#anora: exists
kaltacore · 1 year
I put anora on the throne because I think it's a better choice for ferelden but also because I enjoy the sight of arl eamon being super mad because he can't use his nephew and has to put up with the queen he wanted gone so desperately
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walk-the-fade · 9 months
I want a solasmance fem!mage! Lavellan PT as my canon so it has major impact when DA:D comes out
I also,,, hate solas, hate his romance, and don't want to commit 80+ hours to a character again
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theaologies · 2 years
I got four new OCs and two of them are sad the other two are stupid
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notebooks-and-laptops · 7 months
Okay, so I really struggled to word this one, and please do elabtorate in the tags, but I'm really interested in people's approach to this. To give examples of each option:
you just play the game and the character exists as they do on screen
you develop a backstory, for example what the Trevelyan family is like, how many siblings the inquisitor has, a parent dying when they were young, but none of it changes what happens on screen much beyond guiding your decisions in game
You develop whole stories based around your pcs, with extra scenes to flesh out the game, and detailed backstories - but none of this ever contradicts whats happening on screen it just adds to it (very similar to 2, but slightly different)
You might have a few bits which contradict in game lore but its mostly the same and very little has to be changed e.g. my Cousland knew Anora when they were young kids
As mentioned above, this is like having a posssed Hawke or a tranquil inquisitor - it majorly changes bits of the story that you have to rework with your pc but for the most part the story stays the same
this is for the girlies who completely change things e.g. my Hawke saved both Bethany and Carver, was possessed by a spirit of anger, resurrected their mother, saved Orsino and married Aveline.
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vigilskeep · 3 months
is it reasonable to suggest, since fereldans seem literally allergic to marrying outside the kingdom, that those fereldans who were pushing cailan to set anora aside probably had f!cousland at the top of their list of alternatives, in the instance of her existence
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year
One thing that’s interesting about Alistair-as-king is that his rise to power is almost an exact echo of Loghain’s: a young man of commoner status and no political experience* ousts a powerful military force from his country alongside someone who is essentially a folk hero, and is then granted a seat of power even though he doesn’t really want it.**
The difference is the expanse of that power and what he does with it once he gets it. When Loghain becomes Teyrn of Gwaren he outright neglects his people and the land he’s been given to govern, choosing to spend most of his time in Denerim instead of helping his own people - it’s only because of his wife that any improvement is made to Gwaren. Alistair, for contrast, displays acuity and concern for Ferelden even as early as the Landsmeet, refusing to kill Anora right off the bat in case he dies defeating the Archdemon. he also expresses a desire to be a good king, but knows he needs “the right people beside [him]” once he’s on the throne: the dedication is there. He’s also in a much better position in terms of diplomatic ties. He’s gone through the Blight meeting with different groups explicitly to help make alliances, and in so doing has built relationships with Orzammar, the Qunari, and the Grey Wardens, and depending on player choices he’s also helped the Dalish, Denerim’s city elves, and saved a Circle. These are all connections he could lean on if he needed. The Warden may have done most of the work (required by the constraints of the game mechanics) but it would be very easy for Alistair’s allies to emphasise his role and have him be heralded as a hero in his own right.
* I would argue that Alistair has a much more developed political sense than Loghain did by the time he takes power simply because his entire existence is political
** If Alistair is hardened, he’s less reticent about it
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ooachilliaoo · 6 months
Play Along
Elissa had said ‘play along’.
Play along, and they’d figure it out as they went. Play along, because they needed Eamon, his men, and his political clout to combat the blight. Play along, and a solution would present itself.
He’d been fine ‘playing along’ while they had been running around Orzammar and the Brecilian Forest, gathering their other allies. But then they’d returned to Redcliffe, and things had become startingly real.
Eamon had said – and Elissa had agreed with him – that they couldn’t challenge Loghain without presenting an alternative. They had to have all the solutions – to have the blight and the civil war in hand – if they were to win over the Landsmeet. And since they couldn’t trust Anora, their candidate had to be him.
