#Anna ecklund
soulsanitarium · 11 months
Exorcism, the ritual practice of driving out demons or malevolent spirits from individuals believed to be possessed, has been a part of religious and spiritual traditions throughout history, including the 21th century.
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Few of the well-known cases from the 20th century are the exorcism of Anna Ecklund (there is a movie) and Anneliese Michel, a young German woman, in the 1970s. Although this case is more recent, it gained significant attention in media at its time and later became the basis for the horror film "The Exorcism of Emily Rose” and German drama film “Requiem”.
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The specific understanding and role of possession in shamanic healing will depend on the particular cultural context and the spiritual traditions of the community practicing shamanism. The shaman, in their role as a spiritual practitioner, is called upon to address the possession and restore balance. There are a lot of films about vodoo, but also few from other cultures such as Italian “Il Demonio” (gif above), that is based on the anthropological research and for example Chinese “Zhong xie (中邪)”.
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In Abrahamic religions, demonic possession is generally understood as the state in which an individual's body or mind is believed to be under the control or influence of a malevolent spiritual entity or demon. The concept of demonic possession is most explicitly mentioned in Christianity, but similar beliefs and practices can be found in Judaism and Islam as well, albeit with some variations.
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Jewish traditions do acknowledge the existence of malevolent spirits or demons, known as "shedim" or "dybbuks." These entities are believed to be the souls of wicked individuals who did not find rest in the afterlife and instead haunt the living. There are few films about the topic, modern myth film “The Possession” (gif above) and more authentic “The Dybbuk” (gif below).
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In Islam, demonic possession is attributed to malevolent beings known as "jinn." Jinn are supernatural entities created from smokeless fire and are said to exist in a parallel realm, interacting with humans but remaining generally unseen. There are more and more horror films about the jinn, such as “Dabbe: The Possession” (gif below).
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From a psychiatric perspective, experiences that may be perceived as demonic possession in religious or cultural contexts are often understood as manifestations of psychological disorders or mental illness. Various conditions, such as dissociative disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, or certain neurological disorders, can lead to altered perceptions, behaviors, or experiences that resemble possession.
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Psychiatry views these phenomena as originating from within the individual's mind and brain rather than external spiritual forces. Traumatic events and unresolved psychological conflicts can contribute to the creation of internalized "parts" or "alters" within an individual's mind, which may appear as separate entities or personalities. Psychoanalytic and approaches also offer symbolic and metaphorical interpretations of possession-like experiences. They consider that the concept of possession can represent a symbolic expression of internal conflicts, repressed emotions, or unresolved psychological issues.
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In my podcast video I will demonstrate how in the case of the Anneliese Michel these omnipotent defence fantasies were present - in both sides. And will introduce all these films more broadly. There is also theory about mental illness & possession in different cultures. (18<)
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grasslandgirl · 11 months
For the fic writing asks: 19, 27, 33, 47, & 68
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
stick solely to canon characters!!! i have a couple dna characters who are my darling light and life but i also don't really count them as OCs bc they're rooted in the original play to me forever and i don't usually throw them into unrelated fic (except leah my sam ecklund big sister. that's leah dna to me. whoops)
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
uhhhh depends on the fic !!! some fics i feel really solid in the dialogue for, some i feel iffy on dialogue and comfortable in description, sometimes i like to really sit into the world building/setting/etc-- it depends on the fic and the setting and my headspace more than anything !!! (though i am forever curious as to what OTHER people think my strength/s in my writing is 👀)
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most?
anything under like. 3k feels too short for me. i have a lot of respect for people who can write really short things and have them be like. cohesive and solid and clear but i feel like my writing has to surpass 2 or 3k words before it feels like. solid enough to post!! after that, it depends on what the story demands; i said in a previous ask that i don't outline generally and that carries over to wrod counts, too, i don't really know how long a fic is going to be until i feel myself getting into an organic endgame of the narrative-- when i start something, i have no idea whether its gonna be like 5k or 25k or longer lmao (famously i thought noble pining was gonna be a short regular fic when i started it. 3 years and 100k words ago. so. what do i know?)
47. Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of?
not really?? i tend not to read a lot of soulmate aus anymore bc i find them. a little overdone and not super interesting to me personally anymore?? but like ive only written one soulmate au a long time ago and i started writing that as a way to explore a soulmate au world build that did interest me!
