you. Your jaw dropped suddenly, deeming you completely silent. He was nose to nose with you, you two breathing the same air as you listened to the wet sounds of your cunt.
“You wanna be a good girl and squirt for me? Hmm?” He asked, staring into your blown pupils.
“I-I YES! Im gonna be a good girl!” You squealed, face screwing in pleasure as your legs started to shake. If your eyes weren’t wide before, they were bulging now.
“TEYAM! I think I-I THINK!” You gasped, your orgasm completely taking over your body. “Mhm, give it to me baby! Don’t hold back.” He moaned, getting completely turned on by your pornographic release. You screamed, gripping his strong arm as your juices flowed out of you with each rough pump of his fingers. He suddenly took them out of you, smacking your clit at a harsh and fast pace. Surges of electricity ran through your veins, making you twitch with every other smack.
“Cum for me AGAIN!” He growled, watching you come undone for a second time, squirting all over his hands and wrist. Your legs closed around his hand tightly, as you lazily backed away from him.
“P-Please Teyam!” You whined, gaining some distance away from him as he watched you back away. He chuckled, sitting up on his knees as he jerked his cock at a painfully slow pace.
“Come back. I thought this was what you wanted?” He asked sarcastically, yanking you back down to him by your ankle.
“No, I-I do want it. I-I just-“ you stuttered until he cut you off. “You just want it YOUR way. And I won’t let that happen, sweetheart.” He continued your thought, he knew you like the back of his hand.
“Not true!” You whined, crossing your arms.“ Yes the fuck it is.” He spoke lowly, slapping his cock on your sensitive clit, smearing your juices on his shaft. You lifted your head up just to get a peak, licking your lips as you hummed with each slap.
“You want it in you?” He bit his lip, now rubbing his cock in between your soaked folds. You sat up on your elbows, watching the source of pleasure, listening to the squelching noises.
“Yesss! Please Teyam. Im begging you!” You moaned, bucking your hips against his cock. To hear you beg was like music to his ears, and all he could do was give you what you wanted, no questions asked. He lined his cock up with your aching hole before sliding in slowly, making sure not to hurt you in any way.
You were already drunk off of him. Your head dipping back slowly to every single inch he slid into you. Your eyes rolled back and you had a delirious smile plastered on your face from finally getting what you wanted.
He bottomed out harshly, smashing the last few inches into your sweet spot before continuing that movement with deep strokes. He grabbed your leg, pulling it over his shoulder to open you up alittle more.
“Ohh my- Teyam FUUUCK!” You moaned, gripping the moss beneath you. You whined with every thrust, back still bowed to the ground. He started at your neck, rubbing his calloused hand down you entire torso, sending chills through your spine. He reached your clit, rolling it between his fingers before massaging the bud of nerves with his thumb.
You jolted uncontrollably from the pleasure. You reached down to grab his wrist tightly, trying your best to stop his movements as the pleasure became too much for you. He smacked your hand away immediately before glaring at you, stopping his movements all together.
“You don’t fucking listen! I told you, I’m in charge. Not you!” He growled, pulling out of you just to flip you over on your stomach. Your eyes widened, realizing that you’d ticked him off for the last time.
“Teyam, I-I’m sorry! It was j-just too much! It won’t happen again please!” You pleaded with him, and he loved to hear you beg. He stayed silent, all you could hear were loud huffs. So loud and intense that you could feel his hot breath on your back.
He took your diamond thigh band from around his wrist. He pulled your arms behind your back, wrapping the piece of fabric around your dainty wrists a few times before it was tight enough.
“Arch it. NOW.” He commanded, sending a hard smack to your ass. You whimpered, yet and still lifting your knees up, arching your back and exposing your dripping cunt to him. He chuckled, watching your stubborn ass follow his direct orders.
“All it took was my cock to make your prissy ass bow down, huh?” He grabbed your hair, yanking it back to the point where your eyes met his. Your eyes were filled with desperation and he loved it.
“Watch me destroy this pussy. Don’t take your eyes off of me.” He growled, sliding his clock into you slowly, watching your eyes roll back from the sudden fullness. He began to drill into you, hard and deep. And all he could do was watch you fall apart, moaning and whining deliriously as he fed you long, hard strokes.
“What would your father think about his precious, innocent, Princess getting dicked down like the slut she is, hmm?” He asked, watching your face screw in pleasure as he sped up his pace.
“You’ve really got everyone fooled. Thinking you’re so fucking innocent. Saying you don’t get dirty, but look at you. So fucking dirty for me, right?” He snarled in your ear, gripping your hair tighter as he drilled so deep into you.
“Mhm! Yesss!” You moaned, voice rippling from his hard thrusts. He pushed your cheek back down into the ground, pushing your knees farther apart. He gripped your hips, using them to bring you back onto his throbbing cock repeatedly.
“Tell me you’re my dirty little slut.” He growled, smacking your ass a few times, leaving numerous purple handprints on the flesh. Using your tied up hands, you tried to block his hits, to no avail.
“Te-yammm I- I can’t!” You whined, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his swollen tip slam against your sweet spot with each stroke. The pleasure mixed with pain was too much for you, it consumed you to the point of delirium. But you knew if you didn’t obey him, it would get worse for you.
“I-I’m your dirty little slut!” You muttered before biting your bottom lip, trying to suppress the screams threatening to pierce through the still forest.
“Mhm, Good girl. Good *thrust* fucking *thrust* girl *thrust*” he moaned through gritted teeth before tucking his bottom lip in between his teeth, watching your ass meet his pelvis with every hard thrust.
“I-I’m so fucking close, Teyam!” You whined, shifting your head on the ground to look back at him. He grabbed the restraint around your wrist, using that as leverage to pound into you slowly, creating the loudest smacking sounds that rang through the forest. Your jaw dropped, legs shaking from your oncoming orgasm as you clenched around him repeatedly.
“Mhmm! keep squeezing me with this pretty pussy. Cum on this dick and milk me dry, Princess.” He moaned, shooting you a devilish smirk before smacking your ass once more. There was nothing you could say, your moans got caught in your throat, and your jaw still hung opened. He watched your eyes roll back again, shaking uncontrollably from the steady strokes he sent you.
“Best birthday present ever I’m guessing?” He chuckled, eyebrow cocked as he awaited an answer. You nodded your head slowly, still spasming underneath him as you finally reached your peek.
“SHIT!” You squealed sharply, juices flowing down your legs with every stroke. He pulled out, smacking your clit with his cock repeatedly, working your orgasm out of you. You shook violently, screaming as you squirted all over his cock.
“Fuck yes! Let it out all over this dick.” He moaned, sliding back into you to chase his high. Your knees buckled, sending you and him flat against the moss. He still kept his pace inside of you, thrusting hard and deep. You lazily squirmed under him, trying to crawl away from the overwhelming amount of pleasure.
“No, come back. I’ve got one more present for you.” He growled in your ear, wrapping his entire arm around your neck, using it as leverage to Buck his hips into you hard.
“Mmm too deep, too deep!” You moaned, using your tied up hands to push down on his lower abdomen. But you were too tired to use any real force.
“I’ll go as deep as I want to in this pussy. It’s mine!” He growled, tightening his grip on your neck as he thrusted into you harder. You were on the verge of another orgasm. Twitching with every stroke, whimpering his name as tears welled in your eyes.
“Y-You’re gonna make me cum again!” You screamed, feeling the knot in your lower abdomen tighten. “Go ahead baby, I’m right behind you.” He moaned in your ear before kissing the lobe.
