#and then he STILL ask wilbur
fernflowerss · 2 years
Can we PLEASE talk about the parallel between
Wilbur's "Then let's be the bad guys" and
Tommy's "I don't want to be the bad guy"
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noxious-fennec · 2 years
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Its the most specialest birthday boy if you don't clap and cheer for him and wish him a happy birthday ill blow this whole place up <33
I just think that he deserves a little nap yk, in the warmth of the sun and everything.. perhaps listening to the radio, its probably playing fairuz.. I also think he would like daffodils
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dr3amofagame · 9 months
Ok there are a lot of things I don't understand about Wilbur and Dream's interactions, but one of the main things that I don't quite get is the whole breaking into the prison and burning the disks with Tommy , like ok why was Wilbur so convinced that by threatening to kill himself he was gonna make Dream do what ever he wants ( burn the disks)
And well we can say that Dream was just agreeing to whatever the hell the wanted because he wanted them out of his living room ( and because he didn't need the disks) but like ,Wilbur didn't know that, what made him so sure that Dream wanted him alive especially after the prison break ( Dream didn't need his help anymore) to the point that he thought he could use it ( his life ) as leverage
Did Dream want to keep Wilbur alive, if so, then why? I don't know man, seems like the only person that would be losing in this situation is Wilbur himself.
I got more questions but like this is what confuses me the most. Idk just don't get it
Honestly I'm going to assume you know about these reddit posts, but while like I think that people should be able to draw their own conclusions to a text without strictly subscribing to what is said by the authors, like, cc!Dream and cc!Wilbur did give explanations behind what happened in this stream that I think are worth checking out: x x
A lot of people perceived cc!Wilbur's comment specifically as speaking for c!Dream in a way that was uninformed and therefore dismissed the post, which I think is...unwise? Like, cc!Wilbur literally says that he's posting from the perspective of his character's thought process, not an out of character word of god on what c!Dream actually values and believes. Further, he literally clarifies that his character isn't entirely correct and is an unreliable narrator.
But looking between the posts and looking at c!Dream's behavior, I mean. What we can say, rather definitively, that c!Wilbur was right about is that c!Dream didn't want to lose that feeling that he had leverage over c!Wilbur. Like, he's pretty damn desperate not to lose it, actually. c!Wilbur "believes that Dream has nothing if not himself"--a perspective that obviously leaves out c!Punz, considering c!Dream's secrecy in terms of this one particular ally, but is otherwise I mean. Like. Correct? cc!Dream emphasizes repeatedly that c!Dream doesn't want to lose "that feeling of control over Wilbur," that c!Dream's power over c!Wilbur is "just in his head," that he's holding onto it even though "it's seemingly gone after the exile reveal." The rest of the server's story only throws this in sharper relief--c!Wilbur literally fucking leaves the whole damn server and c!Dream is cowering in the prison worrying about him A MONTH LATER.
When c!Wilbur makes the assessment that c!Dream is going to hold onto the perceived leverage he has over c!Wilbur tightly, EVEN WHEN SAID LEVERAGE DOESN'T EXIST, to the point of doing almost everything c!Wilbur tells him to? He's 100% right. c!Dream doesn't want to break the illusion. When cc!Dream gives the two examples of what c!Dream wouldn't do, he mentions that c!Dream wouldn't "kill himself" or "give over the revive book," which, I mean. Is literally just saying the same thing twice. Which, again, just goes to show how far c!Dream is willing to go in order to keep holding onto a feeling of control, that--once again! Is emphasized by both ccs AND by the literal text (as we can see that c!Dream at no point is able to actually use the "leverage" he has over c!Wilbur from reviving him to do LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL) as not existing in any meaningful manner. This isn't a case of c!Wilbur having an inflated sense of self-importance or a case of him pushing his way into this conflict recklessly w/ a delusional belief that his pitch will work. This is a case of c!Wilbur (as is like, usually the case with him and c!Dream) reading c!Dream like an open book and getting exactly what he fucking wants by force, literally shouting down at c!Tommy and c!Dream until they both comply.
(And it's worth pointing out that like. This whole thing does have a visible toll on c!Dream. He's extra jumpy and defensive in the stream on the same day after Inconsolable Differences, says he went for a stroll outside the prison (something he basically Doesn't Do after he gets the prison back in Daedalus) explicitly to "keep his mind wandering," he bristles at the perception that he's being accused of a terrorist--the exact wording that c!Wilbur uses against him when he makes him write the book in the prison. c!Dream's behavior, while not yet pushed to the point where he starts lashing out in self-defense, was pretty obviously off as soon as c!Wilbur started making demands--he grows quieter, more still, visibly less comfortable--honestly, not at all unsimilar to certain behaviors that we saw in the prison arc.)
