#anon i love u so so much U ARE SO KIND AND SWEET
xxsunoosprincess · 2 days
Hi! How are you doing? I love your writing btw, you’re definitely one of my favourite writers 🙈
I don’t know if anyone has asked this yet, but enha legal line + aftercare?? What they’d do, how they’d act kind of thing? Maybe even how they’d like to be taken care of? It’s perfectly okay if you don’t want to do this 🤗
hi hi!! I’m a little sick rn but doing good because I’m finally done with school >:3 also u make me blush sweet anon… I’m glad my stuff makes you happy!! sorry it took a minute to get around to this but I’m indulging in some softer stuff while I sniffle away in bed :,) thanks for the request!!
Enhypen and Aftercare (OT6)
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pairings: Enhypen legal line x reader
warnings: 18+, minors dni, mentions of sex but not pure smut, fem bodied!reader
His face contorts into an expression halfway between pain and pleasure as he slow lying inches his sensitive length out of you, a breathless “hahh” escaping him as he shivers, collapsing onto you. It pulls an unexpected grunt out of you, followed by a series of giggles as he borrows into your neck, huffs of hot air tickling your sensitive skin.
“What the fuck” he whines out. You feel his hands squeeze your hips “your pussy is crazy”. The seriousness in his voice has you caught between a belly laugh and a faux scandalized gasp, swatting his ass gently as you scold him for such crude words. “I’m serious! You. Your body. You’re just perfect…” small pecks between each word, sleepy yawns, and a dopey heeseung clinging to you like a koala. Has fallen into the routine of fucking you before bed, claims it’s “the only way I can sleep now. Need you so bad”, and it might just be true because you can already feel the gentle vibrations of his snores against your collarbone.
Don’t play rn Jay is literally the embodiment of doting aftercare. The routine is locked and mf loaded. After he bullies your cunt until it’s sore and you are sure you can’t walk, this pillow talk starts. This part is just as much for you as it is for him, because he doesn’t think he could walk right now either. Promises of a future together, a catch-up on how your days have been, chats about if you liked the newest thing he introduced to your romp in the sheets. Just hearing your sweet voice cut through the quiet of night is enough to reground him (plus, he really does care about what you have to say).
I think he’s a little lazy with clean up, keeps a pack of wet wipes at the bedside table to give you both a once over, makes a half-promise to shower with you in the morning, and then rolls over to spoon you, peppering light kisses down your neck as your naked bodies intertwine to watch an episode of your guys’ favorite tv show. To Jay, aftercare is just as intimate as the actual sex. Unintentionally romantic in every way.
He’s the one that needs the most extensive aftercare, and come on, doesn’t he deserve it? He will eat you out for hours until you are kicking and squealing and prying him away by his hair. He will fuck into you from behind like it’s his sole purpose on his earth. And when all is said and done, he can hardly talk, slipping between English and Korean as he mumbles out a mix of curses and “so good, princess, so good”.
We wants you to play with his hair, curling up into your chest and peppering light kisses across your skin. He won’t admit how his heart skips a beat when you coo out a soft “good boy” to him, instead, he playfully bites you in retaliation. He won’t say anything about it, though. He loves the extra soft treatment, it’s like a reward for pushing himself to his limits to make you feel good.
He’s such an angel. He’s sweeping you up in his arms to carry you to the bathroom. It doesn’t matter how big you are, he insists on carrying you because you are his baby (“you know, I don’t lift all those weights for nothing” cue the cheesy flexing). Lets you soak in the shower for a bit while he changes the sheets and prepares pajamas for you. Big believer in actions speak louder than words.
“Was I too rough on you today?” he pouts, slipping into the shower after finishing his post-coital rounds and eyeing the redness that has stuck around on the meat of your ass. No amount of reassurance of you liking it will erase the worried expression, eyebrows drawn together and lips pressed into a thin line. The only thing that makes him stop, makes him burst out into laughter and splash water at you, is the promise you make to spank him next time around.
I’m sorry but he is definitely crying afterwards. Y’all know I’m not on the babygirl Sunoo agenda all the time, but this is something I’m absolutely positive about. He’s just so overwhelmed with emotion, so happy that you trust him to see you in such a vulnerable state, so happy to be with you, so in love with you, the tears are forming in his eyes the moment he watches you reach your finish underneath him. “My pretty girl” sniffle sniffle “you’re so- fuck- so gorgeous”. Doesn’t matter how long you have been together, there is about a 50% chance of tears every time you guys fuck.
He tends to get embarrassed about crying like that so please give him lots of reassurance :(. Gets a little shy and whiny at vocalized praise, but loves gentle back rubs and showers together. Let him wash and dry you, he likes to feel like he is taking care of you just as much as you take care of him <3.
I’m sorry he’s so silly and sweet after. Needs to make you laugh after an intense moment. Eases his mind to see you so happy after being so vulnerable (firm believer in the wonie softie agenda). Still naked as the day he was born as he playfully wrestles with you in the sheets. He’s right next to your ear, letting our exaggerated high-pitches moans and squeals of “wonnie harder!”. He giggles at your indignant protests, reassuring you that he loves how you can’t get enough of your “very hot and sexy boyfriend”.
He seems like the type that needs to be constantly moving, fetching you towels and water and hand feeding you snacks. “Anything for you, babycakes”. Cheesy ass grin while calling you corny pet names in a teasing voice, dodging the pillow you launch his way.
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a/n: reminder that requests are open. I have some to work through and might not do all requests I get, but I love hearing from y’all :3 also this isn’t proofread, just like every thing else 😭 xx - princess
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smoshyourheadin · 3 days
spencer idea!
he is having the reader over for like the 3rd ish time yes they met on a dating app
but this time reader is so excited because it’s their first sleepover and they play games and hang out!!!
I’ll Make You Banana Pancakes
pairing: spencer agnew x f!reader
a/n: ANON I LOVE THIS!! ugh he’s so cutie. also this is short n sweet but i hope u enjoy either way!!
requests are open <33
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it started with a swipe. spencer's profile, with pictures of him at comic-con and a shelf lined with action figures in the background of a picture of him and his friends, caught your eye immediately. your heart raced as you read through his bio, filled with references to your favorite games, movies, and tv shows. you couldn't believe your luck – it was like someone had designed a profile just for you.
your first conversation was effortless, flowing from one topic to another as you discovered more things about him that you adored. within days, you were spending evenings chatting about your favorite franchises and playing runescape together. you’d already met in person a couple of times, each date better than the last, leading up to this third and much-anticipated meeting.
and so here you are. stood at his apartment door, heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. he opens the door, and his warm smile puts you at ease instantly.
“hello there.” he says
“general kenobi!” you reply, in your best greivous voice.
he smiles widely at this, and you step inside. you notice the table set up with your favorite snacks – sweet and salty popcorn, sour patch kids, and a mt dew kickstart. the gesture is small but meaningful, and it made you feel seen, your chest growing warm as you settled onto the couch. you feel a blush creep up your cheeks. being known in this way, having your preferences remembered, makes you feel special. it’s a new feeling, one that makes you feel really, really happy, but vulnerable almost. you’re kind of shy at first, not knowing what to do with yourself, but the comfort of his presence makes it easier to relax.
you start with a few rounds of mario kart, laughter and warmth filling the room as you battle for first place. after a particularly intense race, you pull out your secret weapon – a copy of spyro for the ps4. you flash him a confident grin.
