#anneliese Michel
t0rschlusspan1k · 2 months
The Telegraph | 'God told us to exorcise my daughter's demons. I don't regret her death'
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By Elizabeth Day
27 November 2005 • 12:01am
[...] From the very beginning, Anneliese's life was governed by fear. Her family was deeply religious. Her father had considered training as a priest and three of her aunts were nuns. But the Michels had a secret. In 1948, Anneliese's mother gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, Martha, bringing such disgrace on her family that she was forced to wear a black veil on her wedding day. When Anneliese was born in 1952, her mother encouraged her to atone for the sins of illegitimacy through fervent devotion. But when Martha was eight, she died from complications arising from an operation to remove a kidney tumour. Anneliese, a kind-hearted and deeply sensitive girl, must have felt ever more strongly the pressure to do penance for her mother.
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She found herself increasingly surrounded by evidence of sinfulness and increasingly anxious to be rid of it. While other children in the 1960s were rebelling testing the limits of their freedom, Anneliese slept on a bare stone floor to atone for the sins of the drug addicts who slept rough at the local train station. In 1968, aged 17, she began to suffer convulsions. Although initially diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy, she started experiencing devilish hallucinations while praying. By 1973, she was suffering severe depression and considering suicide. Voices in her head told her she was damned. She asked the local priest for exorcism and was twice refused. But gradually, Anneliese slipped further into the abyss. She would perform 600 genuflections a day, eventually rupturing her knee ligaments. [...] In 1975, her third request for exorcism was granted by the Bishop of Wurzburg. "I don't regret it," says Anna Michel firmly. "There was no other way." We shall never know if there was. By this stage, Anneliese had refused further medical intervention from the Psychiatric Clinic Wurzburg. Her symptoms have subsequently been compared to schizophrenia and should have responded to treatment. There has also been speculation that Anneliese might have been influenced by the release of William Friedkin's The Exorcist, in 1973. But whatever lay behind her disturbance, the exorcism could have caused Anneliese to believe her own hallucinations. [...] Her parents buried her next to Martha at the outer edges of the cemetery - ground normally reserved for illegitimate children and suicides. Even in death, Anneliese was not free of the sinfulness she fought so hard to repent of.
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Today, the 2000 inhabitants of Klingenberg are unwilling to speak of Anneliese Michel. A gentle enquiry to passers-by is greeted with hostile glares and a shake of the head. "The town is ashamed," says Christiana Metzler, 42, who works in the tourist office. "I was at school when it happened and there were a lot of things covered up. People don't want to talk about it. There is a feeling that it was the parents' fault because they were so religious they didn't see what was happening. Sometimes Catholic pilgrims come to her grave because they think she can save lost souls. But there are not many of them. Now there is this film coming out, we are worried it will all be stirred up again." It is a past that the Church is ashamed of, too. In 1984, German bishops petitioned Rome to review the exorcism rite in the light of the Michel case. Although their recommendations were not adopted, the Vatican published a revised exorcism rite in 1999 - the first update since the 17th century - and has introduced a qualification in exorcism that maks priests undergo medical training. "I wouldn't have carried out the exorcism [on Anneliese Michel]," admits Fr Dieter Feineis, the current priest at St Pankratius Church in Klingenberg. "But both Anna Michel and her husband remained absolutely convinced that what they had done was right. The view of the Church is that it is possible to be possessed, but in Germany there are no more exorcisms." In Italy, however, it is a different matter. According to the Italian Association of Psychiatrists and Psychologists, half a million Italians seek exorcisms each year. There are about 350 practising exorcists worldwide. Earlier this year, a priest and several nuns in a Romanian Orthodox convent in Tanacu believed that Maricia Irina Cornici, a 23-year-old nun, was possessed. They carried out an exorcism ritual and tied her to a cross, pushing a towel in her mouth and denying her food or water, She was dead three days later. [...]
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soulsanitarium · 11 months
Exorcism, the ritual practice of driving out demons or malevolent spirits from individuals believed to be possessed, has been a part of religious and spiritual traditions throughout history, including the 21th century.