Elissa had tried to suggest that perhaps Eamon himself might be a good suggestion as Ferelden’s next ruler. But Eamon had summarily dismissed her, citing Alistair’s own stronger claim. Thanks to that factor that had dogged him for most of his life… his blood.
She’d looked at him, all apology in her eyes, but she hadn’t argued further.
And now? Now they were on the way to Denerim, Eamon having called the Landsmeet on the very premise of pushing him forward as king. King. Responsible for the entirety of Ferelden.
He didn’t expect Eamon to care that he didn’t want it. Didn’t want the responsibility, or the power. Elissa might, but even then, the price of knowing her so well was also knowing that she would lay aside both their wants, both their desires, in order to do what was best for Ferelden. She’d push him into it if she had to, but she was also loyal, and she’d find another way if she could.
Maker, he hoped she could, but it was looking less and less likely the closer they drew to the capital.
Another concern that didn’t seem to enter anyone’s mind but his own – and Morrigan’s, he supposed – was that if he did end up having to take the throne, he wouldn’t be any good at it.
He wasn’t completely ignorant of Fereldan politics. His education had seen to that. He also knew history. He’d studied his… ancestors. Not that he’d thought of them as such more as past kings of Ferelden, really. But the point was that he knew that being king meant making difficult choices. Meant that you sometimes had to betray a friend, sacrifice a town, employ assassins, choose the best thing out of a bad set of options, learn to live with the consequences and then do it all again. He wasn’t sure that there existed a version of him where he would be capable of doing that.
It would be shame if they somehow managed to save Ferelden from the blight only to doom it to his leadership.
Or lack thereof.
Thinking about it, if they were talking of alternatives to Loghain for the throne, why not Elissa herself?
Read the Rest on AO3
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kirkwall-age · 2 years
I don't think many players exhaust the Ostagar conversation tree with Alistair anymore these days, simply because... it's an infodump for new players, and it's all things we know like the back of our hand. basic stuff about the Wardens and Duncan and the Joining
but I often think about this particular line of conversation:
Alistair: You want to ask me about something else? The Warden: This upcoming battle. Alistair: The one tomorrow? I'll tell you, it's Teyrn Loghain we should be looking to win it, not the king. Cailan just wants his place in history. The teyrn is planning the strategy. ...Errrr, that's my opinion, anyway. I guess I should be thankful the king favors us Grey Wardens, but I know who's keeping the lid on the pot. The Warden: What are the chances of success? Alistair: I'm sure Teyrn Loghain has the battle planned to the last detail. Still... no Blight has ever been defeated with so little cost.
Alistair respects Loghain at the beginning of the game. the emotional Face Heel Turn that he does about him following Ostagar is... so much more interesting if you know that he doesn't just see Loghain as a faceless villain, a general he saw from afar, but that he clearly understood the lay of the land well enough to know he was the brains of the operation. a respected strategist.
I wonder if in World States where Alistair and Anora marry, and Loghain lives, if this ever... comes up again. or influences anything. like, I personally doubt that Alistair holds on to the anger he feels as a 20-year-old forever. and beneath the layer of all the fury and the vitriol, there was a sheen of admiration there once. and it's just so interesting to me to think that if any semblance of cordiality is ever restored between the two of them, there's actually some other pre-existing emotions and preconceptions that Alistair held about Loghain, other than straight-up enmity.