"watch me crush this," you declare, eyes sparkling with excitement. “it’s my party trick!”
as you play through the fight between spyro and gnasty gnorc, you expertly navigate the world as you chase and headbutt him, eventually earning all 500 gems.
you stand up and raise your hands in victory and shout “OH YEAH! told you!”
sitting back down, spencer tells you how impressed he is, and you bow. he tells you all about how he and his friends used to play spyro as kids, leading you to spend hours reminiscing about your favorite childhood games. the conversation flows, and by now pretty late, so you decide to watch cowboy bebop in his bedroom. cuddled on his bed, the familiar intro song plays softly as you sing along. it’s a perfect end to a perfect day.
eventually, you lie down with him, your legs tangling together under the covers. the closeness is comforting, a silent promise of many more nights like this to come. you drift off to sleep with a smile on your face, feeling safe in the gentle embrace of his arms.
the morning comes around, and you wake up to the sound of soft jazz music spilling from the kitchen, and the delicious aroma of pancakes. you then tiptoe to the kitchen doorway and watch him for a moment, completely absorbed in his movements. the sight makes your chest warm with affection, and you can't help but giggle softly.
your giggle catches his attention, and he turns around with a smile.
“morning princess. sleep well?” he says, turning back around to the stove
“mhm.” is all you manage to reply, head still foggy with sleep.
you walk over to him, heart swelling with emotion, and you gently kiss his cheek and lean your head on his shoulder, the moment feeling both intimate and perfect. you stand there in the kitchen, surrounded by the scent of pancakes and the sound of old jazz, enjoying the simple but profound pleasure of being together with your dream man. and you were happy.
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heartpascal · 9 months
every so often i reread all of your if the door wasn't shut series, just because it's my literal favorite thing i've ever read <3
i always love thinking about the what ifs because the whole series is so so good as you wrote it and you just put so many things into it that open up so many other thoughts and it just hits every single good spot in my brain
and i always think back to those posts you made about what if it was the reader instead joel in part two, because that was such an awesome and devastating thought. but today i was thinking about it and i was thinking what if it was still joel, and what would the reader look like after that, you know? like how would she deal with that for herself, and also how would she feel about tommy and ellie leaving? OR would she have gone too? i don't think she would have, but that's just me. i'm just very stuck on thinking about what the reader's relationships with ellie and tommy would look like during and after part two
okay i feel like i said a lot of nothing😭 but i just wanted to share my half baked thoughts about how much i love that series and all your writing
anon !!!! this is so so kind oh my god hello ??? thank you!!! that series is very near and dear to me, and honestly i’m super glad i paused where i did. and left it so open because it leads to things like this!!! this series is as much your guys’ as it is mine this way !!! also please please always share your half baked thoughts or ANY thoughts i love love love to hear them :’)
but i would LOVE to talk about this. so MAJOR spoilers for tlou part two below the cut!
OKAY so if it WAS still joel, i agree, i don’t think the reader would have gone either!
her relationship with joel was never going to be the same, no matter what he said or did, that’s fact! we know this! but after joel dies, i honestly think r would feel guilty. i mean, this guy practically raised her for years. she loves him. and she can’t help but hate herself for the resentment she always felt towards him through those years. she was valid in feeling that way, obviously, but she feels guilty over it nonetheless.
i sometimes think about what if it had been her instead of or alongside ellie who found joel in that basement. i think she wouldve wanted revenge on those people, but i don’t think she would’ve been able to go and get it. maybe if she was there, the likelihood would absolutely have been higher for her just up and leaving like ellie and tommy did, but i don’t think she could bring herself to do that to maria or jesse - and that’s because of joel. she doesn’t ever want to do to them what he did to her, and so she would probably be able to stay.
would she have hated herself for it? maybe. would she have thought about the people who killed him for the rest of her life? absolutely. would she have felt guilty forever for letting them get away? without a doubt.
i think ellie leaving, reader would understand. she would feel the same compulsion ellie did, but reader had always had less fight in her compared to ellie.
but tommy? tommy leaving jackson? nope. she’d go mad. she would go insane at him. joel lived the rest of his days regretting leaving her behind at jackson, and tommy knew that. so why would he leave her? and after seeing the damage joel leaving did to her? it would upset her to an extent i can’t even explain. AND it would easily have maria kicking him out, throwing her wedding ring in his face the moment he returned, even with his injuries.
now, there are two scenarios here. jesse goes after ellie, we know this. what would reader do?
first scenario, and what i think is possibly more likely, she would go with him. now hear me out, ok, i know this doesn’t go with what i’ve previously said, but this is jesse. this is her best friend. she’s had to save his ass before, and god knows how guilty she felt about that. so what if something happened to him out there? she would never forgive herself. so, she would talk to maria. she would have a conversation. and when she would come back, she’d be back with jesse, or maybe, not at all. because i don’t think reader would handle abby killing joel and jesse. i don’t think she’d give abby the choice of letting her live or not. it would be abby or the reader, and that would be it. but in all honesty, i love r and i think she could save jesse because i am delusional and that is too much angst even for me 😇
second scenario, she would stay behind. there are zero ways that jesse would leave without telling her. ZERO. but i think there could be a world where the reader just wouldn’t be able to leave jackson, that old fear from back when she was travelling with joel and ellie could come back full force, and hadn’t she already lost enough? i think in this scenario, jesse might just convince her to stay. i think he would enlist maria’s help, too. they’re probably the only ones who could convince the reader of anything. now, if reader didn’t go, we know what happens. jesse wouldn’t come back. i don’t think she’d be able to forgive tommy, ellie or dina for that. even though she knows it wasn’t exactly their fault, there would be resentment there that she just couldn’t shake. after all, jesse left for them, right? because they couldn’t let go of the exact thing that got joel killed. the only thing i think would stop r going full no contact with them would be jj. there would be no world where she would let jesse’s son grow up without being involved. just no way. and you better know she’d be visiting jj every damn weekend to tell him stories of his dad. and in this situation, i think that after ellie would leave dina, dina would go to the reader. they would raise jj together, because she would never turn her back on that kid. never. and dina knew that.
so, all in all, she’d resent them. she’d understand them to a certain extent, but i don’t think she would be able to go after abby like they did.
during part two, she would have a far better relationship with joel than ellie did anyway, and therefore a better understanding of him. don’t get me wrong, it still wouldn’t be great, but it was something. she would be able to see that joel wouldn’t want this for them, for any of them. he felt guilty enough for everything he had done, everything he had put them through, and he certainly wouldn’t want them losing everything to avenge him. he just wouldn’t.
basically - there are a whole lot of ways this situation could go, and i think you guys could think of even more. there’s no set ending for this series, which is one of my favourite things about it. we can all think of our own endings for it, and i love that :’)
also, i think the fact it could go just about any way just emphasis that she is human!!! humans are not always predictable, and they do not always deal with things the same way. and given that a very present theme throughout the games is being human and what that means and how it shows and how you stay human even in incredible situations is just :’) pretty cool idk
but hey if you ever want me to try and write a certain scenario, i could give it a go! no promises though!!!