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Few of the well-known cases from the 20th century are the exorcism of Anna Ecklund (there is a movie) and Anneliese Michel, a young German woman, in the 1970s. Although this case is more recent, it gained significant attention in media at its time and later became the basis for the horror film "The Exorcism of Emily Rose” and German drama film “Requiem”.
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The specific understanding and role of possession in shamanic healing will depend on the particular cultural context and the spiritual traditions of the community practicing shamanism. The shaman, in their role as a spiritual practitioner, is called upon to address the possession and restore balance. There are a lot of films about vodoo, but also few from other cultures such as Italian “Il Demonio” (gif above), that is based on the anthropological research and for example Chinese “Zhong xie (中邪)”.
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In Abrahamic religions, demonic possession is generally understood as the state in which an individual's body or mind is believed to be under the control or influence of a malevolent spiritual entity or demon. The concept of demonic possession is most explicitly mentioned in Christianity, but similar beliefs and practices can be found in Judaism and Islam as well, albeit with some variations.
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Jewish traditions do acknowledge the existence of malevolent spirits or demons, known as "shedim" or "dybbuks." These entities are believed to be the souls of wicked individuals who did not find rest in the afterlife and instead haunt the living. There are few films about the topic, modern myth film “The Possession” (gif above) and more authentic “The Dybbuk” (gif below).
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In Islam, demonic possession is attributed to malevolent beings known as "jinn." Jinn are supernatural entities created from smokeless fire and are said to exist in a parallel realm, interacting with humans but remaining generally unseen. There are more and more horror films about the jinn, such as “Dabbe: The Possession” (gif below).
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From a psychiatric perspective, experiences that may be perceived as demonic possession in religious or cultural contexts are often understood as manifestations of psychological disorders or mental illness. Various conditions, such as dissociative disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, or certain neurological disorders, can lead to altered perceptions, behaviors, or experiences that resemble possession.
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Psychiatry views these phenomena as originating from within the individual's mind and brain rather than external spiritual forces. Traumatic events and unresolved psychological conflicts can contribute to the creation of internalized "parts" or "alters" within an individual's mind, which may appear as separate entities or personalities. Psychoanalytic and approaches also offer symbolic and metaphorical interpretations of possession-like experiences. They consider that the concept of possession can represent a symbolic expression of internal conflicts, repressed emotions, or unresolved psychological issues.
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In my podcast video I will demonstrate how in the case of the Anneliese Michel these omnipotent defence fantasies were present - in both sides. And will introduce all these films more broadly. There is also theory about mental illness & possession in different cultures. (18<)
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uncatolicoperplejo · 5 months
El exorcismo de Anneliese Michel
Prólogo Texto del Sacerdote polaco Aleksander Posacki SJ desde www.naszdziennik.pl en 2005 y que a día de hoy está suprimido de esa web. Y transcribo aquí el texto completo porque al final de él divaga demasiado centrado en defender la existencia de los demonios, evidente que existen, además de que añade citas de los herejes judíos y masones Batista Montini (Pablo VI ), Wojtyla (JPII) y Ratzinger…
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
Episode Six: The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel Photodump
Image 1: Anneliese as a young child Image 2: Anneliese Michel in her high school portrait Image 3: The Michel Family - Anneliese (left) with her 3 sisters & parents Image 4: Anna Michel restrains her daughter during an exorcism Image 5: Anneliese during various stages of her exorcisms, note her black eyes and broken nose Image 6: Anneliese during one of her 67 exorcisms, bloodied with broken teeth Image 7: Anneliese Michel post-mortem at her wake Image 8: Anneliese’s boyfriend and parents attend her funeral Image 9: Father Arnold Renz, Anna Michel, & Josef Michel in court during their trial Image 10: Anneliese Michel’s gravestone in Germany
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boycentriccplot · 11 months
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omg 😳
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darktoshiro · 8 months
The lack of media literacy and common sense of some horror fans is fucking incredible.
It's really impossible for some of them to separate real life cases and their nuances with a fucking movie dude.
