#anti andré ventura
samtallchester · 2 months
To my moots, followers and friends. I know you follow me for my content or whatever other reason. And I know you must have noticed the sudden number of posts based on Portuguese elections and are probably gonna skip this post. If you're still reading this, thank you.
Portugal clearly isn't the only one heading this way. You may have heard of Vox [Spanish far right party] as well and maybe other countries. Sure there are wars raging. There is a lot going on and you'll probably think "what does it even matter?" Because many people do, because true, we are [thankfully] not going through any of that. But what I want to bring to attention is important at least to me. And I wanted to share with everyone. Because oppression still matters.
25th April marks the year my grandparents – minus my ugly ass paternal grandpa (an oppressor working for the dictator), as well as my grandparents' parents were freed from the dark clutches of the reign of terror known as the New State.
50 years later, it's happening again. AD won and Chega wants a coalition. If he doesn't achieve so, and Montenegro continues with his original plan of leading a minority government, Ventura [CHEGA] claims to shoot down any bills he may want to pass – which is petty imo. But you know politics is politics.
Eventually, AD is gonna have to go. Minority governments don't last. So Portugal may be stuck with Chega at some point in the next 5 years. My home will no longer be a democracy but will be a fascist reign of terror once again because no doubt. Estado Novo [The New State] will be back, if Ventura really brings it back. Censorships. Health care will totally change. Immigrants will be forced to go back to their home countries. Romi people will likely be dislodged. Abortion laws will change. Trans people will not be allowed to be who they are.
All because young people like us let themselves fool themselves into believing that André Ventura is right. Maybe because their romi neighbor made them mad last week so they voted Chega, whatever petty reason. Or PSD messed them up, I don't care.
They haven't learned. Surely their grandparents told them stories about how worthless living was under Salazar. Or some might have even died because people like my paternal grandpa hunted them down for being anti-fascist. And yet, you still vote for the same man who thinks women are beneath him. Who made a fuss over BE's leader wearing bright red lipstick and shamed her [Marisa Matias] for it.
I am disappointed in my nation. We are welcoming those people into our arms, not even caring where we are voting and God I feel disgusted that people these days are so stupid that they vote another party out of revenge? So what? There's like 10 parties. You could have picked another.
We are disappointing our ancestors and Mario Soares. The MFA [Movimento das Forças Armadas], every single person who fought 48 years of oppression and censorship.
Maybe I got some facts wrong – because i am not perfect and i am trying to merely educate myself. The future is uncertain. That is for sure. Because genuinely, I am ashamed to believe this country really lost its sense. Our ancestors deserved better.
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vague-humanoid · 19 days
“We’ve been here in this country for more than five centuries and we still experience xenophobia,” says José Fernandes (60), president of Techari since founding it in 2020. “With Chega, I don’t fear for myself, but for my children and grandchildren.”
An imposing figure, Fernandes has felt hatred towards his community grow over the years. It was in Loures that Chega leader André Ventura first made racist remarks about the Roma when he stood for mayor on the Social Democratic Party (PSD) ticket in 2017.
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pedrocaspn · 1 month
André Ventura anunciou hoje que irá denunciar o ministro do TSE, Alexandre de Moraes, no Parlamento português, por ataques à Liberdade e aos direitos dos brasileiros, após a rede X (ex Twitter) expor provas de atos anti-democráticos desse magistrado.
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
‘El Loco’ wins landslide victory in Argentina that experts say shows scale of frustration with Peronist status quo
Luminaries of the global far right are in raptures over Javier Milei’s thumping election victory in Argentina which experts predict will turn Buenos Aires into a new stomping ground for the populist radical right.
Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro led the merrymaking after their Argentinian ally trounced his rival, the Peronist finance minister Sergio Massa, by nearly 3 million votes in Sunday’s presidential election. The former US president predicted Milei would “truly make Argentina great again” while Brazil’s ex-president applauded a victory for “honesty, progress and freedom”.
Bolsonarista and Mileísta activists predicted Milei’s win would be the first in a trio of rightwing conquests that would see Trump and Bolsonaro reclaim power in 2024 and 2026.