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definitelynotshouting · 5 months
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Can i just say guys, holy fucking macaroni, like. I know i say this a lot, but the reception for hunger au has been like NOTHING ive ever experienced before, and im so incredibly grateful for it. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much-- writing hunger au has probably been my best overall experience of 2023 and thats all thanks to yalls lovely comments, bookmarks, kudos, and asks i get in my inbox about it. It's hard to believe this is real sometimes, you guys just blow me away ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Its still several hours from midnight for me, but i wanted to wish everyone a preemptive happy new year anyways :] heres to another year of hunger au, which is so very far from being finished, and i cant wait to keep writing it for yall!!!!! :DD and again, thank you guys so so much for such a crazy and wonderful response to my self indulgent fic, because without it this never would have grown to be what it is today❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy New Year everybody!!!! 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆 See yall in 2024!!! :D
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knickynoo · 2 years
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Alex & Skippy friendship appreciation post (gifset request)
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Ahhhh I’m the anon that was converted into a Sugu stan hello!!🥺 Oh my goodness thank you so so much for your darling response it made me feel so giddy and happy to know that it met you well!🥺 Thank you so so much for taking the time to respond to everything, I was having such a lovely time reading through your response!😭😭 Your Sugu is just so lovely and wife coded and any day where I can’t hold his hand is agony and suffering😔
And not to ping pong from topic to topic but oml mer! thoughts😳 I dont think this would necessarily align with what you may have in mind for your Sugu fic, but I am such a goblin for the trope of childhood friends human and mer that have a chance/meaningful encounter in their youth only to reunite later in life and let the story go from there that is??? Good food😳
And slightly piggybacking off of that ^^^ imagine a young reader strolling along the beach and exploring much farther out than what their fam/guardians/ whomever would appreciate, and lo and behold they see this poor looking creature washed up and tangled in fishers net along the beach. Stepping closer it dawns on them that this is a mer, and judging by the state it’s in, weak and sluggish movement, shallow breathing, it doesn’t have much of a fighting chance if it isn’t freed ASAP. So they take a pocket knife or a sharp shell or something and gets to work and starts sawing through the net and things get ROUGH. Suddenly springing to life out of a last ditch defense mer!Sugu just starts flailing and hissing, swiping with nails/claws and baring fangs with frenzied anger, managing to make a clean cut somewhere on the reader, be it on their upper cheek or their hand or forearm.
All the while reader is doing their best to say soothing words and convey that everything will be okay. Eventually Suguru is freed and more or less scurries back into the water, but before diving underneath the water he takes a moment and stills, taking a good long look back at the human child knocked flat on their butt, sitting on the sand staring right back, who couldn’t have been any older than him. Then he thinks of his elders, the ones who had told him to avoid humans above all else because humans never bring anything good to their kind. Before the reader can scramble to their feet or say anything else sugu swims away and that’s that. Years pass and any thought of the encounter can more or less be brushed aside as a hazy summer childhood memory where the readers imagination just got a bit too lively. Merpeople exist, but really and truly, what are the chances of the reader having such a unique encounter? It is a memory coded as fantasy.
I have no more thoughts but okay just imagine😳 reader returns to that beach years later and somehow meets with Sugu again, and as cheesy or unrealistic as it sounds they both have a moment where it just clicks that despite it all they have met before. Suguru remembers a kind human child, his one man scuffle as an act of defense and scraping his hero. He recognizes that long healed graze of a claw, he knows who this is.
Okay that was a doozy but I promise! From here on out everything will be much more bite size and to the point ^^;
I have a question, in the world you’re writing, do you think there’s any type of magic or sorcery? If so, do any mer have the ability to harness and use it? Furthermore, would Sugu be able to, and if so, what are the extent of his powers? It’s just a fun thought considering so many mer! in media do have at least some type of it, and the idea of a mer!Sugu having some type of power is😳 incheresting😳 (also entirely unrelated but I’ve been thinking about mer! themed nicknames and the only one I can remember off the top of my head is ‘Sweetshark’ being a play off of ‘Sweetheart’. Who said that neways)
Oh! And another thought! Say that the Reader maybe catches a nasty cold or is just generally feeling under the weather and can’t visit Sugu like they normally do, how is Suguru holding up? Does he just assume that they up and left him, the one human he’s decided to open his heart up to? Or is he more concerned about their safety, wondering where they are and if they’re okay? What is his reaction when they finally return?
And not to change the topic out of nowhere but!! Oh my goodness yes!!! Being in a fandom that has so much smut, it’s so very comforting and nice to have a sfw corner to vibe and chat in! (Not that there is ever anything wrong with writing or enjoying smut ofc!) Thinking of these characters and how they would treat an aroace reader is so so comforting and it really warms my heart! stsg would be so sweet and patient!🥺 (And don’t worry! You weren’t being pushy or assuming anything, as someone who does fall on the aroace spectrum it is endlessly refreshing to see these ideas and how these characters would handle and treat someone like that! They’re the ultimate sweeties and would be so good to anyone, but for someone who is aroace?? Idk it just works so so well!🥺)
And! Thank you so so much I would be honored to go by a lil anon tag, I just get shy and sometimes don’t really send things in ^^; So if that isn’t any trouble and it would be okay/ if it isn’t taken, would it be possible to go by 🍓 anon? Or if that’s taken, maybe 🍎 anon? <:) Regardless, thank you so so much for your time and all of your kind words and thoughts, they mean they absolute world and then some to me!🥺 I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night!🥺
HELLOOOOO 🍓 ANON……. the perfect emoji for someone so sweet !! <333
pls i can’t thank u enough for sending me such a heartfelt ask, it rlly did warm my heart sooo so much :’3 AND I’M SOOO OVERJOYED THAT U THINK MY SUGU IS WIFECODED??? that’s all i want him to be tbh …. he’s a girlfriend he’s a Mother he’s a wife <3333 etc etc. u get it !!!
AND OHHHH 🍓 ANON ………….. this entire ask was just a goldmine of ideas….. would u believe me if i said i was planning for the suguru fic to follow that plotline almost exactly 😭😭😭 not exactly a childhood encounter au, but something very very similar!!! basically the same function……. and when reader and sugu meet for the first time i was also imagining him being hissy and defensive and reader cutting the net w a switchblade from their pocket, murmuring sweet reassurances to him…. WE’RE SOOO IN SYNC it’s the mer!sugu hivemind fr!! i adore ur take on this au, any variation of the childhood friends trope is a favorite of mine :33 and the scar is so genius too!! i think the idea of meeting a mermaid during one of your childhood summers is just theee loveliest concept ever 🥺🥺
BUTTT OKOK… onto ur questions!! they were soooo fun to think abt and answer, tysm for asking!! it rlly helps me when it comes to figuring out mer!sugu’s character, merfolk lore, etcetc :>
I have a question, in the world you’re writing, do you think there’s any type of magic or sorcery? If so, do any mer have the ability to harness and use it? Furthermore, would Sugu be able to, and if so, what are the extent of his powers?