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aaartemisia · 10 months
if fairy guardian michel had a second season; I rather see an episode where michel and kim decided to search and rescue a newly born fairy of wisdom, diligence and intelligence (named as liza) and she looks like a small white-brown colored owl who wore a black toga and a black graduation cap; then one episode where the black hammer gang (leaded by lady salome and her henchmen were the suspense brothers : boogy, woogy and meggi) that they abducted liza until they went to mont st. michel in normandy, france where michel and kim met anneliese, a young girl who dreams to be a fashion designer and she wanted to leave her hometown and anneliese was with her girlfriend named naya, a freelance supermodel. during their journey on the monastery, michel had a vision which he faints until he didn’t tell to kim where he saw a vision about his alleged past life.
annaliese offers michel and kim to join on an evening ball gala but Michel and kim tells them that they didn’t enough money to buy such formal clothes but anneliese smiled at them as she said that she’s helping them to search liza but michel felt liza’s energy inside of the monastery.
PS. i cant find a decent dress for kim white but she would rather wore a simple long gown with some mixed hues of pink and purple.
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deadstrangeblog · 10 months
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After almost a year of exorcisms, sometimes lasting 4 hours at a time, Michel worsened physically and mentally. She was aggressive, would mutilate herself, and hunted and ate insects like a starved animal. In November 1973, she started taking her antipsychotic drugs regularly again. Despite taking these medications, Michel’s psychosis worsened and she began speaking only in gutteral growls and claiming she saw demons. On July 1st 1976, Michel died at home.
She weighed just 67lbs due to severe starvation and her death was caused by extreme malnutrition and dehydration. A post-mortem revealed her knees were broken due to only crawling around on all fours for months, and she had contracted pneumonia. Her parents, along with two Catholic priests, were charged with negligent homicide as investigators agreed her death was preventable. Sadly, a lack of mental health awareness at the time and an obsession with demons meant that it was too late for Anneliese Michel, and this once happy girl had her life cruelly cut short.
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mourningmaybells · 6 months
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This game used the audio recordings of Anneliese Michel? It has a girl’s slow death under negligence because of her epilepsy and psychosis (using the brain scans to debunk it makes no sense it was the 70s and even doctors, their machines, and their medicine were ill-equipped. The "proof" was her acting strange around religious iconography, having different personalities, and eating bugs and urine. Nothing as supernatural as 'speaking in different tongues' occurred and her parents were deeply catholic so they're inclined to believe it's the devil. If you look at the dates, it coincides with the rise of the satanic panic.)
So, Airdorf mixed it into a video game boss battle. Yeah I’m not fucking with this game anymore what a sick joke.
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theleechyskrunkly · 7 months
I 100% recommend searching up Anneliese Michel
uuuh ok 🤨
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cheezy-moon · 7 months
Ok maybe I should stop watching stuff about Anneliese Michel
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel
Born in 1952, Anneliese Michel begins experiencing strange symptoms at age sixteen. Were the symptoms indicative of demonic possession?
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reality-detective · 1 year
* * * Story Time * * *
The Disturbing Exorcisms and Death of Anneliese Michel
Anneliese Michel grew up devoutly Catholic in Bavaria, West Germany in the 1960s, where she attended Mass twice a week. When Anneliese was sixteen, she began to see the face of the devil wherever she went and said she heard demons whispering in her ears. When she heard demons telling her she was “damned” and would “rot in hell” while she was praying, she concluded that the devil must be possessing her.
She went through 67 exorcisms in 10 months. She had broken knees, fractured teeth, bruises and wounds all over her body. She died of malnutrition and dehydration. Exhausted and weak. 🤔
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slavicafire · 2 years
watching one of my favourite genre of bad horror movies - catholic variations on possession - reminds me, periodically, of one of my least favourite things, which is the effort with which priests have hammered into our heads the fear thereof throughout all my school years.
including the most cruel and ridiculous idea of subjecting us - during religion classes when we were maybe 13 - to the anneliese michel recordings.
oh, this hatred burns deep, it really does.
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cerebrodigital · 4 months
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A la edad de 16 años, Annelise Michel empezó a desmayarse en la escuela y pronto comenzó a tener convulsiones, vomitar, comer arañas y carbón, e incluso beber su propia orina. Después de someterse a 67 exorcismos, falleció en 1976.
Descubre su historia y la explicación científica de lo que le sucedió:
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apesoformythoughts · 9 months
In a conference several years later, German bishops retracted the claim that [Anneliese Michel] was possessed.
Why am I not surprised that German bishops would do that?
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