In his first post-victory interview on Monday, Milei announced he would travel to the US and Israel – where he has promised to move Argentina’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – before being sworn in on 10 December, alongside his ultra-conservative vice-president elect Victoria Villarruel.
Bolsonaro announced he would attend Milei’s inauguration in Buenos Aires and posted footage of a pally video call with Argentina’s president-elect. “I’m really happy,” Bolsonaro told the radical libertarian economist. “You have a big job ahead of you … and it’s a job that goes beyond Argentina,” Brazil’s former leader added. “Gracias!” Milei replied.
Unlike Bolsonaro, a professional politician who posed as an anti-establishment outsider to win power in 2018, Milei is a genuine newcomer to the world of politics. Born in Buenos Aires in 1970, he played in a Rolling Stones cover band and found fame as a foul-mouthed economic pundit on Argentinian television before being elected to congress in 2021 for his libertarian party Libertad Avanza (Freedom Advances). Milei’s mercurial personality, expletive-ridden onscreen outbursts and Britpop-style hairdo have cemented his reputation as ‘El Loco’ (The Madman).
From Bogotá and Santiago to Lisbon and Madrid, other ultra-conservative figures voiced delight at Milei’s landslide victory over the centrist Massa, by 14.47m to 11.51m votes.
André Ventura, the leader of Portugal’s far-right Chega! (Enough!), celebrated Milei’s “struggle to defend society” and Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy’s far-right League, sent his congratulations. Santiago Abascal, the leader of Spain’s far-right party Vox, said Milei had opened “a path of future and hope … for Argentines and all of Latin America”.
Hungary’s president Katalin Novák congratulated Milei on a “great victory”.In South America, the Chilean ultra-conservative politician José Antonio Kast congratulated Milei for his “resounding triumph”, writing: “The reconstruction of Argentina starts now”.
The Colombian senator María Fernanda Cabal called Milei’s victory a victory for “sanity, common sense [and] the hope of a rebirth for Argentina”. “Once again Latin America’s depredating left has been defeated.”
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flm5 · 1 month
🚨BOMBA !🇵🇹|André Ventura, presidente do CHEGA, anunciou hoje que irá denunciar o ministro do TSE, Alexandre de Moraes, no Parlamento português, por ataques à Liberdade e aos direitos dos brasileiros, após a rede X (ex Twitter) expor provas de atos anti-democráticos desse… pic.twitter.com/fu7ews1kbR— Pedro Pôncio Ex MST (@pedroponciobr) April 7, 2024
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momo-de-avis · 4 years
a direita está a ter um dia do crlh: il compara críticas a investidores a racismo, o rui rio diz que não temos racismo mas que estas manifestações anti-racista ainda vão fazer de nós racistas, o andré ventura.....é o andré ventura.... o cds decidiu usar os neurónios e não dizer nada de relevante, e quando o cds é o partido a mostrar mais inteligência 💀
tou farta de tudo, alguém faça reset
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ashtonsunshine · 4 years
There was a march lead by the right-wing party Chega! (Enough!) today in Lisbon with around 1000 people with the slogan "Portugal isn't racist" to showcase that Portugal isn't a racist country and to support the police.
The participants carried a banner with the phrases "Portugal isn't racist" and "We're proud of our history" (x). Amongst other things, the politician André Ventura and his supporters kept shouting that all the recent racism talk is just a distraction by the elitist politicians on the left, that the police forces should be respected and that the "comum people" shouldn't be supporting the minorities who don't want to work with their tax money. (x)
The police was concerned about the march, fearing confrontations between anti-fascists and the nationalists. Sources from within the police feared that some police officers would take the side of the Chega! participants due to their own political ideals if confrontations took place. This idea was denied by a member of the police syndicate (who was also a candidate for the European elections by the right-wing coalition Basta, which integrated Chega!) saying "I don't admit the existence of partiality in a hypothetical police intervention. A police officer decides in favour of the law.". (x)
There were also concerns of neo-nazi individuals infiltrating the march but it didn't happen, but one person made the Nazi salute as Ventura walked past and was immediately surrounded by the police. Two other people were identified by the police for obscene and aggressive behaviour. (x)
I am, for lack of better words, appalled. Absolutely disgusted. I have no words to describe how I'm feeling about this other than absolutely furious.
