#and they want to put that in the list of office promo pics :)
cockworkangels · 9 months
nothing to make yourself feel worse about the way you look than someone taking photos of you in office lighting hunched over your worklaptop
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davidmariottecomics · 4 months
New Job, Boom!
Hey friends, 
Going to be a short one this week, but I definitely didn't want to let it pass without saying a little something. If you haven't heard otherwise yet, I'm now working at BOOM! Studios! Once I can say more, I'm sure I will, but it's early, things aren't really announced beyond that, and there are other matters to turn your attention to. 
Announcements: It's the Global General Strike for Palestine! For the next week, people all over the world are striking from all sorts of regular activity to disrupt the economic systems supporting the destruction of Palestine and to put that time and energy into active protest movement. This is a pretty basic explainer of what you can do and know that doing anything is better than doing nothing, right? If you have to go to work, be visible. If you have to shop, be visible and thoughtful. If you have to rest, enjoy the things you already have. If you want to post, make it about what is happening. Current reports are estimating over 25,000 people have been murdered, with the death toll just going to keep rising between continued bombardments and the lack of resources. Over 60,000 people are wounded, 85% of the population has been displaced, and roughly 1 in 4 people is facing extreme hunger. No hospital is fully functional, for the ones that are still left standing. The IOF (Israeli Occupying Force) has admitted to exhuming graves, and have claimed it's to "find the hostages", but in the face of the other war crimes they've committed, it's hard to believe it wasn't vengeful malicious behavior to psychologically wound Palestinians as much as anything else. While we wait--possibly years--to find out if the International Court of Justice rules that Israel is in fact committing a genocide, people are going to continue dying from this. And so, hopefully, with a bit of concentrated disruption and pressure, this destruction that's already lasted 100+ days may finally find an end. 
In terms of using your power and time, I've mentioned it before, but you could call your representatives. Fax their offices. Email them. Contact the White House. Join actions from organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, the Democratic Socialists of America, and be sure to focus your boycotts (during the strike and generally) on the businesses called out by BDS. You can take some time to read through Verso's Solidarity with Palestine reading list. Make signs for if you're going out protesting, to put in your windows, or coordinate outfits in Palestinian flag colors that show your solidarity. Make sure you're keeping an eye out for local events. If you see art installations, share them, and, yeah, that includes graffiti that bears the message. Let Palestinians take the lead in the global conversation on social media and if you see, say, your reps talking about other things, flood them with calls for a ceasefire in the replies. 
If spending money brings you any comfort and you feel a need to put something into good practice, the Cartoonist Cooperative's page still lists a ton of resources for E-Sim cards.Bisan mentioned today that E-Sims are helpful, but their use is becoming more limited as the overall infrastructure has been so damaged that you need to be in a high place to use them. 
Again, do what you can.  
What I enjoyed this week: Nancy (Comic), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Baldur's Gate III (Video Game), Blank Check (Podcast), Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), How to Read Nancy (Book), Ted Lasso (TV show), my new big Taschen Ads of the 80s book, Movie Flick Chick Vol. 1 by BonerBob (Adult Comic), The Traitors Season 2 (TV show), The Floor (TV show), having a new phone and slowly getting back up to speed with it, seeing some stuff I had been working on at the old job get announced.
Pic of the Week: As I've been wont to do recently, I've made a little promo image with my announcement, so that's here, but my real pic of the week is this amazing photo of Nadja. She was in the chair sleeping and I went to move the Hello Kitty and I put it on top of her and she didn't move at all! It was very cute. 
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agl03 · 4 years
By popular demand, LEAKED Promo Pic Breakdown:  AOS Series Finale
If you sent in an ask specifically about any of the leaked promo pics consider it answered here.  If I still did not answer your specific question go ahead and resend.   
First up we have the staggering 3 Pictures the Press Site Originally intended and the 1 picture they gave to TV GUIDE which in true AOS fashion are all of the same scene just with close ups.
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As I’ve said in previous asks I don’t think that is Fitz they are looking at, if so I think Deke would be more in the thank goodness Bobo is finally here face vs a wtf face.   And now thanks to the Leak I can pretty much confirm that it was....
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Who looks to have a bone to pick with Daisy and really we are trying to escape here so if Sousa and Mack could just come and knock her out real quick or if Daisy can just get this over with fast we’ll be on our way.  However, I am a bit on the fence if May was able to get through to her and nothing would set up Nathaniel killing her like Kora betraying him and helping his rival Daisy and his meal tickets to Fitz get away.  
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I shall pause for the collective aww of Jemma sleeping on her very protective grandson’s shoulder.  They’ve been through a lot and I love how we’ve been able to see their relationship grow over the season.  Its everything I’ve been wanting since the second we learned who he was.   
Clearly they have been taken onto one of the Chronicoms ships, either for them to continue to interrogate, as bait for Fitz knowing that he will tear the Universe for Jemma Simmons, or as hostages to use against Shield.   The second picture to me looks like almost a more candid photo that could have been taken between sets but it could just be some more lovely bonding.  
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Daisy to the rescue!  However, I get some major bad vibes from this here.  Jemma looks almost afraid of Daisy (who likely quaked her way in) and doesn’t seem to know who she is.  Meaning Diana had to block a lot of other people when she blocked Fitz out.    Hopefully I’m wrong here and Jemma is just upset because Daisy is freaking out about the whole “Who is Fitz?” thing too.
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And we are making for the exits! Hazzah bearing in mind we run into Kora shortly after this.
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TV Guide Pic Explained above.
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Jemma is simmonsing, trying to explain something.  Perhaps about Diana, perhaps what she remembers about the plan and something they have to do while on said Chronicom ship.  Really these are shots in the dark.   The blue lights could mean the Chronicom ships are about do do something or its an early state of oh look trespassers.  We do see the lights red in the Promo with Mack.
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And we can add another theory hit to the list!   Looks like Fitz is using the Framework and I could be in the minority but I’m glad to see it.  It was so heartbreaking in Season 4 to see something he built to protect Jemma and his friends twisted into a hellish nightmare prison.   I am more than thrilled that he looks to have been able to put it to good use here and is either using it to keep an eye on the Chronicoms, which him in “Framework Mode” would leave him absolutely exposed.  Or he’s using it as a way to build the tech faster.   My guess is here is where the realize they’ve found a way to spy on the Chronicoms, they are testing something, or had some other ah ha moment.  
Also worth noting is a pregnant Jemma there in the background, complete with a baby bump.   
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Fitzsimmons in the cock pit of the Zephy.  Jemma looks tired, man I feel you girl, but Fitz looks oh so hopeful.    
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I mean.
I’m just.
I know I said I would die on that hill and have been for over a year now.  But to see it, actually see it coming is still super overwhelming in a way.
But there she is!  SECRET CHILD CONFIRMED!!!!!!!
Working and playing alongside her parents as they continue to prep for the final mission.   Also happy to see Jemma’s frown turn upside down by her little ray of sunshine there.
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I don’t know what this thing is, I have my theory that I’ll go into below, but whatever it is gong to be insanely important.  Not only that Jemma is the one who is going to have to assemble and activate the dang thing.  
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Hence the practicing, even while blindfolded, working it into her muscle memory.  Because Jemma Simmons excels at preparation.
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My guess is this is where Fitzsimmons explain how it works to us.  I’m going with this sucker is how the frack we get Fitz back from wherever the crap he is.  And you’ll see why below after he’s made his Grand Entrance.  
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And could explain her look of concern here.  Concern she won’t get it right when the time comes.   I also find it odd we have almost different variations of the same scene here or if its a Fitz wakes up and sees she’s concerned.  
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The we thought Inescapable was straight out of fan fic....well the finale leak says hold my beer.   Jemma doing some light reading about the cosmos and taking notes even has mean leaning to them going with a more celestial name to speak to the “one of these days we’ll find something magnificent out in space” quote from Season 3 that came as they offically became cannon.  
And then Fitz shows up with Tea, so this could be when we learn their daughters name or Jemma has figured something out to do with the Chronicoms and space and timey whimey stuff.   I am rooting for option A.
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I’ll take Fitz Kool Aid Manning in for $1000
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And for like 10 seconds after he lands he runs the risk of being shot and/or quaked into next Tuesday.  Also LOVE the parallel to Deke’s helmet and first appearance.
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That glowy ball thing there looks very similar to the device that Jemma was working with in the earlier pics.  So hence its the Fitz summoning device.  
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I’m calling this one with Jemma clinging to Deke here as confirmation that Diana is still in full force and she has no idea who Fitz is.  May’s hand up there in the middle could be her warning him of Jemma’s fear or May letting Jemma know he means her no harm.  
Also Enver wins the pose off for this pic.
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Collective team surprise at Fitz once again appearing impossibly out of no where.
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Based on the WTF looks on pretty much everyone’s faces I’m calling this Fitzsimmons Fitzsimmonsing what the heck the next step is how they they’ve unlocked Fitz as a playable character.  And bonus shock that they had a Secret Kid all stashed away all this time too.  
I also had a few asked about the helmet there on the table.  If the Framework is how Fitzsimmons were able to hack into the Chronicoms systems (turn about is fair play) then I think that helmet on the table was how Fitz was hooked up to it.  And it definitely looks different than the one he made his grand entrance in wearing.  Jemma activating the device could be what pulled him out and to her.  Jemma was literally the ONLY key to getting at Fitz.  
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And for the Dousy fans out there!   Sousa is kinda digging the crazy plan Fitzsimmons just laid out and are they in the Playground or Koenig Bar?  Either one I appreciate its not blown up.
Okay there you guys go.  I left out just a few of the pics that were super close ups or seemed to be more of BTS than from the shot kind of thing.  Have to say it was a very nice surprise to get to do this one more time and on a theory that has been so near and dear to my heart.  
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sherlolly-siya · 4 years
Magnum P.I. S02xE18-20 spoilers and tidbits
I thought i’ll give a prologue first 😅 Remember i pet project where i was trying to decipher the episode names? yea i didn’t get very far on that.. but i have come to a conclusion, that each title is a convention for what the clients in that episode, and/or our P.I. is going through. Eg. S02xE16 : Farewell To Love
Episode starts with Gladys and Bert who had given up on love but eventually found it in one another. The fact that Gladys narrated this part makes it poetic in a sense that she was the one who had to say bid farewell to Bert.Then TC and Teresa, they found the one that they always loved. The one who made them happier, but TC had to let her go go, he bid farewell to his love, instead of ruining 3 lives.In the beginning of the episode, we see magnum all in for online dating, but after what happened with Dylan, we see him coming to an abrupt conclusion that online dating is just isn’t the thing for him, also adding to the fact, the girl who met through an app (Abby) had just recently broken off with him. So magnum kind of bid a metaphorical farewell to finding love online.
Spoilers for S02x18, S02x19 and S02x20 under the cut if you wish to continue. Warning: My rant got hella long, longer than i planned and there are lots of pics and links below. Thanks @maggiesoa​ and @lizzysfavs​ for providing some food for my thoughts  😊
So.. lets begin with S02x18 : A world of trouble I’m just grouping together the pics that I’ve found so far which seem to be related to episode 18: Perdy and Bobby discussed about having a scene together ignore jay’s comment here, I’m all for #TeamJin and I will riot if they ever kill him. I believe the episode starts with Jin, showing up at Robin’s nest, where he ends up in a situation where he has to change in magnum’s clothes (note the t-shirt magnum is ironing... (Edit: DIDN'T HAPPEN!!?? I MEAN!! This could have been cute.. didn't have to be a total BTS for once!!) Where we get this scene, All i can guess right now is that is a tab in Jin’s had, and he’s being a fair judge for miggy while they prepare for their visa interview, or he could be here with today’s case
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Which takes us to to the primary promo for 2x18, where they solve the case at hand. Now my guess is that the case doesnt take up entire 47 minutes, because this promo also exists. What this secondary promo also shows is them at a office(?) guessing visa or may be its a school where the current client works? where magnum/higgy blurts out that they’re marrying and some lady says that they don’t look like a couple. We also see Katsumoto warning Higgy about the consequences of marrying their business partner. (Edit: this did happen and fueled Higgy’s resolve to back out.. nothing wrong there..but as Jin said.. may it be with Magnum or TC, u’re still breaking the law Mrs. I can figure out how pretending with TC is going to get good results? if anything.. it only comes out of nowhere) I’m sensing a connection here again with the title of the episode: A world of trouble:  - The current client, the case was definitely given to them by some one else because they approach the lady coz Higgy says “You’re in trouble, we just want to help you.”, which means she might have refused help at one point. - Literally 2 people in a 2 min worth promo have commented on their wedding, does this not sound like trouble to you?
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When magnum is possibly heading out to go to La Mariana, (Edit: DING! DING! DING! This was indeed before the bar scene.. which kinda broke my heart.. but we’ll talk about that in detail later) she tells him that she’s reconsidered her decision that she will be marrying TC instead (which is weird, but for the sake of it, OK). Which also implies that she’s going to have a heart to heart with TC how she had one with Rick before in 2x13. (Edit: Umm.. i would have liked to hear the entire convo here.. but i guess its going to come back a flashback some day?) Magnum than heads to the bar, with Jin where he meets up with his friends and we get this, going by past experiences, this is going to be the last scene where he’s with his friends. Now what leaves me confused is this guy below, the one that magnum rescued and now has a food truck (Rem S1x01, they got him all the way from there now). He’s not listed for 2x18, but the actors caption says 2x18? So is he like the caterer for the wedding? (i thought kamekona was doing that?) or he’s there for entirely other reason?
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Now this all leads up to S02x19 :  May The Best One Win Again the title is the synopsis here,
Magnum and Higgins are each hired by a different spouse who are in the middle of a contentious divorce to dig up dirt on the other, and Thomas and Higgins soon find themselves competing over resources. 
But i don’t think them competing again each other is the only thing here, remember this gem from TV guide magazine? - Jay mentions there being an odd jealousy there, and there is something percolating between the duo which magnum doesn’t want to address just yet. I think the competition is not just between Magnum and Higgy, for magnum it is also between him and TC. May be he’ll be still trying to show her that he is the one she should be marrying, even if that’s fake.  - And for the implied element we also have this garage fight, where they’re up against “just one guy, but a very big guy”. This again i don’t think takes forever to solve since, there’s an upcoming wedding everyone has to attend, we’ve all seen the famous pics, but this:
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Him again!! And looks like he is in fact catering the event. Now since S02x19 and S02x20 are to be merged into one mega episode, lets slip into: S02x20 :  A Leopard on the Prowl 
Magnum and Higgins help Rick when his father figure, Icepick , just out of prison and battling terminal cancer, gets double crossed on one last score. Also, Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.
This is the rick centric episode the viewers were promised, Adding pics of Zac coz he looks great here:
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But do you see anything missing here? My sleep deprived brain does. Icepick seems to be have fallen pray to something on the run, nothing pre-planned, the guy has terminal cancer, he’s dying any day now, why would someone spend any time to plan something against him? (He’s probably going to die in this epi..he only had few months.. the article says “reluctantly try to help him” seriously guys why do you have to be reluctant? And below pic is probably of the same related fight scene Jay talked about in the TV guide snippet:
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And if the video Jay uploaded is even close to the actual scene, it could be because the guy hit Rick/Higgy and Magnum picked up another fight with him.. or that’s just for insta.. I’ll leave it open. There’s a fight scene with TC as well i suppose. Now what does the title have to do with the episode? Here’s my theory: - Remember Dr. Kim i already mentioned twice above. He’s gotta be here for more than just “catering the wedding”, magnum said he was a code breaker, he was mentioned in one of Robin’s books, he instantly identified the co-ordinates which Nuzzo left for Magnum, (which is duh!  u’re telling me that magnum was a navy SEAL and can read waves but cant piece together actual co-ordinates?!!). Magnum was kidnapped by Ivan’s people coz he needed something from him which was in the books, later Ivan had magnum delivered to himself on a secret mission of retrieving Hayek, who was a weapons dealer but he got away with drones instead.. I think this is all related somehow, there has to be something in this episode that points to this.. I thought may be its in Robin’s books.. but they have never mentioned the same book twice.. I’m still looking for answers though.. But going ahead, see this ,
“ Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.” “You see Higgins in a unexpected position, which magnum is very uncomfortable with and where he is not sure about his place”
Soo.. the wedding didn’t happen? So that’s not helping her stay in the country? 