That was all you needed before your eyes rolled back, cumming on his cock for the second time. His cream coated shaft revealing itself with every thrust. You let out a series of moans as you came down from your high. Neteyam felt your walls contract around him, trying to milk him dry.
“Fuuuck! Get on your knees!” He grunted, pulling out of you, walking around your trembling body to stand in-front of you. You managed to use your knees, pulling you up to kneel in front of him.
“Mmm you look so fucking pretty like this. Ready for your gift, Princess?” He moaned jerking his cock hard and fast. Sliding his hand from the base, all the way to the tip, smearing the precum oozing out of his tip. He let out a few grunts before painting your face with his seed. You smiled deliriously, sticking your tongue out for him.
“Juuust like that baby, let me feed you.” He moaned, grabbing your hair to push your mouth onto his cock. You obliged, wrapping your mouth around his entire length as he came in your mouth. You hummed on him, sucking the rest of his nut out of him. Your cheeks filled with his seed and you swallowed it greedily before detaching from him with a loud popping sound.
He grabbed your chin harshly, smearing the access cum across your lips. “Happy birthday, my little brat.” He muttered through gritted teeth. You stared up at him through hooded eyes, a delirious smile plastered across your face.
“Thank you, Teyam…”
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @blueslxt-primary @jackchampismybbg @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut
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florasvenus · 6 months
My Sweet Little Demon
Pairing : So’Lek x Na’vi (Avatar) Female!Reader
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Warnings : Smut, Sexual/ Explicit Contents, Slight Fluff, Posessive attitude, So’lek and reader in Love, p in v Slight agressive behaviour, swearing and that should be it.
A/ N : Hello Everyone! I hope you’ll like this story. I originally come from AO3. Mostly surfing on there, but I decided to take a look here and found the vibe pretty nice. I decided to write this So’lek fic because I obviously got obsessed with him and I guess not having the game contributed to it even more for some reason? Plus I am very obsessed with Neteyam too as I just watched the movie again, so it all restarted lol. I hope I'll be forming a nice community here. For now this will be it. Smooch 💕💙
Index : Tawtute = Human/ SkyPerson | Nga yawne lu oer = I love you
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Nga yawne lu oer...
Nga yawne lu oer~
You pronounce together, looking profoundly in eachothers irises. Each of them a pure yellow color. Dark pupils dancing in the golden sky. So’lek kisses with lust the slight swell of your stomach, slowling traiking up to suck on one of your hardened nipples. He quits it with a small pop, the humid glaze of left on it making them more enticing than they already were. He sits up on his heels, after your long make out session. As he leans back, his erected cock bobs and twitches in anticipation. Without any shame you glide the flat of your hand over his torso, down his abs until you grab his throbbing dick showing a delightful bead of pre-cum. You slowly caress him and he lets his head fall back, locks danfling down, waving down at his round ass contracting in need. With a swallow he recovers and adjust himself, ready to enter your beautiful flower.
So’lek pierces the breach of your dripping entrance with a low growl. Gritting his teeth to the point of grinding, he lets out a jerky breath at the sight of his pretty tawtute spread out for him beneath his thick, masculine frame. He tightens his grip around your thighs, whitening his knuckles even more, and spreads your legs with surprising grace, considering everything about him radiates strength, endurance and certainly not softness. He looks at you with hooded eyes and a snarl is blown to your nose, contrasting the care he's been laying on you since you both started to make out in the lushious Pandoran greens.
You’d been such a brat. Such a fucking bitch, with your human lips, pouring endless words of nonsense. Such a tawtute manner, he thinks bitterly, though he couldn’t contain how much he loved this about you. And this was one of the reasons he fell in love with you. Your vivid mind never ceased to impress himself, as he always believed humans had a weak and poor thinking brain. But this was not true for you. You were able of so much introspection and impressive deductions that you couldn't stop yourself from talking during the whole day, yet with wisdom. You had this way of speaking every thought. As beautiful as it was, it could seriously piss him off after a long day amongst the clan warriors. And today was one of these, were the strenght of his nerves weren't enough to mirror your sense of verbal connection, but just enough to pound the attitude out of you.
Sky Demon oh so delicate and gracious, that it was able to break the stiff wall of his long lasting beliefs. Sky Demon, oh so pure hearted, made him fucking feel what love was and felt the ground crumble under his feet since the day he met you. Sky Demon, oh so sincere and kind, able to knock the most harsh feelings he always felt towards any of your kind out of his lungs. And Sky Demon, so unbelievably true to herself, made him drool at the curious idea of how such a being could ressemble to one of his kind. You truly were the person proving him wrong on the fact that it wasn't your source, your race nor your home that should make you an enemy. But it was the hearts of those rejecting Eywas truth that had to be feared and chased.
As you were learning him to see the world through a different way and less darkened eyes without changing his aspects. He himself, showed you how much you deserved to be loved, even how far down you fell and how unalive you used to feel. Originally from earth, you arrived on Pandora by the mission to seek out new ways of life. Finding a way to save humanity without any harm. You then were attributed to your own avatar. Everything was fine until, the higher people, controlling the plan, lost their mind and you decided to flee into the forest and then you met So’lek. Luckily you had found a way to transfer your soul for good in your blue grand form and said goodbye to your human form without any regret, as you never felt any glimmer living this life of human roots. This amplified by the days you had the chance to live amongst them, as the tsahik saw something true and pure in your soul.
Back on earth, the world is destroyed and getting the chance to leave for Pandora, was like the four petal clove found in the endless pain field. A gift from the universe you never awaited and in distress needed. You smile everyday at this chaotic story and at how it somehow worked and shaped into the most beautiful story to share, with quite the amusing anecdotes. Like you loved to and it was utmost crazy to see that maybe yes. The universe always had a plan for you, by the way such uncompatible puzzle pieces still locked into place together. Or by the way two completely different souls managed to pull together easely. In the end, the only language is still love. And it will be the hymn of the universe forever.
His warm calloused and soothing palms craddle the little fat of your legs, calming your racing heart as he tries to penetrate deeper and deeper into your intimate warmth. Your labias spread evenly as his dick slides in you with difficulty. You two weren't having intercourses for long so it was only normal as you in addition were very tight to begin with. You're so damn tight, he thinks. But he regrets his thoughts, feeling how good your walls kiss the skin of his member. So tight, that he could even feel the rythmic beat of his heart down there. Deep pulse gaining speed with each second passed and as the most carnal needs grow. He sighs erotically, stopping his way inside for a second and taking his time admiring you. Everything in you radiates light and Love and he now couldn't even dare to imagine living without you. When he first met you, he had this irrepressible urge to cut of off your devil hands. Five fingers, the art of destruction, but today as knowing who you were inside, he only wants them to be feeled on evey inch of his skin.
Reaching down to hold one of your hands up, he put your small finger into his hot mouth, sucking on it hard while humming unintelligible sounds. Praising this part of you today was something important. Maybe was it out of guilt, but it wasn't something to ignore at how it just fueled desire powerfully by just a small actions as simple as this. The way it delivered trust and love around the air, was a drunk dizzying feeling. But you both loved to feel succumbed under such circumstances.
You look up in awe, squirming at his bold chest glistening with sweat and at the way his pecs contract with each fast inhale. As you move you can feel the resistance in your core, jolting at the way it sends electricity to your heart and you mewl at the way his warm tongue swirls around your slender petite finger. The rough surface of his tongue momentarely stops as you clench down on him, only to fully decontract yourself and finally letting his way easely in. Exactly how he planned to. You were so putty under his touch and he loved this. Loved to feel so masculine and viril in such a tender and yet feminine moment.
