#and then dean leaves garth's house and looks in and sees him and bess dancing together and he. he WANTS that. he YEARNS.
angelsdean · 7 months
when the "i always thought i could be a good dancer* if i wanted to be" hits 😭😭😭
*be in a loving committed relationship and build a home together
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dotthings · 4 years
Let’s talk about why Dean dancing with a lamp is subtext, but it’s subtext that supports textual arcs. Dean dancing with a lamp is not random. Meta on why Dean dancing with a lamp is part of the build of a textual arc for Dean, thematically, which also connects to his relationship with Cas. This symbolic moment being tacitly about Destiel will only feel like reaching if you ignore context, ignore canon, ignore long arcing, ignore textual material surrounding it. This isn’t just me talking about a ship, this is an important arc for Dean himself emotionally and the way canon’s working, Cas has become the star player in this specific emotional Dean arc about yearning. 
Here are some canon quotes. I could just leave these here and not write another word of meta because the canon wrote it for me. But I’ve added some further commentary to spell out clearly what I’m getting at.
Dean in 8.14 “Trial and Error” by Andrew Dabb:
“You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get.”
Dean in 10.16 “Paint it Black” by Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner:
“You know, the life I live, the work I do…I pretty much just figured that that was all there was to me, you know? Tear around and jam the key in the ignition and haul ass until I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought sooner or later, I’d go out the same way that I live – pedal to the metal, and that would be it....Now, um… recent events, uh… make me think I might be closer to that than I really thought. And…I don’t know. I mean, you know, there’s – there’s things, there’s…people, feelings that I-I-I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.”
Sam and Dean in 11.04 “Baby” by Robbie Thompson:
SAM: Really? You don't . . . Ever want something more? DEAN: I'm sorry, have you met us? We're batting a whopping zero in domestic life, man. Goose eggs. SAM: You don't ever think about something? Not marriage or whatever. But . . . Something? You know, with a hunter? Somebody who understands the life?
Sam and Dean in 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll” by Andrew Dabb:
DEAN: But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls. SAM: You talking about retiring? You? DEAN: If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.
Sam and Dean in 15.08 “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven” by Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner:
DEAN: Look, man, I didn't want to say anything, okay, 'cause I was kind of in in a bad place, and, uh, yeah, I didn't want to jinx it or whatever, but, you know, I tried the family thing, right? SAM: Yeah, me too. And that's not for us. DEAN: No, not really. But I'm just saying if it was to work, Eileen, you know, she gets it. She gets us. She gets the life. She's hot. SAM: Dean. I mean, I'm not even- DEAN: Look, all I'm saying is you- you could do worse, okay? And she could certainly do better. Like, so much better. I'm happy for you, Sammy.
Dean and Garth in 15.10 “The  Heroes’ Journey” written by Andrew Dabb:
DEAN: You know, I gotta say, aside from pincushion in there… this is pretty nice. GARTH: Yeah, better than I ever thought I'd get. I mean, hunting -- I figured I'd be dead before I'm 40. You know, go out young and pretty. But now I've got a great wife, great kids. I guess...sometimes things work out.
Dean in 15.10 “The Heroes’ Journey” by Andrew Dabb:
Dean, wistful, watching through the window as Garth and Bess dance: You know, I always thought I could be a good dancer if I wanted to be.
Ok, let those roll around in your brain for moment. 
There’s this long running arc about maybe Sam and Dean could each find a significant other, not white picket fence, but...something, with someone already in the life, who gets their life. There’s Dean’s move from despairing and believing the only ending he could have, the only ending any hunter could have, is dying with a gun in hand, to Dean’s enthusiasm for the concept of retirement, Dean’s wistfulness about finding a significant other, for what he thinks he can’t have, and he starts the cycle all over again, if he can’t have it, then he wants Sam to have it, so Dean encourages Sam with Eileen. Saileen, the Dean-blessed, Dean-approved Sam ship. Dean ships it. And that is how the canon is trending, complete with Sam and Eileen kissing goodbye and saying “this is real” and even God himself saying their feelings were real, “that was all you,” even if God manipulated events around them. Which is an overt mirror to Dean and Cas and Dean’s expressly stated doubts about what’s real and what isn’t, and Cas telling Dean “we are.” 