It didn’t bother me much before.. but think about this, what if since the wedding plan backfired, she has to go back to London until her visa is renewed/reapplied for : an unexpected position since she has found something in Hawaii she doesn’t want to loose. Which leaves magnum as the in-charge of Robin’s nest and Zeus and Apollo and part of the deal [I can almost see my HC at the horizon]. An uncomfortable position where he has to manage the estate and the hounds of hell without his “professional better half”. I think there is a beach good-bye scene on this day, may be an actual hug between miggy? Supporting evidence as follows:
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Now the last attempt Magnum makes, does he offer her a job? Does he confess? But that wouldn’t automatically land her in an unexpected situation , that would be magnum putting her in that situation while being full aware of his position. I bet lenkov has got pretty good plan for this to play out. Now this doesn’t back up my crack where Higgins leaves, because
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This story was posted along with the one where magnum is boating.. so they’re probably from the same episode.. where the last ditch effort has paid off but Magnum and Higgins roles have now been shifted a little and lenkov’s quote makes sense “Nothing really changes”.. has anyone ne noticed that there are no Juliet pics from 2x20 yet? 
I cant wait to see that though.. and for a 100% i know there is a season 3, its a gut feeling i have. Thank you for stopping by.. sorry it was too long  😘
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cassafra5 · 5 years
Where Have I Been?
I’ve been a bit nervous to post this.
Two month or so ago, I teased at a possible announcement and something I was very excited to share with you all. I had been given the opportunity to work on a temp-to-perm basis for a comic start-up headed by Marvel alumni. I applied on a whim to be a freelance Storyboard Artist, but I was instead offered the chance of working in a full-time Editorial and Admin position with a few hours dedicated to storyboarding and participating in creative meetings each week. As someone who's always wanted to get into creative work, this was a really huge deal for me and I was excited to learn and be able to have projects to add to my portfolio.
Now, part of the reason I held off was because I wanted to make sure it was solid before I made the announcement. It was a dream come true and it seemed too good to be true ... and it was. 
Read below if you'd like to hear about how I unwittingly signed up to take care of a herd of entitled neckbeards and had to work on preventing them from literally walking into glass instead of actually storyboarding as advertised.
TL;DR of my experience:
2018 unfortunately was a pretty rough year. The good news is that I managed to push for a mutual termination of contract and should be a lot more active very soon now that I’m not as emotionally drained by an incredibly toxic environment.
Credit to @kirain for looking through this and helping to edit it when I just rage-typed all of this together lol;
I walked away from my interviews in tears after being told that my work really had potential. I told them I had been a comic fan since I was a kid and this was something I was excited about. I grew up with family trying to dissuade me from doing art and I had friends/partners who really weren't interested in my work. I am by no means a professional, so I threw up whatever I could be proud of and applied to the role on a whim. So as you can imagine, having real professionals say I had potential was something amazing to me. 
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My first day, they sat me at a desk with a tablet and computer and I was super excited to start learning and was immediately approached with a Sexual Harassment plaque and told to mount it. Weird but alright. It was a start-up and I already assumed we’d all be helping out with small jobs around the office. I helped them fix their scanner and they suggested I move it to my desk. I was a bit confused but did so. I asked if they wanted me to set their computers up for it but they waved their hands at me and said we could do it later. 
This would eventually result in me scanning every single document for every person in the office, and also measuring the office for furniture that they would randomly decide not to get. When I had a day off, I came back to piles of documents they refused to scan themselves since "that was my job". I got chastised since they wanted them in a hurry and it should have been done sooner ... i.e., the day I was off.
I also ended up doing the following duties:
Calling the IRS every single day because the Controller was too uppity about something that was in the mail and somehow thought they could track it...DURING THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN. I was required to do this and told it was part of my job.
Calling Instacart at the behest of their Legal Counsel, a man who bitched on the phone for 2 hours because he didnt want to go downstairs to drop off a faulty computer part, and having to tell them that their avocados were too soft and their almond milk had too many ingredients. I was required to do this and told it was part of my job.
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I had to ask for multiple vendors to provide quotes and COI and do site visits to our office for things that they, on a whim, would decide they wouldn’t want....resulting in multiple vendors getting angry at me.
I had to get what “everyone wanted for Christmas” for their luncheon...they expected me to get cakes same day from a fancy bakery, as well as LOBSTER (one of them said this was apparently a Christmas tradition of theirs?) Mind you, they repeatedly spoke about budgeting since they were working on investment money and the owner repeatedly would mention how “every day we weren’t producing was a day we died a little more.” I guess that death would have been from gout.
I had to take on dealing with all building requests. Fine ...until they started to tell me I should be reaching out to building management about the "radiation coming out of the cable box". They said it was shooting at a person given their angle and, because I'm *that person*, I mentioned it'd probably be more of a radius vs a direct shot. They started talking about it causing a mushroom cloud over the office. I laughed. Apparently it wasn’t a joke :/ They also complained about the fan making noises and being able to hear people partying and singing songs ... during the holidays ... when people normally do that sort of thing.
I also had to deal with things such as their electrical work and assistance with general interior work in the office...for some reason
They put me in charge of the Party Committee for a Housewarming Party where I was the only one actually making arrangements. This would be fine but the office was sublet and, due to their clumsiness in handling their electrical work before I got there, part of the office has no electricity and there was also a fallen over power beam in the middle of the office...but I guess that can be an accent piece.
I literally had to rename their files. Rather than renaming documents themselves, they would email me to rename them and reupload them because they couldn’t be bothered to change them themselves.
I made the mistake of telling them I had worked with DocuSign in a previous job. What resulted was them forcing me to teach it to them...but then they would argue with me about why it couldn’t mail merge or allow them to revise their documents. A Docusign rep mentioned they could just do their work outside of Docusign and import it since the whole point is to maintain the integrity of the document but they just kind of blamed me for not knowing enough about something I had only briefly used in another completely different setting.
I was literally approached by the person who should have been leading me in storyboarding and told that I needed to look into “distraction graphics” for the office because he was concerned that the two head people (WHO WORKED AT MARVEL) kept bashing their heads on the glass and he was afraid they’d go through the glass eventually. My literal reaction:
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Yeah...he didn’t laugh. It was apparently serious and I had to have some very awkward talks with some window vendors. Do you know it apparently costs more than $3.5k to cover glass that you could probably avoid if you just looked up from your phones when you walked?
Frustrating, but whatever ... it wasn't a big deal and so long as I got to do some creative work, I was willing to tolerate it. 
I asked the person in charge of art and asked when we'd be able to work on creative and was told that my role was mainly in admin and to "leave the storyboarding to the storyboarders".
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I guess I just imagined every single mention of that during the interview process.
I was taken aback but he assured me it was fine since I could work in production and work on other items, like cutting comics up for Webtoons. This wasn't what I wanted, but fine ... maybe I could get something out of this regardless and learn, even if I was just cutting up and processing other peoples' work. By the way, they ended up not even letting me do that.
And here’s where I get to the owner of this establishment...
I got called in to meet with him and told I would be given a special project. He wanted me to suggest a few themes that would be used for a promo project the company was working on. Okay ... this could be good. I started thinking of all my favorite genres and comics and wrote out a decent list. I asked him if it there was a limit and he said there was no limit, so I made a comprehensive list.
He brought me back in a week later and ripped my report apart.
First, he didn't want Marvel and DC included, but then he got upset when they weren't. 
Star Wars and Serenity weren't Scifi, according to him; they were "Space Opera". So that had to be done. They were set in space but apparently that wasn't scientific. Alright. 
Spongebob and Ducktales were irrelevant, but apparently The Simpsons was super relevant. 
He smiled at me and told me I needed to redo it because I obviously didn't know what I was doing. Okay ... sure. Then he kept changing his mind. We started this before the holidays and I worked on making a very sortable report in case there were anymore last minute changes.
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Me and another co-worker who were avid comic book readers spent a lot of time looking at sales numbers and articles to compile what we should focus on; however, for one reason or another, the owner would dismiss everything we brought up since he "hadn't heard of it". Deathstroke apparently never existed. Teen Titans also ... totally not relevant. Although he said he was open to ideas, he'd bash every single suggestion, answer every question by asking us why we'd ask such "stupid questions", and he literally asked us to bring in articles and statistics just so he could completely dismiss them. He was completely un-open to hearing anyone else's opinions and already had a dead-set idea of what his audience wanted ... despite having told us he hated comics and that "normal people [like him] don't read comic books". He knew what these idiots wanted, and it was just a matter of making us redoing the report over and over until we happened on the right combo HE wanted. I.e., pretty much the top comics he last saw at the dawn of the early 2000's.
I literally had taken pics of a few bestseller displays I’d seen in stores (Newsbury Comics, Barnes and Nobles etc) but he literally said that that didn’t mean they would sell. What does Best Selling even mean then?
But it's cool to just completely dismiss your customer base and act like you know better, right?
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I ended up having to work until 10:00pm one night in order to make all necessary changes and print covers for him to review. What started as a simple list of themes became a report that had over 600 rows in Excel. Even then, 80-90% of it ended up not being used. I was so exhausted at this point and burnt out. I loved comics ... but having to rip them apart by category, put them back together, eliminate whole categories because he didn't want them, and then having to remake them after he changed his mind was agonizing. 
I had another meeting with him and he smiled at me and simply said, "Aww I thought this would be a fun project for you, since you're a fangirl after all"
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He was taunting me. This was a game to him. Of course, I should have expected this from someone who literally made a cheat sheet so "idiot comic book fans" would get his jokes. I'm not joking. It actually exists and I'm sure it's something Marvel would rather not even remember.
A couple more weeks passed and, at this point, a majority of the office depended on me to get people's food choices for their snacks, following up with building maintenance, and I barely had any creative projects whatsoever. I did get to create the party invitation the main art guy refused to make but he pushed me to make in Canva, because he thought Canva was the end all and be all to graphic design and that it should be used for all presentations for our LinkedIn. Pretty much everything Canva (something used mostly by Instagram and Twitter users) probably wasn't meant to be used on.
Keep in mind that this person was in charge of creative and was also in charge of gate-keeping me from doing the one thing I was tolerating everything for. I had literally repeatedly asked about the storyboarding during the interview process and even though they had changed the duties, they always confirmed that storyboarding would be a part of it. 
Last week, I asked the main art guy again about my job description and about how he had mentioned storyboarding being off the table entirely. He immediately got defensive and reminded me that I was an admin. I mentioned I still had the job descriptions and emails mentioning me having a hand in creative, and he accused me of talking back and said that he could tell from how I looked that I thought he was an idiot.
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He also accused me of not being enthusiastic about his projects. I was confused since I was actively asking for projects and had literally been trying to find some way to take on creative assignments. He got even angrier and said I wasn't telling him how much fun I was having and how excited his work was making me.
It suddenly dawned on me that every talk I'd had with this guy about how excited I was to learn from him/to work on the team gave him some sort of weird satisfaction. I mentioned that I didn't think I should have been sending him emails about that, and he asked, "Why not? You shouldn't assume I don't want them. I want you to tell me my stuff is fun and how excited you are about them!" I was ... very uncomfortable. This grown man. This grown ass man wanted me to fawn over his work and send him emails about how excited I was about his work. About HIM. What a narcissist.
He made enough commotion that the owner brought us in. He sat us down and said something about him being a bit familiar with this sort of thing, having gone to marriage counselling himself. I was already uncomfortable and that really didn’t help. 
What ended up happening was they berated me in his office and told me I was "too honest", and I was told that I didn't know my place.  I was told that at the very top were the two Marvel alumni, then underneath there was everyone else and I was right at the very bottom of everything and I should know my place.
These were the two people who had told me I had potential and who had made me so happy just a couple months prior. I was frozen in place as they grinned at me and told me that obviously there was some misunderstanding on my part. They then told to run along while they thought about what they could throw at me to make me happy. The guy who yelled at me was not chastised or told his behavior was wrong in any way, shape or form. I got dragged into a staff meeting afterwards, where the owner proudly told all of us, "This is the best company you can work for, where you can work with people you like." And in the same breath, he told everyone not to fuck up or otherwise it would be "resume time".
I felt broken the rest of the day, where I heard them blatantly laughing and insulting the creators they were going to work with. One creator was commented on as being able to "...work as a writer but you shouldn't look at her stuff unless you want your eyes to bleed.” They said worse stuff too and laughed like a bunch of entitled douchebags on DeviantArt trying to get kicks off of stuff they thought were cringey. It was insane. These were supposed to be professionals in the field. It made me uncomfortable to think what they said about my own work when they told me I had "potential". Some of these were small time Tumblr creators like me who probably thought this would be their big break too...
I thought about putting in my two days, the amount that was specified in my contract, and worried about what they'd try to do in the time I had left. I was miserable and scared and nervous.
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On Friday, the owner approached me and asked me for my portfolio while smiling to himself. I was skeptical and asked why, and he firmly said, "Because I want to see it." I sent it and prepared for the worst.
He brought me in for a two minute "friendly" chat in the conference room, and once we sat down, he mused over his computer and said it was "coming back to him” I did art.
He remembered now. It had been so forgettable, after all. Aww, maybe there was something there.
With a smile, he told me I "shouldn't take it personally", and that only one artist so far had been able to get along with him and work with what they wanted. They'd thrown out 8 artists after they just simply "didn't work". They admitted that they had promised me storyboarding, but no one was working to their intended vision. That they hadn't really figured out a place for me in the company, but maybe going out on a business trip would help him clear his head and he could find something I could do. "I guess we've been letting you down a bit, haven’t we?" 
I felt like at this point he wanted me to act desperate and happy for the possibility of a chance and buy into it and take his offering with gratitude...
...but I was done with his shit. 
I told him that I had started at his company a few months ago and that if they hadn't figured out where I was supposed to be in all that time, then maybe it wasn't a good fit. He was quiet and didn't seem prepared for it. "Well ... what do you think we should do about it then?"
"If it's alright with you, I would like to terminate this contract immediately." I said it through gritted teeth. I'm not a confrontational person, but after everything that had happened, I was worried I'd lose it. I could feel myself shaking, but I just couldn't deal with it anymore. "I didn't appreciate being told I was at the bottom of the food chain and I really didn't appreciate you allowing me to be treated this way. Frankly, after that, it's taken every bit of motivation out of me and I'd like to end this. Now." I was trying to be professional and control myself, but I was quietly seething with every word. I told him I had saved all my job descriptions and had the contract if he wanted to review it, and I knew that what they had been telling me was bullshit.
He was really quiet and his eyes were wide open. I really think he expected me to be grateful and happy and willing to do more and more for the company just for that little chance. He mumbled something about not prolonging my suffering and told me to just assist in transitioning over my duties and typing things up. 
Once I did, I asked if I was free to go and he said I was and I left. It was so much of a relief not to have to come back to that office.
So this is what happened with something I thought would have been a great in to an industry I was excited about. I got used up (and not even for the skills I actually have under my belt) and kept around as an emotional punching bag, and for the dumbest things imaginable and essentially just assisted them with setting up their office after they'd sublet it.
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On the plus side, I feel like it was a big deal that I could actually stand up for myself, even if it happened to be to someone like that. Even though I'm not a professional and even though some people would consider me insignificant, I feel like there's never a reason to make any person feel insignificant and like they're the lowest of the low. I hated how they spoke about other creators and I hated how they spoke to me, and there isn't any reason anyone should have to deal with people who are just bent on being condescending.
Ironically, around this time, Steven Universe released an amazing episode and the ending theme kind of hit home with me. I loved its message and I think that ep. kind of helped me in a way.
2019's off to an interesting start, I guess ... but I guess I can be proud that I'm stronger despite it. I am passionate about my art and do want to be able to work professionally but there’s no reason to ever tolerate disrespect and dishonesty in a company.
In the words of Raul Julia/Gomez Addams:
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Hopefully, one day, I’ll get my break but this definitely wasn’t it. 
If any of you guys are in NYC and happen to come across a mildly shady startup toted to be headed by Marvel alumni, maybe just be a bit careful. I normally don’t post about stuff like this and honestly tend to get quiet when things happen because I have trouble opening up about personal issues but maybe it can help someone or at the very least be an interesting read.