You moan, body wriggling at the size of his member resuming his ascencion down your belly, slowly forming a bulge without struggle. Given his posture, it's never been strange that he'd come away with such a large, long size and length. But as always, theory surpasses reality. And right now, it's the practitioner who's got the upper hand. An expert in the art, So’lek revels in your face as it contracts in innocent pleasure, and despite your pain, the oh so delectable stretch of his greatness evokes a sensation of intense well-being.
His voice breaks the silence only punctuated by heavy breaths. Pronounced accent and long vocal chords, and so on low growl, expressing their intention.
Look at you.... My beautiful Tawtute~ So ready and wet for me... He breathes in emotion with a smile while whispering just below your ear, his hot breath fanning over your sweet spot, before lapping at it like a starving man. You shiver, cold spikes travelling down your spine in an addicting way. Mouth long release of its favorite finger, he still caresses it with his own and pins it down just over your head, vanishing into the dark chocolate hair of yours splayed into the humid ground into a captivating canvas.
He enters slowly, letting your body adjust bit by bit. The vein of his dick slides through the membrane of your throbbing hole until it is stopped by the bump of your cervix. You moan in unison, ragged breaths escaping your luscious lips, coated with a thin film of saliva. Your eyes roll back into your skull, your mouth falling open as he maintains a steady rhythm. So'lek slides out of you, then gently in, testing the waters again and again. But as soon as your walls get wetter and the desired slick accumulates at the base of his stiffness, he begins a merciless rhythm that frees never heard harsh sounds from your mouth, vibrating on your tongue rarely, with each thrusts.
He lifts your hips, embracing the bulge of your bottom, and the new angle forces a long, desperate whimper out of him. The whole scene would have been obscene, between the dry tumults of his pubic bone slapping the soft down of your pussy and the grumbles escaping So’leks throat, it’s more than a mystery. Only you can bring him to do that. Be so free of his emotional restrains and that's what makes this moment so profound. And this is exactly what makes him angry too. Fortunately, you're hidden in a rocky alcove near a river that blocks out any auditory vibrations. And the headwaters of the waterfall muffle the voluminous muses of your companion, lost in an almost animal trance.
Your arms are now limp, framing your lulling face, enamoured with an expression of aggressively delicious pleasure. Your cheeks blaze with a new colour, a bright red, growing in intensity as the knot in the pit of your stomach becomes more and more oh so fucking good tensed. Noxiously more.
So’lek rises to his knees, lifting his bottom up, this new position much more within reach of an intoxicating act. Sinking deeper into the sweet warmth that has become a necessity at this stage of your shared passions, you can feel your body bounce with each stroke. Only your bobbing shoulder blades are connected to the sacred humid soil. Only witness next to the curious lifting leaves.
This goes on for minutes until the familiar sensation of orgasm approaches. Your face contorts in shock, letting out a melodious gasp as it arrives, and in a desperate gesture you reach out your arms, searching in vain for something to cling on, your eyes closed. Your upper limbs fall back onto the sumptuous floral carpet with a flat thud, convulsing with pleasure as the overstimulated nerves finally relax with a well-placed dip. Your first orgasm is like a firework exploding on your erect bud. Your second cuts you off from all air, arriving like an uncontrolled tsunami, and the last. Oh, the last one. You see it coming, but as it shoots its first gusts into the centre, it develops into a veritable firestorm. Burns your being up to the depths of your core, embrace you to the tips of your toes.
You see white as the last exhilarating breeze fades and you whine at the overstimulation. So’lek is still chasing his climax, frustrating shouts echoing off the stone walls that clatter in the suffocating atmosphere. All his muscles tense, his cock throbs and his balls contract unbelievably close to his crotch. He gives it all until the pulsation of his member points its knowing pump and in one last stroke he glues your two pelvises flush together and empties his seed directly into your womb, staying there.
You both semi-giggle in a transe, lost in your sensations. You feel his warm seed fill you to the brim, finally able to take a complete breath, whilst he lets his head fall down, groaning at the amazing way to claim you, that his to fuck you dumb until his cum paints your leaking walls.
Missions accomplished. You are exhausted, eyes fluttering in a way to try and keep them open. Long lashes shadowing the little of sight you are able to get. Wanting to watch the beauty of this man after he'd use you and worshipped you whole. Soul to Mind, to Body, to Spirit, to every inch of Life living inside of you. This always leads him in a charming sweet way to be and there is no way you'd miss it. To bad, turns out he fucked you too good. Now you can't even open your eyes the way you should...
You awake the second he pulls out though and exhale an annnoyed complain. He chuckles as he heavily lays down next to you, wrapping his big arms around your sweating body, trailing them along your curves and enjoying the after care time. So’lek loves to relish in the smell and sensitive skin of yours. Damp and buttery from the effort, your scent is stronger making the world around him satisfyingly disappear even more.
You sigh, happy to have him near you for once. It isn't often you get the time to succumb to your wants and it feels good when you can. You nuzzle your cheek against his, shiny orbs waiting for his owns to connect with. And when they do, your heart swells with love. So’lek can be seemed as a brute and careless man for the simple by walkers, as he is very dominant looking. But in truth he's the teddiest of all Teddy Bears. He smiles, showing off his sharp fangs, and cups your jaw with attention.
He prepars to lean in and kiss you, but the movement of your lips stop him. Look at you... My beautiful Na’vi~ You reflect his previous words with playfulness, ears flicking and fluttering. So ready and wet for me... You joke by reusing his words, looking down at his blue and oh so tempting lips. With a groan, he looks up unimpressed. You just can't stop youself and talk nonsense, do you, he thinks. He smiles at the thought, though he would never admit, that it is you, with you never ending blabber, that got him out of solitude.
You let him lean in and as he devours your mouth again, holding your neck, he lingers there until both of you are out of air for a second time.
Now. If you want to be this bratty again... He pauses and grins. What if I show the consequences of it? Again~
You cup his growing naked bulge and smirk. He gasps, amazed at how you caught his words and the implying behind them so rapidly.
Oh... I would love to. My beloved Teddy Bear~
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©️ FlorasVenus
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
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My absolute favourite is the one in the second gif, ie this picture:
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Where he doesn’t really cup her face, but more holds her neck and jaw so she can’t turn her head. And in this one (a still of the moment in the second gif) he even gives her neck/face a little pat. Like he saying “Stay there. Yes, good girl. You’re perfect!”. But of course it’s so gentle. Like he’s holding a precious gem stone.
It’s this moment- the same moment when they break after the arabesque and it’s the perfect moment where she puts his arm around her shoulder, and when they break he cuts around in front of her just to savour the moment and take her in.
The others with the kiss are just as precious. There’s no other way to describe some of the things they do as a bit… disturbing intimately.. coz like this stuff is so intimate and really how many people in your life other than your S.O do you let hold you like this? And slightly disturbing in a way coz when you think about being held at the neck or face, I think especially for women, it’s a bit unsettling. So I think that’s why when they do this stuff it makes us all stop and stare coz it’s like, she’s just so comfortable and calm and safe and is always beaming with happiness when he holds her like that, but it makes all of us hold our breath for a sec. coz you just K N O W Scott would never in a bazillion years E V E R hurt her, so when he gets in her in these very - from the outside perspective, vulnerable positions and she just seems so overjoyed.. it at least gives me a lot of feels. Like she could, and if she wanted to- if she felt uncomfortable he would let her stop him, but a lot of the time she’s in somewhat of a position to not really stop him from doing the things he does, like if he has her from behind, or he holds her hand/arm when he runs his hand down her back. Like she could if she really wanted to, but she’s kinda never in the best position to remove herself- and BECAUSE they have sooooooooo much trust and feel so safe with each other, in their case you know that none of this is harmful to her/them (psychologically). He knows she trusts him unequivocally and therefore they can be so intimate and so sensual and so in their characters with each other, and frankly probably-clearly really enjoy being this way. It’s not disturbing or intimate to them- it’s just how they are. It’s just so, so, so fascinating to witness. It’s beautiful to watch them express their love in public in such an open way and never be shy about it. They are both very sensitive people, but the sensitivity and intimate quality comes off as them just having so much love and care for each other.. Why in the world would they want to hide and suppress their beyond unique connection??