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paunchsalazar · 10 months
even if Alistair is made king (solo) he is due to die before he’s 35 and has a lower chance of fertility, and even if you’re human and made queen and your children would be legitimate, the likelihood of a child is next to nothing, so the bloodline will probably end with him anyway…
and if not he has to have a child with his half-brother’s widow who resents him for her father’s death and otherwise forgets his existence and accidentally calls him by his brother’s name, and he’ll still be dead before he’s 35-40 at best, so maybe the (bastard, and also common) bloodline continues but likely winds up being Anora ruling as regent for her child for a fair amount of time
to be fair a lot could be done in 10+ years but I also think he’s going out being as active as possible (if the warden lives) trying to do everything but politics.. popular with the people… frustrating for the nobles.. but I would feel bad for any child of Alistair’s and Anora’s even though I think they’d each care for the child deeply and have begrudged respect for one another…
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deusexlachina · 1 day
Antisocial DAO Finale: Branka oversells her product while Morrigan sleeps with an old man who tried to kill her because he is less repellent than me
Alistair is outraged that I made Loghain submit to the taint, because submitting yourself to the taint is an honour, and making it a punishment cheapens it. He tells me that Duncan would be rolling in his grave, which is probably true if his closest apprentice is saying we shouldn't make more Grey Wardens because it does matter where they come from and being a Grey Warden is an awesome privilege, pretty much the opposite of Duncan's party line.
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But why should he complain? He's the king, and has a beautiful fiance who can help him rule but also doesn't have the power to overrule him, and he has the kind of authority to do incredibly childish stunts like refuse to help save the world because now the Grey Warden club isn't cool. I nod along, not realizing this is sarcasm.
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By the way, Thedas is a world where people are routinely enslaved, massacred, poisoned, lobotomized, eaten, or turned into one of several flavours hideous monster. I myself, Warden Mahariel, have lost my ancestral home and even my makeshift camp was forcibly displaced by human riots, shortly before I was inducted into the Grey Wardens because the artifacts of my people have been neglected so long they are now poisonous and gave me a terminal illness. This was why my Keeper agreed to let me be inducted into the Wardens, but Duncan himself stressed that he inducted me solely because I am a good fighter, the sole criterion for induction. Just. Putting all that out there, your Highness.
With All My Armies in Denerim, we confidently march to Redcliffe castle to prepare for open war with the darkspawn instead of doing the same thing in Denerim, which has been our base of operations for a while now. As we arrive in Redcliffe, we find that it is being massacred because All Our Armies are in Denerim and Redcliffe basically exists to be attacked.
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I save Redcliffe from being destroyed for the second time this month (I think? Time isn't clearly tracked in this game) and then gather All My Armies in Redcliffe instead of Denerim, where, literal hours later, Warden Riordan says the darkspawn are attacking Denerim instead of Redcliffe.
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Could we not have...split the army? At any point? I have five divisions. And, really, Branka's giving me a Tide of Steel Men. Surely that would be more than a match for Every Darkspawn That Ever There Was.
But Riordan has even worse news. The Archdemon is here, which means one of us...will die! He seems to think it's a shocking twist, really, that a soldier going into a pitched battle could die. A single Warden needing to die is apparently a trade secret even after hundreds of them died. People must not know!
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This is especially ironic because he's telling Loghain nobody would sign up to become a Grey Warden if they knew they would have to sacrifice themselves, whereas Loghain signed up to become a Grey Warden for exactly that reason. Unfortunately for him, I'm not going to let him.
Morrigan reveals her own dark secret: all this time, she wanted to get nasty with a Grey Warden. Honestly, she could've just asked, at any point before this. She didn't even need to mention it would save your life. Has she seen how horny Alistair is? The man took literally no convincing to marry Anora. Unfortunately, he's too busy sulking that I made Loghain submit to the taint, and I'm a woman, so Morrigan's only choice is Loghain.
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Pitying Morrigan for the prospect of a night with Loghain - I mean, her face says it all - I let her know, hey, actually, I'm trans, so if you don't want to see what Loghain does in the bedroom I can spare you. But Morrigan insists, plugging her nostrils, that There Is No Other Option but Loghain. She sends me out of her room immediately to go recruit him. I try to Persuade Loghain that this is a good idea but fail.
