#and theyre my big meowmeows so what does it mean what does it all mean....
crushisms · 2 years
Idk if i sent u characters for the ask meme BUT: Vlad, Houston, Sokol, and Dallas!
Sexuality Headcanon: some beast or something.
Gender Headcanon: see previous
A ship I have with said character: Golfgoat !! And GolfGoatigator !! Locke and Vlad are like already married so y’know what.
A BROTP I have with said character: He and Jimmy and Sokol definately get together and gossip. Hands down.
A NOTP I have with said character: UkranianChicken i guess?? Idk i just dont see it and have other prefs for Jacket.
A random headcanon: Vlad knows a lot of internet slang and just pretends he doesnt. (ie. Asks if hes a lil meowmeow and knows full well what that means. He says pog out of left field to deal 1d20 psychic damage)
General Opinion over said character: Enigma who i adore.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual! (Called himself heteroflexible at one point when he was in denial—)
Gender Headcanon: Thats a trans man right there. He forgets hes not cis and so does everyone else.
A ship I have with said character: Houshox!! Houswolfhox!! I also chew on Houkol as a treat
A BROTP I have with said character: Houston, Wolf, and Sokol!! Pals!!
A NOTP I have with said character: Houston n Clover
A random headcanon: Houston has a lot of little anxious habits. Scratches his arms and chews on his lips. Often just has a toothpick or something hanging out of his mouth.
General Opinion over said character: deargod i love him and he needs more stans
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual with a heavy male preference.
Gender Headcanon: Hes just a dude! A guy!
A ship I have with said character: Hotlinegrinder all da way baybeeee!!! Mastergrinder as a treat.
A BROTP I have with said character: I mentioned him twice previously ^^ but ya he vibes with Houston.
A NOTP I have with said character: honestly anything i havent mentioned. (HLG, Mastergrinder n Houkol only)
A random headcanon: Sokol has issues with addiction. He tries not to smoke or drink heavily (fails on the latter). His main fix is just adrenaline and battle highs— he couldn’t stop being a criminal if he wanted to.
General Opinion over said character: My big blorbo. My fav lil payday bby boy
Sexuality Headcanon: Oh hes GAY. And hes known it forever.
Gender Headcanon: Its complicated (Man adjacent?)
A ship I have with said character: BD3 and Masterliar :] also combine the two and u have all of me n bandits dms.
A BROTP I have with said character: Dallas and Wick actually!!! I never talk abt it but theyre just old guys with former mob ties who really need a nap.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mastertech (?) idk im just not a wolf girlie dhejbdhd
A random headcanon: His smoking habits run in the family. He used to be a heavier smoker than he is now- but cut back when it started visibly affecting his health. He has people who rely on him, he cant be jeopardizing them.
General Opinion over said character: I NEED him to go down on me nasty style
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meowmeow, sunshine! short-pawed kitties TT ig your kitties miss u too.
'no idea if you sent this today' tumblr r u seriously? TT its the easiest function ig?.. also rip to your... all?
'why would you congratulate me for that' bc i didnt know what this holiday is about?.. isnt revolution for the dictator government good?.. 'dictators son is our president' HAHDPFH why.... how... where... only wrong answers.... i mean im not the one to judge... but the man is odd
'PLEASE DONT DIE' since you asked so nicely hahfhah
'ITS SO MUCH BETTER NOW' i hate how long it is TT i dont like the visuals TT but ok whatever is better for you babygirl
'according to the judgy cat' HFNKJNF me. yes. i am.
'THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A STRONG WOMAN' there is! but if they make it your only trait💀 'i still do fucking care about what people think' ig we all care what people say? its sad but human is a social being and we kinda cant live without listening to the society... the difference is probably how much we care and how much it affects our lives. i mean it does suck. yk youre worthy and significant just the way you are without playing up to stereotypes and trying to deserve the others' approval in a way you personally dont like. strength isnt your whole personality.