I'm reading the reports on the event and I want to vomit. Reading that paragraph about the police and the police syndicate member was surreal. The layers of it! Reading parts of Ventura's speech was a not-so-joyful ride. I could smell the fallacies and twisted rhetoric from here. Watching the people march on the news on TV saying "Ventura for president!" was otherworldly.
This guy keeps saying that the right will rise, that a new regime is necessary and that the Fourth Republic will come, and I'm still confused as to what the hell he means by that. He wants to be the "Saviour of the Homeland", saying that we have been bent (by whom? I don't know.) and that only a new regime will set this country straight. I don't appreciate people with delusions of grandeur in general, even less in politics.
I feared that this shit would happen at some point over here considering the current state of world politics but, GOD DAMN IT, I DON'T WANT IT! FUCK THIS GUY AND FUCK EVERYONE WHO WAS IN THAT MARCH AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE WHO SUPPORTS HIM AND HIS RACIST AND FASCIST IDEAS!
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canalalentejo · 3 years
Chega propõe público nos estádios de futebol e restantes eventos desportivos
Chega propõe público nos estádios de futebol e restantes eventos desportivos
O deputado único do Chega entregou hoje uma resolução no parlamento para o retorno do público aos eventos desportivos das várias modalidades, profissionais e amadoras, assente em “protocolo rigoroso” anti-covid-19 da Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS). O documento de André Ventura “recomenda ao Governo que, considerando a atividade desportiva uma atividade essencial para o país nas suas mais variadas…
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arrhakis · 3 years
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*** O Porquê de se lutar contra os movimentos de  Extrema Direita ou de Direita Nacionalista  em Portugal e no Mundo.  ***
Foi o idealismo nacionalista que levou à Segunda Guerra Mundial e que dividiu nações levando à destruição de muitas capitais da Europa e à morte de mais de 55 milhões de pessoas por todo o Mundo. A estes juntaram-se os  milhões de deslocados, os milhares que foram utilizados como escravos no esforço de guerra. Nessas  vitimas mortais contam-se  as famílias inteiras que foram fuziladas em  valas comuns (que elas próprias escavavam)  previamente despidas e ainda com crianças ao colo ! É o mesmo Nacionalismo de uma Extrema Direita que matou milhões pelo gas só porque eram contra a sua ideologia, ou porque eram judeus,  homossexuais, comunistas ou ciganos. Os mesmos que o Sr. Andre Ventura do partido de direita radical CHEGA persegue neste momento só porque são diferentes ! Quanto aos refugiados vêm procurar uma melhor vida como tantos portugueses  que estão ainda hoje em França,   alguns dos quais  ameaçados da mesma forma pelos franceses da Frente Nacional de Marine Le Pen que não querem lá emigrantes ! A mesma Marine Le pen que almoça sorridente com André Ventura. Os subsidio dependentes como André Ventura  refere e tanto persegue são pessoas com fracos recursos, Portugueses que devido aos fracos rendimentos lhes é atribuído um subsidio, aliás que a segurança social não atribui sem verificação de rendimentos ! Esta tentativa de perseguir os mais necessitados, os refugiados e as minorias é uma técnica usada pela direita nacionalista como Marine Le Pen na França, Viktor Orbán na Hungria e Donald Trump nos Estados Unidos que combinam populismo com nativismo [anti-imigrante] e autoritarismo. Defendem o culto/lealdade aos líderes e uma supremacia centrada na crença. Aliás que para além do trinómio Deus, Pátria e Família que era tão saudoso do Salazar temos sempre um grupo para onde se dirige o ódio e se incitam as massas; na Alemanha calhou principalmente aos Judeus e portanto a uma religião, usando uma campanha de demonização que acabou com a sua perseguição e morte mas camaras de gas. A utilização das redes sociais tornou explosiva a disseminação destas ideias pois conseguiu juntar minorias cujos ideais extremistas não eram bem aceites na comunidade em geral. A disseminação das falsas noticias e do aparecimento de agencias de propaganda da ideologia nacionalista e da direita radical como Breitbart  tem tido como objetivo a descredibilização das agencias noticiosas tradicionais e tentar colocar em causa até as instituições e os processos democráticos dos países como aconteceu com o  Fenómeno Trump nos Estados Unidos. A duvida, o discurso do ódio que está sempre presente até com a normalização dos insultos é uma das técnicas para radicalizar as pessoas e trazer mais apoiantes à causa. Esta radicalização é também feita com teorias da conspiração muito difundidas por pessoas como Steve Bannon e mentiras onde se misturam conceitos politicos, tragédias   ou se tira partido das crises politicas e dos ódios inter-raciais ou regionais.