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Given the choice between sleeping with a libertarian and the certainty of an agonizing death, he prefers the latter. I tell him his crimes are too great for him not to spend the rest of his life atoning. And also, Morrigan said she'd leave my party if she didn't get the demonbaby, and frankly, my social ineptitude and poor life choices have cost me enough party members, including two of my best. Morrigan is the only other mage, and the only dedicated healer, since all my mana is locked up in Every Single Buff. Do you really want to do the Battle of Denerim without a healer?
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After seeing how few health poultices I have left, Loghain Does The Deed with Morrigan. Instead of sacrificing his life (and, without Morrigan, all of ours), he is sacrificing his dignity. That's what he told me, anyway. I'm starting to think he just didn't want to seem too eager to hump Morrigan, the least smelly remaining woman. Look at this slut of a man.
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His Signature Scowl is replaced by a look of intrigue. This is the warmest face this man can muster. Really. Look at those eyebrows. Normally, they're pointed down in fury, but they're really pointing up. Rawr.
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Morrigan stretches her neck to blow out a candle, and I mean stretches.
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With The Deed Done, we march for Denerim. I put Sten in command of guarding the city gates to cut off reinforcements, partly because he has formal experience as a commander but also because, with my remaining party, it was him, Oghren, or the dog.
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Branka finally figured out how to actually make robots, which she didn't know when she sent hundreds of people to die claiming the Anvil. Unfortunately, after advertising a Tide Of Steel Men, she only had time to make four. I guess a Quartet of Steel Men is less imposing, and could be mistaken for a band.
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Nonetheless, four is quite a few, as they are every bit as broken as they were in Caridin's boss fight, shrugging off massive amounts of damage, ignoring most crowd control, and stunlocking darkspawn left and right. Honestly, seeing these things in action makes Branka look more sensible, which is pretty impressive since the very first thing she did when claiming the Anvil was let out a long, diabolical laugh.
With my Tide of (4) Steel Men, we quickly reach the Archdemon without a scratch in any of my other armies. Unfortunately, I die horribly in the fight. This is easy to deal with if you have a Spirit Healer, which I don't because Morrigan used her other specialization to be an Arcane Warrior and I left Wynne to clean up the Circle because she'd have left anyway because I defiled her holiest prophetess' ashes a little bit. There's a lesson here about consequences that I'm too dead to learn. Being the only Grey Warden still alive and not having a temper tantrum, Loghain jumps on the Archdemon's head, stabbing it through the brain.
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For some reason, that wasn't the killing blow. I realize I'm not actually dead and then charge at the Archdemon, eager to steal this moment of glory from Loghain, the fucker. (I don't know what First Enchanter Irving is looking at).
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Having saved Ferelden, I ask Queen Anora to give the Dalish our land back. She magnanimously agrees, possibly because she personally witnessed me slaughtering Ser Cauthrien and all her guards. So she grants me nobody's favourite land in Dragon Age: The Hinterlands. Ostagar, too, which is crawling with darkspawn. You are no friend of mine, human lord.
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I then receive a congratulation from the other monarch, Alistair, who has fought by my side until the single most important battle and has gotten to know me deeply. He greets me as warmly as anyone else does.
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I Killed The Archdemon. Well Done.
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ungrateful-cyborg · 8 months
Happy birthday!
💬 (what is this about DA characters I'm hearing? Can you show/describe them and their personalities?)
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In order: Armin, Lancelot and Amaya. Hawke is just Hawke so I didn't put him here.
I'm sorry, this is... long :'D
Armin Surana
He's my mage Warden. Born to a Dalish clan, he developed his powers at an early age. Unfortunately for him, his clan already had a few mages so they gave him to another clan living nearby. Being a young boy who very much didn't understand why his people didn't want him anymore, he decided that he didn't like his new clan and ran away. Eventually he found himself in a village where Greagoir discovered him after he set his own hair on fire out of anger. And Greagoir being a Templar, he brought the kid to the Circle of Magi where the story starts when you chose that origin.
