zitatevonandrewvachss · 8 months
"Alle Soziopathen sind abgekapselt, sie tragen alle Gefühle, die sie brauchen, immer schon gleich in sich selbst. Niemand sonst zählt.
Alle Soziopathen *sind* ein und dasselbe, aber sie *wollen* nicht alle dasselbe. Nehmen Sie Politiker — ihre Art, sich zu vermehren, besteht darin, den Rest von uns zu ficken."
(Andrew Vachss)
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victorsantoscomics · 2 years
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Just read #AndrewVachss passed away. His novel Strega was one the first noir novels I read when I was in college. He was a true inspiration for me, a great writer with sharp dialogues and thrilling stories, but also a crusader with a cause: The protection of abused children. RIP https://www.instagram.com/p/CYCNJN4MiXU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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worldscollideca · 3 years
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here's another assortment of radically discounted awesomeness ! ANOTHER CHANCE TO GET IT RIGHT $10 COLLECTED TOPPI vol 1 $15 BAIT (signed by Palanhiuk) $20 MYTHOLOGY OF AN ABANDONED CITY $8 ART OF PAINTED COMICS $25 KINGDOM OF DWARVES $20 and we got all kinds of other weird wild and wonderful stuff. scope out our Shopify page on our website at worldscollide.ca for more. #andrewvachss #chuckpalanhiuk #sergiotoppi #jonjmuth #dynamiteentertainment #darkhorsecomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3Iex9JMwY/?igshid=t2jn02an48ux
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thedarkandweird · 4 years
For just $15.00 A copy of the book Hard Candy by Andrew Vachss. 1989 First Printing of a Knopf book. Very light edge and dust jacket wear. In really great shape.
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squeeprojectsllc · 5 years
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Conversations with my heroes - the real Batman(s) #andrewvachss #joelansdale #batman https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mynNzl68A/?igshid=j8ili4vsx5qe
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jamieroxx · 5 years
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Happy Birthday. Today, Oct 19, 1942 – Andrew Vachss, American lawyer and author was born. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Vachss) #AndrewVachss *One of my favorite Crime Authors. His work is Outstanding! Check out any or all of his books: (https://tinyurl.com/yxmsytab)
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timothy-z3r0 · 7 years
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This book is intense. Seen in #truedetectiveseason1 and written by the woman who inspired the tough attorney Wolf in the #andrewvachss Burke series, she's an amazing woman in her own right! Well worth tracking down. I couldn't believe I found it in the wild! #bookstagram #books #alicevachss #sexcrimes
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zitatevonandrewvachss · 6 months
"Anders als jede andere Art hat die menschliche Art viele Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten. Wir haben uns so weit entwickelt, dass wir uns entscheiden können, andere zu drangsalieren und zu foltern und sogar auszulöschen, und das ist eine Entscheidung, die täglich gefällt wird." - - - - - Andrew Vachss / Frank Caruso / Zak Mucha: HEART TRANSPLANT Herzverpflanzung. Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch gegen Mobbing
Andrew Vachss Zak Mucha Andrew Vachss' Official Group The Zero Alice Vachss Alice Vachss www.vachss.de | www.vachss.com
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jamieroxxartist · 3 years
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One of my favorite Neo-Noir Crime Authors. His work is Outstanding! Check out any or all of his books: (https://tinyurl.com/yxmsytab)
Happy Birthday. Today, Oct 19, 1942 – #AndrewVachss, American lawyer and author was born.
A #PopNoir #Painting I painted last year:
‘Traces of #Regret’ #Pumps, #Blood, #Woman, #Crime, #Nylons, #PopArt 2020, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 16"x20" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
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People ask me why I self-published Covenant Spring. The short (and true) answer: I couldn’t secure an agent to rep it, nor could I place it with a publisher. But there’s a deeper reason that I feel speaks to why we all do this in the first place. Kindly settle in.
Years ago, I was represented by a very well-known NYC agent who had no luck placing my very first novel, a hard sci-fi adventure. So it goes. But he invited me to pitch him anything new. I sent him Covenant Spring, which is very much *not* sci-fi.
The agent read Covenant Spring and passed. Again, so it goes. I asked if he would give me a reference to another agent where it might be a better fit. He replied that there were plenty of potential agents in the AAR directory. Ouch.
Whether he intended it or not, I took the agent’s reply as tantamount to a newly single friend asking you to introduce them to someone nice, and you telling them that there are plenty of nice people in the phone book. In other words, buzz off. Again: ouch.
It’s a business but it pissed me off. Still does. Yet I soldiered on. Several years and dozens of fruitless queries later, I shelved Covenant Spring, convinced (nearly) that there was no audience for it. There certainly was no interest in it.
I wrote other things, one of them a paranormal murder mystery about a redneck psychic, titled The Handyman. I was living in Charleston, SC. A local publisher grabbed it and ran. It got good press and better notices. A sequel was requested.
I got halfway through the first draft of the sequel when the publisher folded. Ouch. Ever try to place a previously-published book with an agent or new publisher? Like looking for a date in the phone book, only less rewarding.
I was profoundly discouraged. How do you determine when the universe is telling you to give up, or challenging you to try harder? Where’s the line that divides faith in oneself from delusion? Am I just too blind to admit that my writing sucks?
I was pulling weeds in my back yard. Charleston, in August. Eye-stinging sweat, swarming gnats. Feeling sorry for myself. Gnawing on the (I felt) injustice of it. Cursing, muttering. Years of writing, and for f**king what? More disappointment? Why did I bother?
Why indeed. I truly considered the question for the first time in ages. I didn’t write to pay the bills -- I had a good job. More money’s always nice, but I wasn’t in this for the cash. So why was I so angry? What did I *truly* want?