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
uhhhhh so many fics and at the same time? none? idk i read fic. so much. like every night to go to bed bc im #normal, and while there have absolutely been fics that have been wonderful and lifechanging and mind bending i dont know if there are any that have directly impacted my writing? sometimes reading a fic will give me a tangential idea for a scene or a fic or a beat that i might then go on to write, but my style tends to me more impacted by the people i am lucky enough to write alongside and hearing about their thoughts and processes and getting their insights and feedback !!! specifically in the last while jamie @jlinns and luka @creacherkeeper have been super inspirational and really helped me to continue shaping my perspective on my writing <3
send me fic asks from this list!!!!
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The Exorcism Of Anna Ecklund (2016) #review #fullmovie
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kaliguerrero · 9 months
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Anna EckLund el sobrenombre de Emma Schmidt. Ella comenzó a mostrar signos de posesión demoníaca en su adolescencia, no soportaba ver artículos religiosos, mucho menos podía entrar a una iglesia.
Un sacerdote alemán fue llamado por la familia para que le practicará un exorcismo.
Dicen que ella se retorcía por ingerir agua bendita que estaba mezclada entre la comida, silbaba hasta el punto de hacer ruidos semejantes a los gatos.
Entre las sesiones ella levitaba, aullaba y se colgaba sobre el marco de la puerta.
El espíritu maligno que tenía Emma la hacía hablar en varios idiomas.
En la última sesión de exorcismo antes de ser liberada, mencionó a demonios como Belcebú y el nombre de su tía Mina.
En 1935 se corrió el rumor de que la causa de que Emma fuera poseída fue gracias a su tía, una bruja local que empleaba hierbas para sus hechizos y con estás prepararía la comida de Emma.
Además de un posible amorío entre la tía y el padre de Emma.
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la-putana-posts · 10 months
"O mundo é cheio de sofrimento, ninguém pode negar. Mas também é cheio de gente que se supera. A maioria das grandes realizações do mundo aconteceram porque as pessoas continuaram tentando".
O exorcismo de Anna Ecklund
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme O Exorcismo de Anna Ecklund Online fácil
Assistir Filme O Exorcismo de Anna Ecklund Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/o-exorcismo-de-anna-ecklund/
O Exorcismo de Anna Ecklund - Filmes Online Fácil
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Nesta história real terrível, algo além da compreensão está acontecendo com a esposa e mãe Anna Ecklund. Uma vez uma paroquiana calma e educada, ela agora está propensa a ataques de raiva, com um ódio particularmente violento contra imagens religiosas. Desesperado para encontrar uma cura para o comportamento perturbador de Anna, sua família convida médicos e psiquiatras para fornecer um diagnóstico. Mas quando nenhuma explicação racional pode ser encontrada, o sacerdote local Padre Riesinger se une ao investigador do Vaticano Padre Lamont para avaliar o caso. Percebendo que Anna está possuída por uma entidade malévola, os sacerdotes a levam para um convento nas proximidades para realizar um exorcismo. Mas todo o inferno é libertado e uma batalha brutal começa entre o bem e o mal.
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Well, I’ve always known that... I was Judas in a past life... I knew it, because due to virgin stuff... I always had to play to role of jesus... and I just walked out in these crowns of thorns like... I SUCKED. I sucked at the virginity stuff... I sucked at playing Jesus. It should be brought up in a court of law how badly I had sucked at being Jesus... but we do not follow religious teachings in trials, as does Islam... so... no one could do anything about it. I guess people always did not want to be with me so much... and wanted me off and away to the side... that that is a role I ended up playing. That is how I knew something was up... but... I was never ANGRY... I was never screaming, as demons do... I did feel very drawn to New England... like... I recognized people from that area... I wanted to be with people... eventually, I realized that... alphabetically... Massachusetts is behind Michigan. Maybe that means something? (something other than us being friends so me just shipping myself there to hang out w/ friends rather than you). I remember the witch trials starting only because rumors had come out that I WAS BACK. I think all that stuff is in W. Virginia. IF YOU ASK ME... I also... kind of remembered being Sharon Tate... like... she had family... and all that stuff... family that’s still alive and with money... so... I was just like... man... I really don’t want to say anything about this... but it was stuff that PEOPLE DID... it’s who people were... that bothered me and would have made for an injustice to not say anything about. Don’t say anything and let PEOPLE just get away w/ s*** like that? Lot’s of reasons why I didn’t want to... but had to say something. Actually, what really confused me... even after I knew what I knew about the Tate murders was like all of that exorcism content with people like Anna Ecklund, or “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” movie. All these people had claimed to be possessed by Judas. For that reason, I was like... this guy can be... whatever he wants to be........ I won’t get in his way... it just threw me off and made me believe for so long that I am not... especially when I had my 2nd and 3rd personalities. With those people... being from Maryland or whatever... they did not think they were Judas... and since they were also here... it would technically ring up as a lie on a lie detector to say “I am Judas...” because that 2nd personality is not... but I did end up going to Ocean City Maryland with my boyfriend this summer... and I was just like “I remember... I am Blackbeard... I AM FINALLY AWAKE NOW... I know what I need to do!!!!!!!!!!!” Visiting brought back memories, and it helped me to figure out what the situation was... and why it would ring up that I lie anytime I’d say that I am Judas... It helped to clear up a lot of things for me. 