'complimented me on my strength' well ig its pretty logical to compliment smns strength when they do smth involving it and they wanted to be polite but duh. these accidental things with no harmful intention usually hurt the most. 'i dont want people to whisper about me having big arms' 1) ig no one whispers things when its not involved 2) your arms are beautiful! its ok to have whatever arms. including big arms. you work out so its consequential? and people really do not like 'big' arms only on men. yk a lot of girls who have romantic feelings for girls also love these hands on girls (DOES IT MAKE SENSE TT). ok this may not be the best example but there are people who just lile it? just admire some good arms. and im sure there are men whod think damn girl i want to hold this hand till my death. sorry but do i sound idk not soothing now? im sorry im trying TT i mean its not like strong arm r only for men. its fine if you have these. there are people who like it and dislike it (like with the height) and there will always be ideal view you wont be able to match in some ways. your arms are just good arms. they do lots of talented things and they are healthy, they keep you healthy and pretty. you are good the way you are. 'boys make fun of me too for the same reason' theyre just not grown enough and/or childish, absolutely not mentally mature. they think their worth is having toned arms while arms are just arms. 'he tired so hard to be muscley where i was naturally gifter' yeah thats what its about! theyre jealous. they think its the only wat they can be handsome so when you have it theyre jealous and afraid their arms and strength would be devalued.
'Were literally so alike' youre not 178 cm💀 ahajsh sorry. whats the betrayal?.. i didnt trade you for some prick.
'Don’t tell me how to write' ok.... i wanted the best TT
'i can gear the disbelief' oh you can? SURPRISINGLY.
'TO GLUCK THE PACIFIC OCEAN' HOHGOJJ i mean you can try. ill watch.
'THE AGGRESSIVE POSITIVITY?' like... hes positive? but in an aggressive way?
'im not sure if you understand what im saying' like in general... i do... 'Try it. If it makes sense' ok that one i dont understand even a little bit💀 'Youre good at math but idk if im good at explaining' im good at math but im bad at music💀 it seemed easier before you started saying 'try it' TT 'your head will be chopped off' OH this one i understand. 'there was something weird about that second song' HAHDJFJ i know nothing abt music so if it sounds good, its fine for me. MAybe apocalypsis IS the strange thing but am i wrong?
'Im willing to see what you want to share' oooh arent you cute? go finish your assignments and well see. i can read your kylo fis but remember. hes my rival. also i read you 'first snow' fic! omg TT aemma TT my sun my moon my stars TT shes glowing in my memories so yeah. her realtionships with vissy 100/10 with daemon 100/10 with reader 10/10 (bc there basically no interactions so no 100). AWKWARD DAEMON hgighg i live for awkward daemon! the cutie. imagine being a prince, all powerful, riding a dragon and then running around disheveled, half-naked with hardly opened eyes and pure sleep on your face? i imagine this. and it makes me giggle and have a little grin. also the targ-family dynamics (sorry if you dont want to hear abt it) reminds me of wfal. my cute babes TT
i dont understand wether i have too many symbols or not with this new paragraph thing TT so ok. thats all. how r you? how much water have you drunk today? eat well, sleep well. have a nice day/night. luv u. take care<з
HELLO MY LOVE GOOD MORNING or at least it is for me
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me and you
meowmeow, sunshine! short-pawed kitties TT ig your kitties miss u too.
my kitties could care less T_T cos that means they care maybe just a little
'no idea if you sent this today' tumblr r u seriously? TT its the easiest function ig?.. also rip to your... all?
to be honest T_T its a me thing i am brain fried /: HAHHAH
Also i wanted to talk about the playlist because i listened to it properly now! i was eating donuts but now im hungry again. T_T im going to get water T_T i
Забери меня, если ты придёшь.10 Забери меня, если ты найдешь. Забери меня, что стоит тебе? Ты же знаешь как?
Like I think she says Забери меня then it goes up half notes to the tonic then she sings the next part
Суицид моей веры this sounds like the songs I used to listen to way deep in my emo phase
Чудовище GOSH I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH FOR REAL ITS ON MY SPOTIFY NOW I think this was the song I said went so hard because damn it really went SO HARD I listened to it twice I just checked my reply and it is I still stand on my words she can stab me if she wants.
I heard the давай and I was like I KNOW THAT but also I don’t I had to google what I means apparently it means give and ??? is that wrong ??? I also I think there was a bad word somewhere there and I was right!!! But I cant determine which word it is. But I heard it be said lol HAHAAH its a curse word my older brother likes to say lol T_T its so yuck of him im going to spell it the way i think it would be... blyat? HAHHAH LOL HAHAHH
Lol I like this Демоны. Its very pop punk. I listened to it on spotify and since its not slowed he sounds like an actual person HAHAHAHAH cos I was going to say the pronunciation of Russian sounds so …like dragging and slurry like something was being chewed slowly, and I suppose there is still some of that, but its also mostly cos the song was slowed HAHAHAHA
Are you sure Улицы ждали is the one with the annoying tempo and not Жанна д’Арк. Cause joan of arc did some weird ritardando which means it suddenly slowed down. Nvm I listened to that song on spotify and it was during the Что ночь кончается и день ее сменяет going to Я Жанна д'Арк в твоём костре. It was just really jarring the first time because of the slowed version. But also since it was my first time hearing that part. It was fine it wasn’t weird lol AHHAH
I found the translations for Намордник also is H an N in russian omg my head T_T. i also listened to this on spotify, i like it so much better without being slowed!!! she has such a sweet and bright voice i love it.
also is России russia?