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tismroot · 4 years
www.tism.wanker.com Album Launch - IRC Net Conference
On the 19th of May 1998, TISM attempted to hold a Net Launch for their new album, www.tism.wanker.com. It failed miserably (of course), with constant flooding of the IRC channel, jerky and broken picture transmission, and apathetic answers to much sought-after questions. TISM obviously detest their fans, but the faithful followers keep coming back for more. Why?? Here is the evidence, sent to me by a disgruntled fan.
Session Start: Tue May 19 15:39:23 1998 * Logging #tismlive to '#tismlive.log' <FunkyGroo> are you here for the launch ?? <KickiTT> yup <FunkyGroo> you're a bit bloody early <KickiTT> yeah, wanted to get into the mosh pit <KickiTT> :) *** Retrieving #tismlive info... *** KickiTT changes topic to 'If You're Early, Forget It' <FunkyGroo> what does that mean <KickiTT> nothing <TisM> hehe <KickiTT> Do I have a life?  I think not <KickiTT> It's only 3.40pm, for Christ's sake! *** TisM has quit IRC (Leaving) <KickiTT> TisM's left, and I'm *still* here.  Sad. <FunkyGroo> check it out <KickiTT> what? *** McBain ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <McBain> Hellooo? <KickiTT> hey there! <McBain> looking forward to the live sounds? <KickiTT> sure thing <KickiTT> hey, is that you Lachlan? <KickiTT> how you doin man! <McBain> okay, i'm at a loss, who are you kickitt and more importantly do i know you? <KickiTT> well I'm on the mailing list <McBain> which mailing list? <KickiTT> are you on the TISM e-mailing list? *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <McBain> im afraid you have got me mistaken for somebody else <KickiTT> so where you guys from, McBain, Freshy? <McBain> besides im not the tism fan im just setting up for a friend so that he may listen to the live stuff <KickiTT> McBain - ok <Freshy> sale <McBain> hello <KickiTT> hi there <Freshy> my bloody server wont recieve the realplayer stuff <KickiTT> what's the error you're getting Freshy? *** TisM ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TisM> check it out 1234 <TisM> check it out <TisM> 1234 <Freshy> server alert: you cannot recieve this content. Either your network bandwith isnt wide enough or the CPU isnt powerful enough to decode it <Freshy> I am running a pentium too <Freshy> any ideas? <TisM> Fressy <Freshy> tism <TisM> The deal is that its set up to do both, <Freshy> how ya goin <TisM> the problem is to do IRC only and then jump back and forth <Freshy> do both what? <TisM> on your Real video <Freshy> ok <Freshy> so i should quit 1 and do the other <Freshy> is that right? <KickiTT> what speed modem do you have? <Freshy> 28.8 <Freshy> running at 26400 <KickiTT> hmmm, should be ok. . . <Freshy> bastard of a thing <KickiTT> yeah trust TISM to make it hard on everyone! <KickiTT> :) <Freshy> hehe <Freshy> have u tried to hook it up yetr ? *** Rooter ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> it's probably a godsend you won't see their ugly mugs anyway <Freshy> haha <Rooter> no bukin furries punk ! <KickiTT> yeah, I got a shot of some guy setting up the camera, then a shot of a desk and chair for an hour! <Freshy> I got that <TisM> check it out <TisM> 1234 5678 <Freshy> then I tried to start it again and nothing would work <TisM> hrehheh <TisM> 1234 <TisM> 455676 <TisM> 4566456 <TisM> 47477 <KickiTT> testing <KickiTT> dfslkjadsljsdfjlsdfljasdf <Freshy> hey TISM: your goddamm site wont work for me <Freshy> bloody country phone exchanges <KickiTT> yeah fuck off TISM, this is OUR channel! <KickiTT> :) * Freshy goes down to the Kilmany phone exchange and gives the monkeys running the thing a boot in the arse <Freshy> I wonder if that will work <KickiTT> hey McBain baby, you still there? <Freshy> hey its woking!!! <Freshy> wooohooo <KickiTT> the Real Video? <Freshy> 2 blokes in an office <Freshy> its a good start I guesss <TisM> heheh <TisM> Hehe <Freshy> am I lookinga at the right thing TISM? <KickiTT> they're putting up the shocking new logo and promo poster <Freshy> ojn what? <Freshy> i cant see that <KickiTT> BRING BACK THE 'Truckin Songs'-era TISM font!! <KickiTT> on the wall <Rooter> check it out !!!\ <KickiTT> now there's some guy scratching his arse <Freshy> I am not seeing that <Rooter> fungus <Rooter> the pain in my brain works mainly when I'm insane ! <KickiTT> I wonder how many chicks are gonna be on channel tonite <Freshy> kickitt: is your real player constantly changing? <Freshy> mine is static <KickiTT> mine's moving: a bunch of guys walking around wondering how to operate the equipment <Freshy> mine isnt <Freshy> what the fark is going wrong? <KickiTT> try quitting the real player and going back into it <Freshy> pnm://sandpit.access.net.au/tism.ra <Freshy> is that the location you have opened? <KickiTT> that's the one <Freshy> not working here *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <Freshy> just showing half a bloke and his arse *** KickiTT changes topic to 'If You're Early, Forget It: These guys have no idea!' <FunkyGroo> heaps <KickiTT> you've got 2 hours, fellas <KickiTT> get it together! <KickiTT> Freshy: I think they're just sending out test shots at the moment - the current one runs 58 seconds and it's the same every time I play it *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> hi TisM <KickiTT> can I get an early question in? *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> send it off to the email address, so I can add it in. <Freshy> kickitt: is your realplayer still moving? <Freshy> mine just seems to stay still <FunkyGroo> we're just testing the system <Freshy> woohoo its working <KickiTT> they're just sending out the same test shot at the moment, nothing live Freshy <Freshy> ok <Freshy> I just saw a minute of 2 blokes talking then back to static.....is that what I should have seen? <Freshy> back to nothing happening <KickiTT> OK it's live now <KickiTT> who is that ugly fuck in the purple t-shirt? *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** Freshy1 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> exciting innit? *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Freshy1> mine isnt even working <Vort_X> whos the dood on the netcast page talking into what looks like a cassete recorder. <boBenasnI> is that guy who was testing the audio before here???? <Vort_X> could be a phone. <Rooter>   *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Vort_X> how does one get any audio. <Vort_X> ??? <KickiTT> back in a sec. . . <Vort_X> don't worry. i got some dude humming. <Vort_X> it's all happening..yay <Vort_X> are they going to move the camera back to fit them all in. and is the jack the guy talking about J. Cheese? <Freshy1> mine isnt doing a fucking thing <KickiTT> it's not live, it's gone back to test video <Vort_X> well. it works. <Vort_X> Freshy; whats happening with yours. <Freshy1> not a great deal :( <Freshy1> the real player just has a static pic on it <Freshy1> when I go to reload the .ra loacation nothing happens <Freshy1> it just has some long haired git on the screen <Vort_X> well fucked if i know. <Freshy1> makes 2 of ud <Vort_X> are you using realaudio or going through the live.html page? <Rooter> check 1234 <Rooter> 978567673 <Rooter> yep <Freshy1> tried using the real audio <Freshy1> the live page just has a realaudio logo <FunkyGroo> test 1234 <Freshy1> and none of the buttons are clickable <KickiTT> that is one ugly son of a bitch <Vort_X> what browser r u using, ie or netscape. <Freshy1> netscape <Vort_X> communicator or 3.01? <Freshy1> 3.01 *** PunkyFunk ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> ummm. don't know if it makes a difference. try closing netscape and then re-opening it up. <PunkyFunk> doods <Freshy1> some bloke just started humming and whistling <Freshy1> I got some bloke talking <Vort_X> yep, thats the video. <Freshy1> ok <Freshy1> some bloke in a purple t shirt <Vort_X> ? it's just a re-run video... <Freshy1> ok <Vort_X> mine has just restarted. <boBenasnI> its not live i dont think <Freshy1> sounds like bedlum there <Freshy1> it just stpeed <Freshy1> stopped <boBenasnI> its not live <boBenasnI> i hope it will be at 6:30 <Freshy1> i wonder if mine will work ehn the live thing starts <boBenasnI> im going , be back before 6:30 *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) <PunkyFunk> hehe <PunkyFunk> :-> *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> Medea, welcome to the SECOND coolest TISM channel  :) <^Medea^> hee hee!  Just got here a minute ago! *giggles*  Guess everyone else is just lurking for now! *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> hey there kiz <kizmyaz> yo home skillet! <Freshy1> what does buffered play mean on realplayer? <KickiTT> our second overseas chatter?? <TisM> check it out <kizmyaz> am i so easily spotted? <TisM> 1234 <KickiTT> shut up TISM <KickiTT> :) <^Medea^> Hee hee!  Kickitt!  Leo just came online!  He should be here any sec... <KickiTT> ok! <KickiTT> let's do a hands up type thingy for everyone on the mailing list. . . * KickiTT puts his hand up * Freshy1 puts his hand up <Freshy1> I hope Lachy isnt here * ^Medea^ puts her hand up *** PunkyFunk has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Rooter has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <^Medea^> Someone PING me! *** FunkyGroo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** VortX ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive -> [^Medea^] PING <kizmyaz> i wood, but i'm just learning this program. *** VortX ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (VortX) *** Vort_X has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> Medea - 49 seconds! <^Medea^> HEY!  I got a fucked up message from my RealPlayer saying that I can't receive anything from the tism thing cuz my bandwidth is too slow or my CPU isn't powerful enough?!?  Anyone else get this?! It was working fine a minute ago! *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> yeah, freshy was getting that as well <^Medea^> Hmmmm.....I wonder what the problem is with this thing?  *WHACK!* <KickiTT> I just checked it, they're playing the "Cunt" video at the moment! <Vort_X> what happened to the Op? <KickiTT> dunno, maybe he got bored! <^Medea^> Well this is just pissing me off!  Freshy!  You still getting the error message?! <Freshy1> yep <Freshy1> its not playing here <^Medea^> OH! It's working now! Thank GOD! *sigh*   *** Crisen ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> now i got some voice...instead of the filmclip. <Freshy1> hey ys it is! <Crisen> lol *** Rooter ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Crisen> ware the fuck r the ops? <Crisen> hehehahah <Rooter> hi All <Crisen> u think this event is gonna werk wif no ops? * Crisen laffs uncontroble <Vort_X> aarrrhhh..they put the filmclip back on...bastards.. <Vort_X> i wanted the sound. <Freshy1> mine has come up with cannot buffer entire clip <Freshy1> how do I fix this? <kizmyaz> OY! the sound never worked on the video when i downloaded it. I WANNA HEAR! <^Medea^> Freshy-I'm getting that too!  OH!  There it is....I sorta fast forwarded it a bit! *smile* <Vort_X> they have changed the vid again. *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Freshy1> this is fucked <cyclonic> If you're creative, get stuffed... <Rooter> test *** syndrOme ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <syndrOme> yoe <Vort_X> cyclonic: are you doing any realaudio copying for this... <cyclonic> ohhhhhhhh good idea!!! Maybe I should! <^Medea^> cyclonic-okay! hee hee...*kiss* <syndrOme> what network does this server belong to <cyclonic> but i dunno if it'll work.....gimme a sec <Freshy1> mine comes up with cannot buffer entire clip 30.0kps <cyclonic> ^Medea^, my love, how are you this fine evening? <^Medea^> Is anyone getting the vid on a smooth run?  Mine is totally buggered...FRESHY-YEAH! Mine too! <Crisen> ware the fuck r the ops? <Crisen> lol <Crisen> is TISM gonna be here tonite? <KickiTT> I'm at work, and it's still jerky <KickiTT> but that's Real Video for ya <^Medea^> cyclonic-My darling...*kiss*  I'm fine..now that you're here...*smile* <Crisen> this is gonna be a fucken mess <Crisen> hehhehaahahmwahwhhawbwahwaha <Vort_X> some dude be putting up a tism sign.. <Rooter> test <^Medea^> VortX-HUH?!  Where?! *smile*  Guess I should fast forward the clip again.... <Vort_X> where are tism going to be in melb. <cyclonic> oh man, I can't figure out how to record this....darn... <kizmyaz> say, what time is it there? <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *k* <KickiTT> I can't believe these fuckers that write TEST in IRC! <^Medea^> cyclonic-*KISS*  Think it would work if you ran it through RealPublisher?! *shrug* *** syndrOme has quit IRC (NUKE 'EM TILL THEY GLOW!) <Vort_X> is anyone taping it(on tape) so that people who aren't here can at least listen to it later. Cyclonic would be able to publish it...wouldn't you? <cyclonic> I wanna know how they managed to get the drum intro on Drop The Tude to sound so good.. <Crisen> is TISM goin to be here?! <KickiTT> No TISM is not going to be here Crisen <Crisen> wat the fuck <Crisen> why?! <cyclonic> I'm trying to figure out how to record the ra file...but I think that it'll simply be too HUGE! <KickiTT> This is just a channel for people who r on the mailing list <Vort_X> don't worry bout it cyclonic. <^Medea^> Hmmm..... <Crisen> wat the fuck <Crisen> so r alot of people goin to be here tonite? <KickiTT> no, just us. . . <^Medea^> KickiTT-Just for people onthe mailing list?!!?  huh? <cyclonic> TA Vort....if I did record it , it'd be some massive file size.. <cyclonic> Wheres my beer? <KickiTT> McBain, why you been so quiet dood? * KickiTT prods McBain with a broom handle <Vort_X> pushing the env. aren't we Kickett. <KickiTT> :) <cyclonic> *l* <^Medea^> cyclonic-Just starting on your first one?! Geez! *shakes head*  I hope you're gonna share! *smile* *** FunkyGroo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> ^Medea^, well my love, do you want one? <^Medea^> Oh hey!  Someone is hanging up a blue TISM sign....hee hee....cool! <TisM> This is just a channel for people who r on the mailing list <TisM> <Vort_X> don't worry bout it cyclonic. <TisM> This is just a channel for people who r on the mailing list <TisM> <Vort_X> don't worry bout it cyclonic. <^Medea^> cyclonic-hee hee...*kiss*  SURE! <Vort_X> oy. <KickiTT> wow, TISM's flooding their own channel! <cyclonic> Ta guys... <Vort_X> who would have guessed. * ^Medea^ laughs hysterically <Freshy1> well...I am not gonna be able to see this....it wont fucking work <Rooter> sh <Vort_X> quickly run around to a friends house freshy <KickiTT> Freshy, don't worry about it.  Real Video is dodgy at best. <Freshy1> I live 3 hrs east of melbourne <Freshy1> a bit hard <Vort_X> your only friend lives in melb? <Freshy1> it keeps saying cant buffer entire clip when I press play <Vort_X> what speed modem have ya got? <^Medea^> Freshy-Pull the little slider thingy at the top forward a bit... <Freshy1> 26400 it runs at <Vort_X> k. <Vort_X> who here is using realaudio over the live webpage? <^Medea^> VortX-huh? <kizmyaz> me. <kizmyaz> and it is silent. <Vort_X> are you actually using the realaudio prog...or just going to the webpage. <Freshy1> mine just goes to the page and nothing happens *** SinDrome_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I'm just running RV and IRC now.... <kizmyaz> i have the prog, but i am using it thru netscape.. *** elit3 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** blahss ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <kizmyaz> HELP! <^Medea^> WOW!  ih ave SOUND NOW! *smile*  Freshy!  TRY AGAIN! <Freshy1> I think I give up <cyclonic> oh man... <KickiTT> uh oh. . . <Vort_X> what cyc. <^Medea^> cyclonic-What is it baby? *smile* <Freshy1> it just wont work what ever I do <cyclonic> check one two ya'all!!!!!!!! *** elit3 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** blahss has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <Vort_X> fucking loosers. <^Medea^> hee hee! <cyclonic> sound is up...when it wants to... <KickiTT> This channel needs an op. . . <Vort_X> where did s/he go.they were here before. <cyclonic> i agree KickiTT <KickiTT> or it could get ugly <cyclonic> man my ISp is SLOOOWWWWWW..... <KickiTT> who you with cyclonic? <^Medea^> "The TISM Eye..." hee hee! *smile* *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <Vort_X> mine is soo fast. one of the fastest in Oz. an i work there...and have a FREE connection yayayayayay <Vort_X> i got that aswell. <cyclonic> local ISP in Fremantle, i'm in Perth....Nettrek Online Services..amybe its just the time of day too... *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** leet0 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** dds ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** elit3 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> Vort_x: lucky prick...*g* <Freshy1> I just got an eye up <^Medea^> Freshy-COOL!  