Much the way Sam has been witness to Destiel, and has often pointed out Dean’s Cas feelings. Dean’s got a front row seat to Saileen and approves; Sam’s had a front row seat to Destiel and approves. 
Let’s throw in Robert Berens’ work in The Trap here, since that’s relevant to this specific topic as well, because why did Sam and Dean in the potential future timeline where they’d killed Chuck give up and cave in to their vampire instincts? The world being overwhelmed with monsters...and losing Eileen and losing Cas. It’s right there in the dialogue. I’ll give you the quote and everything:
Sam and Dean in 15.09 “The Trap” by Robert Berens:
SAM: You want to quit? What's happened to you, Dean? Ever since -- DEAN: Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we've ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy? Ever since I had to bury him in a Ma'lak box? Ever since then? Yeah. You know why? 'Cause the monsters -- they're everywhere. Everywhere! What we do -- it's not even Hunting anymore. It's whack-a-mole. We don't even save people. Every friend we've ever had is either dead, or they got wise and they packed it in. SAM: Jody's still fighting, and Bobby -- DEAN: Bobby has a death wish, and you know it. And Jody -- ever since what happened to Donna and the girls, she does, too. And after Eileen... so do you.
“Ever since” Dean had to bury Cas in a Ma’lak box. “After Eileen...so do you.” 
So there’s this canonical long, long thread across multiple authors (and those weren’t even all the quotes, I’m sure people could dig up more) about Dean in particular yearning towards finding a significant other, some contentment, with someone who already is in the hunting life, who gets it, who understands.  
An episode that flat out shows how losing their significant others is the final straw that rips out Sam and Dean’s last will to fight, and they lose themselves, and after they’re turned into vampires, they just...give into the darkness. Where Sam gives up their shot at destroying the big bad because losing everyone they love is too high a cost. Where losing Cas makes Dean lose hope, where losing Eileen sends Sam into a death wish mindset. Sam and Dean don’t just need each other. That’s not canon, it never has been.
And then right after that, along comes meta episode The Heroes’ Journey. Sorry if you don’t like The Heroes’ Journey, but it’s what the canon did, it’s textual, along with everything else I’ve pointed out here, and in among the crackish humor are some real emotional narrative points. 
In The Heroes’ Journey, Dean gets to see Garth’s life. Garth found his significant other, Bess, and she’s another werewolf. Now, Garth’s life resembles the traditional white picket fence idea a lot more than what Team Free Will are headed for. Garth has a big house with a porch, and he’s a dentist. He’s also a werewolf and his wife is a werewolf and his kids are werewolves because Bess is a pureblood werewolf, Garth didn’t exactly leave the life, and he helps Sam and Dean on a case. But nothing’s been indicating to me that anyone in Team Free Will is headed for that kind of settling down, with a house, becoming a dentist. However, the canon has been practically shouting now, as we near final episodes of SPN, to make the point about a desirable outcome--some kind of stability, contentment, and a significant other. Dean gets a front row seat to seeing a hunter can have that. Garth’s a hunter who turned into a werewolf and he can have that. 
When EP’s talk about how they aren’t headed for a white picket fence or driving off into the sunset or settling down, none of that rules out them finding...something...with someone, and some form of stability and contentment.  Nope, I can’t really imagine them in the suburbs becoming dentists. But canon sure is putting up big neon arrows to...something. Think outside the box. This isn’t about the white picket fence. 
And in The Heroes’ Journey, Dean, conked out on the good gas so Garth can fix his teeth, has a trippy dream where he dances with a lamp.
Rewatch the ep. Look at how the dance is choreographed not just the use of light, because that’s a clue too. The whole dance could have been Dean and Garth being dancing bros, but Garth fades off the stage, and Dean dances alone...until he grabs the standing lamp. In a season where Dean and Cas’s relationship is an A-plot, define it how you like, it’s A-plot. Their breakup and their reconciliation, which played like a marital breakup and reconciliation, are tied to major mytharc beats. In a season where a long-running textual theme about Dean’s developing hope for retirement and his wistfulness about “things...people...feelings...” is getting further play. Where Dean and Cas’s relationship continues to be one of the show’s most central ones.