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arthurmorganson · 2 years
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shes my gf (real)
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bruceshideout · 5 years
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Have you noticed a sudden shift in personality? Perhaps a disquieting metamorphosis of self? Skipping church? Speaking in tongues? You could very likely be possessed (particularly if you're watching this show.) Spooky Brucey, Dr. Seltsam and an old friend will introduce you to startling tales of demonic possession and Catholic exorcism in this all new installment of Tales of Midnight!
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mousemarner · 5 years
i literally just almost made a post marveling at American Vandal giving us canonically gay Peter and then I remembered that Ashely Hanson being a dude was Anna’s idea not canon dskjlghklgh......I really lived in the superior timeline for a second there anyway Peter Maldonado is gay 
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aberfaeth · 3 years
fuck it! comfort fic rec list, inspired by @gukgaksupremacy everyone say thank you abby. not organized in any way and for that im so sorry
i hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain by BookNerd8 aka my dear friend chloe | G | 1k | Guns N Roses
im putting this first because otherwise you might miss it and ur simply not allowed to miss it. no context provided you just *breaking news tornado jail brennan voice* you must read it, please read it, read it now
If You Could Let Me Inside Your Heart by @featherquillpen | G | 2.5k | Leverage
poetic fucking CINEMA!!! this fic is genuinely the most compelling group character study i’ve ever read in my life like the way the team dynamics are portrayed through the lens of psychic magic....its is just art and its so beautiful
Be Gay; Solve Crime by @phonecallfromgod | T | 9.2k | American Vandal
honestly all of anna grace’s fics are incredible but this one in particular is so comforting to me. the slice of life peter sam shenanigans is so well written and the whole thing is just very goofy very soft!
only a full house gonna have a prayer by @iasmelaion | T | 3.5k | 17776
this fic has it all: aliens! the voyager satellites! humanity’s enduring capacity for love and kindness! nine ten and juice are so endearing and funny. also this introduced me to thin blue flame so thank u op for that
on this winter’s night with you by @grasslandgirl | G | 1k | Dimension 20 (The Unsleeping City)
literally i think about this fic once a week. it is possibly the warmest piece of literature to exist ever in the world. sofia and dale deerwatching is something that can be so personal and special and dear to me
A Lock of Your Hair, For Science by moemachina | M | 2.3k | iZombie
i can only wish to ever in my life write dialogue as good as this fic. every single line is absolutely golden and its just. yknow that gifset i reblog every other month of major and ravi being really soft and stupid. this fic has that energy exactly and its so funny and delightful
Hat Trick by @cauldronoflove | T | 14k | American Vandal
sam ecklund a friend to all! this fic takes the lil detail of the truck stop hats and spins a story of friendship in all its different shapes and forms. sam and peter are so sweet in this but so is sam with everyone else like its so wonderful for real
Reggie Horowitz Rekindles the Light by americanhoney913 | G | 4k | Julie and the Phantoms
jewish reggie jewish reggie jewish reggie! for real this fic makes my little jewish heart sing it’s so kind. reggie and the boys, reggie and julie, reggie and ray! all of his relationships are portrayed with so much care and love and it just makes me so so happy
but if i say i’ll see you ‘til the end will you promise to take my hand? by @enobarias | T | 2k | Leverage
a lil postfinale parker POV! parker is so wonderful in this fic, her voice is so strong and well written, and the ot3 in general is just clenches fist soooooo good. tbt to when i found this before watching the finale and thought it was a fix it fic ahahahahahhhahhh
this untitled fic by @handcoversheart-76 | G | 2k | American Vandal
its literally about peter and sam sharing warm sweaters u cannot get more up my ally comfort fic wise!!! the dialogue is so good and theyre just so sweet with each other i am going to cry
if not for love by @eternalgirlscout | M | 5.5k | The Penumbra Podcast (Junoverse)
then love for pitys sake!!! genuinely the best pre-s2 finale jupeter reunion concept to ever grace the planet. it takes reconciliation slowly enough to feel earned without feeling too painful and just. <333 peter nureyev my beloved
the game is already lost by @altschmerzes | T | 9.2k | The Adventure Zone (Balance)
taako receives affection the musical! this fic is all about hugs so naturally it feels like one big long bear hug to read. it is so warm and sweet and the last chapter especially i reread alllllll the time 
major triad by @joeslie | G | 4.6k | Julie and the Phantoms
extremely sweet ot3 get together fic! reggie’s pov in this is so earnest and goofy and in LOVE!! chicken soup for the brain soul for sure
flew like a moth to you, sunlight by @gendermybeloved | G | .5k | Dimension 20 (Fantasy High)
pushing my poly bad kids agenda but this fic is genuinely sooooo warm and beautifully written! the prose is literally like sunlight and its just. UGH i love them i lvoe them
Richie Tozier is famous and loves his boyfriend, OK by @teashoesandhair | T | 63k | IT
im literally not even an it person im not a reddie person but every single second of this series is so beyond delightful. its like a media series so its told in the format of comedy specials and mean tweets and wired presents: and its SO funny and sweet!