Honestly his life in the Circle was actually pretty good. Past the few first months, he managed to find his place and didn't particularly want to leave after his Harrowing. If not for Jowan, he was mostly set on becoming First Enchanter at some point in his life.
And I think Alistair was very lucky that the only surviving Grey Warden save for himself actually enjoyed leading and already had a strategic mind.
Though mostly Armin is fairly diplomatic, merciful and patient. He does have strong opinions about certain things, but is careful about which ones he publicly expresses and which ones are for his inner circle only.
I do think though that not a lot of people figured him as the kind of people to become Zevran's fuck buddy... and to eventually settle with Morrigan (and their son).
By the time Awakening happened, he was a changed man. More military leader than idealistic Grey Warden, still driven by the will to help others, but as you can imagine, having to sacrifice the citizens of Amaranthine didn't help him sleep at night. Although I think that knowing he'd do it again if the need arose was really what made him look at what he'd become and decide he needed to take a break from that kind of responsibilities.
Hence why he purposefully doesn't return in Inquisition. He didn't trust himself to not be more ruthless than actually needed.
(Please don't pay attention to the tattoos, I didn't know he would've needed to be an adult in a Dalish clan to have them since it's not explained in the Character Creator. Also he was meant to look East Asian but the CC is... well, it exists.)
Lancelot Cousland
My second Warden, a Warrior this time because I wanted to replay all three games as pro-Templar this time. And what better for this than to start with a young and charming noble who mostly succeeded in everything he attempted, except for, you know, saving his entire family.
I'm not yet done with him (currently nearing the Landsmeet) but he's grown more serious, albeit still joking and occasionally teasing people, and also increasingly interested in having a say in how Ferelden is ruled. I'm still not entirely sure how to go to make him marry Anora but that's the plan XD
Overall, he's charming, smart and resourceful man, albeit still a bit entitled as you'd expect from a handsome and rich young noble (though he's not exactly rich at the moment).
He believes in Andraste and the Maker like Armin does, but while Armin wasn't much of a practitioner outside of asking for a Blessing from time to time (never hurts when you need to save the world), Lancelot is more devoted overall and also a lot more wary of magic and mages. He doesn't hate them, however, and always tries to treat people fairly. His upbringing just occasionally gets in the way and blinds him, and he's more likely to seek to maintain the statu quo.
Also Loghain won't survive this play through (he did in my first and Alistair didn't forgive Armin for this, but Armin figured that killing a National Hero wasn't the smartest political choice. Especially not when you're trying to marry your friend to his daughter.)
Lancelot is romancing Leliana, because I want to see what she'll say in Inquisition—and it was the most ic choice for him.
I won't go into too much detail about him considering he's a lot more fleshed out in the game than the Warden or Inquisitor. But I chose to play a mage again, and he took the mages' side because really, much as there is a blood mages issue in Kirkwall, the Templars were completely off the rails.
And he's an apostate.
Anders survived my first play through because you don't erase 6 years of friendship this easily, and contrary to Fenris, Anders didn't force him to kill him. They've lost contact since, however. Hawke couldn't forgive him.
He died in my Inquisition playthrough to help Loghain and the Inquisitor get out of the Fade, and it broke my heart. And Varric's.
And Isabela's.
But mostly mine.
I even took a screenshot to whine to one of my friends about it
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Amaya Lavellan
A confident young woman, proud of her heritage and the mission of her people to preserve as much of their history as they could, Amaya was never one to entirely reject Humanity but never really trusted them either. Which is, in fact, specifically the reason why she never completely rejected them: she prefers to not blind herself willingly of what humans are doing in the vicinity of her clan.
I purposefully made her less diplomatic than Armin and Hawke, especially in the beginning because she wanted nothing to do with the Inquisition. Once she became the official leader, however, she took her role seriously. But even though she'd been trained to become the next Keeper of her clan, she never felt completely comfortable in her role as the Inquisitor.