Dean dances with a lamp. While his emotionally fraught, intense close relationship with Cas--A BEING MADE OF LIGHT--has a long-running arc and recently more and more textual level content spelling out the sublimated romantic interest in small words, while there’s an arc about Dean’s yearning for that stability, contentment, a significant other.
We don’t think Destiel’s “going canon” because Dean dances with a lamp, it’s that Dean dancing with a lamp is kinda loud serving as reflection of canon textual arcing. Sometimes subtext adds a layer. Sometimes subtext is directly tied to the surface layers, an echo, a highlighter.
I’ll just be over here, crying because Dean danced with a lamp.
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omniscientoranges · 3 years
Okay but jackles reboot concept has me thinking. Like Dean screwing around in heaven for a few (earth) years and but it's obvious he's gotten bored and lonely and he hears about some big bad making moves on earth through some recently dead people so he asks Jack to send him back down to help. So then obviously Jack does, and then he finds Sam (who has since gotten married to Eileen but they do NOT have kids yet this is important just hold on) and it's a bro reunion moment.
Anyway so Cas ends up coming down too because the generic big bad has really become a code red at this point, and it immediately becomes VERY obvious Dean and Cas haven't talked since the confession (there's the implication that Cas has been scared of Dean's reaction and assumed he wouldn't want to see him, and Dean still having high functioning repression/abandonment issues even in death).
So they're really not gelling in fight scenes and awkwardly not talking to each other so Sam pulls Dean aside and is like "dude, what the fuck? I thought you guys would've worked it out by now it's been (however many) years. And you're literally dead, Dean! What the hell are you guys gonna do just avoid each other for eternity?" And Dean's all "you wouldn't get it, Sam" and then Sam's like "well maybe I would" (referring to him and Eileen, says it in a way that means "I would get what it means to be in love actually you're just being Dean about this, he loves you and you love him and you're both being idiots so what are you waiting for?" Also potentially Sam and Eileen are in the middle of some kind of argument when Dean shows up so they're having relationship problems at the same time, which they then resolve before Dean and Cas resolve their mess.)
So they beat the big bad with some ultimate teamup of tfw/wayward/werewolves (garth's pack)/maybe other resurrected fan favs whatever that's not the point, the point is after that Dean and Cas end up in a room alone and have a Conversation where it's Cas saying "I saved your life, Dean. Forgive me if I did it in a way that made you uncomfortable." And then Dean's like "No that's not what it's about". So Cas is irritated and snaps back with "Then what is it about? You could have prayed to me anytime in heaven and I would've come to see you. The only explanation I can come up with is that you just don't want to see me." Then Dean just comes out with "Well you just said all that crap and then you left me! Don't you get it, man? I wasn't happy living in a world you weren't in! I never am! And I'm pissed at you for leaving me and I'm pissed at you for dying and I'm pissed at you for not coming to see me. And I- I'm pissed at myself, because all this time you didn't know. You thought you were in it alone, but you aren't. You really, really aren't, Cas." And Cas is looking at Dean and says "What're you saying?" and Dean steps forward and says "I'm saying this" and grabs Cas and kisses him.
Anyway it ends with Jack letting Dean stay and live his life on earth (with Cas) because they've fucking earned it. ALSO, one of the final stingers at the end is Sam saying something like "oh, well Eileen was feeling kinda nauseous this morning so she stayed home" and then it's like ".....wait. She..... hold on."
And it's REQUIRED to end with Dean and Cas slow dancing in their new (lake) house while Sam rushes out to get back and see Eileen, and he catches a glimpse of them in the window like the Garth/Bess moment.
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orionsangel86 · 4 years
your bare minimum post is great and I am totally with you on ever thing you said but what about the absolute most ? what if you had every thing you could want ? what would that look like ? do you have a check list ?
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Since I now have two asks asking me the same kinda thing I figure I might as well write out a wishlist! Though bear in mind this is literally my absolute fantasies and not anything I actually expect will happen okay!