GREATTT QUESTION…. this is something i’ve thought abt before when answering another ask!! basically, i imagine the mermaids in this au as being kind of sinister and siren-like, with an ability similar to hypnosis!! when they speak and sing, they can lure humans into a false sense of security, beckon them closer, dull their senses… etc etc. that’s basically all though!! i do also think they’d be very powerful and ferocious…. i have another piece of lore planned but i haven’t completely figured it out yet !! what i will say is that these mermaids are almost kinda. werewolf like 😭😭 in the sense that they change with the cycles of the moon !! :33
oh and and !! obv suguru is one of the more powerful mermaids….. definitely overwhelmingly good at using his voice, and also just very physically strong and heavy. you are NOT making it out of an encounter alive lol. (his only weakness is his tender heart <33)…
AAAA AND THE MER PETNAMES PAGDJSHJS… SOOO CUTE ….. SWEETSHARK ….. 😭😭😭 i NEED reader to call suguru that. i think they would also call him their little fishy <333 maybe he’d get back at them by calling them his little silly seal ……… sigh . their dynamic is so cute to me 😔😔
Oh! And another thought! Say that the Reader maybe catches a nasty cold or is just generally feeling under the weather and can’t visit Sugu like they normally do, how is Suguru holding up? Does he just assume that they up and left him, the one human he’s decided to open his heart up to? Or is he more concerned about their safety, wondering where they are and if they’re okay? What is his reaction when they finally return?
I LOVEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH and my answer also ties in to some other anon asks hehe :33 in this au mermaids can move on land, but obv it’s risky and depending on the terrain it’s pretty tough….. reader lives very close to the beach and mer!sugu is super flexible, so i think that in this scenario he waits for a while, gets impatient, gets grumpy, and THEN gets worried. he’s trying so hard to act like he doesn’t care but we all know reader is his special little human :((( so after a while he’s like. what if they got hurt? what if they collapsed from lack of nutrients??? (for some reason i picture mer!sugu fixating a lot on reader’s eating habits… making sure they’re always well fed….. it’s part of the mermaid courting process i think)
…. so he ends up flopping his way over to their little house, carrying a bunch of raw fish and herbs <333 all worried and grumpy bc they left him hanging and he was forced to realize that he actually enjoys their company a Lot. which is very embarrassing for him. but as soon as he sees them all delirious and weak he probably tries his best to take care of them 🥺🥺 he’s not good at it LOL but he does have some experience …. and he’s very soft for them. can’t bear to be too snarky when they’re in pain or distress :((( he’s a sweetheart… a sweetshark even……….. lulls them to sleep with his voice and watches over them until they’re better. 🥺
ohhhh 🍓 anon this was so fun ……. tysm for sending ur thoughts my way and for being so sweet!!! u made me think a bunch abt this au and i appreciate it sm <333 ANDDDD FELLOW ASPEC HEHE it’s so good to have u here!!! stsg really would be so patient and kind…….. 🥺🥺 i might’ve said it before but i really am so glad the concept can bring u some comfort!! it does the same to me too :’3
ALSO before i forget….. pls don’t ever feel worried abt being shy / sending stuff in !!! there’s never, and i mean absolutely never, any pressure to!!! i’m the kind of person who can randomly disappear every now and then too so i totally get it 😭😭 the anon tag is just so that i recognize u (and bc it’s cute hehe).. but pls know that you never ever have to send anything in unless you want to!! doesn’t matter if it’s now or in a month or in a couple years. so pls don’t worry abt it at all <33 !!
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
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(song added by me)
#i am so Unwell rn what the fuck.#/pos So Fucking /pos#so the art ask was from u as well....elijah ur so secretive and suave this is Too Much for a girl to handle#willelmax in the arcade and byler valentine cards ur too sweet to me i actually cant Take This :')#you're right our friendship IS on another level esp now because i've never felt So Connected to someone its insane#im a little surprised but it makes sense that its you yk#like you're so naturally sweet and kind and amazing at ur core so OFC it was u#and good job i can never listen to (you) on my arm without thinking of you /pos /pos /pos /pos#this is at the TOP of on the list of the pretty little things i've been given#ik i sound like a broken record but its so insane how much i love you. i didnt know i could bond w someone over anon sm and i JUST. idk#its something abt me never getting something like this and idk never ever feeling so cared for....#you deserve all the pretty things and someone who never lies to you and someone who wants to be on your arm so bad that they write a song#about it and someone who cares about you so deeply that they think about you at night and smile so big that it hurts and someone who loves#you so much that it hurts physically and someone who thinks of you now when he listens to songs sometimes and someone who cares#about you so intensely that when he's reading messages from you she feels comforted and your words are smtg that's on repeat in her head no#and someone who wants to mail you flowers so bad because you made him feel so amazing and someone who recognises how much you deserve#and wants to give it all to you so bad and someone who loves you as much as you deserve.#and i wanna do all that and be that person so bad and i'm gonna send you a daily ask now because you mean so much to me#and you deserve someone who makes pretty things for you too and someone who tries so hard to show it#and im GONNA. im gonna try So Hard.#you'll probably get so sick of me but believe me i'm gonna make you feel as special and amazing as you made me feel. believe me.#anyway yeah. i care about you a totally normal amount#if you read all of this just know i love you so much it hurts sometimes 💗💗#my feelings towards this are : 💖💝💓💞💘💕💗⚡☀️✨⭐💫🌟#elijah my heart my love letter my special and awesome best friend my heart anon elijah#<- better tag for u because you deserve it so fucking much#elijah <33#<- ur old tag too so u can look thru my blog and see this whenever u want#heart anon#<- for me. so i can look at this for hours and find it easily so that i could complete loving elijah hours daily
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benbraeden · 1 year
You've been going through a tough time lately. I just want to let you know that you're seen. You're valid. You're gonna make it through whatever it is that's causing this struggle. I just wan to let you know that you're gonna be okay in the end and we're patiently waiting for you to come out of this.