Não sejamos ingénuos Trump e Bolsonaro, Marine Le pen ou Matteo Salvini  que ainda recentemente apoiou André Ventura fazem parte de um movimento que tenta a todos o custo fazer uma união da Direita Extremista e Nacionalista no Mundo e na Europa. Com apoios de grandes interesse económicos europeus e americanos  e do apoio de Oligarcas Russos tentam dividir a Europa e os seus aliados mas também enfraquecer as grandes alianças em especial a Aliança Atlântica. O processo isolacionista está sempre presente, daí o combate ás organizações internacionais como as Nações Unidas, a  Organização Mundial de Saúde ou a Comunidade Europeia. Pelo processo da propaganda das ideias extremistas, do medo  e da  radicalização tenta-se assim controlar os povos e fazer perdurar um sistema autoritário de culto ao líder, como temos aliás na Coreia do Norte ! - A radicalização da Esquerda é tão perigosa como a radicalização da Direita.
André Ventura na sua  tese de doutoramento defendia até há bem pouco tempo as minorias e era contra os estados policiais para rapidamente se associar a uma direita nacionalista de Marine Le pen, cujo pai dizia que " O Holocausto Nazi era apenas um pormenor ... " .
Eu acredito que muitos em virtude da crise mundial, da pandemia e da falta da resposta social de muitos governos vejam o seu futuro ameaçado e tentem encontrar alternativas. Mas sejamos sinceros,  será que tudo serve ? Quereremos pactuar  com o fascismo ou a direita nacionalista "patriótica" de Trump ou  Bolsonaro ? Queremos um nacional socialismo como o Regime Nazi de Hitler ? Então desde quando é que os nacionalismos de direita são possíveis em Democracia ou como a História tristemente nos ensinou,  poderemos pactuar com regimes de um fascismo desumano que defende a sobrevivência dos mais fortes e despreza os mais sagrados Valores da Humanidade !
Texto De Daniel Arrhakis
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qnews · 3 years
O anti-sistema recebeu durante três anos 2.105 euros por mês, dos contribuintes, para a sua bolsa de investigação
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Portugal : une députée réclame la restitution d’œuvres d’art aux anciennes colonies, un député propose qu’elle soit elle-même « rendue à l’Afrique » Le député d’extrême droite, André Ventura, a provoqué un tollé en proposant qu’une parlementaire noire soit renvoyée dans son pays d’origine en Afrique de l’Ouest. Le chef du parti populiste et anti-système…
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odioguinho · 5 years
José Castelo Branco está indignado: “Portugueses extremistas”
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Este domingo, dia 6 de Outubro, foram as eleições para a Assembleia da República, e a eleição do Chega!, não deixou José Castelo Branco indiferente. “Acreditas, meu amor, um pró-nazi ganhou. E o nome dele é André Ventura, alguma coisa assim. Ele é anti-semita, anti-LGBT, é anti tudo…“, disse o socialite durante uma conversa com ...