Part of that is simply that Amaya wanted nothing to do with anything related to the Maker and the Chantry. Being called the Herald of Andraste kept irking her until the end, though over time she became less vocal about her disliking of the title and more pragmatic about it. She even gave more space to the cult of Andraste in Skyhold, as she figured, with a little bit of Josephine's nudging, that one of the strongest common point between Orlais and Ferelden was a powerful tool to wield to unite both countries against Corypheus.
The other reason why she didn't feel comfortable in her role was simply that the Inquisition grew too big too quickly, and the fallout in Trespasser was honestly not a huge surprise to her (she opted to disband the Inquisition rather than risk corruption again).
But because she has impeccable taste in men, and a purposefully made a female elf to romance Solas, she hm... she couldn't pretend to be surprised that the Inquisition was crumbling onto itself but she was not prepared for him to be the main culprit.
She's still hoping she can make him change his mind.
I also used a mod to be able to romance several people. And she does have impeccable taste in men, so obviously she also romanced Blackwall. And dumped him after learning the truth, though she chose to let him truly become a Grey Warden instead of letting him die or making him lie. Again.
Fortunately, Cullen proved more reliable than her other partners. They eloped in Trespasser.
(She also became a Red Jenny. An excellent way to deal with her anger while still being useful to the people.
It took me a while to figure out while she kept Sera in the Inquisition, considering that Amaya didn't consider her really fit for the job even though she does see Sera as her friend, but eventually it became obvious to me that what made Sera so important was how she never let Amaya lose sight of her priorities. She kept her down-to-earth, and with the power Amaya had at her disposal, someone not afraid to tell her when she started to lost herself in politics was truly precious.)
I'm sorry this is so damn long, but I hope you enjoy learning about them! And thank you so much for the ask, @confusedtia!
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kaija-rayne-author · 10 months
I'm kinda avoiding doing the landsmeet section of DAO. It's not my favourite section. I don't like losing the party camp and ability to kiss my love interests to stay in the Arls estate.
My storage mod also doesn't work at Eamon's so that's a sucky thing too. Blurgh. Guess I'll just muscle through it and move on to Awakening.
I don't like Anora at all, but maybe I'll let her be queen this time.
And I'll tell you why I don't like Anora, too. Because I saw a post shitting on people who don't like her as automatically being misogynistic. (While yes, internalized misogyny exists, I don't feel my issues with Anora qualify.)
My first playthrough, I was happy to let Alistair remain a warden because he legit doesn't seem to want to be king. So I was all prepared to just make Anora queen. Then we were taken prisoner and ended up in the tanty.
Anora is as slimy and backstabbing as Loghain is. If you don't kill every guard in the prison (I missed a few the first time) she utterly backstabs you after agreeing to support you.
I don't like anyone who is that reprehensible regarding their personal honour. The 'me first' power hungry types can swing as far as I'm concerned. Anora cares about one thing. Remaining queen, and she will do anything to make that happen. She has no blood claim to the throne. Monarchy has always been very concerned with bloodlines. Five years of running the country isn't enough of a reason to let a dishonorable person maintain power for me.
Sooo maybe she's not gonna end up queen this time either 😅.
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elinaline · 2 months
I think of all three of my dragon age characters, my inquisitor is most like me. He's desperate, cares too much, complains all the time, and is incredibly earnest in his wish to help even though he wishes he'd had any other position. Had he not been the inquisitor he probably wouldn't even have joined the inquisition but now the life and livelihood of thousands of people depend on him.
My Warden was symptomatic of my playing personality: I have the time to analyze situation and a good pattern recognition so she was calculatory and snappy at times, but it made sense what with her being a dwarven princess. With Hawke I had the interesting experience to imagine how she'd evolve over a decade, from someone deflecting her deep existential terror with humor, to someone exhausted of having to fight just to exist, and still wanting to do good despite her previous mistake.