And I mean. At the end of the day. Why wouldn't c!Dream want some reason to believe that c!Wilbur would work with him? Why wouldn't he want some kind of leverage? The guy is pretty obviously worried about him, if not outright scared of him. He was ranking c!Wilbur with the likes of c!Sam and c!Quackity when he mentions him in the Finale, for god's sake. c!Wilbur was the person that first called him the tyrant that c!Dream ends up believing he has always been. c!Wilbur was the originator of L'manburg, which c!Dream blames for the literal loss of his home. c!Wilbur is like. Extremely charismatic, extremely good at convincing people that he's well-meaning, that what he's saying is right, that this-person-is-the-enemy and you-want-to-stand-for-freedom and that so-and-so is a cause worth dying for, isn't it. c!Dream was The-Man-That-L'manburg-Opposed from the minute that c!Wilbur decided so and this narrative would follow him literally for the rest of his life.
So yeah c!Dream wanted to keep c!Wilbur alive out of the delusional belief that doing so would mean he has leverage over him. Why he wants that leverage (even though he never uses it and the fact that it literally doesn't exist), I mean.
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clingyduoapologist · 8 months
Take You Down animatic kind of insane for plainly saying "Wilbur is terrified that if he kills himself again Tommy will too" and yeah. Yeah.
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mcyt-cats · 2 years
i just wanted to say i came on here so excited about wilburs cat just to remember he only petted strays and says he cant have one due to moving too much
but then i remember technos cat pumpkin so :]
PUMPKIN! i love pumpkin. that video we got was amazing, i would be really happy if technodad posted some more photos of pumpkin.
that said, good news! I've posted several videos of Wilbur petting strays in the past, I will link them below. there are more out there, but I don't have all of them reposted here:
Video One
Video Two
Video Three
Video Four
Video Five
Wilbur with cats photos
plus, I have posts of Wilbur with other people's cats!
Wilbur with baby Zuko and Toph
Wilbur and Star
Wilbur and Otto
that's all that's showing up in my archive for now, enjoy!
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marmalade-mir · 2 years
a man will see a c!quackity and go "is anyone gonna degrade That?" and not wait for an answer. part Two… (part one here)
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soratsuart · 1 year
The day started decently calm, with people just doing their things and completing the egg quests. However we should note that the Census Bureau, aka Cucurucho/Osito Bimbo appeared before pretty much everyone to handle the invitations for the funeral. This is how some people, particularly the eggs, found out who had died exactly, and prompted some sad grieving scenes like Chayanne's upon learning he couldn't protect Tilín.
The funeral itself began later at a church built by the QSMP Federation. There were a bunch of cameras hidden around the building which turned out to be Slime's so he could watch since he can't be there physically due to his exile. However, people misinterpreted these cameras and thought they belonged to the Federation, so the Theorist Trio (Maxo, Bad and Foolish) started sharing their theories about the true nature of the island and the intentions of the Federation with everyone else, as well as suspecting the strange truce between them and the angel when supposedly they didn't get along.
Meanwhile we have to very depressed members in the audience. Mariana shows up being a mess and acting suicidal, with people having to stop him from killing himself, which hurts Slime who begs at him to stop through the cameras (pain). On his part, Quackity arrives talking about wanting to move on, but he quickly gets mad at people laughing and tells them to remember the eggs are temporal (least resentful man in the server).
The childless fathers give each a speech about their children (and have a few breakdowns) and with that the funeral seems to be over, but things don't end here. They go out, explode one of Slime's cameras thinking it was from the Federation and talk for a bit, with Roier telling Quackity about some books that might help him revive Tilín (wonder where he might have heard that from).
Then Cucurucho appears again, and they take Quackity aside to this weird room with Rubius and tell him to wait. Soon enough, a wall opens to reveal Tilín. Quackity is overjoyed to see his child, but unfortunately they can only have a five minute conversation. Quackity begs Rubius to revive them, but that's not possible, so father and egg have a conversation where Quackity finally expresses how much he loves Tilín and how much he misses them.
After saying a final goodbye, Quackity leaves and goes to Tilín's grave to leave a note expressing his love for them, then closes the grave for good. He then meets Angel!Rubius and asks him questions about the island and when they can leave, to which Rubius says they can never leave and that they might discover what the island is soon. He also said he could talk with other gods to try and allow Quackity to have more conversations with Tilín.
Meanwhile, back at the church, Maxo is allowed to see his son Trump one final time. However, he initially doesn't believe he's the real Trump and starts making questions that slowly derive to the methods of the Federation to bring him back. When he starts making too many questions he gets pulled aside. Maxo is now considering making an alliance with Devil!Rubius since he doesn't trust the Federation to bring Trump back.
MEANWHILE, Slime comes out of hiding and him and Mariana are allowed to see Flippa, making one last backflip together as a family and saying goodbye. Slime and Mariana decide to work together as a family to find a way to bring their daughter back. Also, Mariana made a statue of JuanaFlippa which he showed to Slime.
Meanwhile again, people outside the church are having conversations, with Bad and Spreen fighting until they decide to have a PVP duel by Quackity's suggestion. If Spreen won, he would be allowed to kill Dapper once, while if Bad did, Spreen would have to leave them alone forever. Spreen won, but he has yet to do something to Dapper (even the Update accounts in Twitter are confused at this lmao).
Quackity and Slime also had a PVP duel, and though Slime won the first round, he let Quackity hurt him and kill him the second round so he could cope with his grief.
