#and to be honest
Instead of saying something that will happen in the AU could you say something that won't happen?
Hmmm........... WD!Steven and Lars will never be friends.
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milf-murdock · 5 months
I am going Through It™ this year, so naturally I’m tucked up on the sofa watching my comfort show Great British Baking Show. And also naturally, my brain drifted to thoughts of Simon Riley.
I just love the thought of Simon putting on the show of “enduring” each episode with his little civilian lady, when in reality, he actually gets quite into it.
Since you’re home alone frequently, you’re quite settled into your routine. One aspect of that routine includes relaxing to your favorite comfort show, the Great British Baking Show. Typically, you forego this sacred little tradition when Simon’s home in order to make the most of your limited time together. However, after a particularly rough day at work, you want nothing more than to collapse onto the couch, curl up on Simon’s chest, and watch your show. At first Simon would grumble about watching the silly reality tv show and make little comments like “a cake’s just a cake, isn’t it?” But he never could say no to you, especially not when you give him those eyes. One pleading look from you and he’s folding so fast. But wouldn’t you know, after a couple episodes he’d be getting more into it than he would ever admit. You’ll start to hear comments like
“He’ll never finish that in time.”
“For fucks sake, she’s over baked it again.”
“You call that a pie??”
You just laugh and snuggled even closer to him. On instinct, his arm pulls you even closer—he always has to have a hand on you in some way when he’s home, as if to reassure himself that you’re really here, really his.
And so your quiet little nights alone with Paul and Mary turn into something even more special as you find yourself surrounded by Simon’s strong arms, nestled in his warm embrace, and enjoying his playful commentary. You know it can’t last forever, so you’re sure to savor every bit of the sweetness of the moment.
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vague-humanoid · 4 months
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My boy Henry really said “go big and go home” after kissing Alex for the first time and he was so real for that
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invisiblewashboard · 7 months
Small Child's Thoughts on "Many Meetings" Part 3
The Hall of Fire seems like a good name since there is always fire and it's in a hall.
I thought that guy might have been Strider but it's Bilbo and that's pretty neat.
Frodo hasn't seen Bilbo in a really long time. (Yes, 17 years.) You mean 17 days. (No, I mean 17 years! He left the Shire on his birthday 17 years ago, remember?) Wow, how does Frodo even remember him? 17 years is thousands and thousands of days.
Ooh, I do not think it would be nice to make mince meat out of Bilbo. Everyone wanted to eat him in "The Hobbit," and it looks like that's the same now.
Oh no, Bilbo turned into Gollum, but I don't know how or why.
There's Strider! Why does he vanish without a trace all the time?
You help me when I get stuck in school. I think it's nice of Strider to help Bilbo. That's a good guy thing to do.
(Okay, Small Child, there is a very long poem coming up.) Very long? (Yes.) Can we please skip it? I am not in the mood for poetry today. (Alright, we can skip it. I am not in the mood for poetry either.)
Was Sam just sleeping on the floor? Well, at least he was happy because he was smiling.
Mom! Why are you singing nonsense words? (They are evlish, baby.) *sigh* Fine, but I don't like them because I don't know what they mean.
I like to talk about trees too! Do you think maybe Frodo and Bilbo would like to hear me talk about the maple tree we have in our backyard? That's my favorite tree we have.
Bilbo IS very old! Way, way too old!
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dnalt-d2 · 5 months
Alright I have one more thing to say about this event (Though I'll admit now it's partly just me stating the obvious)
So as far as I remember, this Prison event was supposed to be four days, right?
Yet on the itinerary, it only has three days (ENDING IN PLAYER CRUCIFIXION??????)