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theloveinc · 2 years
Hi caitie.!! What are your all time *personal favorites*✨ bakugou x reader fics/oneshots/drabbles/multichap fics(anything)?? Coz like I KNOW that your taste is immaculate👌. I also wanted to let you know that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE yr characterization of bkg. Like *TOP TIER*. I hardly disagree with anything or any hc you tell about him. You're really amazing!! And I'm super grateful for all the thoughts you share with us. Hope you have a good day 😊 🤗. Sending hugs and kisses from bkg to you!!🫂😚!!
oh anon, hello and thank you sm for asking!!!! unfortunately, i don't think i have anything new for you that i haven't already recced about a 1000 times before... but let me sit on this a bit and get back to you later, if that's alright?! honestly i've been having such a hard time reading lately that i can hardly even recall my favorite things jakdsfkajds.
if you want to, though... i'd check my "fave" tag here but mostly on IHB (though these do feature my own asks sometimes LOL but also def my favorite concepts), as well as the blog @jimmyjohns in general, which i'm not very active on much anymore, but is where i put any and all fics i want to keep and treasure forever (minimal dc warning tho). hopefully that's alright in the meantime while i make a little list for you (which i'll post separately hehehe)
but UHHHHH ALSO THANK U SO MUCH FOR LIKING MY BAKUGO, TOO??? i know there's been tons and tons of conversation recently abt which versions of bakugo ppl subscribe to/seem more accurate... so it really means a lot that u like mine💕💕💕 sometimes i'm a bit ashamed of him cuz i feel like i'm projecting too much or something adjfajkd.
but you're really sweet for telling me and for ur other comments, too (i'm biting my fist trying not to cry)!!! ik it's always my response to stuff like this but i really think YOU'RE amazing and i'm grateful TO YEW for listening and supporting my sharing (and esp. now that i've been so slow abt it).
SO thank u so much again, i'm gonna be looking at this for the next 10 years at least, and i hope u have a good day and night and week, also🫂 (and kisses back to bakugo but u better tell me if he's not treating u right and i'll fix that shit QUICK hehehe).
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dwter · 2 years
currently my favorite blog man UR LIKE MY OWN PERSONAL NICHE CELEBRITY !! there's only a handful of primeboys cinniter ccdrolo blogs . we r a rare species thank you for being a figurehead You paved the way
i am late to this but HAHA i will be ur personal niche celebrity always anon just for u im cryign. it is also always so nice to hear that another ccdrolo cinniter exists in this sick and cruel world We truly carry the hardest burdens in this painful existence (being right and having the most correct opinions on everything ever)
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woozi · 7 months
i have not been here in MONTHSSSS how are you!!!!!!!!!! my favorite cc!!!! u better have a great fantastic amazing week or else 👹
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planetpiastri · 6 months
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: yn and lando are couple goals around the mclaren garage, but they don't want oscar to feel left out. the problem? oscar would very much like to be left out. notes: school has finally released me from its chokehold so i'm doing my part in filling the winter break void. part 2 of my logan smau is in the works, but in the meantime, here's this<3 enjoy!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and others
ynusername recent stuff (following my two favorite boys around like a stray puppy)
view all 1,659 comments
mclaren Always a pleasure to have you in the garage! 🧡
landonorris nyoom
ynusername vroom, even
username1 always a good day when yn refers to lando and oscar as her favorite boys
oscarpiastri Thanks for buying me dinner 👍🏻
ynusername you're welcome kiddo 🫶 oscarpiastri Please don't call me that
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liked by landonorris, ynusername, and 211,329 others
mclaren pookie #1 and pookie #2 dump (📸 - ynusername)
view all 3,789 comments
oscarpiastri Why would you say that
username3 im cackling this had to be yn's idea
landonorris pookie and proud 💪
username4 everyone say thank you yn for taking cute pics of our boys
ynusername you're welcome 😁
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and others
ynusername let! him! cook!!!!!
view all 1,802 comments
username5 oh my god that is so much fire
oscarpiastri Do NOT let him cook I repeat do NOT let him cook
landonorris it was fine you big baby nobody got hurt 🙄 oscarpiastri I'd sure hope so??
username6 yn and lando are kind of unhinged together omg
username7 and that's why we love them 😌
mclaren Please bring our driver back to the paddock in one piece! 😬
landonorris all that fire and you were still the hottest thing in the kitchen 🥵🥵
ynusername 🤭🤭
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, and 738,899 others
landonorris actually can't think of a better way to spend this life 🤍
view all 6,038 comments
username8 CAPTION IM IN TEARS 😭😭
username9 where's my credit for sending you the video lando
landonorris how many times do i have to teach you this lesson old man?? 👊💪
maxverstappen1 Too sweet
ynusername you're my everything 💌
landonorris you ARE everything oscarpiastri And Lando's just Ken landonorris this guy gets it
maxfewtrell Happy for you or whatever
username10 glad to know i'm not the only one crying over that video of lando and yn
georgerussell63 Don't worry I am too alex_albon me too carlossainz55 Me three username11 yo??
username12 help there are so many drivers in the comments 💀
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liked by logansargeant, ynusername, and 179,025 others
oscarpiastri Hanging out with Mum and Dad 👍🏻
view all 2,078 comments
landonorris she started crying when she saw this btw
oscarpiastri Sorry? landonorris don't be, it's the pregnancy hormones ynusername I AM NOT PREGNANT DELETE THIS BEFORE THE WAG PAGES START POSTING
username13 ok but does oscar need a step-sister i wanna be part of this family
ynusername love u kiddo 🥹🧡
username14 oscar liking this comment oh we've come so far from when he used to tell her to stop calling him that oscarpiastri I've stopped fighting it
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tagging: @sonder-paradise hey girl<3
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request: hiii, could you do a smau similar to ‘heart eyes’ but with lando and oscar is the suffering third wheel? -from anon
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kisses4reid · 5 days
missed it pt.2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
summary - penelope brings a belated cake for you that leaves everyone guilty. what better way to say sorry then a belated party as well?
genre - spencer x bau!fem!reader, barely angst, fluff, forgotten birthdays and sorry’s
warnings - mentions of forgotten birthdays, being sad, crying, umm cake??? y’all not rocking w cake??? y/n uses she/her pronouns
w/c - 1.2k+
a/n - thank you for the request anon! the idea is perfect and so r u for requesting it, i rock w you
request - I was wondering if you were up for a part 2 of missed it???, maybe where someone on the team suddenly remembered that it was readers birthday, and tells the rest of the team about it ( maybe in the elevator, when they’re all heading home & reader left early or smth ). And Spencer’s like yea I went to see them yesterday & they were pretty messed up about it, and they all start to feel really bad, so they come up with a plan to set up reader a berlated surprise b-day party at rossi’s or smth, and reader cries because she’s never felt so loved and appreciated before!!
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Penelope scurried into the office with a leather red bag on her elbow and a large container that covered the lower part of her face. She peered over the plastic and scanned for the one person she was looking for, but instead she was met with a muscular man trying to suss out the tuperware that smelt amazingly sweet. "Hey babygirl," Morgan greeted with a smile, "You baked me a treat?"
Garcia walked further into the bullpen with Derek close behind her, "It's not for you, chocolate thunder. It's for Y/n." She replied matter-of-factly.
She placed her bag and the cake container on your empty desk and furrowed her eyebrows in the search for your presense which seemed to be absent.
JJ and Emily walked by with their cups of coffee in hand, joining Derek's confusion. Emily spoke up, "Why would Y/n need a cake?"
Spencer glanced then. He felt an unfamiliar rush of anger push him out of his chair. He bit the inside of his lip.
Last night, you had poured your heart out to him on the reasons you didn't tell others about your birthday, about much even. Would it be betrayal to expose you? Would it be kind? Spencer pondered as Penelope's mouth went agape in disgust.