And after that not much happened. Everyone went their separate ways and ended the day... Calmer day than I expected tbh
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nonoqy · 3 months
"Bad didnt unfollow dream that was misinfo", then what happened? I don't know who trust anymore at this point.
he never followed him on insta
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miloutic · 2 years
im. ok wait. we're all joking abt ccwilbur making his little ocs suffer but. cwilbur was literally was trapped by the narrative. limbo is a concept created by the ccs to justify cwilbur coming back. had they not decided to keep him in the narrative limbo would Literally Not Exist. and cwilbur wouldnt have suffered for 13 years. im not ok
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juststarsandthemoon · 3 months
What's going on in the MCYT fandom?
OH GOLLY IM GLAD YOU ASKED. Content creator #1, Shelby talks about her past experiences with domestic abuse. some fans clock that she might be talking about wilbur soot, whose also a content creator. Wilbur tweets out an apology that doesnt really adress anything? Several of both shelby and wilburs friends (most also content creators) are like, damn wilbur you kinda suck. And thats that.
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peearrdee · 2 years
TALK TO ME MORE ABOUT THE STRETCH MARKS TALK TO ME MORE ABOUT THE STRETCH MARKS give me wilbur who has always been built willowy but who came back to life looking like the flesh had been sucked away from his bones and who cannot stop grinning his open mouthed grin with one slightly chipped tooth every time he feels muscle or sees fat back over it ARUGH.
i am so well and normal about gaining weight as healing .
There’s stretch marks along Wilbur’s hips and arms and shoulders and thighs because he was sorta scrawny as a kid, but hit a growth spurt as a teenager and now he’s the obscene affront to normal height he is today.
As often as Wilbur might have sleep through a meal due to le Depression Naps when he was staying with his dad, Phil would always make sure he’d accidentally made an extra tuna roll or one too many servings of leek soup. A extra sausage roll snuck into Wilbur’s coat pocket when he goes out. Making sure his loved ones stay fed is one of Philza’s primary love languages. Tea, sticky little honey candies in a bowl above the mantle, a barrel full of gapples.
And Wilbur savors all of it, it’s another small perk of being alive. Every stretch mark, every new scrape or bruise is another sign that he’s painfully, beautifully alive. He looks in the mirror and the thinness in his cheeks he remembers from Pogtopia is gone. He feels alive.
(His ass is still flat though, he inherited exactly zero of Mumza’s curves (or the fridge’s bulk.))
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
Still thinking about cDream shielding his friends with his wings btw. Taking them under his wing but literally. Protecting them from a creeper explosion noticed too late and getting hurt. When someone's standing next to him he subconsciously spreads one wing around them like one would drape an arm over someone's shoulder.
C!Dream with wings goes so hard my beloved boy
I imagine this would be a lot like that one clip where him and Tommy were building the church and then a creeper went behind Tommy so Dream put himself in the middle and took the whole hit and then typed something like "I tried to protect you"
Side step that had the same energy as when during the pre election debates Dream came up to Tommy after sniping him to show off and Tommy was literally like yes you did a good job
So he's just always going out of his way to have his friends safe near him and underneath his wings I think he would try to shelter them as well when it's raining
Also I imagine that when Wilbur and Tommy went to confront Dream in the prison and saw the state of his wings or hell the fact that he was missing his wings and thought about how they had been used in the past to protect them and now they are like that must have been pretty upsetting for all
Also I must confess Percy I have been re watching My Little Pony old episodes for some reason and that has taken me to think about c!Dream as an alicorn hybrid and now the headcanon doesn't leave my brain either way alicorn Dream would headbutt everybody he likes always
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quaranmine · 2 years
hi hi had another thought about grian (this time with an added Wilbur) - for MCC Halloween, since they're teamed together, it would be very funny if instead of dressing up they just swapped skins for the event. anyway, hope you're having a good day!!
omg that would be SO funny
has wilbur ever changed his skin for mcc? wait--i feel like he has, but only a handful of times. i seem to rememebr...that feather boa skin or whatever. i hope they do this lol it would be hysterical and probably close enough within the realm of wilbur not wanting to "dress up"
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rachelsquill · 1 year
What if in the royal AU Quackity had to stay in Wilbur's bedroom and before they got together they would just fight eachother for the bed. Quackity would probably keep kicking Wilbur out of bed and onto the floor, until Quackity says something like "your people don't have fancy ass beds and you said you could be like them, so you don't need to sleep on this bed." And Wilbur is like "I'll prove you wrong" so he sleeps on a couch or something and Q gets the bed
oh my gosh that would be so fucking funny. Quackity big brain as hell he knows how to get what he wants
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dyketubbo · 2 years
opened up family echo for fun so i could put in my hcs for dsmp families then realized. i already have one?? oh my god this is from september of last year. captain puffy is still listed as dreams parent. connor is dreams kid. techno is also phils kid here but i know i was just putting that so he was on there
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flamedoesart · 2 years
c!Ranboo on any given day
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a bit of an exaggeration there, but yeah pretty much lmao.
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