#and there was a documentary in school about desi american marriage for rhetorical analysis
anulithots · 1 month
ahhh this subject, this topic, this 'if you don't get married then you aren't an adult and your whole life should revolve around the whole family thing' and talking as if it is a given, this looming doom over my queer head. 
On one hand the documentary is nice because sometimes parents are understanding. Mine aren't, and for some reason they hardly show the not-so-accepting ones when it comes to minorities but alas, there are the surprisingly accepting ones. It's a hit or miss and quite the Russian roulette. 
On the other hand the sentiment of 'you must get married' is there regardless. I don't think I'd be able to explain the way I feel about the whole thing without too many sappy words and metaphors that I'd never be able to say before interjections and overall disdain. AND the threat looms ever nearer. I don't like getting older in a society with expectations. It's not for me. I’m not sure what I will do. At all. I do not see a solution because of two completely warring ideologies. And I’m not sure who to ask because no one I know is both desi and on the aroace spectrum sooo…. I guess I’ll have to figure something out or run away to the woods when I’m older. Not that I can handle isolation. So there’s that too. And I don’t think I’m being over dramatic…sometimes I am but last time I even touched this subject briefly with my parents, it was a whole thing, spirals and not fun for months and months and drastic stuff. So Adult life things? If it’s anything like last year's brush with this then I’ll need to build up some ‘happiness inducing and comfort mechanisms’ ahead of time. 
I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like I’m in the tentative, last ‘safe period’ of my life. From here it’s…. Choices I don’t want to make. Ha. Fun. 
Apologies for the unsolicited rant! 
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