She smacked each of the detectives on the arm, recieving groans and gasps from them all. "Are you kidding? It was Y/n's birthday yesterday. I was supposed to give her this yesterday but I was sick so..." Even a person like Penelope could read the subtle signs of regret on the profiler's faces. They screw their lips, glanced at each other - and Spencer - and didn't meet Garcia's eyes. Penelope sighed in anger and she started vocalising the very thoughts that were circling Spencer's mind.
"Are you guys serious? She worked 12 hours with each of you bozo's! And not one of you remembered? Not even a gift? Or a 'happy birthday Y/n'? You guys are unbelievable." She huffed and slapped her hand on the top of the cake container. "Where's Y/n?"
That's when the blonde turned to Spencer. "Uh- She went home early. She finished her paperwork pretty quickly." Emily, JJ, Morgan, and now Hotch - who had been wathcing from his office - all started packing up. Their cups of coffee were poured down the sink, and the sunshine was coming to a close. Spencer's hardened grip on his satchel was turning his knuckles white.
There they all were. Garcia's anger pouring out of her in determined and disciplining paragraphs about care and love and being a team, and Spencer's was pouring into his uneven breaths.
"I can't believe not one of you remembered. Not even Spencer! I mean-"
"I remembered."
The elevator went silent, the digital display counting down quickly. Spencer gulped and fiddled with his bag, avoiding eye contact with anyone at the memories of last night. Depressing, heart-breaking, beautiful. A lot of things happened last night. Some good, most bad.
"I went to her apartment last night with a cake. She was..." There was no lying to a team like this, "devastated."
JJ sighed, "We should do something."
Aaron nodded and brought out his phone, texting Rossi who also left early with you.
This week was full of tears and crying, snotty noses and new boxes of tissues. And today was no different. Though you promised yourself that yesterday was the last day you'd feel sorry for yourself, tears crept to your eyelashes even at the glass of the perfume Spencer had gifted you. It smelt amazing.
Your bed was a mess, your living room desolate and the kitchen long unused.
Today, you would get over it. You've gotten over it for years, why is this one any different? Is it because you thought you had found another family? Is it because Spencer proved people can care, but don't? Maybe it was because instead of wishing you happy birthday, you're father sent a photo of your sister's sports awards and asked why you didn't send her a congradulations text.
Today, you would get over it.
Today, I will get over it.
Your phone buzzed against your kitchen countertop as steam and the smell of onion and garlic filled your kitchen. You glanced, being met with a call from Derek, but being too slow to pick it up. And then suddenly there was a knock on your door.
You shut off the oven, wiped your hands on a cloth towel and tucked some loose hair behind your ears. Not only was this person interrupting a brand new recipe you had been reccomended, but also the reruns of your favourite sitcom. A sigh escaped you as you approached the door, preparing to explain that you were busy, but when you turned the doorknob you were met with deja vu.
Your team was beaming at you, all holding plates and bowls of various sweets and treats, as well as sandwiches and a large cake you assumed was decorated by Garcia.
"Happy Birthday Y/n!" They all screamed, not really in time but close enough to sound rehearsed. A smile slipped out from you as you laughed in shock. You felt your cheeks redden from the attention, feeling slightly uncomfortable and out of place, but you stepped aside to let them in anyways.
They hugged you, quietly and whole-heartedly apologised, and started setting up the surprise birthday lunch with Morgan's playlist filling the apartment. As Rossi passed he whispered, "Did you try that recipe I told you to try, the one I said at your belated dinner?"
Rossi was the only other person other than Penelope and Spencer to know your birthday. In fact, you two had the dinner planned for a week beforehand. You nodded with a smile and he joined the rest.
Spencer stood at the now closed door with a smile. He fiddled with the bottom of his sweater as he waited for you to turn to him, and when you did his hand latched onto yours discreetly. Your eye widdened slightly, gaze meeting his when he bent down slightly to whisper to you. "I wasn't sure if you would appreciate them showing up here but..." He smiled softly, "I think you deserve at least one good birthday."
Tears nearly brimmed your eyes before you heard your friends howl in laughter in the background, "Thank you, Spencer." A tear escaped you and he wrapped his arms around you. He was warm and his hold was tight with care, it made your heart stutter more than it already was. "Sorry," you giggled nervously and wiped your eyes. He gazed down at you and looked at you with confusion. "Why are you sorry?" "I'm crying at a party- A party for me." You said the last word like the scenario was a dream or seemingly impossible and it made Spencer's heart hurt. "That's okay, Y/n. As long as it's happy crying." He held your shoulders and rubbed his thumbs in comforting circles. "Yeah- Yes. I've just never felt this..."
You glanced at the crowd in your kitchen, full of people you loved and cared for. People you thought didn't care enough, but put an effort into a celebration that doubled as a massive and genuine apology for their mistakes. Nobody had ever said sorry to you for missing your birthday before.
"Loved?" Spencer's voice was soft as he finished your sentence. "Loved." You nod in agreeance, beaming at the tall boy so hard you felt like your heart was on display.
taglist (open!): @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es
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l0v3tast3 · 11 months
Ok but older perv bf ghost would be such a menace like he would destroy your cunt in his back seat and then shake ur dads hand.( these older bf hcs make me go feral bb)
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anon you are so right. he'll be so mean but like it's literally his fault that he's hot asf and u just wanna jump on him 24/7 ??? anyways tysm for the request and the kind words i hope you enjoy this anon !! ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜
✎ tags: mdni! nsft, f!reader, age gap (r is 20's, simon is late 30's), dumbification, conditioning (consensual), orgasm control, spanking, degradation/praise kink, overstimulation/edging, car s3x, size difference/kink, possessive!simon, c0ckwarming
✎ word count: 1.8k words (not proofread)
masterlist | requests are open!
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✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!simon who wants to see you become absolutely brainless because of him. you're such a smart girl usually, among the top of your class at university, and simon just loves to see that whole façade crumble away. he knows a good fucking is just what you need to unwind from your classes, and he is more than happy to give it to you.
✧ ˖ ° seeing you go all dumb on his cock makes simon nearly giddy, the feeling of how you stop pushing at his abs and just take it once he bullies his dick in far enough to fill your brain with him instead of whatever you're studying, the sight of your eyes rolling back and your little hands weakly grabbing at whatever they can reach for some semblance of grounding yourself. you know just as well as simon does that it's useless; he makes damn sure that you have nowhere to run to when he has you in his hold.
✧ ˖ ° another thing he makes sure of is that you steadily become the one to come onto him first. simon wants you to be his own little nymphomaniac, addicted to his cock, to him. it all works towards melting your brain quicker and quicker each time. there's a certain dedication he puts towards it- even by the time he was done with you the first time you slept together, he's planning it out, figuring out which muscles to press into to get you to mewl for him, just the right angle to pound his dick into you, how much you can take before he starts seeing dew drops collecting on your waterline.