For the inquisitor it's very different everything is supposed to happen over the course of a couple years (which means all the travel back and forth you do probably isn't possible because as we all know it takes two days walking around lake calenhad to go from redcliffe castle to the circle tower, and two weeks from the tower to orzammar –dixit Anora and Dagna) so the poor guy is just a traumatism skewer with the backbone of desperately wanting to fix things, I get to play him as a sad scrungly violent despite his will boy. It's great.
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anoras-pokeshelter · 5 months
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Wow, it sure has been a while since I was active here!
A lot has happened in the past few months, but I think I'm ready to get back to working the blog! Hopefully I won't be disappearing again anytime soon!
Anyways, my name's Anora, and I run the Rural Nuvema Pokémon Shelter/Daycare! The main purpose of this blog is to provide answers to any Pokemon questions you guys might have, but I'm also open to conversation!
(ooc info under the cut)
Hey y'all! @lovesick-alien-with-anxiety here with a soft reboot of the blog! I wanna share some info on the specific world this takes place in, since there are a few differences from canon Pokémon.
A select few custom-made Fakemon exist, but they won't be commonly seen on the blog.
Cross-bred Pokemon have traits from both parents, but one parent's traits tend to be more dominant.
Pokémon/human hybrids are extremely uncommon in this universe, but Anora is very open-minded and accepting.
Legendary Pokémon are fairly active depending on the situation; for example, Tornadus is more likely to be active during winter due to being a winter deity. Most people believe in some legendaries, but not all of them.
Non-Pokémon animals don't exist.
In this universe, getting a Trainer's license at the age of 10 is technically allowed, but most people tend to wait until they're at least 15.
The Pokémon anime and games exist. The games are loosely based on the true stories of Champion Trainers from around the world, while the anime focuses on fictional characters.
There's an extra region known as Orandia, which is where most of this universe's Fakemon are from. Orandia is mostly uncharted territory.
Paradox Pokémon exist, but there's a twist. Most Pokémon that has a known Paradox counterpart in canon has two in this universe: one for the past and one for the future. For example, Jigglypuff has the past Paradox of Scream Tail and the future Paradox of Iron Lungs. (I'll release custom designs eventually!)
Building off of this, legendary Pokémon don't have Paradox forms.
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shivunin · 11 months
Here's some characters for you too!
Sera, Flemeth and Anora :3
Thank you, Arja! 💗Ooh these were interesting ones c:
(Character Ask thing)
First impression: Alas, at first glance I thought she was a manic pixie dream girl.
Impression now: Soooo much more depth than anyone gives her credit for. So much internal tension and so many contradictions. I think her struggle with her own identity as an elf is so fascinating, especially through the lens of the way she talks to a Lavellan at the beginning of the game vs the things she says in Trespasser. The way she talks about the "little people" is so necessary and at odds with the opinions of the rest of the inner circle, her relationship with Dagna is precious to me, and some of the things she says to a befriended Inquisitor during Trespasser bring me to tears. I don't know that she will ever be one of my favorite characters, but I respect and love her anyways. So glad she is a companion.
Favorite moment: Her monologue after the Winter Palace is soooo good, I love it every time.
Idea for a story: Hmm I've thought about writing some things about her and Elowen, actually, because I think their dynamic is interesting. They love each other, they don't want to be around each other, when they're sad they want to hang out, Sera gets her drunk when she's being mopey...they're a hot mess and at some point I'm going to explore it better. Eventually.
Unpopular opinion: Errr idk. I think Sera fans have big brains and nuanced opinions (from my limited exposure). I'm not sure what the popular opinions are?
Favorite relationship: Sera and Dorian. They have some of the funniest dialogue, and though the companions do not exist solely to entertain me (or, wait, i guess they do) the dynamic between these two is so goddamn funny.