You're catching up now! *smile* <cyclonic> golly we're an hour early <KickiTT> watch out - elit3 is the flooder. . . <Vort_X> i know.... him and blahss.. <Freshy1> this is dodgey <KickiTT> and dds *** Vort_X changes topic to 'T|SM - stagediving is strictly prohibited.' *** HNB ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> howdii. *** Freshy1 changes topic to 'realplayer is farkin' dodgey' <Vort_X> it aint that bad freshy <Freshy1> it hardly works here *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '' <cyclonic> Man, I wish I had Cable iNternet right now.. <Vort_X> working fine up here. <^Medea^> Freshy-Just keep running it a couple times...maybe even restart your RealPlayer! *shrug* *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1234' <^Medea^> cyclonic-Join the club! *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> i can see everyone will change the topic soon enough. <cyclonic> hee hee!!!! <Rooter> check it out *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** leet0 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** dds has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** FBF242 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** elit3 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** dds ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <KickiTT> fuckwits <^Medea^> Alright, this is just bloody annoying.... *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> fuck off leet, elit3, dds and all you other fuckwitz *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <cyclonic> KILL SINDROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <KickiTT> someone DEE *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> lol <KickiTT> Someone DCC this guy a virus *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> will you guyz fuck off... <HNB> funfunfun *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> everyone nuke the fucking flooders. *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (^Medea^) *** Retrieving #tismlive info... *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> WE NEED A FUCKING OP. *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> lol *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Fuck off SinDrome' * SinDrome_ laffs *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> hey kickett - Everyone join #tism - Kickett will Op. *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> piss these other guys off. *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (cyclonic) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome is a useless tosser' *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** PunkyFunk ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome-Kill Yourself now and avoid the rush' *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <KickiTT> Don't worry, I'm contacting the IRC server ops. . . *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <KickiTT> . . .as we chat *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome-Kill Yourself now and avoid the rush' *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> k. *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <^Medea^> Will someone please kill SinDrome? *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> lol *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> u cant gline me *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> and ircops dont run a OPer service here *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <PunkyFunk> hehe <SinDrome_> meaning they cant op u *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> PhEaR mY 313370 skiLLZ *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** dds has quit IRC (Leaving) <Freshy1> sindrome: what kicks are you gettijg from acting like a total tosser?? *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <Freshy1> sindrome: what kicks are you gettijg from acting like a total tosser?? *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <Vort_X> FUCK OFF YOU TRY HARD HACKERS. U CAN'T HACK A FUCKING VAX. * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLIVE *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <Vort_X> The 3l33t3 will fuck u over f00ls. * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout <SinDrome_> oh im just bored :-) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <SinDrome_> lol *** SinDrome_ has quit IRC (EOF From client) <TiSmLoVeR> thank god <Vort_X> my thoughts exactly. <^Medea^> THANK GOD! <KickiTT> this shit's gonna keep happening if we don't have an op in here <Vort_X> they'll be back. <TiSmLoVeR> how come no ops * ^Medea^ breathes a great sigh of relief *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Crisen> everyone needs to leavea <Crisen> and come back <Crisen> to get ops <Crisen> wich i think <Vort_X> i still say we all move to #tism. <cyclonic> hee hee!!! <Crisen> is gonna be imposible <Crisen> but that isnt advertised on the web site *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'Where are the ops?!' <Crisen> everyone will join here <Vort_X> bah..everyone just leave and join back in30 secs. *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Vort_X) <cyclonic> It shits me...but not as I shit me. <^Medea^> Damn straight baby...*smile* hee hee.... <KickiTT> That FunkyGroo guy was ops, but he left the channel *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> ^Medea^ my love...*s* * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic <Vort_X> come on guys....we gotta leave...they'll be back. *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <cyclonic> *s* *** SinDrome ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <^Medea^> Vort-XAnd where will we go?! I thought this is where the Q&A is gonna be! *** VoLt ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <SinDrome> now that i bo0t in my linux box <^Medea^> OH MY GOD HE'S BACK! *sigh* <SinDrome> jo0 gonn4 di3 <HNB> so how many peoples here are on the list? *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Move to #TISM if the flooders come back' <VoLt> whats up muther fucler <SinDrome> bitch :-) <SinDrome> ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] | <cyclonic> SInDrome must die! <VoLt> touch sindrome *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome is a useless tosser....' <VoLt> i fuck you all <VoLt> muther fuckers *** SinDrome has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (TiSmLoVeR) <Crisen> haha *** Netchick ([email protected]) has left #TISMLive (Netchick) *** SinDrome ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** VoLt changes topic to 'fuck wif sindrome you fuck wif me /ctcp volt version aww win95 muther fuckers it' *** SinDrome ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (SinDrome) <cyclonic> where do these dickheads come from anyway? <VoLt> austnet <VoLt> #nasa <VoLt> #r00t <VoLt> come test us muther fucker:) <VoLt> where is tism the lame fuckers *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I choose to let children play their games, while we adults, behave like adults. *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive <VoLt> cyclonic *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <VoLt> good kids have more power than you fucking lame ass's <VoLt> for instance <VoLt> who here can hack <VoLt> HACK *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Sindrome takes it up the ass' <Vort_X> me..why/... <Vort_X> yay...keep abusing syndrome voice over guy.. <cyclonic> With Volt giving it to Sindrome.. <kizmyaz> hqr? <VoLt> muwhahahahaha <kizmyaz> k-rad <VoLt> vort-x <VoLt> you can hack <VoLt> gr8 <VoLt> wait <VoLt> i got some lame shit <VoLt> real lame <KickiTT> Keep pounding Sindrome's ass, VoLt, do it HARD! <Vort_X> voice over guy..say hi to me... <VoLt> i will *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <^Medea^> If it's not on the mailing list it's in here! *giggle* <PunkyFunk> test *** tret ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> wicked! more sound!!! <FunkyGroo> test *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Sindrome takes it up the ass from VoLt' <TiSmLoVeR> test <Vort_X> yay.. <Vort_X> We HATE SinDrome.... <cyclonic> Ice Ice Baby!!! *** VoLt has quit IRC (PheaReD±v2.0:mIRC32: (r00teD) By VoLt) <Rooter> check it out Half Hour  .... * ^Medea^ giggles at cyclonic <cyclonic> TISM is our JISM!!!!!! <cyclonic> Vanilla Ice was cool... <KickiTT> Let the JISM fly!!! <cyclonic> *lmao* <KickiTT> All over the faces of the upper class!!!! * ^Medea^ has no comment... *** Crisen has quit IRC (_--=[ We Share Tha Same Planet ]=--_) <Vort_X> when Tism come on, will it be prerecorded....or what. <cyclonic> Yeah, get the levels mate!!! *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> The TISM is Live.  REAL LIVE <Vort_X> yahoo. *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> does any one really know *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> Its on peoples! *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** Freshy1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <FBF242> _ *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> I'm in the room now, the doors are about to be opened! <Vort_X> yayayayayayayayayayayay <cyclonic> FunkyGroo, legend!! <Vort_X> piss off ROOT u asshole... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <FunkyGroo> Yes people are entering! *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <tret> awwwwwww *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** tret is now known as VoLt <VoLt> g nuke him <VoLt> you lame win95 fuckers *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> i am to lame to teardrop you all or whatever *** hillary ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <kizmyaz> HEY! mac's bite. *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (cyclonic) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** barry2 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <FunkyGroo> 25 min. and counting down! *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** VoLt changes topic to 'tism sucks dick :)' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** the_fiend ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <the_fiend> whatta da fook? *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> kill rOOt *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'Flooders suck dick......' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <VoLt> muwhahahaha *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> kill him <boBenasnI> when will the live video start , exactly 6:30??????? *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> coolies baby.. <VoLt> ill teardrop smurf ping you all to death <VoLt> :) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** TiSmLoVeR changes topic to 'F.' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'Flooders are fucking cunts...' <cyclonic> I love these cunts who choose to fuck this shit up for every other cunt in the room... *** Kempo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> same <Vort_X> hey, FunkyGroo....whats happening...in there.. <FunkyGroo> it's starting nowish... <Kempo> Hey folks <the_fiend> geez can't we get an op here? <^Medea^> WOW!  SOUND! 8smile*  hee hee! <TiSmLoVeR> i'm coming back <KickiTT> FunkyGroo, it's not gonna start here without an op. . . <Vort_X> suggest they announce that the channel should be #tism.... <Vort_X> cause of fuckwitz like root. *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) <barry2> whover has ops, boot root_ <Vort_X> no-one does.... <Vort_X> funky....u did before didn't you.. <cyclonic> get a fucking op in here now and fuck rOOt off! <TiSmLoVeR> i'm getting live from real player,everyone else too <Kempo> Anyone not getting anything from the sandpit server? <^Medea^> Kempo!  I'm not!  i keep getting the damn server alert messaqge!  GRRR!!!!! <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *kiss* * ^Medea^ returns cyclonic's kiss *kiss* *HUGZ* <Kempo> Medea - same here. <TiSmLoVeR> i'm get video ,anyone else <Vort_X> yep. <Kempo> Nope <cyclonic> *s* <kizmyaz> kinda <hillary> yeah, i got it] * ^Medea^ crawls away and starts crying in the corner...this thing hates me! *sob* <TiSmLoVeR> this is m rated version <the_fiend> eugh guyz keep it of chan huh???? :) * Netchick will be back. <Kempo> Is anyone who has a 33.6K modem or less getting the video? *** Netchick ([email protected]) has left #TISMLive (Netchick) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> DAMN SLOW connection... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> kill root.... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <VoLt> muwhahaha <VoLt> how <VoLt> you all on win95 <Vort_X> fuck off Root..u aint smart... <VoLt> i only one with linux <VoLt> ill fuck you all up *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'r00t_ is a fucking cunt...' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> when you nuke me *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) * TiSmLoVeR takes out high powered rife and shoots him dead <Kempo> To all those who have video - are any of you on 33.6 modems or less? *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I cleared out of work early for this shit, fucking changed my life around for this one thing, and these fuckwits just wanna be smartarses...fuckwits! <^Medea^> WOO HOO! <Rooter> wow <Rooter> :) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) * TiSmLoVeR is 56 *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive * ^Medea^ slaps r00t_ around a bit with a large trout <VoLt> cyclonic <VoLt> time to die *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <TiSmLoVeR> but run at 33.6  tonight <VoLt> you also will need to reinstall windows <VoLt> what a day <hillary> Is anyone else just watching the video of the eye? <VoLt> time to die mtuher fucker *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> yep. <VoLt> vort-x *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <VoLt> you mirc user <VoLt> muwhahaha <kizmyaz> oh yeah. eye. <Kempo> Can't connect here. *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> BitchX kicks ass *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <TisM> the eye is the only thing that's there at the moment ........don't worry, we're coming your way real soon <Vort_X> yep..don't mess with me..... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <barry2> can't connect either * ^Medea^ beats VoLt over the head with a baseball bat...DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM! *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> ^Medea^ ta baby....*kiss* <VoLt> medea *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> i allready is checking *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> where is a fucking op for this room? *** ^d00bie^ (d00bie@dynamic92_7.riv.csu.edu.au) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> some one walk past camera *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <barry2> tismlover: have you been able to connect to the sandpit server? <TiSmLoVeR> yep <barry2> tismlover: what connection do you have? *** SamScrotu ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> cya fuckers *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> cya fuckers <VoLt> cya fuckers <^Medea^> Anyone else getting the server alert from their RealPlayer? <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <hillary> i'm getting the same video clip again <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <Vort_X> me too. <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <^Medea^> Wow...big words for a prick.... <KickiTT> i'm getting the video as well *** the_fiend has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <FunkyGroo> keep it up root and someone will boot you out the door *** hogie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> why don't someone do it now.. *** r00t_ has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ is now known as Uh1Qu6Gh2 *** cyclonic has quit IRC (Leaving) <VoLt> fuckers *** Victims ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** tattsmann has quit IRC (Leaving) <Victims> Hi All <Vort_X> howdy victims.. *** Kempo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <VoLt> blah <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** Kempo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> mwuahhahahahahaahahahah <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** Luke ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> got nothing to say now <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <kizmyaz> don't they have anything else to do? <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** Kempo ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Kempo) <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res * TiSmLoVeR thinks this just ad time for tism <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <kizmyaz> very odd. <PunkyFunk> Change Channel to #tismlive1 *** Uh1Qu6Gh2 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) * SamScrotu slaps Uh1Qu6Gh2 around a bit with a large trout <TiSmLoVeR> do you think we will really talk to them. <Vort_X> no..they won't be in here... *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive <cyclonic> back again.... *** the-fiend ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** the-fiend ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (the-fiend) *** hogie ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (hogie) *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Vort_X) *** Kempo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** Ron ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I need beer. *** VoLt ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (VoLt) <PunkyFunk> we got plenty here *** Bevan ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> good! <KickiTT> wow, the video again, how exciting. . . <KickiTT> <yawn> <Kempo> Whats with the vid - are they just repeating the music clip? <cyclonic> luv them beeps... *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Kempo> Everybody sing! * ^Medea^ giggles at cyclonic...hee hee! * TiSmLoVeR thinks all a great hoax,just like tiam * TiSmLoVeR oops Tism <Luke> who was at the gig on sunday? <^Medea^> I can't see nuthin yet! *pout* RP is being a cunt! *pout* <^d00bie^> same, same.. <TiSmLoVeR> was at saturadys in sydney <cyclonic> rebuffering... <^d00bie^> "your network bandwidth is not fast enough" <^Medea^> Doobie-Yep....same old shit! *sigh* <Luke> what can I do to increase my bandwidth? <^d00bie^> hey!! <kizmyaz> i am no longer getting eye <^d00bie^> i know.. <^d00bie^> go to the realplayer preferences... *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> Why are they playing the karaoke version??? <Luke> cool thanks <^d00bie^> and adjust the device you're using.. <Kempo> It's the Satan version! <^Medea^> there is a preferences on Realplayer? <^d00bie^> say, to a t1/LAN.. ;) *** barry2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <^d00bie^> mash control s <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** ^d00bie^ (d00bie@dynamic92_7.riv.csu.edu.au) has left #tismlive (^d00bie^) <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** Elvis2 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** BobbyJ has quit IRC (Leaving) <^Medea^> WOW!  Cool!  