A lot of this is written from the POV of T being on the receiving end of all this affection, but there’s instances of it being the other way round. I think we take more notice and are more emotionally effected by the former tho. One of the many things I love about them is how traditional their relationship is on the ice, and in some ways off ice. Essentially Scott being the perfect gentleman and treating T like a princess in the way he adores and takes care of her because she’s a woman. And I feel like that is hard to say now with the whole debate around equal rights which YES, VERY IMPORTANT, but I think there’s truly nothing wrong with a man adoring his woman, and in the mix of this debate, publicly we have lost that- coz men are seen as the enemy from a feminist POV (on the broader scale). I can’t help but put myself in T’s shoes skates and imagine being treated like this. Being so adored and loved this way while still having all the independence, support and respect in the world. With all the open mindedness and discussion around equality in relationships, it really bothers me how much TS were criticised and the probing that was done to their relationship- that because they are straight, people couldn’t accept their love for what it is- that they love each other endlessly but it’s not a ‘typical’ hetro relationship.. that was just too much to comprehend. Wayyyy too complicated. It really bothers me they couldn’t be shown that same respect and understanding- even as they were telling us their whole career that it was different and they don’t wish for the discussion to be about what kind of relationship mould they fit. That was not fair to them, and it should never have been expected of them to give a definitive answer😠.. Ok.. enough politics 😒
I believe they’re able to be this way through a combination of the trust they have built up over 2 DECADES, and the fact that they just really really adore each other. It’s this combination because -although there’s no way for really anyone but them to know the extent/nature of it.. there are plenty of couples/partners in skating that have been together for a long time and trust each other, but TS’s is just to such a higher extent that you can viscerally feel their trust and connection through the screen. [There’s certain others I watch (I won’t say who) who attempt to be this way and it just looks so unnatural, like you can actually feel the creepyness- especially when it’s the guy (basically trying to imitate the way S is with T) I get shivers and not the good kind]. Obviously they aren’t always like this, this physically affectionate- they can control themselves, but it just seems like such a safe and happy space for them to be so physically comfortable and for that intimacy to be so familiar and there’s no risk they will do anything that with hurt each other emotionally or anything will be misunderstood - during their careers when there was so much pressure and so many opinions and hate, they were able to retreat into each other- into their world together where they knew they loved each other more than anything and that would never be a dangerous place for either of them- their sacred safe space. Yet at the same time they can live without it- that wasn’t the only the element to their relationship, and was more or less an extension of their partnering which was already imbued with so much love and care technically/choreographically. Their emotional and spiritual connection is what runs the deepest and can never be lost or broken. I admire them so much for never being ashamed of their love and that it’s different.
Bonus: the SOFTEST moment that has EVER happened on planet earth
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The way he holds her neck so gently then as he brings is other hand up to hold her face and his fingers kinda tickle her a tiny bit (like he holds her like a twinkling diamond and in a weird way it’s reflected in their costumes sparkling). Then lowers his forehead to hers and kinda shuts his eyes and it’s like he’s saying to her ‘my beautiful angel’.
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potter-imagines · 1 year
Jealous Jerks
Pairing: Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher
Prompt: After their girlfriend is asked on a date by Randy Meeks, Billy and Stu remind their girl who she belongs to.
Warning: Light smut towards the end, swearing, mentions of murder, extremely possessive Billy, typically ghostface warnings.
Word Count: 4.1K
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If looks could kill, Randy Meeks would be laying guts out on the concrete pavement moaning for mercy at Billy and Stu’s feet as they happily slaughter him. The slasher pair would take pride in inflicting a world of pain and cruelty on their classmate, if given the chance. A thousand thoughts a second raced in his mind as Billy considered all the endless possibilities of taking his ‘friend’s’ life. 
Sidney had her back propped against Billy’s knee, deep in conversation with Tatum who sat between Stu’s legs. Neither girl seemed to notice their boyfriends shared distractions and boiling annoyance. Billy had to constantly remind himself not to kick Sidney off in anger as he desperately tried to focus on anything but the light blush kissing Y/n’s cheeks as Randy ranted on about different horror movies and their defaults, something Billy and Stu took pleasure in discussing. There was a possessive sting tainting his bloodstream watching her share that sweet smile she only saved for the duo. It made his stomach churn in abhorrence.
Forcing himself to tear his sharp glare from the two, Billy found a pair of blue eyes already evaluating him, blue eyes he could recognize in a dark room. Stu smirked, a light chuckle escaping from his throat. His amusement towards his boyfriend’s clear anger at the situation their girlfriend was currently tied up in. 
It was an odd arrangement the three had- odd in terms of describing the functioning. On the outside to everyone who had a viewing seat, Billy Loomis and Sidney Prescott had been in a loving relationship for the past year, while Stu and Tatum had started dating recently. Billy and Stu were childhood best friends who maybe hung around each other a bit too much and Y/n had been Billy’s neighbor and best friend since birth. Friends is what anyone would label a trio, bestfriends. In private however, it was an entirely different story. In private the three could be honest about their feelings together. In private there was no reasoning to bottle the affection they shared. 
However for the time being, until their problem was resolved, the three continued to keep their real relationship underwraps and settled for covers instead. Now, Billy was honest that he felt zero love towards Sidney, although he wasn’t honest with his partners about his deep rooted hatred for his ‘girlfriend’.  To Stu and Y/n, Sidney was their classmate, a nice friend, and that was it. They didn’t know of the constant itch Billy had to slice her throat open and watch her bleed out. They didn’t know Billy consistently dreamed of torturing his ‘girlfriend’ for all the pain her mother had caused him. No, Stu and Y/n had no inkling to his true intentions, all they knew was Billy loved them and Sidney was an easy excuse to blanket the reality. 
Speaking of, Billy’s daydream of murdering Randy died off at the loud shrill of Tatum made his head ache. Tatum gossiped over the latest breakups and rumors spreading through the halls of Woodsboro High as Sidney nodded along, leaving Billy and Stu to steal casual glances at Y/n and Randy. Stu lolled his head to the side in a dramatic roll, making a face of disgust. 
“Would you two quit with the eye fucking eachother? It’s getting old, man.” 
“I’m sorry you’re incapable of having an intelligent conversation with a female without the idea of fucking her tainting every thought that crosses your brain- which trust me, I know there aren’t many that pass by, but we’re actually discussing something if you don’t mind.” 
The cocky grin Stu sported was wiped away in an instant. Billy watched his light hearted stare turn cold in a matter of seconds at being put down. Y/n didn’t seem to pay any mind to her lovers as she hardly moved her body to glance at Stu, which only seemed to frustrate the teen even more. In a twisted way Billy found himself pleased at Stu’s reaction. He knew Randy’s comeback had caught him off guard as no more words fell from his always yapping lips. Instead, Stu sent Y/n a knowing glare, almost as if warning her she’d be paying for Randy’s words later, then turned back to Billy. 