I wanted people to read my stuff. That’s it. And I was angry because the designated gatekeepers -- agents, publishers -- were standing in the way of that. They were determining whether my stuff was worth reading in the first place. Because *I* was giving them that power.
@andrewvachss declares, “The lie is that writing is a meritocracy. The lie is that the cream rises to the top. The truth is that it's a crap shoot.” Because, he says, “there is no objective standard for judging writing. At all.”
He’s right. That’s how art is. It moves you, or it doesn’t. But the gatekeepers judge not whether your art is ‘good,’ but whether it’s likely to move others enough to pay for it. Fair as far as it goes -- again, it's a business -- but it's a wholly subjective judgment based on a litany of inconstant considerations, from what the arbiter du jour determines the market wants (today), to personal taste, to whether they had a satisfying morning bowel movement.
As the cliché goes, the system stinks but it’s the only one we’ve got. Only it’s not.
Maybe my writing sucks. Maybe it’s mediocre. Maybe, it’s good. Regardless, I realized I’d rather put my book directly into a reader’s hands and let *them* decide, have *them* tell me, than put another jot of energy into another f**king query letter.
I straightened my back, wiped away sweat. The yard looked great. I felt better. And a year and a bit later, here we are. You and I.
The book is Covenant Spring. I love it with all of my heart. Maybe it's destined to languish on the dusty shelf of obscurity, read by few. It'll have lots of company. Maybe it'll move one or two of those who give it a chance, in whose hearts it may inspire poetry.
Maybe no one will read this. It's an odd sensation, writing these words, knowing all they may be or are likely to be are stones tossed in a well. That the first and last time they're read is now. This moment. These words, this full stop.
That may have to be enough. Like strawberries in snow. It'll break my heart, but so it goes. Perhaps my love for my love will fade with time, but more likely I will become accustomed to turning away from it for longer times. And then I will see it again, and wonder again how I could have ever forgotten, and my heart will ache once more. Like the good Mr. @neil-gaiman's narrator, my own melancholy ocean, at the end of my own narrowing, twilight lane.
You can find Covenant Spring on Amazon. Whatever you might think of it, I’d love you to tell me. Thanks for listening.
Maybe I should pull weeds more often.
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albireo-mkg · 3 years
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О книгах Эндрю Ваксса, мы можем говорить бесконечно, каждая книга направлена на человечество и человека. Каждая со всей возможной помощью в жизни. "Пересадку сердца" мы даже выставляли постранично в старом инстаграм, чтобы любой мог прочитать и знать, что делать, если вы жертва буллинга. Если вы инициатор буллинга. Если вы родитель жертвы или… жертвы, которая вынуждена буллить слабых, потому что дома ее буллите вы. Это пронзительная и трогательная история о том, как пересадить свое сердце в будущее. И сейчас, пока идут темные дни и ночи, ее можно купить со скидкой и помочь не только себе, но и еще той сиротке, которую вот прямо сейчас в американском суде защищает Ваксс (все же он адвокат детей), потому что деньги с книг автора отправляются в его фонд помощи вот таким детям... да любым детям, которые протягивают к нему руки. А еще больше про автора и его книги, которые уже переведены на русский и продаются на Литмаркете, можно узнать в блоге нашего директора - ссылка в шапке профиля, там вы найдете и книги, и скидки. #albireomkg #Пересадка_сердца #ЭндрюВаксс #скидки_на_литмаркете #графическийроман #AndrewVachss #HeartTransplant (at Кабакум) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWiv-skoZCU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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svyat0s · 7 years
Мои переводы
#иэтовсеонем #AndrewVachss #Burke #Flood Перевел очередную главу книги Эндрю)) Ну, все равно, еще много осталось. Очень здорово написано, конечно.
Ну, чо уж, они все здорово делают.
Ну… кроме, вот, актерской игры (не могу молчать, товарищи). Да. Особенно маленьких людей. Не, ледяных отмороженных маньяков-то они могут играть, политиков, бизнесменов, метафизических каких-нибудь…
View On WordPress
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nova0000scotia · 7 years
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Cant believe the miracle - well beside grandbabies and libraries #DanielSilva #KenBruen #JamesLeeBurke #IanRankin AND ALWAYS #AndrewVachss #ChildrenOfTheSecret  .... wonder if Vachss knows how many of us he’s saved over the years.....   
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squeeprojectsllc · 5 years
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#andrewvachss #burke #noir #badass https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKGBfzFAHU/?igshid=z6xzpqc4hqt5
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zitatevonandrewvachss · 6 months
Andrew Vachss SACRIFICE Textauszug
>> Ich lebe in der Dunkelheit, wo es sicher ist. Sicher vor Dingen, die so geheim sind, dass sie keinen Namen haben.
Es gibt noch andere wie mich. Kinder des Geheimnisses. Aufgewachsen bei so vielen verschiedenen Menschen. Denjenigen, die uns ignorierten, denjenigen, die uns quälten. Kein Ort, an den wir fliehen konnten, so wurde Überleben alles. Für uns eine Religion. Mit Lügen gefüttert, sodass nur wir die Wahrheit kennen. Eine Armee von uns.
Ihr könnt uns nicht sehen, aber wir finden einander. Wie eine spezielle Rasse geschädigter Hunde, die allein auf jenen stummen Pfiff reagieren.
Alles kommt zu denen, die warten.
Einige von uns warten im Hinterhalt. <<
(Andrew Vachss: SACRIFICE) (Opfer. Kriminalroman.)
www.vachss.com | www.vachss.de
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