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arrhakis · 3 years
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** Why To Fight  Against Extreme Right and Nationalist Right In Portugal And In the World  by Daniel Arrhakis
Why to fight against the movements of Extreme Right or Nationalist Right in Portugal and in the World. ** 
It was the nationalist idealism that led to the Second World War and that divided nations leading to the destruction of many capitals in Europe and the death of more than 55 million people worldwide. To these were added the millions of displaced persons, the thousands who were used as slaves in the war effort. In these mortal victims are counted the entire families who were shot in mass graves (which they themselves dug) previously undressed and still with children in their arms! It is the same Nationalism of an Extreme Right that killed millions by gas just because they were against their ideology, or because they were Jews, homosexuals, communists or gypsies. The same that Mr. Andre Ventura of the far-right Portuguese political party is chasing at the moment just because they are different!
As for the refugees, they come looking for a better life like so many Portuguese who are still in France today, some of whom are threatened in the same way by the French from the National Front of Marine Le Pen who do not want emigrants there! The same Marine Le pen who has a smiling lunch with André Ventura. The dependent subsidies as André Ventura refers to and persecutes so much are people with poor resources, Portuguese people who, due to their low income, are given a subsidy, which social security does not provide without income verification! This attempt to persecute the most needy, refugees and minorities is a technique used by the nationalist right such as Marine Le Pen in France, Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Donald Trump in the United States that combine populism with [anti-immigrant] nativism and authoritarianism. They advocate worship / loyalty to leaders and belief-centered supremacy. In fact, in addition to the trinity God, Fatherland and Family that was so homesick for Salazar, we always have a group where hatred is directed and the masses are incited; in Germany it fell mainly to the Jews and therefore to a religion, using a campaign of demonization that ended its persecution and death by chambers of gas.
The use of social networks made the spread of these ideas explosive because it managed to bring together minorities whose extremist ideals were not well accepted in the wider community. The spread of false news and the appearance of propaganda agencies of the nationalist ideology and the radical right like Breitbart has aimed to discredit traditional news agencies and try to call into question even the democratic institutions and processes of the countries as happened with the Phenomenon Trump in the United States. Doubt, the hate speech that is always present even with the normalization of insults is one of the techniques to radicalize people and bring more supporters to the cause. This radicalization is also done with conspiracy theories widespread by people like Steve Bannon and lies where political concepts, tragedies or political crises and interracial or regional hatreds are mixed.
Let us not be naive Trump and Bolsonaro, Marine Le pen or Matteo Salvini who still recently supported André Ventura are part of a movement that tries at all costs to unite the Extremist and Nationalist Right in the World and in Europe. With support from major dark European and American economic interests and support from Russian oligarchs, they try to divide Europe and its allies but also to weaken large alliances, especially the Atlantic Alliance. The isolationist process is always present, hence the fight against international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization or the European Community. Through the process of propaganda of extremist ideas, fear and radicalization, they try to control the peoples and to endure an authoritarian system of worship for the leader, as we have in North Korea! - The radicalization of the Left is as dangerous as the radicalization of the Right.
André Ventura in his doctoral thesis defended minorities until recently and was against the police states to quickly join a nationalist right of Marine Le pen, whose father said that "The Nazi Holocaust was just a detail ..." .
I believe that many people due to the global crisis, the pandemic and the lack of social response by many governments see their future threatened and try to find alternatives. But let's face it, does everything work? Will we want to agree with the fascism or the "patriotic" nationalist right of Trump or Bolsonaro? Do we want national socialism like Hitler's Nazi regime? So since when are right-wing nationalism possible in Democracy or as History sadly taught us, we will be able to agree with regimes of inhuman fascism that defend the survival of the strongest and despise the most sacred Values ​​of Humanity!
Text By Daniel Arrhakis
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odioguinho · 6 years
Supernanny e André Ventura são ‘amigos especiais’
The post Supernanny e André Ventura são ‘amigos especiais’ appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
A TVGuia dá destaque a uma ‘não noticia’ da Supernanny e o André Ventura, o comentador da CMTV e politico que se mostrou anti ciganos. Depois disto a revista não tem mais nenhum destaque. No entanto dizem saber qual é o vencedor do Masterchef Jr, será que vão mesmo revelar?!  
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