Disclaimer: Reading this may make you want things from the ending that Supernatural will never ever give us. Do not get your expectations up based on this post. This is not meta. It is the futile hopes of an emotional woman who just wants these boys to be happy goddammit.
Bare Minimum post referred to here
Supernatural Series Finale Wishlist
Castiel narrates the episode. We get his POV, explaining how his love for Dean grew over the years.
Dean rescues Cas from the Empty in a huge call back to how Cas rescued Dean from Hell.
Dean has to go into Castiel’s mind to wake him up and he sees how Cas falls in love with him and has to convince him to wake up by confessing his love back.
Cas chooses to give up his grace and be human.
It is revealled that Cas has a human soul.
The Empty gets sent back to sleep. It is confirmed that Cas will never go back there even after he eventually grows old and dies. His soul will go to heaven.
Sam finds Eileen, and we get domestic scenes of them happy together.
Sam gets to keep the dog.
Sam’s happiness with Eileen is what triggers Dean finally opening up to Sam. We get an emotional brother heart to heart where Dean finally admits his feelings for Cas, and Sam reveals that he has always known but didn’t want to pry.
It is revealled explicitly that Dean is bisexual (not just Cas-sexual or “gay for Cas).
We get backstory to Dean’s bisexuality - maybe a confirmation that the thing with Lee WAS more than friendship.
Confirmation that Dean hid it from John, and supressed his sexuality for fear his father would reject him. (any chance to get a dig at John in there)/
Sam is the most accepting, wonderful, loving brother ever and gives a speech that makes us all cry that’ll go down in history kinda like that “you can breath now” speech Simon’s mom gave him in Love, Simon.
When trying to convince Cas to come back with him from the Empty, Dean’s “i love you” confession speech is another tearjerker, and is just as beautiful, poetic, and heartfelt as Cas’s was. Bonus points for “you said you couldn’t have what you want... but you’ve had me all along.”
Once Cas is saved and they are both back from the Empty, Dean cradles Cas in his arms and they hold each other tightly, and then share their first kiss. It’s passionate. Bob Singer uses the drone. We zoom out. Sam is standing awkwardly in the corner. It’s hilarious.
No Seriously. My biggest wish is a soft epilogue montage of the brothers growing old with their respective partners, with scenes along the lines of as follows:
Sam decides he wants to travel/go to college/leave the bunker basically. With Eileen. Dean realises that he can’t stay in the bunker without Sam. They all pack their bags and turn off the lights. They go their separate ways.
The brothers say goodbye and drive of in separate directions.
Dean and Cas find a house by the ocean. They do it up and build a life together.
We see them happy. We see them watching cowboy movies together.
We see them in bed together. Naked, sweaty... soft focus cliche sex scene like those old hallmark movies.
We see the morning after, sunlight pouring in through the window. Dean wakes and looks at a sleeping Cas. (Mirror to the scene with Lisa in 6x01)
We see them through the kitchen window. Making breakfast until a song comes on the radio. Dean takes Cas in his arms and they dance. (mirror to the scene with Garth and Bess in 15x10)
We see Sam and Eileen as well. We see them also sharing a happy life.
Sam graduates from college.
We see Sam propose. We see their wedding.
Dean and Cas dance at Sam’s wedding.
Sam and Eileen have kids. The boys are going grey.
Dean and Cas are sitting watching the sunset over the ocean. They are content and happy. Dean says it’s been 10 years since the events of 15x19, when they defeated Chuck. 
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet up to commemorate the last 10 years. 10 years of peace and freedom. Turns out you can have both. There are fireworks.
Jack appears. They all hug. Cas narrates that even though the story is over now, it doesn’t really end. So long as you know that they lived, they loved, and they were happy, but most importantly, they were at peace.
Carry on wayward son plays. We all break down in tears.
Other things I’d like to see but couldn’t fit into the above:
OG Charlie returns
OG Bobby returns
We get confirmation that heaven has been restored
Did Jack bring the angels back from the Empty? Confirmation of that too please
Jack and Cas get a heartfelt conversation where Cas gets to tell him how proud he is.
Now if anyone comes into my inbox telling me that this is so perfect its gonna ruin the actual finale for them don’t say I didn’t warn you. :P
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