Thanks Doobie! *HUGZ TIGHTLY!* *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> its time ppls *** Elvis2 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Elvis2) *** Marshal_L ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> we'll be a tad late ppl. <FunkyGroo> You're also on the wrong channel *** Kempo ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Kempo) <Luke> who is the official name? <FunkyGroo> goto to #tismlive1 for the real stuff *** Topic is 'Goto #tism or #tismlive1 for the real channel. minus flooders.' <King_Buzz> whats going on? *** Luke ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> we're on #tismlive1, TISM won't be on this channel. MOVE IT *** Topic is 'http://www.tism.arc.net.au/live/live.html' *** Newbie is now known as barry1 *** Kittie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** TiSmLoVeR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <Netchick> Nothing is happening yet. *** woolfie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Kittie> I can't even get into it. <barry1> to all having probs with server message, start up RA and change the connection speed in the prefs to 33.6 or above *** barry1 is now known as barry <woolfie> >Adze <Kittie> So I should stop trying to view it in my browser? *** barry is now known as barry1 *** frog ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (kizmyaz) <PunkyFunk> ppl were now on #tismlive1 (/JOIN #tismlive1), that's where TISM will be too, real soon..., <PunkyFunk> ppl were now on #tismlive1 (/JOIN #tismlive1), that's where TISM will be too, real soon..., <Vort_X> ron would go for someone like that. <Vort_X> yay *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kempo> Whats the background sound? <Gregabyte> ok <Gregabyte> where the fuck am i?? <Gregabyte> hohoh <hogie> bl**dy net congestion <Vort_X> sounds like they're having a party <^Medea^> Is anyone else seeing jsut the eye right now or is it just me?! *smile* <ashley> in fuckhouse <the-fiend> bloody realplayer for macs!!!! <Victims> Hi All *** Retrieving #tismlive1 info... *** BobbyJ has quit IRC (Leaving) <the-fiend> hey victim <Gregabyte> lamers <Vort_X> howdy Victimes *** Marshal_L ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> (all your life.) <TiSmLoVeR> come on *** Luke ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Gregabyte has quit IRC (Dead Socket) <TiSmLoVeR> we want tism <TiSmLoVeR> we want tism *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> we want tism aswell... *** Rooter ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> who am i on this? <Freshy> my realplayer wont even work now <hillary> Are they at some release party??? <Luke> tism arer wankers clap clap clap clap clap *** HNB ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> same stupid name <Rooter> Ki Kate <PunkyFunk> the boys are running a little late folks stay cool <Kempo> Cool - they're playing the non-karakoe version at the lauch (hear it in the background?) <the-fiend> it'yay!!!!!!! <the-fiend> whoohoo!!!!!! <ashley> you fuckers <TisM> we're coming............hang on...........TISM are typically late *** Gregabyte ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Gregabyte has quit IRC (Leaving) <Vort_X> tism are always late... *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <hogie> i rushed home from work for this????? <the-fiend> yay big tism eye panel! (tm) *** bernard ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> if you play close attention you can hear the whole album folks... <Vort_X> so who can smuggle me into some of the sydney gigs? *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> yes. yes you did <vikingboy> yoo all tism dudes] <cyclonic> yee haa! <Freshy> i cant hear a fucking thing...or see a fucking thing <TiSmLoVeR> hey that sudday tism gig what did they wear...??? <Freshy> my realplayer wont work <Bevan> same as saturday <Kempo> And what was Sat? <TiSmLoVeR> boring <kizmyaz> mine either, and i know it ain't my blessed gumputer *** Newbie ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLIVE1 <Elvis2> what happened to tism live <HNB> yeah...what IS thew going costume these days? <hillary> white suits, bondage masks *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> not bondage... <Kempo> Yup - same as Brisbane. <the-fiend> trust me.... not bondage.... <FunkyGroo> tismlive was mail-bombed <Elvis2> damn <^Medea^> Freshy-on RealPlayer choose "FILE" and Preferences and change the connection from 28.8 to T1/LAN! *** Alex1 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> 23 second rebuffering!!!!?????? <Bevan> same as syney too, if those photos are right <cyclonic> ^Medea^ my love...*kiss* <Kempo> How many times did Ron get unmaksed down south?  3 times in Bris, plus another one who I was not sure of. <Rooter> heheh Kate is Great <Kempo> Yahoo <^Medea^> cyclonic my love! *HUG* <the-fiend> not again! guyz! <Vort_X> can anyone in here get to the mike to say hello to me.. * ^Medea^ showers cyclonic with kisses *KISS* *KISS* *KISS* *KISS* <PunkyFunk> you don't know how good I am yet .... *** King_Buzz ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 * the-fiend throws bucket o cold water on med and cyc <cyclonic> ^Medea^...marry me.... * ^Medea^ blushes fiercly.... *** Alex1 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (Alex1) <TiSmLoVeR> even a test would be good to see if it is really happen <^Medea^> Think we can get Ron to marry us online?! *smile*  *KISS* hee hee! *** prouty ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> ta fiend! that'll slow the effects of the alcohol... <Freshy> thanks! <Freshy> its working <the-fiend> i'd hate to see you two doing it in a real mosh pit...... *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (vikingboy) *** MarkandCo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Acehole ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> Yes....the fiend, we've been discussing that actually.. * ^Medea^ nudges the-fiend <boBenasnI> FUCK , im gonna have to restart my computer *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) <Kempo> Is anyone else's audio fading? <the-fiend> noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! <bernard> our modem is too slow for visuals. suckersssss <the-fiend> dear gohd! <Rooter> Currently over 500 connected to the Real Video <the-fiend> :) <hogie> nice head <^Medea^> hee hee! <the-fiend> you sick littel monkies! <Luke> yeah my audio is fading too <Freshy> a lot of net congestion <cyclonic> the fiend:it'd be good actually.... <hillary> yeah heaps on congestion <Freshy> and rebuffering all the time <SamScrotu> I get about two seconds of sound followed by 10 seconds of silence while it rebuffes *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kempo> Ta Luke. *** guy-from- ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <^Medea^> kiss* *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> u guys have slooow connections i bet... <Acehole> so when is tism getting here <cyclonic> ^Medea^ bye my love.. <Freshy> how can u fix the re buffering problem? <Kempo> I'm getting constant audio, but vid is about 1 frame/10 seconds. <the-fiend> di see a sort of a head!!!! *** guy-from- is now known as eggy <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <kizmyaz> 56k, thnks very much <Kempo> Then again, I am on the same backbone (connect.com.au) <the-fiend> damn this net thing! <kizmyaz> clap <Freshy> we want our ball back <bernard> you drink milk from a saucer you pussies <Freshy> the sound is crappy <eggy> fucking hell, it keeps dying <hogie> some time this week....fellas *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <vikingboy> hjeard thatone before bernard <SamScrotu> vid 1 frame/ 10 seconds? I thought it was still picture! <Vort_X> funky..are you there with tism? <eggy> So haave they answered any questions or what? <Kempo> HOGIE: This week?  You're mistaken - next week! <cyclonic> I think they needed a faster server.. *** Clemash ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** the-fiend changes topic to 'no tism.... yet!' <King_Buzz> scrotum <PunkyFunk> funkys still here tism aren't yet <Luke> I suggest we all quit typing and wait for an official wanker <Ron> MUA Here to stay <vikingboy> tism...tis...tism... <^Medea^> Freshy-Did you get what I said about the RealPlayer?  Did it work? *** the-fiend changes topic to 'soon people soon... learn to wait...' *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <bernard> start the chant 'tism are fucked' <the-fiend> dang this rebuffering shit. is that us or them? <^Medea^> bernard-We're fucked for sitting here waiting for them! <Elvis2> "tism are zero" <cyclonic> might rush back to tismlive for a sec... <Acehole> elvis is dead my friend <Acehole> and he aint comin' back <Elvis2> maybe <Elvis2> or is he a member of TISM <the-fiend> same will be said about you in a minute.... <boBenasnI> THIS IS FUCK , i saw that guy doing sound checks , i saw that eye thing , and now when its live im getting fucken error messages <hogie> tism members aren't that fat <vikingboy> In not getting anything on video...says cpu not quick enough or server too slow...darn <eggy> Fuck my stupid browser~ <eggy> ! <Vort_X> mines working fine.... <boBenasnI> mine too <Elvis2> mine too <Vort_X> they better be on soon... <cyclonic> Elvis and Meatloaf we're the inspiration behind KFC all-you-can-eat bars... <hogie> mine too <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <boBenasnI> but im on a Pentium II 266 <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <the-fiend> elvis what can you see? <Doombu> so what sort of video we expecting? <MarkandCo> fuck this <Vort_X> x-files are on at 8:30..panel on at 9:30 and i don't wont the miss them both... <Ron> I'm a YOB <FunkyGroo> hehe <vikingboy> 486 dx666.. guess i should upgrade <Newbie> to all having probs with server message, start up RA and change the connection speed in the prefs to 33.6 or above <Elvis2> stll screen people walk in front occaisonally) <King_Buzz> They played it before *** ashley has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Newbie is now known as barry1 <FunkyGroo> fiosssssss <the-fiend> thats wednesday you stupid plonker.. it's tuesday..... *** TiSmLoVeR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** MarkandCo has quit IRC (well this went well - see y'all on the crap list) <FunkyGroo> petera <Vort_X> oh year.... <FunkyGroo> has <the-fiend> hey barry <Vort_X> but at this rate..we may miss them anyway.. <Vort_X> fuck..i need to cut down on the drugs. *** barry1 is now known as barry <FunkyGroo> has tism ever done an "unplugged" gig? <hogie> anyone get the feeling this is another patented TISM joke <the-fiend> that's what i always laguhed at.... i'm on *the* drug <Freshy> it was nice and quiet ;) <Acehole> or an "unmasked" gig <the-fiend> when it was about twenty.... <bernard> yeah Vort X doesn't that shit you - over before they appear *** barry is now known as barry1 <eggy> there would be no sound! <Luke> yeah, tism guarentee all their drum machines are plugged in <King_Buzz> I agree with Hogie I think they are taking the piss. <Doombu> while we're all sitting here, tism is stealing our women at the bar <HNB> tism w/out masks is like KISS w/out make-up *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (kizmyaz) <the-fiend> they probably weren't but they are now that it's not working.... <cyclonic> this is a joke.....they're taking the piss as usual... <the-fiend> make a joke out of how much bandwidth was wasted... <bernard> where's Lachy <Vort_X> still on #tismlive using Macbain <Doombu> I mean, who does a live broadcast over a 1200 baud modem <Vort_X> TISM <Victims> Lachy's a wanker! <cyclonic> WHERE'S LACHY!!!!!!!!!!!! *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (BobbyJ) <^Medea^> Anything interesting happening yet? <FunkyGroo> I have never seen johnny farnham and ron together at the same time??? <HNB> lachlan's prolly at home in beddy-byes <Luke> I heard laughter on the last rp bit I got?! <hogie> my ip provider has a 200MB limit, I think i am now up to 2GB.... <cyclonic> ^Medea^ tongue kiss........ *** Kempo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Elvis2> Lochy's gone home - he was just setting it up for mne <eggy> this sucks! <Vort_X> i got me a free connection + unlimited downloads...kewl. <Freshy> this must have cost TISM a fortune to do <vikingboy> did you all see the pics on the web page... sent them one of ron unmasked also though they didnt put it up... <KickiTT> damn Leo, get a room!  :) <hogie> my cats breath smells like cat food * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic deeply <boBenasnI> so is this eye im seeing the live shit?????? <the-fiend> nah they convince some isp that as a one off promotional thing and get the record company to pay.... <^d00bie^> ja, it is.. *** Planet_N ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> vikingboy...send it to me...the pic of ron that is. <the-fiend> poor shock. <cyclonic> KickiTT :)..sorry!!! *** Kittie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <KickiTT> actually, no, let's get some cybersex action going in channel! <FunkyGroo> tism seem to have taken the wank theme to their heart, is this a statment on old age? *** Oxx ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Planet_N> Is there a problem at the moment? <^Medea^> Viking-OOH!  Send it to me! <eggy> so is this realplayer image i'm seeing the live shti?? *** prouty has quit IRC (Leaving) <hillary> so far yes eggy <eggy> hey it's an eye! isn't that a drawing from the comic? <bernard> it cost fuck all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <PunkyFunk> no problem... tism are just running a little late .... stay cool ... <Kittie> Wow, you get to see it? <^Medea^> bo-Yeah..I guess!  Does it say live in the top right corner? <Freshy> its the banner that was at the merchandise stand <hogie> vikingboy, if you are in the sending mood, send me a copy of that pic.... <cyclonic> hell, KickiTT thats a good idea! They're all probably here watching, so lets give TISm a show! <^d00bie^> c'mon, at least make the picture fucking move :) <eggy> punkyfunk > what is your real name? <^d00bie^> or interesting.. *** reddy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** tattsmann has quit IRC (Leaving) <FunkyGroo> who makes those fab threads? <Planet_N> Is anyone else not able to connect to the host? <eggy> oh the picture moves a little bit <Kittie> I can't <the-fiend> yeah lets show them! lets all git nekid and fuck and not talk to them!!!!! <King_Buzz> Hurry the fuck up Tism I unplugged my mothers life support system for this <eggy> if this doesn't get interesting... <Vort_X> yeeeehaaaaa <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <the-fiend> or maybe not.... ;) <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <KickiTT> Kingbuzz  LOL! <^d00bie^> it's an eye.... *** reddy ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (reddy) <Vort_X> i unplugged my lifesupport for this. <^d00bie^> hang on.. *** frog ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive1 <^d00bie^> where'd it go? <Planet_N> Luke: Were you at the Brisbane concert?  ;-) <Luke> who was at the gig on sunday, you might have seen me <^d00bie^> it changed color.. <King_Buzz> Lol? <Luke> yes i was <^Medea^> Hmmmm...... <the-fiend> aieeee!!!! such newbies.... <FunkyGroo> so, who makes your fab fucking threads? <^d00bie^> someone's got their hand over the lense.. <Victims> is anyone logged into this channel actually at the site where the netcast is being held from? <Vort_X> they should be on real soon <boBenasnI> i have a question for tism or anyone else: IS MARALYN MANSON THE PAUL GUY FROM 'the wonder years'????? <Luke> and the melb one on sunday <the-fiend> laughing out loud...... <cyclonic> I unplugged something for this.....can't remember what it was tho... <Kittie> LOL = "Laughing Out Loud" * PunkyFunk slaps eggy around a bit with a large trout <the-fiend> no!!! no he fucking isnt!!!!!! <bernard> i got a babysitter for this <King_Buzz> cool <hogie> thanks vikingboy!!!!! <the-fiend> maryljust a loser.... <TisM> Hi everyone.............we're coming at you in about 5 minutes <Doombu> I took the night off work to watch this <the-fiend> yay! <Kittie> Okay. <PunkyFunk> we're sitting in the room where the guys will be real soon   <Elvis2> beliebe that when we see it TISM * the-fiend does dance of happy tism <eggy> about fucking time! <vikingboy> ya getting it vortx <eggy> im' gonna get grounded if my dad gets home =( *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> yeah <eggy> awwwwwwww! <the-fiend> gah! my realplayer isn't connecting! <PunkyFunk> stay cool and maybe you will see it <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <eggy> and im sippossed to be in bed at 930!! <Planet_N> Is ANYONE getting constant audio? <Kittie> Thanks for the tip, whoever said to go into their prefs and change the bandwidth.   I can see now! <Elvis2> no <the-fiend> let alone vid. <eggy> ?NNNNN0 * ^Medea^ apologixes to KickiTT....*smile* <Bevan> yes <Elvis2> vid OK - audio scratchy <Vort_X> thanks Viking... <cyclonic> not getting any vid... <the-fiend> i got picci! yay! <eggy> i see the fac moving a bit... <King_Buzz> *wanks* <Vort_X> greatshot...why didn't they publish *** barry1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <^d00bie^> mooooooooove the camera so i can see that it's working!!!! * the-fiend wanks harder <KickiTT> That's ok Medea, keep going, I think we need to liven up the channel a bit. . .! *** Ron has quit IRC (Leaving) *** RonBarass has quit IRC (Leaving) <Kittie> From <barry1> to all having probs with server message, start up RA and change the connection speed in the prefs to 33.6 or above <cyclonic> smiles at KickiTT, then rushes over and gropes ^Medea^ <Luke> I have given up on Rp too slow *** Acehole has quit IRC (Even the blind can see the degeneration of our society) <Victims> any of the North <the-fiend> i have it set for lan... what the hell.... <^Medea^> Whoa!  The eye is all blurred...I'm either stoned, drunk, both, or the connection is buggered... <Victims> any of the North Americans from crap@suburbia here? <Vort_X> we have a head <KickiTT> A HEAD!  