In five minutes the group would be forced back in the stuffy halls and classrooms, all they needed to do was make it five more minutes, then three more class periods, and the trio would have an entire weekend alone at Stu’s home. Only five more minutes. Billy was determined to force a lid over his emotions and keep his cool until the bell struck three. Once they were off school grounds and away from prying eyes and cover ‘lovers’ could he make Y/n pay for the unknowing torture she was throwing on her boyfriends. He was aware it was hypocritical, sure.
Day in and day out Y/n was forced to watch Stu cuddling up to Tatum and Sidney hanging off Billy’s arm, and never once did she snap. However, that cool, calm demeanor she possessed was not a trait Billy or Stu had any desire to develop. Besides, the three had rules set in place to keep eachother from going crazy. Kissing was acceptable as it was mandatory in a way to keep their acts up, although sex was off the table. All three had agreed on that unanimously. If they were that desperate to get their rocks off, they’d simply hangout at Stu’s place and consummate their relationship until the sun rises. 
Now the rule of touching was an unspoken rule, one Billy and Stu had yet to have a reason to discuss, until today. Billy was determined to drill it into Y/n’s head over and over later that he would murder the next man to have his hand resting on her thigh the way Randy did right now. 
A soft weight fell on his shoulder as Sidney turned to him, a concerned look gracing her features. 
“Are you alright? You’ve been quieter than normal.” The sweetness in her voice nearly made Billy recoil in repugnance. She was the last person he wanted to comfort his sour mood. It was as if he was a different person around her- a character in a Halloween mask of sorts. Sidney was like the spring play he worked so hard to perform perfection for, but it was just that, an act. Y/n and Stu, now they were the real deal and there was no need to feign any front around them. 
Lips pulled into a tight line Billy forced a smile as he nodded, 
“I’m fine.” 
This seemed to satisfy her enough as Sidney resumed her conversation with Tatum, and Billy’s attention fixed once again on the movie geek and his girl. His girl who refused to make eye contact since the group had sat around the fountain- hell, her back had been facing the four since she arrived, her full attention devoted to Randy. Billy Loomis was livid. Hell, even Stu who was oblivious half the time was beginning to twitch in annoyance, his gaze shifting between the two like clockwork. 
Y/n popped a handful of green grapes in her mouth, smiling as Randy explained his theory on whether Michael Meyers is capable of death or not.
“I never realized you were so knowledgeable in the world of horror movies. You know, if you don't have any plans for tonight, you could come uh, you could come over and we can watch a few together? And hangout and stuff… if you want.” Randy rubbed the back of his neck, his flooding anxiety seeping through each word. Stu’s head whipped to Billy without warning, eyes wide in shock. There was no way in hell Randy actually believed he could score a date with their girlfriend- well, their non-exclusive exclusive girlfriend. 
Billy’s glare hardened like molten lava forming into jagged rocks. The audacity, he thought to himself. Did Randy truly believe he had a chance with her? If his advances weren’t so obtuse, Billy might’ve found a pinch of humor to the situation. Stu scoffed loudly, already set for a line of low blows and insults when Tatum turned her attention to the pair. Resting her hand on Y/n’s shoulder the blonde sent her a bright smile, 
“Aw, that’s so cute! Randy has a crush!” Leaning forward, her voice turned to a whisper, though not quiet enough for the others to miss. “Believe me, you can do a whole lot better than that dweeb, Y/n.”
A slight tug of a smirk pulled at Billy’s lips while Stu howled in laughter. He slapped his knees, as if he was sitting front row at a comedy show. Sidney pushed on his shoulder signaling to quit his overdramatics, but Stu only stuck his tongue out at her before continuing his public shame on their friend. Randy rolled his eyes, a fresh coat of red dusting his cheeks in embarrassment. 
“Don’t listen to them, Randy, they’re just being jerks.” Yn reassured him, her hand instinctively reaching out to grasp his in an attempt to lighten the load of public scrutiny he fell in line of. Right as his hand grabbed hers, Y/n became all too familiar with the dangerous territory she entered. Slowly stealing a glance over her shoulder, the girl held her breath. 
A shiver rattled her bones from the intensely cold stare Billy gave. Brown eyes that could easily pass as a shade away from black, every racing spark of anger flickering through. They were in a silent conversation, no words were exchanged in fear of exposure although the expression of disappointment twisted with fury was telling enough. 
Tearing her shaken gaze away, Y/n smiled up to Randy in reassurance. Sure, the girl felt nothing more than friendliness towards the boy, however that didn’t excuse a need to be rude. Randy scoffed as he leaned over to snarl at Stu and Tatum, 
“Assholes are more fitting.”
“Bet you love those, don’tcha Meeks?” Stu didn’t miss a beat as he howled with laughter at his own jab. Roughly shoving his shoulder, Randy muttered a disgruntled ‘fuck off’, before looking back to Y/n in suspense. She then realized she had failed to give him an actual answer, but the second she parted her lips ready to agree, Billy was two steps ahead.
“Too bad Y/n’s already got plans.” 
All five heads turned in curiosity at his sudden quip. For not having muttered more than a sentence the majority of lunch, everyone was rather shocked to hear him speak up. Stu chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. He could see his best friend unraveling by the seams, which to him meant the trio would be in for an eventful night at his house. Y/n peeked over her shoulder to Billy, her features scrunched in confusion. 
“Thought you had to babysit this weekend.” He stated plainly. Despite the surface level statement, Y/n could recognize the knee deep hot water she was treading in. 
“O-Oh uh, yeah. Billy is right, I’m nannying for my cousins. I’m sorry, Randy.” She offered a sympathetic smile, trying her best to hide the sensation of fear crawling up her spine. Randy nodded his head in understanding and returned the kind gesture. 
“That’s alright- maybe another time?”
The surrounding conversations resumed back to normal, however Y/n couldn’t shake that strange feeling of being watched- or rather scrutinized. She didn’t need to turn her body to know Billy had his eyes locked on her, nor that Stu was still picking fun at Randy behind her back. 
No more than a minute later had the bell rang singlaing to the group it was time to head inside. As Y/n stood to gather her things, Billy brushed shoulders causing her to stumble forward a step. Stu grabbed her by the waist as if helping to steady her, but it was all part of their plan. A hand entered the back pocket of her jeans then disappeared faster than it emerged. A small folded paper has been jammed into the denim, and before she could question either boy, they were both entering the school leaving her standing alone at the fountain. 
Curiosity got the better of her as Y/n shimmed the note from her backside and quickly unwrapped the paper. In chicken scratch was her boyfriend’s writing, and a warning of sorts,
‘glad to see you having such a great time with randy, sorry to ruin your little date. pack a weekend bag and be ready by four. we’ll pick you up after school.’ 
Y/n hadn’t even buckled her seat belt before Billy was speeding away from her home like a bat out of hell. The moment her skin touched the leather of the cushion, the car was launching forward heading for the outskirts of town where Stu resided. She had hardly muttered a ‘hello’ before Billy’s fuse burst and he allowed all those bottled up emotions to fly wild. 
“You really think we’re jerks, huh? You’d rather be spending your night cuddled up with that fucker, wouldn’t you?” Venom poisoned each word he spat. When it came to the temper of Billy Loomis, the best course of action was reassurance over arguing. His jealousy casted a threatening cloud over the atmosphere in the car. Stu sat smirking to himself in the passenger seat, clearly fine with letting Billy take the wheel. 
