#anti kylie jenner
oh-hush-its-perfect · 4 months
"this artist was thrust into the limelight at an age at which they could not have yet developed into a fully realized person, let alone political creature, and therefore their decision-making skills have been forever crippled and mental maturity forever stunted" and "this artist is still old enough to know better and have basic empathy and simple reasoning" are ideas that can and should coexist.
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 9 months
Btw if anyone is cool with Kylie Jenner or anything relating to her just… just block me rn, if I wanted that kind of energy in my life I’d go to like a Goop convention or something. If you wanna know why I don’t like her, here is a post detailing that.
Note: yes I support Tim and his right to make his own choices. Even the dumb ones. That doesn’t mean I think his choices aren’t dumb. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I absolutely do not want to interact with people who support her or are like “omfg their relationship is so cute 😍”. No thanks. Sorry not sorry.
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fancylala4 · 5 months
Call me petty but it’s so good to see that the Kylie bratz dolls underperformed and they are many of them on sale at Walmart. Her stans went through so much trouble to defend her dolls and the collaboration only for it to be a total failure. Bunch of clowns.
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lisascr3ature · 1 year
ewwww no 🤢💀 maddie is friends with the stupid jenners? nonono get those toxic vapid clowns away from her they'll ruin her style
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tophsazulas · 8 months
The fact that Kylie scammed her way into becoming a billionaire…
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outgrownx · 25 days
The fact that Rihanna was telling us she's leaving music to go do make up and literally waved bye bye every night on tour, but we didn't get the hint
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joesalw · 5 months
If Kylie was gossiping with her friends about Taylor, swifties would start a witchhunt. But because it's Mean Girls (Taylor's version), she gets called iconic. Katy Perry was right about her after all
so true
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not getting an air conditioner and dying of extreme heat so that celebrities can fly in their private jets <3
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Selena and Hailey drama
Disclaimer: I won’t be commenting on Selena Gomez’s singing, acting or looks because I actually care about bullying.
I’m absolutely sick of this whole conflict that people have been going on about for the past fortnight. Everybody seems to have jumped on the Hailey Bieber hate train all over against but personally I don’t think that she was to blame at all. In fact, neither were Justin Bieber or Kylie Jenner or anyone except the supposed victim herself.
In the past few years, Selena Gomez seems to have become a master of manipulating people into feeling sorry for her and doing interviews where she cries about her struggles as a pretty multimillionaire with tons of friends and thousands of loyal fans. I understand that she has health issues and that a few people called her fat like 5 years ago but that doesn’t give her an excuse to act like a spoiled teenager online.
Her overall attitude to her friend ( Francia Raisa ) who gifted her a whole ass kidney was unpleasant at best but I won’t read too much into that situation because we don’t know what’s happening between the two behind the scenes.
However, I do want to call attention to the horrible way that Selena has treated Hailey and, to some extent, Justin. The media likes to make it seem like Hailey is always taking shots at Selena and that Justin is mooning over her but all I see is Selena constantly following hate accounts for Hailey Bieber but commenting positive messages on the account’s videos to seem sweet and nice, knowing that these comments will make the tiktok go viral. However, when Hailey DARES to post an video with her friends, it is suddenly bullying.
Selena also never told her fans to stop hating on Hailey back in 2018/19, before they fell out, when Hailey was receiving hate for replacing Selena as Justin’s partner. She couldn’t even be bothered to make one small Instagram or Twitter post stating that her fans should calm down and leave them alone. Instead she ignored the whole situation, despite obviously knowing due to the thousands of tabloids and gossip channels that discussed this topic at length.
I just think that Selena needs to act like the 30 year old woman that she is instead of an angsty 11 year old who has beef on Snapchat and start taking accountability for her own actions rather than blaming the fact that she’s bipolar and an addict in situations that have nothing to do with these things. She also needs to stop relying on sympathy points for fame and actually display some genuine talent.
As for Hailey, I feel terribly for her as she is receiving unprecedented amounts of hate for posts that I am 99.9% sure had nothing to do with Selena and criticism towards her looks ( which is ironic considering that the same people call her a horrible person for supposedly making fun of another woman’s appearance
in the first place ). Honestly, I wish her and her husband the best and hope that everyone will forget this stupid hate campaign in the upcoming weeks, including the god awful paparazzi and Selena Gomez herself ( as she moves on to find another person to be offended by ). That’s my two cents on the situation - I normally wouldn’t feel too strongly but I truly think that Hailey is treated horribly by the press AND the Selenators.
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sirenhag777 · 1 year
selena gomez should honestly put out classes on emotional manipulation 
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raging-guanche · 11 months
the Kardashians-Jenner are basically the Elvis Presley of our generation
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 9 months
Friendly reminder that no matter how good of a person Timothée is, he can’t fuck someone into being a good person, too. I know I say his dick is magic but it ain’t magic like that
Also if you took issue with her before this and then changed your mind please just like DNI because I don’t need that hypocrisy in my life rn I’m going through it already
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fancylala4 · 10 months
Just because that plastic blackfishing Jenner girl looks like a badly made bratz doll doesn’t mean she should have a bratz doll line.
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missstreetsahead · 2 years
those people who attempt to justify celebrities actions when they’re heavily polluting the environment by saying
“if you had the money you would do that too”
are so incredibly stupid
first of all that doesn’t justify the celebrities actions at ALL and also no not everyone would choose to spend that money polluting the environment and consuming excessively (so don’t just assume everyone would do those things because it 1. Makes you look dumb, and 2. Not everyone is as selfish as these celebrities)
also as celebrities with large amounts of money and followers they should be trying to cut their emissions and at least spread awareness since they have so much influence on others
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