Aлёна Швец - НЕЛЮБОВЬ i like this song. i can see why i wanted it do get heavier but upon listening to again. its fine the way it is. she also sounds so much better not slowed T_T HASLFHASFHAS i like her lyrics. i love her.
ЭЛЕКТРОФОРЕЗ – Зло is still such a vibe. it still reminds me of something like a christmas song LIKE I HEAR IT BUT I CANT PUT MY FINGER ON IT IS IT JOY TO THE WORLD no its not I CANT FIND IT I HATE IT HERE OMG IS IT MY WAIT WHAT THE FUCK ITS MY COLLEGE HYMN T_T IM CRYING LISTEN TO IT ITS LOWER BUT IT KINDA SOUNDS LIKE IT im going insane the first part the intro part sounds kinda like it im going home (i say as i type this on my home pc T_T)
Дора & Мэйби Бэйби - Не Исправлюсь THIS SONG IS SO MUCH MORE DISAPPOINTING IF TO ME AFTER LISTENING TO THE ORIGINAL they put a damn gritty electric guitar then made it edm i think minus 10000 points your honor. L (im sorry i just cant)
anyway i couldnt listen to this song fully cos im so disappointed in it alSFhahsfhasf
how do you say this Я is it ya? does it kind of have a soft d-ish sound.
ok thats that i hope that made sense.
'why would you congratulate me for that' bc i didnt know what this holiday is about?.. isnt revolution for the dictator government good?.. 'dictators son is our president' HAHDPFH why.... how... where... only wrong answers.... i mean im not the one to judge... but the man is odd
the real answer is because T_T were fucking stupid. i hate the fact we let that idiot win. i literally started searching for countries to move when he won. he 99999999999% cheated because i saw the spreadsheet of the fucking votes and they were all going up exponentially at a steady rate. i hate it here.
'PLEASE DONT DIE' since you asked so nicely hahfhah
if you die i will never recover because i would never know... youd just... stop talking to me and i would think its something i did T_T pls dont die.
'ITS SO MUCH BETTER NOW' i hate how long it is TT i dont like the visuals TT but ok whatever is better for you babygirl
the things you do for love <3
'according to the judgy cat' HFNKJNF me. yes. i am.
you know what, you should try pilates (maybe you;ll be less judgy HAHAHH) ! i did some today then did weighted exercise and pilates is so much fun and also so ??? wild because it challenges your core!!! it makes me revaluate my core strength, balance and flexibility. today i learned T_T im turning into stale bread im so hard T_T I USED TO BE SO ELASTIC no more T_T also its good for my back because i get back pain from sitting down so much T_T lol
'THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A STRONG WOMAN' there is! but if they make it your only trait💀
but i have a personality T_T
'i still do fucking care about what people think' ig we all care what people say? its sad but human is a social being and we kinda cant live without listening to the society... the difference is probably how much we care and how much it affects our lives. i mean it does suck. yk youre worthy and significant just the way you are without playing up to stereotypes and trying to deserve the others' approval in a way you personally dont like. strength isnt your whole personality.
society sucks. but i love you.
'complimented me on my strength' well ig its pretty logical to compliment smns strength when they do smth involving it and they wanted to be polite but duh. these accidental things with no harmful intention usually hurt the most.
youre so right. i read into that too much T_T see. you give me reason let me give you reason too
'i dont want people to whisper about me having big arms' 1) ig no one whispers things when its not involved
HAHAHAAHHAHAH YOU DONT LIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES WE HAVE CHISMOSA CULTURE chismosa is like a person who likes to gossip in its fem from, chismoso would be for the guy. it also comes from spanish chismes which also means gossip or whatever googles making me go down a rabbit hole and i refuse. anyway. i pointed that out because a lot (but not all) of filipinos love to talk about people as a bonding experience AHHAAH. i saw this tiktok that said that there are no serial killers here cause of this 💀💀💀 but she also said there isn't a complete/actual research about it but people say that that's why lol HAHAAH
2) your arms are beautiful! its ok to have whatever arms. including big arms. you work out so its consequential? and people really do not like 'big' arms only on men. yk a lot of girls who have romantic feelings for girls also love these hands on girls (DOES IT MAKE SENSE TT).