Yesterday is Here by @cirrus-grey | T | 53k | The Magnus Archives
time travel shenanigans! jonmartin x2! elias bouchard eat my shorts etc! i read this as it was coming out weekly and it was an unparalleled experience. this is a delightful fix it and also a wonderful examination of the archival staff’s relationships!
Fundamentals of Self-Awareness by Rainbowcat | M | 4.2k | Community
goofy and sweet and hilariously written. the study group in this is one big stupid (incredibly stupid) family and troy and abed’s relationship is written so well it makes my heart so warm for real
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cauldronoflove · 3 years
do you have any suggestions for shows to watch on Netflix? I finished the west wing in November and tbh I should probably start something new now 😂
i dont use netflix as much for tv as i do movies and unfortunately im a purveyor of bad-in-a-fun-way tv so the first show tht came to mind is greys anatomy bc thts the last show ive watched on there in Months lmao
as for actually good shows i can never go wrong in rec'ing american vandal which is one of my all time favs and i hold So dear to my heart. i cant even truly explain wht it's abt bc no description does it justice but bare bones: fake docu-series that spans two seasons, each chronicling a different high school vandalism case, as investigated by best friends peter maldonado and sam ecklund
and it's not a show but the american president is currently on netflix (through january 31st i think?) which is a fun moment if you want to revisit the feel of the west wing for 2 hrs. aaron sorkin would go on to take scrapped scenes from this movie to rework into west wing eps, its got the combined sorkin writing and 90s flavors of the first couple tww seasons (have never been so happy to see a walk and talk on my screen 😭) and anna deavere smith (nancy mcnally in tww) plays the press secretary with martin sheen as the cos (w appearances by nina siemaszko and joshua malina, who played ellie bartlet and will bailey respectively)
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tammyfeabakker · 4 years
Watch "Exorcism Of Anna Ecklund - A Very Dark History | Mystery & Makeup GRWM - Bailey Sarian" on YouTube
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The Exorcism of Anna Ecklund (2016) Trailer #fullmovie
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theouijagirl · 4 years
What is your opinion on the Anne Ecklund incident? In particular the claims that putting cursed food in her meals allowed her to be possessed and that putting holy water in her food a planned gradual process that would have expelled the demon from her (but failed because the demon recognized it and refused to eat)? In addition how come people like her get repossessed multiple times after the first successful exorcism? Is it possible to use to influence someone by adding magical stuff in food?
I’ve never heard of this person. But it sounds like another case of a child entering adolescence, and somehow they “change overnight”, and their overly zealous Catholic parents think it’s demons and not, you know, hormones.
Wikipedia says they believe her aunt may have been a witch and put spices in her food and that is what possessed her. Which literally makes no sense at all.
She was not possessed nor was she “repossessed”. She lived in a house with religious extremists, who probably considered anything outside of the realm of expectation to be demons. Anna didn’t want to go to church anymore, must be a demon. She had “disturbed” thoughts, must be a demon. It can’t possibly be that she was growing into maturity and had her own thoughts and feelings that maybe disagreed with her parents. Or that, since it was the 1920s and she most likely didn’t go through any kind of mental health exam, that she was mentally ill and wasn’t treated properly for it.
Kitchen witchery is the art of weaving spells into food. Technically, when people say things like “the secret ingredient is love” that’s considered kitchen witchery. In no way is baking a pie or whatever going to get you possessed by a demon.
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la-putana-posts · 2 years
"O mundo é cheio de sofrimento, ninguém pode negar. Mas também é cheio de gente que se supera. A maioria das grandes realizações do mundo aconteceram porque as pessoas continuaram tentando".
O exorcismo de Anna Ecklund
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