#and was like wow i found my favorite barbie growing up that’s cool! this is my outfit inspo!
whatafirefeelslike · 11 months
well my boyfriend did something thoughtful and bc i’m an ungrateful piece of shit he feels bad now.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What is the next craft you are going to make? The only artsy thing I do is color, which I was doing earlier. Do you go outside every time that it’s sunny? No. I’m a vampire. What’s the last thing you purchased with cash? Food of course. In the winter, would you prefer it to be snowy or not snowy? I just want to experience snow, dude. <<< Same. It doesn’t snow where I live either. I could travel a few hours away and experience i, which I’ve been able to do only a couple of times, but still. I’m not able to just do that whenever I want, unfortunately. I want live somewhere where it snows. I’d love to have a snowy Christmas. Staying in a cabin somewhere where it snows would be cool, too. What decade did you grow up in? All through the 90s and early 2000′s.
What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? I have a few. Favorite *N Sync song? I have a few faves of theirs, too. I liked both bands. *gasp*
Which of those two bands did you like best? NSYNC.
Do you learn choreography easily? I don’t dance. If you had to choose, would you rather be taller or shorter? Taller. Do you feel you can trust your doctor? Yeah. Well, one of them. What is the theme of this year’s wall calendar? I don’t have one for this year. Do you feel like you were just writing 2009 on your school papers? No, it’s been 10 years now. How old will you be in 2033? 44. D: Do you still have your favorite toy from when you were kid? I have my Barbies and all their accessories and stuff still all packed up in the garage. What was the last good book you read? I’ve read a few lately. Currently I’m reading, The Weight of Lies by Emily Carpenter. Which do you do more: read books, spent time online, or watch television? Spend time online and watch TV. I do a lot of reading; though, too. What do you do the most when you’re online? Tumblr and surveys. Do you use a sunlamp? No. Is your 2019 off to a good start? No. It started off really bad and added new problems to my already existing ones. How will you decorate for Valentine’s Day? We didn’t. We don’t decorate for Valentine’s Day. Which foot is bigger, your left or your right? My left one slightly is. What color is your winter coat? I have a black peacoat and a blue/black/gray plaid peacoat. Do you have an art journaling Bible? No. What’s your favorite candy to receive on Halloween? I like to buy Reese’s. Do you think you’re too old to go trick-or-treating? At 29 years old, yeah I’d say so. Do you have a bobblehead? Yes. If yes, what does your bobblehead look like? It’s a Chewbacca one. Have you ever spent your birthday alone? No. Do you enjoy spending holidays alone (if you’ve ever done it)? I’ve never had to, thankfully. Which holiday is closest to your birthday? 4th of July. Have you ever had a themed bday party? Yeah, plenty. If yes, what was the theme? I had many different ones.
What is your favorite ride at the fair? I don’t do fairs. Were you afraid of heights as a child? Yep and still am. Do you think it’s stupid when you’re dying to have someone pray that you don’t feel afraid? (I would want them to pray that I live, personally) If someone is dying then you’d want to be at peace. Do you enjoy and appreciate life? Or is this something you need to learn? I appreciate my family, having a home and food to eat, and for the things I have, but it’s easy to overlook it sometimes and not show you’re appreciation. The bad so easily outweighs any good and takes center stage oftentimes. It’s hard to see any good sometimes. What was on the last mylar balloon you bought? I don’t remember. I haven’t bought any balloons in a long time. Which dollar store is your favorite? I don’t have a favorite, I rarely ever go to one. Have you ever made a pom-pom out of yarn? No. Do you prefer to take showers in the morning or at night? Night. Can you read in the car? No. What food gives you diarrhea? Ew, TMI. Do you keep a diary with a lock and key, or do you just hope no one will read? This is my diary and it’s very public. I’m just glad no one I know in “real” life has found it. Do you have a friend turned enemy whom you wish were still your friend? I’ve had any enemies. Have you ever had a lead role in a play? Noo. Do you know how to use imovie? Yeah. What does your phone look like? It’s a coral iPhone XR. Would you raise your kids differently than your parents raised you? No. My parents are great, it’s not their fault I’m a mess. What was the best part about college? I enjoyed my psychology courses. If you were homeschooled, did you come up with a school mascot? If so, what? I wasn’t home schooled. Are you really “wild & free?” No. Do you wish to be a free spirit? Somewhat. I just wish I were outgoing and adventurous and fun. Where would you go and what would you do if you could do anything? Tons of places, wherever I wanted. Would you ever take a solo road trip? No. Do the mountains fascinate you? They’re beautiful. What is the most fascinating part of nature? It’s peaceful and yet can kill much of a population in seconds. Probs not the most positive thing to observe, but fascinating (at least to me) nonetheless. <<< Wow, true.
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