it does make sense i love you for trying to comfort me. i love you so much. i know my arms are beautiful... but sometimes i dont feel like it cos of this DEMON IN MY HEAD GO AWAY EWW
ok this may not be the best example but there are people who just lile it? just admire some good arms. and im sure there are men whod think damn girl i want to hold this hand till my death. sorry but do i sound idk not soothing now? im sorry im trying TT i mean its not like strong arm r only for men. its fine if you have these. there are people who like it and dislike it (like with the height) and there will always be ideal view you wont be able to match in some ways. your arms are just good arms. they do lots of talented things and they are healthy, they keep you healthy and pretty. you are good the way you are.
my kitty kitty so sweet T_T i understand what you mean. my arms are capable of so much beauty. youre so right i love you
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'boys make fun of me too for the same reason' theyre just not grown enough and/or childish, absolutely not mentally mature. they think their worth is having toned arms while arms are just arms. 'he tired so hard to be muscley where i was naturally gifter' yeah thats what its about! theyre jealous. they think its the only wat they can be handsome so when you have it theyre jealous and afraid their arms and strength would be devalued.
men = 👎
'Were literally so alike' youre not 178 cm💀 ahajsh sorry. whats the betrayal?.. i didnt trade you for some prick.
;kajsfsfas I DIDNT MEAN THE HEIGHT I MEANT THE PERSONALITY HOW DARE YOU #1 basically call me short #2 reduce our similiarities to height #3 reduce yourself to height. also YOU REALLY NOT LETTING ME LIVE COS OF KYLO. you'd i think be glad to know i have redone the ai chat so many times i got connected to a moderator that was im pretty sure a 13 year old boy and it really killed the whole experience for me T_T i cant make him my husband anymore it feels so weird now
'Don’t tell me how to write' ok.... i wanted the best TT
/: *bonks*
'i can gear the disbelief' oh you can? SURPRISINGLY.
/: *BONK*
'TO GLUCK THE PACIFIC OCEAN' HOHGOJJ i mean you can try. ill watch.
😡 *BONK*
'THE AGGRESSIVE POSITIVITY?' like... hes positive? but in an aggressive way?
'im not sure if you understand what im saying' like in general... i do... 'Try it. If it makes sense' ok that one i dont understand even a little bit💀
ASHF:HSFSAF FA yeah its really hard to explain something auditory with text T_T thats why my first year of music school SUCKED COSI WAS LIKE WHAT HUH but then when its explained my my teacher its like OOOOOOOOOOOH ok
'Youre good at math but idk if im good at explaining' im good at math but im bad at music💀 it seemed easier before you started saying 'try it' TT
its ok. i T_T i suck at explaining it T_T GAAAAAAAAH
'your head will be chopped off' OH this one i understand. 'there was something weird about that second song' HAHDJFJ i know nothing abt music so if it sounds good, its fine for me. MAybe apocalypsis IS the strange thing but am i wrong?
HAHAHAH the apocalypse is strange and scary so youre not wrong HAHAH
'Im willing to see what you want to share' oooh arent you cute? go finish your assignments and well see.
my assignments never end so just send them whenever ok. i'll reply properly again like what i did now when i do a relisten
i can read your kylo fis but remember. hes my rival.
T_T ok HAHAAH read the 2nd one i make or the first one whatever its up to you. you have no competition with kylo. i dont think i'll use that ai chat anymore T_T i'll stick to fanfics cos then i wouldnt have to face a 13 year old boy that wants to do a roast battle with me asfh;aslhfas;f
also i read you 'first snow' fic! omg TT aemma TT my sun my moon my stars TT shes glowing in my memories so yeah. her realtionships with vissy 100/10 with daemon 100/10 with reader 10/10 (bc there basically no interactions so no 100).