This could mean one of two things
(One is a miscommunication/translation error, in which case, whoopsie and whatnot. I don't speak Spanish after all, which makes me rely on all the Spanish speakers for translations regarding events that Quackity announces)
But the other is that whatever happens on the third day is gonna be huge
So huge, that it will in fact carry over to the next day, and basically be a kind of fourth day for the event
And considering that Quackity keeps saying that this is about to be a new era for the QSMP, and keeps INSISTING it isn't clickbait, that seems like it's becoming more and more likely
Especially with that calendar we saw, with most of the week crossed out in Yellow
Something REALLY BIG is about to happen on the QSMP, and I can't wait to see what it is
(Okay so I just thought of this right before I hit post, but what if the Eggs are about to hatch?? Like I LITERALLY just thought about this, I was gonna put it in the tags, but what if?? It might explain why the Egfs are suddenly shifting back to the old type of tasks. It's been a REALLY long time since that was brought up. And that's JUST the thing that would cause a straight-up Era Shift that Quackity keeps implying. Maybe at the very least the Dragon shows up? Or at least gets brought up. Idk this is obviously just speculation, but wouldn't that be cool???)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 3 months
fighting everything cynical and spiteful in me because I still want to love and believe in people regardless of their flaws, but fucking hell I've hardly ever been tried on such a wide scale before. a lot of people, including people I really love, are making it really really hard to not only hold onto hope that there is a better future than this, but to feel like it's even worth it to try.
I had an inkling there would be a war on mental health on top of everything else going on, and thanks everything I am at a place in my life where it's not enough to send me tumbling down the deep end, but the thread remains thin. And it's genuinely super important to refuse to fall apart, it's absolutely necessary to find a way to persevere in the rise of a worldwide technofascist order because fuck them they don't deserve our despair, but. Yeah. I sincerely doubt it's going to get any easier any time soon, and given they're trying to destroy solidarity, to both monetize and punish self-expression and self-identity, mangle the essence of art and creation, force everybody into poverty and precarity, hunt down any indesirable in more and more unhinged ways and gradually restrict the consumption of everything... Yeah it's going to be a fucking nightmare moving forward.
My heart goes to everybody who's worse off than me on any of these topics, and who's already running on limited options and drained-out mental health. I don't know how to circumvent this entire situation we're facing, and specifically all the surgical ways they're trying to blot out hope and shut down solidarity. I just know it's absolutely necessary to find a way regardless.
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nnagicshop · 1 month
i'm so glad u didn't let me love u the way i wanted to
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prommethium · 29 days
Mariana Enriquez wrote a great novel because she wasn't afraid of exploring the darkest sides of human desires. Her writing is the perfect balance of the enjoyment of pain and cruelty, free of judgement and unapologetic, and the acknowledgment that cruelty and pain are things to be afraid of. 
Nuestra Parte de Noche // Our Share of Night
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awakefor48hours · 10 months
Having a young face is so weird. I can drive, I have a job, I pay taxes, I can legally purchase alcohol, yet I look like a teenager on their third can of monster energy.
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pastelpaperplanes · 2 years
Does Megatron only need those 3 teeny glasses to be so sad drunk??? 8-0
there’s a good deal of empty pints that are probably on the floor and swiped by Maccadam now too 😔😔
Megs is a big dude it takes a lot to do him in but oh boy the glasses are smth else
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thesentdowngirl · 17 days
HIIIII 👋 have you listened to any current 93 yet or has it just been rome and death in june
A lil bit, i liked a few songs... You can give me recommendations though and I will definitely listen to them.
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handfulofmuses · 2 months
People: Scar respects the hyenas they are his only friends for angsty reasons and the hyenas also respect Scar
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vssocialanxiety · 1 year
Something that I find rather annoying about the writing of Legends Arceus is the sheer amounts of wasted potential present with most characters, of all the Wardens I believe the best written in the game is Palina, Ingo is good, but his most interesting characterization is the result of work made by the fans. Almost every character has one trait that makes them interesting to me; it’s frustrating that Game Freak could just stumble by accident into making such good characters.
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i need to admit that nothing in the Mafia 2 plot made me cry or super sad EXCEPT everything about Francesca i mean i rarely cry but i literally got tears in my eyes just from realizing how hard and oppressive her life is without much choice or ability to change it
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zaukiel · 7 months
put myself on a waitlist for a therapist and am completely terrified because i'm not used to talking to people genuinely about my issues so this is going to be fun
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