A HEAD! <Elvis2> whoa <Luke> planet_N see me on Priv channel <bernard> can i take my ecky yet? <Vort_X> yay <^d00bie^> and shoulders.. * ^Medea^ looks around...wy is it so quiet in here people? <^d00bie^> g'wan, look at the camera and wave, ya know ya wanna..... *** reddy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <Vort_X> large void between us Medea <Kittie> Because it's 3:50 in the damn morning for me.... <the-fiend> brave soul.... <Bevan> nar-har <KickiTT> Kittie - now that's dedication for ya <boBenasnI> WHERE ARE YOU KITTIE?????/ *** HNB has quit IRC (Leaving) <cyclonic> i'm a yob.... <Bevan> i'm a wanker * Kittie is a stupid American in Duh Moinez, Iowa <King_Buzz> Ima fucking cunt <Bevan> buts thats neither her nor there <Vort_X> i'm a cunt *** mashers ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> OOOOppppppps RP just died... <Doombu> I drive a truck <hogie> get out the way *** woolfie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Luke> Punkyfunk how are they going, there yet? <TiSmLoVeR> whois that man? *** GrrrRich ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Planet_N> I'm interested in apathy <the-fiend> i'm a yo!bker <Elvis2> me too <King_Buzz> I'll 'Ave ya <FunkyGroo> turn up your simulcast and hear the album folks!  (And a whole lot of murky shmoozing.) <Freshy> they are probably not even gonna turn up <Luke> I was interested by now I wont bother *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> So am I? <boBenasnI> imy dads a builder *** frog is now known as Kelpie242 <Elvis2> my dad's a plumber <Planet_N> I'm a bogan baby, always was... <hogie> if your creative get f**ked <cyclonic> his friends are plumbers... <the-fiend> dang still got another thirty to get rid of before comfort level kicks in... <Vort_X> i'm getting cancer....and u can get fucked. <Elvis2> they're getting cancer <woolfie> I'm interested in Springvale? *** chubby ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <King_Buzz> This is serious mum hurry the fuck up <the-fiend> oh say fucked you fucker! *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <bernard> sound like some 70's glam band <boBenasnI> imagine how i felt....... <Rooter>  Kate Kate kiss Me Kate <vikingboy> you can get stuffed <eggy> theres a guy! <TiSmLoVeR> wonder if PETER Rieth is here <FunkyGroo> can I swear too you cunts? <Kelpie242> Is any1 else get image yet? <Elvis2> screen's gone black <woolfie> If you're creative! <TisM> ok everyone here we go.............ready ??? <TisM> Hello, <TisM> My name is David Williams and I'm the head of Shock Records. <TisM> I'd like to warmly welcome you all along to this evenings function, the launch of the brand new TISM album, www.tism.wanker.com. <hogie> not the video again... <TisM> I'd like to explain a little of how this evening will work. <TisM> We will have TISM here live at the Hi Fi Bar and virtually present at both Well Connected in Glebe and on your computer screen. *** Clemash has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Kittie> Shit.  It moves, at least, then it bufferes some more. <TisM> TISM will NOT answer any question put to them verbally. Some hundreds of questions have been emailed prior to tonights event and we welcome questions via the terminals here at the Hi Fi bar and at Well Conn <cyclonic> yipee!! <FunkyGroo> Here comes David Williams.... <bernard> yeah Peter where the fuck are you. YOU CUNT <Freshy> i wonder if Rex Hunt is there <PunkyFunk> you're such as dag sometimes pete <eggy> thanks, Tism. we appreciate <Vort_X> yay <KickiTT> who's this freak? <Vort_X> hello person *** bernard was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) *** HNB ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <hogie> 'bout friggin time... <Elvis2> let's go <Kittie> Hey!  Dammit!  I didn' think of any questions! <Vort_X> davide <^Medea^> WOO HOO! <eggy> some dude is in fron't of the camera! move ya butthead! <hogie> ron's looking pretty sick... *** bernard ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <woolfie> Where can I get batteries for my TISM brain mask? <Vort_X> hahaha <Kittie> I've never even seen this group.... <hogie> he said wanker... <eggy> i heard some music. wow <vikingboy> yeah doesnt he <woolfie> Missin out buddie! <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *kiss* my love... <Vort_X> he said .com <eggy> well tism where are ya? * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic <TisM> We welcome questions also from those of you propped in front of your screens at home. All questions have equal priority however TISM will answer only the questions they feel loike answering, if any at all. <KickiTT> Who the fuck are you, baldy man?  That's my question! *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Elvis2> yay <Vort_X> it's david...someone.. *** ms ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <boBenasnI> who's the suit <hogie> he said that but i didn't see himtype it.... <HNB> isn't he the head of shock? <Kittie> Oh.  Okay.  THanks, TISM <eggy> um, will you Pre -1986 albums ever be released <woolfie> Go ronnie boy! <Vort_X> TISM - We Love Jack Holt...we know who u are. <^Medea^> President of Shock Records.PAY ATTENTION! <Luke> it's not carl thats for sure <TisM> It has now been three years since the last TISM album, Machiavelli and the Four Seasons was released. An enormously successful album, Machiavelli is now just short of Platinum and TISM are firmly established as Shock's most popular act. Following a series of tours and a years hibernation TISM started work on their Magnum Opus. The record TISM presented six months ago featured a new socially aware TISM. The message this new sharing, caring TISM seem <Elvis2> magnum opus? <KickiTT> Is that Jack's dad???? <Vort_X> his mum. <hogie> how does he do that??? <eggy> vort_X si fucking what, don't diss em <boBenasnI> Shock musnt have many good acts <TisM> TISm have returned with an album that delivers 100%. www.tism.wanker.com is chock full of wanking, rooting and gratuitous foul language - a certified hit! <TisM> So there you have it...not so much the sound of one hand clapping as the sound of one hand cupping, then sliding up inside the shirt to the armpit when the air is expelled in a frenzy of orgasmic delight. I give you the true men of the nineties, Ron Hitler Barassi and Humphrey B. Flaubert, please welcome TISM! *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> yay! <KickiTT> YES YES YES!!!!!!!! <Elvis2> yay <hogie> he said rooting * KickiTT claps furiously <Freshy> wooohooo * ^Medea^ laughs hysterically WOOOOOO HOOOOOO! <Vort_X> he said they were men <woolfie> What about my brain mask! I need batteries! <cyclonic> welcome TISM...and witness some cybersex if you dare..*smiling at ^Medea^ *** vikingboy has quit IRC (Leaving) <Vort_X> into the mike boys <TisM> give us your questions now. <cyclonic> sorry... * ^Medea^ *~winks~* at cyclonic <Vort_X> TISM: where's Jack Holt <the-fiend> brb <boBenasnI> why do they have things on their heads???? <Vort_X> aks Joch Cheese <Kittie> How many different csotumes have you guys gone through? <FunkyGroo> your costumes are brill - who makes your threads?? <woolfie> What sort of batteries fit my TISM brain mask? <Freshy> how did u guys get started? <hogie> they have the same amount of hair as the baldy man <eggy> Will your PRE 1986 albums be released! and where they ever released like some wanker told me. <Doombu> how do a bunch of clueless turds from Springvale make albums like yours? <KickiTT> gET FUCKED BALDY MAN! <Kittie> Is anyone taping this? *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> i'm not taping. <FunkyGroo> Is it true that tism wank on stage? <Elvis2> is the red-head the leader? <bernard> it's like rock & roll wrestling <eggy> KickiTT if it weren't for the baldy man, tism wouldn't be, most likely <hogie> are you guys planning to come to perth <woolfie> I was born in Springvale mutherfucker! *** the_fiend ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <^Medea^> HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN ALL THE AMATEUR TISM SITES ON THE NET YET??!? <the_fiend> ahhhh  much better <Vort_X> TISM: Wheres JACK. <KickiTT> Communicate this, Humphrey! <Kittie> I heard Ron stripped nekid at a concert recently.... * KickiTT grabs his crotch <Luke> shut up and let them talk you yobs! <Vort_X> flash us RON <boBenasnI> FUCK NET CONGESTION <TiSmLoVeR> have you been in any other movie that holiday on the river yarra *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kelpie242> What made you want to work with James Cameron on TITANIC? <woolfie> It true! Mr forskin <hogie> answer the god damn questions!!!!!! * ^Medea^ slaps PunkyFunk around a bit with a large trout <eggy> IS THE ADELAIDE SHOW ALL AGES?????!?!? PLEASE MAKE IT ALL AGES! AND I DO NOT MEAN THE ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW, I MEAN YOUR PERFORMANCE WITH THE GURG. <cyclonic> *lmao* quiet guys, their brain cpacity can't handle all these Q's... <^Medea^> OOPS!  Sorry! PunkyFunk! that was meant for Kickitt! <boBenasnI> are you going back on HEy HEy Its Saturday <the_fiend> bad boy bugbby! get with it tismlover!!! <Luke> shut up! <Vort_X> my realaudio just fucked up. <TiSmLoVeR> sorry <hogie> are you guys planning on coming to perth?????????? <eggy> will the machiavelli video ever come out? <Kelpie242> What was the best thing about Kate Winslett? <hogie> yes we have you toss <FunkyGroo> where's the cow? <Kelpie242> Is it true Leonardo DeCaprio is bald? <boBenasnI> IS THAT TONY MARTIN?????????? <the_fiend> WHAT THE HELL IS A CLICKCLACK!!!!!!!!!! <hogie> yay baldy man *** powa1 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <TisM> Is it true that tism wank on stage? Dear sir / madam, but we all know it's sir.... <Vort_X> Are you doing any All ages gigs <boBenasnI> it sounded like TONY MARTIN <Kittie> Unfortunately, I'm missing all the commentary.... <eggy>  click, click , click , click, click, click <King_Buzz> Do some people want to get off so I can enjoy this? <eggy> thats basically a click track <Freshy> I hope Mick Molloy turns up *** powa1 is now known as wellonnec <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *kiss* <TisM> What made you want to work with James Cameron on TITANIC? Leonardo Di Caprio reminds me creepily of Burt Newton <hogie> is a poof <Rooter> Liven it up Guys c heck it out ! * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic <woolfie> can you say hello to the sydney well connected cafe please? <eggy> heheh! that was funny <KickiTT> Ron, why do you bleach your hair? <Vort_X> shut up wankers <Rooter> rooster today feather duster tommorow ! <KickiTT> Ron, why do you bleach your hair? <eggy> Can you please tell eggy's dad to fuck off ?? he's a fucking wanker. <^Medea^> WOO HOO! BEN! *smile*  HA HA HA! <Vort_X> they said my name <Kittie> So, are the ski masks the favourite outfit? <hogie> how do they manage to type the answer before they say it?? <KickiTT> Go the VORT! *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (BobbyJ) * TiSmLoVeR do have flim contacts <Victims> Did you like your Victims t-shirt Ron? <Rooter> Kate Kate Kiss Me ! <hillary> Is this your most pathetic promotional stunt so far? <TisM>  will the machiavelli video ever come out? Dear eggy, you're obviously aware of the latent homosexuality  of the Machiavelli video, clearly the Machiavellie video will come out only when Wayne Carey does *** fgjmtgfu ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> go on Ron strip for us... <Vort_X> go on <FunkyGroo> why have john farnham and ron never been seen in the same room together? *** reddy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> Are you guys on the mailing list? <Vort_X> please u sussies. <KickiTT> Are you guys on the mailing list? * Kittie wishes she were at work on her t1 connection.... *** the-fiend has quit IRC *** Oxx has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> what are your favourite colours? <KickiTT> Do you guys read the mailing list? *** fgjmtgfu is now known as Flaubert *** sdw ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Luke> hey tism what did you think of the wanker down the front on sunday with the mask on? <eggy> What happened to the Junk mail list!!!! i haven't got anything for ages? <KickiTT> Do you guys read the TISM mailing list? <cyclonic> *lmao* <the_fiend> my god. i heard three words then... <Freshy> hey TISM: how did u guys get started?? <chubby> my god i heard 4 <King_Buzz> Stop fucking with the camera it is fucking up the RA <eggy> is this being filmed for video release? <Flaubert> Did you achieve your proficiency with proper nouns through reading book sleeves? <KickiTT> Do you guys read the TISM mailing list? <hogie> do you guys plan on comming to perth in the near future?????????????????????????/ <woolfie> is it true you're touring with Regurgitator in July <^d00bie^> do you think i might be a cunt but im not a fucking cunt should be aired on commercial radio, or should it continue with it's low-key airtime as budget restaurant elevator music? <^Medea^> KEEP THE CAMERA STILL! <KickiTT> Ron, why do you bleach your hair? *** Acehole ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <TisM>  Do some people want to get off so I can enjoy this? Dear King Buzz, what is your home phone number Wayne Careys is 6666 <Kittie> I've been on the mailing list for three days, don't really read it.... <Luke> shut up everyone and let them answer! *** james ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <woolfie> would you rather be wrestlers or rock stars <FunkyGroo> Why is my primary school (Amstel Primary) on the cover of Beasts of Suburban? <eggy> WILL THE ADELAIDE CONCERT BE ALL AGES? * ^Medea^ is pissing herself laughing on the floor <cyclonic> TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? <eggy> please answer =( <RonBarass> how's your relationship eith Ken Done? <Vort_X> will sydnet be all ages <hillary> Is this your most pathetic promotional stunt so far? <Kittie> SHIT.  Real Player just crashed.... <eggy> is anyone getting a constant stream? of audio at least? <Vort_X> Strip ron u bastard <Elvis2> yes, but vid has become a still <chubby> i from alternate base radio show and we are goning to play your new single on our show in sydney <Luke> tism! what did you think of the wanker down the front on sunday with the mask on? <KickiTT> YEAH RON, STRIP <^Medea^> RON!!! GET NAKED!!!! <james> fuck off <KickiTT> STRIP RON!!! <james> fuck off *** Pagan ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <james> fuck off <KickiTT> FUCKING FLASH THAT SCHLONG! <james> fuck off <Vort_X> Strip ron u lanky sussy bastard <james> fuck off <Acehole> 9TISM 9HAVE 9YOU 9CONSIDERED 9A 9STRIP 9SHOWS? <james> fuck off *** james was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <james> fuck off <cyclonic> I'm getting naked with ^Medea^..... <hogie> james you toss <FunkyGroo> Are TISM plannning to tour the rootin' usa? someday soon. *** james ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <woolfie> do your mums go to the shows, or are they too ashamed <KickiTT> JIGGLE THAT SCROTUM, RON! <Kittie> Why in the WORLD do you want him to strip so badly? * ^Medea^ slaps james around a bit with a large trout *** james was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <boBenasnI> WHY DONT THEY SHOW THIS ON TV *** james ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <eggy> Is HBF really in fact Elliot Goblet?? * ^Medea^ giggfles at cyclonic.... <woolfie> pleeeeaaasee tell me who you are.... <james> how long must a mans legs be? <Acehole> lol <TisM> how do they manage to type the answer before they say it?? Dear Hogie, There is a metafictional element to this - like the Mavis's   ( the Mavii) we break the rules. Here we're talking thru' a modern technology and yet in many ways via a traditional form. <Kelpie242> I don't want to see Ron strip <reflective pause> Or do I? *** Netchick ([email protected]) has left #TISMLive1 (Netchick) *** nelson ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <vikingboy> is the cover of fucking cunt single taken from the mimi wideo?? <Acehole> bwwwhaha <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <the_fiend> ok in case no one has annoticed they are talking to the camersa!!!! not on the chan.... <cyclonic> cyclonic giggles at Medea....kisses her.. <Luke> hey tism, since I am the only one asking the questions! <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <james> bwwwbha <KickiTT> RON NAKED *** vikingboy was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <Rooter> Where's Devo <KickiTT> RON'S SCHLONG *** Joe^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 * ^Medea^ slaps Vort_X around a bit with a large trout <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <james> we want ron naked <Rooter> Are we Not Men <woolfie> no, NO we don't want Ron Naked - haven't we seen it all before? <Elvis2> were you inspired by the Mimi vide? <^Medea^> CHILL VORT!   *** Vort_X was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <Rooter> Mongoloid <james> no <KickiTT> We are TISM <Luke> what did you think of the wanker down the front at sundays gig? <Kittie> Can he still answer questions and be nekkid at the same time? <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <james> he's a wanker <Luke> with the mask on *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kelpie242> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? *** Joe^ is now known as revulva *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <james> no <eggy> are you going to type answers? some of us can''t here you <james> yes <james> no <GrrrRich> come on, admit that your public performances are psychosexual at heart, tism <james> yes <james> arrrrgggggghhhhh <Planet_N> Why do I get the feeling they're only asking questions from people at a certain cyber cafe, and not the email questions? <woolfie> are you really devo and that's why you wear the masks? <Flaubert> TISM, do you realise that the people who are typing the questions can't see the answers to those questions? <Doombu> I just want to know what drugs Tism take <KickiTT> RON, CAN YOU SLEEP WITH MY SISTER??? <Kittie> I don't think they can spell, can they? <james> devgo *** BULO ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? <HNB> who do i have to root to get backstage? <FunkyGroo> after the great job you did with Les Murray, whose nationality will you now question? <Acehole> 0,1TISM 0,1SAY 0,1MY 0,1NICK!!!! 0,1ON 0,1THE VIEW <TisM>  hey tism what did you think of the wanker down the front on sunday with the mask on? I spent a lot of time with that wanker andI found him to be a most misunderstood person.When he raised his middle finger at the band he was signifying the music indutrys attitude to what essentially is a joke . When he yelled suck the turds out of ,my dogs arse. he was signifying that he was an executive in the music industry. <TisM> Yours sincerely Kylie Mingue <the_fiend> this better go on the site... that's all i say.... <Kittie> I don't think they do drugs... I think they're fucked up on their own. * ^Medea^ is rolling on the floor laughing her ass off...and naked with cyclonic.... <KickiTT> HUMPHREY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY WEB PAGE???? <Vort_X> Ron don't root my dog again..i'll call the cops. * hillary asks Will TISM every write another book? <GrrrRich> and that your tight sweaty masks are a suggestion of you fetish for sheep in lycra <KickiTT> RON, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY WEB PAGE??? <boBenasnI> THIS IS SHIT *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) * TiSmLoVeR wants to know if you are going to be in any movies or your songs <revulva> Considering the hidden nature of your bonces and the obvious corollary that can, and is, drawn to Kiss, why are you not humgous worldwide with a range omerchandise that rivals Spice? <eggy> tism. why are their '9' aliaes, 7 members, and 3 (usually two) representatives? Is it something to do with your pacemakers, giving in? <Vort_X> stay away from my dog <james> yes this is shit *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> is it true Keanu Reeves went to your sydney gig to kick the shit out of you after the River Phoenix song? <james> no <Luke> hey guys TISM guess what the wanker was me! yes I had that mask on and I'm proud! <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SLOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <the_fiend> TISM! WHAT IS A CLICK CLACK? <Flaubert> If religion is the opiate of the people are you the suppository of the rock world? <Kittie> Are there only two members in this group?  Of do I need a faster connection? <cyclonic> cyclonic is Laughing his arse out naked with ^Medea^ <vikingboy> do you guys use an atari st *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Kelpie242> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? <nelson> we have vision of you unmasked in an airport. what will you pay us to keep your identities secret?? *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <nelson> from lachie's spies <Vort_X> Where's Jock Cheese - screwing ya mothers..tsktsk Jack. *** RonBarass has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Elvis2> Will there be any live performance tonight, or just Q&A? <TisM>  do you think i might be a cunt but im not a fucking cunt should be aired on commercial radio, or should it continue with it's low-key airtime as budget restaurant elevator music? Dear Doobie, we feel that our single I Might Be A Cunt but No t a fucking cunhas been misinterpterpretted. We also feel that if you're called Doobie, what do you call your pets?? <james> 54321 <woolfie> how much longer do you plan to keep the masks on? <Flaubert> If I were a carpenter and you were my lady, would you marry me anyway? <KickiTT> TISM, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF LACHLAN McMEAD? <eggy> what happened to tony coitus? <james> steps *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive1 <Vort_X> Lachys a spank. *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** CL0SeY ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kittie> I would think they'd wear the masks the whole interview.  Slipknot has to. <woolfie> will you ever do the kiss unmasked tour <nelson> i see your I Might Be A Cunt video on Channel V all the time and it rocks *** BoBcat ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <james> does this actually have a purpose *** lakepipe ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? *** nelson is now known as dork <james> schlong <BULO> Why feral roadie bother <Luke> TISM please promise me one thing! <james> Take me now Ron <revulva> Do you feel that the material you have produced over the last album and (one assumes) over this record, a 'masses' version of the earlier, 'undergraduate shit you were producing on GTS'OTrenaissance, Hot Dogma, et al? <woolfie> channel V rool.... is it true you're doing The Joint on May 28 <eggy> who is singing on that bonus track from the boxset.. it is a girl in a toilet.. was she in TISM? <FunkyGroo> have any corporate sheep been offended in the making of your jackets? <Flaubert> Can any of you type answers or have you become converts to complete visuality? <Vort_X> if it's TISM root... <Kelpie242> In the soon to be released TV movie TISM: Never tell me don't cum, what do you think of Charles Bud Tingwell's performance as Ron? <Flaubert> Is visuality a word? <Luke> Don't ever reveal youselves it will DESTROY everthing you stand for! <chubby> we are from alternate base radio in sydney and we want to play your single up here in syd <Rooter> wowow <james> only wankers call themselves james <Rooter> heheh *** lakepipe is now known as sohardoh <Rooter> :) <Vort_X> do you want the .bmp i got of ron unmasked... <Rooter> stiffy <james> Jimbo you're a crock of shit <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <eggy> this sucks. sorry that ain't a question <^Medea^> VORTX-YES YES YES!  I DO! <james> And so are all the cunts you follow <sohardoh> i like middle class boys <PunkyFunk> Humprey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!!!!!!!! <Flaubert> Why do you think people believe "revealing yourselves" involves taking off your masks? <Rooter> Mongoloid he was a mongolod .... da da da da da <Vort_X> medea-i'll give it to ya afterwards.. <cyclonic> ^Medea^my love..kiss me..... <james> Defecate <Flaubert> Do you have any recipies for quail? <woolfie> which internet names are actually tism members? *** sdw has quit IRC (Leaving) <^Medea^> Vort_X-Ta! <eggy> What of the track "russia" ? <Kelpie242> Are they actually answering these questions live? Can't see or hear... <BULO> All I see is questions! Slow down! I'm dislexic <Rooter> The answer to the Universe is ?  well were still guessing ! <TisM> As an addun TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? Cyclonic, why don't you grow a bigger set of titsts. <^d00bie^> tism!, and ron in particular, on your ever-popular second album release "hot dogma" you use the "i'm dying" motif on three (3) different songs. Can you explain why although that was around ten years ago, you are still alive. Have you been replaced by a former band member from Naughty by Nature, or are you just a clone made from old dna? <KickiTT> LEO! THEY SAID YOU NICK!!! <the_fiend> none of tism look like anyone with out their masks anyway..... <dork> was that really mimi mcpherson in your video clip? <FunkyGroo> would you like to endorse a product, maybe do a late night sex line, or an exercise machine, or slip/slop/slap? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! * ^Medea^ KISSES CYCLONIC PASSIONATELY AS IF SHE WERE MAKING LOVE TO HIM AT A TISM CONCERT! <the_fiend> that's the secret. they are nobodies... <^Medea^> WHOA BABY!  *giggle* *KISS* *** vikingboy has quit IRC (Leaving) <Vort_X> WAS THAT YA MUM IN CUNT FILMCLIP RON? <Kittie> Hmmm.... <cyclonic> ^Medea^ thats how we'll do it baby!! <cyclonic> KickiTT: ta!!!!!!!!!! <Flaubert> Mr Barassi, what is your relationship to structuralism? <Rooter> heheh *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <KickiTT> TWICE!! <sohardoh> The simulacrum is the nihilism of the french postmodernist theorist (aka wanker)'s dream of a new marxist utoia. Discuss <cyclonic> wicked!!!!!!!!!!! <Planet_N> WHERE CAN WE GET A TISM BALACLAVA?  WE THINK THEY WOULD LOOK GET ON THE SECURITY MONITOR AT THE LOCAL 711. <TisM> i from alternate base radio show and we are goning to play your new single on our show in sydney Dear Chubby, that's why you're only on an alternative radio show. If tism had our choice we would be more mainstream than Pastrick Stevedore. <Elvis2> TISM for a guest spot on South Park? <FunkyGroo> what is the difference between a cunt and a fucking cunt? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <BULO> I've got a TISM balaclava! <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) *** clem ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kittie> TISM on SouthPark would be DAMN interesting. <Kelpie242> TISM, why do stupid people think insulting your mother is a high form of wit? <Vort_X> RON; CAN YOU GET ME ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <^Medea^> cyclonic-*KISS*  Damn straight baby! *KISS* <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <the_fiend> i like the furry shirts.... <PunkyFunk> v <cyclonic> they said my nick? No I have cracked a fat..come here ^Medea^!!!!!!!! <Vort_X> I LIKE FURRY ANIMALS <Planet_N> --> It would appear TISM are ignored by the mainstream media, <Planet_N> forcing you to resort to the Internet as a main form of <Planet_N> promotion.  Do you see yourselves appealing to Nerds as <Planet_N> well now, and what social minority will you draw the line <Planet_N> at? <KickiTT> YEAH!! CYBER ORGY!!!!! <cyclonic> oh god....U know what I mean... <eggy> is ANYONE getting constant auiod? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <woolfie> when can I actually go out to the stores and buy the album <Luke> Hey TISM we have your kangaroo from sunday night! hahahah <BULO> Adze is a cunt but a fucking big TISM brain wearing fan... <FunkyGroo> How did your typist break her ankle? * ^Medea^ runs into cyclonics awaiting arms...*kiss* <james> eggy are you out there <Luke> june 1st <^Medea^> HA HA HA HA!  FUCKED IS TOO RIGHT! <sohardoh> disembodiment, where are you? <Rooter>  Do you beleive the political situation in india will affect Australia or will you come back to my place for a game of TWISTER!!!!! yours flexably {monty down the back !!SPEAK UP!!} <eggy> james yeah i am why? <Vort_X> YOU SPANKS ARE TOO SLOW <clem> bevan hello from clem are you out there???? <Kelpie242> Are they doing anything interesting visually? <Flaubert> Who is Sohardoh? <King_Buzz> yawn <james> eggy just wondering <Kittie> I don't get sonstant anything.  The funniest part is that I can't understand them because I'm not used to their accents. <revulva> Who the fuck is who?!! <sohardoh> the state of india will affect the cricket. <eggy> JAMESYEAH WHY? *** MarkandCo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *passionately kissing you....and other parts of you..* <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <woolfie> what's the catalogue number? <eggy> who are ya anyay? <hogie> yeah shut up... <King_Buzz> I think they are masturbating <Flaubert> Mr Murphy? <james> eggy hey i said i was just wondering!!!!! <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <King_Buzz> Yes I think they are <BULO> How would you change Springvale TISM style? <^Medea^> King_Buzz-Why?! Aren;t you?! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <BoBcat> Pete? Where are Ya? <Kelpie242> Is anyone recording this? <clem> bevan where are you???? <eggy> james okjayokayokayokayo but out of a hunderd people you pick me? <BULO> Punky... FUCK OFF! <King_Buzz> Fuck off punkyfunk you complete dickhead * ^Medea^ submits to cyclonics lips....and other parts of him....*giggle* <sohardoh> sohardo, i'm taking a break but i am not quitting. no no no . ask my army or my son. but everyone in Indonesia likes the tism <TisM>  were you inspired by the Mimi vide? Dear Elvis 2, please refer to our lawyers at Aroni Colman. Especially their Camboidna office (we like our kneecaps the way they are) <Planet_N> --> It would appear TISM are ignored by the mainstream media, forcing you to resort to the Internet as a form of promotion.  Do you see yourselves appealing to Nerds as well now, and what social minority will you draw the line at? <woolfie> what's the next single? <dork> Punkyfunk: what's the story? where's the band? <PunkyFunk>  Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <Flaubert> This is more interesting than oyster farming. <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <Kittie> I wouldn't tell Punky to fuck off... he's got ops. <GrrrRich> When are TISM going to ascend to the next level of musical performance - the rooftop concert?  (ON a train!?) <Doombu> only just <BULO> Oh! You can type man, I want to suck your cock. Adze <King_Buzz> Jesus Punkyfuckingfunk Im going to kill you <james> eggy sorry i got a little carried away. Blow me <sohardoh> is amway a presupposition to death or vice versa <Vort_X> I SAID THAT <PunkyFunk> want us to boot you out Kit? <BULO> Punky sucks.. <Kelpie242> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? <cyclonic> Cyclonic madly sets to work on ^Medea'^ hot body... <Vort_X> SAY MY NAME U BASTARDS <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <Flaubert> Punky, do you consider your name effeminate? <james> Vort X <Vort_X> yeah <KickiTT> FUCKING SAY MY NICK YOU CUNTS <^Medea^> VORT-THEY ALREADY SAID IT! *** King_Buzz has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> do you know there are a whole bunch of people drinking booze on your account up here in Sydney? <james> yeah <Elvis2> Thanks for answering my Q, guys *** revulva has quit IRC (Leaving) <eggy> Tism, is it hard to shave with that mask on? <Vort_X> I WANT THEM TO SAY IT AGAIN..BASTARDS <hogie> are you guys planning another round of perth gigs?? <Flaubert> Elvis is a suck <clem> bevan hello from clem are you out there???? <woolfie> what are you going to do about it? <james> Vort X <eggy> TISM - how come you did answer my faxes on JJJ!!!! <KickiTT> WHERE IS JACK??? <Vort_X> FUCK OFF JAMES U MONKEY SPANKER <Luke> Yeh TISM, when are you going to invite yobs up on stage like you did in your non popular state in the past? <james> Vort X <sohardoh> more red more red more red <Kittie> Let me know if they say anything good.  I only get feed every other minute. <bernard> where in Sydney? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber plesae respond <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber plesae respond <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <eggy> TISM - hhow come you DIDNT answer my faxes on jjj??!?! <KickiTT> RON, WHY DO YOU BLEACH YOUR HAIR? <the_fiend> quit the repeats people..... <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <KickiTT> RON, WHY DO YOU BLEACH YOUR HAIR??? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <the_fiend> if they will answer it they will.... <clem> cyclonic  are you out there??? <Vort_X> WHY DID HE STRIP FOR THE METRO..BUT NOT FOR US NOW.. <Vort_X> WE WANT RON NAKED <Flaubert> TISM, did you invent you name as a sonorous compliment to JISM? <Vort_X> WE WANT RON NAKED <cyclonic> cyclonic is still here.... <TisM> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? Dear Kelpie,242, tism formed a band to engage in coital relations. we are unfortunately married and consequently too dumb to answer your question. Our new single is called "smack my bitcher" And did you know Kelpie 242 that the prodigy received help with the title of their previous album "music for the ji <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <hogie> we want ron to keep his clothes on.... <dork> We want TISM <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <KickiTT> RON, HUMPHREY, REMOVE YOUR MASKS! <HNB> 2 years down the track, people STILL argue about whether or not your first/only Darwin gig so far was MIMED...welll? <woolfie> what do you think of the trouble in Indonesia at the moment - have you considered touring there? <james> woolfie, are you upstairs or down? *** meson ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> What is behind your constant evasion of questions of sartorial integrity?  Will you clearly and finally admit the dirty secret? *** revulva ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <BULO> ADZIE WANTS RONS COCK! <woolfie> I'm upstairs! <sohardoh> tism are infact extremely PoMo as they are a simulacrum, and a bad one at that, of the seminal American band of the 70s The Residents <KickiTT> WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY WEB PAGE??? *** RonBarass has quit IRC (Leaving) <BULO> FUCK YOUR WEB PAGE! <Flaubert> Nothing is happening, except that I think I'm being noticed. Isn't that exciting? <Vort_X> CAN I HAVE ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES <Vort_X> CAN I HAVE ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES <Rooter> why are sports journalists taking over the english language (eg. moving the goal posts, level plying field, BIG ASK)?? <hogie> how did all the noisy tossers up the back manage to get admission to the live broadcast??? <TisM>  come on, admit that your public performances are psychosexual at heart, Dear Grrich our performances are deeply deeply psychosexual. the only time we do not perform sexually is in bed. <Doombu> residents blow <bernard> punky bulo must die * cyclonic greedily kissing ^Medea^ *** sdw ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kittie> Would someone tell me if they say that they're gonna post this clip later? <sohardoh> who the fuck is ... <Flaubert> Would people please stop talking about postmodernism. <wellonnec> when are you guys going to write a hit? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <Vort_X> WE'VE SEEN JACK HOLT'S FACE..WE WANT RON NAKED. <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <dork> where are TISM? <clem> cyclonic are you out or just out there? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <Planet_N> >>> TISM, It would appear you are ignored by the mainstream media, forcing you to resort to the Internet as a form of promotion.  Do you see yourselves appealing to Nerds as well now, and what social minority will you draw the line at? <sohardoh> when are we going to get the free cd <PunkyFunk> v <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond * ^Medea^ ASKS TISM: DOES THE FACT THAT YOUR MUSIC IS SPREADING TO NORTH AMERICA FRIGHTEN YOU GUYS OR IMPRESS YOU? <PunkyFunk> v <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <BULO> BERNARD IS PUNKY FUNK'S LOVE CHILD <KickiTT> YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! <dork> PhunkyFunk are you feeling like a tool, TISM aren <eggy> Tism, i used excerpts from your book, "guide to little aesthetics"" and your album "Form and Meaning reach ultimate communinon"" as arguements against wankers like Owen, Elliot, Blake etc in my english essay. I failed. do you see this as fair? <BoBcat> Pete!! where are ya <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett! <Vort_X> AND MY ARSE. <Flaubert> How do you do that repeat thing, Punky Funk, as we'd all like to dominate the screen. Fifteen inches of fame. <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett! <woolfie> what do you think of the Hi-Fi bar - is it a hole? * cyclonic cyclonic congratulates ^Medea^ on an insightful question while he gets nasty... <BULO> PUNKY FUCK YOU CUNT! <clem> doombu clem here anyone out there we are not amused <KickiTT> YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 <wellonnec> Can you guys possibly write a song without swearing in it? <dork> PhunkyFunk are you feeling like a tool, TISM aren't even there, this is a hoax <PunkyFunk> Pete's hiding .... <Luke> hey tism, how long ago did RON get married is that the ceremony on the front of the I might be a cunt video? <Kelpie242> See, Post Moden again, the bi-word for the intellectually barren <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <james> Tism Take me now Ron <HNB> what do you think of the rumor that u guys were actually Painters & Dockers in disguise/ <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? *** clem ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (clem) <sohardoh> the postmodern condition is something that we are all living with, so there is no way to stop the discourse, besides, postmodernism holds no truth, only allusion, surfaces... <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Kittie> You hit the up arrow on your keyboard.... <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <BoBcat> ok <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Flaubert> Sexual innuendo. <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Luke> shut up acehole! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <BULO> TISM ARE SITTING ON ADZE'S COCK! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <sohardoh> you cannot hide the truth since there is none <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <TisM> RON, CAN YOU SLEEP WITH MY SISTER??? Dear Kickitt, I cannot sleep with your sister. I do deeply want to. Unfortunately she does noit awant to sleep with me, I asked her, backck in hyear 10. No-one wants to sleep with me. I'm deeplu in touch with my sexuality, nobobdy else is I respect women. Yours isncerely RHB PS I don't really respect women. <FunkyGroo> is your new album a 'concept' album? please explain? love pauline <hogie> stop the god damn repeats....... <Planet_N> TISM, is there any truth to the rumour that the real identity of the girl in the clip "I Might be a Cunt, but I'm Not a Fucking Cunt" is Lisa McCune? <Vort_X> HBF LOOKS STONED *** ^d00bie^ is now known as zb <sohardoh> objectivity is over <dork> i don't think you heard us Phunkyfuck where are the band? <Flaubert> Acehole, you hab muk to ofer us. <the_fiend> acehole! they are not the klf. get over it allready!!!! * ^Medea^ sits in cyclonic's lap.... <wellonnec> are you guys really graduates from monash uni? <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <BULO> Why don't you all just drink piss and fall over! *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 * cyclonic *LMAO* <sohardoh> tism wrote the screenplay to clueless <KickiTT> I GOT MY QUESTION ANSWERED, AND THEY SAID MY NICK!  MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!!! <TisM>  who do i have to root to get backstage? We've been asking that for years. Maybe we should've called ourselves TOnic. <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <sohardoh> unknown fact <^Medea^> HA HA HA! <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <PunkyFunk> we heard yoy dork ... the band are here ... in the bar <dork> are you all suckers noone is listening to you except phunkyfuck <Vort_X> U GO KICKETT <BULO> Mr TISM's I know who you are! <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? * cyclonic ^Medea^ sits DOWN on his "lap" <Flaubert> Monash University doesn't produce graduates. <Kittie> Did they tell you to fuck off, and that no, you couldn't have one of their water bottles? <zb> TISM, you strike out against many groups of people in your gusty emphatic music. But a lot of your songs strongly commit to a dance/techo rhythm. This means that the most likely audience for your songs are those that you are striking against. Do you feel that your message is conveyed better this way? or is it just getting lost down the shitter? <woolfie> have the members of TISM remained the same in your long and illustrious career? <GrrrRich> why aren't TISM the KLF?  the KLF were just a bunch of annoying wankers with a few intruments inc samplers <wellonnec> in which century are you going to answer any of my questions? <PunkyFunk> bully for you BULO <Luke> Hey TISM, do you think that all your fans should wear mask like the yob on sunday night? <GrrrRich> monash uni produces undergradute humour ;P * ^Medea^ purrs at cyclonic <Flaubert> TISM, what is your relation to Mr Michael M. (UNSW)? <eggy> which band(s) would TISM most prefer to do tism tributes or cover versions? <Vort_X> RON GRAB ME.....ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES. <Flaubert> Fart? <the_fiend> planet no it;'s shelby stevens! the porn starr!!!!!! <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <Kittie> Stupid question, what's a yob, anyway? <sohardoh> Is it coincidence that Ron Barassi sounds uncannily like Mike moore <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <KickiTT> GUYS, THROW THE WATER BOTTLES AT THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!!! <FunkyGroo> tell us about the album...pauline hanson loves your 'verk'!!! <dork> what water bottle? is this a club v thing? <revulva> Which one of you is related to Peter Stevens (not the motorbike dealership)? You Know WHO YOU ARE!!!! <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <sohardoh> late show/tism <Flaubert> Why can't I stop this? I could be picking up? <eggy> RB sounds like mick molloy! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <sohardoh> never tour at the same time, <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <hogie> HOW DID ALL THE NOISY TOSSERS UP THE BACK GET ADMISSION TO THE LIVE TRANSMISSION????? <Kittie> If they throw the bottle, then I would get even LESS feed than I am now.... <HNB> is anybody logging any of this? <the_fiend> kelpie you idiot!!! it's wondering about if they are lying...... the atrantino line is sperate.... <sohardoh> surely there is an excuse for such nonprolific discography <BULO> I do remember having convo with Ron-Hilter backstage with his mask shoved down me pants. You must have been admiring my ginormous cock. Why didn't you take me home ? <KickiTT> I am logging it, HNB <james> Hogie this IS the music business <^Medea^> THANKS FOR THE PIC VORT!!!! <woolfie> please say hello to the folks in Sydney - they're all getting a little bored... * cyclonic Anne Lidell is very cool....she can do amazing things with polystyrene <Kelpie242> the-fiend: Not true, listen to the song you gimp * hillary proposes to TISM <HNB> *bows down to KickiTT <Flaubert> Sohardo, don't you (th)ink about the poss(ibility) that you are somehow under the spell of French couture?\ <the_fiend> i have..... <Vort_X> WE GOT U UNMASKED RHB. PUSSY <Kittie> No, they are not Ozzy Ozbourne, and they are not going to eat any animals onstage. <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <the_fiend> you goit.... <KickiTT> been logging since 4.30pm!!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SLOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <dork> who are all you morons talking to? <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <wellonnec> what do tism look like in the nude? <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <BULO> Punkyfunk, well said dickhead <Flaubert> Does anyone want me to stay? Does anyone love me(at)? <sohardoh> we are budding intellectuals, with your help we could get there... <woolfie> jeff kennet is way more interesting - stop repeating that crap * cyclonic passionately kissing ^Medea^, while doing...... <sohardoh> love is over <meson> <luke> rhb, do you get off on the fact that the people you put shit on in your songs ie-'yob' are probably your biggest fans?/ <eggy> are silver chair a driving force in the otherwise dry wasteland of Australian rock, or are they simply another dead cattle skull infested with the scorpions of the Angels and ACDC, lying on the road westward to the ultimate home of rock, the USA. <Kelpie242> The-fiend: A direct line "I might like Tarantino but sometimes you gotta wonder, <next line> I mightn't tell the truth all the time hey what's your mum's number" <james> woolfie if you think we're bored now, wait till the bar tab runs out <BULO> Answer ... naked! <revulva> Your film clip (I dunno which one, we just saw it tonight) enlists the help of the commerdcial personages, radio/music/etc. They must have felt supacool and cutting edge and proactive and on the upside of something 'new'. Yet, we know how it is, don't we? <Kelpie242> so... <GrrrRich> are tism the hunter or the hunted in this world of corporate slavery? <Flaubert> I am a budding flower, not a budding intellectual. <Kelpie242> The-fiend: A direct line "I might like Tarantino but sometimes you gotta wonder, <next line> I mightn't tell the truth all the time hey what's your mum's number" * cyclonic a lower back workout... * ^Medea^ asks cyclonic what it is he is "doing" while kissing her... <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <TisM>  TISM! WHAT IS A CLICK CLACK? Dear the fiend, do you introduce yourself at parties as hello I'm the fiend, or hello I'm fiend. I used to introduce myself as hello I'm the humphrey and found this to be a very unsuccesful way of meeting people. I have a suggestion for the Mavvii, if they were to call themselves the Mavis, they would be very successful. In answer to your question, there is no such thing as a click clack. <RonBarass> hello <bernard> bulo licked punky's arse <woolfie> ah, yes, we are meaning to talk to you about that bar tab... <KickiTT> WHO ARE THE ACTORS IN THE "CUNT" VIDEO??? <the_fiend> it's not tarantino you gotta wonder about!!!! <eggy> Explain your reasons, using reference to other 'rock' bands, and Australian bands, such as yourselves. <dork> james were you talking to us? is your keyboard really grubby like ours? * cyclonic LMAO!!!!!!! <Vort_X> HELLO ,I HATE LACHLAN 'THE WANKER' MEAD AND WILL NEVER SLEEP WITH HIS DOG AGAIN......YOURS SENCIERLY..RON HITLER BARASSI *** MarkandCo has quit IRC <Acehole> 0,3TISM 0,12TAKE 0,7OFF 8,2YOUR 0,4MASKS <Acehole> 0,3TISM 0,12TAKE 0,7OFF 8,2YOUR 0,4MASKS <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <the_fiend> you gottawonder do they tell the truth all the time! * ^Medea^ laughs hysterically <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Flaubert> Ron, how dare you interrupt. * cyclonic grinding into ^Medea^......grunting.... <sohardoh> we all live within masks, it is just the explicit mask that bothers you? <bernard> Tism, Do you get angry when your masks get ripped off? <eggy> what happend to tony Coitus? *** reddy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Acehole> 9TISM 9HAVE 9YOU 9CONSIDERED 9A 9STRIP 9SHOW? <Kittie> How the FUCK do you do a SOLO album with other people?!!?!? <KickiTT> Go Cyclonic! <Luke> everyone shut up and we will get answers sooner! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Vort_X> IS ANYONE TAPING THIS. <woolfie> it's gone a little quiet - are you all still there? <RonBarass> How's Ken Done <BULO> Fortune favours the fuckwit! <Vort_X> KEEP IT DOWN AT THE BACK CYC. <KickiTT> Vort - I'm logging the channel <dork> james where are you? you seem to have a sense of humour. <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1ALBUM 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <sohardoh> flaubert, the tism lyrics seem to have a strong intellectual debt to irigaray no? <Vort_X> K <eggy> iis aanyone getting straming audio? <Flaubert> Ken's very well, thanks Ron. <KickiTT> dunno about the sound though. . . <Kittie> It won't allow me to tape it.... * ^Medea^ love-bites cyclonic's chest.... <james> here * cyclonic wheres your camera KickiTT? this is better than the video... <BULO> Woolfie we're here! How's upstairs going! <Flaubert> The TISM lyrics have a strong debt to any number of proper nouns. <sohardoh> la la la <Kelpie242> IS your new album going to be any good? <james> there <woolfie> upstairs is rocking - come on up! * ^Medea^ giggles at cyclonic... <james> everywhere *** chubby has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <eggy> when does the album come out? <sohardoh> where is the pipster? <KickiTT> I'll post you and Medea's lines on my page!!! <Kittie> Do TISM answer their e-mail, or do they get other people to do it? <HNB> eggy; album due on june 1 *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <wellonnec> are you ever gonna have an orderly perform with you agin? <dork> is there anyone using this internet chat JOKE with a ponytail? <bernard> When are you launching your album? * cyclonic groans loudly, as he positions her..... <revulva> Woolfie, doya wann have sex tonite? <sohardoh> pipstar pipstar you are defined by lack <eggy> well why launch it now? <BULO> hi woolfie, downstairs is rockin too <Flaubert> We all have ponytails. <dork> maybe a short one? * ^Medea^ asks cyclonic-HEY! WANNA RE-DO THE "CUNT" VIDEO FOR THEM?! <woolfie> only if it's with a music director and national promotions manager <KickiTT> THAT'S IT???????? <Kelpie242> <ponder> I still want to know what they're wondering about Tarantino... <eggy> tism you look like homeboys in those stripy traacksuits <james> male or female ponytail <sohardoh> more red <HNB> GYPPED!!!! <the_fiend> TISM NO I HAVE OTHER FRIENDS WHO INTRODUCE ME AS THE FIEND>>> I DO USE MY REAL NAME BUT MY FRIENDS THINK IT'S A GREAT GIGGLE.... the bastards. <revulva> Aww, jeez, a music editor? <Flaubert> Less red. <Vort_X> ALL HOMEBOYS ARE DICKHEADS..INCLUDING TISM <Elvis2> I don't want TISM... <TisM> AOne tended to use two of these in a very rhythmic manner in order to prduce a sound which was the reason for the onomatopaeic title click clack. it is not widely known that the click clack was in fact the origin of techno music. Never mind Frankie Knuckles in Chicago, it was in fact Sandra Smallmen at St Josephs, primary school who invented techno. Sadly, she died. Her last words were you'll never get a dance out of me Humphry, but at least I inve <dork> who cares about TISM there not out there, so what's on your mind boys? * cyclonic tells ^Medea^ we'll do it far better than that piece of low budget nonsense!!! <hogie> i think the guys look like a couple of gymps <wellonnec> what do you guys think about triple M and triple J as rock and roll....stations? <BULO> Suck more piss woolfie *** clem ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Flaubert> Can anyone show me how to use the internet? <dork> male baby <james> sorry my fucked punctuation. must be all the free piss <Freshy> TISM: when are you gonna enter your country music phase??? <Kelpie242> I love the fiend... he's such a good old dinkum character <chuckle> <KickiTT> that's it, they've gone <Freshy> all turn up with cowboy hats and masks on <hogie> we would if the friggin albom was out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <TisM> That's the end of that for tonight everyone. Thanks for dropping in........................TISM <Vort_X> DOH <hogie> fuck off baldy <Kittie> Oh?  It's over? <HNB> SCAM!!! * ^Medea^ tells cyclonic-YEAH! AND LET'S HAVE ALL OF TISM IN THE ROOM AT THE TIME! <Vort_X> I AGREE... <Flaubert> Great finish TISM! * Kittie sighs. * cyclonic BYE GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! <the_fiend> yay! <woolfie> i'm as dry as a ..... c*(t to use a tism turn of phrase <Vort_X> SEND ME SOME DRINK.. <GrrrRich> did I mention TISM are _fucking cunts_ <sohardoh> there once was a girl called collette dinigin, she flew to france but had to fly back inigin, because she showed them too much skinigin, poor old collette dinigin <Vort_X> so now what.. <BULO> Hey Woolfie lets just fuck this TISM hype and suck piss! <wellonnec> andy from shock in sydney would like to say you guys are way better than glide! <KickiTT> BYE CUNTS!!! <eggy> that sucked. <Kelpie242> Oh... *** hillary has quit IRC (Leaving) <the_fiend> horay fro tism for putting up with such a bunch of turds like us!!!! *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (TiSmLoVeR) * cyclonic rams into ^Medea^ <BULO> Seeya cunts <eggy> i hope they realese this video <Kelpie242> YOU CUNTS WHAT ARE YOU WONDERING ABOUT TARANTINO??? YOU BASTARDS!!!! * ^Medea^ yells at TISM:BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! <eggy> okay i spelt it wrong <Vort_X> kicket...talk to ya later...icq#8527204 <james> fdzrheshs <Flaubert> Sohardoh, Sohardo, Sohardo.... <hogie> well that was informative...NOT <woolfie> i thought TISM were glide * ^Medea^ SCREAMS!!!!!! <dork> so does anyone have ponytails? <Luke> thanks guys, see me in a mask at the next gig! <Elvis2> seeya Session Close: Tue May 19 19:47:53 1998
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