✧ ˖ ° even outside of the bedroom (or kitchen, or living room, wherever he has yet to christen next in his house) simon's working on it. he'll give you so many hoodies, jackets, boxers, anything that smells like him that you want, and then he tells you that if you're going to touch yourself without him that you better be at least wearing his clothes while you do it. eventually you'll get to the point where you can't get off without the thought of him, without his scent, then without him. there's no doubt either that whenever you do get worked up without him, simon makes sure that you always tell him. text him, call him, send a damn carrier pigeon with a letter, he doesn't care, but he's going to guide you through every orgasm you have.
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!simon who can get to be a mean dom. he loves punishing you for whatever reason he can find, especially when you touch yourself without telling him. simon is an experienced special ops soldier who's used his hands to torture people as much as he's used them to pleasure you, so he has not a single problem with knowing how to get the truth out of you. obviously he doesn't torture you, though (not in a way you don't like).
✧ ˖ ° if it's been a long stretch of time where you haven't been able to see each other, he'll pull you onto his lap and start out all soft. he'll run his hands all over you, move his lips against yours sweet and slow, whisper about how much he missed his pretty little girl. he'll listen with a happy hum while you tell him how much you missed him, how much you need him. he'll guide your hips lightly when you can't help but start grinding against his thigh, hands pushing up your skirt to see which pair of underwear he gets to rip apart this time. and then he'll ask you how much you missed him.
✧ ˖ ° from the start you know the question is a double-edged sword, but you always answer truthfully. it only took you one lesson to learn that simon knows when you lie to him (he didn't let you cum for three days while he kept you at his house the entire time). he always appreciates the truth, praises you for being such a good girl for him when you honestly tell him that you only touched yourself during the short phone calls he was allowed while he was away. there's a little part of him that's always a bit disappointed though, the same part that turns into glee when you sheepishly admit that you couldn't wait for him.
✧ ˖ ° simon's always a bit too quick at flipping you over so your laying face-down over his thighs. one hand wraps around your neck to pull you up and arch your back, the other flipping up your skirt and grabbing roughly at your squishy ass. "couldn't fuckin' wait f'me, huh? y'so desperate for cock that y'can't follow simple orders? thought i already taught ya how to be patient," he spits, letting you fall back against the couch so his hand can move down to plant itself across your back. that's when he starts, not even waiting for you to try to apologize meekly or defend yourself. slaps that leave bruises you'll be feeling for days rain down across your ass and simon makes you count each one. if you lose count or stop, he'll push open your legs to smack your cunt and start all over. simon doesn't let up until you're sniffling and whining and your underwear is soaked through (which of course he makes fun of you for).
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!simon who really is an absolute menace with you. he dangles your pleasure over your head like something he grabbed for you out of the cabinets, keeping it just out of your reach until he decides to give it to you. there won't ever be a moment where simon doesn't have most, if not all of the control. there's something about having that command over you, feeling you hand over your trust, your body and mind to him that's addicting. so no matter how cruel he can get, he'll always make sure to ply you with as many orgasms as you can handle (and then some) to show his appreciation.
✧ ˖ ° his brutishness can come in the form of wanting to see just how messy he can get you to be. he'll bury his face and fingers into your cunt until there's a puddle forming underneath you, and when he's done there, simon stuffs you full with his cock and fucks you until your makeup is running with your tears and smearing across the sheets. he'll rip off the clothes that bar him from seeing your gorgeous body so that you have to wear something of his afterwards. and god help you if he wants to fuck in the backseat of his car before you both go someplace. which, (not) shockingly, is something he wants to do before he meets your parents.
✧ ˖ ° with the car parked not too far from your parents house in some spot where people won't think to give the tinted windows a second look, he'll have you working your way down on his cock. every time you whine about how you're going to be late, they're going to know, they won't be happy, simon gives your ass a sharp slap and snaps his hips up into yours. "would y'rather i fuck you in your room while they're home? don't think you can keep quiet enough for that," he mocks, his tone condescending despite the fact that he's already planning on doing just that at some point.
✧ ˖ ° once you're practically limp against his body, letting him use you like his personal toy, he'll finally cum. you finish with him, your third orgasm in less than an hour, as he buries his cock to the hilt inside you and grinds his hips up. once you're semi-conscious again he helps you put on your underwear and pants and gives you his hoodie. and after you've taken off your ruined makeup and redid at least some of it, you'll drive the remaining minute to your parents house, where simon seems to know just how to get them to love him. meanwhile, you'll be shifting in your seat next to him while his cum creates a stain on your jeans.
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!simon who wants you to be with him basically 24/7 while he's not away on missions. you're his girlfriend, of course he wants to spend as much time as he can with you! never mind the fact that this man has probably been boxing away his libido for years. so while he's at his home, so will you be.
✧ ˖ ° you'll find that any clothes you bring over to your stays with simon don't really go missing as much as he blatantly makes them unwearable for you as long as you insist on still bringing them. why would you have any need for those when he has plenty for you? it's not like you'll be wearing clothes much anyway while he has you. it's a lesson you learn quickly to pack light, otherwise you'll be going home with scraps of fabric. simon doesn't not like your clothes (he thinks your style is adorable on you), but the way you smell like him with his hoodies and shirts, the way they're basically dresses on you serving to remind how much bigger he is than you, it drives him even crazier.
✧ ˖ ° because of how touch-starved (and horny) he is, simon prefers to always physically have you close to him. which means lots of cockwarming; he won't lie about how much he loves watching you try your very best not to squirm on his lap, not to lose yourself to how full you always feel with him inside you. whether you're watching a movie or he's working in his office or even just trying to sit down for a meal, simon will preemptively have you sinking down on his cock, chastising you about how eager you always are for him to just fuck you. it's nearly torture for him just the same as you, but the difference is that he has a lot more self-control than you do- just enough to give your thigh a stinging pinch every time you move a muscle.
✧ ˖ ° no matter how long he keeps you there, it'll always turn into simon pushing you against the nearest table or wall and fucking away the last few straggling thoughts in your head. he always waits until your breathing gets ragged and your nails are digging in hard. until you're panting against his neck from the effort it takes to not bounce yourself on his dick. until you're begging. "what? turned y'into that much of a whore that y'can't go five minutes without my cock? fine." he'll say it as if he's doing you a favor, as if he's going out of his way to satisfy the nymphomaniac that he himself has proudly created.
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nastyaromatherapy · 8 months
"Fuck Maddy" (18+)
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Nate fucks you at a party in a way to get back/over his ex.
to the anon who sent me an Ethan request, i see u 🫡
pairing - nate jacobs x fem!reader
one shot length, 1.3k+ word fic
warnings: PIV, swallowing spitting, delusional ass reader, teensy bit of drinking
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You had a crush on Nate Jacobs since eighth grade. But it was nothing special. Who didn't? He was cute, played football, and came from a respectful family. What was there not to love?
You've had your eye on him since you were 13, and you were now a senior. Still no luck with him. Your friends would always tell you to give up, especially after he started dating Maddy Perez. She was the hottest most confident cheerleader in school. But there was a party coming up and you knew they were fighting. You knew it was your time to shine.
You didn't tell your friends because you knew they would obviously not approve. "Y/n, what the fuck were you thinking?" You could just imagine their scolding.