Casting her e/c eyes to the passing trees outside the windows, Y/n shook her head softly. 
“N-No, that’s not true, Billy. Randy is our friend-” 
The sound of skin smacking against leather caused Y/n to jump in fright as Stu let out a low whistle. White knuckles gripped the steering wheel and for a brief moment, Stu wondered if he was better off switching seats with the boiling teen.
“Our friend who wants to fuck you!”
“Maybe that’s what our little princess wants-” In a flash Billy threw his hand across the middle console and socked Stu like a ton of bricks in the chest. He hunched over, groaning in pain. “Fuck man! It was a joke!”
The sight of Stu’s remote home- a home one bedroom away from being considered a quaint mansion. Dirt and rocks kicked out from under the tires as Billy sped his way up the gravel path and launched the car to a halt in front of the driveway. Tension filled the silence as Stu turned in his seat, his hand reaching out to rest on his girlfriend’s shaky knee. Smiling over he gave her skin a squeeze, 
“You would never do that right, sweetheart?”
Y/n’s head shook ferociously, desperate to prove her innocence. Both men knew she was being honest, but that didn’t settle the rage burning inside Billy as he recalled the way Randy smiled at her as if he actually had a chance at being with her. 
“We were just going to watch some movies… that was all.” Her voice was a soft whisper, a pitch away from silence. Fear swam laps around her stomach as she carefully looked up. Billy stared straight back at her through the rearview mirror, not shying away an inch from her weary gaze. 
Opening the passenger side door, Stu stepped out of the car with a chuckle. He couldn’t help but bask in the memories of the countless times they had invited Y/n over with the concept of ‘watching a movie’, that never failed to result in her bent over the side of his couch and Billy and him traded places fucking her senselessly. Even before Y/n had joined their relationship the offer of a movie was how Billy and Stu had their first time together. In their eyes, watching a movie typically had a hidden agenda. 
“Yeah, cause everytime we watch a movie together we all totally focus on just the movie” Stu teased. 
Y/n reached out to open her door but it seemed Billy had already beaten her to the hook as he yanked the backseat door open. Grabbing her by the upper arm, he forcefully pulled her out of the vehicle. Stu was already swinging his front door open by the time Billy had slammed the back door shut. His arm remained locked around hers while he dragged the girl inside the house. 
“Billy, please stop! You’re hurting me!” If the situation were any different, Y/n might’ve been embarrassed of the squealing sounds running from her mouth. However the pain shooting through her arm was enough to distract her from the shame. 
Entering the house, Stu was nowhere to be seen. His shoes were messily discarded by the front door, but he himself wasn’t in sight. A sound of bowls crashing in the kitchen gave hints to his whereabouts. Y/n longed for Stu to help her- he had always been less temperamental than his counterpart, and was easier to talk down. Billy on the other hand seemed to have already dove head first in the deep end of envy. 
Kicking the front door, he placed his hand on her chest for no more than a second as he shoved her into the wood. Y/n’s head smacked against the oak as she groaned in pain. 
Billy’s hands moved from her chest to her face faster than the speed of sound. The grip he latched around her face was sure to leave a bruise on her chin, but scolding him for his harshness seemed to be the worst option.
“Now you know how we felt earlier watching you flirt your ass off with that stupid fuck earlier.”
Soft tears welled in her e/c eyes as she clawed at Billy to let her go, not that her attempts did anything to help. Whines poured like a river as she begged and pleaded with him to put her down. 
“I’m sorry! I was being nice, I swear! I wasn’t flirting with him, Billy, please!”
Loosening his hold around her face, Billy dropped his hands to his side, sharp glare studying her meticulously. Y/n didn’t need a mirror to know she looked like a frightened puppy in a thunderstorm, which Billy bathed in. He loved the control he possessed over her and the effect his words had. Intertwining their fingers, he wordlessly directed Y/n to the living room where Stu already had the television on and ready for the first film of the night. Guiding her to the couch, Billy motioned for her to sit as he crouched down in front of her. A sinister smirk kissed his lips.
“I want you to show us how sorry you really are, doll. Want you to show us who you belong to. We’re gonna start our scary movie night a little early, got it?”
Rounding the corner Stu excited the kitchen with a large bowl of popcorn and three cans of pepsi. He tossed one to Billy, then plopped himself on the couch to Y/n’s left. His arm flung around her shoulder pulling her into his side as he planted a kiss on her temple. 
“I’m just in time, eh?”
Billy remained on the floor, his calloused hands massaging her legs, slowly working his way up until he found home in her upper thighs, lifting the cotton of her skirt for more access. 
“Our girl wants to show us how sorry she is, what do you say?” That cocky smirk remained as his attention moved to Stu, patiently awaiting his response, which didn’t take long at all. Pulling his lips from her face, Stu trailed a line of wet pecks down the skin of her neck, pausing every so often to give a small nip. Y/n couldn’t help the moans escaping her lips at the feeling of Billy’s hands hovering over her underwear and Stu making out with her neck. It was all too much at once- but she was loving every second. 
“Count me in!” He hollered. “I don’t think just once will be enough. Might have to make it up to us all night, princess. It's gonna be a scream, baby!" Stu popped his tongue out, laughing. An idea flashed through Y/n's mind and within a split second, she acted on it.
Leaning forward Y/n captured Stu's tongue in her mouth, taking him by surprise. A small gasp sounded as he tried to regain his composure. She darted her tongue against his own and kissed him with a weight of passion Stu was almost certain he had yet to experience. A wave of love flooded through the steam of the exchange making his insides feel warm to the touch.
Billy simply smiled at his loves, more than pleased with the display in front of him. As he watched the two making out, Billy slid his hand in-between the silk material clutching to his girlfriend's pussy. His fingers were cold against her heated body, causing her to jump from the pressure. Stu took the opportunity to regain control as he delved back in to deepen the kiss. His mouth wrapped around her tongue, absorbing every fiber of her being available.
Billy steadily pulled the black thong from her legs, parting her knees as he did so. A small line of slick coated the tips of his fingers, which he happily brought to his mouth for a taste. Licking his middle and pointer, Billy pushed the two digits inside at an agonizingly slow pace, working his way inside her tight hole. Y/n's back arched in reaction, a surge of pleasure washing over. Her legs kicked out an inch at the sensation as she tried to force herself to divide her attention evenly among the two men, but it was impossible. Her body was on fire and there was no calming the burn.
"Stay still, doll." Billy commanded. She could feel the vibration of his voice agonizingly close to her exposed heat, creating shivers in its wake. Breaking from Stu’s lips, Y/n’s head fell back against the red sofa. Her hand reached down to pull Billy’s away, the flurry of emotions all blending together, but Stu was too fast and caught her wrist in his grasp. Clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth he pointed towards the brightly lit television. Johnny Depp was on the screen sporting a cropped jersey and shorts as he lied on his bed chatting on the phone. Nightmare on Elm Street had always been a favorite of hers, yet she had no room left for further distractions, but Stu wasn’t having it. He could see her hazed over eyes practically rolling to the back of her skull hardly paying any piece of mind to the movie. Lifting his reach, Stu sent a light smack to her cheek causing her eyes to snap wide in shock. He chuckled to himself and motioned towards the tv.
"Watch the movie, baby. Your favorite part is coming."