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They fascinate me
Favorite headcanon: Idk how much is headcanon and how much is canon, but this is twofold: 1) Sera takes the painted box from you in Origins for the Jennies and 2) when Amethyne (the little girl sitting on the ground in the alienage, whose mom dies in the Cousland origin) talks about Sara going away she is actually talking about Sera and they were besties before Sera was adopted by human woman (whose name escapes me)
Impression now: Terrible mother, but oh my god is she serving cunt
Favorite moment: The scene between her, Morrigan, and Keiran. I just think it's an illuminating aspect of the dynamic between the three of them.
Idea for a story: Hmmmmm so....someday I might go back to the Scourge of Sundermount AU and if I ever do there will be a sort of apprenticeship thing with her and Ilriane. Otherwise, I don't necessarily feel the urge to write her.
Unpopular opinion: I think her weird, cryptic manner of speaking in Origins is hilarious and I wish she kept doing it.
Favorite relationship: I mean, limited options, right? Morrigan by default (we see so little of her and Solas/Fen'Harel). Very fucked up dynamic. Morrigan becoming the mother she never had is *chef's kiss* so good though.
Favorite headcanon: She taught Morrigan to talk Like That on purpose because it reminded her of a more familiar time OR for the lols. Her speech patterns aren't super similar in 2 or Inquisition, so it seems like an intentional affectation to me.
Anora (Arja, if you love Anora, I am so sorry in advance)
First impression: Oh, interesting! I guess maybe she's supposed to represent the conflict between having power, keeping it, and doing what's best for the country. I wonder if she'll act against her dad on the Wardens' behalf. Also, great outfit/nice hair.
Impression now: :/ Unfortunately, I take fictional betrayals very personally, so my opinion is clouded by blind rage at being sold out to Cauthrien and then again at the Landsmeet. I'll leave it at that.
Favorite moment: When Loghain is about to die and he says the thing about her being a little girl with skinned knees and for a moment she is just a daughter watching her father about to die. Extremely effective moment of storytelling.
Idea for a story: Well! If I finish writing the scene where Wen breaks her out, Anora will inevitably be there. So probably that.
Unpopular opinion: Oh geez. Well. Idk what the prevailing opinion on Anora is because most of the people I follow seem to like her in general. It's unpopular with myself that I dislike her so intensely, if that isn't a total cop-out to say? She's all the things I usually find compelling (calculating, kind of heartless, extremely competent) and yet...in my first playthrough she fucked me over so thoroughly that I can't get past it or see her any other way. She cannot girlboss, gatekeep, or gaslight her way out of pissing me off.
Favorite relationship: Her and Loghain. No idea what's going on there, but I want to squish them into a glass slide and look at them under a microscope.
Favorite headcanon: 😬 (Again, I'm sorry if you like her, but in my head Zev kills her post-game to avoid any succession issues and as a gift to Wen, who promised Alistair she wouldn't do anything herself. Not that it was a "won't somebody rid me of this upstart priest" situation; I think he also took Anora getting Wen thrown in prison personally, so it's sort of a win-win for him. So by Awakening she is definitely dead; that's the headcanon. But really she poses an issue to succession if she's not queen or dead, because she refuses to forfeit a right to the crown)
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vigilskeep · 1 year
I wish there was a way for Alistair to work through that like. Obsession with revenge/hatred if you save loghain not as in get rid of it but learn to live with it at least instead of letting it take over
i mean i think he does work through it in some way in the sparing loghain + crowning alistair and anora together worldstate. like ultimately he is still married to and by all accounts politically partners well with loghain’s daughter in a world where loghain is still alive. he certainly seemed on better terms with my warden even by awakening when he showed up for his cameo
honestly i think alistair by all accounts living a fulfilled life and doing as well as can be expected for a warden/king if he gets his revenge vs except for a couple specific scenarios his life completely breaking down if he doesn’t get that revenge is, like, one of the single most interesting narrative choices in dragon age, along with the associated fact that only a “hardened” alistair can tolerate loghain’s continued existence enough to still marry anora and become king. that’s part of why i generally lean away from aus where you can keep them both like i think what we have is so much more compelling and fascinating
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