So, you got one of your guy friends to drop you off, one that was semi close to Nate. They played football together. You never considered him because he was sweet, kind, medium ugly, not the best at football just not your type.
The two of you enter the party and quickly go your separate ways. You wore a skimpy dress which kept hiking up whenever you took a step. You took a scope of the cars and didn't recognize any of them except for Nate's silver truck. You rushed inside to search for your parasocial boyfriend. And then there he was in the kitchen, downing shots like a champ.
You rubbed at your waterline just in case, trying to erase as much flaking mascara and eye boogers as possible. You approached the island with a smirk you've practiced for awhile. "Can I take shots with you?" You ask him confidently. "No," he gawked, making a face. You kept your face straight, you've been teaching yourself things about Nate. One thing was to not take the stuff he said to heart. He chuckled when he noticed your never changing expression. "Okay yeah, sure."
He knocked the stuff off of the island, making people gasp and groan at his arrogance. Typical. He laid you on the cold surface, lifting up your dress. "Body shots," he said with a smirk. Everyone cheered his name as he poured the bottle of liquor down a line on your body, from your chest to your naval. He's quick to lick it up and he stares at you coldly as he does so. God was he hot, you felt heat build up in your core. Your cheeks flushed, and you sat up on your elbows after he finished slurping the drink and everyone stopped their cheers.
He smirked and walked off through the crowd, probably going to talk to McKay or something.
Nate's friends started to egg him on. "Yo, that girl was fine as hell hit that before I do, shi," and "I heard your girl Mads was getting around, fucking some bitch in the pool," "Shit that's my mom's pool!" It all started to get to Nate's head. You were hot, sure, but you weren't Maddy. But if Maddy got to fuck a bitch, why couldn't he?
He found you dancing on the dancefloor with some of your guy friends and approached you. "Y/n, right?" He asks with a smirk. "Yeah," you giggled out, a little tipsy. "Care to dance?"
You agreed and started to dance as he joined in. The two of you inched closer to each other, and soon the dancing became grinding. You could hear his groans, even over the loud music. His eyes flicked to out the window where he saw Maddy all over some random guy. "Come on," he said, dragging you by your wrist. You stumbled behind him and he led you to a bathroom.
He threw his lips onto yours, groaning into your mouth. He knew you were just a random girl, but he imagined you as Maddy. His girl, not a random one. You knew that, but you didn't care, this was your chance with fucking Nate Jacobs.
He reached his hand up your skirt, finger pads coming in contact with your damp panties, making your breath hitch. He smirked against your lips.
He slipped his tee off, exposing his fit torso. He's quick to take off your dress as well, leaving you in your matching set. He reaches down to grab your ass, and sits you onto the countertop. He reconnects his lips with yours hungrily, tilting your head up by the back of your neck.
He pulled away and grabbed your tender thighs, spreading them open. He slipped your panties off and crouched down to be eye level with your pussy. He licked a stripe up it, not breaking eye contact, before plunging in two fingers then standing back fully up.
Your eyebrows curled upwards as you looked in his eyes. He bit his lip, focusing on his movements, fingers curling inside your wet cunt. Your dreams were becoming a reality. He slowly left his mouth agape and continued to finger you, your legs inching wider and wider.
You felt that knot build up in your stomach, moans starting to escape from your lips. You didn't care how loud you were, no one would hear you or care. Your sounds just made him hungrier and he thrusted faster. Wet squishy sounds filling the room. With a final moan coming from you, you cum around his fingers, thighs clenching.
"Fuck," he mutters to himself, pulling his fingers out of your cunt and sticking them into yet another wet and warm hole: your mouth. You took his fingers and gagged on them as he chuckled to himself. His fingers were salty, and it could've been because of your unconditional attraction, but you found it intoxicating. He pulled them out of your mouth, a string of spit following after it, making you pant slowly.
He looked down at you while biting his lip as he started to unbuckle his jeans. His pants dropped to his knees, followed by his boxers, leaving his cock free. You just so badly wanted to suck him off, practically salivating. But he had other plans. He spread open your aching thighs once more, lining himself up to your gaping opening. He leans in to the crook of your neck, teeth grazing on your shoulder as he slid in, your pussy swallowing his length whole.
You whined when he entered you, gripping on the faucet and the edge of the counter. He started moving in and out, slow but deep. He breathes loudly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and making your hairs stick up erect. Your moans in his ear make him greedier, speeding up, hitting that same spot inside of you repeatedly. The two of you stayed silent for most of the time, letting out grunts, groans and moans but no words. Just focused on the pleasure of the moment.
The mirror behind you started to cloud as he started to get close. You could feel him twitch inside of you and him getting louder. You clenched tighter around him, wanting to feel that sweet cum inside you, but again that's not what he had in mind.
He picked you up off of the counter, still inside of you, before finally pulling out and putting you down on the ground in front of him. Your mouth watered being eye to eye with his throbbing cock, covered in your wetness before taking it into your mouth, sucking him sweetly. He groans as you work your tongue around his shaft as your throat takes his tip, gagging when it hits your esophagus. He throws his head back and starts to buck his hips in and out of your mouth before cummings down your throat. You pull off of him and regurgitate the semen, letting it drip down his cock and your chin to the floor.
He pants, wiping sweat off his forehead before removing yourself with your heavenly mouth.
He pulls his pants and boxers back up and grab his shirt from the floor. "Yeah, fuck Maddy," he says before leaving the room.
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neuvistar · 1 month
cant stop thinking about dilf!aventurine & maid reader... mmmdhfh imagine he catches the reader just smelling his shirt, humping on the edge of his bed and moaning his name :( shes so desperate!
OOOOHHH anon u have such a big brain… thank you 4 sharing this god bless
slight nsfw ⁉️⁉️
DILF AVENTURINE BRAINROT DILF AVENTURINE BRAINROT….. seriously it’s not ur fault, you can’t help it!!
dilf aventurine… i mean who wouldn’t touch themselves to him??? he’s so kind to u, helping u when u were at your lowest.. recruiting n hiring u for the job, even introducing u to his little ones to take care of whenever he was gone, little ones who love you just as much :(( your dirty secret lies between u and ur naughty self only.. rubbing your cunt with a sense of desperation
it’s a good thing aventurine isn’t home.. you would grab one of his shirts, and his scent.. oh his scent. you loved it. your nostrils always picked up the rich and strong fragrance of his perfume, intoxicating you with pure lust. but hey, who can blame you? breasts nearly spilling out of your little maid uniform you always wore, pressing against his mattress. fuck, his scent. it’s doing things to you, possessing you to do such uncouth and filthy things like these!
the hand over your mouth wasn’t helping at all! :(( it wasn’t suppressing ur sweet lil moans and whimpers, indications of desperation for aventurine :(( “aven.. mmh.. aventurine..” you would murmur between moans, thinking abt how big he was, his fingers.. how good they were.. maybe his cock, fuck. would they fit? .. were they enough to satisfy your needs? even so, you knew someone would find out about your lil dirty secret :3
but yet, you didn’t know it was aventurine himself finding that out, cock in his hands as he watched from the doorframe. huh, looks like you have some explaining to do.
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