Billy drew a line of faint kisses up her thighs as his fingers continued to pump in and out of her core. A lewd squelching sound took priority over the screams coming from the screen as Johnny Depp's character was sucked through the mattress of his bed. Y/n couldn’t help but squeeze herself around his masterful digits. He curled himself inside of her, eager to soak the gummy texture he longed to be fully buried in. Stu took her pleated distraction as a moment of chance to place her clenched hand on top of the growing bulge confined by the zipper of his jeans. He forced the heel of her hand against the tip of his clothed cock, palming himself against her skin. He could feel her pressing back, causing him to groan at the friction. A sly smile crosses his features as he glanced down to Billy who was nearly head deep in her glistening pussy.
“Told you, princess. No one is focused on the movie, are they?”   
And Stu was right, the three hardly paid any mind to the slasher film playing on repeat in the background, they were far too busy and entangled in each other. As Billy’s hot breath fanned over her pussy, diving in without warning, Y/n was almost thankful for Randy putting her in this position. Maybe she’d have to ignore her boyfriends a little more often.
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marksmelodies · 6 months
how nct dream would react during arguments
warnings: jenos part mentions sex
i feel like mark is the type to need space during a heated argument, he needs to think about what to say before he says it, he needs to calm himself down before the starts saying things that he doesn’t mean, it would take a lot to get mark REALLY angry, he seems like a pretty easy going boyfriend, he doesn’t get angry easily he’s very patient, so fights are not very common between the two of you, when the tension dies down and you’ve both had time to reflect he would approach you in a calm manner apologizing for his actions, mark would come up with ways to avoid arguing like this again in the future
i feel like renjun is petty, all maturity goes out the window when you two fight, lots of cussing and slamming doors, saying “ i hate yous” even though you both never actually mean it. i feel like he could also be the type to give you the silent treatment, even when you are done being angry and ready to make up, renjun on the other hand is not, i feel like he could hold a grudge, but eventually he would come around and realize that he messed up, renjun doesn’t have a problem with apologizing first, it may take him longer than you to realize that he’s in the wrong but when he does he makes sure to give you a proper apology
it goes one of two ways. either he gets MAD or he sulks, there’s no in between, it depends on the topic of argument really, jeno can be jealous and possessive so when it comes to those tendencies or something else along those lines he gets really angry, he raises his voice and but never gets physically angry, if the argument is less serious he’ll get all sulky and frown at you, unlike renjun arguments with him are very short lasting, he’s very quick to realize when he’s in the wrong and instantly apologizes, his apologies usually end with you two having sex
he gets more annoyed than mad, there’s not a ton of times he gets angry with you, usually he’ll sulk or complain but he doesn’t get visibly angry, the few times he did he absolutely hated it, he hates the look on your face when he gets angry at you, he hates raising his voice at you, he hates seeing you cry, if theres a issue haechan uses communication instead of getting quick to anger he’ll sit down and talk to you about it, although he is the funny goofy member, haechan seems extremely mature when it comes to emotions and is able to handle altercations in a calm manner, he will apologize as he cuddles you and plays with your hair
jaemin is a very understanding boyfriend, hes gentle and sweet, but there are times that jaemin gets angry just like everyone else. arguments aren’t a usual occurrence in your relationship but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen, jaemin will distance himself when he’s angry, he has trouble opening up about it his feelings, he bottles up them up and eventually breaks, he doesn’t yell often usually he keeps a more quiet and stern tone while he’s angry, maybe some tears are shed due to frustration, but at the end of it, it always ends in a big hug and apologizing to eachother with endless “ i love yous”
like renjun i feel like chenle is petty, chenle is stubborn so talking to him when he’s mad is like talking to a wall. he has a short fuse, it doesn’t take a lot to make him angry, i feel like he would give the silent treatment until you bother him enough that he snaps. chenle is infamous for scoffing during your arguments, chenle is loud so naturally he raises his voice, he would get frustrated easily, chenle is the type to follow you as you try to distance yourself from the conversation
“where are you going huh? we’re not done here”
chenle has a hard time apologizing first, eventually he’ll push his stubbornness aside and apologize, sometimes it’s a half ass apology that leads to another fight but chenle will try his hardest to make it up to you
jisung completely shuts down during arguments, he stops talking, he just stares off into the distance as your voice echoes through the room,
“ i know im an awful boyfriend, im the worst, you deserve someone better than me”
jisung doesn’t try to fight back or share his side, he just lets it happen which makes the situation worse, it feels as if he doesn’t care enough to put any effort into solving problems within your relationship, he snaps out of it when he hears your sniffles along with the tears streaming down your face, he walks over to you and embraces you into a hug, he apologizes quickly sometimes he’ll apologize for things that aren’t his fault and that’s something he needs to work on, when you calm down jisung will eventually talk it out with you instead of shutting everything down, your arguments always end with his head on your chest as you rub his back forgetting about what the argument was even about
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xas24 · 1 year
young and in love ~ pablo gavi
summary: just gavi and y/n being completely infatuated with eachother.
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“¡mira a esos dos!” (look at those two) ansu snickered to pedri and jordi alba, pointing towards one of the lounge chairs near the pool. the three players turned to where he nodded and a cheeky smile instantly fell on each of their faces when their eyes landed on their youngest friends.
pablo and y/n sat so close together on the lounge chair that if they even moved a little, one of them would’ve fallen off. they looked to be deep in conversation, each of their sunglasses sat atop their heads as they maintained eye contact.
the heat of the sun blazed down in araújo’s backyard. he had invited the whole team over, and their girlfriends, for a big cookout slash pool day. the season had officially ended and they had nothing but endless ‘relaxing’ time on their hands, as araújo claimed it.
it’d been a few hours since everyone arrived. y/n and pablo, as soon as they came, decided to relax on one of the lounge chairs. they greeted everybody at first, had a drink, y/n talked with the other wags whilst pablo conversed with his own friends, they ate some of the snacks before huddling off together on the lounge chair by the pool to which they haven’t moved from in an hour.
only god knows what they were talking so intensely about, their little giggles being heard now and then. it was as if no one else even existed outside of their little bubble.
pablo had one of his arms around the top of the chair, his other arm comfortably laying around his girlfriends waist. y/n had one hand folded over his, the other playing with the small bracelet on his wrist.
pablo’s eyes never left his girlfriend. his big, brown orbs were almost glued to her as she comfortably conversed with him. he couldn’t care less if everyone else was looking at the two of them, he had his girl in his arms, looking as beautiful as ever in her white sundress and wavy hair.
every now and then he mumbled out a small reply to her words, letting her know he was listening but they both knew he wasn’t. he was too preoccupied gazing at his girl, his love. his cheeks were slightly flustered, mostly from his beating heart and not the blaring sun, but he did use it as an excuse though.
pedri laughed a little when he noticed how y/n playfully rolled her eyes at something pablo seemed to have said, his smile mirroring hers.
“¡ah, ser joven y estar enamorado!” (ah, to be young and in love!) jordi sighed out loud dramatically making ansu snicker.
“¡como si! no pudieran ni quitarse las manos de encima.” (as if! they can’t even keep their hands off eachother) ansu commented when he saw gavi reach one hand down, fingertips toying with the strap of her dress. jordi, with a last content smile in the young couples direction, walked off, giving ansu a pat on the back, as he left him with pedri.
pablo reached forward and planted a kiss on her cheek, quick and gentle. y/n smiled and turned to look at him, his eyes already on her. she started to lean in to press a kiss to his lips when they both heard pedris voice from the other side of the pool.