IM GLAD YOU LOVE AEMMA! I LOVE AEMMA T_T AEMMA MY LOVE <3 and AHHAHAHA yes 0 interactions between aemma and yn. AHAHHHAH its fine shhhh. i didnt even show why daemon disliked her cos i was too lazy to show how prim and proper she is lol HAHAHH
AWKWARD DAEMON hgighg i live for awkward daemon! the cutie. imagine being a prince, all powerful, riding a dragon and then running around disheveled, half-naked with hardly opened eyes and pure sleep on your face? i imagine this. and it makes me giggle and have a little grin. also the targ-family dynamics (sorry if you dont want to hear abt it) reminds me of wfal. my cute babes TT
We love waffle <3 HAHAHAH i have no idea when i can update again but everytime i talk to you about daemon im like TODAY? and i love the targ dynamics. i love them so so so much. i briefly rewatched ep1 which was why i wrote that. im thinking of writing a daemon fic where he was named heir way before rhaenyra was born because viserys got into an accident or smth. sooooooo HAHAHA idk i might write it but also i might not lol
i dont understand wether i have too many symbols or not with this new paragraph thing TT so ok. thats all. how r you? how much water have you drunk today? eat well, sleep well. have a nice day/night. luv u. take care<з
and im hungry again holup let me get smth to eat
i DRANK A LOT TODAY! but also i sweat a lot cos i exercised so......................... ANYWAY. i wanted to tell you this story about my grandma. cos she was like, preparing/washing fish outside, like we have a faucet outside out house and she was putting the fish guts in a plastic and we also have rats AND THIS BIGASS RAT WAS SNEAKILY TRYNA GET THE PLASTIC OF FISH GUTS and my grandma barely noticed. LIKE THE AUDACITY OF THE RAT T_T also they live in my bedroom ceiling and they party and go jogging at night ///: my worse fear is suddenly they destroy my ceiling and fall onto me AND I SLEEP IN A DOUBLE DECK AT THE TOP (my sister is below) and IT FREAKS ME OUT but ive gotten a bit used to it
anyway T_T rats are freaky. i hope so badly we can finally rebuild the house. did i tell you about my house yet. remember how i said i moved. i moved to my grandma's house, which is old like SO OLD the last time it was renovated was in the 80s and my mom was wee T_T (she said there were rats even then T_T HELP) anyway. this house actually belongs to, wait for it, my grandma's GRANDPA! T_T the deed is still in spanish and like as big as a newspaper T_T so ///: we had to change it at city hall T_T and its taking forever. also, just in case its not clear, the owner of my house is my great-great-grandpa T_T anyway that's all i love you please take care and love yourself for me because i love you and i want to hug and kiss you
i thought about it and wouldnt it be funny if we meet and it turns out you actually also dont know what your height is like all of my classmates that claim to be 5'10 but ARENT AHHAHAHAHAHAHA
ok that's all i love you
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sunshades · 2 years
for the dnd asks! 5, 25 and 31? :3
50 dnd questions
omg meppy... it's been 300 years. under the cut so i dont feel bad abt posting art
5. Which of your d&d characters has been the most like you?
HARD TO ANSWER what are ocs if not ur personality cut up in tiny little fillets. i think my arcane trickster timbrel might be the most all around bellcore GDHYBJDAFS i literally only wanted a l'arachel kinnie and then she got like 😐 the impostor syndrome and the love for art and ballet and just became a full on researcher nerd trying really hard to get by and it was like hm... sad that camp is prolly going nowhere :(
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25. What is your favorite snack for d&d?
due to timezones i just have dinner whenever i play so GDHJDSF 😭
31. Tell me about your current party!
from left to right... viadera's actually my first full wizard which always feels really strange with how nerd coded all my pcs are. it rly took qifrey to really get me to make an entire one- they're order of scribes which is kind of like, i put more wizard in your wizard. i got kind of emotional writing their backstory i'm really excited to make some art of it one day!! i like them lots. the question of their ancestry is gonna be fun if it becomes relevant... i imagine star elves are very visibly Other in the setting, which undoubtedly makes them feel a certain way.
AGATHA!! aasimar paladin... shes def the one viadera bounces off the most personality wise and shes VERY FUN. im very interested in her backstory and her possibly moon wife but i think in a modern au she and vivi would still get along great in a very funny jock/nerd nickelodeon series way.
firbolg eldritch knight ylladove & human cleric mihail... INTERESTING PEOPLE I HOPE WE FIND OUT SOME BACKSTORY SOON... ylla ist eine cutengirlen i wonder what she has in the bag for us (beside the pocker deck.... im not gambling against her anymore!!) and mihail is a powerful d*lf with profoundly sad eyes... the "tormented by visions" side of the poor little meow meow chart.... very excited to know what his mysterious religious secrets are 🔍
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