“¡oye! ¡dale un respiro, tortolito!” (oi! give it a break lovebirds!)
the young couple turned their heads to see pedri with a cheeky grin on his face with ansu stood beside him chuckling at their amused faces. y/n felt her cheeks immediately start to redden with the embarrassment of getting caught being a little touchy with her boyfriend.
however, it seemed pablo didn’t really care as his features were pulled into his usual frustrated expression and he shot a hand up and gestured for the two to, basically, get lost.
he looked back to her flustered face and leaned back in to resume what she was about to do. as soon as his soft lips touched hers, she heard the two twenty-year olds laughter start to recede, indicating they had walked off.
pablo pulled back after a few seconds, face still hovering over her as his eyes searched hers. they both looked at each other with such raw intensity and love, it looked admirable to anyone who walked past.
pablo asked if she wanted anything to eat, to which she nodded and signalled for him to get up. one he was off the chair, he held out his hand for her to take, fingers gently encasing with hers as he led her over to where everybody else was situated.
the two couldn’t hold back the bright blush that rushed onto their cheeks at the teasing comments they all made about the ‘two lovebirds that finally made it out of their little cage.’ pablos grip on her hand tightened and his heart began beating louder in his chest when she squeezed back.
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Soft Beelzebub headcanons 🥺
Soft beel head cannons!
Beel is a absolute unit, he is made up of pure muscle and has the height to see over everyone's at concerts. Alot of people are intimidated by his build and his insatiable hungry but you? You know how much of a sweetheart he is and how much he actually cares about people. He has a endless stomach but a big heart
He loves holding your hand, he likes to compare the size of your hand in his. Normally your hands are smaller then his, he likes how his hand fits nicely around yours, its easier to run his thumb over your knuckles this way. If you have the same hand size as him, he likes how nicely your hand fits with his, like a puzzle piece perfectly fitting together
Ok, this might be abit controversial but I hate how people in the fandom treat beel like he just popped out of the womb, he's been around for thousands of years and he isn't dumb. He knows what periods are, he knows what sex is, how knows how to and has killed people, he isnt stupid
That being said, this man is a absolute sweetheart when your on your period (if you have them of course). Your cramps are getting to painful for you to handle? He will ask Lucifer or solomon what medicine is best for human cramps and try and get them for you, bringing them up to your room with a hot water bottle and some of your favourite devildom treats. He doesn't like seeing you in pain so he tries to help in anyway he can, he will even hold you in his arms while he makes sure a hot water bottle is held against your lower back. He cant relate to your pain but he will definitely try and help you through them.
This man is a major cuddler, Belphie rubbed off on him. After a long day of school, working out, and trying to satiate his never ending hunger, he likes to cuddle you. His favourite way to hold you is when your head is on his chest of hidden in the crook of his neck, his arms wrapped around you as you both lay on your sides, facing eachother while his hands gently trace lines into your back. But he also likes to get held. He loves it when you lay on your back and he lays his head on your chest, your hands tangled in his hair while his arms wrap around you protectively
Food dates and picnic dates are big for him, weather it in a fancy restaurant or a Mcdonalds parking lot he will be happy along as its with you, The amount of times you've gone to a place and just heard the chef behind the line either cry or scream is quite shocking, beel does order basically 5 of each item on the menu. If your out on a town walk and pass by a new cafe or a new sweets shop, you bet your ass that you guys are stopping by and trying everything. He always makes sure you get what you want before he digs in though, making sure he try a bit of everything and get what you want before he goes to town
He takes you on flights in his demon form, he carries you bridal style before taking you on a nice flight over the beautiful castle. he will use this excuse to get some one on one time with you and boy does he love it, how you hold onto his shoulders and how your eyes sparkle with wonder and excitement as he flies you over the colourful lights of the devildom night. He loves to admire your face, he doesn't feel so hungry when he's around you, the hole in his stomach doesn't feel as big with you
Beel is a man of few words so his actions speak more. If your hungry and crave something, he will get a few portions of it and make it into a nice little food date. Your feeling sick at RAD and you have a really terrible headache, he will bring you some medicine and take you home. He will take amazing care of you but he will also expect you to treat him amazingly aswell. If he gets sick and has a terrible headache, he will want you to bring him meds and comfort him. If he's having trouble and struggling with schoolwork, he would appreciate it if you would help him even if you don't know what your doing either
Sweetheart will call you 'Your nickname' 'Sweetie' 'Sugar' 'Love'
This man loves every body type, non of them seem bad to him. Your chubby? Its just more of him to love and cuddle, he loves soft thinks. Your a normal weight? He loves the way you fit nicely in your arms. Your underweight? He loves the way he can easily carry you in his arms, but he does like to make sure to back you little snacks. You have scars, cellulite, any body marks? He finds them fascinating and loves to gently trace them with your fingers. If your not into touch, hes fine with just admiring them. Missing a limb and use a prosthetic? Stuff like that isn't really that common down in devildom so hes really eager to learn about how to help when needed, he doesn't see you any less of a person. White, black, tan, reflectingly pale, whatever colour you are, he will love you if you treat him and his family greatly
My man loves to cook with you and work out with you, he loves when you show him some of your human world recipes while he shows you some Devildom recipes. He loves it when you bake for him, if you make him his favourite flavour of cake, he will deeply appreciate you. If you dont work out, he will ask permission to use you as a weight. He will either have you sit on his back while he does push ups or he will bench press you and comment on how your weigh barley anything to him.
Sorry if these weren't exactly what you expected, i tried my best to do justice for beel. I enjoyed them so i hope you did too!
Who should i do next?
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whore4abby · 6 months
christmas headcannons; abby anderson
+ some bonus insta posts
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warnings; tiny mentions of smut - strap-on mention, mdni
౨ৎ takes you to the local christmas markets every year - holding hands as you pass by the christmas stalls which are all aglow with twinkling fairy lights, breath visible in the cold air but you’re both cosy and bundled up in thick jackets to keep warm in the icy weather.
౨ৎ would notice you staring at a snow globe or something and immediately have her hand in her pocket to fetch her wallet and buy it for you without even thinking twice about it.
౨ৎ buys you the BEST gifts. spends months slyly asking you questions trying to get an insight into what you’ll be wanting as gifts.
౨ৎ not the best gift wrapper her big hands make it hard :( but she tries her absolute best. ends up using absurd amounts of tape to keep the paper in place, ultimately making it look like it was wrapped up by a small child.
౨ৎ insists that she hates the matching thermal pjs you buy for the both of you, sulking in protest when you suggest the idea but after much persuasion, she finally caves, willing to do anything to make you happy.
౨ৎ loves to decorate the christmas tree with you but she takes it soooo seriously, she never half-asses it and is always groaning at you that you’ve hung everything in the wrong place. always lets you put the star on the top of the tree though, hoisting you up into the air effortlessly, smiling as she watches you gently place the glittering star onto the tree.
౨ৎ so good at snowball fights but she sometimes forgets her own strength. pummelling the icy snow at you a little too hard which results in knocking you off your feet and back into a pile of freshly fallen snow. she attempts to stifle her laugh as she scoops you up, pressing warm kisses against your frozen cheeks apoligetically.
౨ৎ abby loves to wake up before you on christmas morning in the the early hours to enjoy a cup of coffee, watching as the snow falls outside of your bedroom window, caressing your back softly as you sleep. finishing her drink just as you start to wake up which leads to groping each other through your thermal pjs, sleepily grinding against eachother.
౨ৎ abby adores ending the night by watching endless christmas movies, wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by your favourite snacks and drinking hot chocolate whilst using you as her personal heater. the two of you sharing sticky marshmallow coated kisses as you giggle and press yourself closer to her.
౨ৎ the night ends with the hot chocolate and christmas movies long forgotten as abby has you ride her strap, her big hands gripping at your hips and bouncing you up and down on top of her.
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